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Tempted by Her Innocent Kiss
Maya Banks

About the Author
MAYA BANKS has loved romance novels from a very, very early age, and almost from the start, she dreamed of writing them, as well. In her teens she filled countless notebooks with overdramatic stories of love and passion. Today her stories are only slightly less dramatic, but no less romantic.
She lives in Texas with her husband and three children and wouldn’t contemplate living anywhere other than the South. When she’s not writing, she’s usually hunting, fishing or playing poker. She loves to hear from her readers, and she can be found on Facebook or you can follow her on Twitter (@maya_banks). Her website,, is where you can find up-to-date information on all of Maya’s current and upcoming releases.

Tempted by Her Innocent Kiss
Maya Banks (

There came a time in a man’s life when he knew he was well and truly caught. Devon Carter stared down at the brilliant diamond solitaire ring nestled in velvet and acknowledged that this was one such time. He snapped the lid closed and shoved the box into the breast pocket of his suit.
He had two choices. He could marry Ashley Copeland and fulfill his goal of merging his company with Copeland Hotels, thus creating the largest, most exclusive line of resorts in the world, or he could refuse and lose it all.
Put in that light, there wasn’t much he could do except pop the question.
The doorman to his Manhattan high-rise hurried to open the door as Devon strode toward the street, where his driver waited. He took a deep breath before ducking into the car, and the driver pulled into traffic.
Tonight was the night. All of his careful wooing—the countless dinners, kisses that started brief and casual and became more breathless—was a lead-up to tonight. Tonight his seduction of Ashley Copeland would be complete, and then he’d ask her to marry him.
He shook his head as the absurdity of the situation hit him for the hundredth time. Personally he thought William Copeland was crazy for forcing his daughter down Devon’s throat. He’d tried everything to sway the older man from his aim to see his daughter married off … to Devon.
Ashley was a sweet enough girl, but Devon had no desire to marry anyone. Not yet. Maybe in five years. Then he’d select a wife, have two-point-five children and have it all.
William had other plans. From the moment Devon had approached him, William held a calculated gleam in his eye. He’d told Devon that Ashley had no head for business. She was too soft-hearted, too naive, too … everything to ever take an active role in the family business. He was convinced that any man who showed interest in her would only be seeking to ingratiate himself into the Copeland fold—and the fortune that went with her. William wanted her taken care of and for whatever reason, he thought Devon was the best choice.
And so he’d made Ashley part and parcel of the deal. The catch? Ashley wasn’t to learn of it. The old man might be willing to barter his daughter, but he damn sure didn’t want her to know about it. Which meant that Devon was stuck playing stupid games. He winced at the things he’d said, the patience he’d exerted in his courting of Ashley. He was a blunt, straightforward person, and this whole mess made him grit his teeth.
If she was part of the deal, he’d rather all parties know that from the outset so there would be no misunderstandings, no hurt feelings and no misconceptions.
Ashley was going to think this was a grand love match. She was a starry-eyed, soft-hearted woman who preferred to spend time with her animal rescue foundation over board meetings, charts and financials for Copeland Hotels.
If she ever found out the truth, she wasn’t going to take it well. And hell, he couldn’t blame her. Devon hated manipulation, and he’d be pissed if someone was doing to him what he was doing to her.
“Stupid old fool,” Devon muttered.
His driver pulled up to the apartment building that was home to the entire Copeland clan. William and his wife occupied a penthouse on the top floor, but Ashley had moved to a smaller apartment on a lower floor. Various other family members, from cousins to aunts and uncles, lived in all places in between.
The Copeland family was an anomaly to Devon. He’d been on his own since he was eighteen, and the only thing he remembered of his parents was the occasional reminder not to “screw up.”
All this devotion William showered on his children was alien and it made Devon uncomfortable. Especially since William seemed determined to treat Devon like a son now that he was marrying Ashley.
Devon started to get out when he saw Ashley fly through the door, a wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling as she saw him.
What the hell?
He hurried toward her, a frown on his face.
“Ashley, you should have stayed inside. I would have come for you.”
In response, she laughed, the sound vibrant and fresh among the sounds of traffic. Her long blond hair hung free tonight instead of being pulled up by a clip in her usual careless manner. She reached for his hands and squeezed as she smiled up at him.
“Really, Devon, what could happen to me? Alex is right here, and he watches over me worse than my father does.”
Alex, the doorman, smiled indulgently in Ashley’s direction. It was a smile most people wore around her. Patient, somewhat bemused, but nearly everyone who met her was enchanted by her effervescence.
Devon sighed and pulled Ashley’s hands up to his waist. “You should wait inside where it’s safe and let me come in for you. Alex can’t protect you. He has other duties to attend to.”
Her eyes sparkled merrily, and she flung her arms around his neck, startling him with the unexpected show of affection.
“That’s what you’re for, silly. I can’t imagine anyone ever hurting me when you’re around.”
Before he could respond, she fused her lips hungrily to his. For God’s sake the woman had no sense of self-control. She was making a spectacle here in the doorway to her apartment building.
Still, his body reacted to the hunger in her kiss. She tasted sweet and so damn innocent. He felt like an ogre for the deception he was carrying out.
But then he remembered that Copeland Hotels would finally be his—or at least under his control. He would be a force to be reckoned with worldwide. Not bad for a man who had been told that his sole ambition should be not to “screw up.”
Carefully, he pulled her away and gently offered a reprimand.
“This isn’t the place, Ashley. We should be going. Carl is waiting for us.”
Her lips turned down into a momentary frown before she looked beyond him to Carl, and once again she rushed forward, a bright smile on her face.
He shook his head as she greeted his chauffeur, her hands flying everywhere as she spoke in rapid tones. Carl grinned. The man actually grinned as he handed Ashley into the car. By the time Devon made it over, Carl had already reverted back to his somber countenance.
Devon slid into the backseat with Ashley, and she immediately moved over to nestle into his side.
“Where are we eating tonight?” she asked.
“I planned something special.”
As expected she all but pounced on him, her eyes shining with excitement.
“What?” she demanded.
He smiled. “You’ll see.”
He felt more than heard her faint huff of exasperation and his smile broadened. One thing in Ashley’s favor was that she was extraordinarily easy to please. He was unused to women who didn’t wheedle, pout or complain when their expectations weren’t met. And unfortunately, the women he usually spent time with had high expectations. Expensive expectations. Ashley seemed happy no matter what he presented her with. He had every confidence that the ring he’d chosen would meet with her approval.
She nestled closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. Her spontaneous demonstrations of affection still unbalanced him. He wasn’t used to people who were so … unreserved.
William Copeland felt that Ashley needed someone who understood and accepted her nature. Why he thought Devon fit the bill Devon would never know.
When they married, he would work on getting her to restrain some of her enthusiasm. She couldn’t go through her entire life with her emotions on her sleeve. It would only get her hurt.
A few minutes later, Carl pulled up to Devon’s building and got out to open the door. Devon stepped out and then extended his hand to help Ashley from the car.
Her brow was creased in a thoughtful expression as she stared up at the building.
“This is your place.”
He chuckled at her statement of the obvious. “So it is. Come, our dinner awaits.”
He ushered her through the open door and into a waiting elevator. It soared to the top and opened into the foyer of his apartment. To his satisfaction, everything was just as he’d arranged.
The lighting was low and romantic. Soft jazz played in the background and the table by the window overlooking the city had been set for two.
“Oh, Devon, this is perfect!”
Once again she threw herself into his arms and gave him a squeeze worthy of someone much larger than herself. It did funny things to his chest every time she hugged him.
Extricating himself from her hold, he guided her toward the table. He pulled her chair out for her and then reached for a bottle of wine to pour them both a glass.
“The food is still hot!” she exclaimed as she touched the plate in front of her. “How did you manage it?”
He chuckled. “My super powers?”
“Mmm, I like the idea of a man with super cooking powers.”
“I had someone in while I was gone to collect you.”
She wrinkled her nose. “You’re horribly old-fashioned, Dev. There was no reason to collect me if we were spending the evening at your apartment. I could have gotten a cab or had my father’s driver run me over.”
He blinked in surprise. Old-fashioned? He’d been accused of a lot of things, but never of being old-fashioned. Then he scowled.
“A man should see to his woman’s needs. All of them. It was my pleasure to pick you up.”
Her cheeks pinkened in the candlelight, and her eyes shone like he’d just handed her the keys to a brand-new car.
“Am I?” she asked huskily.
He cocked his head to the side as he set his wineglass down. “Are you what?”
“Your woman.”
Something unfurled inside him. He wouldn’t have considered himself a possessive man, but now that he’d decided that she would be his wife, he discovered he felt very possessive where she was concerned.
“Yes,” he said softly. “And before the night is over, you’ll have no doubts that you belong to me.”
A full body shiver took over Ashley. How was she supposed to concentrate on dinner after a statement like that? Devon stared at her across the table like he was going to pounce at any moment.
He had the most arresting eyes. Not really brown, but a warm shade of amber. In the sunlight they looked golden and in the candlelight they looked like a mountain lion’s. She felt like prey, but it was a delicious feeling, not at all threatening. She’d been waiting for the moment when Devon would take their relationship a step further.
She’d longed for it and dreaded it with equal intensity. How could she possibly keep pace with a man who could seduce a woman with nothing more than a touch and a glance?
He’d been a consummate gentleman during the time they’d been dating. At first he’d only given her gentle, nonthreatening kisses, but over time they’d become more passionate and she’d gotten a glimpse of the powerfully sensual man under the protective armor.
She had a feeling that once those layers were peeled back, the man behind them was ferocious, possessive and … savage.
Another shiver overtook her at the direction of her thoughts. They were fanciful, yes, but she truly believed her assessment. Would she find out tonight? Did he plan to make her his?
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Devon prompted.
She stared down at her plate again. What was it anyway? She wasn’t sure she could eat a bite. Her mouth felt as if it was full of sawdust, and her entire body trembled with anticipation.
She moved the shrimp with her fork so that it gathered some of the sauce and slowly raised it to her lips.
“You aren’t a vegetarian, are you?”
She laughed at the look on his face, as if the idea had just occurred to him.
“Tell me I haven’t been serving you food you won’t eat all this time,” Devon said with a grimace. “You would have said something, wouldn’t you have?”
She put the shrimp into her mouth and chewed as she put the fork down. When she’d swallowed she reached over to touch his hand.
“You worry too much. I would have told you if I was a vegetarian. A lot of people assume since I’m so active in my animal rescue organization that I refuse to eat meat of any kind.”
The relief on his face made her laugh again.
“I’ll eat chicken and most seafood. I’m not crazy about pork or the more uppity stuff like veal, foie gras and stuff like that.”
A shudder worked over her shoulders.
“There’s something about eating duck liver that just turns my stomach.”
Devon chuckled. “It’s actually quite good. Have you tried it?”
She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “Sorry. I have a thing about eating any sort of innard.”
“Ah, so no cow’s tongue for you then.”
She held up her hands and shook her head back and forth. “Don’t say it. Just don’t say it. That’s beyond disgusting.”
“I’ll make a note of your food preferences so that I never serve you animal guts,” he said solemnly.
She grinned over at him. “You know, Devon, you’re not as stiff as everyone thinks you are. You actually have quite a sense of humor.”
One finely arched eyebrow shot upward. “Stiff? Who thinks I’m stiff?”
Realizing she’d put her foot solidly in her mouth, she stuffed another shrimp in to keep the foot company.
“Nobody,” she mumbled around her food. “Forget I said anything.”
“Has someone been warning you off of me?”
The sudden tension in his voice sent a prickle of unease over her.
“My family worries for me,” she said simply. “They’re very protective. Too protective,” she finished with a mutter.
“Your family is warning you about me?”
He acted as though it was the very last thing he expected. Was he so sure that her entire family was pushing for a match between them?
“Well no, not exactly. Definitely not Daddy. He thinks you hung the moon. Mama approves but I’m sure it’s because Daddy does. She thinks he can do nothing wrong so if you have his stamp of approval you have hers.”
He seemed to relax in his chair. “Who then?”
She shrugged. “My brother wants me to be careful, but you have to understand he’s been saying the same thing about all the guys I’ve ever dated.”
Again that eyebrow went up as he raised the glass of wine to his lips. “Oh?”
“Yeah, you know, you’re a philanderer, a player. Different woman on your arm every week. You aren’t serious. You just want to get me into bed.”
A blast of heat surged into her cheeks and she ducked her head. Stupid thing to blurt out. Stupid!
“Sounds like a typical older brother,” Devon said blandly. “But he’s right about one thing. I do want you in my bed. The difference is, once you’re there, you’re going to stay.”
Her lips popped into an O.
He smiled, a lazy, self-assured smile that oozed male confidence.
“Finish eating, Ashley. I want you to enjoy your meal. We’ll enjoy … each other … later.”
She ate mechanically. She didn’t register the taste. For all she knew she was eating cow’s tongue.
What did women do in situations like these? Here was a man obviously determined to take her to bed. Did she play it cool? Did she go on the offensive? Did she offer to undress for him?
A bubble of laughter bounced into her throat. Oh, Lord, but she was in way over her head.
Firm hands rested on her shoulders and squeezed reassuringly. She yanked her head up to see Devon behind her. How had he gotten there?
“Relax, Ash,” he said gently. “You’re wound tighter than a spring. Come here.”
On shaking legs, she rose to stand in front of him. He touched her cheek with one finger then raised it to her temple to push at a tendril of her hair. He traced a line over her face and down to her lips before finally moving in, his body crowding hers.
He wrapped one arm around her waist, and cupped her nape with his other hand. This time when he kissed her there was none of the restraint she’d seen in the past. It was like kissing an inferno.
Hot, breathless, so overwhelming that her senses shattered. How could one kiss do this to her?
His tongue brushed over her lips, softly at first and then more firmly as he forced her mouth to open under his gentle pressure.
She relaxed and melted into his embrace. Her body hummed. Her pulse thudded against her temples, at her neck and deep in her body at her very core. She wanted this man. Sometimes she felt like she’d been waiting for him forever. He was so … right.
“Devon,” she whispered.
He pushed far enough away that he could see her, but he still held her firm in his embrace.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
Her heart fluttered at the endearment.
“There’s something I need to tell you. Something you should know.”
His brow furrowed, and he searched her eyes as if gauging her mood.
“Go ahead. You can tell me anything.”
She swallowed but felt the knot grow bigger in her throat. She hadn’t imagined it being this difficult to say, but she felt suddenly silly. Maybe she shouldn’t say anything at all. Maybe she should just let things happen. But no, this was a special night. It needed to be special. He deserved to know.
“I—I’ve never done this.” She gripped his upper arm with nervous fingers. “What I mean is that I’ve never made love with a man before. You … you’d be the first.”
Something dark and primitive sparked in his eyes. His grip tightened around her waist. At first he didn’t say anything. He kissed her hungrily, his lips devouring hers.
Then he pulled away, savage satisfaction written on every facet of his face.
“I’m glad. After tonight you’ll be mine, Ashley. I’m glad I’m the first.”
“Me, too,” she whispered.
Some of the fierceness in his expression eased. He leaned forward and kissed her on the brow and held his lips there for a long moment.
His hands ran soothingly up and down her arms, stopping to squeeze her shoulders. “I don’t want you to be afraid. I’ll be very gentle with you, sweetheart. I’ll make sure you enjoy every moment of it.”
She reached up on tiptoe to wrap both arms around his neck. “Then make love to me, Devon. I’ve waited so long for you.”

Ashley stared up at Devon, unsure of what to do now. He didn’t suffer any such problem. Dropping another kiss on her brow, he bent and lifted her into his arms and carried her to the large master bedroom in the corner of the apartment.
She sighed as she laid her head on his chest. “I’ve always dreamed of being carried to bed when the big moment came. I probably sound silly.”
Soft laughter rumbled from his chest. “Glad I could fulfill one of your fantasies before I even get you naked.”
She blushed but felt a giddy thrill at the idea of him undressing her. That was number two on her fantasy list for when she lost her virginity.
After listening to so many girls in high school and college talk about how utterly unremarkable their first times were, Ashley had vowed that her experience would be different. Perhaps she’d been too picky as a result, but she’d been determined to choose the right man and the right moment. So she was feeling pretty damn smug because it didn’t get any more perfect than Devon Carter right here, right now.
He set her down just inside the doorway and she glanced nervously around his enormous bedroom. A person could get swallowed up in here. And the bed was equally huge. It looked custom-made. Who needed a bed that big anyway? Unless he regularly hosted orgies and slept with ten women.
“I’m going to undress you, sweetheart,” he said in a husky voice. “I’ll go slow and you stop me if you feel uncomfortable at any time. We have all night. There’s no rush.”
Her heart melted at the tenderness in his voice. He seemed so patient, and she warred with appreciating this unerringly patient side of him and being frustrated because she wanted to be ravished.
It’s your first time only once.
She could hear herself issue the reprimand. And she was right. She had plenty of time for down-and-dirty, hot monkey sex. But she would only have this night once and she wanted it to be a night she’d always remember.
“Turn around so I can unzip your dress.”
Slowly she turned and closed her eyes when he gently moved her hair over one shoulder so he could reach the zip. A moment later, the light rasp of the zipper filled the room and the dress loosened precariously around her bust.
She slapped her hands over the strapless neckline just before it took the plunge down her body.
Devon’s hands closed around her bare shoulders and he kissed the curve of her neck. “Relax.”
Easy for him to say. He’d probably done this a hundred times. That thought depressed her and she made herself swear not to dwell on how many bed partners he may have had.
He turned her back around, his smile tender enough to melt her insides. Carefully he pried her fingers away from their death grip on her dress until it fell down her body, leaving her in only her panties.
She flushed scarlet. Why, oh, why hadn’t she just worn the strapless bra? She felt like a hussy for not wearing anything but it wasn’t as if she had a huge amount of cleavage and the dress fit tightly over her chest so she hadn’t been in danger of flopping out of it.
And it wasn’t as if she knew she was going to be seduced tonight.
She’d hoped. But then she’d hoped every time Devon took her out. She’d given up on trying to predict when or if the day might come.
“Very sexy,” Devon breathed out as his gaze raked up and down her body.
Thank goodness she’d worn the lacy, sexy panties and not the plain white cotton ones she sometimes wore when she was feeling particularly uninspired or just didn’t give a damn whether she felt girly and pretty or not.
“You’re beautiful, Ash. So damn beautiful.”
Some of her trembling stopped as she absorbed the look in his eyes. The eyes didn’t lie and she could read arousal and appreciation in those golden depths.
He took her shoulders, gently pulled her to him and kissed her again. Hot. Forceful. In turns fierce and then gentler as though he had to remind himself not to overwhelm her.
She wanted to be overwhelmed.
She may be a virgin but she was no stranger to lust, desire and extreme arousal. She wanted Devon with a force that bordered on obsession. He’d fired many a fantasy that had kept her up at night.
And it wasn’t as if she hadn’t been tempted in the past. She’d been courted by other men. Some she felt absolutely no desire for but with others she’d experienced a kernel of interest and had wondered if she should pursue a sexual relationship. In the end, she hadn’t been sure and if she wasn’t absolutely sure, she’d promised herself she wouldn’t take the plunge.
Not so with Devon. She’d known from the moment he introduced himself to her in that husky, sexy-as-hell voice that she was a goner. She’d spent the last weeks breathless in anticipation of this night. Now that it was here, her entire body ached for him to take her.
He pulled away for a moment and she stared at him with glazed eyes. He touched her cheek, tracing a path down her face with his fingertip. Then he kissed her again. And again.
Hot. Breathless. His tongue slid between her lips and feathered over her own. Warm and decadent, his taste seeped over her tongue and she drank him in hungrily, wanting more.
His harsh groan exploded into her mouth and the rush of his exhalation blew over her face. “You make me crazy.”
She smiled, some of her nervousness abating. That she had this effect on this gorgeous, perfect man infused her with a sudden rush of feminine confidence.
He fastened his mouth to her jaw and kissed a line down to her neck. He pressed his lips just over her pulse point and then lightly grazed his teeth over the sensitive flesh.
Shivers of delight danced over her shoulders. His hands glided up her arms and then gripped her just above the elbows. He held her in place as his mouth continued its downward trek. Over the curve of her shoulder and then down the front.
He went to his knees in front of her so that his mouth was barely an inch from her nipple. She sucked in her breath, afraid to move, wanting so badly for him to touch her there. His mouth, lips, tongue … She didn’t care. She just knew she’d die if he didn’t touch her.
He lowered his head and kissed her belly instead. Just above her navel. She sucked in her breath, causing her stomach to cave in. He moved up an inch and kissed her again, tracing a path between her breasts until finally he pressed a kiss directly over where her heart beat.
A slow smile turned his lips upward, the movement light against her skin.
“Your heart’s racing,” he murmured.
She remained silent. It didn’t require acknowledgement from her—her heart was beyond racing. It was damn near about to explode out of her chest.
But her hands wouldn’t remain still. Drawn to the light brown wash of his hair, she threaded her fingers through the short strands. In a certain light, she could see the shades of his eyes. Amber. Golden. That warm, liquid brown.
Her fingers moved easily through his hair. No styling products stiffened the strands. A little mussed. Never quite the same from day to day. He paid as little attention to his hair as he did to the other things he deemed inconsequential.
He glanced up, her fingers still thrust into his hair. “Are you afraid?”
“Terrified,” she admitted.
His gaze softened and he wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her into his embrace. The shock of her naked body against his still fully clothed one sent shivers up her spine.
“I’d feel less afraid if you were naked, though.”
He blinked in surprise and then he threw back his head and laughed. “You little tease.” He pushed upward to his feet until he towered over her. “I’m happy to accommodate you. More than happy to accommodate you.”
She licked over suddenly dry lips as he pulled away and began unbuttoning his shirt. He tugged the ends from his slacks and unfastened his cuffs before shrugging out of the sleeves.
She swayed precariously because oh, Lord, was the man mouthwateringly gorgeous. He was lean in an “I work out” way but he wasn’t so muscled that he looked like he got carried away with the fitness regimen. He was hard in all the right places without being a neckless, snarling, swollen, knuckles-dragging-the-ground caveman type.
A smattering of light brown hair collected in a whorl in the center of his chest and then tapered to a fine line that drifted down his abdomen and disappeared into the waist of his pants.
She wanted to touch him. Had to touch him. She curled her fingers until they dug into her palms and then she frowned. There weren’t rules to seduction, right? She could touch. No reason for her to stand here like a statue or an automaton while he did all the work. While taking things slow did have its good points, there was simply too much she wanted to experience to stand idly by while seduction happened. She wanted to take an active part.
He’d only began to undo his pants, when she slid her hands over his chest and up to his shoulders. He went still and for a moment closed his eyes.
His response fascinated her. Did her touch bring him as much pleasure as his touch brought her? A sudden rush of power bolted through her veins, awakening the feminine roar inside her.
She moved in closer, wanting to feel his naked flesh against hers. Hot. She gasped when her breasts pressed against his chest. It was an electric sensation that was wildly intoxicating. She wanted more. So much more.
“What are you doing?” he asked hoarsely.
“Enjoying myself.”
He smiled at that and remained still, his hands still gripping the fly of his pants. She ran her palms openly over his chest, exploring each muscled ridge, enjoying the rugged contrast between his hardness and the softness of her own body.
“Take them off,” she whispered when her hands drifted perilously close to where his hands were positioned.
“Has the blushing virgin turned temptress?”
On cue, she flushed but he smiled and then let go of his pants to frame her face in his palms. He kissed her, nearly scorching her lips off with the sudden heat. “You take them off me,” he murmured into her mouth.
Sudden nerves made her fingers clumsy as she fumbled with his pants, but he stood there patiently, his hands caressing her face, gaze locked with hers as she pushed his pants down his legs.
Swallowing, she chanced a look down to see his erection straining hard against the cotton of his briefs. Plain, boxer briefs. Somehow she’d imagined something a little more … She wasn’t sure. She just knew she hadn’t imagined plain boxer briefs but then he was a no-fuss kind of guy. Yes, he wore expensive clothing, but it was comfortable expensive clothing. The kind you only knew was expensive because you recognized the label. Not because it looked terribly pricey.
Simply put, Devon Carter looked like a man who’d made money but wasn’t overly concerned with appearing as though he was wealthy. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t look the part. She’d seen him in full business attire with the sleek designer labels and the polished, arrogant look to match. But she’d spent much more time with him privately. When he was relaxed. Less guarded. That was the word. In public situations, he was intensely guarded at all times. Almost as if he was determined to let no one in. It thrilled her that he trusted her enough to see his more casual side.
“Put your hand around me,” he coaxed in that low husky tone that had her melting.
Tentatively she slid her fingers beyond the waistband of his underwear and delved lower until she encountered the velvety hardness of his erection. Emboldened by the immediate darkening of his eyes, she curled her fingers around the base and slowly slid upward, lightly skimming along his length.
His hands left her face and he impatiently pushed his underwear down until he was completely nude, cupped in her hands as she gently caressed him.
Having nothing but stolen glimpses of elicit photos to compare him to, he seemed to measure up adequately in the size department. At least he didn’t look so huge that she feared compatibility issues.
He gently took her wrists and pulled her hands away from his erection. Then he pulled her hands up until they were trapped between them against his chest. His thumb lightly caressed the inside of her palm as he stared into her eyes.
“You, my love, are driving me slowly insane. It was me who was supposed to do the seducing and yet you utterly enslave me with every touch.”
She flushed with pleasure, her skin growing warm under the intense desire blazing in his eyes.
He kissed her again, and he pressed in close until he walked her backward toward the bed. He stopped when the backs of her legs brushed against the sumptuous comforter.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and lowered her back until she was lying on the mattress, him hovering above her.
His expression grew serious and he brushed her hair from her forehead in a tender gesture. “If at any time I do something that frightens you, tell me and I’ll stop. If at any time you simply want to slow down, just let me know.”
“Oh,” she breathed out. Because it was impossible to say anything else around the tightness in her throat.
She reached for him, pulled him down to meet her kiss. She felt clumsy and inept but it didn’t seem to matter to him. She wished she was more artful. More practiced. But she couldn’t wish for experience because more than anything she was glad she’d waited for this moment. For him.
“I love you,” she whispered, unable to hold back the words that swelled and finally broke free.
He went still and for a moment she was terrified that she’d effectively thrown a wet blanket over a fire. She drew away, eyes wide as she searched his face for something. Some reaction. Some indication that she’d breached some forbidden barrier.
Trust her to ruin what would have been the most exciting, wonderful, splendiferous moment of her life by opening her big mouth. She’d never been able to restrain herself. She tried. Most of the time.
His name came out in a near croak. Her lips shook and she started to withdraw, already feeling the heat of embarrassment lick over her with painful precision.
Instead of answering her, he moved over her in a powerful rush. He took her mouth roughly, devouring her lips as his tongue plunged inside, tangling with hers.
Her body surged to life, arching up into his. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he gathered her tightly against him. Their bodies were as fused as their mouths. Between her legs, she could feel him so hard. Hot.
His hips jerked, almost as if he could barely contain the urge to push inside her. She gasped for air, partly out of excitement, partly out of sudden, delicious fear and anticipation.
His hands and mouth were everywhere. A sensual assault on her senses. Magic. Gentle caresses mixed with firmer, rougher touches. He slid down her body until his mouth hovered over one taut nipple. And then he flicked his tongue out and licked the tip.
She cried out, nearly undone by the shock of such a simple touch. Pleasure rocked over her and she shuddered violently, her fingers suddenly digging into his flesh, marking him.
Not satisfied with the intensity of her reaction, he closed his mouth over the rigid peak and sucked strongly.
Her vision blurred. She gasped but couldn’t seem to draw air into her lungs. Oh, but it was heaven. So edgy. She couldn’t even find the words to describe such a decadent sensation as his mouth sucking at her breast.
But then his hand slid between them, over the softness of her belly and lower.
She held her breath as his fingers tentatively brushed through her sensitive folds and then he found her heat, teasing, touching. He knew better than she knew herself exactly how to pleasure her. Where to touch her. How to touch her. Each stroke brought her to greater heights.
It was as though she was being wound tighter and tighter. Tension coiled in her belly. Low. Humming through her pelvis. She wasn’t ignorant of orgasms, but this was nothing like she’d ever experienced before. It was powerful. Relentless. Nearly frightening in its intensity.
His fingers left her and he carefully parted her legs. His hand glided soothingly up the inside of her thigh and then he stroked her intimately again as he positioned himself above her.
His mouth left her breasts and she moaned her protest. He covered her lips once more with his own and then whispered softly to her.
“Hold on to me, love. Touch me. I’m going to go inside you now. I’ll be gentle. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
She trembled from head to toe. Not in fear or trepidation. She was so close to release that she feared the moment he pushed inside her the barest inch that she’d go over the edge, and she wanted it to last. She wanted to enjoy every single moment of what was to come.
“Wait,” she choked out.
He went still, the tip of his erection just touching the mouth of her opening. Strain was evident in his face as he stared down at her, but he held himself in check.
“Are you all right? Did I frighten you?” he asked urgently.
She shook her head. “No. No, I’m fine. I just needed a second. I’m so close. Just need to catch up.”
He smiled then, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. “Tell me when.”
She reached up once more, feathering her hands over his shoulders and to the bunched muscles of his back. Her gaze met his and she drowned in those beautiful amber eyes. “When.”
He swallowed hard and his lips tightened into a harsh line. Then he closed his eyes and flexed his hips, pushing into her inch by delicious inch.
At one point he stopped and she stirred restlessly, a protest forming.
“Shh,” he murmured as he kissed the corner of her mouth. “Give me just a moment. I don’t want to hurt you. Better to have done with it quickly.”
She nodded her agreement just as he surged forward, burying himself to the hilt.
Her eyes widened and a strangled sound escaped her throat as she sought to process the sudden wash of conflicting sensations that bombarded her from every angle.
He was deep. Impossibly deep. She surrounded him. He surrounded her. Their hips were flush against each other. His body covered hers possessively. There was a burning ache deep inside her, and she couldn’t discern whether it was pleasure or pain.
She just knew she wanted—needed—more.
She whimpered lightly and struggled, not against him, not in protest. She wanted something she couldn’t name. She wanted … him. All of him.
“Easy,” he soothed.
He kissed her, stroked his tongue over hers and then deepened the kiss just as he began to move inside her. Gently. He was so gentle and reverent. He lifted his body off of her and arched his hips, pushing deep then retreating.
Then he levered himself down, resting on his forearms, never breaking away from her eyes.
She smiled. “Very okay.”
“You’re beautiful, Ash. So very beautiful. So innocent and perfect and mine.”
His. The possessive growl in his voice thrilled her and sent another cascade of pleasure through her body.
“Yes, yours,” she whispered.
“Tell me how close you are. I want to make sure you’re with me. I can’t hold off much longer.”
“Then don’t.” Her voice shook. She was nearly beyond the ability to think much less speak. Her body was taut. Her senses were shattered and she was so very close to losing all control. Just one touch. One more touch …
He gathered her close and thrust again. And then again. He forced her thighs farther apart, plunged deeper and she lost all sense of herself.
She cried out his name. Heard him murmur close to her ear. Soothing. Comforting. Telling her beautiful things she could barely make sense of. She was spiraling at a dizzying speed, faster and faster until she closed her eyes.
It was the single most beautiful, spectacular sensation she could imagine. She’d wanted wonderful, but this far surpassed even her most erotic fantasies.
When she regained at least a modicum of sanity, she was firmly wrapped in Devon’s embrace and his mouth was moving lightly over her neck. For that matter she was on top of him. Her hair was flung to one side while he nuzzled at the curve of her shoulder, moving up and down to just below her ear and back to her shoulder.
She raised her head to stare down at him, still feeling a little fuzzy around the edges. “How did I get here?”
He smiled and slid his hands over her naked body. They stopped at her behind and he squeezed affectionately. “I put you here. I like you covering me. I could get used to it.”
He raised one eyebrow. “Speechless? You?”
She sent him a disgruntled look but was too wasted to follow up with any sort of admonishment. Okay, so obviously she was speechless.
He chuckled and pulled her down against him. She settled over him with a sigh and he rubbed his palm over her back, stroking and caressing as she lay draped over him like a wet noodle.
“Did I hurt you?”
She smiled at the concern in his voice. “No. It was perfect, Dev. So perfect I can’t even find the words to describe it. Thank you.”
He lifted a strand of hair and lazily twined his fingers around it. “Thank you? I don’t think I’ve ever been thanked by a woman after sex.”
“You made my first time special,” she said quietly. “It was perfect. You were perfect.”
He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad.”
She yawned against his chest and cuddled deeper into his hold.
“Go to sleep,” he murmured. “I want you to sleep here tonight.”
Her eyes were incredibly heavy, and she was already drifting off when his directive registered in her consciousness.
“Want to sleep here, too,” she mumbled.
His fingers stilled in her hair and then his hands wandered down her body, bold and possessive. “That’s good, Ash, because from now on, you’ll sleep every night in my bed.”

Devon woke to the odd sensation of a female body wrapped around him. Not just wrapped but completely and utterly surrounding him.
Ashley was draped across him, her legs tangled with his, her breasts flattened against his chest, her arm thrown across his body and her face burrowed into his neck.
He … liked it.
He lay there a long while watching the soft rise and fall of her body as she slept soundly across him. She was really quite beautiful in an unsophisticated, effervescent way. She lit up a room when she walked in. You could always pick her out of a crowd. She was extremely … natural. Perhaps a bit too exuberant and unrestrained but in time with the proper guidance, she’d be an excellent wife and mother.
He ran the tips of his finger lightly up her arm. She was pale. Not so pale she looked unhealthy, but it was obvious she wasn’t a sun bunny, nor did she indulge in salon tanning. Perhaps what he liked most about her was that she looked the same no matter when he saw her. Though she wore makeup, she didn’t wear so much that she was transformed into someone completely different when they went out.
Glossy lips and a touch of coal to already long, lush lashes seemed to be all she did, but then he was hardly an expert on women’s gunk.
But she didn’t seem fake. At least not that he could tell. Yet. Who knew what the future would bring. He liked to think she wasn’t an accomplice in this ridiculous plan of her father’s even when he knew it was best for all parties involved to know the entire story from the start.
The selfish bastard in him liked the idea that she felt affection for him, free of machinations. If her words from the night before weren’t merely a result of being overwhelmed in the moment, affection was perhaps the wrong term. She’d said she loved him.
It both complicated the matter and gave him a certain amount of satisfaction.
While he may approach the marriage as a matter of necessity, convenience and a chance at a successful business venture, the idea that she would be coming into the marriage for the same reasons bothered him immensely.
It made him a flaming hypocrite but he was happy for her to want him because she desired him and yes, even loved him.
First, however, he had to get the preliminaries out of the way. One of which was making their upcoming nuptials official. She didn’t know it yet, but she would become Mrs. Devon Carter.
He carefully extricated himself from the tangle of arms and legs, but he needn’t have worried because she slept soundly, only wrinkling her nose and mumbling something in her sleep when he slipped away completely.
He pulled on his robe and glanced back at the bed. For a moment he was transfixed by the image she presented. The sun streamed through the window across the room and bathed her in its warm glow.
Her blond hair was tousled and spread out over his pillow. One arm shielded most of her breasts from view, but there, just below her elbow, one nipple peeked out. The sheet slid to just over her buttocks but bared the dimple just below the small of her back.
She was indeed beautiful. And now she was his.
He dug into the pocket of the jacket he’d discarded the night before to retrieve the box with the ring in it and then quietly left the room. When she awoke, he’d put into place the next part of his carefully orchestrated plan.
Ashley stirred and stretched lazily, blinking when the sun momentarily blinded her. She kept her eyes shut for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth and comfort of the sumptuous bed. Devon’s bed.
She sighed in contentment. As virginal deflowering went, that had to top the list of all-time most awesome. How could it possibly have been any better? A wonderful night. Romantic dinner for two. Devon staring at her with those gorgeous eyes and murmuring that she would now be his. Oh, yeah, perfect.
Then she realized that he was no longer in bed with her and she opened her eyes with a frown. Only to see him standing just across the room. Staring at her.
He was clad in a robe, though it dangled loosely, open just enough that she could see his bare chest. He was leaning against the doorway to the bathroom and he was simply watching her. For some reason that sent a giddy thrill up her spine.
Then a flash of color caught her eye and she glanced downward to see a lush red rose lying on the sheet next to her. But it was the tiny card propped next to a dazzling, truly spectacular diamond ring that took her breath away.
Blood rushed to her head and she stared openmouthed at the items before her. She pushed to her elbow and reached for the ring, hands shaking so badly that she was clumsy, nearly dropping the small velvet box where the ring rested.
Then she glanced at the note again, sure she’d misunderstood. But no, there it was. In his neat, distinctive scrawl.
Will you marry me?
“Oh, God,” she croaked out.
She looked at the ring, looked at the note and then back up to him, almost afraid that he’d be gone and that she’d imagined this whole thing.
But he was still there, an indulgent smile carving those handsome features.
“Really?” she whispered.
He nodded and smiled more broadly. “Really.”
She dropped the rose, the ring, the note—everything—and flew out of bed, across the room, and launched herself into his arms.
He stepped back and laughed as she kissed his face, his brow, his cheek and then his lips. “Yes, oh, yes! Oh, my God, Devon, yes!”
He made a grab for her behind before she could slide down him and land on the floor. Then he hoisted her up so they were eye level. “You know it’s customary to actually put the ring on.”
She glanced down at her hand and then over her shoulder to the bed. “Oh, my God! Where is it?”
Shaking his head, he carried her over to the bed then set her on the edge while he reached behind her.
A moment later, he took her hand and slid the diamond onto her ring finger. She sucked in her breath as the sun caught the stone and it sparkled brilliantly in the light.
“Oh, Dev, it’s beautiful,” she breathed.
She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you so much. I can’t believe you planned all this.”
He gently pulled her arms down and then collected her hands in her lap as he stared into her eyes. “I don’t want a long engagement.”
Was this supposed to worry her? She beamed back at him. “Neither do I.”
“In fact, I’d prefer to get married right away,” he added, watching her all the while.
She frowned and chewed at her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t mind. I mean if it was just me, but I don’t know how my family would take that. Mama will want to plan a big wedding. I’m her only daughter. It’s not that I care about a big fuss—I don’t. But it would hurt her if she wasn’t able to give us a big wedding.”
He touched her cheek. “Leave your family to me. I assure you, they’ll be on board with my plans. You and I will have the best wedding—one that your mother will be more than satisfied with. I think you’ll find they won’t object to our plans at all.”
Excitement hurtled through her veins until it was nearly impossible to sit still. “I can’t wait to tell everyone! Won’t this just be amazing? Everyone will be so thrilled for me. I know Daddy despaired of me ever finding a suitable man and settling down. He always says I’m too unsettled, but really, I’m still young.”
He gave her an amused smile. “Are you saying you don’t want to get married?”
She stared at him in shock. “No! That’s not at all what I was saying. I was merely going to say that I was waiting for the right man. In this case, you.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” he murmured.
He leaned forward to kiss her brow. “How about you take a long bubble bath to recover from last night’s activities and then we’ll have breakfast together.”
She flushed red. She had to be flaming. But she nodded, eager to discuss their future.
Mrs. Devon Carter. It had such a nice ring to it. And speaking of rings … She glanced down, transfixed by the radiance of the diamond that adorned her finger.
“Like it?” he asked in a teasing voice.
She looked back up at him, suddenly serious. “I love it, Dev. It’s absolutely gorgeous. But you didn’t need to get me something so expensive. I would have loved anything you gave me.”
He smiled. “I know you would. But I wanted something special.”
Her heart did a little dance in her chest. “Thank you. It’s just perfect. Everything is perfect.”
He kissed her again, long and leisurely. When he pulled away, his eyes were half-lidded and they were glowing with desire.
“Go draw your bath before I forget all about breakfast and make love to you again.”
“Breakfast?” she whispered. “Were we planning to eat?”
He made a sound in his throat that was part growl, part resignation.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Ash. As much as you tempt me, I’d rather wait until you’re fully healed from last night.”
She pushed out her bottom lip.
“As adorable as you are when you pout, it won’t move me this time. Now get your pretty behind out of bed and hit the bathroom. Breakfast will be served in forty-five minutes. Plenty of time for you to soak.”
She sighed. “Okay, okay. I’m going.”
She got up and walked toward the bathroom but just as she got to the doorway, something he’d said the night before came back to her. She paused and turned around, her head cocked to the side.
“Dev, what did you mean last night when you said I’d be sleeping here with you every night from now on?”
He rose and pulled his robe tighter around his waist. He stared back at her, his gaze intense and serious.
“Exactly what I said. I’ll want you to move in as soon as possible. I’ll arrange to have what you need transferred from your apartment. You’re mine, Ash. From now on, you’ll spend every night in my bed.”

“Well, you finally took the leap,” Cameron Hollingsworth said as he stared across the room to where Ashley stood with a group of women.
Devon took a sip of the wine, though the taste went unappreciated. He was too distracted. Still, he forced some of it down, hoping it would at least take the edge off.
The official announcement would be made in a few moments. By Devon himself. Ashley’s father had wanted to do the honors, but Devon had preferred to do it himself. William Copeland had already orchestrated entirely too much of Devon’s relationship with Ashley. From now on, things would be done his way.
Though everyone in attendance was well aware it was an engagement party they had been invited to, Ashley had insisted on waiting until all the guests had arrived before their engagement was announced.
“Cold feet already?” Cam asked dryly. “You haven’t said two words since I got here.”
Devon grimaced. “No. It’s done. No backing out now. Copeland has all but signed off on the deal. After the ceremony he’ll fax the final documents and we’ll move forward with the merger. I’ll want to meet with you, Ryan and Rafe as soon as I return from the honeymoon.”
Cam arched an eyebrow. “Honeymoon? You’re actually going on one?”
“Just because this marriage is part and parcel of a business deal doesn’t mean Ashley has to have any less of a marriage or honeymoon,” Devon murmured.
Cam shrugged. “Good idea. Keep her happy. If she’s happy, Daddy’s happy. You know what they say about Daddy’s girls.”
Devon frowned. “Don’t be an ass. She’s …”
“She’s what?” Cam prompted.
“Look, she has no idea what her father’s done. She thinks this is a wildly romantic courtship that culminated in an equally romantic marriage proposal. If I don’t take her on a honeymoon, it’s going to look strange.”
Cam groaned. “This can’t end well. Mark my words. You’re screwed, my friend.”
“Anyone ever tell you what a ball of joy you are?”
Cam held his hands up in surrender. “Look, I’m just trying to warn you here. You should tell her the truth. No woman likes being made a fool of.”
“And have her tell me to go to hell and take my proposal with me?” Devon demanded.
He sighed and shook his head. Yeah, he knew Cam had been through the wringer in the past. He couldn’t blame his friend for his cynicism. But he wasn’t in the mood to hear it right now.
“This deal is important to all of us. Not just me,” he continued when Cam remained silent. “Marriage isn’t my first choice, but Ash is a sweet girl. She’ll make a good wife and a good mother. Everyone gets what they want. You, me, Ryan and Rafe. Ashley, her father. Everyone’s happy.”
“Whatever floats your boat, man. You know I’m behind you all the way. But remember this. You don’t have to marry her to make this work. We’ll find another company. We’ve suffered setbacks before. Not one of us expects you to martyr yourself for the cause. Rafe and Ryan are deliriously happy. There’s no reason you shouldn’t hold out for the same.”
Devon snorted. “Turning into quite the rah-rah man. I’m fine, Cam. There is no love of my life. No other woman in the picture. No one I’d rather marry. I’ll be content with Ashley. Stop worrying.”
Cam checked his watch. “Your intended bride is looking this way. I think you’re on.”
Devon glanced over to where Ashley stood surrounded by friends and relatives. He could never sort out who was who because there were so many. She smiled and waved and then motioned him over.
He handed Cam his wineglass and made his way through the throng of people until he reached Ashley.
She sparkled tonight. She wore a radiant smile that seemed to captivate the room. But then she always drew people. She’d talk to anyone at all about anything at all.
As soon as he approached, she all but pounced on him, took his hand and dragged him into her circle. He smiled at each of the women in turn, but their names and faces kind of blended. After a moment he bent to murmur in Ashley’s ear. “It’s time, don’t you think?”
She all but quivered in excitement. Her eyes lit up and she smiled as she squeezed his hand.
“Excuse us, ladies,” he said smoothly as he drew Ashley away and back in Cam’s direction. There wasn’t anyone standing around Cam. Cam had that effect on people. It was the perfect place to call for attention and announce their engagement.
“Hi, Cam,” Ashley sang out as they walked up to his friend.
She let go of Devon’s hand and threw her arms around Cam’s neck. Cam grinned and shook his head as he attempted to extricate himself from her embrace.
“Hello, Ash,” he said before dropping an affectionate kiss on her cheek. “Come stand by me while Devon makes a fool of himself.”
Devon sent a glare Cam’s way before taking Ashley’s hand and pulling her to his side. Laughing, Cam handed him a fresh wineglass and a spoon.
“What, are you kidding me?” Devon asked. “You want me to bang on a wineglass to get attention?”
Cam shrugged then tossed the spoon aside. Then he put his fingers to his lips and emitted a shrill whistle. “Everyone, I’d like your attention please. Devon here has an announcement for us.”
“Thanks, Cam,” Devon said dryly. Then he turned to face the room filled with Ashley’s friends and relatives. And they were all staring at him expectantly. All wanting him to make this moment perfect for Ashley. Hell. No pressure or anything.
He cleared his throat and hoped like hell that he’d manage to get through it without sticking his foot in his mouth.
“Ashley and I invited you all here tonight to join us in celebrating a very special occasion.” He glanced fondly down at Ashley and squeezed her hand. “Ashley has made me the happiest of men by consenting to marry me.”
The room erupted in cheers and applause. To the right, Ashley’s mom and dad stood beaming at their youngest child. William nodded approvingly at Devon while Ashley’s mother wiped at her eyes as she smiled at her daughter.
“It’s our wish that you’ll all attend our wedding to take place four weeks from today and help us celebrate as we embark on our journey together as man and wife.”
He held up his wineglass and turned again to Ashley whose entire face was lit up with a breathtaking smile. “To Ashley, who’s made me the luckiest man alive.”
Everyone raised their glasses and noisy cheers rang out again as everyone toasted Devon and Ashley.
“Quite an eloquent speech there,” Cam murmured in Devon’s ear. “One would almost think you meant every word.”
Devon ignored Cam and slid an arm around Ashley as they braced for the onslaught of well-wishers pushing forward.
His head was spinning as he processed face after face. Bright smiles. Slaps on the back. Admonishments to take care of “their girl” as everyone in the family seemed to have a claim on Ashley.
She was everyone’s younger sister, daughter, best friend or person in need of protection. It bewildered him and annoyed him in equal parts that everyone in Ashley’s family seemed to think she was incapable of taking care of herself. Nothing in his relationship with Ashley had led him to believe this was an accurate assessment.
Yes, she was flighty. She was too trusting, definitely. She was a bit naive. He grimaced. He supposed he could understand that in a family of business sharks she was an anomaly, and perhaps they were right to worry that she’d be swallowed up.
But it didn’t mean she was totally incapable of taking care of herself. It just meant she needed someone who’d look out for her best interests and occasionally protect her from herself. Someone like him.
Her hand feathered over his arm and she leaned up on tiptoe. He immediately lowered his head, realizing she wanted to tell him something.
“We can leave anytime,” she whispered. “I know my family is a lot to take.”
He almost laughed. Here he’d been thinking of how she needed his protection and she was busy protecting him from her overwhelming family.
“I’m fine. I want you to enjoy yourself. This is your night.”
Her brow furrowed and her eyebrows pushed together as she stared up at him. “And not yours?”
“Of course it is. I only meant that you’re surrounded by your family and friends and I want you to enjoy yourself.”
She smiled, kissed him on the cheek and then settled back at his side as they were besieged my more congratulations.
“Ashley! Ashley!”
Devon turned to see a young woman barreling through the crowd practically dragging a man in her wake. He looked a bit harried but wore an indulgent smile. Devon stared a moment and then realized that whomever the woman was, she bore a striking resemblance to Ashley and she had every appearance of sharing many of the same personality traits. Probably one of her many cousins.
“Brooke!” Ashley cried. She put out her hands just as Brooke careened to a halt and Brooke grabbed hold, beaming from ear to ear.
“Guess what, guess what?” Brooke said breathlessly.
“Oh, don’t make me guess. You know I’m horrible at it!” Ashley exclaimed.
“I’m pregnant! Paul and I are going to have a baby!”
Ashley’s shriek of excitement could be heard over the entire room. Devon winced then quickly glanced around as everyone stared their way.
“Oh, my God, Brooke! I’m so excited for you! When? How far along are you?”
“Just ten weeks. I had to tell you as soon as I found out, but then you’ve been so busy with Devon and then I heard you guys were getting married and I didn’t want to intrude—”
“You should have texted me at least,” Ashley said. “Oh, Brooke, I’m so thrilled for you. I can only imagine how excited I’ll be when I become pregnant. I hope our babies are close together and can be playmates!”
Ashley had grown louder and louder, her exuberance drawing the attention of the others, who cast indulgent smiles in Ashley’s direction.
She was animated and talking a mile a minute, throwing her hands this way and that, and nearly crashed into a passing waiter. Only Devon’s and Cam’s quick lunge for the tray of drinks prevented complete disaster. Ashley continued, oblivious to the chaos around her.
Then she impulsively hugged Brooke again. For the third time. Then she hugged Paul. Then she hugged Brooke again, the entire time wringing her hands in excitement.
Cam chuckled and shook his head. “You’ve got quite the chore on your hands, Dev. Keeping up with her is going to wear your stick-in-the-mud ass out.”
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be and someone else to torture?” Devon muttered.
Cam glanced Ashley’s way once more and Devon swore he saw genuine affection in his friend’s eyes.
“She’s cute,” Cam said as he put his wineglass aside.
Cam shifted uncomfortably. “She’s sweet, okay? She seems … genuine and you can’t ask for more than that.”
Devon stared agape at his friend. “You like her.”
Cam scowled darkly.
Devon laughed. “You like her. You, who doesn’t like anyone, actually like her.”
“She’s nice,” Cam muttered.
“But you don’t think I should marry her,” Devon prompted.
“Shh, she’s going to hear you,” Cam hissed.
But Ashley had already drifted away from Devon and was solidly ensconced in a squeal-fest with Brooke as others had heard the news and had descended. She wasn’t going to hear an earthquake if a fault suddenly opened up under the building and sucked everyone in.
“If you think she’s so cute and nice, why the big speech about not being a martyr and getting married, et cetera?” Devon persisted.
Cam sighed. “Look, I just hate to see her get hurt and that’s what’s going to happen if you aren’t straight with her. Women have a way of knowing when men aren’t that into them.”
“Who the hell says I’m not into her?”
Cam arched an eyebrow. “Are you saying you are? Because you don’t act like a man who’s into his future bride.”
Devon frowned and looked around, making sure they weren’t overheard. By anyone. Least of all Ashley’s overprotective family. “What do you mean by that? You, Rafe and Ryan know the real circumstances of my relationship with Ashley but no one else does. I’ve given no one reason to suspect that I’m marrying her for any other reason than I want to.”
Once again Cam shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe because I know the real story it’s easier for me to see that you aren’t as excited as your lovely bride to be is over your impending nuptials.”
“Damn it,” Devon swore. “Now you’re going to have me paranoid that I’m broadcasting disinterest.”
“Look, forget I said anything. I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’s none of my business anyway. She just seems like a sweet girl and I hate to see her get hurt.”
“I’m not going to hurt her,” Devon gritted out. “I’m going to marry her and I’m damn sure going to take care of her.”
“And you’re being summoned again,” Cam said, nodding in Ashley’s direction. “I’m going to take off. I’ll walk with you over to Ashley so I can offer my congratulations again and say good night.”
Devon started in Ashley’s direction then listened attentively while she introduced him to one of her cousins—one of the many in attendance—and then waited while Cam said his goodbyes and kissed her on both cheeks.
But the entire time, his mind was racing as he processed his conversation with Cam. Was he coming across as someone who was less than enthused about his upcoming marriage? The very last thing he needed to do was drop the ball when everything was so close to being in his grasp. Finally.
He’d worked too damn hard and long to allow any slips now. If he had to wed Satan himself to seal this deal, he’d don the fire retardant suit and pucker up.

No matter how many nights she’d already spent in Devon’s apartment, she still got butterflies when she entered his bedroom to get ready for bed. Granted she’d only been here a week and it was still a little uncomfortable and awkward because she still didn’t feel any sense of ownership when it came to his home.
She was pulling on her satin nightgown when Devon’s chuckle broke the silence in the room. She turned quickly, her brow furrowed as he regarded her in amusement.
“What’s so funny?”
“You. Every night you spend so much time putting on that lovely nightgown only for me to promptly take it off you when you come to bed. By now one would think you wouldn’t bother.”
She flushed. “It seems … presumptuous … to think you want … I mean to assume you’d want …”
“Sex?” he finished for her.
She nodded, her cheeks flaming.
He grinned and pulled her toward the bed. “I think it’s a safe presumption that I’ll always want sex with you. Feel free to assume all you want. I assure you …” He bent and kissed her lingeringly. “That I’ll never ever …” He slid his mouth down her jaw to her neck and nibbled at her ear. “Not want …” He licked the pulse point at her neck, and her knees buckled. “To have sex with you. Unless I’m in a body cast and even then I’ll be thinking about it.”
Her nose crinkled and she shook with silent laughter. “It’s true then. That sex is all a man ever thinks about?”
“We occasionally think about food.”
She laughed aloud this time. “My mother is scandalized that I’ve practically moved in with you.”
“Not practically,” he said as he slid one strap over her shoulder. “You have moved in with me.”
She shrugged. “Well she was aghast. My father told her to stop being such a worrywart, that you and I were getting married and it was only natural that we’d want time together before the big day to see if we were compatible. Eric, on the other hand, seemed pretty ticked. He thinks Daddy’s nuts to allow me to move in with a man who’s boned half the city—his words, not mine.”
Devon straightened his stance and stared at her with an open mouth. “Do you always do that?”
She sent him a perplexed frown. “Do what?”
He shook his head. “Blurt out whatever comes to mind.”
Her frown grew deeper. “Well, I guess. I mean I haven’t really thought about it. It is what he said. I mean I didn’t really pay any attention to him. He’s just really protective of me and he always gets snarly when a guy starts paying attention to me.”
“I hardly think me asking you to marry me can be compared to some random guy paying attention to you,” he drawled.
“Well, but I’m living with you now so he obviously knows we’re having sex and he doesn’t like to imagine his little sister having sex. With anyone.”
Devon shuddered. “Who would?”
She grinned. “My point is, he’s just being Eric and he had to get his two cents in.”
“For the record, I have not boned half the city.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her. “As long as I’m the only one you’ll … well, you know, in the future? I don’t really care about the past.”
“The future? Oh, yeah. And the present. Like right now.”
She shivered as he lowered her to the bed. For having been a virgin a mere week ago, her education was no longer sorely lacking. Every night he’d taken her to places she’d only halfway imagined, and others she hadn’t even known existed.
If this was a precursor to how life with him was going to be, she was going to be one very happy woman.
“Joining our meeting via video conference call this morning are Ryan Beardsley and Rafael de Luca,” Devon said as his two friends’ faces flashed up on the monitor on the wall. “Ryan is on location at our site build on St. Angelo Island, where our flagship resort is in its first stage of development. When completed, this resort will be the standard for every new Copeland property. Good morning, Ryan. Perhaps you could give us a progress report on the construction.”
Devon tuned out Ryan and glanced over at Cam, who was slouched in a chair. Devon knew well the progress on construction. He got daily and sometimes hourly reports. Though Ryan was on site, his focus was on his very pregnant wife, who could deliver at any moment. To that end, Devon kept in contact with the foreman so that any issues that arose could be swiftly dealt with.
Cam hadn’t dressed for the occasion. He’d never quite bought in to the idea that image is everything in the business world. But then he didn’t really care what others thought or didn’t think. It was easier for Cam, though. He’d been born to this world, while Devon had to claw and dig his way in, one torn fingernail at a time.
Cam looked like a man who could be heading to the beach for the day or at the very least planning to spend the day kicked back with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. But then Cam didn’t drink or smoke. The man had no vices. He was disgustingly perfect in his imperfection.
Members of Tricorp’s staff listened attentively to Ryan’s report. Jotted down appropriate notes. The secretary took detailed minutes. There was an air of expectancy in the room. Everyone knew it was a matter of time before the big merger was announced.
Devon thought it kinder to wait. Maybe he was getting old and soft. Maybe he didn’t even deserve to be on the verge of the biggest coup of his career. Because at the very moment when he stood to gain everything he’d ever wanted, he’d actually gone to William Copeland and suggested that they postpone the announcement for six months. He thought it would be kinder to Ashley if she were to think that business had nothing to do with their marriage and that the merger came after. William wouldn’t have it, however. He insisted that things proceed as planned.

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