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Promises to a Stallion
Deborah Fletcher Mello
Just jilted by her overseas fiancé, Tierra Brady isn't looking to be hurt again. But she has to admit: the rugged, caring soldier who delivers the Dear Tierra letter is taking the sting out of her recent heartbreak. Before she knows it, the dashing Sergeant Travis Stallion has completely swept her off her feet in a whirlwind romance.On leave for thirty days, the last thing Travis wants is to be the bearer of bad news. But the more he tries to comfort Tierra, the deeper he falls for the proud, love-wary beauty. So the smitten military man maps out a campaign of seduction to persuade Tierra to take that fateful walk down the aisle…with him. But is she ready for a lifetime of passion with her loving Stallion?

The shower enclosure was small. Much smaller than the shower they’d shared at the Stallion family home.
Stepping into the flow of heated water Travis pressed his hands to Tierra’s shoulders, moving his body close to hers. His fingers skated down the length of her arms, tickling her flesh.
Tierra closed her eyes as she moved against him, pressing her back up against his chest. A shiver raced from the pit of her stomach and into her limbs. She felt a delightful throb between her legs.
Tilting her face to his, Tierra kissed him. Their lips touched first, then their tongues, meeting like old friends. Their passion rose in intensity, his tongue eagerly searching her mouth, reaching as far as it could. Tierra moaned as Travis danced in her mouth then gently sucked on her lips. He couldn’t remember ever having tasted anything so sweet.
Tierra opened her eyes wide, staring deep into his. In that moment she couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere more than where she was right now. More important, she knew she didn’t have to.
“I want you,” Tierra murmured before kissing his mouth again.

has been writing since she was thirteen and can’t imagine doing anything else. Her first romance novel, Take Me to Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author. In 2005 she received Slam Jam’s Book of the Year and Favorite Heroine nominations for her novel The Right Side of Love, and in 2009 she won a RT Book Reviews Reviewers’ Choice Award for her ninth novel, Tame a Wild Stallion.
For Deborah, writing is akin to breathing, and she firmly believes that if she could not write she would cease to exist. Weaving a story that leaves her audience feeling full and complete, as if they’ve just enjoyed an incredible meal, is the ultimate thrill for her. Born and raised in Connecticut, Deborah now maintains base camp in North Carolina but considers home to be wherever the moment finds her.

Promises to a Stallion
Deborah Fletcher Mello (
To the late Mrs. Hattie Joanne Woody, who demanded excellence, nurtured greatness, instilled compassion, and inspired a generation of dreamers to reach beyond the stars.
Your love thrives in your son’s heart and I am grateful for it.

Dear Reader,
It’s raining men, Stallion-style! Those billionaire brothers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Stallion are back and this time they’re riding with family cousin Travis Stallion, another stud who definitely doesn’t disappoint.
I absolutely loved writing Travis and Tierra’s story. Inspired by a real-life love story, I couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities of a couple meeting, falling in love and making the decision to marry in less than thirty days.
Thank you for taking this amazing journey with me. Your words of encouragement and support continue to keep me writing and motivate me to write well.
I always love to hear what you think so please feel free to contact me at
Until the next time, take care and God bless.
With much love,
Deborah Fletcher Mello

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 1
Every head in the room turned to stare at the beautiful young woman who had just released an unnerving scream at the top of her lungs. Startled expressions turned into curious stares, and a few amused smiles, that swept from corner to corner as the other patrons of Ridgeland Diner noted her infectious smile. Something had obviously made the woman extremely happy.
Seated at a cushioned booth, Tierra Braddy was jumping excitedly in her seat. Clearly embarrassed, the man seated beside her looked around sheepishly. He was hardly impressed, but his twenty-eight-year-old baby sister was fully taken by the good news she had heard.
“Girlfriend, you are the best,” Tierra exclaimed into her BlackBerry. Her deep brown gaze met the dark eyes that resembled her own. She was grinning widely, but her brother’s full lips were turned into a deep frown. She poked her tongue out at him as she continued her cell phone conversation. “Thank you. Thank you so much,” she said just before disconnecting the call she’d been so eagerly engaged in.
“Let me guess,” Tingin Braddy said, leaning back against his seat, his arms folding over his broad chest. “You were able to pull off a dozen gold-winged doves for this wedding of the century?”
Tierra’s eyes widened in delight. “Better. We are confirmed for the chapel at Briscoe Ranch. Isn’t that great?” she exclaimed, her whole body quivering with excitement. “You remember Eden Waller, don’t you? She married Doug Waller’s brother Jack.”
“I remember Doug. I don’t think I ever met Jack or his wife.”
Tierra shrugged. “Well, Eden and her sister are the event planners at Briscoe Ranch, and they weren’t sure the renovations would be completed in time for us to use it. But she said they are officially finished and mine will be the first wedding in the building since 1949! How great is that!”
“Grand,” Tingin responded, no hint of enthusiasm in his voice. “But let me ask you something very important,” he said, leaning forward in his seat and resting his elbows atop the table. He leaned his chin against the back of his cupped hands and met her curious stare evenly. “Are you sure about this, Tea? Because it’s not too late to change your mind.”
“I can’t believe you would ask me something like that!” The young woman’s voice was laced with attitude. “I have been planning my dream wedding since I was ten years old. That’s how sure I am.”
“I get the dream wedding part, kiddo. We were all just hoping you’d find a dream groom to go with those nuptials.”
“Don’t start, Tingin,” Tierra said, the hint of a reprimand on her tongue. “Don’t spoil this for me. You know how I feel about Damien.”
“That’s not the problem, either. It’s how Damien feels about you that has me concerned.”
The smile on Tierra’s face had folded down into an annoyed frown. “Big brother, be in a relationship that lasts longer than a minute and then you can have a conversation with me about somebody loving somebody.” Her negative attitude had magnified substantially.
Tingin held up his hands as if in defeat. “My apologies. Don’t get your spine all bent out of shape. I wouldn’t be a good big brother if I didn’t ask, Tierra.”
“You always have to try and spoil things, Tingin. Ever since we were little kids. You get some perverse thrill out of trying to burst my bubbles, don’t you?”
The man laughed heartily. “You have me all figured out. I’ve been plotting since the day you were born to bring you down,” he said sarcastically.
Tierra punched her brother in the arm, the gesture just hard enough to get his full and undivided attention. “Well, stop. It’s not working.”
“Ouch, that hurt.” Tingin rubbed his upper arm.
“It was supposed to. Now,” Tierra said, changing the subject as she gestured toward their waitress for the bill. “I need to go confirm my flower order. Do you want to come with me?”
Tingin dropped his paper napkin to the table and shook his head. “I think I’ll pass, but give me a call when you go for the menu tasting!”

Tierra was still annoyed with her brother as she headed in the direction of McKinney Avenue and the Timeless Fiori floral shop. Her appointment with Hilary, the head designer, had been a last-minute scheduling, and Tierra didn’t like that she was feeling out of sorts when the moment should have been one of her happiest. She heaved a deep sigh. Why aren’t I happy? she wondered.
Tierra had always been certain that she would one day be Mrs. Damien Porter. She’d been convinced ever since she’d laid eyes on the boy the day she and her brother had moved into their grandmother’s north Dallas home, just two doors down from where Damien lived. The two had both been twelve years old. The term rocky didn’t begin to define their relationship. For as long as Tierra could remember, she’d been enamored with Damien, and more times than she cared to count, Damien had been enamored with someone else. All through school Damien had been attentive and caring, but his attention could too easily be diverted elsewhere. Their high school cheerleading team had given Tierra a real run for her money, but despite his many trysts, their friendship had always drawn Damien back to her side.
College had proven to be the turning point in their youthful infatuation. Her senior year at Texas Southern University and her interest in the TSU Tigers’ star quarterback had pricked Damien’s jealous streak, and that quarterback’s interest in Tierra had finally motivated him to make a commitment to her. He had professed his adoration for her, and the two had been virtually inseparable from that moment on.
His proposal had come five years ago, just after Damien had enlisted in the military. But the engagement had been an extended one since Damien hadn’t felt it necessary for them to jump right into anything. Then with his recent deployment to Afghanistan they’d been hesitant to officially set a date. But now he was expected back for a little rest and relaxation, and the two intended to tie the knot while he was home on extended leave. Meanwhile, Tierra had been left with the mechanics of putting together a wedding all by her lonesome.
Now with the plans for her dream wedding coming together, albeit slowly, her brother had to spoil the fun by reminding her once again that no one—not him, their grandmother or her few friends—were actually happy about her marrying Damien. Every one of them believed the man couldn’t be trusted to honor her love by being forever faithful. But Tierra trusted that once they were husband and wife the two of them would prove everybody wrong. She heaved another deep sigh. She still couldn’t shake the melancholy that had gotten a hold of her.
She forced herself to smile. Damien would be home in less than thirty-six hours, and then the last pieces of her life plan would all fall into place. Determined to kick her excitement into gear, she accelerated the vehicle, exceeding the posted speed limit. If nothing else, Tierra couldn’t wait to get to her future. She was a young woman who couldn’t wait to be a wife.

Chapter 2
Staff Sergeant Travis Stallion drew two fingers around the collar of his military dress shirt, anxious to lose the necktie and formal uniform. He would have given anything to have traveled home in his combat uniform, the casual, camouflage-colored attire far more comfortable, but he was representing the United States Army, and his dress greens were mandated.
As he threw his hand in the air, gesturing for a taxicab, he was counting down the minutes when he could pack away everything military and don his favorite jeans and white T-shirt. But he had one more stop on his list of things to do before he could officially begin his leave and simply relax for the next thirty days.
Stepping inside the yellow cab that had stopped in front of him, he leaned back against the vinyl seats and closed his eyes, purposely avoiding the conversation the young taxi driver was trying to have with him. He was too tired from his travels to talk, so he pretended to sleep to avoid the polite chitchat.
As the driver finally focused on maneuvering the car through the heavy traffic, Travis tapped his hand against his heart and the many mounted ribbons that adorned his chest. Confirming that he still had possession of the sealed envelope he’d placed in the inside pocket of his green dress coat, he took a deep breath, then slowly blew warm air past his full lips.
He’d given Private First Class Damien Porter his solemn word that he would deliver that sealed envelope to Porter’s girl, who lived in Dallas, where he would be staying for the next thirty days. The young woman’s downtown address would be his last stop before he found his way to his own family’s home for the month.
As the taxi pulled up in front of the Main Street address and the high-rise apartment building, Travis asked the driver to wait for him to return.
“Just keep the meter running,” he said as he exited the cab. “This shouldn’t take long at all.”
The taxi driver nodded, settling back in his seat to wait.
As Travis stood on the sidewalk, taking in his surroundings, he was impressed with the location. The neighborhood was an upscale one, and be somewhere he could eventually see himself living, he thought. He was just steps away from Neiman Marcus, the Urban Market Grocery and Café and the Main Street entertainment district, and he was in walking distance to the Arts District and Victory Park.
Inside the building he was greeted warmly by the building’s concierge.
“Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?”
Travis nodded with a quick flick of his head. A faint smile pulled at his mouth. “I’m here to see Miss Tierra Braddy, please. My name is Travis Stallion.”
“Yes, sir. I’ll let her know you’re here,” the man said as he reached for the telephone resting atop the marbled desk.
After a brief exchange, he pointed Travis to the elevators. Before the soldier could step inside, the man called out to him. “Excuse me, sir, I just wanted to say thank you.” He gave Travis a quick wave of his hand. “We really appreciate the armed forces and what you men are doing for us over there.”
Nodding his gratitude, Travis allowed the doors to close shut between them. Seconds later the conveyor stopped on the twenty-second floor. Heading down the carpeted hallway, he made his way to the young woman who stood waiting in her doorway, intrigue painting her expression as she watched him approach.
“Hi,” Tierra said excitedly, extending her hand in greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Staff Sergeant Stallion. Damien has told me so much about you.”
And Damien had, extolling the man’s many virtues in every conversation the two had ever had. Her fiancé had been in awe of his thirty-one-year-old platoon leader, holding the man in high esteem. His descriptions, though, didn’t do the handsome man justice. Tierra was surprised by the smoldering stare that was eyeing her so intently. His pale, almond-shaped eyes seemed to draw her in like a moth to a flame. Tierra was slightly surprised by their intensity, and her reaction. She tried to shake the sensation from her thoughts.
Taken aback by the vibrant smile washing over him, Travis was briefly stunned himself. He hadn’t expected the woman to be so extraordinarily beautiful. But beautiful she was, with her deep brown eyes, caramel candy complexion and a full luscious pout a man could imagine himself kissing. Tierra Braddy was probably the most exquisite creature he had ever laid his eyes upon. A flood of electric energy surged through his spirit.
Travis was suddenly aware of her small hands clasping tightly to his own large appendage. His gaze fell to the perfectly manicured fingers that warmly caressed the back of his own hand, then rose back to the woman’s smiling face. The moment was strangely surreal, feeling as though it were playing out in slow motion. His tongue suddenly felt too big for his mouth, words caught deep in his chest.
So focused on her own rising anxiety, Tierra didn’t seem to notice Travis’s sudden discomfort. Fighting to stay focused, she eagerly pulled him inside, closing the door tightly behind them as she chatted nonstop.
“This is such a surprise. Damien didn’t tell me you were coming stateside. Where is he? Did you two travel back together? I’m so excited to meet you!”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Ms. Braddy,” he finally managed to mutter, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears. “Please, call me Travis.”
She repeated her questions.
“No, ma’am, we didn’t. That’s why I’m here. Private First Class Porter asked me to personally deliver this to you,” he said, reaching inside his breast pocket for the letter that had traveled home with him.
Travis forced himself to continue. “He stressed that it was very important you receive it as soon as possible.”
The look of fear that crossed the woman’s face suddenly tore at his heartstrings as she took the envelope from his fingers, her own hand shaking ever so slightly. Her confused stare met his.
“There’s nothing wrong with him, is there?” she asked, a rise of distress spilling into her tone. “Damien’s okay, isn’t he?”
Travis nodded. “When I last saw him he was doing just fine.”
Tierra exhaled a deep sigh of relief, pulling the letter to her chest. “You scared me,” she said, her voice dropping a few octaves.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Travis responded. He took a step toward her, the move unconscious as he suddenly wanted to pull her into his arms to ease the nervous edge that had gripped her spirit. “I really didn’t mean to upset you.”
Tierra giggled softly, mildly embarrassed. “I’m fine,” she said, brushing her palm against his forearm. “I’m also very rude. I haven’t even offered you anything to drink. Can I get you something, Travis?”
“No, but thank you for offering. Unfortunately, I really have to be going,” the man said, moving back in the direction of the door. “My taxi is waiting for me downstairs.”
“But you’ll come back? Right?” Tierra asked, the words slipping past her full lips before she could stop them. She stammered ever so slightly. “I…I mean, when Damien gets here tomorrow. You’ll come back and have dinner with us, and you’ll come to the wedding, I hope?”
That brilliant smile washed over him a second time. Travis suddenly felt like a match had ignited him on fire. He would have given anything for a cool wave of air to still the heat that had rushed from his head to his feet. “Certainly,” he muttered softly, trying to ignore an obvious wave of jealousy that was washing over him. “I look forward to it,” he said, the polite fib rolling like butter off his tongue.
“Thank you for stopping by,” Tierra said. “I know Damien really appreciates everything you’ve done for him. And this—” She gestured with the sealed mailer. “This was truly above and beyond your call of duty.”
Nodding his head, Travis excused himself, then stepped into the hallway. As the door closed behind him, he suddenly couldn’t help but wonder what had been secured inside the envelope he’d just delivered.

Locking the door behind her unexpected guest, Tierra moved from her foyer to the large windows that looked out to the lighted ball atop Reunion Tower and the neighboring Bank of America building. The stunning views had been a key selling point when she had searched for her first home. But Damien hadn’t been impressed.
Damien hadn’t wanted her to invest any of the money she’d inherited from her late grandfather into a home. The man had had a million get-rich-quick schemes that he thought would be more fruitful. But Tierra had erred on the side of caution, seeking out her grandmother’s advice and advice from the attorney who’d been hired to oversee the small fortune she and her brother had been blessed with. The security of real estate had proven to be exactly what she’d needed, despite Damien not wanting to support her decision.
Sliding a manicured nail beneath the sealed flap, Tierra tore open the envelope, anxious to read what was inside. She smiled to herself, hoping the sweet words Damien had written to pave his way home would endear him to their friends and family.
Pulling the neatly printed note from inside, she read it once, twice and then a third time. An hour later she was still reading it over and over again, the first of many tears streaming over the curve of her high-boned cheeks as she tried to make sense of the words that tore at her soul.

Chapter 3
The taxi driver, still trying to make small talk about the political issues currently in the headlines, pulled his taxi past the gated entrance of Briscoe Ranch, maneuvering the circular driveway to the front entrance of the large home. With a quick nod of gratitude, Travis pressed two twenty-dollar bills into the man’s hand and made a quick escape from the backseat of the vehicle.
As Travis watched the car make its way back off the property, he turned around to take in his surroundings. Briscoe Ranch was well over eight hundred acres of working cattle ranch, an equestrian center and an entertainment complex that specialized in corporate and private client services. The ranch housed two 20,000 square-foot event barns and a country bed-and-breakfast. With the property being central to Austin, Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth, Briscoe Ranch had made quite a name for itself. Travis was duly impressed.
Turning back toward the steps and the front door, he grinned widely when it suddenly swung open and his cousins Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Stallion all came barreling down to greet him.
The noise and banter was reminiscent of when they’d all been under the age of ten racing from one end of their late grandparent’s home to the other. Each and every summer the cousins would come together and play until they were all exhausted. Those had been some of the best times in their young lives.
Travis couldn’t help but note the deep family resemblance. The four brothers were the spitting image of his uncle, their father, David Stallion, and David’s brother Joseph, Travis’s father. All the men boasted imposing statures, black-coffee complexions, chiseled jaw lines and charismatic smiles. That striking family resemblance had skipped Travis, with him inheriting his mother’s café au lait complexion and her light hazel-green eyes. But even with their differences, side by side he and his kin looked like chocolate and vanilla reflections of each other.
“Yo, soldier boy!” Mark Stallion bellowed, wrapping the large man in a big bear hug.
Luke slapped his cousin’s palm. “Travis, my man!”
“Isn’t he pretty in his uniform.” Matthew laughed, his tone teasing as he embraced his cousin.
“Exceptionally!” John responded, he and Travis shaking hands as they bumped shoulders. “Welcome home, family!”
“It’s good to be back.” Travis grinned. “And look at you guys! I see this good life has been treating you four very well,” he said as he patted Mark’s abdomen.
John laughed. “That’s sympathy weight. Mark’s wife is expecting a baby, and for every pound she gains, Mark is gaining five.”
Mark flipped a finger at his older brother. “Maybe two, but definitely not five.”
“When did you get married?” Travis said, surprise showing on his face. “Weren’t you going to be a confirmed bachelor forever?”
The large black man laughed, his head shaking. “I was, but then I met Mitch. I just couldn’t help myself. The woman just took my breath away,” Mark exclaimed, joy shimmering in his eyes.
Travis nodded, the memory of his encounter with Tierra Braddy suddenly intruding on his thoughts. He could fully understand how a woman might take a man’s breath away, because Tierra had clearly left him gasping for air. He turned his focus back to the conversation and his cousins, who were regaling him with info about Mark’s mechanic wife and their whirlwind romance.
“My girl tamed this Stallion man big-time,” Mark said, his laugh a deep rumble that flowed from his midsection.
Matthew shook his head in agreement. “Brother finally had to turn in his little black book. But you know how Mark is,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Once John does something, he has to go and do it, too. Just like when we were kids.”
Travis locked eyes with John. “Your wife’s not pregnant, too, is she?”
John shook his head vehemently. “Oh, heck no!”
A soft voice called down from the top of the steps. “Why do you say it like that, John Stallion?” Marah Stallion asked, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared down at her husband and his brothers.
John’s wide smile gleamed back at her. “I was just saying that we weren’t pregnant, baby! I didn’t say it like it was anything bad!”
Marah laughed, a wry smirk filling her face. “I bet you didn’t! You better watch yourself, John Stallion. You know I don’t play like that!” She turned her attention to their arriving guest. “Hey, Travis! Just leave those jokesters standing right there and come on inside here. We’ve been cooking all afternoon. I hope you’re hungry.”
Travis laughed as he tossed his duffle bag into Luke’s arms. “I’m starved. How are you doing, Marah?” he queried as he made his way to the top of the steps, leaning to kiss the woman’s cheek.
“I’m doing just fine. I know you must be good and tired after your trip.”
“I am. A good meal, a hot shower and a few hours of sleep and I might actually feel normal again,” Travis said with a wide smile.
Marah patted his back. “I think we can take care of that for you,” she said. She glanced over her shoulder, her husband shaking his head.
“You better be on top of your game tonight, Mr. Stallion. I’m not going to forget that ‘heck no’ comment anytime soon.”
John pretended to groan, still grinning as he and his brothers made their way behind Travis and Marah. “Don’t be like that, baby,” he said, his voice a low whine. “You know I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Marah giggled. “I don’t know anything of the sort.”
John leaned to kiss his wife’s mouth as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. “Let me make it up to you,” he said, his voice dropping to a low whisper as he nuzzled his cheek against hers.
Travis laughed. “I can certainly see what marriage and this good life has done to you!”

The sumptuous midday meal had left Travis full and satisfied. Marah had piled his plate high with fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, corn bread and peach cobbler and had supplied freshly brewed and sweetened tea. He’d eaten well and was still stuffed from the experience.
He stepped out of the shower, wrapping his muscular body in an oversize, plush white towel. A stark contrast to the rough army towels he’d been using, the soft cotton fabric felt luxurious against his skin. Travis closed his eyes, relishing the sensation. An image of Tierra Braddy suddenly flitted through his mind, and he couldn’t help but imagine how she might feel in his arms, her body pressed tight against his naked flesh. The imagery sent a spark of heat straight to his southern hemisphere, causing every muscle in his body to tense with frustration.
Moving to the sink, Travis turned on the faucet and splashed his face with cold water. This was getting out of control. He had only met the woman for a brief moment, and here he was starting to fantasize about her. Besides that, she had a man, and chasing another man’s woman was not something he would ever contemplate. It had just been way too long since he’d enjoyed some female companionship on an intimate level. He was suddenly acting as if he were fifteen again, when raging hormones controlled his male impulses. He needed to regain some serious control.
Moving back into the immaculately decorated guest bedroom, he dropped down onto the bed and lay his body back against the padded mattress. Before sleep quickly consumed him, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about the woman. And he couldn’t help but wonder if, just maybe, Tierra Braddy might be thinking of him, as well.

“I’ll bet he got himself a good laugh out of it,” Tierra exclaimed loudly as she paced the floor from wall to wall. “I can just imagine what a fool he thought I was, me going on and on about the wedding and the whole time Damien wasn’t planning to show up.”
Tierra brushed her tears away with the back of her hand, smearing her mascara and the blush that highlighted her cheeks. The magnitude of her situation blanketed her spirit. “How could he do this to me!” she moaned sadly, dejection masking her face.
Eden Waller and her younger sister, Marla Baron, both shook their heads, clucking their tongues in sympathy. Eden leaned forward in her seat, meeting Tierra’s teary gaze as she passed the yellow sheet of lined note paper back to her friend.
“Tea, sweetie, you know better than anyone how Damien is. He’s hurt you before. You know he was capable of doing that to you and worse. The guy is scum.”
Tierra tossed her hands up in frustration. “Not Damien!” she wailed. “His sergeant… How could the man just drop news like that in my lap and walk away? He seemed so sweet. How could he do that to me?”
Eden stole a quick glance toward her sister, the two women exchanging a confused look between them.
“Are you sure he knew?” Marla asked. “I mean, do you think he read the letter?”
Tierra stomped to the other side of the room. “I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter. I’m sure he knew. I just find it hard to believe Damien didn’t tell him what he was up to. You know how men are. They put their business out there more than women do.”
Both Eden and Marla took a deep inhale of air at the same time, the two women sensing that nothing they could say would give their friend any comfort. Neither of them had been surprised when a hysterical Tierra had shown up at the ranch devastated by the Dear John letter her beloved fiancé had sent to her. No one expected much of anything from Damien. They’d tried for too many years to get Tierra to see that the love of her life wasn’t a man worthy of her heart. Eden had said it best: men like Damien Porter were what bad sperm produced.
Marla rose from her seat, offering Tierra a tissue for her runny nose. She shook her head. “What can we do to help you, Tea?”
Tierra finally collapsed into a chair, the hurt of it all weighing her down. She, too, shook her head. She couldn’t begin to fathom how anyone could do anything to make any of this well ever again. “I guess I won’t be needing that chapel now,” she muttered softly.
Eden tapped a comforting palm against Tierra’s knee. “Why don’t you stay here at the ranch with us for a few days? Take some time away from your normal routine to get some perspective. Next week you might actually see that this was for the best. Better it happened now than later, Tierra.”
Tierra briefly closed her eyes, tears pooling behind her eyelids. “You sound like my grandmother,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “She said the same thing.”
Tierra’s grandmother, Deloriann Braddy, had never been a woman who bit her tongue. Mama Dee had been saying loudly, and often, how she didn’t support Tierra’s decision to marry Damien. She also hadn’t bit back her glee in learning the wedding was off. It was just as the old woman had predicted would happen. Damien had betrayed her.
Tierra nodded her head. “Are you sure it won’t be any inconvenience? I just don’t want to be alone in my apartment, and I’d rather live out of my car than go to my granny’s and have her and Tingin say they told me so one more time.”
Marla nodded. “It’s no problem at all. You know we have a ton of space here, and right now the only other guest we have is John’s cousin visiting for the month.”
“John?” Tierra queried
“Our sister Marah’s husband. I don’t think you’ve met Marah yet, have you?” Marla responded.
Tierra shook her head. “Not yet.” There was a moment of pause while Tierra contemplated what she should do. Finally, she answered, “Well, if you’re sure it won’t be a problem.”
Eden wrapped her arms around Tierra’s shoulders. “We are. Come on. I’ll show you where your room will be.”
Following behind her friend, Tierra swiped at the tears that had begun to fall from her eyes for the umpteenth time. She hated that she couldn’t stop crying, but it hurt to admit that she had been wrong. It hurt even more to think that after all this time Damien hadn’t really cared about her at all.
At the top of the stairwell, Tierra turned to her friend and gave a sincere smile. “Eden, I really appreciate this.”
Eden grinned. “Everything’s going to be all right, Tea. Just keep believing that.”
As Tierra turned back toward the hallway, she wasn’t prepared for the large man who suddenly bounded from behind a closed door, stepping directly in front of her path. The duo slammed harshly into each other.
Instinctively, Travis reached out to grab the woman he’d just bowled over, intent on keeping her from falling to the floor. “I am so sorry,” the man exclaimed, his voice echoing loudly around them.
“Ouch,” Tierra muttered at the same time, gripping tight to the large arms that held her firmly by the shoulders. “Excuse me.” She looked up into the man’s face, recognition washing over her. “You!”
Travis’s eyes widened with surprise. “Ms. Braddy!”
The couple stood staring for just a brief moment, then before she could stop herself, Tierra balled up a tight fist and slammed it hard into Travis Stallion’s abdomen.

Chapter 4
Travis was still rubbing at his sore stomach muscles. Had he been expecting the slam into his solar plexus, it probably wouldn’t have bothered him at all. But Tierra’s punch had caught him completely off guard, and truth be told, for a little woman she packed one heck of a punch.
He still didn’t have a clue what he had done to deserve being punched but figured by the way Tierra had run back down the length of stairs and out the front door that it had to have something to do with the letter he delivered.
Eden had only shrugged her shoulders before turning an about-face to go after the woman. The expression on her face was as shocked as his.
Making his way downstairs, Travis’s curiosity was piqued. He was even more interested in knowing how Tierra had even known to find him there. Question after question raced through his thoughts as he stepped out onto the large porch.
The two women stood in front of the porch swing, Tierra sobbing uncontrollably. Her tears unnerved Travis and his usual steady and calm demeanor was suddenly anxious. Pushing both hands into the deep pockets of his jeans, Travis’s steps forward were tentative, the man not wanting to intrude where he might not be wanted.
Eden acknowledged him first, her head shaking with concern. She patted Tierra gently on the shoulder, leaning to give her friend a quick hug before making a polite exit. As Eden moved past Travis, she leaned up to whisper into his ear.
“Go easy on her. She just had her heart broken.”
Travis nodded ever so slightly. He took a quick glance over his shoulder as Eden stepped through the home’s front door. The woman’s stare back was equally curious as she looked from him to Tierra and back. She tossed him a quick smile of encouragement before disappearing inside. Turning his gaze toward Tierra, Travis didn’t have a clue what to say or do. The woman’s distress had knocked him completely off center.
Consumed with grief, Tierra didn’t bother to acknowledge him. Dropping down onto the swing’s cushioned seat, she dropped her head into her hands, swiping at the tears that didn’t look like they’d be stopping anytime soon.
Travis took a deep breath, blowing warm air back out slowly. He moved to Tierra’s side and took the seat beside her. Neither one said a word as they settled shoulder to shoulder against each other. Travis fought the urge to wrap his arms around her torso, sensing the gesture wouldn’t be appreciated. He heaved another deep sigh.
Staring out over the landscape, Travis watched the comings and goings of the ranch hands as they went about their morning chores. Having forgotten his wristwatch in his room, he had no idea how long they’d been sitting there, but when the horses were being corralled to another pasture and his stomach was rumbling loudly for a morning meal, he figured it was as good a time as any to initiate a conversation. Tierra’s sobs had finally slowed to a low sniffle, then suddenly she had a bad case of the hiccups.
Travis smiled sweetly. “Hold your breath. That might help.”
Tierra cut a quick glance in his direction. “That never—” hic “—works,” she muttered harshly.
There was a moment of pause before Travis said anything else. “Would you like me to get you a large glass of water?” he asked.
“I just want—” hic “—you to—” hic “—leave me alone,” Tierra answered.
Travis moved to get up from his seat, but Tierra’s next comment stopped him cold.
“I thought you—” hic “—were nice. Why—” hic “—would you do that—” hic “—to me? How—” hic “—could you?”
A look of confusion dropped over the man. Gripping her by her shoulders, Travis moved Tierra to face him. “How could I do what? I don’t know what it is you’re talking about, Tierra.”
He felt her tense beneath his touch, her hands balling once again into tight fists, as she rose from the swing.
“At least tell me what it is you’re mad about before you throw another punch,” Travis said, “and don’t take it personally if I punch back,” he added, an amused smile pulling at his mouth.
Tierra met his deep gaze evenly, unsure if she wanted to laugh or start crying all over again. Feeling completely defeated, she collapsed back against the swing’s cushions.
Travis was still eyeing her intensely. Tierra liked his eyes. She imagined a woman could easily lose herself in his eyes, if she were so inclined. Lost in his eyes a woman might imagine herself wrapped in his arms. In his arms, the possibilities that could be fathomed were endless. Tierra felt her breath catch deep in her chest as a flutter of something she didn’t recognize flitted through the pit of her stomach. She shook the sensation away as quickly as it had risen.
Reaching into the pocket of her khaki slacks, Tierra pulled the dreaded letter from inside. Unfolding the tear-stained paper, she barely glanced down at it as she passed it over to Travis.
“Read it out loud,” she said, her tone commanding.
Travis’s gaze moved from her face to the notepaper in his hand. The soiled paper had begun to weather from handling, and the damp moisture of saline had begun to fade away the neatly printed writing. He pulled the document closer and began to read. As he did, moisture puddled in Tierra’s dark gaze, threatening to spill over her cheeks again.
“Dear, Tierra. I hate to do this, but I know it’s the best thing for us both. I won’t be coming back to Dallas. I can’t marry you. I’ve met someone here who makes me very happy. I wish I could be the man you want me to be, Tierra, but I can’t. I hope we can still be friends. I wish you all the best in the world. Damien Porter.”
When he finished reading, Travis let the paper drop into his lap. Beside him, Tierra forced herself not to start crying all over again. She choked back a deep sob as she picked the letter up from where it had fallen and slowly tore it into shreds.
You could have warned me,” she whispered softly. “What? Did you and Damien have a good laugh planning how you’d do it? I bet you can’t wait to rush back and tell him how torn up I was so you two can bust a gut making a joke out of it all.”
Travis was flabbergasted, astonishment registering on his face. He leaned forward, grasping both of Tierra’s hands beneath his own. The torn shreds of paper fluttered down to the planked floor and across the perfectly manicured lawn.
“Tierra, I knew nothing about this. Private Porter never told me what he had written or what his plans were. The only thing he ever said was that it had to do with your wedding plans and that it was important it get to you as soon as possible. That’s all. I swear. If I had known…” Travis hesitated. He couldn’t begin to tell her what he would have done had he known. Suffice it to say, it would not have turned out well for Damien Porter.

Travis had been too nice, Tierra thought as she peered out the window to the landscape outside. She’d believed him when he’d said he didn’t know anything about Damien’s letter. She also sensed he would never have delivered news like that if he had been aware. Clearly the man was a gentleman who cared about her feelings.
Tierra blew a soft sigh past her glossed lips. In the distance she could see Travis interacting with his family as they all stood watching the horses being exercised in the corral. Tierra had been at the window watching him and the other men for some time.
He liked to laugh she noted, observing him as he threw back his head, chuckling heartily. The wealth of it seemed to rise from deep in his midsection, and Tierra imagined that with his deep baritone voice Travis’s laugh could be a balm to a woman’s ears. She couldn’t help but hope that one day the two of them might find something to laugh about together.
She had left him sitting alone on the porch hours earlier, excusing herself to go wash her tear-streaked face and lie down for a nap. The man had still been holding both of her hands tightly beneath his own. Tierra caressed the back of her hand where his skin had touched hers. Her fingers and palm still tingled from the heat of his touch.
“This is ridiculous,” Tierra suddenly spoke aloud, tearing herself from where she stood. She threw herself down against the bed, blowing a heavy sigh. She needed to be plotting revenge on Damien for hurting her, not thinking about some other man’s touch. She desperately wanted to be fishing in her bag of tricks for some way to pay Damien back for the hurt of it all. But for whatever reason, Tierra couldn’t stop thinking about Travis Stallion.
From where she stood in the front foyer, Tierra could see Marla, Eden and their kinfolk cutting up in the family room. The family was having themselves a good time, and Tierra didn’t want to interrupt and spoil the fun with her bad mood.
Trying to escape without being seen or heard, she tiptoed across the polished wood floors toward the front door. Her name being called stopped her dead in her tracks before she could wrap her hand around the doorknob.
“Tierra?” Travis called a second time, coming up behind her. “Is everything okay?”
The young woman winced with frustration before turning around to face the man. “I’m fine, thank you,” she said as she forced a slight smile. “I just have some errands I need to run.” Tierra turned back to the door, opening it widely as she hurried to make an exit.
Still moving close behind her, Travis followed her outside. “Do you mind if I tag along with you? I would really like to see some of Dallas if I can.”
Moving forward, Tierra winced again. She wasn’t in the mood for company. “Maybe some other time, Sergeant Stallion. Right now I would just really like to be alone,” she said as she reached her car. “The peace and quiet will be good for me.”
“Maybe so,” Travis stated, pulling open her passenger-side door. “But I think being with friends would be better for you right now,” he said, a wide grin filling his handsome face. “You won’t even know I’m here, friend.”
Before she could respond, Travis stepped into her Saturn roadster and settled down comfortably in the front passenger seat. It was clear that nothing Tierra could say or do would be able to change his mind. She decided not to say anything at all, hoping the look she gave him would be enough to express her displeasure. She slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine.
“So, what kind of music do you like to listen to?” Travis asked as he reached across her dashboard and turned on the car’s stereo system. He began to scroll through the local radio stations.
Tierra cut her eyes in his direction. “How is this quiet?” she spat.
The man laughed, his disposition teasing. “Oh, you thought I was actually paying you some attention!”
A deep frown pulled at Tierra’s mouth, aggravation clouding her expression. The man was hardly moved as he winked in her direction. Still smiling, Travis nodded his head as he settled back against the leather seats. His head bobbed in time with the music playing.
Tierra’s own head shook at the absurdity. Shifting into drive, she pulled her car into the circular driveway and pulled away from the Stallion family home. As she navigated the traffic, the sound of jazz music settled comfortably between them.
The midday sun had settled nicely in the afternoon sky. The air was heated with just the hint of a breeze blowing. With the top down and the seductive tunes billowing from the speakers, the day could have been considered almost perfect.
Tierra suddenly wished she didn’t feel so alone. Even with the gorgeous man seated beside her she was feeling like she didn’t have a friend in the world. Heaving a deep sigh, Tierra stole a glance in Travis’s direction. The man’s gaze was fixed on the highway. His head bobbed and he patted his hand on his knee to the beat of the music.
He looked far more relaxed than he’d appeared the day before, his casual styling suiting him nicely. And just like the day before, the man was exceptionally attractive. His rugged good looks could make a woman lose her mind, Tierra thought, admiring the chiseled line of his features and the lush, full lips that pouted ever so slightly. Tierra couldn’t help but wonder what kissing those lips might feel like.
She shook her head vehemently, appalled that just hours earlier she’d gotten her heart broken and here she was now, wondering what it might be like to kiss another man.
“You shouldn’t have come,” she suddenly said out loud, the words coming out of her mouth in a rush.
“Excuse me?” Travis said as he settled his intense stare on her.
Tierra’s eyes flitted from the road to his face and back again. Lord, have mercy, Tierra thought. Why does he have to look at me that way?
She heaved another deep sigh, the air catching in her chest as she held her breath for a brief moment. She reached for the volume button on the car radio and turned it down until the music was barely audible. “I said you shouldn’t have come. This was a bad idea.”
Travis smiled, not bothering to respond. He turned the radio back up, his gaze still focused on the side of her face. He couldn’t get over how incredibly beautiful she was. The woman was perfection personified. Private Porter had to have been a complete fool to let such an incredible creature get away.
His smile widened as the muscles in her face twitched with frustration. Without giving it any thought, he reached a large hand out and rested it on her shoulder. As he gently caressed the bare flesh, he felt her tense beneath his fingertips.
Tierra sucked in a deep inhale of oxygen. She hadn’t expected the man to touch her, and suddenly the heat from his hand had ignited a fire deep in her midsection. It was all she could do to keep from running her car off the road.
“Hey, we’re in this together now, so go with it. So, what are we doing? What’s our first stop?” Travis asked, his hand still teasing her flesh as his fingertips tap danced against her skin.
Taking a second inhale of air, Tierra shifted her shoulder upward, rotating it away from the man’s touch. “I have to go by the florist and cancel my flower order. In fact, I have to cancel everything I’ve ordered for the wedding. I don’t know what you’re doing.”
“What kind of flowers did you order?” Travis asked nonchalantly, his gaze still piercing. “What?”
“Tulips, sunflowers? What kind?”
Tierra chuckled softly, her head shaking at the absurdity. “What does it matter? I’m canceling them.”
“Just curious,” Travis said, his seductive smile returning. “I’m a rose man myself. I want to see my future wife walking down the aisle surrounded by a field of roses.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back into the leather seat.
Tierra rolled her eyes skyward. “Bully for you,” she said, thinking about the classic bouquet of pink and yellow tea roses that she had planned to carry, and the exquisite sprays of roses that were supposed to adorn the chapel and banquet hall.
Travis laughed warmly. “I was just saying.”
As Tierra pulled into the parking lot of the flower shop, she shot him an evil look. “Well, don’t,” she said. “In fact, pretend you’re not even here and we’ll get along just fine.”
As she stared in his direction, Travis met her gaze, allowing her eyes to linger with his for a second longer than necessary. Nodding his head slowly, he said nothing as he exited the car and moved quickly to the driver’s-side door. Opening it widely, he extended his hand to help her up and out of her seat. As Tierra came to stand before him, his beautiful smile widened to a deep grin, pocketing full dimples in each cheek.
“So, really, did you pick roses?” he said. “Because I feel like you would be a rose kind of girl.”

Chapter 5
Travis watched as Tierra stomped up the porch stairs and into the large home. Her vehicle was still vibrating from the harshly slammed door. A sly smile pulled at his mouth as he leaned against the car’s fender, his arms crossed evenly over his chest. He laughed out loud, fully aware that Tierra was angry. And even though she was directing all that hostility in his direction, he understood that Tierra Braddy really wasn’t angry with him.
The two had made three stops. The floral shop, Two Sisters Catering and the Warren Barrón Bridal Shop. With each stop, the shopkeepers had been extremely gracious after hearing that Tierra had essentially been abandoned at the altar.
It had taken some negotiating to get a refund of her deposit for the flowers, but the caterer had only to return the check Tierra had written just days earlier, their bookkeeper having yet to deposit it in the bank.
The experience at the dress shop, however, had been a whole other animal. The elderly woman who greeted her at the door had been excited to see Tierra, rushing to the back room for the Monique Lhuillier gown that was hidden beneath the protective dress bag.
Tierra’s eyes had widened in horror, the large orbs misting with tears. Before the woman could think to unzip the bag and expose the dress, Tierra had begun to cry.
Travis had explained the situation as best he could as Tierra had stood there sobbing uncontrollably.
“I’m so sorry, dear!” the old woman had exclaimed, clucking her tongue and shaking her head.
“So you see,” Travis continued, “Ms. Braddy needs to cancel her dress order.”
“Oh, my!” The woman’s facial expression changed. “I wish we could help you, but the dress is already here. As I explained when we placed your order, your gown is not returnable once it’s delivered, and there can be no refunds.”
“But what am I going to do with it?” Tierra finally gushed. “I don’t need a wedding gown!”
Their sales clerk nodded her understanding. “You understood when you placed the order, Ms. Braddy, that all sales are final. Perhaps you can put it away and save it for a rainy day?”
“A rainy day!” Aghast, Tierra stared at the woman with dismay. “Are you out of your—”
Travis interjected. “I’m sure we’ll be able to find another use for the thing,” he said, trying to lighten the moment.
“It’s not a thing,” Tierra shouted. “It’s my wedding gown! Do you even have a clue?”
Travis shrugged. “Can I see it?” he asked, gesturing to the sales woman to draw down the zipper.
Tierra’s eyes widened in horror as she suddenly rushed between him and the gown. “You can’t!” she exclaimed frantically. “You can’t look at it.”
“Why?” Travis’s expression was curious.
“Because you’re not supposed to see it before the wedding! A groom is supposed to see the bride’s gown for the first time when she’s walking down the aisle wearing it!”
Travis had raised a questioning eyebrow. A slight smile pulled at his mouth as his head nodded above his thick neck. “Whatever you say,” he said softly. He took a step in Tierra’s direction, wrapping his arms around her torso. For a split second he felt her body stiffen ever so slightly, and then she slumped against him in defeat, her forehead falling into his chest.
“I don’t know why I’m mentioning that stupid custom. My wedding is off,” she said, sobbing into his shirt. Over her shoulder, he nodded at the woman who was watching the two of them curiously.
“Thank you,” he said. “If it won’t be a problem, we’ll come back later for the dress.”
“No problem at all,” the woman answered. “We have to do one more fitting, so whenever Ms. Braddy is ready just let us know.”
Maneuvering the teary-eyed woman out the door and to her car, Travis helped her into the passenger seat, taking over behind the wheel. They’d probably traveled ten miles before Tierra’s sobs had transitioned to dry heaves and stale air sighing through her lips. Another ten miles and the woman had grown completely quiet, staring off into the distance as she gnawed on her fingernails.
Travis heaved a very deep sigh, still staring into space after Tierra. She hadn’t spoken one word to him on the ride home. But even as the two of them had ridden back across town in silence, Travis couldn’t help but wonder just how exquisite Ms. Tierra Braddy might look in her dream wedding gown, walking down a chapel aisle in his direction.

After throwing the length of her body across the king-size bed, Tierra grabbed one of the plush pillows from beneath the bed’s down comforter and pulled it to her chest. Rolling onto her side, she hugged the pillow as she drew her knees upward, curling her body tightly around its form.
She felt like crying again but didn’t have any tears left to shed. And she simply refused to shed another drop for a man who hadn’t been worth the time of day, let alone her love. If she cried again anytime soon it definitely wouldn’t be for Damien Porter, she professed to herself.
Tierra squeezed the pillow tighter, digging her nails into the cotton fabric. She took a deep breath and then another, drawing as much air into her lungs as she could.
It was suddenly warmer than she would have liked it to be. She could still feel the heat from Travis Stallion’s body against her own. The man had held her too close, his body feeling so good and so right against her own that Tierra was certain there had to be something seriously wrong with him doing it, and with her for having enjoyed it as much as she had.
“What is wrong with me?” Tierra questioned out loud. She rolled from one side to the other, conflicted by what she was feeling and what she thought she should be feeling. None of it was making an ounce of sense to her.
But she had thoroughly enjoyed being in that man’s arms. He had held her and she had felt safe and secure, her heartache lifted by the sheer warmth of his touch. Right then, in that moment, she would have given almost anything to feel his arms around her one more time.
She hadn’t wanted to enjoy anything about their time together, and she hadn’t wanted to like Travis as much as she found herself liking him. Especially while she was trying so hard to be angry at her ex-fiancé. But Staff Sergeant Travis Stallion had incredible presence. Tierra liked how he commanded attention without an ounce of effort. He carried himself with an air of confidence that only a few men possessed.
He’d taken full control as they’d moved from bridal venue to bridal venue. Each time Tierra had fallen apart, pieces of her spirit unraveling at the counter in front of a sales clerk, Travis had picked her up and put her back together again. He’d done so without hesitation, knowing not a thing about her.
Tierra also liked that he was slightly cocky but not in an unflattering way. He was self-assured just enough that it couldn’t be misinterpreted as arrogance. Tierra imagined that was what made him such an exceptional leader, the reason his soldiers looked up to him.
With no clue to how long she’d been lying there tossing and turning as she thought about Travis, Tierra couldn’t shake the sensation of his hands gently stroking her back as his broad chest had easily kissed the curves of her torso. Even with his hands long gone, his touch still burned too hot for comfort. Tossing her legs off the side of the bed, Tierra lifted herself up and headed for the bathroom, desperately hoping a cold shower would wash the heat away.

The decadent smell of barbecued meat wafted through the late afternoon air. Travis took a deep breath as he moved past the large black smokers positioned on the home’s rear patio. His cousin Luke; Luke’s fiancée, Joanne Lake; his cousin Mark; and Mark’s wife, Michelle, were debating the relevance of Facebook versus Twitter as a marketing tool. Travis hadn’t bothered to throw in his two cents, personally having no preference for one over the other. They both kept him in contact with folks he needed to stay in touch with.
He’d been waiting for Tierra, hoping that she could move herself past her hurt and anger to join them, but there had been no sign of her. His patience had worn thin, and now he was just anxious to see and spend time with the exquisite woman.
Excusing himself, he moved from his cushioned seat, through the back door and into the home’s kitchen. Sisters Eden, Marah and Marla were deftly navigating the room as they prepped potato salad, baked beans and pineapple upside-down cake to accompany the racks of ribs barbecuing outside.
“Hey!” Travis chimed cheerily. “Have any of you seen Ms. Braddy?”
Marah cut her eye at Marla, both women smiling slyly. They both shrugged, a low hum easing past Marah’s lips.
Eden laughed. “No, we haven’t. I think she’s still in her room.”
Travis eyed the three questioningly. “What’s so funny?”
Eden smiled in response. “Nothing. Nothing at all. Why don’t you run up and let her know that we’re almost ready for dinner?”
Travis looked from one to the other, each of them avoiding his stare. As he moved to the door, Marah and Marla both burst out laughing.
“What?” Travis asked again, a befuddled look etched across his features.
Eden shrugged as the three answered in unison. “Nothing!”
Tossing his hands in the air, Travis headed up the stairs. Moving straight to the guest room door, he knocked loudly, calling out, “Tierra? Hey, it’s me, Travis. Eden wanted you to know it’s time to eat.”
When there was no response, he knocked a second time. “Tierra?”
Becoming concerned when there was still no response, Travis slowly eased open the room’s door, peering inside. Tierra was nowhere to be seen, but he could hear her voice coming from inside the adjoining bathroom. Tierra was singing loudly, an off-tune version of Beyoncé’s latest hit echoing off the walls. Even as Travis stepped into the room, toward the sound of her voice, he knew he should probably turn around and retreat. But curiosity had gotten the best of him.
Stopping short in the doorway of the bathroom, Travis’s eyes widened, a deep grin blossoming across his face. Tierra lay comfortably in a garden tub filled with warm water and lavender-scented bubble bath. Headphones plugged her ears as she lay with her eyes closed tightly, her hands at shoulder level as she snapped her fingers to the beat of the song playing on her iPod. Her legs were crossed at the ankles, her feet propped against the tub’s edge. It was the first time since they’d met that she seemed totally and completely relaxed.
Travis couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of her lying there in all her glory. Even after holding her in his arms, Travis was still amazed at just how tiny a woman she was, her size 2 frame looking even smaller.
Her face shimmered with warmth, the steam from the hot water heating her caramel-colored complexion a rosy red. Her luscious, dark brown tresses were pinned atop her head, a few wispy strands framing her delicate face. She was stunning.
Snow-white bubbles danced atop the water’s surface, the occasional breaks in their flow allowing him a quick peek at her form. Small, apple-size breasts bobbed at water level. If he hadn’t been searching he would have missed the small heart-shaped tattoo that adorned the inner curve of her right one, the image as tiny and as petite as the rest of her. Her hardened nipples stood at full attention, bubbles and water caressing them easily.
Travis suddenly wanted to nuzzle his head against her chest to taste the chocolate delights. A quiver of heat surged through his groin and he felt himself lengthen in his jeans. He inhaled swiftly, fighting to stall the sensation.
When she pulled the short length of her legs toward her chest, then eased them back beneath the water, Travis knew he was completely enraptured. He could have stood there staring at her forever.
Shaking the reverie from his head, he eased back out of the room. He paused a quick minute, then cleared his voice and knocked gently on the door frame, calling out Tierra’s name. Startled, Tierra jumped, water splashing onto the floor. “Who? What the…? Don’t you knock?” she sputtered as she realized he was standing right outside the opened door.
“I’m sorry,” Travis interjected. “You couldn’t hear me, and I was trying to get your attention. Eden wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready.” The man was still grinning broadly, his face hidden from her view.
Tierra reached for one of the large plush towels hanging from the towel rack. Drawing it up and around her body, she moved to shield herself from sight. “You really have some nerve,” she said as she stepped out of the tub. Pressing her body against the bathroom wall, she peered around the door frame to where he stood, eyeing the man from head to toe.
Travis leaned back against the wall between them, his arms crossing evenly over his chest. He stared back. “So, are you coming down to dinner?” He smiled sweetly.
“You really need to get out of my room,” Tierra responded. “I don’t remember inviting you in.”
“I just wanted to make sure you eat something. You’re going to need your nourishment.”
“Because, we’ve got a busy schedule this week, you and I.”
“I don’t remember saying I was planning to spend any time with you.”
Travis laughed. “You didn’t, but you are.”
Tierra rolled her eyes skyward. “Why?”
“Because you like me,” Travis answered smugly. He winked at her as he crossed back to the other side of the room.
“You really are an arrogant, annoying, pain in the butt,” Tierra said, her head shaking.
Travis laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
“Get out!” She clutched her towel closer around her body.
Wrapping his hand around the doorknob, he paused. “Oh,” he said staring back at her. “Really cute tattoo! It suits you.”
Her eyes widening, Tierra screamed at the top of her lungs, “Get out!”

Chapter 6
There was no denying the strain between Tierra and Travis when the woman finally joined the gathering for dinner. The tension swelled so thick and full that you could have sawed it into pieces and played a game of hockey with them.
Tierra moved into the room and purposely avoided meeting the man’s intense gaze. And he was staring, a quirky smile plastered across his handsome face. As she cast a sidelong glance in his direction, she was tempted to slap that smile away. She couldn’t believe he had peeked into the bathroom and had seen her naked. And just how long had he been standing there staring at me? she wondered silently. Too long! Tierra thought, shaking her head. Much too long! She couldn’t believe the man’s audacity.
And she couldn’t believe that she was excited at the thought of him. Even now, trying to reason with her own senses, she couldn’t stop the quivering that had started in her feminine spirit and had spread throughout her whole body. She found herself yearning for his touch, and just the thought of his hands had her pulse beating like a steel drum between her legs.
He had beautiful hands. It was clear that he didn’t neglect them, his nails clean and neatly manicured. His touch was strong but gentle, the large appendages belying the hint of calluses across his palms from the manual labor he did.
Tierra couldn’t help but imagine his fingers dancing across her skin, tracing easy lines as he gently caressed her. She couldn’t stop herself from imagining what it might be like to have him trace the line of her tattoo as his palm cupped the wealth of her breast. Tierra inhaled swiftly.
“Tierra?…Tierra? Are you okay?”
Her name ringing in her ears drew her back to the moment. “Excuse me? Oh, I’m sorry. I was just…”
Everyone seated at the table chuckled softly. “You were gone, girl!” Luke Stallion chimed.
“I want some of whatever you’re having,” Marah laughed.
“Excuse me,” Tierra said, her gaze skating around the table. “I don’t understand.”
Eden patted her friend on the shoulder. “You were moaning, girl!”
Tierra’s shocked expression made them all laugh a second time. “I was not!”
Marla nodded her head. “Well, it sounded like a moan, and the look on your face said whatever you were thinking about was good. Real good.”
“Or whoever you were thinking about…” Eden added, her eyes moving in Travis’s direction. The man grinned broadly.
Tierra blushed profusely, the temperature in the room suddenly uncomfortable. “I’m sure I didn’t moan,” she insisted, rolling her eyes and trying to laugh the moment away. “I was just thinking about the chores I finished today. If anything, I probably groaned,” she said, desperate to change the subject.
“So, where did you two disappear to today?” Marla asked, looking from one to the other.
Tierra met Travis’s gaze for the first time since they’d sat down for dinner. Her look was pleading.
Travis winked and smiled warmly. “Nowhere special,” he answered, turning his attention back to Marla. “Tierra just gave me a quick tour of Dallas. Isn’t that right, Tierra?’ He met her gaze a second time.
The young woman nodded. “Yeah,” she muttered softly, her eyes still locked with his. She was grateful that he didn’t mention where they’d gone and what she’d had to do. She didn’t want to start another conversation about her failed relationship. Gratitude spilled from her stare as she gave him a soft smile back, her mouth curling ever so slightly. Travis smiled again before breaking their eye connection when he turned to ask his cousin a question.
Conversation filled the room as the group chatted comfortably back and forth. As they enjoyed their dessert, Travis listened intently as Tierra discussed the nuances of preschoolers and kindergarten with a very pregnant Michelle Stallion. Mark and his wife were excited at the prospect of nurturing a newborn.
As she talked about her profession, Travis could see that Tierra truly loved what she did. She had always wanted to be a teacher, and from what he was hearing she’d known she’d wanted to teach students in the elementary school level from the very first day of her student teaching assignment. She’d been teaching kindergarten for five years since then, and clearly it suited her personality.
“Doesn’t sound much different from what you do, Travis,” Matthew said jokingly.
Travis laughed. “Except I get my kids from boot camp to graduation in twelve weeks,” the man responded.
“Do you like being in the military?” Tierra questioned, curious to know more about the man.
Travis nodded. “I do. I enlisted right out of high school, and it was the best thing for me. It gave me discipline and guidance and allowed me to set goals for myself that I hadn’t known possible. I also consider it an honor and a privilege to be serving my country.”
Tierra smiled. “That’s nice.”
Everyone in the room paused, seeming to eye them both curiously. Eden broke the silence. “Tierra, have you seen our rose garden? It is absolutely incredible this time of year. Travis, why don’t you walk Tierra down to the gardens and show her the blooms,” she said, her tone just shy of commanding.
Travis eagerly set his wineglass on the table. “I’d be delighted. Ms. Braddy, would you care to join me?”
Marla pushed her gently. “She’d love to,” she answered firmly.
Tierra tossed her friend an annoyed look. “I really don’t think—” she started before Travis interrupted her.
“I promise,” he said, rising to his feet, “I won’t bite!”
Tierra sighed, moving to join him. As the two made their way out of the room, she muttered under her breath, “It wasn’t you I was worried about.”

The word incredible didn’t begin to describe the luxurious grounds outside the family’s home. The gardens were a classic formal display of beds of roses arranged in a grass-girded oval around an exquisite marble fountain. Thousands of plantings and dozens of varieties decorated the landscape, and the sweet aroma wafting through the warm evening air was pure decadence.
Tierra was awed by the sheer beauty of it all, her eyes wide with surprise. “Oh, my,” she muttered softly as the two of them meandered slowly down one of the brick paths.
“Yeah, it’s something,” Travis said in agreement.
Without giving it any thought, he reached for her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. Tierra tensed ever so slightly, but she didn’t pull away, allowing him to hold her hand in his. That simple gesture made his heart race, his cellular clock skipping multiple beats.
Tight-lipped, Tierra continued to walk in silence, completely overwhelmed by how comfortable it felt to be so near the man. As he chattered away about absolutely nothing, trying to draw her into conversation, she found herself amused by his efforts. It didn’t take long before she finally allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment.
“Do you always talk so much?” she questioned, a smug smile crossing her face.
Travis laughed. “Only when I have to answer my own questions. This conversation thing actually works better when the other person talks also. You might want to try it.”

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