Read online book «Non-standard methods of teaching English and their effectiveness» author Anna Korshunova

Non-standard methods of teaching English and their effectiveness
Anna Korshunova
This book provides information about 3 non-standard approaches to teaching English (Montessori, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response) and their effectiveness in practice. In addition to theoretical material, this book provides practical material, including a detailed description of testing methods, advice and experience of already established teachers, and a survey among different age groups.

Non-standard methods of teaching English and their effectiveness

Anna Korshunova

Proofreader Milena Babayan

© Anna Korshunova, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-1404-4
Created with Ridero smart publishing system


Language is what makes us human. One of the main differences between humans and other mammals is articulate speech. Of course, animals also have their own language, but only humans, thanks to their intelligence, have articulate speech and a huge variety of languages. In animals, communication consists only of basic needs. In humans, arbitrary sounds and signs form specific words that can be learned, invented, and endlessly combined within grammatical structures. The ability to remember and present various information is one of the key skills that a person possesses. It allows us to express our thoughts, feelings and ideas to others. Much knowledge, traditional values, historical facts and much more have been preserved to this day only through languages. Language allows us to learn from each other, share knowledge and information, and build relationships. It is an essential component of culture and society and substantial to personal and professional success. In addition, it is impossible not to mention that in the modern world, where there an international community exists and the world is open for tourism, it is very important to be able to communicate with speakers of other languages. Without the ability to speak a foreign language, traveling becomes complicated due to the inability to ask for help. In addition, without knowing the language, it is impossible to fully experience the culture and history of the country, and it also deprives of the opportunity to talk with residents of other countries, who can greatly expand horizons of knowledge. In addition, as long as there is a need in our society to communicate with foreigners, foreign languages will not lose its relevance. It is possible to endlessly list the reasons why it is worth learning foreign languages, because language is the key that can unlock many doors on the path of life, as well as the opportunity to get to know a world filled with such different cultures, places and people.
Some researchers believe that the first linguistic features were precise vocal control and learning. The idea of a musical proto-language originated with Darwin and has been modified several times over the years by various researchers. Another view suggests that the protolanguage began with gestures or pantomime. In this case, syntax and social communication presumably preceded vocal proficiency. To support the gestural hypothesis, researchers cite the fact that our closest evolutionary relatives show excellent skills in this area. They have about 70 controlled and variable gestures and about 4 types of calls. But in this case, it is unclear how the language became speech, because gestures should have dominated this development. It is worth noting that all these forms of development are combined into successive stages. Perhaps 2 or 4 million years ago, Australopithecines were singers, and around 1.9 million years ago, they began using gestures and vocalizations. Moreover, hierarchical syntax arose only about 200—300 thousand years ago.
The endlessly ongoing struggle between languages is similar to the process of evolution. A word, like a gene, will travel around the world according to its utility. Although the public often resists the entry of new words into their language, this process is irreversible and harmonious. The main achievement for the language is to become a lingua franca, a world language. Since the end of the 20th century, this status can be safely given to English, because it is international. In airports, train stations, on labels, on television – almost anywhere in the world you can find English. There are approximately 375 million native speakers and more than 1 billion second-language speakers. That means one in six can speak the English language. English is in almost every industry, whether its education, science, technology, business, media, medicine, etc. and of course English requires some effort to learn.
There are many various methods of teaching any language. The history of methods of teaching foreign languages knows numerous and diverse attempts to find the most rational method of teaching foreign languages. The natural method, pursuing purely practical goals of teaching, first of all, the ability to speak and read easy text, has long satisfied the needs of a society in which productive knowledge of a foreign language was the privilege of its upper strata. With the emergence of schools and the introduction of a foreign language as a general education subject, at first they also tried to teach the language using natural methods, but it was soon replaced by the translation method, which reigned supreme until the middle of the 19th century. Over the next 100 years, there was a constant struggle between supporters of natural, subsequently direct, and translation methods, and although modern methods of teaching foreign languages are in many ways different, the question of using the native language when teaching a foreign language or abandoning it is still of great importance.

However, at any time learning foreign languages was not only the acquisition of foreign language competence, but also communicative flexibility, the ability to learn, emotional stability, and the ability to psychologically engage in the learning process. The effectiveness of such a multifaceted process of mastering a foreign language is directly related to the psychological readiness of the student to assimilate and use a foreign language, both in the classroom and in life situations, to believe in their abilities, not be afraid to make mistakes and not experience embarrassment in communicating in a non-native language. Speaking generally, to be able to overcome psychological barriers.

That is why it is very important for teachers to consider psychological factors when choosing or creating teaching methods. Communication-based learning is the psychological essence of all intensive methods of teaching a foreign language. Communicative communication in foreign languages is of an active nature. Verbal communication serves to solve problems of fruitful psychological activity of a person in the conditions of social interaction of people in contact. With this approach, positive conditions are based for the active free formation of the individual for activity.

Based on all of the above, in this research work, 3 of the most interesting techniques were selected, speaking about their psychological impact on a person. It is thanks to their unusual approach both in terms of presentation of the material and in terms of the psychological state of a person during training that these methods provide a special technique. But at the same time, due to their atypicality, they are less popular and less information is available about them. Therefore, in addition to a theoretical study of each technique, including the history of the creation of the method, the basic principles of operation, the target audience, etc. A practical part will be carried out in which the effectiveness of all selected methods was tested in practice on different age groups, as well as consultations with existing teachers from different countries and educational institutions and surveys among the potential target audience of these methods. Based on all the material, conclusions will be drawn about the effectiveness of these methods and some improvements will be made with mandatory testing of their effectiveness.


1.1. Common study methods in different countries
Speaking about researching different teaching methods, it is impossible not to mention the difference in educational systems depending on geographical location. Every nation possesses a unique economic status and quality of life, primarily influenced by the effectiveness of its government. Nevertheless, every factory and company requires a workforce, and these individuals do not simply appear out of thin air. They are the product of educational institutions, particularly universities, which plays a pivotal role in this context.

Let us turn to the history of the creation of education systems in the form in which we now see them. The initial period of development of schools, higher education institutions and other educational institutions dates back to the era of great civilizations. The emergence of the school occurred during the era of transition from the communal-tribal system to a socially differentiated society. Despite the fact that ancient civilizations, as a rule, existed separately from each other, they were guided by fundamentally common principles in the field of human education. According to ethnography, the preliterate (drawing) period ended around the 3rd millennium BC. e. and there was an emergence of cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing as methods of transmitting information. It was the emergence and development of writing that was the most important factor in the genesis of the school. Since writing became a technically more complex way of transmitting information, it required special training.
The second factor that determined the emergence of schools was the division of human activity into mental and physical labor, as well as the complication of the nature of the latter. The division of labor led to the formation of various specializations and specialties, including the profession of teacher and educator. A certain result of social development was expressed in the relative independence of the school from the institutions of the church and state. First of all, it established itself as a school of writing. Its goal was to teach the ability to read and write, or literacy, to individual members of society (the aristocracy, clergy, artisans and merchants). The family, church and state were the focus of education in the era of ancient civilizations. Therefore, different types of schools appear: home, church, private and public. The first educational institutions that taught literacy received different names.

For example, literacy schools in ancient Mesopotamia were called «houses of tablets», and during the heyday of the Babylonian state, they grew into «houses of knowledge». In Ancient Egypt, schools arose as a family institution, and later they began to appear at temples, palaces of kings and nobles. In Ancient India, family schools and forest schools first appeared (his faithful disciples gathered around the hermit guru; training took place in the fresh air). In the Buddhist era, schools of the Vedas arose, the education in which was secular and caste-based in nature. During the period of the revival of Hinduism in India (II—VI centuries), two types of schools were organized at temples – primary (toly) and a higher level educational institution (agrahar). In China, the first schools appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. and were called «Xiang» and «Xu». In the Roman Empire, trivial schools took shape, the content of education of which was represented by the trivium – grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, and grammar schools – educational institutions of a higher level, where four subjects were taught – arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, or the quadrivium. The trivium and quadrivium constituted the program of the seven liberal arts. In the 4th century, rhetorical schools appeared, which mainly trained orators and lawyers for the Roman Empire. During the era of the formation of a three-level education system in Byzantium, grammar schools appeared (church and secular, private and public). Grammar schools meaningfully enriched the program of the seven liberal arts.
In the Islamic world, two levels of education have developed. The initial level of education was provided by religious schools at mosques, opened for the children of artisans, merchants, and wealthy peasants (kitab). The second level of education was received in educational circles at mosques (fiqh and kalam). Here they studied Sharia (Islamic law) and theology, as well as Arabic philosophy, rhetoric, logic, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. In addition, there were four types of schools for primary and advanced primary education: Koranic schools, Persian schools, Persian and Koranic schools, Arabic schools for adults.
During the Middle Ages (XIII—XIV centuries), from the apprenticeship system in Europe, guild and guild schools arose, as well as counting schools for the children of merchants and artisans, in which education was conducted in their native language. At the same time, city schools for boys and girls appeared, where teaching was conducted in both the native and Latin languages, and the training was of an applied nature (in addition to Latin, they studied arithmetic, elements of office work, geography, technology, and natural sciences). In the process of differentiation of urban schools, Latin schools emerged, which provided advanced education and served as a link between primary and higher education. For example, in France such schools are called colleges. From the middle of the 15th century, colleges were organized at universities. Over time, they grew into modern colleges or general educational institutions.
The development of the Western European school in the period from the 15th to the first third of the 17th century is closely related to the transition of feudal society to industrial society. This transition had a certain impact on the formation of schools of three main types, respectively focused on elementary, general advanced and higher education.
In Catholic and Protestant countries, the number of urban primary schools established by authorities and religious communities grew. For example, small schools in France, corner schools in Germany. However, the Roman Catholic Church lagged behind the Protestant Church in the process of organizing elementary education. Therefore, in all Catholic parishes, Sunday schools were opened for the lower strata of the population and primary educational institutions for the nobility. And also pious schools were created for the poor.

Over the course of the 15th-17th centuries, the place of the teacher-priest in primary schools was gradually taken by a professional teacher who had received special education and training. In this regard, the social position of the teacher changes. Previously, he lived on offerings from the community and parishioners. Since the end of the 16th century, the teacher’s work was paid by the community. At the same time, improvements have been made in the organization of the educational process: textbooks and blackboards appear in classrooms.
To educational institutions of advanced general education of the XV—XVII centuries. relative to strength: city (Latin) schools, gymnasiums (in Germany in Strasbourg, Goldelberg and other cities); grammar and public schools (in England in Winchester, Eton, London); colleges (in France at the Sorbonne and the University of Navarre, in Bordeaux, Vendome, Metz, Chatillon, Paris, Toulouse); Hieronymite schools (religious community of brothers of common life); noble (palace) schools (in Germany and Italy), Jesuit schools (in Vienna, Rome, Paris).
In the period from the 17th to the 18th centuries, due to the increased influence of secular education, the classical school became the main form of education. First of all, the classical school focused on the study of ancient languages and literature: in Germany – city (Latin) school (hereinafter – real school) and gymnasium; in England – grammar and public (boarding houses for children of the elite of society) school; in France – college and lyceum; in the USA – grammar school and academy.
In the process of development of school education, each type was enriched and improved pedagogically, and also acquired national features and characteristics.
In the 19th century, the legal foundations of the school were laid in Western Europe and the USA. Thus, the class of industrial bourgeoisie, dominant in society, sought to strengthen its position in the future. In the leading industrial countries, the formation of a national school education system and the expansion of state participation in the pedagogical process (its management, in the relationship between private and public schools, in resolving the issue of separating the school from the church) were carried out. As a result, state bureaus, councils, departments, committees, and ministries of education were created. All educational institutions were subject to state control. During the 19th century, a differentiation was made into classical and modern schools. Thus, the following were organized neoclassical gymnasium, real school and mixed school in Germany; municipal colleges and lyceums in France; and additional educational institutions (high schools) in the USA.
As a result of historical school reforms in the 20th century, the foundations of compulsory free primary education and paid education were strengthened (with the exception of the USA and France: in the USA there is a state system of free education up to 16—18 years of age, in France education in secondary school has become partially free since the beginning of the 1940s). x years) state secondary education; the privilege of wealthy sections of society to a full and high-quality education has been preserved; the primary education program was expanded; intermediate types of schools have appeared, connecting primary and secondary education; The secondary science education program was expanded.

As the result a plenty of various approaches to learning across the world had appeared. In the USA, two principles of school organization are currently being implemented: 8 years of education (primary education) +4 years (secondary education) and 6 years (primary) +3 years (junior high school) +3 years (senior high school, as well as private schools and elite academies). The basic approach to education in America is that learning should be fun. American students go to school primarily to have fun. The educational process should be fun, interesting and stress-free. The opposite is considered child abuse.
It is clear that an enhanced thought process cannot be a «fan». This is contraindicated for American students. If, during the learning process, the thought process cannot be avoided completely, then it should be reduced to a minimum, and it must be followed by encouragement in the form of a high mark for the solved problem. Simpler and more understandable ways of rewarding students, for example, in the form of candy for the correct answer from the spot, are also very popular. Otherwise, for an American student, the meaning of learning is lost, since knowledge in itself is not a value. The educational process without remuneration for work ceases to be «fun». Sitting for a long time on one task is not in their rules. First, it requires tension. Secondly, the fact that a student sits for a long time on a problem and cannot solve it indicates either the teacher’s poor performance or the student’s low mental abilities. But this is already a mess. This should not happen in a democratic country. This also implies an attitude towards the teacher. In USA, the teacher is more of a mentor, an assistant, rather than someone in authority.
This attitude to education has both pros and cons. Thanks to such a system, everyone can work at their own pace, and anyone who really wants to gain knowledge will be able to do it. On the other hand, because of this kind of permissiveness, many do not receive even basic skills and it is more difficult for them to live in the modern world.

In England there are two types of comprehensive schools – primary (from 6 to 11 years old) and secondary (from 11 to 17 years old). Children under 14 years old study for free. Secondary educational institutions include: grammar and public (elite) schools for preparation for universities, a modern school for the middle class of British society, a central school with an emphasis on vocational training.

In a two-year pre-preparatory school, children are not yet studying, but rather preparing for the lower grades – primary school (also known as preparatory school and elementary school). Education at the next level includes basic subjects: languages, elementary mathematics, history, science, physical education, music. In lower grades, project work is very common – students form groups and work on common assignments together. In general, the principle of «together» in the English school is very developed, if not cultivated. Teachers in most cases know all the children by name (and many parents) and help children make friends with each other and approve of the initiative of elders in relation to younger ones. Much attention is paid to relationships between schoolchildren: aggression is punished strictly, including expulsion from school.

At the age of 11—12, the second stage begins – Secondary school, high school. It can be a comprehensive school, a gymnasium, a selective school or a church school. Church schools are schools formed at parishes; selective schools require high grades in basic subjects, that is, successful testing before entering school; gymnasiums place an emphasis on mathematics.
At this stage, many students move from state schools to private ones, although there are, of course, private primary schools in the UK as well. The British private school is as much a hallmark of the country as the monarchy, the performing arts and rock music. Today there are almost four thousand private schools in Great Britain, and the first of them appeared here many centuries ago in monasteries. True, now they have a very indirect relationship with monasteries. An independent school is what they are also called, meaning independence from government funding and the state educational program. Although the educational basis for the systems is the same.

However, a private school is considered to place more emphasis on students and provide a higher standard of education. Another reason to study at an independent school is to become part of history and maintain tradition, something that has always been very important to the British. Many English families study in the same school generation after generation and do not even consider any other options solely because of maintaining tradition.

But the separate education of boys and girls is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a reasoned common practice. There are approximately equal numbers of supporters and opponents of such a scheme in the UK today, which is why such schools are still popular. The motives of the adherents of separate education are by no means sanctimonious. On the contrary, they believe that children should be separated into different buildings (and schools), taking into account the following reasons: girls develop intellectually faster than boys – there is no need to interfere with those in the same class who are ahead and behind. Boys and girls have different criteria for success – there is no need to pit them against each other «Women’s» and «men’s» responsibilities are leveled out – both boys and girls in their teams learn to do «non-female» and «non-male» work, become more independent and organized.
If the primary school pays great attention to community, then the secondary school relies on education and upbringing, and the concept of «education» includes not only learning, but also rhetoric skills, working with text and information, the ability to speak in front of an audience, and an understanding of art as classical, and modern. Raising an English gentleman or young lady is the prerogative of the most elite schools, but the ability to behave in society is also monitored in simpler schools. It’s interesting how all these principles correlate with reality: it’s no secret that English teenagers are considered almost the most cocky and hooligan in Europe. At the same time, they are all trained in good manners and at the right moment they very quickly «activate» their knowledge.
The A-Level certificate or its international analogue IB (International Baccalaureate) is still a secondary school, but it is already direct preparation for entering a university. It lasts for another two years. At this stage, students again choose the subjects they will need when entering university. The school has a department that helps you decide on a career (careers department). Each student is assigned a personal mentor with whom they can discuss their prospects, and he also helps them choose a university. The free choice of subjects and the school’s interest in the success of its students almost eliminates absenteeism – it becomes completely useless, because you yourself decided what you need to study. Lessons are built on constant discussion, discussion and searching for answers. This approach to education makes England one of the world’s leading leaders in education and develops children’s talents in line with their interests.

Children in China start school at the age of 6—7 years. Education at the school is divided into three levels: primary school (the period of study lasts 6 years), secondary school (children also study here for 6 years) and high school (training lasts 3 years). The first nine years of school are free, parents pay for high school, but gifted children can receive a scholarship. It is very rare that a Chinese school combines all three levels at once; most often these are three different schools with different names. The territory of Chinese schools is huge, consists of a complex of buildings and is a mini-town. This allows it to accommodate about 4 thousand students, and in one class the number of students sometimes reaches 90 people. Thus, it is very difficult to convey information to all students, an individual approach is lost, basically all tasks are completed by the choir.
The flag of the People’s Republic of China is installed on the territory of each school, and every Monday children line up and participate in the flag-raising ceremony to the sounds of the national anthem, and so that all students really participate, the youngest are placed on stools. Every day they determine who will be responsible for raising the flag. Thus, they develop a sense of patriotism in children. Already in elementary school, students sincerely begin to love the party for its past and present merits and even know some ideological texts by heart.
School classes begin at 7—8 am and last until 4.30 am, so children spend about 9 hours at school. From 11.30 to 14.00 children rest, have lunch and sleep. It is believed that with such a load, sleep is very useful. The day is structured in such a way that more complex subjects come first, and after sleep, children study easier disciplines. School holidays take place twice a year: in summer and winter, but even during the holidays students do not rest; their parents take them to different clubs or send them abroad to improve their language skills.
Discipline in Chinese schools is no less strict. Respect for teachers and elders begins to be instilled in children from the first grade. Students greet and say goodbye to the teacher while standing. Students perform all actions only with the permission of the teacher; they cannot go to the toilet during a lesson, and if a student is not interested in the lesson, usually no one pays attention to it. In some schools, teachers may still hit children on the wrist for playing or talking in class, so the classroom is usually quiet. Among other things, a student who misses more than 12 lessons will be expelled. Such discipline helps schoolchildren in the future at work. Working in Chinese companies presupposes a strict hierarchy: the main thing is to keep a low profile and unquestioningly obey your elders (and those who are older in the company are most often also senior in rank), and thanks to the principles instilled in them from school, the Chinese do this brilliantly.
Chinese children have a special school uniform – they go to class in the same tracksuits, regardless of whether there is a physical education lesson that day.
Much attention is paid to Chinese language and mathematics in primary schools. This is no coincidence; it is believed that the Chinese language helps to develop a mathematical mindset, and mathematics, in turn, develops logic. Also in elementary school they study natural science, physical education, music, history, geography, fine arts, and in some schools they also add such a subject as ethics and morality (the works of Confucius begin to be read to children in kindergarten). Children are required to attend seminars where issues of political information are covered. During the lessons, children are introduced to Russian writers of the Soviet period, and they also read a lot about Lenin.
After primary school, students are required to go to secondary school, study there for 3 years, and this is where compulsory schooling ends. Not the most pleasant moment in school education is the constant passing of exams. The child takes his first exams at the end of primary school. Every parent wants to send their child to the best school, and the higher the level of the school, the more difficult the exams students will have to pass. What’s interesting is that most often exams are held in secret – no one knows the content of the exam and in what form it will be held, so parents are on duty near schools and ask those lucky ones who have already entered. But if a child passes the test successfully, this does not mean that the doors of the right school are open for him. The next step is to collect recommendations from previous teachers, but that’s not all. Enrollment in a prestigious Chinese school is to some extent a lottery, because… the final decision is made by the computer. Another way to get into a prestigious school is by registration, but one of the prerequisites is that you need to live in such an apartment for at least three years. This trend is especially noticeable in Beijing. Exams for admission to high school are more democratic: students know in advance what form and subject the test will be in.
The school education system in China is a direct reflection of government policy. From school, children are taught to respect their elders (not only in age, but also in position) and to unquestioningly follow all instructions. A heavy workload, clubs, tutors, a lot of homework, in turn, also teach that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard, and in a country where the population is not even several million, but has already passed the one billion mark, this is important. Already at school, parents prepare their child to be a competitive individual, because in a country like China, the strongest «survive.» And what is most important is that from school they instill in children a love for the party, for the Motherland and the political course.

In Russia, the education system consists of 3 levels: primary school (7—10 years), middle school (11—15 years), high school (16—18 years). The main principles of the Russian system are a large amount of homework, the authority of teachers and cramming everything, sometimes without even understanding what you are teaching. Of course, the Russian education system also has its pros and cons. According to schoolchildren in grades 5—9 in Russia, the main advantage of studying at school is new acquaintances and friends.
Often it is classmates who become faithful comrades and like-minded people who walk through life side by side after many years. And from the memories of their parents, children know that school time is the happiest time. It is at school that a child learns to build relationships among peers and takes the first steps in getting to know other people.
Speaking about disadvantages, it is possible to emphasize that modern school is too massive. The individual abilities of an individual student fade into the background. The school makes absolutely the same demands on everyone without exception. Some people find the exact sciences easy, while others show little talent for languages or literature.
Instead of studying this or that subject in depth, the student is forced to repeat the material he has already mastered several times. Therefore, children often lose interest in education.
In addition, modern schooling takes up almost the entire life of a current student. Lessons at school last from 5 to 7 hours, depending on the age of the child. Doing your homework is another plus 2—3, or even 4 hours. In addition, the student attends additional electives in certain subjects. It turns out that a person is busy studying almost the whole day. Add travel time to all of the above and you get a full-time working day for an adult. For your favorite activities and hobbies.

The above text has described the main trends in education in various regions. Naturally, these approaches also apply to teaching foreign languages. And that is why this information is necessary in this work. There must be an understanding that at a time of different mentality and different education systems, people perceive information differently, and residents of different countries can react differently to methods. Thus, the study of the effectiveness of the method in different countries will be different.
Since I live in the Russian Federation, all collected and analyzed information will relate specifically to this country. Conducting this study in other countries could lead to a completely different result.

1.2. Suggestopedia methodic
Suggestopedia is a teaching method proposed back in the 50s. Bulgarian researcher Lozanov (Lozanov G.). According to him, Suggestology it the science of art of liberating and stimulating the personality both under guidance and alone and caused quite wide responses – from unconditionally approving to sharply critical. Currently, discussions about the suggestopedic approach have become rare and have lost their former tension, although the further development of the methodological foundations of pedagogical Suggestology and the application of the latter in educational institutions and research laboratories in Bulgaria, ours and other countries continues. This apparently indicates that it was possible to identify in Suggestopedia some of the most characteristic and unobjectionable conceptual elements. Probably, there was also a practical effect that justifies the suggestopedy approach in certain cases.

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