Read online book «Pregnant with the First Heir» author Sara Orwig

Pregnant with the First Heir
Sara Orwig
TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS…All Matt Ransome knew was that some penniless stranger was carrying his dead brother's child. And any Ransome heir was going to be raised in the family tradition of wealth and power—whether its mother liked it or not.ONE BEDOlivia Brennan let the arrogant, infuriating Texan drag her off to his sprawling ranch, on condition that he marry her—in name only—to give her child a father. But the wildfire heat that blazed between them made her wonder if she could keep her own bargain…


With many thanks to Melissa Jeglinski
and to Jessica Alvarez.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Coming Next Month

She was born to please a man.
The auburn-haired waitress behind the wooden counter had lush, come-hither looks. Her pouty lips promised sexual gratification. The sensual way of moving her ripe body made a man think of hot sex. Judging by her flat stomach, it was difficult to believe that she was three months pregnant. Her cutoffs revealed long, shapely legs that added to her appeal. At ten o’clock on a July Saturday night, male customers in the smoke-filled Texas honky-tonk constantly watched her move around the room. Matthew Ransome was certain that Olivia Brennan was so accustomed to men staring at her that she wouldn’t wonder about his glances.
In the red T-shirt and cutoffs that was her uniform at Two-Steppin’ Ribs, she waited on a customer in a nearby booth. Three musicians played country-western music while boot-scooting couples circled the dance floor. Even though he occasionally chatted with passing friends, Matt’s attention remained focused on Olivia.
In the time since he had arrived and ordered his rib dinner, slowly eating and sipping one cold beer, Matt had watched half a dozen men hit on her. Some touched her, taking her hand or her wrist, patting her rear. She twisted free, or shaking her head, sidestepped groping hands, and he guessed she was being asked either to go out after work or—judging from the rough crowd—to have sex. He was surprised by her solemnity. She rarely gave more than the most perfunctory smile, not at all what he had imagined about her.
Matt watched locals he knew—Pug Mosley, the manager of the honky-tonk, openly flirted with her and several times during the evening let his hand brush her bottom. Once she spun around, telling him something. He grinned, shrugged and said something in return before he walked away in his usual swagger.
Fighting the urge to step in when Pug talked to Olivia, Matt intended to keep his approach to her low-key.
From what he had learned about her from the Fort Worth private detective he had hired a week ago, she wasn’t dating anyone and there hadn’t been a man in her life since Matt’s brother Jeff. Matt found that difficult to believe except he had great faith in his P.I. With her body and mane of unruly auburn hair, she looked sexy and wild, like a woman with many partners.
Jeff could get mixed up with some shady people and seldom had there been a woman in his life that he had brought home. Including Olivia, who was carrying Jeff’s child.
Nearing midnight, another local drifted to Olivia, just as obviously flirting with her as other men had. And received the same reception that was so cold Matt could discern her response without hearing a word of her conversation. Since she had been unreceptive to every man in the place, Matt reassessed his opinion of her as easy. He had never seen a female his younger brother couldn’t charm, but Matt was beginning to wonder if Jeff was one of few men with whom she had ever had a relationship. Matt’s opinion of her climbed a notch.
A small voice inside Matt insisted that he walk away now and never look back. Logically, he knew he should forget Olivia Brennan, but he couldn’t any more than he could stop breathing.
Finally, after midnight, she was alone, standing behind the counter with no one around her. Silently warning himself he was seeking a hell of a lot of trouble, he slid out of the booth and circled the dance floor, crossing the room beneath revolving ceiling fans.
When he stopped in front of her, she looked up at him, turning the full force of big green eyes on him. Even in the dim light of the honky-tonk, he was mesmerized, and for a moment, she seemed as ensnared as he.
Attraction, as hot and tangible as a lightning flash, burst between them. The bar and people around them vanished from Matt’s consciousness while he focused totally on her. Desire aroused him, a startling need to explore every inch of her ripe body and her sensual mouth. Once again, he knew why his brother had been attracted to her and why every man in the place seemed aware of her. She exuded a blatant sexuality that was all the more powerful up close.
While seconds passed, she stood as still as he did. Then, inhaling deeply, she turned her head, and the eye contact was broken.
As she started to walk away, Matt regained his wits.
“Wait—” he said. When she paused, he held out his hand. “I’m Jeff’s brother Matt.”
Her eyes narrowed. “I’m sorry about your brother,” she stated coolly without taking Matt’s hand. Once again, she moved on.
“Wait a minute. I want to talk to you,” Matt said, catching up with her. “When do you get off work?” As silence stretched between them, even in the dim light, he saw the flash of fury in the depths of her eyes.
“Look, Jeff and I parted ways a while back,” she said. “I don’t know why you found me, but there was no longer anything between Jeff and me. You and I have nothing to talk about.” Her words poured out swiftly in a throaty voice that was as sexy as everything else about her.
“There was a baby between you,” Matt reminded her. “A baby that you and I will both be related to and need to talk about,” Matt continued as his insides coiled in a knot. “I’m the uncle, so you give me a few minutes.”
She bit her full underlip with even, white teeth and her mouth tempted him to forget the object of why he intended to talk to her.
“I can’t guess what you want. Words won’t do you any good,” she insisted, shaking her head. “I’m through with your family. I don’t want to see any of you.” Suddenly she leaned closer, lowering her voice. “If you think I’m giving up my baby, you can forget it!” She turned her back and started to walk away.
Momentarily taken aback, Matt stepped in front of her, blocking her way. “I’m the baby’s blood relative. You can’t dismiss me like that. I want to talk—when and wherever you agree to. If you don’t consent, we’ll discuss the baby in a court of law. Take your pick.”
Glaring at him, she visibly bristled. As she inhaled deeply, he was aware of the strain of the red shirt across her lush breasts. “I don’t get off here until two in the morning when we close,” she said.
“I’ll wait. I promise you, we’re going to have a discussion.”
“All right. Two o’clock in the parking lot,” she said in a level tone of voice even as her eyes sparked with fury.
“Fine. In the meantime, you can bring me some coffee. I’m in a booth on the other side of the room.”
Nodding, she walked away and he couldn’t keep from watching the sway of her hips.
She turned and slanted him a look over her shoulder, catching him watching her. He clamped his lips together. She had to be aware of the effect she had on men. At least she hadn’t been coming after him for money which had surprised him because as soon as he learned about the pregnancy from Jeff, that’s what he had expected.
“Damn, Jeff,” Matt said under his breath, anger and pain mingling as he thought about his reckless younger brother whose wild lifestyle had caught up with him when he’d died climbing mountains in the Himalayas.
Matt dallied over the cup of coffee until it was obvious that closing time approached. As he stepped to the cash register, Olivia lingered to take his money.
“You can wait out front,” she said, giving him another blast of her mesmerizing green eyes. Her low, seductive voice glided hotly over his every nerve. “Employees park in the back and when I’m finished closing, I’ll drive my car around to the front. Our chat has to be brief. It’s late, and I’ve had a long day.”
He nodded. When he stepped outside, he heard the lock click in the door behind him as it shut. Yellow light from a tall lamp shed a bright glow over the graveled lot. Beneath a sliver of July moon a south breeze tugged at locks of his black hair.
Wondering how long it would take to close, Matt strolled behind the wooden building. Brown paint peeled in spots and the big blue trash bin overflowed with cartons and bottles. Another light on a tall post shone over the graveled area. Three ancient cars with assorted dents and scrapes were parked in the back. Matt’s jaw tightened with disgust when he looked at the empty lot. Beyond the circle of light was a field with a grove of scrub oaks. Without security of any sort, the lot was no place for a woman alone at two in the morning.
Matt waited while the employees locked up, dimmed the lights and left, two women and a man coming out at the same time. As the burly man started toward Matt, Olivia caught his arm and said something to him. Giving Matt a long look, the man walked to his car. While the man and woman climbed into separate cars and drove out of the lot, Matt strolled over to Olivia. She stood with her hands on her hips.
“Jeff and I split. I don’t think you and I have much to talk about.”
“You’re carrying his child. He told me and he was certain the baby was his.”
“This is his baby, all right,” she said. Her face was bathed in light, and Matt could see the fire dancing in her eyes and hear the anger in her tone which heightened his own irritation over her uncooperative attitude.
“Look, I’m related to your baby. Jeff told me you don’t have any family and you’re on your own. I want to help you.”
“Thanks, but no thanks. You don’t owe me anything, and I’ll take care of my baby,” she declared stiffly with a toss of her head that sent her thick mane swirling across her shoulders.
“Why make it more difficult for yourself and for the baby?”
“Jeff didn’t want any responsibility for his child. Far from it. His exact words were: ‘I don’t want to ever know or even see your kid,’” she flung at Matt, and pain stabbed him. “He told me I should have been more careful. He was right there. I don’t want any part of anything or anyone connected to Jeff!” she exclaimed firmly and turned to walk to her car.
Matt bit back angry words. It hurt badly to hear that Jeff had denied his child. Jeff hadn’t told him that, but then, his kid brother would have known how Matt would react to such news.
Matt hurried ahead of her and blocked her from getting into her car.
“Get out of my way,” she said.
“I want to talk. Surely you can give me a few minutes.”
She inhaled deeply, and he resisted letting his gaze lower to her full breasts, but it was an effort.
“All right, for only a few more minutes.” She crossed her arms over her middle and raised her chin and he knew he was in for a fight.
“This baby will be the only one of the next generation in my family.”
“You can’t have children?” she asked.
“I’m not a marrying man. I’ll never marry anyone.”
“That didn’t slow your brother down. And he didn’t care if this baby was the last of your family. Blood relations didn’t seem important to him,” she said, and Matt could easily hear the bitterness in her voice. Her fists were clenched, and he realized instead of a rift between Jeff and Olivia, Jeff had created a bottomless chasm. She was all but shaking with fury. Matt fought to bank his own anger that she was being so almighty unreasonable when he offered help that she seemed to desperately need.
“As I recall, there were several of you—a brother, Nick, a sister, Katherine. Can’t they produce grandchildren?”
Matt shrugged. “Perhaps someday, but who knows? Nick and Katherine are on the wild side and not likely to settle down soon.”
“Like Jeff,” Olivia said with bitterness in her voice again.
“None of us is as wild as Jeff was,” Matt snapped. “Jeff took whatever he wanted and indulged himself. He thought he was invincible, but it turned out that he wasn’t.”
“Look, I’m trying to help—”
She shook her head. “No, you’re not. You want something. If it’s my baby, forget it. And don’t think you can go to court and get my precious baby. I’ll fight you every inch of the way.”
“Will you listen to me?” he said patiently, and she arched her eyebrows.
“I’ll listen, but you’re on limited time that’s growing shorter.”
Matt wanted to shake her. Instead, he nodded. “I’m sure you don’t make much money as a waitress here. I want to take care of you and the baby financially.”
“I don’t need your help. End of conversation. You have no claim on me. If you want to go to court over it—go. Since you’re not the father, you won’t have a strong case. They would give a father rights, but an uncle? I’m willing to take that chance. You stay out of my life. Your brother was a jerk! Now get out of my way.”
She slid into her car, slammed and locked the door. The engine rumbled to life with a persistent knock. She backed up, swung in a circle and drove away, crunching gravel beneath the tires.
“Dammit!” Matt swore and clenched his fists. He strode angrily to his pickup, climbed in and headed toward Rincon, Texas where he knew she lived on the fringe of town.
He would try to talk to her one more time before he called his attorney. Little stubborn witch!
Jeff disowned the baby. Matt gritted his teeth as he reflected that most of his life he hadn’t understood his kid brother. Without a doubt, the feelings had been mutual. Matt knew his single parent father had done the best he could, but he had been too indulgent with all of them. Jeff, the youngest, he had spoiled rotten.
Matt drove through the neighborhood of small frame houses with dented, ancient cars parked in front yards and lawns high with weeds. When he reached her darkened house, he discovered that Olivia had not come straight home. She might not be coming home tonight at all.
In disgust, he wondered if she had taken up with a man. He shrugged away the unwanted notion, reminding himself that there hadn’t been any mention from the P.I. of a boyfriend. Tonight she had given the cold shoulder to every man in the honky-tonk.
He slowed and parked in front of the house. In the next block he saw a man stumbling along the sidewalk until he turned and disappeared inside a house.
Olivia’s car approached and turned into her drive that was no more than a gravel path. When she stepped out of the car, she picked up a grocery sack and walked toward her house, merely glancing at him when he emerged from his car.
“We’ve talked,” she said when he caught up with her. She brushed past him and climbed rickety steps, crossing the porch to unlock her door. Matt followed and held the screen door. He stood close enough to get a strong whiff of the odor of cigarette smoke trapped in her hair.
She looked up at him. “You’re not welcome here. I’ve said all I need to say to you.”
“Listen. You’re carrying a Ransome. I want to help you and you damned well need support. Stop being so stubborn and listen to what I have to offer. For all you know, you could be turning down a million bucks.”
Her eyebrows arched. “Am I?” she asked, startling him at her change in temperament because he thought he heard amusement in her voice.
“Let’s go inside and talk,” he answered. She gave him a level look and he wondered if she was going to send him on his way, but she shrugged and entered her house, leaving the door open behind her.
He followed her into a small, frame house that had to be nearly a hundred years old. White paint had peeled from the cracked walls, revealing a coat of dark blue paint. The furniture was threadbare and looked older than he was, yet there were some green plants and a few touches that contrasted with the dilapidation.
She tossed her purse on the sofa, set down the sack of groceries and motioned to him. “Have a seat.”
“How long have you lived here?” he asked, looking around and sitting on an overstuffed chair covered in a faded, flowered slipcover. A blanket was thrown over the sofa and he suspected it hid holes.
“Almost a year now.”
Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees while he watched her kick off her shoes and rub her foot.
“I know you’re going to school. You don’t have any family. You work in a dive and you reek of cigarette smoke. The bar can’t be healthy for your baby or you.”
“I’m trying to get another job that pays at least as much as the one I have. I don’t have the skills or the wardrobe for an office job,” she said, thrusting out her chin defiantly. “Pay is higher at Two-Steppin’ Ribs because the bar is out in nowhere.”
“How many hours are you taking this semester?”
“Two classes—six hours. I’m in pre-law.”
“You’re a sophomore, aren’t you?”
“I think you already know the answer. And you’re thinking that a sophomore is not much for someone who is twenty-two, but it’s the best I could do,” she replied, curling her long legs beneath her and settling in the corner of the sofa. His gaze slid along her legs. He tried to keep his thoughts on his mission, but he was responding to her physically in a manner that shocked him.
“All right. Here’s the deal,” he said. “I’ll send you to school. You quit that job and move out to the ranch with me—”
“No way! I’m sure you think I’m easy, but I’m not climbing into bed with you to get my tuition,” she said, flinging the words at him and standing.
“Sit down,” he said with such ice and authority that she did. “I don’t want your body.” Even as he said the words, a devilish urge made him too aware that he was lying to her as far as what his body desired. Yet he could control himself and good sense kept telling him that he shouldn’t want her physically. She would be pure poison. He didn’t want to get involved emotionally with any woman.
“I’ll pay for your school, let you quit that damn job,” he repeated, “take care of you and the baby. I’ll pay your medical bills—”
“No one is that filled with benevolence. What do you want out of this generous offer?” she asked in a cynical voice.
“Stop fighting me,” he said, gazing steadily into her green eyes and thinking that every inch of her made a man think of sex. “I want to know my niece or nephew. I want to make sure this baby is taken care of in the manner he or she should be. I don’t want your body,” he reaffirmed, trying to avoid looking at her lush body and failing annoyingly to stop thinking about it. “I want to know your baby. I want to see you able to take care of yourself and the baby. I can pay for your education. In turn, this Ransome will become part of our family. Dad has had one heart attack already. I want him to know his only grandchild.”
“If you want your father to have a grandchild so badly, you should rethink your stance against marriage.”
“I married once and never again for me,” Matt replied grimly, refusing to discuss the matter further.
“What happened? She didn’t like your bossy arrogance?”
He banked his irritation and ignored her question. “Your baby will be the only Ransome in the next generation. My dad isn’t getting any younger and he desperately wants a grandchild. I think he’s given up on all of us, but now, with your baby, his hopes are rekindled.”
As Olivia bit her lip, Matt couldn’t resist looking at her mouth.
“Look, dammit. What are you holding onto here besides your independence?” he asked. “This isn’t a castle. Your job is tough and tiring and pays little. You work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Men hit on you, and I can imagine what they’re saying to you—”
“And you won’t hit on me?” she asked in a sarcastic tone.
“No, I won’t,” he said flatly, trying in vain to shove erotic images of her out of his mind. “You know you’re an attractive woman, but you’re like a relative,” he said, while an inner voice laughed and he wiped his perspiring brow. When had the temperature in the small room climbed so high?
“What do you want?” she asked. “You look like the straight-arrow, determined, accustomed to getting-your-way type.”
“I want to take care of my dad and our ranches—we own three. No commitments beyond my family and our ranches. I want my dad to get to know his only grandchild. Pretty damn simple,” Matt snapped, thinking it should not be complicated, but it was. He was playing with dynamite right now by bringing her into their family.
“I suspect there’s more to it than my baby.”
“I swear I’m telling you the truth.”
“I know I work in a bad place and I’m looking for another job,” she said, waving her slender fingers at him. “I’m holding on to my independence because that’s all I really have. I don’t want to have to depend on you and I don’t want to have to repay you for favors.”
“If it reassures you, we can put my offer in a contract. I don’t want anything physical,” he repeated. “I’ll pay for your school and all your expenses and your baby’s. I’ll pay you a lump sum up front so you’re not beholden to me for money. You don’t have to repay any of it.”
“That sounds too generous. I know you can’t understand someone holding such a value on independence, but it’s important to me. In spite of what you say, I can’t believe there aren’t strings attached to your offer.”
“Listen. I’m trying to give you the help you need to become completely independent. In exchange, I want to know my brother’s child That’s all there is to it.”
She glowered and inhaled, and he looked down as her full breasts strained against the fabric. When he glanced up, she frowned.
“It’s difficult to be convinced that you really want to know this baby—or that your father wants a grandchild badly—when Jeff so totally denied us and was emphatic he didn’t want anything to do with my baby.”
“None of us knew Jeff’s attitude. My guess is, his reaction was to get out of his responsibility, which was typical of my younger brother.”
“So what happens later when I want to move on?”
“We’ll work that out when we come to it. I hope you’ll stick around until you finish your education. Maybe by then you’ll like us and trust us enough to stay close permanently. Do you have long-term plans?”
“I intend to finish school and get a job. I still say, you could marry again if you want kids so all-fired much.”
“There is already a baby coming who is a Ransome. I’m not going to turn my back on a child who has Ransome blood. I have to keep reminding you—your baby is my relative.”
Matt stared at her while she glared at him and the clash of wills was tense, but along with the contention was a sexual undercurrent of desire. Sparks danced between them, and Matt was certain she felt the same attraction he did.
Instinctively, he knew the appeal was as unwanted to her as it was to him. Trying to control his insistent lust, he made a stronger effort to think only of the future and a baby he wasn’t going to surrender without the fight of his life.
“If I give you a sum of cash up front and promise to pay your expenses, you won’t feel dependent on me. I’ll repeat—we can sign a contract.”
“I don’t want to get involved with Jeff’s kin,” she insisted and he wondered if she had a clue how much he was willing to give her to change her grim conditions.
“Possibly my offer will help with your decision. We’ll set up a trust fund for your baby. I’ll cover your expenses and you’ll have room and board at the ranch. Plus how’s a hundred thousand dollars paid to you, half now, half in six months?”

Olivia stared in disbelief at Matt Ransome as the princely sum stunned her.
“For that much money, you want me, body and soul, plus my baby,” she replied curtly as she stood. “Get out!”
“Sit down,” he ordered in the cold, quiet voice he had used before that sent a chill down her spine, yet made her feel that the last notion on his mind was her body. She sat.
“I keep telling you that I can have our attorney draw up a contract. If you want, you can meet my family and talk to them.”
Barely considering his family, Olivia nodded stiffly while the amount of money spun in her thoughts. The sum dazzled her. Unable to stop herself, she speculated about the classes she could take, the freedom she could have, the dreadful job that she could leave. It was more money than she could ever earn at the bar. Her heart pounded, her palms had grown damp and it was an effort to resist accepting his offer blindly and instantly. She realized silence was stretching between them and he was waiting patiently.
“You’re very different from your brother,” she remarked.
“I hope to hell I am,” he said.
She had seen Matt Ransome at the rib place hours before he had spoken to her. She had never met him, but she had seen him once when she was with Jeff and he had told her that Matt was his brother. Matt had none of Jeff’s easy charm or happy-go-lucky ways. He was perhaps a couple of inches shorter, more broad-shouldered, handsome in his own way with the same dark blue eyes and thick lashes. Matt’s hair was black. Jeff’s had been brown.
That first moment of a close encounter with Matt Ransome had disturbed her. She had to admit that she’d had a physical reaction to him that she’d never had with Jeff or any other man. She didn’t know why, either, because Matt Ransome was too forceful, too determined to get his way to suit her. He was all business, but that first moment of looking directly into his blue eyes while he gazed back at her, had taken her breath, held her totally and had steamed with sexual tension. For a few seconds, she was certain that he had been locked into the same jolting awareness that she was.
Now here was his proposition that she still found difficult to believe from a man who disturbed her physically in a way no other man ever had. With most men, she had always felt in control. But Matt Ransome demolished that sense of power. She didn’t like to acknowledge it, but she had to admit to herself that she was drawn to Matt in a purely physical way. She couldn’t explain why and she didn’t want to be. She never again wanted to be involved with a Ransome.
At the same time, Matt’s offer was tempting beyond belief, but she wasn’t rushing into an agreement. She had given her trust to Jeff and he had trampled it.
She cocked her head to one side to study Matt. “You know for the money you’re offering, you could adopt a child.”
“Since this baby is a Ransome, I intend to take care of it and I want to get to know him or her. Do you know what you’re having?”
“It’s too early. I haven’t decided whether I want to know or not.”
“We’ll say a prayer for a girl. The males in this family haven’t turned out so good.”
“I’ll think about your offer,” she said coldly, standing. “It’s time for you to go.”
He stood. “Look, you can mull it over, but you know you need what I’m offering. In the meantime, you should move out of this neighborhood. Come stay at the ranch tonight.”
“Tonight?” Again, he startled her. “I can’t possibly—”
“Of course you can,” he persisted. “I’ll bet you don’t have more than two suitcases of stuff. Do you rent this furnished or is this your furniture?”
“I rented it furnished. Look, if you’re taking charge of my life, then that settles it, I’m not going,” she said, hoping her voice was forceful and trying to keep her gaze from roaming down his long legs or across his broad chest.
“I’m trying to improve your situation,” he stated patiently. “What’s holding you in this place?”
Her face grew hot and she glanced away, unable to meet his direct gaze. “Nothing,” she admitted. “Except you’re a stranger.”
“Not a total stranger. You knew Jeff, so you know a lot about me. You’re not safe here. This isn’t a healthy place for an expectant woman. You don’t need to be alone and you could be a hell of a lot more comfortable. All right?”
Annoyed, she shook her head. “You’re taking charge. Back off and give me some room. I’ll think it over. I’ll come out in the morning and we can discuss your offer more.”
He inhaled and looked as if he were trying to cling to what little patience he had. “All right, but resign and get away from the secondhand smoke. At least think of your baby.”
“I do think of my baby.”
“If you’ll get a pencil and paper, I’ll give you directions to the ranch.”
She glared at him and knew he held his annoyance in check. She didn’t like him taking over, yet it was for the best. If she moved to the ranch, she knew she would be making a commitment from which it might be difficult to shake free.
She didn’t like Matt’s forceful ways. Maybe that’s why Jeff had had such a rebellious nature.
“I’m beginning to understand why your brother was like he was.”
Anger flashed in Matt’s blue eyes. “My youngest brother wouldn’t take responsibility for anything.”
She realized she had touched a nerve. Dropping remarks about Jeff, she hurried to get a pen and paper. As Matt wrote directions to his ranch, she looked at his well-shaped hands, his thick, slightly curly eyelashes and straight nose. A faint dark stubble showed on his jaw.
“After knowing Jeff, who could not be relied on, I find it difficult to trust you,” she admitted.
“I’ll keep reminding you, I’m not like Jeff,” Matt replied quietly. They stood only inches apart and he had focused on her with that intensity he had the first time they had made eye contact. Her insides got butterflies and her gaze lowered to his mouth while she wondered what it would be like to kiss him.
When she looked up to find him gazing at her mouth, her heart missed a beat. She drew herself up. “I want one point clear—you’re a take-charge person. If I move to your ranch, you agree now that you won’t try to run my life.”
“I wouldn’t think of it,” he answered with sarcasm as the fiery clash of wills continued to snap between them. “But I am going to speak up when you do things that might endanger the health of your baby.”
“Right now, you can forget about ever trying to take my baby from me.”
“I know a child needs its mother. I don’t want to jeopardize that relationship as long as you are a loving mother. Your family has a history of neglect and abuse.”
“I’m not like my parents,” she snapped while anger made her hot. “My folks drank, were into drugs. They were verbally abusive. They neglected me as well as themselves and were irresponsible and it killed them. I couldn’t wait to get away from them,” she said flatly. She studied him for a moment. “You know a lot about me. Especially for having just met me. More than Jeff knew, I think. How’d you find out so much?”
“I wanted to know about you before I started dealing with you. I hired a P.I. to check into your life.”
Her displeasure heightened that he would have her background checked, but then she knew if she were making the offer he was, she might do the same.
“You don’t approve, do you?” he asked.
“No, but I can understand why you wanted to know about my past. I’ll think about your offer to move into your home,” she said, knowing she should accept eagerly, but she was loath to relinquish her independence.
“We won’t get in each other’s way. It’s a big house. Also, fall enrollment is open at the university in Fort Worth.” He reached into a back pocket and withdrew brochures and a catalogue. “Here, you can look at these,” he said and placed them on a table. “You can become a full-time student and graduate sooner,” he said.
“You’ve been planning this for a while. How far from Fort Worth is your ranch? I’ve forgotten what Jeff told me.”
“Thirty miles. Not far. You can commute easily.”
They stared at each other, and she wondered if he intended doing what he said. She had been surprised by men before, so if Matt Ransome didn’t live up to his part of their bargain, she could deal with it. She knew he lusted after her. It showed in the way he looked at her, but his control was evident also. She had the feeling that he didn’t like her at all. She suspected he didn’t approve of much his younger brother had done or the women Jeff had known. Matt Ransome would have seemed like ice, real straight and arrogant, except for the smoldering looks he gave her. What astounded her was the effect he had on her. Since Jeff, she had been immune to men, but she wasn’t immune to Matt. He made her pulse race, her breath catch. She didn’t want to react that way to him and she knew he didn’t want to respond to her, so whatever kind of chemistry there was brewing between them, it was unwanted and hopefully would evaporate.
“Are we finished for tonight?” she asked, wanting him out of her house.
“I don’t think you’re safe here. Anyone who wants to break into this place can do so easily if they have an ounce of skills. Do you want me to stay here? I can sleep in a chair or on your sofa.”
She smiled, amused by his offer of protection. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time. My dad died five years ago. My mother died two years later and I’ve taken care of both of them since I was twelve years old. We lived in a lot tougher neighborhoods than this. That’s one reason I moved here. Cheap rent and a better area, although I’m sure it doesn’t look suitable to you. One more night here is nothing to worry about.”
He stared at her and she wondered if he was going to insist she let him stay. It was obvious that he disapproved of her. He probably thought she was easy. If he got to know her, he would find out he was wrong in that judgment. The last thing she wanted was to be a live-in girlfriend, going from one brother to the other.
As they gazed at each other, that searing awareness flashed between them. In spite of all her intentions to keep a wall between them, it was impossible to resist reacting to Matt. Right now her heart raced. Perspiration had broken out on his forehead, and he seemed as riveted as she was.
Inhaling deeply, he spun away to cross the room to the door. She trailed after him, pausing a few feet from him. “I gave you my cell number. Call me if you need anything,” he said.
“Thanks,” she replied.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be glad if you say yes,” he said. He opened the door and strode outside. She followed, watching Matt Ransome climb into his car and drive away.
When she stepped back inside, she looked around the shabby room. By accepting Matt’s offer, she could take care of her baby, get her education, live in a safer place. She was scared to celebrate because she hadn’t been to the ranch yet, nor had she spent a night under the same roof with Matt Ransome. Was he leveling with her and telling her the truth? Was his sole interest in the baby?
“I hope so,” she said quietly, looking around at her few possessions. She would be glad to leave this house. It would take less than a couple of hours for her to get all her possessions packed.
She switched on a bedroom light, looking at the nondescript bed and the dresser, a chest of drawers that didn’t match and a torn braided rug on the floor. As she got ready for bed, she thought about Jeff Ransome. She had enrolled in a two-year college, working in a café until she had gotten the job at the Two-Steppin’ Ribs. It paid more so she put up with the smoke and the leering men, but from the start, Jeff had been different from the others.
Tall, brown-haired and handsome, Jeff had gone to the Ribs to gamble. There was a high-stakes poker game in a back room that was invitation only and the night she’d met him, Jeff had been part of it. After closing he had hung around and asked her to go out with him.
Since she was twelve years old, she had known that she attracted males. Early on, she had learned to try to keep a wall around herself, but when she met Jeff Ransome, he had charmed his way past her defenses. She had been unable to resist his charismatic personality.
As Olivia pulled on cotton pajamas, gathered up the school catalog and brochure and climbed into bed, her thoughts went back to Jeff. He’d been the second man in her life, which she knew he hadn’t believed. She’d had a wonderful time with him until she discovered she was pregnant. They had used birth control, but she had gotten pregnant anyway.
From that moment on, Jeff was through. And then a month ago he had left for a trek in the rugged Himalaya mountains where, in a daredevil climb, he’d had a fatal fall.
Olivia gazed into space, mulling over Matt Ransome’s offer. She had to accept, but as much as possible, she wanted it on her terms, not his.
She opened the catalog and turned to the section on pre-law, her major, and for the first time allowed herself to think of the windfall Matt Ransome was providing. If only it was exactly as he said and there were no hidden agendas, no strings attached and no unpleasant surprises ahead for her. She could move to the Ransome ranch and quit her job! In the early hours of morning, the whole offer seemed surreal, and she suspected that as soon as she settled on the ranch, Matt would want to sleep with her. He was appealing, sexy and generated sparks in her the way no other man had.
Forget it, she told herself, knowing she would not go from one brother to another. “If I accept his offer, I vow I won’t have sex with Matt Ransome,” she said aloud, trying to stop remembering the tingles she had when she gazed into Matt’s blue eyes.
Forcing her thoughts off Matt, she wondered about her future and his offer. Was there anything she could do to get Matt’s proposition more on her own terms?

The next morning her palms were damp from nervousness as she drove through an open gate and passed a sign announcing the Ransome ranch. In minutes she turned a bend in the ranch road. Ahead spread houses, a barn, a corral, pens and outbuildings. A pumping windmill stood near a stock tank filled with water.
When she drew closer, she looked at an intimidating, sprawling stone ranch house with a shake shingle roof. It was surrounded by immaculate, lush green lawns and a profusion of flowers in well-tended beds that all proclaimed the wealth of the owner. She had never lived in a house that looked as grand as this one. Swallowing hard, Olivia couldn’t imagine herself suddenly part of the Ransome family.
A rail fence enclosed the yard and two live oaks gave inviting shade that failed to calm Olivia’s nerves. On the porch the hanging pots of yellow bougainvillea, scarlet gaillardia and purple impatiens added a dreamlike feeling. This could be her new home. She couldn’t fathom it.
Adding to her jittery nerves and disbelief, Matt Ransome came striding outside. In a white T-shirt, jeans and western boots, he looked muscled, tough and electrifying. Without saying a word he created a high voltage magnetism. The sight of him did nothing to calm her nerves.
He motioned her where to park in front of a six-car garage. When she climbed out, she was conscious of her cutoffs and her white T-shirt.
“Hi there,” Matt said in a deep voice as he took a box from her car. In his T-shirt that revealed sculpted muscles and his tight jeans, his sensuality jumped a notch. One look in his eyes confirmed that the sexual appeal between them burned as hot as ever. When she stepped out, she looked up to see him gazing at her waist.
“You don’t look pregnant,” he said.
An inner voice told her to keep everything impersonal with Matt, but she couldn’t do what she knew she should. “I guess it’s because I’m tall,” she replied breathlessly, mindful of how close he stood. She barely knew what she said to him. He should move away. She should step aside. Instead, she gazed up at him while her heartbeat continued to accelerate.
Silence between them carried sparks. When his attention lowered to her mouth, her pulse drummed. As he gazed at her, the blatant, scalding desire in his eyes heated her.
“No physical relationship comes with this package,” she repeated.
“It damn well doesn’t,” he replied, sounding half angry. “I don’t ever want to get involved again except in the most superficial manner. You and I absolutely don’t need entanglement between us.”
“That’s something we can agree on. It would help if you’d move away.”
Something flickered in the depths of his eyes before he leaned around her to pick up another one of her boxes.
“I’ll get your things and then I’ll show you around. Have you quit your job?”
“No, I haven’t. I figured whatever we decide to do, I’ll work tonight.”
Matt straightened up and she saw the hard look back in his features. He shook his head. “You quit today. You don’t owe them anything and you shouldn’t be there one more hour.”
“I thought you weren’t going to meddle in my life,” she said, trying to curb her temper.
“Where the baby is concerned, I’ll interfere. That nightclub isn’t healthy. They’ll manage without you.”
“No, you look,” he said quietly. “The bar’s atmosphere isn’t healthy. They’re going to get along without you. If we have a deal, part of it includes you taking care of yourself and your unborn baby.”
Where sexual tension had spun tightly between them only moments ago, now friction set sparks flying. She glared at him, yet she suspected she would get nowhere if she argued the rest of the day.
“Why do you want to wait tables so all-fired badly?” Matt asked her.
“I don’t. That isn’t it.”
“There you are.”
She put her hands on her hips. “I’m here tentatively. We haven’t agreed on what we’re going to do. I haven’t accepted your offer. We need to discuss it before you start taking complete charge.”
“Let me show you around, let you select your room and then we’ll sit down and see if we can’t come to terms,” he said, lifting the last box and putting it under his arm. “Tomorrow I’ll introduce you to everyone who works here. Mrs. Marley is the housekeeper and cook. You’ll meet her at the end of the week. She’s here two days a week. Fridays, she cooks. Saturdays, she cleans. My dad lives down the road from me. She’s at his house Monday through Thursday.”
Olivia nodded.
“Wait a minute,” Matt said and set a box on her car. Following Matt’s gaze, she watched a tall, sandy-haired man approach and shake hands with Matt.
“Olivia, this is our foreman, Sandy McDermott,” Matt said easily. “Sandy, meet Olivia Brennan who will be staying with us a while.”
“I’m glad to meet you, Sandy,” she said, extending her hand and smiling.
“Happy to meet you, Miss Brennan. Glad to have you here.”
“It’s Olivia, Sandy. Call me Olivia.”
Sandy nodded. “Nice meeting you, Olivia,” he said, turning to talk to Matt. Olivia listened while they discussed cattle and a world she didn’t know. Matt was quick and decisive and more relaxed than when he was dealing with her. As soon as Sandy told them goodbye and left, she and Matt headed for the house.
She was aware of Matt walking close beside her. Her jittery nerves kept her on edge, and she wondered what she was getting herself into.
Once again Matt took her arm and she drew a deep breath. She hadn’t known him twenty-four hours, yet his slightest touch set her ablaze. She couldn’t fathom the chemistry. She had known other handsome, decisive males and she had had no trouble dealing with them and no difficulty ignoring them. Until now. Even Jeff with all his charm had never carried the electricity of a bolt of lightning the way Matt did.
She wondered again what she was getting into if she accepted Matt’s offer that was a windfall in her circumstances. She was heartily glad to be out of the bar and away from lustful men. At the same time, she wanted this bargain to be partially on her terms. Her queasy nerves jangled when she thought about her plan and her requests. She had no idea how Matt would react. The knowledge was constantly with her that she was taking a risk by making her own demands because if she accepted his offer and he did what he said and kept his bargain, her life would improve beyond her wildest dreams.
He held the door, following her inside an enormous kitchen with oversize windows. Sunlight streamed into the room that held maple cabinetry, granite countertops, a marble floor and maple furniture. The floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked a patio and a pool with sparkling blue water.
“This is beautiful,” she said, unable to keep a breathless tone of awe out of her voice. “It doesn’t look like what I imagined.”
“Jeff and I must have created the wrong impression.”
Her gaze flew to him and heat flooded her cheeks. Embarrassed by her reaction, she bit her lip.
“You probably thought we lived in a cabin with mounted heads and gun racks and the sort.”
“No,” she denied halfheartedly and then shrugged. “Maybe something like that,” she admitted.
“C’mon. Let me show you this wing of the house.” He took her arm lightly, yet the contact sizzled, and as they crossed the kitchen, her surroundings paled in comparison to the man beside her.
From the hall he led her into a family room and her awe returned at the sight of a twenty-foot-high cathedral ceiling, a massive stone fireplace, luxurious tan leather furniture and pictures of landscapes.
“This is a dream!” she gasped and her face flushed. “You can tell I’ve never lived in a house like this,” she said.
“Well, now you do,” he said. “It’s comfortable. Across the hall are the living and dining rooms,” he said, taking her arm again as they returned to the hall. “On the other side of the kitchen is a utility room, exercise room and my office. The bedrooms are in the opposite wing. Other than my bedroom, in the southeast end of the house, you can have whichever bedroom you want.”
As he led her through a workout room, a media room and his office, the elegant furnishings overwhelmed Olivia. It was a dream-come-true moment to think she would live in this palace. She realized Jeff and Matt weren’t the ordinary cowboys she had imagined they were. The house reeked of money and power and she wondered whether she could hold her own and govern her baby’s future against the Ransomes’ wishes.
“We’ll have a decorator help you with the nursery.” Matt’s words jolted her back into awareness of the moment.
“I won’t be here forever.” Olivia gave him a startled, wide-eyed look.
“That’s all right. You’ll return to visit and bring the baby.”
“You’re so certain!” she exclaimed, yet now she realized part of the source of his arrogance and assurance. Growing up in a home like this, how could he be anything except confident?
“Shouldn’t I be?” he asked, looking blandly at her.
Olivia stopped to face him, a frown creasing her brow. “Our lives are so different.”
“It doesn’t matter, Olivia,” he replied easily. “We’ll be related to the baby and we’ll want to see him or her through the years. It’ll save you money to live here until you finish your education.”
She merely nodded and returned to thinking about her future while she looked at more rooms in a house that dazzled her.
“How’s this for you?” he asked later, leading the way into a bedroom that took her breath and she could not imagine living in it.
She stood in the room large enough to contain the house she rented. The room was plush beyond her wildest dreams. It was ample for a king-size bed with a bronze headboard, a massive mahogany chest, bookshelves, a wide-screen television, a maroon sofa, a rocking chair and assorted tables. The decor was maroon with accents of white and beige and an oriental rug partially covering the gleaming plank floor.
She knew she wasn’t hiding her amazement. She reminded herself that it was premature to celebrate her newfound fortune, her future prospects or this house that could possibly become her home. In the next few minutes, she knew, it could all disappear from her life as swiftly as it had entered.
The time had come to present her conditions.
“This is beyond anything I had imagined,” she said softly, turning to face him. Her pulse drummed. She wanted to learn how earnest he really was about this whole proposition. “Shall we discuss our future and terms of a contract?” she asked, the words our future causing her insides to clench.
“Sure,” he replied, giving her a long, speculative look that made her feel he knew her every thought. “Let’s get a drink and sit in the family room.”
They walked in silence back to the kitchen and she watched, barely aware of what he was doing while her pulse beat faster and her nervousness increased. At the last minute she vacillated between an overwhelming desire to accept his offer unconditionally and reap the fortune, or risk her demands that would either cause him to send her packing or solidify her prospects and fortune.
Finally, they were seated in the family room at a polished oak game table with tall, frosted glasses of ice and lemonade and a plate of cookies in front of them. She couldn’t eat or drink anything. Aware that her entire prospects hung in the balance, she inhaled deeply to calm down.
“You’ve had time to think it over. You’re here on the ranch. Does this mean you’ll accept my offer?” he asked.
His blue eyes cut into her like shards of a glacier. He was formidable and determined, but she clung to her course. It was time to see how much he would commit to what he wanted. She took a deep breath and raised her chin while she locked her hands together.
“You’re being very generous,” she said, still awed by his offer and filled with trepidation over what she was about to demand from him for her part. “I have a counteroffer to make to you.”
Fire flashed in the depths of his eyes and a muscle worked in his jaw. She suspected he was bracing for her to ask for more money.
“All right. Name your conditions and price,” he said, grinding out the words. “How much Ransome money do you want?”
“You’ve made an overwhelmingly generous offer, but if you’re truly committed to protecting this baby and raising it as a Ransome, then I want you to give my baby the Ransome name. I want a paper marriage, an in-name-only marriage that we can later dissolve.” Her heart thundered so loudly that she could barely hear herself speak. “In other words, will you marry me?”

Stunned, Matt stared at her. “You want me to marry you?” he repeated in amazement.
“Yes, if you’re so determined to make my baby a part of your family. It’ll be the same conditions you’ve already given me, plus marriage. This way, you’re more committed. My child will legitimately be a Ransome as it should have been all along. You’ll do the honorable thing that your brother would not do.”
Matt stared at her. Anger and shock rocked him that she would put one more demand on him when he had given her an offer that was magnanimous beyond anything she had ever known in her life. Then he noticed her white knuckles and her hands doubled into fists. Perspiration dotted her brow and worry glazed her green eyes.
Suddenly he could see her viewpoint and why she wanted legitimacy. In the future marriage would truly tie Jeff’s child into the family.
Yet it would bind Matt to Olivia in a manner he never intended. For an instant heat flashed in him at the thought of marriage to her. On a purely physical level he speculated about her shapely, naked body in his arms. With lightning speed the image aroused him.
He forced his thoughts back to business and a contract with her and a paper marriage. A marriage in name only.
“We can dissolve it as soon as I get my law degree,” she added.
Could he stay under the same roof with her and keep his hands to himself? He had planned to do just that before she had come up with the proposal.
“You want it all,” he said quietly, and she flushed, her cheeks turning a bright pink.
“No. I don’t want sex with you,” she answered bluntly. “You know it wouldn’t be a true marriage. Not in any manner. But you can see that if you really want what you’ve been telling me, it would give my baby more protection and give me a better deal.”
“Hell, yes,” he snapped. “You could sue me for divorce and half of everything I own.”
“You said we’d have a contract. We’ll have a prenuptial agreement that will list terms as both of us want them. You can have your lawyer draw it up.”
Matt was impressed. She was taking charge of part of their bargain, making some shrewd demands and she once again surprised him. He rubbed the back of his head. She had him in a corner and she knew it. He didn’t want to marry her, not even a fake, paper marriage of convenience because that would be legally binding.
But if he backed out on marriage, she might refuse his deal and the baby would go out of the Ransome family.
“And you still want all the rest I’ve offered—the education, the cash, the trust fund for the baby?”
“I want the education and the trust fund. I’d like some cash so I can go to school full time, but if I live at the Ransome ranch, I think you could cut the amount of money in half or even less if you want. As soon as I finish my education, we can dissolve the union. I don’t intend for it to be permanent.”
“I’ve got to think about it. I hadn’t planned on marriage,” he said and watched her let out her breath and unclench her hands. She raised her chin.
“I didn’t think you’d do it.” She stood and sighed. “You were better than your brother, but it’s not good enough. Since you’re not interested in my terms, I’ll keep my independence and move on.”
“You’ll be walking out on a fabulous future that’s a whole hell of a lot better than you’re doing now or can do. You’re selling your baby short by turning down my offer.”
“Perhaps, but I’m not the one who wants something here,” she said. “If you’re willing to commit to this baby, I want the whole deal—I want support and legitimacy and some of the things your brother should have given me.” She shrugged. “I’m accustomed to tough times. You can take it or leave it.”
He gazed into green eyes that were fiery and unyielding and he was certain she wasn’t bluffing about turning down his offer. He believed every word she said and it increased his anger that she was being so foolish, yet at the same time, he couldn’t keep from appreciating her determination to get more for her child. And deep down, Matt knew she was right. He might have done the same thing himself, had he been in her place.
“Sit down,” he ordered quietly, his anger growing. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I simply want to think about it like you wanted to consider my offer last night.”
She sat and he stared hard at her. She stared right back at him and he felt tension coil.
“I’ll talk to my attorney about it,” Matt finally replied, buying some time before he made any kind of commitment. “In the meantime, call and quit your job and settle in. I’ll introduce you to people who live and work on the ranch.”
“Until you come to a decision, I’m not leaving a job that pays better than most around here. I’m going to my room to get ready to go to work.”
Matt stood and watched her walk away. He wanted to grab her and shake her and he had never felt that way with a woman before. Not even Margo before she walked out on him. Olivia Brennan got to him as no one ever had.
What was worse, was that steady, fiery sexual awareness of her, a hot attraction that kept his nerves on edge. Marry her!
His whole being wanted to yell never, but then he thought about what he would be tossing aside. He was certain she would walk right out of his life and at any point in time, she could move far from Texas. She had no roots, no ties except going to college and right now she was between semesters. Right now, she could move away without much disruption in her life. Her college credits would transfer.
“Dammit!” He pushed back his chair with a scrape and crossed the room to call the family attorney.
He presented the problem swiftly, asking questions about a prenuptial agreement, keeping his eye on the clock. While part of him listened to the lawyer speaking, part of Matt’s attention was focused on hearing Olivia return.
Matt finally replaced the receiver and stared at the phone. As he suspected, marriage, even a paper-only union, would be far more binding than the bargain Matt had intended to strike with Olivia. But it could be dissolved, and he could put stipulations to try to protect himself from later demands. It didn’t mean she wouldn’t sue or take him to court and he would have to fight her later. On the other hand, the baby would legally be a Ransome.
Matt rubbed the back of his neck and swore under his breath. He didn’t want to get bound to her. Not Olivia or any other woman.
He heard her in the hall and he crossed the family room in quick long strides. In the kitchen he caught up with her and she glanced at him as he strode into the room.
“Wait a minute!” he snapped.
Her brows lifted in question as he crossed the room to stand with only inches separating them. “I called our attorney and talked to him,” Matt declared. “Marriage is a hell of a lot more commitment than you’re asking me to make.”
“You are the one who wants my baby in your family, remember?”
“I’m considering what you want. Call in sick tonight. You can miss one night and still keep your job.”
“I can, but I don’t see any reason to. I’m going to work. I need every dollar I can earn.”
“I’ve offered you a damn good deal.”
“Indeed, you have, but I told you that I want it all,” she said softly. She had on her tight red T-shirt and short cutoffs.
“Hell, I’ll pay your salary for tonight, but you take sick leave,” he ordered, annoyed that she was uncooperative. He was as angered by her demands and stubborn will as he was by his own heated response to her.
She stared at him a moment and he thought she was going to still refuse. Instead, she nodded and crossed the room to the phone, hanging her red vinyl purse on a hook by the door.
She asked for another woman and spoke softly, turning her back to Matt, but he heard her tell her friend that something had come up and she wouldn’t be there tonight.
“You could have told her you were sick,” Matt said as soon as she replaced the receiver and turned around.
“I’m not sick. Kira will think of some excuse for me, no doubt. I don’t think you have a very high opinion of me,” she remarked. “I’m sure you think I’m cheap and easy and not too bright.”
“I’ll admit that I might have thought that at one time, but the P.I.’s report changed my opinion. You don’t have any men in your life now. Your grades are top-notch. My opinion of you changes almost hourly. You constantly surprise me.”
“The same as you astound me. So did your brother. To my misfortune, I misjudged him in too many ways. I’ll never trust a Ransome again like I did Jeff.”
“You want to marry a Ransome,” Matt reminded her.
“That is purely a business arrangement for both of us.” She took her purse off the hook. “I’m going to unpack my things, shower and change before you show me around. I’d just as soon not meet people dressed like this.”
He nodded and watched her start out of the room. At the door she turned back to look at him. “Unlike Jeff Ransome, you can trust me. If I give you my word, I’ll keep it.” She left, and he heard the soft slap of her sneakers in the hall.
“I’ll be in my office,” he called after her and headed down the hall, wanting to talk to his attorney again.

Olivia closed the door to her new bedroom, walking around the room and touching the furniture lightly. She shook from pent-up nerves and her proposal to Matt Ransome. To demand that the man who owned this mansion marry her—it took her breath with its presumptuousness. How could she be that brash and calculating? Yet it would give the world to her baby.
Her proposal of marriage had jarred Matt. It wasn’t what he had expected or wanted, yet he was considering it. She could detect a grudging respect growing in him.
She paused in front of an elegant rosewood-framed mirror and looked at herself. Her riot of red hair always gave the impression of a wanton woman. Her breasts were full, adding to the attraction to males. She ought to cut her hair and buy fake glasses. With the money—if she made a deal with Matt—she would be able to afford to get her hair fixed and buy new clothes.
She frowned at her image. She shouldn’t think about where or how she would spend one nickel of his money. She didn’t have a deal yet with Matt, and they might not ever have one.
With her proposal, had she opened it up for Matt to take control of her child? That question nagged at her. If they married, he would legally have rights and she was certain he would have all sorts of opinions on how Jeff’s baby should be raised and what schools it should attend. Never would she be able to pack, divorce Matt and walk away as easily as she would if she simply accepted Matt’s money offer.
At the thought of relinquishing control of all decisions concerning her child, her stomach knotted. On the other hand, giving her baby the Ransome name and making him or her an heir would offset letting Matt into their lives. And from what she could see, Matt seemed to truly want what was best for her child.
She had never had a decent home life. She glanced around the splendid bedroom and knew she would be giving her offspring the best.
And Matt? How long could they resist the sizzling physical attraction? She didn’t want to ever love another Ransome, another untrustworthy male and in this case, an arrogant, controlling one. Yet even now when Matt was away from her, she was hot and breathless merely thinking about him. It was a volatile chemistry she didn’t have with other men and it might make living under the same roof with him a challenge. Seduction was unwanted, but would she be strong enough to resist the attraction, she wondered.
Could she be uncompromising and walk away if he rejected her proposal?
She couldn’t answer her own question. She thought of the money he offered, the chance for her to get through school quickly, then care for herself and the baby. How could she walk away from all that? Would it be horribly unfair to her child to turn her back on Matt’s offer?
Yet she suspected if she didn’t walk away, he would never come back with acceptance of her proposal. And she wanted the Ransome name and all that went with it.
Her gaze drifted around the room again and the thought of her baby being part of the fortune of this family took her breath! She strolled to the window and looked out at grounds that were well tended. Beyond them acres of range land stretched to the horizon. The wealth of the place was so foreign to her, she might as well have been in another country. Would Matt consider running the risk of letting her lay claim to some of what he owned?

Matt wrote out a hasty prenuptial agreement, trying to think of all the things he wanted to put into the document so he would be prepared when he saw his attorney.
His mind kept jumping to Olivia, remembering watching her and touching her. He groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. He had known her less than twenty-four hours and he couldn’t get her out of his mind.
Disgusted with himself that he couldn’t stop thinking about her, Matt went to look in the desk in his bedroom for a copy of the prenuptial agreement he’d had with Margo. They had married young and both had come from wealthy families so they had drawn up a prenup agreement, but when they parted, there had been no hassle over money. With her tremendous salary and her family’s money, she cared nothing about demands on Matt. She simply wanted out of the marriage to pursue her career.
In the hall Matt passed Olivia’s closed door and thought about her in the shower, water pouring over that lush body and down her long legs. He groaned and walked faster, suspecting he should go work out and burn some energy. A whole evening with Olivia was going to be hellish temptation.
He turned as she opened her door and stepped into the hall. Her shirt was pulled out of her cutoffs and partially unbuttoned, the open V giving a tantalizing glimpse of heart-stopping curves and cleavage.
“I can’t get the hot water faucet to turn,” she said. “Is it broken or am I doing something wrong? I can’t imagine the plumbing breaking in this castle.”
“Oh, hell. Sorry, I forgot. I’ve intended to get that fixed. And the plumbing does break on occasion,” he added with amusement. “I’ll get a wrench. It won’t take more than a minute to repair it. Or you can move to any of the other occupied bedrooms.”
“I’ll wait if you don’t mind repairing it.”
He left to get pliers, a washer and a wrench and returned to her room, taking a deep breath before he went inside. She stood by the window, and he hoped she stayed out of the bathroom.
The scent of her perfume hung in the air and he tried to ignore it and think about water and pipes. As he leaned over the tub, working on the faucet, he swore because he hadn’t taken care of the plumbing before she arrived or remembered it and put her in a different bedroom.
In minutes the faucet functioned again, and he picked up his wrench and pliers. As he started out, she entered the room and they almost collided. Taking her arm, he steadied her. “Sorry, Olivia,” he said.
She looked up at him and again, he was ensnared in wide, thickly lashed green eyes. Desire rocked him and her eyes half-closed in a sultry expression that took his breath. He placed one hand on the doorjamb beside her and leaned closer. When she inhaled deeply, his gaze lowered and then returned to her full lips. Hemming her in, he could feel the heat from her voluptuous body, detect the come-hither fragrance she wore.
“We can find out now and get this out of the way between us,” he said softly, leaning closer.
Her eyelids drooped a fraction as she slanted him a sensual look that set his pulse pounding. He slipped his arm around her waist and heard her gasp. She was soft, warm, all curves. He took his time, giving her a chance to pull away or protest or whatever she wanted.
Instead, when she placed her hand on his forearm and gazed up at him with a hot look, his body responded. If he was damned for it, he was going to kiss her.
With a seductive look from her, he was hard, wanting her, wanting to plunder her swollen lips, to taste and explore and see what a storm he could stir in her. Never had he seen a woman who looked more ready for sex.
Somewhere in the depths of his being, he knew he was crossing a line, going against what he had sworn he would avoid. With the temptation of a Pandora’s box, he couldn’t resist even if he knew in his heart that he was opening himself up for unending trouble.
As he leaned closer, she tilted her head up. Her breath was sweet and she was soft in the curve of his arm. His mouth came down on hers, opening her lips, his tongue sliding inside her mouth. Hot and wet, his kiss demanded more. He wanted to discover her sexually and his kiss and his body pressing hers was the fiery beginning.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned into him, molding her soft curves against him as she kissed him in return. Her tongue played over his, stroking and stirring his blinding need.
His rational thought had been lost back there when she first pressed against him. He tightened his arm around her, pulling her closer into his embrace, leaning over her and taking her searing kisses, letting go the pent-up longing he had controlled until now.
His pulse roared, drowning out other sounds, and he thought she would melt him with her scalding kisses. Why was she so different? he wondered. His heart thudded and he was in flames while below his belt he was rock-hard. He pulled her up tightly against him as his hand slid down her back and then trailed over the enticing curve of her bottom.
Her softness fanned the fire that consumed him. He ached to drown in her softness and unleash all her promised passion.
Grabbing a silky handful of her hair, he held her. When her hips twisted against him, he groaned.
Their kiss had escalated and spun out of control, seconds becoming minutes, time lost in need. She was too hot to handle, yet too desirable to release. Danger, danger ran through his thoughts, but he paid no heed. He never wanted to stop kissing her, kisses that were etched in his memory. Kisses that bound him to her in spite of all his reluctance.
Dimly, he became aware of her hands pressed on his chest, lightly pushing against him.
With an effort he opened his eyes, looking down at her to see her watching him. He released her and she stepped away, her gaze raking over him. “That was pure lust,” she whispered.
“There was nothing pure about the past few minutes,” he retorted, breathing heavily, seeing her gasp for breath as much as he did.
“I wasn’t going to do that,” she said, shooting him a torrid glance and then snapping her mouth closed.
“It’s not going to happen again,” he said, grinding out his words, hating his loss of control. His insides churned because emotionally, he hadn’t wanted to kiss her. Physically, he lusted to have her in his bed with her naked body against him. “I don’t think either one of us intended that kiss to happen, but it did and it seemed inevitable. Now it’s over and done and we can forget about it,” he said, wondering if he was trying to convince himself. In a lifetime, could he forget her kisses?
“That wasn’t what I intended,” she repeated in a low voice.
“There’s some chemistry that we both gave in to, but it doesn’t need to happen again.”
She gave him a level, direct look. “So you’re sorry you kissed me.”
“You know I’m not, but we’ll go back like we were.”
When she nodded and closed the door, he let out his breath and shook his head. Why had he kissed her? Every shred of common sense told him to keep his hands to himself.
Burning with desire, he stormed down the hall. The fire in her kisses had been even more than he had expected. And his thoughts seethed about her marriage proposal and the prenuptial agreement, because now he felt differently about her demands and expectations.
Their relationship had just changed. Whether she knew it yet or not, his feelings toward her had intensified. How easily she could wreck his peaceful life! His reaction to Olivia was lust. Lust and anger and he needed to keep tight control of both emotions. He promised himself he would never let down his guard with her again. After Margo he would never trust a woman. Margo had taken his heart and stomped it to a million pieces. He didn’t ever want to risk his heart with another woman.
He charged into his bedroom and slammed the door, crossing to his desk to open a drawer and once again get the prenuptial agreement from his marriage. Margo had made no demands on him. She had wanted out of the marriage and between her job and her family, she’d had all the money she could possibly want so there had been no problems there. The only problem had been that he had thought he was in love with her and he suspected she had only briefly been in love with him.
Looking at stipulations, he pored over the agreement some more and jotted notes while he wondered how many of his demands Olivia would accept.
Thinking about Olivia, he paused. She was honest, intelligent and shrewd. Had Jeff had a clue about what she was really like or had he simply seen her as a gorgeous, sexy woman?
Matt knew his brother well enough to know the answer to his question as swiftly as the question had risen—Jeff wouldn’t get beyond sex.
Matt dropped his pen. He did not want to marry Olivia and damned if he would! After the poverty she had lived in, he couldn’t imagine that she would walk away from the comfort and luxury he was offering.
While a plan formed in his mind, he stared out the window. He would give her two days of fabulous living—fly her to Houston, buy her a fancy wardrobe and shower her with jewelry and clothes she had never been able to afford. He would wine and dine her at places that would impress the most hardened sophisticate. Then see if she still wanted to reject his offer when he turned down her marriage proposal.
He picked up his phone to call and change his appointment with his lawyer. Next he called to get the Ransome corporate jet ready.
He strode down the hall and knocked on her door.
“Just a minute,” she called. She swung the door open to face him. She stood with a towel wrapped around her and looking at her was as jolting as getting socked in the middle and having the wind knocked out of him.
Her slender shoulders were bare and the white towel was a contrast to her creamy skin. The towel was midthigh and all he could think about was only a towel covered her naked body.
While heat flashed through him, his heart thudded. He wanted to reach for her, remove that towel and pull her into his arms. Memories of her kisses fanned the flames that consumed him and for an instant, he was tongue-tied.
Her hair tumbled over her shoulders and she still had a few drops of water that sparkled on one shoulder. She had been sexy in the T-shirt and cutoffs. In a towel, she was gorgeous.
He realized he was staring and she shifted impatiently. “Yes?” she asked, tilting her head.
“Get dressed,” he said, hating the husky scrape in his voice. “I’ve made arrangements for a plane and I’ll take you shopping in Houston so we can get you some new clothes. You’ll need them. We’ll eat there tonight and then we can fly back here or get rooms there.”
“You’re not doing this to postpone having to reach a decision about my proposal, are you?” she asked.
“Partially,” he admitted, suspecting it wouldn’t fool her if he gave her any other answer. “We’re making big, life-changing decisions about our futures, though, so what will a twenty-four hour postponement hurt?”
“It might get me fired from my job if I don’t show up two nights in a row.”
“You can be back by tomorrow night,” he answered.
She stared at him while she seemed to be mulling things over and finally she nodded. “I can be ready in ten minutes,” she said and closed the door.
He stared at the closed door and still saw the image of her in the white towel. He wiped his brow. How was he going to cope with her under his roof for the next several years? He wanted the baby close, but if every encounter with Olivia was like the last two, he would be a basket case in no time.
Matt charged back to his room to call his favorite hotel and reserve adjoining suites. He made dinner reservations and then hurried to shower and shave and get dressed to go.
Ten minutes later he entered the family room to find her waiting. His gaze raked over her, taking in her denim skirt and simple, sleeveless white cotton blouse and sandals. He suspected what few clothes she owned were practical and cheap. There would be no way she could afford anything fancy or expensive unless she had the good fortune to find it in a secondhand shop.
Even so, the sight of her made his pulse accelerate and he still had to fight the urge to want to touch her as he squelched images of her without the denim skirt or white blouse.
“I’ve never flown before,” she said.
“Good! You’ll like it,” he answered, taking her arm and steering her out of the house and toward his car. He wanted to dazzle her and make her want to stay so badly that she would give up all thought of marriage.

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