Evidence-Based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes

Evidence-Based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, Jeremy  Allgrove książka audio. ISDN43518951

Jeremy Allgrove i Peter Swift

Gatunek:pediatria i neonatologia

Język książki:angielski

Typ:Książka PDF

Wydawca:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Data publikacji:08.12.2022



Evidence-based Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes brings together an international group of paediatric diabetes specialists to address the cause, course and complications of all types of diabetes. From a careful review of the latest research, they propose the best possible evidence-based recommendations for the care of children and the youth with diabetes. The text provides the reader with an understanding across three different levels: • Reviews how strong the evidence is for recommending one approach over another • Highlights areas where evidence is not based on the types of studies needed to provide ‘highgrade recommendations’, but where there is a general consensus as to the most sensible approach • Identifies the issues that remain inadequately addressed such that no definitive recommendations can be made As the incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus continues to increase worldwide, and type 2 is being seen in more young people, this timely volume will help a wide range of health care professionals deliver the best possible care to their young patients.

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