Read online book «Her Firefighter Hero» author Leigh Bale

Her Firefighter Hero
Leigh Bale
Taking a Chance on the FiremanYoung widow Megan Rocklin is trying hard to pick up the pieces. A year after her fireman husband’s death, she has managed to keep the family diner going and tend to her two active children, June and Caleb.She’s sure that’s all she can handle—and then Jared Marshall asks Megan to cater the meals for his hotshot crew. With his rugged good looks, Minoa, Nevada’s new fire management officer turns many heads—but his heart lands straight on Megan. She’s promised herself she’d never date another firefighter. But determined Jared refuses to give up on the family meant to be his…Men of Wildfire: Saving lives, capturing hearts

Taking a Chance on the Fireman
Young widow Megan Rocklin is trying hard to pick up the pieces. A year after her fireman husband’s death, she has managed to keep the family diner going and tend to her two active children, June and Caleb. She’s sure that’s all she can handle—and then Jared Marshall asks Megan to cater the meals for his hotshot crew. With his rugged good looks, the new fire management officer for Minoa, Nevada, turns many heads—but his heart lands straight on Megan. She’s promised herself she’ll never date another firefighter. But determined Jared refuses to give up on the family meant to be his…
Maybe now was the time to be honest with him.
“I’ve promised never to love someone that fights fires or works in a dangerous profession again. It’s nothing personal, Jared. But I just can’t go through the pain of losing someone again.”
It was better this way. Better for Jared, too.
So, why did she suddenly feel so lost and forlorn?
He went very still. “And that includes me?”
She looked down and swallowed hard. She didn’t answer. She didn’t need to.
“Well, at least you’re being honest with me,” he said.
She looked up. “I’m sorry, Jared. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings. It’s just that I’ve got two kids to worry about. I’ve got to put their needs first.”
His eyes crinkled in a smile of understanding, but she saw the pain in his eyes. “Believe me, I get it. But I’m not convinced I’m bad for you and those kids. I’m good for you, lady. You just can’t see it, yet. And I’m going to try my hardest to convince you that you need me.”
LEIGH BALE is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author. She is the winner of the prestigious Golden Heart® Award and is a finalist for the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Booksellers’ Best Award. The daughter of a retired US forest ranger, she holds a BA in history. Married in 1981 to the love of her life, Leigh and her professor husband have two children and two grandkids. You can reach her at (

Her Firefighter Hero
Leigh Bale (
There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casteth out fear…
—1 John 4:18
This book is dedicated to my Jared,
who adores my daughter as we adore him.
Cover (#uad6a7a2a-fd6d-5ea6-8729-85959e52b703)
Back Cover Text (#ucc933b6e-4fdd-521c-8415-959d9612760f)
Introduction (#ud21fd04b-8320-579b-8155-b0d94ea20ad7)
About the Author (#uaec996c6-36d2-5278-999a-ce72383dd280)
Title Page (#u6f46fad4-82b5-556a-a2d9-52887c6dc0ac)
Bible Verse (#u78504c5b-c255-5ff0-9520-249b017e452c)
Dedication (#u99fc8427-46e7-53da-be3c-478e921428d0)
Chapter One (#u045c651e-0b18-54f8-8c93-e31e8b261dcb)
Chapter Two (#u38c0c23c-9dc0-5eae-b9f4-0e79d2960149)
Chapter Three (#u8c55bb0b-865c-5be0-b8b7-7dea1c5d6b49)
Chapter Four (#u742a792f-cd63-528c-b8c3-9d887bb10222)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_4474ed35-fb1e-55e1-a1a3-a34400a446b6)
“Order up!” Megan Rocklin slid a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns beneath the warming lamp. As she wiped her damp hands on a clean dish towel, she took a quick glance at the tables in the diner. All but two were full, and the place buzzed with the happy chatter of satisfied customers. Not bad, considering she owned the only restaurant in town. If only it were this busy every other day of the week, she could pay off a few bills and breathe a bit easier.
Turning back to the grill, she picked up a spatula and flipped a series of pancakes. The air smelled of breakfast, warm and nice. It was her favorite part of the day. But she still needed to slice vegetables and fruit for the afternoon salad bar.
She slid open the glass pane of the window and welcomed the gush of fresh April air. Blazing sunshine taunted her. She’d like nothing more than to close up the diner, load her two kids and a picnic lunch into their rusty old truck and drive the twenty miles to Duck Creek Park. But taking a day off work was a luxury she couldn’t afford right now. She’d graduated from one of the top culinary schools in the nation, and look where she’d ended up. Living in the small, remote town of Minoa, Nevada.
Speaking of which. Where was Frank? The cook’s ten-minute break should have ended five minutes ago.
Megan tossed an irritated glance toward the back door. No doubt he was outside in the alleyway, puffing on a cigarette. She wouldn’t complain, though. Frank worked long hours without protest. A good, solid employee. She was just tired and grouchy, that’s all.
She forked a giant ham steak off the grill, slapped some eggs over easy and thick fries on the side, and garnished the plate with a slice of orange. Through the cutout window to the restaurant, she caught a glimpse of Connie racing back and forth to take orders, shuffle food and refill drinks. Megan should be out there helping her.
Blinking her gritty eyes, she gave the pancakes another flip. From all outward appearances, she didn’t miss a beat. But inwardly, her arms and legs felt like leaden weights. She hadn’t slept well the night before. In fact, she rarely slept through the night these days. Not since Blaine’s death last summer. And boy! Did she ever miss him today.
“So, what have we got?” Frank lumbered into the kitchen, a burly man of forty-eight years. Pulling his chef’s hat onto his balding head, he gave a deep, hacking cough. At least he covered his mouth. An invisible fog of cigarette smoke seemed to follow him as he stepped over to the double ovens. Megan hid a grimace.
“That bad habit of yours is gonna kill you one of these days, Frank. I wish you’d give it up,” she said.
She meant well but tried not to sound too much like his mother. Lately, she sounded like everyone’s mom. An old harpy, that’s what she’d become. She figured if she held on tight enough, she could control the world around her and keep from being hurt again. Her common sense told her that was an insane notion, yet she couldn’t let go completely and allow herself to be the happy, naive woman she’d once been. Not as a widow with two kids to raise and plenty of bills to pay.
“I know it’s not good for me, but now that my Martha’s gone, I ain’t got nothing but this job to live for,” Frank said.
His words sank deep into her heart. Blaine was gone, too, but at least she still had Caleb and June, her five- and eight-year-old children. If not for them, she wouldn’t have much to live for, either. And life shouldn’t be that way. Not ever.
“You’ve always got a place here with us, Frank. You mean a lot to me, which is why I wish you’d give up those cigarettes.” She reached up and squeezed his arm affectionately, meaning every word.
“Thanks, ma’am.” He flashed an unassuming grin, his ruddy cheeks wobbling.
She handed him the pancake turner. “You’ve got biscuits in the oven ready to come out and cakes on the grill ready to come off right now. And we’re out of sourdough.”
He didn’t bat an eye but went right to work assembling plates of food like a pro. Always calm, always steady. Megan thought she could learn something from his example. Outwardly, she appeared serene and collected. But inside, she was screaming. Too much work. Too little money. Too little sleep. And way too lonely.
The truth was, she didn’t want to be a single mom. She shouldn’t be a young widow. There was so much life ahead of her. So much love she wanted to share. But one thing was certain. She’d never, ever love another man that worked in a dangerous profession. After losing her husband fighting wildfires last summer, her heart couldn’t take it. No, sirree. Not ever again.
Stepping out into the restaurant, Megan reached behind the front counter for the coffeepot and made the rounds at each table, refilling cup after cup.
“Thanks, babe,” Connie trilled as she zipped past carrying four steaming plates of food.
Besides waitressing, Connie was also her dear friend. And after Blaine’s death, she’d been there for Megan. A sympathetic shoulder to cry on. Comforting and encouraging. Someone Megan could confide in.
“No problem,” Megan called in a light voice. “Just think. Only nine more hours and we can all go home.”
“You’ve got nine hours, but I’ve got just five,” Connie shot back with a laugh.
Yeah, Megan was abundantly aware of that fact. She’d opened the restaurant at six that morning and would be here until it closed at nine that evening.
She pushed that weary thought aside and reminded herself that she had a lot to be grateful for. It hadn’t been easy, but God had taken care of them.
The bell over the door tinkled, heralding the arrival of another customer. A tall, well-built man stepped inside. In a room filled with people, Megan felt his presence even before she glanced up. Her mouth dropped open and she stared. Not because he was a stranger, but because of how he looked.
High cheekbones, a chiseled chin, dark blond hair and devil-may-care eyes. More handsome than a man had a right to be. The kind that could have walked straight off the cover of GQ magazine. His blue jeans, cowboy boots and white T-shirt hugged his muscular body to perfection. Tall, lean and strong, he glanced about the room, taking it all in with a confident lift of his head. He radiated self-assurance. As though he owned the place.
Megan blinked, wondering who he was and what he was doing in a sleepy town like Minoa, Nevada.
Lifting a hand, he slung his thumb through a belt loop at his waist and glanced around the room. Two tables sat vacant, but Megan hadn’t cleared them yet. His gaze brushed past, screeched to a halt, then rushed back to settle on her. She felt the weight of his gaze like a ten-ton sledge. A frisson of awareness swept over her. She couldn’t move. Her feet felt as if they were stapled to the floor.
He walked toward her with a masculine swagger that told her he knew where he was going and exactly what he wanted once he got there.
Megan ducked her head and pretended to organize a panel of hot water glasses, fresh out of the dishwasher. From her peripheral vision, she watched the man sit on a bar stool directly opposite her and lean his elbows on the clean counter.
“Good morning.” She placed a menu and a glass of ice water in front of him.
“Morning, ma’am.” His deep voice sounded like rolling thunder.
She didn’t meet his eyes but could feel his gaze boring a hole in the side of her head.
A rattle of dishes caused her to turn just as Caleb and June ran past the bar stools in a game of chase. With fast reflexes, Megan snatched both of her kids by the arms and pulled them back behind the counter.
“Hey, you two little imps. What did I tell you about running through the restaurant?” she scolded in a low voice.
“Sorry, Mommy.” June gazed at her with wide, uncertain eyes. A smattering of freckles stood out across the bridge of her button nose, her blond ponytail bouncing.
“Yeah, we’re sorry, Mom,” Caleb crowed happily. So much like his father. Too agreeable to really understand that he’d done anything wrong. He just went along with his big sister.
As Megan smoothed Caleb’s rumpled T-shirt and flyaway hair, she gazed at her children’s sweet faces. Thinking how much they each looked like their daddy. Thinking this was no place to raise two active little kids. During the school week, she had them in an after-school program. But nights and weekends, they were here with her. She spent so little time with them as it was that she wanted them near her whenever possible, even if she had to keep working. Besides, she couldn’t afford a lot of child care. Not on her tight budget. Thank goodness most of her customers were friends and neighbors who didn’t mind seeing her kids in the diner now and then.
Megan hugged her children close, breathing deeply of their warm skin. A wave of unconditional love swept over her. Just what she needed to dissolve her frazzled nerves.
“How about if I take you to the park for an hour later this afternoon to play?” she said.
“You’re not too busy?” June asked.
Megan shook her head. “I’ll make time. We’ll go once the lunch rush settles down a bit. I’m sure Connie can handle things for a while.”
“You know I can. You guys go and have a little fun,” Connie said as she whisked by, carrying a tray of food for table number five.
“That would be fun,” June said.
“Yeah, and we can play kick ball,” Caleb said. He drew back his leg and kicked the air for emphasis.
“Okay. We’ll do it. But aren’t you tired now?” Megan asked.
She’d gotten both kids up at five that morning. As always, they hadn’t uttered a single complaint. Just rubbed their sleepy eyes and trundled out to the truck in their jammies. They’d changed into their street clothes later that morning. Because she practically lived at the restaurant, Megan had created a homey environment for them in the back office, where they could have some privacy to watch TV, color or sleep. But sometimes, they got restless. Like today.
“Nope, not a smidgen,” June replied, mimicking a phrase her father had often used.
Megan fought off a rush of guilt. Her kids should be outside, running in the tall grass and swinging in the park. They were just children, after all. This situation wasn’t their fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. But they still had to cope.
“You will be tired, my little June bug.” Megan brushed her index finger across the tip of her daughter’s nose.
After they’d played in the park, she knew they’d both collapse on the cot she’d set up in the back office. Just in time for another rush of customers wanting their dinner. In the meantime, it was more than difficult to keep an eye on two wriggly children while she was working.
“Why don’t you go in the back and watch TV for a while?” she suggested.
“I don’t want to,” June said.
“Do you want to help me instead?” she asked them, her voice enticing.
“Sure,” Caleb chirped with a ready nod of his head.
Megan swept a jagged thatch of hair back from her son’s forehead. “I’ve got two bags of garbage sitting beside the back door. If you work together, you can carry them outside and throw them into the dump. And after you’ve had your lunch, I told Frank to save a slice of fresh banana cream pie for each of you.”
“Yum!” Caleb gave a little hop and clapped his chubby hands.
June smiled wide, showing a missing tooth in front. “Okay, Mommy. We’ll do it.”
And off they went.
“Cute kids,” the handsome stranger at the counter said.
Megan glanced his way, feeling pleased, but suddenly self-conscious that he’d overheard her entire conversation. “Thanks.”
Swiveling on her flat, practical heels, she faced him. Her gaze dipped to the menu, which he hadn’t touched.
“Thanks, but I don’t need it.” He shook his head, a subtle smile curving the corners of his full mouth.
She slid the menu into the holder at the side of the cash register. Gripping her notepad and pen, she forced herself to meet his dazzling blue eyes.
“So what’ll it be, then?” she asked.
He flashed a magnetic grin. Wow! He had gorgeous blue eyes. Intelligent yet soft, with smile lines at the corners. His sun-bronzed skin told her he liked being outdoors.
“Steak and eggs, cooked medium rare and over easy. Fire potatoes, two griddle cakes and whole wheat toast with plenty of strawberry jam.”
Yep, his order was completely masculine, just like him. Coasting on autopilot, she slid a dish of prepackaged jams close to his hand. She jotted some notes, trying to get his order down before her muddled brain forgot everything.
He gave an infectious laugh. “You sure write fast. Have you got it all? I can repeat it, if you like.”
“Nope, I’ve got it. Anything to drink?” she asked, forcing herself not to look up.
“A tall glass of orange juice, please.”
“Coming right up.” She swiveled around and snapped his order up for Frank.
Forcing herself to keep working, she fled to the kitchen refrigerator to pour him some juice. She returned and had just set the glass in front of him when little Caleb came running in from the alleyway out back. He tugged on her apron and spoke in a shrill voice.
“Hurry, Mommy! Fire! Outside,” the boy cried.
The handsome man sitting at the counter jerked his head up, his eyes widening.
Wiping her hands on her apron, Megan scurried after her son and muttered under her breath. “What could make this day any crazier?”
* * *
The moment Jared Marshall heard the word fire, he was out of his seat. Without a backward glance, he followed Megan Rocklin down the hallway leading to the back door.
Yes, he knew the woman’s name. He was new in town, but Tim Wixler, his assistant fire management officer, had told him what she looked like. Though the description he’d been given didn’t do Megan justice. No, not at all.
Jared had come here specifically to speak to her about a catering job, but he’d never expected her to be so pretty and petite. She had a stubborn chin, pert nose, long strawberry blond hair and warm brown eyes. No, not really brown, but rather a golden amber. With reddish flecks in the center. Yeah, he’d noticed, in spite of her reticence to look at him. And in spite of his desire not to notice.
As he passed through the narrow hallway, he snatched a fire extinguisher off the wall. The screen door clapped closed behind him as he stepped out into the alley. Megan’s daughter was screaming and jumping up and down in absolute panic. Looking at his sister, the little boy followed suit and burst into tears. When Megan saw the flames licking above the top of a metal garbage can, she gasped.
“Where’s the lid? Can anyone find the lid? I’ve got to snuff the fire out,” she cried, searching through the rows of garbage cans lining the outer building.
Without hesitation, Jared pulled the ring on the extinguisher, aimed the nozzle at the trash can and depressed the trigger. A whoosh of white foam hit the flames. Within seconds, the fire was out.
The girl stopped screaming and the boy stopped crying. The two kids huddled next to their mom’s legs and sniffled. The poor little things were scared, and Jared thought that was good. After this experience, he doubted they’d ever play with matches.
“Oh, thank you.” Megan spoke with relief, one hand cradling Caleb’s head next to her thigh, her other hand clasped to her chest.
“You’re welcome.” Jared nodded, conscious of the cook, waitress and several customers from the restaurant coming outside to see what the commotion was about. Their eyes were filled with helpless frustration.
“I wonder what caused the fire,” Megan said.
Jared glanced around the narrow alley. His experienced gaze took in the variety of garbage cans, plastic black bags and a litter of cigarette butts lying in the dirt by the back door.
He pointed at the butts. “I suspect that’s your culprit. Someone could have tossed a hot cigarette into the garbage can and it ignited.”
“Of course. But how did you know what to do?” Megan asked. “You were so quick to react. It would have taken me several more minutes to remember the fire extinguisher. In all these years, I’ve never had to use it.”
He shrugged. “It’s what I do. I’m glad to help.”
She tilted her head. “What do you mean? What do you do?”
“I’m the new fire management officer at the Forest Service office in town. Normally I’d be wearing my Forest Service uniform, but I’m off duty today.”
Her face flushed a deep red. A cloud of doubt veiled her expressive eyes. “Oh. You’re a firefighter.”
It wasn’t a question. She said it as if it was something to be abhorred.
“So, you’re the new FMO.” Connie stepped forward and shook his hand. “We haven’t met yet, but you work with my husband, Tim Wixler.”
Jared smiled with recognition. “Sure. Tim’s a great guy. I’m glad to have him as my assistant FMO.”
“But you fight wildfires,” Megan said again, as though she couldn’t believe it.
He nodded. “Yes, or rather, I used to. Now, I just organize the people and equipment for fighting fires on the Minoa National Forest. Although I’m also the newest member of the voluntary fire department here in town.” He smiled, a frisson of pride filling his chest. In spite of suffering a painful divorce last year, he still loved his work. It’s all that had kept him sane after his ex-wife left him for another man.
“Well, I appreciate the help. Your meal is on the house,” Megan said.
“Nah, you don’t need to do that,” he countered.
“Sure I do. It’s my way of saying thank-you.”
He stepped forward and offered her his hand. “My name’s Jared Marshall.”
“I’m Megan Rocklin.” She took his hand in a tentative grip, but she didn’t smile.
“I’m glad to meet you, Mrs. Rocklin.”
She nodded. Without another word, she turned her shoulder on him and looked at the husky man wearing a chef’s hat. The cook. Jared had seen the guy back in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.
“Frank, I’m afraid you may have caused this fire. Can you be more careful with your cigarette butts in the future? I’ve got insurance, but I’d sure hate to have the place burn to the ground.” Her voice sounded gentle but stern.
Frank’s round face flushed red. “I... I’m sorry, Megan. I thought my cigarette was out. I didn’t mean to cause any harm.”
The poor guy looked profoundly apologetic. The little girl named June took his hand and leaned against his side in a silent show of support.
Megan relented, a smile of understanding creasing her face as she hugged the big man in a warm gesture of forgiveness. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. Just please be careful in the future. Or better yet, now is a great time to quit smoking altogether.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Frank said, his bushy brows pulled down in a thoughtful frown.
Jared liked this woman. Liked the way she treated her kids and her employees. She seemed to really care about them. And after what he’d been through with his ex-wife and her selfish demands, that meant a lot.
“Well, no harm done,” Jared said.
All eyes riveted on him. No one said a word. They looked at him as if he’d grown horns on top of his head. And suddenly, he felt out of place. As if he didn’t belong. Not yet, anyway. But he planned to change that over time. He loved the quiet camaraderie of this small town, the slower pace, the beautiful stands of timber covering the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This was his kind of place, and he was staying. He’d thought putting out the fire might win him a few new friends. So, why did he feel as if he was a leper trying to infect everyone? Maybe it was because they didn’t know him yet. He was a stranger, after all.
“Okay, the show is over, folks. Let’s get back to business.” Megan opened the screen door and urged her children, Frank and other people inside.
Jared held back, deciding to watch the fire for a while longer, to ensure it was really out.
Megan beckoned to him. “You don’t need to worry. I’ll keep an eye on it.”
“If you’ve got a bucket, I’d feel better to dump some water on it, just to make sure it doesn’t flare up again.”
“Yes, I can do that. Why don’t you come inside and Connie will get your meal for you?”
She stood, holding the screen door open, her stubborn chin lifting a notch higher in the air. Her beautiful eyes didn’t quite meet his. They seemed cold and remote, now. Not quite hostile, but almost. He felt her disapproval like a living thing and wondered what was wrong. What had he done? Since he’d mentioned that he fought wildfires for a living, she’d changed toward him, and he didn’t understand why. Most people loved firefighters. They were considered heroes. A profession little boys dreamed about becoming part of when they grew up.
“Actually, I was hoping to talk with you for a few minutes,” he said.
She pursed her lips. “About what?”
“I have a job offer for you.”
She let go of the screen door and it clapped closed. She tucked a curl of reddish-gold hair back behind her ear, looking beautiful and vulnerable.
She indicated the diner, her brows lifting in an irritated frown. “I have a job already. I own this restaurant.”
“I know, but this would be right up your alley and shouldn’t interfere with your café. I need a caterer. Someone who can prepare meals for the crews of men and women during the summer fire season coming up.”
She snorted. “I’ve got two kids. I can’t flitter around, traveling from state to state to provide food to firefighters.”
“You wouldn’t have to. I just need you for the fires we get in our own mountains, which shouldn’t be too many. Tim Wixler told me you’ve done it before.”
Her mouth rounded and she hesitated. “Yes, but not anymore. I’m afraid it wouldn’t work for me now.”
“You sure? I heard that you own a mobile kitchen and lots of tables and chairs.”
“Yes, that’s true, but I’ve advertised all of my equipment for sale.”
“Then you know what the work entails. Since you’re the only restaurant in town, I wanted to give you first dibs on the job. Reno is eighty miles away, so I thought I’d ask the locals first.”
Her frown stayed firmly in place, and he hurried on, wondering why he felt desperate for her to accept. “It’s just for the summer and it wouldn’t be dangerous. You’d be serving meals up at the fire camp, which would be far away from the fire.”
She gave a derogatory snort. “Yeah, it’s safe. With all those big airplanes, bulldozers and pumper trucks driving around the place. No thanks.”
Hmm. Maybe she did have something against firefighters after all.
“It’s good money. We pay top dollar.” He didn’t know why he kept enticing her. She’d said no, but he’d noticed how shorthanded she was in the restaurant. That could be because someone had called in sick, or because she couldn’t afford to hire more people. Whatever the cause, he felt certain that she needed the extra income. So why wouldn’t she accept his offer?
“I’m not really staffed to cater meals to a bunch of unruly firefighters anymore,” she said.
Unruly firefighters? He was one of them. And from what he’d been told, her husband had been one, too. So why the animosity?
“I could help you get set up,” he offered. “If you can provide the equipment, workforce and prepare the food, I can provide you with the Cubitainers. I’ve even got two extra power generators I could let you borrow.”
Because she’d done this kind of work before, Megan should already know that Cubitainers were clear, square plastic containers for putting juice, milk and water in. They were stackable and easy to transport.
“I’d make it as painless as possible,” Jared continued. “All you and your people have to do is cook and serve the food to the crews for an occasional fire.”
Okay, he was trying too hard. And yet, he felt as though his future happiness depended on her acceptance. A crazy notion if ever he’d had one.
She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I can’t.”
He flashed her a smile, determined not to be upset by her rebuttal. She must have her reasons for declining, and he couldn’t fault her for it. “Okay, I understand. If you change your mind in the next few days, just say the word. I won’t be going into Reno to approach other possible vendors there for another week or so. You’ve got time to change your mind.”
“I won’t change my mind.”
“Well, just in case.” He reached inside his shirt pocket and pulled out one of the new business cards his office manager had made up for him two weeks ago when he’d first arrived in town. Handing the card over to Megan, he noticed how her hand trembled as she took it. She barely glanced at it before sliding it into the pocket of her apron.
“Thanks.” She turned and went inside, leaving him to follow at his own pace.
She returned with a bucket of water a few minutes later. While she resumed her work in the restaurant, he dumped the water into the rusty garbage can. He checked on the fire one last time, satisfied that it was really out. Then, he went inside for his meal. It was delicious and he finished it way too soon. And when he tried to pay his bill, Megan refused to accept any money. Instead, he left a twenty-dollar bill tucked beneath his plate when she wasn’t looking. A very tidy tip he thought she’d earned.
Walking out into the sunshine, he climbed into his blue pickup truck and drove home. But he couldn’t help wishing that Megan Rocklin had accepted the catering job.
Chapter Two (#ulink_03218bdc-c352-5015-8964-9419a281f54d)
“You should accept his offer,” Connie said.
“Whose offer?” Megan sat at the counter in the restaurant, refilling the salt and pepper shakers. Frank was in the kitchen, getting ready for the dinner hour. The kids were finally taking a nap in the back office. For a few brief minutes, Megan had not a single customer to wait on. But she knew that would soon change.
“Jared’s offer. You should cater meals to the fire crews this summer.”
Yes, Megan knew who Connie was talking about. But she’d rather avoid the discussion. She’d been stunned when she’d discovered who Jared was and what he wanted. After Blaine’s death, she figured she’d never cater meals to the firefighters again. And frankly, she wasn’t mentally prepared to think about it now.
“No way. You know I’ve vowed to keep my distance from the firefighters. It’s bad enough that many of my friends are hotshots I have to worry about. I don’t want to go up on the mountain with them.”
“But you haven’t sold your mobile kitchen yet. You still have all the equipment you need.”
Megan barely glanced up as she rolled a fork, knife and spoon in a paper napkin, taped it closed, then placed it into the basket they used to serve their customers. “That’ll change as soon as I find a buyer.”
Connie caught a drip of pancake syrup as she refilled the smaller decanters from a gallon jug. “Look, Megan. You’ve had that mobile kitchen up for sale for months now, and no one has expressed any interest in buying it. So why not use it for something good? Being around them doesn’t mean you’ll fall in love with another firefighter—though there’d be nothing wrong with that. You’ve just got to feed them.”
True, but that wouldn’t sway Megan. Being in the fire camp would be too much of a reminder of all that she’d already lost. “Give me boring and safe any day of the week.”
Connie frowned. “I don’t know how you can limit love that way. When you fall for someone, you fall. Your heart doesn’t care what he does for a living. I don’t think you can stop it from happening just because their work might be dangerous.”
“That might be true, but I’m no longer willing to take the chance,” Megan insisted.
“I hope that’s not true. It sounds kind of sad,” Connie said.
Megan snorted. “Not half as sad as trying to explain to my two children that their daddy won’t be coming home because he was killed in the line of duty.”
Connie pushed aside the syrup bottles and reached out to hug Megan. “I know, sweetie. You’ve been through a lot and I’m so sorry. But please don’t give up on love. You’re a wonderful person and have so much to offer some good guy. One day, you’re gonna meet someone special and have a long, wonderful life together.”
Megan just nodded, not really believing she could ever be so blessed to experience that kind of exquisite love a second time.
“Catering meals for the firefighters would still be great for your business,” Connie said.
That was true.
“But what would I do with Caleb and June? They’ll soon be out of school for the summer and needing even more attention.”
“You could take them to child care.”
“Yes, but not overnight. I spend so little quality time with them as it is. When they’re not in school, I hate for them to be out of my sight if it’s not absolutely necessary.”
“So, take them with you. It’ll be fun for them,” Connie said.
Megan arched one brow. “You mean up on the mountain?”
“Sure. They’re well behaved and will stay close by while you deliver the food. They’ll look at it as an adventure. You don’t need to stay overnight and serve the meals. You can hire reliable people to do that for you.”
Megan couldn’t argue with that. Connie made a valid point. She liked for her kids to see her working because they usually pitched in and helped. Megan knew that was also a great way of teaching children to have a good work ethic. “But we don’t have enough people to run the restaurant and also go up on the mountain to feed all the fire crews. We’re talking about hundreds of hungry men and women.”
Connie shrugged, looking undeterred. “So, hire more people to help you out. You’ve done it before. Summer is your busy time. Lots of hungry tourists coming through town. It also means that many high school students are out looking for jobs. In a dinky town this size, they’re kind of limited on employment options. I have no doubt they’d love to chop lettuce and serve food for minimum wage. And the school lunch cooks are out of work, too. They’d love a summer job. If we have a forest fire, you can be the shuttle to drive the food up to the base camp every day. And June and Caleb can ride along with you. You get to spend time with them, and they’d have a good time. Problem solved.”
It sounded so simple when Connie put it that way.
“We could definitely use the money,” she said.
But catering meals meant she’d have to work around the firefighters. No doubt she’d end up seeing Jared Marshall now and then, too. And for some reason, being around the enigmatic FMO made her feel nervous and jittery inside. She didn’t understand why, but she realized she liked the guy already.
“I’ll help you,” Connie said.
“So will I,” Frank called from the kitchen.
Megan’s face flushed with heat when she realized Frank had been listening in. She thought she was crazy to even consider taking on the job. But maybe Connie was right. The thought of earning enough money to bring her bills current was an enticement she couldn’t resist. And if she refused to do the work this year, Jared might not ask her again next year. She’d be passed over while he hired some big restaurant out of Reno. It wouldn’t be often. The surrounding mountains usually only had one or two fires each year. And she could always sell the mobile kitchen later on, after fire season was over with. But it wouldn’t be wise for her to pass up this golden opportunity.
“Look, honey, I know you’re still upset about losing Blaine, but this catering job is safe. And all you’ve got to do is say yes,” Connie said.
An abrasive laugh slipped from Megan’s throat. “It’s not safe no matter what you say, but I guess the fire camp should be harmless enough.”
“That’s right,” Connie said. “And now that I’ve convinced you on this one thing, maybe you’ll also listen to me regarding your love life. It’s time to start dating again. You need a night out for a change.”
“Ha! I own the only restaurant in town and there’s no movie theater. So what am I going to do on a date? Drive out and look at the lake?” Megan pursed her lips.
“It sounds kind of romantic to me. Cuddling up to a handsome man who has eyes just for you,” Connie said.
Megan didn’t agree. Going on a date was as appealing to her as a case of the measles.
The bell over the door tinkled as a man and woman came inside. Connie hurried to wait on them, calling over her shoulder. “Think it over. Tim said he knows someone he’d like to set you up with. He told me to ask you about it.”
“Who is it?” Megan asked.
Connie shrugged as she pulled her notepad out of the pocket in her apron. “Beats me. Tim just said he’s a nice, steady guy.”
Great. Steady and boring. But that was what Megan needed in her life. No more excitement. No more wildfires to make her anxious at night when she should be sleeping.
Connie provided their customers with menus and two glasses of ice water. In her heart, Megan knew dating another man wouldn’t work. She didn’t want to jump into another relationship. Not as long as she had June and Caleb to think about.
Still, she did consider the possibilities. A lot, in fact. As she served food and closed up the diner later that night, her thoughts trailed back to Jared Marshall. His smile alone was enough to make her heart beat faster.
After locking the front door, Frank walked with her and the sleepy children out to the parking lot and said goodbye. Standing beneath the dim glow of a streetlight, Megan let the frigid night air cool her work-flushed face. A heavy doubt blanketed her. A constant companion she couldn’t seem to banish from her heart and mind.
As she buckled her two kids into their seats and closed the door, a chilling breeze smelling of rain swirled around her. She walked to the driver’s side, thinking that the catering job wouldn’t be too bad. It would be a lot of hard work, but that never frightened her. Loving and then losing someone to a wildfire was a different matter entirely. It absolutely terrified her. And she couldn’t go through that again. No, not ever.
* * *
The microwave buzzed, letting Jared know his dinner was ready. Having just gotten home after a long day at work, he changed into his old blue jeans and a worn T-shirt. Switching off the light in his bedroom, he padded barefoot through the dark living room to the cheery lights of the kitchen. Reaching for a hot pad, he opened the microwave and slid his dinner onto the kitchen table. A frozen spaghetti- and-meatballs concoction from a cardboard container. Nothing fancy, and nothing like the meal he’d had at Megan’s diner the day before, but it’d fill up his rumbling stomach.
The doorbell rang and he jerked his head around. He glanced at the clock on the wall. Nine twenty-eight. Who could be calling at this late hour?
Walking into the living room, he clicked on the porch light. Opening the door, he looked out. Megan Rocklin stood in front of him, wearing a light jacket and a worried frown.
“Mrs. Rocklin! Come in,” he said.
A whoosh of air rushed out of his lungs, and his senses kicked into overdrive. Wow! This was unexpected. Even with a mountain of work, he couldn’t stop thinking about her throughout the day. He’d planned on going back to her restaurant, to ask her about the catering job one more time, but decided to let it drop. Now he was beyond startled to find her on his doorstep. In a town this size, he wasn’t surprised that she knew where he lived, but what was she doing here?
“No, I can’t.” She tossed a desperate look toward the street, as if she wanted to escape.
Beneath the glimmer of the porch light, she fidgeted, looking anxious. He caught sight of her old pickup truck parked in front of his house. Through the windows, he could just make out the tops of her two children’s heads, snuggled together in sleep. A sweet feeling rushed over him. He liked these kids and their mother.
“Did you just get off work at the restaurant?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’re on our way home now.”
He gazed at her face, delicate and pale in the dim night air. Lines of fatigue circled her expressive brown eyes. And in that moment, he realized how difficult life must be for her, running a business and raising two young children on her own.
“What can I do for you?” he asked. If only she’d agree to cater meals to the firefighters, he could bring her some lucrative work that might allow her to hire some more help.
She looked casual in faded jeans. Her blue tennis shoes matched the neck of her soft sweater almost exactly. In the restaurant, she’d worn her reddish-blond hair tied back in a ponytail. Just now, it lay in flowing waves across her shoulders, and he thought she must have pulled it loose and brushed it out before leaving work.
“I’m sorry to bother you at home so late at night, but this is the first chance I’ve had to get away from the diner,” she said, her face flushing a delightful shade of pink.
He caught her fragrant scent and took several deep inhales. He couldn’t help contrasting her relaxed attire to the formal dress suits his ex-wife had worn all the time. After college, Sharon had wanted him to go into banking, like her father. Jared had almost done it, too. After all, his parents had died and he’d wanted to please his new wife and her family. But wearing uncomfortable suits and sitting in an office all day long didn’t appeal to Jared. He loved his forestry work and being outdoors. Too late, he had realized that he and his wife had wanted different things from life.
“It’s no problem. What can I help you with?” He smiled, genuinely pleased to see her again.
She glanced at the dark street, then ducked her head, clenching her delicate hands together like a lifeline. She cleared her voice and swallowed before speaking. “I was just wondering if the catering job is still available.”
He released a silent breath of relief, more than glad that he had put off going into Reno to ask another business to do the job. “Yes, it is. Are you interested?”
She hesitated several moments. “Yes, I think I am.”
He stepped forward, his fingers tightening around the doorknob. “Great. I’m glad to hear that.”
“But first, I’ve got a few questions.”
He lifted a hand in the air. “Of course. Ask anything. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find out the information for you.”
She took a deep breath, as though she were about to plunge headfirst into an icy pool of water. “How much notice will I get when you need me to feed the fire crews?”
“About twenty-four hours. Is that enough?”
She nodded. “Yes, I think so. How many people will I need to plan on feeding?”
“Around four hundred. Some big fires require feeding two thousand people, but if we get to that point, I’ll bring in some additional caterers. Although you’ll also need to feed about fifty people at the spike camps. Those are remote camps which are mostly for smoke jumpers and hotshot crews. You won’t need to go into the spike camp to serve the meals but rather prepare the food so we can fly it in by helicopter.”
Another nod. “Yes, I know what a spike camp is.”
His mouth dropped open. “That’s right. Your husband was a firefighter, too.”
He barely caught the word, she spoke so quietly.
“Would you be able to feed that many people?” he asked.
“Yes, I think I can manage that number just fine.”
“Good. I’ve got a watering trough we can fill with ice and then just dump the cans of soda pop and bottled water into it for people to grab and run. But you’ll need to keep a large coffeepot hot and ready twenty-four hours a day,” he said.
“That sounds fine. I’ve got several giant coffee pots we can use. Will you need me to provide the ice?”
He nodded. “Yes, please. And I suggest you hire two or three more cooks to help you prepare the food. Will that be a problem?”
She finally met his eyes. “No, I’m planning to speak with some people I know tomorrow afternoon. Since it’s seasonal work and only if we get a fire nearby, I think they’ll come out of retirement to help me. I also know of two school cooks who are out of work for the summer. I think they’ll jump at the chance for this kind of job. I’ll alternate their schedules, so they don’t get too worn out with the long hours. And then, I’m hoping to make a trip into Reno next week, to buy some additional equipment. Once I’ve got everything ready, I thought you could come over to check it out.”
Impressive. He much preferred hiring an experienced caterer like Megan. She obviously knew what she was doing, but yes, he would want to check it out. “That would be fine. It sounds like you’ve already thought this through.”
“I have. But—” she swallowed again “—I just want to make sure my food crew won’t be anywhere near the forest fire.”
He hesitated. Obviously, he wouldn’t put her or her people in harm’s way. And yet, she seemed to be overly worried about it. And for some odd reason, he felt a protective impulse come over him. To reassure her. To keep her safe.
“No, you won’t be working close to the fire. The camps are usually situated in a safe zone. I’ll ensure your protection. I can promise you that.”
She released an audible breath, and it finally dawned on him that though most people would want to be assured of the same thing, Megan’s reasons stemmed from having her husband die in a fire. And he couldn’t blame her.
“Mrs. Rocklin, I can assure you that no harm will come to you or your people. Safety comes first with me. We can replace buildings and trees, but no one should ever be injured or die in a forest fire.” And he meant what he said. Deep inside, he knew he’d do whatever it took to keep his word.
A slight smile curved her lips, and she stepped back on the front porch. “I’m glad to hear that. And please, call me Megan.”
He smiled too, beyond relieved to have a caterer set in place. This was his first assignment as an FMO, and he wanted to do a good job. Contracting people to provide food, bulldozers, drop planes and pumper trucks was a large part of his work. He felt better having this item settled.
They discussed her fee and a few other details. As she stepped down off the porch and headed toward the sidewalk, he accompanied her to her truck.
“I can bring the contract by your restaurant in a day or two for you to sign,” he said.
Zipping her jacket up to her throat, she met his gaze. “That would be fine. And thank you. I won’t let you down.”
He smiled. “I have no doubt that’s true.”
She opened the door to her truck. And as he watched her climb inside, flip on the headlights and drive away, he felt surprisingly happy inside. A strange notion that made him question why. And though he hated to admit it, he knew the answer. He wanted to see more of Megan Rocklin. And that knowledge left him feeling both a little frightened and excited all at once.
Chapter Three (#ulink_0e3ca8cd-cc43-517d-b6f0-c280465b70e4)
“Mommy, that man’s here.”
Megan looked up. Caleb stood in the doorway of the laundry room in their house.
“What man?” Down on her hands and knees, Megan wrung out a dripping rag into the mop bucket. She blew a long tendril of hair out of her face and glanced toward the threshold again. Jared Marshall stood there, tall and imposing. Little Caleb stared up at the man, a look of hero worship filling his eyes.
“Oh!” Megan’s mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. She almost groaned out loud, thinking this day couldn’t get much worse. Why did this gorgeous man have to catch her mopping up a mess from the leaky washing machine?
Dressed in his Forest Service uniform, Jared held several white papers in his big hands. In a rush, Megan sat back with a thump, taking in the bronze shield pinned to the left front pocket of his drab olive green shirt. He looked so official. So imposing.
Bracing her hands against the floor, she pushed herself to her feet, a knot of tension tightening at the back of her neck.
“Hi, Jared. I didn’t expect to see you today.” She dropped the rag into the bucket, noticing that her wet fingers were wrinkled like prunes.
His gaze swept across the room. He observed the washing machine pulled away from the wall, the tools resting on top of the dryer and the sheen of water still covering the damp floor.
She felt nervous and out of sorts having this man in her home. Her house wasn’t fancy, but it was normally clean and comfortable. So, why did he have to show up just now, when everything was in a mess? And why did she care what Jared Marshall thought about where she lived anyway?
He chuckled, the low sound sending a shiver up her spine. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I guess we keep surprising each other.”
“Yeah, we sure do. You caught me at a bad time. The washing machine sprang a leak.” Her voice sounded unnaturally high to her ears.
She turned and moved the bucket out of the middle of the floor. Facing him, she lifted her chin, trying to retain a bit of dignity.
Pretending not to notice her predicament, Jared waved the papers in the air. “I brought over the contract for you to sign. I took it over to the restaurant, but they told me it was your day off. I figured you wouldn’t mind if I stopped by.”
Her breath whooshed from her lungs. “Of course not. I only go into the diner on Mondays if they get swamped by customers. It’s usually our slow day. I was trying to catch up on some laundry, but it didn’t work out quite as I’d planned.”
She took a step, her tennis shoes squeaking against the tile floor.
She indicated the towels and a load of soggy clothes still sitting inside the washing machine drum, half-filled with water. They were waiting for a spin cycle that wouldn’t come, and Megan dreaded rinsing the clothes before wringing them out by hand. With everything else she had to do today, she didn’t need this problem to cope with. She wanted her laundry clean and put away.
“Jared can fix the washer, Mommy,” Caleb said with confidence.
Both Jared and Megan snapped their heads in the boy’s direction, looking surprised. Jared closed his mouth and his gaze zeroed in on the washing machine. June joined Caleb, watching the scene with wary eyes.
“I pulled it out away from the wall, so I could get at the problem,” Megan said.
But the truth was, she didn’t have any idea how to fix the machine. Megan had used the wrench to shut off the water, but not before she’d been doused by the spray. She pushed a limp strand of hair back behind her ear, highly conscious that she must look horrible. No makeup. Her hair a mess. Dressed in worn blue jeans and a ratty sweatshirt.
“I have no idea how to fix the leak,” she confessed.
And the drowsy little town of Minoa didn’t include a plumber. Folks usually dealt with problems like this on their own. It was expensive to bring an expert in from out of town. Blaine had always handled these situations for them, which was just one more reason she missed him. She’d been about ready to call Tim Wixler, to see if he might be able to come over after he got off work. Now she didn’t want to ask for Jared’s help, but she sure could use it.
“Looks like the washing machine made quite a mess,” Jared said.
“It did. Water was all over the place. Huh, Mommy?” Caleb scrunched up his nose as he gestured at the walls and floor.
Megan dried her hands on an old towel and heaved a disgruntled sigh. “Yes, I was just cleaning it up.”
“My dad always fixed the washer,” June said in a slightly defensive tone.
Jared quirked one brow in an endearing smile. “He did, huh? I’ll bet he was very handy at fixing things. Do you mind if I take a look?”
June didn’t respond. She just studied him, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“Please do. And thank you.” Megan stepped back to let him through, tugging on her children’s arms to get them out of the way.
Right now, she didn’t care that Jared was a wildfire fighter. She’d be grateful just to have her washing machine back in commission. Besides the added expense of buying a new machine, she didn’t have time to drive into Reno to shop for one right now. If necessary, she could do it when she went into the city to buy the extra equipment she needed to cater meals to the firefighters, but that wasn’t her preference. Her budget was stretched too tight already.
“Why don’t you read through this while I see what I can do?” Jared handed her the contract and scrunched his tall frame into the narrow alcove behind the washer so he could inspect the hoses connecting the machine to the faucet.
Megan took her kids into the kitchen, where they all sat at the table and she pored over the contract. There were two copies, and she assumed one was for her. She’d just signed on the bottom line when Jared came in wiping his damp hands on a towel.
Caleb popped out of his seat and stood wriggling with anticipation. June folded her arms and scowled at the man.
“You don’t happen to have any hose washers, by chance?” Jared asked.
Megan cocked her head to one side. “What do you mean?”
He held out his hand. On his calloused palm rested a little black washer that was split in two. “This kind of washer. It seals the connection between the faucet and the hose. This one is split, which is what I believe caused your leak.”
She crinkled her nose in a grimace. “It was more like a geyser. And yes, I use those kinds of washers on my garden hoses.”
He nodded. “Yes, that’s right. Do you have any extras lying around?”
She stood and pulled open a drawer filled with a variety of junk. Tape, string, paper clips. A catchall drawer where she stashed odds and ends. She snatched out a small package she’d put there last summer and handed him a washer.
He flashed a satisfied grin. “I’ll have it fixed in a jiffy.”
“See? I told you so. Jared can fix anything,” Caleb crowed with victory.
June didn’t say a word. Just sat there with a frown tugging at her brow. Megan figured the girl was feeling territorial because a strange man was in her house. A man that wasn’t her daddy.
Megan and the kids followed Jared into the laundry room, craning their necks to watch him work.
“Can you show me how to fix it? Then I’ll know what to do the next time this happens,” Megan said.
“Sure. Come here.” Jared waved her over.
The children stood beside the dryer while Megan squeezed in against the wall and Jared placed the washer inside the hose opening. Standing this close to the man, she caught his clean, spicy scent and gulped in a shaky breath.
He screwed the connection onto the faucet and tightened it down. As he worked, his arm brushed against hers, sending currents of warmth and energy zinging up her arm.
She stepped away quickly, her face heating up. “You think that’s it?”
“We’ll know in a moment,” he said.
Wrapping a towel around the connection, in case it sprayed the room again, he turned the water back on with several quick twists of his wrist. The hose pulsed twice as it filled with water, then held strong. Jared tossed the towel aside, then moved the washing machine back into its position beside the wall.
“That’s it. You’re all set,” he said.
“Wow! You made it look so easy.” Megan gazed at the washing machine with awe.
“Yeah, I think you got the hard part of cleaning up the mess.”
She chuckled. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.”
“Yay! Jared did it.” Caleb jumped up and down.
But June just scowled.
Jared reached out and ruffled Caleb’s thatch of unruly hair. He smiled wide at the two children. “It was my pleasure.”
A liquid feeling of warmth washed over Megan. Her children were starved for a man’s affection. Even June. And Jared was so likable. Her kids needed their daddy, but fate had been cruel to them all. They still grieved for Blaine, but with this handsome stranger standing in her home, Megan couldn’t help thinking about the possibilities. She missed having a man around the house. The deep laughter as he played with her children. The brute strength to fix a broken pipe. The soft hugs and assurance when she was feeling lonely or sad.
“Now we have to celebrate and say thank-you to Jared with some ice cream and cookies,” Caleb announced.
Megan released a shuddering breath. “Yes, of course.” She didn’t want to serve ice cream to the FMO and, in spite of him fixing her washing machine, she wished he hadn’t come to her home. But how could she say no? Her children didn’t understand her aversion to firefighters and that she didn’t want Jared to linger. They only knew their daddy was a hotshot. And that Jared was a nice man that had helped them out twice.
“Actually, I’ve got to get back to the office,” Jared said.
“But you gotta stay for cookies. They’re homemade. You just gotta,” Caleb howled.
“My mother makes the best cookies in town,” June said, folding her arms and lifting her chin higher in the air. It was almost a challenge. As if Jared would offend them if he didn’t eat one of their cookies.
Megan refused to meet Jared’s eyes. A conflict as old as time waged a war inside her mind. The desperation to protect her family fought against her desire to be near this amazing man. She couldn’t tell him to leave, but neither could she ask him to stay. The choice was his alone.
“Okay, I’ll try at least one,” Jared said.
“Yippee,” Caleb whooped.
The boy tugged on Jared’s hand, pulling him into the kitchen. Megan followed, letting her daughter help her as she got out a tub of vanilla ice cream, four bowls and a plastic scoop. Jared sat in a chair to wait while Caleb placed the cookie jar in the middle of the table. Within minutes, they were all munching on fresh cookies and spooning ice cream into their mouths.
Megan nibbled her treat in silence. One thought pounded her brain. She’d already signed the catering contract. It was too late to take it back. Her copy sat on the table. Jared had folded his copy and slid it into his back pocket. And now more than ever, she questioned her judgment in agreeing to cater meals to the firefighters. It would only serve as a constant reminder of her lost love. But honestly, she didn’t have the courage to ask for the contract back.
* * *
Jared wished he hadn’t come here. He should have waited until tomorrow when he could have returned to the restaurant to give Megan the catering contract to sign. Because now he’d caught a tiny glimpse of what it felt like to have a family of his own. A wife and children that needed him as much as he needed them. All the years he’d been married to Sharon, she’d put off having children. And out of respect for her feelings, he hadn’t pushed her. But not having kids was one of his biggest regrets.
Now he needed to get out of here. Before he remembered how lonely he was. But Megan must be lonely, too. He’d seen the pictures in her living room, hanging on the walls and standing on the top of the piano. Pictures of Megan with her kids and a man. Her husband. If the wide smiles were any indicator of happiness, he figured she’d loved the guy more than anything else. And Jared couldn’t help wishing there was just one person in this world that loved him like that. That there was one woman who missed him when he was gone and couldn’t wait to see him again.
He ate his ice cream too fast and immediately regretted it. Pressing his fingers against his forehead, he clenched his eyes tightly shut as pain throbbed through the top of his head.
“What’s the matter, Jared?” Caleb asked.
“Brain freeze,” he spoke low and tight.
At least the pain took his mind off how wonderful it was to sit at this table and enjoy the laughter of two sweet kids and their overly quiet mother.
“You ate your ice cream too fast,” June said.
“Mom says to eat slowly, so your food will digest properly,” Caleb said.
Jared almost laughed, thinking what a proper, wonderful mother Megan was to her two children. The kind of woman he wished he’d met and married back when he’d first started his career with the Forest Service. She hadn’t known how to handle her broken-down washing machine, but she’d tried. She worked hard at the restaurant, seeming to pull her load without complaint. She did what had to be done. And he respected her for that. But he knew it couldn’t be easy on her.
“I’ll remember that the next time.” He gritted out the words in a strangled voice.
When the pain in his head eased, he stood and placed his bowl and spoon in the sink. “Well, I better get going.”
He looked at Megan, noticing her pale face and wounded eyes.
“Hey! Maybe Jared can fix our broken swing, too,” Caleb said.
June looked up, her mouth pursed with annoyance. Jared tensed, getting the impression she didn’t like him horning in on the chores her father used to do.
Jared met Megan’s eyes. He wanted to help out, but he also felt uncertain about his role in this family’s life right now. He wasn’t really a friend, and yet he wanted to be.
“No, Jared’s got to get back to work, kids.” Megan chewed her bottom lip, looking worried and stressed.
“Ah,” Caleb grumbled. “I haven’t been able to swing for the longest time. Can’t he take a look, Mom? Please?”
Interesting how the boy asked his mother’s permission, as though naturally assuming Jared would be willing to do the task. And once more, he realized how much this family was missing their dad. It didn’t help that Caleb was looking at him with such deep desperation that it tweaked his heart. Jared couldn’t say no. But little June had misgivings. He could tell from the way she sat quietly looking at him. As though she couldn’t make up her mind whether she liked him or not. And that softened his heart, because she was so young and innocent. Because she missed her dad.
“I can take a quick look,” Jared said.
Okay, not smart. Hadn’t he just been itching to get out of there? He needed to go before this little family squeezed its way any further into his heart.
Before it was too late.
“Well, if you’ve got the time. The swing’s out back. The toolbox is in the garage. The kids will show you the way,” Megan said.
“Sure! Come on. I’ll take you there.” Caleb hopped off his chair and headed for the back door.
June followed behind, seeming hesitant to accept Jared’s help. “When it works, it’s the best swing ever. My dad made it for us out of an old tire, but it needs a new rope.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna love it,” Caleb chimed in.
Jared nodded his head and followed the two kids outside. Before he knew what was happening, Caleb had slid his hand into his, talking nonstop.
“My dad put in this grass for us last summer. He wanted us to have a nice place to play. He threw the baseball to me and showed me how to wrestle,” the boy said.
Jared listened without saying much. Along the way, they passed a semitruck and the mobile kitchen, both parked beside the garage. The portable kitchen was a white structure with window cutouts for serving food. Without a word, Jared sized it up, thinking it should work out fine for the catering job. When Megan was ready, he’d return to inspect her other equipment, just to make sure she had what she needed to do the job. But so far, he wasn’t overly concerned.
“Someday I’m gonna get me a dog. I just got to convince Mom,” Caleb continued in a happy voice.
“You do, huh?” Jared didn’t know what else to say.
“Yep. My dad was gonna get me one, but then he died. Now Mom says we’re too busy for a dog. She says it’d have to stay home all the time while we’re at the restaurant working.”
“It’d poop all over the place anyway,” June said.
“But I’d clean up after it. Besides, it’d be good to have a watchdog to protect us in case some bad guys try to get into our house,” Caleb said.
Jared’s heart constricted with compassion. He thought about how difficult it must have been for these two children to lose the father they loved. And he was glad to do something to help them out.
“Bad guys aren’t gonna break into our house,” June said, but she didn’t sound convinced.
“Well, they might,” Caleb argued.
June just shook her head.
“Daddy bought a new rope for our swing, but he got killed before he could put it up,” the girl informed Jared in a matter-of-fact voice.
She showed him where the yellow rope lay coiled on the workbench in the garage. After inspecting the black rubber tire, Jared quickly set up a ladder and a sawhorse to hold the weight of the tire as he hoisted it over the sturdy tree branch. He then shimmied up the ladder and tied a knot in the rope to hold it tight. A gust of warm air blasted him in the face, and he thought about the dry winter they’d had and the coming fire season. He had no doubt he’d be seeing more of Megan over the coming months, and that caused a flutter to fill his chest.
Caleb was the first to try out the swing. As Jared pushed the little boy through the air, his laughter was infectious. Even June smiled. Jared never knew that making two kids happy could bring him so much joy, as well.
Glancing up, he caught Megan watching him from the kitchen window. Heat flushed the tips of his ears. Her face looked quiet and pale. As if she didn’t approve of him being here. He knew this had been her husband’s job. He should still be here, pushing Caleb and June on the swing. Not him. Not a stranger. These weren’t his children. This wasn’t his wife and family. Tension knotted the muscles at the base of Jared’s neck. It was best not to get too attached to these youngsters or their beautiful mother.
As he continued to look at Megan, he saw a slight frown tugging her delicate brow, and her eyes filled with misgivings. Tim Wixler had told Jared what a happy couple Megan and her husband had been. Now she was cautious and guarded.
A flurry of emotion overwhelmed him. He really needed to go. He said his goodbyes and suffered through a heartwarming hug of gratitude from Caleb. Even June thanked him. But Jared didn’t go inside the house to tell Megan farewell. And as he got into his Forest Service truck and drove away, he reminded himself that he didn’t want another woman in his life. His ex-wife had left him for another man. She’d found happiness with someone else. Someone that wasn’t him. Jared had no desire to put his heart at risk a second time.
Megan was a contractor for catering meals to the firefighters and nothing more. He had put out a fire at her restaurant, fixed her washing machine and the tire swing. That was enough.
At least, that’s what he had to keep telling himself to make sure his heart stayed safe.
Chapter Four (#ulink_b2d285d6-1d0a-59e1-857d-fd7c81f34854)
Megan walked up the front steps of Connie and Tim Wixler’s tan stucco house. Lifting her head, she caught the tangy aroma of barbecue in the air. The afternoon breeze fluttered over her, teasing wisps of hair around her face. Although it was unseasonably warm, the air held a slight chill and she was glad she’d worn a sweater.
Connie had arranged for a babysitter for Caleb and June. A teenage girl from down the street had come over to stay with the two kids. Megan thought it was kind of nice to have a night away from her children. She couldn’t remember the last time. On the one hand, she felt guilty for not spending more time with them. After all, they were her main priority now that Blain was gone. But on the other hand, she longed to feel carefree and happy again. And she wondered if that was even possible anymore.
She knocked on the door but didn’t wait for someone to answer. Having been here dozens of times over the past ten years, she turned the knob and stepped inside.
“Hello! Anyone here?” she called to the empty living room.
Voices and laughter came from out in the backyard. The house smelled of boiled eggs and potatoes, and she figured Connie must have made her delicious potato salad.
She walked into the kitchen, noticing the clutter of dishes, plastic wrap and food items spread across the countertops. No doubt Connie had been cooking up a storm. But why make so much food for just three people?
Through the screen door, Megan caught sight of Tim standing in front of the propane barbecue. Brian Dandrige, the superintendent of the Minoa Hotshot crew, and his girlfriend, Gayle, stood beside the table. Sean Nash, the crew boss of the hotshots, and his fiancé, Tessa, were chatting with Connie over a bowl of chips, dip and finger foods. Old friends, every one. Other than seeing them at the restaurant now and then, Megan hadn’t mingled with them much since Blaine’s death. Not because they hadn’t called or come by to visit her. She just hadn’t wanted to socialize much with other people.
Megan felt suddenly edgy and anxious. She hadn’t realized dinner at Connie’s house would include some of Blaine’s old coworkers. She thought it would be a quiet evening, just the three of them.
Taking a deep breath, Megan tried to settle her nerves. Blaine had been gone almost a year, and it was time for her to get out and be around others. But it wasn’t easy. In a way, she felt disloyal to Blaine for moving on and living while he had died.
Stepping over to the screen door, she pushed it open and went outside.
“Hi, Megan! It’s so good to see you,” Gayle called.
“Hi there!” Megan smiled and waved, doing her best impression of pretending she wanted to be here.
“Howdy, Megan. How do you take your steak?” Tim asked.
“Medium well. Where do you want me to put this?” She lifted the bowl of pasta salad she’d brought with her, hoping she had enough for this large crowd.
“Over there.” Tim pointed his tongs at the picnic table, set up beneath the shade of a tall wisteria tree in full bloom. The afternoon breeze wafted the sweet aroma of flowers to her.
Breathing deeply, Megan turned and froze. Across the expanse of green grass, Jared Marshall stood beside the table holding a can of soda pop in one hand. The afternoon sun gleamed against his dark blond hair. He was dressed casually in a pair of navy blue slacks and a white polo shirt that fit his muscular arms and chest to perfection.
Her gaze locked with his for several pounding moments. His dazzling blue eyes crinkled at the corners, and she realized he was just as confused as she was. Maybe Tim had thought this a good way for Jared to get to know the crew leadership in an informal setting. Brian and Sean were year-round employees. The rest of the hotshot crew was seasonal, working during the summer months and into the early autumn.
But in a rush, Megan realized what was going on. This gathering wasn’t just for the hotshots to get to know their new FMO. Her mind quickly did the math. Eight people were here. Four couples. Each of them were romantically involved, except for her and Jared. This was a setup, pure and simple. Connie and Tim had been pushing her for months to let them fix her up on a blind date, but Megan had refused. Obviously, Connie had decided to ignore her and had paired her with the handsome fire management officer. A pseudo blind date. Under false pretenses. Because Connie knew Megan would never have agreed to come otherwise.
“Megan, I’m so glad you’re here. You can help me with the baked beans.” Connie engulfed her in a warm hug.
“You’ve been very devious,” Megan whispered.
“Yes, but you’ll forgive me. You always do. And since you’re here, try to have a teensy bit of fun.” Connie spoke low, for her ears alone. Then the woman drew back and smiled as she whisked the bowl of pasta salad out of Megan’s hands. “I’ll take this for you. It looks delicious.”
Connie turned toward the table. “Jared, would you please get Megan a drink?”
“Sure,” came his hesitant reply. His gaze shifted to her flushed face, and he jerked one shoulder. “What would you like?”
“Something diet,” Megan said.
He brushed past her as he reached inside the cooler chest. He rattled around in the ice for a moment before pulling out a diet cola. After he popped the tab, he handed the can over with a smile. They drew together close enough to chat without including everyone else in their conversation.
“It looks like we both got ambushed,” he said.
A warm, fluid feeling washed over her. He would have had to be blind not to realize that Connie had paired them up for the evening. Obviously he hadn’t been in on the surprise either, but Megan didn’t know if he resented it or not. And her face heated with embarrassment.
“You didn’t know there would be other people here tonight, either?” she asked to confirm.
He shook his head, an uncomfortable smile curving the corners of his handsome mouth. “Nope. I thought I would be their only guest. I think we got played by a couple of masterminds.”
She took a sip of her soda, the carbonation burning her throat as she swallowed. “Yeah, some matchmakers. But I fear it’s mostly Connie’s doing. She’s not pleased until everyone is happily married off. She just doesn’t understand the word no. I’m so sorry about this.”
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault.”
And she knew it wasn’t Jared’s fault, either. She just wasn’t ready to start dating again. Especially not someone who worked in such a dangerous profession. Nor was she prepared to bring a man into her small family. Even having Jared fix the swing in her backyard had upset little June. Megan knew it wasn’t because June didn’t like him, but because he wasn’t the girl’s father. Caleb was young and loving toward everyone, but Megan didn’t want to push June too fast. The girl wasn’t ready for another daddy in her life. Neither was Megan ready for another husband. It was that simple.
Or was it? Megan sighed. Maybe she should at least try to find happiness with another man. And yet, she couldn’t seem to let go of Blaine. They’d been college sweethearts, and she’d loved her husband for so long that she didn’t know how to stop now that he was gone. Honestly, the thought of dating another man made her feel disloyal to the love she’d shared with him.
“I figure we have two choices this evening,” Jared said in a soft voice. “We can leave right now, or we can stick it out and try to have some fun.”
“There’s a third option,” Megan said, trying not to sound too angry.
He quirked one brow. “And what’s that?”
“We could strangle Connie and Tim and then flee to South America.”
Jared laughed, a rich baritone that seemed to soothe her jangled nerves. “I’m afraid the cops would catch us for sure. Are you okay with spending some serious time in jail?”
She shook her head. “No, I’ve got children waiting at home. We better stick with option number two.”
“I’m game if you are.”
“Okay,” she conceded, trying to be a good sport. But it wasn’t easy.
She stooped down and petted Connie’s dog. An old basset hound named Sam.
“My kids keep asking me for a dog,” she said.
“Yeah, Caleb told me. Are you going to get them one?”
She shook her head. “Maybe someday. Right now, we’re never at home. And the poor animal couldn’t come with us to the restaurant. It would violate the health codes. But Caleb keeps asking anyway.”
“I’ve been thinking about getting a dog myself.”
She crinkled her nose. “Really? They are lots of hard work. I keep telling Caleb that, but he won’t listen. He informed me the other day that kids are supposed to have a dog. That he needs to learn responsibility. And what better way to do that than by taking care of a new puppy?”
Jared chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure Caleb and June will grow up normal and well-adjusted even without a dog.”
“I hope so.” She laughed, trying to sound happy. But inside, she was screaming. She already liked this man too much. Spending more time as his date tonight would only make matters worse. But it looked as if she didn’t have a choice right now. Not unless she wanted to be rude.
“Would you like some chips and salsa?” he asked, indicating the colorful bowls Connie had set out for her guests.
He accompanied her over to the table nearby. His voice was deep and warm. He bumped against her arm and the feel of his fingers against her bare skin made her entire body thrum with reaction. Megan glanced up in time to see Tessa playfully swat Sean on the shoulder. He said something that made her laugh. In response, Sean gave her a hug and kissed her lightly on the cheek. Tessa snuggled in close against his chest. They were engaged to be married in December and seemed so natural and happy together. And Megan envied the love they shared.
“They’re a cute couple, aren’t they?” Jared said, noticing her gaze.
“Yes, they are. They deserve to be happy.”
“They definitely do. Where are your kids tonight?” Jared asked.
“Home with a babysitter.”
“It must be nice to have a night off.”
“It is,” she said.
She looked up, meeting his eyes. He stood close enough for her to feel his warmth. To catch his scent. She stared at him, mesmerized. Frozen in time. For several quiet moments, nothing existed in the world except him. An insane notion, considering they were standing in Connie’s backyard and surrounded by lots of other people. Then, Megan came to her senses and stepped away.

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