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Bachelor Unforgiving
Brenda Jackson
Passionate paybackThey say you can forgive but you can never forget. Virgil Bougard takes that saying to heart. Four years ago Kara Goshay believed a vicious lie about him and ended their relationship. And even after her apology, Virgil is still bitter. He doesn’t intend to make things easy for Kara when family’s firm hires her PR company to revamp his playboy image. But faking a liaison with Kara for the media backfires when the line between fantasy and reality is blurred by strong sexual attraction.Kara wanted forgiveness. Instead she’s deep into a heated affair with the powerful, charismatic man she can’t resist. The man who claims he’ll never forgive her, especially when a secret enemy puts her professional reputation in jeopardy. Stakes are high—but so is their searing desire, a connection so intense it could possibly tame this elusive unforgiving bachelor at last…

Passionate payback
They say you can forgive but you can never forget. Virgil Bougard takes that saying to heart. Four years ago Kara Goshay believed a vicious lie about him and ended their relationship. And even after her apology, Virgil is still bitter. He doesn’t intend to make things easy for Kara when his family’s firm hires her PR company to revamp his playboy image. But faking a liaison with Kara for the media backfires when the line between fantasy and reality is blurred by strong sexual attraction.
Kara wanted forgiveness. Instead she’s deep into a heated affair with the powerful, charismatic man she can’t resist. The man who claims he’ll never forgive her, especially when a secret enemy puts her professional reputation in jeopardy. Stakes are high—but so is their searing desire, a connection so intense it could possibly tame this elusive, unforgiving bachelor at last...
“Now we’re giving them something to look at,” he said in a deep, husky voice that sent shivers down her spine.
“Are we?”
A smile touched the corners of his lips. “If you don’t believe me, just watch.” And he then leaned and kissed their joined hands.
Kara couldn’t stop the tremble that immediately coursed through her. She licked her lips when a familiar sensation stirred in the lower part of her body. “Do you think this is necessary?” she asked, letting out a slow, controlled breath.
“Don’t you?” he asked softly. “Tell me what you think, since you came up with the action plan. Was this not what you had in mind for the woman I was to date exclusively? Were we not supposed to give people the impression that we’re all into each other?”
“Yes, but I wasn’t supposed to be that woman, Virgil.”
“But unfortunately, Kara, you are now that woman. Now lean toward me a bit. Don’t ask why, just do it.”
Drawing in a deep breath, and with their hands interlinked and heat spreading up her thighs, she leaned in closer.
Dear Reader (#ulink_4b45dbfa-bd87-5f81-b648-1f306cd99f44),
I’m so glad to bring another Bachelors in Demand novel to you. We’ve already seen four bachelors happily married off, and now there are only two remaining.
I guess you can say that I saved the best two for last...
Bachelor Unforgiving’s hero is Virgil Bougard. There is nothing worse than an affair that goes bad. Especially when a trust factor is involved, it could make things even worse. Kara Goshay finds out the hard way that when it comes to making a mistake, some men can be Virgil. However, Kara is convinced that love can hide a multitude of faults, and one should be forgiven for their mistakes. The problem is trying to convince Virgil of that.
I hope all of you enjoy reading Virgil and Kara’s story.
Happy Reading!
Brenda Jackson

Bachelor Unforgiving
Brenda Jackson (
BRENDA JACKSON is a New York Times bestselling author of more than one hundred romance titles. Brenda married her childhood sweetheart, Gerald, and has two sons. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida. She divides her time between family, writing and traveling. Email Brenda at ( or visit her on her website at (
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged.
Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
—Luke 6:37 NIV
Acknowledgments (#ulink_d1af633e-3f97-5e71-bdc9-8165126da640)
To the man who will always and forever be the love of my life, Gerald Jackson, Sr.
To all my readers who have waited patiently for another Bachelors in Demand novel, this one is for you.
Cover (#u964fa14f-448d-5c6a-a374-259b8702c29e)
Back Cover Text (#u6162fc47-a2c7-5cde-8362-aeb315ce4c75)
Introduction (#u5624483a-a833-58e8-a26a-a21fea9a870f)
Dear Reader (#ulink_b38a749f-3236-5bdb-aac4-87938217efc7)
Title Page (#u52d7b4d9-0e1a-56ff-942c-262c0981a942)
About the Author (#u4f9abef5-1019-595c-a490-ae91687e6d11)
Quote (#ueeca4fc4-9da9-5a79-959b-e482a44aadfe)
Acknowledgments (#ulink_f0d3b576-c9c4-5936-9712-f7c580c6226b)
Prologue (#ulink_98c1392f-bc9d-57f5-a923-254552f11bf7)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_f32b2771-de09-57da-b7b9-4619414b77e7)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_edd0e68e-d182-5ea1-b8fd-ac7794c6d7a0)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_4f7d119a-611a-5187-8369-07ec17845210)
Chapter 4 (#ulink_dc64076a-e8d6-5305-a4ee-509920c5930c)
Chapter 5 (#ulink_57c4a27a-39b7-5349-9404-df1b7c08d15a)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Prologue (#ulink_6ed3a6e5-d0fb-5ab0-8947-0a401abb31b7)
Kara Goshay knew she couldn’t put it off any longer. After all, the main reason she’d attended tonight’s event was to seek out Virgil Bougard. She owed him an apology and she intended to give it to him. Nothing would stop her. Not even the cold, hard glares he’d given her all evening.
She had no illusions about not being one of his favorite people. Four years ago while they had been in an exclusive affair she had accused him of doing something she now knew he hadn’t done. She was woman enough to admit when she’d made a mistake, and in this case, she had made a big one.
She drew in a deep breath as she watched him. He was standing in a group, talking to five other men. She knew them. They were his godbrothers. Virgil had told her the story of how, close to forty years ago, six guys had become best friends while attending Morehouse and on graduation day had made a pact to stay in touch by becoming godfathers to each other’s children, and that the firstborn sons’ names would start with the letters U through Z. And that was how Uriel Lassiter, Virgil Bougard, Winston Coltrane, Xavier Kane, York Ellis and Zion Blackstone had come to have their names.
She eyed the group of men. All six were extremely handsome, but there was something about Virgil that had captured her from the first moment they had met. He’d walked into the room at a charity event, much like this one, looking as if he’d strolled right off the cover of GQ. She was convinced every woman at the black-tie affair that night had done a double take and concluded that no man could be that gorgeous.
Later that night, when he’d approached her and asked her to dance, she’d gotten a close-up view, and she discovered that she was wrong. He had been that gorgeous. Standing over six-three with a muscular build that would make any woman’s mouth water, Virgil Bougard gave greater meaning to the phrase tall, dark and handsome.
She continued to watch Virgil interact with his godbrothers. When he wasn’t sending hard stares her way, he was smiling at something one of them said. He and his godbrothers were close, and no doubt he’d told them what she had accused him of doing. However, she appreciated that, whenever her path crossed any of theirs, they were always pleasant.
Virgil had come to the party tonight alone. And as if he still had radar where she was concerned, his gaze had unerringly found her when he had entered the ballroom. If looks could kill, she wouldn’t have any life in her body right now.
Drawing in a courageous breath, she placed her wineglass on the tray of a passing waiter. Straightening her spine, she crossed the room to where Virgil stood. She would take her chances and ask to speak with him privately. She hoped that, although he felt nothing but loathing for her, he would grant her that request.
As if he sensed her impending approach, Virgil glanced her way. The blatant animosity she saw in his eyes nearly made her weak in the knees. The only thing that kept her moving forward was knowing any anger he felt toward her was justified.
Two of his godbrothers also noticed her approach. She saw a warning flash in Xavier’s eyes, giving her a heads-up that to tangle with Virgil tonight wasn’t a good idea, that maybe she should turn around and head the other way.
The look she saw in Uriel’s gaze was unreadable. She figured he was curious as to how she could summon the nerve to come within ten feet of Virgil, given his propensity to hold a grudge. These men knew better than anyone Virgil’s unforgiving nature.
Kara slowly blew out a strained breath when she approached the men. Six pairs of eyes were now staring intently at her. “Hello, guys. Good seeing you again,” she said, fighting back her nervousness.
Not surprisingly, it was Uriel who responded. He was the oldest of the six and she figured he’d decided to take the initiative to be the spokesman. “Kara. It’s good seeing you, as well.”
“Thanks. And I understand congratulations are in order, Uriel, Winston, Xavier and York, on your marriages.” Earlier she had noticed the women they were with. All beautiful women.
The four men said thanks simultaneously.
She then turned her attention to Zion. “And I want to congratulate you, as well, Zion. Your jewelry is beautiful and your success is much deserved.” Zion, the youngest of the six, was a world-renowned jewelry maker who’d received international acclaim after being selected as the First Lady’s personal jeweler.
“Thanks, Kara.”
Everyone had responded to her in some way except Virgil. He just stood there and continued to stare at her. His eyes were so cold she felt the icy chill all the way to her bones. She took a deep breath and then said, “Hello, Virgil.”
He didn’t return her greeting, just continued to give her a cold stare. But she pushed on. “May I speak with you privately for a minute?”
“No. We have nothing to say to each other.”
Virgil’s tone was so hard Kara was tempted to turn and walk away. But she refused to do that. She would get him alone even if she had to provoke him into it. She lifted her chin, met his gaze and smiled ruefully. “I understand your not wanting to risk being alone with me, Virgil. Especially since you’ve never been able to control yourself where I’m concerned.”
The narrowing of Virgil’s eyes indicated she might have gone too far by bringing up their past relationship and reminding him of how taken he’d once been with her.
He continued to stare at her for the longest time. Silence surrounded the group and she figured Virgil was well aware the two of them had not only drawn the attention of his godbrothers but a few others in the room who’d known they’d once been a hot item.
Finally Virgil slowly nodded. “You want to talk privately, Kara?” he asked in a clipped voice that was shrouded with a daring tone, one that warned she might regret the request. “Then by all means, lead the way.”
* * *
Virgil followed Kara as she made her way through the crowded ballroom. He thought she was headed toward the patio, but instead she turned and opened the door that connected to a hallway where several small meeting rooms were located. Evidently she wasn’t going to risk their conversation being overheard.
Honestly, he didn’t give a royal damn. She was lucky he hadn’t called her out right in the middle of the ballroom and told her just what he thought of the comment she’d made. The only thing that had held him in check was the warning looks he’d gotten from his godbrothers to behave himself. He reminded himself that Kara Goshay meant nothing to him anymore. No matter what she thought, she was the last woman who could tempt his control while he was alone with her.
“I don’t plan on going any farther, so say whatever you have to say right here, Kara.”
She stopped walking, turned around and met his gaze. He thought the same thing tonight he’d thought the first time he’d met her almost five years ago. Kara had the most striking eyes of any woman he’d ever seen. They were a silvery gray and were perfect for her almond-colored complexion. That hadn’t been her only asset to grab his attention the night they’d met. She was a bona fide female from top to bottom. Even now he couldn’t keep his gaze from trailing from the soles of her stilettos, up her shapely legs, past a small waist and perfect breasts before pausing briefly to take in the mass of medium brown curls around her shoulders. Topping everything off was a very beautiful face.
And then there was the gown she wearing. The peach mermaid style made her resemble a goddess. He couldn’t help noticing when she’d been walking ahead of him how it hugged every curve and flared around her legs at the bottom, giving her a graceful yet sensual appeal. It was as if the gown had been made just for her.
He drew in an angry breath. How was it possible that after all she’d done to them...he could still find her extremely attractive and so desirable? At the moment, he refused to acknowledge that even with all the animosity he felt toward her, the air around them crackled with sexual tension and awareness.
Narrowing his gaze, he said, “You’ve got one minute.”
He watched as she breathed in deeply, which made her breasts appear to press even more against the evening gown she was wearing. How he’d loved her breasts— He cut off the memory, frowning as he wondered why he was thinking about that now.
“All right,” she said softly, breaking into his thoughts. “I wanted to speak with you privately, Virgil, to apologize. I found out a few days ago that Marti lied to me about you.”
If she thought her apology exonerated her for not trusting him, then she was wrong. “It took you four years to find out just what a liar your sister is? Honestly, I could care less what you now know, Kara.”
“Will you accept my apology?”
“No?” She actually sounded surprised.
“No. Why should I? I tried to convince you of my innocence and you refused to believe me. Instead you chose to believe your sister’s lies. So now you’ve found out the truth and expect me to forgive you for throwing away all we had? No.”
“I had no idea Marti would deliberately lie about you.”
“You should have trusted me enough to believe I would not have betrayed you. Without trust, love is nothing and you proved what we shared was nothing.”
He then glanced at his watch. “Now if you will excuse me, your minute is up.”
Without giving her a chance to say anything else, he turned and headed down the hallway that led back to the ballroom.
Chapter 1 (#ulink_01db6bc9-c9c0-5afb-a184-47bf4eae7654)
Six months later
“How was the wedding?”
Virgil glanced up when his father walked into his office. For a minute he had forgotten his old man had arrived in town that morning. While growing up Matthew Bougard had been his idol and he still was. Although it seemed that lately, as they both got older, father and son didn’t always agree on things. He couldn’t help wondering what had brought his father back to Charlotte that morning. All the text message he’d received last night had said was to expect him around ten. And like clockwork, he was here.
“The wedding was nice, although it’s hard to believe another Steele got married. Tyson surprised all of us.”
Matthew chuckled as he took the chair across from Virgil’s desk. “I can imagine. But did you honestly think those Steeles would be die-hard bachelors forever? Take a look at your own godbrothers.” The Steele family were good friends of theirs.
Virgil frowned. “I’d rather not.” Doing so would make him recall how he and his five godbrothers had formed the Guarded Hearts Club almost four years ago, right after his breakup with Kara Goshay. At the time all six godbrothers had been going through their own personal hell with women and made a pledge to remain single forever. Now four had defected. He and Zion were the only unmarried members left and they were determined to keep the club going, no matter what.
“Well, I am proud of my four godsons and their decisions to settle down and marry. Look at your mom and me, Virgil. We’ve been happily married close to forty years now.”
Virgil hoped his father wasn’t about to start his never-ending sermon about love, happiness and the pursuit of marriage. He’d heard it enough over the years; hearing it again wouldn’t change a thing. Yes, he knew his parents had a long and happy marriage. He knew his father considered his mother his queen and she considered Matthew her king. He even knew—although he’d rather not think about it—that they still had a very active sex life. He’d discovered that upon arriving in the Keys unexpectedly last summer to join them on their vacation. It was supposed to be a surprise for them but ended up being a shocker for him when he’d walked in on his parents making out like teens.
Matthew and Rhona had met while attending college in Atlanta. His father had graduated from Morehouse and his mother from Clark Atlanta University. Instead of returning to Houston, where he’d been born and raised, Matthew asked Rhona to marry him and they settled in her hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Just in case a sermon was on his father’s agenda, Virgil quickly asked, “So, Dad, what brings you back to Charlotte?”
His father was still CEO of Bougard Enterprises, though he rarely came into the office anymore, leaving Virgil, as second in command, to make most of the day-to-day decisions. His parents were often busy traveling, and just last year they’d bought a home in Houston with the intention of spending more time there.
But Matthew Bougard was well aware of every aspect of BE’s business. He was sharp and highly intelligent, which was how he’d taken a small financial company he’d founded right out of college and made it into one of the largest hedge fund corporations in the country. And thanks to a few recent deals, they could now even boast of going global.
His father remained quiet for a moment and then said, “I’m thinking about retiring, Virgil.”
Virgil sat up straight in his chair. “You really mean it this time?”
Matthew chuckled. “Yes. Leigh informed us on Friday that she and Chad are expecting a baby,” his father said, beaming heartily. “That means your mom and I will be grandparents.”
Virgil couldn’t help but smile. He knew how much being grandparents meant to them. His younger sister had married her childhood sweetheart a few years ago after they both finished medical school. Last year Leigh and Chad had opened a medical complex in Houston and were doing just great.
“I need to call Leigh and Chad to congratulate them. Congratulations to you and Mom, as well,” Virgil said.
“Thanks. I’d like to spend more time in the Keys as well as in Houston. Plus I promised your mom we’d do more international travel. She really enjoyed that Mediterranean cruise I took her on last year.”
His father leaned back in his chair and studied him. From the close scrutiny, Virgil got the feeling there was more to come regarding his father’s pending retirement. “My decision to retire depends on you, Virgil.”
Virgil lifted a brow. “How does your decision to retire depend on me?”
His father leaned forward and Virgil knew this would be one of those Matthew Bougard deeply serious moments. Virgil wasn’t sure if he was mentally prepared for it this early in the morning.
“You have a reputation, Virgil.”
He didn’t have to wonder what his father was alluding to. It was well-known around Charlotte and the surrounding areas that Virgil Matthew Bougard was an ardent womanizer. As far as he was concerned, he had no reason not to be if that was the lifestyle he chose. He wasn’t married, nor was he in an exclusive relationship with any woman. So in his defense he could do whatever the hell he wanted to do and with whomever he chose.
“I’m a thirty-five-year-old single man, Dad. There’s no reason I shouldn’t enjoy female company whenever I want it.”
“Well, there’s that incident with Whitney Hilton that won’t go away as much as I wish it would. Marv Hilton hasn’t forgotten about it.”
Virgil released a deep sigh. That had been almost two years ago. Why couldn’t the man get over it? Would that be the scandal that haunted him forever? Marv Hilton had been one of their biggest clients and Whitney was his twenty-five-year-old daughter. Her father had brought her along on one of his business trips to Hawaii when BE had held a meeting at the same time.
“She came to my hotel room. I didn’t go to hers.”
“I know but to Marv none of that matters. You slept with his daughter, and as her father, he was livid.”
Virgil recalled the man had been so livid that he’d dropped his account with Bougard Enterprises. Drawing in a deep breath, he could now admit when he’d gotten out of the shower and found Whitney naked and stretched out on his bed, he should have tossed her out of his room. But that option had quickly left his mind when she’d proceeded to give him one badass blow job. Her father had found out about the incident, which Virgil suspected had been intentional. Whitney wanted to get back at her father for forcing her into an engagement with some rich, old oil baron from Texas.
“That was almost two years ago, Dad.”
“Yes, but Marv Hilton still wants blood, especially since her fiancé called off the wedding. Marv blames you for that. He swears his daughter was a virgin up to that time and she was saving herself for her wedding. However, I’m sure you know better.”
Yes, Virgil definitely knew better since Whitney had boasted about her very active sex life that night. And the only thing she was saving was herself—from being forced into marrying a man old enough to be her father.
“You’ve done a great job running things in my absence, Virgil.” His father intruded into his thoughts. “And there’s no doubt in my mind the company would be in good hands if I were to retire. But we have to do something about cleaning up your image, especially if we want Paul Wyman’s business. He and I have talked. But he’s heard about you from Hilton, and Wyman has three daughters he’s concerned about.”
Virgil’s gaze narrowed. “You make me sound like someone who goes after anything in a skirt.”
“Well, that’s the impression that’s out there and Hilton is milking it for all it’s worth. Such an image could eventually hurt the company.”
Virgil stood, walked over to the window and stared out at downtown Charlotte. It was the second week in August and already the sun was beating down, guaranteeing it would be another hot day. Drawing in a deep breath, he slowly turned around.
Knowing his father, Virgil was certain the old man had a plan, one he’d thought out thoroughly. That’s the way Matthew Bougard worked. If there was a problem, he came up with a solution. Virgil just hoped it was one he could go along with. “Okay, what do you suggest?”
“I think we should hire a good PR consultant, one who will come in and clean up your womanizing image.”
Virgil frowned. “Do you really think that’s necessary, Dad?”
“Yes. Hilton is claiming that you seduced his daughter. So I hope you can see the need to take proactive measures.”
Virgil walked back over to his desk and sat down. Like his father said, Marv Hilton was out for blood. His. Unfortunately the man ran in circles with people who were potential clients for Bougard Enterprises.
“Fine. Do what you think is best. If you think hiring a PR firm will work, let’s do it.”
“I figured you would understand, so for the past couple of weeks I’ve been checking out firms. The one I suggest using comes highly recommended.”
“Great,” he said drily. “What’s the name of the company?”
“Goshay PR and Image Consultants.”
Virgil was out of his seat in a flash. “That’s out of the question. You know Kara owns that business.”
Virgil was fuming. “Then why on earth would you want to hire her?”
“Calm down, Virgil. The reason I’m hiring Kara’s company is because she’s the best. Anyone who could clean up Senator Jack Payne’s reputation after that scandal involving him and those women—and get him reelected—can surely clean up yours without a problem.”
Matthew stared hard at him, and continued, “Why are you so upset about it? Are you admitting you’ve only been lying to yourself these past four years and that you do still care for Kara?”
“No! I care nothing for her.” It had taken a long time for him to finally reach that point, but he had. At one time he’d thought it would be nearly impossible to ever get her out of his heart.
“Then working with her shouldn’t be a problem for you.”
“It will be a problem because I prefer not being anywhere near her.”
“Then maybe you need to ask yourself why.”
Virgil shook his head. “You don’t understand, Dad.”
“What I understand is, because of her lack of trust in you, you won’t forgive her and you’re still holding a grudge. But then so is Marv Hilton. That’s why Kara’s services are needed.”
Virgil didn’t say anything but walked back to the window to stare out. A few moments later he turned to his father. “I prefer we go with some other company, Dad.”
“Unless you can give me a good reason why Kara can’t do the job, Virgil, she’s in.”
Virgil drew in a deep breath. There was no need to tell his dad that Kara had been the only woman he had ever loved. Both his parents knew that. But they didn’t know he had planned to propose to her the same week she had hurled her accusations against him.
“Level with me, Virgil. The last thing I need to worry about is you trying to seduce Kara. She’s getting hired to do a job. So if you think you still feel anything for her then—”
“Oh, I feel something for her all right,” Virgil said in an angry tone. “I feel so much dislike for her you can whip it into butter. So I honestly don’t see how I’ll be able to work with her.”
“For Bougard Enterprises it’s business, Virgil. For you, it sounds like a personal problem you need to work through. The way I see it, you could have sent Whitney Hilton from your room that night but you didn’t. Instead you chose to let her stay. It was your decision and with that decision came consequences this company has to deal with. I would love to retire and spend more time with your mother and my future grandchild, but I’ll hang around if I have to.”
Virgil definitely didn’t want that. As much as he loved his father and appreciated his wisdom and expertise, Virgil had gotten used to making the decisions. He was ready to handle things without the old man. If his father thought he needed an image adjustment, then fine. “You win, Dad. Go ahead and hire Kara’s company.”
Matthew stood. “It’s not about winning, Virgil. It’s about making the right moves to ensure that Bougard Enterprises will be around for a long time. I’ll have my administrative assistant call Kara to come in so we can discuss our plan with her.”
Virgil drew in a deep breath. He would have to put up with Kara...or die trying.
* * *
Kara hung up the phone with a shocked look on her face. Of all things... A call from Matthew Bougard’s administrative assistant saying he wanted to meet with her tomorrow to discuss a possible job offer.
She leaned back in her chair. Just what did Bougard Enterprises need? Considering her strained relationship with Virgil, which she figured Mr. Bougard had to know about, she was surprised he’d reached out to her company, despite its excellent reputation. She’d find out soon enough what Matthew Bougard wanted.
Will Virgil be at the meeting?
Tossing a paper clip on her desk, Kara thrust the question from her mind. Sure, he’d be there. And it was no big deal, she told herself. She recalled her last meeting with Virgil six months ago when she had apologized. She would always regret believing Marti’s lie and what doing so had cost her. She had not spoken to her sister since finding out the truth. As far as Kara was concerned, they didn’t have anything to say to each other. She loved Marti but Kara could never forget the day she’d arrived back in town early from a business trip. She’d gone to her sister’s office to invite her to lunch only to overhear Marti telling someone on the phone how she had lied to Kara. Marti had claimed she had seen Virgil having a romantic dinner with a woman and had followed them all the way to a hotel and watched them go inside.
When Kara had confronted her, she had admitted lying and said she had done it for Kara’s own good, as it would have been just a matter of time before Virgil hurt her. To Kara, that excuse was unacceptable.
The buzzing on her desk brought her thoughts back to the present. “Yes, Janice?”
“Your mother is on line one.”
Kara drew in a deep breath. Her mother was the last person she wanted to talk to. To Lydia Goshay’s way of thinking it was past time Kara forgave her sister.
“Tell my mother I’m in a meeting and I’ll call her back later.”
At the moment, Kara didn’t want to talk to anyone. All she wanted to do was to relax her mind for a minute. That call from Bougard Enterprises had definitely rattled her brain. Leaning back in her chair she closed her eyes and, it seemed of its own accord, her mind began reliving memories of that night five years ago when she and Virgil had met.
* * *
“May I have this dance?”
Kara’s heart began pounding the minute she turned to stare up into what had to be the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes she’d ever seen. Bedroom eyes. They were an indulgent chocolate hue that made one think of something totally sweet and clandestinely sinful.
Although they had never been formally introduced, she knew who he was. Virgil Bougard. He had a reputation around town that would make Casanova look like a choir boy. His name was often whispered on women’s lips followed by a salacious smile. She’d first heard about him in the locker room at her gym. Women claimed he was hot, both in and out of bed. They also claimed he was a man who got any woman he wanted. And she had a feeling that tonight for some reason she had caught his eye.
She’d seen him when he’d arrived and had watched how several women had put themselves in his path. It seemed he drew them to him like a magnet. But he hadn’t danced with anyone. His attention had seemed targeted on her.
For most of the night their gazes had been meeting and holding from across the room. Each time she could feel her blood rush through her veins. She had noticed how impeccably he was dressed and how tall he stood, an imposing figure against any other man in the room. Talk about sex appeal.
She wished she could say it was all due to his ultrahandsome looks, consisting of an angular face that boasted a firm jaw, full lips and high cheekbones. And when he’d smiled her stomach did a couple of flips, and then she saw the dimples in those cheeks.
And now that same man was standing right in front of her, asking her to dance. Although she wished otherwise, she could feel heat swirling through her. She felt an intense sexual connection between them and couldn’t understand how that could be. Although she knew better and was totally aware of his scandalous reputation around town, she was shamefully attracted to him.
“Dance?” she repeated.
The way his mouth curved in a teasing smile made more curling heat settle in the pit of her stomach. “Yes, dance. I would do just about anything to hold you in my arms.”
Kara couldn’t believe this stranger would be so audacious as to say that.
“Who are you?” she asked. She knew his identity but felt he should introduce himself nonetheless.
He gave her another smile. “Virgil. Virgil Bougard. And you’re...?”
“Kara Goshay.”
“Nice meeting you, Kara.” He paused a moment and then asked, “So...are we going to dance?”
She didn’t miss the desire smoldering in the depths of those bedroom eyes. The sight of it made her heart rate accelerate in her chest. “Yes, Virgil. I will dance with you.”
* * *
Kara slowly opened her eyes and drew in a deep breath. They had danced. More than once.
Believing Marti’s lie was something she would regret for the rest of her life. Because in doing so, she had lost the one man she would ever love.
Chapter 2 (#ulink_4379cda1-26a1-5b06-80aa-042a88eb9b5f)
Virgil entered his home and tossed his jacket across a chair. At least his father’s visit hadn’t stopped him from sticking with his plan to leave work early. He needed to rest, relax and recover from too much partying this weekend at Tyson’s wedding. Now he had another reason for needing down time. Namely to get his mind prepared for tomorrow’s meeting with Kara.
She had done something no one had thought was possible, which was to literally bring him to his knees and show him there was a difference between love and lust. His womanizing ways had begun to morph into those of a man who wanted only one woman. Her. She had singlehandedly transformed his reckless heart into a thoughtful one.
That was then. This was now.
He was no longer a fool in love. And Kara was someone he could do without. He staunchly refused to give his heart to another woman, and he enjoyed his time as a single man who wore no female’s heart on his sleeve. He was a card-carrying member of the Guarded Hearts Club.
Over the years the club had seen its membership dwindle. Uriel had dropped out when he married Ellie. A year later Xavier had married Farrah, followed by York marrying Darcy and then Winston tying the knot with Ainsley. The last one had been a shocker because no one had been a stronger advocate of bachelorhood than Winston. Hell, Winston even held the office of club president for a number of years. That left only him and Zion as lone members. As the president, he felt it was time they recruited new members.
Although the club started out exclusively for him and his godbrothers, that didn’t mean it had to stay that way. There had to be other single men who felt the same way they did. Men who enjoyed the single life and intended to never marry. Mercury and Gannon Steele headed the list. It wouldn’t be hard to convince them that bachelors needed to stick together and they needed to join the exclusive club. He’d heard the frustration in their voices this weekend at Tyson’s wedding. Mercury and Gannon figured it would only be a matter of time before their mother eyed one of them as the next possible groom.
And then there was Xavier’s friend Kurt. He would be another good candidate. And wasn’t it just last week that Quade Westmoreland, who was an in-law of those Steeles, mention something about newfound bachelor cousins living somewhere in Alaska? A semblance of a smile touched Virgil’s face. There was hope after all.
A frown replaced the smile when his thoughts shifted to Whitney Hilton. She had definitely been a mistake and one he was still paying for. It wasn’t as if Whitney had been an underage teenager. Hell, the woman had been twenty-five. An adult. A consenting adult. Hilton was disillusioned if he thought his daughter had been a virgin that night. Nevertheless, for one night of lust, he would pay by having to put up with Kara. That was something he didn’t look forward to doing.
As he headed for the kitchen to grab a cold beer out of the refrigerator, he couldn’t help allowing his mind to recall a time when Kara’s presence was the only thing he’d wanted.
And it had started with their first dance...
* * *
“So, Kara, tell me about yourself.”
Virgil couldn’t help looking into her eyes when he’d made the request. She was simply beautiful. Striking. Stunning. And the dress she was wearing showed off her body right down to every curve. He wanted to get to know her but there were other things he wanted to do to her, as well. Taste her. Touch her. But for now, dancing with her had to suffice.
He had noticed her the moment he’d entered the ballroom and had known then she was someone he had to connect with. Each time their gazes had linked, he’d felt stirring emotions he had never felt before. There was no way he could have not sought her out. They had introduced themselves and now he wanted to know everything there was to know about her. Then maybe he could figure out why she was having such an effect on him. No woman had ever rattled his senses like she was doing.
“There’s not a whole lot to tell,” she said.
“I was born in San Francisco twenty-five years ago. My parents are still there, both alive and well, and I have a sister, who is older than me by three years. I got my degree in marketing from Duke and landed a job here in Charlotte right after college. Last year I opened my own PR firm.”
She felt good in his arms and he liked the way his arms fit around her waist. “Are you dating?”
“Seeing anyone exclusively?”
She raised a brow and he could only smile. And before she could ask he said, “The reason I think it’s good is because I want you for myself.”
She tilted her head to study him and even raised her chin showing a little irritation at his audacity. His intent was unmistakable. His smile deepened, clearly unmoved that what he’d said might have possibly annoyed her. He believed in being honest with women. Game playing wasn’t his style. “And what if I’m not interested, Virgil?”
“Then it would be my job to get you interested. But I think we can toss out that possibility. You’re just as interested in me as I am in you.”
He could tell her irritation increased. “What makes you think so?”
He shrugged. “A number of things, including body language. But primarily the way we’ve been flirting with each other most of night.”
“Is that what you think? That I’ve been flirting with you from across the room?”
“Haven’t you? But then I’ll admit unashamedly that I’ve been flirting with you, as well. Now I think we should move beyond flirting.”
“Do you?”
“Yes.” He held her gaze while she stared at him. The sway of their bodies in tune with the music was a no-thought process, and it was a good thing since they were so focused on each other. He especially liked the feel of their bodies touching while they danced.
“And just where are we supposed to be moving to?” she asked. For her to have done so meant she was giving the idea some thought.
“I’m hoping I can entice you to leave here with me and...”
When he felt her tense, he said smoothly, “Go to an all-night café not far from here and share a cup of coffee with me. That way we can get to know each other even better.”
She relaxed and he was grateful for that. The last thing he wanted to do was give her the impression all he wanted was to take her to the nearest hotel or back to her place or his. Doing any of the three would definitely work for him since he wanted her just that much. However, he had a feeling she was not a one-night-stand kind of woman, even though he had no problem being a one-night-stand kind of man when it suited him. He had a feeling he would have to work his way into her bed. He didn’t mind that and figured she would be worth it in the end.
“I’ll think about it...the part about the all-night café. But you haven’t told me anything about yourself.”
A smile touched his lips. He had no problem doing that. “I’m thirty and the oldest of two. I have a sister who is four years younger. She’s single but dates her high school sweetheart. I figure they’ll get married one of these days. I work at Bougard Enterprises, a financial corporation founded by my father years ago. He’s brilliant when it comes to finance and I’m learning all that I can from him. He’s been hinting at retiring in a few years.”
“And when he does, that means more work for you, right?”
“Yes, but I love what I do. I guess it’s in my blood.”
Much too soon the music came to an end. Without questioning why such a thing mattered to him, he kept a firm grip on her arm. Instead of leading her back to where she’d been standing before the dance, he led her toward the patio. “It’s a beautiful night. Let’s appreciate it, all right?”
He couldn’t help but smile as he led her through the huge French doors and outside. For some reason he felt tonight would be his lucky night.
* * *
Virgil took a huge swig of his beer, bringing his thoughts back to the present. Had it been his lucky night? It depended on how he looked at it. Yes, they’d left the party early to share cups of coffee at that café, and, yes, from that night and for a full year after that, they’d dated exclusively. He chuckled, thinking she hadn’t been as easy as he thought to get into bed. She had made him earn that right and he’d felt it had been worth it. She had been worth it. And he had fallen hopelessly in love. Their time together had been happy times...till they were tinged with heartache when she’d accused him of being involved with another woman.
When he saw her tomorrow he would be as professional as he could, no matter how much he would hate every minute of doing so. He didn’t want to give anyone, especially his father, the impression that he felt anything for her anymore.
He finished off the rest of his beer and was about to change into more comfortable clothing when his mobile phone went off. He recognized the ringtone. Each of his godbrothers had their own specific ring. “What’s up, W? Calling all the way from Australia is probably costing you a pretty penny, isn’t it?”
Over the years he and his godbrothers had shortened their names for each other to just the first letter. Winston, a marine biologist, and his wife, Ainsley, were currently living in Australia near the Great Barrier Reef on some project dealing with sea turtles.
“Just giving all of you a heads-up that I’ll be home next month.”
Virgil chuckled. “You were home six months ago. Getting homesick?”
Winston returned his chuckle. “No. Ainsley and I love it here. Six months ago we were home for her parents’ wedding anniversary. This time it’s for Uriel. Have you forgotten his birthday is next month? I talked to Ellie and she’s throwing a party at the lake and would like all of us there.” He paused a moment and then asked, “How are things going with you, V?”
He knew why Winston was asking. When he was home back in February, Virgil and his godbrothers had been together at the charity ball when Virgil had seen Kara. They knew what Kara had once meant to him and were glad she’d finally found out the truth about her sister. They’d also thought it had taken a lot of guts for her to apologize, considering how he’d been staring her down all night. And last but not least, they all thought he should have accepted the apology she offered. They felt he should be able to forgive Kara even if he didn’t want to have anything to do with her ever again.
Virgil didn’t see it that way. He saw no reason to release her from the guilt of accusing him of something he hadn’t done. “Things are okay,” he finally said. “Tyson’s wedding went off without a hitch. In fact, he had that same lovesick look that you did at your wedding.”
“It’s the ‘I’m in love’ look, Virgil. I recall you once wore it yourself.”
“That was when I didn’t know any better. It was before I talked you guys into forming the club. The one you, York, Xavier and Uriel defected from.”
“Only to pursue happier days.”
“If you say so,” Virgil said, shaking his head.
“Have you seen Kara since that night, V?”
Virgil frowned. “Why would I see her after that night?”
“Um, maybe you’ve had a change of heart. Called her. Asked her out for old times’ sake.”
“Don’t hold your breath. But I will be seeing her tomorrow. Not my choice, believe me.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
He then told Winston about his father’s plan to improve his image.
“Well, I hope you don’t plan to be an obnoxious ass when you see her. She did apologize. And can you imagine having a sister like Marti?”
Most of his godbrothers knew Marti because she’d dated Xavier. According to Xavier, three weeks was all he could take of Marti Goshay, who thought a lot of herself. Even Virgil would admit it was hard to believe Marti and Kara were siblings. They were as different as night and day.
“Can you imagine how Kara must feel knowing her sister lied? If you can’t trust your sibling, then who can you trust?”
Virgil decided not to answer that. In fact he really didn’t want to discuss the Goshay sisters any longer. He deliberately got Winston to talk about something else—namely his work. Winston loved what he did for a living and went on to tell Virgil how his research on the turtles was coming.
When Winston began getting too scientific, Virgil decided it was time to end their conversation. “We’ll get together when you arrive in town, W.”
“You bet. Take care.”
“You, too.”
“And remember to be nice tomorrow, V.”
“I’ll try. Can’t make any promises.”
Virgil clicked off the phone. Dread filled him as he thought about tomorrow. Just like he told Winston, as far as being nice to Kara went, all he could do was try.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_93e930c3-3818-5a30-9f76-772ac7cce34f)
Kara paused to draw in a deep breath, needing to calm her frayed nerves. She was ten minutes early so why were the Bougards already in the conference room waiting on her? And the thought that one them had seen her naked probably just as many times as he’d seen her wearing clothes was enough to rattle her.
Shaking off the memories of all those times, she thought about one of her favorite quotes. You are more stronger than you think. She certainly hoped so because at the moment she felt a little weak in the knees. And what were those sensuous shivers racing through her? Now was not the time to remember any of that. Straightening her spine, raising her chin and pasting a professional smile on her lips, she turned the knob and entered the conference room.
Both men stood and, although she hadn’t wanted it to, her gaze immediately went to Virgil before shifting to the older Bougard. She liked Virgil’s father and could easily recall when Virgil had taken her home to meet his parents. She’d been nervous then, as well.
Like Virgil, Matthew Bougard was handsome. He was also tall, standing way over six feet, and had a muscular build. She knew he liked playing golf and he’d been on the Olympic swim team while in college at Morehouse.
“I hope I haven’t kept you waiting,” she said, and with all the professionalism she could muster, she crossed the room and extended her hand first to Matthew. Instead of taking it, he pulled her to him in a hug. “No, you’re early, in fact. We just didn’t want to keep you waiting on us. It’s good seeing you again, Kara.”
When he released her, she smiled up at him. “Good seeing you again, too, Matthew. How’s Rhona?”
“She’s fine and sends her love.”
Kara then shifted her gaze to Virgil. He was standing beside his father, impeccably dressed in a dark business suit. She wished she wasn’t so intensely aware of him and wished more than anything that seeing him didn’t remind her of how long she’d been without a man. After him and the pain she’d felt at the time, she had sworn off men.
His expression was unreadable when he said, “Kara, glad you could meet with us today.” He extended his hand to her, letting her know that if she assumed he would pull her into his arms for a hug like his father had, then she was wrong.
Kara took the hand Virgil offered and tried not to show any sort of reaction when a frisson of heat raced up her spine. “Glad I’m meeting with the two of you, as well.”
Although he didn’t say anything, something in his eyes told her that her presence here today hadn’t been his idea. She pulled her hand from Virgil’s and then said to both men, “I’m eager to find out why you feel that you need my services.”
“And we’re eager to tell you so you can get started on our problem right away,” Matthew said, smiling. “Please have a seat.”
“Thanks.” She sat down in the chair Matthew had pulled out for her, the one right across from Virgil.
She tried to ignore his intense stare or at least try to. “So what’s the problem?” she asked, darting her gaze between the two men.
It was Virgil who spoke. “It seems my image needs improving.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Your image?”
It was Matthew who then added, rather bluntly, “Yes, his image. Everyone thinks my son’s behavior is that of a manwhore, and it’s hurting business. We want to hire your company to improve his image.”
* * *
Virgil frowned at his father. “Manwhore? I wouldn’t go that far, Dad.”
“I didn’t say you were one, Virgil. I said that’s the perception out there and it’s hurting the company.”
Virgil wished he could say “damn the company,” but he loved Bougard Enterprises just as much as his dad did. He would do anything to make sure the company his father had started years ago did not fail under his watch. Even if it meant making sacrifices. Still, he couldn’t help saying, “I enjoy women and like I told you yesterday, Dad, as a single man there’s nothing wrong with my dating habits.”
Okay, he would admit he dated a lot of women, but being thought of as a manwhore was a bit too much. The only good thing about his father’s statement was that it was painting a picture for Kara that he’d successfully moved on and put her behind him.
But even with all the pain she’d caused him, he could say without a doubt that Kara Goshay was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. Not too many could go from being a staunch businesswoman to a slinky seductress in the blink of an eye.
It had taken every ounce of strength he had to control himself when she’d walked into the room with that sensuous and graceful movement of hers. Six months ago when he’d seen her at that charity event, she’d been wearing an eye-catching evening gown. Today she was dressed in a tan business suit with matching pumps. He’d always thought he was a stilettos man but he had to admit her legs looked gorgeous in a pair of pumps.
Why was he thinking about that? And why was his mind filled with the memory of taking a business suit—similar to the one she was wearing—off her one night? Piece by piece. Bit by bit. And why was he remembering how good she looked naked, how smooth her skin was and how soft she was to his touch?
Her hair hung in soft layers around her shoulders and the little makeup she wore did what it was supposed to do, which was to enhance her looks and not cover them. And were those pearl earrings in her ears the same ones he’d given her when they had celebrated their first Christmas together? If so, why was she wearing them today? Did she think doing so would move him in some way? Make him remember the good times? Forget about the bad? If she thought that, then she was wrong. He was so over her.
“As far as something being wrong with your dating habits, our major investors apparently think so,” Matthew said, breaking into Virgil’s thoughts. “So what about it, Kara? Can he be helped?”
Kara didn’t say anything for a moment. Matthew’s words about Virgil’s wretched reputation hadn’t been a shock. Since their breakup she’d heard he had gone back to his womanizing ways.
Matthew and Virgil were waiting for her least she figured Matthew was. Virgil sat there wearing one of those “I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks” expressions. That made her wonder if he was willing to change his lifestyle for the sake of his company, which prompted her ultimate response. “I can only help if Virgil wants to be helped.”
Virgil decided to speak up. It was time he let both Kara and his father know that this change in his image had limitations. “I’m a single man who’s not in an exclusive relationship with any woman. I enjoy dating and if anyone has an issue with that then that’s their problem and not mine.”
Matthew turned to him. “But you would agree after the Whitney Hilton scandal that your image needs an overhaul?”
Not really, he thought. Whitney had gotten just what she’d come to his hotel room for that night. She’d been happy. He’d been satisfied. It was her father who refused to accept that his daughter had an active sex life—before, during and after Virgil Bougard.
“Is that something I need to know about? The scandal with Whitney Hilton?” Kara asked.
As far as Virgil was concerned it wasn’t any of her business. But evidently his father didn’t see it that way.
“Whitney Hilton is the daughter of one of my biggest clients,” Matthew said. “At least I should say former clients. During a business trip almost two years ago, Whitney tagged along with her father. She took a liking to Virgil and ended up in his hotel room one night. It caused a little ruckus when her fiancé found out and broke their engagement. Her father was livid and accused Virgil of deflowering his daughter. Claimed she was saving herself for her husband. Since then Marv Hilton has tried to tarnish our company’s good name with potential clients.”
Kara looked over at Virgil, cocked her head. “Do you know if she was a virgin as her father claims?”
Virgil frowned. “No. That’s the lie Marv Hilton wants to believe. But then that’s the thing about lies. They are meant to be believed, especially by those who’re gullible enough to do so.”
Kara didn’t have to wonder if what he’d said was meant to be a dig because she knew that it had been. “How old was she?”
“At the time Whitney was twenty-five.”
“Twenty-five?” Kara asked, surprised. “So she wasn’t a child but an adult who was old enough to make her own decisions.”
“You tell that to her old man” was Virgil’s flippant response. “It’s my guess she would have done anything to get out of marrying the man her father had picked out for her. Some oilman from Texas who was old enough to be her father. And she used me to do it. She had a reason for coming to my room and then making sure both her father and fiancé found out about it.”
“So what do you think, Kara?” Matthew broke in to her thoughts to ask. “Can his image be fixed?”
Before she could sufficiently answer that, she needed to make sure Virgil was 100 percent on board with an image makeover. If he wasn’t then he would only be wasting her time and his company’s money. “Not sure,” she answered Matthew while holding Virgil’s gaze. “Virgil still hasn’t answered the question I put out there a while ago.”
She watched Virgil’s lips twitch in annoyance. “What question?”
“The one I posed as to whether or not you want to be helped. I need to know if you will allow me to do my job to improve your image.”
The room had gotten quiet, and he knew that his dad, as well as Kara, was waiting on his response. “Fine, knock yourself out.”
“In other words you will do it and not give Kara a hard time doing so, right?” His father turned and asked him with those razor sharp eyes that all but said to leave the bullshit at the door.
“Yes, Dad. Right now my main concern is keeping Bougard Enterprises at the top.”
“Good.” As if what Virgil had said was enough to satisfy him, Matthew Bougard stood and looked at his watch. “The two of you can work out all the finer details of what needs to be done. As for me, I’ve kept my queen waiting long enough. Rhona and I are joining friends for lunch at the Racetrack Café.”
The café, which was jointly owned by several drivers on the NASCAR circuit, including a friend of his by the name of Bronson Scott, had the best hamburgers and fries in Charlotte. “I hope you and Mom enjoy lunch with your friends, Dad.”
“And we will, especially since I know this matter of your image will be resolved with Kara’s help.” Matthew then turned to Kara. “I appreciate your handling this for us.”
He paused a minute and then said, “I’m going to tell you just what I told Virgil yesterday. No matter how the two of you feel about each other, this here is business. The reason you’re being hired is because I believe you are the best person to do what needs to be done, Kara. I expect you and Virgil to put aside whatever differences you have and act like professionals. And I’m sure the two of you will.”
With that said, Matthew Bougard opened the conference room door and walked out, leaving Kara and Virgil staring uneasily at each other.
Chapter 4 (#ulink_9732d4b7-a7c4-53db-a7cb-0d4d25215ecf)
“Well, he certainly said a mouthful,” Virgil said moments later, breaking the silence in the room.
“And I can understand his concern.” Kara pushed back her chair and stood. “But I’m sure you and I will handle ourselves as the professionals that we are. What happened to end our relationship was unfortunate. It was a mistake on my part. I apologized. You didn’t accept my apology. There’s nothing I can do about that but move on and not worry about it. And I have.”
She saw Virgil’s body tighten as he gazed up at her. “Did you really expect me to accept your apology?”
She shrugged. “Don’t know why you wouldn’t. It was made in all sincerity. I admitted I was wrong. My conscience is clear.”
He frowned as he stood, as well. “Your conscience is clear? I don’t see how it can be,” he said in a gruff voice.
Kara couldn’t help but study the features of the man standing before her. He was handsome to the point where the word eye candy just wouldn’t do him justice. But as she stared into his brown eyes, she saw something that made her swallow hard. His inability to forgive. It was there in the dark depths of the eyes gazing back at her, letting her know he was barely tolerating her presence.
“Well, let me tell you how that can be, Virgil,” Kara said, staring him down. Frankly, she was sick and tired of his attitude. He acted as if he was the only one who’d suffered from Marti’s lie.
“I am human. I make mistakes. Big and small. We all do. We also trust and believe in people that we should not. I did. I took Marti’s word over yours. Something I will regret doing for the rest of my life. I loved you and—”
“No,” Virgil said angrily. “There’s no way in hell you can convince me that you loved me. No woman could love a man one minute and then assume the worse of him the next. You only thought you loved me.”
She stared at him, knowing it would be a waste of her time to try to convince him otherwise. In his eyes, a woman who loved a man would not have believed the worst of him. But regardless of what he thought, she had loved him.
“I apologized to you, Virgil. But you didn’t accept it. Great. Fine. That’s your prerogative. Mine is to keep moving and keep living. I can’t let your inability to forgive hang over my head. There’s more to life than living in the past.”
She paused a moment and then in a calmer voice said, “I’ll start work immediately on a plan of action for your image makeover. I’ll call you once it’s completed so we can meet to discuss it.”
With nothing else to say, she turned and walked out of the office.
* * *
Virgil’s body stiffened in anger when the door clicked shut behind Kara. She had a lot of nerve. That was all fine and dandy that she could keep moving and keep living; he could make the same claim. But what she failed to take into account was what her belief in her sister’s lie had done to him. Had done to them. And he couldn’t help noticing she hadn’t refuted his words when he said she’d only assumed she loved him. In not doing so, she’d all but admitted he’d been merely an infatuation. That thought angered him even more.
There’s more to life than living in the past. Upon remembering Kara’s words, it took every ounce of control he had not to go after her and let her know that although he wasn’t living in the past, it was the past he’d shared with her that had shaped him into the man he was today. A man determined not to let any woman get close to his heart again. A man who’d been taught there was no such thing as the perfect love. A man who enjoyed being physically involved but emotionally detached from women.
She would never know how she’d nearly destroyed him four years ago. For months he hadn’t been able to eat, sleep or function like a sane person. It was only when his godbrothers had talked him into taking one of those singles cruises with them that he’d returned to the land of the living. It had taken him almost a full year to get over Kara, put her behind him. And in doing so, he’d developed an entirely new agenda and game plan when it came to women. He refused to love one, and he lusted for plenty.
And she thought she could wipe the slate clean with just an apology?
Virgil shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked over to the window and looked out. And now they would be working together to improve his image. How crazy was that? He rubbed his hand down his face. There’s more to life than living in the past.
He forced his mind to rethink Kara’s words, this time with deeper meaning and clarity. Maybe by carrying all this bitterness inside of him the way he had, he was living in the past, not letting go of what she had done.
Forgiving didn’t mean forgetting. Nor did it mean reconciliation. What they once shared could never be regained. She was totally and completely out of his heart now, so wasn’t it time he acted like it? There was no reason why they could not deal with each other on the professional level his father had alluded to. It wasn’t about him or her but all about Bougard Enterprises.
Virgil figured one day he would eventually marry, especially since he needed heirs to continue the Bougard legacy. And when he did, it wouldn’t be for love. Thanks to Kara Goshay he would know better the next time.
* * *
“Your father is on line one, Ms. Goshay.”
Kara released a frustrated sigh but couldn’t stop the smile that touched her lips. She figured since her mother’s attempt to bring an end to her strained relationship with Marti had failed, Lydia had called in the big guns. Namely Byron Goshay. Kara had always been a daddy’s girl and proud of it. Her father adored both of his daughters, but there had always been a special bond between the two of them.
“Put him through, please.”
Leaning back in her chair, she waited for the connection while recalling her conversation with her mother when she returned her call yesterday. It was a discussion that hadn’t gone over well. Lydia tried shifting the blame to Kara, saying she was allowing a man to come between her and her sister. She felt Kara should make up with Marti now that her sister was under a doctor’s care for stress and anxiety attacks.
Kara had gotten royally pissed. She sympathized with whatever Marti was going through, but what about those four years Kara had suffered, thinking the man she loved had betrayed her? What about the stress she’d gone through? The heartbreak? The pain? How could one sister do that to another?
“Kara? How’s my girl?”
The sound of her father’s voice chased away the anger. She smiled. “I’m fine, Dad. What about you?”
“I’m doing okay. Looking forward to retirement in a few years. Just waiting for my daughters to pay off their student loans so they can take care of their old man.”
Kara shook her head. “Our student loans are paid off. Besides, you wouldn’t accept a handout from me or Marti even if your life depended on it.”
She heard her father’s chuckle. “True.”
He then paused, and she knew what was coming when she detected him shifting to a more serious mode. “Your mom talked to me last night about the ongoing situation between you and Marti.”
“And I think we need to have a family powwow. A sort of bonding session. I’d like to fly both you and Marti home for the weekend.”
As if flying out to San Francisco would magically make things better. “It won’t do any good, Dad.”
“Sweetheart, Marti’s your sister.”
So now her father was taking that approach? She couldn’t stop the flare of anger. “Yes, and my sister deliberately sabotaged my relationship with the man I loved.”
There was another pause. “I just want my daughters back together. I feel our family is breaking apart.”
“Don’t blame me, Dad.”
“Of course I don’t blame you.”
Kara was glad to hear that. “Mom did.”
“Lydia should not have said that. I told her we needed to stay out of it and let you and Marti handle things. But I guess she saw that wasn’t happening and figured she needed to step in. But that’s no reason to blame you. You didn’t ask for what Marti did. Have you seen Virgil and told him the truth?”
“Yes, for what good that did. I apologized but he didn’t accept my apology. I can’t blame him to be honest with you. I said some mean things to him back then. I think now he hates me more than ever.”
“Sorry to hear that. I tried calling him to apologize, as well. He’s changed his number from the one I had.”
Kara lifted a brow. “Why would you need to apologize?”
“Because after the two of you broke up and Marti told me what he did, I called him and said a lot of not-so-nice things to him.”
Kara’s eyes closed for a minute. Her sister’s lie had caused more damage than Kara had realized. “I didn’t know,” she said softly. Her father had liked Virgil a lot, and vice versa. Getting such a call from her father had probably only added to Virgil’s anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“At the time I felt there was no reason to tell you. I thought he had hurt you and that was all I needed to know. Now I feel bad about what I said.”
Welcome to the club. “That’s okay, Dad. Like I said, Virgil is not in a forgiving mood right now anyway.”
“So there’s no chance the two of you can patch things up and get back together?”
Kara shook her head as she recalled Virgil’s words. Without trust, love is nothing and you proved what we shared was nothing.
“No, Dad. There’s no way Virgil and I will ever get back together.”
The finality of what she’d just said overwhelmed her and she knew she had to end the call with her father before he detected anything. “I’ve got a ton of things to do,” she said softly. “Goodbye, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you, too, cupcake.”
It was only after he clicked off his phone and she clicked off hers that she gave in to her tears.
Chapter 5 (#ulink_b232813e-9479-5778-96bc-e444c315b18e)
“Mr. Bougard, Ms. Goshay is on the line for you.”
Virgil tossed his pen down on his desk. “Thanks, Pam. Please put her through.” When he heard the connecting click, he said, “Yes, Kara?”
“I told you I would contact you when I completed my action plan.”
Yes, she had said that a week ago. He had pushed the thought of hearing from her out of his mind. At least he’d tried, but he had found himself thinking a lot about Kara whether he wanted to or not.
“I was wondering when we can meet,” she added, interrupting his thoughts.
He checked the calendar on his desk. “I’m booked solid the rest of the week. It will have to be sometime next week.” Or the week after that, he thought to himself. He was in no hurry to see Kara again.
“It’s imperative that we meet this week, Virgil. I got a call from your father yesterday for an update. At that time he expressed that he wanted me to present my plan to you ASAP. I told him that I would.”
“Now you can go back and tell him that you tried,” he said. “Like I said, my calendar is full this week. To be honest it’s full next week, as well.”
“And there’s no way you can squeeze me in this week?”
He heard the annoyance in her voice and figured she thought he was deliberately being difficult. “No, sorry. Unless...” he said, studying his calendar again.
“Unless what?”
“Unless we make it a business dinner. That will work for me. How about for you?”
He heard the pause, which lasted a little too long to suit him. Now he was the one getting annoyed. “Look, Kara. My time is precious and right now you’re wasting it. Will you be able to meet me for dinner tomorrow or not?” Virgil snapped.
“Yes, I’m available for a business dinner tomorrow,” Kara snapped back.
“Good. My administrative assistant will call you later today with details as to where we will meet.”
When Kara heard the click in her ear, she leaned back in her chair, and she clicked off her own phone. “And goodbye to you, too, Mr. Obnoxious.” Of course he hadn’t heard her comment but it still felt good making it.
A business dinner? Why couldn’t he just add her to his schedule? He couldn’t be that busy. She guessed that in a way she should be grateful. He probably would not have agreed to meet with her at all if she hadn’t told him about the telephone call she’d received from his father. Matthew had made it clear he expected them to work together, grudgingly or otherwise. She had no problem doing so but couldn’t speak for Virgil.
Kara sighed deeply. It was obvious he was being difficult already. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had to do an image makeover on an unenthusiastic client. She couldn’t let that be a deterrent to what needed to be done. She had a job to do and she intended to do it.
* * *
Arriving early, Virgil chose a table in the back of the Goldenrod Restaurant mainly for two reasons. First, the table sat beside a huge window and on a clear day you could see the mountain peaks of Chimney Rock. And, second, the location gave him a good view of the restaurant’s entrance. For some reason he wanted to see Kara before she saw him.
No one had to tell him that he hadn’t been pleasant yesterday while talking to her on the phone. She had a tendency to bring out the worst in him and she had been the last person he’d wanted to converse with, business or otherwise. And then for her to mention his father had called her, literally reminding him he had to toe the line, had annoyed the hell out of him.
If Virgil didn’t know better, he would think his father was trying to play his hand at matchmaking. After all, his parents had liked Kara a lot. But he did know better because the one thing Matthew Bougard didn’t do was play games. His father was too no-nonsense for that. The only reason his dad had insisted on hiring Kara was because she was the best and had a stellar track record to prove it.
Virgil saw Kara the moment she walked into the restaurant and knew his biggest challenge would be her. If he hadn’t known Kara and had glanced up and seen her for the first time, he would have had the same reaction he noticed several men in the restaurant having now. Kara Goshay wasn’t just a beautiful woman, she was downright striking. Her entrance into any room drew stares from both men and women.
She was wearing an olive-green pencil skirt with a matching jacket and white blouse. Probably on any other person the colors would look drab, but on Kara they looked stunning. The skirt emphasized every single curve of her body as well as her long, gorgeous legs. Her hair was neatly tied up in a knot and he thought the style highlighted the gracefulness of her neck and the long, dark lashes fanning her eyes.
He thought now the same thing he did the very first time he’d ever laid eyes on her. She was a woman about whom fantasies—the hot and steamy kind—were made. Evidently others thought so, as well, and Virgil couldn’t help noticing several men shift in their seats, probably wondering if they would get the opportunity to meet her. Get to know her better. And that, Virgil thought, was the kicker. He already knew Kara, better than most. Knew more than he wanted to remember knowing. Like how she looked underneath her outfit, the location of that half-moon tattoo and all about that little mole on her backside.
He knew where those long legs began and especially where they ended. And he was well aware of those curves—intimately. Every single one of them. And the firm breasts under her blouse...he knew them, too. Very well. He knew how they felt in a man’s hand and how they tasted in his mouth.
She glanced over in his direction and their gazes met, then held much too long to suit him. He sighed deeply and wished he could break the connection and look away, focus his attention on something or someone else, but he couldn’t. He could only sit there and stare at the woman now walking toward him. Stare and remember. However, for some reason he wasn’t thinking about what had torn them apart, but his mind was remembering things they’d done together, especially in the bedroom. After a hard day at work, the bedroom—either his or hers—had been their playground. And they’d played a lot. He could vividly remember all the positions they’d tried, the games they’d played and the talks they’d had. Sexual chemistry had a way of overpowering them whenever they were together, and heaven help him, he was feeling it now with every step she took toward him.
Virgil was beginning to see that suggesting a business dinner might not have been a smart thing to do. He should have found a way to work her into his workday schedule. He tried not to notice how her hand was clutching a leather briefcase—the same one he’d given her for her birthday. He was surprised she still had it. He could remember the night he’d given it to her and how she had thanked him. Just remembering how she’d thanked him made his lower body ache.
Of its own accord his gaze lowered to her legs again, and he couldn’t help but remember the last time they’d made love. And how those same legs had flanked him, locked him between her thighs while she rode him hard. Damn. That should be the last thing he was remembering. What he should be thinking about was how Kara had caused him so much misery and pain.
With the latter thought flaming through his brain, he stood to pull out her chair for her, pasted a smile on his face and said in a tight voice, “Kara. Glad you could make it.”
“Thanks,” Kara said once she was seated across from him. She immediately picked up on his mood and knew it wasn’t good. Just her luck it would be a carryover from yesterday.
She glanced around. “Nice place.”
At least he hadn’t chosen someplace where they’d dined before as a couple. This restaurant had recently opened and was part of the new development on this side of town. Since taking office as mayor of Charlotte, Morgan Steele had kept his campaign promise to grow the city by attracting new businesses and major corporations. While driving here she’d passed a huge medical technology complex as well as several communications firms.
But it wasn’t the town or the restaurant she was focusing on right now. It was Virgil. And he was staring at her. “Is something wrong?” she asked him.
“No. Why do you ask?”
She shrugged. If he hadn’t realized he’d been staring then she wouldn’t be the one to enlighten him. “No reason.”
Kara averted her eyes, looking down at the menu that had been placed in front of her. Moments later she glanced back up at him. “If it’s okay with you, we can skip the meal and just discuss my action plan.”
He frowned. “No, it’s not okay with me. I skipped lunch and I’m hungry. Have you eaten something already?”
“No. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
She could give him a list but decided the less he knew the better. “There’s no problem, Virgil. I just don’t want to take up any more of your time than necessary.”
Virgil’s penetrating stare deepened. “Trust me, Kara. You won’t take up my time, mainly because I wouldn’t let you.”
He caught the glare in her eyes as she stared at him and it didn’t bother him one way or another to know she was irritated with him. In a way, it should. She had a job to do and he was well aware that his unpleasant attitude wasn’t making it easy for her. But then why should he make anything easy for her?
Sighing deeply, he placed his menu down. Hadn’t he decided last week that he needed to move on, and in order to do that he had to get beyond all this anger he had for her? He looked over at her. “Kara?”
She glanced over at him. “Yes?”
“That apology you made six months ago. I accept it.”
For a minute she didn’t say anything but continued to stare at him. “I’m curious as to why you’ve decided to accept it now,” she finally said.
He shrugged. “That shouldn’t be so hard to figure out. We need to work together.”
“And can we try to be friends?”
“No, I wouldn’t go that far. I doubt we’ll ever be friends. Forgiving does not mean forgetting.”
She narrowed her gaze at him. “Then why bother?”
“Do you prefer I not accept your apology?”
She rolled her eyes. “Do whatever you want to do, Virgil. I don’t care anymore.”
He really didn’t care that she didn’t care. “Now that I’ve accepted your apology, let’s decide what we’re having for dinner.”
* * *
After giving the waiter her order, Kara took a sip of her ice water. While Virgil was telling the waiter what he wanted for dinner, she took time to think about his acceptance of her apology.
Did he honestly assume she believed just saying he accepted her apology meant his attitude toward her would change? She knew better and like she’d told him, she really didn’t care.
So why are you letting it bother you if you don’t care? a voice inside her head asked.
“So how are things going at the office, Kara?”
The sound of his husky voice intruded into her thoughts. Why was he asking her that as if he really cared? However, since he was making an attempt to be civil, she would tell him. “Everything is going fine. Cassandra no longer works for me. She and Eric moved to San Diego to be closer to his family. That way she could get help with the baby.”
Cassandra was the young woman who’d been her administrative assistant during the time they’d been a couple. But Cassandra had been more than just an employee, she had been her friend, as well. Cassandra and Eric had been two of the first people she’d met upon moving to Charlotte. The couple had lived in a condo a few doors down. Kara had been looking for office help at the same time Cassandra’s job had been downsized.
“Baby? Cassandra had a baby?”
Kara couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. “Yes, a beautiful little girl named Regan. Regan is about two years old now.”
Virgil smiled and Kara knew this smile was genuine. “I’m happy for her.”
“So am I.” Kara knew he would be happy for Cassandra because her former administrative assistant would bend the rules for Virgil. Like allowing him to sneak into her office when she was away to leave special notes on her desk, drop breakfast off for her or personally deliver her matter how many times she would tell Cassandra she didn’t want to be disturbed. And Kara would also admit Cassandra had been the one person who hadn’t believed Marti’s lie about Virgil.

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