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To Claim a Wilde
Kimberly Kaye Terry
A Wilde man will lasso your heart Naomi McBride left her Wyoming town to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. But saving her family ranch from foreclosure trumps everything now. That's why the pediatrician has arrived in Cheyenne to confront Canton Wilde. The fabulously wealthy oil tycoon may be part of a far-reaching scheme to take the McBride lands. So why is this man with the haunting midnight-blue eyes tempting her to trust in the desire he's awakening–feelings she vowed never to give in to again?The curvaceous beauty that shows up unannounced at his homestead is a challenge Canton can't ignore. The Wilde heir has one ironclad rule: never mix business and pleasure. Only now he's in too deep to care. Will the truth about a secret he's keeping sabotage his future with Naomi? Or will their sizzling affair become a lifetime of love?

A Wilde man will lasso your heart
Naomi McBride left her Wyoming town to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. But saving her family ranch from foreclosure trumps everything now. That’s why the pediatrician has arrived in Cheyenne to confront Canton Wilde. The fabulously wealthy oil tycoon may be part of a far-reaching scheme to take the McBride lands. So why is this man with the haunting midnight-blue eyes tempting her to trust in the desire he’s awakening—feelings she vowed never to give in to again?
The curvaceous beauty that shows up unannounced at his homestead is a challenge Canton can’t ignore. The Wilde heir has one ironclad rule: never mix business and pleasure. Only now he’s in too deep to care. Will the truth about a secret he’s keeping sabotage his future with Naomi? Or will their sizzling affair become a lifetime of love?
She exhaled the breath she had been holding and slowly dragged in another breath. His unique scent, familiar after seven years, rushed over her. It hadn’t changed. Just like he hadn’t.
Her eyes fluttered, partially closing, and she stumbled slightly, unsteady and shaky.
Canton moved as though to steady her, his fingers barely making contact with her elbow.
That one touch, a barely there touch, really, was enough to make a thousand memories wash over her.
Her hand reached out to the slight stubble on his lean cheek, unknowingly making contact, and his hand covered hers. His jaw was rough with a few days worth of growth.
She remembered the feel of that roughness against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh...
His nostrils flared as she held his glance. His face lowered, as though to kiss her, and it snapped her out of her odd trance.
Embarrassed, Naomi recoiled as if he had struck her, her hand falling away from the near, telling contact.
A flood of heat flushed her cheeks. She glanced up to see his face had lost the temporary softening, and the unreadable expression was stamped across his handsome features again.
Dear Reader (#u84310b22-c324-5eac-bc1e-8730aa5933cd),
Wow, it’s been a while since my Wilde men have made an appearance! Blame that on the author of their saga, and not the men. They’ve been chomping at the bit, grumbling and demanding I continue their story... And, well, they’re back! Hotter, sexier and, of course, wilder than ever. I’d like to introduce you to Naomi and Canton, as well as a new branch of the Wildes.
Still in Wyoming, still Wilde, still amazing men!
What do you do with a hardheaded, rough and rugged billionaire oil tycoon determined to make the one who “got away” pay for leaving? The same thing you do with an independent, stubborn woman who is just as determined to thwart the Wilde billionaire oil tycoon and beat him at his own game...sit back and watch the fireworks that are sure to happen. Just like I did as I wrote their story! ;)
I hope you enjoy reading the next installment of the Wildes, Naomi and Canton’s story, as much as I enjoyed writing it! I love hearing from you. Feel free to drop me a line at!
As always, keep it sexy, my divas! ;)
Kimberly Kaye Terry
To Claim a Wilde
Kimberly Kaye Terry (
KIMBERLY KAYE TERRY’s love for reading romances began at an early age. To date she’s an award-winning author of over twenty novels in romance, paranormal romance and erotic romance, has garnered acclaim for her work and happily calls writing her full-time job. Kimberly has a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in human relations and has held licenses in social work and mental health therapy in the United States and abroad.
She and her daughter volunteer weekly at various social-service agencies, and Kimberly is a long-standing member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., a community-conscious organization. Kimberly is a naturalist and practices aromatherapy. She believes in embracing the powerful woman within each of us and meditates on a regular basis. Kimberly would love to hear from you. Visit her at (
I have a few dedications, so bear with me.
First, to my amazing kiddo, Hannah. She is, and has always been, an amazing young person. It’s my true blessing to see her grow up into such a wonderful young lady. Even when she thinks I’ll let her wear my stilettos. Not even... ;) Momma loves you, baby girl!
To my fans. I’m a blessed woman to have some of the BEST, sexiest, funniest, craziest and, most of all, supportive reading divas! You all are, absolutely, the best. After having major surgery, I was knocked off my feet for nearly a year. There were days I wanted to scream as I dealt with recovery, physical therapy and everything that goes along with major surgery. I received so many beautiful emails from you all, emails that often helped me power through the pain and finish this story!! I’m better, and now back to writing full-time again. And so, of course, that means I have so many Wildes in my head yelling at me to tell their story, and I plan to write them for you. I love you all!
I’d like to also dedicate this to two people who were patient, understanding and just plain awesome as I went through some hard days recovering, when I just didn’t feel like writing. Glenda Howard, my amazing editor, and Ethan Ellenberg, my equally amazing agent. I have no words for how supportive you two were. I do have them, but I don’t want to cry and mess up my makeup. A diva has to keep her composure!
Last, but not least, to two women who are more like sisters than friends: Yolanda Turner and Marvenette White. I don’t know what I would have done without you two...and you know why. Don’t worry...I won’t tell, lol!
Cover (#ud5950cc5-f286-5aa8-ab07-c5d05f08f04b)
Back Cover Text (#u408d2529-07c5-568d-b764-db3ad56cc26a)
Introduction (#uc3b85c33-497d-537f-be5c-e623dad6e8db)
Dear Reader
Title Page (#u655e3dc1-fb5e-513a-9dd0-22ee364aa7d0)
About the Author (#ub5cb1c3e-d1a0-5b1c-a0c1-d25ca4b7b9a7)
Dedication (#u8895e943-87e6-5d3c-8941-d56223a00a72)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_060f3e38-cfc2-526a-be36-a82ee680eadd)
Chapter 2 (#ulink_48015bd1-e19b-582e-bcb2-59461d48279e)
Chapter 3 (#ulink_9a909878-cdac-5618-86ed-5727ea8228db)
Chapter 4 (#ulink_72756f92-f22d-545c-b68b-30adc6c9e199)
Chapter 5 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 6 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 7 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 8 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 9 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 10 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 11 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 12 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 13 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 14 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 15 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 16 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 17 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 18 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 19 (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 20 (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter 1 (#ulink_cc271356-9a20-5b05-a4f9-24b9fbea38bf)
“Hey, Canton, check her out, damn. that’s what you call fine as hell!”
Canton Wilde barely refrained from wincing at the sound of his friend’s booming voice that he could still hear over the loud pumping music being blasted by the massive speakers throughout the building.
Ray was a great friend, great employee, great drinking partner and overall great guy...but volume control, especially when he’d been drinking, was definitely not his strength.
Or something easy to ignore.
The fact that Ray was doing his damnedest to find a candidate for Canton for a one-night stand didn’t make it any easier to ignore either his friend’s loud voice or his intentions.
Yet he’d allowed Ray to convince him to come out for “game night” at one of their favorite watering holes.
He glanced toward the woman Ray was obviously talking about, his beer halfway to his mouth, giving her a casual once-over.
The tall, striking blonde was eyeing him as though he was manna from heaven and her last supper.
He ran an assessing glance over the woman, head to toe, as she posed, cue in hand, butt reared out as she leaned over the pool table, readying her shot.
Already tall, she wore red stilettos that matched the barely there body-hugging scarlet dress, which left nothing to the imagination.
The plunging neckline pushed and pressed up a truly mouthwatering set of breasts, Canton thought, in pure masculine appreciation.
Probably fake.
But hell, she wore ’em well, he thought.
As she leaned over the cue, he knew it was all for show; she’d angled herself to give Canton a good long look at what she had to offer. She was poised for maximum effect, showing off her full hips and round behind.
He briefly wondered if her ass was fake, too. With the growing trend it wasn’t out of the ordinary. He liked a nice rear end on a woman, just like the next man. But he preferred the real deal. One that was firm, but soft to touch.
She made the shot and flipped Canton a triumphant smile, showing perfect winter-white teeth.
She turned to her pool partner, another female, and gave her a high five for the well-made shot before hopping up on her stool.
She wrapped her long hand with its dagger-length crimson-painted nails around her glass and took a delicate sip of her drink.
Canton’s attention, oddly, focused on her long nails, and how perfectly sculpted they were...and how unappealing they were to him.
Something else new for him.
Before, he would have been imagining what those nails could do on his body.
She casually positioned her shapely legs at a perfect angle for Canton to see that she was sans panties. Then flashed him a wink.
If the vibe the blonde was giving off hadn’t been an indication of her interest in him, definitely the audacious flash of bare ass and show of her kitty was, as she returned his stare, boldly and equally assessing.
Her full crimson lips turned up in a seductive little grin...a calculated grin, as she held his gaze.
Canton knew immediately that she was down for...whatever.
But Canton was not.
As attractive and obviously willing as she was, Canton just wasn’t interested.
He gave her a barely discernible nod of acknowledgment for the well-played shot and with a small salute of his beer, brought the bottle to his mouth and turned away.
As he shifted away, Canton noticed her crimson lips turn downward in a soured look of irritation and a hint of embarrassment.
He just wasn’t interested. Not in a one-night stand and definitely not with a woman he didn’t know, not tonight.
In fact, he hadn’t felt the need for that type of adult play in a while. Had it been six months ago, and had he been a single man, no doubt about it, it would have been a different scenario playing out.
But a lot had happened in his world over the past six months, things that made a man look at the world in a slightly different way.
“What the...” He turned at Ray’s incredulous tone. “Are you serious?” Canton barely refrained from truly laughing out loud at the disbelieving look that crossed his friend’s dark brown face. Unknown to him, Ray had been watching the entire exchange.
“Man, you havegot to be kidding me!” He shook his head, momentarily at a loss for words. “I thought you were a Wilde!”
Canton’s eyes narrowed as he swallowed the beer lodged in his throat.
He turned to the bartender and nodded his head for another before turning back to face his friend.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Ray?” he asked, mildly interested in Ray’s response. “Because I’m a Wilde, I have some obligation to screw any willing female?” he scoffed.
“Uh, yeah... Hell yeah, that’s what it means,” was Ray’s unrepentant reply, forcing a rusty laugh from Canton.
Canton turned back and accepted the beer the bartender had placed in front of him.
“Well, if you don’t want her...” Ray allowed the sentence to hang, his look a cross between hopeful for a chance at the blonde and disgust for his friend’s lack of interest in the willing woman.
With a half grunt, half laugh, Canton nodded his head. “Go for it,” he encouraged, with casual disregard.
Ray took one last swig of his own beer and laid it on the bar counter and turned to face him, a neutral look on his handsome face.
“Man, you need to get laid. How much longer are you gonna think about...stuff?” his friend asked, his voice as calm as his expression. “How much longer are you gonna hold on to—”
“I’m good,” Canton interrupted, before his friend went down that particular path. “Go handle your business, Ray.”
Canton chugged half his beer down with a grimace. The reason for his state of mind lately wasn’t a subject he wanted to talk about, even with his best friend.
“You need to get back out there, Canton.”
At the look Canton gave him, his friend shrugged, gave him an “I tried” type of glance, spun around on his booted feet and left.
With mild interest he observed Ray as he made his way toward the woman, a predatory look on his face.
Canton twisted his large frame in the high-backed stool to face the bar. Six months ago he would have been doing the exact same thing as Ray.
He liked tall women, as he himself was six foot four. She should have been his type. She once was his type. Tall, leggy, sexy, blonde. He mentally ticked off the physical attributes she had that usually stirred his interest and libido. He glanced over his shoulder once more and saw Ray was talking with the blonde.
Just as Ray was now doing, Canton would have leaned down and been totally in her intimate zone. Would have given her whatever smooth words she needed to hear to feel special, to know that the adult games he wanted to play with her had nothing to do with pool, darts or spades.
That she was special to him. That she was the one.
If only for this one night.
He would have crowded her in, given her a taste of the infamous Wilde charm, confident that he’d have her where he wanted. Would have led her away from the bar to wind up at either her place or one of the local motels for the night.
But lately, he hadn’t been interested in any of that. Not since his father had passed away, leaving the care of Brick and Riley, his two younger siblings, to him and his brother Tiber.
His brother and sister weren’t small children; they were something worse: teenagers. Riley, the youngest and the only Wilde female, was a senior in high school and Brick, his young brother, was in his sophomore year at the university.
Not to mention his breakup with a woman he’d once considered marrying. He knew that Ray, as well as his brothers, thought she was the reason for his state of celibacy, but he knew it wasn’t her. He’d come to realize over the past six months that he had in fact dodged the bullet with his fiancée, Anne. Fate had stepped in and actually saved him from possibly making the biggest mistake of his life.
But even to himself, he didn’t delve too deeply into what was at the core of his ennui, for lack of a better word.
Lately no woman had captured his attention long enough to make an impression on him. Not even long enough to bed her.
And although he and Anne had broken off the engagement, he knew that she was still there, waiting, wanting him to return. But under her conditions: not only that Canton move out of the family home, but that they buy their own place and also move the wedding date up.
There was no way in hell he was going to do that. His family needed him.
He soon found out why she was so hell-bent on moving the wedding date up.
Canton shook his head, throwing off the heavy thoughts and sting of malcontent.
Family came first. It was a part of the Wilde creed. It was a creed that his pop had drilled into Canton, as well as his brothers and baby sister. And if the woman who purported to care about him didn’t realize that, well, then, he had in fact dodged a bullet with her.
His family meant everything to Canton.
Unknown to him, a smile creased his rugged features when he thought of the youngest Wilde, Riley. She was growing up so fast. Kicking and raising hell from the time she came from her mother’s womb, she’d been as much of a Wilde from the moment she’d come into the world as his biological brothers.
And now, with Pop gone, all she had was Canton along with his two brothers to look after her. He and Tiber, the oldest, had made a promise to his father that they’d always look after her, that no one would hurt her. A promise he intended to keep.
Because that was what family did. Took care of each other.
It was amazing what responsibility did to a man, Canton thought with a grunt. Made him grow up quick, fast and in a hurry. Also showed who the real deal was when it came to those who loved you. Separated the true from the fair-weather. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Besides, after he ended it with Anne, he hadn’t been interested enough in getting “back out there” with anyone. Not exactly soured on love, but damn sure a lot more cautious when it came to trust.
He glanced at his watch, ready to call it quits for the night. He really wasn’t in the mood to get “laid” as Ray suggested. Casual sex was the last thing on his mind.
But until Ray decided what he was doing...or who he was doing for the night, he’d wait for his friend to give him the word before he left him to his own devices.
Still looking in the direction of Ray and the blonde, Canton knew it wouldn’t be long before Ray gave him the go-ahead to leave.
Until that time... Canton took another long drink from the bottle, his glance casually strolling over the clientele, bored and ready to say screw it and leave. Ray was a big boy; he could handle his own business.
At that moment, Ray gave him the signal and Canton shook his head, one side of his mouth kicked up in a grin.
“Well, no sense in hanging around,” he murmured to himself, and drank the last of his beer.
Just as he was ready to turn away and settle his tab, his glance caught that of a woman who stood near her seat at one of the small round high tables, near the bar. He hadn’t noticed her before.
She turned to fully face him and their gazes collided. In the act of removing her jacket, she paused, the garment dangling from her fingers. For a long moment she stood there, simply staring at him with her large doe-shaped eyes.
From where she and the woman with her sat, in one of the few well-lit areas and a small distance from where he was, Canton could see her clearly.
Unlike the leggy blonde in the tight red dress and stilettos, she wore a pair of skinny jeans that molded round hips and a plump butt, and ended where she wore knee-high boots.
The shirt she had on beneath the jacket was simple, but man oh man what it did for her curves. Made of some type of clinging material she’d only partially buttoned, the opened collar dipped to a pair of truly beautiful, full breasts, the crests overflowing the top of her bra, just a bit. He wasn’t close enough to get a really good look, but dear God... His glance slid over her, seeing how she’d tucked the ends of the shirt into her jeans, showing off a nicely nipped-in waist.
He raised his glance, back up the length of her body until he reached her beautiful round face.
But it was her eyes that got him.
Large, and from his distance appeared light brown, or maybe it was just the dance of light that hit them that made them so. Either way, they had a slight tilt in the corner. A small round nose and full, luscious lips that, along with the shape of her eyes, gave her the appearance of a sulky child.
Her pretty cocoa-brown-colored skin reminded him of silken, rich, decadent dark chocolate... Canton wondered if her skin was as soft as it looked. His palms itched to find out. His fingers rubbed against his palms.
Her hair was swept on top of her head in a topknot of some sort, but ringlets of light brown curls framed her heart-shaped face, giving her even more of a look of a pouting adolescent.
Again, his gaze swept over her body.
But any hint of a childlike appearance was negated by her body. She had a body that could raise the dead.
He lifted his glance to meet her sultry eyes and felt his breath hitch and lodge in his throat.
She returned his gaze.
First, she bit the corner of her mouth, as though in deep thought, before tugging on the full bottom lip and finally letting it go.
Canton could not look away.
Their glances held for what seemed like forever.
Then moments later, she smiled as though she’d come to some decision.
Timidly at first. One side of those ripe, full lips of hers lifted, slowly. Then the other.
Then it grew.
Naked of any color, besides a shine of gloss on her full lips, her smile was breathtaking. And damned if Canton could look away. No one, ever, had captivated him the way this woman had with just one look. A mutual exchange of nothing more than a glance and a smile.
He felt an answering grin lift the corners of his own mouth, upward.
Canton hadn’t felt like this in a long, long time.
He felt...light, happy for no damn reason on earth besides looking at her.
His body hardened, every thing about him focused on her. His cock thumped against his zipper, hardening, reacting to her.
As though she knew his thoughts, her eyes dipped for a moment in a charming display of shyness before reconnecting with his, her pretty full smile still in place. The effect on his body was unlike anything.
His cock hardened to pain, but Canton welcomed it as though it were a homecoming of sorts.
Beneath the bright light, Canton could have sworn he saw color blossom on her cheeks. As though she knew what she had done to him.
The little vixen, he thought, as a laugh escaped his mouth.
She was his.
Right then, right there, he decided.
It made no sense, no rhyme or reason.
If he weren’t so focused on her, he’d think of what Ray would say, think, if he knew.
Probably that Canton had lost his mind. Moments before, he’d assured his friend the last thing on his mind was a woman, one-night stand or otherwise.
He hadn’t lied.
In a blink of an eye, fate had something else in mind.
He felt it in his gut. His Wilde instinct.
His family were firm believers and followers of the Wilde instinct. An instinct their pop had trained them, from childhood onward, to believe in and follow.
The Wilde instinct was a part of their DNA as much as the height and blue eyes all the Wilde men shared.
That same Wilde instinct told him in the far recesses of his mind to get out now, if he wasn’t ready. Now, before it was too late.
He placed the empty beer bottle behind him, blindly, never losing eye contact with the woman.
He was ready. He’d never been so ready in all of his life.
* * *
“Girl, come on, loosen up, let’s have fun! But that can’t happen if you keep turning your nose up like that!” Alyssa Thomas groused to her best friend, Naomi McBride, as soon as the skimpily clad, weary-looking waitress placed their drinks in front of them, collected the money and left.
“And for the love of God, please, take that jacket off! I swear if you fiddle with the buttons one more time...just one more time—”
“What? What will you do?” Naomi challenged.
Alyssa narrowed her eyes. “I’m gonna fight you like a man!”
That made Naomi laugh, as it had been Alyssa’s favorite threatening phrase since they were children.
She snorted, shooting Alyssa a glance. “Really? And how long have you been threatening me with that?” she said and both young women erupted into laughter, remembering.
They’d been friends from childhood, ever since Naomi had stood up for Alyssa to the school bully. Not by fighting, but with her words, something Naomi was very good at doing.
At the end of her sophisticated tirade against the bully—well, she’d thought it sophisticated at the ripe old age of seven—the bully looked as though she were about to go “in” on both her and Alyssa, not impressed at all with Naomi’s serious words.
So Naomi, with her young face set, hands on hips, told the bully that she’d “fight her like a man” if she ever looked like she wanted to beat Alyssa up again.
She’d no idea where the crazy threat had come from, she thought with a laugh. She’d been just as scared, if not more, of the class bully, but she’d forced the fear away as she stood up to the much bigger girl, not backing down.
Words were all she had, as she knew the girl could beat her up.
Even at a young age, Naomi had used her words as her sword. Either it was the crazy threat or the way she said it that made the bully back away, mumbling about how they’d better stay on their side of the playground. It had become Naomi and Alyssa’s private laugh for fourteen years.
After sobering, Alyssa pinned her friend with her signature look. Naomi refused to squirm beneath her friend’s piercing gray eyes, feeling like a specimen under a microscope.
“Quit staring at me like that. And giving me that cray-cray look of yours. Gives me the creeps,” Naomi groused.
“What look?” Alyssa asked, feigning innocence, holding her cheeks taut as though holding back a laugh.
“You know what look. Don’t even try it. The same look you probably give to one of the frogs in your lab, rubbing your hands together in glee, right before you start slicing into the poor little guy,” Naomi mumbled, making Alyssa’s tinkling laugh ring out.
Which in turn made Naomi grin. Her friend’s light, infectious laugh could make anyone smile. Unlike Naomi’s laugh, big and full, a laugh she’d always been self-conscious about. It was just so...big. Only a few had heard her full laugh, and even fewer had made her laugh that way.
“Poor guy, huh? You know, if you want to be a doctor, you’re going to be doing a whole lotta dicing yourself. And not on anything so mild as a frog’s anatomy!”
“Yeah, but I’ll be in the biz of healing and helping children...not dissecting and murdering innocent amphibians!” she quipped, and both women chuckled.
“Really, with that vivid imagination of yours with the whole ‘rubbing my hands together in glee,’ as I ‘murder’ poor amphibians, on the real, girl, I’m truly convinced that you just might have missed your calling as a writer!” Alyssa said, and they both laughed.
“Listen, Ne Ne,” Alyssa said, automatically calling her by her childhood nickname of long ago. “We are graduating in a month and it’s your birthday!” She paused and gave Naomi a considering look before continuing. “Come on, girl, it’s not every day a woman turns twenty-one! And you promised me on your birthday you’d—”
Naomi held up a hand to stall the rest of her friend’s sentence. “I know, I know, I promised I’d loosen up and, well, umm...”
Alyssa cocked a brow. “And...” she said, allowing the rest of the sentence to dangle, waving a hand encouraging Naomi to continue.
“And find a man to deflower me,” she said, clenching her teeth in an attempt not to laugh.
Alyssa gave up a combo half giggle, half groan at Naomi’s words. “Girl, stop! No you didn’t say ‘deflower’!” Both women laughed outright. “And no I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant have fun, loosen up and well...” Her voice trailed off.
“I’m waiting,” Naomi broke in, when apparently Alyssa seemed hesitant to finish her sentence. Again she felt laughter ready to bubble forth. Maybe this was just what she needed. It had been a while since she had, as Alyssa said, loosened up.
Naomi was celebrating a momentous birthday, and she, as well as her friend, was finishing her senior year at the university, although Alyssa was older than Naomi by a year. Naomi had completed her undergraduate work in three years, shaving off a year, and Alyssa had completed her basic training in the air force for ROTC before entering the university. The two were as close as sisters, and had been since they were children.
“Besides, it’s kinda too late for the whole ‘deflowering’ thing, if you remember?” Naomi reminded her friend.
“Girl, please...that don’t even count. Didn’t you know that if the first time wasn’t any good, you get a do-over? What? Yes. A do-over!” she said, snapping her fingers together. “But that ain’t none of my business, though!” she finished with a smirk and lifted her glass to her mouth and took a sip...staring at Naomi over the rim.
Again Naomi laughed.
“Well, be that as it may. My one and only time left a lot to be desired. And not only that, but I haven’t even dated since then. Not that I’ve had all that much experience anyway,” Naomi said with a glum look.
“And whose fault is that?”
“Doesn’t matter. You know school comes—” Naomi replied, ready to shoot with her standard answer.
“First,” Alyssa interrupted and filled in for her, raising a palm. “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’ve always got that answer locked and loaded, girlfriend, ready to fire. But you promised we’d celebrate your birthday and graduation. What better way than to find some sexy beast and let him have his way with you, oooh Papi give it to me,” Alyssa quipped, making goofy kissing sounds as she pooched her lips out. Naomi groaned at the cheesy reference to her favorite, even cheesier, classic romance film, but had to laugh along with Alyssa at her crazy antics.
It wasn’t that Naomi didn’t want to loosen up, as Alyssa said, and have fun. She’d just always been so focused.
Besides, most of the boys her own age just didn’t do it for her. They all seemed so...young.
She sighed. “I don’t know, Lyssa. What if I do it and end up falling in love with said guy I do it with, quit school, stay around here in Wyoming, have a bunch of kids, and never fulfill my dream of being a doctor? Huh? Huh? What then?” she asked, half joking, half serious. It was one of her fears to stay in their hometown and do...nothing with her life.
“Really, Ne Ne? All that is going to happen? Girl, I swear you’re going into the wrong profession. You should really think about becoming a writer!”
“Ha!” Naomi replied, taking a drink and settling back in her seat.
“Listen, I’m not saying you gotta fall in love with the first guy you get involved with or do it with!” She stopped and qualified the statement, as Naomi opened her mouth. “Reallllly do it with,” she said, and Naomi grunted. “Girl, just do it, have fun and move on! Seriously, that’s my motto. Ain’t nobody got time for falling in love!” Alyssa chuckled at her own joke.
“Hmm. I don’t know. Most of the guys I know just don’t do it for me. At all. Not even a little bit,” Naomi replied with a deep sigh.
Feeling warm, she stood up to take off her leather jacket, to which Alyssa shot her an approving look and mumbled, “Finally!”
“And I think you’ve been reading those romance books of yours way too much. Trust me, if it were that easy to find Mr. Right, I would have been married with a bunch of kids a long time ago! And besides, what if that did happen, would that be so bad? Tall, dark and fine could be just the ticket for you! Have a hot, sexy brief affair, release some of that tension you carry around like a bad habit. Hmmm.” Alyssa stopped, a thoughtful expression crossing her small gamine features as she took a sip of her drink, lost in thought.
Naomi was contemplative when her friend grew quiet, and she removed her jacket, feeling warm and actually more comfortable than she thought she would feel.
Maybe Alyssa was right.
Maybe a fun rendezvous was all she needed, with a tall, dark— Her thoughts were cut short when she looked up, her jacket in her hand, and met the cornflower-blue eyes of one of the hottest men in Wyoming, Canton Wilde.
She swallowed, hard.
Although she was younger than Canton by at least three or four years, Naomi knew of him. Heck, every female under the age of ninety-nine in and around Cheyenne knew of Canton, as well as his siblings. Not only were they one of the richest families in the area, if not the richest, the men were so hot, so sought-after, they could all collectively star in their own reality show, of the Bachelor competition variety.
Tall, he had to be over well over six feet, easily a full foot taller than her own five feet four inches.
From where he stood, the light from the bar showed his full body, face and all. But in reality, Naomi knew what he looked like from memory.
He wore his dark blond hair closely cropped to his well-shaped head, while a stubble of a beard the same dark blond shade shadowed his chiseled squared jaw. His long nose was aquiline. And she knew that the slight bump in the center, he’d gotten being tackled in high school while playing football.
Her glance slid over his beautiful male form.
Casually, he wore jeans that sculpted and hugged his thick thighs and muscular legs. The light from the bar seemed to focus on the center of his jeans, and his zipper, and the distinct bulge thereabouts. Or maybe it was her own lust that had her helplessly gazing at the man’s crotch like some kind of wanton woman.
Whatever it was, helpless, she stared at him, transfixed. She forced her gaze away and met his eyes, his glance hot and filled with something she dare not name...
Was it her imagination, or was she really seeing what she thought she was seeing? Naomi wondered, wetting her lips with a quick swipe of her tongue. And if so, then...dare she?
Why not? she thought, a plan forming in her mind. Why not...proposition Canton Wilde? Not as if it hadn’t happened to him before; she well knew his rep. Besides, who better to really, uh, deflower her than him, she thought, feeling bolder by the millisecond as she allowed the wild thought to marinate in her mind.
She bit her lower lip, wondering if she dared to be so bold?
Naomi let go of her lip and smiled.
It was small at first. Just one side of her mouth kicked up.
The stronger the thought took root in her mind, the naughtier, the bolder, she felt.
Empowered, even.
Now both sides of her mouth lifted up, until a full-toothed smile took over her face with a mind of its own.
His bright cornflower-blue eyes widened, and his own very sensual mouth lifted in the corner. Naomi just about melted right there on the spot. Dear God, the man was beyond sexy. He oozed sex appeal like other men sweat.
Question was, did she have what it took to actually go through with what was fermenting in her mind?
They held each other’s gazes, communicating on some odd, unique wavelength that was new, fresh, exciting. One that only they felt, only they knew about.
It was as though they were sharing some secret of the universe that no one else could claim.
The club, the noise, Alyssa, all faded away as she held Canton Wilde’s penetrating, hypnotic deep blue gaze.
Her nipples hardened beneath her gauzy blouse.
As though he knew, though there was no way he could tell from their distance away from each other, Canton’s gaze wandered, briefly, to her breasts before returning to her eyes.
She inhaled a swift breath.
Naomi couldn’t have looked away had her friend told her the club was on fire.
Chapter 2 (#ulink_d8dc85bc-1b86-5be8-abab-69637e77d409)
“But then again, would it be sooo bad meeting Mr. Right? How romantic would that be... I mean sure, you’d have to stay in Wyoming, but then again— Uh, Naomi?”
Naomi was oblivious to the small fingers being snapped in front of her face. “Girl...are you even listening to me? Naomi?” Now frustration flavored her friend’s tone.
Alyssa stopped her monologue and stared at Naomi, still snapping her fingers in front of Naomi’s face in an attempt to get her friend’s attention.
Naomi tore her gaze away from Canton and turned her focus to her friend.
“Huh?” she asked, feeling completely unglued.
Naomi had no idea how long she and Canton Wilde had exchanged that long, intense moment.
For Naomi, it felt as though time had stood still. Unconsciously, she brought her fingers to her forehead to wipe away the sweat she knew just had to be there.
Dear God, the man had brought her to a heated mess with just a look. But it was more than a look. It was a sensual exchange, the likes of which she’d never experienced.
“Girl, ummm, are you okay?” Alyssa asked, a look of concern etched on her pretty face.
“Yeah, I’m good... I, just, uh, was checking out everything,” Naomi murmured, trying to gather her wits about her enough to form a coherent reply. “That’s all,” she replied, forcing a casual smile. “So this is game night, huh? Looks like fun!” she went on, completely flustered from her exchange with Canton Wilde, but trying desperately to adopt a cheerful facade for her friend. “I should have let you bring me here before! Of course, as I’m just now legally able to, I guess that couldn’t have happened, huh?”
Naomi clamped her mouth shut, feeling as though she were blabbering. Nerves. That’s all it was.
Rattled nerves had her blabbering incoherently, sweating and acting crazy.
She offered Alyssa another shaky smile, hooked her jacket over the back of her bar stool and climbed back onto the high-backed chair.
She hastily lifted her drink from the table and brought the cool glass tumbler to her lips.
Alyssa was watching her carefully, a concerned look on her face.
“You sure you’re okay?”
Naomi waved her concern away with a flip of her hand as she took a healthy swallow of the drink Alyssa had ordered them.
The alcohol smoothly went down, the taste a curious blend of sweet and sour; oddly mellow, and very good.
Moments later, the liquid began to burn her throat slightly. But it was too late; Naomi had drunk half the glass before she realized its potency.
She scowled and placed the drink on the table, and gave her friend a look. “Girl, what in the world did you order for me?” she asked with a squeaky voice, the strength of the alcohol compromising her vocal cords temporarily.
“Oh, it’s not that bad! It’s just an apple martini. They’re delicious!” Alyssa replied, and to prove her point took a healthy swallow of her own.
With a lifted brow Naomi watched her friend try to fake the funk and pretend the drink wasn’t strong.
She gave her friend kudos when she held her own, only giving a slight grimace, but still had to tease her. “Uh-huh, right!”
“Well, I thought it was innocent!” Alyssa said, holding back a laugh. “But, look, it came with a little umbrella. How could anything be bad that comes with its own little parasol?” Ever the comedian, she lifted the tiny drink accessory in her hand and twirled it around. “Awwww...see, isn’t it cute?”
“Yeah, sure, Lyssa. It’s about as cute and innocent as a baby rattlesnake,” Naomi replied drily.
“You know, the drinks they serve here on game night are known to sprout hairs on your chest. If you’re not used to strong drinks, you might wanna stick with a Shirley Temple.”
Naomi swiveled in her chair and nearly fell out of her seat when she glanced up, way up, into the eyes of Canton Wilde.
When she toppled forward, but before she could actually fall, he was there, big hand cupping her elbow, steadying her.
“You okay?” he asked in his deep, sexy-as-hell voice.
Large, sculpted, beautifully defined muscles were revealed in the short-sleeved checked shirt he wore as he held on to her arm. In reflex, she grabbed his forearm to steady herself, feeling the ripple of coiled masculine strength beneath her fingertips.
Naomi barely repressed the desire to hold on and never, ever let go. She bobbed her head up and down, robbed of speech when he asked her again if she were okay.
Girl, get yourself together, she mentally chastised herself.
“Yeah, um, I’m fine,” she said, not speaking much above a whisper, and she didn’t think he heard her in the loud club.
“Yeah, you are,” he replied.
Startled, not thinking she heard right, Naomi’s eyes flew to his, and she flushed at the look in his stare.
The clarity of his meaning shone brightly in his gaze, and Naomi knew he was the one.
Standing so close to her, Naomi could smell him. Her eyes nearly feathered shut at his appeal. His cologne was lightly woodsy, blending with his own natural scent, which made for an intoxicating aroma.
She inhaled deeply, taking in all of him, everything feminine in her coming alive as she reveled in his unique masculine scent.
Naomi made a bold decision.
One she probably wouldn’t have made had she been (1) completely sober, and (2) not goaded into a rash act by her friend’s meddling.
Actually, in her heart Naomi knew that Alyssa had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the decision she was making. The decision to claim Canton Wilde for the night.
Just one night.
“May I?” he asked, interrupting her scandalous musings.
“Yes, um, of course,” she said, without looking or asking Alyssa if it was okay for him to sit with them.
In all honesty, Alyssa had all but vanished from her mind and thoughts.
Which was why she didn’t notice the “shit-eating grin,” as her daddy would call the look on Alyssa’s face. Or her mumbled excuse to leave the table, to go say hi to a “friend” she saw across the bar.
For Canton and Naomi, there was no one else but the two of them. He sat across from her and placed his hand over hers and she shivered.
“Before I ask to buy you a drink, will you share your name?” he asked, a deep dimple creased just one cheek, and Naomi nearly groaned aloud at the sexy characteristic. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.
She shook her head and offered a slight grin.
“No, you won’t tell me your name, or no, I can’t buy you a drink?” he asked, and her grin widened.
“No, no! I mean, yes, you can ask my name, but no, I have had enough. I, um, think I need to keep a clear head around you, Canton Wilde,” she said and nearly bit her tongue out when he widened his eyes.
“I’m at a disadvantage, apparently. You know mine, but I don’t know yours,” he said, the small smile still in place, and she relaxed.
“It’s Naomi. Naomi McBride. And I, um, I know about you and your brothers. Your sister, too. I mean, who doesn’t know about you? I mean, the Wildes. I mean—”
She stopped, and clamped her mouth shut. If she said “I mean” one more time, she’d find a way to kick her own ass...
He laughed outright.
Hmm. Naomi barely held back a moan. The sound of his full laughter caused several people around them to turn and look. The closest table was a group of women, who all gave Canton a head-to-toe, in-depth once-over. Something Naomi was sure he got a lot. The man was fine with a capital F.
The fact that he was looking only at her, and not giving the table of ogling women any notice, made her smile brighten just that much more and her confidence kick up another notch.
“Well, if I can’t buy you a drink, how about a dance?” he asked, grin still in place on his fine face.
The thought of being that close to Canton, his unique scent washing over her, brought a fresh rash of goose bumps slithering over her entire body.
Naomi was hopeful yet nervous of what might be...
She made a promise to herself right then that before the night was over, if she had her way, they’d be doing a lot more than dancing.
Naomi nodded and smiled, meeting his hot blue stare, his eyes searching hers for what, she had no clue. She drew in a ragged breath as she held his gaze before she placed her small hand within his much larger one.
As he led her to the dance floor, she gave no protest when he drew her body close, so tight...she felt the length of his hardness, his girth against her stomach. She swallowed. Oh, my...
As he wrapped his strong, muscled arms around her slim waist, without thought or hesitation Naomi brought her hands up to rest on his hips, her fingers casually twisting around the loops of his belt while her head rested against his rock-hard chest.
The beat of his heart strummed strongly, deeply, against her ear. Even his heartbeat was purely masculine.
She allowed her eyes to drift close.
Chapter 3 (#ulink_e7a57f4b-6fec-54a4-afe3-8b0b7f867164)
Seven years later
Canton Wilde leaned back against the antique brass railing surrounding the wraparound porch, crossed his big booted feet one over the over, and observed the woman he’d been watching for over fifteen minutes.
His attention was fixed, unwavering on the woman. With little thought to the brisk air besides lifting the collar of his worn plaid shirt, Canton continued his observation of her. She appeared to be in the midst of fighting a losing battle with the seat belt inside her old Jeep. Even though he was a distance away, Canton could clearly feel her irritability.
A chuckle erupted from his mouth.
He shoved away from the railing.
Canton wasn’t sure if it was the surprise of his own chuckle, one he admitted, if only to himself, was a rare thing to hear. Or if it was the sight of the woman as she finally emerged from the Jeep that made him catch his breath and push away. Once he got a good look, his Wilde instinct kicked was more of the latter than the first.
He narrowed his eyes and leaned back again, at an angle that placed him away from her line of vision should she glance his way.
Damn if he even knew what in hell had made him stop in the first place. He’d intended to grab something to eat and a beer at the end of the day, tired as hell and pissed off at the latest load of crap he’d had to deal with from Cyrus White, the representative from the Rolling Hills Corporation, a task he detested.
His older brother, Tiber, who like him and his siblings was part owner of Wilde Oil Enterprises, was also the family lawyer. Tiber was the Wilde who dealt with the other bigwigs, execs and lawyers alike. Tiber was the sophisticated Wilde. The Wilde who dealt with the likes of snakes such as Cyrus without wanting to wring his narrow-ass neck. Something Canton wished like hell to do. But he promised Tiber he’d refrain.
Tiber was all the things Canton was not. Refined, tactful when need be, when dealing with other corporate types. A fact Canton was immensely happy about.
Until he’d had to take over for his brother.
He bit out a curse.
Tiber was out of country at the moment, so the job of acting CEO fell to Canton. He’d much rather be out on one of their oil rig sites with the men, overseeing the drill or working on one of the rigs right alongside them as he was known to do on occasion. Somewhere he’d be right now had he not had to fill in for his brother.
Being in the field with the men was much better than behind some damn desk dealing with corporate America.
If Canton had his way, he’d have nothing to do with either Cyrus or Rolling Hills. Neither the man nor the company he represented had sat well with Canton. Something was off about both. He always left feeling apprehensive and annoyed after any dealings with either. And he never felt that way when he was on the rig.
But at the last family meeting, he, along with his brothers, Tiber and Brick, and their younger sister, Riley, had decided that they’d hear the company out, after the board had given Tiber a report containing the preliminary offer. Canton, as CFO, had already gone over the numbers several times with their head of accounting.
After the family made a favorable decision, Tiber, who was at the time acting CEO of Wilde Oil Enterprises, was to be the contact for the Wildes with Rolling Hills.
That was before there was trouble with one of the Wildes’ international accounts and Tiber had been forced to go overseas and handle the issue personally. Which left Canton in the position of temporary CEO until his return.
He uttered a disgusted grunt and mentally shrugged off the memory of his latest bout with Cyrus.
He returned his attention to the woman.
But...something about her had caught his attention, just as he’d been about to enter his family home.
He didn’t really know how long she’d been there; could have been five minutes or an hour. He knew she hadn’t seen him. Hell, he doubted she was aware of much going on around her from what he’d observed.
She’d been staring out her driver’s window, away from the mansion, as she’d been parked at the very edge of the road. Slowly, she turned the ignition on. After a few sputters, hisses and coughs, the old Jeep crackled to life.
She drove so slowly up the winding driveway he wondered if she was someone who’d lost her way and was trying to figure out her next move.
But no one gained access past the gate guard and this close to the Wilde family mansion without getting vetted.
So it was someone they knew.
Canton waited. He’d eased his large frame into a strategic position, one where he knew she couldn’t see him until he was ready for her to see him.
Something about this intrigued him.
For the moment he forgot all about Rolling Hills and the disturbing little man who rubbed him the wrong way. His focus was all on the woman approaching his family’s home.
There was something familiar about her.
The woman faced the front of the mansion. From Canton’s distance he saw the determination and set of her shoulders as she hoisted her bag closer to her side, squared her shoulders even more, if that was humanly possible, and closed the door to the Jeep.
Damn, she was beautiful...
Fully emerged from the truck, she made her way toward the house, and finally, finally he could see her full body.
He dragged in a swift breath as the woman drew closer.
The soft sway of her walk and smooth curves gave new meaning to the word stacked.
It was cool outside, and she wore a classic hip-length white leather jacket with the belt cinched tightly. The ends were tied in a big bow, like a present, highlighting her small waist, nicely rounded hips and full, plump breasts. All clearly visible beneath her layers.
Hell, Canton thought as he watched the woman approach, a figure like hers couldn’t be hidden or camouflaged behind anything so inconsequential as a jacket.
From his vantage point, he watched her approach. There was even something familiar about the way she walked.
Although the autumn air was chilly, the sun shone brightly and caressed her toasted brown skin, which seemed to glow even more against the stark whiteness of her leather jacket. The way the light bounced and flickered against her smooth skin brought more awareness to Canton.
At that moment the wind chose to blow, whispering air against her body, molding the soft leather jacket she wore even closer to her sinful curves, making Canton’s body harden, tightening with every step she took closer.
His attention was riveted on the woman.
The wind again blew a gust of air over her. She wore her hair in a high bun, but tendrils of curls escaped and whisked across her face. The woman raised her face toward the sun, a half smile tilting the corners of her full mouth upward.
It was as though she and the sun were old friends, communicating. She remained in that pose for what seemed like an eternity. And Canton wouldn’t have been able to look away had his life depended on it.
When she lowered her head, she continued her pace toward the door.
He knew he should walk away. Something was telling him to move his ass now, before she caught him.
Something told him if he didn’t his life would never been the same again. That instinct he had, the same instinct he’d inherited from his rough and rugged father, the same instinct that he and his brothers and as their baby sister all shared, the kind of instinct that told a man in business when it was time to move, in poker when to fold.
The same instinct that was now telling him to turn and move away before it was too late. But damned if he could.
So he just stood there, watching her stroll closer to the house, to him. He frowned when he caught her lips working, as though she were talking to herself. She stopped, closed her eyes and performed the sign of the cross. He felt one side of his mouth quirk in a half smile.
She had no clue she wasn’t alone, that she was being watched. Something told that if she did, she would be mortified.
She was stylishly dressed; he ran his gaze over her as she came closer. From the soft-looking leather jacket cinched tightly at her waist, over her curved hips in the calf-length leather skirt, down shapely legs, housed in knee-high boots, she was the epitome of sophistication. He wondered if she were from around Cheyenne.
Canton’s frown deepened. She was so lost in her own thoughts, he knew that she believed she was alone.
But Canton observed her as she walked with determination in her stride, up the winding path that led to the house.
She was a woman on a mission.
Everything about her told him that.
He again felt that curious shift in his awareness. Whatever her mission was, that same instinct that told him if he wanted his life to remain unchanged he should run the hell in the complete and opposite direction, also told him that part of that mission she was clearly on would involve him.
She reached the front of the house and lifted her face, and it was then that Canton nearly gave himself away.
He had never forgotten that face.
He’d never forgotten the feel of those curves on that body...
His hungry gaze roved over her, head to toe.
She had one of the prettiest complexions he’d ever seen. Her heart-shaped face was the color of deep milk chocolate with a hint of cream. He had never forgotten the color or feel of her...
Large, light brown almond-shaped eyes stood out against the richness of her complexion.
But it was her lips that captured him now, as they had before. Neither had he forgotten how they tasted. Full, plump and delicious, they called out to him, beckoning him, daring him to taste their ripe lushness.
Just as they had seven years ago.
His body hardened, alert; like a hunter watching his prey, his gaze was unwavering.
And in that moment Canton knew his life had, again, changed forever.
He also knew in that moment that running was the furthest thing from his mind. And neither would he allow her to run this time.
Hell no. Not this time. Not ever again. His face, body and everything else about him tightened up.
A purely masculine gleam shone from his eyes as he pulled his hat down further on his head, shielding his eyes.
Hell no. She wouldn’t get away from him this time.
Chapter 4 (#ulink_1c4c558f-3a7d-5b4c-bc9d-526407a8db12)
Naomi McBride cast a quick downward glance over her body, making sure she was put together well.
“I need to be on point,” she muttered to herself as she made sure nothing was hanging out of place.
She smoothed nervous hands down her leather jacket, retying the ends, again, wondering for the one hundredth time if her outfit conveyed what she wanted: a strong independent woman, a woman no one, not even a notorious Wilde, would consider lightly.
A woman to be taken seriously.
She straightened her burgundy leather skirt over her hips for the third time while absently toying with the buttons of the white leather jacket she wore to combat the chilly Wyoming air.
A shiver coursed through her body while a sigh broke from her lips.
“I already miss Texas.” She fiddled with the buttons of the supple leather jacket. “Whoever heard of it being cold in September?” Naomi shuddered and then stilled, forcing her fingers away and stopping the nervous gesture.
She turned back to face the mansion.
So cold, impersonal. Just like the heartless family who lived inside, she thought, refusing to acknowledge how the wraparound deck of the cold, heartless mansion really appealed to her.
Nor did she address the issue of her being unfair to a family that was never heartless to anyone. At least they never had been before. Now, well...she just didn’t know. She’d been away so long, she had no idea.
Naomi inhaled deeply, a fortifying breath. She could do this. She had no choice. Her family had no choice.
Naomi wondered even now how long her family would have kept their situation from her? How long before one of her parents would have told her the family ranch was in jeopardy?
She sighed, thankful she’d kept in contact with her sorority sister and friend Althea, or who knows how long it would have been before she’d be made aware of their dire situation. Had it not been for Althea, it might have been too late to do anything about it. She smiled thinking of her friend Althea Hudson.
She mentally shook her head, correcting herself, as she’d just learned of her friend’s marriage to a man from another set of Wildes, men ranchers living on their land just outside Landers, Wyoming.
She and Althea still needed to talk about that, Naomi thought. She’d been so out of the loop working at the pediatric center she hadn’t known of her friend’s marriage. Yet as soon as she’d said the last name Wilde, Naomi wondered about the connections between Althea’s Wilde and her Wildes, not realizing the possessive and personal way she’d characterized the Wildes of her acquaintance.
But there was no time for investigating that now. Naomi had other pressing things to take care of.
Again, she shouldered her bag higher and closed the door of her Jeep with the curve of her hip.
“Robbing Peter to pay Paul, and Mary wants her money, too.”
A sad smile lifted the corners of her mouth, thinking of what her mother said last night as Naomi was going over the family accounts and correspondences with Rolling Hills once again.
Naomi had sighed and pushed her small oval wire-framed glasses farther up her nose as she went over her parents’ financial statement.
“I brought you some tea, baby,” her mother had murmured, and Naomi had glanced up to see her mother in the doorway.
With a tired smile, she’d pushed the papers away and shoved away from the desk. Walking over to her mother, she had wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
“We’ll figure it all out, Mom. Don’t worry. I won’t let them take the ranch,” she’d promised, and as her mother hugged her, the seed of dread grew even more in Naomi’s gut.
She had to figure out a way to help her parents and save their livelihood. There was no time for nerves or fear to get in her way.
Brought back to the here and now, she glanced at the mansion in front of her, preparing herself for her conversation with Tiber Wilde.
Again, she thanked God that Althea had reached out, contacted her, worried about Naomi’s parents and their family ranch. Althea had learned of Naomi’s parents’ inability to pay the back taxes on their small ranch.
Unfortunately the taxes weren’t the only issue the McBrides were facing, Althea had told her, knowing more about what was going on with Naomi’s family than she did.
Rolling Hills Corporation, the same mega conglomeration that had attempted to threaten Althea’s Wildes with a takeover, among other dubious business attacks, had been buying up small ranches in and around the area. The fact that it had its eyes on the McBrides’ property was a fact that most in the area knew.
A little more digging between Althea and her had unearthed more troubling information. Naomi had learned that unless her family came up with the money to pay the taxes, the ranch would go up for auction and Rolling Hills would have its greedy hands out, ready to snatch up her family’s livelihood.
The final piece of information had uncovered a link between Wilde Oil Enterprises and Rolling Hills Corporation, and that’s when Naomi’s heart had sunk.
Not only were her parents behind on the taxes, but also recently, someone had purchased the tax lien certificate for their small ranch. Which meant, in essence, on top of the back taxes, her family would be obligated to pay an interest fee on top of the money they already owed.
Naomi had put the mountain of paperwork away late last night, before she’d unearthed who’d bought the tax lien, so she could sleep. She needed to be fresh today for her meeting with Tiber Wilde. However, she had her suspicions about who had bought the tax lien: Rolling Hills.
At the end of the day, her family’s situation was dire. Nerves already stretched taut as the strings on an out-of-tune guitar nearly snapped when she realized her best bet would be to contact the Wildes.
For her parents, Naomi would do everything in her power to help them.

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