Read online book «Gone with the Wind / Унесённые ветром. Уровень 3» author Маргарет Митчелл

Gone with the Wind / Унесённые ветром. Уровень 3
Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell
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Это история о Скарлетт О'Хара – избалованной, манипулирующей людьми дочери богатого владельца плантации, которая неожиданно для себя становится свидетелем разворачивающейся на ее глазах гражданской войны, способной изменить ее жизнь до неузнаваемости.
Об американской гражданской войне написано немало романов, но, пожалуй, ни один из них не демонстрирует Юг Америки тех времен также красочно и ярко, как «Унесенные ветром». Маргарет Митчелл сумела нарисовать картины столь пугающие и создать персонажей столь ярких, что их история и по сей день будоражит умы читателей по всему миру.
Текст романа адаптирован для продолжающих изучение английского языка (Уровень 3) и сопровождается комментариями и словарем.
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Маргарет Митчелл
Gone with the Wind / Унесённые ветром. Уровень 3

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2021
© Матвеев С.А., 2021

Chapter I
Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it. In her face were the delicate features of her mother, a French aristocrat, and the heavy ones of her Irish father.
Seated with the Tarleton twins[1 - the Tarleton twins – близнецы Тарлтоны], Stuart and Brent, in the cool shade of the porch of Tara, her father’s plantation, that bright April afternoon of 1861, she made a pretty picture[2 - made a pretty picture – являла очаровательное зрелище]. Her waist was the smallest in three counties, she was sixteen years old. Her manners were the result of her mother’s gentle admonitions and the stern discipline of her Mammy.
The twins laughed and talked. Nineteen years old, hard of muscle, with sunburned faces and deep auburn hair, their eyes merry and arrogant, they were alike. These boys were born to the ease of plantation life. The boys’ family had more money, more horses, more slaves than any one else in the County, but the boys had less grammar than most of their poor neighbors.
Stuart and Brent had just been expelled from the University of Georgia. Their older brothers, Tom and Boyd, had come home with them, because they refused to remain at an institution where the twins were not welcome.
«I know you two don’t care, and Tom too», Scarlett said. «But what about Boyd?»
«Oh, he can study law in Judge Parmalee’s office over in Fayetteville», answered Brent carelessly.
«The war! The war is going to start any day, and we won’t stay in college that time».
«You know there won’t be any war», said Scarlett. «It’s all just talk. The Yankees are too scared of us to fight».
She did not endure any conversation of which she was not the chief subject. War was men’s business, not ladies’.
Then she asked,
«What did your mother say about your situation?»
The boys looked uncomfortable.
«Well», said Stuart, «Tom and us left home early this morning before she got up».
«Didn’t she say anything when you got home last night?»
«We were lucky last night. Just before we got home that new stallion Ma got in Kentucky last month was brought in. When we got home, Ma was out in the stable with a sackful of sugar. The darkies[3 - the darkies – чернокожие] were popeyed, they were so scared. And when she saw us she said: ‘Oh, what are you four doing home again?’ And then the horse began to snort and rear, and she said: ‘Get out of here! Can’t you see he’s nervous? I’ll talk to you four in the morning!’ So we went to bed, and this morning we got away and left Boyd with her».
«Will your mother ride the new horse to the Wilkes barbecue tomorrow?»
«She wants to, but Pa says he’s too dangerous. We’ll tell you a secret», said Stuart.
«What?» cried Scarlett as a child.
«You know, Ashley Wilkes’ cousin, Miss Pittypat Hamilton, told us there was going to be an engagement announced tomorrow night at the Wilkes ball».
«Oh. I know about that», said Scarlett in disappointment. «That silly nephew of hers, Charlie Hamilton, and Wilkes».
«No, it isn’t his engagement that’s going to be announced», said Stuart triumphantly. «It’s Ashley’s to Charlie’s sister, Miss Melanie!»
Scarlett’s face did not change but her lips went white.
The twins talked about the barbecue and the ball and Ashley Wilkes and Melanie Hamilton. But Scarlett was silent.

Chapter II
When the twins left Scarlett, she went back to her chair like a sleepwalker. She sat down wearily. Her hands were cold, and a feeling of disaster oppressed her. Ashley is going to marry Melanie Hamilton! Oh, it can’t be true! Ashley can’t be in love with her. Nobody can. Scarlett recalled with contempt Melanie’s thin childish figure, her serious face. No, Ashley can’t be in love with Melanie, because he was in love with her!
Mammy emerged from the hall, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant. She was black, pure African, devoted to the O’Haras.
«Why are you sitting here, Miss Scarlett??»
«I am tired. I want to sit here and watch the sunset. Please, Mammy, bring me my shawl and I’ll sit here till Pa comes home».
Mammy waddled back into the hall. Scarlett went quietly down the front steps. Soon she was at the end of the driveway and out on the main road. She sat down on a stump to wait for her father.
«Oh, Ashley! Ashley!» she thought.
He never talked about love to her. And yet she knew he loved her. Sometimes he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness which puzzled her. She knew he loved her. Why did he not tell her so?
He was courteous always, but aloof, remote. Ashley was proficient in hunting, gambling, dancing and politics, and was the best rider of all. He was interested in books and music and writing poetry. She loved him and she wanted him and she did not understand him.
Why has he captivated Scarlett? She did not know. Ashley is going marry Melanie! It can’t be true! Oh, where is Pa? She looked impatiently down the road again, and again she was disappointed.
The sun was now below the horizon. At last she heard a sound of hooves. Gerald O’Hara was coming home. He came up the hill at a gallop on his long-legged horse. Gerald was an excellent horseman.
«I wonder why he always wants to jump fences», she thought.
Gerald did not see his daughter in the shadow of the trees. She laughed aloud. Gerald recognized her, and dismounted with difficulty, because his knee was stiff, and stumped toward her.
«Well, Miss», he said, «so, you’re spying on me and, like your sister Suellen last week, you’ll tell your mother about me?»
Scarlett teasingly clicked her tongue.
«No, Pa, I’m not a tattletale[4 - tattletale – ябеда] like Suellen», she assured him.
Gerald was a small man, little more than five feet tall, but very heavy. His thick torso was supported by short sturdy legs. He was sixty years old and his curly hair was silver-white, but his little blue eyes were young. His was Irish. And he had the tenderest of hearts.
Scarlett was his oldest child. She was more like her father than her younger sisters, Carreen and Suellen.
«You look very presentable now», she said. «But it seems to me that after you broke your knee last year, jumping that fence…»
«Well, my own daughter is telling me what I shall jump and not jump!» he shouted. «Miss, what are you doing out here without your shawl?»
«I was waiting for you. I want to know if you bought Dilcey».
«Yes I did, and the price has ruined me. Bought her and her little wench, Prissy. I gave him three thousand for the two of them».
«Pa, three thousand! And you didn’t need to buy Prissy!»
«Prissy is a pretty little wench».
«I know her. She’s a sly, stupid creature», Scarlett rejoined calmly. «And the only reason you bought her was because Dilcey asked you to buy her».
«Well, what if I did? Well, come on, let’s go to supper».
«How are they all at Twelve Oaks?»
«As usual. Cade Calvert was there and, we all sat on the gallery. Cade has just come from Atlanta».
«Did they say anything about the barbecue tomorrow?»
«Yes, they did. Ashley’s cousin, Miss Melanie Hamilton, and her brother Charles have already come from Atlanta and…»
«Was Ashley there, too?»
«He was». Gerald turned and peered sharply into her face. «You want to talk about him, right? He was there and he asked most kindly about you. And now, daughter, what’s all this about you and Ashley?»
«There is nothing», she said shortly.
«Really? Has he asked to marry you?»
«No», she said shortly.
«Nor will he», said Gerald.
Fury flamed in her.
«Miss! I learned from John Wilkes that Ashley was going to marry Miss Melanie. It will be announced tomorrow».
So it was true!
«Is it a spectacle you’ve been making of yourself?» he bawled. «Have you been running after a man who’s not in love with you?»
«I haven’t been running after him. It… it just surprised me».
«You’re lying!» said Gerald, and then he added: «I’m sorry, daughter. But there are lots of other lads. If you had any sense you’d have married Stuart or Brent Tarleton long ago. Think it over, daughter. You know little enough of any man, and of Ashley, too. Those Wilkes… The whole family is strange enough. Yes, Ashley can ride and play poker. He can do all those things, but his heart’s not in it. He’s queer».
Scarlett was silent and her heart sank.
«Scarlett! Why won’t you marry Cade Calvert? The Calverts are good folk, all of them. I’ll leave Tara to you and Cade…»
«I don’t want marry Cade!» cried Scarlett in fury. «And I don’t want Tara or any old plantation! They don’t amount to anything[5 - They don’t amount to anything. – Они ничего не стоят.]».
«Do you tell me that Tara… that land… doesn’t amount to anything?»
Scarlett nodded obstinately.
«Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything», he shouted.
«Oh, Pa», she said disgustedly, «you talk like an Irishman!»
«And I am proud of it. And don’t forget that you are half Irish, Miss!»

Chapter III
That night at supper, Scarlett’s mind was in a ferment over the dreadful news she had heard about Ashley and Melanie. Of course, she did not intend to tell her mother what was so heavy on her heart. Her mother, Ellen, will be shocked and grieved to know that a daughter of hers wants a man who is engaged to another girl. But she wanted the very comfort of her mother’s presence. She always felt secure when Ellen was by her.
She rose suddenly from her chair at the sound of creaking wheels in the driveway. Looking out the window, Scarlett saw Pork. Pork entered, his usual dignity was gone, his eyes were rolling.
«Mister Gerald», he announced, breathing hard, «your new housemaid is here».
«New housemaid? I didn’t buy any new housemaid», declared Gerald.
«Yes, you did, Mister Gerald! Yes! And she wants to speak with you», answered Pork, giggling and twisting his hands in excitement.
«Well, bring in your wife», said Gerald, and Pork beckoned into the hall to his wife. She arrived from the Wilkes plantation to become part of the household of Tara. She entered, and behind her came her twelve-year-old daughter.
Dilcey was tall. Her immobile bronze face was unlined. Indian blood was plain in her features. The red color of her skin, narrow high forehead, all showed the mixture of two races. When she spoke, her voice was not so slurred as most negroes’ and she chose her words more carefully.
«Good evening, young Misses. Mister Gerald, I am sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to come here and thank you again for buying me and my daughter».
«Hm-hmm», said Gerald.
Dilcey turned to Scarlett and something like a smile wrinkled the corners of her eyes.
«Miss Scarlett, Poke told me how you asked Mister Gerald to buy me. And so I give you my Prissy for your own maid».
She jerked the little girl forward. She was a brown little creature, with skinny legs like a bird. She had sharp eyes and stupid look on her face.
«Thank you, Dilcey», Scarlett replied, «but I’m afraid Mammy will have something to say about that. She’s been my maid ever since I was born».
«Mammy is getting old», said Dilcey. «She a good mammy, but you are a young lady now and you need a good maid. Prissy has been maiding for Miss India for a year. She can sew and fix hair».
It was late, and Scarlett went to bed. She dropped her head upon her folded hands, and her thoughts went sadly back to Ashley. How can he plan to marry Melanie when he really loves her, Scarlett? And when he knows how much she loves him? Then, suddenly, an idea, shining and new, flashed like a comet through her brain.
«Why, Ashley hasn’t an idea that I’m in love with him!»
Her mind stood still as if paralyzed for a long, breathless instant.
«How could he know? I’ve always acted so prissy and ladylike around him he probably thinks I don’t care a thing about him. Yes, that’s why he’s never spoken! He thinks his love is hopeless. And that’s why he’s looked so…»
Her mind went swiftly back to those times when he was looking at her in that strange manner.
«He thinks I’m in love with Brent or Stuart or Cade. But if he knows I love him…»
This was the answer to Ashley’s reticence, to his strange conduct. He didn’t know! She had only to…
«Oh!» she thought rapturously. «What a fool I’ve been! I must think of some way to let him know. He won’t marry her if he knows I love him!»
Even now, it wasn’t too late! And Ashley’s engagement had not even been announced yet! Yes, there was plenty of time!
If no love lay between Ashley and Melanie but only a promise, then why wasn’t it possible for him to break that promise and marry her? Surely he will do it, if he knows that she, Scarlett, loves him. She must find some way to let him know. She will find some way! And then…
Lying in the bed, she pictured the whole scene in her mind. She saw the look of surprise and happiness that came over his face when he realized that she really loved him, and she heard the words he said asking her to be his wife.
By this time tomorrow night, she might be Mrs. Ashley Wilkes!
She sat up in bed, and for a long happy moment she was Mrs. Ashley Wilkes… Ashley’s bride!

Chapter IV
As the carriage bore Scarlett down the red road toward the Wilkes plantation, Scarlett had a feeling of pleasure.
«Perhaps it will be my wedding day!», thought Scarlett. «I’ll tell Ashley that I love him and he will marry me. Why not? I am sure he loves me, too»
The chimneys of Twelve Oaks began to show on the hill across the river.
«I’ll live there all my life and I’ll tell my children and my grandchildren how beautiful this spring was».
She was so happy at this thought that she began to sing.
«I don’t know why you’re so happy this morning», said Suellen crossly. «You know as well as I do that Ashley’s engagement is going to be announced tonight. And you cares about him».
«That’s all you know», said Scarlett.
«Susie, you know that’s not so», protested Carreen. «It’s Brent that Scarlett cares about».
Scarlett turned smiling green eyes upon her younger sister.
«Darling, I don’t care a thing about Brent», declared Scarlett. «And he doesn’t care a thing about me. He’s waiting for you!»
Carreen’s round little face became pink.
They crossed the river and the carriage mounted the hill. Scarlett loved Twelve Oaks even more than Tara.
The long picnic tables stood under the thickest shade. As the smell of fresh pork came to her, Scarlett wrinkled her nose appreciatively. She was full of food and tightly laced.
The whole County was here, thought Scarlett. The four Tarleton boys and their father leaned against the tall columns, the twins, Stuart and Brent, Boyd and Tom with their father, James Tarleton. Mr. Calvert was standing close by the side of his Yankee wife. On the porch steps stood John Wilkes. Beside him stood Honey Wilkes.
Frank Kennedy was hurrying to the carriage to assist Suellen. Frank Kennedy owned more land than anyone in the County, but he was forty, slight and nervous and had a thin beard. But where was Ashley? And Melanie and Charles?
Her eyes fell on a stranger. He was standing alone in the hall. He looked quite old, at least thirty-five. He was a tall man. Scarlett thought she had never seen a man with such wide shoulders, so heavy with muscles. He was dark of face, swarthy as a pirate, and his eyes were bold and black.
He turned as someone called:
«Rhett! Rhett Butler! Come here!»
«I must run upstairs and smooth my hair», she told Stuart and Brent. «You boys wait for me and don’t run off with any other girl or I’ll be furious».
Scarlett started up the wide stairs. As she did, a shy voice behind her called her name and she saw Charles Hamilton. He was a nice-looking boy with a riot of brown curls on his white forehead and brown eyes. But he was timid with girls. She had never paid him much attention, but the smile of pleasure with which she greeted him almost took his breath away.
«Charles Hamilton, you’re very handsome today! Have you come here from Atlanta just to break my poor heart?»
Charles almost stuttered with excitement. Charles was not excited over the prospect of marrying her. And here was Scarlett O’Hara teasing him about breaking her heart! It was too good to be true.
«Now, you wait right here till I come back, for I want to eat barbecue with you. And remember: I am jealous», came the incredible words from red lips.
«I will», he finally managed to whisper, he looked like a calf waiting for the butcher.
Rhett Butler who stood alone a few feet away from Charles. Evidently he had overheard the whole conversation.
In the bedroom, she found Cathleen Calvert.
«Cathleen», said Scarlett, trying to pull the corsage of her dress higher, «who is that nasty man downstairs named Butler?»
«My dear, don’t you know?» whispered Cathleen excitedly. «He isn’t received![6 - he isn’t received – его не принимают в обществе]»
«What did he do?»
«Oh, Scarlett, he’s from Charleston. Caro told me about him last summer. She knows all about him, everybody does. He was expelled from West Point. Imagine! And then there was that business about the girl he didn’t marry. This Mr. Butler took a Charleston girl out buggy riding. And, my dear, they stayed out nearly all night and walked home finally, saying the horse had run away and smashed the buggy and they had gotten lost in the woods. And guess what…»
«I can’t guess. Tell me», said Scarlett enthusiastically.
«He refused to marry her the next day!»
«Oh», said Scarlett.
«He said he hadn’t… er… done anything to her and he didn’t see why marry her. And, of course, her brother called him out[7 - called him out – вызвал его на дуэль], and Mr. Butler shot the girl’s brother and he died, and Mr. Butler had to leave Charleston and now nobody receives him», finished Cathleen triumphantly.

Scarlett attracted dozens beaux, but not Ashle. Ashley had made no attempt to join the circle about her. He just came forward to welcome her when she came into the back garden. And Melanie was always nearby.
She was a tiny girl. She looked and was as simple as earth. She smiled timidly. Ashley had sat on a stool at Melanie’s feet, apart from the other guests, and talked quietly with her. Ashley did not seem to notice her at all. He only looked up at Melanie and talked on. So, Scarlett was miserable.
Charles Hamilton was on her right. He held her fan in one hand and his untouched plate of barbecue in the other. Scarlett giggled. But Ashley was playing smiling up at Melanie. Pain twisted Scarlett’s heart.
«When all the girls will go upstairs to take naps to be fresh for tonight», she thought, «I’ll stay downstairs and talk to Ashley».
Men were talking about the war.
«Of course we’ll fight… Yankee thieves… We can win them in a month… They want war…»
Charles Hamilton leaned closer and whispered:
«Miss O’Hara… I had already decided that if we fight, I’ll go over to South Carolina and join a troop there».
Scarlett looked at him. He went on rapidly,
«If I go… will you be sorry, Miss O’Hara?»
«I will cry into my pillow every night», said Scarlett.
«Will you pray for me?»
«What a fool!» thought Scarlett bitterly.
«Oh yes, indeed, Mr. Hamilton!»
Charles drew in his breath, stiffened the muscles of his stomach.
«Miss O’Hara… I must tell you something. I… I love you!»
«Um?» said Scarlett absently.
«Yes!» whispered Charles. «I love you! You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known and I love you with all my heart. I will… I want to marry you».
Scarlett was thinking Ashley, and she looked at Charles with irritation. And she murmured:
«Mr. Hamilton, I do not know what to say».
Charles swallowed the bait.
«I will wait forever! Please, Miss O’Hara, tell me that I may hope!»
«Um», said Scarlett.
«You promised to show me your library, sir», Rhett said to John Wilkes.
Ashley strolled over to where Scarlett and Charles sat. But Ashley was not looking at her. He was looking at Charles. They began to talk about the war.

Scarlett stood on the landing and peered cautiously over the banisters into the hall below. It was empty. Melanie was lying down on the bed with Honey and Hetty Tarleton, and then she slipped into the hall. The library was in darkness. Large numbers of books always depressed her.
She closed the door.
«Why, Scarlett!» said Ashley’s voice. He stood in the hall.
«Who are you hiding from – Charles or the Tarletons?»
She could not speak, but she drew him into the room. He entered, puzzled but interested. Automatically he closed the door behind him and took her hand.
«What is it?» he said, almost in a whisper. «A secret to tell me?»
«Yes… a secret. I love you».
For an instance there was a silence. Why did Ashley look so oddly and say nothing?
«Isn’t it enough that you’ve collected every other man’s heart here today?» he said.
Something was wrong! This was not the way she had planned it. Ashley was acting as if he thought she was just flirting with him.
«Ashley… tell me… Oh, my dear, I lo…»
«You must not say these things, Scarlett! You don’t mean them. You’ll hate yourself for saying them, and you’ll hate me for hearing them!»
«I will never hate you. I tell you I love you and I know you must… Ashley, do you love me?»
«Yes», he said dully. «I do. But, Scarlett, can’t we forget that?»
«No», she whispered. «I can’t. What do you mean? Don’t you want to marry me?»
He replied, «I’m going to marry Melanie».
She looked into his crystal eyes.
«Father will announce the engagement tonight. We will be married soon. I never dreamed that you… You’ve so many beaux».
«But you just said you loved me».
«My dear, I don’t want to say things that will hurt you. Love isn’t enough when two people are as different as we are. You would want all of a man, Scarlett, his body, his heart, his soul, his thoughts. And if you do not have them, you will be miserable. And I can’t give you all of me».
«Do you love her?»
«We understand each other. Scarlett! I’m going to marry Melanie. How can’t I love you? You who can love and hate with a violence impossible to me?»
«You coward! You’re afraid to marry me!»
«But dear Scarlett», his voice pleaded. «Did I ever…»
Her anger rose, the anger of hurt pride and feminine vanity.
«I shall hate you till I die, you cad… you coward!»
«Scarlett… please…»
She slapped him across the face with all the strength she had. He said nothing but lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Then he was gone. She sat down again.
Her hand dropped to a little table beside her. She picked up the bowl and hurled it viciously across the room toward the fireplace. It splintered with a little crash against the marble mantelpiece.
«This», said a voice from the depths of the sofa, «is too much».
Rhett Butler rose from the sofa where he had been lying and made her a bow. He had heard everything!
«Sir», she said, «you are no gentleman!»
«An apt observation», he answered airily. «And, you, Miss, are no lady».
She walked out of the room and banged the heavy door behind her.

She went up the stairs swiftly. The she stopped and saw Charles. When he saw her, he hurried toward her. Charles stared at her.
«I’m so clumsy», he said. «I forgot how delicate ladies are. I’m sorry. Shall we sit on the bench?»
She nodded and he carefully handed her down.
«He has a lot of money», she was thinking. «And he hasn’t any parents to bother me and he lives in Atlanta. And if I marry him right away, it will show Ashley that I don’t care… that I was only flirting with him. And it will kill Honey. And it will hurt Melanie, because she loves Charles so much. And it would hurt Stu and Brent…»
«I can’t decide now whether to go with Mr. Wade Hampton’s South Carolina Legion or with the Atlanta Gate City Guard», said Charles…
She said, «Oh» and their eyes met.
«Will you wait for me, Miss Scarlett?»
«I don’t want to wait», she said.
«Can you possibly love me?»
She said nothing.
«You will marry me soon, Miss Scarlett?»
«Um», she said.
«When may I speak to your father?»
«The sooner the better».
He leaped up and looked down at her radiantly. The white house will never be her house now. Ashley will never marry her. Oh, Ashley, Ashley! What have I done? She loved Ashley and she knew she loved him.

Chapter V
Within two weeks Scarlett had become a wife, and within two months more she was a widow. But, to her dismay, motherhood soon followed. Two weeks! So short an engagement was impossible in times of peace. But the South was aflame with war.
Charles was impatient to be off to South Carolina to join Wade Hampton’s Legion. The South was intoxicated with enthusiasm and excitement. Every young man hastened to enlist, hastened to marry his sweetheart before he rushed off to Virginia to fight the Yankees. There were dozens of war weddings in the County.
Scarlett was clad in Ellen’s wedding dress and veil. Gerald was happy that his daughter was marrying both money and a fine name. Ashley was standing at the bottom of the steps with Melanie’s arm through his. When she saw the look on his face, she thought: «This can’t be real. It can’t be. It’s a nightmare. I mustn’t think of it now. I’ll think later, when I can’t see his eyes».
It was all very dreamlike, the passage through the aisle of smiling people, Charles’ face, the congratulations, the kissing and the dancing… all, all like a dream. Even the feel of Ashley’s kiss upon her cheek, even Melanie’s soft whisper, «Now, we’re really and truly sisters», were unreal.
As Cherles hesitatingly approached the bed Scarlett spoke in a hoarse whisper:
«I’ll scream out loud if you come near me. I will! Get away from me!»
So Charles Hamilton spent his wedding night in an armchair in the corner. Her own wedding had been nightmarish, but Ashley’s wedding was even worse. Melanie Hamilton became Melanie Wilkes. Ashley had said he loved her, but what separated them?
Oh, how she regretted it all. That night Charles had emerged shyly from the dressing room, and she burst into tears[8 - she burst into tears – она разрыдалась]. A week after the wedding Charles left to join Colonel Wade Hampton, and two weeks later Ashley and the Troop departed.
In those two weeks, Scarlett never saw Ashley alone, never had a private word with him. Melanie said: «You must kiss Scarlett, Ashley. She’s my sister now», and Ashley bent and touched her cheek with cold lips.
«You will come to Atlanta and visit me and Aunt Pittypat, won’t you? Oh, darling, we want to know Charlie’s wife better», exclaimed Melanie.
Five weeks passed during which letters, shy, ecstatic, loving, came from Charles in South Carolina telling of his love, his plans for the future when the war was over. In the seventh week, there came a telegram from Colonel Hampton himself, and then a letter. Charles had died ignominiously and swiftly of pneumonia.
In due time, Charles’ son was born. He was called Wade. Scarlett felt little affection for the child. She had not wanted him. She was dazed and sick. Her boredom was acute and ever present. All of the interesting young men were gone. Only the older men, the cripples and the women were left. She was a widow and her heart was in the grave. Everyone expected her to act accordingly. This irritated her. A widow had to wear hideous black dresses, no flower or ribbon or lace or even jewelry. Widows can never chatter vivaciously or laugh aloud. Even when they smiled, it must be a sad, tragic smile.
How stupid of them to say that now she had something to live for! She had very little interest in Wade and sometimes it was difficult to remember that he was actually hers. And Ashley! She hated Twelve Oaks now. Ashley!
So Scarlett’s trunk was packed with her mourning clothes and off she went to Atlanta with Wade Hampton and his nurse Prissy. She did not want to go to Atlanta. Aunt Pitty was the silliest of old ladies.

Chapter VI
The train carried Scarlett northward. Scarlett stood on the lower step of the train, a pale pretty figure in her black mourning dress.
«This is Miss Scarlett, isn’ it? I am Peter, Miss Pitty’s coachman. Don’t step down in that mud», the coachman ordered severely.
Scarlett looked at Prissy and sighed. Prissy was not the best of nurses. Where are the fat old arms of Mammy? But Mammy was at Tara. Wade’s face went purple with his squalling, Scarlett snapped crossly:
«Give him that sugar-tit[9 - sugar-tit – соска с сахаром] in your pocket, Priss. I know he’s hungry, but I can’t do anything about that now».
Atlanta was humming like a beehive. In Atlanta, there were machine factories which were manufacturing war materials. Trains roared in and out of the town at all hours.
«I’ll like it here[10 - I’ll like it here. – Мне здесь понравится.]», thought Scarlett. «It’s so alive and exciting!»
Scarlett’s eye was caught by a figure on the sidewalk in a brightly colored dress. She saw a tall handsome woman with a bold face and a mass of red hair.
«Uncle Peter, who is she?» Scarlett whispered.
«Her name is Belle Watling», said Uncle Peter. «Miss Scarlett, you’ll see a lot of strange folks in this town».
As they passed a green house, a little black girl on the front steps cried, «She has come!», and Dr. Meade and his wife and little thirteen-year-old Phil emerged. After shaking her hand, the doctor announced Scarlett’s work in a hospital committee.
«What are hospital committees?» Scarlett asked.
«We have nursing committees for different hospitals», Mrs. Meade said. «We nurse the men and help the doctors and make bandages and clothes».
The carriage slipped and slid down the muddy road and Scarlett leaned back on the cushions and smiled. Atlanta was very pleasant.
Scarlett saw the red brick and slate roof of Miss Pittypat’s house. It was almost the last house on the north side of town.
Scarlett came to Atlanta with no idea as to how long she was going to remain. But Aunt Pitty and Melanie began a campaign to induce her to make her home permanently with them. They loved her so much.
Uncle Henry liked Scarlett immediately.
«When Wade Hampton comes of age, he’s going to be a rich young man», Uncle Henry said. Scarlett smiled but said nothing. She missed Tara. She realized what Gerald had meant when he said that the love of the land was in her blood. «If only Ashley wasn’t married!»
Scarlett could not escape her duty because she was on both Mrs. Meade’s and Mrs. Merriwether’s committees. That meant four mornings a week in the stinking hospital. Every matron, old or young, in Atlanta nursed.
Certainly there was nothing romantic about nursing. To her, it meant groans, delirium, death and smells. The hospitals were filled with dirty, bewhiskered, verminous men who smelled terribly.
Melanie she was gentle, sympathetic and cheerful, and the men in the hospitals called her an angel of mercy. Scarlett did not like nursing at all! But in spite of these discomforts, Atlanta pleased her very well.

Chapter VII
It simply wasn’t fair. Scarlett had worked twice as hard as any girl in town. She had knitted socks and baby caps and mufflers and tatted yards of lace. And she had embroidered half a dozen sofa-pillow cases[11 - pillow cases – наволочка] with the Confederate flag on them. She was only seventeen; oh, it wasn’t fair!
Pittypat entered the room.
«Auntie, I’m so tired of sitting at home».
«Scarlett, promise me you won’t say things like that. People will say you don’t have the proper respect for poor Charlie».
Scarlett cried. Melanie entered.
«Oh», said she. «Be brave, dear. Don’t cry. Oh, Scarlett!»
«I want to be dead!» she sobbed passionately.
«Dear, don’t cry! Try to think how much Charlie loved you!»
«Go away and leave me alone!» shouted Scarlett.
She sank her face into the pillow. She heard Melanie say to Pittypat in a low voice as they went down the stairs:
«Aunt Pitty, Don’t speak of Charles to her. You know how it always affects her».
Scarlett kicked the coverlet in impotent rage,
«Damn it!» she cried at last.
Deliverance came in the form she least expected. During the after-dinner-nap period, Mrs. Merriwether and Mrs. Elsing drove up.
«Mrs. Bonnell’s children have the measles», said Mrs. Merriwether abruptly.
«And the McLure girls are in Virginia», said Mrs. Elsing. «Dallas McLure is wounded».
«How dreadful!» chorused their hostesses. «Poor Dallas!»
«No. Just through the shoulder», said Mrs. Merriwether briskly. «The girls are going North to bring him home. We must hurry back to the Armory and do the decorating. Pitty, we need you and Melly tonight. We need women for the booth».
«Oh, but, Dolly, we can’t go. With poor Charlie dead only a…»
«I know how you feel but there isn’t any sacrifice too great for the Cause», broke in Mrs. Elsing in a soft voice.
«Oh, we’d love to help but… why can’t you get some sweet pretty girls to take the booths?»
Mrs. Merriwether snorted.
«The young people have no sense of responsibility. Let that blockade runner[12 - blockade runner – контрабандист], Captain Butler, bring more hospital supplies[13 - hospital supplies – медикаменты] and less hoop skirts and lace. Captain Butler… I’m sick of the name. Now, Pitty, I haven’t time to argue. You must come. Everybody will understand».
«I think we must go», said Scarlett. «It is the least we can do for the hospital, all of us. I think I must go in the booth with Melly. Don’t you think so, Melly?»
«Well», began Melly helplessly.
«Scarlett’s right», said Mrs. Merriwether. «Both of you… all of you must come».

«Too good to be true!» said Scarlett’s joyful heart. A party! After a year’s seclusion! And she will see people and many lights and hear music!
The musicians clambered upon their platform. Then the fiddles, bull fiddles, accordions, banjos and knuckle-bones[14 - knuckle-bones – трещотки] began to play «Lorena». One-two-three, one-two-three. What a beautiful waltz! The hall was full of girls, girls who floated in bright dresses. There were so many uniforms in the crowd… so many uniforms on so many men whom Scarlett knew, men she had met on hospital cots, on the streets. Such handsome men!
Turning, Scarlett saw Melly. She smiled at Scarlett, whimsically.
«I’m so happy», she whispered, «and so proud of the soldiers!».
There was a deep, almost fanatic glow in her eyes. The same look was on the faces of all the women, tears of pride on cheeks, smiles on lips. Scarlett realized that she did not share with these women their pride.
Scarlett wanted to scream. She wanted to dance. Her green eyes blazed eagerly. A man who was standing in the doorway, saw them, and grinned to himself. He was dressed in black broadcloth. His hair was black, and his black mustache was small.
She stood as if paralyzed.
«Permit me», he said bending over. «Do you recall me, Miss O’Hara?»
She looked up at him imploringly. This terrible person who gave her nightmares. Rhett Butler!
«And what are you doing so far from Charleston, Mr. Butler?» said Melanie.
«A boring matter of business, Mrs. Wilkes. No wonder Miss O’Hara is faint. May I lead you to a window?»
«No», said Scarlett, so rudely that Melly stared.
«She is not Miss O’Hara any longer», said Melly. «She is Mrs. Hamilton. She is my sister now».
«Your husbands are here tonight, I trust, on this happy occasion?»
«My husband is in Virginia», said Melly. «But Charles…»
«He died in camp», said Scarlett flatly.
«My dear ladies… You must forgive me. But I’m a stranger here. To die for one’s country is to live forever».
He knows about Ashley and he knows I didn’t love Charlie, thought Scarlett. She said nothing. He leaned down across the counter and hissed:
«Fear not, fair lady! Your guilty secret is safe with me!»

There was a roll of drums and many voices cried «Sh!» as Dr. Meade mounted the platform.
«The good ladies of the hospital committee know our needs. We must have more money to buy medical supplies from England, and we have with us tonight the intrepid captain who brings us the drugs we need. Captain Rhett Butler!»
Captain made a graceful bow.
«We need more gold and I am asking you for it», the doctor continued. «I am asking a sacrifice. Ladies, the Confederacy wants your jewelry. The gold will be melted and the stones sold and the money used to buy drugs and other medical supplies!»
Scarlett was happy that mourning forbade her wearing her precious earbobs and the heavy gold chain and the gold and black enameled bracelets and the garnet brooch. She saw women, old and young, laughing, eager, tugging at bracelets, unpinning brooches from bosoms.
The grinning little man was coming to their booth now, his basket heavy on his arm, and as he passed Rhett Butler a handsome gold cigar case was thrown carelessly into the basket.
«Wait!» cried Scarlett. «I have something for you!» She threw her wedding ring into the basket.
«Oh, my darling!» whispered Molly. «You brave, brave girl! Wait, Lieutenant! I have something for you, too!»
Molly threw her own wedding ring into the basket.
«What a beautiful gesture», said Rhett Butler, softly.
Scarlett disliked him heartily.
«Why don’t you say what you really think?» he demanded. «Why don’t you say I’m a damned rascal and no gentleman? I see that you are a coward. You don’t say what you really think».
«Then I’ll say», she said. «I don’t want to see you again! You aren’t a gentleman!»
«Listen,» he said with a grin. «You just wanted to dance and have a good time and you can’t. Tell the truth. Am I not right?»
«Captain Butler», she said. «Just because you’re the ‘great blockader’, it doesn’t give you the right to insult women».
«The great blockader! That’s a joke. Blockading is a business. And the Yankees help me make my money. Last month I sailed my boat right into New York harbor and took on a cargo».
«What!» cried Scarlett. «Didn’t they shoot you?»
«Of course not. There are plenty of sturdy Union patriots who want to get some money selling goods to the Confederacy. I run my boat into New York, buy goods from Yankee, and away I go. It’s more convenient than going to England».

«And now, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to propose a surprise. But this is for the Case. The dancing is about to begin. Gentlemen, if you wish to danse with the lady of your choice, you must bargain for her. I will be auctioneer and the proceeds will go to the hospital!»
Scarlett said nothing but her eyes glittered. She’s a widow! Suddenly she heard her own name:
«Mrs. Charles Hamilton, one hundred and fifty dollars, in gold».
«Another one of our belles, perhaps?» questioned the doctor.
«No», said Rhett clearly. «Mrs. Hamilton».
«I tell you it is impossible», said the doctor testily. «Mrs. Hamilton will not…»
Scarlett cried,
«Yes, I will!»

Chapter VIII
Next morning, Pittypat was lachrymose, Melanie was silent and Scarlett defiant.
«I don’t care if they talk. I made more money for the hospital than any girl there».
«Oh, dear, what does the money matter?» wailed Pittypat. «I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Poor Charlie! And that awful Captain Butler, he’s a terrible, terrible person!»
«Oh, I can’t believe he’s that bad», said Melly gently. «He seemed a perfect gentleman and he is brave. Darling, I understand and it was a brave thing you did last night and it will help the hospital a lot. Aunt Pitty, don’t cry. We must have three convalescents in our house, like everybody else, and some of the soldiers out to dinner every Sunday. Scarlett, don’t you fret. We know you loved Charlie».
Prissy entered with a bulky letter.
«For you, Miss Melly. A little boy has brought it».
«For me?» said Melly, wondering, as she opened the envelope.
Scarlett saw a broad gold ring.
«Read it», said Melly, pointing to the. «Oh, how sweet, how kind, he is!»
Scarlett, bewildered, picked up the sheet:
«Accept, dear Madam, this token of my reverence for your courage. This ring has been redeemed at ten times its value. Captain Rhett Butler».
Melanie slipped the ring on her finger and looked at it lovingly.
«I told you he was a gentleman, didn’t I?» she said turning to Pittypat. «Aunt Pittypat, you must write him a note and invite him to Sunday dinner so I can thank him».
So Captain Butler got the invitation into Pittypat’s house.

«It is difficult for me to believe that you forgot yourself», ran Ellen’s letter and Scarlett scowled. Which of the old cats had written to Ellen? «To dance, and with such a man as Captain Butler! He is a man of bad repute. I am heartbroken. Your father will be in Atlanta on Friday, he will speak with Captain Butler and escort you home».
Scarlett was frightened. Sh
«Not… not bad news?» quavered Pittypat.
«Pa is coming tomorrow and he’s going to give me a good lesson», answered Scarlett dolorously.
«I feel ill», said Pittypat weakly. «I must go lie down. You must give him my excuses».
«I’ll help you. I’ll explain how you did it for the hospital. Surely he’ll understand», said Melly.
«No, he won’t», said Scarlett.
«He can’t take you to Tara!» said Melly. «This is your home now. What will we do without you?»
Soon Gerald arrived.

Melanie and Pittypat had gone to sleep, but Scarlett lay awake in the warm darkness. To leave Atlanta when life had just begun again! She heard some noise. Gerald was coming home. He was drunk and singing songs.
Someone was with him. She heard Gerald’s voice, «Now I’ll sing you another song. You must know it, lad. I’ll teach it to you».
«I’ll learn it», replied his companion. «But not now, Mr. O’Hara».
«I suppose I must go down», thought Scarlett. «After all he’s my father».
She unlocked the door and saw Rhett Butler. He was supporting her small father.
«Your father, I believe?» said Captain Butler.
«Bring him in», she said shortly. «Here. Now lay him down».
«I will be seeing you Sunday at dinner», he said and went out.
At five-thirty Gerald was awake. He looked up furtively as she entered. He groaned.
«It’s a fine way you’ve acted, Pa», she began in a furious whisper.
«I remember nothing».
«Oh», moaned Gerald. «It happened after the game. That Butler bragged that he was the best poker player in…»
«How much did you lose?»
«Five hundred dollars», said Gerald.
«What will Mother say when she hears?»
«You won’t tell your mother a word, will you?»
Scarlett said nothing.
«Please, don’t», pleaded Gerald.
«I won’t», said Scarlett, «if you let me stay here and if you tell Mother that it was nothing but a lot of gossip from old cats».
Gerald looked mournfully at his daughter.
«It’s blackmail. Anyway, we’ll forget all that. And do you think Miss Pittypat has any brandy in the house?»

Chapter IX
The war went on. Confederate money dropped alarmingly and the price of food and clothing rose accordingly. The Yankee blockade about the Confederate ports tightened, and luxuries such as tea, coffee, silks, whalebone stays, fashion magazines and books were scarce and dear. The hospitals were worrying about the scarcity of quinine, calomel, opium, chloroform and iodine. Linen and cotton bandages were precious, and ladies who nursed at the hospitals brought home baskets of bloody strips, They washed and ironed and returned them.
But Scarlett was happy to be in the world again. She did not care if the war lasted forever. The helpless wounded succumbed to her charms without a struggle. They fell in love easily.
Scarlett was happy. War and marriage and childbirth had passed over her and she was unchanged. She had a child but she almost forgot him. She went to parties, danced, went riding with soldiers, flirted. Sometimes Scarlett went to Tara. These visits were disappointing.
Though Scarlett always went home to Tara with a happy heart, she was never sorry to return. Rhett Butler called frequently at Aunt Pittypat’s house. Rhett called whenever he was in town, escorting her to danceables and bazaars and waiting outside the hospital to drive her home. But he annoyed her frequently.
He was in his mid-thirties, older than any beau she had ever had, and she was as helpless as a child to control and handle him. He returned to Atlanta, and presented Scarlett, with overdone gallantry, a box of bonbons. Or claimed her at a dance, and she was usually amused.
Scarlett felt that he had no respect for any woman, unless perhaps for Melanie.
«I don’t see why you’re so much nicer to her than to me», said Scarlett petulantly. «I’m much prettier than she is».
«If I am ‘nicer’ to Mrs. Wilkes, it is because she deserves it. She is sincere unselfish».

One day Melanie said,
«Ashley writes me that we should not fight the Yankees. And that we are betrayed into it by statesmen and orators. He says nothing this war was just misery and dirt. He meant exactly what Captain Butler meant, only he didn’t say it in a rude way. And I don’t know what to think».
Scarlett knew that Rhett was not patriotic and she did not care. The little presents he brought her from Nassau were what mattered most to her.
One bright summer morning he appeared with a brightly trimmed hatbox in his hand and, when Scarlett was alone in the house, he opened it. There was a very nice bonnet in it!
«Put it on», said Rhett, smiling.
She flew across the room to the mirror and plopped it on her head.
«How do I look?» she cried.
«Oh, Rhett, whose bonnet is it? I’ll buy it».
«It’s your bonnet», he said.
«How much is it?» she asked suddenly.
«About two thousand dollars. It’s a gift».
She laughed.
«You are a clever, black-hearted wretch, Rhett Butler, and you know very well this bonnet’s too pretty to be refused. But Rhett, you mustn’t bring me anything else so expensive. It’s awfully kind of you, but I really can’t accept anything else».
«Indeed? Well, I shall bring you presents so long as it pleases me. And I warn you that I am not kind. I never do anything without reason».
«And what do you expect to get from me?»
«Well, if you think I’ll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won’t», she said.
«Madam, you flatter yourself, I do not want to marry you or anyone else. I am not a marrying man».
«Indeed!» she cried. «I don’t even intend to kiss you, either».
«Oh, Scarlett, you are so young», he said. «And I shall kiss you, as you expect it», and leaning down carelessly, his mustache just grazed her cheek.
She burst into laughter.

The next day, Melanie ran in, her face was flushed and frightened. There were tears on her cheeks.
«Oh, Scarlett!» she cried. «I was talking to that that woman with red hair, named Belle Watling!»
Belle Watling was the most notorious woman in town. Many prostitutes had come into Atlanta, following the soldiers, but Belle stood out above the rest.
«What did she want?»
«I was walking home. And when I went by the Emersons’ yard, there she was, behind the hedge! She had some money and she wanted me to take it and use it for the hospital. I was so upset and anxious to get away, I just said: ‘Oh, yes, indeed, how sweet of you’ or something idiotic, and she smiled and said: ‘That’s right Christian of you’ and shoved this dirty handkerchief into my hand».
Melanie held out a handkerchief, in which some coins were knotted.
«Let’s see how much money is in here. It feels heavy», said Scarlett.
She untied the knot and a handful of gold coins rolled out on the bed.
«Scarlett, there’s fifty dollars here! And in gold!» cried Melanie.
But Scarlett was not listening. She was looking at the dirty handkerchief. There was a monogram in the corner in which were the initials «R. K. B». In her top drawer was a handkerchief just like this, one that Rhett Butler had given her only yesterday to wrap about the stems of wild flowers. She had planned to return it to him.
So Rhett came to that Watling and gave her money. Oh, men were so vile, and Rhett Butler was the worst of them all! She crumbled the handkerchief in her hand, and went down the stairs to the kitchen. As she passed the stove, she shoved the handkerchief into the flames.

Chapter X
Scarlett, Melanie and Miss Pittypat sat in front of the Daily Examiner office in the carriage. They wanted to learn the first news of Ashley. Somewhere Ashley was fighting, perhaps dying, and the newspaper office was the only place where she could learn the truth.
The first casualty lists[15 - the first casualty lists – первые списки убитых] were posted.
«Read it», whispered Melly. Scarlett read and her voice shook.
Oh, how long the list was! Three «Tarleton» names on that list. «Tarleton Brenton, Lieutenant; Tarleton Stuart, Corporal; Tarleton Thomas, private». And Boyd was buried somewhere in Virginia. All the Tarleton boys gone.
Sxarlett could not read any more. The boys with whom she had grown up, danced, flirted, kissed were on that list.
As the Christmas season approached, Ashley came home on furlough. Scarlett was frightened. Her emotions were sharpened by her long dreams of him. This Ashley Wilkes in his faded, patched uniform was a different man from that boy she had loved before the war. He stood in his old uniform, his pistol in its holster, Major Ashley Wilkes. Her same handsome Ashley, yet so very different.
He was home again. Melanie was too happy to be shy and reserved. And Scarlett was too glad to be jealous. Ashley was home at last!
Ashley had kissed his father, and then Aunt Pitty. Finally he turned to Scarlett and said: «Oh, Scarlett! You pretty, very pretty!» and kissed her on the cheek.
«Darling, you look like a ragamuffin», said Melanie. «Who did mend your uniform?»
«Really? My servant, Mose, mended it», said Ashley.
At supper they all asked him about the war. The war! Who cared about the war? Scarlett didn’t think Ashley cared very much for that subject either. She saw that Melanie’s cheeks were crimson and she was trembling. She seemed shyly happy. Melanie did not even look up when Ashley opened the bedroom door. Ashley said good night abruptly, and he did not meet Scarlett’s eyes either. The door closed behind them. Ashley was no longer hers. He was Melanie’s.
The week had passed swiftly, like a dream. Now Ashley was going away, back to Virginia, back to the long marches in the sleet, to pain and hardship.
Scarlett sat on the divan in the parlor. She knew that perhaps she had the chance to talk to him. Why hadn’t she made the opportunity during this last week? But always, Melanie was at his side, always friends and neighbors and relatives were in the house.
Finally he came down the steps. Alone! He came down the steps slowly. When he came into the parlor, his eyes were somber. He was trying to smile but his face was white. She rose as he entered.
«Ashley», she begged abruptly, «may I go to the train with you?»
«Please don’t. Father and the girls will be there».
«Then I won’t go», she said. «See, Ashley! I’ve a present for you».
It was a long yellow sash.
«Scarlett, it’s beautiful! Did you make it yourself? But I know you’ve cut up a dress or a shawl to make it».
«Oh, Ashley, I’ll do everything for you!»
«Will you?» he questioned. «Then, there’s something you can do for me, Scarlett».
«What is it?» she asked joyfully.
«Scarlett, will you look after Melanie for me? Take care of her. She’s so frail and she doesn’t realize it. And she’s so gentle and timid. Scarlett, will you promise?»
«Oh, yes!» she cried, for at that moment. «Ashley, Ashley! I can’t let you go away!»
«Scarlett! Scarlett! You are so fine and strong and good».
«Oh, Ashley», she whispered happily, thrilling at his words and his touch on her face. «Nobody else but you ever…»
«I think that perhaps I know you better than most people and that I can see beautiful things in you that others can’t notice».
Where were the magic three words? But they did not come.
She cried «Oh!» in a childish whisper and sat down with tears.
Ashley said «Good-bye», very softly, and walked into the dark front hall.
«Kiss me», she whispered. «Kiss me good-bye».
«No, Scarlett, no», he said in a low voice.
«I love you», she said.
«Good-bye», he said hoarsely.

Chapter XI
January and February of 1864 passed, full of cold rains and wild winds. After hard fighting, nearly all of Tennessee was now held by the Union troops.
Scarlett was happy those two months. Ashley loved her. She was sure of that now, and this conviction was very pleasant.
«When the war is over!» she thought. «When it’s over, then…»
When the war is over, everything will be settled, somehow. If Ashley loves her, he simply will not be able to live with Melanie.
But then, a divorce was impossible. And Ellen and Gerald, staunch Catholics, will never permit her to marry a divorced man. It will mean leaving the Church! In a choice between the Church and Ashley, Scarlett will choose Ashley.
Everything will be all right when the war is over. If Ashley loves her, he’ll find a way. In March the hideous blow fell. Melanie told her she was going to have a baby. She must go home to Tara, home, where she belonged. But, as they sat at the table in the morning, a telegram came.
It was to Melanie from Ashley’s servant, Mose.
«Regret to inform you Major Wilkes missing since scouting expedition[16 - scouting expedition – разведывательная операция] three days ago. Colonel Sloan».
Her door opened and Melanie entered.
«Scarlett», she said. «I know my darling is dead!»
They fell on the bed. Ashley is dead!
«At least», Melanie whispered, «I’ve got his baby».
«And I», thought Scarlett, «I’ve got nothing… except the look on his face when he told me good-bye».
One afternoon, Melanie came home from town and Rhett Butler. She had fainted at the telegraph office and Rhett had escorted her home. He carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.
«Mrs. Wilkes», he questioned abruptly, «you are going to have a baby, are you not?»
She nodded.
«Then you must take better care of yourself. If you permit me, Mrs. Wilkes, I will use my influence in Washington to learn about Mr. Wilkes’ fate. If he is a prisoner, he will be on the Federal lists».
«Oh, you are so kind», cried Melanie. «How can people say such dreadful things about you?»
It was a month before he had news. Ashley was not dead! He had been wounded and taken prisoner. He was at Rock Island, a prison camp in Illinois.
Oh, Ashley was in that horrible place! Ashley was alive but he was wounded and at Rock Island.
«Oh, Captain Butler, isn’t there some way… Can’t you use your influence…» cried Melanie.
«I hadn’t told you before, Mrs. Wilkes, but your husband had a chance to get out and refused it».
«Oh, no!» cried Melanie in disbelief.
«Yes, indeed. The Yankees are recruiting men for frontier service to fight the Indians, recruiting them from among Confederate prisoners. Any prisoner who will take the oath of allegiance and enlist for Indian service for two years will be released and sent West. Mr. Wilkes refused».
«Oh, how could he?» cried Scarlett. «Why didn’t he take the oath and then desert and come home?»
«How can you even suggest that?” said Melanie. “Betray his own Confederacy and then betray the Yankees! I’ll be proud of him if he dies in prison. Of course, he refused».
Later Scarlett asked Rhett:
«And you, for example, won’t you enlist with the Yankees and then desert?»
«Of course», said Rhett.
«Then why didn’t Ashley do it?»
«He’s a gentleman», said Rhett.

Chapter XII
The Yankees under General Sherman were in Georgia again, above Dalton, one hundred miles northwest of Atlanta. An army of refugees fell back before them. Rich and poor, black and white, women and children, the old, the dying, the crippled, the wounded, the women in pregnancy, crowded the road to Atlanta on trains, afoot, on horseback, in carriages and wagons.
The wounded flooded Atlanta and the town was appalled. The hospitals overflowed and wounded lay on the floors of empty stores and in the warehouses. Every hotel, boarding house and private residence was crowded with sufferers. There was endless cooking and lifting and turning and fanning, endless hours of washing and rerolling bandages and picking lint.
On the day when the first wounded from Kennesaw Mountain were coming in, Scarlett silently cursed the wounded and the whole Southern Confederacy. She was sick of all this nursing. This very day she will tell Mrs. Merriwether that Ellen had written her to come home for a visit.
But that worthy matron said:
«Don’t let me hear any more such foolishness, Scarlett Hamilton. I’ll write your mother today and tell her how much we need you, and I’m sure she’ll understand and let you stay. Now, put on your apron and trot over to Dr. Meade. He needs someone to help with the dressings».
«Oh, God», thought Scarlett drearily, «that’s just the trouble. I shall die if I smell these stinks
She went hastily up the two short blocks to Peachtree Street. She was standing on the corner, ashamed to go home to Aunt Pitty’s but determined not to go back to the hospital, when Rhett Butler drove by.
«You look like the ragpicker’s child», he observed. Why was he so rude?
«Drive me somewhere where nobody will see me. I won’t go back to the hospital!»
«A traitor to Our Glorious Cause!»
He was well dressed. His coat and trousers were new, not ragged. His brown face was bland.
«You little fraud», he said. «You dance all night with the soldiers and give them roses and ribbons and tell them how you’d die for the Cause, and after that you decamp hastily».
«I’m just sick and tired of that old hospital», she said. «And every day more and more wounded come in. It’s all General Johnston’s fault».
«My dear, I wear no uniform and wave no sword and the fortunes of the Confederacy mean nothing at all to me».
«Rhett, look, down the street! That crowd of men! They aren’t soldiers. Why, they’re darkies!»
There was a great cloud of red dust coming up the street and from the cloud came the sound of a hundred or more negro voices. Scarlett looked curiously at the black men, picks and shovels over their shoulders. Then her eyes saw Big Sam, the foreman of Tara! But what was Big Sam doing here, so far away from home?
The giant caught sight of her and his black face split in a grin of delighted recognition. He halted, dropped his shovel and started toward her: «Oh God! It’s Miss Scarlett! Elijah, Apostle, Prophet, it’s Miss Scarlett!»
There was confusion in the ranks. The crowd halted, and Big Sam, followed by three other large negroes, ran across the road to the carriage. An officer shouted,
«Get back in line, you fellows! Get back, I tell you! Why it’s Mrs. Hamilton. Good morning, Ma’m, and you, too, sir».
«Oh, Captain Randall, don’t scold them! They are our people. This is Big Sam our foreman, and Elijah and Apostle and Prophet from Tara. How are you, boys? What are you boys doing so far from Tara?»
«They came and took us», answered Big Sam. «Because we are the biggest and the strongest men at Tara». His white teeth showed proudly.
«Oh, turn the horse around. I’m going home, back home to Tara, right away. You know the Yankees will never get to Atlanta».
«I’ll bet you they will be here within the month. I’ll bet you a box of bonbons against a kiss».
«I’d better kiss a pig», she said coolly. «Captain Butler, I wish to go back to the hospital».
«Do you indeed, my angel?»
He turned the horse’s head and they started back toward Five Points.
«I’m waiting», he said, «when you grow up a little more. I don’t like to kiss children. The memory of the estimable Ashley Wilkes is going to fade».
At the mention of Ashley’s name, sudden pain went through her, sudden hot tears stung her lids. Fade? The memory of Ashley will never fade. She was too angry to speak and they rode along in silence for some while.
«I understand practically everything about you and Ashley, now», Rhett resumed. «You still cherish a romantic schoolgirl passion for him. And Mrs. Wilkes knows nothing».
«Go to hell!» she said tensely. «And let me out of this carriage. I don’t want to speak to you».
He stopped the carriage. She sprang down.

Chapter XIII
The cannon at Kennesaw Mountain could be heard faintly, far away. Occasionally it was loud enough to be heard even above the rattle of traffic at noon. People tried not to listen to it, tried to talk, to laugh, to carry on their business, but always ears were strained for the sound. Will General Johnston hold the Yankees this time? Will he?
Panic lay just beneath the surface. Sherman was at the very doors of Atlanta. Another retreat will bring the Confederates into the town. Give us a general who won’t retreat! Give us a man who will stand and fight!
Scarlett and Maybelle Merriwether Picard were given permission to leave the hospital and watch the men go out. Scarlett felt cold as she watched the motley ranks. Desperate rabble of bombproofers, old men and little boys! There were some young men in the lines, but there were so many old men and young boys! The sight of them made her heart contract with pity and with fear. Many of the men were totally unarmed, for the Confederacy had neither rifles nor ammunition. Johnston had lost around ten thousand men in his retreat. He needed ten thousand more fresh troops.
As the artillery rumbled by, a negro on a mule caught her eye. Scarlett saw him she cried: «It’s Mose! Ashley’s Mose! What is he doing here? Mose! Stop!»
A sergeant, riding behind him, called: «Stay on that mule, boy, or I’ll light a fire under you!»
«Oh, just a minute, Sergeant!” Scarlett said. “Don’t get down, Mose. What are you doing here?»
«Off to the war, again, Miss Scarlett. This time with Mister John instead of Mister Ashley».
«Mr. Wilkes!» Scarlett was stunned. Mr. Wilkes was nearly seventy. «Where is he?»
«Back there, Miss Scarlett!»
«Sorry, lady. Move on, boy!» said the sergeant.
Scarlett stood for a moment. Oh, no! She thought. It can’t be. Mr. Wilkes is too old. And he doesn’t like war any more than Ashley did!
When he saw her standing in the mud, Mr. Wilkes drew rein with a smile of pleasure and came toward her.
«I hoped to see you, Scarlett. But there was no time».
«Oh, Mr. Wilkes», she cried desperately. «Don’t go! Why must you go?»
«Ah, so you think I’m too old!» he smiled, and it was Ashley’s smile in an older face. «Perhaps I am too old to march but not to ride and shoot. Your mother and father and the girls are well and they sent you their love. Your father wanted to join us».
«Oh, not Pa!» cried Scarlett in terror. «Not Pa! He isn’t going to the war, is he?»
«No, but he was. Of course, he can’t walk far with his stiff knee. You need have no shame about it. After all, someone must stay home and raise crops for the army. I’ve sent India and Honey to Macon to stay with the Burrs and Mr. O’Hara is looking after Twelve Oaks as well as Tara. I must go, my dear. Let me kiss your pretty face».
Scarlett was fond of Mr. Wilkes. Once, long ago, she had hoped to be his daughter-in-law.
«How is Melanie?»
«She is well».
«Ah!» His eyes looked at her but through her. «I want to see my first grandchild. Good-bye, my dear».
The retreat from Dalton to Kennesaw Mountain had taken from early May to mid-June. Atlanta was crowded with visitors, refugees, families of wounded men in the hospitals, wives and mothers of soldiers. In addition, bevies of belles from the country districts descended upon the town[17 - descended upon the town – хлынули в город]. Scarlett did not like these sixteen-year-olds. A widow with a child was at a disadvantage with these pretty minxes, she thought. But between hospital duties in the day time and parties at night, she hardly ever saw Wade. Sometimes she actually forgot that she had a child.
Fight and retreat! Fight and retreat! And every retreat was bringing the Yankees closer to the town. Peachtree Creek was only five miles away! What was the General thinking about?
But the Yankees were coming closer and closer.
Scarlett and many other ladies sat on the roofs of stores, and watched the fighting on the day of the battle of Atlanta. But soon they fled to the cellars, and that night the exodus of women, children and old people from the city began. Mrs. Merriwether and Mrs. Elsing refused to leave. They were needed at the hospital, they said proudly, they weren’t afraid of the Yankees. But Mrs. Whiting went and many other ladies of Scarlett’s circle. Aunt Pitty was among the first to pack her trunks. Her nerves, she said, were delicate and she could not endure noises. She will go to Macon and stay with her cousin, old Mrs. Burr, and the girls should come with her.
Scarlett did not want to go to Macon. No, she told Aunt Pitty, I’ll go home to Tara and Melly can go to Macon with you.
At this Melanie began to cry:
«Dear, don’t go to Tara and leave me! I’ll be so lonely without you. Oh, Scarlett, I’ll just die if you aren’t with me! Yes… Yes, I know Aunt Pitty is sweet. But after all, she’s never had a baby, and sometimes she makes me nervous. Don’t desert me, darling. You’ve been just like a sister to me, and besides», she smiled wanly, «you promised Ashley to take care of me. He told me he was going to ask you».
Scarlett looked at her in wonderment. How could Melly love her so? How could Melly be so stupid as not to guess the secret of her love of Ashley? Yes, she had promised Ashley to take care of Melanie. Oh, Ashley! Ashley! you must be dead, dead these many months!
«Well», she said shortly, «I did promise him that. But I won’t go to Macon and stay with that old cat… I’m going home to Tara and you can come with me».
«Oh, I’d like that! Your mother is so sweet!»
Dr. Meade arrived.
«It’s out of the question for you to go to Macon, Miss Melly. The trains are crowded. In your condition…»
«But I want to go to Tara with Scarlett».
«No. The train to Tara is the train to Macon and the same conditions prevail. Moreover, no one knows just where the Yankees are now, they are everywhere. It’s no trip for a woman in a delicate condition. Besides, there’s not a doctor in the County since old Dr. Fontaine joined the army».
«But there are midwives…»
«No», he answered brusquely. «It is dangerous. You don’t want to have the baby on the train or in a buggy, do you? Stay right here where I can watch you, and you must stay in bed. After all, there’s not so much danger here. Now, Miss Pitty, you go right on to Macon and leave the young ladies here».
«Alone?» she cried, aghast.
«They are matrons», said the doctor testily. «And Mrs. Meade is just two houses away. Good Heavens, Miss Pitty! This is war time. We can’t think of the proprieties now. We must think of Miss Melly».
He stamped out of the room. Scarlett joined him.
«I shall talk frankly to you, Miss Scarlett», he began. «You seem to be a young woman of common sense. I doubt if Miss Melly can stand the trip. She is going to have a difficult time, so I don’t want any ignorant darky midwife with her. And now, Miss, you stay with Miss Melly till the baby comes. Not afraid, are you?»
«Oh, no!» lied Scarlett, stoutly.
«That’s a brave girl. The baby will be here in another five weeks, but you never can tell. It may come any day».
So Aunt Pittypat went to Macon, she took Uncle Peter and Cookie with her. The carriage and horse she donated to the hospital in a burst of patriotism which she immediately regretted. And Scarlett and Melanie were left alone with Wade and Prissy in a house.

Chapter XIV
In those first days of the siege, when the Yankees crashed here and there against the defenses of the city, Scarlett was very frightened. She silently cursed Melanie. The doctor had forbidden Melanie to walk and Scarlett had to stay with her. What will she do if the baby comes?
These matters she discussed with Prissy in whispers one evening. Prissy calmed her fears,
«Miss Scarlett, I can manage. I know all about birthing. Just leave it to me».
As Scarlett lay on her pillow, there always rose the memory of Ashley’s face with a little smile on his lips: «You’ll take care of Melanie, won’t you? You’re so strong. Promise me». And she had promised. Somewhere, Ashley lay dead.
Wade irritated Scarlett. He was afraid to go to bed at night, afraid of the dark, afraid to sleep.
It was not often that Scarlett was alone those days and she did not like it. When she was alone she had to think and thoughts were not pleasant.
«Oh, Ashley!» she sobbed, dropping her head into her hands.
She heard the front gate click and she hastily raised her head. She saw Rhett Butler
«So you are here. Why did you stay?»
«To keep Melanie company».
«Damn it», he said, and in the lamplight she saw that he was frowning. «Is Mrs. Wilkes still here? It’s quite dangerous for her in her condition. So you stayed with Mrs. Wilkes! This is the strangest situation I ever encountered!»
«I see nothing strange about it», she answered uncomfortably.
«No? My impression is that you can hardly endure Mrs. Wilkes. You think her silly and stupid and her patriotic notions bore you».
«Because she’s Charlie’s sister… and like a sister to me», answered Scarlett with dignity.
«You mean because she’s Ashley’s Wilkes’ widow».
«I had a letter from Tara today. The Yankees are close to home and my little sister is ill with typhoid. I want to go home! But I can’t».
«Well, don’t cry about it», he said. «You are much safer here in Atlanta than at Tara. The Yankees won’t hurt you and typhoid will».
She laughed nervously.
«Don’t giggle», he said, and taking her hand, he turned it over and kissed her palm. Something vital, electric, leaped from him to her at the touch of his warm mouth, something that caressed her whole body thrillingly. His lips traveled to her wrist. She tried to draw back her hand.
She wasn’t in love with him, she told herself confusedly. She was in love with Ashley. But how to explain this feeling?
He laughed softly.
«Don’t pull away! I won’t hurt you!»
«Hurt me? I’m not afraid of you, Rhett Butler, or of any man!» she cried.
«An admirable sentiment, but please lower your voice. Mrs. Wilkes might hear you. And compose yourself. Scarlett, you do like me, don’t you?»
That was more like what she was expecting.
«Well, sometimes», she answered cautiously. «When you aren’t acting like a varmint».
«I think you like me because I am a varmint».
This was not the turn she had anticipated.
«That’s not true! I like nice men… gentlemen».
He kissed her palm again.
«But you like me. Could you ever love me, Scarlett? May I call you ‘dear,’ Mrs. Hamilton? I shall call you ‘dear’ whether you like it or not».
«You don’t love me?»
«No, indeed. Did you hope that I did?»
«Don’t be so presumptuous!»
«You hoped! You are charming and talented. No, I don’t love you. But I like you tremendously… for the elasticity of your conscience, for the selfishness which you don’t hide, and for the shrewd practicality. I like you because I have those same qualities in me. I realize you still cherish the memory of the godlike and woodenheaded Mr. Wilkes. But there must be room in your heart for me too. Scarlett, I am making you a declaration. I have wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you, in the hall of Twelve Oaks. I want you more than I have ever wanted any woman. And I’ve waited longer for you than I’ve ever waited for any woman».
She was breathless with surprise at his last words. In spite of all his insults, he did love her.
«Are you asking me to marry you?»
He dropped her hand and laughed loudly.
«Good Lord, no! Didn’t I tell you I wasn’t a marrying man?»
«But… but… what…»
He rose to his feet and made her a burlesque bow.
«Dear», he said quietly, «I am asking you to be my mistress».
She was vilely insulted. He thinks her such a fool! Rage, vanity and disappointment threw her mind into a turmoil. She blurted out the first words which came to her lips…
«Mistress! What will I get out of that except a passel of brats[18 - a passel of brats – куча слюнявых ребятишек]?»
Then she realized what she had said. She pressed her handkerchief to her mouth. He laughed.
«That’s why I like you! You are the only frank woman I know, the only woman who looks on the practical side of matters. You don’t think about sin and morality. Any other woman will swoon first and then show me the door».
Scarlett leaped to her feet, her face red with shame. How could she say such a thing! She must scream. She must faint. She must turn coldly away in silence. Too late now!
«I will show you the door», she shouted. «Get out! How dare you say such things to me! Get out and don’t ever come back here. I’ll… I’ll tell my father and he’ll kill you!»
He picked up his hat and bowed. His teeth were showing in a smile beneath his mustache. He was not ashamed, he was amused at what she had said, and he was watching her with alert interest.
Oh, he was detestable! She grabbed hold of the door to shut it with a bang, but the hook was too heavy for her.
«May I help you?» he asked.
She stormed up the stairs. And he slammed the door for her.

Chapter XV
Nowadays the news was passed from mouth to mouth. The wildest rumors appeared from nowhere and swept through the town. Crowds stormed General Hood’s headquarters demanding information. But no news came. The telegraph wires were still, no trains came in on the one remaining railroad from the south and the mail service was broken.
And it was only four months since the Yankees moved south from Dalton. Only four months! Scarlett thought that it had occurred in another life. Oh, no! Surely not just four months. It had been a lifetime.
Four months ago! Four months ago Dalton, Resaca, Kennesaw Mountain had been to her only names of places on the railroad. Now they were battles. Peachtree Creek, Decatur, Ezra Church, Utoy Creek. Never names of places any more. Names of graves where friends lay buried, names of tangled underbrush and thick woods where bodies rotted unburied.
For a week Scarlett had not heard from Tara. Carreen was very, very sick. There was fighting at Jonesboro. No, the Yankees hadn’t gotten to Tara. The courier who brought the dispatches to General Hood assured Scarlett of that. He had met Gerald in Jonesboro after the battle, and Gerald had begged him to bring a letter to her.
But what was Pa doing in Jonesboro? Gerald was trying to find a doctor to go to Tara with him.
Scarlett opened Gerald’s letter with fingers that trembled.

«Dear Daughter,
Your mother and both girls have the typhoid. They are very ill but we must hope for the best. Under no condition don’t come home and expose yourself and Wade to the disease».

For the next week Scarlett crept about the house like a stricken animal, waiting for news. The mails were still disrupted, no one knew where the Confederates were or what the Yankees were doing.
Scarlett had seen enough typhoid in the Atlanta hospital to know what a week meant in that dread disease. Ellen was ill, perhaps dying, and here was Scarlett helpless in Atlanta with a pregnant woman on her hands. Ellen was ill… But Ellen can’t be ill! She had never been ill. The very thought was incredible. Everyone else got sick, but never Ellen. Ellen looked after sick people and made them well again. She couldn’t be sick. Scarlett wanted to be home. Home!
«Oh, damn Melanie!» she thought a thousand times. «Why didn’t she go to Macon with Aunt Pitty? I’m none of her blood. And I have to wait for her baby! Oh, Mother! Mother! Don’t die! Why doesn’t this baby come? Dear God! What if Melanie is dead? Melanie dead. And Ashley… No, I mustn’t think about that, it isn’t nice. But Ashley… No, I mustn’t think about that because he’s probably dead, anyway. What if Ashley is still alive? No, I mustn’t think about that. It’s sinful. I want to get away from here… get home… get anywhere».
Scarlett hated this ominously still town. Atlanta was no longer the place she had loved. It was a hideous place like a plaguestricken city so quiet, so dreadfully quiet after the din of the siege. There was only horror in the town. The town seemed haunted, haunted with fear and uncertainty and memories.
The last day of August came. Everyone knew now what the soldiers had known two weeks before. If the Macon railroad falls, Atlanta will fall too.
On the morning of the first of September, Scarlett awoke with a suffocating sense of dread upon her. She sat up hastily, rubbing her eyes.
As she stood, looking out of the window, there came to her ears a far-off sound.
«Rain», she thought in the first moment, «we certainly need it». But then: «Rain? No! Not rain! Cannon!»
Cannon to the south! And to the south lay Jonesboro and Tara and Ellen. Yankees perhaps at Tara, now, this minute! From the kitchen below, she heard the rattle of plates. Prissy was preparing and singing. Scarlett shouted: «Shut up that singing, Prissy!»
Scarlett walked to Melanie’s door and opened it, peering into the sunny room. Melanie lay in bed in her nightgown, her eyes closed, her slender body hideous and distorted. She looked worse than any pregnant woman she had ever seen. As she looked, Melanie’s eyes opened and a soft warm smile lit her face.
«Come in», she invited. «Scarlett, there’s something I want to ask you».
Scarlett entered the room and sat down on the bed. Melanie took Scarlett’s hand.
«Dear», she said, «I’m sorry about the cannon. It’s toward Jonesboro, isn’t it?»
Scarlett said «Um».
«I know how worried you are. I know you wanted to go home last week when you heard about your mother. But you stayed because of me?»
«Yes», said Scarlett ungraciously.
«Scarlett, darling. You’ve been so good to me. No sister can be sweeter or braver. And I love you for it. I’m so sorry. I bother you».
Scarlett stared. Loved her, did she? The fool!
«And Scarlett, I want to ask a very great favor of you. If I die, will you take my baby?»
Melanie’s eyes were wide and bright.
«Will you?»
Scarlett jerked away her hand as fear swamped her.
«Oh, don’t be a goose, Melly. You won’t die. Every woman thinks she’s going to die with her first baby. I know I did».
«No, you didn’t. You’ve never been afraid of anything. You are just saying that to try to cheer me up. I’m not afraid to die but I’m so afraid to leave the baby, if Ashley is… Scarlett, promise me that you’ll take my baby if I die. Then I won’t be afraid. Aunt Pittypat is too old to raise a child and Honey and India are sweet but… I want you to have my baby. Promise me, Scarlett».
«Damn it!» cried Scarlett. «Why do you talk about dying?»
«I’m sorry, dear. But promise me. I think it’ll be today. I’m sure it’ll be today. Please promise me».
«Oh, all right, I promise», said Scarlett, looking down at her in bewilderment.
Was Melanie such a fool she really didn’t know how she loved Ashley? Or did she know everything? Scarlett wanted to ask these questions, but they died on her lips as Melanie took her hand and held it for an instant against her cheek.
«Why do you think it will be today, Melly?»
«I have pains… but not very bad ones».
«You have? Well, why didn’t you call me? I’ll send Prissy for Dr. Meade».
«No, don’t do that yet, Scarlett. You know how busy he is, how busy they all are. Just send word to him that we’ll need him some time today. Send over to Mrs. Meade’s and tell her and ask her to come over and sit with me. She’ll know when to send for him».
«Oh, stop it. You know you need a doctor as much as anybody in the hospital. I’ll send for him right away».
«No, please don’t. Just send for Mrs. Meade. She’ll know».
«All right», said Scarlett.

Chapter XVI
Scarlett dispatched Prissy for Mrs. Meade and sat down with Wade to eat breakfast. But she had no appetite. Coffee was repulsive. Without sugar or cream it was bitter. After one swallow she pushed her cup away. She hated the Yankees because they kept her from real coffee with sugar and cream in it.
Wade was quieter than usual. He ate silently. When he had finished she sent him off to the back yard to play with great relief. She arose and stood irresolutely at the foot of the stairs. She should go up and sit with Melanie but she did not want it.
She sat down on the bottom step of the stairs and tried to compose herself. Why didn’t Mrs. Meade come? And where was Prissy?
She went out onto the front porch and looked for them impatiently. Finally Prissy came into view.
«You’re as slow as molasses in January», snapped Scarlett as Prissy opened the gate. «What did Mrs. Meade say? How soon will she be over here?»
«She wasn’t there», said Prissy.
«Where is she? When will she be home?»
«Well», answered Prissy. «The Cookie says Miss Meade went away early this morning. She won’t come».
Scarlett stared at her and wanted to shake her. Negroes are always proud to bring some evil news.
«Well, don’t stand there like a ninny. Go down to Mrs. Merriwether’s and ask her to come up or send her mammy. Now, hurry».
«They aren’ there, Miss Scarlett. I met Mammy on my way home. I passed some time with her. They all have gone away. The house is locked up. They are in the hospital».
«So that’s where you were so long! Whenever I send you somewhere you go where I tell you and don’t stop to ‘pass some time’ with anybody. Go!»
Who was left in town among their friends who could be helpful? There was Mrs. Elsing. Of course, Mrs. Elsing didn’t like her at all these days but she had always been fond of Melanie.
«Go to Mrs. Elsing’s, and explain everything very carefully and tell her to please come up here. And, Prissy, listen to me. Miss Melly’s baby may come soon and she may need you any minute now. Now hurry!».
«Yes, ma’am», said Prissy and sauntered down the walk at snail’s gait.
«Hurry, you slow poke[19 - slow poke – медлительный человек, тугодум]!»
«Yes, ma’am».
Prissy quickened her gait infinitesimally and Scarlett went back into the house. She entered Melanie’s room and saw that the breakfast tray was untouched. Melanie lay on her side, her face white.
«Mrs. Meade’s over at the hospital», said Scarlett. «But Mrs. Elsing is coming. Do you feel bad?»
«Not very», lied Melanie. «Scarlett, how long did it take Wade to get born?»
«Less than no time», answered Scarlett. «I was out in the yard and I didn’t hardly have time to get into the house. Mammy said it was scandalous… just like one of the darkies. It’s not really so bad».
«Oh, I know it isn’t. I’m afraid I’m a little coward. Is… is Mrs. Elsing coming right away?»
«Yes, right away», said Scarlett. «I’ll go down and get some fresh water. It’s so hot today».
When an hour had passed she saw Prissy returning slowly.
«Little wench», thought Scarlett savagely.
«Miss Elsing is at the hospital. A lot of wounded soldiers arrived. She says…»
«Never mind what she said», interrupted Scarlett. «Put on a clean apron and go to the hospital. I’m going to give you a note to Dr. Meade, and if he isn’t there, give it to Dr. Jones or any of the other doctors».
«Yes, ma’am».
«And ask any of the gentlemen for news of the fighting. If they don’t know, ask the engineers who brought the wounded in. Ask if they are fighting at Jonesboro or near there».
«God Almighty, Miss Scarlett! The Yankees aren’t at Tara, are they?»
«I don’t know. I’m telling you to ask for news».
«God Almighty, Miss Scarlett! My Ma!»
Prissy began to bawl suddenly, loudly.
«Stop bawling! Miss Melanie will hear you. Now go change your apron, quick».
Melanie asked no questions. She lay upon her back, her face tranquil and sweet. She said,
«It isn’t very bad, really», and Scarlett knew she was lying.
Scarlett looked sharply at the pain-twisted face. She should be here with Melanie at this time. She who had nothing in common with her, who hated her!
«Don’t talk, dear. I know how worried you are. I’m so sorry I’m so much trouble», said Melanie.
Scarlett could not sit still. She walked to the window and looked down the street and came back and sat down again. Then she rose and looked out of the window on the other side of the room.
An hour went by and then another. Melanie’s pains were harder now. Where was Prissy? Why didn’t she come? Why didn’t the doctor come? She went to the window and looked again. At last she saw Prissy. Prissy was coming down the street at a quick trot. Her mouth opened to yell. Scarlett hastily put her finger to her lips.
«I’ll get some cooler water», she said. Then she hastily left the room, closing the door carefully behind her.
Prissy was sitting on the bottom step in the hall.
«They are fighting at Jonesboro, Miss Scarlett! Oh, God, Miss Scarlett! What will happen to Ma? Oh, God, Miss Scarlett! What will happen to us? Oh, God!»
«For God’s sake, hush!» cried Scarlett. «Where’s Dr. Meade? When’s he coming?»
«I did not see him, Miss Scarlett».
«No ma’am, he isn’ at the hospital. Miss Merriwether and Miss Elsing aren’t there. A man told me that the doctor was at the depot, but Miss Scarlett, I’m scared to go there».
«What about the other doctors?»
«Miss Scarlett, they did not read the note. They say they have to be with the wounded. They tell me to get some woman to help».
«You say Dr. Meade’s at the depot?»
«Yes, ma’am».
«Now, listen sharp to me. I’m going to get Dr. Meade and I want you to sit by Miss Melanie and do anything she says. Do you hear?»
«Yes, ma’am».
«Wipe your eyes and get a fresh pitcher of water and go on up. Tell her I’ve gone for Dr. Meade».
Scarlett hurried out of the house and into the heat of the sun. The roar of noise grew louder. From the Leyden house down to Five Points, the street seethed with activity. Negroes were running up and down the street, panic in their faces; and on porches, white children sat crying untended. The street was crowded with army wagons and ambulances filled with wounded. In front of the Bonnell house, old Amos stood and he greeted Scarlett.
«Haven’t you gone yet, Miss Scarlett? We are going now. Old Miss is packing her bag».
«Going? Where?»
«God knows, Miss. Somewhere. The Yankees are coming!»
The Yankees were coming! She saw an officer and waved at him.
«Oh, stop! Please, stop!»
«Tell me, is it true? Are the Yankees coming?»
«I’m afraid so».
«Do you know so?»
«Yes, I know so».
«Are you sure?»
«I’m sure».
«My God! Oh, sir, please, just a minute. What shall we do?»
«Madam, I can’t say. The army is leaving Atlanta soon».
«Going off and leaving us to the Yankees?»
«I’m afraid so».
The Yankees were coming. The army was leaving. The Yankees were coming. What should she do? Where should she run? No, she couldn’t run. There was Melanie back there in the bed expecting that baby. Oh, why did women have babies? She must find Dr. Meade and make him come home with her.
She pushed her way swiftly through the crowds, past the hysterical mob, toward the depot. As she walked, feverish hands plucked at her skirt and voices croaked: «Lady… water! Please, lady, water! For Christ’s sake, water!»
She stepped over dead men, over men who lay with hands clutched to bellies.
«Water! Water!»
She looked at the group of men and cried as loudly as she could:
«Dr. Meade! Is Dr. Meade there?»
From the group one man came toward her. It was the doctor. He was coatless and his sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders. His shirt and trousers were as red as a butcher’s. But his voice was calm and decisive.
«Thank God, you are here. I can use every pair of hands. Hurry, child! Come here».
She picked up her skirts and went to him.
«Oh, Doctor!» she cried. «You must come. Melanie is having her baby».
He looked at her calmly. She shook the doctor’s arm.
«It’s Melanie. The baby. Doctor, you must come. She… the… Please, Doctor!»
«A baby? Great God!» thundered the doctor. «Are you crazy? I can’t leave these men. They are dying, hundreds of them. I can’t leave them for a damned baby. Get some woman to help you».
«No, you must come, Doctor! She’ll die if you don’t come!»
He shook off her hand roughly.
«Die? Yes, they’ll all die… all these men. No bandages, no salves, no quinine, no chloroform. Oh, God! Just a little morphia for the worst ones. Just a little chloroform. God damn the Yankees! God damn the Yankees!»
Scarlett began to cry. The doctor isn’t coming with her. Melanie will die. The doctor isn’t coming.
«Doctor! Please!»
Dr. Meade bit his lip.
«Child, I’ll try. I can’t promise you. But I’ll try. The Yankees are coming and the troops are moving out of town. I don’t know what they’ll do with the wounded. There aren’t any trains. The Macon line has been captured. But I’ll try. Don’t bother me. It’snot difficult: just tie up the cord”.
The man at her feet looked up at Scarlett compassionately. She turned away, for the doctor had forgotten her.
She went back. Home! She wanted to be at home, Yankees or no Yankees. Home, even if Ellen was sick.
When she came in sight of the house, she saw Wade. When he saw her, he began to cry.
«Hurt!» he sobbed and showed her the hurt finger. «Hurt!»
«Hush! Hush! Hush! Or I’ll spank you».
«Wade is hungry», he sobbed and put the hurt finger in his mouth.
«I don’t care. Go in the back yard».
Prissy came down the stairs.
«Will he come?»
«No. He can’t come».
«God, Miss Scarlett! Miss Melly is very bad!»
«The doctor can’t come. Nobody can come. You’ll bring the baby and I’ll help you».
Prissy’s mouth opened and her tongue wagged wordlessly. She looked at Scarlett.
«Don’t look so simple minded!» cried Scarlett. «What’s the matter?»
«Miss Scarlett… «Fright and shame were in her eyes.
«For God, Miss Scarlett! We need a doctor. Ah… Ah… Miss Scarlett, I don’t know anything about babies».
«You black liar… what do you mean? You said you knew everything about them! What is the truth? Tell me!»
«I was lying, Miss Scarlett! I don’t know why».
Scarlett glared at Prissy and she slapped the black cheek with all the force in her tired arm. Prissy screamed, and began to dance up and down. As she screamed, Melanie’s voice, weak and trembling, called:
«Scarlett? Is it you? Please come! Please!»
Scarlett tried to think of all the things Mammy and Ellen had done for her when Wade was born. She spoke to Prissy rapidly,
«Build a fire in the stove and keep hot water boiling in the kettle. And bring up all the towels you can find. And get me the scissors. Get them and get them quick. Now hurry».

Chapter XVII
It was all over. Melanie was not dead and the small baby boy who made noises like a young kitten was receiving his first bath at Prissy’s hands. Melanie was asleep. How could she sleep after that nightmare? Why wasn’t she dead? When it was over, Melanie whispered weakly: «Thank you». And then she went to sleep. How could she go to sleep?
Scarlett forgot everything. Her mind was a vacuum; the world was a vacuum. She heard her own breath. She heard sounds of feet upstairs and thought «May the Lord damn Prissy», before her eyes closed and something like sleep descended upon her.
«We did it, Miss Scarlett. Ma couldn’t do better».
From the shadows, Scarlett glared at her. And the Yankees wanted to free the negroes! Well, the Yankees were welcome to them.
She lay back against the pillar in silence. Scarlett heard the sound of faint voices from up the road. Soldiers! She sat up slowly and called to them.
«Oh, please!»
A shadow came to the gate.
«Are you going? Are you leaving us?»
«Yes, Ma’am. That’s what we’re doing».
«Are you… is the army really retreating?»
«Yes, Ma’am. You see, the Yankees are coming».
The Yankees are coming! She had forgotten that. Her throat suddenly contracted and she could say nothing more. The Yankees are coming! The Yankees are coming!
«The Yankees are coming!» bawled Prissy. «Oh, Miss Scarlett, they’ll kill us all! They’ll…»
«Oh, hush!»
What to do? How to escape? Suddenly she thought of Rhett Butler. She hated him, but he was strong and smart and he wasn’t afraid of the Yankees. And he was still in town. Of course, she was mad at him. But he had a horse and carriage, too. He can take them all away from this doomed place, away from the Yankees, somewhere, anywhere.
She turned to Prissy.
«You know where Captain Butler lives… at the Atlanta Hotel?»
«Yes ma’am, but…»
«Well, go there, now, as quick as you can run and tell him I want him. I want him to come quickly and bring his horse and carriage. Tell him about the baby. Tell him I want him to take us out of here. Go, now. Hurry!»
«God Almighty, Miss Scarlett! I’m scared to go in the dark! The Yankees can catch me. And if Captain Butler isn’t at the hotel?»
«Then ask where he is. Haven’t you any gumption? If he isn’t at the hotel, go to the barrooms on Decatur Street and ask for him. Go to Belle Watling’s house. You fool, don’t you see that if you don’t hurry and find him the Yankees will surely get us all?»
«Miss Scarlett!»
Scarlett pushed her.
«You can stand outside in the street and yell for him, can’t you? Or ask somebody if he’s inside. Go».
Scarlett gave her another push.
«You’ll go or I’ll sell you. You’ll never see your mother again or anybody you know. Hurry!»
«God Almighty, Miss Scarlett…»
«Run, you goose!» Scarlett cried.
She knew she should go upstairs and sit beside Melanie. Melanie is very weak. But this idea was repulsive to her. She never wanted to see that room again. She sat down on the steps in the circle of faint light.
Suddenly she saw a faint glow above the trees. It puzzled her. It grew brighter. The dark sky became pink and then dull red, and suddenly above the trees, she saw a huge tongue of flame. She jumped to her feet.
The Yankees have come! They are burning the town. The world became an inferno of noise and flame. Torrents of sparks shot to the sky and descended slowly, lazily. She had no time for Melanie now.
Prissy entered the room.
«The Yankees… «cried Scarlett.
«No ma’am, its our gentlemen!» yelled Prissy. «They are burning the depots and the factory, Miss Scarlett, Jesus, what to do?»
She began yelping again. The Yankees haven’t come yet! There is still time to get away!
Scarlett took Prissy by the shoulders and shook her.
«Shut up. The Yankees haven’t come, you fool! Did you see Captain Butler? What did he say? Is he coming?»
«Yes ma’am. But he doesn’t have a horse at the moment».
«Dear God in Heaven!»
«But he will come».
«What did he say?»
«He will find a horse somewhere and bring it here».
«He is coming? He’s going to bring a horse?»
«So he says».
A smart man, Rhett. She will forgive him everything if he gets them out of this mess. Escape! And with Rhett she will have no fear. Rhett will protect them. Thank God for Rhett!
«Wake Wade up and dress him and pack some clothes for all of us. Put them in the small trunk. And don’t tell Miss Mellie we’re going. Not yet. But wrap the baby in a couple of thick towels and pack his clothes».

Soon she saw Rhett as he came toward her. His dress was debonaire, well-tailored white linen coat and trousers, embroidered gray watered-silk waistcoat.
«Good evening», he said, in his drawling voice, as he removed his hat. «Fine weather, isn’t it? I hear you’re going to take a trip».
«If you make any jokes, I shall never speak to you again», Scarlett said.
«Don’t tell me you are frightened!» He smiled.
«Yes, I am! I’m frightened to death and you’ll be frightened too. We must get out of here».
«At your service, Madam. But where do you want to go? You can’t go north or east or south or west. The Yankees are all around. There’s just one road out of town which the Yankees haven’t got yet and the army is retreating by that road. And that road won’t be open long. If you follow the army down the McDonough road, they’ll take the horse away from you. I had a lot of trouble stealing it. Where are you going?»
«I’m going home», she said.
«Home? You mean to Tara?»
«Yes, yes! To Tara! Oh, Rhett, we must hurry!»
He looked at her.
«Tara? God Almighty, Scarlett! Don’t you know they fought all day at Jonesboro? You can’t go home! You can’t go right through the Yankee army!»
«I will go home!» she cried. «I will! I will!»
«You little fool», and his voice was swift and rough. «You can’t go that way. Our troops are retreating from Jonesboro. They’ll take the horse away from you as quickly as the Yankees will. Your only chance is to follow the troops down the McDonough road and pray that they won’t see you in the dark. You can’t go to Tara. I won’t let you go home. It’s insanity».
«I will go home!» she cried. «I will go home! You can’t stop me! I will go home! I want my mother! I’ll kill you if you try to stop me! I will go home!»
She beat on his chest with her fists and screamed again:
«I will! I will!»
«Darling», he said softly. «Don’t cry. You’ll go home, my brave little girl. Don’t cry. Now, be a good child and tell me what to do. Where is the heroic young woman who assured me she feared neither God nor man?»
He suddenly burst into laughter.
«I’m not afraid», she said.
Melanie lay quietly. Her face was deathly white.
«We are going home, to Tara», Scarlett explained rapidly. «The Yankees are coming. Rhett is going to take us. It’s the only way, Melly».

With all the speed the horse could summon, they jolted and bounced across the street. As they dashed down the street and bumped over the railroad tracks, Rhett applied the whip automatically. His face looked set and absent.
They pulled into a side street, then another, then turned and twisted from one narrow street to another. Still Rhett did not speak. The red glow in the sky was fading now and the road became dark and frightening. But he did not speak.
Scarlett thanked Heaven. It was so good to have a man beside her.
«Oh, Rhett», she whispered, «what would we do without you? I’m so glad you aren’t in the army!»
Finally Rhett turned the horse right and after a while they were on a wider, smoother road.
«We’re out of town now», said Rhett briefly, «and on the main road to Rough and Ready».
«Hurry. Don’t stop!»
«Let the animal breathe a bit». Then turning to her, he asked slowly: «Scarlett, do you still want to try to get through to Tara? It’s suicidal. Steve Lee’s cavalry and the Yankee Army are between you and Tara».
They left the wagon.
«Oh, yes! Yes! Please, Rhett, let’s hurry. The horse isn’t tired».
«Just a minute. You can’t go down to Jonesboro on this road. You can’t follow the train tracks. Do you know any other roads don’t go through Rough and Ready or Jonesboro?»
«Oh, yes», cried Scarlett in relief. «I know a wagon trace. Pa and I used to ride it. It is only a mile from Tara».
«Good. Maybe you can get through there».
«I can get through?»
«Yes, you». His voice was rough.
«But Rhett… And you?»
«No. I’m leaving you here».
She looked around wildly. Had she gone crazy? Was she not hearing right?
He was grinning now. She could just see his white teeth.
«Leaving us? Where… where are you going?»
«I am going, dear girl, with the army».
She sighed with relief and irritation. Why did he joke at this time? Rhett in the army!
«Don’t joke! Let’s get on».
«I’m not joking, my dear. Scarlett, where is your patriotism, your love for Our Glorious Cause?».
He was jeering at her and, somehow, she knew he was jeering at himself too. What was he talking about? Patriotism? It wasn’t possible that he meant what he was saying.
«Rhett, you are joking!»
She grabbed his arm. He raised her hand and kissed it arily.
«Oh, Rhett», she wailed, «how can you do this to me? Why are you leaving me?»
«Why?» he laughed jauntily. «Because, perhaps, of the sentimentality that lurks in all of us Southerners. Perhaps… perhaps because I am ashamed. Who knows? I’m off to the wars».
He kissed her and his mustache tickled her mouth. Charles had never kissed her like this. He bent her body backward and his lips traveled down her throat.
«Sweet», he whispered. «Sweet».
«Oh, you cad!» she cried. «You low-down, cowardly, nasty, stinking man!»
«Ah», he said quietly.
«They were right! Everybody was right! You aren’t a gentleman!»
«My dear girl», he said, «how inadequate».
She knew he was laughing.
«Go on! Go on now! I want you to hurry. I don’t want to ever see you again!»
«Good-bye, Scarlett».
He was gone. She could hear the sound of his feet for a while and then they died away. She came slowly back to the wagon.

Chapter XVIII
The bright morning sunlight awakened Scarlett. For a moment, she could not remember where she was. The sun blinded her. She tried to sit up. Wade lay sleeping with his head on her knees. Melanie’s bare feet were almost in her face and, under the wagon seat, Prissy was curled up like a black cat with the small baby between her and Wade.
Then she remembered everything. She looked hastily all around. Thank God, no Yankees in sight!
When, at last, they had neared Rough and Ready, a few camp fires were gleaming. She had circled through a plowed field for a mile. And then she had lost her way in the darkness and sobbed. The horse fell down and refused to move, refused to rise.
She looked down at Melanie and saw that her dark eyes were opened. They were sick eyes. She opened her lips and whispered appealingly: «Water».
«Get up, Prissy», ordered Scarlett. «We’ll go to the well and get some water. Get out of this wagon».
Scarlett ran around the wagon. The horse was lying on the ground. But the horse was alive. Breathing heavily, sick eyes half closed, but alive.
Why hadn’t she brought her sun hat? Why hadn’t she brought something to eat? She’d acted like a fool.
Rhett! How she hated him! How contemptible he had been! And she had stood there in the road and let him kiss her… and almost liked it. She had been crazy last night. How despicable he was!
She gathered some apples and divided them up and threw the rest into the back of the wagon. The horse raised. But he looked far worse in the daylight than he had the night before. He walked very slowly. Oh, if only she didn’t have Melanie and Wade and the baby and Prissy to bother with! How swiftly she could walk home!
They couldn’t be more than fifteen miles from home. She looked back at Melanie who lay with sick eyes closed against the sun.
Was Tara still standing? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia?
There was death in the air. The countryside lay as under some dread enchantment. Scarlett felt that the familiar woods were full of ghosts. Thousands had died in the fighting near Jonesboro. They were here in these haunted woods.
«Mother! Mother!» she whispered. Mother would know what to do. She wouldn’t let Melanie and her baby die. She would drive away all ghosts and fears. But Mother was ill, perhaps dying.
Why was she dragging Melanie and her child? Why did not die in Atlanta?
But Ashley had left Melanie in her care. «Take care of her». Oh, that beautiful day when he had kissed her good-bye before he went away forever! «You’ll take care of her, won’t you? Promise!» And she had promised.
Oh, Ashley! Where was he tonight while she was with his wife and baby? Was he alive? Or was he dead of smallpox months ago?
A sudden noise sounded in the underbrush near them. Prissy screamed loudly.
«It’s only a cow», said Scarlett. «Don’t be a fool, Prissy. You’ve frightened Miss Melly and Wade».
«It’s a ghost», moaned Prissy.
«Sit up, you fool», said Scarlett.
It was, indeed, a cow, a red and white animal which stood looking at them appealingly with large frightened eyes.
«We’ll take it with us», Scarlett decided swiftly. «Then we can have some milk for the baby».
«How will we take the cow, Miss Scarlett? We can take no cow with us».
«Take off your petticoat and tear it up and tie her to the back of the wagon».
«Miss Scarlett, you know, I have no petticoat. And I’m scared of cows».
Scarlett pulled up her skirt. She untied the waist tape and slipped it down over her feet. Resolutely she put it in her mouth and gnawed. She gnawed furiously, tore with both hands and the petticoat lay in strips in her hands. She knotted the ends with fingers that bled from blisters and shook from fatigue.
«Slip this over her horns», she directed. But Prissy balked.
«I’m scared of cows, Miss Scarlett. I’m no yard nigger. I’m a house nigger».
«You’re a fool nigger», said Scarlett slowly, too tired for anger.
Scarlett climbed down from the seat. Prissy was not the only one who was «scared» of cows. Scarlett had always feared them, even the mildest cow seemed sinister to her. Fortunately the cow was gentle. She looped one end of the torn petticoat about its horns. She tied the other end to the back of the wagon.
Melanie opened her eyes and, seeing Scarlett, whispered:
«Dear… are we home?»
Home! Hot tears came to Scarlett’s eyes at the word. Home. Melanie did not know there was no home and that they were alone in a mad and desolate world.
«Not yet», she said gently, «but we will be, soon. I’ve just found a cow and soon we’ll have some milk for you and the baby».
«Poor baby», whispered Melanie.
The horse started slowly. The wagon was creaking and the cow was lowing mournfully at every step. At last, they reached the hill. Tara lay behind it! But the decrepit animal will never go up the hill with the heavy load.
She dismounted and took the animal by the bridle.
«Get out, Prissy», she commanded, «and take Wade. Lay the baby by Miss Melanie».
Wade began to sob and whimper: «Dark… dark… Wade frightened!»
«Miss Scarlett, I can’t walk. And I’m not heavy».
«Get out! Get out before I pull you out! Quick, now!»
Prissy moaned. But she laid the baby beside Melanie, scrambled to the ground and lifted Wade out. The little boy sobbed.
«Hush. I can’t stand it», said Scarlett. «Be a little man, Wade, and stop crying».
Why had God invented children, she thought savagely. Useless, crying nuisances they were, always demanding care, always in the way. In her exhaustion, there was no room for compassion for the frightened child.
She turned the horse’s head into the driveway. Straining her eyes she saw ahead… or did she see? Home! Home! The dear white walls, the windows with the curtains, the wide verandas.
She pulled the horse forward faster. The white walls showed there through the darkness. Home! She dropped the bridle and ran. Then she saw the blackness of the front veranda. Tara was not deserted. Someone was home!
A cry of joy rose to her throat and died there. The house was dark and still and the figure did not move or call to her. What was wrong? Then the figure moved. Stiffly and slowly, it came down the steps.
«Pa?» she whispered huskily. «It’s me… Scarlett. I’ve come home».
Gerald moved toward her, silent as a sleepwalker. He came close to her and looked at her as if he believed she was part of a dream. He laid his hand on her shoulder. It was trembling.
«Daughter», he said with an effort. «Daughter».
Then he was silent.
“Why… he’s an old man!” thought Scarlett.
In Gerald’s face, there was none of the virility, the restless vitality of Gerald. He was only a little old man.
«It’s Melanie and her baby», whispered Scarlett rapidly. «She’s very ill… I brought her home».
Gerald dropped his hand from her arm and straightened his shoulders. He moved slowly to the wagon.
«Cousin Melanie!»
Melanie’s voice murmured indistinctly.
«Cousin Melanie, this is your home. Twelve Oaks is burned. You must stay with us».
«She can’t walk», said Scarlett.
Another dark figure emerged from the cave of the hall. Pork ran down the steps.
«Miss Scarlett! Miss Scarlett!» he cried.
Scarlett caught him by the arms.
Prissy burst into tears: «Pork! Pork, honey!»
Little Wade began sniffling: «Wade is thirsty!»
«Miss Melanie is in the wagon and her baby too”, – said Scarlett. “Pork, you must carry her upstairs very carefully and put her in the room. Prissy, take the baby and Wade inside and give Wade a drink of water. Is Mammy here, Pork?»
«Did they get well, Pa?» asked Scarlett.
«The girls are recovering», said Gerald «Your mother… «he said and stopped.
«And… Mother?»
«Your mother died yesterday».
Scarlett doesn’t feel anything now, nothing except weariness and hunger that made her knees tremble. She will think of Mother later.
«Lights?» she questioned. «Why is the house so dark, Pork? Bring candles».
«They took all the candles, Miss Scarlett, all except one, and it’s about gone».
«Bring what’s left of the candle», she ordered. «Bring it into Mother’s… into the office».
Scarlett groped her way into the inky small room and sank down on the sofa. Her father’s arm still lay in hers, helpless, appealing, trusting.
«He’s an old man, an old tired man», she thought again.
«Pork, how many darkies are here?»
«Miss Scarlett, they ran away and some of them went off with the Yankees».
«How many are left?»
«Me, Miss Scarlett, and Mammy. And Dilcey. Three of us, Miss Scarlett».
«Three of us» where there had been a hundred.
«Pork, I’m starving. Is there anything to eat?»
«No, ma’am. They took everything».
«But the garden?»
«Even the sweet potato hills?»
«Miss Scarlett, I forgot about yams. The Yankee never seed yams».
«You go out and dig us some and roast them».
«Pork… I… I feel so faint. Is there any wine in the cellar?»
«No, Miss Scarlett».
«Pork, what of the corn whisky Pa buried in the oak barrel under the summer-house?»
A smile lit the black face, a smile of pleasure and respect.
«Miss Scarlett, you remember! I forgot about it. But, Miss Scarlett, that whisky is not good. Not good for ladies».
How stupid negroes were! And the Yankees wanted to free them.
«It’ll be good enough for this lady and for Pa. Hurry, Pork, dig it up and bring us two glasses and some mint and sugar».
«Miss Scarlett, you know we have no sugar. And the horses ate up all the mint. And they broke all the glasses».
If he says «they» once more, I’ll scream, she thought, and then, aloud: «Well, hurry and get the whisky, quickly».
And, as he turned: «Wait, Pork. I brought home a horse and a cow and the cow needs milking, badly, and unharness the horse and water him. Go tell Mammy to look after the cow. Miss Melanie’s baby will die if he doesn’t get something to eat and…»
«Miss Melly has no…?» Pork paused delicately.
«Miss Melanie has no milk».
«Well, Miss Scarlett, my Dilcey has got lot of milk».
«You’ve got a new baby, Pork?»
Babies, babies, babies. Why did God make so many babies? But no, God didn’t make them. Stupid people made them.
«Yes ma’am, big fat black boy».
«Go tell Dilcey to nurse Miss Melanie’s baby and do what she can for Miss Melanie. Tell Mammy to look after the cow and put that poor horse in the stable».
«No stable, Miss Scarlett. They used it for firewood».
«Don’t tell me any more what ‘they’ did. Pork, go dig up that whisky and then some potatoes».
«But, Miss Scarlett, how can I dig? No light».
«You can use a stick of firewood, can’t you?»
«No firewood. They…»
«Do something! I don’t care what. But dig those things and dig them fast. Now, hurry».
Scarlett was left alone with Gerald. She patted his leg gently.
«Why didn’t they burn Tara?» Scarlett asked.
Gerald stared at her for a moment she repeated her question.
«Why… «he fumbled, «they used the house as a headquarters».
«Yankees… in this house?»
This house, sacred because Ellen had lived in it, and those… those… in it.
«So they were, Daughter. We saw the smoke from Twelve Oaks, across the river, before they came. But Miss Honey and Miss India and some of their darkies had refugeed to Macon, so we did not worry about them. But we couldn’t go to Macon. The girls were so sick… your mother… we couldn’t go. Our darkies ran… I do not know where. They stole the wagons and the mules. Mammy and Dilcey and Pork… they didn’t run. The girls… your mother… we couldn’t move them».
«Yes, yes». He mustn’t talk about Mother.
«The Yankees were moving on Jonesboro, to cut the railroad. And they came up the road from the river… thousands and thousands… and cannon and horses… thousands. I met them on the front porch».
«Oh, brave little Gerald!» thought Scarlett.
«They said for me to leave. But we could not leave… the girls… your mother were…»
«And then?»
«I told them there was sickness in the house, the typhoid. I did not want to leave anyway… leave Tara… The young officer was… was a gentleman».

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the Tarleton twins – близнецы Тарлтоны

made a pretty picture – являла очаровательное зрелище

the darkies – чернокожие

tattletale – ябеда

They don’t amount to anything. – Они ничего не стоят.

he isn’t received – его не принимают в обществе

called him out – вызвал его на дуэль

she burst into tears – она разрыдалась

sugar-tit – соска с сахаром

I’ll like it here. – Мне здесь понравится.

pillow cases – наволочка

blockade runner – контрабандист

hospital supplies – медикаменты

knuckle-bones – трещотки

the first casualty lists – первые списки убитых

scouting expedition – разведывательная операция

descended upon the town – хлынули в город

a passel of brats – куча слюнявых ребятишек

slow poke – медлительный человек, тугодум