Read online book «Mission Undercover» author Virginia Vaughan

Mission Undercover
Virginia Vaughan
COVERT ASSIGNMENTWhen Blake Michaels’s cover as a local cop is blown and a corrupt officer attempts to kill him, he’s forced to go on the run. Under his protection is Holly Mathis, also a target for what she may know about her late husband’s investigation into corruption on the police force. Blake can't complete his assignment without help from the beautiful widow, but getting close to a woman again is out of the question. Trapped inside the town limits by police barricades, Blake won't surrender the mission until he finds the source of the deadly drug ring that brought him here. But as he circles closer to his target, can he get his man—and save his woman—without sacrificing his own life?RANGERS UNDER FIRE: Nothing's more dangerous than falling in love.

When Blake Michaels’s cover as a local cop is blown and a corrupt officer attempts to kill him, he’s forced to go on the run. Under his protection is Holly Mathis, also a target for what she may know about her late husband’s investigation into corruption on the police force. Blake can’t complete his assignment without help from the beautiful widow, but getting close to a woman again is out of the question. Trapped inside the town limits by police barricades, Blake won’t surrender the mission until he finds the source of the deadly drug ring that brought him here. But as he circles closer to his target, can he get his man—and save his woman—without sacrificing his own life?
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Blake had parked across from the precinct but he knew they should be running.
“I have to. I can’t be involved in this.” Holly looked at him, her eyes searching his. “What are you going to do?”
“My best to get out of this town alive.”
She nodded, then opened the car door. She had one leg out when he stopped her. “Wait.” He was surprised by the intensity of his feelings for her, and in such a short time.
She looked back at him, but his words caught in his throat. He should say something to help her but every instinct was telling him this wasn’t right. “Please don’t do this,” he said. “You’re making a mistake by going in there.”
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, exiting the car.
He watched her enter the police station, his heart hammering against his chest. Had he rescued her hours ago from a killer only to let her walk into the lion’s den?
Dear Reader (#u538c9925-7623-5d23-b7c3-c2a1c736dd00),
After I wrote Ranch Refuge, I had many people ask me if Blake would get his own story. I was happy to tell them he would! I loved giving Blake his second chance at love in Mission Undercover. Only, after his fiancée’s bitter betrayal, Blake is struggling to trust anyone, especially himself.
Usually we get into our biggest messes by relying on our own judgment instead of listening for God’s guidance. Proverbs 3:5–6 reminds us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” It’s a truth we all need to be reminded of from time to time.
I love hearing from my readers! You can contact me through my website, (, or through the publisher.
VIRGINIA VAUGHAN is a born-and-raised Mississippi girl. She is blessed to come from a large Southern family, and her fondest memories include listening to stories recounted around the dinner table. She was a lover of books from a young age, devouring tales of romance, danger and love. She soon started writing them herself. You can connect with Virginia through her website, (, or through the publisher.
Mission Undercover
Virginia Vaughan (
The pride of man will be humbled and the loftiness of men will be abased; And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.
—Isaiah 2:17
This book is lovingly dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through whom all things are possible. And to the two little boys who have recently changed my life. Raising little ones again was not in my plan, but thankfully God had a different, wonderful path for us all.
Cover (#ub5d91d54-7fbf-57f8-8315-9676ba3671af)
Back Cover Text (#u7613ae9a-9e98-5be7-ad6e-4819e1a1aacd)
Introduction (#uc4ac36d6-f115-5819-9669-c70b0ee0d711)
Dear Reader (#u037add79-c207-5c84-ac1e-7e045fd26749)
About the Author (#u7dfa99b3-2860-5331-9e25-dc942181ea87)
Title Page (#u85c2b195-5829-5458-b20f-b89f5d7d812d)
Bible Verse (#uaeb70f64-e8be-5ac5-99cc-7607a42e08dd)
Dedication (#ucbb06509-8e53-5c3f-85d8-62088776effc)
ONE (#uba9584b3-8229-5127-a4b0-fb0ee1b3dc12)
TWO (#u201e359c-d05a-5a05-9f7f-dd177cc9e8c3)
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FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EPILOGUE (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
ONE (#u538c9925-7623-5d23-b7c3-c2a1c736dd00)
Blake Michaels pulled into the parking lot of Northshore Medical Center and cut the engine. He spotted Mason Webber’s police cruiser a few rows away. Mason was sitting behind the wheel. Blake reached for his pistol and tucked it into the waistband of his jeans. He didn’t know what Mason wanted, but he suspected it couldn’t be good.
He and Mason weren’t on the best of terms and his call asking Blake to meet him had been cryptic. Besides, Blake had gotten used to trusting no one. That’s what made this job perfect for him. After his fiancée Miranda had betrayed him, distrust came easily to him. And he had a lot of reasons to distrust the town’s police force, especially Mason Webber.
Blake got out, pulled his shirt over his weapon and then headed for Mason’s cruiser. The sound of jackhammers reached his ears, but he realized it was only construction happening outside the hospital.
He slid into the passenger’s seat of the police car and immediately saw the folder lying on the console between them. A folder with his name written on it.
That could not be good.
Mason noticed him gaze at the folder and his lip quirked as if he found the entire matter amusing. He smacked his hand against the steering wheel. “I learned something about you today, Blakey,” he said, using a nickname Blake absolutely detested. “You’re not who you claim to be.”
He held his breath. Had Mason discovered his real reason for joining the Northshore Police Department? He wanted to keep his voice casual but his mouth was bone-dry with apprehension. He’d known men like Mason during his time as an Army Ranger. Their macho bravado hid insecurities that were highlighted when a gun and bullets was added to the mix.
Mason reached for the folder and tossed it at Blake. It fell open and his photo, along with what looked like his police service record, spilled out. Blake picked up one sheet of paper and saw that it was his police service file—his real service file. How had Mason gotten his hands on it? “Where did this come from?”
“I have powerful friends in this town.” Fire blazed in his eyes and his hand gripped the gun in his lap. “You’re investigating us.”
Knowing Mason was already on edge, Blake would have to choose his words carefully. He’d already spent months trying to find out just who these “powerful friends” were, but hadn’t had much success. The men he’d met on the Northshore PD, including Mason Webber, liked to do a lot of bragging, but they were surprisingly tight-lipped for dirty cops.
“Who gave you this?” Blake asked. His official record had been supposedly altered by the Department of Justice when he’d accepted this undercover assignment in Northshore, Arkansas. So how had someone gotten their hands on his real-life info?
“You’re investigating me. In fact, you’re investigating this whole department.”
It was a statement, not a question, and Blake couldn’t refute it. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t try. “I’m investigating the drug ring. That’s all I care about, Mason. You don’t have to be a part of this.” That wasn’t entirely the truth, but he needed Mason to think he had an out if he would just take it.
“I already am. Your cover is blown at the precinct. The boss knows all about you, Blake Michaels. Now you’ve got not only the drug ring after you, but Northshore PD, as well.”
But who is the guy in charge?
That was the question Blake had spent months trying to figure out. He suspected it was someone working in the Northshore PD, and probably someone high up. In fact, the DOJ surmised that as many as twenty-five police officers—probably more—were involved in the massive drug ring operating out of the small town. And that was the real reason Blake had joined the department—and why he was sitting in Mason’s car now.
His friend Matt had landed him the gig with the DEA/DOJ combined task force. The agencies had been looking to send in someone with proven law-enforcement experience to pretend to be dirty and to gather information. Blake had the police background and had been in serious need of a change after being betrayed by his fiancée. Only he hadn’t been able to gather much intel even after nine months here.
Mason perked up as he saw something through the windshield. Blake followed his line of sight and noticed a pretty, dark-haired woman in scrubs leaving the employee entrance of the hospital. He didn’t recognize her, but her hair was around her face and her walk weary, making Blake assume she had just finished her shift at the hospital.
“Who is she?” Blake asked.
“Her name is Holly Mathis. She was Jimmy’s wife.”
Blake knew Mason’s partner, Jim Mathis, had been shot and killed nearly a year ago while responding to a burglary in progress at a gas station. The shooter had also been killed.
He didn’t know what Holly Mathis had to do with this, though he didn’t like the look in Mason’s eyes or the coincidence that Mason had brought him here to drop his bombshell just as his former partner’s widow was leaving work.
“Why are we here, Mason?”
“I just wanted you both in the same place. It makes it easier.”
Blake’s heart hammered in his chest. “Easier to do what?”
Mason picked up his gun and pointed it at Blake. “To kill you both.”
Sweat broke out on Blake’s brow, but he forced himself to remain calm. His life depended on it. He stared down the barrel of the gun, caught off guard by this sudden change. He scanned the area, realizing Mason had chosen the perfect spot for this ambush. He looked past the gun to Mason’s face. “And your boss, whoever that is, sent you here to kill me?”
“Yep. Then I’m going to kill Holly, too. I can see tomorrow’s headline now—Obsessed Police Officer Murders Girlfriend then Kills Himself.”
“Why her? Why kill Holly? She’s your partner’s widow. You should be looking out for her.”
His jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed in anger. “She betrayed me just like you did.”
Blake tried another tactic. “You’ll have to make my death look like a suicide in order to make that work and a direct shot won’t do it. The coroner will know I didn’t shoot myself. There will be an investigation.”
Mason laughed, a humorless chuckle. “Not if the coroner is in our pocket, he won’t. He’ll do what the boss says. I hear he’s got a little drug problem he’s been trying to keep under wraps. Fortunately for him, we keep him well supplied, so he’ll say whatever we want him to say.”
Blake knew he couldn’t reach his gun before Mason fired. He had to think of another way out of this car and he had to do it fast.
“Did you really believe you could come to my town and deceive everyone?” Mason’s tone held bitterness and betrayal, as if Blake’s deception had been directed only toward him.
Blake slid his hand behind him and felt for the door handle. The situation was bad and he had to find a way out of it. He’d already been ambushed by this maniac and Holly was next. He also needed to let Matt and the DEA know his cover had been blown before the drug ring shut down and covered its tracks.
But as Mason rattled on about his betrayal of their trust, Blake’s own anger burned. What did Mason Webber know about betrayal? He hadn’t had his heart ripped out by someone he loved. He hadn’t had to deal with knowing his fiancée was responsible for placing those he cared about in danger and nearly getting his best friend shot to death. But this wasn’t the time for that discussion. He wouldn’t wish that kind of betrayal on his worst enemy—not even Mason.
“And what about her?” Blake asked. “I’ve never met her before in my life. How are you going to explain that?”
“Won’t be too hard to make it look like you two were together. Just another obsessed cop taking out his frustrations on his girl. They’ll probably make us all take more domestic violence seminars again because of it and the department will suffer some bad press—but we’ll get through it.”
So he had it all planned out. And if the coroner was in fact dirty, as Mason claimed, no one in this town would question their deaths. But Matt and the other Rangers would. They knew him too well to believe such a crazy concoction.
“Killing me would be a mistake,” Blake warned him. “You have powerful friends, but so do I. They’ll swarm this town and take you all down.”
Mason took only a moment to ponder that statement before he braced his arm, a sign Blake knew meant he was about to fire. In one swift move, Blake reached for his gun and pushed open the door, tumbling backward and rolling from the car as Mason fired twice. Blake felt the whiz of one bullet pass inches from his head while the other bit into his side as he tumbled. He hit the pavement, jamming his shoulder. He immediately rolled beneath the car as Mason jumped out the driver’s door and ran around to find him. When he did, Blake slid out the other side and hightailed it through the lot, staying low to use the cars as cover.
Mason swore then started searching for him, calling out his name. “Come out, come out, Blakey. I’ll find you sooner or later.”
Blake stopped and leaned against a car, his breathing labored and perspiration rolling off him. His shoulder ached but that wasn’t his most pressing concern. He touched his stomach and his hand came back bloody. He was hurt and he was leaving a blood trail behind him for Mason to follow. He had to get to his car, get as far away from Mason as possible and figure this all out. If Mason was to be believed, he was now being hunted by both the police and a powerful drug ring.
Lord, don’t forsake me now.
He adjusted the grip of his gun. If he was going down, he would go down fighting.
“You can’t get away,” Mason called to him. “I know I hit you. You’re bleeding bad. And soon you’ll have the entire police force hunting you. You won’t make it out of this town alive.”
Blake sucked in a breath and took off, again staying low so Mason wouldn’t see him. After a few minutes, he stopped to catch his breath one more time. He leaned against a Prius and listened for Mason’s footsteps. He was shocked to realize they were heading away from him instead of toward him.
He peeked around the front of the car and saw Mason moving through the parking lot—just as he’d suspected—away from him.
He glanced in the direction Mason was headed. Holly was approaching her car and Mason was moving to intercept her.
A rush of panic shot through him.
Mason had left him and was going after the girl.
He clutched his gun and forced himself to his feet, new energy pulsing through him. He couldn’t...he wouldn’t...let Mason kill her.
* * *
Holly Mathis rubbed her shoulder, trying to work out the kinks in her muscles. The sounds of the construction by the employee’s entrance hurt her head. Why did they have to make so much noise? She couldn’t even hear herself think. It had been another long night at the hospital and she was looking forward to a hot bath and then crawling into bed. She was tired, but at least it helped keep her mind free from the worry that had occupied her thoughts recently. If she gave herself time to focus on what she’d found and its implications, she might drive herself crazy.
Why didn’t you tell me, Jimmy?
Her husband’s death twelve months ago had left her life shattered and in confusion, but slowly, surely, she’d begun to live again...until two days ago when she’d been cleaning out the closet and discovered the hidden compartment and the leather-bound journal inside. What was written there had rocked her world and sent her reeling back into that place where thoughts of Jimmy occupied her every thought.
Had he died in the line of duty as his partner had claimed? She was beginning to question it. Her first instinct upon finding the journal had been to take it to Jimmy’s chief, but something had stopped her, some invisible hand—Jimmy’s? God’s?—on her soul had warned her to be cautious with what she shared.
Instead she’d photocopied a few pages that highlighted Mason’s wrongdoings and showed them to the chief. He’d been interested, pressing her to bring in the rest of the book, and Holly thought he’d seemed agitated even as he was trying to appear calm. But she’d seen sweat on his brow. He’d been unsettled about Jimmy’s findings, but what police chief wouldn’t be shaken after seeing evidence indicating he had a dirty cop on his force?
And Mason’s numerous visits made sense now, too. He’d become increasingly obsessed with her since Jimmy’s death. His constant calls and visits at the hospital and her home had bordered on harassment. She’d thought several times about filing a complaint with Chief Waggoner, but had hoped the problem would go away on its own and Mason would find someone else to focus his attention on.
Her attempts to appease Mason hadn’t worked and she knew why. He hadn’t really been obsessed with her. He’d been looking for information about what she knew of her husband’s investigation. Well, Mason needn’t have worried. Jimmy had kept his suspicions all to himself and hadn’t told her anything about corruption on the force. He’d seemed anxious and stressed in the last few weeks of his life, but he hadn’t given her any clue as to why when she’d questioned him about his behavior.
She’d been ready to turn the journal over to Chief Waggoner until yesterday when she’d arrived home to find her house had been broken into and trashed. It had been obvious that whoever had broken in had been searching for something—Jimmy’s journal she’d assumed—but when she’d checked the secret hiding spot, it had still been there. They hadn’t found it. The break-in couldn’t have been a coincidence, which left her wondering how Mason had found out about the journal in the first place.
What do I do now?
She didn’t know who she was talking to—Jimmy? Or God? She hadn’t spoken to God in nearly a year, not after He’d taken her husband from her and left her a widow. But she let the question float out there and hoped for an answer. She sighed as she pulled her keys from her purse. Maybe she was reading too much into this and the break-in at her house had nothing to do with Jimmy’s journal, after all.
She reached to unlock her car door, stopping when she spotted the shadow of a man in the window. Her heart leaped at the sight, but her instincts kicked in. She ducked, causing him to miss as he reached to grab her and hit the window instead. She spun around to face him.
He raised his gun at her and words of protest caught in her throat. Fear rippled through her. At this close distance she could smell the acrid, sulfur aroma that indicated he’d fired his weapon recently. Very recently.
“Hello, Holly,” he snarled, his face contorted and bitter.
She saw murder in his eyes and knew she was in trouble. Jimmy had taught her about guns and had even bought her one for safety before he’d died, but the hospital had a strict no-guns policy so it was safely locked inside her car—so close but so out of reach. She had to find a way to get to it.
She raised her hands, palms out, in a take-it-easy kind of gesture. “Mason, what are you doing? Put the gun down.”
He shook his head. “No, Holly. Tell me where the book is.”
“I—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“We both know that’s a lie.” He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and threw it on the ground. She saw that it was one of the copied pages of the journal.
“Where did you get that?”
“Did you think you could hide it from me? Tell me where the book is, Holly, and I’ll kill you quickly. Don’t tell me and I’ll kill you slowly and find it anyway.”
He gripped the gun tighter and Holly felt her blood go cold. This was it. This was where she was going to die. But she wouldn’t give him what he wanted.
“You’ll never find it,” she whispered and saw his face contort. Tears warmed her eyes and she began to shake. She choked them back and prepared to fight for her life, but before she could act, another man—this one broad and muscular—leaped from behind a car and tackled Mason as he fired.
Holly dived for the ground as the blast of the gun rang in her ears. She scrambled for cover in front of the car then peeked around the bumper to see Mason and the other man hit the ground. The gun slipped from Mason’s hand and spun across the asphalt beneath her car. Holly considered crawling after it, but Mason and her rescuer were in the way. The broad-shouldered man was on top of Mason. He punched him and Mason slumped to the ground.
The man crawled to his feet and looked around, spotting her crouched behind a parked car. Using his sleeve, he wiped sweat from his brow and then held out his hand to her. “Don’t be afraid. My name is Blake Michaels. I’m here to help you.” Urgency poured from him as Mason began to squirm, mere moments from regaining consciousness. “We have to go. Now.”
Holly took his outstretched hand and let him pull her to her feet, but she hesitated at following him, glancing at her car. Should she try to get past Mason to retrieve her gun and cell phone?
“He wants you dead,” Blake said matter-of-factly, interrupting her indecision. “He wants us both dead. Now, let’s get out of here before he comes to and finishes the job he started.”
She glanced back at Mason, still trying to pull himself awake. He’d come to kill her tonight and he almost had. This man, whoever he was, had saved her life.
She nodded and followed him to a Dodge Ram pickup. He unlocked the doors and she slid across the seat as he got in on the driver’s side. Holly spotted blood on his hands as he started the engine. Her gaze moved to his midsection, where a dark circle was growing on his shirt.
“You’re hurt,” she stated as he took off. “What happened?”
He waved away her concern. “It’s nothing. The bullet just grazed me.”
“I’m a nurse. I should take a look at it.”
“Maybe later. First we have to get as far away from Mason Webber as possible.”
She looked at the handsome stranger who had saved her life and shuddered. Mason had shot him, actually shot him, proving that he was even more dangerous than Holly had wanted to admit.
How do I get myself into these situations?
“Okay, so I know what he has against me. Why does he want you dead, Blake Michaels?”
“That is a long story.” He moved his hand from the steering wheel and felt along the seat as he drove. “Do you see my cell phone anywhere?”
Holly glanced around but didn’t see it. “No.”
He slammed his hand against the steering wheel. “I must have dropped it. Do you have a phone?”
“No. We’re not allowed to bring them inside during our shifts. It’s locked inside my car.” Along with my gun. She sighed, wishing she had both right now.
He didn’t slow down as they approached the turnoff for the police precinct. In fact, he drove right by it. “Aren’t we going to the police station? We need to let them know what just happened tonight.”
He shook his head but didn’t let up on the accelerator. “We can’t go to the police.”
“Why not? I know Mason is a cop but he’s out of his mind. The chief needs to know he’s dangerous.”
“I said no police.” His voice was sharp and biting.
He was so insistent that it caused her to wonder why he was wary of police involvement. She realized she didn’t even know this man she’d gotten into a truck with. “Why don’t you want to go to the police? Are you a criminal?”
“No, I’m a cop.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, flipping it open on the seat. She saw a badge and breathed a sigh of relief.
When she picked it up, something fell out. She reached down and picked it up. It was a engagement ring. She glanced at him but he hadn’t noticed the ring slip out. He was busy checking the mirrors. She slipped the ring back into his wallet and examined the badge. His name was written on his credentials. Blake Michaels, Northshore Police. Okay, so maybe he wasn’t a criminal, but she still didn’t know anything about him except that he didn’t trust his fellow officers and he carried an engagement ring around with him.
“If you’re one of them, then why not go to the cops?”
“Because Mason wasn’t working alone. The force is corrupt. We can’t trust anyone.”
She gasped. Corrupt cops? How did he know? Jimmy had suspected as much before he died. In fact, he’d been looking into acts of corruption by his partner, according to the journal she’d discovered. Mason had seemed to have no fear of reprimand in his behavior tonight. But was the entire department really so corrupt that they could ignore attempted murder?
“So if we’re not going to the police, where are we going?”
“We need to get out of town fast, out of their jurisdiction.”
Getting to the next town was a sensible idea. They could sort this all out once they were there. She noticed the spot on his shirt growing larger. “You’ll never make it. You’re bleeding too badly. My friend Marcy’s apartment is a few blocks over. I know where she hides the emergency key. We should go there first so I can take a look at your wound.”
He shook his head. “That’s not a good idea.”
“You’re going to bleed out before we hit the town line and it’s at least five miles before we’ll find a place to get supplies. Marcy’s a nurse, too. She’ll have bandages there.”
“I don’t want to put anyone else in danger.”
She shook her head. “Neither Marcy or her roommate are at home now. They both went on duty as I was getting off.”
He grimaced at the pain then nodded his agreement. “We can’t stay long.”
She directed him to the apartment and he parked behind the building. “In case he drives by,” he explained.
When they got out, Holly noticed him holding his hand over his wound. He looked pale and she wondered if he could even make it up the stairs. “It’s on the second floor. I’ll help you up.”
He waved away her offer of assistance. “I’ll make it.” He leaned on the handrail and followed her up the steps.
Looking at the blood on his shirt and hands, she didn’t know how he was standing and suspected his wound was more than a graze. She hoped he didn’t have a bullet lodged in his abdomen or damage to his internal organs. She wouldn’t know until she could examine the wound.
Holly found the emergency key under a planter and used it to unlock the door. She ushered Blake inside. “Have a seat on the couch. I’ll go get the first-aid kit.”
“Is there a phone here?”
She shook her head. “No landline. Marcy and her roommate use their cell phones.”
She hurried down the hall to the bathroom and grabbed the kit and a stack of towels, stopping to catch her breath before returning to the living room. This was all happening so fast and now her protector, the man who’d saved her, might be seriously injured. She had to help him.
He was stretched out on the couch when she returned, his long legs hanging over one end and his gun now on the table inches from his hand. She was struck by his long, muscular frame and a pang of envy rushed through her as she remembered the ring inside his wallet.
He reached out and touched her arm, a soft, gentle touch that sent a spark of electricity through her. “Are you okay?”
She smiled, realizing he was the one hurt and yet was concerned about her. What would it be like to have a brave, handsome man like Blake in her life? She knew the answer to that. She’d had one...and she’d lost him in the line of duty. She’d hardly given romance a second thought since Jimmy’s death. But now, as she realized how close she’d come to her life ending, she acknowledged the deep longing ache in her heart for someone to share her life with. Her husband’s death had ended her dream, but she was still young and many of her friends had pressed her to start dating again.
“I’m fine,” she said, determined not to let her vulnerability show and convinced the trauma of the past hour was causing her emotions to go wacky.
She knelt beside him and shifted into nurse mode. She lifted his shirt, wiping away blood so she could see the wound. Thankfully, he’d been right. The gash wasn’t big enough for the bullet to have gone in. “It must have grazed you. It’s not even that deep.”
“Why is it bleeding so much?”
“Because you’re moving around and because of where the wound is. You could probably use some stitches, but we’ll have to make do.” She cleaned him off then taped a bandage over it. “You’re fortunate it was only a flesh wound. It could have been much worse.”
“I know. He took me by surprise. He meant to kill me.” He sat up and stared at her, his blue eyes piercing as he looked her in the eye. “He meant to kill us both.”
She nodded, realizing he was right. Mason wanted her dead. The thought shook her. She was used to seeing the effects of violence in her job as an ER nurse, but this was different. This was personal. “You still haven’t told me why he wants you dead.”
She picked up discarded bandage wrappers as he pulled down his shirt and sat up. “He found out I’ve been investigating him. There’s a major drug operation happening in Northshore. I believe Mason and several other officers are involved in it. Mason said someone high up was involved.”
“How high up?”
“High enough to pay off the coroner so he’d classify our deaths as a murder/suicide after Mason killed us.”
She gasped, stunned by his bravado. “He really said that?”
He nodded then stood and walked to the window, glancing out. “The thing is, I don’t know who to trust on the force. Everyone is suspect.”
“Do you really believe there’s that much corruption?”
“It’s a small-town force. Most of these boys grew up here and have known one another since birth. They’re wary of outsiders. There are only a handful from out of town and that was only after Mayor Banks ran on the platform of improving police procedures. She wanted college graduates with more criminal justice education and insisted the city offer them leadership positions. Only two of us are still around. The others got fed up with small-town politics and left.”
She nodded, remembering the mayor’s platform. Jimmy had been taking night classes to finish his degree and he’d hoped to nab one of those supervisory spots. But he’d been killed before finishing. And she wasn’t surprised so many had gotten fed up and left. “Why would so many accept a job in Northshore?”
He turned to look at her and she thought she saw pain flash through his eyes. “Some like the idea of joining the force with some influence. Some who’ve worked in the big city are looking for the slower-paced life. Others just needed a change.”
His expression told her instinctively he’d been one of the ones who’d needed a change. Something had happened to him, something that had wounded him deeply. Did it have something to do with that ring he carried around?
Blake’s investigation into corruption among his fellow officers showed he had integrity. She respected that he’d made a vow to this town and this police force to clean it up and he was following through.
“I need to change my clothes,” she said, getting up and walking down the hallway toward the bedroom. She shut the door and leaned against it, closing her eyes and wishing this all away. She discarded her scrubs and slipped into a pair of Marcy’s jeans and a blouse she borrowed from her closet. Thankfully, they wore the same size. She moved to the bathroom and leaned into the sink as anger pulsed through her.
Only a few days after the funeral, Mason and a few other officers had come to their house and toted away boxes of information they’d claimed were part of an investigation. She hadn’t realized it at the time, but now she knew that Mason had been at the center of Jimmy’s investigation. And she’d let him walk out with her husband’s work. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was now trying to kill her. And she was trapped with a man she didn’t even know. He claimed to be one of the good guys and he seemed to have the same mission her husband had had—ferreting out corruption among the police—but she didn’t know Blake Michaels and had no idea if she could trust him or not.
“What should I do?” She whispered the question to Jimmy. When no apparent answer presented itself, she moved from the bathroom to the bedroom door and cracked it open. She could see Blake standing guard at the window.
Her instincts said she could trust Blake, and she had little choice right now. She would go with him and let the state police worry about who was corrupt and who wasn’t.
She walked into the living room and he turned from the window.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, his eyes sincere and full of concern.
“I’m fine. Everything is just happening so fast.”
“I know. It’s a lot to take in.”
She handed him a clean shirt. “I found this in Marcy’s closet. It’s probably her boyfriend’s shirt, but it should fit you and it’s clean. You can change in the bathroom.”
“Thank you.” He disappeared down the hall then returned a moment later having discarded the blood soaked shirt and buttoning up the one she’d given him.
She couldn’t help noticing the nice lines of his shoulders and felt herself blush. Yet before she could even chide herself for noticing, a noise outside stopped her. Blake hurried back to the window and his jaw clenched.
“It’s Mason.”
She ran to the window. “What? How did he know we were here?”
“I don’t know, but he did. Let’s get out of here.”
She grabbed the first-aid kit and stuffed it into her purse in case Blake’s wound needed to be redressed. She ran for the door. Blake followed behind her.
Blake started the engine, taking off as Mason came plowing down the back steps. When he reached the bottom, he raised his gun and fired.
“Shot!” she screamed then ducked in the seat. The bullet missed the truck and she realized they were too far out of range. “He’ll be back,” Holly said. “He probably went to get his car.”
Blake didn’t let up on the accelerator. “We’ll be long gone before that. The bridge is the closest way out of town.”
She nodded. “Good idea.” Even injured he had a good head on his shoulders.
She sat back in her seat, reached for the seat belt and tried to control her breathing. They were going to be fine. They would be home free once they reached the bridge and passed the town limits sign on the other side.
After that, everything would be fine. She would tell the state police or FBI about Jimmy’s journal and they could retrieve it themselves. Mason would be arrested and the other corrupt cops on the force would be identified and taken down.
Except that Mason didn’t seem to care about things like the law or jurisdictions. He would definitely pursue them even past the city limits.
Blake slowed the truck, pulling Holly back to the present. She saw why he’d slowed. The bridge entrance was blocked by a row of police cars and officers.
“Anyone you know?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah.”
“Can you trust them?”
He put the truck into Reverse and backed up. “I’m not going to wait around to find out.” He jerked the Dodge into Drive and took off. “We’ll find another way out of town.”
She knew there were only two roads out of town. The access road that led to the highway and the bridge over the lake. The town was basically cut off due to the water. If the police had blocked the bridge, she was certain the access road would also be blocked.
A few minutes later she was proved right.
Blake slowed as they approached the access road that led to the highway. It was blocked by officers.
She tensed as he once again turned around and headed back into town.
Their only escape routes were blocked.
They were trapped.
TWO (#u538c9925-7623-5d23-b7c3-c2a1c736dd00)
“I need to go to the police.”
“You can’t.”
She turned those wide green eyes on him and Blake saw panic in them. She was trying to keep it together but he could tell she was on the verge of losing control. He saw her mind working, questioning whether or not he was going to keep her from leaving and probably wondering how she was going to get out of the Dodge and out of his grasp.
She wasn’t his prisoner, but she needed to understand the danger she was in...the danger they were both in. He knew Mason well enough to know he wouldn’t stop. He’d made an attempt on their lives. He had no choice now but to finish them.
His gaze continually scanned the area on the lookout for police cars. He needed to develop a plan—starting with finding a phone he could use. He had to call Matt and alert him that his cover had been blown and he was trapped. Matt and the DEA could help him come up with an escape plan.
He glanced at Holly. She looked distraught now but she’d acted admirably and he’d been impressed. He knew she was scared. She didn’t want to be a part of this, but he wasn’t the one who’d dragged her into it. Mason had pulled her in, and it was up to Blake to keep her safe. He could see how Mason could become obsessed with her. Tall and athletic, her long neck accentuated a lovely heart-shaped face and big green eyes, a supple mouth and a chin that jutted stubbornly in defiance. He checked himself before he focused too much on her beauty.
Yes, she was beautiful, but he couldn’t allow himself to go down that road. He was still nursing a broken heart. Miranda had gone far beyond the normal everyday betrayal of having an affair or leaving him. She’d actually kidnapped his best friend Colton’s girlfriend, Laura, and handed her over to a loan shark who’d planned to kill her. And she’d done it only for money. Greed had been her downfall. Greed and an unexpressed loathing of the small-town life he loved. She’d paid the ultimate price for her betrayal, though. She’d been shot and killed by the very loan shark she’d helped. How could he have been so blind? How could he have not seen her real feelings? He was still struggling with it, even after all this time, and knew he could never put his heart on the line again.
“You can’t trust the police,” Blake told her.
“Mason, sure. But I’ve known most of these people for years. Chief Waggoner has been good to me. I should have told him about Mason sooner. He deserves to know what he’s done. He’ll take care of it. I’ll go there, tell my story, and they’ll arrest Mason.”
“Mason isn’t going to let you go. You’re a witness to an attempted murder. You’re taking an awful big risk that the higher-ups aren’t on Mason’s side. The cops are blocking the roads out of town. Who do you think ordered that?”
“Because they’ve only heard Mason’s side of the story. We need to go there and tell them the truth.” She jutted her chin stubbornly. “I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to the police.” Her face softened. “I am grateful to you for saving my life today, but I don’t know you, Blake. I trust Chief Waggoner. He’s been good to me since Jimmy died.”
“Mason said people higher up were involved, high enough to pay off a coroner to cover up a murder. Don’t you think the chief of police would have to be involved in something that big?”
“You’re asking me to trust someone I just met over someone I’ve known for years—someone my husband knew and trusted with his life.”
He hoped to change her mind but could see she was determined. He couldn’t blame her. She had only his word that the police department was corrupt and they’d only just met. For all she knew, he was the dirty cop.
“Fine,” he said, turning the truck around. “I still believe this is a bad idea, but you’re not my prisoner. I’ll drop you at the police station.”
“It would be more believable if you would come in with me and explain what happened.”
He shook his head. “I can’t do that. My only chance now is to get out of town.”
He parked across the street from the precinct and scoped the area. “I don’t see Mason’s cruiser, so I think you’re okay.” He looked at her, wishing he could say something that would change her mind. But she was right. This was her town. He was the outsider. And maybe she was right about Chief Waggoner. He had to concede he only had Mason’s word that the higher-ups were corrupt. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
She nodded. “I have to. I can’t be involved in this.” She looked at him, her green eyes searching his. “What are you going to do?”
“Find somewhere to hole up, call my friends and do my best to get out of this town alive.”
She nodded and then smiled at him. “Goodbye, Blake Michaels.”
“Goodbye, Holly. It was nice to know you.”
She opened the door and had one leg out when his hand shot out to stop her, grabbing her elbow. “Wait.”
He was surprised by the intensity of his feelings for her and his hesitancy to let her go. She’d held up well against circumstances that would make a grown man lash out. He understood her need to try, but it didn’t stop his concern for her safety.
She looked back at him, waiting, but his words caught in his throat. He should say something to help her, but every inch of his instinct was telling him something wasn’t right. “Please don’t do this,” he said. “You’re making a mistake by going in there.”
Her smile said he was being overly cautious. “I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “You’ll need to change that bandage often or else you’ll get an infection.” She slid out of the car and crossed the street.
He watched her go, his heart hammering against his chest. He’d saved her from Mason only to have her walk into the lion’s den.
Lord, please protect her.
* * *
Holly stopped at the doors to the police station and looked back. Blake’s truck was gone. She sighed, already missing his protective presence.
Stop it, she chastised herself. She didn’t need his protection. But she had needed it today and he’d given it freely—and been wounded himself. She should have wished him well or said she would pray for him, but the words hadn’t come. She wasn’t on good enough terms with God to even pray for someone else.
Besides, she didn’t know Blake. Maybe he didn’t deserve her prayers or her good wishes. But she found that hard to believe. He struck her as one of the good guys. He’d risked his life to save her from Mason and that spoke volumes. But she had to think logically. Reason told her she couldn’t discount all of the police on the word of one man or because of Mason’s actions.
I hope I’m doing the right thing.
She pushed open the door and stepped inside the precinct. The chill of the air-conditioning hit her, a nice change from the muggy midmorning temperature. The room was full of desks and people in uniform. Holly approached the front desk, where the officer on duty was hunched over the computer.
“Can I help you, lady?” he asked without looking up.
“I’d like to see Chief Waggoner.”
“He’s busy. Someone kidnapped a nurse over at the medical center. He’s coordinating the response team.”
Surprise rushed through her. Mason had claimed she’d been kidnapped? That certainly explained the police roadblocks out of town. “Then he’ll definitely want to see me,” she stated.
“Why? Who are you?” he asked, turning to look at her.
She waited a moment, wondering if he would recognize her. He gave her a quizzical look then his eyes widened. He jumped to his feet. “You—you’’re her.”
“That’s right. Only I wasn’t abducted.” Indignation soared through her that Mason had made such a ridiculous claim in order to manipulate the police into a manhunt for Blake.
He nodded then picked up the phone. “I’ll call Chief Waggoner.”
Moments later the chief—a heavyset man in his early fifties—appeared from his office. “Holly! I’m so happy to see that you weren’t harmed,” he told her. “I want you to know that as Jimmy’s widow, you’re still one of us and we take an offense against one of our own very seriously. How did you get away from Officer Michaels?”
“I didn’t. I was never a prisoner. Chief, there has been a terrible mistake made here. Mason Webber accosted me in the parking lot as I was leaving work. He pointed a gun at me and was going to kill me. He even fired it. Blake Michaels intervened. He rescued me from Mason, and when I insisted on coming to the police, he brought me here.”
He glanced around at the officers who were watching and listening. “Is that so?”
“Yes, it is. Mason Webber is the man you should be arresting. After he attacked me in the hospital parking lot, he showed up and shot at us. He’s out of control.”
The chief took her arm. “Perhaps we should speak privately in my office.”
He led her toward a door near the back of the bullpen. Once there, he closed the door and turned to her. “I’d rather you not make such accusations in front of my officers, Holly.”
“Everything I said was true. You and I both know it. Mason is out of control.”
“Mason is an exemplary, longtime member of this police force. He’s never been accused of erratic behavior before.”
She could hardly believe her ears. Was the chief actually defending Mason? “What about what you saw in Jimmy’s journal? The evidence he collected?”
“Well, the few pages you copied for me were really nothing but accusations. I looked into the incidents Jimmy mentioned and found nothing to indicate any wrongdoing. Perhaps if Jimmy had come to me instead of conducting his own inquiry, we might have some solid evidence. Or maybe there’s something more substantial in the rest of the journal. You said you were going to bring it in, but you didn’t.”
A realization hit her and her heart sank. “It was you, wasn’t it? You gave Mason those pages from Jimmy’s journal.” Had Blake been right that this entire force was corrupt?
There was no denying what the chief was trying to do. He wanted to paint Mason as the good guy even after he’d heard her story and seen what Jimmy had recorded. “He knew about the journal, Chief, and he had those copied pages. You’re the only one I told. Did you give them to him?”
He scowled at her accusation then slid a legal pad and a pen across the desk. “Why don’t you write down everything that happened, in your own words? That way, there’s no discrepancy.” The bite in his voice was obvious, and she knew at that moment their friendly relationship was over. His behavior didn’t make him a drug trafficker like Blake was investigating, but he was certainly complicit in Mason’s wrongdoings. Blake was right about the widespread corruption on this force.
She reached for the pen and pad. “I think that would be for the best.”
He pushed to his feet and headed for the door. “I’ll give you some time to work on that.”
Holly was glad when he was gone. Her pen flew across the paper, though she was still uncertain what she would do when she finished. Given Chief Waggoner’s behavior, she wasn’t convinced her statement would go anywhere except the inside of the trash can.
The screech of tires outside the chief’s window grabbed her attention. She put down the pad, walked to the window and saw Mason exit a car parked at the curb and hightail it toward the station. She hurried to the office door, where she could see the front of the police bullpen and Chief Waggoner speaking with another officer. He visibly tensed as Mason entered, but approached him and had words Holly couldn’t hear. She held her breath as she waited. Would the chief take him into custody? Or ignore everything she’d told him? She had her answer when Mason’s eyes grew wide and when Waggoner pointed toward his office. He wasn’t arresting Mason or even reprimanding him.
He was handing her over to him.
Disappointment filled her. She had been wrong about Chief Waggoner. She stared around at the people in the precinct. Was there anyone here she could trust? She didn’t know for sure but she knew she could trust Blake. She had to get to him.
She slipped out of the office, softly closing the door to hide her escape, and crept on tiptoe down the hall, away from the bullpen, before anyone noticed. There had to be a back door or employee entrance she could use to make her escape. She spotted an exit sign bright and beckoning at the end of the hallway and felt a rush of relief flow through her. It was her way out. The voices and footsteps heading her way stopped her from rushing toward it. She slipped into an empty office, holding her breath as two officers passed by without seeing her. Once they were out of sight, she ran to the exit and pushed open the door to freedom.
She didn’t make it.
Someone grabbed her from behind, slipping his hand around her waist. “Where do you think you’re going?” he snarled, his breath hot against her ear. Panic seized her as she recognized the voice.
He pulled her into a room that appeared to be an employee break area. Her heart sank when she realized it was empty. No one around to help her or to stop Mason. She wasn’t even sure anyone in this precinct would try.
He shoved her against the counter and Holly reached out, trying to stop herself. She bumped a bin and it fell, sending utensils crashing down.
“Please don’t.” She held out her hands to him as she’d done before. “You don’t want to do this.”
“Oh, no, you’re wrong. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.”
He grabbed her again, pushed her to the floor and crawled on top of her, his hand pressing into her neck.
He was going to strangle her! Holly grabbed his hand, trying to break his grasp as fear ripped through her. She had to get away from him. She kicked and pounded on him, but he easily overpowered her. When she couldn’t break his grip, she flung her hands out hoping to grab something, anything, she could use as a weapon. Her fingers locked around an object and she jammed it into Mason’s neck, only then realizing it was a plastic fork. He howled but didn’t loosen his grip. In fact, he tightened it, his face full of rage.
Holly gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. She gripped and clawed at his hands fitfully. This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t be the end. I’m not ready, God! The room seemed to spin and fade as the lack of oxygen began to affect her. She had only moments before she lost consciousness and then her life.
But it wasn’t her late husband’s face she saw in the fading light of the room. It was Blake’s...hovering over Mason...a metal chair in his hands. She realized he was really there the instant he slammed the chair into the back of Mason’s head.
His grip loosened and he slumped over, unconscious.
Holly quickly slid out from under him, fighting for each wonderful but excruciating breath. Blake grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, then slid his arm around her waist when her knees buckled.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes probing.
She managed a nod and then a hoarse whisper. “What are you doing here?”
“Making sure you’re okay. I can see you’re not—so let’s get out of here.”
He kept his arm around her as they hurried through the exit. Her legs protested every step but she willed them to keep moving. They had to get away before Mason regained consciousness. Blake’s truck was parked at the back and he opened the door and helped her inside before running around to the driver’s side and getting in. A moment later they were speeding away.
She glanced at Blake, awestruck that he’d returned for her. He hadn’t just left her—even after she’d insisted she didn’t need him and had questioned his motives. He’d risked his own safety to make certain she wasn’t harmed. She wasn’t sure if that made him just plain dumb or incredibly kind.
“How did you know I needed help?” she asked, each syllable painful to speak.
“I was watching. I knew you were in trouble when I saw Mason pull up.”
She nodded. “Chief Waggoner tried to defend Mason to me. I can’t believe the chief is dirty.”
Blake’s jaw clenched and his fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “I should have known.”
“You were right. We can’t trust anyone on the police force.” She reached out and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“I can understand why you did. Even I would think I was paranoid if I wasn’t living it. But now we really have to get out of town.”
“How are we going to do that with the roads blocked? The police are searching for you. Mason told everyone you kidnapped me.”
He turned those blue eyes on her and comfort washed through her. “We’re going to find another way out of this town. I promise.”
This time, she didn’t doubt him.
* * *
He had no idea what their next move was. He’d walked into this, but she hadn’t—Mason had dragged her in. She had to be terrified.
He shuddered, remembering the image of Mason choking her. His heart had stopped and he hadn’t even thought—he’d only reacted. He wouldn’t allow Mason to harm her.
She slumped in her seat, her green eyes wide with fear and her hand stroking the bruises forming on her neck. She was counting on him to keep her safe and he wouldn’t let her down.
The situation looks dire, Lord, but I know nothing is impossible for You. We need a way out of this town.
They passed by a convenience store and he slowed, scoping the area. Only two cars were present in the lot—one at the gas pumps and the other parked at the front entrance. Neither was a cop car, so that was good. He was taking a risk even stopping, but they had a need they couldn’t do without any longer. He had to contact Matt and the only way to do that was to find a phone.
Holly popped up in her seat as he turned the Dodge toward the gas station. “What are we doing?” she asked, her voice raw and scratchy.
“I need a phone to contact my friend. This store will have a prepaid one we can purchase.”
He pulled into a parking space then cut the engine and started to pull the door handle. Her hand on his arm stopped him. It sent chills rattling through him. “I should go.”
“That’s not a good idea. You were barely able to stand when I pulled you from the precinct.”
“I’m better now that I’ve gotten some oxygen to my muscles. Besides, you’re too high-profile. If they’ve blocked the roads, they could be searching for us. I’ll be right inside. You can even see me through the windows and come in if something goes wrong.”
Still, he hesitated. He should be the one to go.
She blew out a weary breath. “Do you think I’m going to call the police on you?”
“No, that’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m worried about your safety.”
Her face softened and she smiled. “We’re in this together, Blake. We have to be able to count on one another and that means you have to trust me. I’ll be fine. Only, the longer we sit here, the more obvious we become.”
He knew she was right. He was the one with the gun. He needed to watch out for Mason or other officers that might spot them. He nodded his agreement and she removed her hand. He found he missed it when it was gone. He pulled out his wallet and counted several bills. “Make sure you get one that has internet access, as well. We might need it. Maybe we can find another exit on a map of the town.”
She nodded and closed her hand over the cash.
“And be careful,” he insisted.
She nodded then slipped out of the vehicle.
He shook off the feeling of paranoia that threatened his thoughts. If she’d wanted him captured, she could have shouted out at the police station. He hadn’t forced her to come with him, but she had. And she’d been right when she’d said they needed to trust one another. The problem was he didn’t trust her, and it had nothing to do with anything except her gender. He’d been fooled before by a beautiful face. He pushed away those fears. He wasn’t starting a romantic relationship with her, just trying to get out of a difficult situation alive. He had to trust her and she had to trust him. Neither of them had anyone else at the moment.
He watched her move through the store, stopping every few minutes to toss something into her basket. She moved smoothly and determinedly, not like someone on the run and frightened. She put on a good act. He knew she was frightened. He’d seen her hands shaking after Mason had attacked her. She wasn’t downplaying the danger they were in. She simply wasn’t allowing it to control her. Amazing. He imagined her job as a nurse had trained her to stay calm in a crisis situation. That would definitely work in their favor today.
He started the engine as she exited the store and slid into the passenger’s seat. “Any trouble?”
“Nope.” She held out a baseball cap. “I got this for you. I thought you might need it since most of the police force knows your face. It won’t hide you completely, but if you wear it low, it might shade your face a little.”
“That’s a good idea. Thank you.” He slid the cap onto his head and pulled it low.
She nodded approvingly, then pulled out a Twizzlers and bit into it before offering him one.
“Candy?” he asked, and she shrugged.
“I eat when I’m nervous.” She pulled out the phone she’d purchased to set it up as he drove, plugging it into the outlet to charge. “I had the cashier activate it for me on his cell after he explained that you had to activate it from another phone. I told him if I had another phone, I wouldn’t be buying this one.” She pulled up the maps on the browser and her face fell. “We were right. The bridge and the access road are the only two routes out of town. If there are any others, they’re not on this map.”
He looked over her shoulder at the phone, noticing the sweet scent of her hair and how soft it was as it tickled his cheek. He moved a bit so it was no longer touching him. He couldn’t go there, couldn’t even think it. Falling for this woman wasn’t an option, so it was better not to tempt fate.
He took the phone from her and dialed Matt’s cell number, thankful when he heard his voice on the line.
“I’m in trouble,” he said when Matt answered. “My cover’s been blown.”
“What happened?” Matt’s voice was serious.
“I’m not sure. Mason Webber had my file.” He glanced at Holly then lowered his voice. “My real file, Matt. How did that happen? I thought the DOJ buried it.”
“I’m not sure, but I’ll find out. What’s your status?”
“He shot me. Don’t worry, it’s just a graze. But we’re on the run.”
“I’m with a woman. Holly Mathis, a nurse at the med center. She’s the widow of Mason’s old partner. He attacked her, too. He said he was going to set it up to look like I was obsessed with her, killed her and then killed myself. He also claimed the boss was someone high up in the town. He said they had the coroner under their control.”
“But he didn’t give you a name?”
“No, but when Holly went to the police, Chief Waggoner tried to hand her over to Mason. He’s definitely dirty.”
“We’ll figure this out once you’re both safe. Where are you?”
“A convenience store on the south side of town.”
“Wait, you’re still in Northshore? You’ve got to get out of there.”
“We tried. All the roads are blocked. Mason has had me labeled as a dirty cop and told everyone at the precinct I kidnapped Holly. The whole force is out there looking for me.”
“Let me make some calls,” Matt said. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure this out. You just stay safe.”
Blake turned to look at Holly and realized he was now responsible for keeping them both alive and well. He hoped he was up to the task. “I’ll do my best,” he told Matt before he pressed the off key. “We need to find a place to hide while we think this out.”
“Should we go back to my friend’s apartment now that Mason is gone?”
“No, he may still be watching it. We can’t go to my place or yours, either.” He leaned back in his seat and sighed. His mind spun at the notion of making a wrong decision. The calm he saw in her eyes meant she was depending on him.
He wouldn’t let her down.
“I know a place where we can lay low for a while. It’s not a great option, but it’s secure.” He pulled onto the road and headed west. He knew this place from his patrols. It was seedy and run-down, but hopefully it would be a safe haven for them at least for a little while until they figured out how to make their escape.
THREE (#u538c9925-7623-5d23-b7c3-c2a1c736dd00)
Blake drove into a part of town Holly knew by reputation only. Jimmy had always warned her against crossing over into this area. It was a notorious hangout for junkies and gangs and was known to be dangerous. Tourists were steered away from this part of the lake and even the hospital paramedics shared horror stories of coming into the area to respond to emergencies.
And Blake was choosing to go here.
“What are we doing here?”
“We need a place to hide until we can figure this out.” He pulled up to a seedy motel and cut the engine.
“Are we really going to stay here?”
“This places takes cash and doesn’t ask questions. It’s our best option right now.”
He reached out to touch her arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. No one will bother you as long as you’re with me.”
His assurance did make her feel better, but it didn’t prevent her apprehension as he got out of the truck and entered the office. She could see him inside, through the glass doors, handing over cash to the clerk and receiving a key.
He returned to the truck then drove around to the back of the complex. He led her into a small but neat room. It had a double bed, a dinette set and a dresser with a small television mounted to it.
The phone he’d slipped into his pocket rang and Blake answered. “Matt, what’s the news?”
His expression fell. “I understand.” He ended the call then grabbed the remote. “Matt said the chief is on TV.” He switched on the television to breaking news coverage.
Chief Waggoner was standing at a podium and Blake’s photo was in a box at the corner of the screen. “This is Officer Blake Michaels, a recent hire with the Northshore PD. We’re sad to report that we believe Officer Michaels to be a threat to our town. We’re currently investigating his wrongdoings and will update more on that later, but what we do know is that he assaulted a fellow officer as he attempted to prevent Michaels from abducting a female nurse at the medical center early this morning. The hostage’s name is not being released just yet.”
Indignation rushed through her. “I can’t believe he’s sticking with the story that you kidnapped me.” She felt her face flush in anger. If she’d had any doubts about Chief Waggoner, they were all gone now. She steamed, thinking about all the times since Jimmy died that he’d acted like her friend. When she’d showed him the papers from the journal, she’d thought he’d been upset to learn Jimmy had uncovered corruption in the department, but now she wondered differently. Every conversation she’d had with him took on new meaning. Had he spent the past months pressing her for information about what Jimmy might have told her? How had she mistaken the questions with just being kind?
Blake seemed unsurprised by the development. She realized he’d been right all along. He’d known how they would spin this. He’d tried to warn her—and she hadn’t believed him. No, she had to be honest with herself. She had believed him. She just hadn’t wanted to believe him. She’d been so consumed with protecting herself from more heartache and grief that she’d fooled herself into wishful thinking. She’d suspected the truth about the Northshore PD ever since finding that journal. So far she’d only read the passages about Mason, but she’d scanned the rest and knew other officers were mentioned in it. She’d known her husband was investigating dirty cops. She just hadn’t wanted to believe it went as high as the chief of police.
In the midst of her struggle with Mason, she recalled she’d cried out to God. She blamed Him for this mess. He’d allowed all this to happen. He was the one who’d taken her husband from her and made her a widow at twenty-seven. Now He’d brought Mason Webber into her life.
She shuddered. “I can’t believe this. Your own police department just labeled you a kidnapper. What do we do now?”
“We wait. My friends will take care of this. They’ll find us a way out of town.”
His friends. She’d heard him reference the DOJ in the car when he was speaking to his friend Matt. He’d told her about the drug trafficking and corruption investigations. Had he contacted the DOJ for backup? She folded her arms and locked eyes with him. “I think it’s time you told me exactly what’s going on. Who do you keep calling? And what does the DOJ have to do with it?”
He pushed his hand through his dark hair and sighed. “I’ve been working undercover for the past nine months as part of a joint task force between the DEA and DOJ. Somehow, Mason found out who I really was.”
She was stunned by his revelation. He wasn’t just a small-town cop investigating his fellow officers. He was a federal agent, a plant, someone who had voluntarily put himself into this position. She turned away, thinking of Jimmy and instinctively knowing he would have liked Blake. They both had the trait of jumping into the fire in the name of justice.
He knelt beside her, his expression one of compassion, and he squeezed her hands in a comforting manner. “I’m sorry you got pulled into this, Holly. I really am, but we’re not alone in this. Matt and the agencies will come through for us. We have people on our side and, most importantly, we have the Lord with us.”
She stared into his eyes and her heart clenched. He really believed that. She had believed it once, too, but now she figured God had forsaken her. She could put her trust in Blake Michaels to keep her safe, but she wasn’t ready to put her faith back in God to do anything for her.
* * *
Blake walked to the vending machine and slipped in a handful of coins. It wasn’t a real meal, but it would have to do for now until he could figure out a plan. Holly was depending on him for answers and he didn’t have any. He’d heard the concern in Matt’s voice. They were in real trouble. If the corruption went to the highest levels in town, they might have to fight to protect themselves.
The hairs on his neck prickled and he sensed someone watching him. He glanced around, spotting a figure on an outside balcony. Discouragement bit at him. He recognized the man as a local drug dealer. And he would no doubt report Blake’s presence at the motel to Mason. They couldn’t remain here.
He walked back into the room. When he’d left her, she’d seemed in a daze. Now she was pacing, determination locked into her expression.
“We can’t stay here,” he told her. “We have to leave now.”
“What happened?”
“Someone spotted us. I’m sure he’s on the phone to Mason as we speak. We should go now.”
She went with him to the car without further questioning, but once inside, she said, “Tell me about the drug trafficking.”
She had a right to know everything since her life was tied into his now. “There’s this drug called Trixie. It’s extremely dangerous and the manufacture and distribution operation is massive. My friend Matt busted up a ring in Tennessee last year but it was only part of a bigger organization. The DEA has been working with the DOJ to try to find the manufacturing facility and they believe it’s right here in Northshore. I was tasked with infiltrating the department to try to find it.”
“Don’t the DOJ or DEA have some other way of ascertaining where this drug den is? Surely they have access to satellite imaging. Why don’t they just bust it?”
“They’ve gotten some good leads, but they’ve been burned several times—getting close only to have the labs pack up and move. It’s courtesy for the Feds to alert local law enforcement before they execute a raid. After a few times, they started to suspect police involvement. That’s when they partnered with the DOJ.”
“I don’t understand. Which agency do you work for?”
“Then how did you get roped into taking this job?”
He shrugged. “I was in a place in my life where I needed a change. I used to be sheriff of my hometown. It was right about the time I was ready for a change that Matt approached me about this task force. They needed someone to go into the precinct, someone with certain characteristics that might lead to an invitation into corruption.” He didn’t tell her about the betrayal he’d suffered or Miranda’s death. That was too much detail and he wasn’t ready to delve into it with anyone.
“So your friend thought you were believable as a dirty cop? Either he’s not a great friend, or there’s something you’re not telling me about your time as a sheriff.”
“Something did happen, but it had nothing to do with my job as a police officer. However, Matt thought I could use it to infiltrate this group.”
She gave him a wry smile. “Nice friends.”
“No, he’s a good friend. He knew I needed something else to focus on besides what was going on in my life.”
“Look,” Holly said, “we should start with figuring out who we can trust. Sometimes in nursing if there’s a problem, it takes someone else to look at it to see what’s happening. A new perspective, if you will.”
He nodded. “I agree we need help. Was there anyone specific on the force that Jimmy trusted?”
“I’m not sure. You’ve been there for the past nine months. Isn’t there anyone in the police department that you trust?”
He pulled his hands through his hair. He’d thought Waggoner was a stand-up guy and he’d been wrong. But he had to start thinking differently. He’d gone in looking to bond with the troublemakers. He’d made it his mission and he’d rubbed some people the wrong way in doing so. Maybe he should focus instead on those on the force who hadn’t approved of his choice of friends.
One name rose to the surface. He didn’t know if he could trust Gabriel or not, but Holly was right. They couldn’t wait around to be either captured or rescued. They had to do something—and it could be something dangerous.
* * *
Blake drove past Gabriel Butler’s house. Everything seemed quiet on the street and Holly noticed a car in the driveway. The lights were on inside the house, too, so he was definitely home. But would he help them? And could they trust him?
Blake parked several houses down and they got out. She jumped when he drew his gun. It stunned her and somehow made this all the more real. She nodded to let him know she was okay then followed him toward the house.
“Should I knock?” Holly asked when they reached the front door. “He might not recognize me right away.”
He nodded then moved out of view of the peephole. She rapped on the door and listened as footsteps approached. Her gut told her someone was behind that door staring at her through the peephole. She held her breath in anticipation. Would he even open the door for her?
Seconds later she heard the lock click and the door opened. Blake pushed her aside then stepped in front of her. He raised his gun to the stunned man’s head.
“There’s no cash in the house,” Gabriel said, coolly looking at them both as if they were common criminals.
“We’re not looking for money,” Blake said, pushing him back inside. Holly followed, closed the door behind them and turned the latch. “Do you know who I am?”
Gabriel stared at him then nodded slowly. “Blake Michaels. You’re NPD’s most wanted today.” He slowly lowered his hands. “What do you two want with me?”
“I’m not here to hurt you, Gabriel. I just want to talk.” To prove his intention, Blake lowered the gun and tucked it into his waistband.
Gabriel’s color began to return. “I’m not sure what we have to talk about.”
“Whatever you’ve heard about me over the radio is a lie. I didn’t kidnap anyone.”
“It’s true,” Holly said from behind him. “Mason Webber tried to kill me. Blake interceded. He saved my life.”
Gabriel glanced at her then back at Blake, and nodded. “Mason, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised.”
“I heard a rumor that you’re upset about the corruption in the department. That’s why I came to you. I’m undercover, working as part of a joint operation between the DEA and Department of Justice. I was sent here to ferret out the corruption and determine how high it goes and how it connects to the drug manufacturing ring operating out of Northshore.”
Gabriel sighed then moved toward the sink in the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and Holly noticed his hands shaking, no doubt from the adrenaline of having a gun shoved in his face.
“I’m sorry about all this,” Blake said, obviously noticing it, too. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Gabriel gave a small laugh. “I’ll admit when I saw you I thought they’d finally sent someone to kill me.”
“They? Do you know who is in charge of the operation?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Will you help us?” Holly asked him. “We need to get out of town but all the roads are blocked.”
He nodded and set down his glass. “They’ve got the town locked down looking for you.” He glanced at Holly. “You’re Jim Mathis’s wife, aren’t you? He was a good cop.”
“Thank you for saying that,” Holly said, her heart warming at the memory of Jimmy.
“Why is Mason after you?” he asked Holly.
“I thought he was obsessed with me, but now I believe he found out my husband was investigating him and was only trying to find out if Jimmy had told me anything about him. I guess he’s decided it doesn’t matter and he’s trying to cut his losses. I should have filed charges against him for harassment months ago, but I’d hoped it would go away on its own.” She sighed and glanced at Blake. “Now I know it wouldn’t have done any good anyway. Chief Waggoner is just as dirty as Mason.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. “The chief?” He shook his head as if absorbing the new information. “I should have known. That’s why none of the reports of Mason’s activities ever brought any consequences.” He sighed and looked at Blake. “How do I know you’re not feeding me a line? How can I believe you?”
Blake handed him a card. “Call this number and ask for Matt Ross. He’s my DEA contact. He’ll fill you in on the investigation.”
Gabriel glanced at it then reached for his phone and stepped out of earshot to make the call.
Holly watched Blake wearing a circle in the old shag rug, but she was feeling optimistic. She touched his arm, wanting to reassure him. “I think this was a good call. He seems like a decent guy.”
“Hopefully, he can help us.” He placed his hand over hers and she felt a spark of electricity. She glanced up to see if he’d noticed it, too, and found his blue eyes gazing longingly at her. “I’m sorry I got you into this,” he said, his voice low and deep.
She shuddered at the timbre of it but rushed to reassure him.
“You didn’t. You saved my life today. Twice.” She felt the sudden urge to fling herself into his arms and find comfort in his embrace. But she tamped down that feeling and took a step away from him, breaking the connection. She had to remain on alert and that meant reigning in her emotions, especially in front of someone she was depending on to get her through this.
Gabriel reappeared from the kitchen. “You checked out. How can I help you?”
“We need to get out of town. Any suggestions?”
“Well, the roads may be blocked, but you could go across the lake. I have a boat docked at the marina. They might not be able to monitor the entire lake.”
Blake glanced at her and Holly nodded. That was the best idea she’d heard in a while and hope bubbled anew. “We’ll try that.”
Gabriel removed a set of keys from a hook by the door. “It’s at the Bridge Bay Marina, slip eighteen. I’ll drive you.”
“That’s not necessary,” Blake said.
But Gabriel wouldn’t hear of it. “I insist. I want to make certain you make it out of town safely. I’ve been working secretly with Mayor Banks to try to clean up the force. We had no idea the Feds were already involved. It’s good to have someone else on the side of justice.”
They loaded into his SUV and headed toward the lake.
Holly sat back and found herself praying they would make it. It was still her instinct to go to God with her troubles, but she wouldn’t allow herself to. God had let her down too many times. She had only Blake to depend on now.
Gabriel turned into the marina and cut the engine.
Blake pulled out his gun and reached for the door handle. “Let me check it out first to make sure the coast is clear.”
He got out and disappeared down the pier. Holly watched him anxiously. Her nerves were on edge, but with a hopeful excitement for a change. If they were able to reach the boat and make it across the lake, she might finally be able to put this nightmare behind her. She wished she had Jimmy’s journal with her to hand over to Blake. She could trust him with it now. He could pass it along to his DEA friend and perhaps some good would come from Jimmy’s final investigation. She smiled, liking the thought that he was still reaching out, still helping the fight for justice, even from the grave.

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