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Craving Her Ex-Army Doc
Amy Ruttan
Flirting with danger…Having sworn off love when his wife left him for his best friend, ex-army doc Luke Ralston revels in his lone wolf existence. Until the arrival of beautiful doctor Sarah Ledet tempts him to reconsider his stance on romance.Sexy Luke is the last kind of distraction Sarah needs as she starts over, determined to prove herself once and for all. But when an avalanche traps them together and body heat is the only way to survive suddenly all bets are off!Sealed by a Valentine’s KissThese untamed docs are almost too hot to handle!

Praise for Amy Ruttan (#ulink_fd06fa70-0638-5a80-84d3-b1f4840f20c7)
‘I highly recommend this for all fans of romance reads with amazing, absolutely breathtaking scenes, to-die-for dialogue, and everything else that is needed to make this a beyond awesome and WOW read!’
—Goodreads on Melting the Ice Queen’s Heart
‘A sensational romance, filled with astounding medical drama. Author Amy Ruttan makes us visualise the story with her flawless storytelling. The emotional and sensory details are exquisitely done and the sensuality in the love scene just sizzles. Highly recommended for all lovers of medical romance.’
—Contemporary Romance Reviews on Safe in His Hands

Sealed by a Valentine’s Kiss
These untamed docs are almost too hot to handle!
Welcome to Crater Lake, Montana, where doctors Carson and Luke Ralston were born and raised. Big Sky Country gives these gorgeous brothers the space to leave their difficult pasts firmly behind them … until two new additions to the landscape—feisty surgeon Esme Petersen and east-coast ace Dr Sarah Ledet—upset their careful balance!
Find out what happens in
Carson and Esme’s story His Shock Valentine’sProposal
Luke and Sarah’s story Craving Her Ex-Army Doc
Don’t miss the Sealed by a Valentine’s Kiss duet from Mills & Boon Medical Romance author Amy Ruttan
Available from February 2016!

Dear Reader (#ulink_cd16783a-d39c-5da4-82c3-8ac6747274a7),
Thank you for picking up a copy of Craving Her Ex-Army Doc.
I’ve mentioned before that brothers seem to be in my cards. I love writing about brothers, and I love my little brother to death—though when we were younger that wasn’t always the case. Like my hero Luke, setting booby traps for Carson from His Shock Valentine’s Proposal, I’m afraid I was often duct taping my brother to various walls.
My mother always warned me that my brother would grow up to be bigger than me one day. She was right. He towers over my five-eleven height at six foot four. Thankfully all transgressions of childhood are in the past, and my brother is one of my best friends. Just one word, which doesn’t make sense to anyone but the two of us, and we’re on the floor laughing.
Carson is Luke’s rock—though Luke might not want to admit it. Luke admires his younger brother, and maybe … Just maybe … envies the love that Carson found with Esme in His Shock Valentine’s Proposal.
Perhaps love is actually in the cards for lone wolf Luke Ralston, but it’s not going to come easy. He’s a stubborn man, and it’s going to take an equally strong and stubborn woman—my lovely heroine Sarah Ledet—to tame him.
I hope you enjoy the second book in my Sealed by a Valentine’s Kiss duet.
I love hearing from readers, so please drop by my website,, or give me a shout on Twitter @ruttanamy (
With warmest wishes,
Amy Ruttan
Born and raised on the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario, AMY RUTTAN fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. Life got in the way, and after the birth of her second child, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a romance author. When she’s not furiously typing away at her computer, she’s a mom to three wonderful children.

Craving Her
Ex-Army Doc
Amy Ruttan (
For my boys. For the times you have fun together
and the times you drive each other crazy.
Remember this, Aidan, James will grow bigger than you.
Love you both.

Table of Contents
Cover (#ua10344c7-f5ae-50e7-a380-65817914bc6c)
Praise for Amy Ruttan (#ub553738c-3fb9-5d37-a270-ba2adb7dd621)
Excerpt (#u87ba01b0-258c-5270-b848-b3cb12fea7a9)
Dear Reader (#uf43863c1-d2af-534a-87ef-fb9c0ae434e4)
About the Author (#u9e662f33-339d-5e6f-af38-7f17657e6fdb)
Title Page (#uc8437a00-131e-519f-983d-1ebf53ccaf1b)
Dedication (#u7857b866-ed48-5db2-b4f5-05c7bc8b25e0)
PROLOGUE (#u25692fa6-ef34-56d7-8370-be8ba66ceb2c)
CHAPTER ONE (#u94706cfa-ea79-5af2-a58c-6c4d0503e4af)
CHAPTER TWO (#ua5d4320c-cae8-58ca-81bb-e614f9c491c1)
CHAPTER THREE (#u909fbf57-e13d-51fa-992e-2767f8601293)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

PROLOGUE (#ulink_acb2bd62-6f71-5330-888e-aed793e3b190)
“Not on your life.” Luke stood his ground. He wasn’t about to be pushed out of the OR by the arrogant upstart trauma surgeon at the hospital. “I got him off the mountain and I’m not going to let him die on my watch. So if you want me out of your OR you’re going to have to physically remove me.”
Those blue-green eyes behind the surgical mask glittered with barely concealed rage and Luke smiled behind his own mask, knowing he’d pushed the surgeon’s buttons. She was some hotshot surgeon from out east. One who had been teaching a workshop in Missoula and got called in when Shane was brought in, because Missoula was slammed.
There had been several landslides after a small earthquake rocked the area. All hospitals in a hundred-mile radius were overflowing with the injured. If Luke had the supplies he could’ve set up a mobile OR in Crater Lake. He’d worked in worse conditions in Afghanistan.
Only, he hadn’t practiced surgery since his honorable discharge and he certainly wasn’t going to start on Shane Draven. He did surgery when needed, but he preferred practicing in the wilderness. So in this situation he’d rather this trauma surgeon work on Shane.
Still, she needed to know he was just as capable as her. He would have done the surgery another way. That was why he was questioning her.
She was cocky and full of herself. She definitely needed to be taken down a peg or two and he was just the guy to do it.
He might not practice as a traditional doctor, but he was just as much a surgeon as this woman. He had spent time on the front line, patching up soldiers in the midst of fire. How many lives had he saved? He wasn’t sure, because he didn’t keep score. All that mattered was saving lives. That was why he’d joined the army, it was what he’d wanted for so long, but he’d given it up for another.
Don’t think about that now.
This surgeon had sized him up the moment he’d rushed in with Shane Draven’s stretcher. She thought he was nothing but a first responder or a paramedic. Obviously a surgeon who didn’t know any better. Paramedics were on the front line.
Usually he wouldn’t question another surgeon in the OR, unless the patient was at serious risk, but the moment he walked into the OR with Shane she’d been treating him like a second-class citizen. Which was why he decided two could play at that game. So he questioned her every move.
She wanted a fight? Oh, he’d give her a fight.
“I will physically remove you,” she snapped.
“I’d prefer you focus on my patient, Doctor, rather than argue over my presence here.”
Her angry gaze met his. “You’re questioning my skill, Mr… .”
Luke grinned smugly. “It’s Dr. Ralston.”
Her eyes widened in obvious surprise. “Doctor? I thought you were a paramedic.”
“Looks can be deceiving, I guess, but I am a doctor. Though I’m not insulted you thought I was a paramedic, but I suppose that’s the reason why you feel I should be kicked out of your OR.”
She cursed under her breath. “Doctor or paramedic, it doesn’t matter. I won’t have you undermining my authority in my OR.”
“This isn’t your OR. You’re not from around here.”
“When I’m operating it’s my OR, whether or not I’m from here.”
Luke had to admire her spunk. And she was right. Perhaps he’d been undermining her a touch, but this was a man he’d pulled off the mountain and Dr. Eli Draven was this patient’s father. He had made it clear that he was going to hold Luke responsible if Shane died, because Luke had allowed Dr. Petersen to place the chest tube.
Luke didn’t know what Dr. Draven had against Dr. Petersen and he didn’t really care. He’d pulled Shane down off the mountain. He was responsible for Shane’s life. Dr. Draven had been throwing his weight around in the Missoula hospital, because the chief of surgery was one of his former students.
Besides, Shane was also the nephew of Silas Draven, who was sending Luke the most work up on the mountain, and Silas Draven was someone he didn’t want to mess with. Luke appreciated all the work, but still he felt responsible for taking care of Shane. Luke, his brother, Carson, and Dr. Petersen were all instrumental in getting Shane Draven to Missoula alive.
Luke hadn’t left Shane’s side since they were airlifted off the mountain and he wasn’t going to leave him now.
No man gets left behind. Every life gets saved.
Luke’s commanding officer’s words rang true to the credo he lived by and it wasn’t going to change now. He’d served two tours of duty as an army medic. Even when he couldn’t live by that credo, when life couldn’t be saved, it still drove him.
Don’t think about losing patients now. Not with Shane on the table.
He shook those thoughts away. There was no place for them here.
“I got this man down off the mountain. He’s my patient whether this is your OR or not.”
“If you stay, Doctor, keep your opinions to yourself, then.” She looked away and continued to work on Shane. A true hardened trauma surgeon, as he’d been once.
Damn, she’s a spitfire.
He admired that about her and if circumstances had been different, meaning if he had any interest in pursuing a relationship again, he’d go after a strong-willed spitfire woman like her, but she was off-limits.
All women were.
He wanted to say more, but he knew when it was best to keep his mouth shut. As long as Shane’s life was saved, and then he could get Eli Draven off his back, but he still watched the surgeon like a hawk.
“Yes, Doctor.” And he gave her a little salute.
The surgeon mumbled a few choice words under her breath, but continued working on Shane.
Luke tried not to move toward the side of the table, where the lead surgeon stood, because if he did that then she would have grounds to throw him out of her OR.
He might be a bit of a control freak when it came to his patients, but there was no way he’d push it any further. He wasn’t leaving this OR. He wasn’t going to leave Shane Draven behind.
He didn’t even know her name and he didn’t care; she seemed to be competent. That was all that mattered.
When the surgery was over and they were wheeling Shane to the ICU, Luke gave up his perch in the OR. He planned to be on that ICU floor and personally monitoring Shane until he came out of the woods, as it were.
Dr. Ralston is a fine surgeon and a heck of an officer.
Only that wasn’t entirely true. Not anymore. He wasn’t an officer anymore. He’d given it all up. He didn’t renew his commission because his wife was done being an army wife, but then Christine had left him. He did it all for her and for nothing.
Luke shook that thought from his head. Nope. He wasn’t going there, because he wasn’t going to let that happen again.
No one was going to dictate how his life should be again. Which was why he wouldn’t settle down into a practice with Carson. It had been Christine’s wish after he finished his tours of duty. He’d partner with Carson, raise a family with Christine and do what he loved, practicing medicine. He’d been planning to do that. Luke was going to give up the army for his wife to make her happy. At least that had been the plan.
Then it all went to hell in a handbasket.
Christine left him when he finished his second tour, for his best friend, Anthony.
He cursed under his breath as he walked down the hall to the ICU. He was angry at himself for allowing those thoughts to creep into his head again. To let her creep into his thoughts again. It was because he was in a hospital again.
Surrounded by people.
On his mountain it was just the sky, the wind, the trees and the majestic behemoths rising from the earth toward the clouds.
On his mountain he was himself and he had no one to answer to. No one but him controlled his life, his fate, his destiny.
Luke spun around and saw a woman in surgical scrubs and cap approach him. The physical attraction was immediate. Full red lips, which were slightly pouty. White-blond hair peeked out from under the scrub cap and big blue-green eyes sparkled with annoyance.
Oh. No.
It was the spitfire surgeon. He’d only seen her over the surgical mask. Now seeing that she was a gorgeous woman with a strong personality to boot, well, that was a dangerous combination for Luke.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
She crossed her arms and sized him up. “I’m looking for a Dr. Ralston. Do you happen to know where he is?”
Luke took a step back, in case she started swinging, but then the words sank in and he realized she didn’t know who he was. But then, he’d been wearing a surgical mask, cap and gown when he’d been in the OR with Shane. And this surgeon wasn’t a local surgeon. She was visiting. She wouldn’t recognize one person from another behind a surgical mask, because not being at this hospital every day he certainly didn’t.
This could be fun, one part of him thought. While the other part told him to walk away and not entangle himself with her, because he knew she spelled danger.
“Why do you need him?”
She huffed. “If you see him tell him Dr. Ledet is looking for him.” She turned to walk away and for a brief moment, one fraction of a second, he saw himself grabbing Dr. Ledet and pulling her into his arms, kissing her. Forcing the image away, he overcame the urge to taste those soft, moist lips, running his hands through her blond hair.
Maybe doing a little bit more than that.
Definitely dangerous.
“Where can he find you?” Luke asked.
She glanced at her watch. “After eight he can’t. I’m flying back to New York.”
“New York?”
“Yeah, I was here on business and decided to lend a hand for an old teacher. A fat lot of good that did me when I had to deal with an arrogant jerk like Dr. Ralston.”
“Well, if I see him before eight I’ll tell him.”
She didn’t thank him, just nodded curtly and walked away.
A New York surgeon, eh? Well, that was too bad, but it was for the best.
He’d never see her again.
It would’ve never worked anyway and not because of the distance, but because he would never let it.

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_4be574cc-6230-5497-b92d-b76e6a4c5433)
Six months later, mid-January, Crater Lake, Montana
I HATE THE COLD. I hate the cold.
Sarah thought coming from New York she’d be used to the frigid temperatures of northwest Montana. New York State bordered Canada, too; it should be the same, but it wasn’t. Not at all. This was a different kind of cold. There was no moisture in the air and as she tried to shake the remnants of bone-chilling frigidity from her brand-new office, she couldn’t remember why she’d decided to take this job in Crater Lake, Montana.
Dr. Draven.
Right. Her teacher from medical school. Dr. Eli Draven. She didn’t study under him, because she didn’t have an interest in becoming a cardio-thoracic surgeon, but she remembered him clearly from her days at Stanford.
He was a good teacher, if not a bit full of himself. He’d taken a shine to her until she’d decided not to pursue cardio; then she was no longer his star, but he still spoke highly of her and when this job was offered to her by Dr. Draven’s brother, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity, because she was more than ready to get out of New York and out of her father’s iron grip.
No matter what she did, nothing was good enough for her parents.
They still saw her as their baby.
And they wouldn’t be happy until she was living a pampered life in a Central Park West penthouse, married to an investment banker or a lawyer or even a doctor.
She couldn’t be the doctor, however.
That was unacceptable.
Why do you need to work, pumpkin? Your husband, if you marry well, can take care of you.
Her mother’s archaic way of thinking made her shake her head. Sarah peeled off the thick parka she’d bought when she moved out to Montana and hung it on the coat rack in her office. There were no cabs in Crater Lake, unless you counted the very unreliable Bob’s Taxi, and she didn’t.
At least she’d bought a car when she first landed in Missoula and had snow tires put on it. She was well versed in the rugged country living she was immersing herself in, even if she did complain about the cold just a bit.
Why do you want to go work out in the wilderness?
Sarah’s sister, who was married to a very prominent surgeon and occupied one of those coveted penthouse suites on Central Park West, couldn’t understand what was driving her to do this.
Sometimes Sarah wasn’t even sure herself.
Because your dad got you your prestigious appointment in that Manhattan hospital. It wasn’t you.
Sarah sighed when she remembered. After a summer of touring around different hospitals in each state, presenting her Attending’s research and teaching different surgeons on using the newest model of robotic surgery, she came home to New York to accept one of the most prestigious positions offered to a trauma surgeon at Manhattan Grace, only to find out that the only reason she was chosen to tour the country and work with Dr. Carroll was that her father was friends with Dr. Carroll. They played a few rounds of golf in the Hamptons. Even her brother-in-law pulled strings for her as if she couldn’t make it on her own.
It just shook the foundation of everything Sarah had thought she knew.
It had knocked her confidence completely. Perhaps she wasn’t the surgeon that she’d thought she was? So she’d turned down the position, much to her father’s chagrin.
This was why she distanced herself from people. So many people trying to control the course of her life. She just couldn’t trust anyone.
Not even herself.
Do you know how many strings I’ve had to pull for you over the years? Just so you can play doctor? Come to your senses, Sarah.
Sarah came to her senses all right. She threw the job back in her father’s face, sold her apartment on the Upper West Side and took the job offer from Silas Draven to be the general practitioner and general surgeon at his newly opened ski lodge.
The ski lodge was set to open in one month, on Valentine’s Day, and Sarah couldn’t wait to get started. It would be a slower pace of life, but at least she would be able to help people here. She could be a doctor and not worry that her father was pulling strings to get her whatever she wanted. She was burned-out and really didn’t know who she was or what she wanted anymore. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be a surgeon and that thought terrified her, because for so long surgery had been her life.
For now a general practitioner sounded good. She could practice medicine and figure out where to go next. It sounded almost too good to be true.
Yeah. She could do this.
She smiled to herself and picked up her diploma from Stanford, in its frame, which was looking so forlorn on her desk. In fact her whole office was a complete disaster, with boxes and supplies scattered everywhere.
This was not an office yet. She couldn’t see patients in a place that looked as if a storage unit had exploded. It wasn’t very professional.
“Time to make this place my own.” She spied the stepladder that had been left by the painters in the corner. She grabbed a hammer and a nail. She’d never hammered anything in her life, but there was always a first time for everything.
“I can do this,” she said, as if trying to reassure herself. How hard could it be to hammer a nail into a wall? She had this. Except where she wanted to put the nail in was a little out of her reach for the stepladder. So she climbed to the very top of the ladder and held the wall for a bit of balance. Her perch was precarious, but all she was doing was hammering in one nail and it wasn’t that big of a drop down to the carpet.
She lined up the nail and held the hammer, ready to drive the nail home.
“Did you check for a stud?” a male voice asked from behind.
“What …?” Sarah turned, surprised that someone had snuck into her office and she hadn’t heard them, but in the process of turning around she forgot what a precarious perch she had on the top of the stepladder and lost her footing.
Sarah closed her eyes and waited for her backside to hit the floor, but instead she found herself landing in two very strong arms and being held against a broad, muscular chest.
“You shouldn’t stand on the top of a …” He trailed off.
“Who are you to tell me …?” Sarah opened her eyes and bit back a gasp as she stared up at the most stunningly handsome man she’d ever seen. Brown hair, with just a bit of curl, deep blue eyes and a neat beard, which just added to the ruggedness of his face.
Those blue eyes of his were wide with surprise and then she had the niggling sensation that she’d seen this face before, but couldn’t recall when or where.
“What in the name of all that’s good and holy were you doing up there with a hammer?” he demanded as he quickly set her down on her feet and took a step back from her as if she were on fire.
“Excuse me?” she asked. Who did this guy think he was?
“I’m telling you that wasn’t a smart move climbing up on that ladder. You could’ve killed yourself if I hadn’t showed up.”
“Why did you show up? Who are you?”
His blue eyes flashed and he crossed his arms, fixing her with a stare that was meant to frighten her. Well, it didn’t scare her.
“I’m here to take you out.”
“Out? I don’t believe I made any dates with anyone since I arrived in town.”
He smirked. “Not on a date, darling. Though if I were to go on a date with someone, you’re quite the fetching thing.”
“Fetching? Darling?”
He held up his hands. “Look, I was teasing. I’m not interested in dating coworkers, let alone headstrong doctors from out east. I’m to take you out on the skis to show you some of the private residences being built and how to access them.”
“Oh.” She was slightly disappointed. Not that she had any interest in dating a mountain man, but a fling might’ve been fun. Especially since this mountain man was deliciously handsome.
Don’t think like that. You’re here to prove yourself, not date.
Sarah didn’t date.
Her parents had tried over and over, setting her up with the right sort of man. Well, in their eyes anyway. It was just easier to concentrate on work and not bother with dating, romance or sex.
All the right kind of men Sarah had dated briefly in her early twenties were all wrong. It never felt right. There was never that spark or connection one was supposed to feel when falling in love with someone, but then again, since she’d never experienced it, maybe it was just a myth.
Men seemed to gravitate to her because she was a socialite and came from money. It was all about status for them, and as she was too focused on her career, she never pursued a man on her own and she never made the time to look for a man beyond her parents’ circles.
Single life was so much easier.
And lonely.
“Do you know how to ski?” he asked disparagingly, breaking her chain of thoughts.
“No.” Then she groaned inwardly at the thought of going back outside in the cold.
“I thought as much,” he said condescendingly. “Well, I’ll give you a few minutes to suit up so we can head out.”
It was the tone that sparked a vivid memory for her suddenly. She could see those dark blue eyes glittering above a surgical mask. Defying her.
Get out of my OR!
Not on your life.
No way. It couldn’t be him. It just couldn’t be him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Don’t like the cold?”
“It’s not that. I think I know you.”
He smiled. “Do you?”
“What’s your name?” she asked.
Don’t be him. Don’t be him.
Then he grinned like the cat who’d got the cream. “Dr. Luke Ralston.”
Damn, but then she was ticked. She’d put that memory of her time in Missoula far from her mind, not giving it much of a second thought because, really, what did it matter? She was in New York, let Luke Ralston have Montana.
Besides, Shane Draven had pulled through.
It was all trivial. Except now she was in Montana, working on their patient’s uncle’s resort and Dr. Luke Ralston was her coworker? This was a totally messed-up situation. Something she was not comfortable with.
“You knew exactly who I was.”
Luke shrugged. “Not at first, but when you fell into my arms it all came back to me.”
“And you didn’t say anything? Like, maybe, ‘Hey, we know each other, we’ve worked together before’ or something like that?”
He shrugged again and then hooked his thumbs into the belt loops on the waist of his tight, tight jeans. “What does it matter?”
“It matters a lot. You’re a jerk!”
“Why am I a jerk? I mean, I did save you from probably concussing yourself or something.”
“You were the guy I talked to in the hallway in Missoula. When I asked who Dr. Ralston was, you said you didn’t know where he was. You lied to me.”
“I didn’t really want to argue with you in the hallway. I was on my way to the ICU to check on my patient. To make sure he pulled through surgery.”
“He was my patient.”
He grinned, smugly. “I brought him down off that mountain. He was my patient. You were just a locum surgeon. You didn’t stay to make sure he made it through the night. You headed back east, to wherever you came from. I knew nothing about you and I didn’t trust you. Of course, now you’re going to be a regular here in town.”
“Had I known there was a Ralston in Crater Lake I would’ve turned the job down.”
Luke chuckled. “You must’ve taken this job on an impulse, then.”
“Why do you say that?”
“If you’d researched Crater Lake you’d realize the family practice in town is run by a Ralston. I wasn’t really hiding my identity. Not in my town.”
Damn. He was right. She hadn’t really looked to see what physicians were in town. She’d taken the job so quickly. She’d just been so eager to get out of New York City and away from her father’s control. Crater Lake had sounded like a nice small town, and a job catering to the rich and famous in a resort had sounded perfect. It was a chance to prove herself to those who moved in her parents’ circles.
Then maybe she could step out of her father’s shadow. She wouldn’t be Sarah Ledet, New York heiress and daughter of Vin Ledet, one of the wealthiest men on the eastern seaboard. She’d be Dr. Ledet, physician.
“You’re regretting your decision to take this job, aren’t you?” Luke asked. “I can see it on your face. You look absolutely horrified.”
“Not the job, just who I have to work with.”
He grinned and then laughed. “You’re still a spitfire.”
“It’s a compliment.”
Sarah tried not to smile. She didn’t want to smile. He was the jerk who’d disrupted her OR, given her a hard time and then lied to her. He was the one who’d questioned her surgical procedure and every move she’d made on that patient until she’d snapped. Only his smile had been infectious and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed, even though she was ticked off that it was him. The thorn in her side from last summer, standing right there in her office.
She should just throw him out. As she should have done from her OR.
When she glanced back up at him the lighthearted mood had changed. He looked annoyed and uncomfortable.
“What?” she asked.
“Something changed. Just a moment ago you were complimenting me and joking. Now you look annoyed.”
“I’m annoyed we’re wasting the light standing around pointing fingers.”
“Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Well, I would gear up. I don’t have all day to wait around for you.” He walked out of her office leaving her standing there absolutely confused.
What had just happened?
Sarah wasn’t sure, but she knew it would be best to keep her distance from Luke Ralston, though that was going to be tricky seeing how she was about to be dragged out on the mountain in the bitter cold with a man who was a little bit dangerous.
Not just a little bit dangerous.
A lot.

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_e1053663-6c9b-5e7e-aee9-8e666713c7f1)
DAMN. IT HAD to be the spitfire.
Luke had forgotten all about her when he’d returned to Crater Lake after Shane Draven had pulled through. For a while he’d thought of that trauma surgeon he’d butted heads with in Missoula, but as he’d dealt with the last messy stages of his divorce, he’d put her from his mind.
Dealing with his ex just reminded him of all the reasons why he didn’t trust women or romantic entanglements.
It hurt too much, but Christine wasn’t the only reason. Hurt went both ways. He liked his life too much and part of that was doing risky things to save lives up on the mountain.
He’d given up his life in the army for a woman he loved and look how that turned out.
To live the life he’d made for himself since leaving the army, he couldn’t have love. He wouldn’t give up his life for anyone.
He threw himself completely into his work and avoided hanging around the town of Crater Lake as much as possible. It was bad enough being divorced, but having your ex-wife and former best friend, who was now your ex’s husband, living and working in the town you grew up in was a little too much for him.
The problem was, his former best friend was the town sheriff. That was why they were staying in Crater Lake, but Luke wouldn’t be driven out of town.
He’d grown up here. He was going to stay here.
And an injury to his leg during an avalanche last winter prevented him from returning to active duty, even after giving up his commission.
Besides, he preferred being up on the mountain.
He liked being alone in his cabin. He liked the work; though he missed surgery and envied Carson just a bit for seeing patients every day, there was no way he could’ve chained himself to a desk, to an office or a hospital. He would suffocate, but he’d been willing to do it for Christine.
Maybe if you hadn’t joined the army Christine wouldn’t have left. Maybe you could’ve been happy.
Only his call of duty had been strong. He’d always wanted to serve and further his medical education in the army. And Christine had known that when they’d got together.
Luke cursed under his breath.
No, she would’ve left. Just as he hadn’t wanted to change the course of his career, Christine hadn’t wanted to be his wife. Of course now he wasn’t a soldier, but by the time his career in the army was over Christine was over him.
No, he wasn’t going to think about her. She’d broken his heart and he wouldn’t let her or anyone else make him feel that way again.
Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be the spitfire?
Silas hadn’t told him the name of the physician who would be working at the resort. All he’d said was that she was from out east and had asked if Luke could train her on mountain survival and survival medicine.
She’s from money, Ralston. I’m sure she’s been on skis, but probably not in a way that would satisfy your sensibilities.
Which was why Luke was here. It was just fate was a bit sick and twisted by making that physician Dr. Ledet, the surgeon he’d butted heads with.
As if dealing with her in the summer wasn’t enough? Maybe it was karma? He’d teased Carson when Esme Petersen had come to town. Perhaps this was retribution?
The only difference was Carson had found love with Esme and Luke was not looking for that at all.
Carson hadn’t been looking, either.
“Is this okay?”
Luke shook that little voice from his head and glanced over at Sarah. She had a good parka on, waterproof mitts, a hat with ear flaps, boots, but nothing on her legs except black stretchy pants that fit her curves like a glove. His blood heated.
Think about something else.
“Where are your snow pants?” Luke asked, tearing his gaze away from her. He didn’t want to look at her at the moment. He had to regain control.
“Snow pants?”
“Don’t you ski?”
“I told you before, no. I’ve never skied.”
“Doesn’t every eastern WASP rich girl ski? Isn’t that what the Poconos are for?”
Her stare was icy cold and she put her hands on those curvy hips. Hips he’d thought about touching himself. “Excuse me?”
Luke groaned. He wasn’t going to get in an argument with her. “You need snow pants. If you fall out there and your pants get wet there’s no way we’re turning around so you can change. I’m here to teach you survival skills. If you were out there on your own, there would be no option to change. You’d freeze to death.”
Sarah still looked as if she were going to skewer him alive. “Fine. I’ll find some snow pants, but, really, stereotyping me, that was so not cool.”
“If the shoe fits.”
She cocked her eyebrows and smirked. “Oh, really? Didn’t we have this argument in the summer? I seem to recall bits and pieces of it …”
He groaned. “Fine. You’re right. I did accuse you of stereotyping me. I apologize, but, really, put on some snow pants before we lose the light.”
“Fine and, for your information, not all of us ‘rich girls’ ski. Some of us prefer yachts and sailing.” She winked and then disappeared into her office again.
Luke rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but laugh to himself. He still admired her spunk.
When she came out of her office again, she was properly attired.
“Good, now let’s get down to the ski shack and get geared up. I’m going to take you up the first of the four main trails at this resort.”
Sarah fell into step behind him; the only sound was the swishing of the nylon fabric rubbing together as they walked down the hall and outside. Luke tried not to laugh, because just under that sound was some muttering. And maybe some bad words, but he couldn’t quite tell.
“I feel like a marshmallow,” she mumbled. “Do I look like one?”
“Yes. You do, but it will keep you warm.” He helped open the door to outside. “Ms. Marshmallow.”
With a huff Sarah pushed past him out into the snow. “You’re a bit of a jerk. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Several people.”
There was a twinkle to her eye and she smiled slightly. “Good.”
“Well, now that’s all settled. Let’s get the skis on and head out.” He led the way to the ski shack, which was closed up. It would open on more regular hours when the resort had its official grand opening on Valentine’s Day. Right now, Luke had full run of it and of all the equipment.
It was one of the perks he liked about working for Silas Draven. He wasn’t a huge fan of skiing, but cross-country skiing on the mountain trails was the only way to access some of the remote residents of Crater Lake. His horse just couldn’t handle the deep snow that collected on the side of the mountain in the winter.
And he would never put his horse in the way of a possible avalanche.
He glanced over to the southern peak, to the forest that was thick, before it disappeared into the alpine zone of the mountain. Old Nestor lived up in that dense forest.
Nestor was a hermit. He liked to live off the grid and away from everyone else. Luke admired him and went to check on him often. Nestor was the one who’d taught him many things about surviving on the mountain, since Nestor had been living up on the mountain for as long as Luke could remember and before that.
Only, Nestor was getting old and in the winter the cold bothered him something fierce. So Luke was thankful for access to skis and snowshoes. It made checking on Nestor that much easier.
He unlocked the door and headed over to the rack.
“Oh, cool! Snowshoes,” Sarah remarked. “I’ve always wanted to try them.”
“Really?” he asked, surprised.
She nodded. “Anything to make walking on snow easier.”
“Snowshoeing is just as much work as skiing. Skis can move you faster.”
“Yeah, but cross-country skis don’t go uphill. You said you wanted me to learn how to access trails and stuff. Shouldn’t I be snowshoeing?”
She’s got a point. Skiing will only get you so far.
“You’re right,” Luke admitted. “Okay. We’ll add snowshoes to our pack.”
Luke picked up the large rucksack that he’d stuffed full of emergency and survival gear. The pack was probably half the size of Sarah and when he held it up to her, her eyes widened and her mouth opened for a moment in surprise.
Then she shrugged. “Sure. That’s reasonable. Just out of curiosity, though, what’s in it?”
“Don’t you know?”
She glared at him. “Really?”
“You should know.”
“I don’t. I’ve never lived near a mountain. I’m from Manhattan.”
Luke shook his head. “Hey, I was trying not to stereotype you.”
“I ought to slug you.”
He laughed at that. He couldn’t help himself; it was easy to tease her. He was enjoying the banter. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”
She crossed her arms. “Fine or I could start talking about mountain men.”
“What do you know about mountain men?” he asked.
Sarah shook her head. “Tell me what’s in the bag.”
Luke knelt down and unzipped it. “This is a standard pack to help you survive in a winter climate on the mountain.”
“So I’ll only need to carry around this stuff in the winter?”
“No,” Luke said. “Some things can be left behind, but if you’re working up near the Alpine zone or higher, you’d be surprised how cold it can get even in the heat of summer.”
“Okay, so always be prepared for snow?”
He nodded. “Yep. So in this pack you have your essentials like first-aid kit. The only thing I haven’t packed in here is a change of clothes for you so I just packed some of my old clothes. If worse comes to worst you can always wear those.”
Her cheeks reddened slightly, as if she was blushing, but Luke could’ve been wrong. It could’ve been the wind.
She cleared her throat. “Go on.”
“Canteen for water.”
“What about melting snow?”
Luke cocked an eyebrow. “You’re going to need something to carry it in. I also have a pot, ice pick, rope, matches, GPS, topographical map of the area, one day’s worth of rations, sleeping bag and an axe.”
“It’s like you’re camping.”
“If you get lost out there, yeah, you’ll be ‘camping’ until help arrives.” Then he held out something he was sure she’d never seen before. “This is one of the most important things.”
“A compass?”
“Close. It’s an altimeter.”
“A what?” she asked.
“It’s a barometric altimeter. It measures changes in atmosphere. The higher you go, the lower the pressure is. If your GPS or compass isn’t working, this can be used along with the map to determine where you are. I’ll show you how to use it.”
“Good, because seriously my eyes were glazing over there for a second.” She laughed nervously and he handed her the altimeter to look at. “Though, really, won’t you know if you’re at the top of the mountain? How can you get lost if you’re up there?”
“You can get lost all right and if you’re not used to high altitude you can get acute mountain sickness. Dr. Petersen in town suffered from it last year. Just ask her.”
“Dr. Petersen? There’s a female doctor in town? I thought the other doctor was your brother.”
“Dr. Petersen is a cardio surgeon. She’s opened a clinic in partnership with my brother. She sees a lot of heart patients from around this area.”
“Huh, I wonder what would make a cardio-thoracic surgeon settle down in a place like this,” Sarah wondered out loud. “I mean, the nearest hospital is quite a bit away.”
“Why did you?” Luke asked.
The question caught her off guard, because she blushed again and quickly started examining the altimeter.
Did it really matter?
It shouldn’t matter to him, but he couldn’t help but wonder why. There weren’t many single people in Crater Lake. It was small. When they’d first got together, Christine had wanted to stay in Crater Lake, and when he got his posting to Germany she wouldn’t go with him. She didn’t want to live on a base. She didn’t want to be an army wife. So she’d decided to stay and start a family with Anthony.
A family he wanted so desperately.
A family he was never going to have.
Don’t think about it.
“Come on, I’ll pack the snowshoes, as well. We have some distance to travel and some more stuff I have to show you before it gets too dark, and it gets dark here early.” He took the altimeter back from her and packed it in the knapsack.
He didn’t have time to focus on the past. To focus on his past hurts or the things he would never have.
He was here to do a job and that was to show Dr. Sarah Ledet how to survive on the mountain. That was all. Once he’d done that, he never had to see her again and he was going to make sure that happened.
Sarah thought her lungs were going to burst. She was sweaty and exhausted. Parts of her that she hadn’t even known existed ached and each breath was harder to take.
At least I’m not cold.
She just shook her head and leaned up against a tree as Luke set their skis against a fence line that ran on one side of the trail. He glanced over at her.
“You okay? You look tired.”
Of course I’m tired, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. All her life she’d been labelled and she’d had enough of it.
“I’m fine. Just catching my breath.”
He frowned. “If you get a headache or feel ill, let me know right away. That’s a sign of mountain sickness.”
“Will do.” She didn’t feel sick and didn’t have a headache. All she was was sweaty and tired. “You said Dr. Petersen had this? How did she get over it?”
“You get off the mountain.”
“I live on the mountain.”
Luke chuckled. “You don’t live that far up the mountain, though.”
“I thought it was pretty high up, considering I used to live pretty close to sea level.”
“Never thought about it that way.” Luke pulled out the snowshoes that had been strapped to the back of the enormous pack Sarah had had on her back, which was now resting under a fir tree on a bed of needles so as not to get wet.
Maybe she was picking up mountain survival a bit.
“You ready for snowshoeing?”
Sarah groaned. “How about we head for home? I’m sure it will be faster downhill on our skis.”
Luke chuckled. “We’ll head down soon enough. I want to see you practice on these. Just up the trail the snow gets pretty deep. Too deep for skis.”
“No one lives up that trail.”
“Right, not now, but when this trail is groomed regularly and a lone cross-country skier or snowshoer gets injured or lost up there, you’re going to have to know how to get to them.”
Sarah sighed, but then took the snowshoes and strapped them on. They were quite easy and didn’t look like she’d expected them to. They were made of aluminum and nylon.
“Take a step and tell me what you think,” he said as he moved back and then clamped his on.
Sarah began to walk up the trail and it took her a few times to really find her stride, but it wasn’t all that bad.
“I think this is easier than the skiing, to be honest.” She bounced in her step. “I could get used to these.”
“Just be careful,” Luke called out over his shoulder.
“Of wha …?” She spoke too soon as she lost her footing and toppled face-first into a large snowdrift. Snow shot up her nose and into her mouth, burning.
I hate winter. I hate winter.
“Are you okay?” Luke was beside her and she could hear the amusement in his voice.
“Fine,” she said as she wiped her face. “I really wasn’t expecting to do a face-plant with snowshoes on. Skis for sure, but snowshoes. I know I’m klutzy.”
“Well, at least this time I didn’t have to catch you.” He rubbed some of the snow from her face and a rush of butterflies invaded her stomach as she looked up into his eyes. He was smiling at her, but it was tender, as if he really cared that she’d done a horrible face-plant in the snow.
Of course the butterflies could be from that mountain sickness, but somehow she didn’t think so.
“Thanks,” she said, looking away and glad the snow had made her cheeks red, because if it hadn’t he would surely see her blush.
“You should’ve been wearing your goggles to protect your eyes. Goggles don’t belong on your forehead.”
“I forgot to put them back on after my break. I was wearing them when we were skiing.”
Luke helped her to her feet, his strong arms around her waist as he righted her. She liked the feeling of his arms around her, steadying her. It was comforting.
You don’t date. You can’t date.
Her mother would set her up on the occasional date, but those were all with men who would take care of her. Who just wanted her to be this pretty, well-dressed society wife. None of them were really interested in her and she’d been burned too many times.
And she never had time to find men on her own, because she was working so darn hard to show her parents that she could have it all, that she didn’t need a man to take care of her. That she was old enough to take care of herself.
Men were off-limits.
Of course, her father admitting that he’d had a hand in almost every aspect of her career made her think that all that hard work, all those hours she’d put in weren’t worth it. Maybe she should’ve been out there partying, being seen in all the right places with all the right people, just like her older sister.
She shook her head. That was all in the past, though. She was in Crater Lake now. In a job of her own choosing and she planned to make the most of it. Even if it meant traipsing around in the snow with the sexiest mountain man she’d ever laid eyes on.
A man that also drove her a bit crazy.
“You ready to try again?” Luke asked.
“Sure. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can head back to my apartment in the resort and curl up in front of a fire.”
“Glad to see you’re on board.” Luke went over and picked up the knapsack. “You’re going to need this.”
Sarah moaned as it was placed over her shoulders again. “Thanks. I almost forgot.”
“It’s your lifeline up here. You can’t forget. We’ll do a half-mile hike up this trail through the snow, we’ll triage a fake patient I have up there and then head back down to the resort. That’s after we build a makeshift stretcher.”
“You have a patient up there?” Sarah asked. “Who in their right mind would wait out in the cold for hours for you?”
Luke winked. “It’s a dummy.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s a simulation. A mannequin. It’s not a real person, but it’s simulating a very real situation.”
Sarah sighed. “Okay. Lead on.”
Luke nodded and pulled on his own pack. She watched him for a few moments as he broke a path ahead of her. Even though he was wearing thick snow pants you could still make out the outline of his strong, muscular thighs and his tight butt.
Sarah shook her head. It was apparent she was suffering from altitude sickness, because she was thinking about the strangest things.
Dr. Luke Ralston was off-limits.
He worked for Silas Draven as well, so that meant it was a no go for her. She didn’t mix business with pleasure.
So she couldn’t think about Luke that way.
She just couldn’t.

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_5ae1126d-da5d-54d6-b29c-43e82161dc9a)
IT HAD BEEN three days since she last saw Dr. Luke Ralston and that was a good thing after the torment he’d put her through up on that high mountain trail. He hadn’t been kidding about a simulation. When they’d got to the mannequin, it had been half-buried in ice and under a tree trunk. There had been broken skis and fake blood.
Sarah had never picked up an axe before, but she did that day. She had the blister and the splinters to prove it.
Even though she’d wanted to tell Luke his simulation was cracked, she hadn’t backed down. She knew that he thought of her as some kind of spoiled rich girl and that was far from the truth. So she’d learned quite quickly how to use an axe. She’d shown him a thing or two.
She’d also learned how to make a makeshift gurney out of broken skis, rope, a tarp and duct tape. After assessing the mannequin’s ABCs, they’d got him on their gurney and down off the mountain.
There had been quite a few stares as she’d come down to the lodge with a mannequin on a stretcher splattered with craft-store paint. Still, she’d done it and he’d grudgingly admitted that she’d done a good job and that was the last she’d seen of him.
She thought she was going to be put through some more training, but so far she hadn’t seen him. She should be happy about that and she was, but she wasn’t totally. She looked for him everywhere, as if he were going to pop out of the shadows and frighten her. The thought of seeing him actually made her excited, as if she were some young girl with a crush.
There was no denying Luke was handsome. She’d thought that the first moment she saw him. But there was something else about him. A lone wolf quality. He was a man who didn’t want or need anyone else. The kind of man who was completely untamed.
He was a challenge, and she’d always liked a challenge.
She couldn’t think about him that way. Distance. That was what she needed. Right now this time was about her. Career was her life.
If she got together with someone, her parents would never believe she could function on her own. That she was a surgeon.
Even then, she wasn’t sure of anything. Everything she’d thought she earned had really come because she was Vin Ledet’s daughter. Her father knew people on the admissions board at college. She’d fought so hard for her MCAT scores, achieving one of the highest that year, which should’ve been enough to get her into medical school, but apparently not enough for her father. Then her residency and her fellowship, her father had had a hand in that. Everything she’d pursued in her medical career her father had had a hand in.
No wonder her belief in herself was fleeting.
Except this place.
She’d earned this on her own by saving Silas Draven’s nephew Shane in Missoula.
Silas and her father moved in the same circles and never saw eye to eye.
Sarah knew it wasn’t because of who her father was. This job was because of her own merit.
Someone believed in her abilities and she wasn’t going to let them down.
She could do this.
This was her focus and she was going to prove to everyone she was up to the task. This clinic was going to be her pride and joy.
Her clinic had opened a bit earlier than she’d planned, but Silas Draven had had a large party of tourists coming in and he’d wanted to make sure that it was up and running. He wanted his resort to be all-inclusive, and didn’t want his guests having to go into town and wait at the local clinic.
Even though the resort hadn’t officially opened, the large party of skiers was certainly giving her a run for her money. Her clinic had been full the two days she’d been open. It was usually just minor stuff, cuts and sunburns, but she was enjoying the work and, the best part, it was honest work. Though, she missed surgery, the rush of the hospital, but this job she’d got on her own.
Her parents didn’t have a hand in it.
Really, Sarah? Sunburns? The only sun you should think about is evening out your tan.
She cursed under her breath, trying to shake away her sister’s annoying voice. Her sister had never said those exact words, but she could almost picture her, standing in the waiting room and saying them, because her sister had nagged her about similar things before.
“Patient ten?” Sarah briefly looked up from her chart, to the busy waiting room at her clinic. “Patient number ten?”
A man with a very red face stood up and walked toward her. He nodded and winced. “I am Mr. Fontblanc.”
Sarah smiled. “I know, we just use a numbering system here to keep anonymity.”
“Ah, oui. Merci beaucoup.”
“You can have a seat in exam room one. I’ll be with you momentarily.”
Mr. Fontblanc nodded again, shuffling off down the hall. She looked at her chart one more time and was about to call the next victim of a really bad sunburn when the door to her clinic burst open. Luke strode into her pristine clinic, dirty and breathless.
“What’re you doing?” he asked.
“I’m seeing patients,” Sarah said, trying not to look at him. Distance was the key.
“Good, I have a patient for you.”
“What? Where?”
“He’s in the lobby.”
“In the lobby? Why is he in the lobby?”
Luke rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Would you stop giving me the third degree and just come to the lobby?”
“I have a patient waiting in my exam room. I can’t leave him there.”
“Is your patient bleeding profusely with a head injury?”
“That’s confidential.”
Luke shook his head and pushed past her into the exam room.
“Dr. Ralston!” Sarah tried to stop him, but he was in the exam room. Mr. Fontblanc looked a bit stunned.
“Sorry to keep you waiting …” Luke peered at the man. “Too much sun?”
“Oui … uh, yes.”
“Vous êtes Français?” Luke inquired in perfect French.
Sarah stood back, stunned. She didn’t know French at all. Spanish, she knew quite a bit, but French, she was at a loss. Luke seemed to know it. He questioned the man briefly and then pulled out a tube of topical cream from her medicine cupboard, handing it to her patient and then patting him on the back.
The patient still seemed shell-shocked, but overall was happy.
“Pas de problème,” Luke said.
The patient left the room and Luke turned back to her. “You ready to go and help the patient in the lobby now?”
“What just happened here?” She watched as Luke began to grab suturing trays, gauze and a bolus for an IV. “What’s going on? Why are you stealing my supplies?”
He groaned and grabbed her hand. “Come on. I need another doctor’s help with this.”
Sarah didn’t really have much of a choice as she was dragged from her clinic. The other patients watched her leave, just as confused as she was at the moment.
“If this patient needs another doctor, why didn’t you get your brother to help you?” Sarah asked.
“There was no time to take this man to town.” Luke pushed the button on the elevator, not looking at her, but watching for the door to light up and open.
“What’s wrong with the patient?” she asked.
“Have you ever seen a mauling?”
Sarah gasped. “Did you just say a mauling? By what?”
Luke glanced at her. “A bear.”
She shook her head. She’d seen pictures in textbooks when she was a resident. As a trauma surgeon you had to be prepared for everything, but she’d never actually encountered one personally. She was aware of the damage that could be done. Her stomach twisted in a knot at the very idea, but they were in bear country. It was to be expected.
The elevator arrived and they got on. It was a quick ride down to the lobby. When the doors opened everything was in chaos and Sarah could see a trail of blood from the door to a boardroom down a darkened hall.
“I don’t get it,” Sarah remarked as she fell into step beside Luke.
“What don’t you get?” he asked.
“Bears hibernate. It’s January.”
Luke sighed. “No, not really. It’s called torpor. It’s like hibernation—they can be woken. This idiot was fool enough to stumble on a bear’s den and, instead of leaving the bear well enough alone, he crawled inside to get a picture. Thankfully, people were with him.”
“Idiot is right.”
He nodded. “If you haven’t seen a mauling before, prepare yourself.”
She nodded. “I’ve seen worse stuff in the ER.”
“Possible disembowelment and bite marks?”
“Yeah. A car can do damage to a patient, too. I’m ready.”
A small smile played on his lips, but just briefly. It was almost as if he was impressed that she didn’t shy away or that she wasn’t squeamish at the prospect. It scared her. It was something she was completely unfamiliar with. It was something she was a little terrified about herself since moving from Manhattan to a remote town in northwest Montana, but this was her job. She was going to help Luke any way that she could. It was the trauma surgeon in her.
“Did you bring enough supplies down?” she asked.
“We’ve got enough supplies in here. We have to get him stabilized before the air ambulance gets here.”
Sarah nodded. “Okay.”
She walked into the room and tried not to gasp. The man was in bad shape. There were deep lacerations to his arm, his legs and torso, but his face was really bad. She could see teeth marks, deep gouging all over; she could see bone on his arm and the bandages on his abdomen were already soaked through, which tipped Sarah off that this guy would need packing if he was going to survive the trip to the nearest hospital. The way his abdomen was distended, she knew from her trained eye he would suffer from compartment syndrome sooner rather than later and that could be fatal if not controlled.
“Buddy, I’ve brought another doctor here to help me.” Luke spoke to the man. “Just take it easy.”
The man just moaned.
“I’m surprised he’s lucid.”
“Me, too,” Luke said. “I did give him a shot of morphine in the field when I found him, but he’s lost a lot of blood.”
Sarah nodded and pulled off her white lab coat. “Gloves?”
Luke gestured in the direction of the sideboard, where a box of rubber gloves was waiting. She slipped on a pair and then grabbed a pack of gauze.
“I need you to hold him down—I’m going to put in a central line,” Luke told her.
“You’re going to put in a central line here?”
He nodded. “No choice. Look at his arms, and his veins are chunky. The bear did damage. Lots of damage.”
“Sure.” Sarah leaned over and held the man down. She looked down into his dark eyes, full of confusion and fear. “Don’t worry, sir. We’re going to get you patched up in no time. Soon you won’t be in so much pain. I promise.”
“Hold him now for me,” Luke said.
“I’ve got him. Just do it.”
Luke inserted the central line quickly and efficiently. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen someone put in a central line so fast before. She was impressed. The patient barely flinched, but that could be because maybe some of the fight had gone out of him, or it could’ve been the morphine.
Once he was hooked up to a drip, he passed out and Luke went about stitching what they could to help control the bleeding. Sarah packed his face and set a broken bone in his arm. They didn’t say much to each other; there wasn’t much to say, really. They were both totally focused on their patient.
The last time they’d worked on a patient together, they were at each other’s throats. This was different. It was nice. Comforting almost, as if she’d been doing this with him for a long, long time, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt such a familiarity with another surgeon before.
“He has extensive damage to his abdomen. There is nothing I can do here.”
“Pack him?” Luke asked.
She nodded. “No choice. If I start poking around to find the source of the bleeders I could do more damage. His body needs to rest before repairs. Does bear saliva have an envenomation? You know, like the wolverine or Komodo dragon?”
“No, but the saliva often carries staph or strep, which can lead to infections and organ shutdown.” He frowned and seemed upset for a brief moment. “Either way he’ll need a good course of antibiotics, tetanus and rabies. Though rabies from bear bites are rare.”
“Why is that?”
“The injury rate from bear attacks in North America is like one person per couple million. Of course, that report by S. Herrero is from 1970. It could be different now.”
“The more we encroach on their territory, the worse it gets. I read a lot on animal attacks for obvious reasons.”

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