Read online book «Her Perfect Candidate» author Candace Shaw

Her Perfect Candidate
Candace Shaw
Campaign of seductionCo-owner of an up-and-coming interior-decorating firm, Megan Chase loves being a single woman on the fast track to success. But everything changes when a flat tire brings Georgia senator Steven Monroe into her life. The sinfully sexy politician needs the right woman to clean up his image. And with Megan's fine eye for detail, she just may be the woman for the job.Steven's reputation as a player could cost him his chance at a U.S. senate seat. But when the cameras catch him and Megan in a kiss that's all too real, it's not only his future candidacy in jeopardy. As the lines between politics and desire begin to blur, how much will he risk to transform their passionate pretense into a landslide for love?

Campaign of seduction
Co-owner of an up-and-coming interior-decorating firm, Megan Chase loves being a single woman on the fast track to success. But everything changes when a flat tire brings Georgia senator Steven Monroe into her life. The sinfully sexy politician needs the right woman to clean up his image. And with Megan’s fine eye for detail, she just may be the woman for the job.
Steven’s reputation as a player could cost him his chance at a U.S. senate seat. But when the cameras catch him and Megan in a kiss that’s all too real, it’s not only his future candidacy in jeopardy. As the lines between politics and desire begin to blur, how much will he risk to transform their passionate pretense into a landslide for love?
She let him hold her close.
She felt as if she had drunk more than just water, but her dance high was coming down, and she relaxed in his arms. His hands slowly caressed her waist and back. His intent gaze rested on her face. He lowered his head down to hers, and she caressed his neck with her hands as her breathing became heavy. With their lips only centimeters apart, a voice in Megan’s head said, Go ahead and kiss him. The other one said, Back up and remember this is all make-believe in his eyes. You can’t let your emotions get caught up in this fake relationship.
Megan decided to listen to the first voice instead. Something else told her it wasn’t make-believe anymore, or he was a very good actor. When she realized he was lowering his head to kiss her, she didn’t turn away.
Steven kissed her softly on the lips, just enough to taste the strawberry lip gloss she’d put on over her lipstick, a hint given to her by Chelsea if she wanted to make her lips more noticeable and sexy. She wanted him to kiss her some more, but this club wasn’t the place.
“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered to her.
was born and raised under the sunny skies of northwest Florida and knew she wanted to become a writer after reading Little Women in fourth grade. After graduating from the University of West Florida with a degree in elementary education, Candace began teaching and put her dream of becoming a writer on hold until one summer vacation she started writing again and hasn’t stopped.
When Candace is not writing or researching for a book, she’s reading, shopping, learning how to cook a new dish or spending time with her loving husband and their loyal, overprotective Weimaraner, Ali. Candace is currently working on her next fun, flirty and sexy romance novel.
You can contact Candace on her website, at (; on Facebook, at (; or tweet her, at (
Her Perfect Candidate
Candace Shaw (
Dear Reader,
The idea to write Her Perfect Candidate came about from watching decorating shows on HGTV and listening to a certain U.S. senator from Illinois speak at the Democratic Convention. What I didn’t know was that years later he would be the president!
Megan Chase is ambitious and goal-oriented with her main focus on her career, even though her friends keep setting her up on boring blind dates. But when she meets charismatic and sinfully irresistible Steven Monroe, she can’t shake him from her thoughts.
With his smooth talking and sexy smile, Steven is a ladies’ man who has no intentions of changing his philandering ways. But there’s something about Megan’s bubbly and whimsical personality that has him wanting to win more than just the election.
I hope you enjoy reading Megan and Steven’s journey of winning each other’s hearts. Feel free to contact me at (
Candace Shaw
For my girlfriends Brenda, Kenyatta, Lisa, Mary and Tonya for their love and support as I embark on this new chapter in my life.
For my husband, Bobby. Where would I be without you?
Love you!
A big thank you to my girls, authors Sharon C. Cooper and Delaney Diamond. I’m so happy we are on this journey together. Charlie’s Angels for life!
Chapter 1 (#u24542f28-86cc-5d68-b1ce-e2c581ede424)
Chapter 2 (#uaff9fc10-b190-560f-a523-4ac8b964072b)
Chapter 3 (#u91953320-5b36-59fd-bf35-8ce3742f63d0)
Chapter 4 (#ubd8a53d1-6477-57e8-8ec6-4eb20d406e29)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Megan Chase plopped her forehead on the steering wheel. It was early evening in rush hour traffic, and her SUV had just gotten a flat tire on Interstate 85 in Atlanta. Luckily, she was in the far right lane and was able to inch the vehicle over to the shoulder. She lifted her head, breathed deeply and eased open the door to survey the damage. But before her 4-inch heel could hit the pavement, she quickly drew it back in observing the cars zooming by at high speeds.
Shutting the door, she moved her laptop bag and purse from the passenger seat into the back, before climbing over the gearshift. The flat was on the back passenger side. She figured she could change it and then be on her way to meet her twin sister and her best friend at a scholarship fund-raiser event one of her clients had invited them to.
She hopped out of the SUV and walked carefully along the rocky pavement.
“Of all the days to dress up,” she said, pulling her short black dress down to barely touch her knees. She stooped down to look at the damaged tire. The tires were new, so she wasn’t quite sure why she had a flat. A nail, probably, she thought.
Earlier that day, she’d put the finishing touches on decorating a model home in a new subdivision outside of Atlanta. Houses were in the process of being built, and Megan had toured the subdivision to see the homes. She figured she’d run over a nail in the process.
As she popped the trunk to retrieve the tire, she heard her cell phone blaring from her purse in the backseat. Climbing through the trunk of her SUV to reach the phone, she knew who was calling before she even looked at the display. Now, glancing down at the caller ID to confirm her suspicion, she saw Sydney Chase’s name flash on the screen. Megan knew if she didn’t answer the phone, Sydney the worrier, would probably have the FBI, CIA and the SWAT team scouring the city for her within the hour.
The sound of a horn and tires on the gravel behind Megan stopped her from answering the call. She grabbed the mace she always carried in her purse and began to climb backward out of the SUV. Her finger placed firmly on the spray button.
As she turned around to step down, a fine-looking tall man was standing in front of her opened trunk, with his hand out to assist her. She blinked twice and stifled a “Goodness he’s gorgeous” with a slight gulp. The sun was going down behind him radiating an aura of bright yellow and orange.
“Need some assistance, pretty lady?” the sexy, baritone voice offered.
Megan tossed the mace spray over the backseat and placed her empty hand in his. His touch on her skin, although brief, sent a warm shiver through her veins. Once settled onto the pavement, she squinted her eyes and placed her right hand straight across her forehead to see him better without being blinded by what was left of the sun.
She looked up in amazement at the most handsome man she had ever laid her eyes upon. He was quite tall, at least a few inches over six feet. His hair was neatly trimmed with black wavy ripples. The evening sun was bringing out the color of his smooth, milk chocolate skin, and she fought back the urge to run a hand over his hairless, chiseled face. He had thick eyelashes that supermodels would give up purging their dinner for. His charming smile displayed pearl-colored teeth between his inviting lips. While he had let go of her hand, she could still feel the warmth of it on her skin. She wondered how his strong hands would feel on the rest of her body.
For a moment time stood still. She didn’t notice the cars zooming by them or the April sun bearing down on her. Instead, she thought about how he reminded her of the man she always dreamed about. The man who would one day rescue her on his white horse and love her forever.
Suddenly remembering that he’d asked her a question, she blinked several times before coming down from cloud nine.
“Do I know you?” she asked, studying his captivating face.
A delicious grin crossed his mouth causing her to almost sigh out loud. Stay composed, girl. You see handsome men all the time.
“I don’t think so. I would definitely remember you if we knew each other,” the sinfully sexy gentleman stated in a tone that caused another wave of heat to rage through her.
What the heck is wrong with me?
“Oh, sorry for staring so hard, but you look familiar,” Megan replied, studying his face carefully. Megan wasn’t good with names, but she never forgot a face, especially one as intriguing as his. She couldn’t help but stare at the yummy dimple on his right cheek that appeared every time he smiled.
“What’s your name?” Megan asked.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Megan.”
“Do you need some help changing that tire?” he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the flat. “It’s too dangerous for you to be out here alone.”
“Oh, yes. I...” she stuttered, glancing toward the tire. This man is making me forget why I’m standing out here in the hot sun in the first place. “I was just about to change it.”
His left eyebrow rose. “Really?” His gaze traveled the length of her body. “Wearing Louboutins and a little freak’um dress. Are you trying to cause accidents? Seeing you bent over trying to change a flat tire will cause a ten car pileup,” he teased, taking off his blue suit jacket along with a red tie and handing them to her. “I’ll take care of it, while you call back whoever keeps calling you.” He nodded down to the cell phone in her hand that kept vibrating. “Your man is probably worried.”
She shook her head and glanced at the caller ID. “It’s my sister. We’re supposed to meet for an event...” She stopped to glance at her watch. “I’m thirty minutes late and big sis is concerned,” she said, watching Steven take the spare tire and jack out of her trunk. He then slammed it shut and turned to look at her.
“I completely understand. My brother is always checking on me and he’s younger. How many years apart are you?”
“Two minutes,” she answered. “We’re twins.”
“So there are two of you?” A cocky grin formed on his lips. “Nice,” he commented, barely loud enough for her to hear as he rolled the spare tire over to the flat one. “You’re more than welcome to sit in my SUV and wait. The sun is going down, but it’s still hot. Crank the ignition and turn up the air conditioner if you’d like.”
Megan looked past him at the white Range Rover. He seems like the type to own such an elite SUV. Tailored business suit, expensive watch and a powerful, masculine presence.
“Thank you. I’ll call my sister and let her know I’m fine.” She walked steadily on the gravel toward the passenger side of his Range Rover. Once settled in the plush leather seat, she cranked the car as he suggested and was pleasantly surprised to hear Sade singing “Smooth Operator” through the speakers. She turned the volume down when she saw the light flash on her cell phone again.
“Megan, where are you? I’ve called you like five times!” Sydney exclaimed.
“Syd, I’m sorry. I had a flat tire, but I’ll be along soon,” Megan answered quickly. She was too busy gazing at the jaw-dropping man who was now peeling off his dress shirt to reveal a white undershirt. The shirt did little to hide the gorgeous muscles of his arms, chest and back. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead. He looks so damn hot and fine. Megan reached over and turned the air conditioner to full blast.
“Are you listening?” Sydney asked in an impatient manner.
Who could listen at a time like this?
“Huh? What did you say?”
“I said do you need any help? Or are you changing it yourself?”
“No, this kind man is changing it for me.” Megan continued to watch as Steven lifted the flat tire off, showcasing the toned muscles of his arms. Oh, my goodness!
“Kind man? You mean strange man! Where are you?”
“Calm down, Agent Chase. I’m sitting in his Range Rover watching him change my tire. He’s almost done,” Megan said, a little disappointed. “Poor thing, he’s sweating. I think I have some bottled water still left in my lunch cooler. Syd, this man is so gorgeous!”
“ this the same Megan that swore off all men almost two years ago when her ex-boyfriend cheated?”
“I didn’t swear off all men, I just said I needed a break from dating and that mostly included all of the blind dates you, Jade and Tiffani had been arranging for me. I don’t have a problem being single.” She frowned as Steven replaced the last lug nut. He looked up and flashed a million-dollar smile, causing her to suck in her breath and become slightly turned on.
“He’s done. I’ll see you in a few.” Megan abruptly hung up the phone to avoid any lectures from her sister about being safe. Sydney was a criminal profiler with the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, and in her book, everyone was a suspect.
Megan hopped out of the passenger seat and walked over to Steven who was wiping the sweat off of his forehead with his dress shirt.
“You’re going to ruin that shirt,” she said, opening the back door of her SUV and reaching over to pull out a small, unopened bottle of water from a small ice cooler. She opened the cap and handed him the water.
“Thank you, pretty lady.” He gulped down half of the bottle before taking a breathing break and then downed the rest of the water. “The shirt will be fine. I’m headed home to change clothes anyway.”
Megan watched him intently as she thought of something else to say. She knew in a minute they’d be back in their own vehicles, going back to their already scheduled day. She didn’t notice a wedding ring—just a college ring. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t seeing someone.
“Thank you so much for changing my tire for me. I must’ve run over a nail today while driving around a subdivision’s construction site.”
“Having a home built?”
“No. I’m an interior decorator. I just finished a project in one of the model homes and decided to drive around the subdivision.” She hoped to find some way to keep the conversation going, but he was already buttoning his shirt and checking his Rolex. She decided not to delay him any longer. He needed to go, and she needed to leave as well before Syd assumed she’d been kidnapped.
He stepped toward her as she closed the back door. She leaned against the SUV as he stood directly in front of her, literally in her personal space. The woodsy scent of his cologne swirled in her nose, sending tingles through her body. I wonder what his scent would smell like intertwined with mine?
Her lips parted slightly as he stared down at her, she thought surely he was undressing her with his eyes as they raked over her.
“Thank you again. I hope I didn’t inconvenience you, Steven.”
“No, not at all. I’m very glad I pulled over to help you,” he stated in a sincere tone, running his eyes over her body one more time before they settled back on her face.
She smiled up at him before stepping over to the passenger door. He opened it for her and she slid in, crossing her legs and turning her body to face him.
“Bye, Megan,” he said hesitantly before shutting the door. He gave her one last smile before strolling back to his car, whistling.
* * *
Steven watched as the loveliest vision he’d ever laid his eyes on drove away. When he first saw her in the trunk bending over the backseat of her Acura MDX reaching for something, he couldn’t help but wonder if her toned caramel-coated legs and thighs matched the rest of her. The way her little black dress hugged her bottom and hips as it rose up, stirred his manhood. He had decided to take a chance. Plus, he couldn’t possibly leave a female on the side of the highway with a flat tire.
Her long, curly brown hair with subtle blond highlights flowed down her provocative bare back in an utterly sexy manner. He would’ve given anything to run his fingers through her soft curls, or better yet, spread them out on his pillow as he looked down at her.
He’d been pleasantly surprised when she turned around to acknowledge him. Strikingly stunning, she had a pleasant smile, high cheekbones and wore very little makeup. Her almond-shaped eyes were cinnamon in hue and when he stared into them, he felt a sense of overwhelming peace.
Steven admired all women, but Megan stirred feelings and emotions he’d never felt before in the thirty-three years of his life. Her pleasant personality and warm demeanor were a breath of fresh air.
While changing the flat tire, he couldn’t get the image of Megan’s short black dress and shapely legs in black heels out of his head. He had let his eyes roam all over her breathtaking body while he tried to make polite conversation. It was hard to do, considering she had the perfect hourglass figure. Her perky, rounded breasts and small waist were followed by hips that settled snuggly but tastefully in the dress she wore.
He had tried to move his eyes back up to hers so she wouldn’t realize he was checking her out, but instead they’d rested on her inviting lips. Sexy, luscious lips painted in a reddish shade that he enjoyed watching move. He didn’t care what she was saying, he just wanted to devour them. He felt a rise in his briefs again as he thought about the possibility of being kissed by the sexy interior decorator.
He didn’t mean to step into her personal space, but he’d needed to see her supple lips up close once more. It took everything he had in him not to drag her body close to his and kiss her senseless right there against her SUV. The way he noticed her checking him out as well, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she had responded. However, he was shocked at his thought. Kissing was something he didn’t do. Sex, yes. Kissing, no. It was too emotional, and he wasn’t looking for an emotional relationship with anyone. Yet, kissing the beautiful Megan was all he could think about.
As he drove toward his penthouse in Midtown, it dawned on him that she didn’t recognize him as the Georgia state senator Steven Monroe, son of Robert Monroe, United States senator. Coming from three generations of politicians and Harvard Law School graduates, the Monroe family were considered to be the black Kennedys because of their millions, power and influence in the political world. Because of who he was, most women usually flirted with him and did any and everything possible to garner his attention.
Steven leaned his head back on his seat and inhaled the sweet scent of the intoxicating perfume lingering in his SUV. Damn, why on earth didn’t I ask for her phone number?
* * *
Megan searched through her console between the seats for her Sade CD with her right hand as she kept her left hand steady on the wheel. She needed to hear “Smooth Operator” one more time as thoughts of Steven filled her head. She was surprised at her thoughts but couldn’t help but smile. She then glanced at herself in the rearview mirror to see how she looked when he met her. Upon finding the CD, she slid it into the CD player and waited anxiously while it loaded. She skipped the first few songs until she heard the beat of “Smooth Operator” and turned the volume up.
As she was singing the song for the second time, she saw Syd’s cell number flash on the dash. She had the Bluetooth hands-free function connected to her car, which made it safer for her to talk to clients while driving. She turned off the music and pushed the cell button on her steering wheel.
“I’m almost there, Syd,” Megan said as she exited the interstate. She then turned toward Atlantic Station, an outdoor mall in Midtown Atlanta that housed the swanky hotel Twelve, where the fund-raiser gala was being held.
“I’m just making sure the stranger who changed your tire didn’t kidnap you.”
“So tell me about this kind stranger.”
She blushed at the thought of him, and then giggled like a high school girl. “His name is Steven and that’s all I know. Oh, and he looks simply amazing in a suit.”
“Did you get a last name? I can do a background check.”
“No, I didn’t, we didn’t exchange information. But I’m fine with that.”
“ seemed as if you were beaming so I just thought you may go out with him.”
“Syd, for the last time, I’m happy being single. My main concern is expanding my business. I’m focusing on my career right now.”
Megan turned her car into the valet parking area and grabbed her purse from the backseat as the valet guy opened the door, greeted her and handed her a ticket. “I’m here, Syd. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
Thirty minutes later, Megan sat at her reserved table after she gave her donation and chatted briefly with her client and mentor, Chelsea Benton, who had invited her to the gala. Megan loved to dress up and hang with her girlfriends in intimate or casual settings but big bashes weren’t exactly her cup of tea. However, it was for charity, plus Chelsea had promised to introduce her to some potential clients.
She glanced over at her twin sitting beside her, who seemed to be having a great time people watching.
“Let me guess. You’re watching everyone and figuring out what they’re thinking just by their body language.”
Sydney nodded. Her bob hair cut swished forward in the process. Their hairstyles were the only way people knew who was who. Plus their personalities were like night and day. Megan was the more whimsical, bubbly twin whereas Sydney was the serious-minded and logical one.
“Yes, but not on purpose. It’s just a habit. Like right now I can tell by your pursed lips and the way your hand is resting under your chin, that you’re ready to leave.”
“I am, but I’ll stay for a little longer. Chelsea wanted Jade and I to meet some potential clients.”
“And where is your best friend?” Sydney glanced around the room.
“Right here, Tia and Tamera,” a sassy voice behind them said. “Thank you for saving me a seat.”
Jade Whitmore was Megan’s best friend from college. Together they owned Chase and Whitmore Designs, an up-and-coming boutique decorating firm for the past six years.
Jade slid into the empty seat on the other side of Megan and placed a glass of champagne on the table. “Sorry I’m late. I had to meet with the Cannadys to pick up their last payment. Glad we’re done with that project.”
“Me, too,” Megan agreed but her attention was diverted by the commotion at the entrance of the event. The ladies and other guests all placed their eyes on a man flanked with bodyguards and an entourage of people strolling into the gala. The man in the middle turned his back to the crowd as he stopped to shake hands and chat with a few people who approached him.
“Must be someone important,” Megan shrugged and sipped her champagne as she stared at the back of the tall man clad in a black tuxedo. He turned to the side to greet a lady with a too-short dress on who in return gazed up at him as if he were the most handsome man in the world.
Megan cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow as a smile inched across her face and her heart and stomach began to flutter uncontrollably.
“Oh, my goodness!”
Sydney and Jade placed their attention on her, and Sydney waved her hand in front of her twin’s face. “I’ve never seen you smile like that before. I know he’s gorgeous, but stop drooling.”
Megan shook her head as she tried to calm her smile and excitement down, but it was no use especially when he turned his head as if he sensed her staring at him. Their eyes locked, and a charming smile crept across his breathtaking, chiseled face. He nodded knowingly as he took a step in her direction but a couple stepped in his path for conversation. Even though he conversed with them, his eyes on hers never faltered.
Jade tapped her on the shoulder. “Megan, do you know who you’re making goo-goo eyes with?”
She nodded. “Yes, that’s him. The man who changed my flat tire.”
“That’s who changed your tire?” Sydney questioned in a surprised tone.
“Yes and apparently he is someone important since everyone seems to know who he is except me.”
“Um...yes...” Jade started. “That’s Georgia state senator Steven Monroe, self-proclaimed lifelong bachelor and one of Atlanta’s most notorious playboys.”
Chapter 2
“I’ll call you next week about that,” Steven promised, shaking his associate’s hand as he tried to move away from the crowd of people that were beginning to form around him. His eyes couldn’t tear away from Megan’s lovely face. He was quite surprised to see her when he entered the ballroom for just some moments ago he’d taken a cold shower as he thought of her. Of course he told himself the cold shower was to cool down his temperature after changing her tire in the blazing evening sun, but he knew that was a lie.
He hadn’t been in the mood to attend the fund-raiser, but considering it was in the same building he lived in, all he had to do was ride the elevator down to the first floor. Plus, his best friend and campaign manager, Shawn Bennett suggested Steven at least should show his face, shake hands and give a considerable donation. But most importantly stay away from the ladies. His reputation couldn’t handle any more bad press considering he had been on local blogs and news channels with a different woman nearly every week. And considering Steven’s father wanted him to eventually run for the U.S. Senate seat he was retiring from at the end of the year, Steven needed to first clean up his image. While he would be a shoo-in to win the nomination because of his intellect, clean political slate and charismatic nature, the Monroe campaign team was more concerned that Steven’s playboy image would cost him the opportunity to win.
So he’d made a promise to stay low-key and out of the limelight with the ladies and therefore opted not to have a date that evening. However, there was something about Megan that was drawing him to her like a magnetic force. When he entered the room earlier, he sensed the same calming peace he had when he’d initially met her. Was it her perfume in the atmosphere or her cute giggle that made him turn her way, only to find her inquisitive eyes on him? She bestowed her beautiful smile as she had when he’d changed her tire, but this one was accompanied with a look of promise that he couldn’t explain. He had a feeling his smile matched hers.
Steven continued to nod and shake hands with people who approached him all the while keeping his eyes glued to Megan and her table. He briefly glanced on either side of her to make sure she didn’t have a date. On her left was a woman who looked just like her, which must’ve been the twin sister she’d mentioned. And the other lady at the table, while drop-dead gorgeous, did nothing for him, either. There weren’t any men in their presence, and he was grateful. “Hello, Megan,” he said casually. “And ladies.” He nodded at them but kept his eyes on Megan. “Nice to see you here. I was hoping to run into someone I know.”
She chuckled with a head tilt. “Weren’t you just bombarded with people you know? We just met an hour ago.”
“Hmm...I know, yet we keep running into each other. Maybe we’re supposed to be in each other’s lives.”
She released her signature cute giggle again, and he was glad when her friends excused themselves but not before the both of them winked at Megan. He sat in the chair across from her and dismissed his bodyguards who were actually his campaign manager and his brother, Bryce. They’d tagged along to make sure he stayed out of trouble. And he sensed their hesitancy before they strode away.
“I must say, I’m quite glad to see you. You drove away without me getting any of your information. I don’t even know your last name.”
“It’s Chase. Megan Chase...Senator Monroe,” she stated knowingly with a grin.
He threw his head back in laughter. “Does that bother you?”
“Nope. I’m forever grateful. Could you imagine me changing a tire in heels and in this dress?”
His eyes traveled over her body settling on her shapely legs and a glimpse of the side of her exquisite thighs peeking out from her dress.
No, but I can imagine you only in those heels with your legs over my shoulders. He blinked his eyes a few times and cleared the frog in his throat. At first he thought he’d spoken his private thoughts out loud.
“So that means I have your vote in the next election?”
“I don’t know,” she said in a teasing manner. “What makes you the perfect candidate?”
“I’m a regular down-to-earth guy who likes to help people less fortunate than myself and ultimately make a difference in my community.”
“I’m sold. When does your current term end?”
“I just started my second term as a senator for Georgia so not for another two years. However, I’m considering running for a U.S. Senate seat within the next year or so, but let’s keep that between us for now. It’s my father’s seat, and I’m sure there’re a few people who would love to have it if they caught wind of my dad retiring.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” she said sincerely.
Steven couldn’t believe he’d told her such secret information so easily. Only he, his father, brother and best friend were aware of Senator Robert Monroe’s retirement plans. But for some reason he trusted the lady sitting in front of him.
“So how long have you been in the interior-design business?”
“Well unofficially since I was seven years old.” She paused to laugh. “I redesigned my side of my childhood room by using watercolors and markers on the wall. I also cut up some old drapes my mother was going to toss to make throw pillows and a duvet cover. I loved it but much to my mother’s dismay, she wasn’t pleased with the mural on the wall. But officially when I graduated with my undergraduate degree, so six years.”
“I currently live in a penthouse here at Twelve, but it was already furnished. However, I’m looking into buying a home soon and would love to hire a professional decorator.”
“I’m always looking for new clients, which is one of the reasons why I’m here. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
She opened her evening bag and handed him a business card.
He knew it would be months before he would close on a home. He wasn’t even officially looking for a house yet although he had an agent. It was just something he was considering, but he couldn’t let months go by without seeing her.
“Well, do you have any appointments available this Monday? I would love to see your portfolio and talk to you about some of my ideas.”
She nodded and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. “I have Monday around noon available. Is that a good time for you? If not... Friday.”
He actually had an appointment on Monday at the exact same time, but he couldn’t possibly wait until Friday. He didn’t know if he could wait the two days until Monday. “Noon will be fine. How about we meet at a restaurant and have a business lunch?”
“That sounds good. My office is located in the Buckhead area. How about Café Love Jones? It’s a jazz club, but they’re open for lunch, as well. I have business meetings there quite often.”
“That’s a great spot. Delicious food and atmosphere.”
“Glad you think so. My big brother Braxton is the owner.”
“Cool. I don’t know him personally, but I met him briefly at an event there a few years ago. Brother can play the hell out of a piano.”
Steven then unconsciously glanced up to see Shawn tapping his watch which meant it was time to move on. He was supposed to stay focused, mixing and mingling with the crowd, not flirting with the most beautiful woman at the fund-raiser. But he remembered his promise, and reluctantly stood as the smile on Megan’s soft face sank a little.
“It was nice seeing you again, Megan. I look forward to our meeting on Monday.”
“Me, too.” She held out her hand to shake his, but instead he raised it to his lips and kissed it tenderly. The feel of her silky, warm skin on his lips and the scent of her perfume on her wrist shook him to the core. He let his mouth linger on her hand longer than he should have, as he stared into her cinnamon eyes. She let out a soft sigh and slowly withdrew her hand from his. He regained his composure and tried to remember where he was before he did something impulsive like pull her into his arms and kiss her until her knees buckled.
Steven cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pockets to restrain them. “I’ll see you later.”
For the rest of the evening he socialized with the other guests, discussing politics all while keeping his eyes on Megan. Every now and then he’d catch her glance in his direction as Chelsea Benton escorted her and her friend around. He assumed Chelsea was introducing the women to possible clients since they were eagerly handing out business cards.
An hour later he felt a tap on his shoulder and was pleasantly surprised to look down into Megan’s adorable face.
“Hey, pretty lady.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Having fun? I saw quite a few gentlemen trying to get to know you better.”
“Um...yes, but I’m not trying to date at the present moment. However, I met some potential clients. I just wanted to say thank you again for changing my tire, and I look forward to our meeting on Monday.”
“Me, too. Why are you cutting out so early?”
“I’m not really one for social events even though I should be. However, Chelsea insisted that I come.”
“How do you know Chelsea Benton?”
“She’s one of my mother’s best friends from college. And you?”
“Her husband is golf buddies with my father, and she did some fashion consulting for me both times I ran for the state senate.”
“She’s the best.” Megan then let out a yawn, which caused him to yawn, as well. They both laughed, and he stepped closer toward her.
“Good night, Ms. Chase.” His voice was low. Serious. He hoped the stir in his manhood stayed at bay. He wasn’t in the mood for any more cold showers that evening.
If she was any other woman, he would’ve invited her upstairs to his place, but he knew Megan wasn’t the type to say yes to that and he was glad she wasn’t. Out of all the young women at the fund-raiser aside from her twin and girlfriend, Megan was the only one that hadn’t either batted her eyelashes and twirled her hair or slipped her phone number in the front of his pants’ pocket.
“Good night, Senator Monroe.”
He hesitated to leave, but just then her sister arrived to let her know the valet had pulled their cars around, and the two ladies walked away.
“Who was that?” he heard Shawn say as he approached from the side as they both stood in place staring after Megan and her sister.
“The one woman who could possibly make me settle down.”
* * *
The next morning Megan awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window ledge of her loft apartment and a splitting headache. Usually the echoes of birds soothed her nerves, but not this morning. She wasn’t able to sleep last night. Every time she closed her eyes, she fantasized about the handsome Steven Monroe and his strong hands roaming over her figure. Or his lips moving from her hand and wandering over every inch of her body until she passed out from pure ecstasy. She’d almost swooned last night when the caress of his warm lips pressed against her skin sent her to a point of oblivion while she tried to remain composed on the outside. No man had ever stirred her like that before. But she knew getting involved with a politician was out of the question. Or any man for that matter. Right now her focus was her career and a serious relationship was out of the question.
After tossing and turning, Megan had gotten up in the middle of the night and spent a few hours online researching Steven. She’d heard of him before but because she wasn’t all that interested in politics, she never paid him much attention, and she didn’t read the gossip blogs. She discovered he was divorced but with no children. No mention of a dog, but it was a possibility. Men like him usually had a dog for companionship.
As Megan continued her research, she learned that Steven was a politician that believed that his constituents should be able to voice their opinions. He based his platforms on their concerns as well as his own moral and personal beliefs. As a state senator, he held monthly meetings with the citizens of his district to discuss their needs in the community. Steven had opened a children’s after-school center, organized community gardens and raised funds for new roads in poverty stricken areas as well as more funding for the schools in his district. He wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, which made him well liked by his constituents though frowned upon by some of his fellow politicians.
The only negative news Megan discovered was that he was dating several different women at the same time. The media labeled him as both an eligible bachelor and playboy. She found that hard to believe considering he was a perfect gentleman the night before and paid no attention to other gorgeous women who threw sexy smiles his way and dirty looks at her. However, there were plenty of pictures of him and beautiful women on the gossip blogs so apparently it was true.
Megan rose from her bed to put on a pot of coffee. Percy, her Persian cat, was staring at her from his heated cat bed on the floor. She was surprised that he wasn’t in the bed with her, but sometimes Percy needed his own space. Just like a male. She laughed.
Megan sipped on hazelnut-flavored coffee seated at her kitchen’s island and reviewed paint colors for her latest project for Chelsea. Chelsea was her role model and mentor. It was because of her that Megan had a steady flow of clients lately. She was supposed to meet Chelsea to look at fabrics in the next hour. Luckily, the store was only within ten minutes of both her loft and office. She decided since it was a lovely April day, she would walk and clear her brain.
After her shower, she threw on some jeans with a fuchsia T-shirt and pulled her hair into a bouncy ponytail. She glanced at the clock and realized she was ahead of schedule. Grabbing her cell phone, she was surprised to see over twenty missed phone calls and text messages from her cousin Tiffani Chase, Sydney and Jade all within a span of ten minutes. The phone then rang while it was still in her hand. It was Sydney.
“What’s up Syd?”
“Wow, don’t you sound calm.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I guess you haven’t seen today’s paper or the local gossip blogs this morning.”
“I just got up. Haven’t been online yet.”
“Turn on your computer and go to the Atlanta Social website.
Megan went into her living room where her tablet sat on the coffee table. She opened the website Syd mentioned and almost dropped her tablet on the hardwood floor. On the screen were pictures from the fund-raiser last night, but the main picture of the article was of her and Steven when he kissed her hand. The accompanying caption read, “Who’s the senator’s new lady of the week?”
“Oh, no.” Megan sighed and sank onto the couch. “This can’t be happening.” She scrolled through some more of the event pictures, and there were four more of them laughing and having a good time.
“Girl, those aren’t the only pictures of you two. I’m at the GBI office and one of the agents just brought me the social section of the newspaper. There’s another one where Steven is leaning over whispering in your ear, and you’re staring at him like a lovesick puppy with your eyes half closed.”
“We were just talking. I’m not dating the senator. Why would they print this?”
“Calm down, sis. This happens to him all the time. You just don’t keep up. It’ll all blow over I’m sure. He’ll be on the same blog tomorrow with a different woman, and no one will give you a second thought.”
“But this has never happened to me before. I don’t want my reputation ruined with my clients because they think I’m dating a playboy politician. No, wait. It says ‘lady of the week.’ That’s even worse.” Megan looked at a few more local blogs she found through Google, and the same pictures with similar captions popped up.
“Try not to worry about it,” Sydney said in a sincere tone. “They don’t even know your name.”
Megan’s phone beeped with another phone call. Perfect.
“Our mother is calling me on the other line.”
“Now you can worry. Don’t answer.”
“I’m not. I can only imagine what she’s going to say.”
“Chin up, sis. I have a meeting, but call me if you need to.”
After hanging up, the phone rang again but this time from a number she didn’t recognize. She decided to answer it anyway just in case it was a potential client.
“Hello?” she answered cautiously.
“Hey, Megan this is Steven.”
“Oh, joy. It’s the playboy politician,” she said sarcastically as she walked to her bedroom that was separated from the living room with a sliding wall. She grabbed her purse and keys from the bench in front of the bed. She needed to head out soon to meet Chelsea.
“I guess you saw the blogs this morning.”
“Yes, I did, and I’m not amused at all. I don’t even know you! We just met yesterday.”
“I’m so sorry this has happened. Trust me last night I was supposed to mix and mingle and not flirt. I’m trying to clean up my image if I’m going to run for my dad’s seat, but whenever the media sees me with a woman they assume I’m seeing her...which sometimes I am.”
“Maybe if you stop kissing women’s hands and whispering in their ears, your photo won’t get taken as much,” she snapped.
He chuckled, and her breath caught in her throat. She was supposed to be mad, but how could she when his seductive voice was in her ear reminding her of the tossing and turning she did last night over him?
“You have a point, but my team sent a statement to all of the blogs and news outlets that have the pictures that we aren’t dating, and that you’re an interior decorator who will be working on some projects for me in the future, all of which is true.”
She let out a sigh of relief. She knew it wasn’t his fault that this had happened. He was a politician from a very prestigious family so naturally he would be in the limelight. Too bad his playboy past was getting him in trouble even when the situation was innocent. While she had just met him, he seemed like a cool, down-to-earth guy. Maybe the media blew his reputation out of proportion.
“Thank you for releasing the statement. I know it’s not your fault, but it did shake me up because I live a simple, drama-free life. And I like to keep it that way.”
“I completely understand. I wish my life was simple at times. So, are we still on for this Monday?”
“Yes, of course. Remember, I’m not really the lady of the week, I’m the interior decorator you’ll be working with.” She laughed.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Besides, you aren’t ‘lady of the week’ material. More like the lady forever, and I would hate for anyone to think otherwise.”
The heat in her cheeks began to rise, and she had a feeling they would be burning red if she looked in a mirror.
“Thank you. I hate to cut this conversation short, but I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“On a Saturday?”
“Normally I wouldn’t schedule a meeting on a Saturday, but it’s Chelsea.”
“Cool. Give her my best.”
After saying their goodbyes, Megan grabbed her tablet and purse and headed out the door. She felt somewhat better since Steven called.
While browsing through material in the fabric store, Sydney sent her a text that a statement had been released about her and Steven’s platonic relationship and the blogs had been updated. She decided she wasn’t going to worry about it. Like her sister said, it would all blow over, and some other woman would be in a picture with him tomorrow. The thought of that made her a little sad, but she knew he was the last man she should be involved with even if the very thought of him caused her to go weak.
Her main focus was expanding her business and taking it to the next level. Her and Jade were in the process of landing a guest spot on the famed show Decorator’s Dream on the Fabulous Living Channel. They’d sent in pictures of all of their decorating jobs over the past few years and their audition video. Now they were on pins and needles waiting to hear back. Plus, much to her family and friends’ dismay, Megan actually enjoyed being single at this time in her life. She shook her head to wipe the thought of dating Steven out of her mind. From now on, she would think of him as a potential client. Nothing more.
Chapter 3
“Steven, we have one more topic to discuss,” Shawn Bennett said uneasily to his best friend.
Steven sat at the desk in his downtown office while Bryce and Shawn sat in the leather wingback chairs in front. They’d been discussing the latest comments about Steven from the media including gossip blogs and social media. He had begun to tune them out after a while considering it was the same conversation that’d been had over and over.
Instead, his thoughts began to wander to Megan. He couldn’t seem to get her bubbly personality, cute smile, flirty eyes or whimsical voice out of his head. He didn’t know which was cuter: the way she spoke or the sparkle in her eyes when she laughed. He was eager to leave for their lunch meeting just to resolve which one.
He glanced at the clock on the opposite wall and then back at the two men in front of him that he’d momentarily forgot were there. Maybe if I pay attention to them we could speed this boring meeting up.
“What else do we need to talk about?” he asked nonchalantly.
Bryce cleared his throat, stood up from his seat and positioned himself in front of his brother.
“Ok, big brother. It’s like this. We feel that you have a wonderful platform and a good chance of winning the nomination for Dad’s seat. There are constituents who will vote for you because of who you are plus they agree with your views on certain issues. You’re a great senator. But because of the way you’ve been portrayed in the media, people may not take you seriously as a U.S. senator,” Bryce said as he paced back and forth around the room. “Your escapades have caught national attention lately since there’s a buzz going around about Dad retiring at the end of his term.”
“Man, maybe you need to slow down some with the ladies,” Shawn added. “You some of the action for me and Bryce.”
Steven looked at his brother and his best friend. He’d been friends with Shawn since their days at Harvard, and he always had his back. Steven knew they were both right. He wasn’t trying to have a reputation as a playboy, he just happened to enjoy the company of different women. Some spent the night and some didn’t. And after the last incident at the ski resort in Colorado with an alleged threesome, the media was following his every move.
“Steven, is there someone in your life you can date exclusively?” Bryce asked.
“No, not really. They were mostly one-nighters. And I don’t mean one night stands, necessarily. Just one date and then I wasn’t interested anymore.” Steven thought over the list of women he’d been out with or slept with lately. Even though only one woman was occupying his mind at the moment.
“What about the interior decorator you were photographed with?” Shawn offered. “You two were having a grand time at the fund-raiser event. The shutterbugs couldn’t get enough.”
“We have a meeting at noon to discuss her possibly decorating my house... Once I find one and buy it, of course. But I doubt she would want to go out with me. She’s already called me the playboy politician.”
“This is exactly our point. You can easily lose the female vote if women only see you as a playboy,” Bryce said.
Steven thought about what Bryce said for a moment and then gave a cocky smile.
“Or the opposite. You know, some women will vote for me because they think I’m a good-looking playboy. Have you seen these dimples? Women go crazy!” Steven said trying not to brag and more so lighten the mood of the room.
“Oh, you find this funny?” Bryce asked in an irritated tone. “The Monroe name is on the line. Our family has worked hard for generations in order to become established and to be taken seriously in the political world. Dad has groomed us for this, and you’re not going to ruin my chances of becoming a district attorney one day. Plus, Jacqueline is considering going into politics, so don’t ruin this for our baby sister. Shape up and get it together.”
Steven nodded as he listened to his brother. He knew he was right. Fun and games were over. He was a grown man. He was a Monroe man. He knew his family was influential in politics thanks to his grandfather and father.
“What do you need me to do?”
“Cut out this playboy persona and settle down with one woman to improve your chances to win the nomination. You need to be seen in the media as a good guy and a devoted boyfriend. Ever since your divorce, you’ve been on this wild roller-coaster ride for the last ten years. It’s time to get off.”
His divorce. It should have been an annulment, but his ex-wife, Veronica, wanted the prenuptial agreement to stand so she could receive her settlement should they ever part. After only six months of marriage, Steven knew it was hopeless. Veronica had only married him because he was a Monroe. When he realized that she never loved him, he was crushed. He thought she was the one when he saw her studying in the library while both law students at Harvard. Apparently she’d done her homework and was determined to be his wife. Over the years, they remained cordial running into each at events or speaking engagements. She was now a law professor at a college in Washington, D.C., thanks to his last name that she refused to drop no matter how many millions she was offered during the divorce settlement.
Since they’d parted ways, he dated, but nothing serious ever came out of it. And once he realized they were only interested in the Monroe name, he dropped them, thus igniting his persona in the media.
“I hear you, Bryce. Which one of my past conquests should I consider?”
“Actually, Megan Chase would be the perfect candidate. You’ve already been photographed with her, and you two appeared quite cozy.”
“Yes,” Shawn said as he grabbed a folder from his briefcase. “We did a little research as always when you’re photographed with a new woman. She’s twenty-seven years old. According to her DMV records, she’s five feet six inches and weighs 125 pounds. Her father is a principal at a local high school and her mother is a first grade teacher. They were high school sweethearts and have been married for thirty-five years. Ms. Chase has never had any arrests, and has only had one speeding ticket. She won a full scholarship to Clark Atlanta University and started her interior-decorating business out of her parent’s basement along with her best friend when they graduated from college. But now they have an office in Buckhead.
“Ms. Chase’s twin sister is a GBI agent and their older brother is a musician who owns a jazz club/restaurant here in Atlanta. Her uncle on her mother’s side is Dr. Francis Arrington, a world renowned heart surgeon in Memphis and all his children are doctors, as well. She likes hanging with her family and her girlfriends. Her ex-boyfriend is a doctor here in Atlanta. She helped him start his practice, but they broke up about a year and a half ago once she found out he was cheating with one of his nurses.”
“Wow. Do you know her blood type, too?” Steven asked sarcastically. Shawn had done research before but never to this extent.
Shawn glanced through some papers in his folders. “Yes. She’s AB.”
Steven chuckled. “I was just joking.”
“We aren’t,” Bryce stated in a firm tone. “This is serious.”
“Anything else I need to know about Ms. Chase? Is she lactose intolerant? How does she like her eggs prepared?”
“Yes. She’s trying to get a spot on the show Decorator’s Dream.” Shawn closed the folder and laid it on Steven’s desk.
Steven then glanced down at it and shook his head in disbelief. “Well, I’m not sure if I’m totally on board with this absurd idea, but I’ll give it some thought.”
* * *
Megan sat nervously in the parking lot of her brother’s restaurant on Peachtree Street downtown. She’d called Braxton ahead of time to tell him she was coming because she wanted to make sure her favorite booth was available because it overlooked the stage. It was the perfect spot for when jazz bands played in the evenings and occasionally during lunch.
She tapped her steering wheel nervously, trying to decide whether or not she should restart her SUV and drive home before Steven showed up. She knew it was just a business luncheon, but for some reason she felt as if they were going on a first date. Taking a deep breath, she checked her hair and makeup in the visor mirror before stepping out of the car and walking toward the front door of the restaurant. She saw her reflection in the glass doors and stopped briefly to make sure she looked presentable. She had decided to wear a pair of dress jeans with a white tee, a pink seersucker blazer and wedged sandals. Her hair was curly and swooped to one side over her shoulder. Huge gold hoop earrings and a charm bracelet completed the casual look.
She tried to tell herself that this meeting wasn’t a big deal but deep down she was nervous. He made her nervous. Not because he was a politician or a millionaire. She’d dealt with people of his social status before. She was nervous because she knew somewhere inside of her, she wanted him and that scared her. She’d been on quite a few dates thanks to her girls playing matchmaker but none of the men had flustered her to this point. None of them had kept her up at night with sinful thoughts that made her cheeks turn pink like Steven had. His scent. His smile. The seductive way he gazed at her when he kissed her hand, were all imbedded in her brain.
She looked up to see Steven walking down the elegant staircase of the restaurant. He, too, had dressed casually in khaki dress pants and a red golf shirt. His smile was simply charming, and she couldn’t help but return it as she walked toward him. She began to get a little wobbly in the knees, and she couldn’t stop smiling at the magnificent man in front of her. Heaven help me!
* * *
When Steven saw Megan looking up at him from the bottom of the staircase, he was captivated. He thought the dress she’d worn when he met her was sexy, but there she stood in jeans even sexier, and she wasn’t even trying.
“Wow, you look great,” he said, reaching out his hand to her to lead her back upstairs. “Our table is up here. I was told it’s your favorite.”
Once seated, the waiter took their drink and lunch order. Thirty minutes later, they were eating shrimp po’ boys and fries and laughing at all of the blind dates Megan had been on lately.
“So let me get this straight,” Steven said, amused, “This dude was on a date with you trying to sell you a time-share?” He laughed again, taking a sip of his tea. “Did you buy one?”
“No, I declined. Then he tried to tell me about some other get-rich-quick scheme. I have tons of stories.”
“Why do your family and friends keep setting you up? You’re breathtaking. I would assume men ask you out all of the time.”
She lowered her head and tried to stifle a smile when he mentioned she was breathtaking. He didn’t want to embarrass her. He was merely speaking the truth. She twirled a French fry around in the ketchup before looking back up and answering him.
“They do, but I always cancel at the last minute or find some reason not to go on a second date. My girlfriends say I’m just being picky so they set me up with guys that they think would be perfect for me.”
“So how many dates are we going to go on before you decide to dump me, too?” he asked jokingly.
“This isn’t a date. We’re supposed to be discussing decorating your future home. You haven’t even looked at my portfolio yet.” She reached into her oversize leather tote bag and pulled out her tablet and slid it across the table to him.
“To be honest, I’m having such a great time that I forgot this was supposed to be business luncheon. My meetings are usually with old men discussing politics, investments and golf. Not with an adorable woman cracking me up with her blind-date history.”
“Trust me they weren’t that funny to be on, that’s for sure. I’ve asked my friends both politely and rudely to stop.”
“Why do they keep setting you up? Did something happen in a past relationship?” he asked, thinking about what Shawn read earlier.
“Ever since my last long-term relationship ended, they think I’m lonely for a man because all I do is work. But what they fail to realize is that I’m happy being single. I enjoy my freedom. I was with my ex for almost four years and my world was centered on him. I helped him start his medical practice right after I started my interior-decorating business with Jade. I began to lose sight of my dreams and ambitions that he wasn’t even being supportive of in the first place. After I found out he was cheating with a nurse in his office, I dumped him and focused on me and building my business. I’m not lonely, but no one seems to understand except me.”
“They sound like my brother and campaign manager. Just earlier today, they were telling me to settle down with one person. They think that would somehow improve my image and give me a better shot of winning the nomination for my father’s seat.”
“Well, you are a self-proclaimed playboy,” she said, shrugging her shoulders and rolling her eyes away from his with a grin.
He chuckled at her sarcasm. “The media says that. Truth is, I’ve been married before—didn’t work out. Like you, I enjoy my single life. No strings. No attachments. No hearts to break.”
“I wish I could just tell my family and friends I have a boyfriend so they can stop harassing me.” She threw the cloth napkin from her lap into her plate and sat back in her seat.
Steven studied her angelic face, which at the moment appeared disturbed. He knew what she was going through. But now that he’d had met Megan, he wanted to get to know her better. Even though, it seemed as if she wanted to be single and free. Heck, so did he, but he knew he needed to settle down his dating habits and clean up his image if he wanted to win the nomination. Most of the potential candidates for his father’s seat were either engaged or married with families, summer homes and of course a beloved dog. He didn’t even have a dog.
As he watched Megan, he saw the epitome of what he wanted in a woman. Graceful, refined, sexy without having to try, successful and independent. He was ready to learn about her other qualities, as well.
“You know Megan, you could just tell them you’re dating me.”
“But that would be a lie,” she answered, shaking her head.
“It wouldn’t have to be.”
“Steven, that’s ridiculous. We can’t do that.”
“Think about it. Your family and friends want you to date and be happy. My campaign team feels I need to stick with one person. Why not?”
“Because it wouldn’t be right. It would be dishonest, and I know despite your escapades with women, you’re an honest politician. You’re a good man, Steven.”
“Thank you, but I need someone like you and...” he paused as he thought about something else Shawn said earlier. “You need me.”
She leaned over the table toward him and whispered, “I don’t need to date you in name only to please my family and friends. Besides, I have a blossoming career thanks in part to having more free time to concentrate on it instead of cater to an ungrateful man.”
“Yes, really.” She sat back against her booth seat.
He leaned forward and whispered, “I can get you more clients and a chance to meet with the bigwigs of the Fabulous Living Channel. You can showcase your work on an upcoming show they’re doing this summer.”
She blinked her lashes several times and stared in disbelief. “Decorator’s Dream?” she asked, leaning in toward him again with her eyes wide. Steven grabbed her hands in his when he thought he heard her heart beating faster.
“Yep, that show.”
“How do you know about that show? They’re only in the early-production stages.”
“I know the creator.”
“Justine Monroe? Jade and I sent her a copy of our portfolio and the audition video three months ago...” She stopped. She seemed to be pondering something, and Steven hoped it was a yes to his question. “Monroe...? Is she your ex-wife?”
“No. First cousin. I could put in a good word for you if...”
“If I agree to date name only.”
“Why do you keeping saying in name only? Am I not to get any special benefits?”
“You’ll have the benefit of me on your arm, no more.”
“So, that’s a yes, Ms. Chase?”
“If I decide to do this, are you still going to see other women on the side?” Megan asked seriously.
“No, I don’t intend to date anyone else. Unlike what you’ve read or heard through the grapevine about me, I don’t have dozens of girlfriends.”
“I’m sure the word girlfriend isn’t in your vocabulary. So why me?”
“Because I need a successful, intelligent and classy woman such as yourself on my arm,” he said. “Plus, you’re the quintessential girl-next-door, which is the type of woman I need in order to clean up my image.”
“Don’t you have plenty of other female friends to ask? I read the gossip sites. There are tons of pictures with you and drop-dead gorgeous women. Supermodels, actresses, singers...someone more on your level.”
“I don’t want a woman like that. They get boring. They only care about fame, material things and spending my money. I want someone I can talk to. Someone to stimulate my mind. Someone to laugh with like you’ve made me do for the past hour. And I can save you from more horrible dates. So, yes I’d say you’re the perfect candidate.”
“Perfect candidate? I’m not the one running for office.”
“But will you be by my side when I do?”
Chapter 4
The next morning Megan woke up earlier than normal. She wasn’t a morning person, but she could no longer sleep after tossing and turning with Steven’s request on her mind. He told her to think about it, and if they chose to go forward with their plans, they agreed to tell no one.
She decided to jog on her treadmill and listen to some music. She was nervous about what the future held. But at least she wouldn’t have to worry about any blind dates for a while because she would be in an exclusive relationship with Senator Steven Monroe.
Her main fear was that he’d sleep with women on the side, but it wouldn’t be cheating because they weren’t in a real relationship. Though, he had said he wouldn’t, and she believed him. Megan wondered how her ex would feel about her dating a senator. He probably wouldn’t care. He definitely didn’t care about her feelings when he lied and cheated on her for almost four years.
She was going to get on with her life and if that meant helping a senator clean up his image, then that’s was what she was going to do. Plus, if it meant having a shot to land a guest spot on Decorator’s Dream then it was well worth it. Satisfied with her decision, she jumped off of the treadmill, showered, dressed and headed out the door to Chase and Whitmore Designs.
When Megan arrived, Jade was speaking to the intern, Lucy, in the mostly all-white reception area that Lucy had recently remodeled for a class project. Megan, who loved antiques, was quite impressed with Lucy’s mixture of modern and Louis XVI–style furniture. Light blue and lavender toss pillows laden the white chairs and couches in the client waiting area. Fresh calla lilies and orchids sat on end tables along with decorating books.
Megan smiled as she looked at her best friend. She was truly the diva of fashion and style. Her makeup was flawless which added to her large brown eyes and her auburn-colored skin. Her shoulder-length layered dark hair was curled without a strand out of place. She wore an off-white pantsuit with stilettos making her even taller than her already five-foot-seven-inch height.
“Are you forgetting our job today?” Megan inquired looking down at her khaki capris, tennis shoes and a sleeveless pink T-shirt. Her long hair was pulled back into a bun at her neck. “We’re hanging wallpaper.”
“I have a change of clothes in the car. Besides, that appointment isn’t until this afternoon, and I have another appointment in an hour with Wade Greene, you know the sportscaster.” Jade looked up from the file she was reading. “Chelsea introduced me to him at her cocktail party last month. After seeing what we did with her home, he now wants me to redo his dining and living room areas. Still, I promise to be at the Brown’s to help you hang wallpaper. I just need to show him some fabric swatches for his dining room.”
“And get a date?” Megan questioned her single friend.
“If I’m lucky.” Jade winked and then sashayed back to her office.
“I’m going to run down to Starbucks for a caramel macchiato,” Megan said, heading toward the door.
“I can go get it for you, Ms. Chase,” Lucy offered. She was an eager-to-please intern. Lucy had one more semester before graduation, and Megan was contemplating hiring her full-time.
“No, I need to run a quick errand, as well. I’ll be back in a few.” She really didn’t have to go to Starbucks considering they had a Keurig in the kitchen, but she wanted to go ahead and call Steven with her answer before she changed her mind. And she didn’t want to do it in her office. She rarely closed her door when she was there because Jade and Lucy were always in and out. She didn’t want them to think something was wrong, and she definitely didn’t want anyone to else to know about her arrangement with Steven.
When she walked into the Starbucks, she found an empty table near the back. She figured she would order enough coffee and pastries for everyone before she left. She then nervously dialed Steven’s cell phone number. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do.
* * *
At exactly seven that evening, Megan’s phone rang. She was sitting on the floor brushing Percy, a weekly ritual that he hated. She glanced at the caller ID and saw Steven’s name. He was in a meeting earlier when she called him with her decision. They agreed to talk that evening, and he was punctually calling at the time she’d suggested.
She stood up to grab her notepad that she had earlier jotted some general questions in to ask Steven. Free from Megan’s hands, Percy darted out of the bedroom to escape the brushing ritual.
“Hello?” Megan plopped down on the bed.
“Hey, it’s Steven. How are you doing this evening?”
“Fine, Stevo. And how are you?”
“Stevo?” he asked taken aback.
“Well, I figured you need a pet name for me to call you. You don’t like Stevo?”
“No, it reminds me of my days in high school when the nerds would call me Stevo or worse Stevster.”
“I see. Well, I guess we’ll think of something else. In the meantime, I have some questions that every girlfriend should know,” Megan said getting her pen ready.
“Yes, I have big feet and great hands to give body massages with,” he joked.
Megan felt her face getting hot at the thought of his great hands giving her a body massage with hot oil. A man with big feet could only mean one thing, at least most of the time. She smiled at the thought.
“I already have my list of questions.”

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