How to Make Brilliant Stuff That People Love ... and Make Big Money Out of It

How to Make Brilliant Stuff That People Love ... and Make Big Money Out of It,  książka audio. ISDN43487029

Kolekcja 43487029

Gatunek:zarządzanie marketingowe

Język książki:angielski

Typ:Książka PDF

Wydawca:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Data publikacji:09.12.2022



This book describes a marketing and design approach called «total design,»which is about not only making but marketing and promoting a good or service both successfully and profitably. It offers an integrated, holistic approach to the whole process. Its integrative because the design,marketing, and branding must give a clear and consistent story about the product. Its holistic becuase «total design» engages consumers on all levels.

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