ABC of One to Seven

ABC of One to Seven, Bernard  Valman książka audio. ISDN31239537

Bernard Valman

Gatunek:pediatria i neonatologia

Język książki:angielski

Typ:Książka PDF

Wydawca:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Data publikacji:09.12.2022



The ABC of One to Seven is a practical guide to the management of common physical and emotional problems of early childhood. New chapters include the prevention and management of obesity, behavioural and emotional problems, ADHD, autism, the child with fever, and changes in access to medical and social services. Including the latest NICE guidelines and advice on when to refer and how to manage the problem afterwards, each chapter provides relevant websites and resources for health workers. The ABC of One to Seven and the companion book, ABC of the First Year, have become standard guides for general practitioners, trainee doctors, medical students, midwives, nurses and health visitors. They are indispensible reference books for family doctor surgeries, emergency and outpatient departments, wards and libraries.

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