Read online book «Steamed Up» author Elizabeth Darvill

Steamed Up
Elizabeth Darvill
In a world of steam runners, demons and soul stealers, seduction is her greatest weapon…. Half-succubus Angel has found her perfect match with Ian, the man with the other half of her soul. He gives her love and the erotic pleasure she needs to survive, though they also enjoy ménages with her frequent paramour, Jezebel.But when her friend betrays them, Angel may lose everything she holds dear. She’ll do anything—and anyone—to save Ian, including join forces with a dangerous former lover… .

In a world of steam runners, demons and soul stealers, seduction is her greatest weapon....
Half-succubus Angel has found her perfect match with Ian, the man with the other half of her soul. He gives her love and the erotic pleasure she needs to survive, though they also enjoy ménages with her frequent paramour, Jezebel.
But when her friend betrays them, Angel may lose everything she holds dear. She’ll do anything—and anyone—to save Ian, including join forces with a dangerous former lover… .
Steamed Up
Elizabeth Darvill (
Chapter One (#u9a96cd0d-72f4-5fd2-af27-c33893519afc)
Chapter Two (#ua00fe3ef-4971-597b-8d86-6b9f04a67da5)
Chapter Three (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One
My head rests in Ian’s lap as I stare into the abyss of the vivid blue desert sky. We are lying in a small oasis in the middle of the Utah desert awaiting Jez. She said she would meet us here. The one large tree within several miles is surrounded by lush grass and a small pond, a tiny slice of paradise in this parched portion of land.
I never thought I’d be this blissfully happy. We saved the world and now we’re on a mini holiday. I’m also sporting a sparkling diamond engagement ring, although I’m still not sure how I let Ian talk me into agreeing to marry him.
Sure, we literally share a soul and if we aren’t near each other we are on the fast track to an early grave, but that hardly seems like a good enough reason to get hitched. Right? We also managed to save the world by powering the air-purifying crystals, by having a hot and sexy threesome with Jezebel, my frequent paramour and the steam engineer who sometimes gives me a lift in her speed steamer. My point is, I hardly think we know each other enough to make this kind of commitment, but when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, I couldn’t say no. I guess even a half succubus has a squishy, romantic side.
“I wish Jez was here,” I say looking up into Ian’s gorgeous hazel eyes. Jez is the only thing missing from this perfect day.
“I know, Angel. I wish she was here, too.” Ian pulls my head a little further into his lap and strokes a strand of hair away from my eyes. “She’s getting her cute little ass spanked next time she stops by here. Standing us up today was downright naughty, and I got a bottle of bubbly and everything for the occasion.” Ian leans forward and nips at my lower lip.
“Can I watch you spank her?” I sit up and straddle Ian’s lap.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t help.” Ian says, pulling me close.
“I think I’ve turned you into a naughty, dirty boy.” I nibble on Ian’s earlobe and smile at the groan it pulls from him.
“No darling, I was already a naughty, dirty boy. You just gave me an excuse to let him out.” He rests his forehead on my chest, cuddling his face into the tops of my breasts spilling out of my corset.
“Well, just because Jez didn’t make it doesn’t mean we have to waste the champagne, you know.” Leaning over I snatch the bottle from the basket.
“Don’t open that while it’s pointing at my face!” Ian protests.
“Don’t be a baby.” I turn around in his lap so my ass is nestled up against his growing hardness. I purposely take a little extra time getting settled so I can rub up against it. Ian’s fingers begin to undo the laces of my corset. With a loud pop the cork gives way and champagne cascades over us.
“You’re going to taste even more delicious now, Angel,” Ian whispers in my ear, before sucking the lobe into the heat of his mouth.
“We wouldn’t want to waste any, now, would we?” I ask, my breath catching in my throat as Ian’s wicked tongue traces my ear.
“Hand me the bottle. I want to watch you undress, my Angel.” Ian takes the champagne from me and takes a long swallow straight from the bottle. He pulls me in for a kiss before I can stand up, and the delightfully bubbly liquid slides from his mouth to mine as our tongues tangle.
“Delicious,” I say licking my lips as I pull away from him. I swat his hand away from my corset and stand up. He asked for a show, it’s the least I can do. Ever so slowly I begin to undo the clasps holding my brown leather corset together. With each clasp undone, I reveal more pale, bare skin. I keep my eyes locked with Ian’s as I undo the last clasp. My breasts spill out, bare and free for his hungry gaze to feast on.
“You are so beautiful Angel” he breathes. His smile widens a bit.
I know he admires my breasts, but it’s not like he hasn’t seen them on a regular basis. “What is it, my lover?” I ask. Ian just shrugs at me, smiling wider as he downs another swallow of champagne. He motions at me to keep undressing. I roll my eyes at him and shove the full, lightweight black-and-white striped skirt down my hips. Another set of hands; soft and delicate slide down my bare skin and help push the skirt off. I smile. Of course, now I know what Ian’s smile was for. “Oh, Jez,” I breathe as a set of soft lips begin to kiss their way down my spine.
“I see the two of you just couldn’t wait for me. Impatient children,” Jez grumbles as she continues pressing soft kisses into my skin.
“Well, you did take your sweet, damn time getting here.” I turn and pull Jez up so I can kiss her full on her glorious mouth. Our tongues tangle as our hands roam over familiar flesh. “God, I’ve missed you,” I groan into her mouth.
“Good, that’s how I keep you wanting me,” Jez says with a wink.
“As if you need to stay away for that to happen.” Ian comes in behind Jez, his hand roaming down and caressing the curve of her ass through her leather pants. He pulls her mouth from mine and captures her lips for himself. I love watching my two lovers kiss. It’s a truly erotic image. Impatient to see the rest of Jez, I pull her dagger from her belt and slit the front of her shirt. My mouth waters at the sight of her bare skin. I lower my lips to one perfect rose-colored nipple and suck it into my mouth. It instantly hardens. Jez moans, and Ian’s mouth captures it as he devours her lips, his tongue plunging deep.
“Oh, my god you guys,” Jez pants as she pulls her mouth away from Ian’s. She grabs the bottle from Ian’s hand and takes a swallow. “You know Ian, this would taste even better if it had a little Angel to go with it.”
“Oh, yes it would.” With a wicked glint in his eyes he sweeps me up in his arms. “Angel is my favorite dessert!” He lays me on the blanket and pins my arms above my head.
“Which delicious bit of her should I nibble on first? We could share.” Jez takes the bottle and spills the liquid over my breasts before running a trail down my stomach, letting it flow between my legs. Tossing the bottle to the side, she lowers her mouth to my champagne-soaked pussy and strokes her tongue over my folds.
“Jesus, Jez,” I swear as my hips arch up, begging her to continue tormenting me with her tongue. Liquid heat is sizzling through my veins, igniting my whole body with desire. Ian’s tongue sweeps over my breasts, capturing every drop sliding over my body. Little paths of molten heat shimmer in the wake of each caress. My body is writhing and I want to touch my lovers, but with my hands pinned over my head, all I can do is mutter incoherently as wave after wave of intense sensation sweeps through me. Both tongues are trailing towards each other, over my stomach. I watch as they meet in the middle, and Jez and Ian once more become absorbed in an intensely passionate kiss, tongues tangling. His hands release my wrists and cup Jez’s glorious breasts. Jez holds her hand out to me, my fingers fold into hers and she pulls me into the tangle of limbs.
“My sweet Angel,” she mutters into Ian’s mouth as she begins to push his pants off.
With my free hand, I help. A shiver of anticipation flows through me as my hand brushes against his hard cock. I drop to my knees, preparing to engulf the hot, velvety length in my mouth.
The sound of several guns cocking puts a halt to our fun. I look up at Ian. He is trying to subtly reach for the small pistol strapped under his shirt, next to his heart. I turn slowly, hands raised to face our adversaries. The cool, hard metal of a blade presses into my throat. I look up and a wave of betrayal washes over me. “Jez. How could you?” I ask, my voice shaking slightly.
“Don’t take it personally. It just so happens that knowing the two people that saved the world can be quite profitable.” Jez presses the blade harder into my throat. “Ian, put your hands where I can see them,” she commands before turning toward me and waving her blade. “Tie her up to the tree, make it extra tight,” she shouts to one of the others with her.
“Jez, why the hell are you doing this?” I plead with her, it’s not my style to back down, but she has a knife to my throat and one of her accomplices has a gun to Ian’s head. They have us vastly outnumbered and if I fight, it very likely will result in Ian’s death and that’s just something I can’t risk.
“It’s just a job Angel. I swear, you are no fun since you got all in love and mushy. There was a time you would have put a bullet between Ian’s eyes and then killed everyone here, including me, without so much as a flutter of your pretty eyelashes.”
“Go to hell Jez,” I say as I try desperately to think of a way to salvage this situation. My bare skin is scraped roughly against the rough tree bark as Jez’s goon ties me tightly, and none too politely, bare-assed naked to the one tree within a mile around. This isn’t looking good. I make eye contact with Ian and I can tell he is also trying to figure a way out of this. I smile a tiny bit and blow him a kiss. I wish I could hold him and kiss him and tell him how much I’ve come to love him, but now isn’t the time for that. I can’t let on just how much of a weak spot I’ve developed for Ian.
“Jez, I will go with you willingly if you let Angel loose from those ropes and let her go free. No need to do that to her.” Ian tries desperately to reason with Jez as he is bound and pushed into a saddle of a waiting horse.
“Sugar, I don’t need to make deals. I have you and I’ve at least slowed Angel down. Come on boys, let’s move,” Jez shouts as she swings effortlessly into the saddle of her chestnut mount and urges him forward with her spurs, not even bothering to look back at me. In a cloud of dust they ride off, leaving me alone, naked and tied to a tree. I’ve definitely had better days.
Chapter Two
I’ve just about rubbed all the skin off my back, it feels like, and practically dislocated my shoulder trying to wiggle my way out of these ropes, and it isn’t working. They weren’t joking around when Jez specified the tight thing. I wish my crazy paranormal powers worked in superhuman strength, but alas, they just work on mind-fucking people.
A bug crawls up my leg, giving me a case of the creepy crawlies. Sweat is running over my naked flesh in rivers and my hair is soaked through; this is certainly not one of my more attractive moments in life. Worry over Ian is eating at me as well, I know he is a big boy and can take care of himself, but until I have him in my arms again I won’t be able to rest easy.
“Well, ain’t life funny?” An all-too-familiar and much hated voice booms out from behind me.
Shit, of all the people in the world, Rio did have to be the one to find me like this. We have a history and it isn’t a good one. “Yeah, it’s a regular riot. What are you doing out here Rio? And get your ass into your human form so I can see you. Talking to nothing creeps me out.”
“Fine, have it your way Angel. I see nothing has changed with you.” The dust swirls in front of me forming a sand storm with a dark shadow lurking within. The dark mass unfurls and stands up, a looming and intimidating shadow, then his form flickers and fades into an average-looking steam runner. His leather pants hug his body, his black button-up shirt is caked with dust, and his skin is tanned to a deep golden color after countless hours in the harsh desert climate. Topping it all off are his well-worn black cowboy hat, the steam runner goggles hanging around his neck, and twin steam pistols strapped around his hips.
“Better, sweet cheeks?” Rio asks with a cocky chuckle. “I think you just wanted an eyeful of a real man.”
“What the hell is that even supposed to mean, Rio?” I ask with a roll of my eyes. He may be the most hard-headed, egotistical, infuriating man in the history of men. Ever. He is also one of the only men I can’t mind control. He was transformed into a shade after making a deal to forfeit half his human soul to a demon, and once a human has been tainted by a demon I hold no control over him. I used to find this appealing, now it’s just annoying.
“I saw the picture of you and your new plaything after you guys ‘saved’ the world, whatever that means. He isn’t your usual type, so I’m guessing you’re hard up for a piece of real, hard manflesh aren’t you baby doll?” Rio advances slowly, his heavily booted feet making deep indents in the sand with each step he takes toward me.
“Nothing in the entire universe could make me desperate enough to need or want you again, Rio. You seem to have forgotten that little incident where you left me high and dry on a heist so you could go fuck a pair of skanky whores. Normally this wouldn’t piss me off, except I got blood all over my favorite corset, and oh yeah, remember the part where you claimed you loved me and were loyal to me? If you’d been honest and said you wanted to fuck other people I would have been fine with that, but oh no, you had to go sneaking around on me.”
“Jesus you hold a grudge, woman. That was like three years ago.” Rio pulls a knife from a sheath on his belt and advances slowly.
“Doesn’t keep me from remembering what a bastard you are,” I throw back at him. I really should be nicer, since he is the only hope I have of getting out of these ropes quickly and on my way to tracking down Ian and Jez.
“Well, since you are going to act like that, I don’t think I’m going to cut you down. I think I’ll just leave you there for buzzard food. I hate to waste such a magnificent pair of breasts, but I guess sometimes you just have to cut your losses.”
“Rio, wait,” I shout after him as he turns and starts walking away from me. “Will you please cut me down?”
“Why should I, sweet cheeks? What do you have to offer me? It’s going to have to be something good for me not to leave you here, because right now I’m loving that thought.” Rio smirks.

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