Read online book «Hometown Holiday Reunion» author Mia Ross

Hometown Holiday Reunion
Mia Ross
Falling for the Girl Next DoorReturning home to take care of his ailing mother, Cam Stewart reunites with his best friend's little sister. And while Erin Kinley is still a firecracker, she's grown from an annoying tagalong to a beautiful woman and devoted foster mom. She and Cam still drive each other crazy…until Erin turns to Cam for comfort during a stressful adoption process. Cam's fractured family had him convinced he'd never be a dad, but suddenly he's considering two things he never thought he would: having a family and staying in Oaks Crossing. Could Erin and her son be everything he's longed for?

Falling for the Girl Next Door
Returning home to take care of his ailing mother, Cam Stewart reunites with his best friend’s little sister. And while Erin Kinley is still a firecracker, she’s grown from an annoying tagalong to a beautiful woman and devoted foster mom. She and Cam still drive each other crazy…until Erin turns to Cam for comfort during a stressful adoption process. Cam’s fractured family had him convinced he’d never be a dad, but suddenly he’s considering two things he never thought he would: having a family and staying in Oaks Crossing. Could Erin and her son be everything he’s longed for?
“Erin Kinley?”
Her slender frame stiffened, and she slowly spun to face him. Wearing an expression that Cam suspected mirrored his own, she rolled her hazel eyes toward the sky. “Now I know why Natalie didn’t mention the owner’s name.”
“And why she didn’t tell me who was interested. She must’ve figured neither of us would ever agree to do this if we knew who we were meeting.”
“She’s a smart girl.” Glancing around, she folded her arms in an unhappy gesture he remembered all too well. “I haven’t seen you since Drew and Bekah’s wedding. How have you been?”
Still a little porcupine with Southern-lady manners, he noted with a grin. It was nice to know some things in his hometown hadn’t changed. “Fine. And you?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds, and he was struck by the realization that she was a lot prettier than the persistent tagalong he and Drew had spent so much time ditching when they were all growing up together.
MIA ROSS loves great stories. She enjoys reading about fascinating people, long-ago times and exotic places. But only for a little while, because her reality is pretty sweet. Married to her college sweetheart, she’s the proud mom of two amazing kids, whose schedules keep her hopping. Busy as she is, she can’t imagine trading her life for anyone else’s—and she has a pretty good imagination. You can visit her online at (
Hometown Holiday Reunion
Mia Ross (
And a little child shall lead them.
—Isaiah 11:6
For “Parkers” everywhere
Acknowledgments (#ulink_b4d8d3a9-6d7f-5f1c-bbaf-050ea4d38bb5)
Grateful to the very talented folks who help me
make my books everything they can be:
Melissa Endlich and the dedicated staff
at Love Inspired.
More thanks to the gang at Seekerville
(, a great place to hang out
with readers—and writers.
I’ve been blessed with a wonderful network
of supportive, encouraging family and friends.
You inspire me every day!
Cover (#u08ac4143-e304-55b5-9ed5-ff9b9499b7f3)
Back Cover Text (#u69f5bbf3-4a3b-51bd-9ef9-c13787b38f80)
Introduction (#u8cffc9b2-450a-5b11-b1e9-8ceb8a0b3f36)
About the Author (#uc0cb8e73-3ea2-5794-9cfa-06b037af7a83)
Title Page (#u21397b0d-5afa-5dca-af43-3eb51d2aa654)
Bible Verse (#u7f28ca3f-0a97-529d-a41e-4d4114d5d877)
Dedication (#udad2a173-0516-5134-9dd1-60718838973e)
Acknowledgments (#ulink_84b370d6-1706-5448-9d94-1df182d23c15)
Chapter One (#ubfcf0ab6-edea-57dc-8de1-61a0d50523bf)
Chapter Two (#u463b00e9-1c28-5cba-8f13-76b357ac6ba8)
Chapter Three (#u9a0596bb-86d7-5f74-98a7-5a67477df0ba)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_95075eb1-2c50-5f24-bc27-da46533a1451)
Just what he needed this morning.
Cam Stewart stood in the middle of the bustling kitchen at the Oaks Café, glowering at the commercial fridge that was making an ominous thunking noise. It had started last week, just after Christmas, as more of a loud hum punctuated by a bang every now and then. Now it was clanking with a fairly constant rhythm, and even though he wasn’t an expert on large appliances, as a construction foreman he’d been around enough faltering equipment to recognize a death knell when he heard one.
Glancing over at the dishwasher who’d come running to get him, Cam shrugged. “That’s how you know it’s Monday, right?”
Until that moment, Kyle had looked terrified, as if he feared that his job was in danger because he’d been the one to deliver bad news. The poor kid’s tight expression loosened up, and he nodded. “I guess so.”
In all honesty, Cam wasn’t surprised by this latest in a seemingly endless parade of troubles. When he’d returned to Oaks Crossing in the fall to help out with the family business, he’d found the books and the property in a shambles, on the brink of failing altogether. His plans for sticking around for just a few weeks to rehab the building for sale had gone on an indefinite hold. No matter how good the shell looked, no one in their right mind would buy a restaurant that was on the verge of bankruptcy.
Putting that gloomy thought out of his mind, he focused on what he could control. “All right, Kyle, let’s shut down this beast before something completely lets go in there. I’ll call over to the appliance repair shop and see if they can send someone out today. For now, let’s shift everything into the fridge over in the snack bar.” A scary thought occurred to him, and he said, “Please tell me the walk-in freezer is still working.”
“Last time I checked it was okay.”
The hedging answer made Cam laugh, mostly because as much as he wanted to throw a fit, that wouldn’t get any of their equipment fixed. That, and he was just too tired from a long string of sixteen-hour days to summon the energy. “Let’s hope it stays that way. Grab one of the busboys to give you a hand.”
“You got it, boss.”
Clearly relieved that someone had arrived with a plan to save the day, Kyle hurried out front to find another set of hands that weren’t already occupied clearing breakfast dishes from the tables. Cam was thumbing through the contact list on his phone when it started ringing in his hand. After checking the caller ID, he answered the call. “Hey, Nat. How’s my favorite little sister?”
“Busy as a one-armed paper hanger. You?”
It had been one of their late grandfather’s trademark sayings, and hearing it from her made Cam smile. “Same. I thought Realtors kept their own hours. What’s got you up at the crack of dawn?”
“I’ve got a hot lead for the building next to the café.”
Her tone alerted him that there was more to the story, and he got a firm grip on his temper before saying, “I hear a but in there.”
“They’d like to rent it for a few months to make sure it’s going to work for them.”
Which meant he’d be stuck in his backwater hometown, playing nice with a tenant he didn’t want in an attempt to keep them happy—and on the hook to purchase it. In the end they might not even buy the building, and he’d be right back where he started. “Not a chance.”
“I knew you’d say that, but listen to me. Even though Kentucky winters are nothing compared to what you get up in Minnesota, this is a horrible time of year to sell property. After the holidays, no one wants to even think about laying out money like that. When spring arrives in a few months things might get better—but with the economy around here the way it is, you never know.”
“You mean I might have to wait until spring to get rid of it?” Cam felt a frustrated growl threatening in the back of his throat, and he swallowed to keep it in check. “I have a life to get back to in Minneapolis, y’know. My boss has been real understanding, but once building season starts, he’ll have to hire a new foreman to run the crew.”
“That’s why I called. At least with a tenant, you’d have some money coming in. Right now, you’re stuck paying utilities and taxes on that place, with no income to offset the expense.”
Despite the fact that she was telling him something he definitely didn’t want to hear, Cam couldn’t help feeling proud of his younger sister. He’d contributed a fair chunk of her college fund himself, and it was gratifying to see firsthand that she was making the most of her education. With a solid career, a doting husband and an adorable baby named Sophie, Natalie had what everyone wanted.
Sounded like a dream life for anyone. Except for Cam, of course.
His ill-fated marriage had been more than enough to sour him on the conventional lifestyle so many of his friends had fallen into. No attachments, no regrets, he’d vowed, even before the ink on his divorce papers had dried. The closer someone got, the easier it was for them to destroy you. Since he wasn’t a masochist, he wasn’t keen on going through that ever again.
The past was done and gone, so he brushed it aside and got back to the problem at hand. He hated the idea of being a landlord, but considering the fact that there currently weren’t any other options visible on the horizon, he didn’t seem to have a choice. “I guess I should at least meet your clients. When are they coming?”
“I said you’d meet them there in five minutes.”
“Thanks for the heads-up, sis.”
“I know you. If I’d given you more time, you’d have come up with a hundred reasons not to go,” she shot back in a businesslike tone that made him grind his teeth. “This way, it’ll be over soon and you can get on with your day.”
It wasn’t her fault that his week had started out so badly, Cam reminded himself. So, in the interests of family harmony, he swallowed his frustration and tried to sound appropriately grateful. “You’ve got a point there. Thanks for the lead.”
“Anytime. When you’re finished, give me a call to let me know how it went.”
“Will do.”
Hanging up, Cam checked in the kitchen and was pleased to find that nothing else had gone wrong. His call to the appliance repair shop was picked up by voice mail, so he left a message. Stopping in the cramped office to get a set of keys, he had the nagging feeling that he’d soon be hunting around for a decent used cooler. There was no way he could afford a new one.
The misty late-December air was cool, but nothing like he’d gotten used to during his ten years up north. On mornings like this, he really missed being part of a crew that built things instead of running around putting out fires that never seemed to end. Sure, he’d worked like a dog up in Minnesota, but at the end of the day, he’d accomplished something and went home feeling good about what he’d done.
Unfortunately, now he never got away from his family’s restaurant. It was a real stretch for someone accustomed to looking out for himself, and the responsibility weighed heavily on him. Miserable as he was, though, he just couldn’t bring himself to leave his mother and sister to manage everything on their own. Whether it took another week or several months, he was committed to staying until he felt confident they’d be all right. But some days, he honestly worried that if he couldn’t square things and leave soon, they’d be hauling him out of town in a straitjacket.
That pessimistic thought had just left his head when he turned the corner and discovered who was waiting for him on the sidewalk in front of the For Sale sign.
“Erin Kinley?”
Her slender frame stiffened, and she slowly spun to face him. Wearing an expression that he suspected mirrored his own, she rolled her hazel eyes toward the sky. When they came back to him, they weren’t exactly friendly. “Now I know why Natalie didn’t mention the owner’s name.”
“And why she didn’t tell me who was interested. She must’ve figured neither of us would ever agree to do this if we knew who we were meeting.”
“Smart girl.” Glancing around, Erin folded her arms in an unhappy gesture he remembered all too well. “I haven’t seen you since Drew and Bekah’s wedding. How have you been?”
Still a little porcupine with Southern-lady manners, he noted with a grin. It was nice to know some things in his hometown hadn’t changed. These days, he doubted that even the most compassionate person in town wanted to hear what was actually going on with him, so he fell back on an old standby. “Fine. And you?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds, and he was struck by the realization that she was a lot prettier than the persistent tagalong he and Drew had spent so much time ditching when they were all growing up together. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a wavy ponytail, framing a pixie face still lightly freckled from the summer.
And then there were those eyes. A unique combination of green and gold, he knew they could twinkle with humor one second and slice through you the next. Smart and sassy, the Kinley boys’ only sister had ridden roughshod over them all their lives. And for some reason Cam had never been able to fathom, every one of them just stood by and let her do it.
Realizing the silence had dragged on for a while, he kick-started their lagging discussion by dangling the keys. “Still wanna see inside?”
“Sure,” she replied, lifting a shoulder as if it didn’t matter much one way or the other.
But something in her expression said otherwise, and Cam got the feeling that renting this vacant building was just as important to her as it was to him. The idea that she might be in some kind of trouble entered his mind, but he pushed it aside as he strolled over to unlock the glass-paneled door. Her personal life was absolutely none of his business, he reminded himself sternly. If things worked out, they’d be professional neighbors, and his only concern would be whether or not her rent checks cleared.
With the mess his life was in right now, he didn’t have the time—or the strength—to take on anyone else’s problems.
He opened the door and stepped back to let her walk through ahead of him. The air was a little musty, but opening the windows would take care of that. Not wanting to get in her way, he stayed near the front and let her wander around the large, empty space, curious to hear what she thought.
One thing about Erin, he mused, you never had to worry about her sugarcoating her opinions to avoid hurting your feelings. Good or bad, she always told it like it was.
“Obviously,” she started off in a brisk, no-nonsense manner, “I can’t run a retail business in this canyon of a room. I’ll need display cases and shelving, both on the floor and hung from the walls, which need to be painted something other than this lovely beige. Do you want to lay down some ground rules for what I can and can’t do?”
He wasn’t crazy about having to rip out a lot of furnishings if she ultimately decided not to take this albatross off his hands. Then again, if he let her do pretty much what she wanted, it might entice her to sign the purchase agreement sooner rather than later. While he meant to sound agreeable, he was stunned to hear himself saying, “Not really. If you want, I’ll even build the stuff for you.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Seriously?”
“Sure.” It wasn’t like him to leap out there like that, and he was already regretting the impulsive offer. But he’d done it, and there was no backpedaling from it now. “Now that the renovations on the café are finished, I’ve got some spare time. And spare lumber,” he added, hoping to sweeten the deal.
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” Flashing him a grateful smile, she continued her assessing stroll. “This building’s been vacant for a while now. When were the furnace and water heater last serviced?”
“I had ’em done about a month ago, when I repaired the roof. I did that myself, but mechanicals aren’t my specialty so an HVAC company from Ferndale took care of those. You can call them if you want.”
Her icy demeanor thawed slightly, and she gave him a tiny smile. “That’s not necessary. I believe you.”
“Because I’m Drew’s friend?” He cringed at the insecurity he heard in his voice, and he covered it with a grin, hoping she’d assume he’d been joking.
“Because in spite of our many differences, you’re a good guy and I know you wouldn’t lie about something that important to trick me into leasing this place.” She paused with a somber look, as if she was trying to decide if she should continue. After a few moments, she went on, “The main reason I’m asking is that my son and I will be living in the apartment upstairs. I want to make sure he’s comfortable and safe.”
Son? Cam was no actor, and he couldn’t have disguised his astonishment if he’d wanted to. “I had no idea you were a mom.”
“The ring bearer at Drew and Bekah’s wedding was my foster son, Parker Smith.”
The name and circumstances rang a bell in his memory, and for some reason he felt a rush of relief. Close on its heels came the thought that this tenacious, protective woman would probably make a fantastic mom. Shoving that observation aside, he said, “Oh, right. I think Drew mentioned that, but I didn’t know the details.”
“Parker’s had a really tough time of it,” she confided softly, looking up at the ceiling, then around the dusty interior, before coming back to Cam. “I can’t change what happened to him in the past, but I’m determined to make sure he has a better future.”
“It sounds like you’re thinking about adopting him.”
“I am, but Social Services has to try locating his parents first. All he could tell them was he was born in Kentucky and that he and his mother lived in a lot of different places.”
“With such a common last name, it’d be almost impossible to find the right family, even if you had some idea where to look.”
“Very true,” Erin agreed with a resigned sigh. “Anyway, I’ll be filing the paperwork ten minutes after his parents are officially declared unreachable.”
He admired her generosity in taking on someone else’s child and raising him on her own. “You haven’t changed a bit. I lost track of how many critters you rescued when we were kids.”
“There were a few,” she acknowledged with a smile. “Mom and Dad used to pretend they didn’t notice me sneaking them up to my room. It gave me time to come up with a good reason to keep them until they were better. Just before Dad died, I started the Oaks Crossing Rescue Center out at the farm. The day we opened, he said he’d never been prouder of me.”
Her wistful tone made Cam frown. “I’m sorry you all lost him. Justin was a great man, and I really admired him. He stepped up big-time when my dad left, and I’ll never forget how hard he tried to help me.”
“He thought you had a lot of potential.”
“Too bad I proved him wrong.”
“Oh, please,” she scoffed, clearly trying to switch tracks to something slightly more cheerful. “You could’ve done anything you wanted, but we all know you chose construction ’cause it would give you the best tan.”
Her accusation made him laugh, something he hadn’t done much of the past few months. “Got me there.”
Shaking her head, she looked past him to the door that led upstairs. “Is it liveable up there?”
“I guess that depends on how picky you are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t get all riled up, bug,” he said, making a calming gesture with his hands. “It’s just that I remember you being pretty fussy about things like that. Now that you’re a mom, I figure you must be even more worried about it.”
“Do not call me that,” she spat, just about tearing the old door off its hinges. “We’re not kids anymore.”
Tell me about it, Cam mused as he followed her up the creaky wooden steps. Two years younger than he was, the very headstrong Erin Kinley had always been a handful. Now she was even more so, and he pitied the guy who was unfortunate enough to lose his head over her.
She’d probably hand it back to him on a platter.
* * *
In truth, Erin didn’t need a tour of the building to know she wanted it.
What she did need, however, was a few minutes to get over her shock at finding out that Cam Stewart was the owner. It made sense, she supposed, since the closed shop was right next to the diner and attached Laundromat he’d been running since coming home a few months ago. The reason for that was well-known around town, and she felt guilty for not asking about it sooner. “So, how’s your mom doing?”
“Depends on the day,” he replied with a frown. “Recovering from a stroke can be like that, from what the visiting nurse says. Sometimes Mom seems like she’s getting back to her old self, and other times I can tell she doesn’t quite recognize me when I get there.”
Erin couldn’t imagine how that would feel, and despite the fact that they’d never gotten along, her heart went out to him. “That’s awful, Cam. I’m so sorry.”
“It is what it is.”
He shrugged, but the careless gesture wasn’t nearly enough to mask the pain that made his brown eyes look almost black. The shadows under them told her that he’d been working way too hard and worrying more than anyone should have to. He still kept his dark, wavy hair a bit too long for her taste, but she couldn’t deny that the years he’d spent up north had been good to him. More weathered than handsome, his features were an interesting combination of angles and creases that hinted at a lot of laughter.
Not recently, though, she realized sadly. Her own life had gotten pretty complicated since her father’s sudden death a few years ago, so she could relate. Thankfully, a much brighter topic popped into her head. “I just remembered you’re a new uncle. How did Sophie like her first Christmas?”
“About like you’d expect,” he responded with a chuckle. “I hunted all over for the baby doll Natalie said she’d like best, and what does my scamp of a niece do? She rips off the paper, chucks the toy away and plays with the box.”
He fished out his cell phone and opened his pictures to show Erin a photo of a laughing little girl wearing a red velvet dress, one black patent shoe and reindeer antlers.
“Oh, she’s adorable. How old is she now?”
“Ten months,” he responded, glancing at the photo before sliding his phone back into his pocket. “The way she’s moving around, she’ll be walking any day. Then her parents will really have their hands full.”
“If Sophie’s anywhere near as popular as her mother was in high school, Alex will be busy intimidating all her possible boyfriends.” Pausing, Erin gave Cam a stern look. “Maybe you can give him some lessons on that.”
“I never wasted time intimidating anyone. I flat-out told ’em that if they got outta line with my little sister, I’d make ’em sorrier than they’d ever been in their miserable lives.”
“My mistake. You threatened them.”
“Got that right.” He punctuated his response with a growl that would have been more convincing if his eyes hadn’t been twinkling in fun. “Don’t give me that look. All three of your brothers did the same thing for you.”
Shaking her head in exasperation, Erin shared her opinion on that. “You were a bunch of morons, all four of you.”
“Maybe, but we got our point across.” When she didn’t say anything, he flashed her a shameless grin. “You’re welcome.”
She couldn’t come up with a witty comeback for that one, so she let the subject drop and strolled around the apartment, assessing what kind of home it would make for Parker and her.
While it wasn’t large, it had a nice-sized living room with a bay window that overlooked Main Street. Both bedrooms were down a short hallway, on either side of a bathroom that would benefit from a good scrubbing but was otherwise acceptable. She wasn’t much of a cook, but the galley kitchen and its appliances were in decent condition, and the breakfast bar separating it from the living area would do double duty for eating and homework.
“So,” he began in a conversational tone, “I can’t help wondering why a lifelong country girl like you is suddenly interested in moving to town.”
“I’ve been renting the bottom half of the old Johnson place for the past couple of years, but they’ve been hinting at selling it so they can move to Ohio to be closer to their grandkids. When Judge Markham decided to retire in December, he gave me a nice severance and a glowing reference about the administrative work I did for him. It was a decent job, but not really my thing. I mostly stayed because he and Granddad were friends for so long, and I could work flexible hours when I needed to.”
“Because you’re a mom now,” Cam filled in with an incredulous look. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one.”
So was she, Erin had to admit. But only to herself. She feared that if she ever voiced the tiniest smidgen of self-doubt, it would somehow get back to Parker’s social worker and she’d lose him to the system she was so determined to rescue him from.
Eight years old, he was on the verge of being considered unadoptable, which meant a forever home was almost out of reach for the shy boy. Over the past few months, she’d made slow but steady progress with him, until he now looked her in the eye without flinching. She hated to consider what might happen to him if he was torn from the life she and her large, loving family had worked so hard to give him.
So, in typical Kinley fashion, she’d simply decided that she wasn’t going to let that happen. “Anyway, I’ve been thinking about starting my own business, and with the apartment up here, this place would be perfect.”
“For what?”
He seemed genuinely interested, and her heart leaped with the excitement she always felt when she talked about the dream that had edged closer to reality over the past year. “A pet store. Not your average one, though.”
“Of course not,” he said with a chuckle. “You never do anything like anyone else.”
There was a tinge of admiration in his tone, and she couldn’t keep back a smile. “You make that sound like a good thing.”
“It is. There’s plenty of boring, predictable folks on the planet. We certainly don’t need any more.” Leaning against the counter that divided the kitchen from the living room, he said, “What’ve you got in mind?”
“All right,” she shot back, eyes narrowing suspiciously. “Who are you, and what have you done with Cam Stewart?”
“Whaddya mean?”
“You’re being nice to me.”
“I’m nice.” When she gave him a wilting look, he laughed. “Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. But I can be pleasant, if the situation warrants it.”
“Meaning this one does?” He nodded, and after studying his serious expression she opted to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, it wasn’t like he could still stuff her in a locker and stand outside of it laughing his head off while she tried to bang her way free. “Well, I was planning on stocking all the usual supplies, but also some fancier things for people who like to spoil their animals. I’m going to call it Pampered Pets.”
“I like it. Pretty much sums up what you’re offering to your customers.”
“Kind of like the new Wash and Dine Snack Bar you opened next to the café,” she commented, figuring it was only fair to compliment him in return. “We’ve needed a Laundromat for a while, but you went one further and made it into a fun spot to hang out. I’ve heard lots of great things about it from folks at church.”
His chiseled jaw tightened almost reflexively, then slowly eased as if he was making a concerted effort to relax. “Good to know.”
His clipped response warned her that she’d misstepped, and she frowned. “Did I say something wrong?”
“Course not.”
Any fool could see that he didn’t mean what he’d said, but she decided to let the matter drop. She didn’t want to start an argument with someone who had the power to help her make a stable home for Parker and get her new business off the ground. “I’d like to rent this place for three months, with an option to buy when the lease runs out. That gives me a chance to get all my ducks in a row before making a huge commitment I might end up regretting.”
“Yeah, I hear you,” he said with a wry grin. “Wish I could’ve done that with my ex-wife.”
It was Erin’s turn to gawk. “You were married?”
“For more than a year. Sherry and I were about as different as two people could be, but there was something about her.” He punctuated the very personal revelation with a rueful grin. “We both gave it our best shot, but eventually she decided I wasn’t worth the trouble. Considering the way my parents ended up, I don’t know why I thought I could make it work.”
For Erin, the situation was exactly the opposite. Her parents’ marriage had been full of love and laughter right up until the day her father died. That was why she was so picky about her relationships. If it wasn’t wonderful, she wasn’t interested. Which explained why, at twenty-eight, she was a frequent bridesmaid but had never walked down the aisle herself. “Sometimes people change when we’re not looking, and it’s smarter to admit that and move on.”
“Is that what happened to you and whoever’s heart you broke last?”
“You just assume that’s how it ended?” When he grinned, she couldn’t help smiling in return. “That’s very flattering, but actually it was the opposite. He claimed our relationship suffered because I was so preoccupied with Parker, but I got the feeling that wasn’t the whole story.”
“You were probably too much for him from the get-go. Some guys have no clue what to do with a strong, intelligent woman like you.”
She appreciated the boost to her ego, especially since it had come from someone who had no reason to sugarcoat things for her. “Whatever the reason, it wasn’t fun.”
“I can relate to that. The last six months of our marriage were the worst time of my life.” He paused, and his eyes filled with misery. “Until Mom’s stroke, anyway. I guess that takes first prize now.”
Cam had always been the capable type, top five in his graduating class and an all-star point guard and wide receiver throughout high school. Because he’d had so much going for him, he’d been arrogant to the point of being downright cocky. He’d finally come up against something he couldn’t defeat, and Erin’s heart went out to him.
Reaching over, she rubbed his arm in sympathy. “I’m sorry for the reason, but your mom and Natalie must be glad you’re here. They’re proud of those big construction jobs you’ve been doing, but they must like having you around for more than just a quick visit.”
“So they keep telling me, but I have a life to get back to. My boss has been great, but he can’t keep my spot open forever. I’m staying just long enough to get the café and this building in shape to sell so Mom will have some financial security. After that, Alex and Nat should be able to handle whatever needs to be done.”
Always the practical one, Erin thought sadly. Sentimental as a buzz saw, Cam had never been the emotional type, and clearly his divorce hadn’t helped any in that department. More than once, she’d suspected that his lack of empathy came from becoming the man of his family when he was twelve. That was the year his father, David, walked away from his wife and children and never looked back.
Mentioning that now probably wouldn’t go over well, so she kept the observation to herself. “Does that mean we have a deal?”
“Yeah. It’s not like I’ve got buyers lined up outside my door or anything.” The gloom in his eyes lifted ever so slightly, and he gave her a wry grin. “At least with you I know what I’m getting into.”
“That’s the spirit,” she teased, lightly knuckling his chin. “I’m assuming your sister’s got a lease form we can use to make this arrangement legal.”
“No doubt.”
“How much rent are you planning to charge me?” He named a figure, and she blinked at him. “Is that for all three months?”
“Funny. What were you thinking?” She countered, and he winced as if he was in serious pain. “You’re killing me with that. Be reasonable.”
In truth, she’d anticipated the pushback, so she made a show of reconsidering the price even though she’d purposefully gone in low. She might not have a fancy college degree, but one thing she’d learned from all the court cases she’d documented for the judge was how to negotiate. For her, getting the numbers right could be the difference between being financially secure for six months or an entire year. With a new business on the horizon, those six extra months could bend an outright failure into a modest success.
“Okay, how ’bout this?” she suggested in a brisk but friendly tone she hoped would appeal to him. “I’ll split the difference between your rent figure and mine. You leave the For Sale sign on the building, and if someone else shows interest in it we’ll talk about making a change.”
After a few moments he offered his hand, and they shook to seal their bargain. Erin’s previously cautious enthusiasm began bubbling, and she asked, “Can I paint the walls any color I want?”
“Now you’re pushing.”
He hadn’t seen anything yet, she thought with a grin. But since he’d given her what she wanted for a price she could live with, she was willing to overlook his grumbling. “Do you have time to go see Natalie now?”
“Sure.” She started to pull her hand back, but to her surprise, he held on, reeling her closer until they were barely a step apart. “One thing, Kinley.”
“What’s that?”
“No pink.”
She liked having her old nemesis on the ropes this way, making him wonder what she might do to his precious building. Giving him her sweetest smile, she met his dark gaze with a direct one of her own.
“No promises.”
Chapter Two (#ulink_f8653bbe-4cd8-5d94-bea3-003eecd00679)
What a situation this had turned out to be, Cam groused to himself while he signed the papers that would connect Erin to him, at least in a professional way. He wasn’t crazy about being a landlord, but he was pragmatic enough to recognize that his sister was right this time. Renting the empty building was better than continuing to front the costs with little hope of shedding them until spring.
Maybe, if business at Erin’s pet shop took off, his first—and hopefully last—tenant would buy the place and he’d be one step closer to leaving Oaks Crossing behind him for good.
“So, when can I start moving in?” Erin asked, looking from Natalie to Cam with a hopeful expression. “I’d love for Parker and me to be able to start out next year in our new apartment.”
“That’s only a few days away,” Natalie pointed out.
“No time like the present,” Erin replied enthusiastically, reminding him of how he’d always admired the energy she seemed to have an endless supply of.
He suddenly realized that the two of them were staring at him expectantly, waiting for him to answer. Hoping to cover his lapse in manners, he dredged up a compliant smile. It would only be a few days before the lease officially began, and what could go wrong? “Sure. Whatever you want.”
“Will your brothers be giving you a hand?” Natalie asked.
“Not if I can help it. They never listen to me, so it’ll be easier and much less aggravating to do it myself.”
“That’s a lot of stairs to navigate,” Natalie commented, giving Cam one of those nudging looks that he’d always thought women must practice in a mirror so they’d be ready to use for an occasion like this one.
When he refused to bite, her mild expression cooled into an icy glare that told him she meant business. After a few seconds, he had to admit she had a point. Moving an entire household was a lot for one person to manage, and any guy worth knowing wouldn’t leave a woman to handle such a huge job alone. “I can give you a hand getting packed up and moved, if you want.”
That made Erin laugh. “Like you’re gonna listen to me any better than my brothers would.”
“Suit yourself.” Quite honestly, he was disappointed by her reaction. He wanted to be accommodating, but trying to do the right thing had earned him a virtual slap in the face.
“Hang on a minute.” She considered him with a pensive look. “It would go a lot faster with the two of us. Do you still have that old pickup of yours?”
“Course I do. They don’t make ’em like that anymore.”
“Meaning no air-conditioning, power steering or functioning gas gauge,” Natalie teased from behind her desk.
“Less complicated means less things to worry about,” he informed her with a grin. “Plus, when something breaks I can fix it myself. These days, even the best mechanic needs a fancy computer to tell him what’s wrong with a car.”
Erin rolled those pretty green eyes and sighed. “You sound like my big brother. Mike’s always complaining about how impossible it is to repair anything made in the last ten years.”
“It’s a conspiracy to make us all buy new stuff.”
“Yeah, he says that, too.”
Their discussion of modern convenience seemed to be over, and then out of nowhere he heard himself ask, “What do you think?”
He hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but since he had, he did his best to look mildly interested in her answer. Erin had never been anything more to him than his buddy Drew’s annoying younger sister. But this morning, Cam had glimpsed a different side of her that he hadn’t noticed before. She’d always been sassy and too smart for her own good.
Now he knew firsthand what was most important to her and how she used that keen intelligence to get what she wanted. Employing a reasonable, logical argument, she’d convinced him to go along with something that only yesterday he couldn’t have imagined himself agreeing to.
Despite the fact that he’d been forced to give in, Cam had to acknowledge that he was impressed by her tenacity.
“I’m partial to old things myself,” she replied. “They’ve been around a long time, and I think they deserve to be taken care of.”
“Not so much a fan of shiny and new?”
In response, she held out one of her beat-up work boots for him to see. Chuckling, he took his copy of their lease from Natalie’s desk and handed the other to Erin. “Gotcha. So, when did you wanna get started?”
The quick response was so like the determined girl he recalled that he couldn’t keep back a laugh. Opening the office door for her, he bowed slightly as he held it open. “Ladies first.”
“You can save your breath,” she informed him as she flounced past him and out of the office. “Those fake manners of yours don’t fool me.”
“What makes you think they’re fake?”
“I know you,” she shot back. Fortunately, she’d kept her voice down so the other folks on the sidewalk couldn’t hear the venom in her tone. “You haven’t changed a bit since you dated your way through the cheerleading squad in high school.”
“I was a football player,” he joked. “It wasn’t my fault the girls came with the uniform.”
She was pointedly ignoring him, even when he stopped and tugged her to a halt. When she looked up at him, he saw a bitterness that made him wish he could undo whatever he’d done to put it there. “You know I was only kidding, right?”
“Of course you were,” she spat back, as if the words tasted sour on her tongue. “You never took me seriously back then, so why start now?”
“I never took you seriously because you hated me.”
“I hated you because you never took me seriously.”
He opened his mouth for a sly comeback, then thought better of it. After all, they were going to be neighbors for at least the next three months. It would go better for both of them if they laid their less-than-glorious past to rest.
Holding up the papers he’d so reluctantly signed, he summoned patience into his tone. “We’re all grown up now, and that’s how I see you. We’re doing business together, aren’t we?”
“Because you don’t have a choice, not because you think it’s a good idea.”
They were finally getting somewhere, he thought. Lightly grasping her shoulders, he met her angry gaze with a calm one of his own. “Trust me, Erin. If I was the slightest bit worried that you were a bad risk, I wouldn’t have agreed to lease you that building. If it makes you feel any better, my foot-dragging was totally personal. It had nothing to do with you.”
“You’re sure?”
“Absolutely.” Letting her go, he stepped back and dredged up a wry grin. “Still hate me?”
Batting her eyelashes in a gesture totally out of character for her, she gave him an exaggerated Southern-belle smile. “Not as much.”
“Give it time, darlin’,” he teased in a heavy drawl as they continued down the walk. “Knowing me, it won’t be long till I do something to make you mad.”
* * *
Boy, did he call that one.
“Are you trying to drive me crazy?” Erin demanded when she saw how Cam was packing Great-Grandma Kinley’s china. Snatching the Bubble Wrap from him, she demonstrated on a plate that she took from the small hutch. “Wrap the whole thing twice, then set it down flat in the box. They’re very fragile, and if you put them on end, the rims might get damaged.”
“These came all the way from Ireland on a sailing ship,” she persisted in frustration. “It would be a shame if they couldn’t survive moving from one side of Oaks Crossing to the other.”
“Sorry. I should’ve been more careful.”
It was the uncharacteristically humble tone that convinced her that his apology was sincere. Once her frantic, record-setting pace had been interrupted, she decided they could both use a breather. Carefully putting the heirloom dish into the padded moving carton, she turned to him and smiled. “Time for a break. I’ve got coffee and water, and I think there’s some cherry pie in the fridge.”
His gloomy expression brightened considerably. “Maggie’s cherry pie?”
“Of course. Mom made an extra for Parker and me and sent it home with us after Christmas dinner. Help yourself.”
Her everyday dishes were already packed, but the silverware organizer sat on the counter waiting for a box. Her resourceful helper tore off a couple of paper towels and served up a piece of pie for each of them.
Biting into a mouthful of his, he hummed in appreciation. “Your mother’s a genius when it comes to food. Must be an Irish thing.”
“It’s supposed to be,” Erin acknowledged with a laugh. “I guess it skips a generation or something, because my niece Abby loves to cook but I can’t stand it.”
“You’re good at other things.”
The compliment caught her off guard, and she gave him a long, curious look. “Did you just say something complimentary about me?”
“Huh,” he commented, as if it hadn’t occurred to him until she mentioned it. “I guess so. Can’t imagine what came over me.”
Mischief sparked in his eyes, and she couldn’t help laughing. “Are you really as bad as all that, or is it just an act?”
“You tell me.”
While they stared at each other, the playful gleam deepened to something she wasn’t sure she liked. The trouble was, she wasn’t sure she didn’t like it, either. Rattled by her conflicting emotions, she fell back on her usual defense. Tossing her head defiantly, she said, “I think you just want people to assume you’re bad so they won’t hassle you.”
“Then why do you keep hassling me?”
“Because I’m not afraid of you,” she informed him, staring him down to make her point more clearly. “I never was, and I never will be.”
The corner of his mouth quirked in an almost smile, and he seemed to take the revelation in stride. “Good to know.”
It was nuts, but she couldn’t shake the impression that the mellow timbre of his deep voice was actually making the glassware on the table vibrate. “I’m glad you’re happy. Now, can we please get back to work?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Eager to get away from him, she turned and headed for Parker’s bedroom to pack up his clothes. While she strode down the hallway, she felt Cam’s eyes following her as she went.
What is he thinking? she wondered before she could stop herself. Because, really, she had no business wondering anything about her enigmatic landlord. After he helped her move all this stuff, they’d probably only see each other long enough to trade the occasional “good morning” or for her to complain that there was no hot water. If all went well, she’d buy his building and shove him several steps closer to returning to the life in Minnesota he was so eager to resume.
Logical and practical, that line of thinking should have reassured her. But for some reason it made her feel sad.
“Is this one ready?”
Cam’s voice startled her, and she nearly jumped out of her skin when he appeared beside her. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Not hardly.” He cocked his head with a curious look. “Where were you just now? You looked like you were a million miles away.”
Wonderful. Now he was worrying about her. She really had to get it together, or he’d think she was turning into a flake. Not that she cared one whit about his opinion, of course. She just didn’t want to give him a reason to doubt that she was responsible enough to pay her rent on time every month.
“Just thinking about what color to paint Parker’s new room.” On a whim, she decided to have some fun torturing her new landlord. “He really likes black.”
Cam glowered at that. “Not a chance. You know how tough it is to cover—” Pausing, he gave her a long, assessing look. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”
“Just a little. It’s fun.”
“For you,” he growled, heaving the large box onto his shoulder as if it was full of feathers. “Truck or car?”
“Truck. Thank you.” His shocked reaction to her comment made her laugh. “What?”
“You thanked me. Y’know, like you’d do with someone you don’t hate.”
“Tell you what,” she suggested with a smile, “if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you.”
“I guess that could work. We could give it a shot, anyway.”
“I’m willing if you are.” That sounded way too personal, and she quickly added, “Since we’re going to be neighbors and all.”
Those dark eyes studied her for a few moments, then drifted away as if they didn’t like what they saw. Without another word he headed into the hallway, and she heard his boots thumping down the front hall before the entryway door banged open and closed.
What on earth is his problem? she wondered angrily, snapping open another flat moving box and forming it into the right shape. While she packed the bedding and books Parker had collected, she went over her conversation with Cam in her mind, trying to determine where it had veered from lighthearted to slam-the-door.
When she realized it had been her reference to them being neighbors that set him off, she was puzzled. She was only trying to establish the fact that their connection to each other was professional, not personal. Since he’d been so clear about his aversion to serious relationships, she figured he’d be glad to know she felt the same way. Judging by his response, he was anything but glad. His swift turn from teasing to intense made no sense to her, and that brought her back to something that, as the only girl in a sea of overbearing brothers, she’d believed for most of her life.
Boys were stupid, and a smart girl never forgot that.
* * *
Cam ended up spending a good chunk of his day helping Erin.
He was shocked to discover that it was a lot more enjoyable than he’d expected it to be when Natalie had volunteered him for pack and schlep duty. Even more surprising was the fact that every time he stopped by to check in at the café, things were running more or less smoothly.
“Sure, boss,” Kyle assured him with a competent nod. “You put on extra staff to help with the after-holiday crowd, remember? Everything’s going fine.”
Lately, things had been going anything other than fine for him, and Cam couldn’t quite believe the change was for real. “What’s the word on the cooler?”
“Just a worn-out doohickey that had to be replaced. Fred didn’t even charge you,” the kid added with a grin. “Said to call it a late Christmas present.”
The cavalier attitude rubbed Cam the wrong way, and he came close to ordering Kyle to pay the repairman, anyway. Then he thought again, reminding himself that he was in Oaks Crossing, not Minneapolis. Against all modern odds, Oaks Crossing was still the kind of place where neighbors helped each other out when they could. While he certainly owed Fred some kind of favor in return, Cam decided that trying to force the generous man to accept payment for his services would come across as rude. So, despite the fact that it bugged him, he opted to leave the situation as it currently stood.
“All right,” he finally said, taking a last look around the orderly kitchen. “I’ll be next door a while longer. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Will do.”
Baffled by the strange twists and turns his day had taken so far, Cam left the restaurant and grabbed the last of Erin’s boxes from the bed of his truck. He hauled it upstairs and found her in the small living room, listening to a local country station and pulling together anything labeled Parker.
“What’re you doing?” Cam asked as he set the box marked Kitchen Stuff on the breakfast bar. While he was at it, he discreetly bumped the volume knob on the small stereo so the music dropped to a more acceptable murmur. Erin gave him a knowing look but didn’t say anything, so he counted that as a victory.
“Parker’s hanging out with Abby at the farm today, and Mom’s going to bring him by in—” she checked the oversize watch on her wrist “—an hour. I want his room to be ready when he gets here.”
The gesture got his attention, and he went closer to get a better look at the rugged piece of jewelry. Nothing fancy, it was obviously designed for a man, with bold numbers inside a cloudy crystal that had seen better days. And then it hit him: it hadn’t always been hers. “Is that your dad’s watch?”
“Yeah.” She tilted it toward her with a sad smile. “I used to like wearing it when I was a little girl, so he left it to me. I’ve worn it ever since.”
“That’s nice.” While he appreciated her down-to-earth tribute, Cam couldn’t help wishing that he and his father had shared the kind of relationship that made him want to do something similar. The truth was, David Stewart had left his son with nothing but icy hatred for the man who’d abandoned his wife and children because their life together hadn’t turned out the way he’d planned.
Eager to embrace something more positive, Cam shouldered a box full of bedding and headed down the hallway. After a few moments’ hesitation, he heard Erin sigh and start dragging another carton down behind him.
When he turned into the smaller bedroom, she called out, “No, the other one.”
“That’s the master,” he argued, turning to face her. “It’s got two windows and a much bigger closet. Plus, it faces Main Street with a view of the park instead of the brick wall from the building next door.”
“I want Parker to have the brighter space,” she insisted in a don’t-argue-with-me tone. So, being a relatively intelligent man, Cam changed direction and hung a left.
As he carried the heavier pieces back for her, he couldn’t help being awed by her selflessness. “Most women I know wouldn’t have given up the walk-in closet, much less the pretty view outside, for anyone.”
Erin shrugged. “I guess I’m not like the other women you’ve known.”
Got that right, he nearly said before he stopped himself. The comment had a good chance of being taken the wrong way, and he didn’t want to say anything that might suggest he was more impressed with his new tenant than he should be.
The pieces of Parker’s twin bed were leaning against the wall, and when Cam started assembling the frame, he noticed the parts didn’t quite fit but had been rigged to work as a set.
“What’s up with this?” he asked, motioning to the glued-and-screwed posts.
“When Parker came to live with me, I didn’t have a bed for him. The boys were tough on theirs, but Josh took them apart and scrounged enough pieces to make one good set.”
“That’s debatable,” Cam commented with a scowl. Looking around the room and then at the enormous pile of things she intended to cram in here, he added, “This kid has a ton of stuff. Where are you gonna put everything?”
“I’ll figure it out,” she assured him, determination flaring in her eyes. “Contrary to what men like to believe, some women are perfectly capable of managing all kinds of things on their own.”
Translation: I counted on a man once, and he let me down. While Cam’s failed marriage helped him understand where she was coming from, the unexpected bite of her Irish temper set him back a step, and he raised his hands in a calming gesture. “Trust me, I’m not one of those guys. If I was ever stupid enough to have that attitude, Mom and Natalie would’ve set me straight years ago. Can I make a suggestion?”
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, but she gave him a tentative nod.
“Let’s start the new year out with a clean slate.” Offering his hand, he said, “I’m Cam Stewart. Welcome to the building.”
After a moment, she laughed and followed along. “Erin Kinley. Nice to meet you.”
“So, I hear you’ve got a bunch of stuff to fit into this oversize closet of a bedroom,” he went on, continuing the charade. “I can see you’ve got things under control up here, but would you be interested in some free help to boss around?”
“That would be great, if you’re not too busy.”
“Never too busy to lend a hand to a new neighbor,” he assured her with a grin. “As a matter of fact, I’ve got a couple of old counter stools over at the café that’d work for your breakfast bar. Would you like me to bring ’em up here for you?”
She rewarded him with a pixie grin that told him he’d finally struck the right chord with her. “Sure. Thanks.”
As he trotted down the stairs, Cam congratulated himself on devising a way for Erin and him to set their less-than-friendly past to rest for good. It might seem goofy to someone else, but he acknowledged that his solution had done more than clear the air.
It had made a very serious woman smile. To his mind, there was nothing better than that.
By the time he found those stools buried under a pile of old furniture in the back corner of the basement storeroom, he’d nearly given up. They were dusty and laced with cobwebs, but after a quick hosing and drying, the sturdy chairs were ready to go. Just in time, too, because as he was delivering them to Erin, he spotted Maggie Kinley’s familiar old SUV turning onto Main Street. He hurried upstairs, set the stools in place and was on his way out when he heard, “Where are you going?”
Turning, he found Erin standing outside Parker’s room holding a pillow in one hand and some kind of outdoorsy pillowcase in the other. “I figured this is a family thing.”
“You’ve been helping me all day long,” she argued with a smile. “I think you deserve to see Parker’s face when he finds out what we’ve been up to in here.”
Something about the way she said “we” touched a part of him that he didn’t often bother with. It was the shadowy, distant corner of his heart that still believed—however faintly—that his own company wasn’t really enough for him, no matter how many times he insisted it was. Since there wasn’t time for him to gracefully leave, he decided to let that part of him answer, just this once. “I’d like that, too. Thanks for thinking of it.”
She gave him the kind of smile he’d never seen all those years he’d been tormenting her. Shy and sweet, it had a warm quality to it that made him smile back.
Footsteps on the stairs broke that brief, unexpected connection, and Cam retreated down the hallway with a vague comment about checking the drains in the bathroom. When it occurred to him that he meant to leave so Erin would have the spotlight, he was puzzled. It wasn’t like him to give ground to anyone, and why he’d suddenly do it now was beyond him.
Maybe there was still a hint of Christmas spirit in the air, he mused before grinning at his own foolishness. Then again, it was as good an explanation as any.
* * *
“You mean, we’re going to live here?” Parker asked, blue eyes shining with an emotion Erin couldn’t quite identify. It could sometimes be hard to tell what he was feeling, since he seemed reluctant to get excited about things. Even at Christmas, he’d held back from tearing open his gifts the way Abby had, as if he was scared to let anyone know how he felt about his presents.
Her mother had come and gone, so it was up to Erin to put him at ease. “You remember we talked last month about moving into town when the judge retired, right?”
He nodded, and Erin forged ahead with a chipper attitude that was as much for her benefit as his. She recognized that she was taking a huge risk, starting a new business in a less-than-robust economy. If Pampered Paws failed, she didn’t have a Plan B, and that kind of situation had always made her nervous. Now it was even more worrisome, because she had someone else relying on her. “Well, living over the pet store will make it easier for me to get it up and running quickly. Plus, you’ll be closer to the town park where you and Abby like to play.”
“Can I still go out to the farm?”
The anxiety in his soft voice just about broke her heart, and she realized that he’d assumed that in gaining one thing, he’d have to give up another that meant a lot to him. Countless times in the several months she’d been his foster mom, she’d silently cursed the people responsible for making this sweet, intelligent boy so fearful of losing what he loved.
Forcing a bright smile, she ruffled his hair. “Anytime you want. The horses and all the critters at the rescue center would miss you if you didn’t go see them. Not to mention, Grammy would forget how to make oatmeal cookies if you weren’t around to help her.”
“No, she wouldn’t,” he replied with a shy smile. “Grammy knows how to make everything.”
That tiny burst of confidence in her mother made Erin want to cheer. More than anything, Parker needed to have adults in his life that he could trust without question. That Mom had earned her way into his heart through baking didn’t surprise Erin in the least. Between her own children and a small army of local kids, Mom had been doing it for as long as Erin could remember.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She heard footsteps coming out of the bathroom, and in the hallway she saw Cam holding a faucet handle that had apparently broken loose. At his questioning look, she smiled and waved him in. “Parker, this is an old friend of the family, Cam Stewart. He was at Drew and Bekah’s wedding, but he left before I could introduce you to him. He owns the Oaks Café.”
“Actually, my mom does,” Cam corrected her, addressing his comment to Parker as he offered his free hand. “It’s good to meet you, Parker.”
“Nice to meet you, too, sir,” the boy responded quietly, avoiding eye contact while they shook hands. He was that way when he encountered anyone outside the family, and Erin reminded herself that while it was concerning, she had to be patient with him.
Cam, however, seemed to have other ideas. Setting the fixture on an unopened box, he hunkered down so he was on a level with the shy boy. An awkward silence settled over them, and Erin opened her mouth to fill the void. Catching her eye, Cam stalled her with a slight shake of his head.
Focusing back on Parker, she noticed that he seemed to be waiting for something. Erin couldn’t begin to grasp what was going on, but instinct told her that it was important, so she kept quiet and watched the two of them.
After what felt like forever, Parker lifted his chin and gazed thoughtfully at Cam, assessing this new adult to determine whether or not he could be trusted. For his part, Cam didn’t say a word, just kept staring back as if he intended to do it the rest of the day if that’s what it took for Parker to be comfortable around him. And then, just when she was beginning to think it was all pointless, the most amazing thing happened.
“Is that your old truck out front?” Parker asked.
“Yeah, it is. It’s a fifty-six Ford pickup my granddad and I restored when I was in high school.”
“It’s real nice. You did a good job.”
Cam grinned at him. “Thanks.”
“Does it have three gears or four?”
Standing, Cam fished his keys out of his jeans pocket and dangled them in front of Parker. “Why don’t you come check it out for yourself?”
The kid who never spoke more than a sentence or two to a new acquaintance flashed a questioning look at Erin. “Can I?”
A surge of joy threatened to pop out of her mouth, and she swallowed to keep it in check. “Sure. You boys have fun.”
Clearly delighted, Parker all but ran from the apartment and started pounding down the stairs before Cam even stood up.
Because she could no longer contain her excitement, she beamed up at him. “I’m not sure what you did, but thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything, but you’re welcome.”
“Modesty from Cam Stewart?” she teased with a smirk. “That’s a first.”
That got her a decidedly sour look. “Don’t give me a hard time. I’m trying to be agreeable.”
“Amazing. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he grumbled on his way out. “Don’t rub it in.”
Laughing, she closed the door behind him and sneaked over to the front window, standing out of sight to get a view of the male-bonding scene unfolding on the curb outside. Cam motioned to Parker, then said something that prompted the boy to open the driver’s door and climb into the cab of the vintage blue pickup. He grasped the steering wheel like a race car driver, sawing the wheel back and forth while a laughing Cam got in beside him. Boys and their toys, she thought with a smile. You had to love it.
Satisfied that her son was in good hands, she turned up the volume on the stereo and got back to work.
* * *
Leaving Erin and Parker to get settled in their new apartment, Cam headed for his mother’s house. Since her second stroke, he and Natalie had split the days, her checking on Mom in the morning, while Cam stopped by in the afternoon and then spent the night after closing the restaurant. A home-care nurse covered the hours in between so their mother was never alone.
Although the cost of such expert care was high, they’d both agreed that it was the best thing for her. Because Natalie had a family of her own, Cam had been covering the majority of the bills himself. It was draining his savings account at an alarming rate, but until all of her doctors declared her out of danger, he was committed to doing it. He recognized that he wasn’t able to control everything, but if anything happened to her that he could have stopped, he’d never forgive himself.
As he drove through town, he allowed himself a self-pitying sigh. His life in Minnesota had been just what he’d always wanted. Following his divorce, he’d embraced his second chance at bachelorhood with gusto, working hard every day, even taking building design classes a couple of nights a week to expand his professional options for when he got too old to meet the physical demands of hands-on construction work.
Being responsible to—and for—no one but himself was a great way to live, and he’d decided that he just wasn’t cut out for anything more.
His preference for an uncomplicated existence had made it tough for him to come dragging back to Oaks Crossing, but he couldn’t keep enjoying himself when his mother and sister needed him. That was his father’s way, Cam thought with a grimace in the rearview mirror. When in doubt, he always chose the opposite of what that selfish weasel had done. No matter how hard it was, he’d never allow himself to drop low enough to follow in that traitor’s footsteps.
As Cam turned onto Cherry Street, he had to wait for a young mother pushing a stroller while she called to a toddler lagging a few yards behind her. This was the oldest part of town, filled with graceful homes built for raising large families. Christmas lights still hung from windows and outdoor trees, and walkways led to front porches with wreaths on the front doors and garlands hanging from the railings.
When was the proper time to take those down, anyway? Cam wondered as he continued down the street. Natalie and her husband, Alex, had helped decorate their mother’s house at the beginning of December, but she hadn’t mentioned when the stuff should come down. Whatever his sister’s answer on that one, Cam suspected he’d be doing that job by himself. Putting everything up was fun, and there were always plenty of hands willing to pitch in. Packing it away, not so much.
As he turned into the driveway, he noticed an unfamiliar sedan with Michigan plates parked next to the nurse’s red hatchback. The driver was standing beside the car, staring at the house as if he was trying to decide whether or not he was in the right place. When Cam’s truck door slammed shut, the stranger turned, clearly startled by the sound.
In a single breath, Cam’s temper spiked to eight on the Richter scale.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” he spat out, striding over to block the man’s way up the front steps.
“Hello, Cameron,” his father replied with a deferential nod. “I wasn’t sure you’d remember me.”
Only his mother used his full name anymore, and hearing it from someone he despised only fanned his anger. “You walked out on a family who needed you. That’s not something I could forget.”
“I know, and I don’t blame you for hating me.”
Cam swallowed a rush of curses that would have made a seasoned sailor blush. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard about Bridget’s stroke.”
“Which one?”
To his satisfaction, his father paled. “There’s been more than one?”
“Two, actually. How did you find out?”
“Your aunt Connie emailed me just before Christmas,” he explained, bowing his head in something that looked like shame. When he lifted it, he fixed a pleading look on Cam. “I had no idea things were so bad, or I would have come sooner.”
“There wasn’t much point in that,” Cam snarled, folding his arms defiantly. “I’d just have run you off then instead of now.”
“We never divorced, so she’s still my wife,” his father pointed out, showing a bit of backbone. “I have a right to see her.”
Not a chance, Cam wanted to growl. Instead, he kept his cool and said, “This is Douglas property, and Granddad left it to Mom, not you. You have a right to leave before I call the sheriff.”
“That’s not fair.”
In response, Cam pulled the cell phone from the front pocket of his jeans and started punching numbers.
“All right, you win.” Holding up his hands, their unwelcome visitor backed toward his car. “I’m making a circuit of the area and will be coming back through here the first week in January. After that, I’ll be staying at the B and B outside of town, and I’m not going anywhere until I see my wife.”
“Looking for a job?”
“Actually,” his father retorted, taking out a business card and holding it out to him, “these days, I’m the owner.”
Natural curiosity prodded Cam to take the card, which read David Stewart, Management Consultant. Scottish pride kept him in his obstinate stance, glaring unmercifully at the man who seemed to think he could just stroll back into their lives as if he belonged there.
“You remind me of your Grandpa Douglas, God rest him,” his father lamented, shaking his head. “He was stubborn and unforgiving, too.”
“He was a great man, and he was there for us every day until he died. He’d never even consider bailing on his family.”
“Grudges are a heavy burden to haul around with you, son.”
“Don’t ever call me that,” Cam snarled. “As far as I’m concerned, I lost my father years ago.”
Before he could do something that would land him in jail, he forced himself to turn away and stalk up the porch steps. Behind him, he heard a heavy sigh and a car door closing. Once the sound of the engine began to fade, he glanced back to see the car slowly making its way toward Main Street.
Wonderful, he thought as he opened the front door to go inside. And he’d thought the day had started badly.
“Hello, Cam.” His mother’s nurse greeted him from the kitchen doorway. “How are you today?”
He wasn’t sure how to answer that, so he sidestepped the question. “Wondering when it’s appropriate to take down Christmas decorations.”
The cheerful woman laughed. “When your mother says it’s okay.”
“Makes sense.” Glancing toward the living room, he quietly asked, “How’s she doing today?”
“I’ve never had the joy of caring for a patient with such a marvelous attitude.”
Translation: the same. Cam fought off a dejected sigh and forced a smile. “That’s nice to hear. Is she awake?”
“And waiting for dinner with you. The café sent over a delicious-smelling chicken and dumplings meal for the two of you, and it’s keeping warm in the oven. You look beat,” she added in a concerned tone. “Is there anything I can do before I go?”
“No, thanks. I’ve got it from here.”
She gave him a doubtful look but thankfully didn’t press him for details. After the infuriating run-in with his father, he wasn’t exactly in the mood to be sociable.
“Well, all right. Call me if you need anything.”
After walking her out, he took a moment to regain his usual calm before talking to Mom. Resting a hand on the antique door, he looked down at the faded floral rug that had been in the entryway since long before he’d been born. Old and solid like the oak trees that surrounded it, the house had been built by one of the founders of the town and owned by his descendants ever since.
Mom’s current condition might be the end of that run, Cam mused with a frown. If he couldn’t figure out a way to pull the family business out of the ever-deepening hole that he’d found it in, selling the homestead could be their only way out of debt. He hated to think of that happening on his watch, but modern finances didn’t always mesh with keeping a family’s history intact. Much as it pained him, he had to be practical.
Explaining it to Mom would be another thing altogether. For now, he put that out of his mind and plastered a nonchalant grin on his face before sauntering into the living room like he didn’t have a care in the world.
“Hey there,” he said smoothly, leaning in to kiss her cheek. “How’s my favorite girl?”
Eyes that used to be a clear blue had a cloudy tinge to them, and it took her a few seconds to focus on him. When she did, the unaffected left side of her face crinkled with what now passed for her smile. “Better.”
Because her speech was so limited, these days she kept her end of conversations short. It killed him to see his formerly bubbly mother reduced to this, but he held out hope that her ongoing therapy would unlock whatever ability she still had and make the most of it.
Reaching for something positive, he landed on the only thing all day that had made him smile. “Erin Kinley’s gonna rent the old general store building from us. She and I signed the papers with Natalie this morning.”
Her smile deepened a little at the news. “That’s good. Living there?”
“Yeah, with her foster son, Parker. Have you met him?” She shook her head, but her expression brightened slightly, prompting him to go on. “He’s had a tough time, but he seems like a great kid. Really liked my truck.”
“Heard some things,” she said in a halting voice, clearly hunting for the right words. “Poor boy.”
With the precarious state her own health was in, that she could feel sympathy for someone else’s problems made Cam feel ashamed for pitying his own situation. “She’s opening a pet store, aiming to have it ready to go before spring. I offered to design and build the fixtures she needs, so that oughta help move things along.”
“My Cam,” Mom approved, extending a trembling hand to pat his arm. “Such a good boy.”
Her praise hit him hard, and he had to swallow the lump that suddenly clogged his throat. Accustomed to working with a crew of tough-as-nails guys, he wasn’t used to having a softer touch in his life, and he had to admit it was kind of nice. “Thanks. Are you ready for dinner?”
Shaking her head, she pinned him with an alarmingly alert stare. “Who was here?”
Assuming she’d been asleep during his father’s unwelcome stop, Cam swallowed a curse. “No one.” She gave him a chiding look, and he relented with a frown. “Fine. Your husband came by, and I told him it was a bad time for a visit.”
There would never be a good time, but Cam figured it was best to keep that opinion to himself. He didn’t want to upset her any more than necessary.
“Why?” she asked.
“You mean, why did he come, or why did I send him away?”
Cam filled her in on the little he knew, then remembered the business card he’d jammed into his pocket. He fished out the crumpled paper and showed it to her. Then, to his amazement, she took it from him and stared at it for several long moments.
“You should call him,” she finally said.
When she got tired, her speech began to slur a bit, and he assumed he’d misunderstood. “I’m sorry, Mom. What did you say?” She repeated it, and he scowled. “Not a chance.”
“Please?” Fixing him with a trusting look, she gave him another half smile. “At least think about it.”
Cam’s instinct was to refuse outright, then list the many reasons they all had for avoiding contact with the man who’d abandoned them when he’d come to the decision that his family was more of a burden than he cared to shoulder. Just as he was about to launch his argument, though, Cam noticed something in his mother’s gaze.
Fatigue had begun to set in, and her ability to focus on him was starting to fade. But somewhere in the lines of her face he saw a trace of her old determination. It was the kind of look she’d given him when he was a teenager bent on defying her just for the fun of testing her limits. Seeing it now bolstered his flagging hope that in time she’d recover from this devastating blow and be herself again.
“You want to see him, don’t you?” he asked.
“Not if it hurts you.”
Meaning she wanted it for herself but wouldn’t sacrifice Cam’s peace of mind to get it. For the life of him, he couldn’t begin to understand why she felt so strongly about reconnecting with a man who’d neglected her for so long. His father wouldn’t be back in town for a few days yet, which gave him some time to mull over the situation and make a decision.
“Okay, Mom,” he finally gave in, covering her frail hand with one of his own. Giving a gentle squeeze, he forced a smile. “For you, I’ll think about it. But don’t tell anyone I gave up so easy. I’ve got a reputation, y’know.”
That got him a faint laugh, and she murmured a thank-you.
“You’re welcome. Meantime, I’m starving. How ’bout you?”
“Smells good.”
“Sure it does,” he replied in a chipper tone he hoped disguised how he was really feeling. “Lena still uses your recipe at the Oaks, and it’s a big hit.”
His mother beamed at the mention of her old friend, who happened to be a fantastic cook. While he got their dinner together, Cam searched his memory for snippets of town news that he thought might interest her. He knew he wasn’t the most entertaining person in the world, but Oaks Crossing was full of characters ranging from quirky to borderline insane.
All he had to do was cherry-pick some of the mindless gossip he heard at the café on a daily basis. Apparently, the busybodies he’d spent most of his life resenting served a purpose, after all. Who knew?
Chapter Three (#ulink_bf1e0db7-1e10-52d5-b5fb-1788eed4ce33)
Someone was going to die.
She’d start with whoever thought it was a good idea to start hammering at—Erin squinted at the clock on her phone—seven on a Wednesday morning. Thankfully, Parker had spent the night at a friend’s house and wasn’t here to be rudely awakened by the busy beaver hacking away downstairs.
Recognizing that her tattered sweats and “Whatever” T-shirt were hardly the right outfit for this particular confrontation, she yanked an oversize Cincinnati football jersey overtop and stormed down the stairs to restore some peace. Her bare feet stomping down the wooden steps didn’t make much of an impact, and by the time she reached the first floor she had a good head of steam going.
Seeing who she had to thank for her early wake-up call didn’t help settle her temper even the slightest bit. “Cam!”
Obviously startled, he jerked his head around and stared at her as if she was the last person he’d expected to find there. “Yeah?”
Reminding herself that cluelessness was a dominant male characteristic, she struggled not to scream at him. “Do you know what time it is?”
“About seven. Too early for you?”
“It’s Christmas vacation.” He gave her the blankest look she’d ever seen, and she realized that he needed more of an explanation than that. Without caffeine, the best she could dredge up was, “Sleeping in is part of the deal.”
His sheepish expression was completely at odds with the cocky guy she remembered, and in her foggy state she actually thought it made him look cute. “Sorry. I don’t have kids, so I didn’t get that memo. Want me to come back later?”
“No,” she answered on a yawn. “I’m awake now, and I’ve got tons to do myself. Want some coffee?”
The offer was clearly a surprise to him, and she had to admit she didn’t know where the invitation had come from. She must be more tired than she thought. But it would be rude to extend it and then yank it back, so she tried to look okay with the idea.
“That’d be nice,” he said, grinning over at her. “Can I make a suggestion first?”
“You might wanna turn your sweatshirt right side out so people can see more than just an outline of the tiger.”
Erin glanced down to discover that she had indeed pulled her outer layer on inside out. Seeing as the rest of her life felt totally discombobulated these days, the mistake fit right in. She set it to rights, then took a moment to check out what he’d been up to. There were a lot of markings on the walls and the scarred wooden floor, measurements for the furnishings they’d briefly discussed yesterday.
Then she saw the gap in the ceiling and the pile of acoustic tiles that had fallen from it. “What happened?”
“I hate these drop ceilings,” he grumbled. “I was poking around with a broom handle to make sure there weren’t any soft spots, and that section just about fell on my head. I really think you’d be better off to pull the whole system down and either Sheetrock it or leave the beams exposed.”
Erin craned her neck to get a better look through the hole. “What’s up there?”
“The original oak beams, ductwork, stuff like that. These days, lots of folks paint the metalwork and either stain the wood or leave it natural. It’s a cool look, and as a bonus it brings a lot more height to the space.”
Cam went over to the makeshift workbench he’d made using a wide board resting on two sawhorses. Taking a large set of drawings from the top, he brought them over to her and held them out for her to see. “I found the original plans in the office at the café. Up here—” he pointed “—it looks like they had four windows just a little ways down from where you’re living. Back in the day, they probably used it as a storage loft. If the windows are still intact, we can open things up to let in a lot more light.”
“That would be great.” Erin was impressed, not only with his obvious knowledge but with the effort he’d already put into improving the neglected old building. “This is more than construction experience, though. Where did you learn all this design stuff?”

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