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The Rancher and the Runaway Bride Part 3
Susan Mallery
Time is running out for runaway bride Randi Howell. The hitmen are hot on her trail, and soon no one will be safe at Brady’s ranch.Texas feels a lifetime away from Grand Springs, but going home and facing up to her old life may be the only way to hang on to the new one. Randi’s days of running are over—she just hopes that Brady can face his fears about love and stop running, too….Don't miss the continuing drama of Grand Springs in Marriage by Contract by Sandra Steffen.

36 Hours Serial
As a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….
The Rancher and the Runaway Bride Part 3
Time is running out for runaway bride Randi Howell. The hitmen are hot on her trail, and soon no one will be safe at Brady’s ranch. Texas feels a lifetime away from Grand Springs, but going home and facing up to her old life may be the only way to hang on to the new one. Randi’s days of running are over—she just hopes that Brady can face his fears about love and stop running, too….
Don’t miss the continuing drama of Grand Springs in Marriage by Contract by Sandra Steffen.
Dear Reader,
In the town of Grand Springs, Colorado, a devastating summer storm sets off a string of events that changes the lives of the residents forever….
Welcome to Mills & Boon exciting new digital serial, 36 Hours! In this thirty-six part serial share the stories of the residents of Grand Springs, Colorado, in the wake of a deadly storm.
With power knocked out and mudslides washing over the roads, the town is plunged into darkness and the residents are forced to face their biggest fears—and find love against all odds.
Each week features a new story written by a variety of bestselling authors like Susan Mallery and Sharon Sala. The stories are published in three segments, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the first segment of every three-part book is free, so you can get caught up in the mystery and drama of Grand Springs. And you can get to know a new set of characters every week. You can read just one, but as the lives and stories of each intertwine in surprising ways, you’ll want to read them all!
Join Mills & Boon E every week as we bring you excitement, mystery, fun and romance in 36 Hours!
Happy reading!

About the Author
New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery has entertained millions of readers with her witty and emotional stories about women. Publishers Weekly calls Susan’s prose “luscious and provocative,” and Booklist says, “Novels don’t get much better than Mallery’s expert blend of emotional nuance, humor and superb storytelling.” Susan lives in Seattle with her husband and her tiny but intrepid toy poodle. Visit her at (

The Rancher and the Runaway Bride Part 3
Susan Mallery (

Chapter Thirteen (#u7643d408-a35c-5056-b043-59333a50d481)
Chapter Fourteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Fifteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Sixteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Randi Howell, a.k.a. Rita Howard, has been hiding out on Brady’s ranch for several weeks, but all good things must come to an end. To leave the only place she’s ever considered “home” will be devastating, but it would be even worse to have her past track her down before she’s had time to explain. Randi just wants a few more days of happiness before running again. But time is not on her side. The hit men are already on her trail. How long until they find and kill her? The countdown has begun…

Chapter Thirteen
The crowd surged around them like water in a river. Randi Howell, a.k.a. Rita Howard, tried to remain calm.
“You okay?” Brady Jones asked.
She nodded. “I think I’ve been isolated too long. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be out among people.”
“I get that feeling myself.” Brady slipped his hand through hers. “I won’t let them steal you away,” he promised.
“Thank you.” As his fingers entwined with hers and he tugged her close to his side, she was able to smile. With Brady around, she might actually start to relax.
The livestock and horse show drew buyers and exhibitors from all the western states. In addition to the animals, booths displayed everything necessary for a well-run ranch as well as plenty of items for the home. There were western clothing manufacturers and leather companies, people selling odd jars of spices for making everything from beef to rattler more tasty. Various universities sold sweatshirts, while conservationists preached about the value of recycling.
Then there was the food. Beef on a stick, churros, ice cream, hot dogs, pretzels, Mexican entrées, and more exotic fare including venison and snake.
Randi wanted to get lost in the crowd, but for now, she was too nervous. Part of what she’d told Brady was true—she did find it uncomfortable to be around so many people. When she’d first gone on the road, she’d stayed away from busy places because it was safer…or so she’d thought. But over the past couple of months, she found she liked a more solitary existence. On the ranch, there were plenty of people around if she wanted to have a conversation, but Brady and the cowboys were different from a crowd full of strangers.
The other reason she was nervous was that she kept expecting to see someone she knew. The idea was ridiculous. What were the odds of a friend from Grand Springs showing up here? Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling of impending disaster. If not a friend, what about those men with guns from her wedding?
She clutched Brady’s hand tighter, enjoying both the physical connection and the feeling of safety. With him around, she knew she was going to be all right, no matter what happened.
But as the mass of people increased, she found her nerves drawn tight. Telling herself she was unlikely to be recognized didn’t help. While the crowd protected her, it also made it impossible for her to stare at every face. She shouldn’t have come with him.
Yet she hadn’t had a choice. In the past week, she’d had a sense of time running out. Soon, she would have to move on to another temporary place, or back to Grand Springs and face what she’s done. Either way, she was going to have to leave Brady behind. And she didn’t want to. Not yet. Not ever.
“You hungry?” Brady asked.
Randi touched her free hand to her stomach and tried to sense anything but faint fear. “I could probably eat.”
“Rattler tacos?”
She glanced up at his smiling face and wondered how she would survive without him. She grinned in return. “Sure, but I want to watch you eat one first.”
“I’ve had rattler before.”
“Let me guess, it tastes like chicken.”
He raised his eyebrows. “How’d you know?”
“Everything weird tastes like chicken. At least that’s what people try to convince us unsuspecting types. I’ve yet to taste anything other than chicken that really tastes like chicken. I’m convinced it’s all a ploy so that we have to eat the nasty thing you guys just tried.”
He bent down and kissed the tip of her nose. “That made no sense at all.”
“My point is that I think I want beef on a stick.”
“Sounds good to me.” He headed them in that general direction.
“When does the bull auction start?” she asked.
“Tomorrow. I want to buy at least two, maybe three. I’ve been tracking bloodlines on the computer. I’m going for the leaner stock. If I could come up with a low-fat filet mignon, I’d be rich.”
Two young boys darted toward them. Brady released her hand and stepped aside. When the kids had zoomed past, he moved close again and put his arm around her shoulder.
“Any horses?” she asked.
“I think we have enough for now. What do you think?”
“I agree. They get worked steadily, but they all have a couple of days off to rest.”
“Agreed. So I’ll concentrate on the bulls.”
She leaned against him, absorbing his heat. The sun was bright, the afternoon warm. Smells from the livestock blended with barbecue and meat smokers. Conversation and laughter surrounded them in a pleasing cacophony.
She would remember this, she told herself. Whatever happened, they would have had this time together.
“Brady? Brady Jones?”
Brady stopped when he heard his name and turned toward the sound. Instinctively, Randi stepped free of his embrace, prepared for flight. But she didn’t recognize the man approaching.
“Travis!” Brady grinned and held out his hand. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you heading for a rodeo?”
Travis shrugged. He was good-looking, in a rugged sort of way, with sun-streaked brown hair and brown eyes. He winked at Randi. “Ma’am,” he said, pulling off his cowboy hat.
Brady turned to her and touched her arm. “Rita, this is an old friend of mine, Travis Stockwell. We were on the rodeo circuit together. Travis, this is Rita Howard. She works for me.”
“Hi,” Randi managed to say past the tightness in her throat, listening to Brady use her alias.
“Nice to meet you.” Travis plopped his hat back on his head. “I got hitched,” he said.
Brady raised his eyebrows. “You’re married? What happened? You get struck by lightning?”
“Just about. I got hurt pretty bad at the last one and took some time off to heal.” Travis smiled proudly. “While I was getting better, I met a woman. Her name is Peggy and we’re married.”
Up until that point, Randi had only been half listening to the conversation. While the two men chatted, she’d been scanning the crowd, trying to find the source of a sudden prickling at the back of her neck.
Peggy? She blinked. She knew a Peggy. Peggy Saxon who worked in City Hall back in Grand Springs. Her chest tightened.
Stop it! she ordered herself. They couldn’t be the same woman. There were thousands, probably millions, of Peggys in the country.
Brady slapped Travis on the back. “I don’t believe it. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Travis grinned. “I sure didn’t expect something like this to happen to me.” He glanced at Randi and winked. “I was one of those guys who liked the rodeo circuit and thought I’d be single till I died. But Peggy and the babies have changed me.”
Babies? Her heart froze. Randi felt as if she couldn’t move. Peggy Saxon had been pregnant…very pregnant the last time she, Randi, had seen her.
“Babies?” Brady asked.
“It’s a long story.”
Randi forced herself to speak. “Where did you find this wonderful new family?”
“My hometown, Grand Springs. It’s a nice town in Colorado.” He looked at Brady. “You’d like it there. Now, stay right here. I want to introduce you to my bride. If I can find her.”
She had to get out of there, Randi ordered herself. She had to! Now! But it was impossible to think, impossible to move or breathe. Oh, Lord, what if Travis recognized her? What if Peggy walked up and saw her? Who else could it be but Peggy Saxon from Grand Springs? The same woman who spoke to Randi every time she’d gone to visit her ex-fiancé, Hal.
Images began to spin in front of her eyes. Run! a voice in her head screamed. She decided she’d better listen.
She touched Brady’s arm. “I don’t want to be rude,” she said through stiff lips, “but I’m not feeling well. I need to find a rest room.”
His eyes darkened with concern. “You look a little pale. Go on. I’ll catch up with you by that tent,” he said, pointing to a green-and-white striped tent at the entrance to the food area. “Are you going to be all right?”
She nodded, then turned away. She walked toward the rest rooms, then ducked behind a vendor stall selling earrings. From here she could see Brady talking to his friend. A couple of minutes later a woman joined them. Randi bit back a groan. It was Peggy. The three of them chatted for a bit, then they split up. Travis and Peggy headed in one direction while Brady made his way to the tent.
Randi closed her eyes and tried to think. She’d never seen Travis Stockwell before, so it was unlikely he knew her, either. Even if her running away from her wedding had made the paper, it would have been in the back pages, and wasn’t something likely to interest a rodeo cowboy.
Peggy was another matter. She would know Randi on sight and would be very intrigued at the events surrounding the wedding. But she hadn’t acted as if she’d seen anything unusual. Surely if Peggy had spotted her, she would have said something and Brady would have reacted. Yet nothing about his body language indicated anything unusual.
After taking a couple of deep breaths to clear her head, she walked to the tent. Brady waited for her. He frowned when he saw her. “You still look pale. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said, touching his arm. “I think it’s just a reaction to the crowd. Really. I’m fine. What happened to your friend?”
“Travis and I are going to have a drink later. But only if you’re sure you’re going to be all right. I don’t want to leave you alone otherwise.”
She searched his brown eyes, reading the caring there. Caring and affection, and nothing else. Peggy hadn’t seen her. Randi’s secret was safe.
As she stared at Brady, she was filled with a strong desire to make love to him. She’d done nothing to deserve this wonderful man in her life. If things had been different, she would have wanted to be with him forever. But they weren’t. Sharing his bed would imply a commitment she wasn’t ready to make. No, she was ready to make it, but he wouldn’t want it, once he knew about her. He still hurt from being left at the altar. How could he ever understand that Randi had done the same to Hal. Brady would hate her. Maybe she should just come clean, she thought. And she would, she promised herself, suddenly realizing it was time to stop running from him, as well. As soon as they got back to the ranch, she would tell the truth about her past. She just wanted these few days together, first. Sort of a last chance for them.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tightly. “I’m going to be just fine,” she said. “Enjoy your drink with Travis. But first, I’m suddenly starving.”
“Rattler taco?”
She laughed. “You’re an amazing man, Brady Jones.”
He tugged on her braid, forcing her to look up at him. “That’s what all the girls say.”
“Guess what?” she teased. “In this case, all the girls are right.”
* * *
The smoky bar reminded Brady of countless others he’d frequented when he’d been on the rodeo circuit. Places with scarred floors and cold beer on draft. Whenever he found himself in bars like this, or meeting with friends from the “good old days,” he waited for a yearning to go back to his youth. When a good ride meant the difference between money in his pocket or not, and the women had been pretty, starry-eyed and willing. Not that he’d been all that eager to take them up on what they offered, he thought with a grin.
But no matter how many old friends he met up with, or how many bars he stopped in, the yearning for those days never came. They’d been lots of fun, a hell of a way to see the country and grow up, but that time was over. Now his life was where it should be. If he occasionally fought the demon of loneliness, he’d learned to win that battle. One day he would find someone to love. Maybe he already had.
He searched the crowd, then spotted Travis already seated at a back booth. The cowboy motioned him over, then pointed to the frosty glass waiting.
“I thought you’d be thirsty,” Travis said, and took a drink of his beer.
Brady grinned his thanks. “You always were a thoughtful fellow.” He took a sip of his beer and leaned back in the seat. “Tell me what’s been happening with you.”
Travis talked about his injury and the temporary job he’d had driving a cab. When he explained how he’d met his wife, Brady sat up straight.
“You delivered her babies?”
“Yup. During one of the worst storms to ever hit Colorado.” Travis beamed with obvious pride. “Twins. It was easy.”
“You go to hell for lying same as stealing, Travis. It might have been a lot of things, but I’ll bet it wasn’t easy.”
Travis’s humor faded. “That moment changed my life forever. I’ve got Peggy, and the babies. Me!” He pointed at his chest. “Who would have thought it?”
“Not anyone who knew you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not the only one with surprises. What about you? What are you doing hiding Grand Springs’ famous runaway bride?”
Brady had raised the glass to his lips. Now he set it down, untasted. His stomach constricted tightly as a cold foreboding swept through his body. “You know Rita?”
Travis leaned forward and shook his head. “Not me. Peggy. And I know her name’s not Rita, Brady. You don’t have to pretend with me.” He lowered his voice. “Peggy used to work at City Hall in town. She saw Randi visiting from time to time. Her fiancé’s a member of the city council. His mother was the mayor, but now that she’s dead, he’s been acting in her place.”
Brady couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Rita wasn’t Rita? She was from Grand Springs and she was a runaway bride?
“Whose fiancé is acting as mayor? Rita’s, ah, Randi’s?”
Travis nodded. “Sure. Peggy says Hal is a jerk, so I don’t blame the girl for running out. She left him standing at the altar in front of God and everyone. Just disappeared. It was the day we had that big blackout, mudslides, nonstop torrential rain. I remember. Peggy had the twins right then. What a mess.”
He continued to talk about the thirty-six-hour blackout, but Brady wasn’t listening. He was barely breathing. Dear God, it couldn’t be true. Not his Rita. She couldn’t have betrayed him that way.
But she had. She’d run out on her wedding, leaving some poor bastard to be humiliated. Just like Alicia had done to him.
“What’s wrong?” Travis asked. “You don’t look right.” His mouth dropped open. “You didn’t know, did you.”
Brady slowly shook his head. “I knew she was in trouble, but I didn’t know what kind. She’s been working at the ranch for over a month.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Brady said grimly. It was Rita’s—make that Randi’s—fault.
He felt like a fool, or worse. When he thought about how he’d told her everything about Alicia. Jeez, she must have had a hell of a laugh at his expense, thinking she and his ex-fiancée had a lot in common. Did she get a kick out of destroying men’s lives? Was his next?
Fury rose in him, fueled by embarrassment and the loss of expectation. He’d had plans for them. Dreams. He’d thought when things settled down for her maybe they could—He rose to his feet and tossed a couple of bills on the table. “Sorry, Travis, but I’m not good company right now. Can we do this another time?”
Travis nodded grimly. “I didn’t mean to mess things up,” he said.
“You didn’t. You made things more clear for me. Thanks, buddy. I’ll be in touch.”
Brady left the bar and drove back to the hotel. Thoughts tumbled through his mind. He tried to figure out what he was going to say to her, but he couldn’t focus on anything but his rage. No wonder she hadn’t wanted to tell him her secrets. There was no way for her to come off as anything but a lying, cheating bitch.
He crossed the parking lot and walked quickly to the four-story building. Their rooms were on the first floor, in the back. Rooms, he thought with a grimace. He’d given her a room of her own. Ever the gentleman. Ever the sucker.
When he reached her door, he raised his hand, made a fist and pounded loud enough to wake the dead. There would be no excuses this time. No matter what, he was going to get the truth out of her.
* * *
The loud pounding brought Randi off the bed like a shot. She dropped the book she’d been trying to read. “Who is it?” she called.
“Oh, you’re back earlier than I thought.”
She rushed to the door and unlocked it. Before she could turn the handle, Brady did it for her and pushed into the room.
“How was your drink?” she asked.
He slammed the door shut and stared at her. Instinctively, she backed up a step. The anger on his face made her nervous, but what really got her heart rate up was the pain and disappointment lurking in his eyes.
“That’s me. Brady Jones. It’s been my name my whole life. But you can’t say that, can you? Randi.”
She pressed a hand to her throat. Dear God. “You know.” It wasn’t a question.
He nodded, then walked to the window. “Yup. Me and Travis had quite a little chat. Turns out you’re something of a celebrity back home. That would be Grand Springs, right? Seems the whole town is talking about the runaway bride. After all, it’s not every day a young woman runs off and leaves her intended standing at the altar. But it does happen. I’ve had some personal experience with that. But then, you’re already familiar with my story, aren’t you.”
She retreated to the bed and sank down onto the mattress. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, covering her face with her hands. “I was always afraid it would come to this. I never meant—” She paused, not sure what to say. It was so hard to think. Her entire body ached with pain and cold. She’d seen the look in his eyes. He loathed her. The worst of it was, she couldn’t blame him.
“You never meant to what? Lie? But you did. You lied from the moment you showed up at the ranch. Leaving out facts about your past is the same as lying. Did you have a good laugh when I told you about Alicia? Did you think I was a fool, just like your fiancé? What was his name?”
“Hal,” she said automatically. “And no, I never thought you were a fool. Alicia is the stupid one. She should never have left you.”
“How kind of you. I wonder if Hal has someone offering him comfort right now.”
“He doesn’t need comforting,” she said. “He never really cared about me.”
“That’s a convenient way to justify your actions. Unfortunately, there’s no way to prove it’s true. His actions suggest otherwise. After all, he was willing to marry you.”
His tone indicated Brady wasn’t sure why any man would want to have anything to do with her. She fought tears, knowing that giving into them would only leave her more vulnerable. She had to pull herself together, to find a way to convince Brady that she—She bit her lower lip. Convince him of what? Her crime was there for everyone to see. She’d done exactly what he accused her of—she’d run out on her wedding, exactly the way Alicia had run out on him. At least she hadn’t been running off to be with another man, but she doubted he would consider that much in her favor.
“It’s not what you think,” she said dully, and straightened. He still stood at the large window. The sliding glass door was open to let in the afternoon breeze. He placed one hand against the screen.
“Why don’t you tell me what it was like?” he asked.
The silky smoothness of his voice didn’t deceive her. She knew he was still furious, yet maybe he was willing to listen. Did that mean he would give her a chance, or was he going to try to trip her up? Either way, she had to risk it. She couldn’t let him walk away hating her.
“Everything I told you about my past is true,” she began. “My mother is very interested in the Grand Springs social scene. I’ve always been a disappointment to her.”
“Gee, I know what that feels like,” he said.
She winced, then continued. “I never had serious boyfriends. There were a couple of guys in high school, but nothing I wanted to pursue, and a relationship or two at college. When I came home after graduation, my mother started inviting Hal over. I knew what she was doing, and I even knew why. Hal has a political future. If her daughter was related to the mayor, or the wife of a future state legislator, my mother’s social position would be guaranteed.”
“None of which excuses what you did.”
“I know.” She pulled one leg to her chest and rested her forehead against her knee, then closed her eyes. It was easier to confess her weakness in the dark. “I just sort of went along for the ride. I suppose I kept thinking something would happen to stop things, or that I would find out I really liked Hal. But it didn’t stop. We were dating, then engaged, and one day I woke up and we were getting married.”
She sucked in a breath. “I never loved him. I didn’t know what love was.” Until now. Until a strong, noble man had entered her life. But she didn’t say that. Brady wouldn’t believe her. Besides, it was a cheap trick and she was determined not to resort to that.
“There I was, alone in the bride’s room, listening to the music. As I stared at myself in the mirror, I knew I couldn’t do it.”
“So you ran.”
“Yes. Yes, I ran and it was wrong. I was young and stupid and I’ve grown up.” She raised her head and stared at his stiff back. “I made a mistake. A huge one. I was afraid that if I tried to get out of it my mother would convince me to go through with the ceremony.”
He turned to face her. The fury remained, as did the contempt. Her heart sank.
“That’s it?” he asked.
She nodded. “I’ve changed, Brady. I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not that young woman anymore. I’m responsible. Look at the job I’m doing for you. You don’t have any complaints, you’ve said so yourself. Please try to understand.”
His gaze narrowed. “If you’re so grown up, why didn’t you go back?”
It was the one question she couldn’t answer. What was there to say? The truth?
“Forget it,” she said. “There’s no point.”
“Yes, there is. Rita—” He grimaced. “Randi, why didn’t you go back?”
“I couldn’t.” She lowered her foot to the floor and stood up. “All right, if you want to know the reason, I’ll tell you. You’re not going to believe me, but it’s the truth. I swear it is.” She drew in a breath and squared her shoulders.

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