Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business. How to Protect Your Business, Customers, and Employees

Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business. How to Protect Your Business, Customers, and Employees,  książka audio. ISDN28968405

Judith Collins

Gatunek:zarządzanie jakością

Język książki:angielski

Typ:Książka PDF

Wydawca:John Wiley & Sons Limited

Data publikacji:09.12.2022



Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business is a reliable guide to help protect companies, their customers, and their employees from the growing problem of identity theft. Real-life examples show managers and executives how to identify business, customer, and employee identity theft, how these crimes are committed, how best to prevent them, and overall, develop an honest company culture. It also covers how to manage this threat in business reorganizations such as mergers, acquisitions, globalization, and outsourcing.

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