Read online book «The Sweetest Kiss» author Candace Shaw

The Sweetest Kiss
Candace Shaw
Too tempting to resist Luscious, tantalizing, delectable…and that's just Tiffani Chase-Lake's cupcakes. The moment Broderick Hollingsworth sets eyes on the sexy baker herself, he's truly intrigued. For the first time, the wary real estate developer is ready to open up to someone. Then he realizes that his next business deal is going to leave Tiffani and her cozy bakery high and dry…Just as hardworking single mom Tiffani is falling for Broderick's easy charm, she learns about the property deal that will destroy her business. Even her most decadent dessert can't eclipse the bitter taste of betrayal. Tiffani's livelihood and her independence are on the line. Walking away from their sensual chemistry won't be easy—but is trusting him a recipe for heartache?

Too tempting to resist
Luscious, tantalizing, delectable...and that’s just Tiffani Chase-Lake’s cupcakes. The moment Broderick Hollingsworth sets eyes on the sexy baker herself, he’s truly intrigued. For the first time, the wary real estate developer is ready to open up to someone. Then he realizes that his next business deal is going to leave Tiffani and her cozy bakery high and dry...
Just as hardworking single mom Tiffani is falling for Broderick’s easy charm, she learns about the property deal that will destroy her business. Even her most decadent dessert can’t eclipse the bitter taste of betrayal. Tiffani’s livelihood and her independence are on the line. Walking away from their sensual chemistry won’t be easy—but is trusting him a recipe for heartache?
Stepping directly into her personal space, a sinful grin emerged across his ruggedly handsome face.
“I only ordered them to see you again. I could give a damn about cupcakes even though they’re quite delicious. And you’re right. I’m definitely coming back for more and more just to lay eyes on the breathtaking baker I can’t stop thinking about.” He traveled a gentle finger down her cheek and paused it on her lips, which parted on demand. “You are too tempting to resist.”
Tiffani cursed inwardly at her mouth betraying her. Sucking in her breath, she stepped back, but when she did, all she felt was the wall next to the dessert table. His dark eyes held hers in a deep trance that could only be broken by a magical spell in a fairy-tale world far, far away.
He hadn’t moved and neither had she. Even when the chef came into the room momentarily with a dish that smelled like roast beef and then exited as quickly as he’d come.
Before she could speak, Broderick yanked her body to his.
Dear Reader (#ulink_a7fe63b7-291d-51d6-ac4e-a0499b791936),
Tiffani Chase-Lake is one of my favorite heroines. I admire her ambition and strength to follow her dream of opening her own bakery, despite the fact she lost her husband at a young age and now has to raise her son without his father. Of course, she has a weakness: the suave business mogul, Broderick Hollingsworth.
When I created Tiffani, I wanted her to be unwavering in her decision to never marry again. However, she’s all for an “in the moment” relationship because, well...a woman has needs, and she figures Broderick is the perfect man to fulfill them.
What she didn’t factor in was that their first kiss was the sweetest kiss Broderick had ever experienced, and now he intends to make her his forever.
I hope you enjoy reading Tiffani and Broderick’s sweet yet fiery romance. Feel free to contact me at (
Candace Shaw
The Sweetest Kiss
Candace Shaw (
CANDACE SHAW was born and raised under the sunny skies of northwest Florida and knew she wanted to become a writer after reading Little Women in fourth grade. After graduating from the University of West Florida with a degree in elementary education, Candace began teaching and put her dream of becoming a writer on hold, until one summer vacation she started writing again and hasn’t stopped.
When Candace is not writing or researching for a book, she’s reading, shopping, learning how to cook a new dish or spending time with her loving husband and their loyal, overprotective Weimaraner, Ali. She is currently working on her next fun, flirty and sexy romance novel.
You can contact Candace on her website at (, on Facebook at ( or you can Tweet her at (
Cover (#u37281182-2b07-5dca-94a8-863f85282b05)
Back Cover Text (#ua1696ee0-d5cb-5a6c-a103-dd6c4122efd0)
Introduction (#ucaa673cf-9fc9-5a5d-b1b8-8e06925d2fae)
Dear Reader (#u09633d55-0e71-5c11-a597-af76dbd56cde)
Title Page (#u667cfd48-421c-5107-baae-a65e4ae2b30a)
About the Author (#u5a18dd27-92a1-58fd-9b68-d820992eb9b2)
Chapter 1 (#u2f229153-3e82-5f89-be56-f8150bc9fd48)
Chapter 2 (#u3eeaf62c-8106-577f-9875-2b4b6ff1c8d1)
Chapter 3 (#u1406429c-eafd-5e0d-8b97-a72d9f73fb1d)
Chapter 4 (#u92729911-d7af-5f7e-9a64-428ea92bcf2c)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_7026aa97-5148-5f4b-a41d-7fcb9a0aa12a)
Glancing at his Rolex for the fifth time, Broderick Hollingsworth scanned the ballroom of the Pinnacle Boutique Hotel. White and purple roses overflowed from tall gold vases on the dinner tables as guests mingled, ate braised lamb and sipped on champagne while wearing their finest after-five attire. Weddings had never been his forte and he didn’t even know why he’d RSVP’d to attend in the first place. He didn’t necessarily consider himself a friend of the groom, who was his attorney and sometimes golf partner. Bryce Monroe apparently deemed him more than just a business associate, though, because the invite had stated it was an intimate affair for close family and friends. There were about one hundred and fifty or so people seated around twenty round tables waiting for the bride and groom to make their grand entrance as husband and wife. Everyone seemed to know everyone except him, but it didn’t bother him. He saw a few familiar faces, all people he’d had business dealings with. He was somewhat of a loner at social events such as weddings and in life in general. However, he was seated at a table with another golf buddy and they’d made small talk while they waited.
Broderick needed to leave for another event, but his attention gravitated toward the bridal party seated at the front of the room. One of the bridesmaids he’d spotted during the ceremony had to be the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. He’d noticed something elegant and classy about her as she’d glided like a graceful princess down the aisle. The memory of her clutchable hips swaying like a cool breeze in a fitted purple dress that hugged her tantalizing body like a glove was etched into his brain. He’d been so in awe of her during the ceremony that he hadn’t realized it was over until he heard laughter and clapping around him. He’d stood to join in the cheers but never released his eyes from her delicate, beaming face.
Now Broderick was mesmerized once more as her flawless skin shimmered under the vast chandeliers of the ballroom. Her thick, waist-length hair was swept over her right shoulder in flowing curls showcasing her sculptured cheekbones on her alluring face. He did a customary glance of her left hand and was relieved to see no wedding ring. However, she was much too sexy and exquisite to not have a man in her life. He briefly perused the room but didn’t notice anyone else staring in her direction. Some of the men were seated with their significant others. A few of the single ones he knew were cousins of the groom, but the other handful he wasn’t sure about. Heck, for all he knew she could be dating his colleague next to him, though he doubted it.
Broderick continued watching her chat and laugh with one of the bridesmaids, not once realizing that he couldn’t tear his gaze away. Even as his business associate conversed about the stock market rates of the day—which normally would have his full attention—he was focused on the breathtaking bridesmaid and her luscious lips. Lips like hers needed to be kissed and caressed gently at first to savor their warmth and to listen to her soft moans before crashing further into her mouth with fervor. Her moans would undoubtedly increase from the intensity of being under his command. He took a sip of his brandy while his thoughts carried him to a place of drawing her to him and tasting her divine, sweet mouth. His tongue lingered on the warmth of the liquor as he imagined doing the same to her succulent lips.
The wedding coordinator’s announcement of the newlyweds entering the room jerked Broderick from his daydream as everyone stood and yelled as Bryce and his wife, Sydney, zoomed into the middle of the dance floor on a Harley. Broderick wasn’t surprised—the newlyweds both loved motorcycles and owned several.
Once the excitement died down, he was tempted to stride over to the lovely woman who had filled his thoughts for the last hour. Unfortunately, a quick swipe of her cell phone from the table and a grimace on her adorable face had her slipping out of a side door in a flash.
He returned his attention to his colleague, who still yammered on about the stock market without realizing Broderick hadn’t heard a single word.
“So are you considering taking your money out of Swanson Technologies?”
Broderick pondered for a moment and sipped the rest of his drink. “I’ll have my stockbroker look over everything before making a decision. It’s the weekend, Dave. Let’s just enjoy the moment.”
Dave scanned his face with puzzlement. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say anything like that before. Ever.”
Grabbing his empty plate, Broderick shrugged and stood. “I don’t talk about business all the time.” He knew that was a lie. As a real estate developer and investor in Atlanta, making more millions was the only thought on his mind. He owned a lot of property in Georgia and the surrounding states, including a percentage of the hotel he was currently standing in. However, staring at the dazzling woman had clouded his brain. He quickly shrugged it off as he made his way to the dessert table, which was laden with tiers of assorted cupcakes. A woman like her would want more than just a fling. She’d want a real relationship that would eventually lead to a ring on her dainty finger, an extravagant wedding, children and cross-country vacations in a Winnebago. Maybe even a dog. No, that wasn’t on his agenda. At age thirty-seven, he knew he should consider settling down, though the thought irked him.
He reprimanded himself for even parading such ideas and reached out to grab a cupcake. Biting into it, he was impressed by the deliciousness of the caramel icing and took another bite.
“Mmm...this is delectable,” he said out loud, setting it on his plate and reaching for another one.
“Why thank you.”
A wicked grin lined his face as the angelic voice of a woman caressed his back like heat from the sun. Even though he’d never heard her speak before he knew it had to be the lady who’d caught his curiosity. He pivoted to stare, almost eye level with the tall, regal beauty who was even more intriguing up close. She wore a pleased smile that showcased a yummy dimple on her left cheek.
“You made these delicious cupcakes?”
She glanced at them before resting her cinnamon eyes on him once more. “Yes and the wedding cakes. The one you have is the same flavor as the groom’s motorcycle-shaped cake. I’m glad you like it.”
“Like is an understatement,” he paused, stepping closer to her and lowering his voice. “I love it.” He swished his tongue to the left corner of his mouth to lick off icing he felt.
He noted a slight gulp as she backed up a tad and turned toward the dessert table. “Well, there’s plenty here for you to select from.”
“Mmm...yeah, but I prefer the caramel one. It’s quite mouthwatering.”
Running her fingers through the top tresses of her hair, she tried to squash a smile while biting her bottom lip.
Goodness she was sexy, but he could sense there was so much more to her than that, and he, needed to know.
“I’m Broderick Hollingsworth, and if I had to guess I’d say your name is Angel.”
Releasing a cute giggle, she ran her fingers through her hair once more. “That’s very sweet, Mr. Hollingsworth, but it’s Tiffani Chase...umm Lake.” She stumbled on her words and shook her head as if she’d forgotten. “It’s hyphenated.”
He glanced at her ringless left hand. “You’re married?” he asked with disappointment, hoping that her husband wasn’t somewhere nearby watching their interaction and feeling ready to fight. Not that Broderick was scared. At six-feet-three inches and two hundred and ten pounds of all muscle, he feared no one; however, he would never disrespect anyone’s marriage. He decided to back up a few steps.
She waved her hands back and forth. “ anymore. My husband died a little over three years ago.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” he said, trying to sound as sincere as possible while moving to his original spot in front of her. A server with a tray of champagne flutes approached. Broderick took two and handed one to Tiffani.
Sipping the champagne, a faraway expression washed over her features. “Thank you. My family and friends have been a huge support. Plus, I have to stay strong and focused for my son, Keith Jr. He’s my only concern.”
Son? He had a rule to never date women with children, especially young children. He was spontaneous and didn’t want to deal with the hassle of a woman trying to secure a babysitter at the last minute or having to be back by a certain time. Then there were the other issues like she couldn’t spend the night at his house or he couldn’t stay over at hers. Or dealing with the fathers or meeting the child, who may or may not like him. However, there was something intriguing about Tiffani that had piqued his curiosity, and there were exceptions to every rule, especially those he made.
“How old is he?”
“KJ is eight. He was the ring bearer in the wedding.”
“Ah, I remembered him coming down the aisle, looking quite dapper in his tux.” Broderick glanced around the room. “Where is he?”
“Oh, I sent him home with the babysitter after the ceremony. I’ll be here late and didn’t want him up past his bedtime.”
“Makes sense. So, is baking a hobby for you?”
“At first. Now I own a bakery in the Dunwoody area. Cupcakes are my specialty, but I can make just about any dessert.” Setting the flute on the table, she opened her evening clutch and pulled out a sterling-silver business card case engraved with her initials. “Here’s my card.”
His hand brushed her dainty, French-manicured one as he took the pink card from her. Her skin was warm and he had the urge to travel his fingers along the rest of her. He cleared his throat and read the card before he acted on his thoughts.
“Sweet Treats.” Broderick pondered for a moment as he noticed the bride’s twin sister, who was also his interior decorator, wave in their direction. Apparently Tiffani was needed for something as she nodded and held up a finger to signal she’d be there in a moment.
“Before you go, I’m having a get-together for some business associates at my home next week. Can you make some of these delicious cupcakes for me?”
“Why, of course. My information is on the card including my website, which has a list of desserts and prices.”
“Great. I’ll have my secretary call you on Monday.”
Her face scrunched for a second but perked back up. Was she disappointed that he wouldn’t be the one calling? Making arrangements for events wasn’t something he typically did, but a jab pierced his heart for a moment when her lovely face saddened.
“I’m closed on Sunday and Mondays, but I’ll be there Monday morning preparing for an order.” She looked past him once more. “I have to go. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Hollingsworth.” She rushed off before he could say goodbye. He watched her and the other bridesmaids hurry through the main entrance.
His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Retrieving it, he read the text message on the screen. It was his business manager, Josh Powell reminding him of the networking social he was supposed to be attending that very moment. His intention had been to leave after the wedding ceremony, but that was before he’d laid eyes on Tiffani and wanted to see her once more. Luckily, the other event was only a few blocks up on Peachtree Road in the Buckhead district, and he sent a message back that he would be there in twenty minutes.
Broderick bid his goodbyes to the newlyweds and thanked them for inviting him. As he walked out of the ballroom, he spotted Tiffani heading back inside. He caught her eyes as she graced him with the sweetest smile a woman had given him since his mother had died. He put a little more pep in his step as he trekked to the valet stand. He knew he had to see Tiffani and her breathtaking smile again.
* * *
“So I noticed you were having an in-depth conversation with Broderick Hollingsworth. I almost hated to interrupt you,” Megan Chase-Monroe stated as she and Tiffani headed back to their seats at the bridal party table. “Is there a date in the near future? That was some smile you gave him.”
Plopping into a purple tulle-covered chair, Tiffani glanced at her baby cousin out the corner of her eye. “No. No date. He wants to order cupcakes for an event he’s having. That’s all.”
Megan scrunched her forehead and frowned. “Cupcakes for an event? Broderick is the last man on Earth who would care about ordering anything. He’s one of those millionaires who has a ton of staff at his beck and call. He’s sort of standoffish and serious most of the time. Everything is business with him. Perhaps he wanted your number, hence the ordering of the cupcakes,” she stated with a beaming face. Megan was the hopeless romantic of the family and wanted everyone to be in love and happy.
“He was definitely flirting with me but he was pleasant.” And so sexy, she added in her head. “He said his secretary would call. How do you know him?”
“He’s a real estate developer and investor. I’ve decorated a plethora of projects for him including his mansion and beach home.”
Tiffani nodded and tried to keep her focus on the bride and groom’s first dance, but her thoughts drifted back to the man whose charming smile nearly knocked her over when he turned around. She wasn’t expecting a handsome man with a commanding demeanor who outshined every other male in the room. He had a yummy, smooth, butterscotch-toned face with a neatly trimmed beard and mustache that surrounded his sexy lips. He’d had a little icing on the corner of his mouth and she’d had to restrain herself from reaching over and wiping it off...with her tongue. When he’d swished his tongue over, she’d nearly melted in a steaming puddle at his feet.
She couldn’t believe her thought process. Sure, she’d oohed and aahed over men, but they were famous men on the movie screen like Denzel Washington or George Clooney. Never in person to the point of blushing. Tiffani was almost certain her cheeks had turned a rosy pink, and more than likely he’d noticed. She was disappointed when she saw him leave and had hoped perhaps he was just stepping out for a moment. However, she’d glanced over her shoulder before going back into the ballroom to see him handing a slip to the valet.
“Can you believe Sydney actually changed out of her wedding dress and into a white leather jacket and pants?” Megan asked. “I had no idea she was going to do that.”
Megan’s question jolted Tiffani from her thoughts, and she was grateful. Daydreaming about a man she would never see again wasn’t on her agenda. No need in getting all hot and bothered for nothing. If he’d wanted to ask her out he would’ve. Apparently he wasn’t interested. Not that she was, but there was a mystery about him she found intriguing, especially now that she’d learned from Megan he was standoffish. He hadn’t exhibited that. Her experience with him had been quite the opposite.
“I don’t know why you’re surprised. Your twin zoomed in here on the back of a Harley. At least she still wore her veil and had her bouquet.”
“Almost time for the bouquet toss,” Megan sung in an upbeat manner.
Here we go again, Tiffani thought. At age thirty-two, she wasn’t in the mindset to concern herself with catching bouquets. Yes, she was single but, considering she never wanted to marry again, there wasn’t any point in rushing to the dance floor. Especially with a bunch of women who had the preconceived fairy-tale notion that they would be the next to marry if they were lucky enough to catch the bouquet.
“I’ll let the young single ladies who really want to get married claw over a bunch of roses.”
“Tiff, you’re still young. I know you continue to say that you don’t want to ever marry again, though you never know. You remember when Raven confided in us after her husband died that she was done with marriage? Well, now she’s happily married again. It can happen. You never know what is in store for you.”
Tiffani gazed out onto the floor as her cousin Raven Arrington-Phillips and her husband, Armand, danced. The DJ had just instructed that everyone join the bride and groom for the Electric Slide. True, her cousin had found love again after losing her husband, but their situations were completely different. Raven had been devastatingly heartbroken and never thought she could love again.
Annoyed with the topic, Tiffani sighed and turned toward Megan. “You know the real reason why I’ve decided not to, so let’s just drop it.”
Megan nodded and patted Tiffani’s hand. “Okay, end of discussion.”
Satisfied with her cousin’s answer, Tiffani excused herself to make sure everything was set for the cake cuttings. She already knew it was because she’d checked just before she had met Broderick, but she needed a moment alone. Being reminded of her marriage from hell was always a sore subject.
Later on that night, the conversation with Megan still lingered in Tiffani’s mind when she kissed her son’s forehead as he slept. Tiffani knew she meant well, but Megan wasn’t the one who had been married to a controlling as well as verbally and mentally abusive man. The thought of having to live through that again wasn’t a life she desired. She was at peace and happier than she’d been in a long time. Plus, the fact that a handsome man had flirted with her that evening reminded her that men still found her attractive. Although she never wanted to remarry, she wasn’t closed off from dating.
Retreating to her bedroom, she grabbed her laptop from under the bed and posted a few pictures she’d taken at the wedding and some selfies with KJ to her blog “My New Life.” She’d started it a year after her husband had passed. At first, the majority of her posts centered around fun yet inexpensive activities to do with children, hands-on lesson plans for elementary school teachers, how to save on grocery shopping and healthy recipes for the single mother. Once she’d stopped teaching third grade and opened her bakery five months ago, Tiffani began to discuss her transition into the small business world while still maintaining a structured balance for her son.
She smiled with pride at the huge grin on KJ’s face that matched hers before pressing Send. Shutting off the laptop, Tiffani set it on the nightstand next to the purple and white roses she’d carried in the wedding. Broderick Hollingsworth’s handsome face appeared in her mind. She shook her head with a smirk as she reached out to turn off the bedside lamp and slid under her down comforter. Laughing, she realized how ridiculous she was behaving over a man who probably hadn’t given her a second thought.
Chapter 2 (#ulink_72662ce8-69b5-5648-9f09-5e01f0365e4d)
Broderick tossed his jacket and tie on the chaise lounge in front of his bed before he strode through to the adjoining cherrywood-paneled study. Leaning over his desk, he flicked on the lamp and turned on his laptop. Pulling out his wallet, he flipped through all of the cards he’d received that night both at the wedding and the business mixer until he found the only one he cared about. The rest of them would go to Josh or his secretary for possible meetings.
Retreating to the wet bar, Broderick poured a scotch while his computer started. Once settled in his black leather swivel chair, he typed in the website on the pink card and sipped his drink as the Sweet Treats website loaded. Like Tiffani’s personality, it was whimsical and girly with bright colors. A smooth jazz tune played in the background and a variety of cupcakes scrolled on the banner. He glanced at the tabs on the search bar, but the one titled “About the Baker” caught his eye. Considering he already knew what he was going to order, he figured he could look at desserts later. Right now, he wanted to know more about the sexy baker he’d found utterly intriguing. Clicking on the tab, he was elated to see an adorable picture of Tiffani wearing a pink chef’s jacket with a matching chef’s hat while holding a tray of cupcakes. He skimmed over her biography. It discussed her baking experience and expertise but didn’t mention anything personal about her. At the end of the short paragraph, a link titled “My New Life” grabbed his attention and he hoped it would lead to more information about Tiffani.
“Bingo,” he said, sipping his scotch as he scrolled through the posts that had begun more than two years ago.
She seemed to post about once or twice a month. Most of them were centered on her son, gardening, recipes and her transition from teaching to opening her bakery five months ago.
Broderick was impressed with her passion for her business but always making sure to put her son first. On one of the blog posts, she’d discussed her daily routine of dropping KJ off to school at seven, heading to the bakery by eight, then baking and preparing nonstop until the shop opened at ten. Her assistant would arrive at nine and stayed until they closed at five. Tiffani or one of her parents, who were retired, would pick up KJ from school and bring him to the bakery, where he would do homework. They would leave around six and head home unless he had karate or swim lessons. Any time after work was spent with him until his bedtime, after which she’d stay up to bake special orders for the next day.
Broderick’s thoughts blasted him back to his childhood. Although his mother had loved him, she’d loved drugs and men as well. After she died of an overdose at a crack house when he was eight years old, he found himself bouncing around between different relatives or foster homes until he was eighteen. Glancing at a picture on his desk of his mother and himself during one of her good days, he sighed and shook his head to brush away the hurtful memories. He clicked back to the first page of Tiffani’s blog and was pleasantly surprised to see a new post had uploaded moments before. It was a short write-up about the wedding and a couple of selfies of her and KJ making goofy faces in a mirror. Clicking on the picture, Broderick zoomed in until he only saw Tiffani. Even making fish lips and crossing her eyes, she was still breathtakingly beautiful.
He perused over her website quickly, taking note of the different desserts Sweet Treats offered. Even though the only sweet treat he desired wasn’t on the menu, he was determined to savor it.
* * *
The ringing of Tiffani’s cell phone in her apron pocket disrupted her concentration in icing the tops of the German chocolate cupcakes for an order later on that day. Placing the icing bag on the prep station counter, she hurriedly answered the phone before it went to voice mail.
“Hello, Sweet Treats. This is Tiffani. How may I assist you?” she asked in a fake chipper voice. It was eight o’clock on a Monday morning and she really needed coffee. A pot was brewing and she’d been waiting impatiently for the beep to signify it was ready.
“Good morning, Tiffani. This is Broderick Hollingsworth. How are you?”
The sexy, baritone voice in her ear rippled a warm shiver through her veins. Breath escaped her windpipes and floated out into the kitchen of her bakery. He was the last person she was expecting a call from.
She cleared her throat and hoped when she opened her mouth, her words didn’t sound like gibberish.
“Hi, Mr. Hollingsworth. I’m well. What can I do for you?” she asked calmly even though butterflies swirled in her stomach.
“I wanted to place an order for a few dozen cupcakes. Is this a good time?”
Didn’t Megan say that isn’t his type of thing to do?
“Of course. Just give me a moment to grab my laptop.” And to grab some ice water. No matter what he said, his deep seductive tone was present. She knew it wasn’t on purpose. That was just how he spoke. Nonetheless, a scorching current rushed through every cell of her body every time he uttered a word. She didn’t know how she was going to concentrate on placing his order with his voice so close, as if he were really present in her shop.
“Is it okay if I stop by instead?”
Stop by? Her face flushed with heat at the notion of him striding in wearing a custom-made suit similar to the one he’d worn to the wedding—one that enhanced his manly physique. Her heart hammered rapidly against her chest and her skin crawled with anticipation. She wasn’t sure if she could handle being graced with his overbearing presence in her cozy bakery. Alone.
“Um...sure you can stop by.” She picked up the icing bag once more to finish the last cupcake from that batch. There were two dozen more cooling on an adjacent prep station that needed to be done by noon.
“I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay...” She stopped abruptly as the chime of the doorbell sounded and her pulse raced. “Um...oh you meant really soon.”
“I just rang the bell,” he stated matter-of-factly in a low, deep tone that was becoming nerve-racking in her ear.
“I’ll be out front in a moment.” She pressed the end button on her phone just as the coffeemaker beeped. However, she no longer needed it. The fact that Broderick was there had awakened her and also flustered her more than she cared to admit to herself.
Untying the apron from around her waist, she glanced down at her black velour jogging suit that had flour on the front of the jacket. She wiped it off with her hand but ended up making more of a mess. She took it off and flung it over a bar stool at the prep counter. Then she pushed the kitchen door open and stared straight into the eyes of Broderick, who stood on the other side of the glass door on the sidewalk about a hundred feet away. She’d been correct in her assumption that he would be strikingly dashing in a suit that did nothing to hide his fine, muscular body. The waves of his low cut, jet-black hair and freshly shaven beard gave him a ready-for-the-camera edge.
As Tiffani neared the front door, she noticed her reflection in the glass and panicked. In her haste to let him in from the October morning chill, she’d forgotten she was wearing a hairnet over a messy ponytail. A scrumptious man stood outside her shop and she looked a hot mess. Dang, she could have at least appeared somewhat presentable. Not only that, she wasn’t wearing a bra under her pink tank top.
Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door and hoped the cool air wouldn’t place her nipples on display.
“Good morning,” he said, passing through as she stood to the side and out of the way of the wind that rushed in along with his enticing scent.
I was right, Tiffani thought as she closed and locked the door. His presence in her little bakery was indeed overpowering and commanding. This man belonged in a boardroom on the top floor of a skyscraper conducting meetings on how to make more millions, not ordering cupcakes from a place probably smaller than his bathroom.
His eyes perused the shop for a moment before settling back on her. “Beautiful. Very beautiful, indeed. Reminds me of you.” He gazed around again, this time nodding his head as if he were an inspector.
Tiffani barely stammered out a meek “thank you” while glancing around as well, as if for the first time. Hot pink walls that displayed blown-up pictures of desserts she’d made and turquoise drapes flanked either side of the glass wall at the front of the shop. On one side of the door was a booth decorated with an array of pastel toss pillows and on the other side, a window seat. A bookshelf on the adjoining wall housed classic children’s books and some of her favorite Harlequin romance novels. On the same wall was a long counter with a glass display that was empty at the moment, but it usually contained cupcakes, pastries and other treats. On the opposite side, eight wrought-iron bistro tables with three chairs each lined the wall. She’d wanted the atmosphere classy and inviting and thanks to Megan it was.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” he asked, glimpsing at her hairnet.
Geez. He looked at the hairnet. “No. Just baking as usual. You can have a seat, and I’ll grab my laptop.”
She hurried into the kitchen and straight back to her office as her heart raced. Men never made her nervous, so she didn’t know why Broderick’s presence was driving her insane. Who was she kidding? She knew why. He was gorgeous, intriguing and downright sexy. Plus, she’d daydreamed about him so much yesterday that she’d burned a batch of chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies that KJ had requested for his teacher’s birthday.
Tossing the hairnet on her desk, she removed the hairband and shook her curls loose around her shoulders. Exhaling, she grabbed her laptop and headed out to rejoin Broderick. When she returned, his eyes caught hers and an amused smile crossed his face as she sat in the chair in front of him.
“So how many people are going to be at your party and when is it?” she asked in her most professional tone while opening her laptop to begin filling out the form.
“About twenty to thirty and it’s Thursday at 7:00 in the evening at my home.”
“So you need about three dozen cupcakes or was there another dessert you wanted?”
A cocky grin inched up his right jawline, and he met her eyes in a heated gaze. She gulped as her breath caught in her throat. His hazy, seductive expression admitted he’d heard her words in a completely different way. She froze, waiting for an answer.
He leaned in toward her. “As a matter fact there is something else I want,” he paused as his stare turned serious.
“What?” she asked barely above a whisper. She held her body as still as possible to suppress possible shudders that resulted from the fear of him replying “you” as a response to what he wanted.
“Your sweet potato pie.”
Surely she’d misheard him.
“I read over the list of other desserts you make, and I’d love to taste your sweet potato pie.”
“Oh...sure...of course. How many?” she asked, attempting to keep her voice steady.
“Just one. It’s for me.”
Relieved that he wasn’t referring to her, Tiffani’s heartbeat slowed to a normal pace—or as normal as possible with him sitting there eyeing her like a hungry animal. “Okay, I’ll add that to your order.” She kept her eyes downcast on the computer screen. She could no longer meet his penetrating gaze. However, she had kind of hoped he was going to say “you.” “You want a variety like at the wedding?”
“Yes, that’s fine. I saw on your website that you also deliver for an extra fee.”
“Yes, one of my employees can deliver and set up around six o’clock. Does that time work for you?”
“Um...sure,” he shrugged.
They spent the next few minutes finishing up his order. She suddenly felt disappointed because she figured he’d soon be leaving. Closing her laptop, she folded her hands on the table. He seemed to be a really nice guy, and he wasn’t standoffish at all. Perhaps Megan had been wrong.
“Thank you so much for ordering cupcakes for your get-together.”
“You’re welcome. I like to help out small business owners...especially ones as beautiful as you.”
“Mr. Hollingsworth...” Her face flushed with heat.
“No, call me Broderick. And I meant what I said. You’re a beautiful woman. Can I share something with you?”
“I don’t usually order food and whatnot for my events. My secretary or my housekeeper takes care of such things, but I wanted to see you and your sweet smile again.”
She couldn’t help but smile wide followed by a giggle.
“Yep, that’s the one.”
Oh my goodness. I’m acting like a silly teenager with her first crush.
She cleared her throat. “Thank you. You’re very sweet.”
Broderick snickered. “Sweet? I’ve been called a lot of things, my dear, but sweet isn’t one of them.”
Tiffani managed to stifle a gulp as his piercing stare raked over her bare neck and shoulders and down to the top of her cleavage. Heat rose in her cheeks at his perusal of her, and she felt her nipples hardening and pushing on her shirt. She realized she needed to change the subject and quick, especially when he bit his lower lip before resting his mesmerizing eyes back on her face.
Running her fingers through her hair, they landed on both sides of her shoulders and down her shirt in an attempt to cover her breasts. She caught him raise a wicked eyebrow at her gesture. She sensed he was about to speak but she cut him off.
“So why did you decide on sweet potato pie? Is that something your mother or grandmother makes?”
The seductive expression he’d worn changed into a sullen frown. He looked away from her for a moment, and when he rested his eyes on her again she noticed sadness.
“No, nothing like that. Just wanted to try it since it’s listed as being a seasonal item because of the upcoming holidays,” he stated as upbeat as possible. He stood and swiped his cell phone off of the table. “I have a meeting at my office soon.”
She stood as well, feeling guilty that he’d shut down when she’d asked about his family. Maybe his mother or grandmother or even both had died. Maybe it was recent.
“Before you go, I have something for you.” She rushed back into the kitchen and placed half a dozen pecan apple bear claws she’d made for the next day into a box for him. Tiffani felt awful and wanted to make it up to him somehow. She closed the yellow-and-white striped box that matched the awning on the bakery and headed to the front. He was standing next to the door scrolling through his cell phone with a strained expression.
Handing him the box, she smiled warmly, hoping it would take him out of whatever mood he was now in. The mood she’d caused. “I hope you like bear claws. Freshly made this morning.”
His pleasant demeanor from earlier returned as his face softened. “Thank you,” he said in a sincere tone. “I love sweet things, but you already know that, don’t you?” He winked and reached for the door. “I’ll eat one on the way to work.”
“I’d prefer you drive safely instead.”
“I’m not driving,” he answered, pushing the door open and nodding his head toward a black Bentley and a man dressed in a black suit, who opened the back door as Broderick approached. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes briefly traveled over her. “Have a great day, beautiful.”
“You, too.”
Once Tiffani settled back in the kitchen, she finally exhaled.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_6eee5b57-caf6-506f-a757-2bf9a9d4d53b)
Tiffani drove up to the wrought-iron gate of a vast mansion in the West Paces Ferry area suburb of Atlanta. She spotted an intercom panel, rolled down her window and pressed the button. While she waited for a response, she focused on the massive brown brick and stone house in front of her—well, a half of a mile away it seemed down the long driveway that matched the brick on the house. Today’s plans hadn’t included dropping the cupcakes off at Broderick’s home, but her assistant, Kendall, had a study group that evening for a midterm exam. Luckily, it was grandparents’ day at KJ’s school, so he could go home with them. Still waiting for an answer, she pushed the button again. She was starting to get antsy because she was already fifteen minutes late thanks to traffic and making a wrong turn. She knew it wouldn’t take her more than twenty minutes to set the cupcakes on the serving platters that Matilda, Broderick’s housekeeper, promised would already be placed on the dessert table. She’d called that morning to verify the set-up time and to inform Tiffani that there was no need to bring any serving platters because she would be providing crystal ones.
The gate opened and a lady’s voice from the intercom stated to drive around to the side door by the garage. Once at the side entrance, Tiffani gathered the container with the cupcakes and the pie from the backseat. She was greeted with a warm smile from a middle-aged woman dressed in the standard black-and-white maid’s uniform.
“Hello, I’m Matilda. Do you need help bringing anything in?”
“Nice to meet you and no I don’t. Thank you.” She followed Matilda through the mudroom and into a huge gourmet kitchen where a chef and his crew were busy preparing food. Delicious aromas filled the atmosphere and it reminded Tiffani that she hadn’t eaten since lunch.
As they continued to the dining room, Tiffani noticed Megan’s expertise everywhere, from the heavy amethyst drapes that flowed from the top of the ceiling down to the walnut hardwood floors. The exquisite, long dining room table that sat at least twenty was surrounded by gold upholstered chairs. Bouquets of calla lilies were spread out on the table that was laden with serving trays and bowls.
“You can set up the cupcakes here, Ms. Lake.” Matilda waved her hands toward a buffet table on the wall that had two square crystal platters.
“These are gorgeous...almost too gorgeous for my cupcakes.”
“I’m sure they will look splendid. Do you need another platter for the pie?”
“ The pie isn’t a part of the order. It’s for Br... Mr. Hollingsworth.”
“Very well. I’ll place it in his refrigerator. If you need anything, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
Matilda slid the pie off of the container Tiffani held, and for a moment she thought about not giving it to her. She’d made it especially for Broderick, making sure each ingredient was measured perfectly, and for some reason she didn’t want anyone else to touch it.
“Okay. Thank you,” she said, trying to muster an upbeat tone.
Tiffani spent the next few minutes arranging the cupcakes on the crystal platters, then she topped each one with a fondant rose. She felt weird being in Broderick’s home considering she didn’t even know if he was there or not. She’d wanted to ask Matilda but decided against it when she had almost said his first name. She’d noted a twinkle in the housekeeper’s eye and Tiffani figured Matilda probably had assumed she had a crush on her handsome, rich employer. Which wasn’t far from the truth, but seeming desperate wasn’t her personality. Besides, she was there to do a job, not chat with Broderick.
“Hi there.”
Tiffani’s heart skipped as soon as she heard the sexy, deep voice behind her that belonged to the man she couldn’t stop fantasizing about. It washed a load of goose bumps over her body and her eyes closed for a second. She almost put her finger in the last cupcake as she placed it on the platter. Exhaling, she reminded herself Broderick was a customer, not her next boyfriend. Pivoting, she was grateful she was dressed appropriately in a pair of gray dress slacks and a black sweater as opposed to the tank top that had her breasts on display.
“Hi.” She held back a wow as her eyes scanned his handsome features. Every time she saw him he was impeccably dressed in a suit and freshly shaven as if he’d literally just left the barber’s chair.
He strode over to her and glanced at the cupcakes. “I didn’t know you were coming. I would’ve been down here earlier to greet you.”
“It was last minute. My assistant had an emergency.”
“Too bad, but at least I get to see you again. You should stay. A lot of investors are going to be here. They’re always looking for new businesses to back if you ever decide to expand.”
“Thank you for inviting me, but I have to be at my son’s karate tournament at 7:30.”
He nodded as if he understood, and she appreciated that. A couple of men she’d gone out with didn’t seem to comprehend that her son came first.
“Okay, definitely leave some business cards next to the cupcakes.”
“I will. Matilda placed your sweet potato pie in the refrigerator.” She grabbed her purse from a chair at the dining room table and pulled a stack of business cards from the inside pocket.
“Thank you. I was wondering if you’d remember. When you emailed the invoice, I didn’t see it.”
“On the house.”
“I appreciate that and the delicious bear claws, but if you keep giving your desserts away you won’t make a profit.”
“Not true at all. Didn’t you take Marketing 101? You give away free products and they keeping coming back for more but as loyal paying customers. You ordered cupcakes after tasting just one at the reception.”
Stepping directly into her personal space, a sinful grin emerged across his ruggedly handsome face. “I only ordered them to see you again. I could give a damn about cupcakes, even though yours are delicious. And you’re right. I’m definitely coming back for more and more just to lay eyes on the breathtaking baker I can’t stop thinking about.” He traveled a gentle finger down her cheek and paused it on her lips, which parted on demand. “You are too tempting to resist.”
Tiffani cursed inwardly at her mouth betraying her. Sucking in her breath, she stepped back, but when she did, all she felt was the wall next to the dessert table. His dark eyes held hers in a deep trance that could only be broken by a magical spell in a fairy-tale world far, far away. He hadn’t moved and neither had she. Even when the chef came in the room with a dish that smelled like roast beef and exited as quickly as he’d came in.
Before she could speak, Broderick yanked her body to his. As a surprised gasp escaped her, he pushed them out a side door she hadn’t noticed. Tiffani glanced around briefly to see where they were but could only make out a leather couch before he lowered his lips to hers in a subtle, sweet kiss. A part of her wanted to protest, but his mouth on hers caused fervent moaning, which only caused him to sink deeper into her as she willingly responded. Running her hands up his beard, a muffled groan resonated from his throat and he clasped her bottom tight, bringing her body even closer to his hard one. Tiffani loved the sounds they made and the intensity of their connection as he continued twirling his tongue with hers. She’d imagined him kissing her passionately but now, in reality, he was even more powerful and ardent than she’d deemed possible. He was all man. No denying that, especially when he lifted her up like she weighed nothing and carried her to the couch as their lips never left each other’s. Sitting down with her straddling his lap, he broke their kiss and stared at her with a heated yet adoring gaze. But before she knew it she had lowered her lips furiously to his once again.
Tiffani knew she needed to stop this charade, but his tantalizing manly scent was fogging her common sense and all she desired at that moment was more of him. She ran her hands across his chest and down his solid abs until she settled at his belt. She had the urge to yank it off and throw it somewhere in the room. Instead, she grasped it tightly as their kissing manifested more with each passing second. She let out a loud, disappointed gasp as his lips left hers and his tongue explored her neck while clutching her hips and pushing her body even farther on his. She didn’t even think that was possible until she felt a slight bulge through his pants, causing electric bolts to shoot through her and end at her center, which was exactly where she wanted him. Broderick had awakened a desire in her that had been suppressed for many years.
Gripping his belt tighter, Tiffani tried to restrain herself from unbuckling it. She couldn’t believe her thought process. True, it had been a long time since she’d been intimate with a man, but this wasn’t the time or place. Removing her hand from his belt, she wrapped fingers around his neck and he smiled lazily at her.
“Goodness, I wish people weren’t on their way over here,” he muttered against her ear. “I’ll cancel if you tell me to,” he said in a gruff tone, tugging at her bottom lip as the doorbell chimed.
“ nice as that feels, you are expecting guests.”
“Who cares,” he whispered, “I’d rather be here with you, beautiful.”
She pulled away from him reluctantly as the second chime reminded her she needed to leave.
Gliding her fingers through her hair, she knew it had to be a mess thanks to him running his hands in it. Normally, she hated a single strand being out of place, but right now a disheveled appearance was well worth it. “I believe your guests are arriving, and I really have to get going. If I don’t leave now, I’ll be late.” She glanced at her watch and realized she had less than forty-five minutes to jet across town.
He stood and kissed her lightly on the lips. “I understand. Your son is your first priority. Perhaps we can get together for dinner this weekend?”
“I don’t think that’s a great idea, Broderick.” She stepped back as her senses became unclouded. When he mentioned KJ, she considered that perhaps a date was too much, too soon.
Puzzlement crossed his features. “That was some kiss.”
“Yes, yes it was, but I don’t want things to move too fast with us. We should get to know each other on more of a friend level first.”
“Friend? Mmm...friends don’t kiss like that, sweetheart...” He paused as the doorbell rang again and male voices could be heard in the next room.
“I have to run,” she said, pulling her keys out of her purse. “Is there another way out to the garage area?” she asked, looking around the wood-paneled room that she now realized was the library.
“Straight through those French doors,” he said, pointing toward a row of doors that led outside. “I’ll walk you out.”
“No need. You should go greet your business associates, and I really need to skedaddle to my car.” She began to fast walk but he was on her heels. He opened the door for her and she stepped out but turned around quickly. “You should wipe that hot pink lipstick off before someone sees you.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a wet wipe.
Laughing, he took it from her and wiped his lips. “You are definitely a mother. I bet you have hand sanitizer, peppermints, bandages and snacks in there,” he teased.
“Yep, along with Neosporin and Children’s Tylenol.”
“I can believe it. You have my number, so send me a text so I’ll know you arrived safely.”
“Will do.”
* * *
Somewhat bewildered, Broderick locked the door back and strode through the main entrance of the library, heading to the foyer. He couldn’t believe he’d just told Tiffani to text him when she arrived at her destination. Not that he wasn’t a concerned type of person, but normally when a woman left, she left. She was different. This woman had him up at night reading her blog and her social media sites. He wasn’t even on social media himself. He didn’t see the point in taking selfies, stating what he ate for lunch or what song was “now playing” in the background. None of that held any importance to anyone besides himself. However, reading her cute little catchphrases and seeing what she was up to daily made him crave to know even more. When he had kissed her—which surprised him, as well—he felt like he knew Tiffani. Her wanting to be friends first seemed kind of odd considering he knew everything about her, just from her online presence. Friend? The word irked him, but he’d go along with it just to be near her and to respect her wishes. He had a feeling it would be worth it.
Clearing his throat, he straightened his tie and entered the great room. Some of his colleagues were mingling and a few were waiting in line at the bar. He spotted Josh and headed over to him.
“I was looking for you,” Josh started. “Matilda mumbled something about a pastry chef and walked out.” He raised a blond eyebrow with a smirk. “You weren’t getting busy with a pastry chef were you?”
Normally, Broderick would tell the truth when it came to the women he was pursuing or dating, though this time he didn’t. There was something about Tiffani he wanted to keep all to himself.
“I have no idea what Matilda is referring to. Is Jeffrey Benson from Benson and Smith Enterprises here? I liked his ideas from the mixer we attended on Saturday, but I need more information before proceeding.”
“He’s on the list but hasn’t yet arrived. However, Carl Tandy and Cedric Diggs are here, as well as Devin Montgomery from Supreme Construction.”
“Cool. I saw him at the wedding I attended and invited him to come this evening. His company is building new lakefront subdivisions in North Carolina, and I’m interested in investing. Make sure you set up a meeting with him.”
“No problem, boss. I’ll go speak to him now while you see what Carl and Cedric are cooking up in the investment department,” Josh stated as the two gentlemen in question approached.
The men shook hands, grabbed some cocktails and retreated to the library to discuss their next business venture in private. Upon entering, Broderick smelled Tiffani’s perfume still lingering in the air. His mind drifted back to savoring her delectable lips and the warmth of her skin under his hands. However, he couldn’t think about that right now. Even though it was hard not to, considering her scent surrounded him as he now sat in the same spot he had just a few moments ago.
“Josh tells me you two have some new project ideas.”
Carl nodded as he sipped his drink. “Yes, along with two other possible investors and hopefully you.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well, there’s this outdoor shopping area in Dekalb County not too far from the Perimeter Mall area. The property value is high but the stores in the shopping center are old and need some updating. Heck, they may even need to be torn down, but we won’t really know until an inspection is done. The man who owns the place is ready to retire and move to Florida and is selling at a reasonable price. We’d love to buy it, tear it down if necessary and rebuild with high-end stores. The places that are already there could stay at a higher lease once their current one runs out. Some are national chains like Starbucks and some are locally owned businesses.”
Broderick stirred the ice cubes around in his bourbon. “Mmm...not sure if I want to invest in a strip mall. What else you got?”
“It’s not a strip mall,” Cedric interjected. “It would be one of those work, live and play areas with condos or lofts, eateries, and so on. There’s some vacant property behind it that’s for sale, too. About two hundred acres, so we can expand. We’ve done it before with the other group we used to invest with and you were quite happy with the results.”
“Still not sold. I’m looking for something different this go-round. What was the other project?”
“Well...the other one is similar, just a different location. It’s in the Stone Mountain area. However, we’re also contemplating a famous restaurant chain here in Atlanta. Rumor has it they want to expand to adjoining states.”
Broderick nodded as he soaked in the information. He was most interested in the restaurant chain. “I am searching for something new to invest in, but you know I don’t just put my name on anything or write a check until I have every detail. Send Josh the information so he can start gathering data to determine the best choice to go with. Anything else?”
Carl shook his head. “Nope, that is all for now. We’ll contact Josh if anything else comes up.”
“Great.” Broderick stood as his cell phone vibrated in his shirt pocket. He withdrew it and saw a text from Tiffani. “If you gentlemen would excuse me I need to take this. Help yourself to the food in the dining room. Chef Crenshaw really outdid himself this time.”
He retreated outside on the veranda so he could read her text in private.
Made it to KJ’s tournament just in time. Talk to you later. J
Broderick smiled at the cute smiley face. It was so like her and her girlie personality. Rejoining his guests, he chatted for the rest of the evening, but he wasn’t really focused on discussing any of their money-making opportunities. He kept thinking about Tiffani’s scrumptious lips on his and the soft purrs from her mouth. He didn’t know how long she expected them to just be friends before he was able to kiss her again. But he also understood her husband had died not too long ago, and she probably wanted to take things slowly. However, it was the sweetest kiss he’d ever tasted and he was hungry for more.
* * *
“Thank you for saving me a seat, Preston.” Tiffani plopped down between her brother, two years her senior, and their dad on the bleachers at the karate tournament. “Has KJ gone yet?” She bit into her chicken and pecan salad, sighing with relief. She hated the days when she was too busy to eat, and she also hated buying a salad from a fast-food restaurant, but it was that or remain hungry.
“No, his group is next,” Preston said, then whispered, “Why do you smell like cologne?”
Darn it. She’d been so busy inhaling the remnants of Broderick’s enticing scent embedded on her skin that it never occurred to her that others could smell it, too.
“Huh...what?” Tiffani tried to stare straight ahead. If she looked at her brother, he’d see right through whatever lie she told. She also sensed her father’s eyes on her.
“You heard me. You were late. You’re never late. Did you have a date?”
“Shh. We’re being rude.” She took a bite of the salad and chewed slowly so she wouldn’t have to speak and hopefully he’d leave her alone. At least for now.
Tiffani continued to stare straight ahead as the kindergarten group did their routine, but she wasn’t paying attention. Instead, her thoughts led her back to Broderick’s strong, manly embrace and his wicked tongue dancing with hers while his sensual hands cruised over her body. He’d driven her insane with his handling of her and in just a short time, he’d unearthed a passion she didn’t know she possessed, and she wanted more. More of him. His intoxicating scent that still lingered, only added more to the erotic feelings she was experiencing. She couldn’t believe she’d had the nerve to reach for his tie and belt and had had to restrain herself from doing so. She’d been on a couple of dates since her husband’s passing and had a few first kisses but nothing to the point of being blown away. Broderick’s kiss made her feel like a desired woman, which was new, exciting and scary.
Tiffani had met Keith their freshman year of college and he’d been her first and only sexual experience. However, she wasn’t turned off by the idea of having sex with another man. Far from it, and earlier Broderick confirmed that. She was grateful she’d had to leave and that he had a party to host. If not, things may have gotten more intense, if that were even possible. She may have also done something that in her heart she wouldn’t have regretted. Being with Broderick was awakening, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so sexual and free.
Have I ever? she pondered. Because of Keith’s treatment of her during their marriage, she’d fallen out of love with him and sex became a chore that she hated but only did because she felt obligated.
Even though she never wanted to remarry, the option of a male companion was fine as long as it was understood that their relationship would never lead to marriage or living together. She enjoyed her independence and control over her life and couldn’t fathom another man tearing her down with his words and ridicule. When she’d told Broderick she wanted to get to know him better on a friend level before proceeding further, she meant it. A man with his power and money could be a controlling jerk like her husband had been. She had to make sure he wasn’t before venturing into another relationship. She’d witnessed male chauvinistic signs with Keith while they were in college but they’d been subtle and didn’t become full-blown until a year into their marriage. She had been contemplating divorce when he’d had a heart attack while driving home from work and died on the way to the hospital.
Tiffani had felt awful about it for awhile. She’d never wished death on him because their son had been four at the time and worshiped the ground he walked on. If she’d gone through with the divorce, she would’ve made sure Keith saw his son whenever he wanted.
“He’s up next,” her father, John Chase, stated.
Tiffani clapped and grabbed her cell phone out of her purse to record her son’s part in the tournament. Even though KJ didn’t have a father, he had plenty of father figures. Her father, brother and her cousin Braxton Chase were all very present in her son’s life. They took him to get his hair cut, attended Atlanta Hawks and Atlanta Falcon games, played sports at the park and enjoyed other boy activities that a father normally would do with his son. She was grateful. Even though his dad was dead, KJ never missed a beat and was a fun-loving, intelligent and well-rounded eight-year-old boy. Tiffani sometimes feared he would eventually begin acting like Keith as far as the male chauvinist side, but so far he hadn’t. Considering his three father figures weren’t, she hoped he would take after them.
“There’s my handsome grandson!”
“Let’s go, nephew!” Preston clapped loudly.
“That’s my baby!” Tiffani cheered and then pressed play on the video app on her cell phone.
An hour later, Tiffani ran out to the gym floor to meet KJ halfway as he sprinted toward her with his second-place trophy. She picked him up and twirled him around.
“I’m so proud of you! We’ll add this to the collection,” she said, putting him down. He may always be her baby, but he was no longer small and was too heavy to hold for too long.
“Thanks, Mommy. You think Daddy was watching?”
“Of course,” she answered sincerely. “He’s your guardian angel and will always watch over you.”
“And he watches over you, too,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Yes, me, too.” I hope not after that steamy kiss today. “Let’s show Grandpa and Uncle Preston and then we’re off to a celebratory dinner at wherever you want to go!”
“Now that sounds like a plan,” KJ said, pulling her by the hand toward her father and brother as they walked out to the floor.
While KJ showed his grandfather some of his karate moves, Preston pulled Tiffani to the side, and she prayed he wasn’t back on the topic he had started before the tournament. Ever since she’d told her brother what really had gone on in her marriage, Preston had been furious that she hadn’t confided in him before Keith had died. However, she knew if she would’ve, he and the rest of the Chase men would’ve pummeled Keith. So, instead she acted as if everything was peachy and had only told Megan bits and pieces when she needed to confide in someone.
“I noticed some of the mothers checking you out,” she started before he could even open his mouth.
“Well, you know they can’t help but notice all this fineness,” he teased.
She reached up and ruffled his curly, silky hair. “Geez, you’re so modest. How’s Kay?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know. Not seeing her anymore. Talking to this other chick I met at Phipps Plaza last week.”
“You think it may get serious?” Tiffani wasn’t one of those sisters to nag her big brother about settling down, but he had always talked about having a wife and family one day. However, he wasn’t dating women he would consider marrying.
“Nah...she’s cool, though. And I haven’t forgotten our conversation, sis.” Preston’s expression and tone turned serious.
“What are you talking about?” she asked as if she had no clue.
“The cologne you’re wearing.”
“I’m not wearing cologne. It’s from a perfume sample I was given at the mall and it’s just strong. I’m definitely not going to buy it. You know I prefer light sweet fragrances, and this one is just entirely too much for my pheromones. It only smells good in the bottle.”
Tiffani hated lying to Preston, but she knew how overprotective he was when it came to her dating life. Plus, she wasn’t ready to discuss Broderick with him or anyone else for that matter.
Preston raised an eyebrow followed by a snicker at her long, drawn-out answer.
“Okay, you don’t have to talk about it. I just want you happy,” he said sincerely, kissing her forehead.
She interlocked her arm with his and stared up at her brother as they strolled behind KJ and their father. “Trust me, I am.”
Chapter 4 (#ulink_e8664aa8-54f0-5b9a-99a2-7f9bf7c13bb3)
Broderick tried to read over Supreme Construction’s financial information in the back of his Bentley, but he couldn’t concentrate on business. He was on his way to have lunch with Tiffani. They’d been having a friendly courtship for over a week, chatting on the phone and him stopping by to see her using the excuse of buying Danishes or a slice of cheesecake. No more sweet kisses, but he’d noticed a glimmer in her eyes whenever he entered the shop. They’d mostly discuss their daily lives and long-term plans. She loved talking about her son and all of his accomplishments in school as well as his karate tournaments. She hadn’t mentioned much about her marriage. He had decided not to pry, fearing the subject may upset her. He assumed a part of her missed her late husband and still grieved.
After grabbing a few sandwiches and salads from a deli in the same shopping plaza, he entered the bakery, which was half full of customers. He spotted Kendall at the cash register but didn’t see Tiffani. He figured she was in her office.
“Hey, Kendall. Where’s your boss?” he asked in an upbeat tone.
She shook her head as a grim expression formed on her face. Once a lady she was assisting left, Kendall leaned over the counter and whispered, “You really don’t want to see her right now.”
“Why not?” he asked. Tiffani was always in a great mood.
“Um...she’s mad... No...angry.”
He wrinkled his brow. “Where is she?”
“In her office. Enter at your own risk.”
He walked through the kitchen where Tiffani’s other employee and assistant baker, Mindy, was making cheesecakes and knocked lightly on the office door. He didn’t know what could be wrong. He’d spoken to her that morning before she’d headed into a meeting and she’d been her usual chipper self.

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