Read online book «Seduced By The Bachelor» author Pamela Yaye

Seduced By The Bachelor
Pamela Yaye
A game of seductionTatiyana Washington will do whatever it takes to right a wrong for her beloved sister . . . even if it means deceiving one of LA’s most celebrated attorneys. Flirting with elegant, sexy Markos Morretti on a Florida-bound plane is the first step. The irresistible Italian plays right into her hands when he invites her to be his guest at a celebrity-studded charity golf tournament. Spending a sizzling weekend together is a perk Tatiyana didn’t expect. Too bad it can never lead to anything permanent.The wealthy Hollywood divorce lawyer splits couples up for a living. Yet once he meets Tatiyana, all Markos wants is to lavish her with all his passion. And once he discovers they have met under false pretenses, he only desires her more. Markos vows that two can play at this game until a brewing political scandal threatens to make his career ambitions crash and burn. Faced with an impossible decision, will he choose the promise of love?

A game of seduction
Tatiyana Washington will do whatever it takes to right a wrong for her beloved sister...even if it means deceiving one of LA’s most celebrated attorneys. Flirting with elegant, sexy Markos Morretti on a Florida-bound plane is the first step. The irresistible Italian plays right into her hands when he invites her to be his guest at a celebrity-studded charity golf tournament. Spending a sizzling weekend together is a perk Tatiyana didn’t expect. Too bad it can never lead to anything permanent.
The wealthy Hollywood divorce lawyer splits couples up for a living. Yet once he meets Tatiyana, all Markos wants is to lavish her with all his passion. And once he discovers they have met under false pretenses, he only desires her more. Markos vows that two can play at this game, until a brewing political scandal threatens to make his career ambitions crash and burn. Faced with an impossible decision, will he choose the promise of love?
“Are you planning a trip to Italy in the near future?” Markos asked.
To his surprise, she didn’t acknowledge him or respond to his question.
“I’m Markos Morretti.”
Tatiyana stared at his outstretched hand as if it was covered in germs and raised her book into the air.
“I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Morretti, but as you can see, I’m very busy.”
“I deserve that. I was rude earlier, wasn’t I?”
“Yes,” she replied, vigorously nodding her head. “You were.”
“I’m sorry. I’m working on an important deposition, and sometimes when I get caught up in a case, I lose sight of everything else.”
“Then why are you wasting your precious time talking to me?”
“Spending time with a vivacious woman is never a waste of time,” he said smoothly. “And I’m curious to hear about your trip to Italy.”
“Why? Do you moonlight as a travel guide when you’re not in court?”
“I do for beauties with freckles.”
His heart inflated with pride when Tatiyana laughed.
Dear Reader (#ulink_0d586e8c-85f8-56f9-b3e6-f9b0b4041636),
You asked for Markos Morretti’s story, and here it is! The smart, debonair attorney doesn’t do relationships or believe in true love, but his feelings for Tatiyana Washington—the wisecracking beauty with the big personality and outrageous sense of humor—can’t be denied. And Markos will do anything, including hiring her to be his receptionist, to get close to her.
Burned by love in the past, Tatiyana wants nothing to do with the opposite sex, but Markos breaks down her walls, one slow, sensuous kiss at a time. The odds are against them, but Markos proves that he can be trusted with her heart.
Look for the final book in the Morretti Millionaires series coming soon. Thank you, reader-friends, for your constant encouragement and support. There’s no me without you!
All the best in life and love,
Pamela Yaye
Seduced by the Bachelor
Pamela Yaye (
PAMELA YAYE has a bachelor’s degree in Christian education. Her love for African American fiction prompted her to pursue a career in writing romance. When she’s not working on her latest novel, this busy wife, mother and teacher is watching basketball, cooking or planning her next vacation. Pamela lives in Alberta, Canada, with her gorgeous husband and adorable but mischievous son and daughter.
This book is dedicated to sisters everywhere.
Bettey Odidison (my smart, beautiful sister), thank you for being my confidante, my sounding board and my biggest cheerleader. You are one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me, and I love you with every fiber of my being.
Cover (#u2a6820ae-4657-5ecf-af5f-c011b6b6c959)
Back Cover Text (#u6f20a12d-4d6c-5c9b-a8b9-5ead79378994)
Introduction (#u4eca68b0-cc2b-5867-876b-d7a2850e5426)
Dear Reader (#ulink_4897b900-0496-5bfb-8ea9-fced2625be0e)
Title Page (#ue6ac2997-eb20-5ab7-92dc-312cebf59e20)
About the Author (#u9d266a06-f08f-5bb8-9e1a-13a62cf249cd)
Dedication (#u34d5a48b-1485-5d70-82b2-73a18ee3e5bb)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_3fc1b6fd-1d55-5c40-b494-f7f913c31e44)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_8a0a612b-4e17-5633-b97e-5354affc0cf2)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_0b9d864b-32b7-55a4-a127-05fafa8319e3)
Chapter 4 (#ulink_e44a6069-df73-5f41-a83d-e0410f984166)
Chapter 5 (#ulink_8e043680-c694-5661-b16b-c8c6984b17b7)
Chapter 6 (#ulink_3f6c49d4-c260-5580-8d94-56eea0db0bcf)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 21 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 22 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 23 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 24 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 25 (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_1597e1c4-20f3-59b9-ba06-36707c35fccf)
Tatiyana Washington was having the week from hell, and hoped for her family’s sake things didn’t get worse. The main breadwinner in her household, Tatiyana feared what would happen if she suffered another financial setback in August.
Speed walking through Los Angeles International Airport, Tatiyana considered her recent string of bad luck. On Monday, she’d lost her favorite pair of earrings, and her lucrative executive secretary position at the largest software company in the state. On Tuesday her Jeep had died on Hollywood Freeway, and that morning she’d overslept for her 9:00 a.m. flight to Tampa. It was a mad dash to get to the airport, and if not for her cousin Everly weaving her battered Passat in and out of traffic like an emergency vehicle with its lights blazing, she’d still be stuck on the I-105.
Spotting gate 55A at the rear of the terminal, Tatiyana picked up her pace, expertly dodging children and weary-looking travelers clutching coffee cups. Everything was riding on this four-day trip to The Sunshine State, and she couldn’t afford to miss the flight. Consulting the monitors, she noticed Flight 74 to Tampa was delayed and sighed in relief. Finally, something’s going my way! Tatiyana approached the airline desk with confidence, convinced she was doing the right thing even though it was a lie.
“Good morning,” greeted the customer service agent, glancing away from her computer screen, her hazel eyes bright with interest. “How may I help you?”
Tatiyana read the brunette’s name tag and smiled brightly. Surfing the internet last night had uncovered important information about Markos Morretti, and she wasn’t going to blow this opportunity. “I need a huge favor.” Tatiyana spoke in a hushed voice, as if she was about to spill her guts, instantly seizing the agent’s attention. “My boyfriend’s on the nine o’clock flight to Tampa, and I want to surprise him. Can you work your magic and seat us together?”
“I’ll see what I can do, Miss. What’s your boyfriend’s name?”
For effect, Tatiyana glanced around the waiting area, cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered, “Markos Morretti.”
“Markos Morretti?” she repeated, his name falling from her mouth in a breathless gush. “The divorce attorney with the bedroom eyes?”
“The one and only. That’s my baby, and I can’t wait to see him! Is he here?”
The attendant bobbed her head. “Mr. Morretti walked inside the Boeing 738 five minutes ago, and when he strode through the terminal, women whistled and waved. I don’t blame them. He’s so dreamy I almost fainted when he smiled at me—”
“I know the feeling,” Tatiyana interjected, hoping to win favor with the attendant by indulging in girl talk. She’d do anything to achieve her goal, including fabricating a story about a red-hot relationship with the celebrated attorney, and spoke in a girlish voice to prove she was head over heels in love. “I melt every time Markos kisses me.”
“I bet. He’s gorgeous, and he smells good, too...”
To speed up the process, Tatiyana slid her photo ID across the desk and inquired about the delayed flight. LAX was swarming with disgruntled employees and travelers so loud she couldn’t hear herself think. The sooner Tatiyana got to her first-class seat and made friends with Markos Morretti the better. She’d never met the divorce attorney, but after seeing his picture with Mayor Glover in the Los Angeles Times weeks earlier, Tatiyana made it her mission to not only meet him, but befriend him. Markos was going to help her, whether he liked it or not, because no one messed with her family and got away with it. Tatiyana was going to make sure Mayor Glover did the right thing—even if it meant tipping off the media about his one-night stand with her twenty-two-year-old sister.
“Why didn’t you board the flight together?”
Tatiyana snapped to attention. Good question. “We had a spat yesterday, and we haven’t spoken since. That’s why I’m here. To apologize for hurting his feelings. I didn’t mean to.”
“Sounds serious,” she said, leaning forward, her hands pressed flat against the desk.
Dabbing at the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, she played the role of the distraught girlfriend to the hilt. “We ran into my ex at a movie premiere, and Markos accused me of flirting with him. I still can’t believe it. Why would I want him when I have a loving, romantic man who treats me like gold?”
“Why, indeed,” she agreed, her tone filled with awe. “From what I’ve read in the tabloids, Markos Morretti is everything a woman could want. Handsome, successful, romantic, and—”
“Amazing in bed—” Feigning embarrassment, Tatiyana broke off speaking. “Oops, I’ve said too much. I better board the flight before my loose lips get me into trouble.”
Hearing her cell chime, Tatiyana opened her leather tote bag, retrieved her iPhone and typed in her password. She had a new message from her mom, and seeing the image of her niece warmed her heart. Tatiyana had been gone only a couple hours, but she already missed Allie. The nine-month-old was the center of her world, a bright, bubbly baby with curly hair and chubby cheeks. Cuddling with her niece was the best part of her day. But when she saw Jantel curled up in bed, staring off into space, her good mood always fizzled.
“You’re all set. You’re in seat 1C, next to your boyfriend.”
Resisting the urge to dance around the desk, Tatiyana cheered inwardly, grateful her plan had gone off without a hitch. “Thank you, Mercedes. You’re the best!”
“It was my pleasure.”
“I’m going to email the airline, and tell them what a great employee you are.”
“I appreciate that Ms. Washington.”
“No problem,” Tatiyana said with a wink. “We ladies need to stick together, right?”
“If you grab your things, I can escort you to the plane.”
Panic flooded her body, rooting her six-inch heels to the floor. What if the attendant said something to Markos? What if she was exposed as a liar and hauled off the plane by airport security? Swallowing hard, she ignored the butterflies swarming her stomach and dismissed the attendant’s offer with a flick of her hand. “I’m a frequent flyer. I know the way.”
“I insist.” The attendant took off at a breakneck speed, leaving Tatiyana no choice but to follow her. Inside the tunnel, she fluffed her short, fizzy hair and adjusted her uniform. “Markos has two younger brothers,” she said, checking her appearance in a tiny, handheld mirror. “I saw a picture of Romeo and Enrique Morretti in Hello magazine a few months ago, and they’re total hotties. I’d love to meet them. Have you?”
“No, not yet. We haven’t been dating long, so I’d appreciate if you didn’t say anything to Markos about our relationship. He’s a very private man, and I don’t want you to upset him.”
“I won’t say a word. I know how to act around celebrities. I’m an aspiring actress...”
Everyone is in this town, Tatiyana thought, nixing an eye roll.
“No worries, Ms. Washington. I’ll be professional and polite.”
Thankful her cover was still intact, Tatiyana wore a grateful smile. Following the attendant, her heart drumming inside her chest, she hoped her hair and makeup were still perfect. Normally, Tatiyana wore sweats when she traveled, but this morning she’d gone all out. Fake eyelashes, lush curls that flowed down her back, gold accessories to complement her Chanel outfit and peep-toe sandals. Markos Morretti had a penchant for model-types, with long hair and slim figures, and since Tatiyana wanted to catch his eye, she had to look her best.
“Here we are,” the attendant said, gesturing to the aircraft. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d love to meet Mr. Morretti...”
“Thanks for everything.” Anxious to meet her attorney “boyfriend” for the first time, Tatiyana waved and marched onto the gleaming Boeing 738 as if she owned it.
“Morning,” greeted the flight attendant, giving her the once-over, his interest evident in his toothy grin. “Right this way, Ms. Washington. Let me show you to your seat...”
Tatiyana expelled a nervous breath. She could do this. Had to do this. Her family was depending on her. Lying went against everything she believed in, but what choice did she have? Her sister was depressed, and she was scared of losing her forever.
Her gaze landed on Markos Morretti, and she stopped abruptly, couldn’t move. Tatiyana heard a gasp fall from her lips and slammed her mouth shut. He was a living, breathing men’s ad, and seeing him in the flesh was a shock to her system. Blood surged to her girly parts, warming her body with desire, and her heartbeat roared in her ears.
In her haste to meet him, Tatiyana tripped over her feet. To avoid falling headfirst into his lap, she braced her hands against the wall and straightened her wobbly knees. Tatiyana gathered herself, then adjusted her clothes. To her relief, the other first-class passengers were too busy on their electronic devices to notice her blunder, and Markos—the devastating piece of eye candy—had his eyes closed, earphones in and a pensive expression on his face. He wasn’t paying her any attention, but he would. Men always did when she turned on the charm, and Tatiyana was looking forward to seducing the Italian bachelor. He had smooth, olive skin, chiseled features and thick lips. Lips made for kissing and sucking and exploring between her legs—
“Here you go.” The flight attendant gestured to the window seat with a nod. “If you need anything, push your call button and I’ll be here in a flash.”
Stepping over Markos’s long, outstretched legs, Tatiyana swung her tote bag toward him, hoping to wake him, but he didn’t move. How was she supposed to seduce him when he didn’t even know she was alive? What if he slept the entire flight? Then what?
Sitting in her seat, she was impressed by how spacious and attractive the cabin was. Tatiyana had never flown first-class, and had had to use some of the money in her savings to afford the pricey ticket. Her gaze landed on Markos again—for the second time in minutes—and her mouth dried. Tatiyana smelled perfume on his clothes, a charming blend of fruits and spices, and wondered if everything she’d read online about his dating life was true.
The pilot came on the intercom, warmly greeting passengers to Flight 74, but Tatiyana was so distracted by Markos’s presence that she couldn’t concentrate on what the pilot was saying. Tatiyana couldn’t remember ever being this attracted to a guy, this taken with anyone, and fanned her face to cool down her overheated body.
Studying his profile, she heard Lena’s words in her ear and smiled to herself. Her mother was right; Markos did look like a movie star. Weeks ago, Lena and Jantel had gone to his swanky, downtown law firm, but the meeting had been a waste of time. Markos refused to help, insisted the mayor would never cheat on his fiancée and promptly kicked them out of his office. To add insult to injury, his receptionist had handed them a three-hundred-dollar invoice on their way out the door. Tatiyana didn’t learn about the meeting until she’d returned from a road trip with her friends days later. No matter. Tatiyana knew what to do, and this time she’d be calling the shots, not the slick-talking attorney with the bedroom eyes.
Tatiyana buckled her seat belt and crossed her legs. She hated flying, and hoped a flight attendant would be around soon with a complimentary glass of champagne. Her first-class ticket had cost more than her montly mortgage payment, and Tatiyana planned to get her money’s worth. She was going to have seconds and thirds of everything, especially dessert, and smirked when she remembered the conversation she’d had with her mom at dinner last night. “Eat your belly full,” Lena had advised, adjusting her crooked, auburn wig. “Hell, at that price, the airline should give you a doggie bag and a bottle of Sangria!”
Fond memories came to mind, filling her heart with love. Her mother was bossy, and always had to have the last word, but she was the glue that held their family together, and Tatiyana adored her, faults and all. Suffering from postpartum depression, Jantel couldn’t care for her daughter, Allie, so she’d moved her sister and niece into her house. A week later, her mom came to visit and never left. Lena ensured everything ran smoothly at home and doted on her only grandchild. Pounding the pavement for work, Tatiyana could attend interviews, knowing Jantel and Allie were in good hands. Her friend, Daphne Kostopoulos, owned a staffing agency, and gave her hours every week. Tatiyana missed her lucrative position at Pinnacle Microsystems, and was anxious to find another one, but first, she had make nice with Markos Morretti—the attorney who’d swindled her mom out of three hundred dollars—and persuade him to help her kid sister.
Within minutes, the plane was at cruising altitude, flying high above the clouds. Watching Markos on the sly, Tatiyana considered introducing herself, but sensed it wasn’t the right time. He opened his briefcase, took out a leather-bound notebook and flipped it open. Pen in hand, he wrote furiously, only stopping to tell the flight attendant what he wanted to drink. “I’ll have a coffee with a double shot of Bailey’s, two sugars and a dash of espresso.”
Sensing this was the opportunity she’d been waiting for, Tatiyana spoke up. “I’ll have the same, but with a double shot of espresso.”
Markos glanced to the right, staring intently at her. Tatiyana wanted to introduce herself, but she couldn’t get her mouth to work. Remembering what was at stake, she conquered her nerves and offered her hand in greeting. “Hi,” she said, wearing her brightest, most dazzling smile. “I’m Tatiyana Washington.”
He nodded but didn’t speak. Jerk, she thought, put off by his cold demeanor. Markos gave her a blank look, making her feel small and insignificant, and Tatiyana wished her happy-go-lucky self hadn’t introduced herself first. Sensing some reserve in his manner, she toned down her excitement and spoke in a softer, quieter voice. “And you are—” she prompted.
“Working,” he snapped.
Embarrassed, her cheeks flushed with heat, she forced an apologetic smile onto her lips. “Not a problem. Sorry for bothering you—”
“Thanks.” Returning to his document, he picked up his fancy diamond pen and resumed writing, scowling as if she was a pesky fly he couldn’t get rid of.
Shocked by his rudeness, Tatiyana realized she’d never disliked anyone more than the curt divorce attorney, and made up her mind to get even with him before Flight 74 landed in Tampa. Deciding to play it cool, Tatiyana slipped on her sunglasses and settled back into her seat, pretending Markos didn’t exist. It didn’t work. She couldn’t stop stealing glances at him, watching him on the sly as he typed, and when their arms inadvertently touched and desire exploded inside her, Tatiyana feared she didn’t stand a chance against Markos Morretti.
Chapter 2 (#ulink_b7aee201-bff3-56f2-a87b-1fa2fa199013)
Markos Morretti glanced around the first-class cabin, searching for an empty seat, but couldn’t find one anywhere. Dannazione, he thought, dragging a hand through his short, black hair. I’m screwed. He had motions to read and depositions to write, but everything about his seatmate was a distraction. Her floral fragrance, her bubbly, effervescent vibe, how she danced around in her seat to the music playing in her pink earbuds, her pretty, melodious voice.
Staggered by her beauty, all Markos could do was stare. She was stunning, well-put together in a white shorts set, bejeweled sandals, and a gold ankle bracelet that drew his gaze to her silky, brown legs. Her outfit screamed, “Look at Me,” and Markos did. He couldn’t stop undressing her with his eyes. He had an erection growing inside his boxer briefs, and the dark-skinned beauty was the reason why. What’s wrong with me? Why am I sweating a woman who looks like trouble? Who’s probably broken hearts in every state?
Markos felt guilty for snapping at her, but he couldn’t bring himself to apologize. It wasn’t Tatiyana’s fault he had a heavy caseload and an incompetent paralegal. The motion was riddled with spelling mistakes, and he had no choice but to revise the document Izzy had written. He made a mental note to have a stern talk with her when he returned to LA on Monday. He’d hired her as a favor to her mother but regretted it the first time Izzy Braunstein waltzed into his office an hour late, complaining about her boneheaded boyfriend.
Telling himself not to worry about it, Markos shook off his negative thoughts. His job was challenging, fast-paced and stressful at times, but he was a damn good attorney, and he was proud of his winning record. He spent his days meeting with potential and existing clients, drafting court documents, consulting with his staff and going to court. Although Markos loved his job, he needed a break. His brothers and cousins were en route to the Oasis Spa and Resort as well, and he was looking forward to their guys-only weekend.
Markos picked up his notebook determined to finish his work. Hired to represent the biggest pop star on the planet in her divorce, Markos knew the high-profile case could increase his popularity, and devoted all of his free time to plotting and strategizing how to win. The divorce proceedings had dragged on for eighteen long months, and he was growing tired of the case. But when he got into a heated argument with the opposing counsel in June, and the jerk threw a cup of water in his face, resulting in a courthouse brawl, Markos vowed to crush his opponent no matter the cost. His critics called him ruthless, claimed he was motivated by money, fame and power, but Markos didn’t care. He was a Morretti, and Morrettis ignored what the haters said. He gave a 100 percent to every case, regardless of his client’s net worth, and refused to let anyone outsmart him in court.
Like his thoughts, his eyes wandered to Tatiyana, instead of his notes. Tatiyana met his gaze, stared right at him. Sparks flew, proving their chemistry was real, and not a figment of his imagination. Markos felt an immediate attraction to her, a spark that couldn’t be denied, and struggled to keep his hands in his lap and off her curves. His gaze dipped from her face to her cleavage, resting at her bosom. Her animal-print scarf gave her ensemble a touch of class, but he fantasized about her naked, on his lap, riding him—
She sang in a low voice, snapping her fingers, rocking her body from side to side.
Markos plucked at his striped shirt. Dancing around in her seat, having a party for one, Tatiyana reminded him of a video vixen in a music video. Too bad she was probably high maintenance. One look at Tatiyana told Markos everything he needed to know. Skilled at reading people, he suspected she was materialistic and decided to keep his distance. Markos didn’t want what Tatiyana was offering. He was tired of women throwing themselves at him, and wished he could meet someone who didn’t want anything from him.
Still, he was intrigued and couldn’t stop staring at her.
“Excuse me.” Standing, Tatiyana stepped past him, heading up the aisle as if it were her own personal runway. Her scent overpowered his senses, sending his thoughts into overdrive. Leaning to the right, he admired her captivating strut, curious if she had a boyfriend.
His eyes flickered over her curves, cruising down her hips with deliberate intent. She strode toward the lavatory, giving him a terrific view of her from behind, tempting him to break the rules. Sweat clung to his skin, drenching the back of his short-sleeve shirt. Long after Tatiyana disappeared into the bathroom, he was thinking about her—her smoky eyes, her toned, slender shape, her mesmerizing walk, how her aura and physical beauty drew him in.
“Sir, are you finished with your lunch? I hope everything was to your liking...”
Markos straightened and regarded the flight attendant, hoping she didn’t see him ogling Tatiyana’s backside. “Yes, thanks, everything was great.”
To get his mind off Tatiyana, Markos stared out the window. The sky was clear, powder blue, and instantly calmed his mind. Hanging out with the guys was the perfect antidote for his stress. These days, all Markos did was work, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d cut loose. He had an active social life, but none of the women he was dating excited him. He kept females at a distance, hadn’t gotten close to anyone since Emme left, and didn’t plan to. Thoughts of his ex-girlfriend flooded his mind, and Markos wondered if the pain in his heart would ever subside.
Someone whistled, drawing Markos’s gaze to the front of the plane. Tatiyana was back, a sight to behold with that radiant, effervescent smile. A child raced up the aisle, slamming into Tatiyana, and she rocked back onto her heels. She dropped her purse, and its contents spilled onto the floor, flying everywhere.
Unbuckling his seat belt, Markos bent and picked up the items at his feet, handing them to her. Their fingers touched, brushing ever so lightly against each other. Tatiyana thanked him, but he could see the contempt on her face and knew she had her guard up. Her eyes bored into him, leaving him feeling vulnerable, exposed, as if she could see into his soul.
After he helped her pick up her stuff, she sat down, picked up the book on her seat and flipped it open.
“Italy for Dummies?” he said, unable to hide his amusement. “Are you planning a trip to Italy in the near future?”
To his surprise, she didn’t acknowledge him or respond to his question.
“I’m Markos Morretti.”
Tatiyana stared at his outstretched hand, as if it was covered in germs, and raised her book in the air. “I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Morretti, but as you can see I’m very busy.”
“I deserve that. I was rude earlier, wasn’t I?”
“Yes,” she replied, vigorously nodding. “You were.”
“I’m sorry. I’m working on an important disposition, and sometimes when I get caught up in a case I lose sight of everything else.”
“Then why are you wasting your time talking to me?”
“Spending time with a vivacious woman is never a waste of time,” he said smoothly. “And I’m curious to hear about your trip to Italy.”
“Why? Do you moonlight as a travel guide when you’re not in court?”
“I do for beauties with freckles.”
He smiled when Tatiyana laughed.
Her bracelets clanged as she swept a hand through her hair. The words Sister’s Keeper were tattooed on the inside of her wrist in small, fine script, and Markos was curious about the intricate design. “That’s an interesting tattoo. Are you a twin?”
“No.” The light in her eyes dimmed. “My sister’s five years younger than me, but I’ve always taken care of her and I always will. She’s my heart.”
“I feel the same way about my siblings. I’d do anything for them,” he said, meaning every word. “Are you from LA, or just passing through?”
“I was in town visiting relatives,” she explained. “I’m originally from Bridgeport.”
Markos saw a message pop up on his iPad, guessed it was one of his clients, but ignored it. He wanted to know more about Tatiyana, not read emails. “Have you been to Tampa before? Or is this your first time?”
“No, never, but Dalton loves the city, so I’m in good hands.”
“Dalton? Is that your husband?”
“No, my best friend. We met in college, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.”
Suspicious, Markos probed further. “And you’re sure he’s not your man?”
“I’m positive,” she said, giving him a puzzled look. “Why don’t you believe me?”
“Because you’re stunning, and I bet men chase you down for your number 24/7.”
“You’re quite the charmer, Markos. Doesn’t Mrs. Morretti mind you flirting with other women? I would if you were my man.”
If you were my wife, I wouldn’t need anyone else. He dismissed the outrageous thought with a shake of his head and answered her question. “I’m not married. Law is my first and only love, and that will never change.”
“Spoken like a true attorney,” she teased.
“Are you a model?”
“No, I’m an executive secretary at Pinnacle Microsystems.”
Impressed, he nodded. “Great company. I have several friends at Pinnacle. Do you know anyone in the marketing department?”
“No, it’s a huge company, and I like to keep to myself. I’m super busy with school right now, so I don’t have time to socialize with my colleagues outside of work.”
“What are you studying?”
“I’d love to work in the non-profit field as a program director or manager, so I decided to get my business degree,” she explained. “But enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Are you traveling to Tampa for work or pleasure?”
“Hopefully, both. Are you free tonight?”
“No. We’re going to the R&B Summer Jam at Applause Nightclub, but you’re more than welcome to join us. Divas are performing, and I can’t wait to see them perform live!”
A puzzled expression wrinkled her features. “The female rap group?”
“Sorry. Never heard of them.”
“Are you kidding me? Were you living under a rock in the nineties?”
“No, in Italy,” he explained, warding off bitter memories. “My parents separated, and my brothers and I went to live with my grandparents until the divorce was finalized.”
“That must have been a very difficult for you. I grew up without a father, so unfortunately I know what it’s like to experience hard times. It’s tough.” Her expression was sympathetic. “But don’t worry. I’ll buy you their greatest hits album for Christmas!”
Markos laughed out loud. He liked her. What wasn’t to like? A ball of energy, she was able to capture his attention despite everything he had on his mind. As expected, Tatiyana was far more interesting than his paperwork. She regaled him with stories about her childhood, her love of pop culture and her small, close-knit family.
“Where are you staying this weekend?” he asked. “With your friend, or at a hotel?”
“Dalton lives in Orlando, so we’re staying at the Oasis Spa and Resort. It’s the Rashawn Bishop Charity Golf tournament, and I’m going to win it all. Just watch me.”
Markos admired her confidence. Tatiyana was as witty as she was beautiful, and he had to see her again. “Small world. I’m staying at the same resort, and I’m also attending the tournament.”
“Then we’ll be seeing each other a lot this weekend. Should be fun.”
“Let’s exchange numbers. Maybe we can have a drink one night.”
“I’d like that. You seem like a cool guy, and I have a feeling Dalton’s sister is going to love you. She loves Italian men, especially handsome ones.”
Markos groaned, hanging his head as if overcome with despair. And he was. Sick of people hooking him up. He wished they’d quit sending needy, marriage-crazed females his way, and leave him alone. “I have the worst luck. I can’t go anywhere without someone trying to set me up.”
“Trust me, I’m an expert at reading people, and Genevieve is exactly your type.”
Amused, a grin tugged at his lips. “What’s my type?”
“Smart, independent and successful, right?”
“You certainly fit the bill.”
“I’m looking for Mr. Right—”
“Look no further. I’m right here.”
Tatiyana scoffed, with a loud, sarcastic laugh. “That’s what they all say until someone younger and prettier with bigger boobs comes along.”
“I’m not a player. Never have been. I’m an honest, upstanding guy who enjoys long walks in the park, shopping on Rodeo Drive, dining at five-star restaurants and Jill Scott.”
“Good God,” she said, her tone filled with awe. “You are my dream guy!”
Her girly, high-pitched giggles filled the air. Markos sensed her interest in him and knew he was saying and doing all the right things to impress her. He’d score her cell phone number by the time they landed in Tampa, and a date, no doubt about it.
They talked nonstop during the in-flight movie, laughing and cracking jokes. They had a lot in common, but what shocked Markos most were her insightful comments about the business world, her knowledge of Wall Street and politics.
“To be honest, I don’t put much faith in politicians,” Tatiyana confessed. “They’ll say and do anything to get elected, but once they’re in office, they forget about the promises they made to their loyal constituents. We need leaders who’ll stand with the American people, and unite the country, not divide it.”
“That’s a tall order, don’t you think?”
“No. If the government invests in education and health care, and provides better training to police departments, I think things would drastically improve. Especially for lower-income families and impoverished communities.”
“Well said, Tatiyana. I wholeheartedly agree.” Markos raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re an executive secretary? If I didn’t know better I’d think you were a community activist.”
Tatiyana smiled, and Markos did, too.
“It’s hard to believe we just met. I feel like we’ve known each other forever. It’s so easy to talk to you.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” he confessed, echoing her thoughts.
“It feels like we’re old friends catching up at our high-school reunion.”
“That’s because you’re an exceptional conversationalist. You’re articulate, well-read, and you have an opinion about everything.”
Tatiyana frowned, arching an eyebrow. “Is that your way of saying I talk a lot?”
“No, that’s my way of saying I’d like to see you again.”
The flight attendant appeared. “Can I interest either of you in a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon?”
“Absolutely.” Tatiyana helped herself to a flute from the flight attendant’s tray, two bowls of nuts and a warm hand towel. “Thanks, Miss, I’ll buzz you if I need something else.”
“And you, Mr. Morretti?”
“I shouldn’t. It’s too early in the day to be drinking.”
“Get one,” Tatiyana urged. “You only live once, right?”
“It does smell good,” he conceded, licking his lips, his mouth wet with anticipation.
“It tastes even better...”
Markos swallowed hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about kissing her, and wondered if her lips tasted as good as they looked.
“It’s not going to kill you to have one drink,” she said, popping a cashew into her mouth. “Everything in moderation. That’s my personal philosophy, and it governs everything I do.”
“Good point.” Markos grabbed a flute off the tray and raised it in the air. “To Tampa.”
They clinked wineglasses. Time stopped, and everything around them ceased to exist. They stared at each other, as if they were long-lost lovers reuniting after years apart, and instinctively Markos took her hand in his. She was a vibrant, young woman with a wicked sense of humor and a terrific pair of legs—and Markos couldn’t wait to feel them around his waist. And he would, once they arrived at the Oasis Spa and Resort.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_e0027568-b3d3-511b-87f1-2bda7e9b51eb)
Oasis Spa and Resort, a luxurious hotel known for its world-class amenities and picturesque views, was located in a sprawling, gated community thirty minutes from downtown Tampa. Strolling from his executive suite to Prime Steak House Markos took in his surroundings, noting the vibrant flowers and towering palm trees shielding the grounds. The resort had it all—an 18-hole championship golf course, swimming pools, tennis courts, acclaimed restaurants known for their delicious menus and a renowned spa. Popular among A-listers with time on their hands, and money to burn, the resort was filled with sports legends, actresses, reality stars and social media darlings snapping selfies at every turn.
Prime Steak House was packed, filled with laughter, conversation and casually dressed diners. The moment Markos stepped into the restaurant, he spotted the Morretti clan seated in a secluded corner, away from the other patrons. His body tensed, and the smile slid off his face. His cousins, Demetri, Nicco and Rafael, and his brothers, Emilio and Immanuel, weren’t alone; they’d traveled to Tampa with their wives. It was obvious the couples were madly in love; they were whispering, cuddling, even feeding each other.
He cocked an eyebrow. Markos was shocked by his brothers’ behavior, was blown away by their public displays of affection. They looked proud, too, as if they had the perfect lives, but Markos knew better than anyone how fast things could change. One minute it was candlelight dinners and weekend getaways, and the next it was screaming matches, separate bedrooms and divorce court. For their sakes, he hoped it wasn’t the latter, but Markos didn’t put much faith in relationships. They didn’t last, and he had the broken heart to prove it.
Absent from the group were his youngest brothers, Enrique and Romeo. Based in Italy, they both worked nonstop, preferring to make money than spend it. Days earlier, he’d called Enrique to find out his travel information, but his brother said he was too busy with his media company, Icon Productions, to attend the charity golf tournament. He’d tried to persuade him, but there was nothing Markos could say to change his mind. Romeo had given him the same spiel yesterday. A brilliant investment banker, with foresight and ingenuity, he owned everything from real-estate properties to upscale restaurants, spas and fitness centers. In spite of his recent health scare, Romeo was still the hardest working person in his family. At thirty-one, he’d accomplished incredible success in his career, and Markos was proud of him.
Cheers and laughter filled the air. He heard his sister-in-law Sharleen giggle, and watched as Emilio kissed her passionately on the lips. So much for our guys-only trip, he thought, contemplating whether or not to return to his suite. He had a meeting with a Hollywood actor on Tuesday morning, and Markos didn’t want to be ill-prepared. The Oscar winner wasn’t just another client; he was also a friend, and Markos didn’t want to let him down. Being a partner at LA Family Law was an honor, a goal he’d had since he started at the firm ten years earlier, but it wasn’t enough. Markos had political aspirations, dreamed of being the next mayor of LA, and hoped to make it a reality during the next election.
His stomach groaned. The décor in the steakhouse was simple, nothing to write home about, but according to his siblings, the food was outstanding. Markos was starving, hadn’t eaten anything since arriving at the resort two hours earlier, but he’d rather eat alone in his suite than watch his brothers and cousins fawn all over their wives. He didn’t want to be the third wheel, and feared he’d die of boredom sitting with the love-struck group playing kissy face—
Ducking out of the restaurant, before his family could see him, he strode down the walkway, noting the pop star seated on the patio signing autographs.
Hearing a voice full of warmth and life, Markos glanced over his shoulder, searching for the owner with the exuberant laugh. His gaze fell across the woman in the bold, colorful outfit, and his feet stopped. Tatiyana. She looked hot, good enough to eat, and Markos was starving. Hungry for her lips, desperate to taste every inch of her body. He liked everything about her appearance—the sleek ponytail, her crimson lips, her flirtatious, come-hither smile, how her dress skimmed her thighs—and couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.
An idea came to him, the answer to his problem. He’d ask Tatiyana to be his dinner date. The executive secretary had “It,” the wow factor, and arriving at the steak house with the leggy beauty on his arm was sure to not only turn heads, but also impress his family.
Markos tried to catch her eye, but Tatiyana was too busy chatting to notice him. Holding center court, surrounded by men in golf attire, it was obvious she was in her element. Which guy was her traveling buddy? Were they really just friends and nothing more?
In a stroke of good luck, Tatiyana waved at her admirers and sashayed off, switching her hips, her ponytail swishing back and forth. As she stepped past him, Markos reached out and caught her arm. Surprise, then anger darkened her features. Tatiyana gave him a blank stare, as if he was a stranger, and Markos released her hand. Four hours ago she was talking his ear off, and now she didn’t know him? What gives? Markos didn’t know what game Tatiyana was playing, but he didn’t like it. Still, he didn’t leave. He wanted the pleasure of her company tonight, and he wasn’t returning to the restaurant without her. Markos wore a disarming smile, but Tatiyana seemed immune to his charms, regarding him with a narrowed gaze. “We meet again.”
Tatiyana fluttered her eyelashes, her expression coy. “Markos, right?”
“It’s wonderful to see you again. Great dress.”
“Thanks,” she said, doing a twirl.
“Where are you rushing off to?”
“To see you, of course.”
Her innocent, wide-eyed expression made Markos laugh. She smelled of roses and tropical fruit, and her sweet, heady fragrance tickled his nostrils. The blood drained from his head, shot to his groin, and his erection stabbed the zipper of his white slacks. Sex was his favorite pastime, the only activity ever worth skipping dinner for, and Markos craved Tatiyana, had to have her. She oozed sexuality, reeked of confidence, and Markos suspected she’d be a passionate lover.
“What are you up to tonight?” she asked, cocking her head to the right.
“I’m about to have dinner with my family. Care to join me?”
“Only if you agree to be my date for the R&B Summer Jam. My friends canceled on me at the last minute, so I’m on my own this weekend, and I don’t want to go to Applause Nightclub alone.”
“I have paperwork to do, and besides I’m too old for rap concerts.”
Her eyes dimmed, but she spoke in a cheery tone. “No worries. I’ll find someone else to take me. Have fun with your family, Markos.”
Tatiyana stepped past him, and Markos captured her forearm, drawing her to his side. “Deal,” he said. “Have dinner with me, and I’ll take you to the concert tonight.”
“I thought you’d come around.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Washington.”
All smiles, her eyes beguiling and bright, she coiled an arm through his. “Sono contento che ci siamo incontrati, e sarei onorato di avere la cena con la famiglia.”
I’m glad we met, and I’d be honored to have dinner with your family. Pleased by her words, he stared into her eyes, gauging whether or not she was telling the truth. Enraptured by the sound of her voice, he moved closer to her, brushing his lips against the curve of her ear. “You speak Italian. I’m impressed. What other secrets are you hiding?”
“There are a lot of things I can do. I’m a woman of extraordinaire talents—”
“I look forward to discovering them all.”
“Patience,” she replied with a wink. “Dinner first, then dessert.”
* * *
“How long have you two been dating?”
Markos choked on the cocktail shrimp in his mouth. It hurt to breathe, and a burning sensation flowed through his chest. Glancing up from his plate, he shot Emilio a questioning look, hoping his expression conveyed his annoyance. Arriving at the table ten minutes earlier, he’d introduced Tatiyana to his family as a “friend” and jokingly asked them not to scare her off, so why were Emilio and Immanuel giving her the third degree? Why couldn’t they be kind and welcoming like his cousins and their wives? Before Markos could respond, Tatiyana spoke up, shocking him and everyone else at their corner table.
“Not long, but the first time I saw Markos I knew he was the one...”
Tatiyana covered his hands with her own, sending heat surging through his body.
“I love sensitive, romantic men, and your brother’s quite the charmer. And hot, too, right ladies?”
The women cheered, the men chuckled and Markos smiled so wide his jaw ached. He couldn’t have asked for a better dinner companion. None of the women he knew could hold a candle to Tatiyana, and he was glad to have her at his side.
“Where’s Dante?” Rafael asked, popping an oyster into his mouth. “I spoke to him on Sunday, and he said you guys were traveling together, so I expected to see him tonight.”
Finishing his appetizer, Markos took a swig of his soda and set aside his empty plate. “He changed his mind. Jordana’s parents are in town, and he wants to spend time with them.”
“I’m confused. I thought Dante was single.” Sharleen Nicholas, Emilio’s wife, wore a puzzled expression on her face. “Who’s Jordana?”
“His temporary wife,” Emilio explained. “He married her in a courthouse ceremony back in June, in the hopes of winning full custody of Matteo, and it worked.”
Markos shook his head. “Jordana’s not his temporary wife. She’s his soul mate.”
A hush fell over the table as Markos spoke. He assured his family members the aspiring actress was a thoughtful, compassionate woman, not a gold digger with dollar signs in her eyes. “I had dinner with them last week, and it’s obvious they’re in love. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, finished each other’s sentences and Jordana laughed at all of Dante’s jokes, even the corny ones.” Markos chuckled, recalling how much fun he’d had with the couple. “Dante quit his job at the Brokerage Group so he could be a better father and husband, and I think that’s commendable.”
Nicco whistled. “You’re right. It is.”
“I’m happy for him,” Immanuel said, reaching for his water glass. “He’s been interested in Jordana for months, and Matteo adores her, too.”
Markos agreed. “You’re right, he does, and Matteo’s not the only one. Lourdes likes her a lot, and credits Jordana with helping her finally get clean. If Jordana gets her way, and I’m confident she will, they’ll be one, big, happy family in no time.”
“That’s great,” Rafael replied. “I’ll call Dante later to congratulate him.”
The waitstaff arrived, carrying silver trays topped with entrées, drinks and cocktails. Over dinner, they discussed the charity golf tournament that had brought them to town, and the celebrities the women were excited to meet. He wasn’t interested in the conversation; he was interested in Tatiyana. She fit in well with his family, and every time she cracked up, he did, too.
“I can’t believe I’m having dinner with a baseball star, a celebrated news anchor, a race car legend and the owner of my favorite Italian restaurant. What a treat! Someone pinch me!”
Everyone laughed, and Markos knew inviting her to dinner had been a wise move.
“Tatiyana, what do you do for a living?” Jariah Morretti, Nicco’s wife, dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “You must be in the entertainment industry because you’re a firecracker.”
“I wish! I’m not a star, but I love reality TV.”
“Me, too!” Sharleen eagerly nodded. “Did you see the season finale of Dating in the City last night? I almost died when Nelson Hamilton dumped Penelope at her sister’s wedding. Twenty-four hours later, and I’m still pissed...”
The men groaned, objecting loudly to the topic, but Paris silenced them with a menacing look. “Don’t make fun. Dating’s changed drastically in the last ten years, and if not for smart, thought-provoking reality shows like, The Love Test, and Relationships 101, my friends and I would still be in the dark about men.”
Everyone spoke at once, but Rafael’s voice cut through the noise.
“Baby, that’s ridiculous,” he argued, draping an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “You don’t need a television show to learn about men. Just ask me. I’m the only man you need.”
Giggling, Paris cupped her husband’s face in her hands and gave him a peck on the lips.
The waitstaff returned, carrying several bottles of champagne, and Tatiyana dropped her utensils on her gold plate. “Champagne? You’re my kind of people!”
“What are we celebrating?” Markos asked, settling back into his arm chair.
Sharleen beamed. “Emilio’s ESPN Athlete of the Year award.”
“Another one? That’s the third award of your career.” Markos gave his brother a one-arm hug, then ruffled his hair. “I’m proud of you, little bro. Good job.”
Clasping Sharleen’s hand, Emilio raised it to his mouth and kissed it. “Baby, you deserve this award as much as I do, if not more,” he said quietly. “If not for you, I’d still be sitting in my living room, watching home videos of Lucca, drowning in grief and despair.”
“As usual, you’re giving me way too much credit. You’re the talent, baby, not me.”
“Sharleen, could you be a little less supportive?” Angela wore a sheepish expression on her face. “I want my man to win that coveted award, too, but Emilio’s impossible to beat.”
“Keep hope alive, sister-in-law! There’s always next year.”
Laughing, Dionne Fontaine-Morretti, Immanuel’s wife, filled each flute to the brim. The couple had eloped to Hawaii two weeks earlier, shocking their friends and family, and Tatiyana had enjoyed hearing about their wild, romantic weekend in Maui.
“To Emilio!” Nicco raised his glass in the air. “May this award catapult you to greater heights, and cement your place in Formula One history. Saluti!”
Cheering, everyone around the table clinked glasses.
“What do you guys want to do now?” Angela asked. “I’ve had a rough week at the news station, and if anyone deserves to party tonight it’s me.”
“Let’s go to the sports bar,” Immanuel proposed, checking the time on his gold wristwatch. “The World Rugby Championship is on, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“Bor-ing,” the women sang in unison.
“Markos, are you ready to go?” Tatiyana asked, tucking her purse under her forearm.
Dionne frowned. “Why are you whispering, and where are you guys sneaking off to?”
“Applause Nightclub,” she explained. “It’s old-school night, and all of my favorite acts are performing, including Divas.”
Angela whooped for joy. “Count me in!”
“Me, too.” Jariah slipped on her Pashmina shawl and hopped to her feet. “I’m game.”
“I’m going!” Dionne said. “I love R&B music, and I’m the biggest Divas fan ever.”
Immanuel kissed her forehead. “Then it’s settled. We’re going to the concert.”
Markos was convinced his ears were deceiving him. His brother, a security specialist with a stellar résumé, who they jokingly called Sharpshooter, wouldn’t be caught dead in a noisy, smoky club. Immanuel didn’t dance, preferred classical music to hip-hop and often joked he’d been born in the wrong decade. Leaning toward his brother, he kept his voice low, asking, “What happened to the rugby match? I thought you wanted to cheer on the Italian team.”
“It’s no biggie. I’ll catch the highlights when we get back tonight.”
“But you hate nightclubs,” Markos pointed out, confused by his brother’s behavior.
“I know,” Immanuel conceded with a shrug, his gaze glued to his wife, love shining in his eyes. “But what my baby wants, my baby gets, so let’s bounce.”
Chapter 4 (#ulink_d82d701f-898a-5bab-b45c-cd202f375f3e)
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but the club’s full,” the bouncer said, folding his arms rigidly across his flabby chest. “Better luck next time.”
Tatiyana cringed. It was a dig, an insult meant to embarrass her in front of the chic, crowd waiting outside Applause Nightclub, located in the Ybor entertainment district. Behind her, she heard people snicker. Ma’am? The word annoyed her, and the sneer on the bouncer’s face confirmed her suspicions. He was trying to humiliate her.
“I’m calling Rafael to tell him what’s going on,” Paris said, putting her iPhone to her ear.
Jariah protested. “No, don’t. We can handle this. We’re Morrettis now, remember?”
“Exactly!” Angela agreed, fervently nodding. “We’ve got this. We don’t need the guys to rescue us. We can take care of ourselves.”
At her request, the guys had dropped them off in front of the club so they could reserve a VIP room, but if Tatiyana knew the bouncer was going to give them a hard time, she would have stuck with the guys. No way he’d insult Markos and his famous family members.
Tatiyana could hear reggae music playing inside the club, a loud, infectious beat that made her want to dance, and wanted inside the hottest party in Tampa. She knew Divas were going to put on one hell of a show for their fans, and, since Tatiyana was determined to see the group perform live, she stepped forward and glared at the heavyset bouncer. “I flew thousands of miles to see—”
“Ma’am, come back tomorrow night. Women get in free until midnight.”
Tatiyana gestured to the scantily dressed women sailing past the red, velvet rope. “If the club’s full, then where are they going?”
“That’s none of your business—”
“I wish I had my iPhone,” Tatiyana grumbled, mad at herself for forgetting it inside the Escalade Markos had rented for the weekend. It seated seven, and on the drive to the club the group had chatted about their vacation plans, their favorite spots in Tampa and laughed at Nicco’s wild, outrageous stories about his bachelor days. It was hard for Tatiyana to enjoy herself. With each passing minute, her guilt intensified. “If I had my cell with me, I’d tweet about how the bouncers at Applause Nightclub disrespect women.”
Dionne stepped forward. “This is ridiculous. I want to speak to the manager.”
The bouncer turned away, ignoring them, and Tatiyana jabbed an index finger in his shoulder. “We’re not leaving until you get the owner.”
A slim man with greasy hair and aviators emerged from the club, clutching a bottle of Cristal. Speaking to the bouncer in Spanish, he winked and nodded.
“Are you the owner?” Tatiyana asked, raising her voice to catch his attention. Spotting Markos jogging across the street with the guys, she governed her temper. Tatiyana didn’t want him to think she was a hothead, didn’t want to do anything to ruin their date, and swallowed the insult on the tip of her tongue. The Morretti family was respected and admired, and Tatiyana didn’t want to embarrass her companions. Once again, warning bells rang in her mind. Tatiyana had doubts about seducing Markos. She couldn’t quiet her fears and struggled with what to do. Maybe she shouldn’t go through with it. Maybe she should come clean to Markos, tell him everything.
Tatiyana struck the idea from her mind. My mom already did that, she thought with a heavy heart. And Markos didn’t believe her. He called her a liar, said Jantel was an opportunist trying to ruin the mayor’s reputation, and kicked them out of his office. No, she had to stick to her plan. No matter what.
“Ladies,” the owner said in a soothing voice. “I understand you’re upset, but there’s nothing I can do. It’s packed inside, and if I let you in I could get fined for overpopulating the club. Come back tomorrow. You’ll be my personal guests.”
Tatiyana started to argue, to tell the owner his bouncers were sexist jerks who disrespected women, but a cheer went up from the crowd, seizing her attention, and she broke off speaking. Demetri appeared at her right side and Emilio at the other.
“Is there a problem here?” Rafael asked.
Whooping for joy, his eyes big and wide, the owner pumped a fist in the air. “Demetri and Emilio Morretti? Here, at Applause Nightclub? This must be my lucky day!” Standing tall, he adjusted his peacock-blue tie. “Right this way. The VIP room is available, and—”
Angela interrupted him. “You said the club was full.”
“I was kidding,” he said with a hearty laugh, dismissing her words with a wave of his hand. “There’s plenty of room inside for my favorite baseball player and his family. Now, please follow me to the private entrance at the rear of the club.”
Markos clasped Tatiyana’s hand. One whiff of his cologne made her thoughts scatter and her skin tingle. He had more game than a basketball player and the lean, toned physique to match. It was no surprise other women were staring at him, too. But he was with her, had his hands draped possessively around her waist, as if staking his claim.
Tatiyana smoothed a hand over her hair and adjusted her dress. Markos caressed her skin, told her repeatedly how beautiful she looked. He spoke in a deep, manly voice, intended to seduce, and it worked. Tatiyana wanted him so bad all she could think about was kissing him.
Wearing a triumphant smirk, Tatiyana stepped past the bouncer and followed the group through the gold door at the rear of the nightclub, anxious to get Markos alone.
“I’m ready for dessert. Are you?” he whispered, sweeping his mouth over her ear.
His words gave her pause. Hold on. Who’s seducing who?
A baby-faced brunette in a white jumpsuit led them to the second floor, into a glass room with mirror balls hanging from the ceiling, velvet couches and mauve walls covered with framed paintings. The savory scent in the air tickled Tatiyana’s nose and stirred her appetite. Silver trays topped with fruit, bite-size chocolates and cheese covered the marble tables, and ice buckets, filled with champagne, sat on the bar. It was an intimate, comfortable setting, and Tatiyana was impressed.
“Welcome to Applause Nightclub,” a server said, tipping his head in greeting. “You have the entire floor to yourselves, so relax and enjoy the Champagne Room.”
Angela plucked a chocolate off one of the trays. “Thank you. We will!”
“Can I interest anyone in a drink?”
While the server took orders, Tatiyana admired the décor. From the second floor, she had an overhead view of the club, and the dazzling light show, dance cages and swings made Tatiyana think of the Malibu nightclub she’d worked at to put herself through college. It seemed like just yesterday she was waiting tables and cramming for midterms, but it had been years since she was a student, and her life had changed drastically since graduation.
“Let’s grab a seat,” Markos said, gesturing to the couch. “I want to hear more about—”
“Come dance with me,” Tatiyana said, swaying her hips to the beat of the music. She tried to convince Markos to dance but he stayed seated, watching her instead. One dance turned into another, and by the time Divas hit the stage an hour later, Tatiyana was out of breath.
The crowd went wild, cheering, screaming, waving fluorescent glow sticks in the air. Tatiyana hadn’t been out dancing in months, and it felt good to cut lose with the Morretti family.
Markos was sitting on the couch, watching her, and when he smiled, her confidence soared. It was just a matter of time before they made love, and Tatiyana couldn’t wait. Was he a good lover? Generous and passionate, or a man who’d put his needs above her own?
Hoping it wasn’t the latter, Tatiyana picked up her cocktail glass from the bar and sat down beside Markos on the couch. “What a night!” she said, struggling to catch her breath. “Are you having fun?”
“Of course I am. You’re very entertaining, and I’m enjoying the show. So, what do you do when you’re not dancing at nightclubs?”
Giggling, she playfully pushed his shoulder, marveling at how well they got along. Less than twenty-four hours after meeting, and they were laughing and joking as if they were lifelong friends. “What do you do when you’re not charming women on airplanes?”
“I hit the gym, play golf, travel and attend sporting events. And you?”
“I enjoy cooking, dancing, and making love—”
“We’re going downstairs to take pictures with the performers. Want to come?” Jariah asked.
With her eyes glued to Markos, Tatiyana answered Jariah’s question. “No, I’m good.” Her voice sounded airy and breathless, as if she’d just finished an aerobics class. Tatiyana wanted to take his hands and use them to stroke her body, but since she didn’t want to turn him off by making the first move, she sat tight. “My horoscope was totally on point today. It said I would meet someone special, and here you are.”
“I’m the lucky one,” he said, gesturing around the VIP room with his drink. “Thanks to you, my family members are having the time of their lives.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Immanuel and Dionne kissing at the back of the room. They were a playful, loving couple, and it was obvious the security specialist was smitten with the life coach. Like his brother and cousins, he was completely devoted to his wife. Tatiyana was impressed, couldn’t believe how affectionate the Morretti men were. They wanted the world to know they were spoken for, and didn’t shy away from expressing their feelings.
Locking eyes with him, Tatiyana slowly and suggestively licked her lips, hoping to convey her need. His gaze was so intense, so powerful she forgot what they were talking about. Flirting with Markos was a turn-on, giving her a rush, and Tatiyana was dying to kiss him.
“Bro, whose team are you playing on tomorrow?” Immanuel asked. “It better be mine, or I’ll disown you.”
Markos waved. “Fine, Immanuel, it’s been fun knowing you. Deuces!”
Everyone laughed, including the waitstaff and suit-clad bartenders.
A couple more glasses of champagne and Markos was a different person—playful, laidback, at ease. It was obvious he enjoyed spending time with his family, and listening to him crack jokes with his brothers made Tatiyana think of Jantel. They used to be best friends, incredibly close, but these days all her sister did was lay in bed staring at the walls. Since the mayor’s bachelor party, Jantel had been sad and withdrawn, a shadow of her former self. Worst of all, she ignored Allie, barely gave her daughter a passing glance. Mayor Glover was to blame for her sister’s depression, and Tatiyana was going to ensure he did the right thing.
“Do you want to have lunch tomorrow before the tournament starts...” Trailing off, Markos took his cell phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. “I have to take this call. I’ll be right back.”
He strode out of the room with his iPhone glued to his ear. Tatiyana wondered if he was talking to one of his girlfriends. Why else would he abruptly end their conversation and leave the room? She’d done her research and knew Markos was dating a bevy of beauties. A surgeon, an engineer, a publicist and even a drama teacher. They were all talented and accomplished, the kind of women any man would be proud to take home to mom, so why was Markos still single? Why wasn’t he happily married like his brothers and cousins? His dating history was none of her business, but Tatiyana was curious about him.
“Tatiyana, join us,” Paris said, waving her over to the bar.
Finishing her cocktail, she danced with the group for several songs, but her thoughts were on Markos. Staring at her watch, Tatiyana was shocked to see he’d been gone for fifteen minutes. Who was he talking to? Was he coming back?
Tatiyana exited the room in search of her date. Heading down the corridor, she spotted a security guard and nodded in greeting. Hearing Markos’s voice inside the bathroom, Tatiyana sighed in relief. “I want to be alone with my boyfriend,” she said, opening her purse. “Make sure no one disturbs us.”
“Of course, Miss. Not a problem.”
Tatiyana took out a fifty-dollar bill and stuffed it into his shirt pocket. “Thanks!”
“Take as long as you need.”
I plan to, she thought, feeling a rush of excitement.
Designed with style and comfort in mind, the bathroom had soaring ceilings, antiqued mirrors and plush armchairs. Vases overflowed with colored roses and scented candles perfumed the air, putting Tatiyana in a tranquil mood. In the anteroom, she found Markos sitting on the chaise lounge, his head bent, singing in Italian.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Come mi chiedo che cosa sei.
What in the world? Before Tatiyana could make sense of what was going on, Markos ended his phone call. Shaking his head wistfully, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just done, he laughed to himself.
“Important call?” she asked.
Markos looked at her, surprise evident in his eyes, but his tone was full of warmth. “Yeah, it was my four-year-old nephew. Matteo calls me every night at bedtime, and if I don’t answer, he won’t go to sleep. He’s my little buddy, and I love our evening talks.”
Her heart melted. “Markos, I’m impressed. You sing beautifully,” she said, meaning every word. “What other talents do you have?”
Hours earlier, outside the steak house, he’d posed the same question to her, and now it was payback. Teasing him made her feel giddy inside, like a kid on Christmas Day.
“I’m a man of extraordinaire talents,” he joked, stealing her line.
“And I look forward to discovering each and every one of them.”
“Why wait? Now’s a good time.”
Enraptured by the sound of his voice, Tatiyana couldn’t think, let alone move.
“Come here,” he demanded. “I want you.”
“I want you, too—”
“Then why are you standing so far away?”
He seized her hand, drawing her in between his legs, and Tatiyana sank onto his lap. His touch thrilled her, making her feel alive, and his husky voice tickled and teased her ears.
“You look like you want to kiss me. Go ahead.”
Before she could, his lips claimed her mouth. They were soft, felt warm against hers, and sent tingles careening down her spine. His kiss was full of hunger, longing and passion, and Tatiyana wanted more.
Boldly possessing her mouth, Markos used his tongue to excite her, to show her what she’d been missing all her life. Wow, no one’s ever kissed me like that, Tatiyana thought, as they feasted on each other’s lips. Markos licked them, and sucked them. They were in public, making out in the VIP bathroom, but Markos wasn’t in a rush. He took his time kissing her, stroking her body, didn’t seem to care that someone could walk in on them at any minute.
“I wish I had protection...” he said between kisses.
Grabbing her purse, she stuck a hand inside and pulled out some condoms. “What flavor do you want?” she asked, waving them under his nose. “Strawberry, mint or chocolate?”
His jaw dropped, and Tatiyana smirked. She enjoyed shocking people, got off on making men blush—especially dignified men like Markos—and kissed him hard on the lips to prove how much she desired him. “I’m glad we met,” she said between kisses. “I haven’t had this much fun since I went to Coachella with my girlfriends last year.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight—”
“No, that’s a fallacy,” she argued, interrupting him. Markos was getting ahead of himself, and she had to be the voice of reason. “Love takes time, commitment and trust. It doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye. I believe in lust at first sight, though. Now, that’s real.”
“Care to elaborate?”
Tatiyana met his gaze, challenging him to disagree with her. “The moment I saw you I knew I was going to have you. And I will.”
Chapter 5 (#ulink_46a42b71-c980-5b03-b172-709f628b666c)
Mischief gleamed in Markos’s deep brown eyes, and an amused expression warmed his face. Tatiyana could feel her temperature rising, the electricity pulsing between them as their stares locked. Aroused, she kissed him with every ounce of passion in her body.
Taking his hands, she guided them to her breasts, urging them to explore. Markos was every woman’s dream man, and Tatiyana desired him more than she’d ever desired anyone.
“I admire your fearless attitude.”
His words filled her with pride. “You do?”
“You always say exactly what’s on your mind, and I find it refreshing.”
“That’s the only way to live.”
Markos brushed his fingers against her cheek, tenderly caressing it. He wore a thoughtful expression on his face, and spoke in a whisper. “Dannazione,” he murmured, his tone thick with desire. “You’re so beautiful I can’t stop staring at you...”
Her breath caught in her throat. His deep, husky voice made her skin tingle and her panties wet. At the thought of them making love, her heartbeat quickened. Tatiyana dated often, but she hadn’t had sex in months, and was ready for her sexual drought to finally come to an end.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Tatiyana was torn between doing the right thing, and doing Markos but she silenced her doubts. Straddling him, she draped her hands around his neck, pulling him close. “Yes, of course, why not?”
“Because we’re in a public washroom—”
“Yeah, a washroom fit for a king and queen,” she quipped, gesturing at their luxurious surroundings. “Hell, this room is nicer than my first apartment.”
Tatiyana laughed, and Markos kissed her, trapping the sound inside her mouth. She closed her eyes, sealing her in the moment as he ravished her with his lips.
Running her hands over his torso, she whispered naughty words in his ears, confessing how much she wanted him. Her desire for Markos was overwhelming, an all-consuming need she couldn’t control. Every nerve ending in her body stirred, throbbed and tingled as their tongues mated. She reveled in his kiss, the joy of his touch, of being in his arms. His caress was sensational, and Tatiyana wanted more, everything he had to offer.
Markos buried his face in her cleavage, making circles across her chest with his tongue, nipping at her skin with his teeth. He cupped her breasts, tweaking and rubbing her nipples. Goose bumps tickled her flesh, warming her body all over. This was what Tatiyana wanted, what she needed—Markos, the only man she wanted to make love to.
“Someone could catch us.”
“Not tonight,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I paid the security guard to be our lookout.”
“You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”
“Of course. An opportunity is a terrible thing to waste.”
They kissed over and over again, until Tatiyana couldn’t think straight. His tongue explored her mouth, seeking, teasing, and pleasing. He slipped a hand between her legs, pulled her panties aside and squeezed her bottom.
Heat singed her skin. Nibbling on her earlobe, he slid a finger inside her sex, swirling it around in circles. He was having his way with her, and she was weak for him. Desperate. Unzipping his pants, she freed his erection from his boxer briefs, boldly seized it in her hands. At the sight of his length, her temperature rose. Watching Markos put on a condom, she hungrily licked her lips. Tatiyana wanted to taste him, to take him inside her mouth, but there was no time. Markos thrust inside her, powerfully, urgently, stealing her breath. His length filled her, electrifying her body. She loved what he was doing with his mouth, how his hands stroked her flesh, and the sound of his voice in her ears.
“Sei una stuzzicante bellezza,” he whispered between kisses.
Pride filled her heart as he showered her with compliments and praise.
“Stunning sia dentro che fuori, e ti desidero in ogni senso della parola...”
His words played in her mind, giving her a rush. You’re a tantalizing beauty. Stunning both inside and out, and I desire you in every sense of the word. More than I’ve ever desired anyone. Was he telling the truth? Tatiyana told herself it didn’t matter. It wasn’t important. They were making love, living in the moment, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.
They were a perfect fit, moving together as one, holding nothing back, and it was a thrilling, exhilarating ride. Panting, she hiked her legs up on the couch to deepen his penetration. Gripping his shoulders, she rocked against him, moving to an inaudible beat. Is this actually happening? Am I having sex with Markos or is this a wonderful, erotic dream?
“Tatiyana, stai girando me out.”
I’m turning you out? More like the other way around!
Markos rubbed her bottom, squeezed and stroked it. Moans fell from her mouth, bouncing off the ceiling and ricocheting around the walls. Tatiyana clamped her lips together to smother the sound, but Markos drew his teeth along her skin, and she yelped.
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“You didn’t.” Tatiyana smiled to assure him everything was okay. The more they touched and teased and played, the giddier Tatiyana felt. This was a dream, the most exhilarating moment of her life, and she’d never forget her thrilling, passionate night with the sexiest attorney alive. “I liked it, Markos, and I like you, too. You’re a terrific guy.”
Gazing at her, he brushed her hair away from her face. “I want more than one night with you.”
“All we have is tonight.”
His hands explored her body, tenderly stroking her skin.
“We live on opposite ends of the country,” she reminded him. “It’s just not worth it.”
“I have access to a private plane—”
“I hate being tied down. I’m a modern, contemporary woman who enjoys her freedom.”
“I thought you were looking for Mr. Right.”
“I am, but in the meantime I’m doing what I want, when I want, and who I want.”
The smile slid off his face. “You routinely have one-night stands in public places?”
“No, never, but you’re irresistible.” Seizing his hands, Tatiyana pinned them to the wall and rubbed her body against his. “Where were we?”
Markos exploded into laughter. “La mia famiglia aveva ragione. Sei un petardo!”
“You’re right. I am a firecracker, and proud of it.”
He plunged his erection between her thighs, thrusting with all his might. Needing more of him—all of him—Tatiyana opened her legs wide, inviting him deeper inside. Guilt snuck up on her, overwhelming her conscience and troubling her mind. They had a strong connection, and Markos was such a kind, sensitive man Tatiyana wished they had met under different circumstances. She’d traveled to Tampa to meet him, in the hopes he’d reconsider helping her kid sister. They were having such a good time together she was developing feelings for him. Feelings that could lead to heartbreak.
“You’re sexy as hell,” he whispered. “How did I get so lucky?”
Tatiyana shook off her thoughts and smiled at him. Seeing his enjoyment was a turn-on. She desired him even more, wanted to do everything in her power to please him sexually.
Hearing voices outside the bathroom, Tatiyana froze. She hoped the security guard was at his post, and listened intently for several seconds. Markos pressed a finger to her mouth, silencing her, and she swallowed the moan inside her mouth.
Markos didn’t stop loving her, continued kissing her and caressing her flesh. The voices faded, and Tatiyana knew the security guard had effectively handled the situation. Sighing in relief, she made a mental note to give him another tip. “That was a close call.”
“You have nothing to worry about.” He spoke in a quiet tone, but his confidence shone through. “If someone barges in here, I’ll whisk you away to safety.”
“You sound like an English gent,” she joked. “How noble of you.”
“That’s the Morretti way. It’s my duty to protect the woman I’m with.”
Tatiyana arched an eyebrow. “Even someone you’ve only known for a few hours?”
“It doesn’t matter how long we’ve known each other. We’re together, living in the moment, doing something we both obviously love, and that’s all that matters.”
“You are such a charmer.”
“It’s easy to be charming when I’m with you...”
Their eyes locked.
“I know we just met this morning, but there’s something about you that speaks to me,” he said, brushing her hair away from her face. “It’s as if some unknown force is drawing me to you. It’s so powerful I can’t resist it. Can’t resist you.”
At a loss for words, she sat there, his explosive confession playing in her mind. Markos kissed her, swirling his tongue inside her mouth and his erection between her legs. Tatiyana couldn’t stop the orgasm that rocked her body. She was melting and exploding at the same time, shaking so hard she feared she was going to slide off his lap. In a trance, she couldn’t think straight. Her vision blurred, and her heart was pounding, beating loud and fast. She couldn’t speak, lost all sense of time and place.
Tingling from her ears to her toes, she pressed her eyes shut, riding out the delicious wave rising inside her. Tatiyana felt light, weightless, as if she were walking on air. She’d never experienced anything like it. Never had an orgasm so powerful it stole her breath. Collapsing on his chest, Tatiyana snuggled against him, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.
Looking drowsy, as if he was struggling to keep his eyes open, Markos wore a lopsided grin on his face. “That was hot.”
“You can say that again.”
“That was hot!”
They laughed, then shared another kiss.
“We better get back to the VIP room before your family comes looking for us.”
“They won’t. Did you see all the dirty dancing that was going on? I’ll be surprised if they even noticed we were gone.” Markos reached out, drawing his fingertips over her cheeks. “Spend the night with me.”
Tatiyana blinked, couldn’t believe what she was seeing and hearing. By all accounts Markos was a player, a man with a bevy of beautiful women at his beck and call, so the loving expression on his face, and his gentle tone threw her for a loop. Tongue-tied, her head spinning, she searched her mind for the right words to say. “I don’t do sleepovers.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to confuse what this was. It was a quickie. Nothing more.”
Sadness flickered in his eyes, but he spoke with bravado, as if he couldn’t care less. “Cool,” he said, coughing into his fist. “No worries. I just thought I’d ask. No big deal.”
But it was. His jovial mood disappeared, and Tatiyana felt like the biggest jerk on the planet. She’d hurt his feelings, and if she didn’t do something to make amends, he’d probably never speak to her again, and she had big plans for them tomorrow night.
Way to go! You pissed him off. Good one!
“We should head back to the party. It’s late, and I’m ready to return to the resort.”
His anger was evident in his narrowed gaze and stiff posture. Standing, Markos discarded the condom, and washed his hands in the sink.
To get back in his good graces, Tatiyana said, “That was amazing. You’re amazing. I hope we hook up again before you return to LA, because that was the best sex I’ve ever had, and I want more.”
“You do?”
“Absolutely. I’m going to have fun getting to know you better.”
Playing it cool, she adjusted her dress and fixed her ponytail. Tatiyana stood, but her legs were wobbly, making it impossible to walk. Scared her knees would give way, she braced her hands against the wall and waited for her limbs to quit shaking.
“Don’t worry, baby, I got you.”
Markos slid his hands around her waist, holding her tight. Gazing at him, she realized he was more than just a handsome face. He was a thoughtful, generous man, and it was obvious she’d misjudged him. He wasn’t the monster her mother had made him out to be—he cared about others, and it was evident in everything he said and did. Still, she couldn’t lose sight of her goals, of why she’d come to Tampa. It wasn’t to make a love connection with Markos, it was to help her kid sister. Her family was depending on her, and she wouldn’t let them down.
Chapter 6 (#ulink_c40183a7-1cd5-5882-8933-bb6dd2cc64cd)
On Saturday morning, Markos sat at the oak desk inside his executive suite willing his eyes to focus and his brain to work. At breakfast, he’d had three cups of strong, black coffee, but the drinks didn’t give him the energy boost he needed.
Markos yawned. He couldn’t go five minutes without nodding off, and felt tired and out of sorts. Three hours of sleep wasn’t enough. If his cell phone alarm hadn’t gone off at 9:00 a.m., he’d probably still be in bed dreaming about Tatiyana—his titillating one-night stand with the wicked sense of humor and delicious curves.
At the thought of her, a grin curled his lips. After their tryst, they’d returned to the VIP room and spent the rest of the night partying with his family. They liked her, and Markos did, too. They’d returned to the resort in the wee hours of the morning, high on life and each other. Against his better judgment, he’d invited Tatiyana to his room again for a nightcap. She’d declined, given him a peck on the lips, then disappeared inside her suite. He didn’t like it, wanted to spend the night with her, but had respected her decision. They were playing in the golf tournament that afternoon, but Markos wanted to see her now. She’d blown his mind last night, put it on him so bad he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Markos turned on his laptop and flipped open his monthly planner. If he didn’t finish his to-do list, he’d be swamped when he returned to LA, and he didn’t want to have to work late on Monday night; he wanted to attend Matteo’s soccer game. He loved his nephew and was looking forward to watching him play at Lincoln Park.
Waiting for his documents to load, he stretched his neck from side to side, flexing and cracking his muscles. Enough sitting around. He had motions to write, and he didn’t want to disappoint his clients—or himself. It was a challenge, but he put all thoughts of Tatiyana out of his mind and got down to work.
Two hours later, after several more cups of coffee, Markos had answered his emails, finished drafting a divorce settlement and had a brief video conference with Kassem. Having met while studying in college, Markos had known Kassem Glover for over a decade, and was proud of what his friend had accomplished. Kassem had offered to campaign on his behalf during the next election, and Markos appreciated his support. In his ten years of practicing law, he’d been called everything from a liar to a snake in an Armani suit, but he let the insults roll off his back. His clients appreciated his hard work and dedication, had promised to support his political endeavors and that was all that mattered.
Needing a break, Markos picked up his cell phone and reclined in his leather chair, crossing his legs at the ankles. He had ten new text messages from the surgeon. What did she want now? Caroline Walsh was the type of woman his father would like him to marry—educated, successful, born into a wealthy family—but she was an opportunist who was more interested in attending movie premiers than getting to know him as a person. They saw each other a couple times a month, and that suited Markos just fine. Caroline talked endlessly about her patients, droned on and on about the latest fashion trends, and the last time they’d had dinner he’d left the restaurant with a splitting headache.
As Markos scrolled through his text messages his iPhone rang, and he put it to his ear. “Morning,” he greeted, turning off his computer. “How are you?”
“Terrible. I miss you. When will you be back in LA?”
Convinced he’d misheard her, he stared down at his cell. “You miss me?”
“Baby, of course I do. It feels like you’ve been gone forever.”
“It’s been two days.”
“I wish you were here,” she replied. “I hate when we’re apart. It’s torture.”
“You never missed me when you traveled to South America in March with your girlfriends,” he pointed out. “You were gone for a month, but you never called. Not even once.”
“We weren’t a couple then.”
Markos choked on his tongue. “We’re a couple now?”
“Yes, silly!” She giggled as if he’d made a funny joke, but sobered quickly. “I’m just calling to remind you to get tickets for the Governor’s Masquerade Ball in October. They’re selling like hotcakes, and I don’t want us to miss the biggest social event of the year.”
“I already have tickets. The governor gave them to me the last time we played golf.”
“Perfect! Now, all I need is a dress and I’m good to go.”
Why? He took a swig of his lukewarm coffee. You’re not my date.
“I have my eye on a lace Valentino gown, but I can’t find it anywhere,” she complained. “I think a trip to New York is in order. Three or four days should suffice.”
“Have fun.”
“What do you mean, ‘have fun’? We’re going together.”
“No, we’re not. I have to work, and furthermore we’re not a couple. We’re just friends.”
“But I want to go to the Governor’s Masquerade Ball with you!” she protested, shouting her words.
Of course you do. You’re addicted to the limelight and you’ll do anything to rub shoulders with my A-list friends and clients. “I have to go. We’ll talk soon.”
“Markos, wait, I love you!”
He laughed out loud, couldn’t believe Caroline thought she could fool him. “You don’t love me. You love my wealth and status—”
Caroline gave a shaky laugh. “That’s ridiculous. I adore you. You know that.”
“Okay, humor me,” he said, deciding to put her to the test. “What’s my favorite drink?”
“No. Rum and Coke.” The phone on the end table rang, but Markos ignored it. He wanted to know if Caroline was as self-absorbed as he thought she was, and he wasn’t letting her off the hook until she answered his questions. “What’s my nephew’s name?”
“Wrong again. Matteo.” Annoyed, Markos shook his head. “Where was I born?”
“I know! Somewhere in Italy.”
“We’ve known each other for over a year, but you still know nothing about me.”
“That’s a lie. I do,” Caroline argued, speaking in a confident tone. “You’re a partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in the state, you have vacation homes in Ibiza, Saint Tropez and Palm Springs, and you have an impressive sports car collection as well.”
Yeah, but none of those things matter. Material things don’t mean shit to me.
“We’re going to the Governor’s Masquerade Ball together,” she insisted. “Everyone’s expecting us to be there, and as my man, you have to ensure I look my best. We’re going to New York next weekend so I can get the perfect gown, shoes and jewelry.”
“I can’t drop everything to take you shopping out east. I’m an attorney, Caroline, not a stylist or a human ATM.”
“Do you want to be my boyfriend or not?” she snapped, her tone thick with anger.
“Not.” Ending the call, he tossed his cell phone into his briefcase. His stomach grumbled, reminding him he needed to eat, and he rose to his feet. Markos was starving, hankering for a steak burger from the resort sports bar, but first he needed to shower.
A sharp knock on the door drew his gaze across the room. It was probably Immanuel. His brother was an early riser, who exercised first thing in the morning, and Markos wouldn’t be surprised if Dionne was at his side. These days, the couple went everywhere together and when they were apart, Immanuel looked lost, sadder than a kid who’d lost his lucky dollar.
Crossing the room, Markos noted how bright it was outside. The sun was shining, promising another gorgeous day in Cigar City, and a fragrant aroma wafted into the suite through the open windows. He opened the door, expecting to see his brother, but his gaze landed on Tatiyana. She was clad in a floral hair scarf, purple bikini top and a white, flouncy skirt, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her big, beautiful breasts were spilling out of her flimsy top, tempting him. Markos pictured himself burying his face in her décolletage, could almost taste her nipples inside his mouth, and swallowed hard.
“Hey, you!” she said with a radiant smile. “I brought lunch...”
At the sound of her cheery voice, Markos broke free of his explicit thoughts. Tearing his gaze away from her cleavage, he noticed the food cart in front of her. A sweet, piquant aroma tickled his nose, and Markos licked his lips. Forget lunch, he thought, his hungry gaze sliding down Tatiyana’s mouth-watering curves. Let’s start with dessert...
“I apologize for dropping by unannounced, but I called your room several times with no luck. I figured you were hard at work and could probably use a break.”
A group of bare-chested men in swim trunks approached, talking loudly, but conversation stopped when they spotted Tatiyana. They gawked at her, drooling all over themselves, but she paid them no mind and gave him her undivided attention.
“I hate eating alone. You have to keep me company.”
Images of her naked body flashed in his mind, derailing his thoughts. Seconds passed before his head cleared, and he reunited with his voice. “I’d be honored. Nothing beats having lunch with a smart, captivating woman.”
“Not even winning a huge court case?”
“Not even wining a huge court case,” he repeated, speaking from the heart.
Stepping aside, he watched as Tatiyana strode into his suite, switching her hips.
“I wanted to thank you for last night, so I hijacked a room-service cart and here I am.” Tatiyana lifted the covers off the entrées with a flourish. “I hope you like Chinese food because I brought wonton soup, sweet and sour pork, shrimp fried rice and spring rolls.”
“Everything sounds delicious. Let’s eat!”
Within minutes, the coffee table was covered with plates, utensils and alcohol from the minibar. Over lunch, Tatiyana entertained him with stories about her childhood, books she’d read and loved, and her volunteer work at the Los Angeles Women’s Shelter.
Opening a bottle of wine, Tatiyana asked Markos about his educational and professional background. Markos loved his job, enjoyed talking shop and was impressed with her questions. She had an opinion about everything, wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, and argued her point with the skill of a seasoned attorney.

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