Armenian Acts of Cultural Terrorism

Armenian Acts of Cultural Terrorism,  audiobook. ISDN68338376

Cəfər Qiyasi və Bozyel İbrahim

Janr:tarixi ədəbiyyat

Kitab dili:İngilis dili

Növ:Elektron kitab


Nəşr tarixi:15.08.2023



A careful exploration of the lands and place-names is necessary in order to understand the history, culture and language of a dynasty. When tracing back the roots of a nation, history of the language and all the proper names play a particularly important role. Names of every surface feature -stream, lake, mountain, regions- bring to light a millennium of the nations history. In short, proper names comprise the book of a nations past and future. The more you read the book, the more you can find out sound information about the present and the past. Hydronims, oronims, etnonims and urbanonims that reflect the very identity of peoples are created and preserved in their mother tongue. Historical sources make it evident that districts, such as, Göyce, Zengezur, Vedi, Erivan, and so on, have been the ancestral and eternal lands of Azerbaijan.

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