Read online book «The Texas Ranger′s Nanny» author Rebecca Winters

The Texas Ranger's Nanny
Rebecca Winters
SON OF TEXASVic Malone took a solemn oath when he joined the Texas Rangers, and devastating loss only hardened the widower’s resolve to do good in the world. When his only son is kidnapped, he finds invaluable help in Claire Ames, who is just as committed to bringing home the boy they both love.Sweet young Jeremy wasn’t the only male Claire would miss when the chemistry grad left her nanny job to start a career in Houston. But all that matters now is helping Vic find his son. When they do, will she be able to leave, proud of her part in his rescue? Or will her Lone Star lawman realise what she’s known all along—that they share something too wonderful to lose?

Claire felt a hand on her shoulder.
She didn’t realize Vic had come out to the barn. His touch triggered her tears. She started sobbing, and before she realized it, he’d pulled her into his arms. They clung to each other, seeking comfort while the tears gushed down her face, wetting his Western shirt.
As his body heaved with unshed tears, tearing her apart, she was aware of the warm smell of the horses combined with the soap he used in the shower. The heady combination plus the feel of his hard body reminded her he was a man as well as her employer. A beautiful man. A loving father. The ultimate protector. The total male. One who was utterly desirable.
Shaken by the feelings coming from deep inside her, she slowly eased herself out of his arms and stepped away. Too many emotions since she’d been hired had been growing and were taking over, surprising her. Overwhelming her. Tonight it was impossible to separate her feelings for Jeremy from the man who’d fathered him.
The Texas Ranger’s Nanny
Rebecca Winters (
REBECCA WINTERS, whose family of four children has now swelled to include five beautiful grandchildren, lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the land of the Rocky Mountains. With canyons and high alpine meadows full of wildflowers, she never runs out of places to explore. They, plus her favorite vacation spots in Europe, often end up as backgrounds for her romance novels, because writing is her passion, along with her family and church.
Rebecca loves to hear from readers. If you wish to email her, please visit her website, (
To our wonderful lawmen throughout the country who lay their lives on the line every day to keep us all safe.
Cover (#uf4778f91-e6d6-55f3-b3c2-948a7ecb58ab)
Introduction (#u31637f56-eeeb-5f2c-bd60-c93890e9d51c)
Title Page (#ua40ab1f7-148c-5630-9ea3-09aa06d3070d)
About the Author (#udba15698-9035-5670-b2f4-abcb9b1ff955)
Dedication (#u0706bcea-d4b5-5149-a432-c9021c2c3287)
Chapter One (#ubf98cf21-fb76-515c-9a79-884b62923558)
Chapter Two (#u18b7a879-d2c0-5bac-abf0-9683f8d7fc28)
Chapter Three (#ub3bbbe6b-ca16-51ee-b642-d3deca6deaac)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_aee08214-e605-588d-a4b0-4a4b61befa6a)
“There is a storm warning in effect in the Denton area, where two tornadoes have been confirmed this morning. Those driving toward Denton are advised to take shelter beneath an overpass or to abandon their vehicles and find a ditch, if possible, until the storm pas—”
Unable to listen to any more, Texas Ranger Stephen Victorio Malone—better known as Vic—shut off the radio as he drove from his house to headquarters in downtown Austin Monday morning. Though the weather was in the mideighties and had been for the entire month, he broke out in a cold sweat after hearing the warning. He always listened to the news in the car, but any mention of a tornado triggered a response he doubted he would ever overcome.
Three years ago he’d lost his parents and his wife, Laura, in a tornado near his hometown of Blanco, Texas. His initial grief might have passed, but the pain of losing three people he loved at once would stay with him to the end of his life. If it hadn’t been for his four-year-old son, Jeremy, who wasn’t with the family at the time, he didn’t know if he would have survived it.
Austin didn’t usually get the tornadoes that other parts of the state experienced. For the first three months after the tragedy, Vic had stayed in Blanco while he put up both his house and his parents’ home for sale. During that period, his sister-in-law, Carol, and her husband, Dennis, had helped take care of Jeremy while Vic commuted to work in Austin. Carol and Dennis had two children: Sarah, who was eight, and five-year-old Randy. Randy and Jeremy had become close buddies.
Vic hadn’t been prepared for the pushback he got from Jeremy when he told him they were moving to the suburbs of Austin to be closer to his work. But as much as it pained him to tear his son away from his cousin and new best friend, Vic had to get on with his life. And so did Jeremy. Austin represented a new beginning for the two of them. He couldn’t continue to depend on Laura’s sister to be a mother to his son.
The first thing Vic did when they moved was hire a professional cleaning service to clean his new house. That part was easy. The hard part was finding the right nanny for his son. Through an agency he’d found a woman in her early fifties who was a good fit. But after two years she moved to Dallas to be near her older sister. Then Claire Ames, a college student finishing up a master’s degree at the University of Texas, came into their lives.
Out of the four women Vic interviewed for the position, Claire was the one Jeremy liked the most. Although he felt a little awkward about it, Vic asked her outright if she was in a relationship with anyone that might interfere with her taking care of his son. Claire assured him there hadn’t been anyone since she broke up with her last boyfriend because he didn’t like being put off when she had to study. Her explanation convinced Vic to take a chance on her.
Since then everything had been great, but now Vic was faced with the possibility he might lose Claire, as she had just graduated from her master’s chemistry program. He and Jeremy had gone to the ceremony on Friday. Claire let Jeremy keep her tassel, which he’d proudly hung from a knob on the chest of drawers in his room.
Now Claire was looking for a full-time position as a chemist. Once she found a job in her field, she’d be leaving them.
Though Jeremy had known that Claire wouldn’t always be his nanny, the fact failed to register with his boy. When it came time for her to leave, his son would have a terrible time letting her go. Over the past nine months they’d forged a strong bond. Jeremy was crazy about Claire, who had brought laughter and fun back into the house. Vic couldn’t bear the thought of another loss bringing more pain to his son.
Vic’s buddies at headquarters knew of his dilemma and encouraged him to pay Claire more money. Maybe she could be bribed into staying another year before leaving to work for some company who knows where. His fear was that she’d be leaving the state. He’d grown used to her presence and couldn’t imagine her living so far away. And Jeremy would have a real problem accepting that he might never see her again.
Vic had substantial savings in the bank from the sale of both homes and his income as a Ranger. And his house in Austin came with enough property to keep his horses there. Money wasn’t a problem, and the idea of offering Claire a substantial raise was tempting.
If she didn’t get the right job offer soon, he’d discuss with her the option of accepting a raise in her salary to keep her with them a little longer. But to be truthful, the reason he was having such a hard time letting her go wasn’t only because of Jeremy. Claire had a fun-loving nature that he liked to be around. They shared the same sense of humor, and she was very respectful of his privacy, which made him feel relaxed around her. You couldn’t bottle her positive attributes any more than you could bottle the coppery red-gold color of her hair. That’s why he knew he could never replace her.
Selfishly, Vic hoped a great job offer wouldn’t come along for at least another year—let alone another man. When he’d hired Claire, she’d told him she didn’t have a boyfriend, and as far as he knew, that was still the case. But knowing how hard she’d worked to earn her graduate degree and make a place for herself in the world, made him feel like a terrible person for wanting to hold her back.
* * *
AFTER THE HOUSE cleaners left, Claire drove the three blocks to Pinehurst Elementary School to pick up little dark-haired Jeremy. The bell rang at three fifteen, but she always got there early because she didn’t want Jeremy to worry. He was usually the first of the kids to run out of the second grade pod. The moment he saw her four-year-old red Honda Civic, he would wave and practically fly to reach the car.
Through school programs and class parties, she’d become acquainted with a lot of the moms who were picking up their kids. She waved to them. They were lined up in their cars all the way down the street. Claire couldn’t imagine loving a child of her own more than she loved Jeremy Malone.
With Vic’s help she’d learned how to ride a horse. The three of them rode on his property when he was able to get home early from work. Vic’s black gelding was named Midnight. Claire rode Marshmallow, the bay Vic’s wife once rode. Jeremy had his own pony, Comet. At seven, he was already quite a horseman. He was the cutest, funniest boy she’d ever met, and he had an amazing imagination.
One day quite recently Jeremy told her he was part Apache. She thought he’d made it up because he loved stories about the frontier days. When she told Vic what his son had confided, Vic had let go with a burst of rich laughter. The tough-looking Texas Ranger had another side to him his son brought out. When the man smiled, her insides melted.
His jet black eyes zeroed in on her. “For once that wasn’t his imagination, Claire. We have Lipan Apache blood flowing through us. Not a large amount. You know that photograph on the wall in my den?”
“If you mean the one of the Sons of the Forty Texas Rangers surrounding Jack Hayes, Jeremy showed it to me.”
“Two of the men were deputized Lipan Apaches fighting for Texas at Bandera Pass in 1842, and one of them is our ancestor through the Malone line. I have a second cousin named Clint who works on the police force. He has a smattering of Apache blood like me and lives in Luckenbach with his wife, Sandra, and family. I occasionally take Jeremy to visit them. We ride and do a little washer pitching.”
“Washer pitching?”
“It’s like playing a game of horseshoes, Texas style. We’ll drive there with the horses when Jeremy’s school lets out. After a ride you can try your hand at it.”
The explanation fascinated Claire. “I had no idea. From now on I’ll try to believe everything your Mini Me tells me.”
Vic lifted one black brow. “Try has to be the operative word. We could get into a whole lot of trouble if we believed all his tales.”
While Claire sat in her car waiting for Jeremy, she couldn’t help smiling. That had been the day she forgot she was a nanny. A fluttering had started up in her chest as she sat across the table from Vic, looking at her tall, hard-muscled, thirty-year-old employer. The fluttering had never gone away, but she’d keep it a secret if it killed her. Were he to know how attracted she was to him, he’d fire her on the spot. She’d been hired to take care of his son, not fixate on Jeremy’s gorgeous father.
As soon as the bell rang, the doors to the school burst open and children started running out. She was surprised when she didn’t see Jeremy right away. Maybe his teacher, Mrs. Rigby, needed to talk to him about something. Claire waited a few minutes before she started to wonder if something could be wrong.
Deciding she’d better check on him, she got out of her car and hurried across the playground to the door leading into the second grade pod. When she peeked inside the classroom, she saw the teacher sitting alone at her desk. No Jeremy. Claire’s heart started to thud.
“Mrs. Rigby?”
The older woman lifted her head. “Hi, Claire. If you’re looking for Jeremy, he left the second the bell rang.”
“But he didn’t come out the doors.”
“Did you check the office? Maybe he’s there for some reason.”
“I’ll do that.”
Claire practically ran down the hall to the main office, but there was no sign of Jeremy. “Have you seen Jeremy Malone since the bell rang?” she asked the secretary. “He’s in second grade. Kind of tallish for his age with dark hair and brown eyes?”
“I know who he is, but no, he hasn’t been in here.”
“Would you call him to the office for me?”
“Sure. I’ll do it right now.”
The secretary got on the PA system and asked Jeremy Malone to report to the front office. She repeated the request three times. When Jeremy still didn’t show up, fear for his well-being cramped Claire’s stomach. Where could he be?
“Will you call the security guard and give him a description? Jeremy wore a blue-and-green plaid shirt and jeans today and he has a blue backpack. And can you ask the guard to check with the crossing guards, and look in all the bathrooms, the library, the gym and anywhere else Jeremy might possibly be? I’m worried about him.”
While the secretary contacted security, the principal came out of her office. “Is there a problem?”
Claire nodded. “I can’t find Jeremy Malone. He didn’t come out to the car. I’m going to phone his father and let him know what’s happened.”
“Maybe you should wait until we’ve confirmed he hasn’t gone home with a friend,” the principal suggested.
“No, I have to call him. Jeremy could be in danger.”
She’d been around Vic long enough to know that when a person went missing, the first twelve hours were crucial in finding them alive. “Jeremy wouldn’t go home with a friend without getting my permission first. We have strict rules about that.” Sick to her stomach by now, Claire pulled out her phone and called Vic.
He answered after three rings. “Hi, Claire. What’s up?”
“I’m worried about Jeremy.”
“What’s wrong?” Tension crept into Vic’s deep voice.
“I’m here at the school to pick him up, but he never came out. I got here ten minutes before the bell like I always do, but there’s been no sign of him. I’ve checked with his teacher and with the office. They’ve called his name over the intercom, but he hasn’t shown up. The security guard just walked in the door. He’s been looking everywhere for him but he’s shaking his head.”
“I’ll be right there. You drive home. Maybe a friend’s mother dropped him off. Call the list of parents we keep by the phone.”
“Okay, I will.” She hung up and told the principal she was going home to see if Jeremy was there. “Ranger Malone is on his way here.”
“Let’s hope Jeremy made his way home and is waiting for you.”
If he did that, then he’d have left the school through another entrance. Claire hurried out of the building to the car. As she drove to the house, she called out to any kids she could see who were walking home from school. No one had seen Jeremy. Adrenaline caused her heart to pound so hard it was painful.
If anything had happened to Vic’s son...
She shouldn’t go there, but she couldn’t help it. Three years ago Vic had lived through the nightmare of losing his wife and his parents. For him to have to go through his only child’s disappearance seemed unimaginably cruel. But her gut told her something bad had happened to Jeremy.
Vic’s job as a Texas Ranger made him a target for felons he’d put in prison who were out for revenge. His line of work was terribly dangerous. In fact, when he’d hired Claire, he’d warned her she would have to be extra careful at all times, for her own safety, as well as for Jeremy’s.
Jeremy was a very obedient kid. He worshipped his father and told Claire he wanted to be a Texas Ranger like his dad when he grew up. Because of his lively imagination, Jeremy had a spy kit he kept adding to. He’d also come up with a secret password for them to use if either one of them was ever in trouble. Wolverine. It was the name of his favorite action figure.
If someone tried to call him on the phone and pretended to be Claire, they had to give him the password. The same held true if someone pretending to be Jeremy called her. The two of them laughed about it when Jeremy came up with the plan, but she wasn’t laughing now. If that dear boy wasn’t found soon...
Too many negative thoughts ran through her mind as she called the last name on the list of Jeremy’s friends. Her heart sank to learn that his friend Nate had been home from school all day with a cold and had no idea where Jeremy could be.
* * *
VIC RACED TO his boss’s office. “Captain?”
TJ Horton raised his gray head. “What is it, Vic? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“My son is missing. I don’t have a good feeling about this, and I’m headed over to Pinehurst Elementary on Wilson Drive right now. I’m going to treat it as a crime scene and I’ll need backup to meet me there. Put a surveillance crew on my house. Claire could be in danger as we speak.”
The head of the Rangers nodded. “Kit’s in the building. I’ll send him over there, too, and I’ll tell Dino and Carlos to keep an eye on your nanny.”
Vic rushed out to his gray Chevy Tahoe in the parking area. On his way to the school, Claire phoned to tell him she was at the house, but Jeremy wasn’t there. She’d called the mothers of all the kids he played with, but no one had seen or heard from him.
“Thanks. You stay put, Claire. I’ll be in touch soon. Just so you know, we’re putting some men outside the house to guard you. They’ll be in a surveillance van, so don’t be worried when you see an unfamiliar vehicle near the house.”
“I won’t.”
Vic’s cold sweat had seeped through his clothes by the time he reached the school. He ran into the main office, where he found the principal telling some other teachers about Jeremy. She turned to him. “Ranger Malone, we’re devastated this has happened.”
“Me, too. I need a list of all personnel working inside and outside the building with addresses and phone numbers.”
“Here’s a copy for you,” the secretary said and handed the sheet to him.
“Thank you.” He turned to the principal again. “Who was on recess duty today? I need to know if there were any strangers on the playground or maintenance workers from the school district.”
“I’ll get all that information for you right now.”
Mrs. Rigby walked over to him. “I’m so sorry,” she said.
“It’s not your fault. I just want to know if Jeremy was acting any different than usual today.”
“No. He’s a good student and always well behaved. They were finishing their math when the bell rang. He’s almost always the first one out of his desk, and today was no exception. That’s all I can tell you.”
“Did you have any visitors in your class? Anything different from the normal routine?”
“No. Nothing.”
“When he first got to school this morning, he didn’t seem upset? It didn’t seem as if there could be anything bothering him?”
“No. Today was a very normal day from beginning to end.”
Vic sucked in his breath. “Okay. Thank you.” He saw his close friend Kit out of the corner of his eye. The other Ranger made a beeline for him. “The crew is already setting up a place in the classroom next door to fingerprint everyone working in the building.”
As they spoke, he could hear the principal over the loudspeaker asking all the teachers and staff to come to the office for a police matter.
“Glad you’re here, Kit. Claire’s phoned all the parents of Jeremy’s friends. No one has seen him. Let’s scour the second grade pod area first. He was in his seat right up until the bell rang. Whatever happened took place immediately after dismissal.”
Directly outside the classroom was a cloakroom where the kids kept their coats and backpacks on hooks and a shelf that ran the length of the wall. With the exception of a Windbreaker on one of the hooks and a baseball cap with a Texas Longhorns logo, neither of which belonged to Jeremy, the cloakroom was empty.
Vic shook his head. “Jeremy wouldn’t have come in here after school since he keeps his backpack with him.”
From the hallway outside the cloakroom there was a short walk past other classrooms to get to the main hallway. At that point, you could either go left to the office or right to an exit that led to the playground area. En route to the exit, they passed a door that said Custodial Staff.
Vic glanced at Kit. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Yup. It’s a perfect place to hide or nab a kid walking down the hall.”
Vic pulled a pair of plastic gloves from his back pocket and put them on before turning the knob. The door was locked. “I’ll call the office to send someone down to open it.”
Kit said, “I’ll go outside the building to see where it leads. Be right back.”
In a minute a custodian who looked to be in his fifties showed up. “I’m Oscar Fyans, the head custodian. How can I help?”
Vic asked him how many custodians worked at the school.
“There are three of us.”
“Do you all have your own areas that you’re responsible for?”
“Yes. I have the second floor.”
“Who’s in charge of the first floor?”
“Reba Cowan covers the auditorium, library, the gym, the cafeteria and the grounds. Leroy Bennett covers the first-floor classrooms and bathrooms, but he called in sick this morning, so Reba and I are covering for him.”
“How many years have you worked here?”
“What about Mrs. Cowan?”
“She’s going on thirteen years.”
“And Leroy Bennett?”
“He’s only been here a couple of months.” For some reason that sent up a red flag. “The other custodian retired.”
“I see. Have you been in this closet at any time today?”
“No, sir.”
“Where’s Mrs. Cowan right now?”
“She’s in the office with the rest of the staff.”
“Will you get her on the phone so I can speak to her?”
“Yes, sir.”
Oscar punched in some numbers and after getting Reba on the line, he passed the phone to Vic. “Mrs. Cowan? This is Ranger Malone. As you know, my son Jeremy has been missing since school let out. Have you been over in the second grade pod or the main hallway at any time since school started today?”
“No. I heard Leroy called in sick, so I was going to get to that area after I finished my regular rounds.”
“Thank you.” He handed the phone back to Oscar. “Is it the rule to keep these storage closets locked?”
“Yes, sir.”
“So if Leroy didn’t show up today, then to your knowledge this closet hasn’t been opened since it was locked last evening.”
“That’s right. Leroy would have ensured it was locked before leaving the school.”
“Will you please put on this glove and unlock the door for me?” Vic pulled another glove from his pocket.
After the custodian put it on, he pulled up his chain of keys from his belt and found the right key. When it clicked, Vic turned the knob and opened the door. He discovered a person could lock the door from the inside.
“Take your time looking around in here, Mr. Fyans. Do you see anything missing?”
The man scratched his head. “Yeah. There should be the big garbage can set on wheels that we roll to the classrooms, but it’s not here.”
“That’s all I need to know. Thank you. Please go to the office and get fingerprinted. I’ll take your glove.”
“Yes, sir.”
Kit rejoined him and Vic told him about the missing garbage can. “You didn’t by any chance see a garbage can with wheels while you were outside, did you?”
Kit shook his head. “But there are a couple of maintenance vehicles parked right outside on the playground. I talked to two men who were doing some repair work on the roof. If Jeremy was taken out this exit, another vehicle could have been waiting there for him and no one would have questioned it. I checked for tire marks on the asphalt outside the door and didn’t see any. I’ve put in a call to the school district to find out if a truck is missing.”
“Good. Let’s search this closet thoroughly.”
Kit pulled on his own pair of gloves and started dusting for prints.
* * *
“ARE YOU THINKING there could be some connection to the big arrest you made three months ago?”
Vic grimaced because Kit had been reading his mind. Two months ago Vic had been appointed to the NIGC known as the Indian Gaming Working Group because of that arrest. The group consisted of representatives in the economic crimes unit of graft and corruption. Their work was to identify resources to address the most pressing criminal violations in the area of Indian illegal gambling interests.
After tracking down violations from one of the Indian casinos near Luckenbach, Vic had arrested lobbyist Edgar “Lefty” Quarls for committing conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion. He and his slippery gang of thugs had grossly overbilled their clients and secretly split the multimillion-dollar profits. In one case they orchestrated lobbying against their own clients in order to force them to pay for lobbying services.
At the last report, the tribes were being bilked out of $85 million, but that was only the tip of the iceberg. As one of the key people spearheading the scandal and then being appointed to the NIGC, Vic had no doubts Jeremy had been kidnapped as a personal warning to him to lay off.
This wasn’t the case of someone wanting a ransom. Vic didn’t have that kind of money. Like Kit, the more he thought about it, the more he was convinced this had to do with his new assignment to the gaming group dedicated to making more arrests.
To take Vic’s child from the school in broad daylight smacked of revenge in its most evil form. Lefty had to be involved with someone very high up politically who knew the particulars about Vic’s life and hated him enough to hire someone to help pull this off. Why not bribe a janitor?
At the thought of anyone harming Jeremy, searing pain reached his gut, almost cutting off his breathing.
“Your son is tough. We’re going to find him, Vic.”
He nodded and brushed the tears from his eyes with his shirtsleeve. They checked every inch of the closet for clues that Jeremy had been held there. As far as Vic could tell, there was no sign of a struggle.
After they’d taken half a dozen fingerprints and put them in bags to send to forensics, Vic looked at the yellow bucket wringer in the corner. He walked over and lifted the mop. In the bottom of the bucket he saw a round two-inch button.
He leaned over and picked it up. The second he saw the picture, his heart leaped. “This looks like one of the action hero magnets Jeremy got for Christmas!”
“If that’s his, he’s left you a clue, Vic. He’s not your son for nothing.”
“Dear Lord, I hope that’s true. It means he was dragged in here and able to get it out of his pocket or backpack before he was taken away.” Vic slid the magnet into another baggie.
Kit said, “You drive to the lab quick while I round up the crew. We’ll meet you at headquarters. Do you have Jeremy’s prints on file?”
“Yes. Last year he wanted to know what it was like when we made an arrest, so I had him fingerprinted at the office to experience the process. I made a copy for him to take home, but his prints are on my computer.”
“Then before long you should know if you have a match.”
Vic made sure the closet was locked and then hurried outside to his car while Kit took off in the other direction. On the drive to headquarters, he phoned Claire.
“Any news?” she cried. Her question meant his precious son hadn’t come home. His heart almost failed him, but he had to focus. Every minute Jeremy was gone, the chances of getting him back alive diminished.
“Claire? Do me a favor? Check on those little two-inch magnets he has in his room with the action figures on them.” This was a long shot, but it was imperative he investigate every possible lead. “I think there were eight of them. Let me know if any are missing.”
“Just a second. He usually keeps them in the top drawer of his desk.”
Thank heaven she knew his son so well. Every second while he waited, visions of what could be happening to Jeremy passed through his mind, torturing him.
“Vic? I found six.”
“Do you know which two are missing?”
“Yes. His favorites—Wolverine and Sabretooth. Why do you ask?”
He looked at the face of the magnet through the baggie. “Because I’m holding Wolverine in my hand. I believe he left me a clue in the janitor’s closet outside his classroom. I found it in the bottom of the bucket.”
“Oh Vic—I know he did.”
The conviction in her voice sent chills through him. “How do you know?”
“Did I ever tell you about the password your son thought up while we were playing spy one day?”
Vic drew in a deep breath. “No. What password?”
In the next minute she explained about their secret code. “He knew exactly what he was doing when he left Wolverine there for you to find. That clever boy. I love him so much. I know you’re going to find him,” she said with tears in her voice. “I just know it!”
She was a marvel. More than anything on earth he wanted to believe her. He couldn’t lose Jeremy. The thought was unfathomable. “You’ve given me hope, Claire. Thank you. I’m at headquarters now. I’ll call you later.”
He hung up and, after haphazardly parking his vehicle, hurried through the building to the forensics lab. To Vic’s relief the head lab technician was still there. “Stan?”
Before Vic said anything else, the other man rushed over to him with a concerned look on his face. “I heard about your son. What can I do to help?”
His compassion was touching. “We’ve got more fingerprint samples coming from the staff at the school, but I’d like to find out if Jeremy’s fingerprints are on this.” He handed him the bag with the magnet. “We found it in the janitor’s closet outside Jeremy’s classroom. I’ll go upstairs and send my son’s set of fingerprints to you right now.”
“I’ll get on it immediately.”
Vic raced up the stairs two at a time. Little did he dream that one day those fingerprints he’d taken to satisfy his son’s curiosity would be needed.
It didn’t take him long to get on his computer and send the vital information to the lab from his personal file. When Vic went back down, he found Kit had arrived with the other bags. “I’ve got Leroy Bennett’s address. When you’re ready, I’ll drive over to his place with you and we’ll find out if he was really sick today.”
Vic’s teeth ground together. “Yup. Someone had a key to that closet who shouldn’t have.”
They moved over to the table where Stan was working. He had images of Jeremy’s fingerprints up on the screen in front of him. He studied the print that had been taken off the magnet with his magnifying loop. Finally he turned to Vic. “They’re a match.”
Until Stan gave him the verdict, Vic didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath. Kit clamped his hand on Vic’s shoulder. “Okay. Now we know where we’re going with this.”
He nodded. “Let’s head upstairs and run Leroy Bennett’s name through the IAFIS database. If he has a criminal record, we’ll find out. Thanks, Stan.”
“We’ll do whatever we can down here to help.”
Vic hurried back upstairs to his office and typed in Bennett’s name on the computer in case he had a police record. Kit stood next to him while they waited to see if anything came up.
“Here we go,” Vic muttered.
William Leroy Bennett, 39, Austin, Texas
Six feet
180 pounds
Green eye tattoo above inner wrist of left arm
Two snake tattoos on his chest
A half-moon shaped scar on side of his chin
Dark blond hair short cropped
Arrested in a park in Austin, Texas. He and several other individuals had a confrontation with another group of males. Both sides made derogatory comments. The altercation resulted in a fistfight. Bennett delivered the punch that knocked the victim unconscious. He eventually died. Bennett was determined to suffer from PTSD after a tour of duty in Iraq. After serving two months in prison on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, the charge was dropped and he was released.
Kit frowned. “Look at the date.”
“It’s close to the date when I made that arrest. He’s only been out of prison three months. No arrests since then, but it’s too light a sentence,” Vic muttered. “The district isn’t allowed to hire anyone who’s had a prison record, but since the charge was dropped, I guess the rule didn’t apply.”
“The information on Leroy’s school file says he started working for the district a week after his release from prison. Someone higher up had the power to pull strings like that,” Kit theorized. “I’ll get the full police report on the other men involved in the assault. Maybe the ones causing the confrontation with Leroy work for someone who gives them orders when they want a hit made.”
“That’s what I’m thinking.” Vic got to his feet. “Before the night is over I want to talk to the person at the district who hired him, and find out who put the pressure on him or her. It’s time to pay Leroy a visit to find out just how sick he is. Let’s go in my car.”
“I’ll call headquarters right now to get that process started.”
It was ten to six when they left the building and drove to the Walnut Creek area known as a hot spot for a large number of auto thefts and larceny. Bennett lived in an older three-story apartment building, in unit 22. Vic parked the car and they entered the main foyer. Several tenants had to have been just getting back from work. They were checking their mailboxes, which were located inside the building.
Vic followed the arrow to Bennett’s apartment on the main floor. He knocked on the door. No answer. He tried it again.
Kit grimaced. “We need a warrant.”
“Barring that, let’s check with that woman across the hall.” Vic walked over to the woman who held a sack of groceries in one arm and was in the middle of opening her door. She looked to be in her twenties.
“Ma’am? Can we speak to you for a minute?” He pulled out his ID. “I’m Ranger Malone. This is Ranger Saunders.”
She eyed them suspiciously. “What do you want?”
“Can you tell us about the man living in apartment 22? He doesn’t seem to be home at the moment.”
“I try to avoid him. He’s been bugging me to go out with him since I moved in here two months ago. He bragged about being in Iraq.”
“Does he ever have friends over?”
“Not that I’ve noticed.” She hunched her shoulders. “He’s weird, wanting to show me all his tattoos, you know? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s in some kind of trouble.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“This morning. His parking stall is in the rear near mine. I saw him loading up the back of his truck. I asked him if he was moving out. He just nodded and drove off. I’m glad he’s gone and good riddance.”
Vic felt as if he’d been stabbed. His only lead already had a ten-hour advantage on him. “Can you describe the truck for us?”
“I don’t know models. It was blue and looked old with a bunch of dents.”
“Four doors? Two doors?”
“Two doors I think.”
“What time was that?”
“Quarter after eight. I have to be to work at eight thirty.”
“Thank you for your time.”
With that news, the two of them rushed out of the building to Vic’s car. “I’ll call in for a license plate number. Once it’s found I’ll ask TJ to send out an Amber Alert. I wouldn’t doubt if Leroy was paid off to do his part in the kidnapping, and now he’s headed for the border.”
Kit nodded. “He must have driven to the school right before the bell and put Jeremy in the garbage bin. All he had to do was put it in the truck parked outside the door and take off with no one being the wiser.”
Bile started to rise in Vic’s throat. “We’ve got to find him.” He put in a call to the captain. The blood pounded in his temples. Someone had used Leroy to carry out the kidnapping. He could be anywhere in the state by now. If he slipped over the border, it could take a long time to track him down.
When he got off the phone with the captain, Kit looked at him. “As soon as you drop me off at headquarters, I’ll ask the boss to get us a warrant to search Leroy’s apartment and take a look at his bank and cell phone records.
“Good. Pray we’ll come across something that could give us answers. Whoever in Human Resources hired him was taking orders from higher up. I’m hoping we’ll catch a break here.”
“After we make the search I’ll get on the phone and help you talk to the other teachers and school staff who might be able to give us more information about Leroy.”
“Claire will help us. We’ll call everyone from home with the list the secretary gave me. Someone has to know about his private life and the people he hung out with. I’ll call to let her know I’ll be home soon.” Vic held the steering wheel tighter. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Kit. Someone has my son—”
“We’re going to find him, Vic.”
Chapter Two (#ulink_7687e26d-da02-5f15-9301-19f4f52cd9b1)
After hearing from Vic, Claire hung up and started to fix dinner. She was so horrified over Jeremy’s disappearance that she’d lost her appetite. As for his poor father, she knew Vic wouldn’t be able to eat, but he needed food in order to keep going. That meant making something light.
Taking stock of the groceries they had, she put together some dinner rolls with ham and cheese. Accompanied by fruit and hot coffee, they would hopefully tempt him. While she listened for Vic’s car in the driveway, her mom phoned again to hear if there’d been any word on Jeremy.
“Not yet. Oh, Mom—” Claire broke down in tears. “I couldn’t bear if anything happened to him.”
“We’re all praying he’s found soon. Barbara and Kaye have offered to help any way they can.”
She loved her sisters. “Tell them thank you.”
“You have to have faith that Ranger Malone will find him.”
“I do. You don’t know how much I love that boy.”
“I’ve known that for a long time.”
Of course she did. Claire never stopped talking about him. “This is a nightmare, Mom. Oh—I think I hear Vic now. I’ll call you later.”
She clicked Off and dashed across the living room to the front door. When she opened it, Vic had just reached the porch. Before walking through the door, he flashed her a look that revealed his terror.
Claire followed him through the house to the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”
He’d gone over to the sink and was drinking water from the tap. The poor man had been gutted. Claire had never felt so helpless. Once he’d washed his hands, he turned to her while he wiped them with a towel. “How are you holding up? I haven’t even thanked you for phoning me the moment you knew he’d disappeared.”
“I’m all right,” she lied. “After all the times we talked about what we should do in situations like this...” She fought the tears stinging her eyelids. “I just never thought...”
“That one would become reality?” he said.
“Neither did I,” he ground out.
She took a deep breath. “Now that it has, I’m here to do anything you need.”
“I’ve got dozens of phone calls to make while I wait to hear from Kit. We’ve put out an Amber Alert on Jeremy naming Leroy Bennett as his abductor.”
“Who is he?”
In the next breath Vic told her all that had happened since he’d driven ninety miles an hour to the school, breaking every law in the process. “He could be anywhere, Claire. As for Jeremy...”
“Come and sit down,” she urged him. “I’ll help you make those calls while we eat.” She took the things she’d prepared out of the fridge and put the food on the kitchen table. The coffee was ready. She poured a cup for both of them.
To her relief, he sat down and pulled a folded sheet of paper from his pocket. “This is the list of the school staff. Someone who works there has to have information that could help us figure out where Leroy might have gone.”
“Or know some of his habits,” she murmured. “I agree. Why don’t you call the names from A to M and I’ll take N to Z? Just a second. I’ll get some paper for us to take notes.”
She ran to his office and pulled some sheets from the printer tray. After plucking two pens from his mug that said World’s Greatest Dad—the mug she and Jeremy had bought for Vic’s Christmas present—she returned and gave him the materials. He was already on the phone.
Claire pulled her phone out of her jeans pocket and got started on her section of the list. As they worked through the list of names, she noted with satisfaction that he automatically reached for a roll. Before long, three of the rolls had disappeared and he’d started on the grapes. She topped up his coffee and finished her section of the list.
But her spirits plummeted when it became clear that no matter how many calls they made, they weren’t going to get any pertinent information on Leroy. Everyone said he was a loner. The gym teacher said Leroy had serious social problems, which corroborated what the woman at the apartment building had told Vic.
While Vic was still on the phone, Claire got an idea and phoned Nate’s mom. “Sorry to bother you, Ann.”
“Not at all. Did you find Jeremy?”
Claire struggled not to break down. “Not yet. We’re still looking for him.”
“Oh, no...what can I do to help?”
“Would you mind putting Nate on the phone? He and Jeremy are best friends. I’d just like to ask him a few questions without worrying him.”
“Of course. I’ll get him.”
After a few seconds, Nate came on the line. “Hi, Claire.” The boy sounded croupier than when she’d spoken with him earlier.
“How are you doing, bud?”
“Not very good.”
“I’m sorry. Listen, Nate. I’ve got something really, really important to ask you. Do you know the custodian who cleans your room at school?”
“Is he the one with the big green eye on his arm?”
Claire swallowed hard. “I didn’t know that. Has he ever talked to you?”
“Last Friday he was in the closet in the hall after class. He called out to me and Jeremy.”
The admission filled her with alarm. “What did he want?”
“He said he had some neat tattoos to show us.”
Her eyes closed tightly. “Had he ever talked to you two before?”
“What did you say?”
“We both kept walking.”
“Good for you. That was exactly the right thing to do. Did you tell your mother?”
“Why not?”
“I forgot.”
Good grief. Jeremy hadn’t said anything to Claire or Vic either. She guessed the incident hadn’t frightened them. “Thanks for telling me, Nate. I hope you get well soon. May I speak to your mom again?”
While she waited, she looked at Vic, who’d just gotten off the phone. “Nate’s mom doesn’t know everything that’s happened. I think you need to talk to her. Nate just told me something scary. It happened last Friday.”
When she related what Nate had told her, Vic reached for the phone and talked to Nate’s mom while Claire took the dishes to the sink. After he hung up, he walked over to the stove to pour himself another cup of coffee.
“What made you think to call Nate?”
She turned to him. “Nobody at the school could give me any information. The custodians don’t eat in the cafeteria and they don’t attend the staff meetings. Leroy was invisible to the teachers I phoned on the list. But none of them had complaints about his work. At that point I figured maybe one of the kids might know something.”
He studied her features for a moment. “Since you’re a chemist, I shouldn’t be surprised you’re a natural born detective. I think you’re looking for work in the wrong field.”
Claire smiled but let the remark pass.
“That bit of information from Nate about his wanting to show them his tattoos proves that Leroy was getting ready to set things up and had been waiting for the right moment to kidnap Jeremy.”
“It was perfect timing. Nate was sick and didn’t go to school today. The janitor saw Jeremy was alone and grabbed him. I’m sure that’s exactly what happened.”
“The kidnapping was no random act. It proves my theory that it was in retaliation for cracking down on the illegal gambling taking place at the Indian gaming casinos.”
Claire was certain of it. “Nate says the janitor has a tattoo with a green eye.”
“According to the rap sheet on him, he has snake tattoos running down his chest, too.”
She shook her head in revulsion. “I take it you didn’t learn any helpful information.”
“No. So far you’re the only person who’s given me some clues to work with. If you weren’t such a great nanny, you wouldn’t have even known where he keeps those little magnets, let alone know the names of them. I’m indebted to you, Claire.” His voice throbbed, revealing the depth of his pain.
“It’s so little to work with.”
“But every tiny scrap of evidence starts to form a pattern.” His black eyes took on a savage look as he stared into space. “Frightening, isn’t it, that people like Leroy get into our school system when they have a prison record?”
She let out a gasp. “He was in prison?”
“On an involuntary manslaughter charge. It usually carries a sentence from ten to sixteen months. But he was let out after only serving three. Someone fixed it for him to be released early.”
“How could he have gotten a job at the school?”
He raised his eyebrows. “Normally he couldn’t, but someone high up the chain who has a vendetta against me made sure his record was expunged so he could be hired.”
“Do you have an idea who it could be?”
“I’ve got a hunch, but it’s a big one. Actually, several people come to mind.” Politics was a dirty business. He could think of a few names, but they weren’t for her ears.
Vic’s phone buzzed and he grabbed for it. When he’d hung up, he turned to Claire and said, “Good old TJ. The Amber Alert has gone out with all the information on Jeremy and Leroy, including pictures.”
“It’s going to work, Vic. Whenever I get an alert on my phone, I’m extra vigilant. Someone out there is going to recognize one of them and call it in to the police.”
In profile he looked as stiff as a block of wood. Heartsick, Claire started when her phone rang, too. She clicked On. “Dad?”
“Sweetheart. We were watching TV when the Amber Alert flashed across the screen.”
“I know. It’s out all over. Keep praying someone’s going to have information.”
“We’re doing that. Are you okay?”
“I will be when Jeremy is home.”
“You need to be extra careful.”
“I know, but Vic has provided protection for me. Thanks for calling. I’ll keep in touch with you. Love you.”
She clicked Off and glanced at Vic, who took one phone call after another. He belonged to that special Ranger brotherhood known as the Sons of the Forty. No doubt they were calling Vic to give him hope and offer their services. Her heart ached for this courageous man who protected everyone else. Now it was time everyone came to his rescue. Inwardly, Claire was leading the charge.
While he was occupied, she went out back to the barn to check on the horses and make sure they had enough food and water. She moved to Comet’s stall. “Hey, Comet.” She patted his neck. “I know you’ve been looking for Jeremy. Sorry you didn’t get your exercise today. We’ve all been looking for him.” In a flood of emotion she rested her head against him. “He has to come home. He has to, or I don’t know what I’ll do.”
While she hung on to Comet, she felt a hand cup her shoulder. She didn’t realize Vic had come out to the barn. He’d probably heard her talking to the pony. His touch triggered her tears. She started sobbing and before she realized it, he’d pulled her into his arms. They clung to each other, seeking comfort while the tears gushed down her face, wetting his Western shirt.
As his body heaved with unshed tears, tearing her apart, she was aware of the warm smell of the horses combined with the soap he used in the shower. The heady combination plus the feel of his hard body reminded her he was a man as well as her employer. A beautiful man. A loving father. The ultimate protector. One who was utterly desirable and had been utterly devastated.
Shaken by the feelings coming from deep inside her while he was suffering unimaginable pain, she slowly eased herself out of his arms and stepped away. Since she’d been hired, she’d experienced too many emotions toward Jeremy and his father, and her emotions were now taking over. Consuming her. Tonight it was impossible to separate her feelings for Jeremy from the man who’d fathered him.
“Thank you for looking after the horses, Claire. Let’s go back inside.” He closed the barn doors behind them and they walked toward the house. Night had fallen. She shuddered to think of Jeremy out there somewhere, alone and terrified. Her mind wouldn’t let her entertain the possibility that he wasn’t alive. She could only imagine Vic’s thoughts right now.
“What else can we do? Give me a job, any job, and I’ll do it.”
“It’s a waiting game at the moment,” Vic said as they went into the den, where he kept his computer. “Kit phoned back to let me know that no school district trucks were missing. It has to mean Leroy hid my son in the back of his truck, but where he took him is anyone’s guess. If—”
“Don’t say it, Vic. You’ll find him alive. I know you will.”
“You’re right. I’m expecting a phone call from headquarters to keep me briefed on any results from the Amber Alert. And before long, I should hear from Kit, who’s getting a warrant from the judge to search Bennett’s apartment.”
“Do you want me to keep you company, or would you rather be alone?”
His eyes swerved to her. “I’m thankful you’re here.”
Secretly glad he didn’t mind her presence, she sat down in one of the leather chairs. “Have you told your sister-in-law?”
“What about Clint?” He was close to his second cousin.
He sat in the chair at his desk. “I’ll give them both a call right now. The Amber Alert will shock them if they see it first. Thank you for—”
Just then his phone rang again. He wasn’t on for long before he clicked off and jumped to his feet. “I’m heading over to Leroy’s apartment. Kit got the warrant. Don’t worry about your safety. The surveillance team will be watching you on a constant basis. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Take care, Claire.”
She got up and walked him to the front door. “I’m sure you’ll find something that will help.”
“We’ve got to!” he called over his shoulder on the way to his car.
Her heart ached for him. His baby boy was missing. No parent was ever prepared for news like that, but if anyone could solve this case, Vic could. He was Jeremy’s superhero.
Once Vic’s car disappeared from view, she went to her bedroom to check her email. Claire had been on several job interviews already, but didn’t think she would hear back from anyone this soon. But she needed something—anything—to do to keep busy until she heard from Vic.
He’d set up a desk for her in her bedroom, where she could study on her laptop. Since the day he’d hired her, no one could have been more thoughtful and considerate than Vic. The single-floor ranch style house was spacious with four bedrooms, a large kitchen, dining room and a den, where Vic kept an office. A family room off the vaulted living room contained an entertainment center with comfy couches and chairs. She’d fallen in love with the house, but tonight there was no Jeremy inside, and the place felt like a tomb.
Through bleary eyes she checked her inbox for new messages. To her surprise, two of the companies she’d applied to had responded to her. She opened the first one.
Dear Ms. Ames:
We would like you to come in for a second interview for the toxicologist/analytical chemist position at the new reference lab in the Houston–Sugar Land–Baytown area. As explained to you earlier, the lab is seeking a candidate for the day shift with experience in developing methods for urine toxicology drug testing on a wide menu of analytes. We have set up an interview with you on Friday, May 27, at 1:00 p.m. with the head of the new lab. The salary range of $75,000–$110,000 is negotiable based on experience. Please respond ASAP.
She closed it and scrolled down to the email from Landry Scientific in Houston.
Dear Ms. Ames:
A staff member from Landry Scientific will be meeting with you on Thursday, May 26, at 11:00 a.m. for your second interview. The thrust of your work will be to conduct research, analysis, synthesis and experimentation on polymeric substances, for such purposes as product and process development and application, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and improvement of analytical methodologies. We are offering further incentives in terms of paying for additional schooling. The salary of $70,000 is negotiable based on experience and education. Please let us know if the meeting date and time are not convenient for you.
Claire buried her face in her hands. Pleased as she was at receiving this news, with Jeremy missing she couldn’t think about more interviews right now. She could hardly breathe for the pain.
Too distraught to focus on anything, she closed her email and got ready for bed. While Vic was out actively pursuing the criminal who was responsible for Jeremy’s disappearance, she was home, dying inside and unable to help.
Vic expected her to stay here. What if, by some miracle, the lowlife dropped Jeremy off somewhere and he was able to contact her? She had to stay put, but it was going to be the longest, most agonizing night of her life.
* * *
WITH KIT HELPING VIC, they scoured Leroy’s empty apartment for clues, but there was nothing, not even a waste basket. After seeing the warrant, the manager had let them in.
“Does Bennett owe you money?” Vic asked.
“No, sir. He paid me cash up front for two months.”
Vic exchanged glances with his partner. “So you knew he was leaving today?”
“That’s right.”
“Did you require a cleaning deposit?”
“Yes. He covered that, too.”
“You knew he’d been in prison?”
“A lot of guys have served time. He said he had a job at a school as a custodian. As long as they pay me, I don’t care.”
“Did he tell you anything about where he might be going?”
“I asked, but he said it was none of my damn business.”
“The woman across the hall said he drove an older blue pickup truck.”
“Anything you noticed about it besides the dents?
“Like what?”
“Anything that would make it different from another truck just like it.”
“Um, I do remember one thing. There was an oval decal on the back window with a crazy word like duda printed on it. Are you through with me? I’ve got to get back to my apartment. I’ve got dinner on the stove.”
“Go ahead.”
The second he walked away, Vic phoned headquarters to report the decal. After he hung up, Kit said, “I’ve learned that Jamison Lowell was the person who hired Leroy. He’s no longer working for the school district office, but I have the guy’s address.”
Vic clenched his jaw. “Let’s go find him.”
Kit followed him to East Austin and they pulled up in front of a rambler home with a tidy yard. After walking to the front door, Vic rang the bell and they waited. When no one answered, he rang it again. This was like déjà vu.
“Stay there and keep trying. I’ll run next door to the neighbor’s house and find out what I can.” Kit took off. Vic walked around the house and used his flashlight to look in the windows. The place was empty.
When he could hear voices from next door, he hurried over to join Kit, who introduced him to an older couple.
“These people here say that the Lowells moved last week. They don’t know where, but figure they wanted to be near their only daughter, who’s married and lives in Colorado.”
“Do you know where in Colorado?” Vic pressed.
The woman pondered the question. “I’m pretty sure the daughter and her husband live in Vail. They do a lot of skiing.”
“Do you know their last name?”
“I think it might be Preston,” the husband said.
“Do you know what kind of car the Prestons have? Maybe from when they visited the Lowells?”
“A blue, four-door Passat.”
“Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.”
“I hope the Lowells aren’t in any trouble. They’re such nice people. He worked with the school district you know. We hated to see them move.”
“Sudden, was it?” Vic stared at both of them.
The man nodded. “Yes, but then we didn’t know that much about their family.”
“I don’t see a for sale sign on the lawn.”
“Not yet.”
Vic reached for his wallet and handed them his business card. “Please call my office when you find out the name of the Realtor selling the house.”
“We will. Good night.”
Once they were back at their cars, Vic pounded his fist against his windshield. “This has been organized for several months, Kit. I never saw this coming. Jeremy could be anywhere. He—”
“We’ll find him,” Kit broke in. “I’ll follow you home and contact the Vail police. They’ll do a search for a family with the last name Preston. We’ve got the make of the car. As for you, you need to get some rest. When we get to your place we’ll talk strategy until you’re too tired to think and can sleep.”
“I’ll never be able to sleep, not while my son is missing.”
“Then take a sleeping pill—otherwise you won’t be good for anything. Take a shower first. It’ll help you relax.”
Once at Vic’s house, Vic told Kit to help himself to some coffee and started down the hall. He stopped at Jeremy’s bedroom. It was unearthly still. Jeremy was gone. Pain attacked Vic’s whole body. He sagged against the doorjamb for a minute and let out the sobs that kept coming.
God in heaven, preserve his life. Help me find him.
Brushing a hand across his face, he straightened and began to walk toward his room at the end of the hall. As he passed Claire’s room, he noticed that she’d left the door open and her bedside lamp was on.
“I’m here.” She opened the door wider. “I heard you come in.”
Her feminine silhouette was framed by the soft light. The gold strands in her hair gleamed among the copper. She wore the same kind of pajamas Jeremy wore with superheroes on them. A fragrance like peaches wafted past him. She must have washed her hair while he’d been gone. Jeremy loved this woman.
He cleared his throat. “Kit came home with me. I’m going to shower, and then we’re going to work out a plan to find Jeremy.”
“I’m glad Kit is with you. I’ll make you both something to eat.”
Grateful she was here, he headed for his bedroom. When he emerged ten minutes later, he found her in the kitchen wearing a navy blue bathrobe over her pajamas. She’d made waffles and sausage. Kit was putting food away like he’d never had a meal before.
Vic walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. “I owe you big time, Kit.”
He looked up. “I’m still trying to pay you back for all the times you had my back. Your nanny is taking great care of me. These waffles are the best. Don’t tell me you can’t eat. You have to eat. Jeremy needs you.”
“He does,” Claire’s voice echoed. Vic raised his eyes to hers. She was a beautiful woman even without makeup. Those gray eyes of hers begged him to eat and take care of himself.
Making up his mind he said, “I’ll take whatever Kit is having.”
A smile broke out on her face. “Coming right up.” They ate every waffle she put on their plates. “If you’re full, why not go in the living room so you can lie down on the couch.”
Claire smiled at Kit, who got up first and urged Vic to follow him. He’d refused to take a sleeping pill. She was hoping that with some good food inside him, fatigue would take over and he’d fall asleep.
“I’m going to stretch out, too.” Kit sat down in one of the fat leather chairs and put his feet up on the ottoman.
Vic had come to the table barefoot. She could see his eyelids drooping when he lay down on the couch wearing sweats and a T-shirt. He had to be exhausted.
Before long, both men were asleep. She took her cell phone out of her pocket and snapped a picture of them. If she had it blown up and framed, the plaque beneath would say “Two of the Famous Four Texas Rangers at rest.”
When Jeremy was found—and he would be found, Claire had made up her mind about that—she’d present this precious gift for him to treasure. She’d tell him this was the shape his father was in after searching for him nonstop all day and night. That was how much he loved him.
Claire sat in the chair matching the one Kit occupied and looped her arms around her raised knees to watch over them. She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but the ringing of someone’s cell phone woke her up. Her watch said ten after six in the morning.
Vic jackknifed into a sitting position and answered his phone. At this point Kit had awakened and stood up. She overheard Vic say the name TJ. He was talking to the head of the Rangers.
When he disconnected, he sprang to his feet. “The police caught up with Leroy at an all-night bar in Buda.”
“Buda? It’s not that far away. Thank heaven!” she cried.
“Amen to that. Leroy’s truck was parked outside. The logo the apartment building manager told us about helped find him fast. That clue saved the day. He thought it said ‘duda’ or something close. The officers have taken him into custody at the jail downtown. Guess who was with him?”
“The two guys who got in the fight with him at the park.”
“You’re right on the money, Kit. They were hauled in for questioning, too. Let’s go. I’ll get changed and meet you outside.”
After he disappeared, Claire turned to Kit. “Can I come with you?”
“I know how much you love Jeremy, but this is a police matter.”
“But I feel responsible.”
“In what way?”
“The second I didn’t see Jeremy, I should have run right in the school instead of waiting in the car for a few more minutes.”
“That wouldn’t have made any difference, Claire. This kidnapping was planned down to the second. You shouldn’t feel any guilt, but I guess it’s human nature.”
“It is,” she said. “I can’t stay here and just wait and wait.”
He studied her for a moment. “Maybe you can’t come with us, but if you drive down to the city jail, I’ll tell them to let you in. You can talk to Vic after he’s through vetting Leroy.”
“Thank you, Kit.” She smiled at him gratefully and raced to her bedroom to get dressed.
It took her only a minute to pull on some jeans and a knit top. She slipped on her walking sandals. After brushing her hair, she grabbed her purse and ran through the house to the door behind the kitchen. It led to the garage.
After she’d activated the remote, she backed out and took off for downtown Austin. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a van parked a few houses away and knew it was the surveillance team. Before long she realized they were following her. Those were Vic’s instructions.
I love him. I love his son.
She knew where to find the jail. One day several months ago, she’d humored Jeremy by driving him to see it. Claire had so many memories of him.
After making sure her car door was locked, she walked to the entrance, where an officer met her.
“Can I see some ID?”
She pulled her license from her wallet and showed it to him.
“You’re Ms. Ames. Ranger Saunders said to let you in. You can sit in the lounge to wait for him.” He checked the contents of her purse and gave it back to her.
“Thank you.”
When she opened the door, the cold blast of A/C was welcome. Vic probably wouldn’t like it that she’d come, but she couldn’t stand to sit in the house and do nothing. Kit understood that. A dozen or so others were also waiting in the lounge. But they were here to visit inmates and had to wait until it was their turn.
It was a whole other world down here. Claire shuddered. This was the dark side of life Vic had to deal with day in and day out. But to face the man who’d kidnapped Jeremy had to be something else altogether. She’d never seen Vic’s dark side. She didn’t believe he had one. But this morning he was going to be tested.
Claire decided it was a good thing she wasn’t the one in that jail cell with Leroy. The urge to strangle that monster with her bare hands was so strong she wasn’t sure she’d be able to contain it.
Chapter Three (#ulink_8297223f-8893-5c82-aa5f-8a6dfbc6fafc)
Vic stood in the corner while two guards brought Leroy into the room, his arms behind his back, hands and ankles shackled. His attorney walked in behind them. Kit stood in the hall on the other side of the one-way glass to watch what was going on. Later he’d interrogate Leroy’s friends one at a time.
The school custodian had been put in a black-and-white-striped shirt and pants. The guards pulled out a chair in front of the small table in the bare room and helped him into it. Vic nodded to them and they left. The attorney took a seat in the chair next to him. Vic didn’t recognize him.
Curious, he walked around behind Leroy and peeked at the green eye tattooed to his inner left arm. It was ghoulish. Leroy sat there with his head down. White-hot fury was building inside of Vic and threatening to take over, but he had to remember that this wreck of a human being was his only route to Jeremy. Vic went back to the other side of the table.
“Is my son still alive?”
No answer.
“I want to know who paid you money to kidnap my son. You’ve committed a federal crime. If you tell me where you’ve hidden him and I find him alive, then you’ll only have to serve twenty-five years in prison instead of life.” He stared at the attorney. “Tell him what I just said so he’ll believe it.”
“We’ve already talked. My client wants a jury trial, no plea bargain.”
Someone was paying big dollars for Leroy’s defense. Had they bought the judge, too? “If you’re going for a verdict of insanity, it won’t stick. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been hired at the school.” Vic leaned over the table with his hands on the top. “A jury will convict you and throw away the key.”
“My client will take his chances.”
His jaw hardened. “Even if you know my son’s friend is going to be put on the stand? He’ll testify that you tried to entice him and Jeremy into the custodian’s closet outside his classroom to see your other tattoos.” Vic’s anger was kindled. “Speak up now while I’m still in the mood to listen.”
Leroy sat there like a vegetable, infuriating Vic until he saw red. He lunged across the table and grabbed his shoulders. “Talk to me you worthless coward—”
“Ranger Malone?” He heard Kit’s voice, but he was still so livid, he couldn’t think. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
The interruption got through to Vic, forcing him to release Leroy. On legs that felt as heavy as water, he moved past Kit into the hall.
His friend shut the door. “Hey, bud. I want to beat the crap out of him, too, but when you grabbed the prisoner, you gave his attorney ammunition against you. I wager he’ll inform the captain what happened in there and he won’t sugarcoat it. Come on. Let’s get you out of here. You need to go home. Claire’s outside in the waiting room. She’ll follow you.”
His head jerked around. “What’s she doing here?”
“She wants answers badly, too. Before we left the house she told me she felt guilty because she waited too long to go inside the school when Jeremy didn’t come out right away.”
“That’s absurd.”
“It is, but like I told her, it’s a human reaction to an impossible situation. I’m still waiting to interrogate the two guys brought in with Leroy. When I find out anything, I’ll phone you. Now do what you have to do to stay out of trouble and go home.”
“I can’t do that.”
“You have to.”
He raked a hand through his hair. “If it were your son...”
“If it were my son, then you’d be the one telling me to get a grip and go home.”
“But I’m heading up this case!”
Kit shook his head. “Before I left headquarters the captain told me to keep an eye on you. He’s asking someone else to take over the investigation. You’re too close to it. Get out of here before the attorney sees you and files battery charges against you.”
Vic knew his friend was speaking the truth, but his agony over what had happened to his son had affected his ability to control himself. If he’d had time alone in there with that creep, there’d be nothing left of Leroy. This was a living nightmare.
“Are you ready?” Kit murmured.
No. He’d never be ready while Jeremy was out there suffering, but this was one time when he needed to follow someone else’s counsel. There was no one he trusted more than Kit.
After taking a deep breath, he followed him down the hall to the door that led to the lounge.
Claire saw him immediately and hurried over to him. The worry lines on her lovely face reminded him he wasn’t the only one in pain over Jeremy’s disappearance. “I wish I had any new information, Claire. For now all we can do is go home. Kit’s going to call me after he’s questioned the other two prisoners brought in with Leroy. We’re investigating several leads I’ll tell you about after we get back to the house.”
They left the jail and he walked her to her car. “Drive safely. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Is there anything I can do for you? Any shopping?” Her heart was in her eyes.
“If there is, I can’t think of what.”
“Then I’ll see you at home.”
He watched her drive away before he strode over to his car and got in. He put his head back against the headrest and closed his eyes for a minute. Never in his life had he come close to feeling like he did when he put his hands on Leroy. For a few seconds he’d lost complete awareness of his surroundings. If it hadn’t been for Kit watching his back, he’d have beaten that lowlife to a pulp before realizing what he’d done.
Temporary insanity. That’s what the defense called momentary madness. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought he could be capable of forgetting the oath he’d taken to uphold the law. He ached for his son. But he’d compounded that ache by trying to take vengeance into his own hands. No jury, no trial. He’d been the executioner while his prisoner couldn’t fight back.
What he’d done would never bring his son home. It would take him a long time to forgive himself for what had almost happened. He heard a horn honk and sat forward. It was Kit, waving to him before he drove off.
Humbled by the other Ranger’s friendship during the darkest time of Vic’s despair, he started the engine and left for home. As he pulled into the driveway, his cell phone rang. He checked the caller ID. It was TJ.
Vic dreaded the phone conversation they were about to have, but he had to answer it.
He clicked On. “TJ?”
“It’s a damn shame about your son, but I still have to do my job. I just got off the phone with the DA who’s going to prosecute Leroy’s case. You overstepped your bounds at the jail. Though I’ve taken you off the case, I haven’t suspended you. As for now, you’re on vacation. I suggest you get some counseling with the department psychiatrist.”
He knew the captain was cutting him slack by not suspending him, but he’d never felt so helpless in his life. “Yes, sir. Have you put Kit in charge?”
“Kit’s too close to you. I’ve put Ranger Rodriguez on it. He’ll be objective.”
Vic groaned.
“I’m a father and can only imagine how I would feel and react if my son or daughter had been kidnapped. But there are still consequences to pay. After some therapy you can report for duty. I need you back on the force ASAP. I want you to call the psychiatric unit today and set up some appointments with the doctor you used before.”
TJ meant Dr. Marshall, the psychiatrist who’d helped Vic deal with his grief after the tornado struck.
“We need you, Vic. You’re one of our best and that’s not lip service. We’re all sending up prayers that your son will be returned to you soon.”
Vic knew that. “Thanks, TJ.”
Rodriguez was a good Ranger, but his instincts weren’t quick like Vic’s closest buddies. TJ’s choice to head up this case was made on purpose because like Kit, he knew that Vic’s other friends, Cy and Luckey, were too close to Vic to be objective. Vic got it, but he didn’t like it.
After saying goodbye he left for home. It was ten o’clock in the morning. Jeremy should be at school and Vic should be on the job chasing down leads. How in the hell was he going to make it? But a nagging voice inside said Because Jeremy needs you.
Vic needed his son more.
Letting out a tortured sigh, he parked in the driveway and climbed out of the car. Claire stood waiting for him at the front door. She had a way of making everyone feel good.
“Hi, Claire. How would you like to go for a horseback ride?”
She blinked. “Right now?”
“Right now. I’ll change into my cowboy boots. The horses need exercise. It’s time you and I had a talk.”
That sounded ominous to Claire. “I’ll put on my boots,” she said, wondering what he had to say.

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