Read online book «Our First Embrace» author Judy Hubbard

Our First Embrace
Judy Lynn Hubbard
From first kiss to lastNicole Carter just landed her dream job working for fashion legend Alexander James in Paris. Sparks fly when they meet. But her buttoned-up alpha boss is determined to ignore the heat building between them and Nicole knows crossing the line is taboo. Though that doesn’t stop her from fantasizing about them sharing a steamy night together in the most romantic city in the world . . .The once burned-by-love designer doesn’t trust women–or the powerful desire his alluring new hire is bringing to the forefront. Giving into temptation will put everything Alexander’s worked for at risk. Is he willing to fight for the woman he thinks he could spend forever with?

From first kiss to last
Nicole Carter just landed her dream job working for fashion legend Alexander James in Paris. Sparks fly when they meet. But her buttoned-up alpha boss is determined to ignore the heat building between them, and Nicole knows crossing the line is taboo. Though that doesn’t stop her from fantasizing about them sharing a steamy night together in the most romantic city in the world.…
The once-burned-by-love designer doesn’t trust women—or the powerful desire his alluring new hire is bringing to the forefront. Giving in to temptation will put everything Alexander’s worked for at risk. Is he willing to fight for the woman he thinks he could spend forever with?
“Mmm.” She sighed as his thumbs circled the base of her neck. “Right there.”
“There?” At her positive nod, his hands made their way under the sweetheart neckline of her blouse, sliding his fingers up and down her neck and shoulders.
The touch of his flesh against hers almost sent him over the edge into madness, but he maintained his sanity somehow; however, when she purred deep in her throat and softly spoke his name on a serrated sigh of desire—that was his undoing.
Swiveling her chair around, he pulled her up out of her seat until her soft body was pressed against his solid one, and without giving her or himself time to think, he fused his lips to hers. Her mouth was opened in a half gasp of surprise, which he took full advantage of, slipping his seeking tongue past the barrier of her white teeth in search of her own.
Oh, my Lord! Kissing her, thoroughly and properly, was even better than he had dreamed. Stopping wasn’t an option. Tasting more of her incredible mouth was his only objective, and he carried out that mission with a vengeance.
is a Texas native who has always been an avid reader—particularly of romance. Judy loves well-written, engaging stories with characters she can identify with, empathize with and root for. When writing, she honestly can’t wait to see what happens next; she knows if she feels that way, she’s created characters and a story that readers will thoroughly enjoy, and that’s her ultimate goal.
Our First Embrace
Judy Lynn Hubbard (
Dear Reader,
Our First Embrace was a story that simply took me away, and I hope it does the same for you. There was so much I wanted to tell, but so few pages I had to tell it in. More than once, I bemoaned my word count limitations.
This book was supposed to be the third and final installment in the Carter sibling trilogy. However, as I wrote Our First Embrace, the character of Victor James (Alexander’s brother) really stood out for me. I think he’s worthy of his own book. Is Monique (Nicole’s friend and coworker) the woman for Victor, or is there someone else waiting in the wings? Stay tuned to find out.
In the meantime, cuddle up with Nicole and Alexander as they search for their happily ever after. I hope you enjoy Our First Embrace.
As always, thank you for your continued support, and happy reading!
Judy (
Chapter 1 (#u295f8583-e141-5336-9b91-c910744364e6)
Chapter 2 (#uac22a69e-0e02-5eaf-b148-b50d128092e4)
Chapter 3 (#u190594f7-fc48-549f-b62b-a29e6fcbf2af)
Chapter 4 (#ubdb14b1b-367a-5448-9c73-9129cc266048)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Paris in the springtime! Native New Yorker, twenty-five-year-old Nicole Carter, couldn’t believe she was finally in France.
It was a beautiful Monday morning with plenty of sunshine. The temperature was a cool forty-two degrees, and she didn’t bother to fasten her light jacket as she walked along the sidewalk, passing various brightly colored cafés that beckoned her to stop; however, she resisted. The last thing she needed was to be late for her first day.
She was in enough trouble already—arriving a week later than scheduled so she could attend her brother’s wedding in New York. Alexander James, her new boss, hadn’t been too happy about her requested delay, and she prayed he wouldn’t hold it against her.
Nicole halted in front of a six-story stone building that housed Alexander’s Fashion House. She stood outside for a few seconds smiling at the edifice before opening the glass door and walking inside. Opulent surroundings greeted her—black-and-white marble floors, tapestry chairs and expensive artwork. Everything about Alexander’s screamed class.
She approached the security booth, and after receiving her badge was directed to the sixth floor. Upon exiting the elevator, Nicole checked in with the receptionist, who showed her to Alexander James’s office. She paused long enough to take several calming breaths before rapping lightly on the closed wooden door and plastering a smile on her face. Then she opened the door and went inside.
The first thing she noticed was how large and spacious the office was. With its heavy wood-and-leather furniture, it had definitely been decorated for a man by a man. The hardwood floor shone. Huge windows occupied the entire back wall, allowing a multitude of light to stream in and soften the dark decor.
The second thing she noticed was the imposing man rising from behind a massive mahogany desk as she entered. He had to be over six feet—definitely the master of his domain. Alexander James’s photos didn’t begin to do him justice.
He was dressed casually in a navy blazer, white shirt, no tie and navy slacks. He wore his dark brown hair slightly long and curly. His skin tone was much lighter than hers; the café-au-lait complexion reflected his heritage, his mother being European and his father African-American. It was his hazel eyes flecked with gold that really drew Nicole in—even though at the moment they were dancing with displeasure and directed squarely at her.
“Welcome to Paris, Miss Carter.” Alexander’s deep voice caressed her skin, and prickles shot up her arm as he briefly clasped her small hand in his large one.
“Thank you.” She sat in the seat he motioned to in front of his desk, and he resumed his seat behind it.
“Did you have a nice flight?”
“Yes.” She crossed her legs, resting her hands in her lap. “Thank you for asking.”
“Is your hotel satisfactory?”
“It’s beautiful,” she assured. Calling her temporary home, the art deco–inspired Lutetia, a hotel seemed insulting.
“Good.” He nodded. “You should be comfortable there until you can find more permanent quarters.”
“I plan to look for something this weekend.”
“I expected you to have a place lined up before arriving.”
“I meant to, but...” Her voice trailed off.
“But time got away from you.”
Her shoulders stiffened at his slightly accusatory tone. She met his cool gaze with one of her own. So this was the way it was going to be? She sighed inwardly.
“Life happens, Mr. James,” she tightly informed him.
“Prudent planning is worth its weight in gold, Miss Carter.” He folded his arms across his broad chest. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Whenever possible.” She silently counted to ten and reminded herself he was her new boss, and she wanted this job.
* * *
Alexander remained silent while his eyes studied her from head to toe. She reminded him of a porcelain doll. Her shapely figure was accentuated by her crisp and professional black pantsuit. Her short tapered hairstyle perfectly framed her heart-shaped face, and her deep brown eyes were very expressive—at the moment, tinged with frustration. She was a beautiful woman, a fact he was angry at himself for noticing. She was his employee; she was here to work, and work she would!
“We’re having an in-house spring show at the end of next month and then a big yearly show at the end of August.” He sat back in his plush leather chair and tapped his desktop with his fingers. “You’re already a week behind.”
“You’ll find I’m not afraid of hard work, Mr. James,” she promised.
“For your sake I hope not.” He smiled without humor. “You have a lot of catching up to do.”
“For goodness’ sake, I’m only a week late—not a month,” she snapped.
“A lot of work can be lost in a week,” he informed tightly. “I don’t like wasting time.”
“Neither do I, Mr. James.”
“Really?” He raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Actions speak louder than words, Miss Carter. I hope I didn’t make a mistake hiring you.”
She visibly bristled at his insinuation. “You didn’t.”
“Time will tell.” He wasn’t at all convinced. “I’m going to start you on the Bettina line. I trust you had time to familiarize yourself with the information packet I sent you.”
“Yes, I did,” she assured him. “Bettina is your casual and affordable chic line catering to the twenty to twenty-five age range.”
When he showed no signs of being impressed with her answer, she snapped open her portfolio and handed him five sketches.
“What are these?”
“Sketches I took the liberty of preparing while I kept you waiting.” Her voice was tinged with sarcasm, prompting him to raise one of his eyebrows.
Without a word, he flipped from one sketch to the next, purposefully keeping his expression unreadable. They were good, very good, but he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing that yet. He needed to see what she was made of—find out if she possessed the dedication and stamina to handle the demands he would place on her.
He wasn’t running a nursery, and he had no intention of coddling her or any of his employees. Her actions made him question his choosing her for the coveted position with his company, and he didn’t like second-guessing himself. She’d cut it or she’d be out on the door before she could blink her pretty brown eyes. After a cursory exploration of the designs, he placed them on his desk and stared at her silently.
“Well?” She bristled under his cool scrutiny.
“It’s nice to know you gave some thought to work while we waited for you to show up.”
“What do you think of them?” She seemed to be fighting the urge to scream in frustration.
“They’re adequate.” He shrugged. “They could have been passable had you been here on time.”
He almost smiled when her eyes darkened angrily. “Mr. James, how many times...”
“I hope you had a nice time while you kept us waiting, Miss Carter, because I’m going to work you until you drop,” he darkly promised, interrupting her tirade before it could begin.
“Give it your best shot, Mr. James.” She picked up her sketches and replaced them in her portfolio.
He punched a button on his phone, “Jean, send in Monique.” He stood and returned his attention to Nicole. “That’ll be all, Miss Carter. Monique, one of my dedicated head designers, will show you to your workstation. If you need anything, let her know.”
Right on cue, a rap sounded on his door, and it opened to admit Monique, a smiling, slender African-American woman who honed in on Nicole. She and Nicole were about the same height, though Monique was a couple of years older. Her long black hair was pulled away from her smiling face.
“Hi, Nicole. I’m Monique.” She extended a hand, which Nicole shook. “Welcome to Alexander’s.”
“Thank you.” Nicole smiled at her genuine welcome. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You, too.” Monique glanced at a stoic Alexander. “I’ll show you around if the boss is done with you.”
“We’re through for now,” Alex agreed, sitting back down behind his desk. “Thanks, Monique.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Monique opened the door and waited for her to gather her belongings. “Ready, Nicole?”
“More than.” Nicole sighed and left the office. Alex watched them go, his eyes boring into her back.
* * *
She repressed the urge to stomp out of his office as she preceded Monique through the door. What an infuriating man! She sighed audibly once the door closed behind them.
Monique chuckled. “That bad, huh?”
“No, it was fine.” At Monique’s skeptical look she elaborated. “He is...” She paused, not sure if she was talking to a friend or a foe. “It was fine,” she reiterated.
Monique laughed, linked her arm through Nicole’s and pulled her away. “Oh, I’ll bet!” She smiled and whispered conspiratorially, “You can trust me. I’m a fellow New Yorker.”
“Really?” Nicole brightened at the mention of home.
“Mmm-hmm, born and raised. I transferred from Alexander’s New York office five years ago. You’re planning on transferring to that office after your six months here, right?”
“Yes,” Nicole confirmed. Right now, she couldn’t wait for that day to come. “Do you like it here?”
“I love it.” Monique beamed. “You will, too. I promise.”
“This is a fantastic opportunity for me. I plan to make the most of it.”
“I’ll help you any way I can,” Monique promised. “I predict we’re going to be good friends.”
“I think so, too,” Nicole agreed.
“Definitely,” Monique assured. “How about some coffee before I show you to your station?”
“I’d love some.” Nicole groaned gratefully, and Monique laughed.
“The break room is in here.”
Monique led her into an attractive white room with rows of laminate tables and matching padded chairs. There was a full kitchen, including several refrigerators, microwaves and conventional ovens. Her eyes widened as Monique poured two cups of coffee not into Styrofoam, but into china cups.
“Very nice.” Nicole took the offered cup from Monique.
“The boss believes in doing little things like this to keep us happy.” Monique shrugged as they sat down at one of the tables. “He’s really not bad once you get to know him.”
“Time will tell.” After adding cream and sugar, Nicole sipped her coffee and felt some of the tension leaving her. “He’s upset because I’m late.”
“You had a wedding to attend, right?”
“Yes.” Nicole smiled fondly. “My brother’s.”
“Well, you couldn’t miss that.”
“No, I couldn’t.” Nicole sighed. “I wish Mr. James understood that.”
“He’ll get over it,” Monique predicted. “Just wow him with your fabulous work ethic and tremendous talent.”
“I’ll try.”
“You’ll be fine, and like I said, I’ll help you in any way I can.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Monique squeezed her hand and winked. “We New Yorkers have to stick together.”
“Definitely.” Nicole returned her smile, feeling at ease for the first time that morning.
* * *
Victor James entered his older brother’s office without knocking. He chuckled at Alex’s raised eyebrow as he plopped down on the edge of his desk.
“Hey bro, what’s up?”
Alex frowned. “I’m trying to get some work done.”
“Well, that’s why I’m here.” At his brother’s confused stare, Victor reminded him, “You said your computer was, in your words, acting squirrely.”
“Oh, yeah.” Alex sighed, pushing away from his desk and motioning for Victor to come over. “I don’t know what’s wrong with this thing.”
“Let me see what you’ve done to her.” Victor’s sigh elicited a chuckle from his brother.
“She is right,” Alex disgustedly agreed. “This thing is as temperamental as any woman I’ve ever known.”
“You just don’t know how to handle her,” Victor chided as he continued typing on the keyboard, turning the screen completely black.
“I guess I don’t,” Alex agreed as he watched his brother work his magic. The man was a genius with computers.
Victor owned Delphine Computers and handled all the software needs for Alexander’s. At twenty-nine, he was three years younger than Alex, and the two had always been close, especially since their parents died five years ago in a plane crash.
“There you go.” Victor smiled with satisfaction a few minutes later. “She’s as good as new.”
Alex returned to his seat and tested out the computer. He heaved a sigh of relief when the blasted machine did what he wanted it to without fighting him.
“Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver.”
“De nada.” Victor bowed before resuming his perch on the edge of Alex’s desk. “By the way, who was the honey I saw leaving your office with Monique a few minutes ago?”
“That was our new junior associate, which means she’s off-limits to you,” Alex warned.
“She looked mad. What did you do to her?”
“I didn’t do anything to her,” Alex denied with a frown. “She took her sweet time about getting here, and I let her know I didn’t appreciate it.”
Victor’s brows creased thoughtfully. “Is she the one from New York who had a last-minute funeral to attend?”
“A wedding,” Alex corrected around a chuckle. “Her brother’s, to be exact.”
“Well, that was a good reason for the delay.” Victor studied his brother’s sour expression. “Wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Alex reclined in his chair.
“If she was as dedicated as she professes to be, she would have been here on time.”
“Come on Alex, it was her brother’s wedding.” He grinned. “You wouldn’t miss my wedding, would you?”
“Definitely not.” He twirled a pen in his fingers. “I’d be glad to be rid of you.”
“You know you’d be bawling like a baby at the thought,” Victor asserted.
“Yeah, go on and delude yourself.” Alex laughed. “Anyway, we’re not talking about me and what I would have done.”
“Okay, point taken. What did she miss, really? Tell me.” At his brother’s silence, he admonished, “You need to lighten up, bro.”
“I have a business to run, and I need dedicated people around me.” Alex refused to give an inch.
“Who says she’s not dedicated? She’s here, isn’t she?”
“Yeah.” She was here all right, upsetting his equilibrium.
“Give the kid a break, Alex.” Victor slapped him on the shoulder. “She’s in a new country, starting a new job, and then she has to run into your foul temper.” Victor sighed theatrically. “It’s just too much for anyone to have to bear.”
“Shouldn’t you be somewhere doing something useful?” Alex chuckled in spite of himself.
“Not until this afternoon.” Victor glanced without interest at his watch. “My morning’s free.”
“Well, I do have a lot of work to get through.” Alex pointedly glanced at his brother before picking up some sketches from his desk to review.
Victor stood. “Oh, is that your not-so-subtle way of telling me to get lost?”
“We both know subtlety doesn’t work with you.” Alex grinned as his brother walked to the door.
“Just so you know, I don’t appreciate being used and discarded,” Victor huffed.
“You should be used to it by now,” Alex good-naturedly rejoined.
“Sad, but true,” Victor lamented. “Hey, tell you what.”
“I’ll take the babe off your hands and escort her to the fashion show at the end of April,” he magnanimously offered.
“No, I’ll take her,” Alex quickly asserted, having no idea why his brother’s offer irritated him immensely.
“Ah-ha!” Victor shouted, and Alex grimaced. “So you want to take her then?”
“No, I don’t want to take her,” Alex quickly denied.
“Then let me,” Victor offered again.
“It’s my responsibility.”
“You and your responsibility.” Victor groaned in disgust.
“One of us has to be responsible,” Alex drily asserted.
“You wound me, bro.”
“You’ll live,” Alex promised. “Now will you get out of here?”
“Okay, I’m going. I think I’ll see if I can spot...” He paused. “What’s her name?”
“Nicole,” Alex reluctantly offered. “Nicole Carter.”
“Nicole...Nicole.” Victor fit his tongue around her name with several different emphases. “Oh, I like that.”
“Goodbye, Vic.” Alex dismissed him, swiveling in his chair to stare moodily out of the window.
“See ya later, bro.” Victor left, whistling a tune that grated on his brother’s nerves.
Chapter 2
“Good morning, ladies.” Victor entered the break room, pulled up a chair and sat down at Monique and Nicole’s table. “Mind if I join you?”
Monique frowned at his actions. “Since you already have, that question is somewhat rhetorical, isn’t it?”
“Oh, Monique.” Victor chuckled and then turned his charm toward Nicole. “Hi, I’m Victor James.”
“Nicole Carter.” Nicole smiled when he brought her hand to his lips. “Nice to meet you, Mr. James.”
“Please, I’m not that old. Mr. James was my father,” Victor bemoaned. “Call me Victor or Vic.”
“I will if you’ll call me Nicole.”
“Deal,” he agreed. “Welcome to Alexander’s.”
“Thank you.”
“And how are you today, beautiful?” He touched Monique’s hand, which she quickly withdrew.
“I’m fine, Victor, and you?”
“Great now that I’m in the presence of two gorgeous ladies,” he said. “What more could a guy want?”
“I’ll pass on that one.” Monique rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.
“Coward,” Victor softly teased before treating Nicole to another dazzling smile. “Whatever you’ve heard about me from Monique is untrue, unless you’ve been told I’m dashing, handsome and an all-around great guy.”
“And modest,” Monique sarcastically added, suppressing a smile when Victor stuck out his tongue at her.
“You can’t be Alexander’s brother.” Nicole’s stunned observation slipped from her lips before she could stop herself.
“I know.” Victor shrugged. “What can I say? I have all of the charm.”
Laughter bubbled from Nicole’s lips. She was inclined to agree with him. He was easy to be around and didn’t set her teeth on edge, and she immediately liked him.
“I didn’t say that,” Nicole reminded.
“No, I did, but don’t tell Alex.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “He’s always been jealous because I’m the youngest and the better-looking one.”
“And insecure, too,” Monique drily added.
“Made so by your cruel barbs,” Victor shot back, looking wounded.
“Just stating the facts as I see them.”
Nicole studied Victor as he teased Monique. The James men were handsome. Victor was the same height and build as Alexander, and he had the same gorgeous eyes. However, his hair was cut very short, and his face sported a neatly trimmed goatee. They both possessed the same light skin tone, but Lord knew their personalities were as different as night and day.
“You two are certainly different in temperament,” Nicole said.
“The poor guy just doesn’t have my style.” He shook his head sadly and sighed dramatically. “I worry about him so much.”
Nicole chuckled, which turned into full-blown, tinkling laughter. Victor joined her, and even Monique was unsuccessful in suppressing a chuckle. Nicole felt as if she was among old friends. This day was turning out to be better than she had anticipated after her contentious first meeting with her straitlaced boss.
“I like you, Nicole,” Victor confessed.
“I like you, too.”
“You see.” Victor grinned at Monique. “Nicole likes me.”
“Give her time,” Monique rejoined.
“Ouch!” Victor theatrically clutched at his heart. Nicole laughed, and a smile flirted about Monique’s lips.
“Get out of here,” Monique ordered. “We have business to discuss.”
“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m part owner in Alexander’s,” Victor haughtily reminded her.
“Your brother runs the business. You’re just the computer geek.”
“I’d hardly think owning my own company qualifies me as a geek.” Victor’s faked outrage coerced a smile from Monique. “Besides, Alex runs Alexander’s for two reasons. First, because it bears his name, and second, because he enjoys the tedious day-to-day operations, whereas I detest being chained to a desk.”
“Yes, you do like to roam around, don’t you?” Monique pointedly asked.
“Any and every chance I get.” Merriment danced in Victor’s eyes at Monique’s loud sigh. “Now I’m leaving while I’m ahead,” he proclaimed, grasping Nicole’s hand and bringing it to his lips. “It was nice to meet you, Nicole. I’ll be seeing you around.” He winked at Monique and, before she could react, kissed her cheek and then left.
“Wow, he’s certainly different from his brother,” Nicole marveled.
“Thank goodness,” Monique declared. “If Victor ran things, we’d never get any work done.”
“I think he’s nice and funny.”
“Give the boss a chance. You’ll like him once you get to know him.”
Nicole’s frown returned. “But will he like me?”
“Definitely,” Monique promised. “Now, back to what we were talking about before Victor interrupted us. Are you going to take me up on my offer to move in with me?”
“It’s nice of you to offer...”
“I’m not being nice,” Monique interrupted, laughing. “I’m being selfish. My old roommate moved out a couple of months ago, and I’ve been searching for a new one, but I haven’t liked any of the applicants. I know this is sudden, but I feel comfortable with you. I think we’d get along famously.”
“Where is your apartment?” Nicole sipped her delicious coffee.
“In the 6th Arrondisement, close to your hotel. It’s very spacious, six rooms, reasonable rent when shared and already furnished. However, you’re free to change whatever you like,” Monique continued to try to sell Nicole on the idea.
“It sounds wonderful.”
“You can come by to look at it anytime you’d like,” Monique offered. “And please take your time about deciding.”
Nicole smiled as she considered Monique’s offer. She had good instincts that seldom led her astray. She liked Monique, and it would be fun to stay with someone who knew Paris and could keep her from getting lonely being so far away from home.
“I’d love to be your new roommate,” Nicole decided.
“Great!” Monique squeezed her hand. “I can help you move your stuff from the hotel. Just let me know when, and I’ll be there.”
“I’m afraid it’ll have to wait until the weekend. I’m sure Mr. James will have me working late tonight and every night this week,” Nicole direly predicted.
“He’ll allow you some time off to move.”
“No, I wouldn’t dream of asking him.” Nicole shook her head. “As much as I hate staying in a hotel—even one as beautiful as the Lutetia—it’ll be my home for the rest of the week until my off day on Saturday. Okay?”
“Sure. I understand you want to put your best foot forward.” Monique glanced at the clock. “To that end, we’d better get to work, or the boss will tear into both our hides.”
“Please, I’ve had enough of that for one day.” Nicole’s groan and distasteful expression coaxed a chuckle from Monique.
“Come on then, I’ll show you around the rest of the office,” Monique offered, and they strolled out chatting as if they had been friends for years.
* * *
Nicole’s rather spacious workstation was just outside of Monique’s office. As Nicole glanced around the office, she felt it really was a designer’s dream. A multitude of lights hung overhead, and windows lined nearly every wall, allowing plenty of natural light.
“The executive offices and designers are all housed on the sixth floor. The boss likes to keep us close,” Monique informed. “What do you think of your new spot?”
“It’s perfect. Much more than I expected.” Nicole glanced around in awe. “I thought I’d be locked away in a cubbyhole.”
“No way. I told you the boss takes care of us—especially the designers.” Monique laughed. “He told me he wanted you to start on the Bettina line.”
“Yes.” Nicole nodded. “He mentioned that to me, as well.”
“Hang on a second.” Monique disappeared into her office. Through the glass wall a few feet away, Nicole saw her rummage through papers on her desk until she found a white folder. She returned to Nicole and handed her the folder. “These are some notes, sketches and general info on the line, along with instructions on how to get into your PC where all of this info is located. Your temporary password is in here. You’ll need to change it immediately.”
“Thanks.” Nicole flipped through the folder. “I can’t wait to get started.”
“I’ll let you get to it. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” Monique squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I know you’re going to do great, Nicole.”
“Thanks, Monique.”
Preparing to get settled, Nicole took out pictures of family and placed them on her desk, lovingly fingering one of the silver frames, then opened her portfolio and started setting up her workstation the way she wanted it. Finally, she opened her sketch book, switched on her PC, spread out notes on the Bettina line across her desk and prepared to start work on her first design for Alexander’s. She was determined it was going to knock Alexander James’s socks off.
* * *
Two hours later, a little before ten, Monique stopped by her station and tapped her on the shoulder.
“I forgot to tell you, the boss likes to have staff meetings every Monday at ten. I’ll show you how to set up your calendar when we get back.”
“Okay.” Nicole stood and picked up a notebook and pen.
“Use this for notes. It’s easier.” Monique handed her a tablet. “This one is yours. It has our design software on it—the same that’s on your laptop. Feel free to take it home. I take mine everywhere.”
“Thanks.” Nicole eyed her expensive tablet. “Mr. James doesn’t skimp, does he?”
“I told you the boss is good to us,” Monique reminded her. “Let’s get going. He hates it when people are late.”
“Uh yes, I’ve noticed that about him.” Nicole’s fervent whisper provoked a sympathetic smile from Monique as they walked toward the conference room.
Thankfully, they were the first to arrive at the meeting, save Alexander James, who sat at the head of an enormous oval oak table. He had removed his jacket and had rolled up his shirtsleeves, revealing hair-covered, sinewy forearms. He nodded at them when they entered and then returned his attention to his computer. Nicole and Monique chatted quietly as other staff filed in. Nicole felt the hair on the back of her neck standing up and turned to find a blond woman staring at her with blatant hostility. Where was that coming from?
“Hey,” Nicole whispered in Monique’s ear. “Who is that woman?”
Monique glanced in the direction Nicole covertly pointed with a tilt of her head. “Oh, that’s Crystal Danforth. Don’t pay any attention to her.”
“Did I do something to her?”
“No, Crystal doesn’t much like anyone, but she is an excellent designer,” Monique grudgingly admitted, “which is why the boss keeps her around.”
“Oh.” Nicole glanced up and met Alexander’s intense gaze briefly before he busied himself with his computer again.
“Don’t sweat it.” Monique winked and added, “If she gives you any trouble, she’ll answer to me, and I outrank her.”
Nicole smiled at Monique’s threat and glanced at Crystal again, who treated her to another hateful stare before focusing her eyes on her tablet.
So much for not having any enemies in the office. Nicole silently sighed.
Within ten minutes, the room was full. After everyone was settled in with coffee, juice and pastries, Alexander began the meeting.
“You all know Victor.” Alex pointed to his brother, who was sitting to his right. “For some reason, he insists on loitering around the office today.”
Victor smiled. “You know you miss me when I’m not here.”
“Yeah, right.” Alexander chuckled. “Why are you here today anyway?”
“Three reasons.” Victor stood. “First, I had to fix your computer for you after you mistreated her,” he reminded his brother with a wink, which caused chuckles from around the room. “Second, I’m doing an upgrade on everyone’s computer.” He laughed at the groans and surveyed the twenty people in the room. “Hey, do you guys want to be state of the art or what? I promise the downtime won’t be long.”
“Promises, promises,” Monique drawled, drawing Victor’s interest.
“I always keep my promises,” Victor softly responded.
“Hmph!” Monique didn’t sound convinced.
“And three?” Alexander queried, interrupting their banter.
“I don’t have anything better to do.” Victor sighed and resumed his seat amid laughter.
“That’s my brother, folks.” Alexander shook his head in mock disgust.
“You know you love me,” Victor taunted.
“Be quiet,” Alex admonished and chuckled when Victor made a zipping motion across his lips. “All right, down to business. As you all know, we have a new associate designer, Nicole Carter, who comes to us all the way from New York—albeit a little late.”
Nicole’s smile faded slightly as he added the latter, and she bit her lower lip to hold in the angry retort that was trying desperately to escape from her mouth. She purposefully brightened her smile in response to the various welcomes from her coworkers before resuming eye contact with Alexander.
“I know you’ll all make her feel welcome. She’ll be working on the Bettina line, and I’m counting on those of you who are also assigned there to quickly get her up to speed.”
“She’ll be there in no time, boss,” Monique chimed in, and Nicole shot her a grateful smile.
“With your help, I’m sure she will.” Alexander nodded with a slight smile. “We have our early-spring fashion show at the end of April, so I’m expecting a hundred and ten percent from everyone.” Nicole bristled again when his eyes rested on her. “We’ll probably be going to a six-day workweek in a week or so.”
Victor glanced at Nicole and mouthed, “Don’t mind him.”
Nicole sighed visibly and Victor chuckled.
* * *
Alex caught Nicole and Victor’s subtle exchange, and his eyes narrowed on his brother’s seemingly innocent face just in time to see him wink at Nicole, who, much to his annoyance, returned his gesture. Why the friendly interaction between the two irritated him to no end he was loath to examine.
“Do you mind?” Alex frowned at his brother. “I’m trying to run a meeting here.”
“Be my guest, bro.” Victor leaned back in his seat, crossed his arms and waited for Alex to continue.
“Thank you,” Alex sarcastically said. “If you’d all turn your attention to your tablets and pull up the memo I sent this morning, I’d like to start with that.”
As Alex presided over the meeting, he found it next to impossible to keep his eyes from straying toward Nicole more often than not, which annoyed him to no end. She sat there with a frown on her beautiful face, unless she was smiling at Monique—or Victor, which peeved him. He knew she was shooting daggers at him because of his earlier reference to her delayed start with the company, and although he shouldn’t care, he did.
Alex glanced away from his presentation to answer a question, and his eyes automatically stopped to stare at Nicole—even though she wasn’t the one asking the question. She held his gaze for a second before tilting her head in Monique’s direction, who was whispering something in her ear that made her smile. She was gorgeous when she smiled.
Oh, hell!
Somehow he concentrated on answering the question at hand, but he was acutely aware of his newest employee—he noticed everything she did, when she smiled, said something to Monique, crossed her legs, sighed. With her mere presence, she was disrupting his neatly ordered world, and he didn’t like it!
Thankfully, the rest of the meeting was spent discussing designs, fabrics and the order for the upcoming fashion show. The hour breezed by.
“Good work, everyone. That’ll be all.” Alexander adjourned the meeting, and the room quickly emptied. “Nicole, could you stay behind please?”
She glanced at Monique, who patted her reassuringly on the back as she resumed her seat, crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap. Victor gave her an encouraging thumbs-up sign, to which she smiled. Both she and Alex waited until the room was empty before speaking.
“Did Monique show you the Bettina line info?”
“Do you have any questions?”
“Not presently.” She kept her responses brief and crisp.
He frowned. “Is anything wrong?”
“No, nothing.” She shrugged and pursed her lips, but the words continued to flow. “I so enjoy being embarrassed in front of my new colleagues.” His lips thinned at her flippant tone.
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“Didn’t you?”
“No, I was simply stating the facts,” he coolly replied. “If your skin is this thin, you’re never going to make it around here.”
She stiffened her back at his rebuke. “My skin is plenty thick enough, Mr. James.”
“We’ll see,” he darkly promised.
“Yes, you will.” She uncrossed her legs. “Is there anything else?”
He stared at her long and hard, and she didn’t flinch or look away. “No, that’s all for now.”
She stood and left without another word. Alone, he smiled slightly. She was a spitfire. He’d soon see what she was made of, and he had a feeling he would enjoy doing it.
* * *
The days flew by, and before Nicole knew it, the week was half-over. On Wednesday evening, she absently returned numerous goodbyes from her coworkers, including Monique, and continued happily working. She barely registered that bright sunlight had given way to pale moonlight. When she glanced at the clock, it was after 8:30 p.m.
She studied her sketch and smiled. Picking up her charcoal pencil, she continued working on the lines of the skirt she was sketching. Just a few more minutes, and she would call it a day.
“It’s way past quitting time.” Nicole jumped, then glanced up when Alexander’s voice disturbed the comforting silence.
“Mr. James.” She placed a hand against her thudding heart. “You scared the life out of me.”
“Sorry.” He pulled up a tall stool and sat beside her.
“I thought everyone had gone home.” She was acutely aware of his closeness.
“Everyone has, except us.” He glanced at her sketch, picked it up and then replaced it on the easel. His face was unreadable.
“What do you think of it?” She asked simply to have something to say.
“It’s adequate.” He half smiled at her apparent displeasure with his blasé description.
“Adequate?” She glanced at the drawing she had spent the entire day revising, intent that it would be perfect before she showed it to him. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing’s wrong with it,” he insisted. “It’s not finished, is it?”
“Then I think adequate is an appropriate assessment,” he rationalized. “I need to see the finished product before I know whether it fits with the Bettina line.”
“Of course.”
He cocked his head to one side. “That displeases you?”
“No.” She drew out the single syllable. “You’re right, of course.”
“I know I’m right.”
They stared at each other silently. She contemplated what to say next. She didn’t want to be constantly at odds with him. She wanted them to get along and have a good working relationship; therefore, she bit back the angry retort that was on the verge of jumping from her mouth. When she spoke next, her voice was calm and measured.
“I really want this job to go well,” she softly admitted. “I know I was late. I’ve apologized, but I couldn’t miss my brother’s wedding. My love for my family doesn’t mean I’m not dedicated to being the best designer I can be. I know I can learn a lot from you—if you’ll give me a chance. That’s all I’m asking, Mr. James.”
* * *
He silently studied her long and hard. He had expected an angry rejoinder to his frankly baiting previous statement; she had surprised him again. Her sincere plea affected him more than anything else she could have said.
“You’re talented, Nicole. You wouldn’t have gotten the job otherwise.” He paused before admitting, “I’m not sorry I hired you.” Her eyes brightened at his admission, and he was absurdly glad.
“You’re not?”
“No.” He smiled slightly. “I think you have great potential, and from what I’ve seen of your work so far, if you apply yourself, you’ll make a name for yourself in this business.”
“Well...” She seemed at a loss for words at his generous compliment.
“Nothing to say?” he teased.
“I... Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He suddenly stood. “Now close up shop and go home.”
“But I wanted to finish...”
“No buts.” He switched off her light, took her hands and pulled her to her feet. “Go home.”
“All right.”
He released her hands, picked up her jacket and held it out for her. As she slipped it on, he felt her nearness. His hands rested on her upper arms for a second longer than necessary. She slowly turned around and looked at him, and he swore he saw desire in her eyes, but it was gone so quickly, he wasn’t sure—although he definitely felt the heat between them.
“Can I give you a lift to the hotel?” Why had he said that?
“No.” She took a few steps away from him. “I’ll take the metro.”
“You’re in a new city. I don’t like the thought of you taking the metro by yourself at night.”
“I’ll be fine,” she assured. “I’m a big girl, Mr. James.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed.” He couldn’t keep from sweeping his eyes appreciatively over her from head to toe and back again. “Mr. James was my dad. Call me Alex.” He frowned when she smiled and laughed lightly. “What?”
“Victor said exactly the same thing when I called him Mr. James,” she explained.
“Oh, I see.” He nodded in understanding but felt a twinge of something he was loath to name at the mention of his brother and her sharing a private moment. “Come on, let’s call it a night.”
She hesitated for a second and then gave in and preceded him out.
Chapter 3
Once the elevator doors closed, for the first time in her life, Nicole experienced claustrophobia—the result of being alone in a confined space with Alexander. This man was too enigmatic for his own good—and, more important, for hers. What in reality was a quick ride down to the lobby seemed to take forever. When finally the doors opened, Nicole breathed a silent sigh of relief, though she expected her relief would be short-lived once she was trapped with Alexander in the close confines of what she instinctively knew would be a tiny sports car.
They said good-night to the guard and walked out. When they reached the curb, confirming her silent suspicions, a flame-red Ferrari convertible was waiting for them.
“Thanks for bringing my car around, Jacques.” Alexander patted the guard on the back.
“No problem, Mr. James.” Jacques smiled. “I enjoy any chance to drive such a fine machine.”
“She’s something, isn’t she?” Alex proudly glanced at his car.
“And then some,” Jacques agreed before walking back into the building.
“Wow.” Nicole’s eyes widened appreciatively as they traveled over the sleek curvaceous lines of the car that reminded her of the man about to drive it—sleek, powerful and gorgeous. Alexander opened the door and helped her inside before walking around and sliding behind the wheel.
The rich smell of leather assailed her. The black-and-tan dashboard and steering wheel contained a multitude of controls. It looked like a complicated airplane panel. For a car that cost upward of $300,000, she would expect nothing less.
“How do you like my baby?” He caressed the black leather steering wheel, and his left thumb pressed a button to start the car. The powerful engine roared to life, and he wasn’t even depressing the accelerator. “She’ll go from zero to sixty in three seconds.”
“She’s stunning.” Nicole sighed gratefully as the contoured tan leather seat conformed to her body as if custom made for her. “Breathtaking.”
Alex flashed a quick grin. “Fast cars are one of my vices.”
“One?” She cocked a teasing eyebrow. “How many vices do you have?”
“A few.” His grin transformed into a devilish smile. “Fasten your seat belt.” Once she did, he sped off. When he noticed her right hand clutching the armrest he asked, “You’re not afraid of a little speed are you?”
“Not at all,” Nicole said. “It’s just that the engine is so loud and menacing.”
“Oh, it is. This baby can really eat up the road.”
“You can say that again.” Nicole tensed as his baby proved his point.
“Relax.” Alex reassuringly squeezed her left knee. “I promise to get you to the hotel safely.”
Suddenly her apprehension at being a passenger in such a powerful machine vanished. Alexander’s touch ignited forbidden passions within her. Even through the material of her pants, where his hand rested, her skin burned. Her eyes pivoted from his hand resting comfortably on her knee back to his profile.
As if realizing what he had unconsciously done, he removed his hand quickly and placed it on the center console. Neither of them made mention of his actions, but each was keenly aware of them.
For the remainder of the drive, they said little and the tension between them grew as thick as dense fog. The spicy smell of his aftershave was driving her mad until she wanted to bury her nose in the crook of his neck and inhale deeply. What a handsome man. Stop that, Nicole, she silently ordered. He’s your boss.
* * *
The drive was short due to the speed at which he drove, His speed thankfully was somewhat constrained by traffic. She occasionally glanced at him, but his eyes remained focused on the road ahead.
He came to a screeching stop in front of her hotel not a second too soon to save Nicole’s sanity. The doorman opened her door before Alexander could, but Alexander was there to take her hand and help her out of the car.
“Well, here we are,” he announced.
“And in one piece.” She placed a hand to her heart, and he chuckled.
“Come on, my driving’s not that bad, is it?”
“No. This is an insanely powerful car, but you handle her beautifully.”
He liked the way she referred to his car as a person the way he did. Most women simply rolled their eyes when men personalized inanimate objects, but not Nicole. That was a mark in her favor—not that he was counting.
“Thanks.” He followed her into the lobby, still holding her hand easily. “Once you drive one of these babies, you’ll never be satisfied with anything else.”
“Well, that’s not likely to happen.”
“Never say never,” he softly chided and then easily offered, “One day I’ll teach you to drive her.”
“I’d be too terrified to attempt it,” Nicole declined with a smile.
“She’ll be putty in your hands.”
“Or I’ll be putty in hers.”
“Don’t worry. I have a feeling you can handle her just fine.”
His fingers absently caressed hers, and he heard her soft gasp at his subconscious actions. She pulled her hand from his, and he was keenly aware of the increased tempo in the pulse beating at the base of her neck. He longed to caress the spot with his lips and tongue. What was he thinking? Suddenly, nothing seemed more important than that he stay and spend some time alone with her, getting to know her better. But that overwhelming desire was one he dared not succumb to.
She’s your employee, Alex. You’re not going down that road again! You know what happened the last time.
“Good night.” He abruptly turned to leave. “See you in the morning.”
“Bright and early,” she promised. “Thanks for the ride.”
“You’re welcome.” He walked away before he succumbed to the overwhelming need to stay.
* * *
Nicole slowly walked to the elevator and entered. When she glanced up, Alexander was standing near the doorway, watching her. Her breath arrested at the look in his eyes—a look needing no definition or interpretation with words. Thankfully the doors closed, shutting him out of her view but not out of her mind.
“He’s your boss, Nicole,” she forcefully reminded herself again. “That’s all he’ll ever be.”
Yes, that’s what she repeatedly told herself, but she couldn’t beat back the nagging voice and feeling inside of her that challenged that assertion. Why, oh, why did she have to have these inappropriate feelings for Alexander?
Oh, Lord, she was in big trouble, and she had no earthly idea of how she was going to get out of it.
* * *
Bright and early the next morning, after a somewhat restless night spent thinking about her worrisome attraction to Alexander, Nicole arrived at work at 7:00 a.m., and by 8:00, she had already downed five cups of coffee. Her excessive beverage intake necessitated a few trips to the ladies’ room. On her way back to her desk, she passed by Alexander’s slightly ajar door and quickly recognized Alexander and Victor’s voices.
She had every intention of walking on by, but her feet became glued to the spot when her name was mentioned. She knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop, but curiosity to hear what they were saying about her kept her rooted in place. Unfortunately, when she heard Alex question her commitment after he had told her last night he didn’t regret hiring her, any semblance of common sense flew straight out the window.
Without thinking, Nicole pushed open Alexander’s door the rest of the way and walked inside, glancing from one startled brother to the other. Her defiant eyes immediately landed on Alexander’s displeased ones.
“When gossiping about someone,” she sweetly began, “it’s prudent to make certain your door is closed to minimize the risk of being overheard.”
“Yes.” Alex folded his muscular arms over his broad chest. “It’s also wise to account for snoops.”
“I wasn’t snooping.” At Alexander’s skeptical stare she continued, “I was simply passing by and heard my name. Naturally, I was curious.”
“Naturally,” Alex sarcastically agreed.
“Nicole, I apologize...” Victor began.
“Don’t worry about it, Victor.” Nicole gave him a slight smile before returning angry eyes to his brother.
“So it’s safe to assume your anger is reserved for me alone.” Alex bristled. It exasperated him to no end that she didn’t seem the least bit miffed at Victor, who had also been discussing her. “Is that right?”
“You know what they say about assuming, don’t you?” Nicole softly asked, her anger dissipating instantaneously.
“You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, don’t you?” Alex shot back without answering her question.
“Yes, I do,” she pleasantly assured him. “But do you know that after curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back?”
Victor chuckled, Alex snarled and Nicole smiled triumphantly at getting the last word before leaving them alone and closing the door behind her with a decisive click.
* * *
“Damn, she’s something,” Victor approved, and Alex silently agreed. “That’ll teach you to complain about your employees publicly.”
“Yeah, I was complaining all to myself, wasn’t I?” Alex frowned at Victor.
“I was merely being a sounding board so you wouldn’t take your foul mood out on your staff,” Victor informed.
“You’re such a humanitarian,” Alex sarcastically rejoined.
“What can I say?” Victor shrugged. “I do what I can.”
“Get out of here, Vic.” Alex sighed, reclining against his desk. “You’ve caused me enough trouble for one day.”
“Me? Trouble?” Victor pointed to himself. “Surely you jest.”
“No, I don’t,” Alex said. “You’re nothing but bad news.”
“My dear brother, you know your life would be so boring without me.”
“Oh, how I’d like to test that theory.” Despite his black mood, Alex cracked a smile.
“No, you wouldn’t.” Victor confidently grinned and opened the door. “Later, bro.”
“Hey.” Alex halted his brother’s exit. “What do they say about assuming?”
“You’re kidding, right?” At his brother’s blank stare, Victor laughed heartily before explaining, “When you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Get it?”
“Ah, I see.” Alex smirked at his brother, who gave him a mock salute before exiting. Well, she had told him off without raising that sweet little sexy voice of hers, hadn’t she?
He glanced at his closed door, and his smirk transformed into a slight smile as he replayed the confrontation with Nicole. Today she was dressed in a red dress with a matching duster jacket and red pumps. She looked wonderful and smelled even better—like lavender. He had fought down an insane urge to bury his nose in her neck and inhale deeply. What the...? His smile quickly slid into a deep frown. Oh, Lord, what am I doing reminiscing over how she looked and smelled?
She had barged into his office uninvited, so he should be angry; however, he was intrigued instead—which was surprising and intensely disquieting. Nicole Carter had that effect on him. The question was, what was he going to do about it?
* * *
As Nicole slowly made her way to her workstation, she chewed on her lower lip worriedly. What in the world had possessed her to do such a stupid thing like confronting her boss like that? Even though his door had been ajar, he had been in the privacy of his office talking to his brother, and she should have just walked on by.
She wasn’t impulsive, and now was no time to change her ways; she usually weighed everything she said and did very carefully. You’re sleep deprived. That’s why you acted so unwisely, she told herself to feel better, but it wasn’t working. She sat down at her desk and sighed heavily.
She was used to order and normalcy in her life. Since moving to Paris, her equilibrium had been constantly in flux—due primarily to her volatile boss and her disturbing attraction to him. She didn’t know where she stood with Alexander from one second to the next. She had thought after last night that they were starting to get along, but after overhearing him complaining about her this morning, she wasn’t sure anymore.
She wanted Alexander’s respect and maybe even his admiration. They had gotten off on the wrong foot, and the little scene she had just caused probably hadn’t helped things. She half expected him to barge out of his office, tell her off in front of everyone and order her out of his company, but thankfully, he didn’t. Apparently she was still employed at her dream job—for the time being anyway.
Resting her chin on her hands, she silently reprimanded her unruly tongue, which had caused her far too much trouble so early in the morning.
* * *
The next time Nicole saw Alexander was in the late morning. He was walking around the designers’ workstations peering over shoulders, making suggestions and giving out compliments when he deemed warranted. After their confrontation this morning, she held her breath, praying he would bypass her. Of course, he didn’t.
He reached her station and sat down beside her. She had removed her jacket, leaving her arms bare. When he slid his chair close to hers, the sleeve of his jacket brushed against her bare flesh, sending tremors through her.
“Settling in?”
“Yes.” She managed a slight smile. “Monique is great.”
“She is,” he agreed. “You seem startled. Why?”
“You know why,” she softly accused.
“You’re right. I do.” He paused before adding, “I apologize for talking about you behind your back. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re apologizing to me?”
“Yes, I am. Do you accept my apology?”
He had completely flabbergasted her. Where was the anger and outrage she expected from him? This man was truly hard to figure out; she never knew what he was going to say or do next.
“Of course I do. Thank you.” She magnanimously added, “I’m sorry for barging into your office.”
“It’s already forgotten.” He waved her apology away. “You may have figured out that I can be very demanding, Nicole.”
“Yes, I had noticed that,” Nicole quickly agreed around a smile.
“Right.” Humor lit up his gorgeous eyes. “I’m going to be hard on you, but I promise to give you a fair shot.”
“I can’t ask for anything more than that.”
“Truce?” He offered his hand.
“Truce.” She placed her hand in his momentarily, but that was long enough for needles of awareness to shoot through her. “I’m looking forward to working here, Alexander.”
“And work you will,” he assured before standing and leaving her staring after him.
Seconds later, Monique walked out of her office to perch on the edge of Nicole’s desk. “Hey, girl.”
“Hey.” Nicole tore her attention from Alexander’s retreating back and focused on her colleague.
“You and the boss looked rather cozy.”
“He was just showing me something.”
“Really?” Monique grinned. “Do tell, what?”
“Something about work,” Nicole said with a shake of her head.
“Oh, okay.” Nicole raised an eyebrow at her skeptical tone. “You’re starting to like him, aren’t you?”
“He’s—” Nicole paused, unsure of how to finish that sentence. Finally, she ended, “—very complicated.”
“Truly,” Monique agreed.
“I never know what he’s going to do or say.” Nicole glanced around to make sure he wasn’t within earshot. “He’s so...temperamental.”
“He definitely is. I think it’s the artist in him. He’s also very fair.”
“I hope so.”
“Trust me, he is.” Monique couldn’t resist adding, “You’ll find that out soon enough.”
“Here’s the sketch you asked me to revise.”
“Nice subject change.” Monique took the sketch from her and studied it. “Very good. I like it a lot.”
“I’m glad.”
“You’ve got talent, girl. I see why the boss hired you.”
Nicole placed a hand on her hip in fake outrage. “Did you ever doubt it?”
“Never.” Monique smiled. “Work me up two variations of this sketch—one with a longer skirt and the other with a different top.”
“I’m on it.” Nicole flipped to a clean page in her draft book. “When do you need them?”
“How does tomorrow around noon sound?”
“Great. I’ll let you get back to work.” Monique stood. “If you have any questions, holler.”
“Will do,” Nicole agreed, reaching for her charcoal pencil and bending her head to study the sketch on her desk.
Her hand froze in midair as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She felt rather than saw Alexander’s eyes on her. Slowly glancing up, she found him standing across the room at Crystal’s desk. He was nodding as though listening to something she was saying, but his eyes were glued on Nicole. She returned his intense stare for a few seconds before lowering her eyes back to her sketch, pretending interest in her design when she was really wondering what that look was all about.
Chapter 4
Around noon, Nicole had finished one of Monique’s requested revisions of her sketch and was starting on the second when the hair on the back of her neck stood up in rapt attention. Instinctively, she knew Alexander had entered the designers’ area. It was uncanny that she could feel him before she saw him.
He stopped to answer a question from another designer. Nicole heard him laugh heartily, which was a sound she could really get used to. She held her breath involuntarily, praying he wouldn’t stop by her station, which, of course, he did.
He stood beside her desk silently for a few seconds, willing her to look at him. She knew she couldn’t ignore him and slowly raised her eyes to his.
“You’re not using Victor’s design software?”
“I’ve played with it, and it’s fabulous,” Nicole carefully began.
“But?” Alex smiled slightly. At her hesitation he ordered, “Be perfectly honest.”
“But when I first create a design, I have to do it with my charcoal pencil and paper.” She shrugged. “It allows me to feel the design. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“You explained it perfectly,” Alex assured. “I know exactly what you mean.”
Nicole sighed in relief that she hadn’t offended him. “You, too?”
“I’m glad I’m not the only weird one.”
“Hardly.” Alex winked, pulled up a chair beside her and sat down. “May I steal of piece of your paper?”
“Of course.” Nicole tore off a couple of sheets from her pad and handed them to him, along with a charcoal pencil.
“I’m going to start a design.” He began effortlessly sketching. “And you’re going to finish it.”
Nicole’s heart jumped into her throat at his casual, terrifying statement. Was he serious? The walls started closing in on her, and she gulped in air. She glanced down at his hands as they expertly glided over the paper, and the formations of an elegant beaded blouse began to take shape. Oh, Lord, please let me remember how to sketch, she silently prayed.
“Okay.” He handed her the paper and charcoal. “Your turn.”
Nicole cautiously took the pencil from him and held it between her shaking fingers. She willed her nerves to subside; however, they persisted mercilessly.
“I’m not sure what you want.” Nicole’s terrified eyes stared into his serious ones.
“I want you to revise my design any way you see fit to make it better,” he elaborated.
“You want me to make your design better?”
He chuckled at her incredulity. “Yes.”
“Okay,” she nervously agreed. “I’ll try.”
How was she supposed to improve on Alexander James’s design? She swallowed her apprehension, took a calming breath and started revising as requested. After hesitating endlessly, she finally added jeweled cuffs to the sheer sleeves to match the neckline, which she changed from the square design Alexander had created into a sweetheart one. Last, she lengthened the blouse by an inch.
When she finished he didn’t say a word, simply took the charcoal from her and sketched a pencil skirt, followed by a ball gown. He handed the sketches and charcoal back to her, which she took and immediately began revising. The only design he rerevised was the ball gown and insisted she do the same. They spent about forty minutes together designing, and it was nerve-racking, but also exhilarating.
“How did I do?” She held her breath.
For a few minutes Alex studied the three designs they had created without responding. She fought against tapping her fingers impatiently on the desktop or shaking him to get an answer; instead, she folded her hands in her lap and waited for his critique.
“Very nice,” he finally answered, and she frowned.
“Is that good?”
“That’s good.” At his assurance, she released her heretofore held breath on an audible sigh. “Well done.”
“That was nerve-racking,” she admitted with a slight smile.
“I know.” He touched her hand briefly. “Come on, wasn’t it just a little bit fun?”
“It was—now that it’s over.” She laughed, and he joined her.
“Which is your favorite?” He spread the designs out on her desk for her review.
“The ball gown.”
“Mine, too.”
He picked up the design and studied it. Their codesign was floor length, free-flowing and simply elegant. It was Grecian-inspired, sleeveless, cut into a deep V nearly to the waist, which was gathered with a wide sequined belt, and the skirt cascaded down to the floor in soft folds.
“What material would you use for this?”
“Chiffon.” Nicole decided without hesitation. “This gown was made for layers and layers of chiffon.”
“I agree,” Alex said approvingly. “I think this might have a place in our April fashion show.”
Nicole’s eyes dilated to twice their normal size. Surely he was teasing her. Wasn’t he?
“Are you serious?”
“Absolutely.” Alex smiled at her shocked expression. “This will be the first James-Carter creation.”
Nicole was too flabbergasted and thrilled to respond to this fantastic news. She didn’t know which was more thrilling—designing a gown with him or the fact that he had referred to it as their first one. Somebody pinch her; she was going to codesign a gown for a fashion show with Alexander James!
“Wow.” She wasn’t aware of speaking out loud, but Alexander’s chuckle informed her she had.
“I hear Monique asked you to move in with her.”
“What?” Nicole blinked rapidly at his change in subject.
“I said I heard that Monique asked you to move in with her.”
“Oh. Yes, she did.”
“She told me you refused to relocate until the weekend because of work,” he continued.
Nicole groaned. “I wish she hadn’t said anything to you.”
“Because...” She faltered, unwilling to finish verbalizing her reasons.
“You thought I’d make a big deal if you asked to take the time off to move,” he correctly completed for her.
“It’s not a problem,” she quickly guaranteed. “I’m fine with moving over the weekend, Mr. James.”
“Alex,” he reminded with a smile.
“Alexander.” She opted for the full version instead. “I don’t expect nor do I want any special privileges.”
“And you won’t get any,” he quickly assured. “Nicole, you’ve relocated from another country. You’re entitled to time off to move. Leave here at two today, and get yourself situated at your new place.”
“That’s an order,” he commanded in mock sternness. “Just make sure you’re here bright and early in the morning.”
“I will be,” she promised as he stood. “Thank you, Mr.—I mean, Alexander.”
“You’re welcome.”
He studied the designs she had been working on before he interrupted her. “That’s nice. You’re working on a variation of this?”
“Two. Monique wanted one with a different top and another with a longer skirt.”
“Why don’t you also do one that shortens the hem by half an inch and add a slight flare to the skirt?”
“I will.”
“What type of material are you thinking of using?”
“It’s meant for casual wear, so I was entertaining jersey knit for freedom of movement and ease of care.”
“Good choice.” His eyes strayed to her desk to the pictures arranged there. “Your family?”
She followed his eyes and smiled. “Yes.”
“May I?” He pointed toward the wedding photo showing them all.
“Please.” She handed him the photo.
“Your brother’s wedding?”
“Yes.” She waited for a snide remark, and when none came, she relaxed and pointed everyone out. “That’s Nathan and Marcy. That’s my sister Natasha and her husband, Damien—who’s Marcy’s brother.” She paused and glanced at him. “Are you following me?”
“Yeah, I think so.” He chuckled. “There wasn’t a brother free for you?”
“Nope, the Johnsons were fresh out of siblings.”
“Are you sad about that?”
“No, I don’t need to be fixed up. I’ll find my own man when I’m ready.” How had the conversation taken such a personal turn? It was too weird and very uncomfortable talking to her boss about finding a man to settle down with.
“So you’re not ready now?”
“No, I’m focused on establishing my career.”
“That’s commendable.”
She purposefully refocused his attention to the photo and concluded. “That’s my mother, father and Marcy and Damien’s parents.”
“And you.”
She smiled. “And me.”
“You have a nice-looking family.”
“Thank you.” She took the photo from him and replaced it on her desk. “I love them.”
“It shows when you talk about them.” As if sensing she was missing them, he changed the subject. “The wedding dress is beautiful. Who designed it?”
“I did,” she proudly proclaimed.
“You?” At her nod, he picked up the picture again. “It’s really lovely.”
“Thank you.
“What about the bridesmaids’ dresses?”
“Me again. I even made them.”
He whistled in admiration at her statement, and she felt ten feet tall.
“You sew, too?”
“Since I was nine.”
“That’s damned good work, Nicole.”
“Thank you again.” This was turning out to be a fabulous day. “I’m not used to so many compliments from you.”
“Get used to them,” he suggested.
He stood and walked away without another word, and Nicole shook her head in confusion. That man was a whirlwind of unpredictability.
He had certainly changed her opinion of him in record time. It seemed he could be both human and appealing when he wanted to. But she wasn’t sure which Alexander she preferred—the gruff one who set her teeth on the edge, or the likable one who she longed to get to know better—and not in a professional way.
* * *
Nicole left work at two and changed into faded jeans, a red “I Love NY” T-shirt, a denim jacket and sneakers. Monique had gone home to change and was meeting her at the hotel at three. Thankfully, the move wouldn’t involve any furniture, just clothes, though Nicole had a lot.
She hadn’t unpacked most of her bags, for which she was grateful. She stood in the middle of the sitting room, where she had gathered almost everything, and groaned at the rather large pile in front of her. A few bags were still in her hotel bedroom. Goodness, had she really packed this much stuff?
She was shaking her head in self-recrimination when someone knocked on her door. Expecting Monique, she opened the door and gasped in shock when she found Alexander and Victor dressed casually in jeans, T-shirts and light jackets.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We’ve come to make amends for our faux pas earlier.” Victor glanced at the pile of her belongings inside the room. “Looks like you can use our help.”
“You don’t have to help me move.” Nicole directed her words to the silent Alexander. “I’m sure you have better things to do with your day.”
“We want to.” Alexander finally spoke. “May we come in?”
“I’m sorry.” Nicole stepped aside to allow them in. “Come in.”
“Is this all that’s going?” Victor pointed to the stack of luggage piled on and beside the sofa.
“Most of it. There’s some more in my bedroom.”
“I’ll start on these. Alex, why don’t you see what’s in the bedroom?”
“All right.” Alex glanced at Nicole, who pointed the way and then quickly followed him, praying she didn’t have any unmentionables lying about. Thankfully, the coast was clear.
“I can manage this,” Alexander assured her after surveying the small stack of bags. “Why don’t you go and help Victor?”
“Are you sure? I can take...oh!”
She stumbled over a suitcase on the floor and wound up flying toward Alexander. He caught her effortlessly, strong arms automatically encircling her off-balance body. He held her tight against his unyielding strength.
All air left Nicole’s lungs, more from the close proximity to Alexander than from the impact of landing against his hard chest. Both appeared frozen in their unplanned yet potent embrace. Her palms rested flat against his broad chest cushioned by solid muscles. His hands rested on her waist. Their eyes locked, and each was aware that their mouths were only inches apart. A fact that became crystal clear when Alexander’s eyes darted to her slightly parted lips and stayed focused there as if mesmerized.
She held her breath while she waited to see what would happen next. She didn’t have to wait long. Unable to help himself, Alex lowered his mouth to hers. Their lips touched lightly several times before they both sought out much longer contact, and when they achieved it, time froze.
Their lips flirted, pressed lightly, pulled away. Alex’s teeth nibbled softly at her lower lip before sending his tongue to investigate the same territory. Nicole shuddered. Her arms snaked up his chest to rest into his hard shoulders as she moved and was pulled closer to his unbending length. She sighed and parted her lips invitingly, and her eyes fluttered close in anticipation of a deeper, more satisfying kiss.
“Nicole!” Victor shouted, splintering the intimate moment. “Monique is here.”
“I...I’ll be right out,” Nicole breathlessly replied, moving guiltily out of Alexander’s arms, placing fingers to her tingling lips. “Excuse me.”
“Of course.” Alex managed a slight smile as she skirted around him and out the bedroom door.
Oh, Lord, what had she done? She let out her breath on a noisy sigh. The chaste kisses they had shared didn’t begin to quench her disturbing desire for her boss, only managed to inflame it further. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed with Victor’s interruption, but she was certainly unfulfilled.
* * *
“Hi, roomie,” Monique greeted Nicole as she entered the room. “I see we have help.”
“Yes.” Nicole prayed she didn’t look as flustered as she felt. “Alexander is here, too. He’s in the bedroom.”
Monique grinned. “Is that where you’re coming from?”
“Yes.” Nicole pushed her bangs out of her eyes with somewhat shaky fingers.
“Why do you look so flushed?” Monique’s knowing grin caused Nicole to shift uncomfortably. “What was going on in there?”
“I... We...” Nicole floundered but thankfully Alexander entered, arms laden with luggage, and ushered Victor out the door. Nicole envied his composure.
“Hi, Monique.” Alex nodded as he passed by her.
“Hi, boss,” Monique greeted before refocusing on Nicole. “Is your lipstick smudged?”
“” Nicole absently touched her lips. “Must have happened as I packed.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Monique’s wide grin informed Nicole she wasn’t buying her lame explanation.
To avoid any further inquisition, Nicole grabbed a bag and hurried after the two men. Monique laughed, picked up a suitcase herself and followed her fellow movers out.
* * *
When they reached her new home a short while later, Nicole was pleased to realize Monique hadn’t exaggerated; the apartment was lovely and spacious. It was located in a picturesque part of the 6th Arrondisement and had shining hardwood floors and a myriad of windows and was decorated in brightly colored, comfortable furniture with lots of cushions. Nicole’s bedroom and bathroom was next to Monique’s. The living area was huge, and the kitchen was perfect. Nicole knew she would be very happy here.
It was about 5:15 p.m. when they finished moving Nicole in. Though she and Alexander didn’t mention their kiss, the remembrance of it hung between them like thick fog. Nicole was a nervous wreck every time he glanced at her and touched her—by mistake or on purpose, she wasn’t sure.
“Hey, is anyone else hungry?” Victor asked as they all lounged in the living room after the last bags had been unloaded.
“I am,” Monique answered from her perch on the arm of a chair.
“What about you two?” Victor smiled at Nicole and Alex, who purposefully sat a good distance apart on the sofa.
“I could eat,” Nicole slowly admitted and inwardly groaned at the prospect of having to spend more tension-filled time in Alexander’s maddening presence.
“Well, bro?” Victor stood and nudged Alex’s shoulder. “Are you with us?”
All eyes fixated on him, and his locked with Nicole’s uneasy ones.
“Sure.” Alex finally sighed. “But nothing fancy.”
“Dressed like this—” Victor glanced at their attire— “Casual is the way to go. How about the Latin Quarter?”
“Perfect.” Monique walked over to the sofa. “Excuse us girls while we freshen up.” She took Nicole’s hand and pulled her up from the sofa and out of the room. Once they were alone in her bedroom, she turned to Nicole. “What’s wrong? You look shell-shocked.”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“Are you nervous about going out with the boss?” Monique correctly surmised.
“No.” At Monique’s skeptical stare, she confessed, “Okay, yes. What am I supposed to say to him?”

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