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To Have a Wilde
Kimberly Kaye Terry
No one knows the truth about Keanu Kealoha’s family history, and he intends to keep it that way. But Keanu’s world explodes when the reclusive rancher allows a visiting production company to film his life. Suddenly he and his twin brother are TV’s hottest new bachelors. But Keanu’s celebrity could end as quickly as it began if he gives in to his desire for Sonia Brandon, the show’s sophisticated and sexy producer.As the force behind reality television’s latest hit, Sonia knows the sky’s the limit. But her attraction to the Hawaiian bachelor could jeopardize everything…especially when Keanu’s shocking secret is aired before millions of viewers.With her feelings growing, Sonia is determined to prove that she didn’t betray him. But can the reality of their blossoming relationship overcome the secrets of the past?

Hawaii has a brand-new cowboy bachelor
No one knows the truth about Keanu Kealoha’s family history, and he intends to keep it that way. But Keanu’s world explodes when the reclusive rancher allows a visiting production company to film his life. Suddenly he and his twin brother are TV’s hottest new bachelors. However, Keanu’s celebrity could end as quickly as it began if he gives in to his desire for Sonia Brandon, the show’s sophisticated and sexy producer.
As the force behind reality television’s latest hit, Sonia knows the sky’s the limit. But her attraction to the Hawaiian bachelor could jeopardize everything…especially when Keanu’s shocking secret is aired before millions of viewers. With her feelings growing, Sonia is determined to prove that she didn’t betray him. But can the reality of their blossoming relationship overcome the secrets of the past?Hawaii has a brand-new cowboy bachelor.
The feel of her small body wrapped around him eradicated every thought from his mind. The reason for the deceit, the very fact that he was deceiving her and had no intention of allowing the show to continue—everything wiped out. Clean.
Hell, he would have a hard time remembering his own name he was so stunned by her reaction.
Without conscious thought or will he drew back and lifted her face, forcing her chin up and making her look at him.
“And I think it’s time we drop the formality. My name is Keanu. Friends call me Key,” he said, brushing a finger beneath her chin and tilting her face farther up so he could see her eyes.
Her throat constricted as she swallowed, biting her lower lip in obvious nervousness, a gesture he’d seen her do on more than one occasion. His eyes followed the trail of her small tongue.
“And can we be that?” she said, her voice husky. “Friends?”
“Yes,” he said, hearing the deepness in his own voice, but not giving a damn. “I think we can be that. At least,” he finished, his eyes locked on hers.
Her startled gaze was centered on him, and as he leaned down and brought their faces together, bringing their mouths into alignment, he slanted his mouth over hers.
love for reading romances began at an early age. Long into the night she would stay up with her night-light on until she reached “the end,” praying she wouldn’t be caught reading what her mother called “those” types of books. Often she would acquire her stash from beneath her mother’s bed. Ahem. To date she’s an award-winning author of seventeen novels in romance, paranormal romance and erotic romance, and has garnered acclaim for her work. She happily calls writing her full-time job…after chauffeuring around her teenage fashionista daughter, that is.
Kimberly has a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in human relations and has held licenses in social work and mental health therapy in the United States and abroad. She and her daughter volunteer weekly at various social service agencies and she is a long-standing member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., a community-conscious organization. Kimberly is a naturalist and practices aromatherapy. She believes in embracing the powerful woman within each of us and meditates on a regular basis. Kimberly would love to hear from you. Visit her at (
To Have a Wilde
Kimberly Kaye Terry (
Dear Reader,
I am thankful for the opportunity to bring to you the fourth book in my Wilde family saga, To Have a Wilde. Writing Keanu “Key” Kealoha and Sonia Brandon’s story has been an adventurous and wonderful ride for me! These two characters touched me in new ways, making me fall in love with their story even before I began to write it. Their story is emotional at times, comical at others, and at all times hot and sexy...just the way we like it! The fireworks between these two very strong-willed characters are ignited from the start, and the flames of passion are threaded throughout, until the smoking-hot ending. Key and Sonia took me from boardroom clashes to lazy days on the ranch, and to the bedroom, where the flames of heat and desire blazed even hotter. I truly hope you enjoy reading Sonia and Key’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you to everyone who has emailed me and told me how much you have enjoyed reading about my Wilde boys...and fussed at me for taking so long to write the next one. I hope To Have a Wilde makes up for it. As always, thank you for the support and love, and I will continue to do my best to write hot, sexy and exciting stories featuring alpha men and the women they love!
As always, be good, my wonderful readers. If not, be delicious in your naughty. Whichever works best for you. Whatever you do, keep it sexy. ;)
This book is dedicated to
my wonderful daughter, Hannah, aka “junior”...
you are simply the best; ’nuff said ;)
Chapter 1 (#ue0306b78-d347-58f3-95f6-0414df2d1c9a)
Chapter 2 (#u6b568261-7eb5-56c6-b9d4-265465bbadf6)
Chapter 3 (#u050dbbeb-df97-5b72-a3bb-daef73c27031)
Chapter 4 (#u87e97c12-46ad-5738-9d4a-6f4f3d57ced6)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 23 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1
Shouldering an arm against the heavy wooden door to open it, the only thing on Keanu “Key” Kealoha’s mind after a grueling day wrestling, branding and working cattle was getting intimate with a warm, willing woman.
He ran a hand through his hair, spiking the longish inky-black strands over his head as he tiredly walked his horse into the massive stable. It was time for a damn haircut, he thought.
He dropped his hand from his head and allowed it to rest on the thick, corded-muscled back of the stallion as he strode farther inside with the animal.
Frustration with just about everything, hair included, was riding him as hard as he’d just ridden the horse. He gave the animal a consoling, swift pat.
But not nearly as hard as he wanted...scratch that, ride a woman. And not just any woman would do. The image of who he wanted beneath him rolled into his mind.
As if the thought had the right to take up residence in his mind. As though he’d given her the right.
As soon as the accompanying image entered his thoughts, Key growled low in his throat.
The mental images and thoughts pissed him off more than the past twenty-four hours had. And after the past twenty-four hours he’d had, he could do without them.
His mind still reeled, spinning the information over and over, thinking of what he’d learned...and how he would tell his brother.
He shook his head, blowing out a disgusted breath. He shelved that problem to another part of his brain for later contemplation.
He had enough on his plate as it was. There was no time to wonder how he was going to figure out how to deal with the skeleton in his family closet he’d recently discovered and what it meant for him and Nick.
Finding out what his mother had done was hard enough for him to swallow. The fact that he and Nick weren’t their father’s biological sons was something that hurt like hell. Not that he and Nick hadn’t always suspected they weren’t the biological sons of Alek Kealoha, the man who raised them.
But to see in black-and-white, in the form of his mother’s personal letters he’d found, which chronicled her life from the time she was a young woman to her death, and what he’d learned, was something else entirely.
He sighed. In actuality, it was something he and his brother had talked about for years, the suspicion that Alek wasn’t their natural father, but because they loved him unconditionally, they’d mutually agreed to shelve the discussion. Permanently.
Although they resembled their mother, their blue eyes had always been a source of question. But neither his mother nor father ever spoke about it, even though others never seemed to have a hard time gossiping about it. Not that he or Nick had ever suffered because of it. Despite their lack of resemblance to their father, their family had been tight-knit.
Yet he felt a rising anger at his mother’s duplicity and felt guilty as hell. And the fact that he had been the one to go through her personal things had been a given.
Throughout her illness, it had been made obvious to Key that his father wouldn’t be able to handle that task after her death. He was too close to her, loved her too much to deal with the pain. As for way was his twin going to do it. Key had been told that in no uncertain terms.
There was no one else, and Key had shouldered the responsibility.
As Key had begun the cheerless task of sorting through his mother’s belongings, he’d stumbled upon her diary.
Really, calling it a diary was a stretch. It was a collection of...letters.
At first glance, Key had seen the letters, bundled together and tied with a satin bow, and thought them love letters between his parents, and had set them aside for his father to peruse, not wanting to read something he thought to be intimate exchanges between his parents.
When he’d seen another man’s name on one letter, his hand paused in the act of placing them aside. Despite his inner voice telling him he didn’t need to tread there...he did. He’d read the letters.
And been stunned to learn of his mother’s transgression. How she’d fled Hawaii as a young woman, away from their father, and fallen in love with another man.
And had given birth, upon her return, nine months later to twin boys—he and his brother, Nick.
A’Kela had passed on last year and, despite the lies, he, Nick and their father had loved her desperately. And missed her just as desperately.
It was obvious to Key that his father had known of their true parentage. Yet he’d never said a word. And he’d accepted Key and Nick as his own, never treating them as anything but his sons.
Key drew in a deep breath. Too many skeletons.
For all of that going on, she still remained the primary thought running roughshod inside his head.
“And that’s saying a whole helluva lot, considering the type of day I’ve had,” he muttered. “Damn.” The curse was torn from his throat, grunted low.
Even as he blamed her, he knew she wasn’t the one to blame. It seemed lately she’d been running ’round in his head so much, it was becoming the norm to fault her for everything from the constant stream of women tramping in and out to tour the Kealoha Ranch in an effort to see the Dynamic Duo, the cheesy nickname he and his brother seemed to be stuck with due to the reality show about the ranch, to the state of his constant hard-on.
He adjusted the front of his jeans absently and walked the stallion farther inside. No sooner had he’d walked inside than his steps halted and his gaze narrowed as it slid over the occupants of the massive stable.
He checked his irritation, barely, after seeing the small gathering of film crew that still lingered inside.
In the mood he was in, that was just what he needed to make his day complete.
“Damn,” he growled as he walked his animal toward its stall.
After a long day helping his men brand the new shipment of cattle, including two new prize bulls, seeing his stable still teeming with film crew added more fuel to the fire already burning.
Yeah, that was just what the hell he needed.
Squashing the immediate need to tell them to get the hell off his property, Key gritted his jaw and recalled why he’d allowed the TV film crew on his family’s property in the first place.
Family, ranch and preserving Hawaii. Those, and those alone, were his reasons for putting up with the intrusion into the daily lives of him and his family, ranch family included.
The attention from the show helped to bring awareness to the Aloha Keiki, the foundation his mother had started, which helped young, disadvantaged youth bring in much needed money to the poorer communities on the island. The money specifically was designated to help with agriculture, as well as scholarship opportunities for those who aspired to go to college. Through gardening and the community orchard his family had started years ago, which the children and volunteers tended to, the money it generated went to those families in need in the small town near the Kealoha Ranch.
At times the burden of responsibility and decisions he and Nick made on a daily basis, without their father’s input, due to his recovery from the stroke he’d had after their mother’s death, was overwhelming.
But it was a responsibility that he and his twin shouldered willingly.
Although when it came to the attention the show had given the ranch, his “player” of a brother was having less difficulty than Key because of the added attention from women.
He’d agreed to allow the television crew to come in and film the lives of the men and women who worked the Kealoha Ranch to bring awareness, globally, to the impact of ranching in Hawaii as well attention for their mother’s foundation. The desire he and his family had to preserve the environment while forging ahead in the new generation was a cause important to the Kealoha family.
It was what his father wanted, what he promised his wife he would always champion. A’Kela’s recent passing had left a hole in their lives that could never be filled.
To that end, Key, Nick and their father, Alekanekelo Kealoha, had made sure to follow through with their promise.
And if allowing television cameras into their daily lives was what it took, Key was determined to go through with it. It was what his mother would have wanted. It had become the mantra for Key and his brother.
And now that his father was recovering from the massive stroke he’d suffered after the death of his wife, a woman he loved more than life, it was up to Keanu and Nick to make sure they honored their mother’s last wish.
He drew in a deep sigh and turned narrowed eyes toward the gathering of Borg. The name brought a reluctant half smile to lift a corner of Key’s wide mouth. His housekeeper, Mahi, had given the moniker to the collective crew.
At the age of sixty-five, Mahi was a self-proclaimed junie of all things sci-fi with Star Trek: The Next Generation being one of his all-time favorites.
Key had to admit calling them the Borg was as good a definition as any, as they tended to present a collective nest type of thinking.
Which made him think of the one he referred to, privately in his own thoughts, as the Queen Borg....
Against his will his glance raked over the group, checking to see if the one who was the main source of both the state of his overall irritation, as well as his constant hard-on, was anywhere around.
He ignored the strum of disappointment when he didn’t see her.
Although damn if he wouldn’t know if she were there. Whenever the woman was within any distance of Key he could pick up her scent. He was no better than one of his prize stags in rut whenever she was within a fifty-yard radius.
He turned his attention back to his horse and began to remove the tack. Within moments, he slowly turned back in the direction of the film crew.
The Queen Borg...his inner voice mocked him. The name didn’t come close to fitting the woman. She was fine, from head to damn toe, Key thought, frustration warring with his libido. He knew he’d given her the nickname, even if only in thought, in an effort to minimize the attraction he felt for the sexy, long-legged producer.
She strode toward the group, a small tablet in her hand, her assistant close by. Key’s attention went front and center on the woman who had occupied more space in his mind than he’d allowed a woman in a long, long time.
More than he had allowed any woman. The truth struck, deep and swift. He had never permitted any woman beyond family to get close to him.
As he watched her walk confidently toward the group of mostly men, he checked his rise of anger when several of them stood straighter, wide grins on their faces.
Although her assistant walked beside her, all eyes were on Sonia.
Not that he could blame them.
As soon as she approached the group, one of the men, the lighting technician he believed, clamped a hand on her shoulder. At this distance from the group Key couldn’t see her clearly; however, there was something in her posture that made him wonder if she liked the familiar touch.
He felt the irrational anger rise again, and he swiftly took a step toward the group before he checked himself, his immediate response being the overwhelming need to remove the man’s hand from her shoulder.
He frowned. What the hell was with him? It wasn’t his business who she wanted to touch her, or not.
He ignored the mocking inner voice that called him a damn liar.
His hungry gaze traveled over her, from the top of her shiny brown hair to the tips of her cowboy boots, a frown pulling his brows together.
She wore a white, sheer gauzy type of shirt that was opened to the waist, revealing a plain tank top underneath and soft jeans that, although they had several ripped spots scattered over them, appeared to be from actual wear and not manufactured. Even the cowboy boots she wore appeared to be authentic, not like the fashionable ones he’d noticed several of her crew wearing. Nine times out of ten he and his men laughed as, one by one, most of them stopped wearing them, as by the end of the day they were limping from pinched toes.
Even in her shoe choices, she was authentic and one of a kind, and admiration strummed through him despite his determination not to find anything more attractive about the woman.
He continued his perusal of her.
Nothing she wore screamed sexy. Nothing that should make him want to walk over, haul her up into his arms, throw her over his shoulder, take her to the nearest stall and see if she could make good on the promise of that hot little body of hers.
It wasn’t the clothes getting him hot and bothered.
It was what her body did to the clothes that had his cock hardening to granite.
With breasts that made him think of two deliciously plump mounds of sweet, sinful chocolate ice cream, complete with succulent hard cherries on top, they were large but firm...with just enough jiggle to reduce a grown man to a teenage boy with one look.
Not to mention what the image of him lying between her legs as he sucked and tugged on those glorious breasts of hers did to him late at night when she tended to show up, nightly, in every dream he had.
Damn...Key drew in a breath. From experience he knew that within close proximity of each other, one look from him sent her nipples into hard peaks beneath his gaze. She was just as aware of him as he was of her.
He continued his long-distance appraisal. From his vantage point he caught the way her washed-out jeans molded and cupped her firm buttocks, appreciating the soft sway of her hips as she walked toward the group.
It made his palms itch, his imagination going into hyperdrive wondering if her ass would fit into both palms of his hands with the type of perfection he’d imagined in dreams he’d had of her, more erotic than any during his entire adolescence.
It didn’t take much imagination on his part to imagine just how perfectly her cheeks would fit into his hands. No way around it. The woman had a glorious backside. Neither did it take a leap of imagination to envision how she would look naked, spread-eagle beneath him...or what he’d do to that soft, sweet ass of hers once he had both cheeks cupped in the palms of his hands as he stroked into her warmth.
And no one woman had ever accused Key of having a lack of imagination.
“Damn,” he muttered, his cock painful in its hardness.
One of his stable hands wrung his attention away from the sexy producer. He turned slowly, reluctantly away and glanced at the young man feeding one of his prize Thoroughbreds in the next stable.
Key shook his head as to clear it, yet found his attention torn between the stable boy and Sonia, whom he kept in his peripheral view.
When the lighting technician placed his beefy hand again on Sonia’s shoulder and squeezed, Key gritted his teeth together, tightly, his short nails scoring grooves in his work-roughened palms as he gripped the horse’s leather reins in both hands.
Before striding over to her, he turned back to the young stable boy. “Think you can take care of her for me, Hutch?” he asked, referring to his horse. His glance fell over the tall, gangly adolescent, this time giving the boy his full attention.
“Yes, sir!” The boy gave a swift pat on the rump of the horse he was currently attending and sprinted to Key’s side, taking the leather reins from his hands.
Key felt a slow grin lift the corner of his mouth at the young man’s reaction. Entrusting the boy with removing the horse’s tack was no small thing as the horse in question was Key’s prize Thoroughbred which he’d recently acquired in auction at an astronomical price.
“Take care of my girl, Hutch. She’s special,” he murmured, running a hand over the horse’s back, yet his attention had already left both the horse and Hutch and was centered on Sonia again.
Key turned around, eyes narrowing, and he strode over to the small gathering, keeping his gaze locked and loaded on Sonia Brandon.
Chapter 2
Sonia didn’t need to turn around to know who watched her.
She felt Keanu’s intense, bright, blue-eyed gaze on her, searing her skin through the white gauzy blouse she wore over her tank top.
On cue, she felt her ridiculous nipples respond. She nonchalantly crossed her arms, hoping to hide her body’s telling reaction.
As though it was the noonday sun, the heat from his stare scorched her skin, blazing hot and heavy against her neck. And the intensity brought the same reaction as the noonday sun; she was instantly hot and bothered.
Sonia reached a hand up and massaged her fingers over the back of her neck, hoping to relieve the suddenly bunched muscles. She forced herself to concentrate on her crew.
“I need a small group, including one of your assistants,” she began, speaking to her film editor before turning to the others, “to follow the men heading out to the south pastures. The foreman has already okayed it, and recommended the crew get there by no later than 5:00 a.m.” She held up a hand and waved it back and forth to negate the volley of protest she knew was coming her way. “I know they’re just repairing fence, but it’s all a part of ranch life. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity for some good promo like we did yesterday, Sheldon.” She turned and pinned one of the location manager’s assistants with a stare.
Although they’d been on site, filming for over two months steady, and would soon wrap up filming, Sonia knew from experience that there was no such thing as too much film.
Her location manager had recently gone on maternity leave and left her assistant in charge, believing, as everyone did, that the six-episode series was wrapping up and the crew disbanding. Although she was competent, as were all of the crew, the assistant manager was not as experienced as her boss and Sonia had been forced to do some quick training to get the young woman up to speed.
Sonia felt lucky to be working with such a talented and creative group on her series. Even though most of her crew were young by industry standards, they were excited to work with her, and they worked well together, just as eager as Sonia to see the show a success.
Sonia couldn’t fault her location manager or her assistant, because in all honesty no one had had any idea the show would be such a megahit so quickly.
Sonia was proud of her crew, as she had been hands-on in the selection process once she’d signed on as producer.
After only a few airings, the show had gone nuclear. The hot new show, became the “it” show, garnering the type of ratings they’d only dreamed of in network television heaven. The response alone, after just the pilot episode, had been an indication to Sonia that the network would approve more episodes; however, before the last episode had been aired, she’d heard from the network execs that they wanted a full season. And today she’d been notified that the network wanted a second season, when the first hadn’t even been completed.
To say the show was a success was putting it mildly. From the network executives to the chatter on social media, everyone knew they had a winner; the combination of ranch life and Hawaii was one their key audience seemed incredibly enthusiastic about.
Again, Sonia felt the heat from his stare on her back, making her body...tingle. She kept her attention focused on the meeting.
It wasn’t just the beautiful location, exotic local and unique features of a Hawaiian ranch that had been the reasons for the early success of the show.
It had been directly due to the appeal of the sexy twin bachelors, Keanu, “Key,” and Nick Kealoha—that had been the major reason. And Sonia didn’t need to see the show’s research report to tell her that.
The twins had more sex appeal than any two men should be allowed, by state law, to have, and although they were identical twins, Keanu seemed to have a fraction...more appeal. At least for her....
Whenever she was within visual distance of the man, all of her “Hollywood sophistication,” as he’d once called it, went right out the window.
The man did it for her. Plain and simple.
Unfortunately, she did nothing for him. Well, outside of irritating the hell out of the man. She sighed.
Keanu seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face whenever she was around him. But none of that mattered, anyway. It was probably a good thing she did nothing for him in the way of attraction, because it couldn’t go anywhere.
Not that she could or had let Keanu know exactly how attracted she was to him. She was the producer on the show, not one of the hundreds of groupies the ranch seemed to have, women who came by the site just to get a glimpse of Hawaii’s new Dynamic Duo, the cheesy but—Lord only knows—accurate name the sexy twin ranch owners had been dubbed by the media.
“The show is doing great, better than expected. The ratings are continuing to top the number-one spot,” Sonia stated, forcing thoughts of Keanu from her mind and focusing on her staff. “And we’ve been renewed for a second season!” She waited for the exclamations of excitement to calm. She had just been given the news, and although she wasn’t all that sure that they’d be able to convince the Kealohas, in particular Keanu Kealoha, to allow them to continue, she kept that part to herself.
She smiled at her staff, knowing pride was in her voice. But she had invested a lot in the show. Once she had agreed to produce it, she’d made sure that every aspect of the show was given attention it deserved.
She knew that Keanu and his family had given permission initially to bring awareness of the impact of ranching on the environment to not only Hawaii but also the world. It wasn’t for the money, as they were one of the most profitable ranches in Hawaii. Neither was it for attention, even though the ranch now had tours for tourists, mostly women coming out to see the sexy twins of Kealoha Ranch.
They had done it for a much more noble reason. Although she didn’t fully understand the whys of his agreement, she hadn’t looked a gift horse in the mouth after he’d finally agreed.
Her only hope was that Keanu would continue to tolerate them on his ranch, as more and more she got the impression the sexy cowboy was less than pleased with their presence.
“Is the direction for the show going to change?” Briana, her director of photography, drawled the question.
“That’s a good question. So far the objective remains the same—why tamper with what works? As for a second season and the direction, we’re going to keep going in the same vein. Show all aspects of ranch life. We can worry later about editing out what doesn’t work.”
“Now Ms. Sonia, you can not deny that a big part of what is making the show a hit is Mr. Fine and his equally gorgeous brother...Mr. Finer,” the woman drawled, her Southern accent and way she drew out the word fine making Sonia laugh despite herself.
Briana was from Tennessee, and her drawling manner of speech, up-front manner and dry wit, coupled with the magic she brought to the angle of her camera had been the reasons Sonia had hired her to lead the camera department.
“I say we take it up a notch! I can see it now,” she began, warming up to her theatrics. She closed her eyes and placed her hands in front of her face, mimicking a camera as she spoke. “Sweat dripping from their naked chests, the amber glow of the setting sun behind them as the twins come home from a long, hard day, wrangling—” she paused dramatically “—cattle.”
Everyone laughed at her antics, including Sonia. Besides the magic she brought to her camera work, drama was most definitely Briana’s middle name. But that same drama, when channeled, was what also had brought the young woman awards in her field.
“Of course I am fully aware of the...impact...of the twins on the show,” Sonia conceded, and held up a hand admitting defeat once the laughter died. “I just don’t want to miss out on good footage. That is what makes the show work. All aspects. Fine is wonderful, it works,” she said, and ignored the snicker of laughter from her female-dominated crew. “But if we don’t capture the heart of the ranching life, it’s all just fluff,” she replied, sobering. “And not only do I not produce fluff, I don’t want to do the ranch a disservice.” She finished and saw heads nodding in agreement.
“We won’t miss good footage again, Sonia. I’ll make sure of it!” her assistant replied, bobbing her head up and down as she stood beside Sonia. “In fact, I’ll be out on location in the morning with them to make sure of it,” she replied.
“Great, Patricia, I’m sure Bri would appreciate anything you can do to help her accomplish that objective,” Sonia carefully replied. “Now let’s quickly finish the schedule.”
Again Sonia unconsciously rubbed at the back of her neck as her glance fell over the schedule, her fingers on the screen of her iPad as she flipped through the digital pages on-screen as the crew gathered their own notes, comparing them with the others.
“Tired, boss?”
She glanced away from the small screen of her iPad as she turned to Patricia, frowning.
“Saw you rubbing your neck. It’s been a long day...” Patricia murmured, sympathy in her tone.
Sonia brought her hand down immediately. It wasn’t the long day that made her rub her neck. It was him.
She didn’t have to turn around to know who was in the large stable, along with her staff and the young stable boys who worked the Kealoha.
She refused to give him even that much power over her.
She brought a purposeful smile to her face. “Yes, it’s been a long day, but I’m fine, Tricia. But thanks,” she tacked on, seeing the crestfallen look on the older woman’s face.
She was always careful with her assistant’s feelings, even when the woman made some crazy faux pas or screwed up a location site, Sonia covered for her, something that was becoming harder and harder to do, each day.
In a lot of ways, she felt empathy for the older woman. It wasn’t easy, the business they were in. So much competition to not only get to the top of their field but stay there, as well.
At one point in her career, Patricia had been on her way to the top; however, bad choices, both career and personal—in the way of drinking—had drastically changed her career path. Paranoid, due to the alcohol, Tricia began to blame those who worked for her for sloppy mistakes. Mistakes that were actually hers, and hers alone.
It didn’t take long for her to gain a reputation as not only an alcoholic but one who mistreated her staff, blaming them for her mistakes.
She’d eventually gotten help for the drinking. But it had come too little, too late.
Despite all of that, Sonia felt a deep sense of loyalty to her once mentor and felt as though she owed Patricia.
As a young woman, Sonia had interned with Patricia Haynes, who at the time had been affiliated with both a major network as well as public television network. As the producer of several shows on a local public television, Patricia had wielded a certain amount of power. The two women had clicked, with Patricia sharing valuable information with Sonia, willing and eager to help Sonia in any way she could as she learned the ins and outs of producing a television show. She’d told Sonia she reminded her of herself at her age.
This had all happened before the downhill sprawl in her career.
When Sonia’s career had grown exponentially, and she’d eventually been offered her first show to produce with a major cable network, she’d immediately thought of Patricia and called her mentor to ask if she’d be interested in working with her.
Initially, Sonia had been concerned that Patricia would be offended, as she would serve as Sonia’s assistant, but was relieved when the woman had eagerly taken her up on the offer, and they’d been working together every since.
That wasn’t the only reason for her hesitancy.
Added to all of that, Patricia had originally been set to produce the show.
However, the show hadn’t ever really gotten off the ground. The ideas that Patricia had come up with to showcase the ranch had fallen flat on the executives. After languishing for two years, no real work had been done to develop the story line, until Sonia was approached by Marty Shop and Sheldon Harris and the deal had been renegotiated. Sonia was becoming well-known in the industry and the two executives had felt that under her directorship, the show would sparkle. Hesitantly, she’d agreed to view the footage they’d already shot.
And she’d been hooked. But she wouldn’t consider doing it without asking Patricia to come on board. She felt she owed the woman at least that much.
Although at times Patricia made a caustic comment and Sonia felt as though Patricia was jealous of her success, she’d immediately feel awful for thinking that way. The woman had always been her biggest champion, and had it not been for the older woman, she wouldn’t have gotten her early break into the business.
“So, that’s it for the day. Why don’t you pack up and get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be an early one, and with the holiday coming up, let’s get as much work in as we can. No telling how crazy it’s going to be in a few weeks!”
“Oh, no...don’t remind me!” Patricia piped up. With the Fourth of July around the corner, coupled with an expected increase in holiday tourism, the Kealoha Ranch, as well as the crew, were gearing up for an avalanche of spectators.
“Which reminds me, I need to go to the trailer and download the production schedule from corporate.” Sonia barely refrained from groaning. It had been a long day and she was beyond tired.
She reached a hand up and again began to massage her tired neck muscles. Not to mention the fact that Key was eyeing her down. The longer she’d stood speaking with the crew and Patricia, the more heated his stare had become. She hadn’t even had to turn his way to know that.
She felt that familiar fissure of sharp awareness curl through her stomach, winding its way throughout her body, and the resulting spike of goose bumps to sprinkle over her skin.
“I’ll take care of that, boss, it’s been quite a day. Me and the guys are headed that way on the way back to the hotel.” A big, beefy hand touched Sonia’s back and she barely refrained from wincing. “In fact, before heading to the hotel, we’re going to hit the Wave for a few drinks,” he began, mentioning one of the nightclubs not far from the hotel where they were staying. He stopped and smiled down at her, the dimple in one of his chubby cheeks flashing as he extended the invitation. “You’re welcome to join us.”
“Thanks, Walt,” she replied, smiling up at the large man. “Maybe some other time. I’ve got some work to do in my room before I hit the bed.”
“Well, anytime you change your mind, let me—us—know.”
She saw the disappointed look enter his dark eyes before he nodded his head and turned with the others to leave.
She nodded and smiled before she dismissed her crew, after giving final instructions for the next day’s filming.
“It will be a light day tomorrow, everyone. I don’t expect us to go past noon, and after that, the next few days are yours!” Her response elicited the expected pleased reaction from her staff, bringing a genuine grin to lift the corners of her lips.
She watched the group leave and drew in a deep breath. She knew who she now had to face.
“Looks like it’s time to saddle up,” Tricia murmured, and Sonia bit back a groan in reply.
She didn’t have to turn around to know whom Patricia was talking about. And her assistant’s reference to saddling up didn’t help at all....
Sonia sighed and closed her eyes briefly. She remembered the way Keanu had spoken the heartfelt words to her over the phone after he’d finally agreed to do the show and allow her and her crew on his land.
“The new generation, our generation...we all need to come together and work on the environment to survive. Not just in Hawaii but all over the world. If the Kealoha Ranch can help in any way...we’re ready to saddle up, ma’am.” His deep baritone had washed over her like a hot shower.
As the producer of several hit shows, when she’d been approached about filming a reality show, her first response had been a hearty “hell no!” Not a fan of reality TV in general, she’d always found herself cringing whenever she’d watched it. Even though she had secretly watched a couple, she would never consider producing one.
After viewing the footage the network had provided, her thoughts had changed. They had sent a small film crew over to the island to secretly take film footage of the Kealoha Ranch, located on the beautiful Hana, Big Island, Hawaii, and after viewing, despite herself, Sonia had been intrigued with the idea of a Hawaiian ranch, something she hadn’t ever associated with Hawaii.
Within days she’d booked a flight.
The footage hadn’t done the island justice. After her first night staying at one of the luxury resorts, she’d risen early, unable to stay in bed. Coffee in hand, she’d walked over to the large window and stood staring out in awe, taking in the breathtaking view.
The scene could have been plucked from a blockbuster movie, it was so surreally beautiful.
The beautiful eucalyptus and ohia trees, lolling hills in the distance and the vividly blue wide-open Pacific all made for a magnificent backdrop to the incredible scene.
Sonia had then taken a ride out to the Kealoha Ranch and her fate had been sealed. The unique blend of emerald-blue water, tranquil skies and ranching assured her the project would be a winner.
The ranch and island had captured her imagination and Sonia had eagerly accepted the gig.
But it had taken a lot more than a simple phone call to convince the reclusive rancher to agree. Originally A’Kela Kealoha had agreed to do the show; however, there were production challenges and the show went on hold.
The producers had decided to try again and had contacted Alekanekelo Kealoha, only to learn of the elder Kealoha’s illness and the family’s need for privacy after the death of his wife. Disappointed, Sonia and the others had begun to believe the show wouldn’t be able to be produced.
When they learned there were two other men, the twin sons of Alek Kealoha, Keanu and Nick Kealoha, who were equal partners, they’d approached them in a final effort. With Nick they’d been elated when he’d agreed...only to laughingly tell them it was his “big” brother they now had to convince. His identical twin, who was older than Nick by a full five minutes.
And that had been the beginning of a six-month courtship between Sonia and Keanu, via email, Messenger and iChat.
When she’d learned of his involvement with a local volunteer group that sought to bring awareness about preserving Hawaii’s natural habitat, as well as the foundation his mother had started to help those in need, she’d quickly devised a new angle and brought the proposal to his attention.
When the new angle seemed to appeal to him, she’d barely held her excitement in check when Pat had come into her office, nearly bursting with the news that the fuddy-duddy, as she’d dubbed him, was on line one, waiting for her.
Sonia had taken a deep breath, closed her eyes and prayed to the Almighty for patience before putting a smile on her face and answering the phone. She found that when she smiled while dealing with irritating, overbearing men who thought they knew it all, it helped center her, even if they couldn’t see her fake smile.
“This is Sonia Brandon, may I help you?” she’d asked, infusing more than a little bit of confidence into her voice. Another thing she did while dealing with the aforementioned group.
“The new generation, our generation...we all need to come together and work on the environment to survive. Not just in Hawaii but all over the world. If the Kealoha Ranch can help in any way...we’re ready to saddle up, ma’am.”
With those words, he’d gotten under her skin. Those words issued in that deep, sexy-as-sin velvet voice...
She’d blown out a long breath as soon as she’d severed the connection, with a deal tentatively reached.
God...she hadn’t even had to meet the man for him to get her hot and bothered.
Or maybe it had been too dang long since she’d had a man.
Whatever it was, he’d caught her attention from that moment on...and it had only gotten worse.
After a round-table discussion with key players from the network, the executive producer and Sonia, they’d decided to try once more and had been surprised when he’d agreed. And as soon as they’d all met the reclusive rancher, Patricia had soon stopped calling the handsome rancher “fuddy-duddy.”
“Ms. Brandon...a word.” The sinfully deep voice sent her heart skipping, brought her back to the present with a rush.
“Patricia, why don’t you—” Sonia stopped and cleared her throat from the frog lodged firmly in the back. She kept her cool, her smile firmly in place. “Why don’t you take the rest of the evening off. We’re done here.” She ignored the spark in her assistant’s eyes as she ran them back and forth between Sonia and the man behind her.
Although Patricia never said anything, Sonia knew the woman suspected Sonia was attracted to the rancher. However, she’d prudently refrained from asking, instinctively knowing that although they were close it would be crossing the line.
“Are you sure? I could—”
“Patricia...yes. Please,” she interrupted, still trying to hold it together. Before Patricia could leave, Sonia remembered that she’d forgotten to advise the crew about the change in meeting time. “Patricia, could you let the staff know that I’d like to meet with them tomorrow, at lunchtime?” Sonia hoped that giving Patricia the right to relay information to the staff would mollify her and remove the suddenly wooden expression from her assistant’s face. Normally, she wasn’t so abrupt with Patricia, but lately...well, chalk it up to overactive hormones and Keanu Kealoha, she thought, mentally drawing in a deep breath.
“Right away, boss,” Patricia replied, her voice slightly cooled.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend,” she began, placing a hand on her assistant’s arm.
Although she was sincerely sorry if she had offended Patricia, at the moment, her assistant’s feelings were not primary in her thoughts.
“Don’t worry about it, Sonia. I understand,” Patricia replied, her expression lightening.
“Ms. Brandon.” The deep baritone had a distinctly irked quality, reminding her that Keanu Kealoha wasn’t a man accustomed to having to wait on anyone.
She suppressed a ridiculous shiver. His voice warned Sonia that she and the irritating man attached to the sexy, drop-your-panties voice were going to have yet another...uncomfortable encounter. The thought brought a shiver, again, to run down her spine.
She straightened her back, mentally reminding herself that, no, she was most definitely not looking forward to any type of encounter with him. Unless it was business. Strictly business.
She ignored the self-mocking inner laugh.
She drew in a breath, subtly tugging down the hem of her casual tank top back inside the waistband of her jeans, realizing that it had ridden up, exposing her stomach. She had no intention of him even thinking she was doing anything to get his...attention.
It was strictly business with Keanu Kealoha, she reminded herself, again.
Sonia drew in a breath. Despite her every intention of not letting him know just how much he affected her she knew he’d guess in a heartbeat if she didn’t get it together. Placing a faux look of confidence and casual smile on her face, she turned to face him.
But damn...really? Did he have to be so ridiculously fine?
Sonia mentally groaned, her helpless gaze raking over his tall, muscular body.
“I think it’s long overdue that you and I got to know each other, Ms. Brandon.”
It wasn’t just what he said that made her legs threaten to buckle, although that alone caused her heart to hiccup with the implication of his words. More than that, it was the way he said it that caused the queasiness to settle in her gut, the kind of queasy feeling a woman got when a man turned her on so bad she didn’t know the last time she’d felt so hot and bothered. It was the way he said it, and the way his bright eyes raked her over, head to toe, that made her feel naked, exposed.
And wanted.
Dear God...
Suddenly all kinds of forbidden, delicious images came to mind.
Images of how...what, she could do to convince him to allow the series to continue. A slow, warm heat flushed her entire body at the thought, an unknown grin creasing the edges of her full lips upward.
She turned to face him.
Chapter 3
Was he the cause for the sexy little grin on her face? Key wondered, feeling a jolt in the region of his heart at the glint in Sonia’s dark brown eyes, and the mischievous-looking smile on her full lips. Everything about her appealed to him on levels he never knew existed.
As she stood before him, doe-eyed and staring at him with a sexy glint, it was all he could do not to fulfill every one of the erotic dreams he’d had of her over the past few months. Hell, the dreams, although hot as any of the active volcanoes around the island, would look like a cartoon compared to what he wanted to do to her.
But he knew better than to make good on those dreams. She would be gone soon, leaving him, the ranch and the island, like all the rest. And that smile of hers was one he shouldn’t trust, he knew that, no matter how damn sexy it, or she, was.
“So glad you could make time to speak to me, Ms. Brandon,” he began, and immediately saw her reaction to his words. The smile dipped and waned before she forced it to remain. But it wasn’t the same. Although brighter, it was less authentic. She lifted her chin just a fraction higher, her back stiffening. For a moment, Key wished he could retract his words.
Although she was of average height, the top of her head reached him midchest and, in order for her to make eye contact with him, she had to take a step back as well as lift her chin. The fact that he was trying to convince himself that that was the reason for her stepping back from him, he ignored.
“Such a hard-ass,” she mumbled, but he caught the words.
“Excuse me?” Key asked, shock warring with genuine humor.
Her eyes flew to his and she covered her mouth, her eyes wide. “You, uh, heard that?” she asked.
“Yeah. But it’s okay. I’ve been called worse,” he replied, shrugging a shoulder.
“I’ll bet you have,” she returned, and he caught the red flush stain her creamy brown cheeks.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“It’s okay. Like I said, I’ve been called much, much worse,” he replied, cutting into her apology.
When she grinned again, it threw him off guard and he felt himself responding to her gamine expression.
She had a smile on her face that reminded him of Nick. Although he and Nick were identical on the outside, when it came to women they were as different as night and day, with Nick playing the role of playboy rancher to the hilt. Her smile was about as sincere as his twin’s avowals of devotion to any one of his girlfriends.
In other words, bogus.
Even as her snappy answers and overall sassy attitude aggravated him, Key couldn’t deny the effect her curvy body and cute ass had on him. His eyes fell to her full lips. The bottom curve poked out just a hint, giving her a natural pouty expression, one that played hell on his libido, wondering what it would taste like.
He’d thought about it, tasting that full, luscious lip of hers, drawing it into his mouth to suckle and kiss.
Each time he did, he remembered that she was only in his life for a while. She, like all the rest, would be gone once her season was over.
He’d do well to remember that. It was only physical, his reaction to her. Once she and her crew had left the island, his life and his libido would return to normal.
He drew in a breath, remembering what he had recently discovered.
Did she have information about what he’d discovered somehow? Had she or someone in her camp found out that he and Nick were the sons of Jedediah Clint Wilde, whose adoptive sons were the legal owners of the Wilde Ranch, one of the most profitable family-owned-and-operated ranches in the United States? Was that the reason she’d approached his brother about extending the season?
The idea had plagued him since he and his brother had spoken days ago and Nick had casually informed him about the request to continue the show. Even before he could continue, Key had already begun shaking his head.
“Not only no, but hell no,” he’d said, his jaw tightening. “Look, you know the only reason we agreed to do this was to honor Mom’s last request. Well, we’ve done that. We’ve helped raise awareness and with that Mom’s foundation for the preservation of Hawaii has tripled in donations. As for the rest...the attention from the show, attention I sure as hell am damn sick of—”
“Well, I’m not,” his brother had cut in. His arms were crossed as he leaned against the kitchen table, one big booted foot crossed over the other, a half grin on his face as he observed his brother’s rising anger, no doubt enjoying the hell out it while calmly munching on an apple.
“It is done. Finished. With the foundation having a higher profile, donations will continue. I’ve been the good son,” he’d said, turning away from Nick.
He knew that his brother was in tune with him, more than anyone. And keeping his thoughts and emotions hidden from Nick for too long was damn hard to do.
But Key had to do exactly that, at least until he figured out how...when he’d share what he’d learned about who they were with his brother.
The role his father had had in the deception was not far from his mind, either. Hell, he didn’t have a clue how he’d approach Alek Kealoha, the only man he or his brother had ever called Father.
For now, regarding their parents’ dishonesty, he would hold his tongue, as well as his emotions, firmly in check.
He’d turned to face Nick.
“Look, Kaikaina,” he’d begun, not realizing that in his distress he’d called his brother by his Hawaiian nickname. “The only reason I agreed to this invasion of our home in the first place was because of Mom and the foundation. Now that we’ve accomplished that goal, there’s no way in hell I’m going to agree to a second season. One was pushing it. But it was for Mom, so...” He shrugged and paused, ran a hand through his hair and allowed the sentence to dangle.
Even through his anger, his feelings of betrayal, he loved his mother, as did his brother. And, even knowing what he now did, he would have still allowed the crews to film because the foundation had meant everything to her.
“This was for Mom, yeah, man, I get that. Dad and I agreed with you, remember? I’m not the bad guy here.”
“Hell, Nick, I never said or thought you were. You’re my brother. You’re family. And family comes first,” he’d said.
There’d been a pause, as both men grew serious.
“Yeah, I get that. I also get that you don’t want them here—”
“But you and Dad do. So for that reason, I’m cool with it, bro.”
There was another small silence before Nick broke in, his voice gruff. “Mom would have wanted it. I know you could have persuaded Dad that you were against it. But I think it’s a good idea, Key.”
“Hell. I guess,” Key had replied as he’d glanced away from his brother. When Nick shoved away from the doorway and clapped his brother on the back he turned back to face him.
“Dad, yes...but you know damn well a part of the reason you want this is for the women. Damn player,” Key said, a small grin on his face.
“Well, what can I say, big brother...gotta give ’em what they want,” he said, and flexed large biceps.
“Man...whatever,” Key responded before he shoved his brother away, and both men laughed.
“And if some high-society producer thinks she can go around me and get the answer she wants, she has another damn think coming. Discussion over,” he’d replied firmly, humor evaporating as the image of Sonia came back to his mind, his thoughts.
His jaws tightened.
“Somebody’s got his shorts in a knot over said high-society producer, I see,” had been his twin’s laughing retort.
To which he’d given him the anticipated single-finger salute answer. Looking at his brother was like looking at a mirror image of himself. So, when his brother lifted one brow and laughed, Key found himself hoping he didn’t look like a damn laughing hyena, as well.
Key had left the room, ignoring Nick’s taunting laugh.
Although they were identical twins, the two men played women very differently. Yet for all of their differences, Nick knew him, just as Key knew Nick, better than anyone else.
Key knew that Nick was aware that Sonia Brandon had gotten under his skin, but he didn’t give a damn. He would take pleasure in telling her no and had been waiting for nearly a week to do just that.
He stared down at her, rubbing the back of his neck.
That was before he’d discovered who and where...he and his brother were linked to. And with that, he wondered if Sonia Brandon knew about the big-ass skeletons in his closet, skeletons he was determined to keep exactly where they belonged, deep in the closet.
And if they didn’t know, Key was determined that the sexy producer and her staff would not find out. He knew if they did, they would do everything to exploit his family. His family had been through enough with the death of his mother and his father’s massive stroke soon had been rocky. They were all just recovering from the loss, moving on and living, and he was damned if he’d allow anyone to come in and destroy that.
The fact that he himself had just learned about the Wildes, in particular his and Nick’s birthright, gave Key some confidence that he was the only one outside of his father who knew. But no mistake about it, it was a rocky confidence.
Because, although he dismissed the possibility that Sonia knew, he was going to cover all of his bases. He would be the one to figure out not only how to tell his brother, but if and when they would make contact with the Wildes. And if that happened, something so private damn well wouldn’t be broadcast before millions of people.
He was determined she or anyone in her crew would not discover his and Nick’s connection to the Wildes. To that end, he kept in mind there was an outside chance that particular egg was already out of the basket.
After wrestling with the decision, and not knowing for sure in the end, Key relied on one of his father’s favorite sayings: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Not that she was exactly his enemy, but Key wasn’t trustful of the industry to which she belonged.
So if he had to make a deal with the devil...he glanced down at the beautiful woman who had been playing around in his mind from the moment they met. In all truth, from the moment he’d heard her husky, low, sexy voice, something about her had...intrigued him.
He would play her for a little longer. Until he found out exactly what, if anything, she knew about the skeletons in his family closet.
To that end, he knew he’d have to promise her something—himself.
“I’d like to make a proposition, Ms. Brandon,” he said, keeping his face neutral. He carefully examined her features, searching for any signs that would clue him in to what she was up to, let him know if she had inside knowledge of his family.
“And what would that be, Mr. Kealoha?” Sonia asked, her dark brown, clear gaze locked with his, her face devoid of any telling emotions, anything to alert him that she was hiding something.
The woman was good.
She definitely knew how to play her cards close, Key thought in admiration. She had a poker face that would give the reigning poker champ a run for his money. But her voice...the natural husky timbre in her voice sounded nearly breathless. It was her weakness. He knew she had no idea that her voice was so telling, as he’d witnessed.
She’d had his ranch workers eating out of the palm of her hand from the first moment she spoke to them. Just as he had, they’d sat up straight, their attention closely given to the small woman with the sexy voice.
Not that it had only been her voice that the men had reacted to.
Uncontrollably his glance fell to the crest of her breasts. Each inhalation and exhalation he watched with a focused, helpless stare, as though he was caught by some invisible traction and couldn’t look away.
“Ahem...I’m waiting,” she said, and coughed.
Embarrassed that he’d been gawking at her tits like some overgrown adolescent, the crazy spell was broken and his glance met hers.
One delicate brow was lifted, her lips pursed as though she was pissed to the max. Which only served to make his cock even harder. She was so damn sexy, even mad she turned him on.
If possible, Key felt even more like the overgrown kid she reduced him to whenever he was in her presence.
He tightened his jaw and mentally ordered his cock to stand down and act like the grown man it was attached to.
“I would like to propose that you stay close to me. I’m extending an invitation for you to be my ‘right hand’ so to speak,” he began, lowering his voice, hoping to seduce her into feeling...comfortable around him.
If she was for him, she couldn’t be against him.
“Allow me to show you why I agreed to the show, initially. Allow me to demonstrate to you why I love this ranch.” He turned, extending his arm out to encompass the ranch. “Why I love this land.”
“And in exchange for that...?” she asked, allowing the sentence to dangle.
Key held his grin of satisfaction at bay. He could tell that he’d gotten her attention.
Her dark brown eyes lit with interest, and her small pink tongue came out to swipe across her full bottom lip. Just like her voice, the small action was a giveaway for her. One he was sure she hadn’t realized she did whenever she was...intrigued.
His gaze zeroed in on the sexy movement. Damn, just when he was getting control of the situation she got him.
His cock thumped against the zipper on his jeans in direct response to her nipples, which had, as though on cue and defying the confines of her bra, proudly pressed against the tank top she wore. As though reaching for him.
Before he realized his own intent, he took a step forward. Taking her hand in his, he brought it up, forcing her into closer contact with him.
“I give you me. I will be more involved in the show, make more of an appearance on the show,” he began, and held up a hand when he saw a light enter her beautiful dark eyes. “To a degree,” he cautioned. “I want the audience to come to love the land as we do. For them to understand why we feel the way we do, they have to believe it. You have to believe it. Do you believe, Ms. Brandon?” he asked, tilting her chin forward.
She slowly nodded, her gaze focused on him. He had her right where he wanted her to be.
“And you’ll sign on for a second season, Keanu?” she asked, her gaze direct.
The way she said his name again forced a reaction from his body, one he was struggling to keep in control.
Although he wasn’t ready to make that final concession, he knew he had to give her something. He nodded.
“I think it will make for a good show. And it’s all about the show, right, Ms. Brandon?” he asked, avoiding a direct answer. When her gaze narrowed, the slightest bit, he knew she’d caught the way he’d sidetracked answering.
He’d have to be careful around her.
Beauty, killer body and a sharp all added up to trouble.
Chapter 4
What in the world did he want her to make of that?
Sonia gnawed on her bottom rip, her eyes fixed on Keanu, her gaze running over his tall lanky form as he leaned negligently against the railing.
He’d dropped her hand before it had even registered that he’d held it and turned, his face now in profile.
Even as he was making his demands, or odd requests, annoying her to the nth degree, Sonia couldn’t help admiring the man he was. She knew that he was only looking after his family, but each time he said some of the things he did to her, it set her teeth on edge. It wasn’t always what he said, but the way he said it.

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