Read online book «Marrying The Rancher» author Roz Fox

Marrying The Rancher
Roz Denny Fox
Welcome to Arizona – where love burns brightly under the desert sun! The Arizona ranch was supposed to be their home – a place where Tandy Graham could start a new life with her young son. Instead, Tandy finds a community of hostile ranchers who expect her to fail. The only person they hate more? Her handsome new tenant, biologist Wyatt Hunt.Tracking wildlife means Wyatt can never settle down. Still, he can't stop himself from becoming more involved with life on the ranch, and with Tandy. As his feelings for her grow stronger, Wyatt knows he's playing with fire – he’ll have to choose between the career he adores and the woman he loves.

Home on the Ranch: Arizona—where love burns brightly under the desert sun!
The Arizona ranch was supposed to be their home—a place where Tandy Graham could start a new life with her young son. Instead, Tandy finds a community of hostile ranchers who expect her to fail. The only person they hate more? Her handsome new tenant, biologist Wyatt Hunt.
Tracking wildlife means Wyatt can never settle down. Still, he can’t stop himself from becoming more involved with life on the ranch, and with Tandy. As his feelings for her grow stronger, Wyatt knows he’s playing a dangerous game—one that ends with him choosing between the career he adores and the woman he loves.
His heated gaze never veered from her eyes...
“This isn’t smart,” Tandy murmured.
Wyatt continued to smile softly and pulled her onto his lap, where he kissed her again. A kiss that went deeper and lasted longer.
It lasted so long her fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt. Once they broke apart, Tandy loosened a hand and ran a tentative finger over his lips. “This could easily lead to more. But we have to be realistic.”
“How so?”
“I have obligations. Namely a son and a ranch.”
“Neither of which I’d do anything to hurt.”
She sighed. “You’re a good man. I know you’d never mean to hurt me or Scotty. But we both know your job is going to take you away. I can’t do a one-night stand. Or even one week or one month.”
Closing his eyes, Wyatt set his forehead against hers.
“I can promise you tonight.”
Marrying the Rancher
Roz Denny Fox (
ROZ DENNY FOX’s first book was published by Mills & Boon in 1990. She writes for several Mills & Boon lines and her books are published worldwide in a number of languages. Roz’s warm home-and-family-focused love stories have been nominated for various industry awards, including the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® Award, the Holt Medallion, the Golden Quill and others. Roz has been a member of the Romance Writers of America since 1987 and is currently a member of Tucson’s Saguaro Romance Writers, where she has received the Barbara Award for outstanding chapter service. In 2013 Roz received her fifty-book pin from Mills & Boon. Readers can contact her on Facebook, at, or visit her website at (
This book is dedicated to the many people who work at and volunteer with the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. It sits amid cacti and boulders on ninety-eight natural acres. If you have the opportunity to come to Tucson I hope you’ll schedule a visit to the museum.
Cover (#u1f787457-fcd0-5814-aa23-ab96514b6ff7)
Back Cover Text (#uefca8312-5369-53b4-abd7-38367a757667)
Introduction (#ub71ad77e-99f1-5232-af2f-d4ae914d8518)
Title Page (#u1b151458-c2a3-5876-b51d-9ad8c34dbf17)
About the Author (#u35823b1f-31a5-54af-91d3-1f19dbc7094c)
Dedication (#u6bf0ac8d-9b78-58a4-84f6-8ac258b19fb3)
Chapter One (#u01b878c5-52ca-5657-b0f6-8bd1d2096a1d)
Chapter Two (#ub0acadbc-61fb-5124-a29e-178211e3f28a)
Chapter Three (#u16b214ca-4734-5700-8ede-72f47a61384f)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#u4fbf6d82-7781-513a-a73d-38475abbf074)
“Ms. Graham, you’re the reason the Aravaipa Cattle and Sheep Ranchers Association called this emergency meeting.” Preston Hicks sauntered down the grange hall aisle and loomed over where Tandy sat with an arm around her son, Scotty. He’d fallen asleep but came sharply awake at the man’s loud verbal attack.
Tandy and Scotty had arrived late and slipped into empty seats in the back row. Stymied as to why she was being singled out, she glanced surreptitiously around, but saw only stern ranchers she probably once knew but hadn’t seen in a dozen years.
“What’s your problem? I’ve only operated Spiritridge Ranch a couple of months. I haven’t fully rebuilt a herd.” Recognizing her sleepy son probably shouldn’t be here, she gathered him closer. He wouldn’t have come except that as a newly single mom, she’d had no one to leave him with. And the message left on her answering machine had indicated this meeting was important.
Hicks, her closest neighbor and the president of the association, glared down at her from his lofty height and hooked his thumbs over a belt circling his portly belly. “I offered to buy your father’s ranch. Since it’s doubtful you know a thing about raising cattle, all of us expect sooner or later you’ll fail. It would’ve been smarter if you’d stayed in the army and let me have the ranch.”
Garnering murmurs of agreement in the room, the man hitched his pants higher.
“I beg your pardon! I grew up here,” Tandy asserted.
“Yeah, well, I don’t recall you helped your pa work cattle.”
“Because I was busy with schoolwork and sports.”
He wagged a beefy finger in her face. “The past is over. What everyone here agrees with is that you can’t rent a casita to that damned wolf man. We know Curt, rest his soul, had the poor judgment to let Game and Fish come into our Eastern Arizona sector to do their dirty work after old-timers had rid the area of predators. No one wanted to hound Curt, him being so sick and all. You’re a different story. You’re a Johnny-come-lately who has no business messing in here at all.”
“You mean a Janie-come-lately,” called an equally paunchy man, slapping a worn ten-gallon hat on his knee. His comment caused the room full of men to erupt in snickers while Tandy pondered how little time she’d had as a kid to help her dad with the ranch. But she’d loved it. After all, it had been her home.
“We don’t want that government fella here,” shouted someone Tandy couldn’t see. That sufficed to jar her out of her memories. “And we don’t need you enabling him, missy. You understand?”
“Mama!” Scotty tugged on his mother’s sleeve. “I’m scared. Why are those men yelling at you? I wish we hadn’t moved here.”
“Shh. Don’t be scared.” She brushed the boy’s sandy-colored hair with a reassuring hand before turning her attention to her first accoster. “Mr. Hunt hasn’t shown up yet. How do you know he inquired if his old rental was available?”
“Not that I have to tell you, but Hunt arranged to have his mail delivered out to Spiritridge along with yours starting tomorrow. Roy Wilkerson’s wife works at the post office. She took his call and passed on the bad news. You need to send him packing.”
“I believe that’s my decision.” Tandy stood up, squeezing herself and Scotty past the man blocking the aisle with his bulk. She paused briefly to dismiss him with a scowl, along with the others in the room who’d turned in their chairs to stare, apparently all in solidarity with their spokesman.
Lifting her chin, she said loudly, “When my dad was sick and dying of prostate cancer, Wyatt Hunt made time to drive him to the hospital in Safford for chemo. Dad said Hunt alone helped Manny Vasquez with chores and rounding up and selling his herd. If for no other reason, that would convince me to rent a casita to the wildlife biologist again.” In a last show of defiance she squared her shoulders, took Scotty by the hand and marched them to an exit door she stiff-armed open.
“You’re making a big mistake,” Hicks called.
“Stick it where the sun don’t shine!”
Whatever else he may have shouted back got cut off by the slam of the heavy door behind Tandy.
She half carried her gangly son to the parking lot, where she unlocked and wrenched open the back door to her SUV. She lifted him into his booster seat, helped him buckle up and hugged him when he started to cry. “Shh. I won’t let them hurt us.”
“I don’t like that bad man with the big shiny belt buckle. He hollered at you. I wanna go back to Honolulu and live with my cousins.”
Tandy’s heart sank. “Oh, Scotty, the ranch is our home now.” She gently shut his door and rounded the hood to slide behind the wheel. She glanced back at him before jamming the key in the ignition of the aging Wagoneer that had belonged to her dad.
“What’s a wolf man?” Scotty asked, wiping his sniffling nose on his sleeve. “Is he like a werewolf?”
“Heavens, no. Werewolves are folklore. They aren’t real.” Tandy wrenched too hard on the key and the Jeep roared to life then sputtered and died. “Where did you hear about werewolves anyway?”
“From Mark. He’s got a cool movie.”
“Auntie Lucinda let you kids watch that kind of thing?”
“Uh-huh. And vampires, too. And zombies.”
“Sheesh. Well, Mr. Hunt is a regular man. He’ll be renting the casita next to Manny’s for a month starting tomorrow, and he’s one member of a team of wildlife biologists who brought Mexican gray wolves back into this area while your grandpa was alive.”
“Cool.” Scotty swept his hand across his eyes, drying his tears.
“As I understand it, Mr. Hunt needs to track those wolves, count their pups then vaccinate and tag them for a wildlife project.”
“But that man shouldn’t have been mean to you. I hope the wolf man’s nicer. Is he?”
“Please call him Mr. Hunt. Grandpa Marsh liked him a lot and spoke highly of him whenever we talked. Manny says good things about Mr. Hunt, too.”
“If he’s not nice I’ll have Mr. Bones bite him,” Scotty said, brightening considerably the minute he mentioned the Redbone Coonhound. She’d gotten him from the local animal shelter in hopes of helping ease Scotty’s transition to life on a ranch.
“We don’t want Mr. Bones biting anyone.” Tandy loosened her grip on the key and this time started the vehicle without incident. She couldn’t help smiling to herself at her son’s protective instincts. However, her smile soon faded. At thirty-one, she was plagued by plenty of mixed feelings over her abrupt but necessary departure from the military, where she’d enjoyed her job and had earned a steady paycheck.
Scotty had no clue how their lives had changed when his dad, also an army sergeant, had phoned to say he’d fallen in love with another woman. Dan was stationed in the Philippines while she’d served in Afghanistan. Hearing long-distance that he wanted a divorce had stung. But when he had angrily insisted he’d never wanted kids, leaving the army for the ranch she’d inherited in Arizona had seemed the only choice for her and Scotty.
Cutting ties in Hawaii had been necessary because Dan’s sister, Lucinda, had cared for Scotty while both parents were deployed. She’d said to keep the peace in her family, she had to side with her brother. Compared to all that, having a group of old ranchers attempting to bully her felt minor.
Checking her son in the rearview mirror, it hurt seeing his tearstained face. Back when she’d first learned she was pregnant, not long after hers and Dan’s whirlwind romance, he had mentioned not wanting kids. She should’ve divorced him then. And would have if he hadn’t sweet-talked her into believing he’d spoken in the heat of the moment. Only during the divorce had she learned he’d been up for a promotion at the time. So, the jackass’s change of heart had been because his CO wouldn’t have promoted him if he’d thought Dan would dump a pregnant wife.
She rolled down her window to let a breeze cool her anger. She should’ve said more to those ranchers. Like she ought to have seen through Dan. Oh, but why replow old ground? It was probably a godsend their jobs had kept them apart. Now she was well rid of him.
Still, she felt bad for Scotty. He missed his aunt and cousins. He wasn’t as happy with their move to the ranch as Tandy had hoped. She wished she had more hours each day to spend being his mom. But boning up on raising cattle and building a herd demanded a lot of time.
And they could use the income from renting a casita to Wyatt Hunt. While it’d been a blessing to inherit Spiritridge, most of the funds in her father’s bank account went to clearing his medical bills. She’d tapped her savings for the move and to buy cattle. And her dad’s elderly ranch hand, who she was happy had agreed to work for her, had been very frank about how long it’d take her to turn a profit with a fledgling herd. Especially since she hadn’t yet purchased a bull to turn out with her heifers.
Maybe she should’ve sold the ranch. At the time she just wanted to escape rejection and go where she’d been blessed to have had an idyllic childhood. That carefree life was what she wanted for Scotty. And by damn, she wouldn’t let angry, futzy old ranchers like Preston Hicks and his minions wreck that.
* * *
THE NEXT MORNING, Tandy looked out her kitchen window and saw thick fog rolling over the basin. The white mist completely shrouded the usually dark Santa Teresa and craggy Galiuro Mountains that ringed the high desert where she ran her cattle.
She let the kitchen curtain drop and filled her coffee mug, further worrying they might get snow today. She’d turned her calendar to February, but having grown up here she knew it could snow as late as April.
“Mama, do we hafta go feed cows? I’m cold,” Scotty said, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he came into the kitchen.
Mr. Bones padded after him; his dog tags clinked merrily as he trotted around the boy and went straight to his dish of kibble, which Tandy had already set out.
“We do, Scotty,” she said as he took his seat at the kitchen table. “Raising cattle is pretty much an all-day, every day job. But I’ll ask Manny if we can start later. See if this fog burns off a bit. Wear one of the flannel shirts we bought, and the lined denim jacket. If you’d like, you can ride with me on Butterscotch. If you sit in front of me, I’ll block most of the chilly wind.”
“Nah, I’ll ride Patch,” he said, referencing the small, sure-footed mule his grandfather’s longtime ranch hand had found for him. “I don’t want Mr. Manny to think I’m a sissy,” Scotty declared as he dug into the bowl of hot cereal Tandy had set before him.
“A sissy? Honestly, Scotty, if your cousin taught you that, I’m triply glad we left Hawaii to live here.”
“Mark knows everything. He’s in fourth grade, you know.”
Tandy stifled a laugh. She might have said more except her cell phone rang. She hurried to the counter, where it sat on its charger.
“Maybe that’ll be the wolf man calling to say he’s coming today.” Scotty perked right up.
“It’s Manny,” Tandy said, seeing her cowhand’s name on the screen. She picked up the phone and put it to her ear. “Manny, hi. We’ll be ready to ride shortly. We’re running a little late. I’m considering waiting until this fog burns off some to go out. Will that be okay with you?”
“Fine, Tandy. This weather is playing havoc with my arthritic joints. I hope you can handle checking stock today without me.”
“I’ll have to. Do you have medication? Is there anything you need?”
“I’m good. This damp snap wasn’t predicted. I do okay if I have a couple days’ warning so I can start taking a heavy-duty analgesic.”
Tandy had feared Manny’s advanced age might be an issue. She relied on him because he’d been loyal to her father, and he’d offered his help. “I’m sorry your joints hurt,” she murmured. “I’ll take my cell phone if you need me. Otherwise, I’ll give you a call when Scotty and I finish for the day. Better yet, I’ll bring you supper.”
“Thanks, I’d like that. By the way, how was the association meeting last night? What was their big emergency?”
“Ah, the meeting. It was called to do a hatchet job on me. Preston Hicks tore into me for renting a casita to Wyatt Hunt. I wouldn’t have thought so many grown men could throw fits over a few wolves. Wolves lived here before ranchers moved in.”
She handed Scotty a piece of toast to go with his cereal and broke off a corner of a second slice for herself.
“Steer clear of Hicks,” the old man warned. “He led the association to band together against Wyatt when he and his team released the wolves. Somebody, and your pa thought it was Pres, laid a dead wolf on the hood of Wyatt’s vehicle as a threat. He and others on his team got phone threats, too. But the government agency in charge of the wolf program sent out a letter saying whoever did it could be prosecuted.”
“I wish I’d known all of that before I agreed to rent to Mr. Hunt. New as I am, I don’t need to be the source of grief to neighbors. I also don’t like being stuck in the middle of a turf war over wolf repatriation.”
“Your pa favored the program. He told Hunt to ignore Preston’s bluster. Best you avoid them if you can, Tandy.”
“I know Dad liked Mr. Hunt a lot. I promise not to go out of my way to engage Hicks. But I won’t cower, either. You take care of your arthritis. If you need groceries or anything from town, I hope to make a run to the feed store tomorrow or the next day.”
“I’m good, but thanks. With luck I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow.”
She ended their call, sighed and put away her phone.
“What’s wrong?” Scotty asked.
“Manny can’t ride with us today. He has an illness called arthritis that causes him pain in his knees, elbows and fingers. He believes he’ll feel better tomorrow.”
“I heard that. He talks really loud. But what did he say about a dead wolf? How did one die, Mama?”
“It’s nothing for us to worry about. It didn’t happen recently.”
“You sounded worried. Is it ’cause that bad man said don’t rent to the wolf man?”
“Honey, he was making noise. I don’t want you to be concerned. Please call him Mr. Hunt. If you’re finished with your cereal, rinse the bowl then go get dressed. You can watch TV while I fix something in advance for supper. We’ll let the fog lift before we go feed cattle.”
Scotty slipped off his chair and carried his bowl to the sink. “Can we have pa’sketti?”
“Spaghetti.” Tandy stressed the correct pronunciation.
“Yeah, that’s what I said.”
Laughing, Tandy tweaked his cowlick. “I can make that. Outside of pizza I know it’s your most favorite food.”
“Yup. If the wolf man, uh, Mr. Hunt, comes today like the bad man said, he can eat supper with us and tell us all about the wolves.”
“No, Scotty. He’s only renting one of our casitas. He will cook his own meals. I doubt we’ll see much of him at all. I hope anyway,” she added under her breath.
“Aww, I wanna see his baby wolves.”
“Forget that. We want all wolves to stay far away from the ranch.”
“Me and Mr. Bones could take care of a baby wolf, dontcha think?”
“Not a good plan.” Tandy shooed him and the hound out of the kitchen.
* * *
SOME TWELVE HOURS after they’d had their morning discussion and rehashed it several times, Tandy and Scotty rode back to the barn. It’d been a hard day because the fog hadn’t lifted until midafternoon and hung in the deeper arroyos where she’d needed to check on cows and fill water troughs. Scotty had driven her crazy by constantly riding his mule off into underbrush, claiming to be searching for wolf cubs.
Unsaddling Butterscotch, and then Patch, she wondered what had made her think she could chase a herd of Santa Gertrudis cattle over an inhospitable landscape, take care of a house, and maybe homeschool her almost-six-year-old son in the fall when he began first grade. Maybe because her mother had done the same until Tandy started third grade.
“Hurry, Mama. I’m starved and so is Mr. Bones.” Scotty called to her from the fading light outside the barn door.
“I’m coming. But you’re going to have to give me time to fix garlic bread and a salad while the spaghetti heats through.”
Scotty skipped ahead with his pet. Tandy lagged behind. She’d assumed all the patrols she’d led over rough terrain in Afghanistan would have prepared her to chase after and feed a few hundred cows. Obviously not. She was exhausted.
“Honey, why don’t you build something with your Legos while supper warms? I’ll bring Manny his plate first. I hope he’s not feeling worse, now that the fog has settled again.”
Scotty stopped at the front door and glanced around. “It’s almost dark and the wolf man hasn’t come. Do you think that bad guy from last night shot him?”
“Scotty!” Tandy gasped his name as she reached around him and turned on the interior lights. “Area ranchers may not want him here, but no one would go that far.”
“They might,” he said, trudging down the hall. “Didn’t you see? The bad man had a gun.”
She hadn’t noticed. She worried that Scotty had heard too much violent war-talk, living with an uncle in the navy, as well as his dad and herself.
She headed to the kitchen and in about forty minutes the meal was ready. But she hadn’t taken time to clean up. She still felt grungy from a full day of herding strays out of canyons. Oh, well, she’d shower before bed.
“Scotty, come eat. The garlic bread is due out in a minute.”
She heard him leave his room just as the doorbell rang.
“I’ll answer the door, Mama.”
“Okay. It’s probably Manny. Tell him I’ll fix that plate, or better, he should come eat with us.” She tore off a piece of foil to cover the dish if he didn’t elect to stay. He’d said often the hired help shouldn’t eat with the boss. Silly as it sounded to her, apparently he’d been that way until her father got sick and needed assistance preparing his meals.
The oven timer dinged. She slipped on oven mitts to remove the casserole dish and the hot bread.
From the other room a male voice she didn’t recognize said, “Hi there, young man. I’m here to pick up a key to one of the casitas from Ms. Graham. Is that your mother?”
“Are you the wolf man?” Scotty exclaimed, his tone filled with awe. “Mama’s in the kitchen putting pa’sketti on the table. It’s super yummy. Come on in and eat with us.”
Tandy almost dropped the bread. In the middle of finding a place to set the hot item she heard the man laugh. It was a deep rumble that reminded her of how disheveled she looked. Her free hand flew to smooth down her hair. Not wanting her first meeting with her renter to put her at a disadvantage for wearing grubby jeans and a sauce-spattered work shirt, she called to Scotty. “His house key is on the end table beside the lamp.”
Before she could add that the casita was stocked and ready, she heard their new tenant saying how the food certainly smelled good.
Considering the lateness of the hour, the poor man had probably been traveling through the fog instead of stopping to eat. Having a change of heart for someone who’d been a friend to her dad, she stepped to the arch and almost fell over Mr. Bones. “Scotty, show him where to wash up. I’ll set another plate.”
Tandy rushed back and set out another place setting. She was tearing off extra paper towel for napkins when her son, jabbering a mile a minute, dragged their guest into the kitchen. Glancing up, a welcoming smile froze on her lips, and the paper towel fluttered from her hand. She and the newcomer both grabbed for it, causing their hands to connect. The strength in his fingers sent shock waves rippling up Tandy’s arm. She quickly withdrew, leaving him to catch the towel before it hit the floor.
Wyatt Hunt was nothing like she’d presumed. For one thing, he was a lot younger. And gosh, he was tall. Over six feet, she judged. Wide shouldered and narrow hipped, he wore cowboy garb as if it’d been tailor-made to fit his muscular frame. His dark blond hair showed a stubborn curl. When he smiled down at Scotty, a dimple flashed in his left cheek.
His good looks sent Tandy’s heart thudding like a jungle drum. She felt even more rattled when considering again how crappy she must look.
But the unexpected weakness that attacked her knees annoyed her. Good grief, she’d worked with, and had outranked, more handsome men than him. What was wrong with her? “Sorry to stare, but I’d assumed from conversations with Dad that you were his age,” she blurted even as her son urged the man to sit in the chair beside him. “He never actually mentioned your age during our phone calls, but it was an impression he gave in how he talked about views you two shared.”
“Curt and I hit it off, but he was what...sixtyish? Twice my age. Is this where you’d like me to sit?” he asked Tandy, pointing to the chair Scotty kept urging him toward. “Are you sure I’m not putting you out?”
“Oh, no. I feel as if I know you. You were so good to Dad. Scotty, let him fill his plate first. I’m going to take this one over to Manny. His arthritis is acting up,” she told Wyatt, who also knew the other man.
“Ask him if there’s anything I can do to help,” Wyatt said after sitting down. “Carry in wood for his fireplace or something. Or if you’d like, I’ll take him the plate.” He started to rise again.
“That’s not necessary.” Tandy deftly covered the plate with foil. “I’ll ask about the wood. You two tear off bread slices while it’s hot.”
She dashed out and was gone only a few minutes. Returning, pretty much out of breath, she scooted around the narrow table and took a seat directly across from their guest. When her knees bumped Wyatt’s, he didn’t seem to notice.
“How is Manny doing? I’m sorry his joints aren’t any better than they were during the roundup I helped him with last year.”
“He appreciated the food and your offer. He swears he’s better, though, and will ride with us tomorrow,” Tandy said, putting a scoop of spaghetti on Scotty’s plate.
“All of this looks so good.” Wyatt eyed the offerings as if it was a feast.
“Uh, help yourself.” Tandy scooted the casserole dish toward him. She took a deep and deliberate breath before serving up salad for her son. And she followed that with a squirt of dressing for the boy, who continued to gaze rapturously at their unplanned guest as if he’d never shared a supper table with a grown man before. It probably had been a while, Tandy thought.
“I’m not the greatest cook,” she mumbled, then didn’t know why she had felt a need to say anything.
Wyatt glanced up from his full plate and smiled at her. “You could’ve fooled me. I’ve only had a taste, but spaghetti is a favorite of mine, and garlic bread hits the spot.”
Scotty beamed. “Mama fixed it ’cause it’s my favorite next to pizza, which she can’t make,” he added.
Tandy filled her plate. “Knowing Dad, he probably told you I went into the army after college. There we always had cooks or ate MREs. I hoped I’d have more time to spend with cookbooks after moving back here. Turns out I have a lot to learn about raising cattle. Maybe things won’t be so hectic after we acquire a full herd.”
“It’s a shame we had to sell all of Curt’s cattle after he passed so suddenly. I grew up in cattle country, so I know herds build slowly.”
“I’ve bought a decent amount of heifers. Manny’s looking for a bull to round out my stock. So far, no luck.” She frowned and rolled noodles around her fork. “After the stockmen’s meeting last night, it’s a toss-up whether anyone will sell me anything. Are you aware local ranchers are unhappy with me for renting you a casita?”
“I’m sorry. I might’ve guessed, considering how many reacted poorly when we began this project.” The man shred his bread. “I’ll make other arrangements and move elsewhere. No sense in you taking flak.”
“You can’t go away.” Scotty stopped eating. “There was a bad man at the meeting who yelled at my mom. He’s scary. I’m glad you aren’t old like Manny ’cause you can punch him if he acts mean again.”
“Scotty.” Tandy shook her head. “No one’s going to punch Mr. Hicks. Fighting isn’t how we solve our differences.”
“But Auntie Lucinda said...” Whatever he’d been about to say withered under his mother’s stern glare.
Wyatt gazed briefly at the upset boy before returning his attention to Tandy. “Often it only takes one disgruntled person to stir up mob mentality. Area ranchers have all been informed that our agency will pay double for any cattle they can prove our wolf pack brought down. I don’t like hearing they’re still so upset. To date we haven’t had a single confirmed incident.”
“Dad favored repatriation of the Mexican gray wolves to this area. I recall him telling me the elk population had exploded and they were ruining the range grass where he grazed cattle.”
“True. He might’ve been the only local rancher who understood the Game and Fish program. By the time my team mapped this area and chose the best spot to release two wolf pair, Curt was too ill to attend any of our meetings. I hope no one harassed him. If they did, he never told me.”
Tandy shook her head. “I don’t think they did. Last night, Preston Hicks said as much. My parents were well liked. Dad kept ranching a long time after my mom died. Apparently I’m a different story. But I don’t push around easily. Besides, you and I have an agreement. I’m fully prepared to honor it.”
Wyatt nodded and ate a few bites.
“Me and Mama want you to stay. I’ve only seen wolves on the TV,” Scotty said. “Wolves look like dogs. Why don’t people like them? I wish I knew more about ’em.”
“How old are you?” Wyatt asked, pausing to study the boy.
Scotty puffed out his chest. “I’m gonna be six pretty soon. In March. But I already know the alphabet and I can count to a thousand.”
“Good for you. I thought you were older,” Hunt said and grinned. “The state Game and Fish Department has informational pamphlets we give to schools on the different varieties of wolves. There’s more reading than photographs, though.” He considered for a moment. “I know there’s a library in town. I’d be happy to see if they have any books on wolves for younger kids during my next supply run. That is, if your mom has no objection.” He shifted his gaze to Tandy.
“You don’t care, do you, Mama? A book on wolves would be so cool. It’d be even cooler to see a real live wolf. Then I could phone Mark, and he’d want to come visit me.”
Tandy choked on a cherry tomato she’d bit into. “Scotty. Hawaii is a long way from Arizona. Airplane flights are costly.” She didn’t want to tell him that his aunt might not welcome having Scotty invite Mark to Arizona. Which was a shame since the divorce was all at the feet of Lucinda’s brother.
Seeing her son’s face cloud, Tandy quickly said, “Let’s see if Mr. Hunt can find a suitable book, Scotty. Then we’ll talk about you getting in touch with Mark.”
“Please, if you don’t mind, both of you call me Wyatt. Mr. Hunt is too formal.”
Tandy nodded at Scotty to show it was okay with her, then added, “We call Manny by his first name.”
“Okay, Wyatt,” Scotty said with a grin. Wyatt winked at her son.
“Finish before your spaghetti gets cold. And stop feeding Mr. Bones the mushrooms you’re picking out.”
Scotty’s eyes snapped open. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I don’t like ’shrooms.”
Tandy smothered a smile. “Neither does Mr. Bones. He’s spit them all out on the floor. So just push them to one side of your plate. And be careful where you step when you leave the table.”
She noticed Wyatt’s blue eyes sparkled with humor, giving Tandy another twist in her stomach, a reaction similar to when she’d heard him laugh. That had been extraweird since the last thing she was in the market for was a romantic relationship. If falling so hard and fast for Dan had taught her anything, it was how unreliable her heart was. Plus, she didn’t want to get involved with another man who traveled for work.
For the remainder of the meal, between bites, Scotty shot questions about wolves at Wyatt. He asked why so many people didn’t like them. He asked what they ate. And if it hurt wolf pups to get vaccinations. “I don’t like needles,” he said.
What amazed Tandy was how Wyatt didn’t brush her son off. Instead he patiently answered every question in language appropriate for his age. That wasn’t anything Scotty’s own father or his uncle would’ve done. She’d seen them ignore or send away Scotty and his three cousins.
By the end of the meal Scotty had begun to yawn. “It’s time we let Wyatt go check out his casita, and you, young man, need to get ready for bed while I clean off the table.” She stood and began stacking plates.
“The meal was great,” Wyatt said, folding his paper towel napkin. “Let me help with dishes.”
His offer was nothing Tandy expected or was used to. Even out in the field, a lot of guys in uniform assumed the females in their squadron would naturally take on all domestic chores. “If you want to carry your plate to the sink, I’ll fetch your key. I did make the bed up over there and set towels in the bathroom. Manny handles his own laundry. Am I correct to assume you’ll do the same?”
“I will. I brought bedding. But thanks for readying the place. I had a morning meeting in Albuquerque so I drove straight through, not wanting to roust you from your bed to get the key. I tried calling the house. You must’ve been out with the cattle. That reminds me, can we exchange cell numbers before I leave?”
“Me ’n Mr. Bones are going to bed. G’night, Mom. G’night, Wyatt. I hope you find me a wolf book.” The boy threw his arms around the legs of the man he’d only recently met and gave him a good-night hug before he hugged his mother.
She watched boy and dog lope noisily down the tiled hallway and waited until she was sure Scotty had gone into his room before they traded numbers. She handed Wyatt the casita key, murmuring, “Thank you for not dismissing Scotty’s questions out of hand. But I don’t want him becoming a bother. I’ve noticed since we moved here how curious he is about everything. Even I tune him out at times, and I’m sure my ex-husband did, too.” She shepherded the tall man to the front door.
“Ex-husband?” he said unexpectedly. “Uh, sorry if that sounded rude. Curt didn’t know you were contemplating divorce, did he? I...ah...probably shouldn’t say anything.” Wyatt seemed embarrassed. “He lamented never hearing from his son-in-law. Not even when he was most sick. Manny said it probably wasn’t easy to get calls out from a war zone, but you managed a couple of calls a week. I remember thinking it especially odd since Curt said your husband was stationed in the Philippines.”
Tandy opened the door and clung to it while Wyatt shrugged into his jacket.
“Look, tell me to stop being nosy. But, I thought the world of your father. He treated me like a son. Stuff that worried him worried me. I’m sure you had good reason for not telling him if your marriage was in trouble.” Wyatt crossed the porch. “Thanks again for the terrific meal. Uh, would you rather I conveniently not find a kid’s book on wolves?” He hesitated at the steps and leveled an uneasy gaze on Tandy.
“A kid wolf book would be great. But, just to clarify, my marriage ended abruptly after Dad died. I truly appreciate all you did for him. I hope you don’t think I’m horrible for not coming home for his funeral. I tried to get leave, but the fighting in Afghanistan had heated up and nonessential flights from our base were grounded without exception. I so regret that.” She smudged away an errant tear. “You’d left by the time I finally managed to make it home.”
Wyatt shook his head. “I didn’t think you were horrible. Fortunately your dad had prearranged his funeral. The funeral home in town carried out his wishes for a private service. Manny and I attended. We both understood why you couldn’t be here.”
“Thanks. Manny said as much, but it helps to hear you agree. About the book for Scotty, please don’t go out of your way to find one. I know you must be on a schedule.”
“In case you couldn’t tell, I love educating anyone who’ll listen about ensuring wolf habitats remain as nature intended. I’ll keep the book age appropriate. I hope I can find one with photos.” Giving a final wave, Wyatt descended the steps.
Tandy heard him whistling as he crossed the sandy yard to the casita next to Manny’s. It wasn’t until she saw lights spill from his door and windows that she realized she still stood in the cold after she could no longer see and admire the man’s lithe stride.
Chapter Two (#u4fbf6d82-7781-513a-a73d-38475abbf074)
The first morning after his return to the ranch, Wyatt stood at the front window of his casita, drinking coffee and watching daylight blossom over the mountain rim. Tandy had not only readied his bed and bathroom, she’d left a pound of Kona coffee beside the coffee maker. He’d never drunk Hawaiian coffee, but it was quite good. He’d have to remember to thank her.
All at once his eyes were drawn away from the streaky salmon glow in the east to the boy he’d met the previous night. Scotty Graham chased after his dog, heading toward the barn. On his heels was his mother, all decked out in boots, jeans, a plaid jacket and a ski cap with earflaps. She caught up to her son, grabbed him around the waist and stuffed him into a denim jacket with a hood that from all appearances he didn’t want to wear. The scene made Wyatt smile.
Pausing with his lips on his mug, he realized how much there was to admire about his new landlady. More than her curly brown hair and dark chocolate eyes. Even more than her trim body, although it certainly lit a few fires in his belly. Just now, instead of scolding her recalcitrant son, her pretty face was filled with love and laughter.
Wyatt imagined the trilling sound and the thought marched fingers of unexpected heat up his spine. His imagination was cut short when Manny Vasquez hobbled on bowlegs to join the others, and the trio continued on into the barn.
Wyatt’s first order of business today was to follow a hiking trail beyond a campground, looking for signs that his wolves had traveled lower in bad weather in search of easier prey. He hoped not, because that was when they could trouble ranchers.
Later in the day he’d go to town for supplies. Wyatt actually wished he didn’t have to make either trip. He’d like to saddle a horse and ride with the others through quiet canyons where cattle roamed. He’d had a taste of that when he’d helped Tandy’s father and recalled he’d rather enjoyed the ranch routine.
Turning from the window, he drained his first cup of java and poured another in a travel mug. He spared a moment, feeling glad that Tandy had been aware he’d bonded with her dad in the year spent here establishing his wolf project. His parents, busy, dedicated archaeologists, rarely found time to connect or ask about his work, as they were so focused on their own.
The fact Curtis Marsh had been so ill may’ve been why he’d welcomed Wyatt’s company. Or maybe the man knew his end was near and he profoundly missed his only child. Because he sometimes got lonely, too, Wyatt had enjoyed hearing of the man’s unabashed love for his deceased wife and his pride for his daughter, who had served multiple tours in war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tandy’s father had worried about her. Curt wished she’d come home and bring his grandson. Due to their chats, Wyatt guessed he might know Tandy better than she knew him. He’d pored over family photos, from the time she was born to her college graduation to when she finally wore an army uniform. Oddly there were no wedding pictures and very few of her and her son, which made Curt cherish every one.
Ah, well, until last evening Wyatt hadn’t known she’d divorced. Capping his travel mug, he told himself that detail didn’t matter. Shouldn’t matter. Couldn’t matter. Similar to her army deployments, Game and Fish sent him far afield on assignments. Many were remote locations. He used to like that part of his job. Still, it could get old.
Donning his jacket and backpack filled with gear, he set out for the hills where he might find wolf tracks.
By 11:00 a.m. he’d tramped from the highway along two well-traveled trails. Both bordered Spiritridge land. The last one he wanted to check passed nearer to Preston Hicks’s ranch. At a point where the trail curved and dipped for a mile, it ran alongside a popular summer campground.
More than halfway to higher ground by noon, Wyatt thought he heard a tiny bit of static coming through his tracking device. That meant one of his banded adult wolves was in the area. He hiked on, listening carefully, checking all around for tracks or scat.
The static faded. He reached a wide mesa without seeing any evidence of wolves, for which he was thankful. Next time out he’d climb higher to where helicopter spotters had last seen the pack during the winter. Newly released wolves often traveled a great distance from where they were let go. Being smart animals, it was thought they could smell the cage long after it’d been removed. Mostly they steered clear of the smell of man, too.
He circled back toward the ranch. He’d only gone a hundred yards or so when, out of the corner of one eye, he glimpsed the furry backsides of two animals. He lifted his binoculars for a clearer look but saw nothing. Must have been the twitch of a branch, but no wind had come up to rustle across the countryside.
He left the trail to look for tracks in the underbrush. Twice more he saw a brief flash of fur but failed to get close enough to snap a picture with his camera. The animals resembled full-grown wolves. Yet he wasn’t picking up feedback on his scanner. That meant they weren’t his wolves.
A dozen feet off the trail he spotted half a paw print. It could be from a wolf, or a big dog. He knelt, letting his brain sort through possibilities. This was a fair distance from any ranch house. If the dogs were sheepherders, he’d think they would come to him instead of running away.
He scraped debris away from the print and took the best photo he could manage. Not finding additional tracks, he literally crawled along, hoping to run across more.
Before his team had scouted this area, another wildlife management group gave a workshop on wolf dogs. Hybrids could crop up several years after a repatriation, especially near ranching communities. But his team’s release hadn’t been long enough ago for either of their alphas to mate with dogs and produce offspring the size of the animals he’d sighted.
So, what did it mean? Could strays have crossed over the mountains from New Mexico? Their release had been a while ago. Long enough that those wolves no longer wore radio collars.
Traveling deeper into an almost impenetrable thicket, Wyatt hit a wall of vines, gave up and turned back. There were no further sightings of creatures other than a rabbit and a few flitting birds. And his wolves weren’t here.
Heading to the ranch, he considered calling Tandy before going to town. Last night he should’ve asked if there was anything he could pick up for her or Manny.
As it turned out, he didn’t have phone reception until he was back at his casita. He unloaded equipment from his official SUV and tried Tandy before leaving. She might be out of satellite range. He wondered if she was aware of how spotty phone service was where she ran cattle.
The call connected and he heard her faint “Hello.”
“Hi, Tandy, it’s Wyatt. I’m ready to run into town. Is there anything I can pick up for you, or if Manny’s with you, anything I can get for him?”
“It’s nice of you to ask, but we’re on our back forty, so I’m not able to give you a list or money.”
“No problem. Tell me what you need. We can settle up later.”
“Mainly I need milk, eggs and dog food.” She named the kind of kibble she bought for Mr. Bones.
Wyatt heard her ask if Manny would like him to pick up anything.
“Liniment,” she said a moment later.
“Okay, got it. If you think of anything else, give me a ring. Say, I just had a thought. I know a pizza place that sells premade, uncooked pizzas. How about I grab a couple and feed you and Scotty tonight? What toppings?”
“You don’t have to do that. He’s asking me to remind you about a library book on wolves. And he wants to know if you found your wolf pups?”
“Tell him I won’t forget the book. And I didn’t locate my wolf packs. I picked up a faint signal once on my tracking device, but it didn’t prove to be solid.”
Wyatt would have to find out if Tandy knew of any hybrids in the area. Or maybe he’d ask Manny first. He didn’t want to cause her any concern about wolf dogs, which could be meaner than wild wolves.
“I hope to be back before dark. About those you want me to choose toppings?”
“If you insist on picking some up, we’d love that. Scotty’s favorite is pepperoni. I like any form that passes for Hawaiian with pineapple and pork. But I could eat whatever you like. Really, I’m not fussy. Oh, can you hear Scotty chanting pizza, pizza, pizza? It’s truly his most favorite food. I should make him do veggie.”
Tandy’s laughter was the exact melodious sound Wyatt had imagined about earlier. “Tell him it’ll be a while.” Wyatt chuckled. “I’ll see you both later. I actually know what toppings Manny likes. Tell him I’ll bring him a small sausage, mushroom and dried tomato.” He heard the man call out his thanks. Still smiling over the exchange, which gave him an inclusive feeling like he’d enjoyed with Curt before he’d passed, Wyatt said goodbye and drove away.
He’d reached the outskirts of town where most locals shopped when he decided he’d rather buy Scotty a book that he could keep instead of getting one he’d have to return to the library. He recalled passing a bookstore during the many times he’d taken Curt for chemo treatments to the next larger town.
He figured he could go there and still have time to come back for groceries and pizzas.
Once he reached Safford, he went straight to the bookstore. He actually wasn’t sure if he’d find any children’s books on wolves or wolf families.
Much to his surprise, there was one with great photographs. Heading to check out, he spotted an endcap of posters. One jumped out: three wolves lying under a tree. Two adults and a pup. From their coloring and the high mountains rising in the background, they could be Mexican grays from the Arizona project or New Mexico. Hoping Tandy would let Scotty hang the poster, he added it to the book. While in line, he saw a new mystery by an author he liked and grabbed it.
As his work was so solitary, most evenings he read. Usually he had agency material or wildlife magazines. But he did like intrigue mixed with adventure.
As he paid for his purchases, Wyatt wondered if Tandy liked to read, and if so, what she preferred? He hadn’t met any women who’d been in the military. And according to Curt, she’d commanded a combat support team. What made her choose that life? It seemed harsher than most careers.
He knew quite a few women who worked with wildlife. That could be hard, too. He’d dated a park ranger until she’d transferred to a job in the Northwest.
After pocketing his credit card, he collected his package and left the store. He hadn’t thought about Kylie Porter in a while. Their relationship hadn’t stood up under long distance. His job came first. Still, it bothered him when Kylie accused him of being like his parents who’d never owned a home and were always off on wilderness digs. During his younger years, he’d lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico, with his maternal grandmother.
Now the closest thing he had to a permanent residence was the cabin he often stayed in on a cattle ranch near Silver City. His best friend, Loki Branchwater, owned the ranch. Wyatt was so steeped in thought he drove straight past the general store. When it dawned on him, he made a U-turn and went back. He breezed through the store, loading his cart with items Tandy and Manny had requested. Then he added things from his list.
He didn’t pass anyone in the aisles he knew, which was fine since Tandy had said he wasn’t popular. He checked out quickly with his mind on picking up the pizzas.
The minute he unlocked his vehicle he noticed a series of deep gouges through the paint on his front and back doors. The strips tore jaggedly through the Game and Fish logo.
For a moment he only gaped at the vandalism. Then he glanced around to see if the person or persons responsible lurked nearby. He’d heard of automobiles being keyed, but until now he’d never seen what damage it could do. There were a few cars in the lot, but no one visible.
It could’ve been kids. A check of his watch showed it wasn’t quite three, so the high school and junior high wouldn’t be out.
As he unloaded the cart, he had little doubt that he’d been deliberately targeted. Possibly by an irate rancher.
After returning the cart to the front of the store, he drove to the sheriff’s office. In the past, local authorities partnered with Game and Fish to back teams if anyone instigated mischief of the type that had just occurred.
Sheriff Doug Anderson manned the office alone. He looked up from his computer when Wyatt walked in. The silver-haired man immediately stood and extended a hand. “Say there, Hunt, I heard you were going to spend time with us again. I’ll tell you what I told a contingent of ranchers—my deputies and I have enough to do. We don’t need a hullabaloo blowing up over you wildlife guys.”
Wyatt disengaged his hand. “I’ve only been back one day. I stopped at the general store for supplies. While I was inside, someone raked a key to hell and gone across the driver’s side of my government SUV. I came straight here, so I’m guessing it happened between half an hour and forty-five minutes ago.”
The sheriff sank back in his swivel chair. “Dammit all. Were there any eyewitnesses?”
“There were maybe four cars and a couple of pickups in the lot. That pretty much matches the number of shoppers I saw in the store. No one I knew or who acted as if they knew me. The parking lot itself was empty of people except for me.”
Anderson yanked open a drawer and pulled out a pad of preprinted pages. He tore one off and passed it to Wyatt. “This is an official complaint form. While you fill it out, I’ll go take pictures of the damage. Are you parked in front of my office?”
Wyatt nodded. “I’ll fill it out, for all the good it’ll do. No witnesses and probably no fingerprints. That’s the thing about key damage, hard to identify who held the key.” His face turned sour. “If you want my best guess, it’d be Preston Hicks or Jim Haskell.”
The sheriff paused. “Why them? Both have been pillars of this community for decades.”
“Yeah, well, they and a few others deviled my team last year. If you recall, we never were sure who left a dead wolf on the hood of my SUV.”
“We exhausted all our leads on that one.” The sheriff raised an eyebrow. “You working with your team this time?”
“I’m alone this trip. Came to check on our packs—count pups, install radio collars and vaccinate them. I’m renting again at Spiritridge Ranch. This time from Curt Marsh’s daughter. She mentioned taking heat at a cattle and sheep rancher’s meeting. Hicks apparently led a rant against me.”
“This is the first I’ve heard of issues at the meeting. I’ve seen Curt’s daughter and her son around town. If Pres gave her grief, why didn’t she report it to me?”
Wyatt shrugged. “I don’t know. She is ex-army. I don’t think she’s easily intimidated.”
“I remember as a teenager she was a tough competitor in a couple of sports.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. What did she play?”
“Hmm. Maybe softball, and track and field events.”
Wyatt could tell the sheriff was combing his memory. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want guys who are PO’d at me picking on her or the boy. He’s sort of fearless, too.” It’s remarkable, really, for as young as Scotty is.
The sheriff waved his phone. “I’ll go take those photos while you complete the form as best you can. I know you didn’t see the incident, but an approximate time and place is important if my deputies are out asking casual questions.”
“Speaking of casual questions,” Wyatt called to the man about ready to walk out the door, “have you heard of any wolf dogs in the vicinity?”
“Wolf dogs? What are they?”
“Mostly a shepherd-type dog bred with a wolf. They carry features of both, but the ones I’ve seen in our lecture films are larger and meaner than a domestic dog.”
“Huh. I haven’t heard of anything like that around. I doubt they’d survive long with all our cattle and sheep ranchers. They’d be trapped or shot.”
“Trapped?” Wyatt looked up sharply from the paper he’d started to read. “What kind? Claw traps are outlawed and others require a license.”
“Don’t get all riled up.” Scowling, the sheriff crossed his arms. “I don’t know if anybody’s using traps. Used to be some ranches had trouble with mountain cats. I know someone built and set a box trap near their chicken coop. Caught the cat and called Game and Fish to take him away. That was probably four years ago. If your boss has been over this area that long, he’d likely remember the case.”
“He covers this project and a few others. I have to call him about the SUV. I’ll ask about traps.”
The sheriff went on outside and Wyatt filled out the form.
Sheriff Anderson returned, printed the photo off and clipped it to the report he had Wyatt sign and date. They shook hands and Wyatt left to go order pizzas. He’d spent longer than anticipated with the sheriff. He hoped the side trip wouldn’t make him so late that Tandy would give up on him and cook supper.
The owner of the pizza shop recognized him but didn’t really know who he was. The man mentioned he hadn’t seen Wyatt in a while, when he used to be a regular.
“I’ve been out of town for my job,” he said, not wanting to draw attention to himself lest anyone in the establishment not be happy to see him back.
While his take-and-bake order was in progress he stepped outside to call his boss. He currently headed a five-state wolf repatriation program.
“Is the hostility bad enough you want to be pulled from the area?” his leader asked after hearing Wyatt’s story.
“I wasn’t threatened, Joe. It may have been kids, although I doubt it.” He relayed what had happened to Tandy at the rancher’s meeting. “I want to continue.”
“Good. We have some of our Mesquite pack dead down in the Chiricahua sector. I’ve sent all available biologists down to see if the wolves died from natural causes. We should get you an unmarked vehicle. Any chance you can spare time to drive to Silver City? I know you have a cabin there. If it’s something you can manage, I’ll swap out vehicles and get yours in for repair.”
Wyatt had barely started and would hate to stop now. On the other hand, it might be better to take a few days now rather than after locating the Mission pack. “It’s not my cabin so let me check with my friend who owns it. When I’m not there he sometimes lets other guests use it. Can I get back with you in a day or so?”
“Sure. Just take care. I’m damned tired of fighting ranchers over something they ought to be able to see rights the ecosystem. But telling you is like preaching to the choir. So you know, I’m having flyers printed up on the success of our program with the Fox Mountain pack. They’ve remained on their release range for five years. We have some testimonials from those area residents. I’ll try to have a batch printed that you can take back for distribution.”
“Sounds good, Joe. I’m for anything that helps people understand there’s room on our planet for wild animals and domestic.” He said goodbye and went back inside.
The cook signaled his pizzas were ready. Wyatt paid and carried the boxes out.
He soon left the town behind. He slowed when he approached a corner where he knew there was a cattle crossing. The ranch road to Spiritridge turned off the main road shortly after passing the crossing. It was a good thing he’d cut his speed. Not only was he staring directly into the sinking sun, but a large flock of sheep, not cattle, were moseying across the highway.
Because he heard dogs barking, Wyatt put his SUV in Park and opened his door, hoping to see the animals he’d caught sight of earlier. But the coloring wasn’t right. The two dogs were sleek yellow Labs in the company of a young boy and a girl, who were probably the sheep owner’s kids.
Wyatt settled back, refastened his seat belt and prepared to wait for the flock to pass. A bit tired of delay after delay, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and toyed with the idea of phoning Tandy to let her know he had the pizzas and was on his way.
At last the final woolies passed by. Dust began to clear and he saw the boy close the gate so no sheep could turn back. More than ready to roll again, Wyatt fired up his motor and drove to the ranch turnoff.
It so happened he drove in just as Tandy, Scotty and Manny were exiting the barn. He parked halfway between the main house and the casitas, figuring he could give the old cowboy his liniment and his pizza. Then he’d be available to unload the heavy bag of dog food he’d bought for Tandy.
She jogged up to his door, leaving Manny hobbling along and Scotty skipping with his dog.
“Good grief,” she yelped as Wyatt started to climb out. “What in the world happened to your car? Did it look like that yesterday? I remember passing it this morning and don’t recall seeing all those awful marks.”
Wyatt hadn’t intended to bring the incident up. He didn’t want to worry her—she might think someone would do the same to her since she was renting him a place to stay. “It happened in town. I didn’t see the perpetrator. Sheriff Anderson had me fill out a complaint and he took photos. Can you take the pizzas? I’ll give Manny his order then haul everything else into your house.”
Tandy nodded, but her gaze remained on the damage until Scotty ran up and flung his arms around Wyatt’s legs. “Did’ya remember to get us pizza, Wolf Man?” he asked. “I love, love, love pepperoni pizza.”
“Scotty.” Tandy tugged him away. “Mr...uh... Wyatt was about to give me the pizza boxes. I need you to open the house. I’ll take these to the kitchen and bake them.” She handed the boy the house key. “Go on. Scoot. And please don’t call him Wolf Man.”
“I sure hope the pizza cooks fast. Wait!” He spun back around. “Were you able to find a wolf book at the library? Sorry if you don’t like me to call you Wolf Man.”
Feeling a bit like he’d been hit by a semitruck, Wyatt let the boy’s run-on chatter roll over him until Manny arrived, took in the scene and laughed. “That boy can talk an ear off a flea. I’ll take my order off your hands, Wyatt. Today was warmer. My joints feel some better. But I hope you found liniment. I can still use it.”
Wyatt opened the back door to the SUV, ducked inside and found Manny’s things. He passed them to the man and gave Tandy the two larger pizzas. He actually hoped she’d go on in. He’d like to ask Manny about the hybrids.
She drew Manny’s attention to the scratched paint. “Any idea who might do something like this?” The man had worked for her parents from the time they’d bought the ranch. “You know everyone who lives around here. And probably most newcomers. People never used to even lock their houses or barns. I can’t recall anyone ever having anything like this happen, can you?”
In the fading light, Manny bent closer and studied the marks. “Looks like you sideswiped a fence post or a telephone pole. What happened?”
“I don’t know. I can only guess,” he said, returning to slip out his book before lifting the remaining bags from the back seat. “I notified my boss. He’s going to arrange for me to trade it for an unmarked vehicle. It’s getting late. Shouldn’t you both put your pizzas in to cook?”
As if Tandy got the message that he’d rather not discuss the incident, she tightened her hold on the pizza boxes and turned away.
He immediately felt bad. He certainly hadn’t meant to dismiss her. He just thought it’d be worse to turn wolf dogs into a big deal. Especially because he didn’t want Scotty to grab hold of it and start asking endless questions. “I was in the grocery store when it happened, Manny. Someone keyed my vehicle. It could’ve been personal, or a random act by hoodlums. Say it is personal, like aimed at driving me away from staying to do my job with the wolves. Maybe the less attention given the act, the better. What I don’t want is to bring more anger down on Tandy and Scotty.”
“I agree. Curtis would appreciate you caring about her and the boy. When she told me about how Preston Hicks ranted at the local rancher’s meeting, I recommended she lay low and avoid that group. At my age, I can’t help thwart any problems. I tried to help her hire a younger cowhand. Three times I thought we had someone, only to learn Preston Hicks or Jim Haskell swooped in and offered them higher wages. I’m gettin’ stonewalled trying to buy her a bull, too. She ordered one from Stew Darnell. He keeps making up excuses about why he can’t deliver.”
Wyatt closed the back door to the SUV with his hip. “So you think it’s deliberate? The not selling her a bull? Why wouldn’t her money be as good as anyone else’s?”
“Dunno. What if Pres Hicks warns Stew if he helps Tandy build her herd they’ll freeze him out of the group that negotiates the best market prices come selling time? I don’t know if that’s a fact. I’m set to see Darnell tomorrow. If he weasels out again, I plan to ask him point-blank, why. See if he’ll admit there’s skulduggery afoot.”
Shifting his load of grocery bags with the one from the bookstore, Wyatt gazed at the clouds rolling in. “If Darnell agrees to sell Tandy a bull, great. If he dodges, I have a friend in New Mexico who sells a couple types. I have to drive up there to switch out my SUV. I’m sure Loki would give Tandy a good price.”
The old fellow chuckled. “That’d fox ’em. Why don’t you tell Tandy? I’m going in to bake my supper. I’ll let you know what happens with Stew. If I get a bull I’ll bring him home tomorrow. I want to see Tandy succeed in reviving the ranch to put down roots for her and Scotty. Curt would want that.”
“Well, good luck with Darnell.”
Manny inclined his head, turned and limped off just as Scotty called from the house, “Wolf Mama wants to know if you’re gonna come in for pizza? After we eat, can I have the library book?”
Wyatt hurried into the house. “I bought you a book that you can keep, Scotty. Help put groceries away for your mom, and after pizza, we’ll look at it.”
Tandy was so silent as he and Scotty bustled around the kitchen storing the milk, eggs and dog food, Wyatt was left with no doubt but that he needed to clear the air. After folding the sacks and setting them on the counter, he washed his hands at the kitchen sink. “Ah, you fixed a salad, too. Great. That makes pizza less of an unhealthy meal.” He winked at Tandy and saw her eyes widen, and he noticed her lips twitch like she wanted to smile. Or rather like she didn’t want to give him a smile.
Wyatt pulled out her chair, clearly surprising her. “Listen, I’m sorry for sounding as if I was doling out orders out there. I thought Manny would want to take his pizza home and get off his feet. Instead he decided to chat.”
Tandy put a helping of salad on Scotty’s plate. “I guess I’m touchier than I should be. A habit I developed in the service. New male recruits often overlooked the stripes denoting my rank. I’m not in the military now.” She met his eyes and issued an apologetic shrug. “And you did us a favor by bringing supper and doing my shopping, which saves me a trip to town.”
“And Mama, he bought me a book about wolves. He said it’s mine to keep. That’s so cool.” Scotty bit into his first slice of pizza. “Oh, this is the yummiest supper we’ve had since we moved here.”
Tandy and Wyatt exchanged silent mirth as they both tore off their slices.
Wyatt let a few moments pass before he spoke. “Manny mentioned you’ve been trying to hire a second cowboy but haven’t found anyone available.”
Tandy set down her pizza and wiped her hands on the paper towel next to her plate. “It seems other ranchers offer to pay them more. I can’t raise my offer until after I see what my first cattle bring at market.”
“I just wanted to say if you need an extra hand with anything while I’m here, my work hours checking on the wolf pack are flexible. I think Manny will tell you I did okay cowboying when your dad was so ill. Before college I helped on a buddy’s family ranch.”
“That’s generous of you. I have a lot to learn about running a ranch. Manny should retire, but I’m so thankful he agreed to lend me a hand. I feel bad, though, because I know riding, roping and even walking sometimes hurts his old bones.”
When she said “bones,” the hound got up from under Scotty’s chair and padded around to gaze up at Tandy with soulful eyes.
Scotty laughed. “Mr. Bones thought you were talking about him, Mama.”
She gave the dog a piece of the ham from her pizza.
“Hey, I thought you said not to feed him at the table,” Scotty accused.
“I did. That was a rare treat.”
Scotty turned to Wyatt. “If you help Mama with the cows, can we help you hunt for wolves?”
“Uh...probably not. Today I didn’t find them near easy walking paths. My next trek will be higher into the mountains. I’ll have to be on the lookout for paw prints, or follow noise on my homing device from the wolves’ collars. There may still be snow up there, too, so it’ll be cold as well as tedious.”
“Can you show me how you look for paw prints?” Scotty asked as he took another piece of pizza.
“I can show you how to recognize Mr. Bones’s prints, and how they differ from a rabbit, a horse or other creatures that may hunt mice around your barn. Uh, if it’s okay with your mom,” he added.
“I’m fine with it as long as you don’t follow them into the woods, Scotty. It’s too easy to get turned around and lost in there.”
“Definitely,” Wyatt stressed. “I carry a GPS and I have a regular old-style compass if my electronics stop working.”
“I’m full,” Scotty said. “Can I see the wolf book now?”
“Maybe Wyatt hasn’t finished eating,” Tandy chided. “Wrap the rest of your pizza and stick it in the fridge to eat tomorrow.”
“Yay. Pizza two times in a row.” The boy hopped up and ran to get foil.
While he was rummaging in a drawer, Wyatt leaned toward Tandy. “As well as a book, I ran across a poster of a wolf family. I bought it, but if you think Scotty’s too curious about wolves, I won’t give it to him.”
“Oh, he’ll love it. His cousin in Hawaii had surfing posters on his wall. Scotty was always envious. He didn’t have his own room at my sister-in-law’s.”
Wyatt ate the last of his salad and excused himself from the table. He retrieved the sack from the bookstore and unrolled the poster for Scotty and his mom to see.
“Wow, wow! I love it. Mama, can we hang it across from my bed so when I wake up I see it? Like where Mark tacked up his surfer dudes?” Not waiting for his mother to say yes or no, Scotty flung his arms around Wyatt. “My daddy never bought me nothing. He’s not dead, Mama said. But he’s gone. I won’t see him anymore and I don’t care. This is the best present I ever got. Can you stay here always, Wyatt? I know Mama said you’re only here ’til you find the wolves. Why do you gotta go away?”
Seeing the shocked expression on Tandy’s face, Wyatt unwound Scotty’s arms. “I’m glad you like the poster. Let’s sit and I’ll read you part of the book.”
The boy plopped down immediately, and Wyatt thought he’d smoothed over an awkward situation. At least he did until he noticed the pleat between Tandy’s eyebrows as she jumped up and hurriedly began to clear the table. Wyatt wondered if he should have said more to extricate himself. Surely she didn’t think he was trying to usurp the place of Scotty’s father. He’d have to find a minute alone to assure her that wasn’t so.
Chapter Three (#u4fbf6d82-7781-513a-a73d-38475abbf074)
Tandy suddenly felt angry all over again at Dan. She had bought Scotty birthday and Christmas gifts and marked them from her and Dan. How could their son be aware his father had never contributed anything? Had she accidentally sounded negative when explaining their divorce? She’d tried to be evenhanded. No matter how it hurt her, she hoped someday Dan would regret turning his back on his son.
While loading the dishwasher, she listened to Wyatt reading and explaining the pictures that went along with the story. There was no mistaking Scotty’s delight. She had to smile over his rapid-fire questions. And yet the man kept up.
Soon done in the kitchen, Tandy still lingered. She didn’t want to interrupt them so she assembled ingredients for chocolate chip cookies and got busy mixing. It didn’t take long.
The timer sounded when the first sheet was done. Suddenly Scotty appeared beside her as she took the pan from the oven. He clutched the book and poster and literally bounced up and down with excitement, almost tripping over Mr. Bones.
“Mama, those smell so good. Can Wyatt and I have some? And will you take a picture on your phone of me with my book and poster? I wanna send it to Mark. Then can I call him? I bet he doesn’t know mama and daddy wolves stay together their whole lives. And their pups go off like people kids do. Wyatt said if either the mama wolf or daddy die, they live with the pack but don’t get married again. Did you know that?” He moved closer to the stove, turning serious when she eyed him with a slight frown. “Okay, wolves don’t really get married ’cause they don’t got churches like us, but it’s’s that word you used, Wolf Man? Uh, Wyatt,” he rushed to say, no doubt because Tandy set the pan of cookies down really hard.
“I said they have a committed relationship,” Wyatt whispered to Tandy, walking into the kitchen. “I could’ve said studies suggest wolves mate for life, but then I’d have to explain what that means.” He wrinkled his nose and scratched the side of his neck, all while offering Tandy a self-conscious shrug. “I was explaining how wolf packs resemble a town in how often families band together.”
Finding his discomfort endearing, Tandy slanted him a smile. “Raising curious, precocious kids can be a challenge. Scotty, let me unload these cookies to the cooling rack and put the next pan in to bake before you take any.”
As she worked, she eyed her son. With her having been away, she worried that he hadn’t received many gifts for no reason. Thanks to Wyatt, right now Scotty was dancing on air. It buoyed her spirits to see him so exuberant.
“I suppose you can call Mark. Let’s see, it’s still early enough in Honolulu so you won’t interrupt their dinner.” She checked her watch as she deftly set the timer again.
“I can take his picture if you’d like,” Wyatt said. “I’ll set up his call if you need to refill that pan. I’d hate for you to burn those great-smelling cookies.”
“That would be helpful, thanks.” She wedged her phone out of her pocket.
Wyatt reached for it and their hands tangled. Tandy almost dropped the phone. He caught it, and she mumbled, “Mark’s number is under Lucinda, his mom’s name.”
Touching her arm briefly as he slipped by her, Wyatt glanced around the small kitchen. “How about you go back and sit on the couch, Scotty? You can unroll the poster, hold it to one side and have the book on your lap. That way we’ll get everything in one photograph.”
“Yay, yay, hurray! Mark will be so jealous. That’s the right word, isn’t it, Mama?” Stopping at the door, Scotty flung the question back over his shoulder. “That’s what Mark used to say about me when he pinned up new surfing posters.”

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