Read online book «Deep in a Texan′s Heart» author Sara Orwig

Deep in a Texan's Heart
Sara Orwig
With a budding career, Lila Hacket has no intention of changing her life to become conservative Sam Gordon’s idea of the perfect wife.So if he wants their baby from a shared passionate night to have his name, he needs to change his ideas about what he really needs from Lila…and just what he’s willing to give her in return!

Sam felt as if all the breath had been knocked out of him.
He counted back and realized it was a full three months since their night together.
Lila was going to have a baby. That would explain her contradictory actions, one minute flirting and the next throwing an invisible wall between them and refusing to go out with him.
Had she come to Texas and expected to avoid telling him? Anger stirred that she would hide the truth. Maybe she was going to wait until she was back in California to let him know.
She had to realize she couldn’t hide it forever.
A baby. Their baby. He would marry her.

About the Author
SARA ORWIG lives in Oklahoma. She has a patient husband who will take her on research trips anywhere, from big cities to old forts. She is an avid collector of Western history books. With a master’s degree in English, Sara has written historical romance, mainstream fiction and contemporary romance. Books are beloved treasures that take Sara to magical worlds, and she loves both reading and writing them.

Deep in a
Texan’s Heart
Sara Orwig (
Thanks to Charles Griemsman, Stacy Boyd and Allison Carroll.
Thank you to a special group of writers: Maureen Child, Kathie DeNosky, Tessa Radley, Yvonne Lindsay, Jules Bennett, Janice Maynard, Sarah Anderson and Charlene Sands.
Thanks to readers for their support, enthusiasm and friendship.

When Sam Gordon idly glanced over the crowd at the annual Hacket barbecue, a head of straight auburn hair caught his attention. It could be only one person. Lila Hacket’s silky hair was a unique color, a deep auburn shot through with red strands as natural as the rest of Lila. She was back in town and his pulse jumped over the prospect. Had she come home for the barbecue? Memories of Lila heated Sam’s insides while the horse conversation faded, replaced by memories of holding Lila’s warm, naked body against his.
The ranchers around him laughed over something Beau Hacket said, so Sam smiled, trying to pick up again on the conversation. Beau proudly pointed out his latest acquisition, a three-year-old sorrel, to the Texas Cattleman’s Club members gathered beside the corral.
Standing with her back to him, Lila chatted with another group of guests. She was taller than several women around her. She wore a turquoise sundress that had narrow straps and a top that came down over her hips, hiding her tiny waist. Her feet were in high-heeled sandals and she looked luscious. Certain he would talk to her before the evening was over, Sam attempted once more to focus on those around him. Local cattle rancher Dave Firestone and gray-haired energy magnate Paul Windsor quizzed Josh, Sam’s twin, on horses. Josh loved horses, one more thing Sam didn’t share with his twin.
“Beau, did you get that horse around here?” Chance McDaniel asked.
“No. I drove to a sale in Cody, Wyoming. But that isn’t the kind of horse you need on your dude ranch.”
“My place is a working ranch, too, and I’d like to have another cutting horse,” Chance replied, his green-eyed gaze roaming over the horses.
“Chance, you need some horses like the little mare I have for Cade. Something gentle even a four-year-old can ride,” Gil Addison, another local rancher, added.
Sam was not involved with horses but most of the men in his circle were horsemen one way or another, from Ryan Grant, now retired from the rodeo circuit, to rancher Dave Firestone. All belonged to Royal’s elite Texas Cattleman’s Club and Sam saw them often enough that he didn’t mind breaking away from the group.
“Y’all excuse me,” Sam said. “I’ll be back.” He strolled away in an easy stride that belied the anticipation bubbling in him. When Lila had not returned his call the morning after their one-nighter, he had let it go. There were other women in his life. That had been three months ago—three months in which he couldn’t shake her out of his thoughts.
Why was she back in town? Laughing, she moved away from the people standing around her. Determined not to lose her, Sam walked a little faster through the crowd.
It took only another minute to catch up. “Lila, welcome back.”
When she turned, there was an almost imperceptible flicker in the depth of her crystal-green eyes. “Sam,” she said. In spite of her smile, there was no warmth in her voice. “I hope you’re enjoying the party,” she said, sounding as if they were polite strangers and had never shared a night together. This was not a reaction he usually had with women.
“This is a great party, as usual. Better now that you’re here. Did you come home for the barbecue?”
“No, as a matter of fact. I’m in town to set up for a movie that’ll be filming on ranches here at the end of the month,” she said. “It’s nice to see you again. Enjoy yourself at the party.” She turned slightly to greet her longtime friend Shannon Fentress, still thinking of her as Shannon Morrison, instead of Mrs. Rory Fentress since her recent marriage.
“Hi, Shannon. Just welcoming Lila back to town,” he said.
“It’s the first of August, just in time for her family’s big annual party—who would miss this? I think all of Royal is here,” Shannon said. “Lila, that barbecue is the most tempting smell ever. Too bad they can’t bottle and sell it like perfume.”
Lila laughed. “C’mon. We have a new chef. You can meet him. ’Course, my dad is going to supervise. Excuse us, Sam,” she said sweetly, motioning to Shannon to follow her.
Sam watched them walk away, his gaze raking over Lila’s back. Her cool reception had been a first for him. He didn’t get that reaction from women. He frowned as he watched the slight flare of her hips, the sexy swing to her walk. As he studied her, he wanted to go out with her.
He shook his head and turned to go get a cold beer. Lila didn’t take after her dad. She didn’t even seem much like her mother, who was friendly, always happy to stay in her husband’s shadow, to be the wife in the background. In her own quiet way, Barbara Hacket kept Beau happy, entertained constantly and had charity projects without ever showing the streak of independence Lila did—that need to get away from Royal, to have a fancy job. Lila and her brother, Hack, were light-years apart.
As if his thinking about Hack had conjured him, Sam greeted her brother as he approached. “Great party, as always, Hack.”
“Dad knows how to have a barbecue. Saw you talking to my snooty sister,” Hack said.
“Snooty is okay. At least your sister’s kind of snooty is. It may not run deep,” Sam replied, still watching Lila as she disappeared into the house with Shannon.
“Like a challenge, huh?” Hack said, rocking on his heels and hooking his thumbs over his hand-tooled belt. “Guess you’re right. Chicks are easy. Sometimes it’s sweeter when there’s a challenge because most chicks are so eager they’re boring.”
Lost in thought about Lila, Sam barely heard Hack.
“My hotshot sister is home from L.A., where she thinks she’s setting the world on fire with her highfalutin movie job,” Hack continued. “She’s living alone out there—or so she says—probably because no one will live with Miss Snooty. It gives me more money from the old man. My sister can just stay in California. It’s a good place for her. Royal, on the other hand, does have the hot chicks. Think so, Sam?”
“There are fine people in Royal, Texas,” Sam said, his thoughts still only partially on Hack.
“Speakin’ of hot chicks, I see Anna June Wilson. If you’ll excuse me,” Hack said, walking away.
Sam took a deep breath, glad Hack had moved on. At seventeen, the kid was spoiled rotten by Beau. Sam had seen Hack around his dad. The kid was smart enough to keep on Beau’s good side most of the time. The rest of the time, Beau bailed him out of trouble.
Sam raked his fingers through his hair and strode to the outdoor bar on the large patio. After Lila had returned to California, he’d called her. When she hadn’t taken his calls, he had stopped phoning. Was she cool because he hadn’t continued to pursue her? He should forget Lila Hacket. Trouble was, he hadn’t been able to forget Lila.
“Dammit,” he said under his breath.
“Sam Gordon, what are you doing standing by yourself?”
“Just looking for you, darlin’,” he said, smiling at Sally Dee Caine, the perfect antidote for Lila. Known by every male in Maverick County, Sally Dee was fun and Sam enjoyed her in small doses. He took in her bright pink, low-cut, clinging jersey blouse and tight faded jeans. “You look good enough, Sally Dee, to make me forget about the enticing barbecue that’s cooking. I might find what I want right here,” he said, nuzzling her neck. Giggling, she wrapped her arm in his.
“Sam, you’re usually a partying fool. C’mon, the fiddler’s wound up and there’s a barn filled with two-steppers dancing the time away.”
“I thought you’d never ask,” he said, grinning as he draped his arm across her shoulders and pulled her close against his side. While she slipped her arm around his waist, they headed toward the Hackets’ big brown barn.
“Sorry if I interrupted you if you wanted to stay and talk to Sam,” Shannon said as she walked beside Lila.
“No, you rescued me. I know you don’t care to meet the barbecue cook. Let’s head for the dining room. We can get some of Agnes’s artichoke dip.”
“Your parents’ cook is the best in Maverick County.”
“She’s good, but we have a lot of good cooks around here. Also, I saw her carrying a tray of gorgeous fruit into the dining room.”
“Yum. I won’t argue that one. It’s great to have you home. As usual, your family’s barbecue is fabulous. Each year, this barbecue seems to be bigger than the year before.”
“I think it is bigger. Nearly all the Texas Cattleman’s Club members are here. There’s an undercurrent this year, though. I hear people talking about Alex Santiago’s disappearance. That mystery has some on edge.”
“No one knows what happened to him and they’re keeping publicity about it to a minimum, I think. Or maybe they just really don’t know anything. It’s odd and it’s scary. No one, much less a member of the Texas Cattleman’s Club, just disappears.”
“Alex Santiago did.”
Shannon shivered. “I hope they find him soon. I understand that he’s a wealthy investor—who knows what he’s involved in? What about you? You said you’re on vacation for two weeks?”
“Yes. I have to be here in two weeks anyway because the studio will be shooting a picture in the area. I took two weeks off beforehand. I’m working a little, trying to select locations, but I’m taking some private time for myself.”
“Your work sounds like a dream job.”
“Sometimes it is. It can get hectic, but I’m learning and I like what I do.”
“You have two weeks’ vacation.” Shannon’s blue eyes focused on Lila. “Why don’t you think about squeezing a little time to help plan the new child center at the Texas Cattleman’s Club? We could use your professional opinion. The construction company is renovating the place, but they want the women’s input about the decor and what we’d like to have for the children.”
Lila laughed. “My dad would explode. You can’t imagine—well, yes, you can imagine—how he feels about a child center. It almost did him in when women were voted into the club, Shannon,” Lila said with a big grin.
Shannon laughed. “I love being a member of the club. I still can’t get used to women, including me, belonging to the exclusive male bastion, the sacrosanct male domain for over one hundred years, the exclusive Texas Cattleman’s Club.” She laughed again with Lila. “I better not speak loudly—all the members are here tonight.
“I know it irritates your dad and some of the others,” Shannon continued. “Your dad and a lot of the older members, but some young ones, too. The Gordon twins. Your brother has made snippy remarks.”
“I told you years ago to tune Hack out. Dad spoils him until it’s pitiful. I’m afraid Hack is going to turn out as narrow-minded as Dad. If you weren’t such a good friend, I think Hack would make worse remarks to you. He can get really crude.”
Shannon shrugged. “I do tune out your brother and the remarks are more than just snippy. He isn’t going to like the child center. Doesn’t matter. The construction company has already started renovation.”
“That’s great.”
“Lila, you’re perfect for the job because you’re a production set designer. C’mon. Help us while you have some time.”
Thinking over the request, Lila looked into Shannon’s bright blue eyes beneath short, sassy blond hair. Lila had come home to rest, to talk confidentially with her mother, not to take on another job. If she accepted, though, it might keep her mind off her problems and it would be an interesting project. She would be with Shannon, a hard worker who was always fun. “You know, I’d enjoy collaborating with you and the idea is exciting. Besides, sometimes I like to shake up my dad. I’ll do it, but if it gets to be too much, Shannon, I’m out.”
“Fantastic and fair enough. I don’t want you to participate if it’s too much, but it won’t be. I’d like your input.”
“That sounds easy.”
“It should be fun to do. Any chance you can meet me at the club Monday morning?”
“Sure. My schedule is open. As long as it’s not early Monday morning.”
“No, we won’t meet early, because I have my ranch chores,” Shannon said as they walked down a wide hall into the big dining room that had a table holding silver trays and crystal dishes of hors d’oeuvres.
“Hi, Amanda, Nathan,” Lila said while Shannon echoed her greeting to the couple, who stood holding hands and had been gazing at each other until they were interrupted. Amanda and Nathan Battle, Royal’s sheriff, turned to look at them. Lila felt an invisible punch in her middle when she saw them holding hands, clearly in love.
“The newlyweds,” Lila said, smiling at them. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” they said in unison, then looked at each other and laughed.
“We were just taking a moment away from the crowd to talk. The party is fantastic, Lila. Your folks know how to throw a party,” Amanda said. Amanda’s glow and obvious joy continued to give Lila a pang. What would it be like to be deeply in love, to have it returned? From the way Amanda looked, it seemed it would be bliss.
“We’ll head out to get some barbecue,” Nathan said.
“Don’t go on our account,” Lila told him. “We’re here for some artichoke dip and then we’re going outside to eat.”
“Eat all you want,” Nathan said, smiling and wrapping his arm around Amanda’s waist as they left.
“They’re so much in love I doubt if either one of them knows what was just said or even who was in here. Now, I think we were talking about getting together at the TCC Monday,” Lila said.
“We were. Actually, the later the better for me. How about lunch? While we eat, I can bring you up to speed on what we plan. After lunch we can go look at the location. It’s the old billiard room.”
“That will be good. Lunch will be the best time for me,” Lila said, crossing to the sideboard to pick up a plate and napkin.
“At three on Monday, there is a TCC meeting and I plan to attend, but you and I will be finished by then,” Shannon said.
“I’ll bet my dad is suffering over the thought of turning the billiard room into a child-care center.” Lila laughed and Shannon joined her.
“It’s time to shake them up a little,” Shannon said. “Besides, they’ll get a new billiard room. That renovation will be next.”
“Shannon, do the Gordons have the construction contract?” Lila asked, realizing for the first time that she might see a lot of Sam.
“As a matter of fact, no, they don’t.”
“Why not? I’d think they would have been awarded the contract without any conversation about it,” Lila said.
“I wondered about that, too. I was told they bowed out because of a ‘conflict of interest,’ but frankly, in my opinion, they wanted to avoid it because they hate to see the center become a reality.”
“Could be. The Gordon brothers are as old-fashioned as my dad.”
“Maybe they’re that way because they lost their mother when they were so young. Perhaps their dad just settled into a chauvinistic manner toward women.”
“Probably. Even with a mom, my dad’s influence, unfortunately, is stronger on Hack than my mom’s.”
Lila and Shannon browsed, each selecting small bites of the pale, steaming artichoke dip and dainty bits of pineapple, strawberries and kiwi. As soon as both had tall glasses of ice water, Lila waved toward the wide hallway. “Let’s go sit on the porch, where we can talk. Everyone’s in the back or in the house.”
They walked outside on the porch and sat in tall cushioned rocking chairs. The music was diminished, the sounds of the crowd muffled, while shadows grew longer and the sun slanted lower. “You look great, Shannon. Married life becomes you.”
“You have to meet Rory. Right now he’s back in Austin. My foreman is ill and I’m needed here, so I’m at the ranch.”
“You’re newlyweds, very happily married. What else? Bring me up to date on your life,” Lila said.
Shannon shrugged. “While I’m here, it’s just the same old, same old. I run the family ranch,” she replied, raking her blond hair from her face with her fingers.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lila said, shaking her head. “I’ve never figured out how you manage the Bar None all on your own.”
“Just one of the boys,” Shannon replied dryly, and Lila laughed. “I’m not alone anymore, not since getting married. It’s just that Rory is busy in Austin.”
“Too bad you have to be apart.”
Shannon shrugged. “When my foreman is back on his feet, I can go to Austin. Right now, this is a rare moment, this party, and I’m enjoying it. I’ve told you about me. Let’s talk about you, unless you don’t want to. We’re good friends or I wouldn’t ask—what’s wrong?”
“Wrong?” Lila said while her heart missed a beat.
Shannon shrugged. “If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand. I thought you might need a friend right now.”
Shocked that Shannon could so easily tell that something was wrong in her life, Lila ran her fingers in a circle over her knee and debated confiding in her friend. So far her mother was the only Texan she had talked to.
“All right. It’s confidential for now. Since I’ll be here anyway in a couple of weeks, I came home early to rest and talk to Mom. Not my dad. Never Hack. I’m pregnant, Shannon.”
“Great grief.” Shannon’s eyes widened. “Someone in the movie business? An actor? A star? A producer who’s married?”
“Hey, wait,” Lila said, laughing and feeling a lift to the worries that weighed on her only moments earlier. “Stop jumping to conclusions. A married producer? I wouldn’t go out with one of those. I shouldn’t have gone out with the man I did,” she said, becoming somber again. “Shannon, he’s local. He’s here at the party.”
“You don’t have to say who it is. Are you going to tell him?”
“Not until I make some decisions. When he finds out, he’s so old-fashioned he’ll want to marry me.”
“Oh, great grief. If it had to be a local, why didn’t you pick someone who’s open and liberal and not still thinking a woman’s place is in the kitchen and bedroom?”
“Hindsight is always better.”
“I’m sorry. I’m not helping. I can understand why you don’t want to marry him, but if he’s old-fashioned, he’s going to want to marry you. Oh, boy, is he going to want to marry.”
“I’m not marrying one of the locals to move back here and give up my career and my independence.”
Shannon tilted her head to study her friend. “When are you breaking the news?”
“I wish it could be after I’m back in California and there’s half the U.S. between us, but I’ll probably tell him before I go back. Okay—absolutely between the two of us. It’s—”
“Don’t tell me,” Shannon said, covering her ears. “I don’t want to know.”
Lila laughed. “You do make me feel better. I can tell you and you’ll probably guess anyway.”
“No. I don’t need to know. I don’t even want to know, because it will be easier later if someone gets to quizzing me. You know, you can keep that quiet only so long,” she said, glancing over Lila. “I guess that’s why you’re wearing a dress that covers your middle.”
“That’s right. I’m three months along.”
“Oh, my. How long will you stay in Texas on this movie-production business?”
“Probably till the end of the month. Sometimes it’s shorter, sometimes longer, but once I start really working, I don’t think I’ll see the significant person often.”
“Does your mom understand? Your dad isn’t going to.”
“She’s supportive. I don’t even understand what got into me.”
“I think it’s called hormones,” Shannon remarked dryly. “And he’s probably adorable because we have some goodlooking, fun, great guys here.”
“Oh, yes,” Lila replied, thinking that was a fitting description of Sam. “As for Mom, we’re close. Mom has two sides to her. The one my dad sees and others think she is, and then there’s a side that’s not that way at all. Mom manages to get her way with my dad. He just doesn’t realize it. She’ll help me.”
“Good. Sorry, Lila. You’ve complicated your life.”
“That’s an understatement. Thank heavens I can leave Royal and go back to California.”
Two men emerged from the front door and turned toward them. Lila recognized both of them as ranchers from a neighboring county.
“Hey, ladies,” Jeff Wainwright said. “I thought I saw you two out here. You’re missing the fun and a really good hoedown in the barn. Right now they’re having line dancing. Want to give it a whirl?”
Impulsively, Lila accepted, thinking it would be good to move around, expend some energy and forget her pregnancy for five or ten minutes.
If only she could forget. The first sight of Sam had taken her breath. She had thought she wouldn’t have any physical response to him, but she had been wrong. Worse, she had been unable to control her response. With a sparkle in his clear blue eyes, he’d stood facing her. His navy plaid Western shirt had the sleeves rolled high, revealing firm biceps. The shirt tucked into his narrow waist and the faded tight jeans showed his muscled lean frame. He looked sexy and filled with vitality—a good-looking, appealing man. She couldn’t deny that part.
Also, it had felt good to tell Shannon about the pregnancy, to have a friend who knew what she was going through. And a level-headed friend, too.
In minutes Shannon was dancing with Buck McDougal while Lila danced with Jeff. Sam was on the dance floor with Piper Kindred, one of Royal’s paramedics. As she turned, Lila noticed the ex-rodeo rider, Ryan Grant, on the sidelines watching Piper intently. Lila looked away, thinking about how she tried to avoid watching Sam or even looking at him, but it was impossible. He was light on his feet, sexy. It didn’t matter how much appeal he had—his personality, his opinions, his most basic beliefs all were opposite from her own. He was old-fashioned and would never understand her career or her attitude.
She thought about that night with him. Her dad had seen Sam in Royal and talked him into dinner with them in town. When Sam had said he would take her home, her dad had gone ahead to the Double H, her family’s ranch. She and Sam had flirted through dinner and afterward, until Sam invited her to his place for a nightcap and she accepted.
The flirting grew more intense until she was in his arms. A night of wild passion, laughter, loving, a night she had known she would always remember. Now there was no doubt. A few weeks later, she had learned she was pregnant.
Lila’s thoughts came back to the present while she danced in the barn. They had gone from line dancing to a square dance and she noticed Shannon had dropped out and was gone.
They square danced, changing partners as the steps were called out to the fiddlers’ music. When they called “Promenade left, promenade right,” and she moved to the next dancer, she faced Sam and the look in his eyes made her heart pound. He wasn’t saying a word, yet sparks flew and she felt at any second he might grab her and kiss her wildly.
She danced away from him and the moment was gone, but her heart still raced and she wondered if they would talk again or if he would ask her to dance. She gave a shake of her head as if to clear her thoughts. She needed to stay away from Sam. She didn’t want him to guess that she was pregnant. She had to be mentally prepared for when he learned the truth.
Finally, she told Jeff she’d had enough dancing. As they left the barn, she glanced back and met Sam’s smoldering gaze. Even with the length of the barn between them, the minute she looked into his eyes, a current spiraled, tickling her insides. Why did she have such a physical response to him? She did not want to know Sam better or go out with him again. Yet now she had not only bound her life with his indefinitely, she would have to struggle with his old-fashioned, narrow view of the world.
The tempting smells of the barbecue were beginning to have the opposite effect on her. To get away from the cooking, she crossed the yard until she saw a friend.
“Sophie,” she called, catching up with her high school friend.
Sophie Beldon turned to wait, her light brown eyes friendly as she smiled. “This is a great party, Lila. Your family really knows how to do this. I think everyone in these parts looks forward to August because of your family barbecue. It’s legendary.”
“Thanks. They’ve been doing it long enough. It’s good to see you. Where are you headed?”
“Some quiet corner—if there is such. I’m getting looks and people ask all sorts of questions. Some act like I have the answers and just won’t say anything about Alex’s disappearance.”
“Sorry. That must be tough. You’re his executive secretary, so everyone probably thinks you know something about him. I’m sure everyone has been shocked to hear Alex has disappeared. Still no word?”
“Nothing. What’s bad—they don’t know whether something’s happened to him or his disappearance is something he has deliberately done. He had a quiet side where he kept things to himself. I’ve always thought of my boss as a man of mystery. Or it could be just circumstances where communication has failed and Alex thinks we all know where he is.”
“That seems impossible. You’d hear from him, I’d think.”
The blonde shrugged. “Who knows. You can’t rule out any possibility, but his disappearance has some people on edge.”
“Reasonably so, I’d say. You dealt with him daily. You should know the most about him,” Lila said, stopping in the shade of a tall oak to the east side of the house and away from the crowd.
Long lashes framed Sophie’s eyes while her brow furrowed. “I get looks from Nathan Battle, but Nathan’s fair, so I’m not worried about his opinion where I’m concerned. I really don’t have any idea about Alex and what’s happened to him.” She studied Shannon in silence a moment as if debating something. “I know I can trust you—I’m working now for Zach Lassiter. He’s Alex’s business partner.”
“I’ve heard Dad talk about him. From what I hear, no one seems to know much about his past.”
“Talk about a man of mystery—Zach is more mysterious than Alex was. I don’t think anyone knows much about Zach. I thought if I could get close to him, I might find out something about Alex’s disappearance.”
A chill ran down Lila’s spine. “Sophie, be careful. You have no idea what’s involved in Alex’s disappearance. It could be foul play. You really don’t know anything about Zach Lassiter and it sounds as if no one else in Royal does. what you’re doing might be dangerous.”
“I’ll be careful, and I don’t see how Zach can suspect my true motives. It’s a business. I can’t keep from wondering what he knows about Alex, because they worked closely together.”
Lila shook her head. “I don’t think you should take such a risk. Be really careful about what you do. You’re not a trained detective and you don’t know anything about investigations. Does anyone else know what you’re doing? Does Nathan Battle?”
“Heavens, no. You do now, so there’s one person who knows. I promise, I’ll be careful. I see friends headed our way.”
Lila turned to see three more friends she had been close to in high school and her private conversation with Sophie ended, but as she listened to the light chatter of her friends, she still had a nagging concern about Sophie. She wished she had urged Sophie to say something to Nathan, although Nathan and Amanda had recently married, so he might not have his mind on Alex’s disappearance. Still, Lila felt certain Nathan would advise Sophie to stay out of it and her friend might actually listen to him.
Later, lines formed at the long tables covered with food while servers at each end carved chunks of meat and ribs. Lila went inside to eat more fruit, passing up the steaming barbecue, knowing her dad saw to it that they cooked so much there would always be some leftovers if she wanted any later.
After dinner, fiddlers swung into music for more dancing and Lila enjoyed herself, dancing with many of the Texas Cattleman’s Club members who always attended the Hacket barbecue. She danced with Ryan Grant, one of the newest members. His tangled brown hair fell over his forehead as he concentrated on dancing. He was light on his feet, which didn’t surprise her, because she had danced with him before.
The next dance was with rancher and widower Gil Addison. She knew his four-year-old son, Cade, was with the other kids. Her parents always hired local nannies to watch the small kids during the barbecue. She enjoyed Gil in his quiet way and was sorry he was raising his son alone.
As soon as that dance ended, Sam’s twin, Josh Gordon, politely asked her to dance. She could sense the coolness and disapproval in spite of his invitation and she knew he was one of the club members who disapproved of her independence. She suspected he had asked her to dance as an obligation to her dad, the host.
Although Josh and Sam were identical twins, Lila could tell them apart without any difficulty. Sam’s hair was longer and he had a sparkle in his eyes, a more carefree attitude than his solemn brother.
As she danced with Josh, a fast number where they had no physical contact, she wondered what his reaction would be when he learned that he was going to be an uncle.
As soon as the dance ended and she had politely thanked him, Josh disappeared into the crowd. She turned to face Sam Gordon.

“I think it’s my turn. Will you dance with me?” he asked, taking her arm before she could answer.
“This is typical, Sam. You didn’t even wait for my answer.”
He grinned and released her, turning to face her. “Darlin’, you can’t begin to guess how eager I am to dance with you. Miss Hacket, may I have this dance?”
Knowing Sam was the one person she should avoid, she nodded her head anyway. “You’re hopeless.”
“No way, sugar. I just want to dance with you in the worst way,” he said, taking her hand and coaxing her. “C’mon.”
“In the worst way?” she teased, having fun even though she shouldn’t encourage him.
“Oh, yeah,” he drawled in a huskier voice as they joined the dancers on the barn’s makeshift dance floor. “The very worst—down and hot as only you can do,” he said.
A tingle sizzled while she laughed at the same time. “Not on your Nelly, Sam Gordon,” she tried to reply sternly, but it came out breathlessly. “I don’t even know how.”
“Oh, yes, you do, darlin’,” he said, his blue eyes twinkling. “My memory is crystal-clear. In the privacy of my place, we’ve danced down and dirty before and it was a bushel of fun and sexy as hell.” He moved closer. “And you haven’t forgotten, either.”
“If you want to keep dancing, Sam, you better get off that subject fast. You’ve skated onto extremely thin ice,” she said, wishing she sounded more forceful and knowing she had made a big mistake in flirting with him even for mere minutes, not to mention dancing with him.
He waved his hands as if he had dropped a burning iron. “I’m off the subject of how enticing your dancing is. You look great, Lila, and I’m glad you’re home.”
“Thank you,” she said, twisting and turning so they wouldn’t have to talk, yet aware of his steady gaze following her every move. She should never have encouraged him, but he was fun to be with and she loved to dance. Thinking like that was what had gotten her into the situation she was in now.
The instant the music stopped, she turned to him. “Thanks, Sam. Mom asked me to mix with guests. I’ve just mingled with you, so I’m off to socialize with others,” she said sweetly, and walked away before he had a chance to reply. Her back tingled because she knew he watched her and she expected him to catch up with her or take her arm to stop her.
As if pulled by a magnet, she couldn’t keep from glancing over her shoulder. Sam was leaning against a post on the sidelines and he was watching her as she had suspected. She turned around quickly, but he had seen her look back at him.
As she moved through the crowd and toward the house, she fought the urge to glance over her shoulder again. Her mother had given her no such instructions, but she had partied all she wanted to for one night. She was going to her own room in the sprawling ranch house.
Standing near the bar, Sam watched Lila cross the back porch and enter the Hacket home. As puzzled as ever, he couldn’t figure her. For minutes tonight, she had let down that guard and been open, friendly, more—she had flirted with him. And he thought she’d had fun dancing with him. Then it was over and the barrier was back between them. The moment the dance ended, she was gone. Why her coolness? Was it his attitude toward her job and women in the club? That seemed absurd and hadn’t made that much difference their night together. He couldn’t think of a thing that would cause this rift between them.
She didn’t approve of his views of women and he didn’t approve of her career, so he should accept the rejection and move on. Rejection was something he didn’t experience often—was it that difficult for him to accept? He still wanted Lila in his arms and in his bed.
She had looked great tonight—a flush in her face that made her cheeks rosy, a sparkle in her fascinating green eyes, her long legs showing from the knees down.
The dress hid her tiny waist—a pity because he remembered exactly how narrow it was. But the top of the sundress was cut low enough to reveal lush curves that seemed even fuller than he remembered.
He inhaled and took a long drink of his cold beer, wishing he could just pour it over his head to cool down.
Monday, Lila walked into the rambling clubhouse made of stone and dark wood. Sunshine splashed over the tall slate roof. The smell of bacon cooking wafted from the building, giving her a queasy feeling. Morning sickness had come early and had been mild. To her relief, it was beginning to disappear, and so far, today was one of the good days.
Shannon was waiting in the wide hallway. Dressed in a sleeveless navy cotton dress and heels, she didn’t look as if she had spent the morning doing ranch chores with the men who worked for her, but Lila knew Shannon and what her life had been like until recently, single-handedly managing a big cattle ranch.
Shannon’s smile sparkled. “Hi! I’ve looked forward to this since the night of the barbecue. I’m so excited over this child center.” She leaned closer to Lila. “I’ll warn you now—you’re going to get some nasty glares from the members who do not welcome what we’re doing.”
“I’m getting looks at home from Dad. He grumbles and stomps off without really saying anything.”
Shannon laughed as they headed toward the dining room for lunch.
Over crisp green salads, she enjoyed talking to Shannon, listening to plans about the center. “Remember they built onto the club and we have more meeting rooms now, so they moved the billiard tables to one of the meeting rooms. They’ll renovate the room later, but for now they just moved out the other furniture,” Shannon said.
“It wouldn’t do for all those men to be without their billiard tables,” Lila said with a smile.
“Right. Meanwhile, they’ve started on the billiard room and the room built adjoining it. They’re taking out the walls that separated the rooms. We’ll divide off areas for play, for eating, that sort of thing, and a special area for the babies.”
“I know some great California stores for furniture, pictures, little dividers that still keep an open look and can be easily moved.”
“Great. Give us a list. The women members are responsible for this. As soon as we eat, we’ll go look at the rooms. I told you that we’ve agreed on the basic structure, which includes built-in shelves, drawers and cabinets. I’ll show you all of our plans and notes.”
“I’m sorry the other women couldn’t join us for lunch. I would really be in good company with you, Missy Reynolds, Vanessa Woodrow and Abigail Price.”
“You should join, too.”
Lila shook her head. “I’m going back to California. You need members who will be active.”
“Abigail’s little girl, Julia, will attend the center as soon as it opens.”
“It’s exciting to be part of this,” Lila said, enjoying seeing her friend and having something else to think about in place of the constant concerns about her pregnancy.
When they finished lunch, they went first to the door of the old billiard room. Men were sawing and hammering, and the noise made talking difficult.
Shannon just motioned for Lila to follow her and they went down the hall.
“We can go to the billiard room.”
They entered the darkened room with four billiard tables, heavy brown leather furniture and coffee-colored walls. There were two small stained-glass windows. Shannon switched on an overhead light fixture made of deer antlers.
“Looks dark and sort of like pictures I’ve seen of hotel lobbies in the early 1900s,” Lila said.
“They’ll redo it, although I think there will still be dark leather furniture and I’m guessing the stained-glass windows will remain. That’s not our deal and frankly, I don’t care what they do with this room.” They sat at a game table in the corner of the room and Shannon spread the papers in front of Lila.
“Here’s a list of some child centers that have been recommended to us as the best examples. You can study them and see what ideas you come up with. We want a state-of-the-art child-care center.”
“Will the center open onto a play area outside? I don’t see a door anywhere.”
“Great grief. No one has said a word about a playground,” Shannon said, her eyes opening wide. “We may have been so busy campaigning to get a child-care center that we didn’t stop to think about outside, but we definitely should have a playground. I’ll send Missy a text about this. That’s a necessity.” She pulled out her phone, speaking into it, dictating her text.
“I don’t know why we didn’t think of that. We have plenty of space outside and we can have a fenced area with alarms, making it secure for the kids. We’ll always have attendants to watch and cameras. We’ve ordered a state-of-the-art alarm system for an enormous price, but it’ll be worth it and give families peace of mind.”
“This center is going to be wonderful, Shannon.”
“It is, but there’s a faction who really opposed it and they still don’t like it. Sometimes that makes me uneasy.”
“These are honorable men. For all my dad’s bluster, he does have a good heart. He’s just old-fashioned but, in his own way, courteous to women and good to Mom.”
“I’m sure you’re right. I guess this thing with Alex disappearing is disconcerting. Something isn’t right and you can’t keep from wondering if anyone is in danger.”
“Hopefully, they’ll learn the truth soon or he’ll return. As far as I know, there’s been no demand for a ransom.”
Shannon shivered. “One of Royal’s citizens kidnapped—that’s ghastly.” She glanced at her watch. “How about meeting here again at twelve-thirty or one on Wednesday? If you can have lunch, great. If not, that’s fine, too.”
“Actually, one will be better.”
“Good deal.” Shannon’s gaze ran over Lila. “Are you feeling all right?”
“Yes. Mornings are rocky, but then I’m okay the rest of the day. This center is exciting, Shannon. Maybe I’m interested because I’m thinking about children now.”
“I’m excited and there’s no little one on my horizon. I think it’s great. It’s almost time for my meeting. Wednesday, it is. Lunch again.”
“Fine. I’m going to stay a few minutes here to think about this. You go ahead to your meeting.”
“I’m going to see Abigail Price there. She’s so excited about this center.”
“Very good. Abigail was brave—the first woman to join the club. She’ll be in their history whether this bunch of members likes it or not.”
“Enough liked it to get her voted in,” Shannon said, laughing. “See you Wednesday.”
She disappeared out the door. Lila looked at the room, the billiard tables, imagining how many deals had been made over these tables and what a male domain the billiard room had been. It was time for change.
Less than five minutes later Lila walked out and saw a tall man in cowboy boots down the hall. She recognized the broad shoulders and lean frame of Sam Gordon. He stood in a doorway talking to someone and glanced her way. The minute they locked gazes, a reaction shook her. Another jump in her heartbeat accompanied a thorough awareness of him. She raised her chin as if meeting an adversary.
As she drew close, he finished talking, stepping fully into the hall and turning to wait for her to catch up with him.
“I haven’t seen you here in a long time. Having lunch with your dad?”
“No, I’m not. I met with Shannon today. She asked for suggestions on planning the interior of the child-care center.” Lila caught the slight frown that was gone from Sam’s expression almost as fast as it had come.
“I can’t imagine a child-care center in this club. What I can imagine is the reaction the founders would have had to such a thing.”
“Sam, come into this century. The founders were a long time ago. You’re way too young to be a fossil.”
“I don’t remember you accusing me of being a fossil when we danced or kissed,” he said, leaning closer, “but then, there are some places, Lila, where our different opinions don’t matter one whit.”
“I walked into that one,” she said. “The child center is going to happen, so you might as well get resigned. You don’t like kids, Sam?” she asked, feeling a clash of wills with him.
“’Course I like kids, but here in the club—that’s a different. This club wasn’t founded to babysit a bunch of kids.”
“Who was it founded to babysit?” she asked sweetly.
He leaned closer, placing his hand against the wall over her head and hemming her in. Too aware of his proximity and her pounding heartbeat, she drew in a deep breath. “It was founded as a male haven where men could relax and enjoy a drink or a cigar or the friendship of cronies without kids yelling and running through the halls.”
She laughed. “Mercy me. You’re beginning to sound just like my dad. If I heard you and didn’t know you and couldn’t see you, I’d guess you were part of his generation.”
“That’s not all bad, Lila. You go out with me tonight and we’ll see if I’m an old-fashioned fossil,” he drawled softly, his blue eyes holding fires that sparked.
Lila tingled. She had gotten on dangerous ground with him again. “Thank you, but, Sam Gordon, you and I are generations apart in our lifestyles and ways of thinking, the places where it really counts. Lust is universal. Compatibility is not. I’ll see you around,” she said, hurrying away, trying to ignore her racing pulse and the stab of longing to go out with him.
He was totally off-limits and she shouldn’t have even stopped to talk to him, much less spent time flirting with him. They had little in common, so how could he hold such an intense appeal to her? Worse, now he was the father of her baby. For years to come she had tied her life to Sam’s, unless he had no interest when he discovered the truth. She knew just how her daddy and some of the old-fashioned men who were his friends would have reacted to the situation, and that was exactly the way she expected Sam to react. He would want to marry her.
She shivered. She was not marrying, settling for a life like her mother’s and living in Royal for the rest of her life. Being the “little woman” in the kitchen and his toy in the bedroom and being seen and not heard otherwise. No way was she going to become part of that scene.
She encountered Shannon in the hall. “I thought you’d be gone now,” Shannon said.
“I ran into Sam and talked a minute.”
“He’s here for the meeting. I’ve never missed one since I joined the club, which irritates some of the good ol’ boys,” Shannon said, smiling broadly. “I’m sorry, your dad is one of them. If looks could kill, I’d be gone.”
“That’s dreadful, Shannon. I don’t even know why you want to be a member and have to put up with that.”
“There are a lot of benefits. This is the most exclusive, elegant club in this area, so it’s great for private parties. I can swim, eat here, bring Rory here—you know they have the best chef and cooks for miles around. I love the dances.”
Lila laughed. “Shannon, when you’re here, you don’t have spare time to do anything except ranch chores.”
“When Rory can come and my foreman is well, I have more time. Rory does a lot. Maybe I can’t resist shaking up the old boys a little,” she added with a grin.
“Go to your meeting and shake them up. I’m going home to the Double H,” Lila said, walking away before she ran into Sam again.
Sam relaxed in the meeting room at the Texas Cattleman’s Club. He tried to focus on what was being said by Gil Addison, their president, but his thoughts kept slipping back to discovering that Lila intended to help plan the child-care center. The whole idea was repugnant to him. He looked around at the dark, rich wood, the mounted animal heads, trophies of past members and evidence of their shooting skills. The clubhouse was over one hundred years old, now, a monument to being built right and using the best materials.
The club had been a male haven. Leadership, Justice, Peace—the basic founding motto of the members. In an earlier day the club’s members had banded together covertly on secret missions to save innocent lives. That wouldn’t happen now with all the changes. The club was relaxing, filled with the things he liked to do—swim, dine, play billiards, exercise, just talk with friends. It was the perfect place for business lunches or dinners. Now women had moved into it and changes were coming, but the biggest alteration was a child center. Children racing through the clubhouse and scampering over the grounds would change the ambiance and the noise level would rise like a balloon in the wind. A child-care center. Beau Hacket had been bitterly opposed and Sam, as well as his twin, had lined up with Beau. There was not one positive reason to take children into the Texas Cattleman’s Club, but they had been voted down.
Sam glanced across the room at the female members, clustered together, their husbands, mostly younger members. Why did they want to be part of the club? A streak of stubbornness? To ruin the club for the men? To take it over and turn it into their own club? He couldn’t figure the logic, but they were not going away. Between their husbands, boyfriends and friends, they had solid backing, not only gaining membership but easily voting in the child-care center. Once they got the center, the club would become a whole different type of organization.
His gaze rested on Shannon. She was Lila’s close friend and the one who had talked Lila into helping plan the child center. He liked Shannon; she was a no-nonsense person and a fine rancher. Of all the women who had joined, Shannon probably had the most right to be there because she was a rancher and toiled like the men on her ranch. She ran the place and fit in with other cattle ranchers. A stranger would never guess, because when she left the ranch, she looked all woman.
Lila would help with the center. If she lived here, she would want to join. Beau had definite ideas, but he hadn’t been able to control Lila or raise her to live the way her family did. There were probably some stormy conversations at the Hacket house.
Sam tried to stop thinking about Lila except to acknowledge she was taking over too much of his thoughts.
Once again, he tried to pull his attention back to Gil, who stood relaxed, his black hair combed back and one hand holding a small card that he occasionally glanced at.
In his quiet, efficient manner, Gil had covered the business of the day and Sam had barely heard a word.
“I know some of you opposed the new child-care center, but it’s been voted in and work has started. During the renovations, we’ll have noise and interruptions, but we’ve had that before. the child-care center is going to be reality in the near future. We want a state-of-the-art center.”
Annoyed, Sam thought it would partially be thanks to Lila’s input. In fairness, the billiard room would be renovated into a center for kids whether Lila helped or not. The founders of the exclusive men’s club would be stunned by this latest turn of events. He thought of Tex Langley, the founding father, who might not have even wanted the club if he had known how it would be changed.
As far as Sam was concerned, the club would never be the same. He attempted again to pay attention to Gil, who seemed to remain impartial, although Gil had Cade to raise by himself, so probably, he was happy to see the center open.
“Another reminder, next month Zach Lassiter will be inducted,” Gil said.
Zach was another newcomer and Sam knew nothing about his past except that he had been successful with investments and he had shared an office with Alex Santiago.
Startled, Sam realized he was thinking in the past tense about Alex. What had happened to the man? It was a disturbing mystery that seemed to puzzle everyone in town.
“One last thing before we close our meeting today,” Gil said in a loud voice that quieted everyone. “We all know we have a missing member, one of our newest members, Alex Santiago. Nathan has something to share with us,” Gil said, turning to face Nathan Battle, who rose.
Tall, with a commanding presence, Nathan made a good sheriff. He was a law-enforcement officer the town could be proud of. The men of his family had been members of the Texas Cattleman’s Club for generations and Nathan had broken away from his ranching background to become a lawman. He’d become an asset for Royal.
“This will be brief. We’ve turned up something. My office hasn’t gone public with the news yet and we don’t intend to make an official announcement at this time, but I’ll tell you now—Alex’s truck has been found about fifty miles from town.”
There was a low rumble of remarks, with surprised looks on a few members’ faces.
As soon as Nathan began to speak again, silence fell over the room.
“The truck was hidden in bushes. That may indicate foul play. At this point, we’re not ruling anything out. From all indications, there’s a possibility that Alex was abducted.”
Another shocked ripple of noise erupted.
“Nathan, when will you go public with this? Are we to keep quiet about it?” Dave Firestone asked.
“We’ve been investigating and trying to find out what we can before moving the truck, but several people already know about our discovery. I’m not trying to keep our news secret from the town, but I’ve asked to keep it out of the media at least the rest of today. Alex was a friend and one of our members and I know there’s high interest in his disappearance. At this point, that’s all.”
Nathan returned to his seat and Gil finished the business at hand before closing the meeting.
Shocked by the news, Sam thought about Alex Santiago, a venture capitalist and new to Royal. He’d grown up elsewhere, without Texas roots that went back generations the way so many of the other members’ did. Newly engaged to Cara Windsor, Alex had just recently disappeared. Word got out slowly at first and then swept over the town. Sam glanced across the room at another member, Chance McDaniel, who used to go out with Cara. Chance sat stony-faced, staring straight ahead, a slight frown on his brow beneath his blond hair.
How bitter was Chance over Cara getting engaged to Alex? Sam had wondered about that since people began to openly question what could have happened to Alex.
Jumping to conclusions wasn’t good, but it was impossible to avoid suspecting Chance, who would have a motive for getting Alex out of the way.
At the same time, Sam liked Chance and would hate to see his suspicions bear fruit. He hoped Chance wasn’t involved. Finding Alex’s truck abandoned and hidden was not good news.
After the meeting when Sam was leaving, he stopped in the doorway of the future billiard room. The place was dim inside with muted sounds from the club, the old billiard tables standing empty. Life was changing. Was he as backward in his thinking as Lila had accused him of being? He shook his head. He couldn’t imagine little kids all over the place or that their presence would be great for the club. The TCC could have built a separate building on their property or bought some land near the club and built a separate center and everyone would have been happy. Or at least that’s how he and several other members viewed it, but their idea had been killed before it ever got started.
Yesterday he’d had a business lunch and he was glad he could bring a client to the club just the way it was. Time would tell whether the child center was an asset or a liability. Turning to leave, he spotted something on a chair by the door. He walked over to pick up a small stack of papers with a long mailing tube. Shannon’s name was on the mailing tube, so she had probably left everything while she attended the meeting.
As he turned to go, Lila entered and stopped. “I left some of my things in here and I came back to get them.”
“I just found them. I thought they were Shannon’s.” He handed Lila the stack of papers and the mailing tube. His hands brushed hers only lightly, yet the touch was electric.
“Did the meeting just get out?” she asked.
“It’s been a few minutes. I stopped in to look over the new billiard room.”
“I’m sure you’d prefer no changes to this room, just as you prefer no changes to the original billiard room.”
“You’re wrong there. The room is antiquated and we’ll have a new billiard room. I have nothing against little children. You don’t know me half as well as you think you do. But now we can begin to remedy that. I’d like to hear all about this California job you have and why California is so much greater than Texas.”
“One more big difference between us. I’ll be happy to tell you why California is so great—one thing is I can be independent and on my own. That’s a little difficult to do here in Royal with my dad constantly present everywhere I go.”
“If that’s the problem, I can take you someplace where we can enjoy the shade and your dad won’t be anywhere around. We can discuss that in the bar or outside on the patio where the mist makers are keeping everyone cool. It’s late in the afternoon and it’s nice outside if you’re in the right place. Come have a drink with me and then I’ll take you to dinner. Or even more private, I can take you to my place and I’ll guarantee no one will disturb you.”
“Except you, Sam. You’re disturbing enough,” she said, and his insides tightened and heated. Her eyes sparkled and eagerness made him smile.
“Darlin’, you take my breath away. You look great, Lila,” he said, gazing into thickly lashed green eyes that he could look at endlessly.
“Thank you, Sam.”
“C’mon. Let’s get that drink. What are we waiting for?”
He could tell the moment the wall came up between them. Her expression changed only slightly, but the sparkle left her eyes and she looked as if she were on the other side of a glass wall. She shook her head.
“That’s a tempting offer, Sam, but I need to head home.”
As she started to move away, he touched her arm lightly. “I promise. Stay and you’ll have more fun. I can take you home later if you want and bring you back tomorrow to get your car.”
“Sorry, Sam. Thank you, but I need to get home. I’ve promised to make suggestions regarding the center for Shannon. I’ll see you around,” she said briskly. He dropped his hand as she gathered her things and left the room.
Puzzled, he watched her walk away. Why was she avoiding him? There were moments she had been responsive and then she had closed off as if he were a stranger. What was bothering her and what had changed between them since that weekend they had been together? Switching off the lights in the billiard room, he stepped into the hall and slowly followed, still watching her walk away.
They had a big difference in their attitudes about the club and the child center, but he didn’t think that was what was holding her back.
At a loss, he watched her go out through the front doors. Was it something he had done? Was it because she was scared to be attracted to someone from Royal and get involved when she lived in California? Not for one second did he think she had to go home to study child-care centers for Shannon. There was something else that had caused the rift.
He couldn’t think of a reason. One more puzzle in his life, only this one was personal. While he wanted to get to know her better, she had made it obvious she wasn’t going to let him. The only reason he persisted was that she still responded to him some of the time.

Lila hurried to her car. Prickles ran across her back because Sam was behind her and she had the feeling if she turned she would see him watching her. If only she could stop flirting with him. For a moment she had wanted to just toss aside worries and go sit with him and let him cheer her up because he could. In spite of his old-fashioned notions, he entertained her.
She suspected her mother had thought the same thing about her father at some point. Sam was too much like her father for her to get close to him. Yet it was too late. She had gotten up close and intimately personal and someday she would have to let Sam know about his baby, but she wanted to be on the verge of leaving for California when that happened.
Passing mesquite and cactus, she finally curved around the drive and saw the sprawling, familiar house on the Double H ranch. The place would always be home. Pots of colorful flowers hung beneath the rafters of the wraparound porch. Her mother had made a comfortable haven on the West Texas plains.
That night over a steaming roast with potatoes and carrots, her dad talked about his day. Momentarily, Lila wished she had been able to accept Sam’s dinner offer, because it would have been far more fun than listening to her dad complain about too many things.
“In our meeting today, Nathan made an announcement. They haven’t gone to the media about it yet, so it isn’t public knowledge,” Beau said, looking at his wife and then at Lila. “He said they found Alex Santiago’s abandoned truck hidden in some bushes outside town.”
“That can’t be good,” Barbara remarked, frowning.
“No, it sure as hell isn’t,” Beau replied. “They’re investigating. Sounds to me like someone kidnapped Alex or worse.”
“Was it random or someone who knew Alex?” Barbara shook her head. “I know no one has an answer to that question, but it’s disturbing. Your friend Sophie worked for him, didn’t she?”
“Works for him,” Beau corrected.
“Sophie still keeps the office running. Zachary Lassiter shares the office with them, too,” Lila said.
“You be careful, Beau, when you’re out on the ranch alone. Until we know who or why—”
“Don’t worry about me. My pistol is in the truck and I’m careful. I have my phone and most of the time I’m not out without others with me.”
“One of the men disappearing is frightening. Imagine that happening here.”
“Things happen everywhere, Mom,” Lila said.
“You’re the one who lives in a hotbed of crime in a big city,” Beau remarked, helping himself to more roast beef while Lila struggled to eat a little. She had lost her appetite, but she didn’t want to bring it to her dad’s attention.
“We haven’t talked about it, but I heard you’re helping with the children’s center,” Beau said, focusing on her.
“Shannon asked if I would just look over the plans they have and see if I can think of anything else needed.”
“A new location would be nice,” Beau said, and laughed at his own joke. “It’s sort of embarrassing to me to have you a part of this children’s center. Actually, sort of embarrassing to the whole family.”
“Beau, she’s merely looking at pictures and notes to make suggestions,” Barbara said sweetly. “Don’t be persnickety the little time we have her home with us.”
“Yep, it’s good to have you here, baby. I wish you’d just get a job in Royal and stay put, marry one of the locals before you meet some Californian and he carries you away from us for good.”
“If that happens, I want your room,” Hack said.
“Hack, for heaven’s sake,” Barbara chided. “No. Lila will always have her room and you have a perfectly good room, sitting room and bath that are as large as hers.”
Ignoring her brother, Lila smiled at Beau. “It’s nice to be home, Dad,” she said.
After dinner Beau sauntered away to watch television while their cook, Agnes, cleared the table.
“Mom, I’m going to my room. I’m worn out and I want to look over the material Shannon gave me.”
“Sure, Lila. I’ll come up in a little while.”
In her room Lila switched on her laptop and looked up the best child-care centers in the United States to see what comprised each one. About an hour later she pulled out the plans of what already had been decided on for the TCC center.
Lila began to make notes of a few changes she would make if it were all left to her. A light knock on the door was followed by her mother thrusting her head into the room. “Can I come in?”
“Sure. Want to look at the drawings?”
Barbara crossed the room to sit close to Lila and look at the drawings while Lila pointed out various things.
“Looks very cutting-edge. I’m glad you’re helping. How are you feeling?”
“Good. I get tired, but otherwise I’m okay.”
“Lila, you’re going to have to decide what you’ll do. I’d like you to come home to have your baby.”
“I don’t know, Mom. I’m thinking about it.”
“Please come home. I can take care of you and the baby. Also, honey, sooner or later you’ll have to tell Sam about the baby. Sam and your father.”
“I know I will. I have to tell Sam face-to-face. Hind-sight is really great, isn’t it?”
Barbara just smiled and waited.
“I have to tell him while I’m here, but I intend to do it right before I leave for California.”
“That will suffice. Although I don’t think the distance between California and Texas is going to slow Sam Gordon down. Those two boys grew up with a tough rancher father. They built their own successful construction business. Lila, Sam is going to want to marry you. Having raised two children, I want you to think about it before you turn him down.”
“Mom, you know what Sam Gordon wants in a wife. A woman like you. You’re sweet. You humor Dad. I know you get what you want and Dad doesn’t even realize that he’s been manipulated—”
“I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I manipulate your father.”
“Of course you do,” Lila said sweetly, smiling. “He can’t see it so he doesn’t object. But you don’t work outside home and he would have a fit if you did. I love my job. I don’t want to give it up to come home and live in Royal.”
“Just think it over. It’s difficult to raise a child, and a single parent has a hard time.”
Lila thought of Gil Addison and Cade. Sometimes Gil looked harried, while other times he had a fleeting, forlorn expression—was it the lack of a mother for Cade and a wife for him?
“If you turn him down, you better be ready for a battle. Sam Gordon doesn’t strike me as the type to give up. He’s eaten a lot of dinners at our house. He’s a nice man, Lila.”
“I know he is, Mom. That helps.”
“And on the subject of announcing your pregnancy—you have to tell your father.”
“I told you I will before I leave, but I want to make decisions about what I’ll do. Dad will want to take over totally. And there’s no doubt he’ll want Sam to marry me. I can’t bear to think about that one. Also, I don’t want to hear Hack’s smart remarks.”
“I could break the news first to your dad and he will take care of your brother.”
“Let me think about what I’ll do,” Lila said, while she wished she could go right back to California.
Barbara stood and hugged Lila. “Don’t worry. I’m glad you’re home. Of course, if I have to, I’ll go to California when the baby is born.”
“I understand.”
“Whatever you do, you know I’ll back you up.”
Lila squeezed her mother’s hand. “You’re still the best mom in the whole world.”
Barbara laughed. “I love you, Lila, and love having you home. I’ll go see about your dad now. He was asleep when I came in here.”
Lila bent over plans and pictures again. She jotted down ideas as she looked at Shannon’s notes. Finally, she shoved them aside to think about Sam. How was she going to tell him?
Wednesday morning, even though she didn’t want to see Sam, she couldn’t keep from studying how she looked before she left the ranch. She changed twice before finally settling on a plain two-piece dress, a sleeveless green cotton one with a V neckline. Like several newly purchased dresses for the trip to Royal, the top was tailored and came to her hips with a straight skirt below it that once again hid her waist.
She didn’t want to run into Sam and have him studying her figure while she was wearing something that showed her waist. She brushed her hair and clipped it up on the back of her head. After a few critical moments in front of her mirror, she was satisfied.
When she reached the club, she spread her plans on the game table in the future billiard room to study them again while waiting for Shannon.
Her cell phone interrupted her and she answered to hear Shannon’s voice.

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