Read online book «A Soldier′s Valentine» author Jenna Mindel

A Soldier's Valentine
Jenna Mindel
The Captain’s HomecomingRetired army captain Zach Zelinsky is determined to put his harrowing past behind him and start a quiet life selling his artwork. But the storefront building he buys comes with a tenant—a too-pretty tea shop owner who doesn’t give him a moment’s rest. Ginger Carleton is rallying the merchants of Maple Springs, Michigan, for a Valentine’s Day window-decorating contest. And she’s on a mission to convince Zach to lose the gruff exterior and open up to her. As February 14 approaches, the wounded warrior may just find that Ginger is offering exactly what he’s been missing: love.

The Captain’s Homecoming
Retired army captain Zach Zelinsky is determined to put his harrowing past behind him and start a quiet life selling his artwork. But the storefront building he buys comes with a tenant—a too-pretty tea shop owner who doesn’t give him a moment’s rest. Ginger Carleton is rallying the merchants of Maple Springs, Michigan, for a Valentine’s Day window-decorating contest. And she’s on a mission to convince Zach to lose the gruff exterior and open up to her. As February 14 approaches, the wounded warrior may just find that Ginger is offering exactly what he’s been missing: love.
Ginger was too fresh-faced and innocent, Zach thought.
Yet she hadn’t asked about his arm. Or his dream. Did she know?
Ginger sat at the end of the couch and tucked her bare feet under his blankets. “I’m surprised you don’t have a family of your own.”
An interesting way of asking why he wasn’t married. “Never got around to it, I guess.”
“How come?”
He gave her the truth. “I saw too many guys torn up over leaving their wives and kids. Having to shut down to do the job. I didn’t want that. What about you? No boyfriends?”
She looked away. “Ah, no.”
“How come?” He repeated her words.
She shrugged. “They’re a hassle.”
Her fingers brushed his bare skin near the scar and she froze. “When did you get this?”
That raw whisper made him look into her wide brown eyes. “Three years ago.”
She looked horrified. Her hair tickled his shoulder and he inhaled quick and sharp. She smelled nice. Really nice. Like flowers and rain. He caught her wide eyes.
Did she feel it, too, this hum of awareness between them?
JENNA MINDEL lives in northwest Michigan with her husband and their three dogs. A 2006 Romance Writers of America RITA® Award finalist, Jenna has answered her heart’s call to write inspirational romances set near the Great Lakes.
A Soldier’s Valentine
Jenna Mindel (
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
—Philippians 4:8–9
To those who serve.
Acknowledgments (#ulink_bb5f3a80-1b34-54ba-9407-c3545d6bf0c9)
Lawrence Fry, SFC, US Army, Retired.
Thank you for your amazing insight into
rank and structure, as well as answering
my many questions about the army.
Hopefully, I got it right.
Harry Boyer of Boyer Glassworks. Thank you
for sharing your knowledge and taking the
time to give a glass demonstration that really
brought this incredible art to life.
Cover (#uabfaec9b-6a43-599c-9b0e-9510ada38448)
Back Cover Text (#u1c99b28d-c384-54ce-a7e4-0448efa54f4f)
Introduction (#u3910ac6c-3e7b-5919-aec2-0076f36f9e10)
About the Author (#uf74d2365-5596-5728-90a1-df0ae916e3fb)
Title Page (#u38299a7e-2374-50e1-a1c3-bc3c9513ca9a)
Bible Verse (#uae0ee0d0-7e96-5be0-8d54-e766d7e0ac7a)
Dedication (#u852a0fd7-235b-5923-8afd-f357ad1bf912)
Acknowledgments (#ulink_a24d88c0-462c-5e48-9f68-8eb7f9ac5688)
Chapter One (#ulink_d07e81d8-ce6b-5e4d-9b9e-3e9ffc8de506)
Chapter Two (#ulink_b2dbd419-62aa-5d66-b112-b1c02aad4d3c)
Chapter Three (#ulink_5e4d1289-6a1d-5208-aaf7-2c2d6b4b5d6b)
Chapter Four (#ulink_24bbe800-c423-596a-afea-7e196ee8fee0)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_45817c68-ee7a-5ddd-9474-814c192ee7d6)
There was nothing quite like a small-town parade welcoming home one of their own from active duty to inspire pride. Ginger Carleton breathed in the cold January air, feeling very proud that Maple Springs had embraced her idea. The short parade had gone off without a hitch, and even the mayor had been pleased.
Getting folks downtown in winter was always a challenge, but then Zach Zelinsky’s return made for the perfect opportunity. One she wasn’t about to let go.
There he was!
Ginger’s heart beat a little faster. Captain Zach was her new landlord, and he walked toward her with purpose. They hadn’t met in person despite the fact that the man had not only bought her building where she lived and operated a small tea shop, but he’d raised her rent, too. He’d informed her of that along with his plan to open a glassblowing studio next door in one professional, but very impersonal, letter.
She thought glass an odd choice for over six feet of hardened brawn standing like a statue before her in his military uniform. Atop his broad shoulders were two silver bars, and his chest was a patchwork of official-looking pins and patches.
Captain Zachary Zelinsky made for an impressive sight.
And scary.
Surely, he’d intimated an enemy or two with that deep scowl. A look that might make a lesser man run, but Ginger dug in her heels and held her position. He’d searched her out and she wasn’t going anywhere. She might even tell him what she thought of his letter.
She heard the snaps of American flags that had been posted along Main Street as they whipped in the bitter wind. No snow fell today in northern Michigan. No sunshine, either. Gray clouds rippled in a gray sky above. The Maple Springs high school band had long since stopped playing patriotic marches, and her surroundings faded into the expanse of dark winter coats dotted by colorful hats and scarves and kids.
She focused on the army captain in front of her. Not hard to do. Zach Zelinsky loomed larger than life.
Ginger pulled off her fuzzy mitten and extended her hand. She exhaled a long plume of cold breath, but it didn’t eliminate the feeling of free-falling. “Nice to finally meet you, Captain Zach.”
He took her hand with his warm, calloused fingers and squeezed. Firm and sure. His icy blue eyes were cold as Lake Michigan. Zach Zelinsky’s letter of introduction spelling out her new lease terms had been equally frosty.
She swallowed hard. Okay, maybe she wouldn’t mention his letter. Maybe never.
“Ms. Carleton.” The tone of his voice rang deep. The quiet kind of sound that masked deadly strength. “I understand I have you to thank for this nonsense.”
“And a bang-up job, don’t you think?” With knees nearly knocking, Ginger gave him her best curmudgeon-taming smile. Playing nice was always better. God had taught her that through the scriptures.
Then the truth kicked in and made her squirm.
Okay, maybe she hadn’t really played nice. She knew Captain Zach wouldn’t be pleased by a parade, but he didn’t have to growl about it. Helen Zelinsky had warned that her oldest son didn’t want a fuss, but that was too bad. Maple Springs wanted to honor one of its own, and a parade brought folks downtown during a slow time of year. And she was one of the many shop owners who needed the foot traffic.
A glimmer of amusement barely lifted one side of his mouth. “If you say so.”
What would he look like if he truly smiled?
That image made her pulse skitter, and Ginger pulled her hand back. He was her landlord now, and their handshake should have long since ended. “Did you really think you could sneak home unnoticed?”
“I suppose not.” He stood straighter, if that was possible. His eyes remained cool, but not as cold as before.
She noticed the deep lines etched in the corners of those eyes. No doubt from squinting rather than laughter. Captain Zelinsky was killer handsome but looked like a man who needed a good laugh. And he wasn’t exactly a young man, either.
Annie, her best friend and soon to be Captain Zach’s sister-in-law, had said he was in his late thirties. The traces of gray in his short brown hair made him look older, though. Deep scowl aside, he still looked amazing. Amazing enough to make her breath catch.
And she needed to stop staring. “I received your letter. When will you open your shop?”
“As soon as the furnaces are inspected.”
Ginger nodded. State requirements had to be met. And Sally, the previous owner, had told her that Zach had purchased her old ceramic kiln. For what, Ginger wasn’t sure. Did glass get baked like ceramics? She wished she knew, but every time Ginger had stopped next door to introduce herself, Captain Zach hadn’t been around. And maybe that had been a good thing. She got the feeling that she should let her irritation go when it came to his letter. Not much she could do about it anyway, now that the building was his.
At least the sounds of pounding and soldering and the whir of metal saws and drills might finally stop. Glassblowing wasn’t a noisy business, but setting up for it sure was. She looked forward to the return of quiet.
The mayor suddenly swooped between them. “Come, Captain, there’s someone you should meet.”
“Yes, sir.” Zach didn’t move. Instead, he looked right through her. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yep.” Ginger flushed. She had to admit she looked forward to that despite the dollop of agitation that went with finding Captain Zach attractive.
Military men were not her thing. Growing up with a father who’d barked orders like a drill sergeant made her steer clear of authoritative types. Especially grumpy ones. But then, she steered clear of most men, preferring to keep her heart safe.
She watched the tall army captain walk away with his back ramrod straight and his footsteps slow but steady. He looked like a man who didn’t dole out his approval easily. The man didn’t hurry, either. And he sure didn’t look in the mood to meet people. He better get over that real quick. People in Maple Springs loved to check out new businesses, and his glass studio was bound to be a target for the curious shoppers.
Speaking of shoppers, she had tea to sell. And she’d better sell a lot of it today, because her bank account was looking pretty wan. The price of tea was up, and her customers were down. And with that increase in rent...
She clenched her jaw. Not a good start to her year.
Making her way through the crowd that lingered, Ginger headed for her shop that sat on the corner of Main and Bay Streets. She spotted Lewis Brown coming toward her up ahead and quickly crossed the street. Annie called him the “book-man” because he worked at the library. But Ginger called him a nuisance. He’d asked her out twice, and both times she’d turned him down. One of these days she’d have to tell him straight up that she wasn’t interested, but not today.
Confrontation wasn’t something she relished on a good day. And today wasn’t exactly a good day. Not yet, anyway. Not until she had some sales.
Hurrying to get back to her shop, she glanced at the other stores along Main filling up with shoppers. Christmas decorations still teased from inside storefront windows even though it was the middle of January. Greenery-stuffed window boxes and velvet-bowed wreaths hung from doors.
It still looked like Christmas in Maple Springs and would remain so until the weather warmed. Few decorations were taken down earlier than the end of March with the exception of the Center Park Christmas tree. That had been cleared away last week.
The cold air made her hasten her steps. Slipping on a patch of ice, she bobbled but caught herself and stayed upright. A strong hand gripped her shoulder, steadying her. Fearing it might be Lewis, she looked up and breathed easy when it wasn’t.
Matthew Zelinsky chuckled and let go. “I don’t know how you walk in those things.”
Ginger laughed, too, glancing at her high-heeled-boot indulgence. “It takes skill.” Then she looked around. “Where’s Annie?”
“Home with the baby. She didn’t want to take John out in this cold.”
Ginger smiled. “She’s hogging that little guy all to herself.”
“She loves being a mom,” Matthew said.
“Tell me something I don’t know.” At thirty-two, Ginger’s biological clock had a few ticks left, but then she wasn’t exactly looking for a husband. She hadn’t met any she considered worth the trouble. Or the risk.
Matthew was one of the good ones. He had stepped in to help after Annie’s husband had died, and they’d ended up falling in love. As first mate on a Great Lakes freighter, Matthew was home until late March when the shipping season started up again. “By the way, my mom’s having a get-together in two weeks, and we’d like you to come.”
“A prenuptial celebration? Sure, I’m in.” Ginger was thrilled that Matthew had given Annie an engagement ring at New Year’s. They planned a small, informal wedding the week before Valentine’s Day.
“More of a welcome home for Zach.”
“Oh...” She’d agreed too soon.
“I’ll tell Annie that you’re going. She’ll be glad to have you there. I think my family overwhelms her at times. See ya.” Matthew waved as he trotted off.
Ginger waved back. She knew how Annie felt. Captain Zelinsky had certainly overwhelmed her. And he hadn’t been happy about a welcome-home parade. Not one bit. How would he take a welcome-home party with his huge family?
* * *
Zach woke with a start. His fists were full of sheet and bedspread and his T-shirt stuck to his back. He looked at the clock blaring red numbers that read 5:15 a.m., and swung his legs over the side of the bed. With his elbows resting on flannel-covered knees, he forced the shaking to stop by breathing deep.
A soft knock followed by the creak of the door confirmed that he woke someone else up with his thrashing. “Zach?”
“I’m okay, Mom. Go back to bed.” He hoped she’d leave but knew otherwise. She was his mom. She’d try to make things all better like always, but he didn’t have a skinned knee. This couldn’t be healed with a kiss and a cartoon-covered bandage.
She entered the dark room and sat next to him. “How often?”
“Do you dream like this?” She spoke softly, not calling them by name.
He didn’t blame her. He didn’t call them by name either, but he’d definitely had the same nightmare over and over since coming home. Today’s parade, his uniform and the flags must have triggered what he’d tried to bury. But the horror of seeing his men torn to pieces in an ambush wouldn’t stay buried. He’d been helpless then, and he was helpless now.
He’d led them there.
Zach let out the breath he’d been holding. “I don’t know. Often enough, I guess.”
“Oh, honey.” His mom put her hands on his shoulders and kneaded the tight muscles there. She also mumbled under her breath.
Leaning closer, he realized his mom prayed. For him.
He closed his eyes, too. Jesus, please...
He’d taken his Lord’s name in vain way too many times in his life. He’d also said the name in repentance and as a prayer. Now, he begged. For what, he still couldn’t put to words. Peace eluded even though he was out of the service. Even though he’d talked to a counselor at the VA. Even though the mayor had introduced him to the director of the local VA office here. Would it help to keep talking? Zach didn’t think so.
Buying a building where he could make things with glass might bring him the peace he sought. It’s what he’d planned for after he retired. He just hadn’t figured he’d have to retire this soon.
God knew he wanted to forget. But some things a person never forgot, including the notification letter that he’d been part of the army’s reduction in force initiative. He’d received a letter during his last deployment that his service was no longer needed.
He stood and kissed the top of his mother’s head. “Thanks, Mom. Now go back to bed.”
She searched his eyes. “You’re not going to sleep, are you?”
“No.” He didn’t want to repeat that dream. “Don’t tell Dad.”
His mom’s eyes narrowed. “He’d be the right person to talk to. He could introduce you to a friend at the VA office here. They have a program—”
“No.” Zach cut her off. He’d had enough talking on base. Seeing the hurt look in his mom’s eyes, he softened. “I already met the guy, but not now. Not yet.”
She didn’t approve, he could plainly see that, but she nodded anyway. Zach’s mother never went back on her word. She’d protected him as a kid. His father hadn’t known about the middle school brawls Zach had been in until many years later.
“I’m going to the shop to get some work done.” He needed to get settled into his own place where he wouldn’t wake his parents with his dreams. He needed to do something to keep his mind engaged in other realities. He needed to leave.
His mom gave him a worried look. “Be careful, honey. It’s dark out there.”
“I will.” He chuckled.
He knew all about darkness. He’d faced far worse than the winding ten-mile drive into Maple Springs. By the time he’d thrown on clothes, made a thermos filled with coffee and climbed into his Jeep, Zach looked forward to going into town.
He wanted quiet but not isolation. He’d never been a fan of big crowds, so city life was out. But living atop his own glass studio in a small town that shriveled up to nothing during the winter months was exactly what he’d had in mind when the time came. And that time was now.
His parents had offered him land to build on, but now more than ever he needed busywork. Distraction from his thoughts. A vision of that perky redhead named Ginger flashed through his mind. She looked too young for him. And cheerful in a cheeky sort of way that intrigued as much as irritated him. She probably hadn’t experienced an unpleasant day in her short life.
It didn’t take long before he pulled into the narrow back alley that ran the length of one block of Main. Streetlights above gave him plenty of light to see the back entrances of several buildings that were on each side. Each one had its own stout driveway, and he pulled next to a cherry red Volkswagen Beetle with a ladybug decal on its trunk. Right below that was a Love Michigan bumper sticker in the shape of a heart. Hometown pride. Or rather, home state.
The car had to be Ginger’s. She rented not only her shop but the larger apartment of the two above, on the second floor.
The woman he’d purchased the building from had tried to make the long-term lease with Ms. Carleton and her tea shop a condition of the purchase. Zach had negotiated those terms down to a year at a time with the promise that he wouldn’t simply kick Ginger to the curb without proper notice.
Zach had no intention of taking over the whole building just yet. Not until he grew his business. Having a stable rental income right off the bat appealed, but he couldn’t have kept the ridiculously low rent. He’d had to raise it to help cover his loan payment.
He got out of his Jeep and looked at the car. The VW fit his vibrant tenant with the flaming hair and soft freckles. He heard the back door open, and Ginger stepped outside dressed for a jog. Her reflective striped clothes announced a serious runner.
“Morning,” he said.
Startled, she grasped her neck, which was draped with a pink fleece scarf. “You scared the living daylights out of me!”
He chuckled.
She wasn’t nearly as tall as he remembered from the parade, but she wasn’t short, either. In fact, Ms. Carleton was perfectly sized.
Snow fell softly in the still morning darkness, wetting his face. He realized that he stood in her path and turned sideways, giving her room to pass.
She flashed him a nervous-looking smile and walked closer, then slipped on the ice.
He reacted fast.
Her arm slammed against his, knocking the thermos of coffee out of his hand. It hit the cement with a metallic clink. Zach managed to grab her waist and pulled her close.
“Oof.” She landed hard against his chest and looked up. “Oh!”
As if receiving a blow to his head, he lost his bearings staring into her big brown eyes. She made a really nice armful. But before he could shift, or even wrap his other arm around her, she scrambled out of his grasp.
“Sorry.” With cheeks blazing, Ginger wouldn’t look at him. Instead, she searched the ground.
He’d forgotten about his thermos but found the silver tube resting against his tire and went for it. She did, too, and they bumped heads.
Rubbing her forehead, she giggled. The nervous, girlish sound slapped his ears, reminding him that she was too young. “I’m so sorry.”
“No problem.” He stood, empty-handed. This immediate attraction that flared in him might be a problem. Big problem.
“I hope it’s not glass inside.”
“What?” He couldn’t form another word. Ms. Carleton had a way of tying up his tongue.
“Your thermos. If the center is glass, it’s likely broken.”
He bent and retrieved his mother’s container and shook it. It rattled like a rice-filled salt shaker. There went his morning coffee. He looked around. “Is there any place I can get a cup of coffee this early?”
“Not this time of year.” She looked thoughtful a moment and then smiled. She had a beautiful smile. Warm and sunny. “I make a mean cup of spiced chai if you like tea.”
“I don’t.”
She shrugged. “The least I can do is fix you a cup of coffee then. I have a single-serving machine inside and there might be some coffee packs left over from my Christmas help if you’re interested.”
“Yeah, sure.” He followed her and tossed the broken thermos in the outside trash bin.
She pulled a small bundle of keys from the zippered pocket of her fleece jacket and unlocked the back door. There was one entrance into a small foyer with two doors leading to their respective shops and a flight of stairs up to their apartments above. She flicked on the lights and stepped into the back room of her shop. “In here.”
The first thing that hit Zach was the pleasant scent of cinnamon and something more subtle but sweet. He scanned the relatively bare shelves with rolls of Christmas-colored wrapping paper and bows and wicker baskets. There was a small table with a couple of chairs shoved against a wall opposite a microwave, half fridge and counter with sink. Magazines littered that table.
“Your break room?” he asked.
“And lunch room and basket-making room and office. You name it, this is it. I have a college girl who works for me during the summer months and over Christmas break. She drinks coffee, so there might still be some in here.” She dug into a wire basket of little plastic containers and lined up three, side by side. “Take your pick, mocha or hazelnut flavored and plain.”
He watched while Ginger inserted the container of coffee into the machine. Then she slipped a mug under the spout. She didn’t wear a trace of makeup that he could tell. And she looked about college aged, even though he knew she couldn’t be that young. Maybe midtwenties.
Still, a baby compared with his thirty-eight years.
“It’ll take a few minutes to warm up.” She leaned against the counter. “Cream or sugar?”
“Just black.”
They fell silent while the coffee machine revved and beeped.
He nodded toward her store. “Mind if I take a look?”
“Go ahead. The light’s on the right-side wall.”
He was already in motion and gave a cursory glance at the racks of spices and huge glass jars of what looked like dried-up twigs and leaves. Decorative tins and teapots lined one wall. The Spice of Life was a nice play on words. Cute. Like the owner.
“Many of those teapots were made by Sally, the woman who used to own this building.” Ginger stood next to him and offered a cup of steaming, strong-smelling coffee.
He accepted the mug with a nod and took a deep sip. “I never met Sally. I dealt with her Realtor for the most part.”
“She’s a super nice old lady. Our shops connect through that sliding glass door.” She pointed at their shared wall that was mostly glass. “Sally and I left it open during business hours. Comes in handy watching each other’s store, and we shared many of the same customers.”
“Hmm.” Probably a good idea to continue. Especially since he was going it alone until he knew what kind of income he might expect.
“Well, sorry to push you out, but I really need to get my run in before a chamber staff meeting later this morning. You can return the mug later.”
He held up his coffee. “Thanks.”
“Sure. We have an open chamber meeting later this week. You should attend, meet the other merchants and see how we can help support your business in this community.”
“I’ll think about it.” He wasn’t much for local politics, nor was he good at mingling.
She gave him a smile that nearly knocked him over. “There’s really good food. The fancy dinner club around the corner is sponsoring it this month. You won’t be sorry.”
Did she realize the power she wielded with a simple look? “Maybe.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“Uh, yeah.” He made his escape before he said something stupid.
Ginger Carleton was cheerful with tart-sweetness rolled into one attractive package. Not that he’d ask her out. Dating his tenant would be completely inappropriate, like dating a woman under his command. And he was tired of seeing people under his command damaged—or worse. Not to mention that she was too young for him and better kept off-limits. Way off-limits.
* * *
“Well, Ginger, what do you think? Can you get the merchants on board?” Brady Wilson, the chamber president, waited for her response.
Ginger leaned back in her chair. The scowling face of Captain Zach came to mind, but she pushed that image aside. As liaison between the merchants and the chamber, it was her job to rally the troops, so to speak. “I don’t know. I mean, other than the slight chance of our town being highlighted in the statewide tourism campaign, what’s in it for them?”
Or her, for that matter.
Decorating specifically for Valentine’s Day was an expense she hadn’t planned for. She had a few things, everyone did, but a big storefront display contest meant going all out. Something everyone did at Christmas. She couldn’t afford to buy new stuff to do that. She could barely afford to restock her inventory.
“We could award prizes,” the chamber secretary offered.
They’d done that for their Christmas Shopper’s Walk. Ginger had heard several complaints that the judging was biased. The same couple of businesses won every year regardless of the decorations used.
Ginger bounced the eraser top of her pencil against her notepad. “One prize, a really good one, and the judging should come from the community. Something they can be part of, like maybe anonymous online voting on the chamber website.”
Brady narrowed his eyes. “We’ve already paid for our statewide advertising. That could be the grand prize. A year’s worth of advertising across the state, as long as the Maple Springs Chamber of Commerce is somehow listed, too.”
Ginger’s mouth watered. She could barely afford to advertise, and then only with a few local print runs. Statewide exposure was definitely a grand prize. At least, it was for her. It might make a difference in her online sales, maybe even her summertime foot traffic.
“I like it!” Ginger finally said.
Brady clapped his hands together once. “Then let’s get moving.”
The sound startled the treasurer, who’d nodded off during the meeting.
“I’ll let the bureau of tourism know our plans and invite them for the big reveal. Just maybe, with some hype, they’ll send someone up here. If we can show Maple Springs as a place for lovers on Valentine’s Day, we might have a shot at making the state campaign.” Brady stood, looking thoughtful. “Yes, yes, that’s our theme—Maple Springs Is for Lovers. Ginger, get the word out. Sandy, draft a newsletter today and email it. Let’s get this done now!”
Ginger held up her hand. “Whoa, Brady. When will we announce the winner and how?”
He was pacing the floor of the small boardroom, clearly excited. “Maple Springs is the place for lovers. Let’s prove that on Valentine’s Day. We need something to draw couples downtown other than restaurant specials. But what?”
“Something romantic,” Sandy said.
“I’m stumped.” Ginger wasn’t one for romantic daydreams. Men on white horses didn’t exist in her world.
Brady laughed. “I rely on you ladies for that insight.”
“My brother has one of those fancy horse-drawn carriages. Maybe we can hire him for the weekend.” The treasurer yawned.
Brady grinned. “Perfect. Let’s make it so.”
Ginger shared a look with Sandy. This might actually work.
The area restaurants usually ran Valentine’s Day specials, but they could ramp it up this year. And if the town’s merchants cleared away their old Christmas greenery in exchange for hearts and cherubs, downtown would look fresh and pretty. With a town made over in time for Valentine’s Day, they might even lure skiers away from the hills and into the shops. She’d have to find a Valentine’s Day tea blend sure to spark romance.
Thoughts of Captain Zach and the way he’d held her tight this morning sent a shiver through her. Surely Zach’s shop would open soon. Even so, Ginger needed to convince him along with the other merchants to decorate their storefronts in time for Valentine’s Day with the theme that Maple Springs Is for Lovers.
She was used to cajoling store owners to buy into chamber-sponsored programs. But Zach Zelinsky was a much harder nut to crack. And grumpy, besides. If nothing else, her childhood had taught her to steer clear of men like him.
She’d have a greater chance of winning the grand prize if his window was decorated like hers. Both had to be good. And that meant they’d have to work together.
Her belly flipped. Anticipating that conversation wasn’t pleasant. She might get a fight or all-out agreement, and she didn’t know which one scared her more.
Chapter Two (#ulink_883ad3e9-df5e-59eb-8aae-a28c1e44c9a7)
Ginger entered her store through the back. Flicking on the lights, she heard muffled voices and froze, listening. The sound came from next door. She strode into her shop and peered through the sliding glass door that separated their respective spaces. Opened boxes were strewn everywhere and Bubble Wrap and packing peanuts puddled on the newly refinished wide-plank floor.
Curious for a peek at the kind of work an ex-army captain might make, Ginger couldn’t stand it. Flicking the lock on her side, she tried the slider and it gave way to her touch. He hadn’t locked his side. Her heels clicked on the wood floor as she entered, announcing her presence.
And Zach appeared from around a corner. “Oh, it’s you.”
Could he sound less enthused?
“It’s me.” She grinned at him. “The door was open and I, um, really wanted to see your work.”
He cocked one eyebrow.
And Ginger felt her cheeks burn. Didn’t he believe her? She wasn’t being nosy without reason. She heard the sound of machine tinkering and looked beyond him. “Oh, but you have people. I’ll just head back the way I came.”
Zach waved them off. “Inspectors. I can show you around.”
Ginger stepped forward and hit a piece of Bubble Wrap, causing a loud snap and pop.
Zach ducked. His gaze homed in sharp and deadly while his whole body tensed. He coiled like a spring ready for action. But this wasn’t combat, nor was he under fire.
“Sorry.” Ginger tried to shake off her unease, but his reaction proved his training must be hard to forget.
Maybe he carried things, dangerous things, deep inside still. She’d seen the documentaries on TV. Captain Zach was a civilian now, yet the sound of popping Bubble Wrap had gotten to him. Was that normal? Was he?
He called to the two inspectors who’d stepped out to see about the noise, as well. “Just Bubble Wrap.” Then Zach gave her his hand. “Come on, there are obstacles through here.”
Okay, maybe she made too much of his reaction. She slipped her hand into his. His skin felt cold, clammy even, before heat radiated between them. It wasn’t comforting. Not by a mile. It was all she could do to keep holding on. And holding on was a must because wide steps in the slim wool skirt she wore over black tights and heels was impossible.
He steered her around the cardboard land mines, but she still stumbled against the edge of a box. His grip tightened and he growled, “Careful.”
Ginger’s pulse sped and she pulled her hand away. Maybe if he hadn’t dragged her like some caveman. She straightened and breathed deep. “I’ll walk slower.”
Seriously? She lifted her chin and glared right into his eyes. Big mistake. Captain Zach’s eyes were blue. Really, really blue and mesmerizing. And he hadn’t shaved, making him look even more rugged.
And powerful.
Ginger shivered. She needed to focus on the reasons why she didn’t want to find him attractive. She forced a smile. But once she looked around, she forgot everything else. “Wow, you’ve really made a lot of changes.”
The corner of his mouth lifted, and then he was all business. “This is where it happens, or will once I’m given the A-OK.”
The changes to Sally’s shop had been huge. Walls had been taken out and the glassblowing studio part took up most of the space, leaving only a small area for retail displays. A wrought iron safety fence separated the two.
Her heart pinched. No more Sally, the elderly woman who’d taken Ginger under her wing. And no potter’s wheel in the corner by the back window. She was used to seeing Sally there, her hands covered with clay. In its place was a big steel table, a heavy workbench with rails and some freaky-looking tools and hot ovens. This place now looked like something out of an old horror movie.
“Scary.” She meant it.
Zach chuckled. “Hence the partition to keep my customers from wandering too close to the hot work.”
“Why more than one furnace?”
Zach pointed. “The large one is the tank furnace where the molten glass is kept. Next, the smaller round one is the glory hole. That’s used to reheat pieces I’m working on to keep the glass malleable. And then that over there is called an annealing oven. I’ll use that once a piece is finished, to slowly cool it down to prevent shattering. That’s the plan, anyway. And that’s Sally’s kiln. I’m not sure yet how I’ll use it.”
Apparently to get Captain Zach talking, all she needed to do was ask about his craft. “Have you unpacked any of your work?”
“Not yet.”
Ginger glanced toward the men who must have interrupted him while he’d been opening boxes. “What about a name for your store?”
“ZZ Glassworks.”
“Good ring to it.” Ginger nodded. “Do you have a sign?”
He shrugged. “I might etch it on the window or door.”
Ginger scanned the empty window that was exactly like hers and shook her head. “It’ll get lost in your display.”
“My display?”
“Your artwork. An outside sign would be better and easier to spot from the street. You’ll want your window stocked with product to lure customers inside.”
He narrowed his gaze. “Ah, yeah.”
“I know a sign guy in town who’ll give you a good deal.”
He laughed then. A harsh bark of a sound. “Of course you do.”
“What?” She settled her hands on her hips. Did he think she got a kickback or something for referring business? In a small town, shop owners looked out for each other. And recommended a deal if they could.
“Are you always this cheerfully helpful?”
“Pretty much. Are you always this grumpy?”
He chuckled. “Pretty much.” Then he scanned her from head to toe. “You’re taller today.”
She lifted her foot. “It’s the heels.”
“I noticed.” His voice lowered a smidgen, but disapproval shone from his eyes.
What? Didn’t he like high heels? It wasn’t as if he had to wear them. And then it dawned on her that just maybe he liked them a lot, especially on her.
Ginger checked her watch. Almost ten. She had to open. She had to get away from this new sense of awareness between them. “I better get back. Thanks for the tour.”
Walking away, she swung back around. He’d made her forget all about the importance of the upcoming Valentine’s Day contest. No time. “After you’re settled in, we can chat more about your window display and the contest the chamber is sponsoring.”
“Can’t wait.” His voice sounded flat.
Ginger felt her cheeks flare yet again, right along with her ire. The man might not talk much, but he sure got his message across.
Captain Zach did things his way.
She backed up and nearly tripped over another box.
Zach grabbed her arm to steady her.
She did a little growling of her own. Ginger needed to get back to her home base before she made a bigger fool of herself. “Thanks.”
“It’s the heels.” He gave her platforms of black suede a pointed look.
“I found them at a thrift store,” she blurted.
Not that it was any of his business how she spent her money, but she didn’t want her landlord to think she spent frivolously. Maybe because when she was a kid coming home with an expensive treasure she’d found for a song, she’d had to explain her actions. How many times had she played defense to her father’s offense? Her mother had finally warned her not to let Dad see them for fear of an argument.
Ginger escaped through the glass slider, closed it behind her with a soft click and blew out her breath.
What was the deal with Zach Zelinsky?
He sure wasn’t a chatty guy, and that made her wonder why he’d gone into retail. And why’d he make her so nervous with his gruff ways? She wasn’t a clumsy person, but around him she couldn’t keep solid footing. The man was definitely intimidating. And Ginger did not like to be intimated.
* * *
That evening, Zach knocked on the sliding glass door. Ginger had kept it locked throughout the day, and he was glad since he’d been in and out all afternoon. That locked door had kept her few customers from spilling into his space. Several had peered in at him while he’d unloaded boxes, though. Passing his furnace inspections had been the last of the paperwork required before he could finally open his doors. All he needed to do was finish stocking the shelves and then start making new glass.
She walked to the slider and unlocked her side. Opening the door, she peered up at him with those big brown eyes of hers. “Hey.”
“Are you closed?”
She nodded. “Yup. This time of year I’m open Tuesday through Saturday, ten to six.”
“Good hours.” He liked having two days off in row and might as well be open the same times as her.
“I open Mondays, too, starting in May for summer hours. But I’m always closed Sunday.”
“Day of rest?”
“That and church.” She smiled.
He needed to find the right church, but he had time to figure it out. “I’ve unpacked, if you’re still interested.”
He wasn’t being nice. He wanted to see her reaction to his glasswork. Was it good enough? She seemed to know a lot about running a gift shop and the expectations of local customers.
“Absolutely.” Her pretty eyes gleamed. “Do you know how hard it was not to press my nose against this glass door like my customers?”
He chuckled and stepped aside. She’d had two elderly women in her store, and they had indeed pressed their noses on the glass and watched him unpack.
He’d utilized most of the clear shelving that came with the shop but had arranged it differently—out in the open instead of up against the walls, giving the small retail space an artsy feel like the studio where he’d apprenticed and learned the trade.
He watched her closely as she walked around his displays, her slender fingertips gently touching glass ornaments and bowls. She was careful, but thorough. Was she putting him on, looking that interested?
“Wow.” Ginger stopped and stared at one of his few glass sculptures. It was a twisted mass of smoky glass with a dash of red at its center that glowed from the light he’d installed underneath it. “How’d you come up with this?”
He shrugged.
Emotions had a way of working their way in while he shaped glass. He’d been running on empty when he’d made that particular sculpture. Frustrated and angry after a long deployment, he’d clung to a sliver of hope from a Bible scripture he’d read from the book of Jeremiah. He’d memorized verse eleven of chapter twenty-nine and had held on to its promise. He’d even chanted it when things got rough in the field.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
“This is so beautiful.” She looked at him in awe. As if she couldn’t believe he’d made it.
“Thanks.” Sometimes, he couldn’t believe it either.
Ginger’s hair was a riot of red curls that caressed her shoulders. A live flame she was, radiating warmth. It seared like a pipe burn, this pull she had on him. Or maybe more like a backyard campfire luring him near, daring him to pull up a log and relax. But even campfires burned if a person got too close.
She nodded toward the workshop. “When will you make new stuff?”
“Well, that’s real specific.” Even her sarcasm came across sweet.
“How ’bout I let you know.”
Her eyes widened with surprise at the sharpness of his retort. He hadn’t meant to sound so surly.
She didn’t miss a beat, though, and didn’t back down. “Yeah, you do that because I’d love to see how it’s done.”
But then, what did he expect? Blowing glass was a cool process. So why did the idea of Ginger watching him work make his skin itch?
She looked at him, curious. “How long have you been doing this?”
Zach scratched his temple. “Maybe ten years?”
“All while in the army?”
What started as an art class became a hobby, a creative release and then a place to forget. He’d had his studio plans drawn up well before he’d moved back home. Before he’d even found a building. Before he’d been RIFed. He’d always known how he wanted his shop laid out with an open space so his workshop was in full view of the buying public. He wanted to keep an eye on his store while working. Still, he hadn’t expected to become a shop owner this soon in life.
“But how? I mean when did you find the time?”
“I learned during downtime, when I was off duty.”
“Oh.” She didn’t look satisfied. She looked ready to ask more questions.
Zach didn’t want to answer questions. “I’ve got to cut this short.”
He’d promised his mom he’d make it for dinner. And he needed to move the last of his things into the apartment above.
“Oh. Sorry. Thanks for showing me around.” She smiled, hesitated to leave. “I still have to fill you in on the window display contest.”
“Sure. No problem. Another time?”
She nodded. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Okay. See ya later.” He was halfway tempted to invite her along so she could tell him on the way, but that might send the wrong message. He watched her click her way across the wood floor and slip back through the slider into her tea shop. Ginger Carleton was pretty. A pretty, church-going woman.
But too young. Too young for him.
* * *
A few days later, Ginger peered into Zach’s studio. He’d been open less than a week, but shoppers swarmed. Curiosity drove a lot of traffic, but folks purchased product, too, and Zach had made sales. A lot of sales.
She spotted him surrounded by three women, and Captain Zach looked like a trapped wolf ready to snap or chew off his own paw any second now to escape.
He glanced her way and waved her in. Not a welcoming I’ve-got-something-to-show-you wave, more like a get-over-here-now-I-need-you sort of wave.
Ginger clenched her jaw. She shouldn’t covet his customers, but she did. Some had wandered into her shop, but most didn’t. No matter how frustrating it was watching shoppers snub their noses at her tea, it wasn’t Zach’s fault. And ignoring his plea for help might not bode well for renewing her lease come the end of the year.
At this point in her shop-owning career, she shouldn’t need an indefinite rental agreement, but that’s what she’d had with Sally. Ginger felt sold out right along with the building.
But it was Sally’s building to sell, and the woman was well past retirement age. Ginger should be standing on her own two feet by now, not relying on her mentor’s charity. Not filled with envy because Zach’s studio had been hopping while hers barely took a few steps. And even fewer sales.
Reality had a way of taking a sharp bite out of her plans when she least expected it. Taking a deep breath, she rallied her sweetest smile and headed his way. “Can I help?”
A look of genuine relief washed over his face. “Gift wrap?”
“I’ve got some.” She ducked back into her shop and returned with a pile of floral tissue paper and ribbon. More shoppers accosted Zach, so she went a step further. “I can help you at the counter, ladies.”
Zach gave her a grateful half smile.
And Ginger’s heart did a little flip right along with her belly.
She swallowed the bitter pill of unwanted attraction and scolded herself besides. Really? Ginger herded the heavily perfumed women with glass ornaments in hand to Zach’s small counter. Underneath were boxes and rolls of Bubble Wrap. She worked quickly, boxing up the glass treasures. It was easy to swirl tissue paper around the box and secure it with ribbon and a pouf of tissue on top. Nice.
Hunting under the counter once more, Ginger found plain paper bags and Zach’s cash box. Inside the locked box with the key still hanging in the lock, she found a phone with an adapter to slide credit cards for payment.
While she checked out the women’s purchases, Zach discussed a custom order with two other women. She overheard parts of the conversation and surmised that they wanted a larger version of his lit smoky glass sculpture. They wanted a unique chandelier in their waiting room.
From the chamber office, Ginger knew all about the medical office geared specifically for women that would open sometime in the summer. Obviously, the doctors wanted softer lighting than fluorescent overheads for their clients.
Ginger peeked at Zach. He stood tall and handsome in jeans and a loose cotton sweater. Even in plain clothes, he had that stiff military bearing. A figure of austere authority.
The women offered Zach a business card and a check as down payment on a piece they didn’t care how long it took to finish. After they’d left he turned toward her. “Thank you.”
Ginger waved off his gratitude. “Custom order?”
“A big one.” He looked grim.
“That’s good news, right?”
“Not if I don’t have time or the help to make it. I’ve never made anything that big.”
Was she supposed to feel sorry for him? So far, his opening week was proving to be a success. “You’re going to have to get some gift wrap. Especially with Valentine’s Day coming up.”
“Why’s that?”
Ginger rolled her eyes. Did she have to spell it out? “Haven’t you ever bought a girl flowers or chocolates for Valentine’s Day?”
He shrugged. “No. Not much of a Valentine’s Day guy.”
No surprise there. “Well, other people do, right along with specialty gifts like yours and mine. You’ll need to be ready because we’ve got a lot planned.”
She took a deep breath. Finally, she’d roll out the details of the window display contest. She’d helped him out so he sort of owed her. “The chamber of commerce. I’m their liaison with the merchants.” Ginger stood a little straighter. “Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday this year, we’re hyping it up big-time. We want to catch the bureau of tourism’s attention. Maple Springs might even be highlighted in the state of Michigan ad campaign if we can get everyone on board. Part of that is running a window display contest among the downtown merchants and businesses. The winner will be announced on Valentine’s Day.”
One eyebrow rose. “Right, the contest. What’s the prize?”
Ginger narrowed her gaze. She’d been trying to catch him for days to spell it all out. But he’d been busy. Maybe that lag time had finally sparked his interest. “A year’s worth of statewide advertising already paid for by the chamber, as long as the chamber is listed, too.”
He harrumphed. “Not interested.”
And maybe not. Clearly, he didn’t get it. “Well, I want to win. And to do that, I’m going to need your help.”
His expression looked sharp enough to slice her in two. “How?”
She pointed toward their storefront. “We have identical windows. I think one of us would have a better chance of winning if they’re tied together somehow. But it has to support the contest theme.”
“Theme?” He looked amused now.
Ginger felt her face heat. “Maple Springs Is for Lovers.”
Zach laughed.
And Ginger experienced a strong urge to belt him. “Why’s that so funny?”
“That’s hokey.”
“It is not!” Ginger placed her hands on her hips. “The downtown restaurants will offer romantic dinner specials and the chamber is sponsoring horse-drawn carriage rides. All the merchants, if they’re smart, will take advantage of the holiday, as well.”
He snorted. “Valentine’s Day was made up by the greeting card companies. It’s no holiday.”
“It’s good business.” She wasn’t particularly fond of the day either, having been stuck at home more times than not, but it made for sales opportunities. “I make up gift baskets with romantic teas and aromatic spices.”
Zach looked as if it was all a game.
Maybe it seemed silly to him. He’d seen combat, probably had made life-and-death decisions, but this contest—and the advertising campaign win—might mean the life or death of her shop!
She crooked her finger at him. “Come with me.”
He gave her a curious look but did as she asked. He followed her through the slider into her store. She slipped behind her counter, where her laptop lay opened, and refreshed her page. He leaned over the counter to see her screen as she clicked around. That wasn’t going to work.
“Come around so I can show you what I’m talking about.” Ginger quickly went through the state of Michigan’s seasonal tourism ads. “See all these little towns? They’re real and I want Maple Springs to be one of them. This year, we have a chance, if I can get everyone on board with the contest.”
He peered over her shoulder as she played several commercials. She felt the warmth of him standing behind her, and every cell in her body seemed to stand at attention and take notice. She’d been on her own for so long, struggling to make something of herself with only Sally’s support. But Sally had not only retired, she moved away to be near her son and grandkids.
What would it feel like to have someone else looking out for her? Helping her succeed instead of laughing at her efforts.
“So, that’s the real prize—statewide recognition?”
“Yeah.” She turned and bumped into his arm.
He quickly stepped back, out of her way.
She looked up at him. “Are you in?”
Ginger let out a huff of frustration. “The window contest.”
He sighed. “I don’t know. When does it have to be up?”
“The week before Valentine’s Day.”
He looked really grim then. “That’s right around the corner.”
She clenched her fists. “We’ve got a little over three weeks. Plenty of time.”
He rubbed his chin. “We’ll see.”
Before Ginger could press harder, the door to his shop opened with the ring of the bells he’d installed. From her counter, she had an open view of his retail space, but most of his workshop area was out of sight. Two customers made their way into his studio and looked around.
“Gotta go.” Zach headed for his side and slipped through the slider.
Ginger easily overheard their oohs and ahhs, but once the two young women saw the man responsible for making the glass items, their eyes grew round with interest. Feminine giggles and titters grew louder as they grilled Zach with questions and pretty much fawned all over him.
Ginger shook her head at his one-word answers. The man practically spoke in grunts and growls.
Really, he needed to improve his store-side demeanor lest he get an unwelcoming reputation. Not a good thing for a shop owner dependent on the public’s buying habits. People in Maple Springs talked, and talk spread fast. She should warn Zach about that. But then, he’d grown up here. He should know.
Watching him back away from the two women, she got the impression that Captain Zach wasn’t real comfortable with feminine attention. He’d never be taken for a flirt, that was for sure.
And that made Ginger smile.
Chapter Three (#ulink_49c4f8f6-3850-51aa-9c83-8c23bd4f4133)
Saturday morning, Zach looked over his receipts. His first full week after opening his doors and he’d done pretty well. Even had a couple of custom orders to work on. He spotted his sister Monica taking pictures outside and gritted his teeth. She’d been after him to set up a website.
She popped her head in the door. “Hi.”
He waved her in.
“Wow, nice.” She took a couple more pictures and snapped one of him.
“Must you?”
“Yes. Now show me around.”
Zach glanced at Ginger waiting on an elderly customer in her own shop. He could hear her chipper voice chatting about the weather and so-and-so’s son in college while scooping funny-looking tea leaves into plastic baggies. She hadn’t a care in the world. Ginger was that way. She put her customers at ease and made retail look effortless.
She put him at ease and got under his skin at the same time.
“You two getting along okay?” his sister asked.
“Yeah, why?” Zach opened the wrought iron gate that separated his workspace from the retail portion of his studio.
Monica followed him. “You were scowling at her.”
“That’s just how I look.” Like it or not, Ginger was a fireball of sunny energy who’d pushed her way into his thoughts more often than not. He found her too attractive for his own good but couldn’t quite figure her out. “So, what’s her story?”
“Story?” His sister didn’t understand.
“You know her. And her shop. I haven’t seen many customers in there this week. Does she have a good product?”
Monica shrugged. “Yeah. Good enough, I suppose, but the new coffee shop in town started selling loose tea as well as coffee beans. I think she’s taken a hit from the competition.”
“Huh.” Zach thought about how Ginger never left her store. Even at lunchtime, she’d heat up something in the microwave instead of go out.
They kept the glass slider between their shops open during store hours. And Ginger graciously watched over his place whenever he stepped out, but he’d never had the opportunity to return the favor. Maybe she didn’t trust him to take care of her customers. He couldn’t say he blamed her. He’d never been good at all that inane chatter.
“You’ve done a nice job here, Zach. I’ll do a mock-up for you to review and then we can talk about content.” Monica placed her camera in her purse.
“Thanks.” He meant it, too. He appreciated her doing all this for free.
She looked thoughtful. “You’re my big brother, and I’m glad you came home in one piece. I owe you.”
Zach shifted. He didn’t deserve to be home in one piece. If that RPG had hit only a few inches to the right, he’d have been in a body bag. “You don’t.”
His sister grabbed his arm and squeezed. “We all do.”
He looked up as Ginger entered through the open slider. Her burnished hair had been swooped up into a bouncy tail that swayed when she walked.
“Hi, Monica.” Ginger’s makeup was always applied with a light hand, but this morning her lips were the color of ripe berries.
“Morning.” His sister checked her watch. “Sorry, no time to chat. I have to meet Brady and set up the online voting for the window display contest. You two have fun.”
After his sister left, Zach turned his attention to Ginger. Not hard to do. She caught his eye often enough. “Hey.”
She leaned against his checkout counter. “So, have you thought about the window display?”
He raised the now half-empty mug of coffee that she’d made him before they’d opened. “Is that why you brought me this?”
She grinned, clearly guilty as charged and not a bit sorry. “You don’t like tea, so coffee works better than vinegar.”
“You know the old saying about catching more bees with honey than vinegar? That coffee is my honey.”
“I see.” He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to stop dwelling on those plump berry-tinted lips of hers. Honey might pale in sweetness. He’d know with one taste.
And that’d cause all kinds of trouble.
He scanned his front window. Following her example, he’d hung up a few glass ornaments and even placed a bowl of multicolored globes on a stand so people could get a quick look through the window, but that was pretty much it.
Ginger’s window was a riot of hanging teapots over a small café table set with another teapot and cups and even a couple of stuffed teddy bears. He didn’t know what bears had to do with anything, but whatever. She’d also made a small shelving unit out of wooden milk crates that was littered with spice bottles and decorative tins. There was more going on in her window than her shop.
“That sign isn’t going to cut it.” She pointed to the lower corner.
“It’s fine for now,” he growled. Give the woman an inch and she’d take a mile.
He’d made his own sign on the computer and then slipped it into a clear plastic sign holder that he’d picked up at an office supply store. He needed to focus on making new items and custom work, not mess with a window display. Juggling customer interruptions with glassblowing wasn’t easy. Most days, he waited until after hours to make anything new.
At this rate, he’d never accommodate the big orders, or remake his own overhead lighting with blown glass globes as he wanted. But he wasn’t prepared to hire help just yet and he didn’t have time to bring on an apprentice. A real catch-22.
“What about glass hearts?” Ginger said. “I’ve ordered a few heart-shaped teapots that I may hang in my window.”
Did it really matter? Either people would check out his store or not. “Actually, I’ve made a few.”
Her eyes gleamed as if she were a kid in a candy store. “Can I see?”
He chuckled. “Most are still in the annealer, but I have some ready—”
The door jingled and his brother, followed by the woman who he assumed was his fiancée, stepped inside with a swirl of cold air and snowflakes.
“Nice digs.” Matthew glanced around the space with admiration. “Zach, this is Annie. We thought we’d stop in and see the place.”
He extended his hand. “Good to meet you. And this is—”
“Oh, we know each other.” Ginger waved him off. “Where’s the baby?”
“With Marie,” Annie said.
“That’s Grandma,” Ginger clarified. “Your brother used to work with Annie’s late husband.”
Zach nodded. He’d heard as much from his mom after he’d come home. Annie was two years older than Zach, but didn’t look it. Not at all.
“You have a beautiful shop, Zach. Are you glad to be home?” Annie asked.
His gaze strayed to Ginger while he thought about the question. “Yeah, sure.”
“Well, thank you for your service. You do Maple Springs proud.” Annie meant it, too. No lip service there.
“Honored.” He gave her a nod because it’s what he did. Accept thanks and move on.
Many had thanked him at the parade and a few customers had stopped in to do the same. He gave them the standard awkward response he’d given his future sister-in-law. He didn’t feel so honored anymore. More like discarded. Chewed up and spit out because his usefulness was over.
Logically, he knew it couldn’t be because he’d lost good men in that ambush. That happened three years ago, but had it played a role? Or maybe because he’d come up from the enlisted ranks. Did it really matter why the army chose to cut him loose?
It would to his father. Zach had been part of the latest round of defense budget cuts, and regardless of the reason, bottom line, he hadn’t been worth keeping.
Annie nodded toward the opened slider. “Ginger, can I get some tea?”
“Sure thing.” Ginger followed without a backward glance.
Zach watched the women make their exit, momentarily mesmerized by one red ponytail.
“She’s coming to Mom and Dad’s.”
“What’s that?”
Matthew studied the glass sculptures. “Tonight. Ginger is Annie’s best friend, so I invited her.”
“How old is she?” Zach regretted blurting that out when he saw the stormy look on his brother’s face. “I meant Ginger.”
“Thirty-two, I think. My age.”
Zach was floored. “You sure about that?”
His brother laughed. “Don’t worry, she’s old enough.”
“Yeah?” Zach shook his head to clear it. “Not that it matters.”
“Uh-huh.” Matthew clearly wasn’t convinced.
Zach peered through the glass slider at Ginger, and then quickly looked away. He slapped his younger brother on the back. “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the shop.”
During the quick tour, Zach’s mind kept wandering back to Ginger. She was young, but not that young. Not off-limits young as he’d first thought. And that made her even more alluring. But romance with Ginger would be navigating an entirely different kind of minefield. He might not lose a limb, but losing one’s heart could be equally painful.
He wasn’t in the mood to become that kind of casualty. Right now, he had enough to deal with.
* * *
“So, what do you think?” Annie asked.
Ginger inhaled the earthy scents of citrus and cinnamon while shoveling loose tea leaves into a plastic bag. “About what?”
Annie wiggled her eyebrows. “Your new landlord.”
Ginger concentrated on closing up the bag. She knew exactly what Annie wanted but tried playing dumb. “Ugh, that’s right. February’s rent is due soon.”
“Nice dodge.”
Ginger secured the metallic twisty-tie with fascinated interest.
“You like him, don’t you?” Annie zeroed in better than a hawk circling a squirrel.
Ginger sighed. “No, I do not. He’s touchy, downright grumpy and cantankerous besides. But look at him.”
Annie did just that. Maybe a little longer than Ginger thought necessary. “The Zelinsky men are handsome, I’ll give you that.” Running her finger along the counter, Annie stalled. “Matthew says Zach can be pretty intense. Sooooo...”
“So what?” Ginger hissed.
Annie’s pretty blue eyes widened with amusement. “Maybe he needs someone positive. Someone like you.”
Ginger shrugged. She’d caught a look or two from Zach that was intriguing. And that morning he’d kept her from falling flat on her backside had been interesting, too. And nerve rattling.
He was not only her landlord, but a neighboring store owner. Acting on her attraction would be tricky at best and not very smart. If they got involved and the relationship went south, Ginger wouldn’t stick around. She’d bolt. Even with Zach’s increased rent, this was the cheapest place in town. She didn’t want to lose her business because of a bad romantic entanglement.
And something about the surly Captain Zach screamed bad romantic entanglement.
Annie dug for a twenty from her purse to pay for the tea. “Are you still going tonight?”
Ginger counted back the change. “Tonight?”
“Dinner party at the Zelinskys’, remember? Matthew said you’d agreed to go.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot for a minute, but I’ll be there.”
If Annie needed her, Ginger wasn’t about to let her down, even though she’d promised before she’d thought it through. Before she’d felt this twitchiness toward Zach.
At home would he smile more? Laugh, even? She didn’t want to miss that. But then again, maybe she should.
“Maybe you and Zach can ride together.”
“Right.” But Ginger’s stomach flipped. That’d be awkward.
Matthew joined them, looking antsy to leave. “Ready?”
“We’re going to lunch where we’re having the wedding. Final details and all that,” Annie explained.
“Have fun.” Ginger glanced at Matthew and laughed. He didn’t look as if he cared about details. He looked like a man who wanted to get married. She walked them to the door and waved as they left.
A throng of customers had come in while Annie and Matthew were in her store. Not locals, but tourists—skiers maybe, obviously up for the weekend. They looked over Zach’s work. Some picked up an ornament or two and were ready to buy them. Where was he?
Ginger made a move toward the shoppers when Zach appeared with a basket of small multicolored glass hearts. He gave her a nod and placed the basket on his checkout counter.
The three women in the store hurried over.
“These are so cute,” one said.
“How much?”
Zach hesitated. “Uh, ten.”
“I’ll take four.”
Ginger hoped they wouldn’t clean him out before she got a look at them. But then more customers came in and some wanted tea. Then Brady from the chamber stopped by to check on her progress with the local merchants, and by the time Ginger had a chance to scoot back over to Zach’s shop, it was closing time. Her favorite time of the day.
She locked her front door, watched the snow fall beneath the illumination of the streetlamps outside and sighed. Today had been a pretty good day for sales. And pathetic when she considered four measly purchases a good day.
“Tired?” Zach leaned against the slider, basket in hand. His eyes looked red, as if maybe he’d missed a night’s sleep. He looked tired, yet asked about her.
“Not too bad. What about you?”
“I’m tired of waiting on customers.”
Ginger laughed. “Better get used to it.”
“Yeah.” He held out the basket. “Here.”
She inched closer and peeked inside. Only four glass hearts remained. “For me?”
“You’ve really helped me out.” His deep voice caressed her ears. “Thanks.”
Ginger pulled out one small red heart with a clear loop at the top. “Well, thank you. You’re not charging enough for these, by the way.”
Zach shrugged. “Take them all. I’ll make more. They’re not hard to do.”
“This one is fine. I haven’t seen you blow glass. When are you making things?”
“Evenings and sometimes late at night.”
“No wonder you’re tired,” Ginger teased.
A shadow crossed over his features but was gone as quickly as it had appeared. “I’ll figure it out.”
Did she imagine that haunted look?
Ginger clutched the pretty glass heart in her hand. “Thanks for this. I think you should use these in your window.”
“Again with the window. You’re like a dog on a bone.”
She made a face. Maybe Zach was all bark. He’d given her a heart and that felt pretty good.
He shifted his stance and then cleared his throat. “I understand you’ve been invited to my folks’ party.”
Ginger’s heart raced. “Yes.”
“Are you going?” His blue eyes pierced hers.
Didn’t he want her to? Surely, Annie would understand if she bailed at the last minute. “Uh...”
“If you are, ride with me.” That sounded more like an order than a request.
“I can drive.” Did Captain Zach think she couldn’t manage on her own? It was only ten miles away.
Ginger glanced at the snow piling up on the sidewalks out front. The forecast called for heavy bands of lake effect through the night. “I mean, I don’t want to put you out. I have to be up early in the morning, so I can only stay for a bit.”
“I won’t be long.” His voice sounded so stern and irritated. “No sense both of us driving in this weather.”
She looked into his tired blue eyes and found herself nodding. “Okay, but I have to change. What time do you want to leave?”
“An hour.”
“Deal.” Ginger reached out to pull the slider closed.
Zach stopped her. “This isn’t a date or anything.”
She tipped her head. Good grief, did he want her to go or not? “I don’t have to go?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Ginger placed her hands on her hips. “Then what did you mean?”
His eyes narrowed, but he raised his hands in surrender. “Nothing. Forget it.”
Yeah, right. “Fine.”
“Good. I’ll see you in an hour.”
Ginger closed the slider with a hard snap.
What a jerk! Not a date. Seriously? He’s the one who had asked her; she hadn’t asked to ride along.
She closed up her shop and stomped upstairs to change. Well, at least it wouldn’t be a long night ahead, but the drive there and back promised to be a real treat.
* * *
An hour later, Zach knocked on the door to Ginger’s apartment above her shop. This felt an awful lot like a date. And he’d made it worse by trying to point out the obvious. He didn’t want to date his tenant. Didn’t want to send the wrong message, either.
Ginger opened the door wide. Her hair looked the same, but she’d changed into jeans and a bulky knit sweater. It didn’t matter what she wore, or how she fixed her hair. What made her most attractive was the light that shone from within her. That fire. Ginger had a glow all her own.
“Hey.” Even her cheerful voice warmed him.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure.” Wariness crept into her eyes, but she backed up and let him enter.
“I didn’t get a good look at your place before I bought the building.” He looked around. “Your apartment is nicer than mine.”
Her gaze narrowed as if trying to read between the lines of what he said.
Great. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kick you out. Just saying you made it nice.”
“I’m the queen of thrift stores and yard sales.”
She wasn’t afraid to use color. The walls were painted a sunny yellow and the tall windows had vibrant floral-patterned curtains instead of the plain wood blinds he used. Even the cupboards in her galley kitchen had been painted brick red.
He spotted the glass heart he’d given her hanging in the window by yellow ribbon to secure it. “You hung it up.”
She cocked her head to one side. “Did you think I’d smash it or something?”
“I apologize for earlier. I just wanted to be clear.” He smiled then, hoping she understood.
She shook her head without any sign of a grudge. “I see why you’re not a Valentine’s kind of guy.”
He laughed at her comeback. “You have no idea.”
It hit him then that he didn’t want to go to his parents’ party. He’d rather stay right here and curl up with Ginger on that plush couch against the far wall to watch a movie. His comment about tonight not being a date wasn’t really for her benefit but his own.
A reminder that Ginger Carleton was off-limits. Or should be.
“Almost.” She sat down and pulled on knee-high leather boots over a pair of fuzzy striped socks. Then she slipped into a down jacket, more fuzzy mittens and a scarf. Grabbing her purse, she looked up. “I’m ready.”
He held the door open and followed down the stairs and outside. The snow fell harder now and the wind had kicked up, biting his nose with bitter cold.
“Is your car good in the snow?” She eyed his Jeep Wrangler with doubt.
“I have four-wheel drive, so yes. And the clearance is higher than your Beetle.”
She nodded and climbed in, kicking snow from her feet before swinging them inside.
He started the engine and brushed off the windows before slipping behind the wheel. Glancing at Ginger huddled in the seat next to him, looking cold, her couch beckoned even louder. “So, what’s going on in the morning? Church?”
“What?” She had the look of sweet confusion, as if he’d interrupted a pleasant daydream. “Oh. I volunteer on the worship team at church, and tomorrow is my Sunday to sing. I have to get there early to practice.”
He wasn’t the least bit surprised that Ginger was truly a woman of faith. Maybe having faith in common was what drew him. “Do you sing solo?”
“No way!” Ginger chuckled. “I’m not that good, but I can carry a tune well enough I suppose, or they would have tossed me by now. There are a few of us who sing with a small band. Do you go to church?”
“Yes.” He pulled out onto the road. “But I haven’t found what I’m looking for.”
“Would you like to go with me? I mean, you know, check it out.” She looked surprised for inviting him.
All things considered, he was, too. He couldn’t resist teasing her. “Are you asking me out?”
She’s old enough.
Her cheeks flushed. “Uh, no. You made that pretty clear.”
Had he really hurt her feelings? If so, it was a small price to pay for keeping things safe between them. “I’m your landlord.”
She gave him a cool stare. “Yeah, I know. Wait, don’t you go where your parents attend?”
“I’m looking for something less traditional.” He’d gone only once since he came home, and the church he’d grown up attending didn’t fit anymore.
She fumbled in her purse for a second or two. Then she whipped out a business card and placed it in his drink holder. “I go to Maple Springs Community Church and the service starts at nine. That’s the address and phone number. You can meet me there, since I’m going in early. It’s just a couple miles heading south, out of town.”
He nodded. “You’re quite the promoter, aren’t you?”
She shrugged but looked as if she braced for a slam.
He hadn’t meant to sound so critical and was sorry for it. “I have a proposition for you.”
She let loose a nervous-sounding giggle. “What’s that?”
It might serve both their needs, for now. “You want to win that window contest, right?”
She gave him a pointed look.
He chuckled. “I don’t have time to do it, but I’ll give you free rein on both windows and pay for the materials if you’ll do one thing.”
Now she looked nervous. “What’s that?”
“Wait on my customers so I can blow glass.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“You get the prize no matter which window wins.” He had to concentrate on the road ahead of him, but he could feel her weighing the pros and cons as she considered his request. He clenched his jaw to keep from coaxing her to accept. If what Monica had said was true, she could probably use the money.
“Okay, it’s a deal.” Ginger slipped off her mitten and held out her hand. “But we have to shake on it.”
“Make it a true agreement between shop owners. Unless you’d rather put it in writing?”
“We don’t need to go that far.” He grabbed her hand for a quick pump but didn’t let go right away. Her skin felt soft. And something about the way her slender hand fit within his own made him feel protective of her. “We good?”
She pulled her hand away but wouldn’t look at him. “We’re good.”
Hopefully, he’d get more work done. And with Miss Sunny-Smiles working his customers, hopefully he’d make more sales, too. Which meant hired help or an apprentice might not be far off. Down the road, he’d like to take over the whole building so he could accommodate bigger orders. That would mean even more help.
He glanced at Ginger looking out her window. Snow fell fast, keeping his speed low. He’d give her plenty of notice to move her shop when the time came. Unless—would she consider working for him? She was great with his customers, but then she’d be even more off-limits.
There might come a day when he wouldn’t renew her business part of the lease. But if he hired Ginger Carleton, he’d have to give up any notions of cuddling on her couch.
Chapter Four (#ulink_4969ba19-18dd-56d3-8b6d-54e56f3b87b0)
“Ginger, what a nice surprise.” Helen Zelinsky’s smile grew wider. “And you came with Zach.”
“His Jeep has better clearance than my car, and the snow’s really coming down out there.” Ginger handed over her snow-dampened coat as if proving her appearance with Zach was about the weather and convenience. Nothing more.
She’d brushed off the snow as best she could on the front porch before coming inside. She’d helped Zach do the same and it had taken effort to keep her mitten-encased hands from lingering on his broad shoulders.
What would Zach have done had she hugged him for his offer to pay for her window display? After their mutual and rather awkward agreement about not dating, it would have been a stitch to see the look on his face. Still, she had the better deal, as waiting on his customers in addition to hers would be a snap this time of year.
“You know each other?” Zach gave his mom a kiss on the forehead. A soft show of respect.
And Ginger’s heart twisted. In her family there was so little of that. They’d grown up learning to avoid conflict at all cost. As a result, respect and honesty were lost in an attempt to keep the peace. But there’d never been real peace at the Carletons’.
“Ginger helps with the church blood drives every quarter. She makes sure the volunteers get fed lunch.”
“You make them food?” He cocked one eyebrow.
Ginger shook her head. “No, no. I pick up and deliver is all.”
“Don’t let her fool you. Each year, she organizes the downtown restaurants that donate, then picks up and delivers.”

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