Read online book «Beyond the Velvet Rope» author Tiffany Ashley

Beyond the Velvet Rope
Tiffany Ashley
Welcome to Club Babylon: where the A-list VIPs come to playScoring a gig at Miami’s Club Babylon is a fantasy come true for New York promoter Thandie Shaw. The hottest club on the strip is a magnet for major South Beach movers and shakers. And Thandie’s about to meet the biggest player of them all.Babylon owner Elliot Richards is macho, arrogant, sexist—everything Thandie doesn’t want in a boss or lover. Elliot is also the most erotic man who’s ever wanted to take her to bed. But Thandie’s no fool. Even as he tries to seduce her into a world of intense and shocking passion, she knows it’s too good to last…especially after she uncovers Elliot’s explosive secrets.Thandie’s going down a dangerous road, and she’s risking a lot more than her career. Torn between doubt and desire, will she have to pay the ultimate price?Darkly sensual and deeply moving, Beyond the Velvet Rope takes you into a world of uncontrollable desire and unexpected consequences.

Welcome to Club Babylon: where the A-list VIPs come to play
Scoring a gig at Miami’s Club Babylon is a fantasy come true for New York promoter Thandie Shaw. The hottest club on the strip is a magnet for major South Beach movers and shakers. And Thandie’s about to meet the biggest player of them all.
Babylon owner Elliot Richards is macho, arrogant, sexist—everything Thandie doesn’t want in a boss or lover. Elliot is also the most erotic man who’s ever wanted to take her to bed. But Thandie’s no fool. Even as he tries to seduce her into a world of intense and shocking passion, she knows it’s too good to last…especially after she uncovers Elliot’s explosive secrets.
Thandie’s going down a dangerous road, and she’s risking a lot more than her career. Torn between doubt and desire, will she have to pay the ultimate price?
Darkly sensual and deeply moving, Beyond the Velvet Rope takes you into a world of uncontrollable desire and unexpected consequences.
Beyond the Velvet Rope
Tiffany Ashley (
To my readers.
Thank you for your love and support. Without you, there would be no me.
Chapter One (#u82ba9731-4d0b-55cf-a03b-b06078605181)
Chapter Two (#u5cc7e453-a47a-5a56-b5f8-78bcc6af67e0)
Chapter Three (#u8df05a33-223b-5675-a3b8-d3dbe9ae05cc)
Chapter Four (#u63b300bc-bb90-506d-8c16-3b1a4d081d49)
Chapter Five (#uac1ce35c-7b40-52a4-a299-ecd8b5d20877)
Chapter Six (#u095d76e7-f69c-5271-b635-2160ca78cd8a)
Chapter Seven (#ub5a9ad25-50ca-55a5-b60d-80059a335c32)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-One (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Two (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Three (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twenty-Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirty (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_ca3a5cb4-c93d-5f06-9587-70690566b92d)
New York City
She had made a mistake.
Thandie realized it the instant she woke up. Before she’d even had a chance to open her eyes or take a sip of coffee, she knew the truth. She’d made a big mistake, and she would pay dearly for it.
She buried her face into the pillow, and breathed in a familiar scent. His scent. She groaned. This only confirmed last night had really happened. Images came back to her in flashes of vivid clarity. She wished she could blame it on the champagne, but she’d barely finished one glass before everything fell apart. How could things go horribly wrong so fast? And on the most sacred of holidays?
It was the first day of Fashion Week. The streets of New York were abuzz with excitement. Celebrities flooded the city for a chance to preview this year’s winter collection. For every self-proclaimed fashionista, Fashion Week was like Christmas extended for seven wonderful days.
It was too bad Thandie would miss it. And all because she’d had a moment of weakness. Now that she thought about it, this had been building for weeks. But never, in her wildest nightmares, did she think things would have played out like this. And she certainly hadn’t imagined it would be so public.
Thandie buried her face deeper into the pillow, refusing to open her eyes; refusing to face the mess she’d created. She wished she had something to focus on other than what had happened hours before. She muffled a groan as her mind unwillingly recalled the sequence of events preceding her waking in a bed that was not her own....
Several hours earlier...
Thandie had been in Bryant Park, seated in the front row, watching the new Beverly Horton Collection being revealed. The tent where the show was taking place was filled with famous faces. Thandie had only to look across the aisle from her to see actress Nia Reynolds and fashion icon Victoria Beckham whispering to each other.
On Thandie’s left sat her former boss and good friend, Gage Ali. Gage was a heavyweight in the public relations field. Her contacts were everywhere, and her influence was boundless.
On Thandie’s right sat Bailey Woods, a celebrity publicist from Los Angeles. Like many present, she was in town for the shows. Bailey was another dear friend, but Thandie had seen little of her since Bailey relocated to California a few years ago. Having recently survived a hard breakup from her actor boyfriend, Bailey was going through a rough time in her life. Thandie and Gage were having a hard time trying not to mention he-who-must-not-be-named, or beg for all the gorry details. At least, not until after the shows.
And then Cam had shown up. The timing could not have been worse. Thandie had been praying she would not run into him tonight. But fate has a bizarre sense of humor.
Cameron Stewart was tall and boyishly handsome, with a lopsided grin and thick shaggy dark hair. The instant Thandie laid eyes on him, her earlier reluctance melted away. She hadn’t seen him in weeks, and she missed Cam. There was a certain comfort his nearness offered that few people outside her family supplied. She would always have a special place in her heart for him.
Cam was Thandie’s ex-boyfriend. They’d been together for nearly three years. Many believed the two of them would eventually get married. Until recently, Thandie had thought the same thing. Their breakup had been a gradual conclusion; an end to an era that had long outlived its usefulness. She had seen it coming, but had been unwilling to acknowledge it. She’d hung in there, hoping the tide would turn and they would regain the special relationship they’d lost.
But had it never happened.
Their split had ended on agreeable terms. Although Cam hadn’t been in favor of the decision, he’d accepted the decison because Thandie had wanted it. But he’d made it clear if she ever changed her mind, he would be waiting for her.
Cam had approached her group and partly out of instinct, but mostly out of habit, he leaned forward and kissed Thandie briefly on the lips. The mishap was further compounded by Thandie leaning into his touch. Quickly realizing their error, the two awkwardly pulled away from each other. To mask the discomfort that had settled over them, Cam began to tease Bailey, a mutual friend of theirs. As usual, Cam’s easygoing nature brought smiles to the faces of those around him. Thandie could literally feel Gage and Bailey’s spirits lift in his presence. Thankfully, his visit had been short. Cam, a fashion photographer, was working the Horton event, and had to get back to his seat before showtime.
* * *
Thandie watched as Cam crossed the tent and took his place among the other photographers. She wasn’t sure if her eyes were deceiving her, but there seemed to be something different about him. Something she couldn’t see, but sensed.
Thankfully, the house lights suddenly darkened, and the show got underway.
She pushed all thoughts about Cam from her mind, hoping that would be the last she saw of him tonight. But fate had other plans.
* * *
Hours later, at the after-party, Cam showed up with his new girlfriend. Thandie spotted him the moment they’d entered the club. She’d always known he would find someone else sooner or later, but actually seeing him with another woman made something tighten deep inside Thandie. It wasn’t jealousy exactly. It was something more basic, something more carnal.
Suddenly, in a room crowded with strangers, Cam’s eyes found hers. As if seeking her out, his dark gaze locked with Thandie’s and refused to let her go. In that instant, Thandie was able to define what she’d felt earlier. Desire. She desired Cam. It was as if seeing him with someone else stimulated her sexually in a way it never had before.
As if reading her thoughts, Cam’s gaze grew darker, and then he did something shocking. Cam disengaged himself from the statuesque beauty at his side, and purposefully crossed the room. When he was standing less than a foot away from Thandie, he wordlessly took the flute of champagne out of her hand and deftly pushed the glass toward a shocked Bailey. Not caring who was watching, Cam pulled Thandie into his arms and kissed her with a passion that left them both shaken.
Details became blurred after that point. Thandie vaguely remembered Cam guiding her onto the patio. There, the two of them began frantically kissing and pulling at each other’s clothes. Cam lay her down on a chaise longue, and the two of them became wildly intimate.
They were so enraptured in each other, they paid little mind to the crowd of partygoers surrounding them. Thandie vaguely recalled Gage pushing her way through the throng of voyeurs, hurrying her and Cam out a back exit, and shoving them into the backseat of her waiting town car.
The short ride to Cam’s apartment was filled with more hot kisses and a great deal of fondling. Things only escalated when they arrived at their destination. Their lovemaking was quick and fervent; their climaxes hard and satisfying. Afterward, they tumbled back onto the damp sheets; too exhausted to move. They fell asleep to the sound of Cameron’s cell phone ringing incessantly; no doubt from his girlfriend.
Now, in the light of day, Thandie regretted everything. She should have never given in to such madness. It had been satisfying for her, but the big problem was that Cam would assume more from their encounter. Thandie cringed at the thought of hurting him further.
Ashamed, Thandie buried her face deeper into the pillow. Perhaps she could escape before he woke? Maybe she could sneak out without being noticed. She wouldn’t be able to entirely evade their showdown, but she could at least put it off for a day or two. She would run and hide until she was ready to deal with Cam on her own terms. And preferably with clothes on.
Opening her eyes slowly, Thandie surveyed the room. Although dimly lit, she could make out Cam’s shadowy bedroom. In their haste to get to the bed, they’d made a mess of the room. She could see a trail of discarded clothes starting from the hallway and ending in a heap at the bedside. She groaned inwardly. It would be impossible to find all her clothes among the debris without making noise.
Turning her head slightly, Thandie noted where Cam lay. He was sound asleep in his favorite position, on his back with one arm tossed over his eyes. This might be her saving grace.
Clenching her teeth together, Thandie slowly and soundlessly attempted to ease herself out of bed. Inch by precious inch, she slipped free of the sheets. With one hand pressed firmly on the floor, and one foot extended to brace her weight, she was almost there. Thandie knew she looked ridiculous, but if she could just slide the rest of her body out of bed, there was a chance she could collect her clothes and sneak out of Cam’s apartment undetected. Holding her breath, she inched farther off the mattress.
She might have made it had it not been for the sound of a cell phone chiming at that very moment. It shattered the silence of the room like a bullhorn. Thandie froze. She watched in horror as Cam jerked awake and then rolled out of bed. The movement pulled the bedsheets with him, making them spill off the foot of the bed. As if in a sleep-induced trance, Cam shuffled to the dresser and snatched up his cell phone. Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the display. And then he swore. He seemed to be debating whether he should answer. Deciding not to, he tossed the phone aside, and then looked up.
“Oh, shit,” Thandie grumbled.
Cam blinked, taking in her bizarre position. Half of her was hanging off the bed, while the other half was outstretched toward the floor. Her intentions could not have been more obvious. Cam leaned his hip against the dresser and simply stared at her. His expression was solemn. “What are you doing?”
Awkwardly, Thandie came to her feet. Self-conscious because of her nakedness, she grabbed a pillow and held it in front of her. It offered little coverage, but since her clothes were not easily accessible, it was her best option.
“I have to go,” she said, her voice husky from sleep.
Cam looked up at the ceiling, hurt settling onto his features. “Why are you leaving?”
She sighed. “You know why I’m leaving.”
Cam threw his hands up helplessly. “I thought after last night...” His voice trailed off.
Thandie looked away, too ashamed to meet his pleading eyes. She regretted her actions last night, regretted the way she’d fallen into his arms without a care to the world. Regretted the way she’d blindly disregarded the consequences. There would be plenty of time to feel humiliation over the public episode. Everyone would be talking. It might even be reported in a local gossip column.
But Thandie couldn’t be bothered with that right now. She was too guilt-ridden to consider anything except that she was hurting Cam again.
“I made a mistake,” she said.
“You made a mistake? That’s all?” he said with a humorless laugh. “I had a girlfriend, Thandie.”
“I—I can fix that,” she stammered. “I can try to explain to her—”
“Explain what?” he snapped. “Explain that in the blink of an eye, I chose you over her? Explain that I’ll always choose you over her?”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Yeah, well I’m sorry, too,” he snapped.
“I’m sorry, Cam. I truly am.”
“And your mother?” he asked quietly. “Does she know about us?”
“Don’t,” Thandie said sharply. “Don’t you dare bring her into this.” The mention of her mother caused Thandie’s eyes sting with sudden tears.
Cameron swore, all the fight gone out of him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just so...” he dragged a hand through his tousled hair, searching for the right word. Then he froze, a thought having occurred to him. He looked at Thandie with tired eyes. “You don’t love me anymore, do you?”
She’d been expecting this question, but was still unprepared with where the answer would leave them. “Of course, I love you,” she confessed. “Just not like that anymore.”
“But last night—”
“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice. “Nothing has changed. Last night should have never happened.”
“Thandie, please don’t do this,” he groaned.
“Cam, we’ve been broken up for weeks. What did you expect? Did you think things would magically go back to the way they were?”
“Yes,” he said defiantly. “Yes, I did.”
“Oh, Cam,” she choked out. “I thought you understood—”
“Get out.”
Thandie’s head popped up. “What?”
“I said get out,” he repeated in a voice void of any emotion.
“Cam.” She took a step toward him, but he turned his back on her and abruptly walked out of the room. Thandie jumped when she heard the bathroom door slam shut.
She stared at the spot where Cam had stood. She hated hurting him. Cam deserved better. He deserved to be with someone who would mirror his bright, happy personality. It hadn’t been that way between them for a long time.
She called out to him again. When he did not respond, she debated going after him or simply leaving.
Her indecision caused agitation to bubble up inside her. She couldn’t stand for Cam to be upset with her, but she also did not want him to entertain any notions of them rekindling their relationship.
And then it happened. Thandie felt her breathing catch and then quicken to a pace she could barely control. Soon she was doing more gasping than breathing. Her hands began to shake frantically, and beads of sweats dampened her forehead. She was suddenly hot, so hot she was burning with it.
Oh, God, no, she thought. Not now. She reached out, steadying herself on the edge of the bed. Clenching her fingers tightly in the sheets, she struggled to slow her breathing before the panic completely overwhelmed her. Forcing herself to focus on an imaginary spot on the wall, she repeated her breathing exercises. Inhaling deeply through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. It was difficult to concentrate. She had to try three times before she found her rhythm. Once found, she concentrated on it with desperate determination. It took several painstaking minutes before her breathing returned to normal. When she felt the crippling hold of fear loosen slightly, she reacted with cat-like instincts.
Her still hands shaking, she quickly dressed and got the hell out of there. Twice she had to lean against the hallway wall to brace herself and catch her breath. She needed to sit down, but the urgency of putting distance between herself and Cam pushed her forward. No one knew she suffered from panic attacks. And she had no intention of broadcasting this fact; not even to Cam. Aside from being embarrassed by it, she knew it was a scary thing to witness.
Thandie had been plagued by panic attacks ever since she was a little girl. She had learned to control them as she got older. Her experienced episodes had become less frequent, and often occurred while she was alone. But every once in while, she was caught off guard by the sudden grip of anxiety. They were brought on by stress. It was an oddity that she would choose a high-pressure career. Strangely enough, Thandie never had an episode while at work. Her attacks were remarkably selective. They chose only to present themselves when she was dealing with personal issues.
It was just after dawn, and the sky was just beginning to brighten with flecks of sunlight. Taking a cab to her loft uptown would be ideal, but the streets were empty. Apparently, it was too early for taxi drivers to earn a living. Taking the bus was out of the question. She was dressed for a fashion show. She’d rather walk before facing the curious stares. But it was cold outside. Too cold for pride. And certainly too cold for a woman to walk around in six inch suede boots and a sequined miniskirt. Stares or no, she was not walking home.
The closest bus stop was around the corner from Cam’s building. Thandie hobbled in that direction, trying as much as possible not to attract any attention. It was a challenge, but she managed to do it without grimacing once.
As luck would have it, as soon as she reached the end of the block, she saw a lone taxi puttering down the dark street. Relief flooded through her as it drew nearer to the curb. Once tucked inside the backside of the taxi, she released a heavy sigh. The temperature in the cab was only marginally warmer than outside, but it was an improvement nonetheless.
Thandie clenched her hands together tightly, until the shaking subsided a little. It took a while before she realized her hands were not the only thing trembling. Reaching into her purse, Thandie pulled out her phone. It was Gage calling.
Suppressing a groan, she answered, “Hi Gage.”
Laughter greeted her. “How’s my favorite little porn star this morning?”
“That’s not funny,” Thandie said unamused.
“You know what else isn’t funny?” Gage asked in her crisp British accent. “Threatening every snitch at that party not to release your name to the press. I assure you the task lacks hilarity. I’ve had a full morning already and it isn’t even six o’clock yet.”
Thandie checked the time. “My goodness, Gage. Have you slept at all?”
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” she said with a dry laugh.
“Thanks, Gage. I owe you—”
“Trust me. You’ll never be able to repay my generosity on this one.”
Thandie cringed. “Was it that bad?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Gage scoffed. “You and Cam were seen doing the deed in public. Couldn’t you have had the decency to screw each other in Central Park, like a normal New Yorker? No, you aimed for the big leagues. You had to put your sexcapades on display at a Marc Jacobs’s party of all places. And on the first day of Fashion Week.”
Gage added the last part as if the untimeliness of the stunt was her biggest offense. With a sigh, Thandie had to admit Gage was right.
“I wasn’t thinking,” she admitted.
“No. You were too busy screwing. Not very smart.”
“What should I do?”
“Not a damn thing. I’ve taken care of it. There may be some whispers, but rest assured no one will print either of your names.”
“Thank you, Gage”
“Stay out of sight for a few days, to give this time to blow over.”
“I can’t,” Thandie said helplessly. “I’m hosting a party tomorrow night.”
Gage gave the sigh of a martyr. “Fine. But do me a favor and try to stay out of trouble for a while. I think I’ve used up all my favors.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Make sure you do.”
Miami, Florida
Elliot stretched lazily before rolling onto his back. Opening his eyes slowly, he stared up at the mirror mounted above the bed. Fuzzy memories of last night came back to him. He was in his playroom. The one room in his home where his bed partners were welcome. It was conveniently stationed just off the foyer, the first room closest to the front door.
For Elliot Richards, privacy was his most treasured possession. His home was next in line. He hated the idea of bringing women home; this was his haven, his utopia away from the loud and busy life he led on the mainland. It annoyed him that he was reduced to bringing his conquests here. But there were few choices available to him.
Miami was a small city, gossip ran rampant, and he was easily recognizable. Hotels were simply not an option. Elliot was not a vain person who relished the attention of others. He was quite the opposite. He shied away from publicity, often refusing to be interviewed by the press. However, as the owner of a string of successful South Beach businesses, he was often photographed sharing a drink with celebrities. The paparazzi had unknowingly made him into the one thing he worked hard to avoid: famous.
The redhead sleeping to his right rolled into his side, nuzzling his chest with her nose. The movement caused the blonde lying on his left to toss her arm across his naked hips. Bored, and somewhat uncomfortable, Elliot nudged her limp body away from him and slid out of bed. He looked around for his pants, but after a few quick glances, he gave up the endeavor.
The redhead awoke. “Where are you going?” she asked.
He answered her with a question of his own. “Did you drive here?”
She shook her head; her auburn locks curtained her eyes. “You drove us. Where are you going?”
By this time, the blonde had come to life, yawning deeply before giving him a sexy grin. “Come back to bed, baby.”
Spying his phone on the floor, Elliot scooped it up and punched a number stored in his auto dial.
“Security,” a gruff voice answered.
“This is Elliot Richards. Call a cab, please.” He hung up the phone and winked at the women. “Ladies, I have a busy day. You should go.” Stepping over miscellaneous sex toys used the previous night, he pulled open the door. Before leaving, he turned back. “Please don’t be here when I get back.”
He closed the door closed behind him.
When he stepped into the hall, he ran into Romero Latez, his personal assistant. The twenty-something Pennsylvania State University graduate had been employed by Elliot for over a year, and he was the best assistant Elliot had ever had. He was discreet and well-groomed. Romero held himself with the arrogant air of someone who was a decade older and had seen everything. He showed no obvious surprise over Elliot’s nakedness. It wasn’t the first time, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last.
He handed Elliot a chilled bottle of water. “Are you ready for your messages?”
Elliot took a modest sip before shaking his head. “Not just yet.” Nodding his head toward the door that led to the playroom, he said, “Get them out of here before Lucinda sees them.”
Romero nodded and Elliot turned away. He crossed the living areas, passed the kitchen, and headed toward the west wing, where the master suite was located. He pushed open the door, closing it immediately behind him.
This was the one room in the house where no one other than himself was allowed. It was the single place where he could truly be left to his private thoughts. Oftentimes, the scant half hour he used getting dressed for the day was the only time when he was by himself. He relished these moments. And he guarded them passionately.
Elliot rarely had time to be alone. He was often surrounded by people. There was always someone waiting for him, needing an answer to a series of questions, or just plain wanting his insight. This was partly his fault. He’d purposely mapped his life so that every moment of the day was strategically planned. He liked to make the most of every minute. He had to. There were simply too many people who worked for him to keep track of it all without relying on a rhythm to the madness. Yes, it was often madness. And yes, there was a definite rhythm to it.
Tossing his phone on the bed, he headed into the bathroom. Once showered and clean-shaven, he entered his expansive closet. After surveying the array of neatly hung expensive suits, he selected a pair of black slacks, matching jacket and a dark dress shirt. He triggered his phone to play his messages on speaker, so he could listen while he dressed. There were only a handful of people who knew his mobile number. And Elliot was particular about returning calls in a timely manner.

Message 1: “Elliot, it’s Nick Sinclair. I’ll be in Miami soon. I thought you ought to know. I’ll call you later with details. Tell Lucinda I said hello.”

Message 2: “This is Nico. Three words: Matrix. Party. Tonight.”

Message 3: “Hi Elliot. This is Daria. I’ll be in Miami on the twenty first for a photo shoot. I’ll be there for the entire weekend. [giggle] I’d love to see you again. Call me.”

Message 4: “Hey, Elliot. It’s Eddie. Don’t forget we have the financial meeting at three this afternoon. I think you’ll find the marketing budget interesting.”

Elliot considered the messages, making note of the order in which he would return each call. He’d grinned when he’d listened to Nico’s cryptic message. Nico could always be counted on for a good laugh. The mention of Matrix throwing another one of his parties was good reason to call Nico back first.
Afterward, Elliot planned to call Nick Sinclair, another longtime friend. The two spoke often on the phone, but due to the fact they lived on opposite coasts, they rarely saw each other. He wondered what would bring Nick to Miami this time of the year. Regardless, it would be nice to see his old friend again. Elliot made a mental note to call his comrade as soon as possible. As for Eddie, there was no need to return his call. Elliot would see Eddie within the hour.
Daria was another issue. Her trips to Miami seemed to be coming more frequently. He would have to talk to her about this. If she was forming expectations about their arrangement, he would have to set the record straight.
Now dressed, Elliot shot a fleeting glance toward his bed as he left the room. Equipped with the news Nico had delivered, it was doubtful he’d be sleeping in his own bed tonight.
Romero was waiting for him in the foyer. Elliot was pleased to hear the house was silent; hence, the women were gone. Romero tossed him his car keys. Wordlessly, Elliot stepped onto the sprawling patio which wrapped around the front of his home. Elliot hit the key fob dangling from his keychain, and the headlights of a shiny black Porsche lit up. Sliding into the driver’s seat, he turned the ignition, pausing only long enough for Romero to sling into the passenger seat. Throwing the car into first gear, pebbles kicked up as Elliot sped off Star Island.
A short time later, they pulled in front of a four-story building. On its broad side, a large sign read Club Babylon in sleek silver letters. On a typical night, the street would be lined with cars, and the sidewalks crowded with eager partygoers. But it was daylight, many hours before the club opened for business. Parking steps from he front entrance, Elliot tossed his car keys to Romero and strolled into the inside like he owned the place; which he did.
* * *
With Romero close on his heels, Elliot crossed the now empty dance floors, and jogged up the steps which led to his office. It was a large airy room, with stylish low-slung furniture and many shiny surfaces. It was positioned in a corner of the building. The architecture enabled it to jut out at an angle so that it was suspended over the main dance floor. With three of the walls made of glass, it allowed Elliot an unfiltered view of the club. Presently, the room glowed a dreamy orange hue, a reflection from the stage mood lights; and a clear indication the technicians were testing the lights before showtime.
There was a cluster of men waiting for Elliot when he arrived. He nodded to each before taking a seat behind his desk. He punched a series of numbers on his speaker phone, and instantly two investors were conferenced into the meeting.
“Hello, everyone,” Elliot began. “Let’s not waste time. We have a lot to cover in a few short hours.” He looked down at his watch. “It’s 3:00 p.m. now. We can break for lunch around six.” He turned to a thin, freckle-faced man seated on a sofa across from him. “Eddie, where do we stand with the financials? I want cost analysis for the added security, transportation and entertainment. Let’s hold off on the marketing for now. We need to make sure we can handle the traffic we currently bring in.” Inclining his head toward Eddie, he said, “Please begin.”
Chapter Two (#ulink_1d5830b9-7c47-5a44-a622-5b8600e5ec9e)
New York City
Thandie stepped out of the limo to see the line outside the club was so long it wrapped around the corner. The rowdy group traveling with her filed out behind her. Two of her assistants, Len Harris and Amanda Karl, were working the front door, checking in VIP and special guests. They both waved at Thandie frantically.
“Wow, I’m glad to see you!” Amanda shouted over the crowd. “Working the door is crazy business. It’s not ever midnight yet, and we’re already close to capacity. Craig keeps threatening to shut the door, but I have thirty people on the list who haven’t shown yet.”
There was a time when Thandie would have had a meltdown over such news, but after five years in the business and many clients later she had dealt with bigger problems. Amanda had only worked for her for a year, and though she was very attentive and detail-oriented she often panicked during showtime.
“Let me see the list.” Thandie scanned the sheet. Amanda was right. If these people showed up, they had to be let in. She checked her watch. “Keep a sharp eye out. I want them escorted in immediately. Leave Craig to me.”
“Good,” Len said, “because he told me he wants you to come see him as soon as you arrive.”
Fighting back the urge to groan, Thandie nodded her head.
Recognizing her, the bouncer waved her towards the entrance, causing the long line of people to watch her curiously. When it came to New York’s nightlife, Thandie Shaw held the master key to almost every VIP room in the city. And that made her a hot commodity. She was currently marketing several clubs at once, and she was doing it with great flair. Celebrities loved her and the cameras adored her. But she couldn’t do it alone. Between sending press releases, creating VIP lists, and making sure the right people were at the right place, having assistants was a must.
Turning her attention to her guests, Thandie ushered her group inside the club.
A woman in line recognized the man standing beside Thandie and started screaming. This created a wave of screams as word soon spread that actor Ruark Randall from the hit cop show, LA Homicide, was there.
Thandie ushered Ruark and the rest of his party through the door. As soon as they cleared the threshold, Thandie spied another one of her employees, Raja Travis, across the room. Tall and exquitsite, Raja was doing an excellent job of working the room, making sure everyone was having a good time. This was a must in their line of business. Getting people to the club was only a fraction of her job; the next step was keeping them there.
Thandie guided her group toward the back of the building. The VIP hostess welcomed her with air kisses before unhooking the velvet rope that gave entry to a secluded room where only the most exclusive of guests were welcomed. Thandie had purposely arrived just before one o’clock. This was when the crowd was usually in full swing. Tonight was no exception. Neon lights lit the darkened room, and everyone except for herself seemed to be quite drunk.
Ruark Randall and his group of rowdy friends were among the most obnoxious clients she had ever escorted. Ruark wasn’t necessarily cute, but he had a certain charisma about him that made people watch him. Perceived by the press to be relatively reserved, Thandie was surprised to discover that Ruark was very affectionate when he had been drinking. Right now, he was making a scene by practically humping her. She tolerated him as long as she could before disappearing to look for Craig, the manager.
As she made her way through the dancing crowd, she told herself that although she was getting paid very well, it simply was not enough to be pawed at by a drunk idiot. It didn’t matter how famous they were, a drunk idiot was still a drunk idiot. She swore if Ruark asked her go home with him again she would punch his perfecty capped teeth out of his mouth
“Thandie, baby, you did good.” She turned just as Craig Sanders strepped out of the crowd. “The Pussy Cats were spectacular,” he grinned.
Thandie smiled tightly at the compliment. Craig was referring to the troupe of exotic dancers she’d hired for tonight. She’d arrived just in time to catch the tail end of their performance. She was annoyed to discover they were performing a recycled routine.
Thandie nodded her head toward the DJ booth. “Who’s spinning tonight?”
“The Freshman.”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s what he calls himself.”
“That name is pretty lame. Why on earth would he insist on it?”
Craif shrugged. “At least it’s accurate.” He smirked. “He’s a freshman in school.”
Thandie looked up at the DJ booth. The boy in question held headphones to his ear, while his hands moved busily, spinning and exchanging records. “He doesn’t look old enough to be in college,” she said under her breath.
“That’s because he isn’t,” Craig said, amused. “That kid is in high school.”
The news caught Thandie by surprise, making her blink several times. “He’s a freshman in high school?” She lowered her voice. “What is he doing in here, Craig?”
“Hey, that kid has been working in clubs since he was in middle school. He’s one of the top underground DJs. He’s a pretty big deal. I actually had to get on a waiting list to hire him. Never mind the fee I’m paying. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve paid more, but those jerks were twice his age.”
Thandie nodded her head. He might be a kid, but one thing was certain: The Freshman definitely knew his music. His transition from one song to the next was flawless. Club guests showed their appreciation by rushing to the dance floor.
Pulling her attention away from the excited crowd, Craig pointed toward the VIP room where Ruark Randall and his boisterous cronies were tossing girls over their shoulders and spinning around in circles. “Do you think he’d take a picture with me for the website?”
Thandie rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell me you’re a fan.”
Craig looked sheepish. “I watch the show from time to time. I can’t be at work all the time.”
“The show comes on in the evening while you’re at the club.”
“I record it.”
Thandie shook her head in disbelief.
“Len tells me you’re trying to close the door.”
He nodded. “Our capacity is borderline. I can’t have the fire marshal on my ass.”
“Just let Len pass through twenty more people.”
“Twenty people? Are you kidding me? Thanks to that group you just brought in, I’m likely over capacity now.”
“Allow my guests entrance when they arrive. Trust me, Craig, their presence will ensure the club gets a mention in The Post.”
“Okay, okay,” he said with a groan. “Len can let them in, and then the door closes.”
“You’re wonderful, Craig.”
“Yeah, yeah.” His eyes suddenly brightened with interest. “Hey didn’t you go to the Marc Jacobs party last night?”
Thandie stiffened. “Yes, why?”
“I heard it got pretty wild. Did you see anything?”
“No,” she said immediately. “Nothing out of the norm.”
Craig shrugged. “Figures. I finally score an invite, and I can’t go because I’m working.” His beady eyes scanned her body. “You know, Thandie, you should really consider being my woman.”
She folded her arms across her chest, and gave him her best no-nonsense expression.
“I was just kidding,” he weakly.
* * *
Thandie placed a hand on her hip and said, “If you want a picture with Ruark, let’s get it over with. I want to wash my hands of him as soon as possible.”
“That doesn’t sound like a team player to me.”
“Get the camera, Craig.”
They made their way back to the VIP area, where Ruarke was making a scene popping the cork off a bottle of champagne. After easing their way through a throng of curious onlookers, Thandie quickly made introductions. Ruarke smiled pleasantly, but when Craig asked for a picture, the actor tossed his head back and laughed.
“Dude, I’m not taking pictures with another guy. I’m not gay.” He pulled Thandie to his side. “I’ll take a picture with Tammie here instead.”
Craig’s disappointment was evident, but he eagerly agreed to take the photo. Just as Thandie had expected, Ruark used the photo opportunity to hold her unnecessarily close, even going as far as to kiss her on the mouth on one of the takes.
It was going to be a very long night.
* * *
By the time Thandie got home, she felt as though she had been mauled. It was four o’clock in the morning when she unlocked the door to her loft apartment door. The lower level of her home doubled as her office, and the upper served as her personal living quarters.
She had come a long way in her career. Before starting her own firm, she’d worked five years with Gage Ali. Gage was the director of public relations for one of New York’s top fashion houses.
The years assisting Gage had been the most informative of her life. She’d met more celebrities than she ever dreamed possible and established many business contacts. Although demanding at times, Gage had been a thorough instructor. She had a strategy for every situation. Promoting Manhattan nightclubs was a far cry from managing press releases for a fashion company, but many of the same rules applied. One, keep your cool. Two, take control. And three, keep your cool. Due to her discipline, Thandie had rose quickly in her field. There was not a VIP lounge in the City she could not gain access to, and earn a generous commission while doing it.
Thandie was thankful to Gage for guidance and found herself calling her mentor for advice when she faced an emergency. Gage always had the right answer. Gage had introduced her to just about everyone worth knowing, including her ex-boyfriend, Cam Stewart.
Cam. It hurt every time she thought of him.
They hadn’t spoken since she’d woken in his bed the previous morning. Thandie did not like to idea of him being upset with her, but it was probably best this way. Better they go their separate ways once and for all, instead of prolonging the inevitable.
She climbed the steps leading to her bedroom. One of the girls had left a note on her pillow, a reminder of her massage appointment at ten. Thandie looked at her watch and groaned. Her appointment allowed her only five hours of sleep. She would love to reschedule, but her masseur was hard to book.
Thandie eased into bed, fully clothed. She could smell cigarette smoke in her hair. She yearned to take a shower but was too tired. When she’d dropped Ruark Randall and his friends off at their hotel, Ruark had invited her up to his room to do ecstasy. She had to refuse five times before he got the point. She swore if she never saw the man again, it would be too soon. If she had the energy, she would vent her frustrations aloud, but in the grand scheme of things it didn’t really matter. In spite of for her frustration and weariness, Thandie loved her job. The satisfaction of hosting a successful event far outweighed the aggravation of babysitting spoiled A-listers. Besides, tomorrow night would involve another celebrity with a different story.
Miami, Florida
Elliot Richards slid his hands into the pockets of his slacks. He looked out over the crowded dance floor below. There, beautiful people swayed to loud techno music. Club Babylon was very much alive tonight. Babylon was his jewel, his mistress, his one true love. And his greatest accomplishment. What had begun as a thought was now reality. He’d spent years cultivating the idea, observing the industry, and building his knowledge. He was the man behind Club Babylon, the chic, multilevel dance club whose fame was growing by the minute.
Elliot owned a string of businesses throughout Miami, but Babylon was his obesssion. He was heavily involved in all interactions. He managed a team of fifty workers, comprised mostly of dancers, bartenders and cleaning crews. It was a large undertaking. Mercifully, he did not do it alone. His management staff was the best in the business. He was fortunate to have them, however, very little was done without his approval. Elliot was known for his innovative marketing strategies and extensive knowledge of the industry. That being the case, his staff rarely moved on anything without his say-so. Between the operation of Babylon and his other enterprises, Elliot barely had enough time to sleep. But this was the life he had chosen. Even on the worst of days, he couldn’t think of anything else he’d rather be doing.
Elliot checked his watch. In another hour, he would be expected to make his rounds, offering complementary drinks to VIP members and hugging beautiful, tanned women. It was his job. As the owner, he was obligated to work the crowd. If there was one thing that made Miami different from other party cities, it was its well-connected night scene. Everyone on the strip wanted to say they knew someone important. It seemed to work out that a majority of the people who walked into Club Babylon claimed they were close friends with Elliot, and thus demanded star treatment. His staff had their hands full, catering to the wave of celebutantes who flooded his VIP lounges. Managing a thriving business required long nights and countless favors.
However, there were advantages to being Elliot Richards. He’d been blessed with physical attributes most men could only dream of possessing. Elliot was tall, lean and handsome. His chiseled features were softened by an unusual combination of thick black hair and clear silver eyes.
And Elliot had one more thing working in his favor—he was wealthy. A series of smart business investments made early in his career had paid off, and he now had a vast fortune. Because of his good looks and money, Elliot never had trouble attracting attention from members of the opposite sex.
“Elliot, are you listening?”
Elliot turned to his management team: Adam Parr, Markie Duran, Rex Barrington, Eddie Bloom and Tom Comber. They were all looking at him expectantly.
“Yes, I heard you, Rex,” Elliot said in his low, untroubled voice. He moved to face his director of marketing. “I agree. We need to push the marketing campaign for the grand opening.”
“Everyone loves the changes,” Rex offered, “but if we want to hit the numbers that the renovation was geared for, we need to decide how we want to do it.”
Elliot nodded. He knew Rex was right. Rex was his director of marketing. The club needed a serious marketing push, and he had his hands tied with other projects.
Elliot inclined his head to his general manager. “Markie, your thoughts?”
Markie’s ears perked up. “I know we’ve all been busy trying to make sure we had all the supplies needed to open our doors on the scheduled date, but now that day is passed. We should focus on how we’re going to keep the club full. As it stands, we’re hitting good numbers because people are curious about the remodel. But that won’t last long.”
Eddie Bloom, the efficiency expert, spoke up. “Elliot, you bankrolled a lot of money into renovating the club. If you plan to recoup your funds, we need to do some serious marketing. Otherwise, the investment goes unnoticed.”
Elliot nodded. “Our campaign needs help.” He turned to look down at the crowd again. A lovely blonde woman hovered near the bar. She’d come with a date. A boyfriend? A husband, perhaps? It didn’t matter. Neither would be much of an obstacle. “We need to hire a PR firm,” Elliot mused aloud. “A well-known professional.”
Rex clapped his hands together. “Good idea. Perhaps someone who has connections up north? This would be the perfect opportunity to expand Babylon’s reach beyond SoBe.”
Elliot turned to address his team. “Is everyone in agreement?”
They all nodded.
“So, it’s settled,” Elliot said with finality. “Rex, call Warren and tell him I’m leaving the promoter assignment up to him. That way, if the investors aren’t happy with the results, they can point the finger at each other.” The men laughed collectively.
Elliot pulled himself upright, smoothing his palm over his suit lapel as he did so. “Gentlemen, if that’s all, please excuse me. I have something to attend to.”
He waited until the last man filed out of his office before descending the staircase which led to the arena floor. It was time to make his rounds.
Chapter Three (#ulink_e6153dc9-40d9-5646-9fa9-b2cf6021ee6e)
Staten Island, New York
Thandie carefully placed the bouquet of flowers on the counter and waited for someone to acknowledge her. As usual, she felt nervous. These visits were always filled with mixed emotions. She looked forward to them with the same intensity that she dreaded them.
As if alerted to her growing sense of unease, a nurse materialized from a corridor. She was a heavy woman with wide hips, rosy cheeks and smooth pale skin. Her name was Nurse Joanne.
As soon as she saw Thandie, her face split into a brilliant smile. “Ah, Thandie! I’m so glad you came. She’ll be so excited to see you.”
Thandie’s face lit up with elation. “Has she been asking for me?”
Nurse Joanne paused and then made a slight shake of her head. “No, dear, but I know deep down she’ll be thrilled you’re here.”
Thandie’s initial joy vanished, quickly replaced with embarrassment. She felt foolish for having asked. It was silly to think her presence would be desired, least of all remembered. It had been this way for years. It was silly to expect anything anymore.
“There there,” Nurse Joanne chided. “There’s no need in upsetting yourself. You’ll ruin your visit before it even begins.”
Thandie gave a half-hearted smile.
“That’s a good girl,” Nurse Joanne said reassuringly. “Now let’s get you upstairs. Did you sign in yet?”
Thandie pulled the visitor log book in front of her and began filling in her information. Next to the date, she wrote the patient’s name: Josephine Shaw.
After waving to the nurse, she made her way to the elevators, where she rode the lift to the second floor. The corridors on the upper level were abuzz with whispered conversations and occasional laughter. The environment was warm and inviting. This reassured Thandie she’d made the right decision years ago.
Following the hall, Thandie arrived at room 216. The door was open, and inside the sunlit room sat a lone figure. Turning at the sound of someone entering the room, the woman lifted her head and gazed at Thandie.
The sight of her face made Thandie catch her breath. Not yet fifty-five, Josephine could easily be mistaken for someone ten years younger. She was a small African American woman, with a heart shaped face and slender nose. Her dark hair was swept into an elegant bun at the nap of her neck and her soft brown eyes were bright with curiosity. Her lip quivered slightly when she smiled, making her smile all the more endearing. She was beautiful. Thandie had always believed she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Thandie approached her slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements. She placed the flowers on a table and knelt before the woman. Taking her hand in her own, she kissed it before pressing it against her cheek. “Hello,” she cooed softly. “How do you feel today?”
Josephine Shaw’s smile faltered just a little, but she managed to keep the grin in place. “I feel well,” she said pleasantly. “Thank you for asking.”
Thandie could tell by the tone in her voice she was confused. “Do you know who I am?”
Josephine peered at her closely. “You’re very pretty,” she whispered. Her eyes slid to the side, as if she were sifting through a multitude of emotions and memories. “What...what is your name?”
It was a blow Thandie should be familiar with, but it hurt just as much now as it had the first time. Thandie blinked back tears and said evenly, “My name is Thandie Shaw. I’m your daughter. Do you remember me?”
Her mother looked uncomfortable, and gripped her hand tightly. “I’m sorry,” she said with a helpless shake of her head. “I don’t remember your face.” She fidgeted, seeming to become agitated.
Thandie patted her knee reassuringly. “Perhaps next time you’ll remember,” she promised. These were empty words, but they always seemed to have a calming affect on both of them.
Every once in a while, her mother had a moment of clarity. She never remembered everything, but she remembered enough to know Thandie was her daughter. During those rare occasions, she stroked Thandie’s face and wept openly, apologizing for leaving her at such a young age. Thandie clung to those memories. They always ended with heartbreak, but for those brief moments, she had her mother back. However, they always ended too quickly, and she was left anxiously awaiting the next time her mother would return to her. But it had been over a year now, and she was beginning to lose hope.
Thandie marveled at how much she favored her mother. They had the same shade of pale brown skin and long ink-black hair. Like her mother, her facial features were small and delicate, making her look younger than her twenty-eight years.
But there where distinct differences. Chiefly amongst them was Thandie’s height. Measuring just a few inches shy of six feet, she was taller than most women. In contrast to her mother’s petite stature, Thandie had a long lean figure, with subtle curves.
Abruptly, Josephine broke off mid-sentence and said, “When will Cam come to visit me?”
Thandie lurched at the words and stared at her mother. The mention of Cam had always been a strange happening. He’d accompanied Thandie on these visits only a handful of times, but her mother had always remembered him. Even at her most cloudy moments, she would ask about Cam out of the blue. But this time there was a lift in her mother’s voice that startled her. She searched her mother’s face. There was a faint glimmer in her eyes. A glimmer of recollection?
“Mom,” she said, suddenly desperate. “Cam won’t be visiting you anymore. We broke up. Do you recall me telling you that a few months ago?” She leaned forward, watching her mother’s every move.
As if not hearing a word, Josephine gave a gentle laugh. “He’s such a dear. He brought me this shawl last week. Isn’t it lovely?”
Thandie looked down at the worn piece of fabric wrapped around her mother’s shoulders. It was gray, made of soft cashmere. It was indeed a gift from Cam. A Christmas gift to be exact. He’d given it her two years earlier.
Thandie began to deflate. Disorientation of time was another symptom of dementia. Thandie knew at that moment her mother had yet again retreated. She’d lost her. Like so many times before, Josephine Shaw had slipped away from her daughter when she needed her most.
“Yes, Mom,” Thandie agreed. “It’s very lovely.”
* * *
Hours later, Thandie was back in her apartment. The visit with her mother had taken a lot out of her. Before leaving, she’d kissed her mother on the cheek and promised to return in the next few days. It was a pledge she always made, and always kept.
There was a lot to be done, following last night’s event at Phenomenon. After taking a calming bath, Thandie set to work calling her contacts at local newspapers to find out how much coverage the party secured. Within half an hour, Thandie’s three assistants arrived: Amanda, Raja and Len. Without preamble, they quickly went about sending emails and making calls.
Shortly after noon, the office phone rang and Amanda scooped it up. “Shaw Public Relations,” she said cheerily. “This is Amanda speaking.”
“Thandie, please.”
“Who’s calling?”
“Tell her it’s Warren Radcliffe.”
A moment later, Thandie was on the line. “Hello, stranger. I haven’t heard from you since you moved. Where are you?”
“Miami,” he said, with a smile in his voice.
“Miami? Why on earth would you ever leave New York?”
“I ask myself that question every day.” He laughed. “But I have family down here. I moved to be closer to them in my old age.”
“I don’t think you’ll ever be considered old, Warren. But Miami over NYC—it doesn’t sound logical.”
“If you could see the sights I see every day, you would think differently.”
She smiled. “That means there are a lot of half-naked women running around. Careful, Warren, you’ll have a heart attack.”
Thandie had known the retired corporate CEO for years. They had met on the club scene. She met a lot of interesting people in her line of business, and Warren was by far one of the more memorable characters she’s ever come across. In his late sixties, the man had a weakness for the nightlife and young women. It was a flaw that had caused him to endure four divorces over the span of seven years. Shaky matrimonies never seemed to bother Warren. They only gave him a reason to party hardier, which eventually led to him marrying another young trophy wife.
“How are you, Warren?”
“I’m wonderful. I finally put my money where my heart lies.”
She laughed. Where Warren was concerned, there was no telling what that statement meant. “I’m listening.”
“I’m an investor in a club down here.”
“Where, exactly?”
“South Beach, of course. It’s awesome, Thandie.”
“I can hear the excitement in your voice. What’s the name of the club?”
“Club Babylon.”
This got her attention. “I’m familiar. Word has it that place is a growing hot spot on the strip.”
“Yeah, business has been really good.”
“Sounds as though you’ve got your hands full, but I hope you’re calling me because you’re visiting Manhattan soon.”
“Actually, I was calling to see if you would consider coming to South Beach. I think I might have a business proposition for you.”
“Me in Miami? You’ve got to be kidding.”
“On the contrary, I’m very serious. Moving down here was a major change for me. I was used to the hustle of the City, but it’s a complete different world down here. There are beautiful people everywhere, white sandy beaches and crystal-blue water. It’s unbelievable.”
“Sounds like paradise.”
“It is. I spent the first months just soaking up the place. Of course, you learn about the movers and shakers very quickly. But there is one in particular I would like you to meet.”
“Who is that?”
“His name is Elliot Richards.”
“I think I’ve heard of him.”
“He’s a young guy. Probably a year older than yourself, I’d guess. He’s a serious tycoon down here, a real sharp thinker. He owns several local health gyms, smoothie shops, nightclubs, and a restaurant. And get this—he personally manages them all at the same time.”
“Impressive,” she said, mildly intrigued.
“Everything he touches turns into gold,” Warren went on. “So when I heard he was opening his newest club, Babylon, I jumped at the chance. Two other guys invested with me. None of us had ever invested in a nightclub, so there was a lot we had to learn. There were a few nervous moments, but Elliot talked us through it like a pro. In the end, Club Babylon was a success. The revenue that place brings in one night is unbelievable.”
“Sounds too good to be true.”
“That’s what I thought. We all make a healthy cut, so you can image how shocked I was when Elliot proposed to shut down the club five months to renovate the building.”
“Five months? That’s a death sentence.”
“That’s exactly what I said, but somehow Elliot talked us into it. Looking back on it, he didn’t have to because he owns seventy percent of the shares. We invested two-point-eight million into the renovation. We just reopened a few weeks ago. So far, everyone loves the changes, especially the VIP lounges. The turnout has been decent, but we know we can do better, much better. So that leads me to why I’m calling you.”
“I’m listening.”
“I’d like you to come down and promote the club. Of course, Elliot would have to give the green light, but I’m sure after he talks to you, he’ll be sold on the idea.”
“I can’t move to Miami, Warren.”
“It would only be temporary.”
She flinched at the word. “How temporary?”
“Three months.”
“Three months? That’s an eternity.”
“It could be done in two months if you really work hard. If you think you can recoup our venture in less time, go for it.”
“Warren, I’d love to help you, but I haven’t been able to survive outside New York for longer than a week. Besides,” she hesitated, “I have responsibilities here. I can’t leave town for that long a time.”
“Then visit the City on the weekends. This isn’t a regular nine-to-five job, kiddo. If you have to fly back to take care of a few things then do it.”
“I can’t.”
“Thandie, I need you. Babylon will reach its mark eventually, but you could give us the boost that gets us over the top. I’ve seen you work, Thandie. You’re the best.”
“You have the wrong person. I barely know Miami. I wouldn’t even know where to stay.”
“You’ll stay with me. I have a house near the beach. You’d love it.”
“Warren, this is a huge undertaking. I would have to bring my staff.”
“That’s fine. There’s plenty of room at my place. I’ll even offer you my home office. It’ll be perfect for you. My home is your home. You should know that.”
“Warren, I can’t put you out like that. Aren’t you married again?”
“Separated. Wife Number Five and I have been split up for months. In all honesty, I see her credit card bills more than I see her. Anyway, it’s a big house—plenty of room. You’ll have all the privacy you need. No one will bother you. So stop stalling. Accept my offer.”
She laughed. He was making it sound too easy. “There are plenty of firms who could do just as good a job.”
“But I want you. The pay is top-notch. Thandie, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all of us. What are you holding on to in New York?”
Immediately an image of her mother popped into her head. She did not like the idea of putting distance between them. What if there was an emergency and they needed her to come to the care center? Or worse, what if her mother remembered something and Thandie wasn’t there to share it with her? She wasn’t willing to risk that possibility, small as it might be.
However, hadn’t Warren mentioned she could return to the City when she needed to? Would she be able to somehow cover the costs of her travel expenses? If so, Warren had asked a good question. What was holding her back? The answer certainly wasn’t Cam anymore. Lately, it only reminded her of her failed relationship. Why shouldn’t she get away for a bit? It would only be for a few months. What would it hurt? She could hand her big assignments over to Amanda. Of her three assistants, Amanda was the most reliable and showed the most promise. Besides, the assignment would give Len and Raja great work experience.
“Okay, Warren.” She gave a dramatic sigh. “I’ll consider your offer, but only because I miss you so much.”
“Excellent. I’ll have Elliot give you a call later this week. Trust me, everything’s going to be perfect.”
Later that week...
While Thandie was wrapping up her phone call with an editor from Daily News America, her assistant Len waved frantically signaling her that she had another call.
“Who is it?” Thandie asked.
“He says his name is Elliot Richards.”
She picked up the line. “This is Thandie speaking.”
“Hello, Ms. Shaw, this is Elliot Richards. I understand you’ve been expecting my call.” His voice had a deep seductive timbre, instantly sending a shiver of arousal down her spine.
“Yes, Mr. Richards. Warren spoke with me briefly, regarding the nature of your business. I understand you may be in the market for promotional assistance.”
“That would be correct.” There was a soft chuckle from his side of the line. “Warren was gracious enough to give me your résumé, and I must say it’s very impressive.”
“Thank you.”
“It appears you’re the perfect person for the job,” he added smoothly.
“Again, thank you.” Thandie could feel her excitement rising.
“However,” he said, “I’m not going to hire you.”
“Excuse me?” She was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly.
“I’m not going to hire you, Ms. Shaw,” he repeated.
Biting down her disappointment, she asked, “May I ask why not?”
“Read between the lines.”
“No, I’d much rather hear the words from you.”
“You’re a woman,” he said quite simply. “And I don’t hire women.”
Thandie was momentarily stunned speechless.
“To be frank, Ms. Shaw, females can make things complicated, particularly in a club environment. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
She was still too shocked to speak.
“But I do appreciate your taking the time to speak with me,” he continued smoothly. “I wish you the best. Have a nice day, Ms. Shaw.”
The line went dead.
Thandie stared at the phone. She wasn’t certain if she should be upset or think the whole thing comical. In this day, it was hard to believe such blatant sexism still existed. She was tempted to call him back and give him a piece of her mind, but before she could, her cell phone rang.
“Thandie, it’s Warren.”
“I heard what happened. I’m so sorry.”
“How did you hear so quickly?”
“Elliot had you on speaker phone.”
“He what?”
“He talks to everyone on speaker, but nevermind that. I’ll talk to him.”
“Was he serious?”
“Unfortunately, yes. He has good reason, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior.”
“Seriously, he won’t hire me because I’m a woman?”
“Not to worry, kiddo, I’ll talk to him.”
“I’m not sure I want you to talk to him.”
“Don’t be silly. He’s just being difficult, and you’re offended.”
“‘Offended’ is hardly the word, Warren. I’m pissed.”
“Let me talk to him.”
“He’s an asshole.”
“That’s a bit harsh,” he said defensively.
“I thought I was being kind. He hung up on me, Warren.”
“I’m sorry about that. Elliot is always pressed for time. You’ll see that soon enough. He called you during one of the staff meetings. He’s already on another conference call.”
“He interviewed me for a job during a staff meeting?”
“I’m making things worse, aren’t I?”
She didn’t answer his obvious question.
“Not to worry. I’ll talk to him. Everything’s going to be okay. Are you still interested?”
She was silent for a long while. She’d done her research on Elliot Richards. Having the club magnate as a client would add major weight to her portfolio. But having him hang up on her not only wounded her pride, it made her mad as hell. Just who did he think he was? She was now determined to make him eat his words. “Yes, I’m interested.”
“That’s my girl. I’ll talk to him. Just sit tight, and I’ll call you back.
The call disconnected.
Again, she looked down at the phone, still reeling from Elliot’s quick brush-off. Her initial shock melted away, leaving only angry determination in its wake. Her resolve to capture his account now lit her on fire, and she made a silent vow that she would be on his payroll. She’d been in the business for years, and she had worked with the worst of the worst. Whatever Elliot Richards had to dish out, she was confident she could handle.
* * *
Thandie was still fuming over her conversation with Elliot Richards days later. True to her word, she’d placed daily phone calls to his office and was informed he was either in a meeting or on a conference call. She was impressed to learn that he was never out of the office. His assistant insisted that, “Mr. Richards is always working.” But knowing this did not help her get him on the phone. He was becoming as unattainable as Bigfoot. To make matters bleaker, she hadn’t heard from Warren in days. She’d taken his silence to mean he hadn’t been as persuasive as he’d hoped. This didn’t deter Thandie. If anything, it made her more persistent.
It was 10:00 a.m., and Thandie was beginning her morning meeting with her assistants. As always, the women were avid listeners, and took detailed notes. Amanda, her lead assistant, shouldered the more important responsibilities. It wasn’t that her other assistants weren’t good at their jobs; they just tended to be easily excited when in the presence of a celebrity or really cute guys, which unfortunately for Thandie was a common occurrence.
“Raja, call Chantel and see if we can get some gift certificates. Chantel’s little spa is the newest hot spot for models. And while we’re on the subject of models, Amanda call Sookie and confirm Jarvis will be at the Simmons party. I know his people have already confirmed, but he’s notorious for double-booking and then blowing off both commitments. If we can guarantee he’ll be there, then we can be certain the other music honchos will be there.” Thandie snatched up her phone and began entering a cryptic message. “And just to be certain, I’m texting his girlfriend, Tamika. I can’t stand the woman, but she’s media-hungry and can’t turn down a chance to be seen. If she comes, he’ll be there.”
She turned when Len called her name. “Yes?”
“You have Warren on the line.”
Sending off her text message, she plucked the cordless phone out of Len’s hand and cradled it on her shoulder. “Warren, I’m in a meeting. This’ll have to be quick.”
“You’re in.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re in. Elliot has agreed to hire you. You’ll need to come down here ASAP. I guess all those messages you’ve been leaving him worked.” He laughed good-naturedly. “Elliot’s agreed to meet with you on the eighth at 5:00 p.m.. This is the only time I could get him to confirm, so make sure you’re here and on time. Call Romero, Elliot’s personal assistant, tomorrow morning and tell him when you can come, and he’ll set up the plane tickets. Whatever you say to him will be repeated to Elliot, so try to keep the ‘he’s-an-asshole’ comments to yourself, please.”
“Do I have you to thank for this?”
Warren laughed. “Elliot’s a complicated guy, but once he had some time to think about it, he saw this was the right thing to do.”
“That sounds a little far-fetched.”
“Well, I do have my ways.”
She could hear the humor in his voice, and it made her smile. “I’ll call you later.”
“Excellent, kiddo. I’ll take care of everything else. Oh, and Thandie?”
“It’ll be nice to see you again.”
“Same here.”
Chapter Four (#ulink_dbe4b327-3f32-5360-8eef-97aab351e4c9)
Miami, Florida
As soon as Thandie entered the baggage claim area, she saw a sign reading T. Shaw. The man who held it up was handsome, with bright brown eyes, spiky brown hair and a perfectly trimmed goatee.
She made her way toward him, catching his gaze when she was only feet away from him. He smiled brightly.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi.” She smiled and pointed at his sign. “I’m Thandie Shaw.”
His eyes widened. “You’re T. Shaw? Shit, nobody told me you’re a...” He cleared his throat and collected himself. “Forgive me. It’s just’re not at all what I expected.”
“So I see,” she murmured coolly.
“It’s just that we’ve never worked with a woman.”
“So I hear,” she murmured coolly.
He blushed rather innocently. “Sorry to stare. I’ve worked for Babylon for two years, and this is the first time I’ve known a woman to be hired before. You must really be good at what you do.” He folded the sign up and tossed it into a nearby trash bin. His hands now free, he offered to shake her hand. “I’m Adam Parr. Elliot thought it would be good for me to collect you, since we’re going to be working so closely together. I’m the VIP host.”
She nodded her head appreciatively. Adam helped her with her bags, and the two headed outside.
Adam smiled. “So how do you know the big boss?”
“Big boss?”
“Elliot Richards. How do you know him?”
“I don’t,” she said simply.
“Oh,” he paused. “I thought you two knew each other and that was how you landed the job.”
“No.” She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes. “We’ve never met. I’m actually a friend of Warren Radcliffe.”
“Oh, the other boss.” He lifted her bags into the trunk of his car. “Warren’s cool. He’s for a guy his age.”
Thandie smiled. “I bet they were saying that when he was twenty.”
“Knowing Warren, you’re probably right.” Adam slammed the trunk closed and opened the passenger door for her. “I was told you would be traveling with a group.”
“Raja and Len had to tie up a few things for me at the office. They’re flying in later this week.”
“Sounds like a plan. Have you ever been to Miami?”
“Not as often as I would have liked.”
He laughed. “Well, you’re in for a treat. There is no place on earth like South Beach.”
Adam drove Thandie around the city, taking her through Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, and passing by Star Island. Adam turned out to be a great tour guide. He pointed out all the best spots. By the time they turned onto Washington Avenue, Thandie was relaxed and ready to meet the rest of the staff. Finally, Adam pulled in front of huge four-level building, and killed the engine.
“We’re home,” he announced.
“Home?” she asked.
“Club Babylon.” Adam waved his hand, indicating she follow him toward the building’s entrance. When Adam pushed through the front doors, Thandie was surprised by the activity. It was the middle of the day, and people were rushing about in every direction. Men were carrying bags of ice, crews were cleaning the floors, and the lights changed from gold to blue, then purple. Movement caught Thandie’s eye, causing her attention to be pulled toward the stage.
She tapped Adam. “I thought you said you didn’t work with women?”
Adam followed her stare and then grinned. “Oh, that’s the entertainment. We have plenty where that came from.”
Adam must have caught her reaction. He jutted his chin toward the women who were gathered on the elevated catwalks. “We have plenty of girls.”
That was an understatement. Thandie was astounded by the parade of pretty women strutting about. Everywhere she looked there were beautiful, tanned bodies. Some were on stage, practicing a dance routine that easily resembled a striptease, while others lounged near the bar.
“This place wouldn’t operate as well without eye candy,” Adam explained. “And Club Babylon has the best in the city.” He pointed to the stage. “Every club needs dancers, and Miami is a haven for professional dancers. Working at clubs is a great gig for them. It pays the bills and allows them to go on auditions during the day. That means we get to pick from the cream of the crop.”
“Adam,” a pretty brunette from the stage called out. “Tell Elliot to come down here.”
Adam’s brows perked. “Why, Marina?”
“Because I want to tell him I love him,” she said with a wicked grin.
Adam laughed. “You and every other female here.” He turned to Thandie. “Get used to that. The women love Elliot. He has a certain effect on them.”
She nodded. “I’ve been warned.”
Adam laughed. “You think I’m joking, but I’m offering you sound advice.”
“That’s sweet, Adam, but I can take care of myself.”
“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug. He turned to look up a wide stairway that ended at a closed door. There was a huge beast of a man guarding the entrance. “That’s Elliot’s office through there,” Adam confirmed. “It looks like he’s busy right now. How about I give you a tour of the VIP area?”
She nodded.
“Please follow me.” Adam pointed the way as he led her toward another staircase. “VIP is up this way. I would recommend you lead your guests along the south wall. Crossing the dance floor to get to the stairs is a nightmare, and going by the bar is a deathtrap. I’ll need to introduce you to Bruno. He checks VIP guests in. He’s very thorough. If you aren’t VIP, you don’t get past him. Security will give you bands for all your guests when you come in. That way, your party can come and go through the different areas as they please.”
He went up the stairs, pointing out certain areas of the club that could only be seen from his vantage point. She was amazed by the beautiful details of the building. The higher they climbed, the more she was able to discover. Without question the most awe-inspiring part were the hanging gardens that appeared to float above the dance floor. She imagined the view was more spectacular when the theater lights illuminated their perfection.
Adam paused to let her admire the view. “It’s spectacular, isn’t it?”
“Breathtaking,” she agreed.
“It was Elliot’s idea. He had this vision to make the club resemble the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He flew in a historian and a landscape architect to recreate it. We were all skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves.” He leaned forward and wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. “And they retract. See those cords?” He pointed to one of the gardens. Thandie could just make out thin black cords attached to the planter’s metal railing. “The cords go all the way up to the ceiling,” he explained. “That’s how the gardens are housed and maintained. We have a gardener who comes in daily. Because they’re delicate, we don’t display the gardens often. But when we do, this place is magical.”
Keeping them on task, Adam nudged her to continue moving. At the top of the steps was yet another door. Adam pushed the large door that opened into the VIP room. It was a three-level, glass-enclosed “club within a club.” The wall facing the main arena was made entirely of glass, giving everyone below a great “envy” view.
Adam stood alongside Thandie. “I’ve managed VIP rooms in Miami and LA,” he confessed. “This is by far the coolest lounge I’ve ever been in. It’s six-thousand-square-feet. Seats up to two hundred, holds up to five hundred standing. There are three full bars, one on each level. Five bartenders and eight servers. Private bathrooms are on the left of the bar on all levels. A DJ is always stationed on the main floor; however, if we have a guest DJ performing we pipe in the music. Pretty cool, huh?”
Thandie was speechless. As Adam walked her through the rooms, she was impressed by the display of sheer luxury.
“If you think this is nice, wait until you see the Tower,” he said.
“The what?”
“Just a minute.” He walked over to a hidden elevator and waved his hand over the panel. “Only the staff is allowed to use the elevator. During working hours, we ask everyone to refrain from using it. However, you and your guests are welcome to use it during off hours. It leads up to the Tower. You can take the stairs if you like. It’s more scenic, but if you prefer a straight shot, the elevator is always here. The code to go to the Tower is one-two-two-one.”
He punched in the code, and they rode up to the Tower. When the doors opened, she couldn’t suppress her gasp. It was a beautiful oasis of hanging gardens, private balconies, open fountains and satin pillows. Adam seemed happy she was impressed with the room.
“I knew you would love it,” he boasted. “We call it the Tower of Babel. This room is reserved for the ultimate VIP guests. There is a private entrance that leads up from the parking garage. This is the pinnacle in intimacy and privacy. It seats up to thirty, standing room for up to fifty. There are six servers and a private restroom. As you can imagine, this room is in high demand. This is Elliot’s best idea yet. It’s been a huge hit since we reopened from the renovation. We’ve had several parties up here already. It’s a great revenue-turner. Even on slow nights, the Tower brings in serious cash. We’ve already got a waiting list.”
She felt his gaze on her as she walked about the room running her fingers along the smooth furnishings.
“It’s ten times more impressive at night, lit primarily by candlelight. Sexy stuff.”
She nodded her agreement. “This is amazing, Adam.”
“It is.” He clapped his hands. “Bruno should be here by now. Let’s go downstairs and get you two acquainted. If we’re lucky, Elliot will be free to speak with you soon.”
The office door belonging to the mysterious Elliot Richards was still closed when they returned to the main floor; however, Bruno was available. He didn’t have much to say, only grunts and occasional nods. Adam helped by briefly explaining Bruno’s role and indexing a long list of responsibilities that fell under his authority.
Almost as soon as Adam and Bruno finished their overview, Thandie was introduced to Markie Duran, the club’s general manager. He was pleasant enough and eager to bring her up to speed on Babylon’s network of rules and securities. There was so much to take in, Thandie doubted she absorbed half of it. She was coming to realize Club Babylon was not simply a nightclub—it was a money-making machine. It was unlike anything she’d ever seen before.
“I should have brought a notepad to take notes,” Thandie commented once Markie finished his presentation.
“Don’t worry,” Markie said with a laugh. “In a few short nights, you’ll know this place like the back of your hand.”
Thandie hoped he was right about that. The sheer size of the club was intimidating.
“It’s too bad you weren’t in town a week earlier,” Adam added. “You missed the birthday bash.” He winked at Markie, and both men gave a wicked laugh.
“Whose birthday?” Thandie’s question faded when the door leading to Elliot’s office suddenly opened. The reaction was immediate. The muscular man guarding the door stepped aside to allow several men to exit the office and descend the staircase. Thandie craned her neck, trying to get a good look at each man. “Which one is Elliot?”
“None,” Adam confirmed with a quick glance. “It looks like Elliot’s free. We better grab him while we can.”
Taking hold of Thandie’s elbow, he guided her up the stairs, pausing only long enough to quickly introduce her to the burly black man who stood guard outside the office door. She learned his name was Vincent Michelle, but preferred to be called Michelle.
Thandie crossed the threshold and stepped into a spacious, sleekly decorated office. The walls facing the arena were made entirely of one-way glass, providing an uninhibited view of the club without being seen. Oddly shaped lamps lit the room, which softened the modern furniture and created an intimate atmosphere.
Thandie’s gaze continued to sweep over the room, and then she faltered. There he was. The man she’d flown over a thousand miles to meet—Elliot Richards. He was leaning casually against the edge of a large glass desk, staring at her. It was as if he’d been patiently waiting her for the entire time, and not the other way around.
The instant her eyes met his, Thandie froze in place. She watched, spellbound, as the sinfully handsome man pulled himself up to his full height and approached them. He was tall, tanned and mouth-watering. A one-of-a-kind Ferrari. He was perfection in motion. With every step he took, Thandie became more convinced of one thing: Elliot Richards had been well worth the wait.
He had satin black hair, captivating silver eyes, a strong chin and kissable lips. He was dressed in a crisp white button-up shirt and black slacks that could only be tailor-made to fit. His shirt pulled tightly across a muscular chest, his golden skin a stark contrast against the crisp fabric. He had a cool air that drew her to him, with very little effort on his part. Now, she understood why Adam had warned her.
“Hello.” He gave her a slight grin, one that was all business and too damned sexy to be permissible. “I’m Elliot Richards. You must be Thandie Shaw.” He held out his hand. “Finally, we meet.”
Thandie struggled not to gawk at him as she shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Richards.”
He blessed her with a dazzling smile. “Believe me, Ms. Shaw, the pleasure is all mine. You must forgive my tardiness. My meeting ran long; however, my delay doesn’t in any way reflect your importance. I’m eager to see what you can do for us.” He waved his hand toward the couches. “Please, have a seat.”
Thandie walked toward a long leather couch, feeling Elliot’s gaze on her the entire time. He waited for to take her seat, before sitting down himself. Adam took the opportunity to excuse himself, mumbling he had some things to see to.
Elliot waited until Adam left before turning to her. “I trust the tour you received was sufficient.”
“Yes, very much so.” She said with a guarded, yet nervous smile. “You have an amazing place.”
“Thank you. It was quite an investment, but I’m happy with it.”
Thandie had to force herself to concentrate on the conversation. Elliot Richards was gorgeous, alarmingly so. It was hard to believe this charming and very handsome man was the same person who’d hung up on her weeks before. When his lips began to move, Thandie became transfixed.
“I’m sure Warren has already spoken to you, but please allow me to reiterate.” He checked his watch before continuing. “I currently own three night clubs. Lush, Red Door and Club Babylon. Lush is a fetish club, with very select membership. Red Door is a nightclub marketed toward the lesbian persuasion. It’s the smallest of my businesses, but it holds a consistent clientele. Then, there is Club Babylon. It’s my largest undertaking. The club has done very well on the strip, but we recently decided to update the look to grow our service capabilities. We reopened our doors last month. The changes have been received quite well, particularly the amenities marketed toward our members. However, we want to see major returns in a relatively short time. I expect to see a return on my investment in three months’ time.”
“Three months sets a vigorous schedule,” Thandie warned.
Elliot nodded. “Yes, it does, but I’m confident we’ll hit our mark on time. With your help, of course.” He smiled. “Warren sang praises of your abilities. He was quite vocal that you are the person we need.”
She blushed slightly. “Warren is very kind.”
“If that were all it was, you wouldn’t be here.” He looked at her seriously. “Please allow me to be frank.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I don’t normally employ women, and for good reason.”
“May I inquire why?”
His gaze was level. “In my experience, women become...unfocused.”
She immediately understood. He was the reason for his previous female employees losing their focus. How could they not? He was a walking, talking, breathing distraction.
“In all honesty, Ms. Shaw, I’m not entirely sold on the idea of you being here. Club Babylon is quite the exception to the typical club expirence. This is not a place for emotional beings and and from past experiences, women often get attached to the wrong thing. Which is why working with an all-male staff is not only beneficial but necessary in my line of business.”
She stared at Elliot. His sharp profile and flawless skin made it very clear what those “wrong attachments” might be. Fixing him with a hard stare, she said, “May I ask you a question?”
“What the hell am I doing here?” She could tell her frankness momentarily shocked him. “As you can see, I’m not a man.”
Elliot’s silver gaze roved over her body slowly and intentionally. “That is a fact I have been unable to ignore.” His stare was heated when he added, “And neither will the rest of my staff.”
“I assure you I’m a professional. As long as your staff operates on the same level, then we should have no problems.” She smiled thinly. “You’ve reviewed my portfolio; you know what I’m capable of. So if there is an issue with my gender, again I ask, what the hell am I doing here?”
“You’re here because Warren insisted on it,” he said simply.
He flashed her a devilish grin that made her mind conjure up every dirty thought imaginable. He really was too handsome for his own good. Her gaze unwillingly floated over his body, and there was no doubt in her mind the man was created for mind-numbing, can’t-walk-in-the-morning sex.
“Although I appreciate Warren’s confidence in me,” she began, licking her lips in a struggle to tear her eyes away from his body, “I assure you I come highly recommended. Feel free to check my references.”
“I have.”
“And?” she prodded when he did not elaborate.
His eyes sparkled. “As you said, you come highly recommended. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.” He crossed his legs in one fluid motion. Somehow, he managed to make the action appear very masculine. “I thought it only fair for you to know where I stand.”
She felt as if he were studying her unemotionally, as if he were shopping for a new car, mentally accessing value versus usage and lastly, appeal.
“I appreciate your candor,” she said, somewhat irritated.
“I promise you I have an abundance to give.” He disarmed her by giving a boyish grin. “Babylon is my woman. I love her to obsession. Her success is my own.”
“I understand.”
“So I haven’t frightened you off yet?”
“Not even close.”
He grinned at her. “I like that you’re not afraid of me.”
This time, she laughed. “I’m from New York. Nothing frightens me.”
“We shall see about that.”
His words were delivered so softly, Thandie did not immediately catch their meaning. Did he intend to frighten her out of the job? She considered asking him this very question, but at the last minute stopped herself. Instead she asked, “Whom will I be working with?”
“Myself,” he said. “Very closely.” His eyes openly assessed her again, but this time was a little different from the first. This review was sexual. Whether he was impressed or not, she could not tell. “As well as my managing staff,” he added. “You’ll meet them tonight before we open. We get together for an action-meeting during the first hour of business. You should make yourself available. We go over the themes for the next night, as well as address any issues. Use tonight to acquaint yourself with the ins and outs of the club during showtime. It’s easy to get confused when the lights are down.”
“I’ll be there.”
“I know you will be.”
“Can you give me an idea of what you expect from me?”
Elliot inclined his dark head gracefully. “I want you to host a series of events here at the club, leading up to our grand re-opening.”
“Aren’t you open now?”
“This is a ‘soft’ opening. It allows us to work out the kinks and formulate our operations. A dress rehearsal, if you will. We’re showing only half our potential.”
“Oh,” was all she could think to say. She felt a little embarrassed, because she should have known the answer to her question. She’d seen a soft opening before, but certainly not to this extent. “When will I learn specifics regarding the project? Goals, budget, etcetera?”
“Over dinner.”
Thandie frowned. “I’m sorry?”
“Do you have plans tomorrow evening?”
She heard herself answering before thinking. “No.”
“Good. I’d like you to have dinner with me at Peppers at eight o’clock. The attire is formal. I suggest you wear a dress. My assistant Romero can give you directions.”
“Why?” she blurted out, immediately suspicious of his intentions. “Why are we meeting there and not here, in your office?”
Elliot folded his hands in his lap. Thandie could tell he was not use to being questioned. Although his face remained a mask of cool indifference, his silver eyes flashed with what looked like annoyance. In spite of this, his voice was even-tempered when he spoke. “We are meeting at Peppers because I enjoy the food and I have a reserved table there. The timing of our meeting is because of my schedule. My day is filled with meetings. The only block I have available for you is while I’m dining.” He arched a dark brow. “Is this going to be a problem?”
Feeling embarrassed for having jumped to the wrong conclusion, Thandie immediately shook her head. Mercifully, there was a heavy tap on the office door seconds before it opened. The large, beefy head of Michelle appeared.
“Elliot, Warren is here to see you.”
“Thanks. Let him in.” He stood, brushing his hands across his perfectly pressed pants. “Any last questions, Ms. Shaw?”
“No,” she said quickly, avoiding eye contact.
“Before you leave, I should mention the Tower of Babel is off-limits during business hours. Take my word for it and just don’t venture up there.”
The office door opened wider, and Warren Radcliffe entered the room. In his sixties, he was a man who’d aged well. His pure white hair was worn long enough to brush the collar of his shirt. It was stylishly cut, and professionally highlighted. His mustache and beard were trimmed low, and well groomed. Adorned in a colorful Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, he looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world. If Elliot were an exotic car, Warren was more like a lovable childhood toy, worn in presentation but holding all the jubilance of its younger days. In spite of his features, weathered from years of hard partying, his boyish nature could not be ignored. He was a great reminder that life never got boring because one grew older.
When Warren smiled at her, Thandie resisted the urge to run and curl herself up in his natural sunshine. As if reading her mind, he pulled her to her feet to give her a tight hug. “You’re finally here. It’s great to see you, Thandie. You look great.”
She kissed his cheek. “So do you.”
He shot a curious glance at Elliot. “I see you two have met. I hope he hasn’t seduced you yet.”
Elliot gave a dry laugh. “I’ll leave the seducing to you, Romeo.”
Ignoring Elliot, Warren looked down at Thandie. “We need to get you settled in. Adam loaded your bags into my car. Where are the girls? I’m here to help, but you’ll need them. Damn, listen to me rambling like a woman. Wow, it’s good to see you, Thandie. I feel as if I’m five years old again on Christmas morning.”
“That was a long time ago,” Elliot remarked.
Warren slanted his eyes in his direction, before returning his attention to Thandie. “Fun times, kiddo. This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime.”
There was a knock at the door and Michelle popped his head in again. “Elliot, your next meeting is here.”
Elliot checked his watch, then waved his hand. “Let him in.” He turned to Thandie. “Until tonight, Ms. Shaw.”
The door swung open, and a tall, dark-haired man entered the office.
Before Thandie could figure out who this new visitor was, Warren ushered her out of the office. Michelle quickly closed the door behind them.
Warren huffed. “No need for us to get caught up in that stuff.”
“Who was that?” she asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine. Elliot has his hand in so many ventures, it’s difficult to say.” Warren was about to add more, but before the words could escape his lips, a beautiful Asian woman with long dark hair wrapped her arms around his neck.
Surprised and obviously grateful, Warren grinned from ear to ear. “Susan, how are you, honey?”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said.
“Well, I’m all yours now.”
“Did you forget your promise to me?”
Warren paused for a moment and then snapped his fingers. “Of course not. How could I forget you?” His eyes ran over her long legs. “You’re always on my mind.”
“I better be,” she laughed lightly. “Tonight, right?”
“I’ll have to see if he’ll be available.”
“You promised,” she reminded him in a slightly irritable tone.
“Okay, okay,” he said calmly. “Tonight. I promise.”She gave a triumphant smile and then glanced toward the office door that led to Elliot’s office.
“I’m counting on you, Warren.”
Thandie watched the woman saunter away, still baffled by what had just happened. “Please tell me you’re going to explain that.”
Warren waved his hand and guided Thandie toward the door. “Susan’s a dear friend.”
“How long have you known this dear friend?”
“Ever since she started working here?” he hedged.
Thandie gave him a questioning look.
“Okay, okay, kiddo. She’s been working here for nearly a month,” he admitted.
“What kind of promise did you make her?”
“It’s silly,” he said with a shake of his white head. “Forget you ever heard that.”
“Uh-uh.” Thandie shook her head teasingly. “Tell me everything.”
Warren blushed. “I kinda promised her I’d introduce her to Elliot.”
“Ok, I did—I promised her I’d introduce her to him.”
“And in return?”
He wiggled his eyebrows.
At this, she had to laugh. “You haven’t changed a bit.”
Warren shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I profit from his good fortune? I’ve got to give it to the guy; he’s good. He’s a great business partner but an even better womanizer. Speaking of which—” he turned serious eyes on her “—heed my warning, Thandie. Stay away from him.”
She cocked her head to the side. “Would it surprise you that you aren’t the first person to tell me that?”
“No, but it would surprise me if I were the last.” Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, like an old-world gentleman, Warren led her to the exit. “I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“Excellent. I promise you won’t regret it.”
The drive to Warren’s home was relaxing, complemented by the subtropical climate. Thandie spent most of their trip being entertained by her host. He caught her up on the latest happenings with him and Wife Number Five. He was eager for the divorce, because he was already dating potential Wife Number Six. Thandie listened, thinking Warren was a fun guy who was desperately looking for happiness. She felt a little sorry for him, but his stories were too comical not to laugh at.
Twenty minutes later, Thandie stared up at a majestic estate. She’d always known Warren was well off, but she never imagined he lived so extravagantly. His beachfront home had a million-dollar view of the ocean. Inside, it had a minimalist design, abstract art and many white walls. He gave her a tour of the home before eventually guiding her to a guest room.
Placing her bags near the door, he said, “There are empty bedrooms down the hall for your staff. Make yourself at home. If there is anything you need, just ask. The housekeeper’s name is Anga. Her room is off the kitchen. She’s a sweetheart. She’ll be happy to assist you. I won’t be at the club until later tonight; however, my driver can take you back and forth. We’ll get you a rental car tomorrow.”
“This is very kind of you, Warren. Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”
“Nonsense. I’m happy to have the company. Things have been pretty quiet around here lately.” He looked at his watch and made a low whistling sound. “I’m going to catch up on my sleep. You might want to do the same. I’ll see you later.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.
Too anxious to rest, Thandie began unpacking. She took her time stowing away her toiletries, hanging up her dresses, and taking inventory of her shoes before finally tossing herself across the bed. She could hardly believe she was in Miami. It was a risky move, but she didn’t regret it yet. The atmosphere was very relaxing. She could almost swear she could smell the ocean in the air.
She stretched out and looked up at the ceiling. She still questioned her real reasons for coming, but she was here now and she had better make the best of it. Club Babylon was amazing. She could really work her connections to bring in famous faces; even if she had to put up with Ruark Randall again, it would be worth it.
Her thoughts turned to her mother, and she felt a tinge of guilt. She’d visited with her mother before leaving the city. She wanted to make sure the assisted living staff had all her contact numbers. She’d promised her mother she would be back in a few days. She’d meant every word, but she couldn’t help but feeling as though she’d just abandoned her mother.
Unexpectedly, her mind focused on the face of Elliot Richards. It was shameful how she’d reacted to him. If a successful business relationship was to emerge from this, she would have to curb her attraction to him. With a little determination, it should be easy enough to keep her distance and concentrate on her assignment. It wasn’t as if he was attracted to her. He hadn’t shown the mildest interest in her. Hell, if he’d had it his way, she wouldn’t even be in Miami.
Thandie closed her eyes and considered the matter. She wasn’t tired, but the feel of the cool linens against her skin was refreshing. She began to make a mental list of the things she needed to do. Unfortunately, she did not get very far. Within a few minutes, she was sound asleep.
* * *
Thandie awoke three hours later. She fussed over what to wear. This would be her first night on the job. She had to make a good impression. She had just laid her outfit on the bed when her cell phone beeped. It was Amanda.
“Hi, Amanda. How is everything going?”
“Oh, my goodness! I’m so glad you picked up. I have a crisis on my hands!”
Thandie dressed while she listened to Amanda read off a long list of emergencies that she proclaimed to be “out of control.” She had to apply her makeup with her ear glued to her phone. When Amanda was finished, Thandie walked her through how to address each issue. They were things that Amanda could have resolved herself, if she’d put more thought into it rather than easily giving in to panic.
She was still giving Amanda a pep talk when Warren’s driver dropped her off at Club Babylon. The club was opening in ten minutes, and there was already a line. Bruno, the bouncer Adam had introduced her to earlier, held the door open for her. The heavy throb of rap vocals could be heard from the street. It was loud and seductive. Unfortunately, Thandie could not admire Babylon in its glory. She went directly into the women’s bathroom to better hear Amanda’s ranting.
“I don’t know if I can do this alone, Thandie. Please tell me you’re coming back soon.”
“Amanda, I know you can do this. Just use your best judgment. I trust you to make the right decision. If you come across another situation and you absolutely don’t know what to do, call me. Now I have an important meeting to go to. Will you be all right?”
Amanda hesitated. “I—I think so. Promise me you’ll answer if I call back.”
“I promise.”
When she ended her call, Thandie looked at her minutes. One hour and fifty-five minutes. Had she really talked to Amanda that long? She groaned and gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, then headed for Elliot’s office. She smiled at Michelle as she ascended the stairs. He nodded to her before holding the door open. She could almost feel his eyes on her backside. Obvious as it may have been, Michelle’s attention was nothing compared to what she faced next. Elliot stopped mid-sentence when he looked up at her. The men lounging on the couches turned to see their visitor. For a moment, no one said anything. They just stared at her.
* * *
Elliot was outlining the next day’s schedule when Thandie walked into his office. The first thing that caught his attention was her legs. She was wearing satin hot pants that were so short, they might as well be considered panties. They drew his eyes right to the space between her thighs. Her blouse was nothing more than a shiny black handkerchief, with thin strings tied around her neck and behind her back. As she stepped farther into the room, her shapely legs, slender figure and curvy hips fell under his appraisal. They were incredible. The closer she got, the more apparent it became that her shirt was nearly see-through.
She put a spell over the room. No one was able to speak. They were too busy gaping at her attributes to say anything appropriate. Elliot had to force himself to break away from her magic. He cleared his voice. “Everyone, this is Thandie Shaw of Shaw Public Relations in New York. Her firm will be helping us promote the club for the grand reopening.”
Before he could say more, Adam jumped up to offer her his seat. Markie, Tom and Eddie stumbled over each other to introduce themselves. They each fought to tell her what their responsibilities were and why they would be working closely with her. Even his assistant Romero, who rarely went out of his way to speak to anyone, made a stiff introduction. Tom Comber, his director of food and beverage, and Eddie Bloom, his efficiency expert, were struggling to get a word in, being that their positions had little relevance to her job. Thandie didn’t appear to be overwhelmed by their attention. Elliot imagined she always had men chasing after her. With a body like hers, he was almost certain.
Elliot folded his arms across his chest, having grown tired of watching his management team gush. “Now that introductions have been made,” he said coolly, “let’s finish up, shall we? Tom, please present our sales goal tonight.”
The remainder of the meeting followed suit. Every manager took turns giving updates. Reports were made quickly, to allow themselves ample time to get back to the task of drooling over Thandie. By the time Elliot called it quits, he was royally annoyed by his team’s behavior. He watched Adam and Markie follow Thandie out of his office like protective puppies. They were clearly guarding her from him. It was just as well. He had a strict policy not to sleep with his employees. That is, until now. Seeing her tonight, dressed as she was, made him forget himself for a minute. She was damned sexy.
He was suddenly looking forward to the next few months.
* * *
Thandie was enjoying herself. The music was great, and everyone was lively. Adam kept her busy by introducing her guests. There was something to be said about the partygoers of South Beach. Everyone looked great and loved to dance. She now wished that Len and Raja were here with her. This would have been the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with their clients.
She moved through the different levels of the VIP area, introducing herself to as many people as she could. The lights in the room changed from blue to a glowing red. Everyone went crazy as the dancers took to the stage. The party went into full swing as the music climbed to a new pinnacle.
In spite of her good time, Thandie was ever aware of Elliot’s presence. Her gaze sought him out with an impulsiveness she could not control. She mentally combed the crowd until she finally spied him. Elliot was making slow progress, moving across the VIP area. Everyone either knew him or wanted to know him. It was impossible not to marvel at his ease of socializing, and the charisma with which he did it. Men and women alike were charmed by him. Women, of course, for his good looks. Men were easily won over by his unwavering air of confidence. Elliot Richards seemed like the coolest person in the room, and everyone wanted a piece of him.
As he was leaving the upper level, two men called him over. Thandie watched this interaction and was not surprised by what she saw. Apparently, gay men were not excluded from his appeal. Unlike most heterosexual males, Elliot did not appear the least bit guarded as he mingled with the men. Instead, Elliot engaged them warmly. In fact, it bordered on mild flirtation. Of course, it was not as obvious as it was with women but it was just enough to make them walk away thinking maybe, just maybe, they stood a chance of warming a place in Elliot’s bed.
With easy skill, Elliot broke away from the group and continued his rounds of greeting VIP members.
Just then, Adam sought her out in the crowd and waved her over to a table on an elevated level. From this perch he was able to point out regular customers, whom he referred to as members. Thandie listened avidly as he distinguished the rich from the hangers-on. There were telltale signs Thandie would have been able to figure out for herself, but Adam had the advantage of experience. He knew these people by name and face, oftentimes by financial records. He was vague on these details, but he revealed just enough to let her understand the clientele.
From the corner of her eye, Thandie spotted Warren entering the VIP lounge. A wave of interest swept over the rooms as he made his way through the throng. A celebrity in his own right, Warren’s arrival was warmly received. He shook hands and issued nods of acknowledgment with the masterful finesse of a seasoned politician. No one was immune to Warren’s charm.
A break in the mass occurred and Thandie was able to see Warren fully. His Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts had been replaced by a fine dark suit and silk tie. His thick white hair, although stylishly brushed to the side, caught the hold of the mood lighting and now glowed a soft lavender purple. Not surprisingly, a young woman clung to his side.
Thandie waved her hand to signal him. Catching sight of her, Warren grinned and began making his way toward them. “Hey, kiddo!” he said as soon as he reached her. “I see you made it to school just fine.”
Thandie hugged Warren in greeting. “Yes, I made it here in one piece.”
“How did the management meeting go?”
“She made quite an impression,” Adam volunteered.
Warren’s white brows raised. “Oh, really?”
“I don’t think the boys are excited about sharing their sandbox with a girl,” Thandie suggested.
Adam gave a snort. “I beg to differ.”
“No one gave you a hard time, did they?” Warren asked, a trace of concern in his eyes.
“No,” she assured him. “It was painless enough.”
“Well, then,” Warren said happily, “no harm done.” He snapped his fingers as if remembering something. “Where are my manners?” Turning to the young woman at his side, he said, “This is Thandie, an old friend of mine.” He put special emphasis on the ‘old friend’ part. “And that’s Adam,” he added flatly. If Adam was offended by Warren’s lack of embellishment, he did not show it. “Thandie and Adam, this is Kara.”
“Tara,” the woman corrected.
“Right,” Warren said quickly. “Tara.”
Tara made a childish pout with her lips, muttered something about wanting to dance, and then sashayed onto the dance floor. Thandie was amused by the animated way Warren and Adam swiveled their necks to watch Tara’s departure. When the leering got to be too much, Thandie asked, “Warren, who is that woman?”
Warren leaned closer and whispered, “If I play my cards right, we could be looking at the next Mrs. Warren Radcliffe.”
“Wife Number Six?” Thandie mused aloud.
Warren waved his hand in air. “Don’t rain on my parade. Our lawyers are talking.” He watched Tara dancing in the center of the dance floor. Her hands were in her hair and her hips swayed provocatively. Warren gave a sigh of awe. “Don’t wait up for me, kiddo,” he said. “I don’t plan on coming home early.” With that said, he eased his way onto the dance floor to join Tara.
“Crafty old guy,” Adam muttered under his breath.
“You have no idea,” she agreed.
Suddenly, without warning, Elliot appeared out of the crowd and stood at Adam’s side. The expression on his face was calm, cool and collected. However, his eyes told a different story. The pale gray orbs flickered with something bright and dangerous. Thandie got the eerie feeling she was hunted prey.
Elliot locked eyes with her for a moment and then, as if nothing of significance had happened, he turned to Adam. “I trust you’re keeping a close eye on Ms. Shaw.”
Adam grinned. “I’m not letting her out of my sight.”
“That’s good to hear,” Elliot said in a voice that seemed to convey just the opposite. “We wouldn’t want to lose her in the crowd. Anything could happen.”
Adam chuckled, but Thandie frowned at the strange comment. Was he trying to warn her, or scare her? Uncertain if the remark deserved a response, Thandie looked away. She could feel Elliot’s gray gaze on her, and it was unsettling.
She stiffened when he stepped around Adam, circling behind her, to come up on her left. His movement was slow and deliberate. He came within inches of brushing against her. She could briefly feel his breath on the back of her neck as he passed her.
“I trust we’re keeping you entertained,” he whispered close to her ear.
“Yes,” she replied skittishly; her nerves brittle from his nearness, which was too close for comfort. “I can see why Babylon is in high demand,” she said lamely. “The renovations are remarkable. The views are impressive.”
“I agree,” he said with soft laugh. “The views are very impressive.”
She looked up to find his gaze was not on the glass walls which overlooked the lower levels of the club, but trained on her. Thandie’s reaction to his words played right into his hands. A flutter of arousal began to churn in her stomach, her skin puckered with goose bumps, and her nipples tightened. She did not have to look down to know her response was noticeable. She could tell by the sound of Elliot’s soft chuckle.
Thankfully Adam, who’d been keeping a watchful eye on the VIP guests, thus missing their exchange, asked, “How are we doing tonight, Elliot?”
“We’ll hit our liquor sales goal,” Elliot replied unenthusiastically.
“Better than nothing,” Adam said encouragingly.
“So you say,” Elliot retorted. Without another word, he disappeared into the sea of people.
Thandie looked after him, unsure what to make of Elliot. What had been the point of that? Was he trying to bait her into saying something foolish? Or did he simply enjoy unnerving her? She watched his retreating back, his broad shoulders leaving a wide path in his wake.
“Elusive as always,” a voice said.
Thandie turned around to see the speaker. Standing directly behind her was a dark-haired man with even darker eyes. He was average height, well suited, and there was an interesting lift in his voice, indicating he was not native to the area. She imagined under any other circumstance, he would strike her as handsome. However, her eyes still lingered on the spot Elliot had just vacated.
“Of course,” the stranger continued, “that’s why women can’t get enough of him.”
“Ah, you’re back,” Adam said, having noticed their visitor. He reached around Thandie to shake the man’s hand. “I thought you would be out of town for a few more days.” Adam inclined his head to Thandie. “This is Rex Barrington. He handles the marketing for Club Babylon.”
Rex held out his hand to her. “And you must be the legendary Ms. Shaw everyone has been talking about.”
“I am Thandie Shaw,” she said as she accepted his hand. “However, I’m not sure about the legendary part.”
Rex chuckled. “You’re a woman on Elliot’s payroll. Around here, that makes you quite famous.”
“So I hear,” Thandie said with a snort.
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” Rex confessed. “It’s just that we’ve never had a woman on the management team. I imagine you’ll have an immediate impact on the culture here.”
“She’s a lot nicer to look at than Eddie,” Adam added with a smirk.
“Of that, I have no doubt,” Rex concurred. “Elliot outdid himself this time.”
At the mention of Elliot’s name, Thandie instinctively sought him out in the crowd. It did not take long to spot him. In the short time since speaking to her, Elliot had maneuvered his way back to the main floor, and obtained a new companion. Even from this vantage point, Thandie could tell her enlarged breasts were fake and her pale blond hair came from a bottle. Even so, her attributes were admirable. She was yet another reason why the average male would envy Elliot.
The two were just about to head up the staircase leading to his office door, when they were distracted by someone stepping out of the crowd. It was Warren, and he was attempting to introduce Elliot to a dark-haired girl. It was not Tara. Thandie had to squint her eyes before recognizing her as the pretty Asian girl she’d met earlier that day.
Elliot smiled down at the woman, before taking her fingers in his and pressing his lips to the top of her hand. His opened his mouth to speak, but Thandie was too far away to make out the words. Whatever he’d said had been brief, because Elliot soon continued up the steps. He and the blonde disappeared into his office, the entrance to which was immediately obstructed by the giant Michelle. It was little wonder why Elliot had retreated into his office with the woman. Thandie’s imagination ran wild with the possibilities.
She jumped at the sound of Adam’s voice. Quickly diverting her eyes, Thandie turned to face him.
“Do you want to see the DJ booth?” he asked.
She smiled. “Please lead the way.”
Chapter Five (#ulink_a0b833cc-3e47-56f6-942e-32e6b9551362)
Star Island
South Beach, Miami
Elliot woke earlier than normal. It was a quarter to noon; practically daybreak for a person who kept his late hours. He hadn’t returned home until six this morning.
All three of his clubs had been exceptionally busy the previous night. Elliot routinely split his time between his clubs, which were conveniently located within a few blocks of each other. Because Babylon was his largest enterprise, it demanded most of his attention. However, he checked in with the managers at his smaller establishments regularly. It was important that they know he was engaged in their day-to-day operations, particularly when money was involved.
Typically, Elliot began his day at Babylon, would slip away for few hours to visit Lush and Red Door, and would return to Babylon shortly before closing to help with the shutdown. He liked to be on site when the money from the cash registers was collected. Closing the club up for the night was an efficient, yet time-consuming, endeavor.
* * *
With only a few hours of sleep, Elliot was surprisingly alert and ready to start his day. He indulged himself with a long workout in his home gym, before cooling off with a few laps in the pool. He felt invigorated, lighter than normal. He knew why. It was the thrill of a new hunt. He grinned as he recalled the look on Thandie’s face when he’d left her last night. She was damned cute when she was uncertain of herself. And sexy. He recalled quite vividly how those small shorts wrapped around her shapely bottom. He was looking forward to their dinner tonight.
Elliot showered and dressed for yet another long day. Romero was just parking his car in the drive when he emerged onto the front porch. His assistant looked surprised to see him up and about prior to his arrival.
Romero followed Elliot to his vehicle and got into the passenger seat. During the short drive to the Ocean Avenue bistro, they discussed his busy schedule. Predictably, the meal was cut short so not to be late for Elliot’s first appointment for the day.
The two set off again, arriving at Club Babylon. It was early, and the club was slowly coming to life. Most of the lights were still off and only a handful of staff members was present. Elliot went to his office. Romero followed him, turning on the lights as they went, before using the office phone to dial into a conference call. Tapping the speaker button so that the sound of ringing filled the room, Romero quickly left the office to attend to other matters. Elliot was already behind his desk, powering up his computer while he waited for the managers of Lush and Red Door to join the call. Markie Duran entered the office looking tired, clutching a notepad and a cup of coffee. These phone calls took a harder toll on Markie than the other club managers, because Babylon kept longer hours. Knowing Markie as he did, Elliot suspected he would take a power nap in his office before their evening meeting with the entire team.
Within minutes, the managers of both clubs joined the call, and the sharing of statistical data from the previous night got underway. These meetings were cumbersome, but necessary. Each general manager was protective of his information, and the undercurrent interoffice competition was glaringly evident. The managers of Lush and Red Door strived to outdo each other with their gross revenues, and Markie was determined to upset both clubs by generating double their combined totals. These calls were highly combative and often frustrating. However, Elliot enjoyed the competition amongst his managers. He was the winner regardless of the outcome.
An hour later, Markie still looked tired, but smug. He’d decidedly outperformed his cohorts from a revenue standpoint, but he had some improvement to do. As soon as the call was over, Elliot turned to him, and said, “Our capabilities should be better. We’re getting screwed on overtime hours due to all the confusion surrounding the reopening. Get our people trained up immediately. Also, I’ve looked at the budget for catering. We’re going overboard. Get with Eddie and cross-reference those numbers with the guest list we’ve been working on.”
There was a knock before Michelle swung open his office door. “Nico’s here,” the giant grunted.
Elliot turned away from Markie. “I think that will do it,” he said. “Gather that information for me, and let’s schedule some time together tomorrow.” Scooping up his paperwork and coffee cup, Markie exited Elliot’s office just as Nico entered the room.
Nico was a boy millionaire who grew his fortune by making unusual but rewarding investments. He and Elliot had known each other since their college days. Elliot had been a student at the University of Miami while Nico, who attended school in Italy, had a habit of chartering private jets to fly himself and a group of friends to South Beach for the weekend. His passion for wild parties and pretty women made him and Elliot instant friends.
Nico was Elliot’s closest friend and was therefore the only person who could honestly say he knew the real Elliot Richards. They shared confidences with the knowledge that the other would tease him mercilessly but in the end would help in any way possible. When Elliot wanted to buy his first club, it was Nico who had financially backed him. Although Elliot had managed to pay him back within a year, Nico had never mentioned the favor.
Whenever Nico was in town, they were inseparable. Much like their college days, they spent most of the time discussing business, partying and sharing women. It was a routine that came as naturally to them as breathing.
Elliot stood and met Nico halfway. They slapped hands and gave a brief hug.
“You look like hell,” Nico said.
Elliot grinned. “So do you.”
It was a stupid greeting that they’d practiced since first meeting and for some reason had never grown out of.
“When did you get in town?” Elliot asked.
“Yesterday,” his friend replied. “I won’t be here long, but it was a necessary trip.” Nico claimed the seat behind Elliot’s desk and began fiddling with his cell phone. “I just got a new phone yesterday, and I can’t figure out how to check my mail. I made a trip to the store to have them explain to me how to work the damn thing, but that kid was all of nineteen and seemed to get off pointing out to me how little I understood about technology. I should have told the little snot that I own a sizable portion of the company that designed the phone. Ah, here we go.” Nico reached for the desk phone and started dialing.
“Who are you calling?” Elliot asked.
“The engineer who designed my phone.” The speakerphone echoed the automated ringing. It rang exactly four times before a squeaky voice answered.
“Yeah?” answered the annoyed, high-pitched voice.
“Ralphie, this is Nico.”
The person on the other end cleared his voice. “Hello, Nico—I mean, sir. How can I help you?”
“You can start by explaining how I can check my email on my phone. Several people have sent me messages, but I can’t set up my browser right.”
“If you send it to me, I can adjust your settings.”
“Not an option,” Nico said. “I’m in Miami for a few days.”
“If you don’t mind giving me your cell number, I can connect to your phone and do the setup for you.”
Nico agreed and called off his number to the tech. Allowing him some time to work, he swiveled in the seat and looked at Elliot. “Matrix is throwing another party tonight,” he said. “Are you up for it?”
“Do you only come to town for Matrix’s parties?”
Nico held his hands up in mock surrender. “What else is there to do?” He shot his friend a wicked grin. The last time they’d attended one of Matrix’s house parties, they’d participated in an orgy and woke up in Baltimore of all places.
Elliot laughed. “I’m working tonight.”
“You’re always working.”
“I know.”
“Lucky for you, Matrix expected you to say that. The party starts at nine. I’ll pick you up.”
“I can’t.”
“The Ripley twins will be there,” Nico coaxed.
Elliot shrugged. “Tempting, but I already have plans.”
Nico squinted his eyes at Elliot, looking suddenly suspicious. “Plans with whom?”
Before Elliot could answer, the phone’s speaker came back to life.
“You’re good to go, sir. Try to check your mail now.”
Nico pulled out his phone and played with the keys. Satisfied, he grinned. “Thanks, Ralphie.” Without further preamble he hung up the phone. Not one to forget his train of thought, Nico picked up the conversation where they’d left off. “Plans with whom?”
Elliot sighed, making it clear he was bored with the topic. “I’m meeting with a new employee.”
“A new employee? I didn’t know you were in the market.”
“Stop fishing, Nico.”
“Fine. Keep your secrets. I’ll think fondly of you when I’m slutting it up tonight.” Standing, Nico came around the desk. “Oh, before I forget, Chris is going to be in town next month. You know how quickly his schedule fills up. I was thinking we could get in a game of racquetball. The bastard has beaten me the last three times we’ve played.”
Elliot leaned against his desk. “Tell me the date and time.”
“I’ll send you the info.” Nico slid his phone into his pocket and prepared to leave. “I’ll send your love to the Ripley girls.”
Elliot chuckled. “You do that.”
“Enjoy your meeting.”
“I intend to.”
* * *
Thandie woke up to the sound of her cell phone vibrating. She flipped it open to see it was Amanda again. She took a calming breath before answering in a groggy voice. “Hi, Amanda.”
“Oh, my gosh! You won’t believe what happened last night.”
Thandie braced herself for the worst. She pulled the sheets over her head while she listened to Amanda’s dramatic tale about the opening of Rain Bar. This should have been an easy assignment, since Thandie had set up the event before leaving for Miami. She had assumed wrong. Amanda was up in arms because several key celebrities had bypassed the red carpet in favor of a side door, and missing any chance of photographers seeing them. That was a problem when putting together a big event. It was the promoter’s responsibility to make sure the press noticed the right people. Amanda was near tears.
“Amanda, calm down. We can fix this.” Thandie took a moment to consider the options. “Make a list of who went in the side door. Call Nancy at The Post, and feed her blurbs focusing on those people. Surely you know or heard something that happened during the party. Let Nancy come up with her own assumptions; just give her enough to go off of. No embellishments. Let Nancy do that. Do you think you got that?”
“Yes, Thandie. I’m so sorry,” Amanda sobbed. “I thought I had the side door handled.”
“There’s no need in crying over spilled milk, Amanda. Just call Nancy and give her what she wants.”
As Thandie hung up the phone, she wondered if she had made a mistake leaving Amanda in the office alone. So far, she was not faring well. She hoped this was just beginner’s nervousness, and Amanda would grow into her position...quickly. If not, Thandie would have to make some adjustments.
Pulling on a pair of shorts, she washed up before heading downstairs to find something to eat. Warren was already seated at the breakfast nook reading a newspaper. Anga, the housekeeper, had laid out a small spread of fruit and muffin options on the kitchen island. Thandie plucked up a shiny red apple and joined Warren for breakfast. Well, it was actually a late lunch, since Thandie hadn’t woken up until well past one o’clock.
Warren was in his usual cheery mood. “Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?”
“Tired,” she said sleepily.
Warren put down his newspaper, and leaned forward conspiratorially. “So what did you think about last night?”
“Babylon is amazing, Warren.” And it was the truth. Aside from her run-in with Elliot Richards, her experience at Babylon had been very exciting. “You invested well.”
“I knew you’d love it,” he said with an enthusiastic clap of his hands. “Does this mean you’re officially on board?”
“I believe so. Elliot and I are going to discuss details today.”
“Very good.” He picked up his newspaper, shook it out, and began scanning for the article he’d been reading. “Everything should go well. Elliot was impressed with you.”
“Oh?” she said, suddenly intrigued. “What exactly did he say?”
From behind his newspaper, she could see Warren shrug his shoulders. “Not much. He’s not a man of many words. He just said ‘he recognized an asset when he saw one’. That’s a glowing recommendation coming from him,” Warren said with a nod of his white head. “Believe me, if he didn’t approve of you, he would have told you so.”
Thandie chewed on this scrap of information, not necessarily pleased. An asset? What was she? A horse? Not wanting to talk about Elliot anymore, she changed the subject. “I have to pick up the girls tomorrow. When will you be able to take me to the car rental?”
“You can use one of mine, Thandie. I don’t mind.”
She shook her head. “Warren, you’re already doing enough for me. I wouldn’t feel right borrowing your car on top of accepting your hospitality.”
He sighed dramatically. “I try to be a nice guy.”
“And you’re greatly appreciated.”
Giving up on reading his paper, Warren put it down and dabbed at the corners of his mouth with his napkin. “Give me half an hour and I’ll be ready.”
“Thanks, Warren.”
“Yeah yeah,” he said with wave of his hand as he left the kitchen.
Thandie finished off her apple before heading to her own room to change into more appropriate clothing. While she milled through her suitcase looking for sandals, she took the opportunity to place a call. A subdued voice answered on the first ring.
“BHP. Gage Ali’s office. How may I help you?”
“This is Thandie Shaw. Is Gage available?”
“Hold on one second, Thandie.”
The husky voice of Gage Ali flowed through the phone. “So it is true? You’re in Miami?” Her voice was dark and exotic, softened only by the lilt of her British accent. “I called your office this morning to see if you wanted to do lunch next week.”
“Sorry. I didn’t get a chance to tell you I’m on assignment in Florida for the next few months.”
“Months? You can’t be serious.”
“I know, but the pay was irresistible.”
“Amanda sounds as though she’s dying over there.”
“I’m hoping she will simmer soon,” Thandie confessed.
“Who’s your contact down there?”
“Warren Radcliffe.”
“Warren?” Gage laughed. “Warren is insane.”
“Yes, he is.”
“Well, one thing is for sure, you’ll be thoroughly entertained.”
“Yes, I know.”
“What sort of assignment are you working on in Miami?” Gage pressed.
“I’m promoting a club down here.”
“What’s the name?”
“Club Babylon.”
Gage paused. “Elliot Richards’s club? Now that’s interesting.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing, really. Have you seen him?”
“Who, Elliot? Yes.”
“Very tempting, isn’t he?”
Thandie hesitated. “I suppose.”
Gage was quiet for a second. “I’ve met him before, Thandie.”
“So...I know exactly what he looks like. He’s fuckalicious, and you know it.”
“Oh, Thandie,” she said in a motherly tone. “I envy you just as much as I pity you.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“If you don’t listen to anything I say, please listen to me now. Stay away from Elliot Richards.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Thandie said lamely.
“No, Thandie, I’m serious. He is a demon placed on this earth to screw women into oblivion. We thought it was that damn apple that caused Eve’s fall from grace.” Her voice dropped to a stage whisper. “It wasn’t.”
“Let me guess. It was Elliot?”
Thandie burst into laughter. In all the years she’d known Gage, she’d never been so animated. “Are you finished?”
“Okay, I may be pouring it on thick, but in all sincerity, Thandie, don’t go down that road. Trust me when I say if you allow yourself to get involved with Elliot, you will get your heart broken.”
“Thank you, Gage—”
“The things he’s into—” Her voice drifted off. “Just don’t get hurt, okay?”
“Gage,” Thandie said in a warning tone, “what do you know?”
The line went silent for a long time. “Nothing really,” Gage hedged. “Old wives’ tales, I guess.”
“Just how well do you know Elliot?”
“I don’t know him,” Gage confessed. “No one does. He doesn’t keep very close company. However, I was once friendly with an acquaintance of his.”
“You know what I mean,” Gage snapped. “Just be careful down there.”
“I will,” Thandie promised.
Long after they’d hung up, Thandie considered Gage’s warnings. In the short time she’d been in Miami, Gage was the third person to caution her about Elliot.
Thandie certainly did not need further warnings to keep her distance from Elliot. In the brief conversations she’d had with him, she’d learned to be on her guard. He was beautiful to the point of unnerving, and arrogant to the point of exasperation. These were two things that, if Thandie didn’t watch herself, could get her into a lot of trouble.
But those eyes. Those fascinating silver eyes of his. She’d never seen anything quite like them. They seemed to flicker with intensity, bearing into her with frightening clarity.
One thing was clear—Elliot Richards was a dangerous man. She was definitely not looking forward to their dinner meeting tonight.
As if on cue, her phone began vibrating. She looked at the incoming number and frowned. She did not recognize it, but it had a Miami prefix. She answered hesitantly. “Hello?”
“May I speak to Thandie Shaw?” the caller asked brusquely.
“Ms. Shaw, this is Romero, Elliot Richards’s assistant. I was calling to confirm your meeting with him tonight at eight. Do you know how to get to Peppers?”
“Uh—no,” confused by the assertiveness of his tone.
“I will send you the directions. Please be on time. Elliot is on a tight schedule.”
“He wanted me to tell you he is looking forward to your meeting. I trust you feel the same.”
Thandie’s mouth fell open, and then it shut. It shut because Romero had already hung up. She looked at the phone and scowled. What was it with Floridians and decent phone manners? Did everyone hang up on each other in this town?
The sound of her phone chirping broke her silent rant. It was the sound indicator, alerting her she had a new email. She toggled the dials and discovered it was a new message from Romero. It included directions to the restaurant, and restated the importance of her arriving on time.
She hissed at the email like an angry cat. She was becoming increasingly leery of this meeting. She’d secretly harbored hopes someone from Elliot’s management team might join them for dinner, possibly Adam or Markie. But she now knew that had been a foolish notion. Romero’s comment about Elliot “looking forward to their meeting” was proof enough. The idea of being alone with him made her shoulders sag with the weight of a two ton anvil. Elliot was toying with her, and she knew it. He was trying to intimidate her. Well, she wouldn’t allow that to happen. At least, not as easily as he might think.
Now spitting mad, Thandie resolved herself to do battle. Hastily, she finished getting dressed. After she claimed a car from the rental agency, she had errands to run. Every good warrior knew battles were not won in the heat of combat, but in the preparations. If it was a fight Elliot wanted, it was a fight he would get.
(the foyer)
Thandie was twenty minutes early for dinner. It was enough time for her to second-guess her wardrobe choices. She’d packed only one suit for the trip to Miami. Upon careful inspection, it looked more appropriate for a funeral. So she’d headed to the mall to buy something more fitting.
Not normally swayed by sales consultants, Thandie found she was eager to accept the opinion of a stranger. She couldn’t seem to make up her mind. The saleswoman had assured her the dress was a conservative design, but Thandie was beginning to worry if she’d been had. She tugged at the stubborn hem of her dress. It seemed to be getting shorter by the minute. She was almost certain there had been more fabric on the dress when she’d bought it two hours earlier.
Thandie pulled out her phone and checked the time. It was exactly one minute until eight o’clock. Be on time my ass, she grumbled to herself. Next time she saw Romero, she planned to give him a piece of her mind.
Just then, the entrance door swung open and Elliot Richards strolled into the foyer. He was wearing a pewter gray suit and crisp button-up shirt. He spotted her immediately. As he came nearer, she could see the gray of his suit matched the color of his eyes. And the rest of him...was every bit as splendid. His thick dark hair was brushed away from his face, resembling rippling waves of black satin. The sharp features of his face were chiseled to perfection. If possible, Elliot was more handsome than she remembered. Thandie could feel her confidence begin to slip.
She watched his gaze slide over her. Even though she was fully clothed, she felt naked; stripped and completely vulnerable under his silver stare. She wished she’d chosen another dress. Something with sleeves would have been desirable. She could literally feel Elliot’s eyes caressing every curve of her body. Unable to help herself, she tugged at the hem of the dress again, pulled herself up taller, and forced herself to meet his stare. It was a mistake. His eyes danced with an unspoken challenge. She could see he was amused by her discomfort.
“Elliot,” she said in greeting.
“Ms. Shaw.” He inclined his head slightly. “You look utterly delectable.”
Thandie could feel blood rushing to her face, and knew she was turning deep red. She gripped her clutch tightly.
“Mr. Richards,” an enthusiastic female voice called out.
Both Elliot and Thandie turned to see the restaurant’s hostess approach them. She was practically beaming at Elliot. Thandie bit her lower lip in annoyance. The entire time she’d been waiting in the foyer, the hostess hadn’t so much as spared her a passing glance.
“We’re happy to have you join us today,” she simpered. “Your table is ready.”
Elliot flashed her a smile. “Very good. Please, lead the way.” He turned to Thandie and, surprising both women, placed a possessive arm around her waist. “Shall we?” he whispered in her ear, as he ushered her forward.
Thandie walked stiffly at his side as the hostess navigated around tables before climbing a short flight of carpeted steps. They arrived at Elliot’s table, a secluded booth near the rear of the upper level. It offered a superior view of the dining areas and bar below, and yet was obscured from curious eyes by layers of decorative silk curtains.
Thandie slid in first, settling herself as far on the opposite side as possible. Elliot slid in beside her, purposely eating up much of the space she’d created. His head lowered slightly, and she was momentarily surprised by the fan of dark lashes that shaded his eyes. They were long and thick—the kind women paid a small fortune to possess.
Her attention was disturbed when their waiter arrived and placed leather-bound menus before them. He greeted Elliot by name before asking for their drink requests. Without even consulting Thandie, Elliot ordered a bottle of wine. The waiter nodded his approval and disappeared. When he was well out of earshot, Thandie showed her irritation.
“I can order for myself,” she said tersely.
“I’m sure you can. However, tonight I am ordering for you. So get used to it.”
“I’m not accustomed to having a man treat me like this.”
“That’s because I’m the first man you’ve ever dealt with.”
She laughed dryly at his statement. His cocky presumption nearly toppled her patience.
“You look nervous,” Elliot remarked. “I hope I’m not the reason.”
“I’m not nervous,” she said frostily.
He said nothing, but the grin he gave her was wicked and knowing.
Thankfully, the waiter arrived with the wine. Elliot took the bottle, insisting he be the one to fill their glasses. As he did so, he placed their entrée order. The waiter again nodded his head.
“Please send the chef my respects,” Elliot added. “And press upon him my eagerness to dine. I have a healthy appetite tonight—” he paused to let his gaze slide over Thandie once more “—and my date looks good enough to eat.”
“Yes, Mr. Richards,” the waiter said promptly. “I will tell the chef.” He vanished without another word.
Elliot watched him leave, the hint of a smile played on his lips.
“Was that really necessary?” Thandie asked.
“It was,” Elliot said as he took a sip from his wine glass, “because it’s true. You look utterly edible tonight. My compliments to your dress.”
Thandie had to bite down on her lip again. She reached for her own glass, in a desperate attempt to keep her hands busy, and took a sip. She was surprised to discover it was pretty good. Better than good. It was wonderful. She could feel a rush of warmth wash over her as the smooth liquid went down. She looked at Elliot, not at all surprised to see him watching her.
“You like it,” he said. “I can tell. Your face is glowing.”
Thandie impulsively took another sip before resting her glass on the tabletop. He’d been right of course. However, she’d die a slow death before she’d admit as much to him. She pushed her glass a few inches farther away from her. She didn’t intend to get lightheaded on wine during her meeting. She would have to pace herself.
“How was your first night at Babylon?” he asked casually.
“Great,” she breathed, relieved the conversation had turned to business. “I was telling Warren this morning I thought he’d made a very sound investment.”
Something flickered across Elliot’s face. It bordered annoyance, but she could not be sure. Whatever it was, it was gone as quickly as it had come. “Yes,” he said smoothly, “it’s a very sound investment.”
“You mentioned yesterday you wanted me to host a series of events at the club,” she said. “Did you have in mind any particular kind of events?”
“That will be entirely up to you,” he said vaguely.
“Entirely?” she pressed.
Elliot smiled. “With my approval, of course.”
“Of course,” she said under her breath, slightly irritated by the lack of direction he was giving her. “Is there anyone specifically you wish to attend these events?” she asked. “I have a lot of contacts in New York. I planned to work my connections to get as many celebrities as your staff thinks they can handle. I know Brandon Audrey’s agent. I can see how his schedule lays out.”
If he was impressed by her dropping the name of a major movie star, he was a remarkable poker player. He didn’t even flinch. Whether it was because he didn’t care for Brandon Audrey or doubted her abilities to book him, was a mystery to her.
Elliot gave her a patronizing smile. “I see you’re not familiar with how things work here. Miami is known for two things.” He ticked his words off on his fingers. “Music artists and models. Wherever there are musicians, there will undoubtedly be models. And where there are models, there are wealthy men. Where there is wealth, there are more beautiful women, and where there are beautiful women, there are men. My point is, you need to focus on getting music artists here. The occasional actor is fine, but concentrate your energy on music. Am I making myself clear?”
“Absolutely,” she agreed, relieved he was giving her specifics she could use. “And while we’re on the subject of the target market, what about the press? Are there any syndications you want to be featured in? The Tower would make for some great photo opportunities. Elle Décor or even Architectural Digest might consider doing a story—” She broke off when he started shaking his head. “Is there a problem?”
“No press.”
“Excuse me?” she asked, certain she had not heard him correctly.
“No press,” he repeated, “and absolutely no photographers.”
Thandie laughed. “This is a joke, right?” She stopped abruptly when he didn’t join her. Instead, he sat patiently, staring at her. “You can’t be serious,” she said.
He flicked away an imaginary piece of lint from his suit lapel.
“You’re serious?” she gasped in disbelief.
“No photos. It’s a club policy.”
“Who would make such an absurd policy?”
“I did.”
“But this is for promotion,” she stammered. “How can we motivate people to come to the club if you aren’t willing to show your establishment?”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Shaw, but I’m quite firm on the matter. Guests come to Babylon for privacy, and I will not break promises just to sell a few silly fashion magazines and cheap tabloids.”
“Those cheap tabloids define for many people who’s hot and who’s not,” she said. “They set the mode for mainstream society. And if it weren’t for those silly fashion magazines marketing their products, it’s doubtful you would know that Purple Label suit you’re wearing is the center point of Ralph Lauren’s spring line.”
“Versed as you are in ways of fashion, my decision hasn’t changed. No photos. And if you don’t like it, you can always quit. There are plenty of qualified and more...appropriate promoters who would love to be in your position right now.” One dark, arched brow lifted. “The choice is yours, Ms. Shaw.”
Thandie’s jaw clenched closed. “It’s going to take a lot more than outlandish requests to make me quit.”
His handsome face split into a wicked grin. “Well then, I will have to work a little harder.”
The waiter reappeared holding platters of food. How the chef ever managed to prepare the two steak dinners that quickly was beyond Thandie. She’d never been much of a beef eater, but the scent wafting from the plates was divine. The steak was thick, lean and still sizzling. She was too much of a novice to even know what cut of meat it was, but it really didn’t matter. She was beginning to salivate. Painstakingly, she waited for the waiter to place their meals on the table and depart.
Elliot smiled down at his plate and, with fluid motions, he cut a small piece of his steak. He did not eat it himself. Instead, he held it up to her lips. “Please, have a bite,” he said. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
Thandie took in his low tone and wondered if the serpent had said something very similar to Eve in the Garden of Eden. His proposal seemed to offer she take a bite of him as well as the meat. It was tempting. Very tempting. Especially when his eyes glowed a captivating hue of hypnotic silver and he wore that wicked grin of his. Thandie tore her eyes away from his lips and focused on the gleaming fork with the proffered steak nestled on its prongs. Nervously, she leaned forward and opened her mouth, aware Elliot was watching her.
The moment the meat touched her tongue, she didn’t care who was looking. She was in heaven. It was the sweetest, most tender beef she’d ever tasted. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the flavors that filled her mouth. Only when she swallowed, did she remember herself. Her eyes slung open and found Elliot watching her. He did not say a word. He didn’t have to. She could tell from his smug expression, he’d enjoyed watching her reaction.
Breaking the intimate moment, Elliot pulled away from her and reached for the wine bottle. Lifting the tip, he poured more of the ruby red liquid into her glass. He smiled when she eagerly grasped her goblet and took a sip. “Let’s talk specifics, shall we?” He replaced the bottle and claimed his own glass. “As I mentioned before, you’ll host a series of events for Babylon, leading up to our grand reopening this summer. You will be responsible for managing approximately three functions and will be paid upon the completion of each event. Your success will be measured on press coverage and sales revenue. I will communicate those objectives to you at a later date.
“Your proposed theme must be presented to me no less than seven days before the date. It will be your responsibility to communicate with my staff, to let them know your strategy. It is very important no one be left in the dark. To ensure transparency, you will present your blueprint during the managers’ meeting at the beginning of every week.
“Each event will be executed on a monthly basis, performed on the premises, and must generate sales. You will be given a strict budget which must cover all entertainment, setup and travel expenses. A detailed financial log and all associated receipts must be submitted after each event. As an added incentive, at the end of your assignment, whatever has not been spent from your budget, will be presented to you in the form of a bonus check.
“In addition to these responsibilities, you will be expected to initiate and escort special guests to the club. Requests for any resources needed to ensure the comfort of these select guests must be made in advance, either to either myself or—”
Thandie held up her hand to stop him. “Exactly when am I supposed to have time to coordinate the arrival of these special guests?” she asked. “Managing three events in three months doesn’t allow me time to do much else.”
“How you manage your time, will be up to you,” he said matter-of-factly. “But manage it, you will.” As if to make clear he had nothing more to say on the issue, he calmly took another bite of his meal.
Thandie stared at him in disbelief. Escorting guests was a nearly impossible feat. She would be pressed for time organizing the events, not to mention working with a tight budget. There would be little time to do anything else, particularly haggling with celebrity publicists.
In response to her look of incredulity, Elliot flashed her one of his perfect wicked grins. Thandie was beginning to loathe that expression.
“If at any time,” he continued smoothly, “I decide to terminate our agreement, you will be compensated for hours worked on all successfully completed projects. If at any time you decide to terminate our agreement, any financial advancements issued to you must be paid in full upon notice of your resignation. As such, you surrender your eligibility to receive the bonus incentive.” Elliot paused to pull out an envelope from his breast pocket and hand it to her. “Inside, you will find a contract stating the points we have just discussed. In addition, you will see a confidentiality agreement, as well as your proposed salary.”
Thandie unfolded the pages, looking briefly over each item until she located the one stating her salary. When she found it, she blinked. Previously, she and Warren had discussed a few numbers, but the amount on the offer letter was nearly fifteen thousand dollars more.
“I trust you find my offer satisfactory?” Elliot asked.
“Very,” she agreed. There was no need in her playing coy. They both knew she would accept the offer.
For the remainder of dinner, Elliot stated his expectations and answered her questions fully. It had not gone unnoticed by Thandie that every item worked in his favor. Specifically the termination clause. However, every club owner she’d ever known only made agreements that worked to their benefit. The only difference was, Elliot had every item clearly stated in the contract. By the time their meals were completed, Thandie was feeling significantly better about their working relationship. Elliot was an astute businessman, leaving no detail unexplored. He was brilliant in his element. Perhaps she’d wrongly prejudged him. What she’d taken as sexual overtones might just have been awkward attempts, on his part, to be more personable. It would not be the first time she’d experienced odd behavior from a clever mind.
When the check was presented, Elliot continued talking while he reviewed the bill. He pulled out his billfold and handed the waiter a Centurion Card.
After Elliot’s credit card was returned, he helped Thandie to her feet and escorted her toward the restaurant’s exit. Outside, Elliot approached the valet attendant and requested her car be delivered. He stood with her while someone retrieved her vehicle. A lull fell between them while they waited. Elliot glanced at his watch, apparently anticipating his next appointment.
Conversationally, Thandie said, quite clumsily, “I have to admit, you’ve changed my mind about you, Elliot. Now that’s we’ve talked, I have a better feeling about my being here. Earlier, I thought you were trying to—uh—”
“Seduce you,” Elliot supplied with a rakish smile.
“Yes,” she breathed, relieved she hadn’t had to say the words.
“Oh, but I am,” he said simply. “In fact, I have every intention of seducing you, and putting you in every imaginable position.”
Thandie stared at him, too astonished to speak. This was such a radical transformation compared to the no-nonsense businessman he’d portrayed minutes before.
Elliot leaned closer, pressing his lips against the sensitive flesh just below her earlobe. “Good night, Ms. Shaw,” he whispered.
Thandie vaguely recalled the attendant parking her SUV at the curb, and walking around her vehicle on numb legs. Buckling up, she took a deep breath, and slowly eased into traffic. Unable to help herself, she glanced into the rearview mirror. She could see Elliot getting into a black Aston Martin parked on the sidewalk, directly in front of the Peppers restaurant. For fear of being caught staring, she quickly looked away. This was going to be a very long assignment.
Chapter Six (#ulink_481cd024-7812-51f2-b888-7f3f056ac973)
Miami International Airport
Thandie parked the SUV at the curb just outside the terminal. She’d given up searching for a spot in the crowded one-hour lot. Besides, she’d rather take the risk of getting a ticket than attempt to navigate her newly rented vehicle into one of the slim parking spots.
She sent a text message to Len, letting her know where she’d parked and hoped it would not take them long to locate her before airport security insisted she move her vehicle. She killed the engine and tapped on the steering wheel impatiently. She did not have to wait long. Thandie could hear the loud laughter of her assistants well before she could actually see them. The pale beauty of Len Harris and the dark elegance of Raja Travis split through the crowd. They looked more like supermodels than public relations assistants. Both tall and slender, Len had bleached blond hair with bright green eyes, whereas Raja possessed the mysterious exotic loveliness that was common of her Indian heritage. Thandie got out of the SUV to greet them. Like excited teenagers, both girls ran to hug her. As usual, they were making a scene.
“I can’t believe we’re in Miami!” Len exclaimed. “This is so cool!”
Raja, typically the quiet one, agreed enthusiastically. “Miami is definitely the place to be this summer. You know the Shay Thomas concert will be here soon. Do you think we can get tickets, Thandie?”
Len gasped loudly. “I totally forgot his tour included a stop in Miami. I love Shay,” she finished dreamily.
“I heard Samara is his opening act,” Raja said.
“I can hardly tolerate her,” Len groaned.
“I bet if she gave you tickets to the concert you would tolerate her,” Raja taunted.
“If Samara gave me tickets to see Shay Thomas, I would sleep with her.”
“Calm down, girls,” Thandie chided. “We’re not on vacation. Let’s figure out how we’re going to manage the Babylon project first, and afterward all three of us can drool over seventeen-year-old rappers.”
“Shay Thomas is not seventeen,” Len corrected. “He just celebrated his twenty-first birthday.”
“And he’s a hip-hop star,” Raja informed. “Not a rapper.”
“Who cares?” Thandie sighed.
Raja and Len looked at each other before saying in unison, “We do!”
Thandie shook her head, no longer interested. She looked around and noticed each young woman was pulling along two oversize suitcases on rollers. It was enough luggage for five people. “Are those all your bags?” she asked.
“Oh, goodness, no,” Raja said with a wave of her hand. “That’s only half of it. We had to leave three of our bags in New York.”
“Can you believe they have a limit on luggage?” Len said sulkily as she checked her reflection in the tinted window of the SUV.
“We had to spend a small fortune mailing them to the office,” Raja said. “Amanda promised to send them to us once we got settled.”
“Great,” Thandie said under her breath. She unlocked the trunk, and helped them load their luggage into the vehicle. Afterward, she slid into the driver’s seat and waited until everyone was settled before putting the car into drive. At the same time, the girls pulled notepads out of their purses and were ready to take notes. They were used to Thandie delegating assignments while they were en route to one place or another.
“Okay, girls, promoting Club Babylon will be far from easy,” Thandie began. “It’s gorgeous, and huge. It’s four stories high.” Len and Raja took a sharp intake of breath at this, but Thandie talked over them. “Filling up a place with that much square footage will be difficult. We’ll have to work every contact we have. The good news is the club already generates a sizable crowd. Our job is to build the club’s reputation on the strip by hosting a series of promo events. In addition, we’ve also been tasked with coordinating the arrival of special guests. The next few weeks are going to be busy, but it’s nothing we haven’t handled before. We have to be organized and disciplined. Len, I want you to find out who are the big gossip columnists here. I want radio and newspaper contacts as well. Raja, I want you to work the agents of local celebrities. There are tons of stars in Miami. I want all of them to be talking about Club Babylon. I will be gathering information on every major event that is being hosted in Miami for the next three months.”
“When can we see the club?” Len asked.
“I’ll take you there tonight, and introduce you to the staff.”
“Including the owner?” Len asked hopefully.
Thandie gave a long sigh. “Yes, including Elliot.”
“Elliot Richards,” Len repeated dreamily. “Even his name sounds sexy.”
“I looked him up on Google this morning,” Raja supplied. “There wasn’t much to find. He doesn’t court the press. I could only locate a handful of pictures. Most of them were taken from afar. But from what I could see, he seems delightful on the eyes. Have you met him yet?”
Thandie didn’t want to talk about Elliot. In fact, she wished she had not mentioned him at all. Try as she might, what had occurred last night after dinner would not soon be forgotten. She remembered all too well the warmth of his breath on her neck and press of his lips against her skin. Even the thought of it made her shift in her seat uncomfortably. Suddenly realizing the girls were still waiting for her response, she answered in a guarded tone, “Yes, I’ve met him.”
“So...?” Raja urged.
“He is a sharp businessman,” Thandie said lamely.
Len laughed. “That’s not what we want to know, and you know it.”
Thandie gritted her teeth together. “Ladies, I really need you to concentrate on the project at hand. We’re going to have to work ten times as hard if we intend to finish on schedule.”
“Fine, fine. Be mysterious if you must,” Len said with a wave of her hand. “Where are we staying?”
“With Warren Radcliffe,” Thandie answered.
“Cool!” they chorused.
Thandie cast a nervous glance in the rearview mirror at them. “Please don’t tell me Warren has tried to come on to either of you.” Both Raja and Len were in their early twenties, Warren’s preferred age range.
“No,” Len huffed, “although I can’t say I would stop him. Warren is a cool old guy.”
Thandie pinched the bridge of her nose. “Len,” she said, “Warren is old enough to be your grandfather.”
“Yeah, but he’s fun,” Len reasoned.
Raja agreed. “He’s a barrel of laughs, Thandie. I hate that he left the city. He was my favorite VIP.”
Thandie stopped at a red light and turned around to face the girls. Though she was, at best, only seven years older than they, she knew they looked up to her as a role model. “Raja. Len.” Fixing each girl with a serious look, she said, “I want you two to enjoy yourselves while you’re here, but you’re going to work. Our sole purpose for being in Miami is to promote Club Babylon. You will remain focused at all times. I won’t tolerate any of your usual shenanigans. Is that understood?”
They nodded solemnly.
“And another thing,” Thandie soldiered on, “the management staff is predominantly male.”
Len and Raja turned to look at each other, mischievous expressions on their faces.
Thandie snapped her fingers at them. “Don’t even think about it,” she warned. “There will be absolutely no funny business between yourselves and the staff. I expect you to be professional, but keep your distance. If I suspect there is a trace of inappropriate behavior from either of you, I will send you back to New York. Are we clear?”
The girls grimaced before nodding their heads.
Pacified by their response, Thandie refocused her attention on the road. She knew she was being hard on them, but hopefully she had spoken just sternly enough to make herself heed her own warnings.
Warren was gone by the time they arrived at his home. The girls squealed and laughed when they walked into the grand entrance hall. Tossing their bags aside, they took a tour of Warren’s house. Thandie could hear their laughter throughout. She tolerated it for a short while, before insisting they get to work. Len came up with the idea that they should sit by the pool while they worked. Not wanting to be a wet blanket, Thandie agreed to join them. They put on swimsuits and carried their paperwork onto the stone terrace leading to the pool. Len and Raja quickly entered the water, sitting on the steps of the shallow end. Len got busy calling Miami affiliates of the New York Post while Raja made a list of agents representing celebrities who resided in Florida.
While the girls worked on making contacts, Thandie made a list of possible event themes. It was slow going, since she was not familiar with Miami’s nightlife scene just yet. She placed a call to Rex Barrington, Elliot’s director of marketing. Rex was surprised to hear from her but was happy to answer her questions about previous club themes and press releases. They spoke at length and by the time she hung up, Thandie suffered from information overload.
After that, she helped the girls with making calls. She started by dialing her California contacts, making a list of celebrities who had press junket tours scheduled in the near future. She got a few hours of furious work out of the girls before they found their way to lounge chairs and stretched out like lazy feline cats. Len was sunbathing and well on her way to a much needed tan while Raja retreated to the shade to prevent getting any darker.
Thandie was still on the phone when Warren joined them. Raja and Len ran to him as if he was Santa Claus. Donned in their bikinis, Thandie could tell Warren loved their attention. He listened to them ramble on about their flight. He made the unfortunate mistake of offering to take the girls shopping on Sunday, an offer Thandie knew he would quickly regret. Raja and Len kissed him on his reddened cheeks and jumped up and down with excitement. Thandie could only roll her eyes heavenward. Deciding she’d witnessed enough, she stood and gathered her things.
“Where are you going?” Len called out to her.
“I’m going to lie down for an hour or so. You girls might want to do the same.”
“No way,” Len laughed. “We’re in freakin’ Miami! We’re too excited to sleep.”
Thandie shrugged. “All right, but don’t come crying to me when you can barely keep your eyes open tonight.”
Raja’s brow perked. “What are our hours, Thandie?”
“Ten to two.”
“Same rules?” Len asked.
“Of course,” Thandie nodded. “No drinking, always work the room and always keep your cool.”
The girls laughed as she made her way inside. Thandie gave the same rules every night before working. It had become redundant to say the words anymore, but she said them out of habit.
Thandie stretched out on her bed and prayed Warren wouldn’t try anything with the girls during her absence. The last thing she needed was Len and Raja competing for the cushy position of Wife Number Six. Thandie yawned deeply and reflected back on the past few hours. The day had been productive thus far. She saw no reason why she couldn’t pull together an action plan within a fairly short amount of time. Formalizing a proposal Elliot would agree to might require some persuasion. She only hoped the cost of gaining his cooperation was a price she was willing to pay.
* * *
It had taken forever to get Len and Raja to decide what to wear. Finally, they were in the car and headed toward the strip. Thandie gave them a quick rundown on the club’s structure, disclosing information she’d learned from Adam, and mentioning a handful of employee names she was able to remember. After finishing, Thandie had the nagging sensation she had forgotten something important.
As Thandie drove, she and the girls went over their findings from earlier that evening. Raja had located several agents who sounded promising, and Len confirmed radio contacts and a reputable gossip columnist who lived in the area. They spent the remainder of the trip haggling over how to best utilize their new found information.
As their SUV turned onto the main street, they could see a line of cars waiting for Club Babylon’s valet service. Thandie called a number Adam had given her which gave her direct access to the valet stand. After announcing her name, they directed her to drive ahead of the other cars. The attendants were all smiles when they greeted her.
“Hi, Thandie,” one man said. “Have a good time tonight.”
Tiny, the bouncer she’d met the previous night, made a path for them with his huge body. They ignored the curious gazes shot in their direction, aware they were the envy of everyone waiting patiently in line. Thandie heard the girls gasp in wonder as soon as they entered the club. Tonight Babylon was bathed in vibrant green lighting, and the arena took on the appearance of a tropical garden. Thandie looked skyward and was delighted to see the hanging gardens were on display. It was otherworldly, giving the heady sense of being dropped into a mystical lush garden.
Fixing a controlled smile on her face, Thandie guided the girls up the staircase that led to Elliot’s office. She introduced them to the unsmiling bodyguard, Michelle, as he held the door open. When they walked inside, the men who made up Elliot’s management staff turned their heads in unison. Just as before, all conversation stopped.
Thandie stepped forward. “Hello, gentlemen,” she said pleasantly. “Sorry for interrupting, but I wanted to introduce my assistants to you. This is Raja Travis and Len Harris. Len. Raja. This is Rex, Markie, Eddie, Adam and Tom.” She paused before turning toward the handsome creature leaning casually against his large gleaming desk. “And this is the owner, Elliot Richards.” She couldn’t bear to look into his stormy silver eyes for longer than a few seconds. “Len and Raja will be helping me with the promotion plans,” she said to no one in particular. “They’ve worked with me for years. You should find them very helpful.”
Again, silence. Thandie was beginning to wonder if she was doing something wrong, but when she looked up at the men, she could see their eyes were trained on the girls’ bodies. Meanwhile, Len and Raja were openly ogling Elliot. She could only imagine what he was looking at.
Clearing her throat, Thandie turned to the men. “Are we interrupting something important?”
Adam and Rex suddenly jumped to their feet and smiled broadly. They lightly kissed Thandie on the cheek and shook Raja and Len’s hands. Tom, Eddie and Markie quickly stood and started introducing themselves. Thandie positioned herself as far away from Elliot as she could possibly manage without seeming rude.
Len and Raja weren’t as guarded. They gave polite nods to everyone in the room and just about threw themselves at Elliot. She watched in horror as they asked him random questions about the club, each trying to outdo the other to hold his attention the longest. Elliot charmed them with his good looks and flirtatious finesse. Whether she wanted to or not, Thandie was drawn to the sound of his voice.
“You are both very lovely ladies,” Elliot said silkily. “We’re fortunate to have you here. I’m sure the men of Miami will soon be begging for a moment of your time.”
“You think so?” Len’s voice had turned unrecognizably high-pitched.
“Of course.” Elliot leaned forward to pin each girl with those enchanting silver eyes of his. “Promise not to forget me when some lucky guy sweeps you off your feet.”
The eruption of girlish laughter was like hearing fingernails being dragged across a chalkboard. Thandie had to turn away from the train wreck. She forced herself to listen to Adam and Rex argue over which one of them would introduce her to tonight’s guest DJ. She put a halt to the dispute when she insisted that both of them should do the honors. Markie offered to give the girls a tour of the arena. However, she didn’t miss that his eyes lingered on Raja when he spoke. Thandie inwardly groaned. Keeping everyone on task seemed to be a bigger undertaking than she’d expected.
She was grateful when Elliot called everyone’s attention back to tomorrow’s agenda. Markie and Adam spoke at length, while everyone nodded and listened attentively. Tom and Eddie made a few short comments before Rex took center stage. He was the marketing director, so Thandie was more interested in what he had to say. Even Raja and Len managed to tear their eyes away from Elliot long enough to listen to Rex recap his current projects. When the meeting was over, Adam, Markie and Rex escorted Thandie down to the arena. She had to literally call out to the girls to get them to follow her.
The club was already in high gear. Miami’s most beautiful and affluent residents laughed together and swayed their hips to the steady pulsation of a bewitching tempo.
Markie held out his arm to Thandie and guided her through the crowd. The girls followed closely behind, oohing and ahhing at just about everything.
In a low voice, Markie explained the wait staff’s table system and zone layout. He pointed out the hidden surveillance cameras, which were discreetly mounted above the cash registers at every bar. Markie led them backstage to meet a few of the dancers. Immediately, the dancers knew who Thandie was. Unfortunately, it was not from her reputation. Apparently, pictures of Ruark Randall kissing her at Phenomenon weeks earlier was beginning to make news. According to the dancers, Access Hollywood was reporting that she was Ruark’s new girlfriend.
Thandie rationalized that any press a PR agent created was good, but she failed to see the joy in her connection with actor Ruark Randall. He was an idiot. At any rate, it seemed to gain her an unreasonable amount of respect from the dancers. Thandie chatted with them while Markie continued to show Len and Raja the building. The girls didn’t seem to mind losing Thandie on the tour. It was their first time inside Club Babylon, and they were eager to see everything.
Thandie didn’t see Raja and Len until an hour later, after Adam introduced her to Ibiza native, DJ Von. The girls appeared to be having a good time. They were working the VIP room and dancing with club members.
Thandie was more at ease when she was able to clearly see the girls and know they were not up to their usual devilry. Involuntarily, Thandie caught herself searching the crowd for Elliot. It was unexplainable. She was in a constant state of alert until she found him. It took several tries before she spied him on the upper level in the VIP lounge. He was much closer than she’d expected; no farther than twenty feet away from where she stood. He was seated in a booth chatting with a couple. Like Elliot, the man was very handsome. But where Elliot was dark-haired, the stranger at his side was blond. A flash of his intense blue eyes was enough to stamp his appeal. Even from this distance, Thandie could see the lilt of his lips give way to an arrogant expression. She recognized a man born to wealth when she saw one. It was never what they wore or what elaborate toys they owned—it was the unshaken self-confidence that radiated from them.
At the man’s side was an attractive woman. She laughed prettily at the blond man, keeping a possessive hand in his lap, lest any woman mistake him for being available. Thandie wondered who the couple was. Judging by Elliot’s presence at their table, and length of time he was investing, these were personal friends of his. Or at least one of them was. Clearly, Elliot knew the blond-haired man well.
Thandie continued to watch them. More specifically, she watched Elliot. There was something about him that intrigued her. She couldn’t put it into words, but Elliot had a certain appeal that was enchanting. And yet as strongly as he captivated her, he frightened her. She was leery of him, not daring to get too close and yet...she was fascinated all the same.
Like a moth to a flame, she mused.
Her attention was snatched away when Adam stepped to her side. Taking her elbow in his hand, he twirled her around to introduce her to someone. Thandie was forced to turn her back on Elliot and his friends and focus on a tall, rather plain-looking gentleman. Adam presented him as the broadcaster for a leading pop radio show in Miami.
Eager to make a positive impression, Thandie dived into conversation with the man. It did not take long to figure out he was more interested in leering at her breasts than listening to her. Not that this surprised her overly much. She’d chosen to wear a mini dress, covered in simmering cheetah sequins. There was no cleavage to be seen, however the fabric pulled tight across her chest, emphasizing the fullness of her breasts. Although long sleeved, the dress was far from modest. The drastic cut of the garment exposed her entire back, before gathering together just above the rise of her buttocks.
A key factor of being a club promoter was to look the part. It was her job to make the environment look desirable. And since most clubs were owned and managed by men, she’d learned long ago to use her natural assets to her advantage. She no longer took notice when men ogled her. She expected it, at least while she was working. And putting on a flirtatious smile for Adam’s guest was definitely working.
Thandie chatted with the two men for a while, soon losing track of the time. When she looked up again to check on the girls, she was startled to find they were not there. Her gaze flickered to Elliot. He was gone as well, and so were his friends. Their booth was now occupied by an ensemble of pouty model-like beauties who appeared to be on the hunt for wealthy men.
Thandie searched for Len and Raja. They were nowhere in sight. A bad sign for certain. Left unsupervised for any length of time, the girls were prone to get into trouble. Thandie stepped toward the balcony and looked over the VIP lounge. Not a hint of either girl.
She turned cautious eyes to the glass wall which overlooked the arena floor below and gave an aquarium view of the upper levels of the club. It would be impossible to spot the girls amongst the throng of dancing partygoers. She would have to walk the club in hopes of finding them. She groaned. Her feet had begun to hurt nearly an hour ago. She would not be pleased if she had to walk a mile in her beautiful, but crippling, heels.
Just as she made up her mind to do that, she caught sight of movement. The wall to her right opened up, revealing a small compartment. It was the elevator that led to the Tower.
The silent hiss as the doors slid open was like a quiet invitation. Very tempting.
Suddenly, Thandie remembered the “something” she’d forgotten to tell the girls earlier. She had not warned them to avoid the Tower. Is that where they were? Were Len and Raja touring an area of the club Elliot himself had ruled off limits? It was certainly possible. Before her imagination went into overdrive, Thandie determined she would search the lower levels first, before fretting over the Tower.
Excusing herself from Adam’s side, she took the steps down to the lower levels. She saw no recognizable faces on either level. She proceeded to the arena floor. Unlike the sleek relaxed vibe of the VIP lounges, the main arena was rowdier and dramatically more crowded. There was a buzz of frenzied excitement in the large expanse. It was the kind of atmosphere Len and Raja would escape to. Thandie walked a slow lap around the edge of the dance floor, examining the faces. It did not take long before someone took hold of her hand and asked her to dance. She was agreeable, mainly because this angle allowed her a good view of most of the arena floor and the steps leading up to the VIP entrance. After dancing through a few songs, with no luck spotting the girls, she excused herself from her dance partner and continued her pursuit.
Thandie’s aching feet soon got the better of her. She quickly gave up the hunt for the girls, looking to sit down instead. The crowded arena offered few seats, and all appeared to be occupied.
With a sigh of annoyance, Thandie made her way back to VIP. She was grateful when one of the Babylon employees held his hand out to her to help her up the steps. The balls of her feet felt as if they were on fire, getting worse with every step she took. She looked around for an available seat in the packed room. She went to the next upper level, but it was just as crammed. She couldn’t even find a place to lean against the bar.
She looked for Adam to ask if he knew where there was extra seating, but he was serving club members. Thandie waited for him to wrap up, but the group didn’t seem willing to let him go any time soon. After fifteen agonizing minutes, she was feeling rather desperate. She went to the hidden elevator, punched in the code she remembered Adam using and rode it up the Tower. Thandie sagged against the wall and embraced the sudden quiet the elevator provided.
When the doors opened, she had to adjust her eyes to the dimness. The room was lit only by candlelight. Blindly, she stepped forward, unable to blink anything into focus. Abruptly, the elevator doors closed behind her, and she was surrounded by darkness. The sound of music hummed in the background, filling the room with a sensuality as thick as smoke.
Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the hard surface of muscled flesh. Thandie looked up to see the silver eyes of Elliot Richards. He did not look happy to see her.
He leaned his head down low enough to whisper in her ear. “I believe I told you not to come up here.”
The sheer size of him was unnerving. He was even more impressive up close, not a blemish or hair out of place. It was really quite insane for one man to be so breathtakingly beautiful. Her blood felt as if it was boiling beneath her skin, and a slow ball of heat was growing in the pit of her stomach.
“Are you going to answer me?” he growled down at her.
“Huh?” Wrapped in his powerful arms, words seemed complicated to create.
“What are you doing up here?” he snapped.
“My feet.”
“I—I came up here looking for a place to sit down.”
“Couldn’t you find a chair downstairs?”
“The place is packed.”
He frowned. “Well, there isn’t much room to sit down up here, but there are plenty of places to fuck.”
She turned her head to look around the room. Thandie would have fainted if it weren’t for Elliot holding her up. Her eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting to reveal a room full of naked bodies. Every corner of the room was occupied by screwing couples; some were groups satisfying each other. She gasped to see three men pleasuring a moaning woman at the same time. Horrified, Thandie buried her face into Elliot chest to block out the scene around her. Only now did she realize the whole room was moaning, grunting, and delivering cries of ecstasy.
“You deliberately ignored my request,” he said in a low voice.
She shook with mortification. “I—I had no idea,” she stammered. “I thought—thought—I’ll leave.” She tried to push away from him, but he wouldn’t allow it. He pulled her closer to him.
“You can’t leave,” he said.
“Oh, yes, I can,” she nearly shouted. If he thought he was going to hold her hostage, then he was sadly mistaken. “Let me go.”
“Be still. You can’t go, because someone just took the elevator down. The stairwell is on the other side of the room, and it happens to be blocked.”
She followed his gaze to see he was right. Six or so people were naked and screwing each other like animals in heat. “Let me push the button to call the elevator up,” she said in a weak voice.
“It won’t do any good. The couple got in there to have privacy.”
“They’re having sex,” he said simply. “The lift is on emergency stop.”
“How do you know?”
Elliot nodded toward a red light that was lit above the elevator doors. “When that is lit, it means the car has been stopped. You’ll have to wait until it turns green. Until then, you’re stuck here.”
She tried to push away from him again, but he was far too strong. She searched the room for another source of escape, but there was none.
“I’m going to find you a seat,” he said.
She shook her head. “I don’t want to sit down on anything in this room.”
“You don’t have a choice. I’m sitting down. If you don’t come with me, you’ll be left standing here by yourself.”
Thandie’s eyes went wide with outrage.
“And at your own risk, I might add.”
“At my own risk!”
Swiftly, Elliot placed his finger over her mouth to stop her from speaking any louder. He lowered his head to speak without being overheard. “The members that have access to the Tower pay good money for privacy and discretion. I can’t have you making them nervous while they are enjoying themselves. Understand?”
She wanted to fight him tooth and nail, but he had a fierce frown on his face. Without another word, he took hold of her upper arm and led her to a long settee. The sight of a man’s face buried between a woman’s open legs at the other end of the chaise made her pale. She was seconds away from running and beating on the elevator doors when Elliot took his seat and pulled her down beside him. He placed his arm behind her and drew her into his side. Their seat gave them a voyeur’s view of the room. Thandie lowered her head, not wanting to make direct eye contact with anyone. Elliot, on the other hand, seemed to be comfortable with the setting. He sat back and watched her literally die with embarrassment, an arrogant smirk on his handsome face.
“I bet you’ll listen to me in the future,” he taunted.
She frowned at him. “If I’d known what was up here, I wouldn’t have come. So what’s your excuse?”
“I don’t need one.”
“You come up here on a regular basis?”
Elliot grinned. “Wouldn’t you love to know?”
She scowled at him. His plan to make her burn with shame was working, and she didn’t like it one bit. She lashed back at him. “So this is what you’re into?” Her gaze swept the room. “Voyeurism?”
He fixed her with those silver eyes. “You don’t want to know what I’m into.”
The seriousness of his tone robbed her of any smart retort.
Pleased he’d shocked her into silence, Elliot flashed her a devilish grin. “Or is that why you really came up here? Interested in knowing what gets me off? Curiosity killed the cat, puss.”
“I don’t desire to know more.”
“Unfortunately for you, we’re going to learn a lot about each other tonight.” His large hand cupped the underside of her breast. The pad of his thumb brushed slowly across her nipple, making the bud instantly harden. “More than you can handle.”
Her temper was boiling. He meant to embarrass her, overwhelm her with his presence, expected her to run and hide. Was this his way of punishing her for not leaving well enough alone? Did he plan to make her regret accepting the job? Forcing her to see why he only hired men? He would be very disappointed.
Not bothering to push his hand away, she met his gaze with a steady one of her own. “There’s nothing you could throw my way that I can’t handle.”
“Careful, pussycat, I might take that as a challenge.” His gaze dropped to her lips. “That lovely mouth of yours is about to get you into a world of trouble.”
“I doubt that—oh!”
A strange hand landed on Thandie’s thigh. She followed the hand to its owner; a bare-chested man with glassy eyes. He squeezed her leg affectionately and said, “Come over here and join us, sweetheart.”
Elliot clasped his hand around the man’s wrist and pushed it aside. “She’s with me, Steinberg.”
The man focused his blurred vision on him. “Elliot, is that you? I didn’t know she was with you, man. My mistake. You better start fucking her before someone decides to take her away from you. She’s a nice piece of ass.”
Elliot nodded. “Thanks for the warning. Take it easy.”
Thandie watched the man feel his way through the darkened room before looking back up at Elliot. “Would someone really try to take me by force?” Her voice quivered. She was nervous.
Elliot tightened his hold on her. “People come here to have sex. It’s understood that if you’re here, you want to have sex, too. So in answer to your question, yes, I suppose that could happen.”
Thandie scooted closer to him. “Well, what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to improvise.” Without warning, he pulled her onto his lap. The hem of her dress inched dangerously up her thighs. Elliot gripped her by her forearms before she could leap off him. He pulled her forward until their lips were inches apart. “Kiss me,” he breathed.
“No,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Kiss me, or I’ll leave you to fend for yourself. Believe me, there is a room full of horny men that would love to rip that flimsy dress right off your body.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, yes, I would. You have no idea what I’m capable of. I’m your key to getting out of here in one piece, Thandie, so you had better pay me a little more respect.”
“Fuck you,” she hissed.
He grinned. “That could be arranged. We could do it right here if you prefer.”
“Let go of me.”
“If I do, you’re on your own, puss.”
“I said fuck off.”
“Have it your way.” He lifted her up, tossed her roughly aside and stood to cross the room.
Thandie couldn’t believe he was actually leaving her, though she had told him to. She panicked and reached out to pull his arm. “I’m sorry. Don’t leave.”
Elliot turned around to look down at her. His dark brow lifted with playfull mischief. “Are you ready to play nice?”
Thandie licked her lips nervously and looked over at the elevator shaft; the red light was still lit. In a room full of drunk, drugged-out mating couples, Elliot was her only ally. She would prefer the devil himself over him, but by her own doing, she was stuck with him. She could not say she hadn’t been warned.
Elliot slid his hands into his pockets. His eyes focused on her thighs. “Are we in agreement?”
She nodded.
He leaned down until his lips were only a breath away from her own. She expected him to kiss her, but he surprised her by placing his hands on either side of her on the sofa and lowering himself to the floor. Kneeling before her, he hooked his hands under her knees and pulled her to the edge of the seat so that her thighs were on either side of him. The hem of her dress effortlessly hiked up to her waist. If not for the black lace of her panties, she would be fully exposed to him.
Elliot’s silver eyes flashed in the murkiness, hypnotizing her with their predatory power. His lips came crashing down on hers. He made her escape impossible by cupping the back of her head in his palm. His lips were cool to the touch, but his tongue was scorching hot. He swept every curve of her mouth with masterful skill. It was not long before she stopped pushing against him and leaned into his hold, her hands resting on the sides of his ribcage.
Keeping her mouth pinned beneath him, Elliot grabbed handfuls of her flesh and squeezed with the selfishness of a gluttonous man. He pulled her open legs closer to him until his groin was nestled against the crotch of her panties. He groaned. Her eyes sprang open, and she pushed hard against his chest.
Not easily detoured, Elliot dragged wet kisses along her neck. “Damn, you feel good, honey. I’m going to eat you.”
“No,” she gasped, warning bells going off in her head, but unable to react quickly enough. “I need to get out of here.”
“Shh,” he cooed softly in her ear. “You’ll love it. Lie back.” He slid his hand from her bottom to her inner thigh. “Relax.” He kissed the sensitive spot just below her earlobe as he pushed aside the fabric of her panties. Thandie gasped when he brushed his fingers over the sensitive bud of her clit as he made a slow trail southward. He groaned when the tips of his fingers became slick with her desire. “You’re already wet for me,” he whispered against her ear. “Tell me you want me.”
“No.” She could hardly breathe, let alone sound certain of herself.
Elliot lifted his head to look into her face. Her eyes were practically glowing with lust. “Tell me what I want to hear,” he demanded in the husky voice. “Tell me you want this.” He slipped his finger inside her again. Her folds closed around him greedily. “You don’t want me to stop.” He moved his fingers in and out of her with agonizing slowness. “I’m more talented with my tongue.” He leaned forward and flicked his tongue against her earlobe. He chuckled when a fresh wave of her cream saturated his fingers.
It took all of Thandie’s power to muster up the strength to grab his wrist. “Stop, Elliot.” Her brown eyes were now shining. “Let go of me now.”
He stilled his hand. She meant what she said. “As you wish.” He pulled his hand away from her and held his wet fingers up between them before licking them clean. “The offer is always open.”
Just then, the elevator chimed, and the doors opened. A laughing couple tumbled out, both frantically ripping the remainder of their clothes off. Thandie pushed Elliot away and headed for the elevator car, catching the doors just before they closed. She didn’t dare look back at him. He represented every weakness known to women.
* * *
An hour later, Thandie fell across the bed in Warren’s guest room. Her hasty retreat from Babylon had not been very graceful. She’d stumbled out of the elevator, looking disheveled and glancing over her shoulder like a frightened animal. Thankfully, there was no on around to see her.
Righting her clothes, she quickly weaved her way through the dancing crowd. It was pure luck she spotted Len and Raja standing near the bar.
Stalking up to them, Thandie announced they were leaving. Wisely, neither girl objected. They followed her, and managed to keep their babbling to a minimum while waiting for the valet to deliver their car.
On the drive home, Thandie informed the girls they were not allowed to go the Tower under any circumstances. When Len asked what was in the Tower, Thandie replied, “Unemployment.”
It was not until they arrived at Warren’s home, that she remembered her feet hurt. But who the hell cared? She had bigger problems now. As soon as they entered the house, Thandie retreated to the privacy of her room. She shut the door shut behind her and tossed her limp body on the bed.
Thandie buried her face into her pillow. Replaying it in her mind, she could almost feel his fingers inside her now. She groaned. That was the most disgraceful job performance ever. Yes, he had set her up, but she had rightfully put herself in that position by going to the Tower when she’d been forewarned. Under the right amount of pressure, she’d made it very apparent to him that she was attracted to him, and he’d made the most of the situation. She bet he took a lot of women up there. The sex-crazed Steinberg didn’t seem surprised to see Elliot in the Tower. She groaned again. She had nearly given herself to a smooth-talking male slut. What did that make her?
She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block out the provocative images swirling around in her head. She had to force herself to think clearly. If she stood any chance of successfully completing this project, she would have to make a point to stay as far away from Elliot Richards as possible...and find a good male masseur immediately.
* * *
Elliot lay naked across his bed. He stacked his hands behind his head, but he couldn’t close his eyes just yet, because every time he did, he saw Thandie’s smooth, bronzed skin.
She’d really put him in his place tonight, and that annoyed and excited him. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had turned him down. Usually, women were stepping over each other to get to him. He would have his pick of the group, using them at will before growing restless and discarding them.
But not Thandie.
She’d surprised him by snubbing him twice tonight, once by refusing to kiss him and again by refusing to let him go down on her. He had to admit he’d been toying with her, but after her first rebuff, he felt compelled to prove to her that he was the one in control. And then, she had refused him again.
That fact did not sit well with him. He had no idea why he even cared. Perhaps it was just his wounded ego, but whatever the case, he didn’t like the injury his pride had sustained at the hands of Thandie Shaw. She wasn’t even his typical brand of woman. In the past, he had preferred slender buxom brunettes; however, he was inclined to be attracted to the occasional blonde from time to time.
Thandie was on the opposite side of the spectrum. Yes, she was tall and slender, but had more curves than he was prone to desire. She had full hips and a wonderfully round derriere. Her long dark hair had been every bit as soft as he had imagined, and she tasted so sweet—like hot sex. Elliot had prided himself on never being easily swayed by any woman, so the idea of him sparing Thandie more than five minutes of his time was remarkable.
Thandie Shaw. She’s just another woman, he thought, and there were plenty of them on the strip. But she had somehow made herself stand out. He had no interest in her beyond sex. That much he knew. Yes, she had withstood his advances. He would have to deal with that. Hell, it was only a matter of time before she would be begging him for sex, if her slick thighs were any indication. She might pretend to be the dominant one, but if there was one thing he knew about women, it was that they always came back. He could care less where her morals lay; time would eventually conquer her. And when it did, he would discipline her for tonight. But until then, he would be patient. She was only on the third day of her three-month project. He smiled. This was going to be fun.
Chapter Seven (#ulink_b00e6217-c75f-570b-9bb1-6e2019aceffc)
Thandie had not slept well. Every time she slipped into some semblance of rest, she was jarred awake by erotic images of a silver-eyed stranger. She awoke groggily and highly annoyed. There was a high probably this would not be her best day ever.
Pulling her hair into a sloppy bun at the top of her head, she washed up and headed downstairs. The empty kitchen was alight with bright mid-day sunshine. Thandie pulled a glass out of the cabinet and helped herself to some orange juice. Taking a seat at the breakfast nook, she stared out the window and enjoyed the silence. She nearly choked on her juice when Warren entered the kitchen moments later. It wasn’t his presence that jarred her, it was his attire. He was dressed in a T-shirt and the smallest shorts she’d ever seen on a grown man.
“Good morning, kiddo,” he said cheerfully.
Thandie used the back of her hand to wipe juice from her chin. “Where are you going in those?”
“Yoga class.” Warren slapped his spandex-clad bottom. “It keeps me in shape for the young ladies.”
“I thought you were into biking?”
“I gave that up months ago. Yoga instructors are far more attractive.”
“Warren, I don’t think those shorts are legal in public,” she said in what she hoped was a tactful tone. “Or that shirt,” she added, having now noticed it showed several inches of pale midriff.
Warren laughed. “You need to live a little, kiddo.” He grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator and waved. “I’m off.”
“Have a good workout,” she said with a shake of her head.
“Ah!” Warren snapped his fingers. “I just thought of something.” He looked over his shoulder to ensure they were alone before he spoke. “I’m not sure if I warned you earlier, but you’ll want to stay away from the Tower during working hours. It’s reserved for private parties, and they tend to get a little wild up there.”
She groaned.
“Elliot doesn’t allow any female servers up there,” he continued. “Every so often, he has to go to the Tower to make sure they aren’t doing drugs up there.”
“Is that the only reason he goes up there?” she asked skeptically.
Warren laughed. “Of course. Elliot may be a womanizer, but one thing is for sure; he doesn’t party like they do in the Tower.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “He prefers to party in his office, if you know what I mean.”
Not wanting to talk about the Tower anymore, she changed the subject. “Thanks for the heads-up, Warren. You better get to your class.”
He gave a mock salute. “Try not to stare at my ass.”
Thandie giggled. “Go!”
Warren hummed happily to himself as he strolled away. Thandie heard him all the way to the front door. Then he paused and called out, “Did you look?”
Thandie laughed aloud. “Just a little,” she called back.
“I knew it!” he shouted back.
Thandie was still laughing when Len came into the kitchen. “What’s so funny?” she asked sleepily.
“You don’t want to know,” Thandie assured her.
An hour later, Thandie and the girls hovered over their laptops. They’d converted Warren’s living room into work central. Papers, pens and multicolored Post-it notes littered the heavy oak table. Since they were working from home, no one needed to get dressed or bother with makeup. Thandie was drab in a pair of cutoff jeans and Raja was wearing her favorite pair of sweatpants. Len was still in her pajamas.
“Do you think this is going to work?”
“Huh?” Thandie’s head snapped up, realizing she’d been asked a question. “What did you say?”
Len stared at her from over her laptop. “I asked if you thought we could successfully complete everything in this proposal?”
“I don’t see why not. Before Babylon closed for renovations, they had Lady Gaga and Jay-Z perform within the same month.”
“I’m sure they had time to plan those appearances. We’re attempting to lock in A-list stars in a matter of weeks.” Len scrunched up her nose. “Do you really think we can book Nicki Minaj on such short notice?”
“Anything is possible.”
“You always say that,” Len muttered.
“That’s because it’s true.” Thandie returned her attention back to the email she’d been typing. “My conversation with her agent went very well. I see no reason why it won’t work.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” Raja asked.
“Then we’ll move on to plan B,” Thandie replied.
Raja picked up her notepad. “Lil Wayne is hardly a plan B. Why can’t we go after him first?”
“Because, Raja,” Thandie said in a tired voice, “his entourage is large and I’d rather not pay for all of them to travel to Miami and sleep in the most expensive hotel on the strip. We have to consider the budget.” This was twice in as many minutes the girls had questioned her entertainment selections. Her patience was beginning to wear thin.
“Are we sure we can’t get Shaun Cross to perform?” Raja asked in a whiny voice.
Thandie fixed her with an annoyed look. “How many times do I have to tell you we can’t afford Cross? Besides, he’s on tour. He’s unavailable.”
“Sorry,” Raja muttered to her keyboard. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
Thandie ignored her. “Len, where are we with Guetta?”
Len fumbled through her notes. “We’re still haggling over the price, but it’s going in our favor. It helps that his wife likes you.”
Thandie nodded. Booking David Guetta would be outstanding, but she worried about the cost. The international flights would kill their budget. Thandie had already discovered the challenges of financing her grand plans. The tight budget Elliot had allowed her was a constant source of irritation.
“At least we’ve got Drake booked,” Raja said in an effort to console herself.
“I adore him,” Len chimed in. “I could definitely see myself as the next Mrs. Drake.”
“Is Drake his first name or his last name?” Raja asked to no one in particular.
“Who cares?” Len protested. “He’s gorgeous.”
“Speaking of gorgeous,” Raja whirled on Thandie. “Why didn’t you tell us Elliot was such a hottie?”
The mention of Elliot’s name again, so early in the day, set Thandie’s teeth on edge.
“Now he is gorgeous,” Len said dreamily.
“I bet he has a girlfriend for everyday of the week,” Raja said with more certainty than evidence.
“Do you suppose he has an opening on Wednesday?” Len asked in all seriousness.
Raja’s eyes brightened. “Let’s ask Google!”
Thandie had had enough. “Okay, you two,” she said in a warning voice. “Get back to work.”
Len and Raja ducked their heads behind their laptop screens, and began typing furiously on their keypads. The sound of a new email chimed from one of their computers, and then, like five year olds, the sound of the girls’ muffled snickering filled the air. Thandie pinched the bridge of her nose. It was going to be a long day.
* * *
Thandie looked down at the Post-it and then back up at the building. The insignia read House of Glow. She was at the right place. According to Adam, it was a popular day spa. She had not asked about the massages. She planned to find out the answer to that question for herself.
Stuffing the slip of paper into the back pocket of her cutoffs, she pushed up her oversize sunglasses farther on her nose, and took a deep breath. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed to be seen going inside the building, she simply didn’t want to be seen period. Her hair was still piled on top of her head and she was still in the clothes she’d been wearing earlier today. Aside from the lip gloss, her face was bare of any cosmetics. She looked like a slob.
She pulled open the front door and was greeted by a pleasant looking receptionist. “Welcome to House of Glow,” she said. “May I help you?”
The front door opened again and a loud voice exclaimed, “Thandie? Thandie Shaw, is that you?”
Thandie froze. Seriously? Was her luck really that bad? Hesitantly, she turned around, following the sound of the voice. That’s when her gaze fell on the petite woman. Her face suddenly brightened. “Day?”
The tiny creature smirked and then gave Thandie a hug and air kisses on either cheek. “I thought that was you. I was having lunch with my cousin next door. I had to come over and make sure.”
Even at full height, she barely reached Thandie’s shoulder. She had to lean down to hug the woman.
Her name was Victoria Day, although most people simply knew her as Day. The product of a Jamaican father and Chinese mother, Day had striking features. With high cheekbones and small slanted eyes, she was quite pretty. Her hair was cut short in a spiky yet very becoming style.
“It’s about time our paths crossed again,” Day said with a bright grin. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see a familiar face down here. How the hell are you?”
Thandie couldn’t help but smile at the small woman. Day had a flair all her own.
“I’m great, Day. How have you been?”
“I’m going out of my mind, as usual. I came down here to create my line in peace and quiet, and I’ve gotten nothing of the sort. The editors from Vogue and BHP want a run-through in three weeks. I keep telling them that’s not gonna happen. I’ll slit my wrists before I show my collection ahead of schedule. On top of everything else, I’m sweating bullets trying to secure a location for my show. It’s been one shitstorm after the next. But enough about me. I heard about the breakup with Cam. Sorry to hear it.”
“How did you know about that?” Thandie asked, surprised news traveled so widely.
Day’s brow hiked up. “Nothing is sacred anymore.”
“I guess not,” Thandie said with a frown.
“And that business at Fashion Week,” she wagged her finger and made a tsking sound. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Thandie gasped. “You heard about that, too? But how?”
“Don’t worry, girl. I only listen to gossip. I don’t spread it.”
“Gage—” Thandie breathed.
“She’d never,” Day promised. “I have other sources.”
“Cam’s girlfriend. ”
“They’re still together?” Thandie asked, too shocked to play coy.

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