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Double Identity
Annette Broadrick
LOVE 'EM AND LEAVE 'EM WAS HIS SPECIALTY…And that made Jude Crenshaw the perfect man for this assignment. His blond, craggy good looks would make it easy for him to woo innocent, sweet Carina Patterson. The skilled secret agent knew he could secure the information he needed before anyone got hurt.FALLING IN LOVE WAS NOT ON THE AGENDASomehow lovely Carina had shaken him right down to his boots. Now, doing his job meant betraying her trust, risking her heart, maybe destroying her family. But the one thing he couldn't do was walk away….

“Why Didn’t You Tell Me This Was Your First Time?”
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” Carina said.
“You could have warned me, at least. I practically leaped on you.” Jude frowned.
She smiled. “I thought it was great.”
“Well—” he looked down at her “—I’m glad you think so, but I should have taken more time with you. I was too rough, too eager. I wanted you so badly.”
“You made it a marvelous experience for me.”
“I thought that since you were—I mean, you were engaged, so it seemed reasonable that you had, uh, that you had—” He sighed, looking glum.
“You know, I understand there are men who actually want to be the first one with a woman.”
He took a deep breath and sighed. “Probably. It’s more important to me that I be the last one.”
Dear Reader,
Thank you for choosing Silhouette Desire. As always, we have a fabulous array of stories for you to enjoy, starting with Just a Taste by Bronwyn Jameson, the latest installment in our DYNASTIES: THE ASHTONS continuity series. This tale of forbidden attraction between two romance-wary souls will leave you breathless and wanting more from this wonderful author—who will have a brand-new miniseries of her own, PRINCES OF THE OUTBACK, out later this year.
The terrific Annette Broadrick is back with another book in her CRENSHAWS OF TEXAS series. Double Identity is an engrossing page-turner about seduction and lies…you know, all that good stuff! Susan Crosby continues her BEHIND CLOSED DOORS series with Rules of Attraction, the first of three brand-new stories set in the world of very private investigations. Roxanne St. Claire brings us a fabulous McGrath brother hero caught in an unexpected situation, in When the Earth Moves. Rochelle Alers’s THE BLACKSTONES OF VIRGINIA series wraps up with Beyond Business, a story in which the Blackstone patriarch gets involved in a surprise romance with his new—and very pregnant—assistant. And last but certainly not least, the engaging Amy Jo Cousins is back this month with Sleeping Arrangements, a terms-of-the-will story not to be missed.
Here’s hoping you enjoy all six of our selections this month. And, in the months to come, look for Maureen Child’s THREE-WAY WAGER series and a brand-new installment of our infamous TEXAS CATTLEMAN’S CLUB.
Happy reading!

Melissa Jeglinski
Senior Editor
Silhouette Desire

Double Identity
Annette Broadrick (

believes in romance and the magic of life. Since 1984, Annette has shared her view of life and love with readers. In addition to being nominated by Romantic Times as one of the Best New Authors of that year, she has also won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best in its Series, the Romantic Times WISH Award; and the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Awards for Series Romance and Series Romantic Fantasy.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Jude Crenshaw’s phone rang at seven o’clock, waking him from a deep, exhausted sleep at his condo in Fort Meade, Maryland. He fumbled for the phone without opening his eyes.
“Crenshaw,” he mumbled.
“This is Ms. Kincaid’s office calling. One moment, please.” He was put on hold. Kincaid was his supervisor at the National Security Agency.
Jude had worked for the agency for the past four years. He’d been hired as a civilian after leaving the army, where he’d been in Special Ops. He had been in the field until six months ago when he’d been promoted to a supervisory position.
He couldn’t imagine why Jackie Kincaid would be calling him at home at this time of morning. He sat up, rubbed his hand over his face and swung his legs to the floor.
“Jude? Jackie. Sorry to bother you so early. I tried to reach you yesterday, but you must have been incommunicado. I couldn’t get my calls to go through on your cell phone so I could leave a message.”
“I’ve been on the west coast for the past two weeks. Got home in the wee hours this morning.”
“I know you’re on vacation this week but something’s come up here that needs your presence.”
“Staff problems?”
“Nothing like that. We need you at an interdepartmental meeting at nine.”
He frowned. “What department?”
“You’re kidding me.”
“Nope. Do you think you can get here by that time?”
Jude yawned and said, “Sure. No problem.”
“Great. See you then.”
Jude stood and stretched. His body was still on Pacific Standard Time, which meant he was having to function at four in the morning.
He went into his kitchen and made a pot of coffee that would be ready by the time he finished his shower. In the bathroom, his bleary-eyed gaze looked back at him from the mirror.
He needed a haircut.
He’d been out in the sun quite a bit while in southern California, so that his skin was deeply tanned and his blond hair lighter than usual.
Jude showered and shaved, dressed and returned to the kitchen for his caffeine fix. After his first cup, he filled a thermos cup with the rest of the coffee to drink on the way to work and went into the garage where he kept his baby.
His two-seater late-model Porsche spent more time in the garage than out on the road. He’d been looking forward to a few days off so he could take her out, wind her up and put her through her paces. The car was the love of his life, and why not? She was always waiting at home when he got there, never complained about the hours he kept, didn’t demand attention and didn’t eat him out of house and home while he was away.
He hit the garage-door button as he stepped through the door and slid behind the wheel. When he turned on the engine, he smiled at the whisper of sound. She was purring for him.
Jude drove to the NSA office complex sipping on his coffee, determined not to let the rush-hour traffic disturb him. Once there, he went to his office, checked his mail and headed down the hall to Kincaid’s office.
He stopped at the desk of Kincaid’s assistant, who looked up from opening the morning mail and saw him.
“Welcome back, Blue Eyes,” Justine said, her expression mischievous. “I like the tan. Wish I had nothing better to do than lie around on a beach all day soaking up some rays.”
He lifted one eyebrow and said, “Yeah, me, too. I have an appointment with Jackie.”
“Go right in. Mm-mm. I swear, that tan shows you off quite nicely. You probably have to fight off all the women you meet.”
He shook his head and grinned. “Not so’s you’d notice.”
Justine was in her midthirties, happily married with three young daughters. She’d teased him ever since she’d met him that he’d be her pick for a son-in-law if he’d only wait to find a bride until her daughters were grown.
He tapped on Jackie’s door and walked inside.
Three men and a woman sat in front of Jackie’s desk. They turned to look at him, their faces grim.
One of the men stood and turned to face Jude.
He looked to be in his late forties, possibly early fifties, with thick dark hair liberally sprinkled with gray. The man looked trim, probably worked out several times each week. His eyes missed nothing about Jude and Jude caught himself before he polished his shoe on the back of his pants leg.
“Jude, this is Sam Watson from the Drug Enforcement Agency. With him are three of his agents: John Greene, Hal Pennington and Ruth Littlefield.” The agents stood and Jude shook hands with each of them.
“Now that we’re all here, let’s go into the conference room where we’ll have a little more room,” Jackie said, and led the way out of her office.
Once they were seated around the conference table, Jackie said, “Sam, I’ll let you explain to Jude why you wanted to see him.”
Watson smiled, transforming his craggy face, and Jude decided that the man was younger than he appeared at first glance.
“Thanks, Jackie,” Watson replied. He turned to Jude. “I have a major problem with my San Antonio office at the moment. One of my men was killed last week and we have reason to believe that another agent was responsible.”
Jude straightened. “Damn. That’s really tough.” He glanced at the other agents. “You’ve got to trust the man who’s got your back.”
If possible, they looked even grimmer as each one nodded.
“I need to get someone down there who I can trust and who can go undercover for us. In my search, I came across your file. You’ve worked covert operations for several years.”
“That’s true.”
“And you’re from Texas.”
Jude grinned. “Can’t deny that, either.”
“I also found out that your family is well-known in Texas.”
“Well, there’s a lot of us there, I’ll admit.”
“You would be ideal for what I want to do.”
Jude nodded and waited.
“Here’s the deal. For the past several months we’ve been investigating a family by the name of Patterson. They own an import/export business which we believe they’re using to smuggle arms, drugs and an assortment of contraband into the United States.
“Gregg, the agent who died, was one of several working to obtain evidence against the Pattersons because we need to get them behind bars as quickly as possible, especially now that we think they bribed an agent or two to look the other way. The Pattersons seem to be one step ahead of us no matter what we plan, so it’s obvious they’re getting their information from somewhere inside our group. We’ve made raids and found nothing and we’re being accused of harassing honest businessmen.”
Watson paused and poured some water from a pitcher nearby into a glass. Once he’d drunk some, he continued.
“Two days before he died, Gregg skipped the chain of command and contacted me on his own. He said he was suspicious of two of the other agents. He felt the investigation had turned up some important information that had not been passed on. He told me he planned to find out what was going on. I told him to call me as soon as he found out. That was the last time I heard from him. A few days later he was killed in an automobile accident.”
“Sounds like somebody figured out that he’d reported to you.”
“That’s my take on the matter. I pretended to believe that Gregg’s death was an accident and told the local agents to drop the investigation for lack of evidence, so the Pattersons must feel they’re working in the clear now.”
Jude frowned. “Where do I fit into this?”
“We need someone we can trust who is trained in undercover work to keep the investigation going. John, Hal and Ruth are from our Virginia office and they’ll be your team. They aren’t known to anyone in the San Antonio office and they’ll be working with you to find out who killed Gregg.
“What we need is someone who can get close to the family without raising suspicion. When I discovered your background, your impressive record and your family’s reputation, I asked Jackie if I could borrow you for the next several months to work for us.”
Jude scratched his chin. “It’s been a few months since I did any undercover work.”
“I doubt that you’ve forgotten much. You were damned good at what you did.”
“If I understand correctly, you want me to go to San Antonio as myself, get involved with the Patterson family and find evidence of illegal activities.”
“Do you have any idea how I’m supposed to get close to them?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. The Patterson family includes a twenty-five-year-old daughter who happens to be single. We want you to arrange to meet her and ask her out. If you two start dating, the rest of the family will grow used to seeing you around and won’t be suspicious of you.”
“You want me to date her?”
“What if she isn’t interested in dating me?”
“Oh, with your charm, good looks and the added benefit of being from a well-known Texas family, I think she’ll be interested enough to accept a date with you. After that, you’ll have to play it by ear. The more often you see her, the better.”
Jude looked at Jackie and then at the other three. He noticed that Ruth looked amused. “I may have good covert skills but I’m lacking in the charm-and-good-looks part. I’m not what anyone would call a ladies’ man.”
Watson replied, “Guess you’d better learn, because that’s going to be your cover when you move there. We’ve rented a large house for the four of you while you’re there. It’s in a gated community with good security.”
Jude studied his hands. “So I’m supposed to be a ladies’ man, huh?”
“You’ll be a free-wheeling playboy with too much time on his hands. Get a reputation for being seen with beautiful women and get involved in the arts.”
Jude straightened. “The arts? Are you kidding me?”
“The daughter—her name is Carina—is a pianist. She was in her third year of study at Juilliard when her father fell ill, so she returned to Texas, rented an apartment in San Antonio and plans to finish school in another year.
“You need to show an interest in music, donate money to worthy causes and figure out the best way to approach her. Developing a close friendship with her is crucial if we’re going to put them behind bars.”
“Is she part of the smuggling?”
“Hard to tell at this point. She could be. Part of your job will be to find out. I’m convinced we can make this work.”
Jude nodded. “All right, if you think I can help, I’ll do my best.”
“Good,” Sam said, standing up. Jackie, Jude and the agents stood, as well. Watson placed his briefcase on the table, opened it and handed Jude a fat file. “Here are the dossiers on each member of the family.”
Jude picked up the file. “When do you want me to start?”
Sam smiled sardonically. “Yesterday?”
Jude nodded. “Gotcha.”

Six Months Later
He spotted her as soon as she walked into the ballroom.
Carina Patterson was petite. For tonight’s benefit for the San Antonio Symphony she’d chosen to wear a short, flame-red dress, sleeveless with a mandarin collar, the color in stark contrast to her fair skin and dark hair. Her lipstick matched the dress, emphasizing a sultry mouth.
She was more beautiful in person than in the several photographs he had of her. He watched as she spoke to some of the guests. Studying her, he realized that her beauty was enhanced by her vivacious manner and sparkling smile.
He enjoyed watching her walk across the room. She had a rhythm about her as though she moved to the sound of music that only she could hear.
Jude stood near the open bar with several of the movers and shakers of San Antonio society and listened with half an ear to their conversation. He glanced around the room, which glittered from the expensive chandeliers and the jewelry that adorned the women attending the benefit. The murmur of voices filled the room, drowning out the soft music being played by a small orchestra.
“Jude, we can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done tonight for the symphony,” Graham Scott, San Antonio’s mayor, said. “They’ve been struggling to survive for a long while.”
“I’m pleased to see such a strong turnout,” Jude replied. “With the proceeds from tonight’s tickets as well as the merchandise donated for the silent auctions, the symphony should have enough money to cover their operating costs for the coming year.”
“When we first discussed this benefit,” Glenn Kingston, one of the businessmen in the group, said, “we knew we’d have to deduct the cost of the event from ticket sales. Because of your generosity, all the money raised will be available for operating costs. We owe you a great debt of appreciation, Crenshaw.”
Jude grinned. “Don’t worry. I can afford it.”
The other three men laughed at his matter-of-fact statement. Of course he could afford it. He was a Crenshaw of Texas, after all.
Since arriving in San Antonio, he’d diligently built up his image as a rich and rather indolent playboy. He’d made the rounds of art shows, museum functions and symphony performances. He’d made certain that he was seen with a beautiful woman, always a different one, at each of the functions, which quite often put his face in the society section of the paper.
His reputation was now in full swing. Not one of these men had much respect for his lifestyle. Oh, they played the political game. Each man knew that he didn’t want to get crossways with a Crenshaw, even if this particular one didn’t have much ambition. So he was received everywhere, including the country club where he played golf with several members.
Now it was time to make his move.
Jude continued to watch Carina as she moved toward her assigned table. He noticed that a couple already seated were waiting there for her, and he recognized her parents. He waited for a lull in the conversation around him before he casually asked the group, “Who’s the dark-haired woman in the red dress?” He nodded toward Carina.
Clint Jackson, a city councilman, answered. “Her name is Carina Patterson. She’s the only daughter of Christopher Patterson. Chris and his wife, Connie, rarely attend social events. I’m pleased to see them here.”
Jude pretended to think for a moment. “The name means nothing to me. Who is he?”
“Before his stroke a couple of years ago, he was quite active in the community. He imports merchandise from around the world, such as antique furniture, rugs, marble figurines, that sort of thing. Because of his health, he turned the business over to his sons, Alfred and Ben.”
Jude deliberately focused on the three people sitting across the room before he turned to the group and said, “Carina looks like her mother. They have an exotic look about them.”
Clint responded by saying, “Connie Patterson comes from a wealthy family in Mexico City. I understand that Chris took one look at her and fell in love.”
“I can understand why,” Jude responded with a grin. “She looks more like Carina’s sister than her mother. Carina is truly stunning. Do you know if she’s seeing someone?”
“I don’t think so,” Clint said. “Just in case you’re thinking of making a move in that direction, here’s a friendly warning, okay? Al and Ben, who are several years older than Carina, are highly protective of her. They wouldn’t take kindly to someone hurting their sister in any way.”
“You don’t think I meet their standards?” Jude asked with amusement.
“I didn’t say that,” Clint said with a chuckle. “You’re a Crenshaw, after all. However, you do have a reputation around town of playing the field. Let’s face it, Jude, you’re a great catch for any woman and they tend to throw themselves at you.” He grinned. “My wife thinks you’ve got movie-star looks as well as charisma. I have to take her word for it since you’re just not my type.”
Jude laughed. “That’s good to know.”
“The thing is, if Al or Ben thought you were leading Carina on, there’d be hell to pay.”
“Duly noted. Now would you introduce me to them?”
“Sure.” As they walked across the room, Clint added, “I can see that you don’t scare off very easily.”
“I don’t scare off at all.”
Several people stopped them along the way, thanking Jude for his generous contribution to the symphony. He smiled, shook hands with them and thanked them for coming. When they finally reached the Patterson table, Jude saw that Carina’s brothers and their wives had joined the group.
Clint said, “Good evening, Chris,” and offered his hand to the older man. “I’m so pleased to see you here.”
Patterson lifted his left hand and clasped Clint’s hand. “Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” he said gruffly.
“I’d like you to meet Jude Crenshaw. I understand he twisted a few arms for donations to the silent auction in order to make certain tonight was a success.” He turned to Jude. “Jude, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Christopher Patterson, his lovely wife, Connie, his daughter, Carina, his son, Alfred, and Al’s wife, Marisa, and his son, Ben, and Ben’s wife, Sara.”
Here was a stroke of luck Jude hadn’t expected. Meeting the entire family was well worth the money and time he’d spent on tonight’s benefit. In addition, his contribution was truly for a good cause.
“I’m pleased to meet each one of you,” he said, shaking hands.
Carina looked up at him. “Thank you for tonight,” she said in a husky voice.
“You’re quite welcome, Ms. Patterson.” Their eyes met and he winked at her. She looked a little startled at first and then grinned at him.
So far, so good.
From the corner of his eye, he caught Al watching them closely. Without appearing to notice, Jude turned away. He and Clint returned to the bar, refreshed their drinks, and went to the head table.
Dinner was first-class and the speeches were mercifully short, for which Jude was thankful.
The orchestra changed from playing quiet dinner music to show tunes to encourage dancing. Jude excused himself from his table and crossed the room to the Pattersons. The only ones there were Mr. and Mrs. Patterson.
“Mr. Patterson, may I have your permission to ask your wife to dance? I promise not to run off with her afterwards, although I’ll admit the idea is tempting.”
Patterson chuckled. “Of course you can. Just remember that I saw her first.”
Jude turned to Connie Patterson and saw that she was blushing. “May I have this dance?”
She nodded, and Jude held out his hand. She took it and gracefully rose from the table. Once on the dance floor she said, “You helped make tonight a success, Mr. Crenshaw. We all are quite grateful.” He heard a slight accent in her voice.
He smiled in acknowledgement and said, “Please, call me Jude.”
“If you’ll call me Connie.”
“Thank you. You’re a very good dancer, by the way.”
Her smile held a hint of sadness. “Chris and I used to dance a great deal before his stroke. I know he misses dancing as much as I do. You were kind to offer.”
“Believe me, it’s my pleasure.” The orchestra segued into another song with a similar beat. “Will your husband be all right on his own a little longer?”
She glanced toward the table and smiled. “He’s not alone. Carina has returned to the table.”
They finished the dance and walked back to where Carina and her father sat watching them.
Patterson was the first to speak. “You look wonderful out there, dear,” he said to Connie. “Please enjoy this opportunity and don’t worry about me.”
She sank into the chair beside him. “I’m too out of breath to dance any more at the moment.” She smiled at Jude. “Thank you again.”
“You’re quite welcome.” He turned his gaze to Carina. “Ms. Patterson, may I have this dance with you?”
She glanced at her mother’s radiant face and said, “Yes.”
Once she stood he took her hand, led her to the dance floor and took her in his arms. She was smaller than her mother. Her head barely came to his shoulder. She was delicately boned and she reminded him of a Dresden figurine—fragile and exquisite.
“It was kind of you to ask my mother to dance. She doesn’t get out very much.”
“She mentioned that she and your father used to love to dance.”
She nodded, her eyes glistening. “Yes. They were something to watch—so graceful and talented. They moved as one. I know they both must miss it terribly.”
After a moment, he asked, “When did he have his stroke?”
“Two years ago. He’d always been so active and healthy that none of us were prepared for his sudden illness. There were a few days when we weren’t certain he would pull through, but he has a very strong will. He’s done everything he could to keep his body as toned as possible.”
In his most casual tone, Jude said, “I understand he has a thriving business in imports.”
“My brothers are in charge now. They keep him informed about the business, which has actually grown under their management.”
“He must be relieved to be able to depend on them.”
“He never talks about his infirmity. He’s very matter of fact about being in his motorized wheelchair.” She glanced over at her table. “We’re all very proud of him.”
“How about you? Do you get out very often?”
She smiled ruefully. “Not really, no.”
“Would you make an exception for me?”
She looked at him in surprise. “You’re asking me out?”
“Yes, I am. Like every man here, I noticed you as soon as you walked in tonight. I’ll admit I coaxed Clint into introducing you and your family to me. I’d really like to see you again.”
The song ended and another one began. He continued to dance and she made no comment about wanting to return to her table.
“What did you have in mind?” she finally asked.
He burst into laughter. “Now there’s a loaded question if I ever heard one. My intentions are quite innocent, I assure you. I thought we could have dinner some evening, perhaps next Saturday, if you’re available.”
She seemed to relax a little. “That sounds innocuous enough.”
“I swear on my Boy Scout honor that you will be safe with me.”
He led her into a couple of turns, which she followed like a pro.
“You dance very well,” she said with a smile.
“Thanks. My mom would be proud to hear you say that. I wasn’t one of her best pupils, but I manage to get by.”
She tilted her head slightly and asked, “Are you a musician, by any chance? You have a natural rhythm, like most musicians.”
He laughed. “’Fraid not. The only instrument I play is the radio.”
She groaned. “And yet you support the arts,” she pointed out.
“I’m not a priest, and yet I support the church.”
She laughed, a glissando of musical sound he found delightful. “Good point.”
The music stopped and the orchestra took a break. Jude took the opportunity to say, “Why don’t you give me your phone number? I’ll call you later in the week.”
She reached into the minuscule purse that hung from the tie at her waist. “Here’s my card. That has my home phone and cell phone, as well. I spend my Saturdays with my parents, so you’ll need to pick me up at their place.”
“I can do that.” As he helped her into her seat, he leaned near her ear and said, “I’m looking forward to seeing you again.” He straightened and spoke to Chris and Connie. “I’m very pleased to have met each of you. I hope to see you again.”
They responded in a friendly manner and he walked away.
By the time the evening ended, Jude was more than ready to go home.
He spoke to several people on his way to his sports car. Once he negotiated San Antonio’s downtown streets, he reached the highway and headed north. The house the agency had rented was located in the hills north of the city, and had a scenic view of the Hill Country.
He could reach the family ranch in a couple of hours, although he hadn’t been to see them very often. They knew he was working an undercover assignment and gave him the space he needed. He missed them, though. He’d have to get up there soon.
Jude turned off the highway and followed the snakelike road up through the hills until he reached the summit. The house was surrounded by a thick, stucco six-foot wall. Once there, Jude keyed in the security numbers for the day and waited until the gate opened, then followed the curving driveway up to the house and parked in the three-car garage. He noted the other cars were there. The agents were probably asleep by now. He knew he was more than ready to hit the sack.
Once inside, he went to the den where a large screen projected the various scenes shown by hidden cameras located throughout the property. Their team had several computers at work in the room…one collecting data, another running probabilities and another waiting instructions.
Jude picked up the phone and tapped in a series of numbers. His call was answered on the first ring. Without waiting for a voice, Jude said, “I made contact tonight. Looks like we’re in.”

Jude opened the file containing information on the Patterson family. The files were so detailed that he probably knew more about them than they knew about each other.
He knew that forty-two-year-old Alfredo de la Cruz Patterson kept a mistress in Houston and paid for her penthouse condominium.
He knew that Benito spent much of his time out of the country, ostensibly selling and buying merchandise. Jude needed to find out exactly what he was buying and from whom.
He hoped the brothers were the only ones involved in the smuggling activities and that the rest of the family wasn’t aware of what they were doing. It would be a shame to arrest Christopher Patterson for aiding and abetting as well as obstructing justice.
Jude stood and stretched. He turned off the light and went upstairs to bed, feeling good about what he’d accomplished so far. He’d finally made contact and Carina had accepted his invitation to go out with him.

The following Thursday morning Carina met her sister-in-law Marisa for coffee at one of their favorite bakeries.
“Thanks for calling me to meet you this morning,” Marisa said. “I need someone I trust that I can talk to.”
“Trouble with Al?” Carina asked, sipping her coffee.
“It seems that’s all we have anymore. I’m thinking about divorcing him.”
Carina reached out and placed her hand over Marisa’s hand. “It’s gotten that bad, has it?”
“He’s been ignoring me for the last several months, which is upsetting enough, but now he’s ignoring the children, as well. It breaks my heart to see them wanting his attention while he brushes them off.”
Six-year-old Chris was the first grandchild and had been named for his grandfather. His sister, Tina Maria, was a precocious four-year-old. Carina loved them, as she loved Ben and Sara’s daughter, Beth. She knew they were each a handful and needed both parents.
“I think there’s another woman,” Marisa said in a low voice.
“Oh, surely not,” Carina replied. “What makes you think such a thing?”
“He’s been going on what he insists are ‘buying trips,’ which is something he’s always left to Benito before. Sara says that as far as she knows, Bennie does most of the buying for the company. I’ve been thinking about hiring an investigator.”
“Be careful,” Carina said. “Alfredo has a temper. I wouldn’t want him to hurt you in any way.”
“I told him last night that I wanted a divorce and he just laughed and asked if I was trying to get a higher allowance for household expenses. He refuses to take me seriously.”
“But what would you do if you found out there was someone else?”
Marisa sighed. “Accept that I really don’t have much of a marriage and that the kids and I need to go somewhere else. My mother keeps wanting me to go visit her in Dallas for a while and I’m thinking seriously of doing just that.”
“I want to see you and the kids happy, Marisa. I feel bad that I’m the one who introduced you to him.”
Marisa smiled, her first smile since they’d met that morning. “Hey, you didn’t force me to marry him, you know. I made that decision all on my own.” She took a bite out of her pastry. “I’m sorry to dump all this on you just because you’re my friend. You’re also Alfredo’s sister. I don’t want you caught in the middle here.”
“Don’t be silly. You and I have been friends since high school. Nothing’s going to change that, not even a divorce.”
“Don’t say anything to the folks until I make a decision. I think getting away is just what I need to give myself some time to think about things. I’m glad school’s out for the summer. It may be that I’ll start Chris in school in Dallas for next year.”
“You do what you need to do, Marisa. Just remember, I’m here for you.” Carina looked away for a moment before she said, “Neither of us did too well in the men department, did we?”
“At least you knew Dan loved you.”
“Of course he did. That’s why he had a woman with him the night he was killed. I was such a fool to think he was in love with me and not the Patterson name. Al wouldn’t have hired him if I hadn’t been engaged to Dan and you know it.”
“I guess you’re right. All men are slimeballs and we’re both better off without them,” Marisa said politely with no expression on her face.
Carina laughed and Marisa joined in. After they polished off their pastries and got more coffee, Carina said, “This probably isn’t a great time to mention it, but I have a date with Jude Crenshaw Saturday evening.”
Marisa stared at her, her cup of coffee halfway to her mouth. She set the mug back on the table.
“You’re kidding me! He asked you out?”
“Don’t sound so shocked. He asked me while we were dancing at the benefit last week.”
“I guess I’m more shocked that you accepted him. You’ve known for days and you’re just now telling me about it? Boy, when you decide to start dating again, you don’t mess around! Jude Crenshaw. He’s one of the most talked-about bachelors in town! I can’t begin to imagine how many hearts he’s broken since he moved here.”
Carina shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. He certainly won’t break mine. I’ve been thinking that I need to get back into some sort of social life. Since Dan died, I’ve hibernated in my apartment feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to move on and accept the fact that I have lousy taste in men. I figure Jude will be a good first step in letting people know I’m ready to start dating again.”
“I know a couple of women who’ve dated him. They both had the same experience with him. He saw them a few times, they hit it off, he was a fun date, rarely if ever serious about anything and they were both really taken with him. And then, for no reason that either of them could fathom, he stopped calling them. Just like that.” Marisa snapped her fingers. “He gave no explanation to either one. The next thing either of them knew he was seeing someone else. He definitely believes in playing the field.”
“Good. Then he’s perfect for me because that’s what I want to do. I admit I’m a little flattered that he even noticed me since I’m not his type. He seems to go for tall blondes. I haven’t gone out with that many men and I’ve never been serious about anyone but Dan. I’m sadly lacking in my dating skills.”
“Not to mention lack of a sex life.”
Carina grinned mischievously. “That, too. I may not put up much of a defense if Mr. Crenshaw insists on seducing me.”
“Come to think of it,” Marisa said, sounding disgruntled, “Maybe I need to get a boyfriend on the side, then, since my sex life has all but disappeared.”
They looked at each other for a moment and then burst into laughter.
Carina changed the subject and they spent the rest of their time together discussing what had gone on at the board meeting of the symphony the night before. Carina had been on the board since she’d returned from New York after her father became ill.
After a while, Marisa glanced at her watch. “Oops. Time to pick up the kiddos. Be sure to let me know how your date goes, okay?” They stood and walked toward the door of the small bakery.
“I’ll do that, and say hi to the kids.”
Marisa sighed. “Of course.” They paused once they were on the sidewalk. “You know, Carina, there are times when I don’t feel I even know Al any more. He’s certainly not the man I married.”
Carina gently squeezed her hand. “Hang in there. I know you’ll make the best decision for all concerned.”

Carina dressed for her dinner with Jude on Saturday wondering how the evening would go. Would he find her too boring for words?
Carina sank down onto her bed and smoothed the hand-stitched coverlet her grandmother in Mexico had made for her several years ago. She closed her eyes and visualized Jude with his blond, expensively styled hair and those gorgeous blue eyes.
He was much taller than she. Danny had only been a couple of inches taller when she wore high heels. Even in her highest heels, she had barely reached Jude’s shoulder.
He’d been so gentle with her, almost as if he’d thought she might break. If he got to know her better, he’d quickly discover that she was far from fragile. She kept her body strong and supple with tai chi and yoga.
Of course he was handsome. And rich. And something of a playboy. But did she care about his playing the field? She’d told Marisa the truth. She wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship.
Carina glanced at her watch. Jude would be here soon and she didn’t want to keep him waiting. For all she knew, he might decide not to wait for her. He probably had a list of women’s names he could call at the last minute if he chose to leave. She smiled at the thought. I wonder if my name will be added to that list?

Jude stopped his car in front of the gate to the grounds of the Patterson property, located in the Alamo Heights district of San Antonio. Some of these mansions had been in the same family for generations, so he wasn’t too surprised to discover that the Pattersons’ home was here. He pushed the button on the security box and a male voice immediately spoke. “Identification, please.”
“Jude Crenshaw, here to see Carina Patterson.”
There was a pause and then the double wrought-iron gates swung open. He drove through and followed the curving driveway up an incline to the front of the house.
The Pattersons’ compound took up the entire block. Jude noted two other houses situated nearby. Guest houses, he presumed. The estate was almost large enough to hold a golf course!
He parked in front of the antebellum-style home and got out. Before he reached the top of the three shallow steps to the veranda, one of the double doors swung open. The man who stood there looked more like a former cop than a butler.
“Good evening, Mr. Crenshaw,” the man said. “Carina is in the music room. Follow the hallway past the stairs and enter the first door on your right.”
The foyer was wide and ran the entire length of the house. The staircase rose in a graceful curve to the second floor. Jude glanced up, past the second-floor landing at the ceiling and saw a multi-beveled glass dome that let in light.
When he reached the indicated door, Jude saw Carina seated at a piano, playing, her back him. He stood listening to her. Because her file had noted her passion for music, he’d immersed himself in classical music by attending concerts for the past several months. He was impressed by her skills, despite the fact that he much preferred country-and-western music.
Now he was known as a patron of the arts.
He doubted very much if his dad or his three brothers would believe that he’d actually come to appreciate the skill, practice and talent needed to play a musical instrument that wasn’t a guitar.
One of the walls had floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over a lush garden, making a colorful backdrop to the grand piano and the musician. He waited until she finished the song and then clapped his hands in appreciation. Carina’s head swung around in surprise and she rose from the piano. “Jude, please forgive me for being so rude. Helmuth didn’t tell me you were here and I’m afraid I lose all track of time when I’m playing.”
She walked toward him, wearing a cool-looking sleeveless dress that matched the green of her eyes.
“Then I can only thank Helmuth for the oversight,” he replied, “because I would have missed hearing you play just now. You take my breath away… I mean, your playing…” He stopped, knowing that he would only dig a hole for himself by attempting to clarify his comment.
Jude took her hands in his. “You have such small hands to be able to make such beautiful music.”
“Believe me, I wish they were larger. I’ve had to compensate for my lack of reach over the keyboard all my life.”
“If you’re ready, shall we go?”
When they reached the front entrance he saw that Helmuth hovered by the door. Carina paused in front of him. “Jude, I’d like you to meet Helmuth Gregorian. Helmuth has been with our family since before I was born.”
Jude held out his hand. “Good to meet you.”
Helmuth shook his hand and nodded. A man of few words, obviously.
When Carina saw his car, her eyes widened. “Oh, my. That’s quite a car you have there, Mr. Crenshaw.”
“Jude. My name is Jude.”
“How long have you had it?” she asked, as he opened the passenger door and helped her inside. He closed the door and walked around to the other side. Once he started the car, he replied.
“A couple of years, now.”
“It looks brand new. You must take good care of it.”
He grinned. “One of my many vices.”
Once he reached the end of the driveway and turned onto the street, Jude glanced at her and said, “I made reservations for us at a place north of town with a nice view. We’ll be there in about thirty minutes. I hope that’s all right with you.”
She patted the butter-soft leather of the upholstery and chuckled. “Are you kidding? I could ride in this for weeks.”
“That’s good to know. So if I decide to kidnap you one of these days, does that mean you won’t put up much of a struggle?”
“Well,” she said slowly, “that would depend on why you’d kidnapped me.”
“Oh, rest assured it would be for nefarious purposes.”
“Well, in that case,” she said, laughing, “I probably wouldn’t mind.”
She leaned back in her seat and appeared to relax, which was good. First dates were always tough. Add to that his motive for taking her out…and the evening became even tougher.
They rode along in silence while Jude traversed the various streets that he could swear had originally been cow paths from the way they meandered through the city.
Once on the expressway, Carina said, “Tell me something about yourself, Jude. All I know is that you’re a native Texan and that you’re a member of the well-known Crenshaw family.”
Reasonable question. He’d stick to the truth as much as possible, with the exception of his playboy image.
“There’s not much to tell and what there is you’ll find boring. I’m thirty years old. I enjoy being outdoors and can’t imagine myself working in an office all day.” That was true enough.
“Where were you born? Where did you go to school? Tell me something about your family. Why did you invite me for dinner?”
He laughed. “The last one’s easy. Because I’m attracted to you and want to get to know you better.” He teased her by saying, “Why is it I feel as though I’m being interviewed? Will I read about myself in tomorrow’s paper?”
She laughed. “Oh, no. They’d never get an article into print that fast. Probably some time next week.”
“Oh. Well then, I suppose that’s all right.” They headed out of the city and the traffic thinned out a little before he spoke. “I was born in a little town you’ve probably never heard of, New Eden, which is located about a hundred miles northwest of here. My family’s been there since the 1840s, when one of my ancestors arrived in Texas and bought land in the Hill Country. My dad is the oldest of four brothers and he has four sons.”
“Oh, my. Did his brothers have that many children?”
“Not quite. My uncle Jeffrey has two sons, Jordan and Jackson. Uncle Josh has three sons: Jeremy, Justin and James, and Uncle Jerome has three sons: Jed, Jesse and Johnny.”
“Whew. That’s a lot of people with names starting with J. And what’s with the all-male households?”
“Well, there were women born to some of our ancestors, but not many. And my oldest brother, Jake, broke the cycle by producing a little girl—Heather—a few years ago.”
“Tell me about your brothers.”
Watson had been right. His background would hold up to any scrutiny if someone was checking on him because it wasn’t part of his cover.
He relaxed a little more and said, “Let’s see. Jake is almost thirty-four. He’s the rancher in our family. He married the foreman’s daughter, Ashley, last fall and they’re expecting their first child together any time now. Heather is from his first marriage and he has full custody of her.
“Jared, an oil geologist, got married a few weeks after Jake. He’s thirty-two. I was up at the ranch earlier this month for a big barbecue my dad put on welcoming Jared back from Saudi Arabia. We were all relieved to hear he won’t be going back.
“I’m the third son. My younger brother, Jason, is in Delta Force.”
“Is he married?”
“Nope. He and I enjoy our freedom too much to give serious thought to settling down. At least not for several years, anyway.”
“So you’re definitely a native Texan.”
“Yep. Went all the way through high school in New Eden and as soon as I graduated I joined the army…at the insistence of my father and the local sheriff.”
“The sheriff? What had you done?”
“Nothing too serious, actually, but I guess I was heading in that direction, or so my dad thought. I ran with a couple of guys who loved to pull pranks and push the limit. Let’s just say we were a little too rowdy for the small town. We’d sneak beer, race our cars down Main Street, give our teachers migraines and in general made a name for ourselves.
“My dad wasn’t impressed. He was the one who strongly suggested I find something more productive to do with my life than remove street signs, decorate people’s lawns with toilet paper and see who had the fastest wheels. I recall hearing the words learn a little discipline.”
“A delinquent, were you?” she asked with a grin.
He chuckled. “Close to it.”
“Then you went into the army.”
“Then what?”
He gave her another glance before he said with a smile, “I got out of the army at the end of my enlistment and promised myself I’d never go back.” His first big lie. He’d enjoyed the army and had learned a lot about himself. He’d joined Delta Force a few months after he enlisted. The army had challenged him and he discovered that he thrived on challenge. They’d paid for his college education and promoted him to officer status when he graduated. He’d moved steadily up the ranks and would probably still be in the army if the NSA hadn’t approached him about working for them.
“A little too much discipline, I take it?” Carina asked.
“Something like that,” he replied. “So now you know my entire life story. I warned you it would be boring.”
“What made you move to San Antonio?”
“No one particular reason. My uncle Josh asked me to oversee some of the family property and businesses in the area. Since I didn’t have much else to do, I decided I’d check out the area, meet some people, that kind of thing. Speaking of my uncle, he was the one who first showed me how to find the restaurant where we’re going. I’ve been back several times since then. The food is great and the view outstanding.”
They lapsed into silence for a few miles before Jude looked at her and said, “Now it’s your turn. Tell me about you.”
He wondered how much information she would share with him.
“Compared to you, my life has been truly boring.”
He smiled but didn’t comment.
“I was born in San Antonio, went to school here, went to college in New York for a while and moved back home. That’s pretty much my story in a nutshell.”
“You don’t mention your music.”
“Oh. My music. I suppose that’s because it’s such an integral part of me I don’t think about it. It’s like having green eyes and dark hair. Music is part of who I am.”
“Do you intend to pursue a career in music?”
“I hope to. I need one more year at Juilliard to get my degree. I’m registered for this fall so I’ll be going back soon.”
“Good for you. Then I’m glad I met you before you moved away.”
Jude waited to see if she would mention her fiancé, Daniel Bowie. According to his information, Bowie had been killed fourteen months ago in a hit-and-run accident south of San Antonio. The police report stated that he must have been traveling at a high speed when he was sideswiped. He’d lost control of his car and it had flipped several times, killing him instantly. They’d never discovered who hit him or if the collision had been intentional. The case was still open but they’d run out of leads.
He waited but she didn’t say anything more. Finally, he asked, “What about brothers and sisters?”
“You met my two brothers at the benefit. Alfredo is sixteen years older than I and Benito is fourteen years older. They were already out of the house by the time I was old enough to remember them living at home. Al has taken over the role of my protector, which is a little irritating at my age. In fact, Al looks after everyone in the family. My dad was grateful that Al stepped in and took over running our business once we knew that Dad wouldn’t be able to continue.”
“Does your brother Ben work there, as well?”
“Yes. He’s the quiet one. His wife, Sara, complains that he’s always off on buying trips, but somebody has to do it and Al has enough to handle here. I’m always telling her she should go with him, but so far, she’s stayed at home.”
“Do you have any nieces and nephews?”
“Two nieces and a nephew. Chris and Tina Maria belong to Al and Marisa. Sara and Ben have a toddler, Beth.”
“And you? Do you want to have a family?”
She didn’t answer right away. Finally, she said, “I love children and I want a family, but I want to finish my studies first and see where that takes me.”
“So you’re footloose and fancy free, just like me.”
“I’m not sure about that. I doubt that we have much in common.”
He gave her a sharp look before returning his eyes to the road. “What makes you say that?”
“From everything I’ve heard about you, you lead a busy social life. Whenever your picture shows up in the paper, you seem to be with a different woman, while I seldom date.”
“Then I’m very pleased you’ve made an exception for me. As for the number of women I’ve dated, maybe it’s because I haven’t found the one I want to spend more time with.”
She smiled at him. “Well, good luck in your search.”
He couldn’t think of anything to say to that. Maybe he’d played up his playboy image a little too much, which would be ironic if he’d turned off the one person he needed to attract.
Jude turned off the highway and followed a winding road back into the hills. When the ground leveled off he pulled into a driveway that opened into a parking lot.
“What a beautiful place,” Carina said, looking at what had at one time been a vacation lodge. “The view is awesome.” She looked around. “I don’t see any signs to tell you this is a restaurant. How does anyone know it’s here?”
He took her hand and they walked up the front steps to the wide veranda. “Word of mouth. Reservations are at a premium.” He grinned at her. “I’m glad you like it.”
She gave his hand a quick squeeze. “I’m pleased that you brought me.”
Jude smiled at her obvious pleasure. He still held her hand and she made no effort to pull away. Instead, she stood looking at him with something like wonder and maybe a little bit of trepidation.
“Good evening, Mr. Crenshaw,” the maître d’said, as he approached them. “Your table is this way.” He escorted them outside onto a large deck overlooking a canyon and rolling hills. The sun was close to the horizon and the few clouds in the sky were already tinted with pink and gold.
Carina sank into her chair, unable to take her eyes from the view. “Oh, Jude,” she finally said in a soft voice. “Looking at the sunset makes me feel the same sense of reverence and awe I feel in church. “She looked across the small table at him, her eyes shining.
She was really a beautiful woman. He’d certainly had far worse assignments than spending time with this one.
Their waiter appeared, recited the specials for the night and took their drink orders.
“Does the restaurant have a name?”
“It’s listed in the phone book as the Crown Jewel, but the name doesn’t tell a person it’s a restaurant. You just have to know what it is and where it is.”
Once the sun set behind the hills, twinkle lights lit up the deck and the waiter lit the fat candle on their table for them.
“You picked a good night to be here,” the waiter said. “Last night it was too windy to use the deck.”
The time flew by for Jude. Carina had a delightful sense of humor, which was usually accompanied by her dazzling smile. He discovered that he really liked her. She was funny and without pretense and he enjoyed her company.
They didn’t talk much on the way back to San Antonio. He slipped a CD into the console, one with quiet instrumentals that continued their pleasant mood.
She gave him directions to her apartment building and he found it with no problem. After he opened the front door, he took her hand and didn’t release it as they walked up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway to her apartment. She paused in front of the door and turned to him.
“This has been a magical evening for me,” Carina said. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“I’m glad to hear it because I’d like to see you again soon.”
She smiled. “How soon?”
“Tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that,” he said with a grin.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, is it? Seeing me will slow you down in your hunt for that perfect companion.”
He winced. “I’m really not that bad. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me a chance to redeem myself.”
Somehow they had moved closer to each other, so close he could lean over and kiss her. Because kissing her seemed so natural, he lowered his head as she raised hers.
He cupped her face in his hands and explored her delectable mouth. She stiffened when he first touched her and he started to pull away and apologize when she relaxed and flowed into his arms.
Jude had no idea how long they stood there. He continued to kiss her and caress her face and shoulders. He knew she could feel the effect she had on him. By the time he finally let her go, he was having trouble breathing and his heart was pumping like an overworked engine.
“I’m sor—” he began. She placed her fingers over his mouth.
“I’m not,” she said. “It was a perfect ending for the evening.” She stepped back and smiled at him.
He cleared his throat, but still sounded a little hoarse when he said, “You’d better go inside.”
Her smile was mischievous. “Yes, that’s probably a good idea.”
He offered her a rueful look and gave a tiny shrug. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” he asked, brushing his knuckles beneath her chin in a soft caress.
She took a deep breath and exhaled, and for a moment she looked a little uncertain. He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath until she nodded and said, “Okay, I’d like that,” and went inside, carefully closing the door between them.

John, Hal and Ruth were in the living room when Jude walked into the house from the garage.
“How was your date?” Ruth asked.
“It’s a start. What’s going on with y’all?”
John laughed. “Oh, boy. That Texas twang has definitely gotten thicker since we got here, Crenshaw.”
Hal said, “I’ve got a couple of names for you to keep a watch out for—Ross Davies and Patrick Sullivan.”
Jude sank into one of the easy chairs. “Who are they?”
“Two of the agents working here who have acquired offshore numbered accounts. They covered their tracks—but not so well that Schilling in Financial couldn’t pick them up. And both accounts have very healthy balances.”
“Do we know where the deposits came from?”
“No, but we’re working on it.”
Ruth spoke up, “After following them for weeks, we finally saw them meeting with Al Patterson.”
John said, “If you can get close enough to the family, maybe you’ll be able to find out something about them.”
“Did you get any information from Carina we don’t already have?” Ruth asked.
“Not yet. But I’m working on it.”
Hal said, “If you don’t impress her, I can always step in for that part of the assignment, Crenshaw.”
Jude looked at the cocky agent and made a rude hand gesture, causing the other three to laugh.
“So what’s it like to be dating a suspect?” Hal asked more seriously.
“Weird, but this whole setup has been weird. I’ve gone out with more women in the past six months than I have my entire lifetime.”
“Ohh,” Ruth said, “Poor baby.”
Jude grinned. “Yeah, I know, but when I’m called on to sacrifice myself for the country’s security, I’m right there.”
Ruth stood and said, “Well, it’s getting a little too deep in here for me, so I’ll see you guys in the morning.” She looked at Hal. “What time do you want to leave?”
“Nine is early enough, I think.”
“Well, good night all,” Ruth said, and left the room.
Jude looked at John. “Any sign of anyone on the property?”
“Nope. Our cover seems to be working here in the neighborhood.”
Jude rolled his eyes. “Hal and Ruth are married, you’re her brother and you’re all old friends visiting me. Some cover.”
“It works,” Hal said. “Unfortunately, Ruth isn’t interested in playing house once we’re inside the house.”
“Who are you kidding, Pennington? If Littlefield ever gave you the green light you’d take off running in the opposite direction.”
Hal laughed. “True. Very true. I’m not interested in dating any woman who’s trained to maim a male in so many ways. I’ll keep looking, if it’s all the same to everybody.”
Jude stretched and yawned. “I’m going to bed now. I’ve got to figure out a way to see Carina tomorrow and all the days after that.”
“Like I say, you’ve got the toughest assignment of all,” Hal pointed out.
Jude would never admit to anyone that he was nervous about getting Carina to go out with him again. Once she had time to think about it, she might decide not to get involved.
Too much was riding on his being the kind of man she might want to date. Any slip could be enough to turn her off.
He thought about his two older brothers and how they would chortle if they knew he was worrying about his sex appeal. He’d always been competitive with them, determined to show them that anything they could do, he could do.
Except get married, of course. He’d leave all that to them.

Jude waited until the next afternoon to call Carina’s cell phone. As soon as she answered, he knew she wasn’t at home. Background noise said she was at some kind of party. Damn.
“This is Carina.”
“Hi. This is Jude. Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“Oh! Hi. I didn’t think you really meant it when you said you’d call today.”
“If you’re busy, I’ll call some other time.”
She laughed. “Oh, I’m not busy. It’s a family tradition that my brothers, their wives and children and I go for Sunday dinner every week at my parents’. The noise can sometimes reach high decibels before somebody thinks to quiet things down.”
“I wondered if you’d like to go for a drive this afternoon. I thought we might head over to Bandera and maybe go to the Lost Maples National Park, stop somewhere on the way back for something to eat. Are you interested?”
When she didn’t respond right away, he had a sinking sensation that she was going to say no. He waited.
“I’d like that,” she finally said quietly. “I haven’t been out in that part of the hills in a long time.”
“Me, either, which is why I thought a scenic drive would be nice. When do you want me to pick you up?”
“Oh, in about thirty minutes or so.”
“It will take me at least that long to get there from here.”
“Where do you live?”
“Just north of town. I’ll have to show you the place sometime.”
He could have sworn he heard her breath catch. “Maybe sometime,” she finally said.
Not that he had any intention of her seeing his living arrangements, but at least he’d gotten a reaction out of her. He wasn’t sure what kind, though.
“I’ll see you soon.” He hung up before she could change her mind.
Carina was outside the house when he pulled up into the driveway. So much for getting to see the rest of the family. Before he had a chance to get out of the car, she opened the passenger door and slid inside. At least she appeared eager to see him, which was encouragement, of sorts.
“Hi,” he said, giving her a quick once-over. She wore tan slacks and a sapphire-blue sleeveless top with a scooped neck.
She smiled. “If it seems I’m a little eager to leave, it’s because I’m a little eager to leave.”
“Ah. I would never have noticed.”
She laughed. “I love my family dearly, but sometimes the noise of everybody talking at once and children squealing overwhelms me.”
“I’m glad I could play the gallant knight and come rescue you.” So much for thinking she might find him irresistible. He supposed his ego could handle the letdown.
She rested her head against the back of her seat. “Sometimes my brothers can be so annoying. They’re way too protective of me.”
“They didn’t like you coming out with me this afternoon?”
“Al didn’t say that. What he did was ask where we were going and when I expected to get back, as though I were sixteen.”
“I hope that you convinced him that I’m perfectly harmless.”
Carina sputtered into laughter. “No one meeting you could ever be convinced that you’re harmless, Jude. I think he and the rest of the family are curious, that’s all. As I told you last night, I haven’t dated in a while. My brothers would probably prefer that I become a nun!”
“I feel doubly honored that you agreed to see me, if that’s the case.”
“I enjoyed being with you last night. Plus, I suppose I was curious, too.”
“Oh. Then it wasn’t my charm and sparkling personality that wowed you? I’m crushed.”
“With your reputation, I figured I’d be safe enough, knowing you’d be moving on after a few dates.”
“You make me sound like a heartless jerk.”
“No. It’s just that since you’re a very handsome man, come from a highly respected family, don’t need to work for a living and you’re single, I’m sure many women are eager to spend time with you.”
“You have a positive knack for making what some could consider a compliment sound like an indictment of my character.” He looked over at her. “Are you going to tell me you don’t want to see me again? Because if you are, I sincerely hope you’ll allow me to make a case for myself first.”
“There’s no need. I enjoy your company and don’t mind seeing you. I have no fear of getting too involved with you before you get bored with me.”
“Ouch. You really know how to hurt a guy. You must have had some really bad dating experiences to form your opinion about men. Or is it just me?”
She didn’t answer right away and he decided he’d better stay quiet.
Finally, she said, “I was engaged once.” She glanced at him from the corner of her eye before continuing. “We met in high school, became friends, and later dated. Danny was my best friend. We enjoyed each other’s company and when I returned home from New York after Dad’s stroke, it seemed only natural to become engaged. I don’t know what I would have done during that time without Danny being there for me. The family was pleased to see me happy and ready to settle down. We talked about my desire to get my music degree from Juilliard and Danny told me he was willing to move to New York while I attended school, whenever I was ready to return.”

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