The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals

The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals, Kate  West książka audio. ISDN39799937

Kate West

Gatunek:magia, czary

Język książki:angielski



Data publikacji:16.12.2022



This new title by Kate West, bestselling author of The Real Witches Handbook, will contain masses of spells and rituals for celebrations marking the seasons and festivals of the year, as well as a wealth of other information about magic for the initiated or the beginner alike.This book is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to perform seasonal spells. It is the perfect follow-up and next step in the highly successful Real Witches series, providing a full years working in the Craft, and will appeal not only to those who have purchased other titles in the series, but to anyone from Sabrina fans to serious witches.

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