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Языковое путешествие: Изучение английского через культуру Великобритании
Радмила Шарифьянова
Эта книга предлагает уникальный подход к изучению английского языка через погружение в культуру Великобритании. Пособие включает в себя тексты на английском языке про достопримечательности, города, культурные места и другие интересные темы Великобритании, а также задания для практики изученной лексики. В книге вы найдете интервью с людьми, путешествующими по Великобритании, и диалоги, которые помогут вам погрузиться в языковую среду и получить ценный опыт общения на английском.

Языковое путешествие: Изучение английского через культуру Великобритании

Радмила Шарифьянова

© Радмила Шарифьянова, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-2363-5
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Дорогие читатели,

Я рада представить вам книгу «Языковое путешествие: Изучение английского через культуру Великобритании», которая поможет вам повысить уровень английского языка и при этом познакомиться с богатой культурой, историей и традициями Великобритании.

Книга основана на методе культурного погружения в языковую среду. Этот метод заключается в том, что изучение языка не рассматривается как отдельное занятие, а как часть более широкого процесса – погружения в культуру той страны, где этот язык является официальным или распространенным.

В данной книге я предоставляю вам возможность попробовать этот метод на практике. Каждый текст описывает различные достопримечательности и культурные места Великобритании. При чтении этих текстов вы не только узнаете новые слова и фразы на английском языке, но также будете лучше понимать культуру и историю Великобритании.

Кроме того, книга содержит задания и упражнения для практики изученной лексики и грамматических структур и интересные интервью, диалоги о путешествиях по Великобритании. Практика восприятия языка и использование английского в процессе культурного погружения могут значительно улучшить навыки языка и грамотность.

Я уверена, что данный метод поможет вам не только улучшить английский язык, но также подарит вам удовольствие от знакомства с культурой и историей Великобритании. Желаю вам приятного изучения и интересных путешествий!

С уважением,

Радмила Шарифьянова

ПIntroduction to Travelling in the UK

The United Kingdom is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. It is home to some of the most iconic landmarks and attractions in Europe, such as Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and Stonehenge. The country has a rich history, diverse culture, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant cities that offer visitors an unforgettable experience.

When travelling in the UK, there are many things to consider, such as the best time to visit, the transportation options available, the currency, and the local customs. The UK has a temperate climate, with mild temperatures throughout the year, but it can be rainy and windy at times, so it’s important to bring appropriate clothing. The country uses the pound sterling as its currency, and credit cards are widely accepted, but cash is still necessary for some transactions.

Transportation in the UK is efficient and varied, with options such as trains, buses, taxis, and rental cars. The train system is extensive, connecting major cities and towns, and is often the fastest and most convenient way to travel. Buses are also a cheaper option, but may take longer. Taxis are widely available in cities and towns, but can be expensive. Rental cars are a good option for those who want more flexibility and independence, but keep in mind that driving in the UK is on the left side of the road.

When it comes to local customs, the UK has a rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of tradition. Visitors should be respectful of local customs and traditions, including the use of «please» and «thank you» when interacting with locals, and observing social norms such as queuing and tipping.

Overall, the UK is a welcoming and diverse country with much to offer travellers. From the bustling streets of London to the rolling hills of the Scottish Highlands, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Landmarks – достопримечательности

Rich history – богатая история

Diverse culture – разнообразная культура

Stunning natural landscapes – потрясающие природные ландшафты

Vibrant cities – оживленные города

Pound sterling – фунт стерлингов

Temperate climate – умеренный климат

Transportation options – варианты транспорта

Trains – поезда

Buses – автобусы

Taxis – такси

Rental cars – аренда автомобилей

Cultural heritage – культурное наследие

Social norms – социальные нормы

1. What are some popular landmarks in the UK?

2. What is the currency used in the UK?

3. What are some transportation options available in the UK?

4. What should visitors be respectful of when interacting with locals?

5. What is the climate like in the UK?

Sample answers:

1. Some popular landmarks in the UK include Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and Stonehenge.

2. The currency used in the UK is the pound sterling.

3. Transportation options available in the UK include trains, buses, taxis, and rental cars.

4. Visitors should be respectful of local customs and traditions, including the use of «please» and «thank you» when interacting with locals, and observing social norms such as queuing and tipping.

5. The climate in the UK is temperate, with mild temperatures throughout the year, but can be rainy and windy at times.

2. Match the English words on the left with their corresponding Russian translations on the right.

a. Landmarks 1. достопримечательности
b. Pound sterling 2. фунт стерлингов
c. Temperate climate 3. умеренный климат
d. Cultural heritage 4. культурное наследие
e. Rental cars 5. аренда автомобилей

Sample answers:

a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4, e-5

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

a. _______ is the currency used in the UK. (Pound sterling / Euro)

b. The UK has a rich and _______ culture. (diverse / similar)

c. Trains are often the fastest and most convenient way to travel in the UK because the train system is _______. (extensive / limited)

d. Visitors should be respectful of local _______ when interacting with locals. (customs / laws)

e. The UK has a _______ climate throughout the year. (temperate / tropical)

Sample answers:
a- Pound sterling, b- diverse, c- extensive, d- customs, e- temperate

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: attractions, transportation options, stunning natural landscapes, social norms, landmarks

a. The UK is home to some of the most iconic _______ in Europe.

b. There are many _______ available in the UK, such as trains, buses, taxis, and rental cars.

c. The UK has many _______ that are worth visiting, such as the Scottish Highlands and Lake District.

d. Visitors should observe local _______ such as queuing and tipping.

e. The UK is known for its _______ and historic sites.

Sample answers:
a- landmarks, b- transportation options, c- stunning natural landscapes, d- social norms, e- attractions

Discovering Cambridge: A Treasure Trove of History and Learning

Cambridge is a city located in the county of Cambridgeshire, England. It is famous for being home to one of the world’s most prestigious universities, the University of Cambridge. The city has a rich history that dates back to the Roman times, and it played an important role in the development of science and technology during the Industrial Revolution.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Cambridge is the King’s College Chapel, which was built in the 15th century. With its stunning architecture and intricate details, the chapel is a masterpiece of Gothic design. Other notable buildings include the Great St Mary’s Church, the Round Church, and the Bridge of Sighs, which is a covered bridge that connects two parts of St John’s College.

Apart from its historical and architectural attractions, Cambridge is also a hub of scientific research. The university has produced some of the world’s greatest minds, including Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Stephen Hawking. The Cavendish Laboratory, which is part of the university, has made significant contributions to physics and other branches of science.

To get a taste of Cambridge’s academic culture, visitors can explore the many museums and libraries that are open to the public. The Fitzwilliam Museum houses a vast collection of art and antiquities, while the Whipple Museum of the History of Science showcases scientific instruments and experimental apparatus. The Wren Library, which is part of Trinity College, contains rare books and manuscripts, including a first edition of Shakespeare’s plays.

In addition to its intellectual pursuits, Cambridge also offers plenty of opportunities for relaxation and entertainment. The city has a thriving music scene, with regular concerts and festivals throughout the year. The Cambridge Folk Festival is a popular event that attracts musicians and fans from all over the world.

Iconic – знаковый

Architecture – архитектура

Intricate – сложный, замысловатый

Gothic design – готический дизайн

Notable – заметный, значимый

Scientific research – научные исследования

Academic culture – академическая культура

Antiquities – древние предметы

Experimental apparatus – экспериментальное оборудование

Intellectual pursuits – интеллектуальные увлечения

Thriving – процветающий

Festival – фестиваль

1. Define the following terms: «iconic», «notable», «scientific research».

2. Name three famous scientists who have studied at the University of Cambridge.

3. What is the name of the covered bridge that connects two parts of St John’s College?

Sample Answers:

1. Iconic means something that is easily recognized and has a cultural significance. For example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris is an iconic landmark.

2. Notable refers to something that deserves special attention or recognition. A notable achievement would be completing a marathon race.

3. Scientific research involves systematic investigation and experimentation to discover new knowledge and understanding of natural phenomena. It can lead to advancements in technology, medicine, and other fields.

4. Match the following Cambridge landmarks with their descriptions:

– King’s College Chapel

– Great St Mary’s Church

– Round Church

– Bridge of Sighs

a) A covered bridge connecting two parts of St John’s College.
b) A masterpiece of Gothic design with stunning architecture.
c) A historic church located in the city center with a tall tower.
d) A round-shaped church that is one of only four in the country.

Answer: a) Bridge of Sighs, b) King’s College Chapel, c) Great St Mary’s Church, d) Round Church.

5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the vocabulary list:

a) The _______________ collection at the Fitzwilliam Museum contains many ancient artifacts.

b) The University of Cambridge has a long history of _______________ and innovation.

c) The _______________ music scene in Cambridge attracts visitors from all over the world.

d) The Wren Library houses many _______________ and rare books.


a) antiquities

b) scientific research

c) thriving

d) manuscripts

6. Discuss: What do you think makes Cambridge an attractive destination for tourists? Use at least three vocabulary words in your answer.

Sample Answer: I think Cambridge is an attractive destination for tourists because of its iconic landmarks like the King’s College Chapel and the Bridge of Sighs. The city also has a rich academic culture with a long history of scientific research and innovation, which makes it notable among other university towns. Moreover, the thriving music scene and festivals like the Cambridge Folk Festival offer plenty of entertainment options for visitors.





Discovering Glasgow: Scotland’s Vibrant Cultural Hub

Glasgow is a city located in the west of Scotland, and it is the largest city in the country. It has a population of over 600,000 people, making it the fourth-largest city in the United Kingdom. The city was founded in the 6th century by Saint Mungo, who established a church where Glasgow Cathedral now stands.

Glasgow has a rich history and culture, and it is known for its Victorian architecture, vibrant music scene, and world-renowned museums and galleries. The city has undergone significant transformation in recent years, with many areas being revitalized and redeveloped, making it an exciting place to visit and explore.

One of the most famous landmarks in Glasgow is the Clyde Auditorium, also known as the Armadillo, which is a concert venue and conference centre located on the banks of the River Clyde. Another iconic building is the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, which houses one of Europe’s finest collections of art and artefacts. Glasgow also has a thriving theatre scene, with the Theatre Royal and King’s Theatre hosting a range of productions throughout the year.

The city is also home to two major football teams, Celtic and Rangers, and their passionate fans are known around the world. Football is a major part of Glasgow’s culture, and attending a match at Celtic Park or Ibrox Stadium is an unforgettable experience.

If you’re interested in shopping, Glasgow is the place to be. The city centre is home to the Style Mile, which is a collection of streets featuring high-end shops, department stores and designer boutiques. Buchanan Street is the main thoroughfare, and it is always buzzing with shoppers looking for the latest fashion trends.

For foodies, Glasgow has a fantastic dining scene, with numerous restaurants serving up delicious Scottish cuisine. You can try haggis, neeps and tatties, Cullen skink, or a traditional Scottish breakfast with black pudding, bacon, eggs and beans.

Concert venue – концертный зал

Art gallery – художественная галерея

Artefact – артефакт

Theatre – театр

Football team – футбольная команда

Passionate fans – страстные болельщики

Thoroughfare – магистраль

High-end – высококачественный

Designer boutique – дизайнерский бутик

Cuisine – кухня

Haggis – национальное шотландское блюдо

1. Read the dialogue between two people who are planning a trip to Glasgow. Use the vocabulary provided to understand what they want to see and do while they’re there.

Person 1: Hi there, have you ever been to Glasgow before?

Person 2: No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?

Person 1: I’m planning a trip there next month and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.

Person 2: That sounds great! What do you want to see and do while we’re there?

Person 1: Well, I definitely want to visit the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and see its amazing collection of artefacts. And I also want to catch a football match at Celtic Park or Ibrox Stadium, the fans are supposed to be really passionate about their teams.

Person 2: That sounds like fun. What about shopping? Do they have any good stores there?

Person 1: Yes, Buchanan Street is a high-end thoroughfare in the city centre with plenty of designer boutiques where we can find the latest fashion trends.

Person 2: Sounds perfect. And what about food?

Person 1: We have to try some Scottish cuisine while we’re there. I’ve heard that haggis, neeps and tatties are must-tries, along with Cullen skink and black pudding.

Edinburgh – A City of History, Mystery, and Fun

Edinburgh is a city in Scotland that is full of history, mystery, and fun! With its stunning architecture, rich culture, and scenic beauty, it’s no wonder why the city attracts so many visitors each year.

One of the most famous landmarks in Edinburgh is the Edinburgh Castle. The castle sits on top of a hill overlooking the city and has been around for over 900 years! It was once used as a royal palace and military fortress, but today it serves as a popular tourist attraction where you can explore the castle’s many exhibitions and learn about its fascinating history. You can even see the Scottish Crown Jewels here!

Another must-see destination in Edinburgh is the Royal Mile. This historic street runs from Edinburgh Castle all the way to Holyrood Palace and is packed with shops, restaurants, and museums. Along the Royal Mile, you can visit St Giles’ Cathedral, which dates back to the 14th century and is one of the most important religious sites in Scotland.

For those who love mysteries and ghost stories, Edinburgh has plenty to offer. The city is known for its dark past, and there are many spooky tales to be heard. One of the most famous is the story of Greyfriars Bobby, a loyal dog who guarded his owner’s grave for 14 years. You can visit Greyfriars Kirkyard to see his statue and hear his story.

In addition to its history and mystery, Edinburgh is also a great place for fun activities. The city hosts many festivals throughout the year, including the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, which bring together artists and performers from all over the world. There are also plenty of parks and outdoor spaces where you can enjoy hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities.

Landmarks – достопримечательности

Exhibitions – выставки

Culture – культура

Religious sites – религиозные места

Spooky – страшный

Tales – рассказы

Festivals – фестивали

Performers – исполнители

Outdoor spaces – открытые пространства

Activities – активности

1. Match the following landmarks to their descriptions:

a. Edinburgh Castle

b. St Giles’ Cathedral

c. Greyfriars Kirkyard

i. This historic cathedral is one of the most important religious sites in Scotland.

ii. This castle has been around for over 900 years and once served as a royal palace and military fortress.

iii. This cemetery is home to the statue of Greyfriars Bobby, a loyal dog who guarded his owner’s grave for 14 years.


a) ii – Edinburgh Castle

b) i – St Giles’ Cathedral

c) iii – Greyfriars Kirkyard

2. Write a spooky tale set in Edinburgh using at least 3 vocabulary words from the list above.

Sample answer: There once was a performer who came to Edinburgh to participate in the Fringe Festival. He stayed in an old, spooky hotel that was rumored to be haunted. One night, he heard strange tales from the locals about the ghosts of performers past who had been lost to the city. The performer began to feel uneasy and decided to leave the hotel. As he walked down the Royal Mile, he noticed a figure in the distance. It was a ghostly apparition of a performer from long ago. The figure beckoned the performer to follow him, leading him through the winding streets of Edinburgh until they arrived at Greyfriars Kirkyard. There, the performer saw the statue of Greyfriars Bobby and realized that the ghostly figure was none other than the loyal dog himself, still guarding his owner’s grave after all these years.

3. Describe your favorite festival in Edinburgh using at least 3 vocabulary words from the list above.

Sample answer: My favorite festival in Edinburgh is the Edinburgh International Festival. It celebrates culture from all over the world and showcases exhibitions from a range of artists and performers. The festival takes place in many different venues throughout the city, including St Giles’ Cathedral. I love seeing the performers on stage and experiencing the diverse range of cultures on display.





Discovering Cardiff – A Vibrant City with Rich History and Culture

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales, located in the south of the country. It has a population of over 350,000 people and is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United Kingdom. The city boasts a rich history, stunning architecture, vibrant culture, and plenty of attractions for visitors of all ages.

One of the most prominent landmarks in Cardiff is Cardiff Castle. This impressive fortress was built in the 11th century by Norman invaders on the site of a Roman fort. Over the centuries, it has been used as a residence for royalty, a military garrison, and even a prison. Today, visitors can explore the castle’s opulent rooms, climb to the top of its towers for panoramic views of the city, and wander through its beautiful gardens.

Another must-visit attraction in Cardiff is the National Museum Cardiff. This museum houses an impressive collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological artifacts that tell the story of Wales and its people. Visitors can see works by famous artists such as Monet and Van Gogh, learn about the country’s rich industrial heritage, and view ancient objects from the Bronze Age to the Roman era.

For sports fans, Cardiff is home to several world-class venues. The Principality Stadium, also known as the Millennium Stadium, is the national stadium of Wales and hosts rugby union matches, football games, and major concerts. The Cardiff City Stadium is home to the city’s football team, Cardiff City FC, while the Cardiff International Sports Stadium is used for athletics events.

In addition to its history and sporting culture, Cardiff is also known for its thriving arts scene. The city has several theaters, including the iconic Wales Millennium Centre, which regularly hosts performances by Welsh National Opera, orchestras, and dance companies. There are also numerous music venues, pubs, and clubs where visitors can enjoy live music from local and international artists.

Finally, no visit to Cardiff would be complete without exploring its vibrant food and drink scene. The city has a diverse range of restaurants, cafes, and bars serving up everything from traditional Welsh dishes to international cuisine. Visitors can sample local specialties such as Welsh cakes, bara brith (a fruit loaf), and cawl (a hearty soup made with lamb or beef).

Fortress – крепость

Opulent – роскошный

Heritage – наследие

Venue – место проведения

Thriving – процветающий

Diverse – разнообразный

Specialties – специальные блюда

1. Match the following words with their definitions:

– Heritage

– Landmark

– Diverse

– Thriving

a) A special dish that is typical of a particular region or culture.

b) A famous building or object that is easily recognizable and often visited by tourists.

c) The traditions and values that have been passed down from previous generations.

d) A place where a lot of activity is happening and things are going well.

Sample answer:

– Heritage: c

– Landmark: b

– Diverse: a

– Thriving: d

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct vocabulary word:

Cardiff is famous for its _______ food and drink scene, which offers a wide range of _______ restaurants and bars. One of the most popular landmarks in the city is _______ Castle, which was built in the 11th century. Another must-visit attraction is the National Museum Cardiff, which houses an impressive collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological _______.

Sample answer:
Cardiff is famous for its diverse food and drink scene, which offers a wide range of specialty restaurants and bars. One of the most popular landmarks in the city is Cardiff Castle, which was built in the 11th century. Another must-visit attraction is the National Museum Cardiff, which houses an impressive collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological heritage.

3. Write a paragraph about your favourite attraction in Cardiff, using at least three of the vocabulary words.

Sample answer: My favourite attraction in Cardiff is the National Museum Cardiff. It’s a wonderful place to learn about the city’s rich heritage and culture. The museum has a diverse collection of artifacts, from ancient objects dating back to the Bronze Age to modern pieces of art. I particularly enjoy the natural history exhibits, which showcase the unique flora and fauna of Wales. Overall, the museum is a thriving hub of knowledge and creativity that is not to be missed.





Exploring Manchester: A city of history, culture and innovation

Manchester is a vibrant and bustling city located in the northwest of England. It is known as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and one of the most famous football cities in the world. The city has a rich history that dates back to Roman times and has played an important role in shaping British culture and society.

One of the most popular attractions in Manchester is the Museum of Science and Industry where visitors can learn about the city’s industrial heritage. The museum is housed in a former railway station and features exhibitions on textile production, transport, communication and power. Visitors can see steam engines, airplanes, and interactive displays that show how machines have transformed people’s lives.

Another must-visit spot in Manchester is the John Rylands Library, which is home to a large collection of rare books and manuscripts. The library was founded by Enriqueta Rylands in memory of her husband, John Rylands, and opened its doors to the public in 1900. Visitors can explore the stunning neo-Gothic architecture and see some of the most valuable books in the world, including a Gutenberg Bible from the 15th century.

For sports enthusiasts, a visit to Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium is a must. The stadium is considered one of the most iconic football venues in the world and has hosted some of the biggest matches in football history. Visitors can take a tour of the stadium and see the dressing rooms, tunnel, and pitch where legends like David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo once played.

Manchester is also a city of culture and hosts a range of events throughout the year. One of the most popular events is the Manchester International Festival, which takes place every two years and showcases music, art, theatre, and dance from around the world. There are also many theaters, galleries, and music venues that host regular performances and exhibitions.

vibrant – жизнерадостный/динамичный

bustling – оживленный

industrial heritage – промышленное наследие

rare books and manuscripts – редкие книги и рукописи

neo-Gothic architecture – неоготическая архитектура

dressing rooms – раздевалки

pitch – футбольное поле

showcase – демонстрировать/показывать


1. Match the words with their definitions:

– vibrant

– dressing rooms

– industrial heritage

– rare books and manuscripts

– showcase

a. a place where football players change their clothes before a match

b. a lively and dynamic place

c. objects that are very old or not common

d. the history of a place or industry

e. to display or exhibit something
– a. dressing rooms
– b. vibrant
– c. rare books and manuscripts
– d. industrial heritage
– e. showcase
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words:

a. Manchester is known for its _____________, which dates back to Roman times.

b. The John Rylands Library houses a collection of _________________.

c. Old Trafford stadium has hosted some of the biggest _______________ in football history.

d. The Manchester International Festival ______________ music, art, theatre, and dance from around the world.
a. industrial heritage
b. rare books and manuscripts
c. matches
d. showcases
3. Write a paragraph about your favourite city. Use at least three of the vocabulary words from the text.
Sample answer:
My favourite city is Moscow. It is a vibrant and bustling city that has a rich cultural heritage. One of the most popular attractions in Moscow is the State Tretyakov Gallery, which houses a collection of rare artworks from famous Russian artists. The city also has a rich industrial heritage that can be seen in its many factories and manufacturing plants. Finally, Moscow hosts many events throughout the year that showcase music, theatre, and dance from around the world.





Discovering Liverpool – A City of Music, Culture and Football

Liverpool is a city in North West England, situated on the east side of the Mersey Estuary. It is known as one of Britain’s most iconic and historic cities with a rich cultural heritage that has shaped its identity throughout the centuries.

Liverpool was founded in 1207 by King John, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that the city began to prosper as a major trading port. The River Mersey allowed Liverpool to become an important hub for trade with Europe, America and Africa. During this time, many merchants and entrepreneurs grew wealthy from Liverpool’s booming trade, and the wealth they generated helped to fund many of the city’s famous landmarks, including St George’s Hall, The Royal Liver Building, and the Albert Dock.

One of the most famous landmarks in Liverpool is the Beatles Story Museum, located at the Albert Dock. The museum celebrates the life and music of the legendary band, who formed in Liverpool in the early 1960s. The Beatles are known as one of the most influential bands in history, and their music continues to be enjoyed by millions of people worldwide.

In addition to its musical heritage, Liverpool is also renowned for its culture. The city has a thriving arts scene, with many galleries, theatres and museums showcasing the works of local artists. One of the most famous museums is the Tate Liverpool, which houses some of the world’s most famous modern and contemporary art collections.

Liverpool is also recognised as a footballing city, with two major football clubs, Liverpool FC and Everton FC. Both clubs have a long and proud history, with Liverpool FC winning numerous domestic and international titles, including the UEFA Champions League. The passion for football in Liverpool is so strong that even those who are not fans of either club still feel a sense of pride for the city’s footballing heritage.

Iconic – значительный, знаковый

Prosper – процветать

Hub – центр

Booming – бурно развивающийся

Landmarks – ориентиры, достопримечательности

Renowned – известный, прославленный

Footballing – футбольный

Passion – страсть

1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Iconic a. Centre

Prosper b. Known for something

Hub c. Flourishing

Booming d. Famous

Landmarks e. Significant

Thriving f. Doing well

Renowned g. Football-related

Footballing h. Points of interest

Passion i. Strong emotion or feeling
Sample Answers:
– Iconic – e
– Prosper – f
– Hub – a
– Booming – c
– Landmarks – h
– Thriving – b
– Renowned – d
– Footballing – g
– Passion – i
2. Use the following words in sentences to show their meaning:

– Iconic

– Prosper

– Thriving

– Renowned

– Passion
Sample Answers:
– The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris.
– Many businesses prospered during the Industrial Revolution.
– The tech industry is thriving in San Francisco.
– Shakespeare is renowned for his plays and sonnets.
– His passion for cooking led him to become a chef.
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the vocabulary list:

a. Liverpool FC is one of the most __________ football clubs in the world.

b. The city’s arts scene is __________, with many galleries and museums to explore.

c. The __________ of the economy helped the city to grow and develop.

d. The Liver Building is an __________ symbol of Liverpool’s history and identity.

e. The fans’ __________ for their football teams is evident on match day.
Sample Answers:
a. Footballing
b. Thriving
c. Hub
d. Iconic
e. Passion
4. Use the following words to write a paragraph about Liverpool:

– Music

– Culture

– Football

– History

– Landmarks

Sample Answer: Liverpool is a city with a rich history and diverse cultural heritage. It is renowned for its music scene, with the legendary band The Beatles hailing from Liverpool. The city also boasts a thriving arts scene, with many galleries and museums showcasing the works of local artists. Sports, particularly football, play a significant role in Liverpool’s culture, with two major football clubs, Liverpool FC and Everton FC. The city is also home to many famous landmarks, such as the Royal Liver Building and St George’s Hall, which reflect its historic past.

5. Discuss the following questions:

a. What is your favourite Beatles song?

b. Have you ever visited Liverpool? If so, what did you enjoy most about the city?

c. Do you think football is an important part of Liverpool’s culture?

Sample Answer:

a. My favourite Beatles song is «Let It Be».

b. I visited Liverpool last year and really enjoyed exploring the Albert Dock and visiting the Beatles Story Museum.

c. Yes, I think football is a very important part of Liverpool’s culture and identity. The passion and pride that the city has for its football teams is truly remarkable.

Exploring Belfast: A City of Culture and Community

Belfast is a city that has faced its fair share of challenges, but it has emerged as a vibrant and welcoming place with a strong sense of community. From its stunning architecture to its rich history and culture, there is so much to discover in this beautiful city.

One of the most striking features of Belfast’s landscape is its architecture. The city is home to many beautiful buildings, such as the City Hall, which is a stunning example of Victorian architecture. Visitors can take tours of the building to learn more about its history and significance.

Belfast is also known for its thriving arts and culture scene. The Cathedral Quarter is a hub for art galleries, music venues, restaurants, and bars. Every year, the city hosts the Belfast International Arts Festival, which showcases some of the best artists and performers from around the world.

For those interested in history, Belfast has plenty to offer. The Ulster Museum features exhibits on the history and culture of Northern Ireland, including archaeological artifacts, fine art, and natural science displays. The museum also has a section dedicated to the RMS Titanic, which was built in Belfast.

But perhaps one of the most striking things about Belfast is its sense of community. Despite its troubled past, the people of Belfast have come together to create a welcoming and inclusive city. From its many festivals and events to its friendly locals, visitors to Belfast are sure to feel at home.

Community – сообщество

Architecture – архитектура

Exhibition – выставка

1. Define the following words: vibrant, community, architecture, exhibition, inclusive.
Sample answers:
– Vibrant: full of life and energy
– Community: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
– Architecture: the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings
– Exhibition: a public display of works of art or other items of interest
– Inclusive: including all within its scope; not excluding any section of society




2. Research and write about one famous building or landmark in Belfast.

Sample answer: The Titanic Belfast museum is one of Belfast’s most famous landmarks. It was built in the former shipyard where the RMS Titanic was constructed. The building itself is an impressive piece of architecture, with a design inspired by the shape of the ship’s hull. Inside, visitors can learn about the Titanic’s tragic story through interactive exhibits and displays.









3. Create a tourism brochure advertising Belfast as a destination. Include information on attractions, culture, and community.

Sample answer: Welcome to Belfast! This vibrant city has something for everyone. History buffs will love the Ulster Museum, which features exhibits on the history and culture of Northern Ireland. Art lovers should check out the Cathedral Quarter, which is home to many galleries and cultural events. And for those looking for a sense of community, Belfast is the perfect place. From its friendly locals to its inclusive festivals and events, you’re sure to feel at home here. Come and discover what Belfast has to offer!









4. Write a short story set in Belfast, incorporating at least five of the vocabulary words.

Sample Answer: Mary had always dreamed of visiting Belfast. She was fascinated by its history and culture, and couldn’t wait to explore the city. As she walked along the cobblestone streets of the Cathedral Quarter, she felt a sense of vibrancy and community that she had never experienced before. She visited the Ulster Museum and marveled at the architecture of the City Hall. Later that day, she attended a music festival and met some friendly locals who welcomed her into their community. As she sat by the River Lagan, watching a group of kayakers paddle by, she knew that Belfast was a city like no other.










5. Fill in the blanks:

a) The _____ city of Belfast is home to many museums and galleries.

b) The sense of _____ in Belfast is one of its most striking features.

c) The _____ of the City Hall in Belfast is a beautiful example of Victorian architecture.
Sample answers:
1. a) vibrant, b) community, c) architecture
2. Match the word to its definition:

a) Vibrant

b) Community

c) Architecture

d) Exhibition

e) Inclusive


i. Full of life and energy

ii. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

iii. The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings

iv. A public display of works of art or other items of interest

v. Including all within its scope; not excluding any section of society
Answer: a) i, b) ii, c) iii, d) iv, e) v

A Relaxing Oasis – Discovering the Joys of Bath

Bath, a city located in south-west England, is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. With its stunning Georgian architecture, rich history, and natural hot springs, Bath has plenty to offer visitors of all ages.

The city is known for its Roman Baths, a well-preserved ancient bathing complex that dates back to around 60 AD. Visitors can explore the ruins of the complex and even take a dip in the naturally heated waters. The water is believed to have healing properties due to its high mineral content and has been visited by people seeking relief from various ailments for centuries.

In addition to its famous hot springs, Bath is home to many other attractions. The Royal Crescent, a row of 30 terraced houses built in the 18th century, is a prime example of Georgian architecture and is a popular spot for photos. The Bath Abbey, a medieval church located in the heart of the city, is also worth a visit. Its stunning Gothic architecture and stained-glass windows are sure to impress.

But Bath isn’t just about history and architecture. It’s also a great place to indulge in some retail therapy. The city centre is home to a variety of shops, from high-end designer boutiques to independent shops selling unique products. Visitors can also sample local delicacies at the many restaurants and cafes spread throughout the city.

For those who love the outdoors, Bath is surrounded by beautiful countryside perfect for hiking or cycling. The city is also located near the Cotswolds, an area of outstanding natural beauty known for its picturesque villages and rolling hills.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an action-packed adventure, Bath has something for everyone. Its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it the perfect destination for a memorable trip.

Breathtaking – захватывающий дух

Delicacies – деликатесы

Countryside – сельская местность

Designer boutiques – бутики дизайнеров

Picturesque – живописный

1. Define the following words using the context in which they appear in the text:

a) Well-preserved

b) Mineral content

c) Stained-glass windows
Sample answers:
a) Well-preserved – Something that has been kept in good condition over time.
b) Mineral content – The amount of minerals present in something.
c) Stained-glass windows – Windows made up of small pieces of coloured glass held together by lead strips.
2. Imagine you have visited Bath. Using five of the useful vocabulary words, write a paragraph describing your experience visiting Bath.

Sample answer: I had an amazing time visiting Bath last summer. The breathtaking Georgian architecture left me in awe as I walked around exploring the city. The terraced houses were especially impressive, and I couldn’t resist taking a few photos in front of them. The retail therapy was also fantastic – I found some great deals at the designer boutiques and picked up a few unique items at the independent shops. But the highlight of my trip was definitely visiting the Roman Baths. The well-preserved ruins were fascinating, and I even took a dip in the hot springs to try out their healing properties. Overall, it was a truly unforgettable experience that I’ll cherish forever.








Explore the Magic of Harry Potter Studio

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, a trip to the Harry Potter Studio in London is an absolute must! It’s a magical experience that will transport you to the world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where you can see first-hand the incredible sets, costumes, and props that were used in the films.

When you enter the studio, you’ll be greeted by the iconic Hogwarts Express, the train that took Harry Potter and his friends to school. You’ll have the opportunity to walk through each of the train’s carriages, peeking into compartments and experiencing the unique details that made the film so special.

As you continue your journey, you’ll enter the Great Hall – the heart of Hogwarts. Here, you’ll see the long wooden tables, the floating candles, and the enchanted ceiling that brought the hall to life on screen. You’ll also have a chance to see the costumes worn by the characters, including Harry’s robes, Hermione’s dress, and Ron’s sweater.

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