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The CEO Takes a Wife / The Throw-Away Bride: The CEO Takes a Wife / The Throw-Away Bride
Ann Major
Maxine Sullivan
The CEO Takes a WifeMaxine Sullivan He must marry or lose control of his empire. But no ordinary wife would do for Australian tycoon Alex Valente. Emotional entanglements were to be avoided; physical attraction was essential. Struggling designer Olivia Cannington certainly fitted the bill… Perhaps she would even agree to the second part of his marriage ultimatum: give Valente an heir…within a year.The Throw-Away Bride Ann MajorAbby Collins wasn’t in the habit of having one-night stands. Especially with strong, sexy businessmen like Leo Storm. Their night together had been wilder than she’d ever imagined, but it had consequences that Abby hadn’t bargained for. She was pregnant… Leo had asked her to marry him, but Abby really only wanted for her and her baby to be loved.

The CEO Takes a Wife by Maxine Sullivan
“So our marriage wouldn’t be permanent then?”
This was beginning to sound much more favourable. “And we wouldn’t be sleeping together?”
The corner of Alex’s lip curved up, yet his eyes darkened. “This isn’t make-believe, Olivia. It would be a real marriage.”
Her stomach flipped at the thought of them in bed together.
Making love.
“I swore I’d never marry again.”
His eyes took on a softer look. “This wouldn’t be for love, Olivia. You wouldn’t have to worry about me hurting you.”
She wasn’t so sure about that.

The Throw-Away Bride by Ann Major
Leo’s arm came around her possessively, and he grinned, showing off his perfect, white teeth.
“Good. You’re still here,” he said.
“It’s my bed. My house,” Abby said. “Where would I go?”
“So—are you going to marry me?”
“There are a million logical reasons why that’s a very bad idea.”
“You’re pregnant. If we’re unhappy, we’ll get a divorce. Big deal.”
Big deal? To Abby, it was a very big deal.

Available in November 2009 from Mills & Boon® Desire™
Prince of Midtown by Jennifer Lewis
Marriage, Manhattan Style by Barbara Dunlop
Dante’s Contract Marriage by Day Leclaire
Pregnancy Proposal by Tessa Radley
The CEO Takes a Wife by Maxine Sullivan
The Throw-Away Bride by Ann Major



Maxine Sullivan credits her mother for her lifelong love of romance novels, so it was a natural extension for Maxine to want to write her own romances. She thinks there’s nothing better than being a writer and is thrilled to be one of the few Australians to write for the Desire™ line.
Maxine lives in Melbourne, Australia, but over the years has travelled to New Zealand, the UK and the USA. In her own backyard, her husband’s job ensured they saw the diversity of the countryside, from the tropics to the outback, country towns to the cities. She is married to Geoff, who has proven his hero status many times over the years. They have two handsome sons and an assortment of much-loved, previously abandoned animals.
Maxine would love to hear from you and can be contacted through her website at
Dear Reader,
I must admit that when I read about those high-profile couples who marry, I sometimes wonder if it’s for love or convenience. And if it’s for convenience, what goes on behind the scenes? Why do you marry someone you don’t know or don’t love? How do you? You’d surely have to feel some sort of attraction for the other person to make it a real marriage.
This is the case between Olivia Cannington and Alex Valente, the heroine and hero in my book. Born with silver spoons in their mouths, they have the responsibility of having to marry for a year for reasons other than themselves. Neither has any intention of getting emotionally involved, but in the end it’s their attraction for each other that sabotages them, and they eventually find their sacrifice hasn’t been the sacrifice they thought it was. They fall in love.
Sometimes it takes a while for some people to realise it, but whether rich or poor, if you have true love you have it all.
Happy reading!
To all my workmates at my day job. Thanks for all your support and enthusiasm.

Chapter One
“I presume you asked me in here for a reason, Dad?” Alex Valente said, his tone cool and collected as he sat in front of his father’s desk in the opulent tenth-floor office overlooking Sydney Harbour.
There was a moment’s pause. “Yes, there’s a reason,” Cesare Valente replied, leaning back in his leather chair.
Alex ignored the mixture of pride and regret in his father’s eyes. They’d never been close, despite working together all these years. Cesare Valente had come to Australia as a child and was the founder of the House of Valente. Alex was its CEO. The two of them had taken the Australian perfume dynasty and turned it into a national success.
But it wasn’t enough. It had never been enough—for either of them. There were more successes out there, more opportunities to seize, including their upcoming launch in the States of their newest and finest perfume yet—Valente’s Woman. Alex knew his father admired that same drive to conquer in himself. It was part of the reason he’d been tasked with the USA launch.
“And that is…” Alex prompted, leaving the sentence hanging.
“I’ve come to a decision…” Cesare’s pause was surely for effect. “You’re thirty-five years old. It’s time you married and produced an heir.”
Alex felt a brief moment of shock, then his eyes narrowed and his lips twisted. “I’ll take your wishes into consideration if I ever decide to marry.”
“You’re not taking me seriously, figlio mio,” Cesare said, lapsing into Italian to say son of mine.
Alex made a sound of derision. “There’s a reason for that.” He was a Valente, and Valentes didn’t like being ordered about. His father knew that.
“I’m very serious about this,” Cesare said quietly and firmly. “I’m getting older and I’ve recently had a…health scare.”
Something jolted inside Alex’s chest. “You didn’t tell me about that.”
“No, I didn’t.” Just for a moment Cesare’s eyes clouded over, then cleared. “I was having chest pains. They thought it was a heart attack, but I’m thankful it wasn’t. This time. It’s stress. I have to slow down, but I’m not going to hand over the reins of the business to you until I see you married with an heir on the way.”
Alex shot him a withering look. “You’re not asking much.”
“I’m not asking, Alex. I’m telling. You’ve got six months in which to find yourself a wife and start a family or…”
Alex’s brow winged upward in challenge. “Or?”
“I sell the House of Valente to one of our competitors and give the money to charity. And I promise neither you nor your two brothers will see a cent.”
Alex’s jaw clenched. “I could always declare you insane.”
Cesare gave a small smile. “You could try but I don’t think any judge will give you power of attorney. I’m as sane as you are and I intend to do what I like with my own company.”
Alex swore then pushed to his feet. “I don’t need your money, Dad, nor do I need to be CEO. I’ll survive without you.”
“But will your brothers?”
Alex’s shoulders stiffened. He took his status as eldest brother seriously. His own mother had died when he was three years old and Cesare had married again soon afterward. That marriage had lasted all of a year, just enough time for Nick to be born. Then his father had married Isabel, and had stayed married ever since. Matt at least had both his parents around.
“If you don’t do as I ask, then I’ll sell tomorrow. You and your brothers will be out on your own.”
Alex glared down at him. “We’re grown men. We’ll survive.”
“Oh, I have no doubt about that. But do you think it’s fair for them to lose their inheritance like this?”
“Don’t manipulate me,” Alex growled.
“This isn’t manipulation. It’s a guarantee,” Cesare said with quiet emphasis. “Alex, this is too important to me. It’s my legacy to my sons. One day you’ll realize this when you have a child of your own.”
“Go to hell.” Alex strode to the door and closed it behind him with controlled anger. He always wore his detachment like a second skin, but right now he was in danger of losing even that.
One week later
“And now,” a woman’s well-spoken voice said, “here is Anastasia stepping out for an evening of glamour in a beautiful gown that is sure to make a statement. The plunging neckline…”
Alex heard the female voice through the microphone as he strode along the corridor toward the hotel ballroom. Her tone intrigued him even before he saw the woman, her accent Australian with an American twist, its slightly husky quality entrancing him beyond the beat of the music.
“…and doesn’t this set a new style? The classic black is…”
His steps lengthened. He had to see this woman. Had to know if she looked as good as she sounded. He pushed open the door and stepped inside the room, the muted lighting allowing him full view down the well-lit center aisle to the tall, graceful blonde at the podium.
She’d been worth the rush.
Strikingly beautiful, with golden-blond hair pulled back in a sophisticated chignon, she carried an elegance that was as natural as breathing.
There was a round of applause as the model on the runway walked off, and he noticed his stepmother wave to him from the front row. He realized she must have been keeping an eye out for him. He hadn’t exactly been enamored of attending a fashion show, but his father had cried off sick at the last minute and Isabel had been persuasive.
He was never more glad he’d agreed to come, he mused, making his way around the edge of the room toward Isabel…toward this beauty on the stage who could have been one of the models herself.
“For our next outfit, Crystal is wearing a jewel of a gown that…”
Just as he reached his stepmother, he looked up at the podium and his eyes locked with those of the blonde. It was a moment out of time.
“Er…” She faltered just that little bit. “…this accents her perfect figure…”
Alex watched her recover and carry on with the commentary, vaguely aware of Isabel’s whisper chiding him for being late.
The blonde glanced at him again and he caught a flicker of disconcertion in her eyes before she angled her chin and looked away to continue talking.
But it was too late.
He’d seen her reaction. She’d definitely felt something between them, and if that was panic he’d just seen on her face, then she was panicked by her own emotions.
Good. He wanted this woman, and what he wanted he usually got. Until now he’d been a man who only slept with a woman after he’d gotten to know her, but he’d rethink that tonight. The draw of this woman was too strong.
“And now, one of the highlights of the Cannington Collection is this delightful garment showcasing…”
Alex frowned when he heard the Cannington name but before he could think further, Isabel leaned toward him and whispered, “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
He pretended not to know who she was talking about. “The model?”
Isabel tutted softly. “No, the presenter. She’s a famous fashion designer in the States and this is her fashion show. She grew up here and now she’s come back to live in Australia. Her mother’s Felicia Cannington, you know. The movie star.”
Alex let that sink in. Most people knew Felicia Cannington was an Australian who’d made it big in Hollywood over three decades ago. She was a much-loved favorite of the big screen.
He glanced again at the beautiful blonde. “And that’s her daughter up there?”
Isabel nodded. “Yes, that’s Olivia Cannington.”
His business brain kicked into gear and he knew he’d just been handed the perfect solution to his problems. For the last week he’d been thinking about nothing but his father’s ultimatum. He’d hoped by now Cesare would admit he’d been totally unreasonable because of his health scare, but the wily old bastard hadn’t backed down. When Cesare Valente wanted something he usually got it.
Not that he’d said anything to his father about it. At first he’d been determined not to give in to Cesare’s demand and planned on ignoring it as long as he could.
But the guilt had been getting to him. How could he let the family business be handed over to a bunch of strangers? More importantly, how could he let Nick and Matt lose their rightful inheritance?
Now he didn’t have to, he decided. He’d grant part of his father’s wish only because he’d found a suitable woman.
As for producing a child…Cesare could whistle in the dark over that. His father would be retiring within the next couple of months anyway and wouldn’t be able to maintain his control over the business. No, a child wouldn’t be a part of the bargain.
It would be just him and the blonde. If she was as captivating as she looked, and if she was available, then he’d found the woman to marry.
Olivia Cannington.
“Good evening, Mr. Valente,” Olivia replied with as much cool politeness as she could. She’d recognized Alex Valente’s name as soon as her business partner had introduced them. The House of Valente was well-known throughout Australia for its excellence in perfume design and production.
“Alex,” he invited, his slate-gray eyes sweeping over her with a burning intensity that made her heart bump against her ribs.
Holding on to her composure, she inclined her head. “Alex.” She ignored the meaningful look Lianne gave her before the other woman excused herself and took off across the room to see to their other guests.
Instead, she let a moment pass as she took a sip of her champagne and tried not to show how much this handsome man affected her.
Darn him. The party after the show was usually a lighthearted affair, with everyone relaxed and ready to enjoy themselves after all the hard work they’d put in to make the collection a success.
But Alex Valente had spoiled the whole thing for her tonight. From the moment he’d stepped into the ballroom he’d caught her attention. It was an attention she didn’t welcome or need, but he’d been staring at her so hard during the show she’d lost her focus. It had unnerved her, making her stumble over her words. That had never happened to her before.
So she wasn’t particularly happy about meeting him now. “Did you enjoy the show?” For all his sophistication, she suspected he was more at home working in his office than attending a fashion show.
“It was…fascinating.”
“Do you often go to fashion shows?” she asked, making small talk, passing the time, hearing the chatter going on around them, the music getting louder.
A wry smile entered his eyes. “No. I only came to accompany my stepmother.”
Olivia remembered seeing the elegant woman sitting next to him. “I see. Did she stay for the party? Is she here now?” Perhaps he’d go find her and not come back. She silently sighed. That was about as likely as the moon turning to cheese.
“No, my father wasn’t feeling well tonight so she decided to go home.”
“I hope he’s okay.”
Alex’s mouth tightened. “He is.”
She considered his words. “You sound certain about that.”
“My father’s very good at getting his own way,” he said brusquely.
“I have a mother who’s the same,” she joked in a moment of empathy, then regretted allowing any correlation between her and Alex.
He didn’t smile.
There was a tiny pause. Then, “God, you’re beautiful.”
She blinked, hardening her heart as it bounced inside her chest. “Oh, puh-lease.”
His jaw clenched. “Don’t prejudge me, Olivia. I don’t need to flatter to get my way. If I like something, I say so. If I want something, I ask.”
“Or take,” she said, her lip curling, instinctively knowing what sort of man he was. Yes, he was a taker. One who’d take a woman to the heights, then down to the very depths of her being.
“See,” he mocked. “You know me already.”
She drew her shoulders back. “Mr. Valente—”
“Alex, look. I don’t mean to be rude, but—”
“I have a proposition for you.”
Shocked, she still managed to shoot him a withering look. “That figures.”
An icy glint appeared in his eyes. “That’s quite an attitude you’ve got there.”
She suddenly felt defensive. “It’s justified.”
A moment crept by. “So every person you meet is judged by one criterion, are they?”
His question made her angry. He must be intelligent enough to know that all her life people had used her to get to her mother. And now they used her in her own right. Not that it got them very far these days.
Not after Eric.
What a fool she’d been for marrying such a liar and a cheat. Five years ago she’d been twenty-two and unprepared for his lesson in deception. Little had she known he’d wanted her for her money, until he’d found another woman with even more money and had run off with her.
Her chin lifted. “Mr. Valente, if all this is leading somewhere, please tell me where.”
Her heart thudded once. “What about it?”
“Have dinner with me tomorrow night.”
Her heart thudded twice. “I can’t.”
He met her gaze for long seconds. “You have another engagement?”
There was a slight lifting of his brow. “Then why not have dinner with me?”
She hated this interrogation. “How do you know I’m not involved with someone?”
“If you are, I feel sorry for him. I wouldn’t like it if my woman was attracted to another man the way you are to me.”
She sucked in a lungful of air. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not attracted to you.”
He raised his brows.
“Look, I’m sure any other woman would be only too glad to go out with you.” She drew herself up taller. “Please excuse me, now.” With that, she walked away with her back straight and her head held high and let herself be swallowed up in the crowd.
She half expected him to follow her, but after that he seemed to have disappeared. She was glad, she told herself. She already had a headache from the music that was getting progressively louder.
Going out for dinner with a man like Alex Valente would not be prudent, she knew. She already had enough disasters to deal with—she wouldn’t add possible heartache to the list.

Chapter Two
The next day Olivia was in her office when a courier delivered a letter for her marked Personal.
There was just something about that strong handwriting that put her on alert. She gazed down at the white envelope in her hand, noting the way her name had been written in bold strokes. Her heart skipped a beat. Was she being silly to think this was from Alex Valente?
It was.
It read, Dinner tonight. Seven-thirty. Sylvester’s Restaurant.
She stared at the note, her blood pressure beginning to rise. The sheer arrogance of the man! He sure didn’t take no for an answer.
Heavens, just the thought of spending an evening with Alex Valente was enough to give her a serious case of goose bumps. She couldn’t deny she was deeply attracted to him. There was a strength about him that appealed to her.
Of course that was probably because the men in her life had always been weak in some way or other. Her parents had divorced when she was two, and her father had ignored her for most of her life. Her successive two stepfathers had both been kind but self-centered. And her ex-husband had only been interested in himself. They hadn’t been good examples of the male species.
So why did she think Alex Valente was?
By six that evening she knew she would meet him. She had too much to worry about these days and wondering what Alex wanted from her did not need to be added to her list.
At least the restaurant was neutral ground, she told herself, showering then dressing in one of her own classic designs. The cream-colored pantsuit flattered her tall slim figure. Matching leather pumps completed a sophisticated but businesslike effect.
She might as well have worn nothing, she mused an hour later. Alex had watched her entrance into the restaurant with a masculine appreciation that sent a tingle of anticipation along her spine.
“Glad you could make it,” he said, his voice low and throaty as she reached the corner table.
“I’m not,” she said, then quickly cleared the huskiness from her throat.
A knowing look entered his eyes. “So why did you come?”
She angled her chin at him. “To tell you that I found your note arrogant and to make it clear I want nothing to do with you.”
“You could have just phoned and said the same thing.”
“But would you have given up?”
He arched a brow. “Do I look like a man who gives up?”
“Then you have your answer.” He held out her chair for her. “Let’s eat first.”
She swallowed. First? She didn’t much feel like eating, but the waiter was hovering, so she went through the motions and ordered a glass of mineral water, then glanced at the menu and ordered veal.
“You’ve obviously done some checking to find me,” she said, once they were alone.
“I needed to get the note to you,” he dismissed, as if checking up on people was what he did every day.
Well, she’d done some checking herself this afternoon, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. She’d heard of the House of Valente—who hadn’t? But until now she’d never been interested in reading the odd gossip column about the love exploits of the three Valente brothers.
“Alex, I—”
“I love your name,” he cut across her, his voice suddenly deepening to a murmur. “Olivia.”
Her heart fluttered at the sound of her name on his lips. He made it sound so sexy…so downright delicious…so…
All at once she realized what he was doing and her mouth tightened. He obviously liked to interrupt her with a personal comment just to throw her off-balance.
“I was named after Larry,” she told him, hiding a smirk.
His brow arched. “Larry?”
“Sir Laurence Olivier. You know, the actor.”
His hard, sensual mouth visibly relaxed. “Oh. I know who he is. Or was.”
She emphasized a sigh. “Alas, he died before I was born, but he was like a favorite uncle to my mother.”
Alex’s eyes held amusement. “I can see you’re trying to put me in my place.”
An odd exhilaration filled her. “Did it work?”
“No. But then, I have friends in high places, too. And they’re all still alive.” One corner of his mouth twisted upward. “I’d say you’ve tried that little trick before.”
“Not since I was a teenager. I’ve grown up since then.”
“And very nicely, too,” he drawled.
While the waiter was placing their drinks on the table, Olivia couldn’t help but take a proper look at Alex from beneath her lashes. Lord. The man was handsome to a fault, his dark looks a lethal combination of virility and commanding self-confidence, the superbly tailored suit he wore merely an excuse to take a second look at him.
Then she noticed he’d seen her assessing him. Her cheeks warmed as her heart tried to settle. She was grateful when he started to discuss less personal things and Olivia felt herself relax as the conversation stayed on general topics.
“Are you close to your mother, Olivia?” he said, just after the waiter took away their empty plates.
Uneasiness sliced through her. “Why do you ask?”
“You were raised by your grandmother here in Australia, weren’t you? Your mother lived in Los Angeles.” He made it sound as if her mother had deserted her.
“It wasn’t like that,” she said, defensively. “My mother’s work was in Los Angeles. She thought I’d have a better upbringing with my grandmother and I did. Nanna and I loved each other.” Her heart squeezed at the thought of her grandmother’s passing seven years ago.
All at once she realized she was justifying her family. “Look, why did you invite me here, Alex?”
“Because you need me.”
She almost choked. “Excuse me?”
He sent her a mocking look. “Let me put it another way. You need my money.”
She suddenly felt a chill. Could he know about her mother’s debts? It had to be the best-kept secret in LA, but only because she worked hard to earn the money to keep up her mother’s normally elaborate lifestyle.
Oh God. Could Alex actually know something about her mother? If he did, would he use that knowledge? If rumors started that her mother was in debt up to her neck, her mother’s career, already on a downhill slide, could be all but over.
Her mother would never survive the humiliation.
She needed to play this cool. “I don’t know what you mean. Why would I need your money?”
“Your business is floundering, Olivia. You and your partner overextended by opening boutiques in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne and now you’re in debt. You should have just started with the Sydney one.”
She let out a slow breath of relief. So, he didn’t know about her mother at all. Thank heavens!
And funny, but she was pleased to hear his opinion. It had been her intention to open one boutique at a time but Lianne had persuaded her otherwise, her partner thinking it was a great idea to go for three at once.
And it would have been if all their clients had paid them the money they owed.
Naturally the fashion show had put them further in the red. As had another of her mother’s lavish parties put together as a means to help her get a part in a movie that now wasn’t even getting made.
“You need cash to get your business out of trouble,” Alex continued, bringing her mind back to their conversation.
She shrugged. “It’s a temporary cash flow problem, that’s all.”
“You’re an exceptional fashion designer, Olivia, but that won’t save your business. You need money and you need it quickly.”
“I can get the money if I want. I have connections.” And the minute she used them, her boutiques would no longer be her own.
“So why haven’t you used those connections before now? You’re leaving it a bit late.”
She picked up her glass of mineral water and took a sip, giving herself time to reply. “Pride, I guess. I don’t like owing anything to anyone. But if it comes to the crunch, I’ll swallow my pride if I have to.”
A long moment crept by, then, “Marry me, Olivia, and I promise you won’t owe a thing.”
She gave herself a mental shake. “Excuse me?”
“Marry me.”
She laughed as she put down her glass. “You’re delusional.”
Challenge flared in his eyes. “Far from it.”
This was absolutely crazy. She’d only just met the man. Did he even know the type of person she was? Did he care?
“I’m attracted to you,” he said, his gaze dropping to her mouth as if he was tempted to kiss her. “And you’re attracted to me. You felt it as soon as we first saw each other.”
“The only thing I’m feeling is disbelief. And anger.” A woman would have to be desperate to marry a stranger, much less marry a man like Alex Valente. He had to be kidding.
A look of implacable determination crossed his face. “What’s that perfume you’re wearing?”
She stared at him, baffled at the change in subject. “You must know what it is. It’s Valente’s Woman.”
“So you like it then?” He didn’t give her time to answer. “Or did you wear it just for me tonight?” he asked, his voice taking on a husky quality that shivered through her.
She ignored that shiver. “No, I didn’t wear it just for you tonight. It happens to be a gorgeous scent and I love it. I wear it all the time.” And that was the truth.
He inclined his head, his eyes turning businesslike. “And so do most women in Australia.”
“I’m sure you’re right.” This particular perfume called to something inside her. It possessed a fascinating quality and retained a sensual edge that, to her mind, made it the perfect perfume. She rather thought she’d like to wear it for the rest of her life.
“We’re about to launch it in the States in a big way,” he said, drawing her from her thoughts. “And I’ve come to a decision. We can use all the publicity we can get, but I can’t think of any better publicity than the CEO of the House of Valente marrying someone with the famous Cannington name.”
She was so shocked at his reasoning, it took her a moment to think past what he was saying.
And then a derisive sound escaped her mouth. “Let me get this right. You’ll pay me to marry you for the sake of a perfume?”
“Why not? I’ve heard of worse reasons. And while it’s too late for the launch right now, we could eventually promote the perfume along with your line of fashion.” He leaned back comfortably in his chair and took another sip of his Scotch. “Marry me and I’ll pay all your debts.”
Pay her debts? Plus the chance to combine the Valente perfume and her fashion designs? The thought of it intrigued her.
Then she realized she was actually thinking about it. Good grief! There was no way she was going to consider marrying a man for money. No way at all.
Her hand tightened around her glass. “As delightful as your offer sounds,” she said with sarcasm, “I really can’t accept it.”
His gaze penetrated to the bone. “You’re between a rock and a hard place. How else will you get the money?”
“Perhaps I’ll go to the newspapers and sell them a story. I’m sure they’d be very interested in your offer.”
His look was of faint amusement. “But then I’d have to tell them about your financial crisis. And I’m sure they’d be equally as interested in that, if not more.”
Damn him. She had to protect her mother, especially now, when Felicia badly needed to get her career back on track. After all, the one time she’d really needed her mother, Felicia had been there for her, helping her through the divorce. Not to mention, her mother had given her money to help start up her fashion design business in the first place.
But as Olivia looked at Alex, her brow crinkled in a frown. What was this actually about? What was his reasoning behind it all? A man like Valente didn’t need to marry her. His own family had plenty of wealth and privilege. She couldn’t see how Valente’s Woman could possibly fail in America. Not with Alex Valente running the show.
She tilted her head and considered him. “There’s more to your offer than you’re saying.”
Wary surprise flickered in his eyes. He took a sip of his Scotch before answering. “That’s very perceptive of you. You’re a sharp lady.”
Her heart gave a little flutter at the compliment. “This isn’t about me,” she reminded him.
Sudden tension tautened the hard line of his shoulders. “My father thinks it’s time I married. He says he’ll sell the business and give the proceeds all away to charity if I don’t, and neither of my two brothers nor myself will get a cent.”
She blinked in shock. This man would hate to be told what to do. “That seems rather drastic.”
“My father never does anything in half measures,” he said, somewhat cynically. “He’s being forced to retire for health reasons, and he’s tasked me with the American launch. I expect he’ll want me to take over as head of the company, only he won’t do that until I’m settled.”
“So you’re after your father’s approval then?” she said, somewhat surprised by the thought. Not that there was anything wrong with wanting a parent’s approval. It was just thatAlex seemed too independent, too remote to worry about what anyone else thought.
Not a flicker of emotion crossed his face. “No, I couldn’t care less about his approval,” he said, confirming her intuition. “This is for the sake of the company and for my two younger brothers.”
She frowned. “It’s a big request.”
His mouth set in a stubborn line. “I’ve decided to play along for a year.”
“So our marriage wouldn’t be permanent then?”
This was beginning to sound much more favorable. “And we wouldn’t be sleeping together?”
The corner of his lips curved up, yet his eyes darkened. “This isn’t make-believe, Olivia. It would be a real marriage.”
Her stomach flipped at the thought of them in bed together.
Making love together.
Feeling flushed, she had to drag her eyes away from him…then back. “If the Cannington name is all you want, you could always marry my mother,” she joked, but instantly regretted it. Her mother was still a beautiful woman. And she’d been married three times already.
His gaze strayed over her. “No. You’re the one I want.”
His comment snatched her breath away. With a supreme effort, she mentally fought to put up a wall. “I’ve been married before, you know.”
His eyes narrowed. “I know.”
Panic rose in her throat. She couldn’t do it. No, not for the business. Not for her mother. Not even for a year. The heartache had been too much last time.
Somehow she managed to get a grip. “But I’m divorced. Doesn’t that make me less than perfect?” she said, giving him an out, putting a stop to all this craziness. She had to.
Someone had to.
A frown creased the skin between his brows. “No, it doesn’t.”
A warm feeling bounced inside her chest, but she tried to stay strong. “I swore I’d never marry again.”
His eyes took on a softer look. “This wouldn’t be for love, Olivia. You wouldn’t have to worry about me hurting you.”
She wasn’t so sure about that. Heartache and marriage usually went together. It had happened in her mother’s three marriages, and in her own one.
Alex placed his half-empty glass on the table. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to think things over.”
“How generous,” she quipped. Somehow she didn’t think a lifetime was enough to think things over with this man.
“Be home tomorrow night. I’ll drop by your apartment.”
“Or you could just phone me,” she mocked, using the same comment he’d used when she’d first arrived.
“No chance. I’m not letting you escape.”
Her chin lifted. “You may not have a choice.”
“You may not either.”
Just then the waiter returned and she bit her lip to stop from making a remark. Fine. She’d allow him the last word.
This time.
Olivia spent a restless night thinking over Alex’s offer, trying to decide whether she needed to take the drastic action of marrying a man for money. One minute she convinced herself she could do it, then she couldn’t. She would, then she wouldn’t.
Heavens, if it’d just been for the business’s sake she’d dismiss it out of hand and take her chances with a bank. But the opportunity to earn some money without needing to pay it back, and without needing to explain why half of that money needed to go to her mother, was sobering.
Yet marriage?
She couldn’t.
And then she reminded herself how her mother had helped her through the divorce. Shattered by Eric’s betrayal, the last thing Olivia had expected was that her mother would bring her back home to Australia for a few months to recover. Olivia wouldn’t forget her mother being there for her.
But marriage to Alex? Dear Lord, she wasn’t sure she could ever learn to trust another man.
She froze. Or did she really need to worry about trust? Alex had said it wasn’t a love match, so at least he was being upfront about it.
The next evening she opened her apartment door to him with a noncommittal expression, but her pulse had quickened. There was no doubt he affected her. Everything about him suggested an intense and indelible masculinity that made her tingle.
This isn’t make-believe, Olivia. It would be a real marriage.
She swallowed hard and closed the door behind him. “Would you like a drink?”
He stood a few feet away in the open-plan living room. “What do you have?”
She pasted on a false smile. “Prune juice?”
He gave a husky chuckle. “Coffee if you have it.”
“I do.” She went to turn toward the kitchen.
“Remember those words.”
She stopped with a frown. “What do you—” She realized what he meant. “Oh.”
“They sound perfect for a wedding ceremony, don’t you think?” His eyes were watchful.
But she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of telling him her decision yet. Let him wait. He had to learn he couldn’t always get his own way. Or control people. Not her anyway.
She turned and walked into the kitchen, then glanced up to see him following her. Ignoring him, she reached for the coffeepot but could feel his eyes looking around the apartment then on her, no doubt comparing her modest surroundings to a Hollywood lifestyle.
Only she couldn’t explain that she lived modestly for a reason. That she’d been paying her mother’s debts off these past few years. Anyway, this was no hardship. She’d been mostly raised by her grandmother here in Sydney in a comfortable suburban house, far from the excesses of LA.
“You enjoy being a fashion designer?”
She poured the coffee into two mugs. “Yes. I wouldn’t do it otherwise.”
“You never wanted to be a movie star like your mother?”
She passed him a mug. “I can’t act.”
He casually leaned against the door frame. “So it doesn’t run in the blood then?”
“I’m a simple girl at heart,” she half joked, then rested against the kitchen counter and looked at him over the top of her mug. “If you’re expecting more then you’re going to be disappointed.”
His gaze lingered on her. “No, I don’t think I will be,” he murmured, making the breath hitch in her throat.
“I—” She wasn’t even sure what she was going to say. Something…anything…to stop the overwhelming need to step into his arms. “This is crazy,” she said.
“No, it isn’t.”
Realizing she was giving away too much of what she was feeling, she swung around and placed her coffee mug in the sink. Taking a calming breath, she turned back to meet his eyes. “Alex, look—”
“What’s your decision, Olivia?”
“I’ll marry you,” she said, seeing his eyes flare with satisfaction—mixed with something else. “On one condition. You give me half the money now.”
Whatever that something else was that she’d seen lurking in his eyes disappeared. He gave a hard laugh as he put his mug down on the table. “I’m a businessman, Olivia. I’m not about to give you any money before you marry me.”
She felt a spurt of anger. “My word isn’t good enough?”
Irritation swept over his face. “Look, this isn’t about your word. It’s not personal. This is a business decision.”
“Not personal? You want me to marry you and share your bed and you say it’s not personal?” Her brow arched. “Just when does it get personal, Alex?”
His jaw set but he acknowledged her words with a nod. “Okay, I concede the point.”
Olivia met his gaze levelly. “Then we have an agreement?”
A brief hesitation as he scrutinized her, then, “Yes.”
Relief swept through her. Relief she would get the money, not relief she was marrying him, she told herself. “Good.”
For a moment she wondered if she should tell him about her mother’s money problems. Could she trust him? No. She didn’t know him at all. Besides, it was her mother’s secret.
As for her own secret, she’d never tell him about that. She wouldn’t have to tell him about it, considering the briefness of their upcoming marriage.
Suddenly he was all business. “Can you be ready in two weeks’ time?”
Her mouth dropped open. “Two weeks?”
“We have to do this as soon as possible. I’ve already booked the Sydney Opera House for the ceremony.”
She swallowed, ignoring for the moment that the Opera House was one of the most beautiful venues in the world. “You were that certain of me?”
“You’re an arrogant bastard.”
“I believe you’ve mentioned that already,” he drawled.
“I can’t possibly be ready in two weeks’time. I’m off to LA in a couple of days. I promised my mother I would visit with her. She hasn’t been feeling very well lately.”
And that was an understatement. Her mother knew she couldn’t continue with her lavish parties and her high maintenance. She knew it was coming to an end unless she found herself a major role.
All at once Alex looked thoughtful. “You know something. This could play in our favor. If you keep a low profile while you’re over there, it will add to the mystique of our wedding.”
Our wedding.
She sent him a cynical look. “Yes, and we definitely want mystique for those perfume sales, don’t we?”
He glanced at her oddly, as if it was a given. “It’ll help your sales as well.”
Okay, so he was right. But getting her mother to keep a low profile when the media were bound to be knocking at their door? Impossible! Of course, using Alex’s “mystique” angle might be the way to go. Felicia loved “mystique.” She knew the value of it.
“What about your father?”Alex asked, drawing her from her thoughts. “Do you want him at the wedding?”
An old heartache jarred but she quickly stomped on it. “No. He lives in Vancouver with his family and I have little to do with him.”
He nodded with a grimace. “Some men don’t know when they’ve got a good thing.”
She shrugged. “Owen Cannington was a B-grade actor who gave it all up years ago. He divorced my mother when I was two.”
“She kept his name,” he pointed out.
“Only because she was becoming well-known as Felicia Cannington.” Her lips twisted. “Mum said she may as well make some use of him.”
“Sounds like the divorce was amicable,” he mocked.
She couldn’t help herself. She had to smile, if only the tiniest one she could find.
Taking her by surprise, Alex was suddenly in front of her, putting his hand under her chin. She started to speak, but his mouth closed over hers, holding her there beneath him, taking without asking, as if it was his right.
And then his tongue dipped inside her mouth and did a sweep, exploring her, getting to know her, until she shuddered from a flood of sensation that shook her world.
He eased back, his eyes dark with a passion that didn’t surprise her at all. “There,” he murmured huskily. “At least that’s one thing we’ve got out of the way.”
She swallowed hard. “Um…I didn’t know it was in the way.”
He arched a mocking brow before leaving. They both knew she was lying, if even to herself.

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