Read online book «Claimed By The Rancher» author Jules Bennett

Claimed By The Rancher
Jules Bennett
Just how far is this wealthy rancher willing to go for his pregnant lover?Their years apart haven't diminished Nolan Elliott's desire for Pepper Manning. Even knowing she's pregnant with another man's baby, the rancher can't stay away. He didn't claim her when she needed him so long ago and the sting of losing her, and their child, still resonates.With custody of her unborn baby now in jeopardy, Nolan vows to use his wealth and power to give Pepper everything she wants. That means proposing a marriage…in name only. But is that a vow the rancher stands any chance of keeping?

Just how far is this wealthy rancher willing to go for his pregnant lover?
Their years apart haven’t diminished Nolan Elliott’s desire for Pepper Manning. Even knowing she’s pregnant with another man’s baby, the rancher can’t stay away. He didn’t claim her when she needed him so long ago and the sting of losing her, and their child, still resonates.
With custody of her unborn baby now in jeopardy, Nolan vows to use his wealth and power to give Pepper everything she wants. That means proposing a name only. But is that a vow the rancher stands any chance of keeping?
Claimed by the Rancher is part of The Rancher’s Heirs series.
“I’m going to help you through this and you’re going to put the past aside and let me.”
“Put the past aside?” She jerked out of his hold and took a step back. “It’s not that simple, Nolan.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he corrected. “I know we have unresolved issues, but for now, we need to work on your current situation.”
“Fine. What’s your miraculous plan?”
Pepper stared back at him with those wide, expressive eyes. This was the same woman he’d fallen in love with as a teen, the woman he’d thought he’d spend his life with and the woman who had carried his child. Yeah, they had quite a bit left to hash out between them and throwing this bomb onto that already smoldering fire was only going to complicate matters further.
Nolan closed the space between them. “We’re getting married.”
* * *
Claimed by the Rancher is part of The Rancher’s Heirs series— Loyalty and family mean everything to these Texas men and the women who tame them.
Claimed by the Rancher
Jules Bennett (
National bestselling author JULES BENNETT has penned over forty contemporary romance novels. She lives in the Midwest with her high-school-sweetheart husband and their two kids. Jules can often be found on Twitter chatting with readers, and you can also connect with her via her website, (
To my plot angels for this story:
Elaine Spencer and Melissa Jeglinski.
Cover (#u97837ea2-20dd-5be5-99cb-a2e11f6c8356)
Back Cover Text (#u8d30377a-02c0-54e9-9d79-07833587eacf)
Introduction (#ud63507cd-d3fb-5ae5-b35b-d4f4adc7bfb3)
Title Page (#u2b240a0c-7a5b-5a3b-bb7d-0f18f11ec8f1)
About the Author (#uf69cd8c2-4ca7-559e-8958-ddbe204b9efe)
Dedication (#ubf1f648a-2512-5e85-b897-7cea5379252d)
Chapter One (#u9355f645-23a5-5c4f-8dbc-13e21b83460a)
Chapter Two (#uea8d46e9-8888-595a-849a-b2d7a3e6689b)
Chapter Three (#uf24c4efa-8a08-5c96-ac31-212c1fd7022e)
Chapter Four (#u58cf72ee-0391-5cc7-8d69-07aecdf9eb02)
Chapter Five (#u375182d1-42b8-5a51-a7ad-aae952fd685f)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seventeen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eighteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nineteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
One (#ufecb0958-231e-578d-81df-4e457eeed325)
The bell on the door to Painted Pansies chimed, and nerves danced in Pepper Manning’s stomach. Opening a shop with her one-of-a-kind paintings and unique fresh floral bouquets had been on her bucket list for some time. She might be a drifter, a free spirit of sorts, but her creativity—her ability to make something from nothing—was what really drove her.
Coming back to Stone River, Texas, however, would take some master creative skills. She would certainly be making something from nothing—a business, a home to call her own. Pepper had always loved this town, so it made sense for her to make this the place where she started the next chapter in her life.
Besides, time was not on her side.
If she hadn’t had anyone else to think about, she could’ve chosen a different town to settle into, but in five short months, she’d be a mother.
A single mother with no one else to turn to for support.
Pasting a smile on her face, Pepper stepped through the doorway from the back room and her entire world came to a halt.
The man standing at the display of cheery tangerine roses had Pepper gripping the edge of the door frame. That profile, the black cowboy hat, those narrow hips she’d once known so well...
No. This was too soon. She needed more time. How could she be thrust into her past already? Though she’d been in town a month, this was her first day launching her brand-new business.
She’d assumed he most likely still lived in town because of his family’s ranch and vast holdings, but she hadn’t geared herself up to face him just yet.
Would she ever be ready to face the man who broke her heart at the most vulnerable time of her life? The man she’d been so certain she’d be spending her life with.
Before she could muster up some generic greeting, Nolan Elliott’s gaze swept around the shop and then landed on her.
The flare in his eyes calmed her somewhat, as he was plainly just as stunned to see her as she was to see him. He quickly masked his emotions as he took a step toward her. She sighed despite herself. Apparently some things never changed.
That low, sexy drawl of his hadn’t changed over the years. He still managed to make her toes curl with that piercing blue gaze and those strong, broad shoulders. And that mouth. He’d done plenty to make her squirm with that mouth, too.
“I had no idea you were back in town.”
Thankfully, the tall cash wrap separated them. Pepper stepped forward, leaning her hands against the edge. She needed a little support.
“I’ve been back about a month,” she replied. Small talk, she could do that. “I took a few weeks to make this place my own, so this is my first official day open.”
He glanced around again, and she hated how she waited to get his approval. She’d given up letting Nolan Elliott have any control of her mind or her heart years ago when she left town...or so she’d thought. Yet somewhere deep inside her lingered that young, naive girl who thought this man was her everything. She knew better now, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate how undeniably sexy he still was.
“This is a nice store. Good location, too.”
The old two-story brick building had belonged to her grandparents decades ago. They’d never sold it and her free-spirited, nomadic parents had no interest in staying. Granted, she didn’t necessarily want the building, either, but with her funds at an all-time low, she had no choice.
“I assume you’re in need of flowers? Or were you here to look at the paintings?” she asked, hoping to move this process along because having Nolan this close, where she could see him, inhale all that tantalizing brought back an onslaught of feelings she just couldn’t handle right now.
“Flowers,” he replied easily, as if he wasn’t torn up on the inside. Clearly the memories weren’t threatening to strangle him like they were her. He’d pushed her away and obviously moved on without a second thought. “But this artwork is exceptional. I remember how much you loved painting.”
He should remember because she’d tried to teach him...and that had ended up a disaster with paint all over them, which led to the best shower sex of her life. Well, the only shower sex, but regardless, the experience had been epic.
Nolan examined another canvas with bright flowers before bringing that heavy-lidded blue gaze back to her. He tipped up his black cowboy hat, a familiar move she’d seen him do countless times. Only he wasn’t the same cowboy he’d been when she left. Now he was a big, broody, powerfully built man, hotter than she’d ever thought possible.
Being a member of the prestigious Elliott clan didn’t hurt him, either. Gorgeous and wealthy were a lethal combination. He’d been both of those when she’d loved him before, but that had nothing to do with how fast and hard she’d fallen for him. He’d been so much more than her boyfriend, her lover. He’d been her very best friend and she’d thought her soul mate.
After she left, she’d wondered if it was all real, if her emotions were just those of a guileless young woman who hadn’t any life experience yet. Unfortunately, she’d done too much thinking since she’d been gone.
Pepper wasn’t sure what all he’d done in the past few years—she’d purposely distanced herself to keep the pain at bay. She did know that, despite his privileged upbringing, Nolan had wanted more out of life than ranching. He’d been determined to help others. And it was that damn career goal that had ultimately been the catalyst that ripped them apart.
Nolan’s lifelong dream had wedged its way between them and had him choosing his unknown future over her. Over their family.
The Elliotts were one of the wealthiest families in Texas, probably the country. Pepper had loved their home on Pebblebrook Ranch. She’d once envisioned a life there, a life with Nolan and their baby. The two of them had even designed a home together and she’d thought for sure they’d live happily ever after surrounded by puppy dogs and rainbows. That was how naive she’d been, because she’d never once considered that something could rip them apart.
But something had and all of those dreams had been stripped away, leaving her with nothing but a shattered heart.
Nolan moved back to the display of roses, giving her a full visual of those tight jeans over slim hips. Pepper closed her eyes, took several deep, calming breaths and willed the memories to go away. She was trying to rebuild her life, not get swept up in the darkest moments of her past.
She’d known she’d come face-to-face with him eventually. Heck, she’d even played out the scene in her mind. But nothing had prepared her for the crushing reality of the actual moment.
“Roses are too typical for a first date.”
Pepper swallowed. Of course he’d be shopping for a lady... Why else would a man come into her shop? And she wasn’t stupid. Nolan was a very attractive man, a rich rancher to boot—what woman wouldn’t want to go out with him?
Still, why did she have to be privy to his wooing tactics? That was just more salt in the wound that had never healed.
But she’d opened this business for a much-needed fresh start, and she needed it to be a success. Which meant she had to cater to all clientele so she could start making money. No matter who walked through her door.
Pepper pulled on her professional panties and squared her shoulders. “What type of lady is she? Does she have hobbies? That can tell me quite a bit about a person, if I know her interests.”
And if this faceless woman had an interest in Nolan, Pepper already knew enough...and she hated her with a fiery passion.
Nolan turned toward her once again. “She works at the hospital with me. I’m not sure what she does outside of that.”
Her heart hitched in her throat. So he had fulfilled that dream of becoming a doctor after all. He’d followed through and now had everything he’d ever wanted. Nolan was the type of man to never let any obstacle get in his matter who he hurt in the process.
“I assumed you’d still be ranching at Pebblebrook.” She hadn’t meant to let that thought slip out.
“I help out when I can. That’s definitely Colt’s area of expertise.” Nolan crossed his arms over that powerfully broad chest, and Pepper had to force her eyes to remain on his. “I’m a surgeon at Mercy Hospital, so my schedule can be crazy at times.”
A cowboy and a doctor? Did he have to up that sex appeal by telling her this? No doubt this woman was a cute little perky nurse. She probably also had a perfect waistline and could fasten a pair of size-two jeans.
Drawing in a deep breath, Pepper smoothed her tank over her round abdomen. The most comfortable things for her these days were her long flowy skirts and her tanks. Anything that stretched along with her belly.
“Okay, then. Let’s not do roses,” she suggested. “What about a variety of colors in a bouquet? I have a few options over here with some tulips or some with daisies. Tulips are classy. Daisies are more fun.”
She moved from behind the counter and started for the front of her shop. But she’d taken only a few steps when she heard Nolan’s swift intake of breath.
That past she’d hoped to never face again had officially hit her square in the face.
* * *
Nolan prided himself on control and the ability to think on his feet and hide his emotions. For a rancher and skilled surgeon, there was no other way to live.
But seeing Pepper Manning with a baby bump had knocked the air right out of if seeing her after ten years wasn’t enough. She was still just as breathtaking as he remembered. Then again, their sizzling physical attraction and sexual compatibility had never been the issue.
No...those aspects of their relationship were beyond compare. He exhaled roughly, rubbing a hand across his stubbled jaw, as the memories assailed him. His fear of commitment at such a young age and the pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage were what had ultimately torn them apart. It had all been too much, too soon, and to say he hadn’t handled things well would be a vast understatement.
But he’d been afraid. That fear had spawned his actions and he’d been too prideful to admit it. Ultimately, he’d let everything go in an attempt to save himself. He’d never forgiven himself, but he sure as hell didn’t want to dredge up all of that now. He’d moved on, and it was obvious Pepper had, too.
Even so, having her so close yet being unable to reach out and touch her was difficult. She personified beauty, and she’d captured his heart once, so long ago...but he wasn’t sure that man existed anymore. The miscarriage had broken something inside him that had never fully healed.
Pepper was clearly stronger than she’d been years ago. Her beauty was just one of the things he’d loved about her. Her inner strength was definitely another. But seeing her now, ready to move forward with a child, only proved she’d handled the situation better than he had.
She had always wanted a family; he’d always wanted to be a surgeon. Dreams they hadn’t discussed because they’d been too caught up in the euphoric throes of young love. The type of love that naive couples felt could carry them through anything. Obviously that had turned out to be a bold-faced lie.
His eyes raked over her again from head to toe. How could she be just as stunning, just as vibrant, as ever? Her curves were still as alluring, her breasts fuller than before due to the pregnancy, and her long mahogany hair still hung like silk over her shoulders. His hands itched to feel those exquisitely soft strands gliding through his fingers.
Nolan cursed himself for allowing the past to rush up and assault him, but Pepper had always managed to wield control over him like no other woman before or since.
Now he couldn’t help but wonder if there was a husband or significant other in the picture. Not that it was any of his concern, but...was there? Despite everything, he found himself wanting to know everything that had transpired since she’d left. He had zero rights to her life, but that didn’t stop the intrigue from creeping in.
Pepper clasped her hands together just below her abdomen, the bangle bracelets jingling on her arms. She’d always had a thing for jewelry, he remembered fondly. Then her dark eyes suddenly held his as if she dared him to make a comment. Nolan hardened his jaw. He’d never backed down from a challenge before and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let the unbidden memories overpower him now. He’d come too far, had everything he ever wanted. Every bit of angst that settled between them was from a different time, a different life.
He’d literally given up everything to be where he was today. There was no looking back, no time to dwell on the regrets that always seemed to be just below the surface.
“Congratulations,” he said, offering her a tense smile.
For a fraction of a second, her eyes narrowed. But then she nodded. “Thank you.”
Those memories might be from another chapter in their lives, but they’d left so much unresolved. He’d gotten angry, broken things off, she’d left town...and that was pretty much the end of it.
Stubborn male pride had kept him from searching for her, and with his money he could’ve hired anyone and found her in record time. But he hadn’t. She’d left to get as far away from him as possible, and like a fool, he’d let her go.
They’d said some hurtful things after the miscarriage, things he continued to cringe over when he thought about them. But the damage had been done; they’d strayed too far from the blissfully in-love couple they’d once been.
Nolan didn’t see a ring on her finger, but that didn’t mean anything. Regardless of the fact he shouldn’t care, he wanted to know more. He was just getting reacquainted with an old friend...that was all, he reassured himself.
Though at one time they’d been so much more.
“Where are you living now?” he asked casually.
“Upstairs, actually. It’s a small apartment, but perfect for me, and it saves money.”
Perfect for me. That told him all he needed to know about a man in her life. There wasn’t one. Instant relief swept through him, which was hypocritical considering he was here to buy a gift for another woman.
Still, Pepper had a story and he wanted to know every detail.
No! No, he didn’t. He was here to get flowers for his date and that was all. Then he would head home and catch some sleep. After a traumatic night in the OR, he needed to regroup. Maybe he’d take his favorite stallion out later for a ride so he could unwind and think.
His dinner date would certainly revive him. Nolan had asked this particular nurse out months ago, but their schedules had just now lined up.
“How far along are—”
“This bouquet would be perfect.” She cut him off. Clearly, he was not welcome in her personal space. “There’s a few peonies, roses and lisianthuses.”
“I’ll take it. Go ahead and pick out another bouquet.”
Her dark brow quirked as she shot him a side glance. “For tomorrow’s date?”
He bit back an oath. This unexpected reunion needed to come to an end. No good could possibly come of it, no matter how irresistibly drawn he still was to this woman. Need he remind himself that he was the one who’d let her go? He’d thought at first that might have been a mistake, but over time, as he grew up, he’d realized it had been the right thing to do.
They had been ripped apart by grief and they wanted different things. He had no right to be carrying a torch for her after so long. Even if, in all honesty, seeing her pregnant hit him in a way he couldn’t quite explain.
“Actually, Colt’s fiancée’s birthday is in two days.”
Pepper’s features softened at the mention of his baby brother. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine.” He reached forward, taking a premade pink vase with blooms of all sizes and colors. “She’d love this one.”
Silence settled between them and Nolan couldn’t pull his gaze away from hers. They were practically strangers now, but he knew those eyes. They’d always been so expressive and now was no different. He’d never met anyone else with eyes such a mesmerizing shade of dark gray. Pepper was definitely one of a kind.
Weariness reflected back at him now, though, and he couldn’t help wondering what she was facing right now. She was alone, and that tidbit of information didn’t sit well with him.
There were too many parallels to the last time he’d seen her, so it was impossible not to be swept up in nostalgia and bittersweet memories.
Pepper was all woman now, however. There was a level of maturity, almost an underlying stubbornness, that hadn’t been there before. The defiant tilt of her chin, the rigid shoulders, as if she dared him to bring up the past. Fine by him. He was all for living in the here and now... He just hadn’t expected to do it with her back in Stone River.
“I honestly didn’t expect to see you this soon,” she muttered. “It’s harder than I thought.”
Nolan swallowed...that guilt he’d been so good at tamping down suddenly threatening to overcome him.
“If this is too difficult—”
“No.” She shook her head. “We’ve moved on. It’s fine, just...different.”
She pushed her dark, satiny hair back with her hand, those bangles jingling again as she pasted on a smile. “Is this all you need? Two bouquets?”
“Give me your favorite painting,” he added impulsively. “It will be the perfect gift for Annabelle.”
“Colt’s fiancée?”
Nolan nodded. “She’s quite the cook and she has twin daughters, Emily and Lucy.”
Just as he’d hoped, Pepper’s smile widened. He hadn’t anticipated the punch of lust to his gut, though. What the hell?
This smoldering attraction was not welcome. Not. At. All. Memories were one thing, but layering in this fierce, unwanted need was simply not smart. Damn his libido.
“Sounds like Colt is a lucky man.”
If a man wanted a family, sure. Colt and Annabelle were perfect together and had found solace in each other during a tough time. When Annabelle’s father had literally gambled away their home to Colt, the two had sparred for a while before realizing they were crazy in love.
Love worked for some people, not for Nolan. Saving lives and being his own boss were more than rewarding as far as he was concerned. He’d tried the whole relationship thing with Pepper...and look where that had gotten him.
All he needed to do was continue on the way he had: dating, working, living day to day...ignoring that niggle of emptiness that crept up and choked him on occasion.
Nolan was more eager than ever to get to his date. He’d booked reservations at the classiest restaurant about an hour away and if things went as planned, he’d have no trouble taking her back to her place after. Because no woman ever went to his home. Ever. That was his sanctuary, a space he’d built on the back of Pebblebrook for privacy. That house held a special place in his heart and the reason why was standing right in front of him carrying another man’s baby.
After glancing at his purchases spread out on the counter, Nolan pulled out his credit card. Once he had the items paid for, he slid the painting beneath his arm and grabbed the two vases. “Thanks, Pepper.”
She folded her hands on the counter and nodded. “You’re welcome. Be sure to tell your friends where to get gifts for their ladies.”
“I definitely will.” He swallowed hard, deciding to go ahead and tell her what was weighing on his mind. “I’m sorry. I know I said that a long time ago, but...”
Her lids lowered for a second. Then she blew out a breath and met his gaze again. “It’s over, Nolan. I’m focusing on my baby, this new life I’m rebuilding. I can’t look back.”
Rebuilding. How many times had she done that since he’d left her? Pepper had always been such a vibrant woman, always happy and smiling. The loss of their child had dimmed her spark, and the way he broke things off had doused what little flicker of light had remained. He’d often wondered over the years if she’d ever found joy again...or who she’d found it with.
More potential heartbreak was definitely something he couldn’t and didn’t want to deal with. The risk was too great to even entertain such thoughts.
They’d both done exactly what they’d set out to do. He was damn happy being a doctor and a rancher. And his bachelor status would remain intact. He was getting ready to help Colt gear up to open Pebblebrook as a dude ranch, so any spare time he had was taken.
“I wish you the best,” he stated, the blasted guilt settling heavy in his chest. “See you around.”
“Yeah, see you,” she said softly.
With one final nod, Nolan headed out the door. He couldn’t get out of Painted Pansies fast enough. Sleep deprivation could cause a man to start thinking about things, decisions he’d made and everything he’d given up to seek success.
But Nolan didn’t have regrets on the path he’d taken. He did regret hurting Pepper, though, so much it cut him to the core. At one time he would’ve done anything for her, but in the end, they’d wanted different things and he couldn’t be what she wanted.
Nothing had changed since then, either. He’d opted not to have a family after they lost their child. He wouldn’t say he shut down exactly, but he’d certainly reevaluated what he desired in life and he knew for certain he wished never to go through that kind of anguish again.
Nolan carefully set the arrangements on the back floorboard of his SUV. This quaint shop Pepper had was perfect for her. For as long as he’d known her, she’d had a flare for art and creativity. She’d been a dreamer, one of the things he’d loved most about her.
Without looking back to see inside the wide storefront window, Nolan forced himself to move forward. Wasn’t that what he’d always done? Pushed onward, no matter what was going on internally. That was what made him one of the best doctors around. He could compartmentalize his feelings and turn them off when needed.
The jumbled emotions he had after seeing Pepper were absolutely not something he was ready to matter how attractive she still was. So he’d shut those feelings down, just like he had the last time he saw her.
Two (#ufecb0958-231e-578d-81df-4e457eeed325)
The aftermath of this date was quite the opposite of what Nolan had initially planned. But cutting the evening short had been his idea...and he was still second-guessing his decision.
He’d taken his date home and dropped her off with a lackluster kiss good-night. In hindsight, he could’ve put more enthusiasm into the kiss and should’ve been whisking her off her feet and to the nearest bed. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been in the right frame of mind for a sexual romp or even dessert. He’d feigned not feeling well, when the reality was, he’d spent his entire night envisioning another woman.
Damn it. Pepper had barely stepped back into town and now he was totally off his game. Well, technically, she’d told him she’d been back a month, but he’d only seen her this morning. Bottom line...he’d not had any heads-up on her return. Clearly he’d been too busy working to familiarize himself with the latest gossip running amok in Stone River.
But deep down, he knew nothing could’ve mentally prepared him for how he’d feel when he saw Pepper after ten long years. Hell, he wasn’t sure he could even put a name to it.
Nolan found himself heading toward Painted Pansies before he recognized what he was doing. Why was he even on this road? This was quite a bit out of the way of his home on Pebblebrook Ranch.
Thankfully, he was off tomorrow, because he knew he’d be up all night trying to figure out why in tarnation he was getting so—
What the hell?
Nolan saw the flames in the distance, but as he got closer, he realized they were shooting out the top-floor window of Pepper’s building. They were small and only in the front, but nonetheless, fear gripped him like nothing he’d ever known.
In his line of work, Nolan was used to making life-and-death decisions under pressure. But this felt different, like a vise around his chest. With adrenaline pumping, he quickly dialed 911. Then he pulled off the road, rattled off the address, and raced from his SUV toward the back of Painted Pansies.
As he rounded the corner, he saw Pepper attempting to crawl out the window and onto the roof of the back porch.
“Pepper!” he shouted. “The fire department is on the way. Climb onto the roof and I’ll help you from there.”
She threw a look over her shoulder, and Nolan’s heart clenched. Pepper’s face was filled with pure terror and she held one hand protectively over her abdomen. He couldn’t think about that right now; he couldn’t focus on the fact she’d lost one baby already and was most likely petrified as she tried to get out of this situation without causing harm to her unborn child.
All that mattered right now was getting her away from this fire. Nolan heard the approaching sirens and relief trickled through him.
“Come on,” he urged. “You’re almost to the roof.”
Cautiously, she let go of the window ledge and crawled on her hands and knees over the roof until she reached the edge. She stared down at him as if she was afraid to jump.
“I’ll catch you,” he told her as he extended his arms. When she hesitated, he felt that adrenaline surge. “Pepper, come on.”
“I can’t fall,” she cried.
“You won’t,” he assured her, knowing he’d never let her get hurt. “I promise.”
And now was not the time to analyze the fact he’d hurt her immensely once before.
Sirens grew louder, but Nolan didn’t take his eyes off her. She eased closer to the edge and gave him another look, and he nodded, silently pleading for her to trust him.
It seemed like slow motion, but Nolan knew the time it took her to let go and fall into his arms was only a mere couple of seconds. He cradled her against his chest and ran back to his SUV. His pulse continued to pound fast, but not from carrying her. Pepper didn’t weigh much; she’d always been petite. His work as a part-time rancher demanded he be physically fit, so even pregnant, she wasn’t putting a strain on his muscles.
“I can walk,” she told him breathlessly, but her arms encircled his neck as he crossed the street.
“And I can carry you. Did you get hurt? Inhale too much smoke?”
Pepper shook her head. “No. I was getting ready for bed when I smelled smoke and came out of the bathroom to see the front curtains in flames.”
A chill coursed through his veins. What if she’d been asleep? What if she hadn’t gotten out in time? What would she have done had he not been driving by? Would anyone have been around to help?
She trembled against him, and he instantly recognized the shock. The fire truck pulled up and in an instant the firefighters were working on the flames, which still seemed to be only in the front of the second story. An ambulance arrived right after, and Nolan swiftly carried her over.
“I’m Dr. Nolan Elliott.” He addressed the two EMTs who came around to open the back of the ambulance. “I don’t believe she was inside long, but I want her to have oxygen and be taken in immediately. I’ll follow and get her admitted.”
“I don’t need to be admitted,” she argued, but Nolan ignored her protest. She wasn’t in charge here.
“She’s pregnant,” Nolan went on as he stepped up into the back, still holding her in his arms. He lowered her down onto the cot. “How far along?”
Her dark eyes met his and he had to ignore everything that had happened between them up until now. She was a patient. He had to compartmentalize.
“Seventeen weeks. Nolan, I don’t think—”
“Oxygen,” he said as one of the medics climbed in on the other side. “I’ll meet you at the ER entrance.”
Pepper gripped his arm as the oxygen mask was placed over her nose and mouth. She pulled it aside and shook her head.
“I don’t need you there and I don’t need to be admitted,” she insisted. “I wasn’t in the apartment that long. I’m not coughing and I’m not light-headed. I’m fine.”
“And you’re positive your baby is?” he retorted.
Her eyes narrowed but he didn’t care if he angered her. In his years at Mercy, he’d seen it all and he wasn’t taking a chance with Pepper and a baby...not again. Even though this wasn’t his child, he wouldn’t risk it.
Damn his desire to protect her.
“I’ll go get checked out, only for the baby.” Her hold tightened on his arm. “But you’re not coming. I don’t need you there.”
Nolan stared at her another minute but didn’t say a word. Finally, he met the gaze of the medic and nodded. No way was Nolan going to let her go alone. No matter what Pepper wanted, right now someone was going to look out for her and her child.
And it seemed he was the chosen one.
* * *
“This is ridiculous.”
Pepper realized her argument was in vain. But as she sat in the passenger seat of Nolan’s extremely flashy SUV heading up the drive to Pebblebrook, she also knew she had little choice but to go along with his plan.
Well, actually, he hadn’t planned, more like steamrolled. After he’d shown up at the hospital, despite her repeated requests that he stay away, he’d informed her he’d be taking her to his house to rest because it was nearly two in the morning and she couldn’t go back to her apartment.
Her apartment. The one place she was going to try to set down roots, to build a life for her baby.
Yet here she was pregnant and temporarily homeless until she found out what damage had been done by the fire. Oh, and she was back with the one man who’d crushed her heart and her spirit and turned his back on her when she needed him most.
It went without saying that she’d had better days. Like the day she’d broken her arm in two places after she’d gone hiking and attempted to climb a vine over a ravine. Even then she was having a better time than she was now.
“I don’t want to stay with you.”
Nolan grunted and continued up the drive. Pebblebrook was exactly like she remembered. Magnificent, with rolling white fencing flanking the drive, the three-story main house was adorned with porches extending across the top two floors. The stables, which were nicer than most homes, brought back memories. Memories of spending evenings in the hayloft, riding horses over the acreage, sharing hopes and dreams.
They’d failed to discuss the one dream that had ultimately come between them, but that was water under the bridge. Pepper firmly believed everything happened for a reason... If only she could figure out why she was here now with Nolan.
“You tell me a logical place to drop you off in the middle of the night and I’ll consider it.”
Pepper crossed her arms and continued to stare out the window into the darkness. She really didn’t care that she was acting like a child. After all, who could blame her? She was tired, scared, worried of what the future would hold for her as a single mother. Once again she’d gotten tangled up with a man who wanted nothing to do with a family or her. But at least this time she hadn’t been in love.
Although she didn’t need a man to complete her life or to help her raise the baby, she was sorry this child would never know his or her father. But Pepper was confident her child would be loved and cared for and would never feel the void.
“That’s what I thought,” Nolan muttered when she failed to answer him. “Now, you need to quit being stubborn and just relax for tonight.”
“Stubborn? Relax?” Pepper whipped around in her seat. “I’m not stubborn, you jerk. You pushed your way into the ER—”
“I actually flashed a smile at the charge nurse.”
Rage boiled within her. “Just because you work there doesn’t give you the right to steamroll me into agreeing to this.”
“I didn’t steamroll anybody,” he said as he made a sharp curve in the drive. “I merely stated that you could be admitted or come home with me. Those were your two options whether you liked them or not. You have no other place to crash tonight.”
Pepper scowled. As if she needed the reminder. She’d been racking her brain trying to work out what had happened in her apartment. She’d been burning some new melts she’d made that afternoon, but she was positive she’d turned off the warmer before she got into the shower. Hadn’t she?
“I won’t be your charity case so you can feel better about yourself over how you treated me in the past.”
There. She’d laid it out there. Pepper didn’t want there to be any question about where they stood. Because the truth was, she’d moved on. And the fact that the sight of Dr. Nolan Elliott made her weak in the knees and brought up so many unforgettable memories, both bad and good, didn’t mean anything. She was a different woman now. And he was a different man.
But the way he wanted to come to her aid warmed something inside her...something she couldn’t afford to let herself feel ever again.
“I’m not doing this out of some warped sense of redemption, Pepper,” he told her. “I have seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms. Stay here as long as you want until you make alternate arrangements. I won’t even know you’re there.”
Yeah, but she’d know he was there. Did he truly believe she’d be comfortable on his turf? And why on earth had he built such a huge home when he was single? Had he married after she’d left? Pepper had purposely distanced herself from him and not doubled back to find out what Nolan had done with his life. She didn’t want to know if he’d found another woman, created a life with her, had children. Because as hard as it was to admit, she feared that if he’d gone forward and had a family, she wouldn’t have recovered from the crushing blow.
So, one night together was more than enough. Besides, she had more important things to contend with than licking old wounds. Like figuring out where to go if her apartment was a total loss. She only prayed the fire department was able to spare her shop because there was no plan B for income.
“I’m only staying tonight because I’m exhausted.”
A two-story stone home came into view and Pepper’s heart clenched with sorrow. Granted, it was dark, but the spotlights illuminated the incredible home enough to send her falling back into yet another memory.
This was the dream home they’d planned together. Everything from the stone facade to the thick wood columns leading up to the second-story porch. And if he’d stuck to the original plans, those doors on the top floor led straight to one impressive master suite, with a matching master suite at the other end of the hall.
He’d gone through with every plan they’d made...and he’d done so without her, as if she’d never had a place in his life at all.
Pepper covered her abdomen with her hands as Nolan pulled into an attached four-car garage. Of course each bay was filled with another impressive vehicle. A work truck, which looked fresh off the showroom floor, a sporty car and another SUV. Why did one man need this many cars and this large of a home?
Pepper wasn’t a shrink, but she also wasn’t naive. Clearly Nolan was trying to either compensate for something or fill a void in his life, and she was pretty sure he didn’t need to overcompensate for anything.
And now, to add fuel to the fire, she was spending the night with the one man she didn’t want to be attracted to, shouldn’t be attracted to. But there was no denying Nolan was still just as sexy, just as powerfully commanding in that irresistible way that made her breath catch in her throat and her palms grow damp.
“You built our home.” The words slipped out before she could stop them and now they hovered in the air between them.
“It’s the only home I ever saw here,” he replied.
Pepper turned in her seat. The garage lights lit up the interior of the SUV and she preferred when things were dark. From this angle she saw too much—and she worried what he’d see when he looked back at her.
She started to ask him more but decided none of his life was her business. He’d made that abundantly apparent, and she needed to remember that. Just because he’d rescued her from her burning building and hadn’t left her side since, didn’t mean he wanted to revisit their past. And she had too much on her plate to even think like this.
Clearly, she was exhausted.
“Pepper, I—”
“Just show me to my room.” His blue eyes met hers, and Pepper held her breath. He still had the power to make her tremble without so much as a word. “I’m tired and need my rest. I have a big day tomorrow assessing damage and talking to the insurance and fire department.”
He gave her a clipped nod. “I’ll go with you.”
“You’re not going with me.” Did he really think she needed someone to hold her hand?
She took in his dress shirt, his dark jeans, and realization slammed into her. Pepper closed her eyes and pulled in a breath. “Your date... I hope this didn’t ruin anything.”
“I’d already dropped her off when I was heading home.”
For reasons Pepper didn’t want to delve into, she was glad to know the recipient of the mixed bouquet went home alone.
“Well...if I didn’t say it earlier, thanks.”
Nolan stared at her another minute, his eyes dropping to her lips for a half second, but it was all she needed to know. He was affected by the fact they’d been thrust back together, albeit temporarily—it had made him leave his date.
Maybe coming back to Stone River hadn’t been the best idea, but she was all out of options at the moment. All she had to do was get through this night and then she could make a concerted effort to dodge Nolan Elliott at all costs. Because she wasn’t sure she could resist the temptation if she had to spend too much time with him.
Three (#ufecb0958-231e-578d-81df-4e457eeed325)
Despite how insistently Pepper protested, Nolan joined her the following morning at Painted Pansies to assess the damage. He used the excuse that he had to drive her, but he wouldn’t have let her face this alone regardless.
The apartment wasn’t a total loss, but she would not be living there anytime soon. Thankfully, the store wasn’t harmed, but an electrician needed to come out to double-check things because the fire marshall was sure the spark that started the fire had come from the outlet her warmer was plugged into.
Nolan had already contacted someone and expected him shortly. Pepper wouldn’t like that he’d taken over, but someone had to because she looked dead on her feet.
And, okay, maybe some of that past guilt was spurring his actions, but he knew that top-notch contractors could get things done quicker than she could if she were left to her own devices. There was no reason she should wait on insurance to get their act together, because they were notorious for being slow, and Nolan was just offering his aid. Money meant nothing to him and he could see that Pepper could use a break.
Pepper walked around the shop and into the back room. Nolan took in the window display with large canvas paintings and the flamboyant bouquets in various heights. Everywhere he looked, there was vibrancy, color, life. He knew Pepper had always envisioned something like this, but she’d been such a free spirit, wanting to travel the world, he’d never really thought she’d set down roots anywhere.
Of course, once upon a time, they’d planned on settling down together. They’d designed a house when they were so young and tossing one dream after another out into the wind, hoping they would catch.
Regret tightened the corners of his mouth. Some things just weren’t meant to be, because when faced with reality, he hadn’t been able to take charge. The death of their unborn baby made him too wary to consider going down that path again.
When someone tapped on the glass of the front door, Nolan jerked around. A middle-aged couple stood on the other side and he shook his head and pointed to the closed sign.
Behind him, Pepper let out a gasp.
Nolan glanced over his shoulder. “You know them?”
Her eyes remained fixed on the door as she nodded and pressed a hand protectively over her stomach. She’d thrown on one of his T-shirts and still had on the same shorts from last night. Her hair had been washed but left down to dry in long, silky ringlets. Desire pulsed through him. He knew exactly what that hair felt like between his fingertips and draped over his body, but now was not the time to get turned on. Still, his fingers itched to touch those luscious locks again, to see if they were just as smooth as he remembered.
“Want me to get rid of them?” he asked.
The tapping grew louder, more persistent.
“They’ve already seen me.” Pepper raked a hand through her hair and finally looked his way. “I hate to ask this, but can you stay? I’m exhausted and this could get ugly. I know we’re not necessarily friends or anything, but—”
“I’ll stay.”
Whoever these people were, Pepper wasn’t happy about seeing them.
She crossed the store and placed one hand on the knob, the other on the lock. Throwing a look over her shoulder, she caught his eyes again. “Their son is the father of my baby. I’ve only met them once.”
A sense of unease roiled through him. Of course, he knew nothing about the father of her baby, other than the fact he was obviously not in the picture at the moment, but his parents showing up here from...wherever it was they were from was probably not good news for Pepper.
He bit back a curse. Why was he sticking around? Whatever Pepper had going on in her life was her concern, her business. He should be at Pebblebrook helping Colt with the ranch or coming up with things he could do at Hayes’s house. Hayes was one of his other brothers, and he would be home from his deployment overseas in two weeks.
With four Elliott boys, there was always someone in need of a helping hand. Nolan hadn’t seen Beau, Colt’s twin, in nearly a year. He’d been too busy shooting one film after the next. That must be the life he loved out there in LA, because he rarely came home.
The flick of the lock pulled Nolan’s attention back to the moment. Pepper moved back and opened the door.
The couple swept in like they owned the place. Nolan was instantly on alert. He didn’t like to stereotype, but he figured he had these people pegged. Expensive clothes, flashy car on the curb... He knew how much that car was because he’d had one, as well, and sold it for an upgrade. The way the woman looked condescendingly down at Pepper had Nolan taking a step closer, his protective instincts kicking into high gear.
“Mr. and Mrs. Wright. What are you doing here?” Pepper asked.
“We didn’t have a number to reach you, but Matt told us where you were moving to and we heard you opened a little shop in Stone River.” Mrs. Wright glanced around the shop, her nose snarled as she turned back to Pepper. “Is this typically how you come to work?”
“I’m actually not open today.” Pepper cast a worried look to Nolan. “We’re doing some minor renovations.”
The couple glanced to Nolan but immediately dismissed him. Most likely they figured him for the hired hand. That was fine. He wasn’t here to make friends or to give a good impression. He was here for...what? To support Pepper, although she didn’t want it and he had other things he really needed to be doing.
“Can we talk privately?” Mr. Wright asked quietly.
Pepper crossed her arms over her chest. “You can just tell me now.”
“We have some...devastating news.” Mrs. Wright swiped at her eyes, and Nolan knew that expression. He’d been a doctor long enough, had seen grief too many times to count. He took another step toward Pepper but resisted the urge to reach out and touch her. He wasn’t sure what the Wrights were going to do and he didn’t want to show his hand this soon and reveal that he and Pepper had a past. They didn’t need to know.
“Matt had a heart attack two nights ago,” the woman whispered as if speaking through the tears clogging her throat. “He didn’t make it.”
“” Pepper reached a hand out for support and Nolan grabbed it right away, the worry for her far outweighing the need to keep his distance. “But he was so young,” she murmured in disbelief.
Again, Nolan knew from experience that age meant nothing in the medical field.
“I know he told you he wanted nothing to do with this baby, but we do.” Mr. Wright wasn’t quite as emotional as his wife, and he seemed to be ready to get down to business. “We want full guardianship rights for the baby now that our son gone.”
“What?” she whispered, her eyes widening in shock.
“We’re filing for sole custody. It just... It makes sense given how stable we are and the financial backing we can provide.”
Pepper’s hand tightened in Nolan’s. “No, you can’t do that. I don’t even know you. Matt paid me. He gave me money to leave him alone and to invest however I wanted for the future of the baby, provided I never contact him again. He signed his rights away right before I left...”
Pepper seemed to be rambling out of fear, and Nolan knew in that second he’d do anything to keep this baby in her life. Forget what happened between them years ago. Pepper needed someone in her corner and he damn well wasn’t going to leave her to face these vultures all alone. He owed her that much at least.
His chest constricted with guilt as realization struck. This Matt guy had treated Pepper like she was a burden...the same way Nolan had done years ago.
“Matt’s gone now,” the lady sniffed. “And we want to raise our grandchild. We’ve already contacted our team of attorneys.”
“What?” Pepper gasped.
“We aren’t questioning your parental skills, but we feel the child would be better off with us,” Mr. Wright reiterated. “We know our rights. We’re determined to have a DNA test done to prove we’re the grandparents. You have to be realistic here and see that we’re more financially stable.”
Nolan wrapped his arm around Pepper, which drew the attention of the other couple. “Pepper isn’t going to discuss this any further without talking to her attorney. If you’ll leave me your lawyers’ information, I’ll be sure to have someone contact them.”
Because he had his own team on retainer and he would be calling them before the Wrights pulled away from the curb.
Mrs. Wright’s eyes narrowed. “And who are you?”
There was no good way to answer that question and it was none of his concern anyway. “The contact information, please, and then you can go. Neither Pepper nor I will be discussing this any further without our attorneys present.”
Beneath his touch, Pepper trembled. If she could hold it together long enough for him to usher them out the door, she could break down all she wanted later. Nolan just needed to get her alone.
Mr. Wright gave the name of a high-powered attorney in Houston. Nolan knew his team was better, more ruthless, and there was no way this couple would take Pepper’s baby. Not as long as Nolan was in charge...and he had every intention of seeing this through.
Between the fire, the renovations and now this, Nolan didn’t see himself pulling away from Pepper anytime soon. Which was fine in the grand scheme of things. He owed her more than he could ever repay. So somehow he’d just have to find a way to resist temptation and keep his hands to himself.
Nolan released Pepper long enough to open the door and gesture for the Wrights to leave. “Don’t call or come back. Someone from my law firm will be in touch.”
“Pepper, don’t push us away,” Mrs. Wright said over her shoulder. “You’re carrying the only piece of our son that we have left.”
Nolan closed the door and slid the lock back into place. Pepper continued to stare at the spot where the older couple had just stood. He gently gripped her arm and guided her toward the back room, where he eased her down onto an old wooden chair at the desk as he propped his hip along the edge.
“What am I going to do?” she muttered aloud as she continued to stare at nothing in particular. “I don’t have an attorney and I can’t compete with them anyway. Their money, their power. I can’t let total strangers have custody of my baby.”
She never once looked up at him as she rattled off her concerns. But Nolan was taking all of this in. He leaned down over the desk, bracing his weight on his hands.
“Look at me,” he demanded. “I pay my lawyers a hefty fee. They’ll be on this case today and we’ll make sure they don’t take your child.”
Pepper blinked, sending a tear spilling down her cheek. “I used all the money Matt gave me to invest into this place. I wanted a secure future.”
A wave of fury surged through him. He hated this guy. Who the hell paid a woman to leave him alone?
Shame seized him once again. How had he been any different? He’d pushed her away with his actions, his harsh words. He’d been hurt from the loss of their baby—a baby he hadn’t realized he’d wanted until it was gone.
“My team will take care of this. I’ll put the call in now.”
Pepper shook her head. “No. I’ll handle this. I’m not leaning on you or anyone else.”
While Nolan admired her determination, he wasn’t about to argue with her idiotic logic. He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels.
“You have enough on your plate with this building and you said your funds were tied up here. How can you pay for an attorney? A good one you don’t have to second-guess about whether he’s doing what should be done to secure your child’s future with you? How are you going to do that?”
Pepper’s lips thinned as she shrugged one slender shoulder. “The same way I’ve gotten along these last ten years without you. I’ll find a way.”
He jerked in a breath. She was hurting, he understood that, but the jab she delivered had no doubt been bubbling below the surface just waiting to come out. He deserved that, but he wasn’t about to stick around for more verbal punches.
“My contractor is due here any minute to get an estimate ready for your insurance. I’ll have my attorney call you today, too. Don’t hold back with either guy and don’t worry about the money.”
“Says someone who’s never worried about money,” she muttered.
Nolan pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’m trying to help and then I’ll stay out of your way. It’s clear you don’t want me around. I get that, Pepper, but I won’t let you deal with all of this on your own.”
Pepper tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded. “Fine. But I want an itemized list of all the charges so I can pay you back after the insurance kicks in. I may take a while, but I won’t be indebted to you.”
He wasn’t getting into that now. But Nolan had no intention of taking a dime from her. She needed to be stress-free, to concentrate on this pregnancy and a healthy baby, not worry about her new business and a looming custody suit.
To keep the peace, he merely nodded and then headed toward the back to talk to his contractor. He wanted everything done right, sparing no expense. And a few upgrades wouldn’t hurt in the apartment, either. Nolan wasn’t certain what it looked like before, but he planned on personally seeing to it that it was all up-to-date, with state-of-the-art appliances, whatever it took to ensure Pepper had everything she needed to live comfortably.
It was the least he could do. And, yes, guilt spurred his actions, but so what. He was a different man than he was ten years ago.
Except that part of him that still desired her. Damn it. After all this time of not seeing her, having her this close wasn’t something he’d prepared for. She was sexy as hell, her figure a bit fuller from the pregnancy, but she was breathtaking. The fact she wore one of his T-shirts was even more arousing because he recalled many other occasions when she’d wear his shirt...only his shirt.
Nolan headed back to the ranch, determined to work out his frustrations on the farm. But first he needed to call his attorney. There was no way in hell those people were going to take Pepper’s baby. Nolan would make certain of that.
Four (#ufecb0958-231e-578d-81df-4e457eeed325)
Pepper ended up opening her shop later in the day. There was no reason she couldn’t work and she wanted to get her business up and running. She needed to be open to the public during peak hours, and thankfully, this old building was nestled right in the hustle and bustle of the small town.
Maybe if she spent some time on a painting to keep her mind occupied, that would help. Making something beautiful out of a blank canvas always calmed her nerves and right now she needed calm. Between the obvious stressful events of the fire and the contentious visit by the Wrights this morning, she was still reeling over the fact Nolan was so eager to offer help.
Throwing money around was the easy part, though. Perhaps that was the only way he could clear his conscience. Pepper didn’t want his guilt to spawn his actions. If he wanted to help, she’d rather it be because he actually wanted to, not because he was trying to make amends for the past.
As Pepper set up her easel in the back room, the shop’s phone rang. She glanced to the ID, but didn’t recognize the number.
“Painted Pansies.”
“Ms. Manning?” the deep male voice asked. “This is Jason Davis. I represent the Wright family.”
Pepper gripped the edge of the table and slowly sank into the chair. Her heart clenched as fear squeezed it like a vise.
“Is there a time you and your attorney can meet with us?”
Pepper’s mind raced. She hadn’t even talked to an attorney, had no idea if Nolan had even called anyone yet. This was all so fast, so unexpected, she had no idea what to do.
“Mr. Davis, I’m not sure when we could meet.” She hoped her voice sounded strong and confident, considering she was shaking like a leaf. “I’m speaking with my attorney today and he will be in touch.”
She hoped.
“My clients are willing to offer you a generous amount—”
“I won’t be bought or bullied, Mr. Davis. My lawyer will be in touch.”
Pepper hung up, tossed the phone from her jittery hand and attempted to pull in a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to scream, cry or run away and never look back. Maybe all of the above?
No. She wasn’t running. She’d left once before and had circled right back. She would stay and fight. This was where she’d put her roots down, where she’d raise her baby and grow her business. The decision had been made of necessity, but she’d chosen to stay because of her connections to this place.
Pepper had no idea who Nolan’s attorney was or if he could even fight, but there was no way she was going to just hand over her child.
A pang of sadness swept through her. She did feel terrible that Matt was gone. He wasn’t a bad guy. They’d been more friends than anything and he hadn’t wanted to be a father, but she wasn’t about to give his parents a replacement child. They might argue they had superior finances, but didn’t that just prove they were more concerned about money than the actual welfare of their grandchild? Who would be heartless enough to want to rip a baby away from its mother?
Pepper shot off a text to Nolan asking about his attorney because she needed to speak with him ASAP. When the bell on her door chimed, Pepper sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to relax. She had customers she needed to tend to. Reputation was everything and she couldn’t be in a bad mood with the public.
How simple would this all be if she could just lean on Nolan and use his power and influence to make the chaos and fear go away? She wanted her baby, her fresh start at life...and she wanted to seek solace in those captivating blue eyes of his.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t turn to him, because they weren’t over what had happened. They’d dodged the feelings, the hurt, the anger...and she’d left.
But she’d moved on. She’d grown up and she wouldn’t give in to temptation no matter how kind and supportive he was being. She knew what it was like to get her heart broken by him.
Right now, though, she had to be a businesswoman. She’d deal with Nolan later.
* * *
Oh, the irony.
Nolan still couldn’t believe the conversation he’d had with his attorney, but the suggestion kept rolling through his head. At first he’d laughed, then he’d been appalled at the crazy notion, and now the idea had taken root and he could think of nothing else.
He had already spoken to his contractor and was told the renovations to the apartment could be done in two weeks. Pepper wouldn’t like what he had to say, but Nolan wasn’t backing down. She’d have to see that what he was about to present to her was her best option. Temporarily, of course.
Just as he pulled in front of Painted Pansies, Pepper turned her open sign off. She met his gaze through the large front window and stilled. Nolan knew she’d put up a fight, but this time, where she was concerned, he was holding his ground. He could do this and not lose himself in her. This was about making up for the past, not reigniting an old flame.
No more running...for either of them.
Those protective instincts had kicked in the moment he’d seen she was expecting and alone. Now with the fire and the custody case looming over her, Nolan had every intention of slaying every one of her dragons.
Remorse drove his thoughts, his actions. He refused to delve into all the reasons why he couldn’t let her do this on her own.
As soon as he entered her shop, he flicked the lock on the door. Pepper stood behind the counter as if she wanted some barrier between them. Nonetheless, that wouldn’t stop him from doing what he’d come to do.
And if he didn’t broach this now, he’d talk himself out of it because this crazy idea embodied every fear, every doubt he’d ever had when it came to Pepper. Their crackling attraction aside, this was a risk he’d never thought he’d take again.
“I’m surprised you opened today,” he told her.
She glanced down to her register and pulled out receipts. “I have to make money. The fire didn’t do damage down here and I was able to salvage a couple of outfits that happened to be in my clothes dryer and were unscathed from the smoke and water.”
He made a mental note to get her more clothes. Another thing she’d most likely balk at, but too bad. He wouldn’t ask. If he had them purchased and delivered, she’d have no choice. Right?
“Did you have a productive day?”
Pepper blew out a sigh and finally stared up at him. “Did you stop by for small talk?”
Those piercing gray eyes were no less affective than they’d been a decade ago. She managed to touch him with just a look. And how she still had that power over him was beyond his comprehension.
Adjusting his hat, Nolan crossed the room and rested his arm on the top of the counter. “Not at all, Pepper, but I figured it was best to play nice because what I have to say may not put you in the best mood.”
“I’m not in a good mood anyway, so why don’t you just spit it out.”
His eyes raked over the scoop neckline in her simple tank, his gaze heating at the sight of the thin cotton molding perfectly to her full breasts. She had on those bangle bracelets again and some long earrings in a variety of colorful stones. Her silky dark hair was still down from when she’d showered at his house, and all he could think of was how to get her back there again.
The image of her wet, naked, soapy in his oversize shower with the rain-head spray cascading down her gorgeous curves had him getting extremely hot and uncomfortable. Damn it, he still wanted her. There was no reason to even try to deny such a fact.
He had no right to her, but that wouldn’t stop him. Pepper would be his least temporarily. The ache he had for her had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with an all-consuming, burning need he hadn’t expected upon seeing her again.
“You aren’t seriously going to look at me like that,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “I can’t be fooled by your charm.”
“You’re still just as beautiful,” he drawled. “Makes a man want to admire the view.”
Pepper shook her head and focused back on her receipts. “I’m immune to you now, so just say what you have to say and go.”
Adorable that she thought things were that neat and tidy between them. They’d never been so structured. Back in the day, they’d been wild and young and free. Then life had thrown hurdles in their path and they hadn’t survived the fallout. Now they were back to square one and nothing about this situation was simple.
“You never answered my text,” she said tersely as she sorted the slips of paper. “If you don’t want to help, that’s fine. But if you could pass along the name of a good attorney, I’d appreciate it. The Wrights’ lawyer called me and I had no idea what to say—”
Nolan was around the counter and taking her shaky hands in his as she rambled on. “Breathe,” he commanded. “Just calm down and tell me exactly what their lawyer said.”
Pepper removed her hands from his and flattened them over the papers. She dropped her head between her shoulders. “Just give me the name. I don’t want you involved.”
Too late for that, he thought ruefully. If she didn’t want him interfering now, she’d be really ticked when he dropped the ultimate bomb. He’d gone further than just reaching out to his law firm.
“I already spoke with my attorney earlier—he’s on it. I was at the ranch helping Colt, so I didn’t get to text you back, but I have this all under control.”
With her hair curtained around her face, Nolan couldn’t make out her expression, but he knew she was exhausted. Most likely she also felt defeated and/or cornered.
“Pepper, I’m only looking out for you and you’re going to have to let me. I’m not trying to make this more difficult.”
“Can you look at this from my perspective?” she asked as she slowly turned toward him. “Can you imagine finally having your entire life planned out only to have it crash down all around you, then have to come face-to-face with your past and pretend nothing happened?”
Nolan grabbed her shoulders, hauling her against his chest. Pepper’s head tipped back as she stared up at him with wide, tormented eyes.
“You think this is easy? Seeing you again, knowing you’re carrying another man’s child?”
Nolan hated that he wasn’t more in control, but there was no way he could lie to her, to himself. The fact she was pregnant again gutted him and reminded him exactly what he’d given up.
“I’m going to help you through this and you’re damn well going to put the past aside and let me.”
“Put the past aside?” she jerked out of his hold and took a step back. “It’s not that simple, Nolan.”
He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he corrected. “I know we have unresolved issues and there is so much that needs to be put to rest, but for now, we need to work on your current situation. I need you to hear me out.”
Pepper rested one hand on the counter and propped the other on her hip. “Fine. What’s your miraculous plan?”
They’d reached the part of the conversation he’d rehearsed over and over again, but he had a feeling no matter how he delivered this, she would refuse. He expected, and deserved, no less.
“My contractor said your apartment would be ready in two weeks.” There—laying some groundwork for his defense was probably best. “You can stay with me until then.”
When she opened her mouth to argue, because she would without a doubt have a snappy comeback, Nolan held up a hand. “You have nowhere else to go and my house is plenty big enough. Besides, I’m on call and at the hospital so much you won’t even see me most of the time.”
That seemed to pacify her as she shut her mouth and nodded.
“What about the attorney? Does he think he can help? Because I can’t lose this baby, too.”
Too. That simple word said so much, yet left even more hurtful, accusing words hovering in the air between them. They would have to face that dark time in their lives eventually. Yes, they were two totally different people now, but he’d destroyed her and he would somehow, someway, make this right. Then he could move on once and for all—guilt-free.
But first things first. For now, Pepper and her child were his top priority.
“You’re not losing the baby and I’m doing everything I can to make this less stressful for you,” he informed her.
“Their attorney wants to meet with me and my lawyer.”
She bit her lip as her chin quivered. That sight alone was like a punch to Nolan’s gut. What kind of people came after a pregnant woman? Granted, this was their grandchild and their son had just passed away, so they were understandably grieving, but there was a better way to approach seeing the baby. If they wanted to fight dirty, Nolan would spare no expense because he wasn’t about to let Pepper carry this burden all on her own.
“We will all go meet with them,” he said.
His heart kicked up because there was no more dodging the rest of this. Not only did he worry how she’d take this, but he would be lying if he didn’t admit he was hesitant because of his own sanity. Could he really go through with this?
Pepper stared back at him with those wide, expressive eyes. This was the same woman he’d fallen in love with as a teen, the woman he’d thought he’d spend his life with, the woman who had carried his child.
Their bond ran deep, but even if that didn’t exist, he would find her sexy as hell. Her fiercely independent attitude was just an added layer to the enticing allure of this new Pepper Manning. Damn if he didn’t admire her for moving on and doing exactly what she wanted.
But he’d caught her looking at him. Raking her eyes over him as if she was struggling with that same internal battle.
Yeah, they had quite a bit left to hash out between them and throwing this bomb onto that already-smoldering fire was only going to further complicate matters.
“You’re not going with me,” she told him with a stubborn lift of her chin. “I’m still not so sure about this whole idea of moving in with you for two weeks. There has to be somewhere else I can stay.”
Nolan closed the space between them. “You’ll be staying with me because we’re getting married.”
Five (#ufecb0958-231e-578d-81df-4e457eeed325)
She couldn’t have heard him correctly. Because there was no way in hell she’d marry anyone right now, especially Nolan.
“My attorney said if you were married, that would be another bonus for our side.”

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