Read online book «Journey to Seduction» author Candace Shaw

Journey to Seduction
Candace Shaw
All the right moves Ever since their families were joined by marriage, Sydney Chase has been driving attorney Bryce Monroe crazy. Whether she's in biker gear or stilettos, no other woman can compare. No one else combines tough and tender in such a sexy, irresistible package. Though Syd has him pegged as a spoiled brat, a spur-of-the-moment Vegas road trip is Bryce's one chance to prove otherwise.As a criminal profiler, Syd's job is to figure people out. Somehow, beyond Bryce's privileged background is a depth she never expected. Their cross-country trek to a motorcycle fest is turning into the hottest ride of her life–one she knows has to eventually end. Yet what happens in Vegas is impossible to forget, and Bryce isn't letting go until he's crashed through every single one of her defenses…

All the right moves
Ever since their families were joined by marriage, Sydney Chase has been driving attorney Bryce Monroe crazy. Whether she’s in biker gear or stilettos, no other woman can compare. No one else combines tough and tender in such a sexy, irresistible package. Though Syd has him pegged as a spoiled brat, a spur-of-the-moment Vegas road trip is Bryce’s one chance to prove otherwise.
As a criminal profiler, Syd’s job is to figure people out. Somehow, beyond Bryce’s privileged background is a depth she never expected. Their cross-country trek to a motorcycle fest is turning into the hottest ride of her life—one she knows has to eventually end. Yet what happens in Vegas is impossible to forget, and Bryce isn’t letting go until he’s crashed through every single one of her defenses...
“Why did you tell him you didn’t have a man?” He stopped pacing and stood in front of her.
She twisted her lips to the side and stared up at him questionably. “Um...because I don’t.”
He grabbed her to him, his chest still heaving up and down with anger from the guy touching Syd and calling out her name.
“Who did you come with?” he whispered on her lips through clenched teeth.
She licked her lower lip, her eyes shooting off the fervor he longed to see. “You,” she said breathlessly. “I came with you.”
She captured his lips with hers, kissing him deeply as her tongue unleashed an untamed dance on his. He pulled her by the hips and meshed her body against his, causing low purrs to erupt from her throat. Stumbling them back against the wall, she ran her hands through his dark curly hair and down to his face as their kissing intensified. No woman had ever rocked him like this. He’d never craved for a woman, but Sydney was like no other woman he’d ever met.
Dear Reader (#ulink_2bb93ef1-aeb0-515c-b27e-b9f25599993c),
I had an amazing ride while writing Sydney Chase and Bryce Monroe’s road to forever in Journey to Seduction. Sydney is a laid-back woman who prefers jeans, a leather jacket and her beloved pink Harley motorcycle. However, she can easily shed her tough-cookie exterior, slip on a cocktail dress and strut in her stilettos. The only thing that annoys her is her brother-in-law’s ruggedly handsome yet spoiled brother.
Bryce loves the banter between him and Sydney, for she has a blaze in her eyes that he finds intriguing, especially considering it only appears when her glare is on him. When they argue, Bryce figures if he kisses her luscious lips, then maybe she’ll be quiet for once and realize he’s not all that she perceives him to be.
I hope you enjoy reading Sydney and Bryce’s journey to love. Feel free to contact me at (
Candace Shaw
Journey to Seduction
Candace Shaw (
CANDACE SHAW was born and raised under the sunny skies of northwest Florida and knew she wanted to become a writer after reading Little Women in fourth grade. After graduating from the University of West Florida with a degree in elementary education, Candace began teaching and put her dream of becoming a writer on hold, until one summer vacation she started writing again and hasn’t stopped.
When Candace is not writing or researching for a book, she’s reading, shopping, learning how to cook a new dish or spending time with her loving husband and their loyal, overprotective Weimaraner, Ali. She is currently working on her next fun, flirty and sexy romance novel.
You can contact Candace on her website at (, on Facebook at ( or you can Tweet her at (
Acknowledgments (#ulink_2d9baac2-196b-5a06-a052-e6d436064ec7)
Thank you to the ladies of Building Relationships Around Books book club!
You ladies rock!
Cover (#uc6a2c495-b9f4-5a8f-9771-3ddc6d20d1af)
Back Cover Text (#ua0fb0f86-64ea-5180-a695-6ad80cacf0c2)
Introduction (#u14fe6fc6-0bde-52ba-b507-ee0ee5413b0f)
Dear Reader (#ulink_4cbd7292-505b-5b14-bfac-918ae375b895)
Title Page (#u631775d6-c4d9-5602-8d58-57b12f2e36a3)
About the Author (#ue5076ff1-78a7-5e63-a7f1-d03907716b55)
Acknowledgments (#ulink_fa8fdd5a-2664-5e0b-827d-6f9f8c1cc4c7)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_9d44bd92-2b47-58c7-9114-dcee7e569a4d)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_a7061ddb-24e8-5203-b736-f01e52ade8f0)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_07884208-f132-53b2-b66b-33058a05a2d0)
Chapter 4 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_3beba2dd-bd0a-584c-bd99-2e519ae2d5a1)
“Anyone have any pain killers?” Sydney Chase asked the five other agents on her team of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that sat around the conference room table. “I feel a headache coming on.” Actually, she felt light-headed, nauseous, hot and achy. Sydney would’ve thought she was having pregnancy symptoms if it wasn’t for the fact she was single and couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had sex. However, she couldn’t let the team made up of all men know that she felt like crap.
Once they all responded no, she waved it off and convinced herself that she’d be fine. She tried to place her concentration on her boss, Joseph Mumford, as he munched on a jelly-filled doughnut. They’d just wrapped up a big high-profile case, and Mumford was going around the table giving everyone accolades for a job well done.
“Syd,” he began, wearing a huge, fatherly grin, “I’m so proud of your level of expertise on this case. By figuring out the perps weaknesses, we were able to use them against him to bring that sucker down. You’re the best criminal profiler this organization has.”
Not only was she the best; she was also the youngest at age twenty-nine and the only female in her division.
She wiped the sweat that had formed on her hairline before it could trickle down her brow. “Thanks, Mumford,” she said, flashing him a smile as best as she could. “We all did an outstanding job.”
Syd glanced at her watch and hoped that he would hurry up and dismiss them. It was one o’clock in the afternoon on a Friday. It was also Valentine’s Day. While her only plans were to order a pizza, sip a cool glass of white zinfandel and watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s, she needed to beat the Atlanta rush hour and dinner traffic. She lived in the downtown area of Decatur, where all the popular restaurants would be overcrowded with couples celebrating a day she couldn’t care less about. She wanted to make it home before she sat stuck in traffic. She chastised herself for driving her Mustang that day. She should’ve ridden her pink Harley so she could’ve weaved in and out of the cars.
Thirty minutes later, she was grateful to head back to her office to grab her purse and coat so she could skedaddle to the parking lot before the technical analyst—who had a crush on her—asked her out for the hundredth time that day.
When she reached her office, Sydney made a beeline to the desk drawer to grab her purse but instead she stopped in her tracks. Her heart thumped hard against her chest as if it were being kicked by a dinosaur’s foot. The sweat she’d tried to suppress earlier rushed down her brow. She staggered toward her desk chair but stumbled as she reached out for it, falling onto the floor with the chair following. The last sound she heard in the distance was Mumford yelling her name in a panic-stricken tone just as darkness engulfed her.
* * *
“Calm down, Megan,” Bryce Monroe spoke in a soothing tone to his brother’s wife. She was already a fast talker but when she was nervous or overly excited, he couldn’t understand her at all. “Now slowly repeat what you said.” He tossed his name plate in a box, grabbed it up and strode out of the office doors of Baxter, Clemmons and Strouse for the last time without looking back.
Megan Chase-Monroe took a deep breath. “I just spoke to Syd. She passed out at work from exhaustion and dehydration. She said she’s fine, but I’m worried sick. Goodness, I wish I was there, but Steven and I just landed in Hilton Head for Valentine’s weekend.”
The fear in her voice seeped through the phone, and he had a feeling where this conversation was going. He dreaded the outcome.
“Where’s Braxton?” he questioned, wondering why Megan called him and not their big, overprotective brother.
“He’s out of town with his jazz band, and Syd made me promise not to call our parents.”
Bryce let out a long sigh. “Where is she?”
“DeKalb Medical Center.” He heard a hopeful tone in her response.
“Okay, I’ll swing by there on my way home. Will that make you feel better?” He nodded and smiled at a few people who were still in the law firm finishing up important cases, some of which used to belong to him. He couldn’t focus on that at the present moment. His sister-in-law was distraught over her twin sister. The twin sister that disliked him... No, wait...hated him.
“Thank you so much, Bryce. I sincerely appreciate this.”
He stepped onto the elevator and pushed the ground floor button. “No problem. I’ll call you later with an update.”
Bryce chuckled. His original plans for the evening were to go home, drink a beer and watch Miami beat whoever they were playing. But this unwelcomed distraction might be just what he needed to get his mind off the fact that he’d just quit his job at one of the top law firms in the country. He’d worked his ass off for the past seven years at the firm, and at age thirty-two, was the youngest junior partner amid men ten years his senior. However, over a month ago, the senior partners had informed him that he would never make it to their position. That was all the ammunition he needed to change his current situation. Shortly thereafter, he’d submitted his two-week notice.
After placing the box into the trunk of his black Mercedes S-65 AMG, he slammed it a little too hard and unloosened his Burberry tie as he thought about his upcoming task. He’d known Sydney Chase for about five years. They ran in the same circles, and, considering he was a criminal defense attorney, some of his clients had been arrested by her division of the GBI. Their conversations were always heated. And she was ruthless. Sydney never backed down during court hearings whenever she was called to the stand to give her opinion as a criminal profiler. However, he rarely lost a case, and she’d often glare at him when the jury would read the not guilty verdicts. He’d wink and offer her his most gracious smile, which always resulted in a huff and an eye roll from her. Then she’d swing her head away from his gaze as her sexy, layered bob cut swooshed across her delicate face.
When his older brother, Steven, married her twin sister a year ago, Bryce tried to be cordial whenever he saw Sydney at family gatherings. She’d ignore him unless the topic was an upcoming case. Their conversations would then become intense, and he sometimes figured if he’d just kiss her luscious lips then maybe she’d be quiet for once. He’d definitely found her attractive when he’d first laid eyes on her across the courtroom some years ago, but her stubbornness and aloofness toward him had changed his mind about ever asking her out. Though there was something about her that still always held his attention. He sometimes looked forward to their heated discussions just to see her cinnamon eyes turn chocolate and the quiver of her lips while she disagreed with him.
For some reason Sydney thought he was a spoiled rich brat even though she didn’t think that about Steven. Bryce figured that was probably because his brother was more modest and did a lot for the community. While there was a rumor going around that everything had been handed to them on a silver platter, their father believed in hard work. Despite the fact that the Monroe family was worth millions and considered to be the black Kennedys, Bryce had lived a normal life growing up because of their mother. Claire Monroe, who had come from humble beginnings, refused to raise her children as sheltered, spoiled brats who would look down on those less fortunate.
As Bryce approached the nurses’ station, a sign caught his attention that read Immediate Family Only. He figured he’d be fine considering he was Sydney’s brother-in-law by way of marriage even though that wasn’t considered immediate family. He stroked his goatee and shrugged. I’ll just say she’s my sister.
A young nurse looked up from her paperwork and blinked several times at him wearing a saucy grin. She leaned toward him, resting her elbows on the counter. “May I help you, sir?” she asked in a seductive way as if she wanted to give him a lap dance.
While that would be great considering he was in between girlfriends—the nurse in front of him wasn’t his type. She wore way too much makeup for his taste, plus, he preferred women who didn’t throw themselves at him—at least not for anything more than a fling. He glanced down at her name tag and stepped back.
“Um...” He cleared his throat and slid his hands in his pants’ pockets, “Joan, I’m here to check on wife, Sydney. Sydney Chase.” Why the heck did I say that?
“Humph. All the fine, suited-up ones are taken.” She turned toward the hallway to his right and pointed. “She’s in room 908. I’ll walk with you. I need to check on a patient.”
“Thank you.”
“Lucky girl,” Joan whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
“Me, too. She’s...something else.” He chuckled sarcastically. Syd was definitely a pistol.
Bryce hadn’t seen her since Steven and Megan’s one-year anniversary celebration on New Year’s Eve. Normally, he’d be in Colorado for his annual ski vacation during that time, but Bryce rarely saw his brother because he was a United States senator and spent a lot of time in Washington, DC. Postponing the trip with his friends wasn’t an issue. He believed that family came first no matter what and even though he and Sydney never saw eye to eye, Megan was depending on him.
His thoughts trekked back to the last time he saw Sydney. Bryce remembered gazing at the way her red dress fit her body like a glove and how the red pumps she’d worn showcased her caramel-coated legs. A diamond choker graced her swanlike, elegant neckline and her thick, classy bob bounced when she strutted across the room. Whenever he ran into her at the GBI headquarters to speak with a client, she was usually clad in a pair of jeans, a women’s T-shirt that did nothing to hide the six pack that was underneath and a leather jacket. Either way, she was sexy as hell.
When he entered the room, his eyes zoomed immediately onto to Syd as she sat propped up on the bed fussing at another nurse who was checking her IV bag.
“Look, I feel fine. I just need to go home and sleep for the rest of the weekend. That’s all. So please remove the IV from my arm,” Sydney demanded, holding out her left arm to the nurse, who ignored her.
Nurse Joan stepped inside the room as Bryce leaned on the door analyzing the scene before him. Even hooked up to heart monitors, an IV machine and with a pale face, Sydney still was the little spitfire he was used to dealing with. His eyes scanned the room. A hospital gown lay on the chair with her purse and leather jacket. Apparently, she’d refused to put on the gown because she still wore her usual attire of jeans and a white, low-cut ribbed T-shirt that left just enough room for the heart monitor pads to sit on her upper chest. His eyes traveled a few inches lower as the top of her cleavage jiggled, and he tried to tear his gaze away from the provocative sight. He may not care for her attitude toward him, but he couldn’t deny how sexy she was. Her hair rested just below her chin, complemented by her cute pert nose above her pouty lips and her cinnamon, almond-shaped eyes. Even though Sydney and Megan were identical twins, Megan didn’t possess the same blaze in her eyes as Sydney did. He hated to admit that was one of the few reasons he actually loved to debate with her. She only seemed to have them with him, though. With others, she was pleasant and just as sweet as Megan.
His cell phone beeped, indicating he had a text message, and Sydney’s stare rested on him for the first time. Shock crossed her face as she sized him up with a disdainful expression.
“Your loving husband is here,” Joan said in an upbeat manner as she gave a pleasant smile.
“My...?” Sydney stopped as her eyes grew wide as saucers. “What are you doing here and why—”
Bryce dashed into the room and grabbed her to him, imprisoning her lips with his to muffle her protests. He had kissed her deeply at first just so she wouldn’t yell out, “He’s not my husband.” However, when his tongue touched hers, a fervent shiver slammed through him, and he slowed down to savor her juicy lips and their warmth on his. A soft moan erupted from her throat, and he opened his eyes just enough to peer out through the slits to see hers completely closed as she willingly responded to him. Bryce’s hand sank into her thick hair, pulling her farther into him as their tongues wound in a kiss so passion-filled that for a moment he forgot they couldn’t stand each other. His other hand ran along her smooth arm and down to her jean-clad hip as he clutched it, releasing another moan from her that he muted with his mouth.
Somewhere in the back of his subconscious, he heard the nurses dismiss themselves and shut the door. A forceful jolt pushed him back. When he opened his eyes, he realized Sydney had shoved him off her. Her chest heaved up and down at a fast pace as she wiped his kiss from her mouth.
“Why the hell did you kiss me? I don’t even like you!”
A sly smile crossed his face as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip. He stepped toward her and rested his forehead on hers as he stared into her rage-filled eyes that made him want to kiss her all over again.
“You may not, but your lips certainly do.”
* * *
“Get away from me!”
Sydney stared in utter disbelief at the man who had thankfully backed away and was now leaning on the wall next to the door. She hadn’t thought the day could get any worse after she’d passed out at work and found herself waking up in an ambulance with Mumford yelling at the paramedics to save her life. She was glad when he finally left the hospital after she’d convinced him that Megan was on her way. Of course that wasn’t true, but Sydney didn’t like people fawning over her, and Mumford had dinner reservations with his wife. To look up and see Bryce Monroe in the doorway after he had the audacity to lie and say she was married to him, followed by a long, deep kiss, wasn’t how she’d planned to spend her Valentine’s Day. Now she was hooked up to machines with an IV drip going through her veins making her extremely cold, even though for some reason she’d warmed up a bit.
Unfortunately, he was right. Her lips willingly responded to his as if it were the most natural thing between them. She was amazed at how his tongue had taken total control over hers in a sensual tango. For a moment she’d forgotten she wasn’t fond of Bryce and instead had let him take possession over her mind and her mouth. A tingle between her legs twitched, and she drew her knees to her chest, hoping that would help calm down the sensation.
Sydney sucked in her breath and realized how crazy her thoughts were. Bryce was the last man she’d ever have feelings for, and so she decided it was the medication that was being dripped into her veins making her think foolishly.
“What are you doing here?”
“Megan asked me to check on you. Trust me—if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Okay, but why did that nurse think you were my husband?”
“Because only immediate family are allowed in this area of the hospital, and I know you don’t want to alarm your parents.”
Bryce was right about that. Her parents weren’t happy with her decision to become a GBI agent after graduating from law school and forgoing taking the bar exam. They worried she would get hurt on the job. While she’d never been hurt, lately she’d felt mentally and physically drained.
“You didn’t have to kiss me to prove that we’re married. You could’ve said ‘hello, dear’ or ‘wifey’ with a wink or something. I can read body language, you know.”
“I think my way was much more fun. Don’t you?” His tone was seductive and the sensation between her thighs raced once again.
She smacked her lips and rested her head back on the pillow. “I just need to go home. I had plans.” She glanced at the clock on the wall, which read four o’clock on the dot. “Hopefully, the doctor will be here soon with my CT scan results.”
He raised his eyebrow. “Hot date tonight?”
She pushed her hair back over her ears. “Yes, with me, myself and I.”
A wicked grin etched over his handsome mocha face, and he stroked his goatee. “Mmm...interesting.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter. Not that kind of date. I’ve been working nonstop for two weeks and I’m exhausted. I just wanted to chill on the couch and watch old movies this weekend.”
“Exhausted and dehydrated are why you’re here. You’ve been overworking yourself.”
“Well, I guess you wouldn’t know anything about hard work.”
He shook his head, chuckling sarcastically. “Humph...I’m not even going to entertain your comment. You can think whatever you like. You always do anyway.”
“Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?”
Bryce reached into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone. He glanced down at the screen and typed something before sliding it back into his pocket.
“You know exactly what I mean. You’ve painted this distorted picture of me years ago from rumors about me being a spoiled rich kid that hasn’t worked for anything. Yes, my father is a millionaire, and yes, I’ve benefited from that. However, the truth is you simply don’t know me, but there’s no point in trying to convince you otherwise.”
“Huh.” She looked him up and down. “You don’t need to convince me of anything.”
“Whatever. Once the doctor gets here and lets us know how you are, I’ll contact Megan and then I’ll leave.”
Sydney pointed to the door and almost winced as the IV needle in her wrist pinched her, but she stopped herself. She wasn’t going to let him think she couldn’t handle pain. “You can leave now. I’ll call Megan myself. Besides, what makes you think I want you present when the doctor arrives? My medical condition is a private matter, Counselor.”
He chuckled sarcastically. “Because I’m your husband, babe.” He winked and sat in the chair next to the bed.
“If I wasn’t hooked up to all these freakin’ machines, I’d walk out of here right now!” She turned on her side, facing away from him, and pressed the button for the flat-screen television mounted on the wall opposite the bed.
“Trust me. I don’t want to be here, either. I’m only here for Megan’s peace of mind. She’s worried, but I just sent her a text that I’m here and you’re in very good hands.”
Sydney glanced over her shoulder at him with a cold stare, but his eyes didn’t meet with hers. Instead, he smiled like a Cheshire cat and his gaze was mesmerized on her butt as he bit his bottom lip. His eyes jerked to hers out of his trance, and she reached to the bottom of the bed to yank the blanket up to the middle of her back. When she glanced at him again, Bryce was arrogantly smiling at her. She turned over with a huff and hoped the doctor would be in soon. Of all the people Megan could’ve called, why on earth did she call him?
She knows how much I despise this cocky, egotistical, self-centered man.
They watched reruns of The Cosby Show in silence except for a few laughs here and there. The nurse came in briefly to check on her and to inform them that the doctor would be in momentarily with the test results. She felt much better than when she arrived. Considering the IV bag was almost empty, perhaps there was no need for another one. Besides, the fact that Bryce was behind her sent uncomfortable prickles along her skin, especially since his woodsy, spicy scent was now embedded on her thanks to his unruly kiss.
A light knock on the door was a sound of relief. She couldn’t stand another minute alone with Bryce. She sat up, and he came over to assist in propping up the pillows behind her back.
“Come in.”
An older Caucasian man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck entered with a small laptop. She glanced at his name sewn onto the lapel and was relieved to see Doctor in front of Smith. Then fear set in and her leg began to tremble as she anxiously waited to hear what Dr. Smith had to say about her test results. What if something was actually wrong with her other than exhaustion and dehydration? She glanced at Bryce, who was still standing by the side of the bed, and instinctively reached out to squeeze his hand. He looked down, gently squeezed her hand back and gave her a comforting smile. But it wasn’t one of his cocky, arrogant, wicked smiles that he usually bestowed on her. It was honest and sincere.
“It’s going to be alright, Syd,” he reassured her, nodding his head before placing his attention back on the doctor.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Chase. I’m Dr. Smith.”
Bryce reached out to shake his hand, and she followed his action. When Bryce grabbed her hand once more, interlocking his fingers with hers, she was surprised. She couldn’t believe he was really keeping up this charade of being her husband.
“Well, Sydney, looks like you’ve been a very busy woman lately working around the clock,” Dr. Smith began, scrolling through his laptop screen. “According to your medical history, this isn’t the first time you’ve had this issue. Your primary care physician’s office sent over your information.”
“Yes...I just need some rest.”
“I agree, and you need to eat. Your blood sugar is low but everything else is fine. Luckily no concussion when you passed out and your CT scan was negative. However, Mr. Chase, I would closely watch over her during the next twelve hours just to make sure she’s fine. Symptoms to watch out for would be headache, vomiting, slurred speech, trouble remembering things, weakness and maybe a seizure, but I don’t see any of that happening. If it does, bring her back here. Just make sure she rests and eats something.”
“I’ll make sure she does.”
The doctor typed something on his laptop and glanced up at Bryce with a smile. “It’s Valentine’s Day, so make her a nice dinner. Spoil her tonight.”
“I was just thinking the same thing, Doc. I’ll definitely take care of my baby.”
Sydney thought surely she’d vomit followed by a seizure just from hearing the conversation between the men in front of her.
“So, I’m free to go, Doc?”
“Yep. In about thirty minutes.”
Sydney breathed out a sigh of relief. Now she could get away from Bryce. “Oh. By the way. What kind of medication was in the IV bag?”
“No medication,” Dr. Smith answered, glancing up from his laptop. “Just nutrients to replenish your system.”
“Sooooooooo no real medication or anything?”
“Oh.” Syd nodded, slowly removing her hand from Bryce’s as her palm began to sweat. The doctor and Bryce continued to speak about the checking-out process, but they sounded like the adults on the Charlie Brown cartoons. She was speechless. She’d thought surely she was on some type of drug when Bryce had kissed her and she’d willingly responded—and rather enjoyed it. Why else would she even let him kiss her for so long? Sure, the man apparently knew how to kiss. His tongue had done things with hers that should’ve been outlawed in the state of Georgia. Heck, every state and country, even. And that was just in one place. She had other regions on her body that wouldn’t have minded a tongue journey. When he’d glided his hand sensually down her arm and pulled her by the hair deeper into his mouth, she had the urge to seduce him right then, not caring that nurses were watching their escapade. No. It had to be something in that damn bag to make her hallucinate and think that she could actually kiss Bryce Monroe and enjoy it. Enjoy him to the point of desiring more.
No. No. No. No. No.
Chapter 2 (#ulink_8b0670b7-ddb0-546e-9b5d-e9d6a46b51a0)
Once Sydney was settled onto the plush leather seat of Bryce’s Benz, she knew it was time to escape. Her goal had been to say goodbye to him in the elevator, but the hospital had other plans. She’d tried to protest to the nurse about taking her out in the wheelchair, but apparently it was protocol. Her devoted husband had skedaddled out to pull his car around to the patient pick-up area. When they arrived, he’d lifted her up gently from the chair and placed her in the front seat with a knowing gleam before turning around and thanking the nurse for taking good care of her.
Sydney turned to Bryce as he started the car and drove around the winding road toward the parking lot exit.
“Thank you for everything. I sincerely appreciate you coming and checking on me...for Megan.”
He glanced at her. “No problem. We’re family. So tell me how to get to your place.”
“ You can just drop me off at the bus stop over on Church Street by the Infiniti dealership.” She grabbed her purse from the floor and rummaged through her wallet, searching for her MARTA card. “It’s on the left-hand side about one block from here.”
“You’re not taking the bus to get home.”
“It’s no problem. I take MARTA sometimes.” She found the card and slipped it into the inside pocket of her waist-length leather coat. A dizzy wave overwhelmed her, and she closed her eyes for a second, resting her head on the headrest.
“Yes, but not when you’re being released from the hospital.”
“I’ll be fine,” she reassured him, turning her head toward him. “Besides, it will be a madhouse for you to get in and out of the downtown Decatur area with all of the Valentine’s Day and normal rush hour traffic, and on a Friday at that.”
“I promised Megan to make sure you were fine.” His gaze rested on her as she peered at him through the slits of her eyes. “You can barely keep your eyes open as it is.”
She sat all the way up and opened her eyes wide, shooting him a glare. “I’m fine. I just need to go to sleep.”
“Exactly, and you want to take the bus. Ha! You’d fall asleep and wake up hours later with all of your valuables missing. I’m taking you home.” He pushed a button on his navigation system. “Type in your address and then lay the seat back and get some rest.”
Clearly, she wasn’t going to win this argument, and she wasn’t surprised. She’d seen him in action in the courtroom plenty of times. While she may have not always agreed with the outcome, Bryce had always led a very convincing argument.
She typed in her address and pushed the button on the side of the seat to recline it back. “Fine, but only so my sister won’t worry.” She slid her shades from the top of hair over her eyes and then closed them as she sighed.
Thirty minutes later, Sydney awoke to him shaking her lightly. She opened her eyes to see her Craftsman-style house in front of her and was relieved to be home. Now she could finally take a shower and scrub his scent off her despite the fact that she actually liked the woodsy fragrance.
“Thank you again. I’ll let Megan know I’m home.”
“You’re welcome.” He got out and trekked around the car to open her door.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
“No problem.” He opened the back door and grabbed a bouquet of a dozen red roses, handing them to her. “While you were snoring, I bought these from a man off of the exit ramp. They were his last bunch. Didn’t want the brother out there for too long. It’s getting cold out here. So happy Valentine’s Day,” he said with a smirk.
She inhaled the light fragrance of the petals and rested her eyes on him. “Thank you for the roses, but I don’t snore,” she said, shaking her head and raking her eyes over him in disdainment.
He choked out a laugh. “ hell you don’t. You were calling hogs, cows and sheep. But in your defense, I know you’ve had a long, exhausting week.”
He stepped around to his trunk and pulled out a gym bag. Sydney tilted her head as he began to walk alongside her to the porch.
“You have any dogs?” he asked as she unlocked the red door that Megan had insisted on selecting when she’d remodeled the 1920s bungalow into an updated contemporary-designed home in an upcoming neighborhood outside of Atlanta. Megan and her associates at Chase and Whitmore Designs remodeled Sydney’s home last summer for a segment on Megan’s decorating show, The Best Decorated Homes.
“ No pets,” she said, setting her boot halfway inside the foyer while the rest of her body remained on the porch. “Thank you again.”
Raising an eyebrow, he swished his mouth to one side. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
She pushed the door and opened the alarm panel on the wall to stop the aggravating beeping. “Aren’t you leaving?”
“No. Dr. Smith said you need someone to watch over you for the next twelve hours, and I told him I would.”
“Wh...wait.” She glanced at her watch. It was six-thirty. Was he going to spend the night? “That won’t be necessary.”
“Even though your CT scans were fine, you just never know. You could faint again, bump your head and then Megan will kill me for leaving you alone.”
A devilish grin formed as she glared up at his six-foot-two frame. “Mmm...” She nodded with a smirk.
“Don’t get any ideas, woman.”
“Darn it. And to think I was going to fake a swoon.”
“Swoon? I take it you watch classic movies and read books like Little Women and Pride and Prejudice,” he said, raising a curious eyebrow.
“Yep, and tonight we’re watching Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant movies until I fall asleep.”
“Then I’ll be asleep before you,” he mumbled.
She faced him, hands on hips with pursed lips. “You’re more than welcome to leave.”
“Nope. We’ll watch your girlie chick flicks. Even though personally I thought you were more into movies like Bad Boys and Beverly Hills Cop.”
“I am, but sometimes I need to escape from my real life and watch something out of my norm like Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
“I’ve seen it once with my mom years ago. It’s her favorite movie and store. Dad buys her something from there all the time. In fact, so do I,” he told her matter-of-factly. “Usually for Mother’s Day.”
For a moment, she’d forgotten about his rich-boy lifestyle. For just a moment, he was a regular guy, not a millionaire standing on her hardwood floor in her 1,500-square-foot house, wearing an Armani suit and a Ralph Lauren trench coat. Not to mention a watch that probably cost three times more than her yearly salary.
He stared at her intently and stepped closer. She thought surely he was going to kiss her again, but instead, the fire in his eyes was erased, and a relaxed, lazy smile appeared on his face. “I kinda like Cary Grant. He had a certain cool swagger to him.”
Bryce tossed his bag on the floor and pulled his overcoat closer to his body. She hadn’t been home in almost two days, and she’d forgotten to leave on the heat. Sydney moved to the panel on the opposite wall and slid the thermostat into the on position, setting the heat to a comfortable temperature.
He followed her through the foyer to the living area, and she noticed her mail in a basket on the coffee table. Apparently, the cleaning lady had come that morning, as she always did on Fridays. She sat the roses next to the mail. She’d have to tend to both later. Right now she needed to be alone. Away from him.
“The guestroom is through there.” She pointed to a door adjacent to the living area. “It has a full bathroom, and the kitchen is the next room over. Look on the fridge and call the pizza joint around the corner. They will deliver. Put your car in the garage. It’s going to be below forty degrees, and I doubt your Benz has ever slept outside. I’m going to take a shower.”
Sydney trekked away from him, straight down the hallway on the other side of the living area that led to her office and the master bedroom. She closed the door to her room, flicked on the light switch, threw off her clothes and left them where they’d landed. Grabbing her cordless phone from her nightstand, she dialed her twin’s cell phone number.
Megan picked up on the first ring. “Are you home?” she asked with a hurried anxiousness.
“Yes, and thanks to you I have company.” Sydney yanked the shower curtain back and turned on the faucet.
“Bryce?” Megan asked, sounding surprised.
“Yes, Bryce,” she whispered into the phone. “The man I can’t stand is staying here tonight because the doctor said I needed to be watched over for the next twelve hours just in case I have a minor concussion. Even though I don’t.” Sydney opened the linen closet and snatched a towel and washcloth from the stack. She glanced at her reflection in the vanity mirror to see a condescending expression on her face. Goodness. Is this how I’ve been looking at him?
“Oh? That’s all you have to say? While I’m happy you didn’t call Mom and Dad, why couldn’t you call Tiffani?” Tiffani Chase-Lake was their first cousin even though she was more like an older sister.
“I thought about that, but KJ has swim class...or is it tae kwon do this evening? I don’t know. His schedule is busier than mine, and he’s only seven.” Megan laughed but stopped abruptly. “I’m sorry, sissy. Just try to suck it up. I really hate for you to be alone, and Bryce is a good guy once you get to know him.”
Sydney grabbed her brush and a few hairpins to wrap her hair, laying the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could use both hands. “He’s been pleasant and concerned, but more so for your peace of mind.”
She thought about their kiss. Their freakin’ passionate kiss that sent a shiver through her at the mere thought, but she wasn’t going to indulge that information. There was no need. It wouldn’t happen again, and she didn’t want Megan excited with romantic, whimsical thoughts of something more happening between them.
“That’s good. Bryce is very family-oriented.”
“I know. I’m going to take a shower and put on some sweats. Bryce is ordering a pizza—I’m starved.” Sydney wrapped her hair in a scarf and tucked in a few strays underneath. “I haven’t eaten since my coffee and bagel breakfast.”
“That’s your problem. You forget to eat, and when you do, its junk food from the vending machines at headquarters or some greasy fast-food place nearby. Do you at least have some veggies or salad fixings in the fridge?”
“Yes. I went to the DeKalb’s Farmer’s Market on Tuesday right before I went in to work. I’ll eat some raw carrots and broccoli, dipped in ranch salad dressing of course.”
Megan huffed. “Of course,” she said sarcastically. “I’ve heard your shower run long enough. Get in it and don’t keep your company waiting.”
“Yes, sissy. And don’t keep the senator waiting,” Sydney answered in a singsong tone.
The sisters laughed and said their goodbyes.
Sydney placed her plastic cap on and hopped into the shower. It was the ideal temperature, and she let the soothing water cascade down her tired body as she thought about her current situation. The man she loved to hate was in her house to take care of her for the evening. So far she’d done a very good job of keeping him at a safe distance, minus that kiss. She cringed. She had to get that kiss out of her head, but it was no use. Every time she looked at his luscious juicy lips surrounded by that neatly trimmed goatee, she was reminded of how his warmth had engulfed her, how he’d tasted her with tantalizing strokes like an artist’s paintbrush. The tiny prickles of his facial hair had rubbed against her skin in a soothing way. She’d never cared for a lot of hair on a man’s face, but it suited Bryce, making him even more handsome and charismatic. She’d seen him a few times with it shaven and was never impressed. The hair on his head was low-cut with soft curls even though sometimes he let it grow out into a short, curly fro.
I can’t believe this is happening, she thought as she dried off from her refreshing shower. This has to be a cruel joke. I’m spending Valentine’s Day with the man I despise.
* * *
Sydney emerged from her bedroom, relaxed in a pair of GBI gray sweats, to the smell of something quite delicious. It wasn’t pizza. Upon entering the living room, her eyes zeroed in on the roses now standing in the vase on the mantel above the lit fireplace. Frowning at the romantic scene, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had flowers in her home. They added a pleasant touch to the room that she barely used. Her nose guided her to the aromas floating from the kitchen. There were chopped red and yellow bell peppers on the cutting board next to the stove along with onions, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. Bryce stood over a huge frying pan stirring and tossing the rest of the vegetables in.
“You’re cooking?” she asked.
He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes roaming over her attire down to her fuzzy pink socks. “Yep. I was going to order pizza but then I looked in the fridge and I saw all of these healthy ingredients. You had some shrimp in the freezer so I thawed them in water.”
She stood beside him and inhaled the mixture of the organic vegetables he sautéed. She leaned over the skillet. “Mmm...smells like heaven.”
“Thanks. Just need to add the shrimp and the brown rice will be done soon.”
“You need some help?”
“You can stir this for a minute or two while I cut the shrimp in half.”
“Sure.” She scooted in front of him and reached for the cooking fork. His hands grasped her waist, and her breath caught in her throat when he slid his body over hers as he moved over to the shrimp on another cutting board.
“These are some huge shrimp,” he said, cutting them in the middle and tossing into a bowl with teriyaki sauce.
Scared to utter a word, she nodded her head in agreement. She couldn’t believe she was actually nervous around him. She was a GBI agent who’d interrogated some of the worst kinds of criminals, from drug dealers and gangbangers to serial killers and child molesters. She carried a gun, did karate and could bench press almost half her weight, yet found herself a fumbling mess around him. This is a first, she thought.
When his task was complete, she took a huge step back so he could retake his place at the stove, and she wouldn’t have to endure his body on hers again.
Sydney opened the refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of white zinfandel that had chilled for five days in anticipation of Friday night. She needed a gulp of it, especially after Bryce’s rock-hard body had pressed against hers. Even though it had been a mere innocent second, heat had erupted through her veins at his touch. She didn’t know how much longer she could tolerate him being there without wanting what happened at the hospital to transpire again. She couldn’t believe her thought process, but she decided to chalk it up to not being intimate with a man in a long while. The kiss had rumbled pent-up desires. That was all. It didn’t mean she wanted Bryce. She could barely stand him, even though he was being quite the gentleman at the moment.
“You want a glass of wine?” she asked, heading toward the dining room to retrieve the corkscrew and the wineglasses from the refurbished china cabinet that once belonged to her grandmother.
“Sure. It’ll go great with the stir-fry.”
Even though this wasn’t how she’d planned to spend her Valentine’s evening, she decided to make the best of it and to avoid conversations that would lead to their usual arguments—no matter how sexy he looked when he was mad.
* * *
“Well?” Bryce asked as he watched Sydney taste the shrimp stir-fry. They were sitting by the fireplace—her on the floor in front of it with her legs tucked underneath and him on the couch facing her. The color in her face was finally returning, and she didn’t seem as weak when he’d first arrived at the hospital. But what was still present were her blaze-filled eyes even though they had simmered down.
“This is delicious. I’m rather surprised you know how to cook.” She took another bite and moaned, closing her eyes. It was the same moan she’d exhaled when he’d kissed her earlier.
Am I delicious, too?
He sipped his wine and tried not to focus on her tongue as it licked across her lips. But it was no use. She was adorable. Even with her hair wrapped in a scarf, no makeup and oversize sweats, she stirred something in the pit of his stomach.
“Despite what you think of me, I do have some domestic capabilities. No, I don’t cook often but I do know how.”
“I’m sorry, Bryce. You’ve been so wonderful to me today, and I keep finding ways to say something crass.”
He shrugged. “I’m used to your bantering with me.”
“Okay...I tell you what. Tonight, no arguments. We’ll avoid any conversations that have to do with our careers—especially cases where you may be representing someone that the GBI arrested.”
He laughed. “You don’t have to worry about that. Today was my last day at Baxter, Clemmons and Strouse.”
She dropped her fork and her jaw to the plate. “They fired you?”
“No. I resigned. I’m in the process of starting my own firm. Something I’ve been thinking about for a while. When the senior partners told me I’d never make partner with them, I knew it was time for a change.”
She shook her head in disbelief. “Are you kidding me? I know we have our disagreements, but you’re the best attorney I know. Do they realize how valuable you were to them? Did they try to stop you?”
“Oh, yes. A hefty hourly raise, bonuses, use of the private jet and a company Mercedes, but not senior partnership. I already have use of my family’s private jet and I own a Maybach, so nothing they offered impressed me.”
“You know, I’m kinda surprised you even worked for them. Why didn’t you start your own law firm earlier? You’re a Monroe. I doubt you would’ve had a problem attaining clients.”
“I’d thought about it, but sometimes you have to work for someone else in order to obtain the experience you need before branching out on your own. I’ve learned a lot working there, but I was ready for an advance in my career. There comes a time when you have to move on. When you’ve outgrown where you are.”
Sydney simply nodded her head with a faraway look in her eyes. Bryce noted her wistful expression. He wanted to ask her what it was about, but he didn’t want to pry. Besides, they were actually getting along for once. No need to ruin it.
“So have you started looking at office buildings?”
He finished chewing his food before answering her. “Oh, yeah. I have some things in motion. However, I’m going to take a much-needed vacation and go to Vegas next week.”
“You like to gamble?”
“No. There’s a motorcycle fest going on, so I’m driving up on Wednesday. I go every year.”
“That’s sounds like fun. Riding one of your bikes?”
“Driving my SUV but hitching the trailer up for my favorite motorcycle or two. You should go.”
“Some of us have to work,” she teased with a wink and leaned her back against the bottom of the chair next to the fireplace.
“True, but you need a vacation. When was the last time you took one?”
“Um...” She swished her lips to the side. “”
“You’re taking too long to answer,” he teased.
“Not since last summer to hang out with my cousins in Memphis.”
“Well, I’m sure your brain and body need some relaxation away from work. Otherwise you wouldn’t have passed out, and we wouldn’t be here eating my shrimp stir-fry.”
“Yep. Better than the pizza I was going to order,” she said, placing her empty plate on the table and sipping the last of her wine.
“You should seriously think about taking a vacation soon. Just hop on that pink Harley I saw in the garage and ride off somewhere for a few days.”
“Perhaps when it gets warmer I will.” She stood and gathered their empty plates. “Ready to watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s?”
“I was hoping you would’ve forgotten about that.” Giving her a playful wink, he rose from the couch and took the dishes away from her. “Tell you what. I’ll clean the kitchen, and you start the movie.”
A wide, astonished smile crossed her face as she stared up him. “Wow. You cook and clean? I may have to get sick more often.” She grabbed the remote for the television and pounced on the couch. “Do you do windows and make up beds, too?”
He chuckled softly, turning on his heel to head toward the kitchen. “Only the ones I’ve slept to a beautiful woman.”
She laughed sarcastically, hurling a toss pillow at his head. “That won’t be happening tonight, Counselor.”
Twenty minutes later, he strode back into the living room to find the movie on and Sydney curled up on the couch asleep. She wasn’t snoring this time, but she was resting soundly. He didn’t want to disturb her, so he placed the throw blanket from the back of the couch over her and turned the gas fireplace off.
Retreating to the guest room, which had touches of Megan’s decorating expertise written all over it, he removed his workout clothes from his gym bag and took a much-needed shower as his mind perused over the events of the day. They hadn’t gone according to plan. The meeting he’d had promptly at nine that morning was supposed to be a final discussion with the senior partners. Instead, it turned into them offering him everything but what he truly wanted. Plus, like he’d told Sydney, it was time to move on. Staying was like being a firefly in a glass jar, making it to the top but bumping his head on the lid and not being able to push through the little air holes.
Then there was Sydney. The last woman on earth he ever imagined he’d spend Valentine’s Day with or any other day. He wasn’t a romantic and since he wasn’t seeing any one particular woman at the moment, he hadn’t made plans for the evening. He’d received quite a few texts and voice mails that day and had considered calling one of them around midnight before Megan had interrupted his scrolling through his cell phone. However, he’d enjoyed spending time with Sydney and witnessed a side of her that he’d never experienced firsthand. Sure, she was still a pistol, but being with her today had been a welcome distraction from his life.
After his shower, Bryce ventured back into the living room to find her still sleeping soundly. He didn’t want to move her, but she needed to be comfortable in a bed. Her bedroom was on the other side of the house, and while she seemed fine, he didn’t feel at ease being so far away from her should something happen.
* * *
Sydney shot straight up, squinting her eyes at the sunlight that was streaming through the opened blinds. She wasn’t a morning person even though she got up early most mornings. She was never ready to see sunlight until she had a cup of coffee. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, which read seven-thirty. She slammed back to the bed and pulled the covers up over her head to shield the natural light. Her nose inhaled Bryce’s scent and she shot up again, noticing her surroundings for the first time. Black-and-white French country comforter with matching drapes and hot-pink toss pillows. While she was in her home, she wasn’t in her bed. She was in the guest room, where she’d told Bryce to sleep. Her eyes scanned the room. His suit and dress shirt were laid across the off-white chaise lounge in the corner and his gym bag sat on the floor next to the door. Slowly, she pivoted her head to the right of the bed and noticed she was alone. But the pillow had an indent and his expensive watch rested on the nightstand.
She pulled the covers back and stepped her bare feet onto the cherry hardwood. She had a habit of throwing off her socks in the middle of the night and was relieved that was all she’d thrown off, for she preferred to sleep in the nude.
The door opened, and Bryce entered with a tray. The scent of hot coffee perked up her senses.
“You look well rested,” he said in a chipper voice, setting the tray on the nightstand.
“I am.” She reached for the coffee and sipped. It was flavored with hazelnut cream and stimulated her taste buds. “Thank you for the coffee. did I end up in here...” She paused and glanced at the other side of the bed. “With you?”
“You fell asleep on the couch so I brought you in here. I didn’t want to leave you alone just in case you had a seizure or something.”
“Oh...thank you.”
He’d spoken casually. No stumbling or hesitations. No reason not to believe him.
Sydney eyeballed the Greek yogurt with strawberries along with an omelet and toast. While she wasn’t a big breakfast eater, everything looked and smelled scrumptious. She grabbed the bowl of yogurt and sat back against the pillows.
“You slept in here, too?” she asked, stirring the strawberries into the yogurt while waiting impatiently for his answer.
He cleared his throat and slid his hands into his pockets. “I did...but way on the other side of the my workout clothes,” he stuttered bashfully.
Her eyes scanned over his Harvard Law T-shirt and blue sweats.
She nodded her head. His mannerisms displayed it was all innocent so she decided not to press the issue. He was just nervous saying it, and that was understandable. However, that was the only thing she could figure out about him. The kindness he’d bestowed upon her was a mystery.
“Well, I have to get going.” He gathered his clothes from the chaise and placed them in his gym bag. “Just relax and take it easy today.” He swung the bag over his shoulder and grabbed his keys and cell phone from the dresser.
She slid over to the other side of the bed to grab his watch and reached out to hand it to him. She glanced at it and was surprised to see it was a Movado similar to the one she’d bought for her dad and not an overly expensive watch like she’d expected him to wear.
“Thank you,” he said, moving to take it from her hand. He then slid the watch on his wrist. “Remember to just chill out today.”
“I promise I will. I have kickboxing in an hour and weight training at noon, which always relaxes me.”
“Kickboxing and weight training is relaxing?” he asked with a scrunched brow.
“It relieves stress.” She placed the bowl on the nightstand. “I’ll walk you out.”
She followed him in silence to the garage door. Sydney was never at a loss for words, especially with him, but she didn’t know what to say. For some reason she was disappointed he was leaving so early, but she’d taken him away from his life for long enough. It had never occurred to her to find out if he’d made plans on Valentine’s Day. She knew he wasn’t in a serious relationship only because Megan had mentioned recently that Bryce was juggling women. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have a date for February 14.
She opened the door and turned to him. “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. I hope I didn’t take you away from any plans you may have had.”
He released a heartwarming smile, and her breathing stifled. Had he always smiled like that? She tried to look elsewhere but couldn’t tear her eyes from him.
“You’re very welcome.” He paused as he stepped into the garage and unlocked his car with the remote. “And even if I had plans, I would’ve canceled them for you. Family first.”
“Well, I sincerely appreciate it.” She pushed the button to let up the garage door.
He glanced at her motorcycle before opening his car door. “Remember what I said about you needing a vacation.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
She watched as he backed out of the garage and into the driveway. He blew the horn as she shut the garage door.
“Yeah, right. When will I have time to take a vacation?”
Chapter 3 (#ulink_66799343-2ff2-5152-8c78-1d0c58d23300)
Sydney stepped into the empty break room at the GBI headquarters and darted straight to the freshly brewed coffee she had smelled the moment she’d arrived. She poured the piping-hot drink into her oversize mug and inhaled its glorious scent. It was Monday morning, and she was refreshed and ready to get back into the action of work. Her team’s debriefing meeting would begin at ten, and it was only a quarter to nine. Normally, she wouldn’t be here this early on a Monday, but she’d taken the bus since her Mustang had spent the weekend at headquarters.
Saturday and Sunday, she’d decided to take it easy and rest as Bryce had suggested. Megan had stopped by on Sunday evening after returning from Hilton Head with a basket of healthy snacks and to verify that Sydney was fine. Bryce had even called both days to check on her. She’d kept the conversations brief, citing she was about to step out or take a nap. Whenever she closed her eyes, all she saw was Bryce kissing her, and the best thing to do was to avoid speaking to him or being in his presence so she could get over whatever she thought she felt for him.
She headed to her office armed with her coffee and a Danish. She noticed Mumford’s door ajar and stuck her head in.
“Hey.” She leaned on the door.
“Chase?” he said startled. “What are you doing here? You didn’t get my message yesterday?”
She plopped down in the chair in front of his desk. “Yep, but I don’t need a few days off. Besides, I never miss Monday-morning meetings.”
“I know, kiddo, but I’m worried about you. The whole team is.”
“No need. I’m good.” She crossed her jeans-clad legs and tapped her foot in the air. She didn’t like the grimace on Mumford’s red face. The way he inhaled followed by a quick exhale suggested he was anxious about something.
“Syd...” He leaned toward her. “I’ve been reviewing your file and noticed you have over a month’s worth of vacation leave you haven’t taken. It’s all paid, but the time expires soon.”
She was well aware of the paid vacation time she hadn’t taken yet. “No biggie. I’m not going anywhere until maybe this summer.” She shifted in her seat.
“Well...I’m going to give you the month off with pay starting right now.”
She blinked several times. “What, now? You can’t do that.”
“I can and I just did.” He spoke calmly, settling back in his chair.
“What am I supposed to do with myself for an entire month?”
“Sleep in, hang with your sister or get on your motorcycle and ride absolutely nowhere in particular. I... Syd, you almost gave me a heart attack when I saw you passed out. I know we’ve been working around the clock lately, and it has caught up to you. It happens to all of us at some point during this career, and it can happen again.”
“Who’s the profiler you’re replacing me with while I’m gone?”
“Watkins? Really? Then you might as well keep me here. Last summer when I was in Memphis, I swear that kid called me fifty times for advice.”
“He looks up to you. He respects your validation.”
She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “Fine. Go ahead and process my vacation paperwork.” She stood, unhooked the gun from her holster and set the weapon on his desk.
He patted a folder with a sly smile. “Already did. Now get out of here before I change my mind.”
* * *
That afternoon, Sydney cuddled on her couch searching the internet for vacation spots while Bad Boys played on the flat screen in the background. She couldn’t believe she didn’t fight harder with Mumford about taking the vacation. This wasn’t the first time he’d demanded she take a break, but in the past he’d always lost. She hated to admit that she was looking forward to the month off. Lately, she’d been stressed with the job that she loved and couldn’t pinpoint why all of a sudden she found it taxing. However, Bryce’s statement—there comes a time when you have to move on—had played in her head all weekend. She’d contemplated taking the bar exam just to have it to fall back on. She’d studied for it off and on over the years, but her career had always gotten in the way. Plus, she wasn’t sure if that was the side of the law she wanted to be on. That reason alone was why she had decided not to take the bar after law school, much to her parents’ dismay.
Sydney continued searching for vacation spots while laughing at Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. The movie was on mute, but she knew the lines by heart. She didn’t see anywhere she wanted to go on the spur of the moment, and since it was winter, riding her motorcycle somewhere was out of the question. She thought about the motorcycle fest Bryce had mentioned but couldn’t remember the name of it. After reaching for her cell phone, she scrolled through until she saw his name, but she pushed the screen button off instead.
She jumped up from the couch, tossing the phone onto one of the cushions, and headed to the laundry room to check on the towels in the dryer. Fifteen minutes later, she strolled by the couch, glanced at the phone and released a low groan on the way to the linen closet in the hallway. Afterward, she sat on the floor and slid the laptop on her lap to continue searching for a quick getaway even though the trip to Vegas was the only one she was remotely interested in. Her eyes roamed toward the phone, but she shook her head and searched for motorcycle fests in Vegas instead. Nothing came up.
Retreating to the kitchen, she glanced at the pizza place’s take-out menu on the refrigerator. Next to it was Bryce’s card with all of his contact numbers. How did that get there? She moaned and decided against the pizza. A salad with grilled chicken was the better choice.
Thirty minutes later, she plopped back on the couch with her hearty salad and stared straight ahead at the roses on the mantel. Even though Bryce only bought them because they were the seller’s last dozen, she couldn’t help but love their presence in her home. She glanced at her cell phone again, then back at the flowers.
Sydney still couldn’t shake her thoughts of him. Everything from his tantalizing scent to his sexy smile to his charismatic nature burrowed into her brain. The way he kissed her. The way he handled her. She couldn’t help but fantasize how he’d be if things ever went any further. His warm, brown skin on hers, caressing and stroking her naked body while bestowing his skillful tongue over every inch of her, sent a shiver of raw pleasure through her veins.
“This can’t be happening,” she screamed out loud. “I’m not sitting here thinking about that arrogant, conceited man.”
But he’d been none of those things when he’d held her hand tightly in the hospital or when he’d cooked her dinner and made sure nothing happened to her while she slept. The man she knew from the courtroom wasn’t the man who took care of her. Who had called her twice to check on her, and gave her roses that were blooming so beautifully and filling her living room with a sweet fragrance.
Sydney glanced at her cell phone again. “Okay. I’m only calling to ask for some information. Not a date.”
* * *
Bryce strolled confidently out of the meeting with his real-estate broker in the Equitable Building in the downtown Atlanta area. He’d found the perfect location for his law offices in midtown Atlanta and would close in less than a month. Turning the corner on Peachtree Street, he decided to grab some dessert at Café Intermezzo before heading back to his home in Buckhead.
The vibration of his cell phone interrupted his perusal of the menu. The phone had rung all day with business calls, and he really wanted to turn if off, but he needed to get things squared away before he left for Vegas on Wednesday afternoon. A surprised grin etched across his face at the picture of the sleeping beauty that was displayed on his screen. He’d snapped it on a whim and had found himself staring at it every now and then for the past few days. Now seeing it flash on his screen had him curious as to why she was actually calling him.
“Hey, Syd. Everything okay?” He sipped his café au lait and closed the menu, deciding upon a tiramisu cheesecake.
“Everything is fine. I just had a quick question if you aren’t busy...”
“Go ahead.” He leaned back in his chair. “I’m all ears.”
“I just wanted to know the name of the motorcycle fest you mentioned in Vegas. I’m thinking about going if it’s not too late, but I can’t find it online.”
“No, it’s not too late.” The waitress came back and he opened the menu, pointing to the cheesecake. “I’ll text you the information in a moment. It’s hosted by a private motorcycle club I belong to for professionals. That’s probably why you can’t find it. I’ll add your name to my guest list and send you the access number you’ll need to register.” He grabbed his iPad from his briefcase to place her name on his friends and family list.
“Oh, wow. Thank you so much.”
“No problem. So you’re taking some time off after all?”
“I don’t have a choice. My boss gave me a month’s leave of absence. It’s my built-up vacation time.”
“You have that much vacation leave that you haven’t taken? It’s definitely time for one then. That’s what your body has been trying to tell you.”
“Well, apparently, everyone but me realized it. I’ll check out the fest and decide if that’s somewhere I want to go. I’m looking at a few other places, as well.”
He rapidly tapped his finger on the table as his brain worked in overtime. “How about you ride with me? My trailer holds two motorcycles. I’m leaving Wednesday around two in the afternoon. I could use another driver.”
“ I’ll probably fly. I may not even go. I’m just looking at all options.”
“Well, let me know if you decide to go. Maybe we can hang out since we’re semi–getting along now.”
“Um...I’m sure if I go we’ll run into each other.”
“Yeah...or you can call me,” he suggested in a low, sexy voice.
She laughed nervously. “Um...I gotta go...wash this conditioner out of my hair, but please text me the information.”
He chuckled silently. He hadn’t heard that excuse from a woman in ages.
“Will do, Syd.”
* * *
“What kind of excuse was that?” Sydney asked herself out loud. “Wash the conditioner out of my hair?” However, the lazy, seductiveness in his voice when he’d said, “Or you can call me,” surely had an underlying message. The profiler in her heard it. She even imagined him saying it through his inviting lips that had probably curled into a jaw-dropping, arrogant smirk. If it had been in person, he would’ve stepped into her personal space and winked. Maybe even licked his lips and pulled her hard against him as he had in the hospital, gripping her hips or maybe her butt this time.
Argh! Why can’t I get this man out of my head?
Sydney took a deep breath and opened the website for the festival. While it wasn’t too late to attend, the late registration fee was five hundred dollars. The airplane ticket was way too much, so she decided she would have to drive. That way she could hitch up her motorcycle trailer to the back of her Mustang. She’d done it before. No big deal. Sure, it would be a two-day drive, but, heck, she had a month off. What else was she doing? And if she ran into Bryce, so what? She was a tough cookie. She’d dealt with the most wanted criminals for the past five years saying all types of sexist things to her or wagging their tongues at her, among other rude gestures. A few even had the audacity to touch her and had ended up with a broken finger or five. She could handle being around Bryce Monroe.

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