Read online book «Mountain Ambush» author Hope White

Mountain Ambush
Hope White
MARKED FOR MURDERA search-and-rescue mission turns deadly when Dr. Kyle Spencer is nearly killed by an assailant in the mountains. And when EMT Maddie McBride saves the doctor just in time, they’re both targeted—but no one knows why. One thing’s clear, though—from the moment Maddie finds Echo Mountain’s most eligible bachelor left for dead, she can’t stop thinking about him. But she’s always been wary of the town’s Dr. Dreamboat. And Spence’s scarred heart’s been shuttered since a childhood tragedy. As someone stalks the injured doctor’s every move, though, Spence realizes that he needs the determined Maddie in his corner. However he can’t be sure their partnership will be enough to save them…especially against a seemingly all-knowing foe who’s got them both in his deadly sights.

A search-and-rescue mission turns deadly when Dr. Kyle Spencer is nearly killed by an assailant in the mountains. And when EMT Maddie McBride saves the doctor just in time, they’re both targeted—but no one knows why. One thing’s clear, though—from the moment Maddie finds Echo Mountain’s most eligible bachelor left for dead, she can’t stop thinking about him. But she’s always been wary of the town’s Dr. Dreamboat. And Spence’s scarred heart’s been shuttered since a childhood tragedy. As someone stalks the injured doctor’s every move, though, Spence realizes that he needs the determined Maddie in his corner. However, he can’t be sure their partnership will be enough to save them...especially against a seemingly all-knowing foe who’s got them both in his deadly sights.
“Why am I in a room?”
“They’re keeping you overnight for observation.” She tapped her forefinger to her own forehead. “Concerned about the brain trauma.”
“I’m fine.”
“So you’ve said. If the MRI comes back clean, you’ll be good to go. I think it’s scheduled for tonight.”
Kyle felt bad for keeping her from her life.
“You should go.” That didn’t come out right, and the thought of her leaving him alone twisted his gut with fear. What was wrong with him? Maddie was nothing more than a paramedic he occasionally ran into at the hospital.
“Oh, so you’re dismissing me?” she said in a strange tone.
Had he offended her? “I meant you don’t have to stay and babysit me.”
“I came with you in the helicopter, so I’m waiting for a ride.” She redirected her attention to her phone.
Good to know that she wasn’t hovering at his bedside because she cared about him, that he’d have to worry about her developing feelings for a man who had no interest in love.
Love? He was surely suffering from brain trauma.
Dear Reader (#u4ac38662-c546-58cb-b7e2-12103666bcd9)
Running away from problems can sometimes seem like the right thing to do, but it’s not necessarily the best choice. Feeling both joy and pain is part of the human experience.
Dr. Kyle “Spence” Spencer has been running most of his life, ever since he lost his brother in a tragic accident when they were kids. He shoulders the full responsibility of his brother’s death. Yet instead of processing his grief fully, he chooses to save as many lives as possible, and run when a situation gets too intense.
Maddie McBride has always cared so much for her family, and even hoped that her nurturing personality would keep her parents from splitting up and moving away, but it didn’t. No matter how much you care about people, you can’t control their choices. Maddie guards her heart, fearing a painful outcome of loving too fiercely.
Will Maddie’s love for Spence and promise of God’s forgiveness encourage Spence to stop running? And if he can’t stop running, will she be able to let go of her pain and open her heart to God’s healing?
Life isn’t always easy or simple. Relationships are complicated thanks to all the baggage we carry with us from our experiences. I hope you are able to process your experiences with love and then let them go. Holding on to guilt, shame or resentment only impedes our path to grace.
Wishing you peace on your journey,
Hope White
An eternal optimist, HOPE WHITE was born and raised in the Midwest. She and her college sweetheart have been married for thirty years and are blessed with two wonderful sons, two feisty cats and a bossy border collie. When not dreaming up inspirational tales, Hope enjoys hiking, sipping tea with friends and going to the movies. She loves to hear from readers, who can contact her at
Mountain Ambush
Hope White (
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
—Psalms 56:3
This book is dedicated to ER doctor Jim Keen, Fire Chief Chris Tubbs and Deputy Fire Chief Rich Burke for their help and patience.
Cover (#u19ca51ce-0613-5a82-b67d-a686dceb11e4)
Back Cover Text (#u201d3a0e-e453-5108-91cf-685c7b40f87d)
Introduction (#u9c7205a8-1815-5912-a37a-40c72d3fdfd6)
Dear Reader (#u186cbc02-1fc1-5e5a-9b81-f14a29e45f67)
About the Author (#u6d9a21e0-61ba-54d5-9ecb-0315b2345c1f)
Title Page (#ufec417a0-0b12-5029-ba0f-b943fceac8c7)
Bible Verse (#u3628bf62-0828-58fd-ad5d-a62386dc9544)
Dedication (#ucc8ac383-7b14-5341-83cf-5e0de14558b9)
ONE (#ufed741ba-7117-5431-9780-73e0fa1559fa)
TWO (#u0c7917a9-9b9f-5a30-abcf-87a6ac6e3120)
THREE (#ucb5ecc70-b8c7-51b9-ae30-70e77e890ed5)
FOUR (#u12f0108c-d456-545d-a0bb-989a9f6aa850)
FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
ELEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
TWELVE (#litres_trial_promo)
THIRTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
FOURTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
FIFTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
SIXTEEN (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
ONE (#u4ac38662-c546-58cb-b7e2-12103666bcd9)
I’m going to die.
The text shot adrenaline through Dr. Kyle Spencer’s body. In less than a minute he’d packed his gear and was heading into the mountains.
Can’t make it down on my own.
Spence sprinted up the trail, his muscles burning from the strain of carrying the pack across his shoulders. He couldn’t think about that now, couldn’t be concerned about his own discomfort when Gwen Taylor was stranded in the mountains, cold, immobile and most likely terrified.
He had to get to her.
He’d read desperation in the teenager’s eyes when she’d been brought in with a drug overdose a few weeks ago. No matter how hard she’d tried to push people away, Spence’s gut told him she wanted help, she didn’t like using drugs and alcohol to manage her depression, and the overconsumption had been an accident.
Her last text message had confirmed his suspicions: I don’t want to die.
He’d given her his cell number in case she had any questions after she’d been released from the hospital. That wasn’t his usual practice, but he occasionally felt it necessary. Now he was glad he’d given it to Gwen.
Spence called to speak with her, calm her down, but she didn’t answer. Had she taken drugs with her into the mountains, planning to end her life, but changed her mind and had injured herself?
Wiping sweat from his forehead, he inhaled the crisp scent of mountain air and hoped the search-and-rescue team was close behind. He’d left a voice mail for his friend Police Chief Nate Walsh, alerting him to Gwen’s situation. He wasn’t sure how long it would take Search and Rescue to assemble, but Spence couldn’t wait for his team. Gwen could be seriously injured.
An image of his little brother sparked across his mind. His boots slipped on the wet ground and he skidded toward the edge of the trail. Arms flailing, he caught hold of a nearby tree branch and stopped his momentum. He paused and took a calming breath before continuing up the trail.
The memory of his brother’s injuries had disrupted Spence’s concentration. It had happened twenty years ago, yet felt like yesterday. He resented the distraction. He couldn’t let his personal failure affect his ability to save Gwen.
Helping people, saving lives, lessened the guilt about Bobby’s death. Maybe if he helped enough patients he’d be able to release the torturous thoughts that kept him up at night. And maybe, God willing, he’d find peace.
God willing? It was simply an expression. Spence didn’t believe in a God who could let his brother die at only eight years old.
A gust of wind shoved him against the mountainside but he held his ground, slowing down a bit to ease the resistance. Spence was no good to the team if he ended up needing to be rescued himself.
The sound of a woman’s scream echoed across the mountain range. He hesitated.
The wind howled back at him.
Had he imagined it?
A second ear-piercing scream sent him into action, running uphill against the blustery wind. Hyper-focused, Spence controlled his breathing for maximum efficiency and sidestepped every rock and tree root popping up on the trail.
He rounded a corner and spotted Gwen flat on her back, motionless. Rushing to her side, he felt for a pulse. It was weak. Blood oozed from her scalp and her skin was cool and pale.
The first sixty minutes after a patient suffered a trauma were critical to her survival. That was why ER doctors called it the golden hour.
I don’t want to die.
Spence automatically did his ABCs: airway, breathing and circulation. Her breathing seemed labored, which meant an occluded airway and that intubation would be necessary.
He pulled out his phone to call for help. They’d need a helicopter rescue, no question.
Something smashed against the side of his head and he flew backward, hitting the ground. Spence struggled to make sense of what was happening. Firm hands grabbed his jacket collar and dragged him toward the edge of the trail.
And the steep drop down the mountainside.
Through the haze of a possible concussion, Spence wondered if his attacker was a drug dealer, one of Gwen’s troubled friends? Had he sold Gwen drugs she may have overused, and the criminal didn’t want to get caught and go to jail?
“I don’t care what you’ve done,” Spence said. “Just let me take care of Gwen.”
The guy pressed what felt like the barrel of a gun against the back of Spence’s head.
“You’re done taking care of people,” the man threatened, and continued dragging him across the hard ground.
Anger seared its way up Spence’s chest. This couldn’t be his last day on earth. He hadn’t saved enough lives, wasn’t anywhere close to earning redemption.
Spence fought off his attacker, reaching for the guy’s arm.
The man pistol-whipped him. Pain seared through Spence’s brain.
The ledge loomed closer...
“Listen to the sound of His glory,” a woman’s voice echoed.
Momentarily distracted, the assailant loosened his grip.
Spence grabbed his wrist and yanked hard. The attacker lost his balance, stumbled and fell to the ground.
The gun sprang from his hand.
Spence dived on top of him and pulled his arms behind his back, wishing he had something to bind his wrists.
A gasping sound drew his attention to Gwen. Her airway was closing up. Not good. He had to get to her before she stopped breathing altogether.
The attacker swung his fist backward and nailed Spence in the jaw. The guy scrambled out from under him, jumped to his feet and began kicking Spence in the ribs.
Spence rolled, hoping to get to the gun before the attacker did. But his head snapped back and slammed against a rock. More stars sparked across his vision.
A shot rang out.
This was it. The end.
Yet Spence didn’t feel the burn of a bullet ripping through his flesh.
He didn’t feel much of anything as he stared up at the gray sky.
I’m coming, Bobby. I’m coming...
* * *
“Freeze!” Maddie McBride ordered the attacker.
Maddie obviously knew her way around a gun better than this birdbrain who was kicking the stuffing out of Dr. Dreamboat.
As she aimed the weapon at the attacker’s back, she heard her father’s voice from childhood: never aim a gun at something you aren’t prepared to destroy.
Well, this might be the day she destroyed another human being. Not something she wanted to do, but she might not have a choice. Her priority was to save the doc and the injured female on the ground.
The guy stood very still for a few seconds, and then kicked the doc again.
“I said freeze, turkey, or the next one’s going in your back.”
He slowly turned, and she swallowed a ball of fear knotting in her throat. Talk about creepy-looking. The guy wore a black face mask that covered everything but his dark gray eyes. More like black—they looked black as coal.
“Not another step,” she said, but even Maddie could see her hands were trembling from the adrenaline rush.
“You wouldn’t shoot me.” He took a step toward her.
Maddie fired off a round at his feet, coming dangerously close to taking off his big toe in those ridiculous blue sneakers.
He jumped back, his eyes darkening even more.
She didn’t have the patience for this, she really didn’t. She’d been on a hike, saw the text go out, and decided to stop by and offer medical assistance.
Things got a lot more complicated.
“Down on your knees,” she said. “Interlace your hands behind your head.”
She calmed her breathing. If he lunged at her, she’d have to shoot him. Time froze in those few seconds.
She thought a smile curled his lips.
Her finger braced against the trigger.
Then he spun around and took off.
“Hey! Get back here!” She fired a shot into the air.
The guy instinctively ducked, and tripped. He hit the ground, rolling...
Over the edge of the trail into the abyss below.
She rushed to the edge and looked down into the lush green forest. There was no sign of him or any movement at all. Great, now they’d have to send a second team to rescue that jerk.
At least he was no longer a threat and she could concentrate on the injured doc and unconscious female. Maddie engaged the safety and shoved the gun into her waistband.
“Hey, Doc, you okay?” She knelt beside him.
He blinked and looked up at her. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy. He struggled to sit up.
“Whoa, whoa, take it easy.”
He waved her off and sat up, shaking his head as if to clear the cobwebs. Glancing beyond her he said, “You shot him?”
“Yeah, I shot him,” she quipped, then read his worried expression. “Doc, I’m kidding.”
He didn’t look convinced.
“I fired to get his attention and he fell off the trail.” She handed him the gun. “Hang on to this in case he comes back.”
His eyes widened as he stared at the gun.
“Or maybe not.” She tucked the gun back into her waistband and shucked her backpack.
“You shot at him?” Dr. Spencer was frowning at her. Really? She’d saved his life and he was judging her for discharging the weapon?
“What’s the status of the victim?” Shoving his judgment aside, she went to the female lying motionless on the ground. “Hang on, I know this girl.” As a paramedic, Maddie and her partner Rocky had rushed this girl to the hospital for a drug overdose a few weeks ago. “This is—”
“Gwen,” he offered.
“What have we got, forty, forty-five minutes left?”
She glanced at Dr. Spencer for confirmation. He was looking around as if trying to figure out how he’d ended up out here. Oh boy, maybe it wasn’t judgment she’d read in his eyes a moment ago as much as confusion. Could Dr. Dreamboat be suffering from a head injury courtesy of the masked creep?
She clicked on her small flashlight and checked his pupils. The man had the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. “Do you know where you are, Dr. Spencer?”
“Of course I do. I’m fine.” He batted her hand away and went to Gwen, as if Maddie’s offensive question had snapped him into action.
Good. He was okay. He had to be okay so he could help her treat Gwen.
Dr. Dreamboat, as the ladies in town called him, was not only a skilled doc but he had a charming bedside manner that made young women, old women, pretty much all women line up to date him.
Not Maddie. She wasn’t buying Dr. Spencer’s smooth charm and overconfidence. No one was that perfect. Besides, Echo Mountain was a temporary stop for the cosmopolitan doc, and she belonged here, with her friends and family.
“You need to keep her head steady,” he said.
“Are you sure—?”
“Occluded airway. I don’t see a better option.”
Maddie was about to offer to take over, but the doctor seemed suddenly confident about doing an intubation in the middle of a national forest with a heavy wind swirling around them. Maddie positioned Gwen’s head just right.
“Ready?” he said, making eye contact.
“Are you?” she said.
The doctor ignored her question and used a laryngoscope to hold the tongue aside while inserting the endotracheal tube. Done properly, this would allow air to pass to and from the lungs.
Maddie realized she was holding her breath. It seemed like it was taking forever.
“I think...” His voice trailed off.
Gwen’s skin suddenly looked better, pinker, and her chest began to rise and fall.
“Whoa, what happened?” a man said.
Maddie recognized her cousin Aiden’s voice behind her but she remained focused on the patient. Although employed as Echo Mountain Resort Manager, Aiden also volunteered for search and rescue. Boy was she glad SAR had officially arrived.
“Spence?” Aiden said.
“Occluded airway. Had to intubate,” Dr. Spencer said. “We need...” He hesitated before saying, “A helicopter.”
“I’m on it.” Aiden called it in.
Maddie studied the doctor. He seemed a little off and not acting like his usual charming self.
“Someone needs to monitor her pulse and...” He glanced at Maddie.
Her breath caught in her throat at the confused look in his eyes.
“Bag her,” Maddie offered.
“Yes, bag her,” Dr. Spencer said.
SAR volunteer Luke Marshall knelt and monitored Gwen’s pulse, while local firefighter Sam Treadwell helped her breathe using the vinyl bag.
“Helicopter is on the way, Doc,” Aiden said. “Why does Maddie have a gun in her jeans?”
Dr. Spencer glanced at Maddie as if he wasn’t sure.
“A guy in a black ski mask attacked Dr. Spencer,” Maddie started, hoping the doc would join in. He didn’t, so she continued, not taking her eyes off him. “I got the guy’s gun and he ran. Fell off the trail over there.” She pointed. “They’ll want to send another search team, with police officers.”
“Why’d he attack you, Spence?” Aiden asked.
The doctor shot him a confused look. Maddie’s skin pricked with goosebumps.
“That’s the twelve-thousand-dollar question,” Maddie recovered. She felt protective of the doc, probably because she owed him a debt of gratitude for protecting her cousin Cassie last year from mob thugs.
“What are you doing out here?” Aiden asked Maddie.
“I was hiking and saw the text. The guy was crazed, Aiden, beating Dr. Spencer like they were mortal enemies.”
Aiden narrowed his eyes at the doctor, who was also a good friend. “Who was he, Spence?”
“I,” Dr. Spencer started. “It doesn’t matter. We need to focus on getting Gwen to the hospital.” He stood and wavered.
Maddie jumped to her feet. She and Aiden caught him as he went down. Kneeling beside the unconscious doctor, she took his pulse.
She glanced up at her cousin. “It’s too slow. We need to get him to a hospital!”
TWO (#u4ac38662-c546-58cb-b7e2-12103666bcd9)
“Bobby!” Spence peered over the edge onto the cliff below. His younger brother’s body lay motionless, his eyes closed. Spence had to get to him, but he had to get help.
Spence glanced down the trail. No, he couldn’t abandon his brother.
“Help!” Spence shouted. “Somebody help!” His voice echoed back at him.
The wind whistled through the dense forest. He didn’t know what to do.
“You know what your most important job is in the whole world? Take care of your baby brother,” his mom said on a weekly basis. Bobby was a trouble magnet, everyone knew it. But still...
Spence shifted onto his stomach hoping to climb down to the ledge where his brother had landed. With a solid hold of a tree branch, he lowered his left foot to a knot in the mountain wall.
The branch snapped.
And he fell the remaining ten feet onto his back. The wind knocked from his lungs, he struggled to breathe as he stared up at the pine and cedar trees filling his line of vision. He forced himself to breathe, rolled onto his hands and knees and looked at his brother.
“Bobby?” he gasped.
He hadn’t a clue what to do, how to help him. What had he seen on that medical show Mom always watched? Spence tipped Bobby’s head back to keep him from swallowing his tongue. He grabbed his brother’s wrist and felt for a pulse.
“Where is it?” he muttered, trying the other wrist.
Panic coiled in his gut.
“Bobby! Wake up!”
* * *
“Wake up!”
Spence gasped and opened his eyes, struggling to get his bearings. The lush trees and whistling wind were gone.
His brother...
Was gone.
A ball of pain knotted in his throat.
“Breathe,” a woman said.
He blinked, and Maddie McBride’s round face framed with rich auburn hair came into focus. She offered an encouraging nod and squeezed his shoulder.
He glanced past her and realized he was in a hospital room, but he wasn’t the attending physician. He was the patient.
“You’re okay,” she said.
There was something in her voice that didn’t sound so sure. Her green eyes studied him with concern.
“Who’s Bobby?” she asked.
Right, he’d been sucked down into the childhood nightmare. He shook his head and closed his eyes, hoping she’d leave him alone with his shame.
“Are you in pain? Want me to call the nurse?”
“No and absolutely not.” His response was more clipped than he’d intended, but he didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to be a patient.
“Okay then,” she said with that same note of sarcasm she’d used in the mountains. “Do you remember how you got here?”
“I...” He shook his head. Had they carried him down?
“What’s the last thing you do remember?”
“Some guy assaulted me. Then you—” He opened his eyes. “You shot him?”
“No, I fired off a round to make a point. And—” she paused before continuing “—you’re welcome.”
He must have looked puzzled.
“For saving your life?” she prompted.
He nodded. It all seemed so unreal.
“How’s Gwen?” he asked.
“Much better. Breathing on her own. You did good work out there, especially considering your condition.”
“My condition?”
“Yeah, your brain trauma,” she said as if it was the obvious answer. “Intubating with a concussion? Gutsy.”
She started to slip her hand off his shoulder and he caught it in his own. He wasn’t sure why, but the feel of her warm skin eased the panic in his chest. Her bright green eyes widened and her head tipped slightly.
“I... I think...” He struggled for the right words, wanting to thank her for coming along when she did, and for being here to wake him from the torturous dream.
A knowing smile eased across her lips. “How about I get you some water?”
She slipped her hand from beneath his palm and took the plastic pitcher to the sink. He sensed she knew that he struggled to find words, to make sense of the thoughts jumbling around in his brain.
Man, his head hurt. Maybe he should call for the nurse. No, the last thing he wanted was for hospital staff to think of him as broken and unable to do his job. He needed to appear strong, even if he felt weak. He wanted respect, not pity from his peers.
“What happened to the man you shot?” he asked.
“Shot at,” she corrected, walking back to the bed. “They’re still searching for him.” She handed him a cup of water. “Chief Walsh said when they find him they’ll charge him with assault and question him about what happened to Gwen.”
“She texted me, wanting my help, but I assumed she was alone.”
Maddie’s brow furrowed. “Poor kid. She seemed so lost when we brought her in.”
Lost. Exactly how Spence felt right now. Confused, fragile and powerless. Not a feeling he was used to.
“How’s the head pain?” she asked.
“About a two.”
“Uh-huh.” She narrowed her eyes. “I saw what happened, remember?”
“Wait, that sound... You were singing?”
“That sound? Wow, thanks.”
“I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine, I know I’m no Carrie Underwood. I figured singing would distract the guy long enough for you to get the upper hand. Well-done, by the way.”
“But then, how did he get the advantage?”
He struggled to remember. “Gwen was gasping for air. Guess I got distracted.” He sipped his water. “Why am I in a room?”
“They’re keeping you overnight for observation.” She tapped her forefinger to her own forehead. “Concerned about the brain trauma.”
“I’m fine.”
“So you’ve said. If the MRI comes back clean you’ll be good to go. I think it’s scheduled for tonight.”
He felt bad for keeping her from her life.
“You should go.” That didn’t come out right, and the thought of her leaving him alone twisted his gut into a knot. What was wrong with him? Maddie was nothing more than a paramedic he occasionally ran into at the hospital.
“Oh, so you’re dismissing me?” she said, in a strange tone.
Had he offended her? “I meant you don’t have to stay and babysit me.”
“I came with you in the helicopter so I’m waiting for a ride.” She redirected her attention to her phone.
Good to know that she wasn’t hovering at his bedside because she cared about him, that he’d have to worry about her developing feelings for a man who had no interest in love.
Love? He was surely suffering from brain trauma.
“Huh,” she said, eyeing something on her phone.
“A text from my cop brother. They can’t find the assailant who attacked you.” She sighed. “Terrific, now there’s a psycho running around town. Makes me wish I woulda shot him.”
“You’re kidding,” he said, his voice flat.
“Yes, Doctor, I am kidding. Did you ever have a sense of humor or was it beaten out of you in the mountains?”
He was about to shoot back a smart remark when Dr. William Danner breezed into the room. “There he is, the superhero not looking so super.” He stopped short and glanced at Maddie. “What are you doing here?”
“I came in the helicopter with him.” She crossed her arms over her chest as if daring him to challenge her.
Danner, a few years older than Spence, had a razor-sharp tongue he used to intimidate much of the staff at Echo Mountain Hospital. But not Spence and apparently not Maddie, either. She narrowed her eyes at Danner as if challenging him to pick a fight.
Spence never could understand guys like Danner. Instead of leading with compassion, he ruled with intimidation. The guy was a bully.
“What’s my prognosis, Doctor?” Spence said, hoping to divert him from ripping into Maddie. The thought bothered Spence.
Danner redirected his attention to Spence, no doubt a bigger and more interesting target. For some reason Danner considered Spence his competition and would use any means necessary to come out the victor. Yet weren’t they after the same thing? Helping patients?
“Besides the head injury, where else were you injured? Ribs?”
“Minor bruising. I’d like to be discharged,” Spence said.
“Is that right?”
Spence realized by the slight curl to Danner’s lips that he was enjoying being in control of Spence’s life a little too much.
“I lost consciousness,” Spence said. “It happens after a head injury. I’m fine.”
Danner checked Spence’s pupils. “Be that as it may, Dr. Carver wants MRI results before you can be released.”
“I can always discharge myself.”
“You could, which would only prove that your head trauma is clouding your judgment. Is it clouding your judgment, Kyle?”
No one had called him Kyle since his relationship with Andrea had exploded into pieces. He preferred not to be called Kyle because it brought back too many memories. Danner obviously sensed this and used it as a weapon.
“He seems pretty sharp to me,” Maddie offered.
Without looking at her, Danner responded. “And who, pray tell, are you to offer a medical opinion?”
“Hey,” Spence snapped. “She saved my life out there.”
“I didn’t realize you two were...” Danner’s voice trailed off.
“We’re not,” Maddie said firmly.
Nurse Heather Warren came into the room. She was in her forties with a round face and warm smile. “I have the medication you ordered, Dr. Danner.”
“What medication?” Spence asked.
“Sedative for the MRI,” Nurse Heather said.
“I don’t need that.”
“And I don’t need you messing up the imaging department’s schedule because you have a claustrophobic meltdown,” Danner said.
“Who says I’m claustrophobic?” Spence snapped.
“Hey, what’s going on in here?” Dr. Ruth Carver said, entering the room.
Spence was glad to see his friend, the one person Danner wouldn’t challenge. Ruth was the hospital administrator who’d hired Spence over a year ago. They had served on medical committees and had become friends over the years, and when there was an opening at Echo Mountain Hospital, she contacted him about joining their team. The timing had been perfect, a few months after his ugly breakup.
Dr. Danner handed Ruth the clipboard. “He’s all yours. I have patients who need me.” Danner marched out of the room.
“Jerk,” Maddie let slip.
Nurse Heather bit back a smile.
“Leave the medication,” Ruth said to the nurse.
“Yes, Doctor.” Heather did as ordered and left the room.
Ruth looked at Spence. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. The board president cornered me. How’s your pain?”
“About a two.”
“At least a six,” Maddie offered.
“I said a two,” Spence countered.
“But you meant a seven.”
“I can speak for myself. I don’t need medication and I want to be discharged.”
Ruth narrowed her eyes. “You’re not acting like yourself, Spence.”
Which they both knew was another symptom of brain trauma.
“I’m fine,” he said.
“Spence, you live alone out in the country,” Ruth said. “If I send you home without MRI results and it’s worse than a mild concussion and you lose consciousness, I’d never forgive myself. Please don’t fight me on this,” she said with pleading brown eyes.
Ruth and her husband, Cal, both in their fifties, had been gracious to Spence when he moved to town, having him over for dinner a number of times and treating him like family.
“Sorry,” he said. “I guess I’m proof that doctors make horrible patients.”
Relief eased across Ruth’s face. “Good, now that that’s settled, take the sedative so you can relax for the MRI. It’s very mild.”
If he was his own patient he’d be following Ruth’s protocol without question. He swallowed the pill and sipped water to wash it down.
“They’ll be up shortly to take you to imaging.” Ruth glanced at Maddie. “Are you staying?”
“Until my ride shows up.”
“You mean Rocky?”
“No, my cousin Bree.”
“Oh, I thought your boyfriend would pick you up.”
“My boyfriend?”
“I assumed you and Rocky were a couple, but kept it quiet because of work policy.”
Spence noted Maddie’s confused expression. Not guilty for putting her job at risk by dating a fellow employee, but she seemed confused by the question as if the thought of dating Rocky had never crossed her mind.
“Rocky and I are good friends, that’s all,” Maddie said.
Ruth nodded, but didn’t look convinced. “Well, it’s nice of you to stay with Spence. I didn’t realize you two were friends.”
“We’re not, but she saved me,” Spence said.
“Saved you?” Ruth said.
“Maddie showed up and distracted the guy from throwing me down the mountain.”
“Oh dear.” Ruth glanced at Maddie. “You are certainly a brave young woman.”
Maddie shrugged.
“That must have been terrifying,” Ruth said.
“It all happened pretty fast.”
Ruth turned to Spence. “Who attacked you?”
“I don’t know. He was wearing a mask.”
Ruth’s pager buzzed and she glanced at it. “I’ve gotta run. I’ll check in later.”
“Thanks,” Spence said.
Ruth left the room and Spence gazed out the window into the dark night.
It was clear that Maddie was hanging around because she felt sorry for him. After all, Spence had no family, no dutiful wife. Not that the women in town hadn’t auditioned for that role many times during the past year. He’d never step into that bottomless pit again.
Never trust a woman with his heart.
If he eventually considered marriage, it would be a partnership of familial obligation, not romantic love. Was there a woman out there who’d be open to such a life? It would be nice to share a home-cooked meal and conversation with someone, and he’d enjoy having a travel buddy, someone who liked to hike as much as he did. His guy friends were great, but they had other commitments—Nate with his job as police chief and new romance with Cassie McBride; and Aiden, who managed a resort and a relationship with his concierge, Nia Sharpe.
Deep down, Spence knew true love was an illusion. His parents had split only a few years after Bobby’s death, and his own fiancée’s betrayal had nearly destroyed him. Yet there were days when the thought of a solitary life spiked melancholy through his chest.
“Five bucks for your thoughts.”
He snapped his attention to Maddie. “What?”
“You were far, far away.” She frowned and raised three fingers. “How many fingers do I have up?”
“Knock it off. I’m fine.”
“So you keep saying.” She slid a long strand of copper-streaked auburn hair behind her ear. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not being totally honest with Dr. Carver?”
“You’re accusing me of what, exactly?”
“Wanting to get out of here sooner than later. I get it, I do. I was hospitalized for a migraine last year.” She shuddered. “The experience made me more compassionate with my patients, that’s for sure.”
More compassionate? She’d always seemed to have a gentle and consoling way with patients whenever she wheeled them into his ER.
“You need to be straight with Dr. Carver so she can help you. That’s what you always tell your patients, right?”
“Sure. Thanks for the advice,” Spence said, wanting to shut down this topic of discussion. “You really don’t need to hang around.”
A flash of hurt sparked in her green eyes. He hadn’t meant for that to happen. The concussion was obviously making him irritable. He opened his mouth to apologize, but she spoke first.
“My ride isn’t here and I’d rather not hang out in the lobby to be interrogated by fans wanting an update on Dr. Dreamboat.” She redirected her attention to her phone.
“Dr. Dreamboat?”
“You know they call you that,” she muttered.
“I didn’t—”
“Hi, Dr. Spencer.” Oscar Burke, a twentysomething orderly pushed a wheelchair into the room. “What are you doing here, Maddie?”
She didn’t look up from her phone. “Waiting.”
“For what?”
“The ski lift.”
“Never mind. My work is done here.” Without making eye contact, she turned and left the room.
He sat up, wanting to call her back and say something, express his thanks again.
Apologize for his rude behavior.
“She’s a weird duck,” Oscar said.
“Why do you say that?”
“Bossy one minute, friendly the next.”
Which actually sounded like Spence tonight thanks to the head injury.
“You ready for your MRI?” Oscar said.
“Yes.” Spence got out of bed and shifted his feet onto the floor. When Oscar reached out for the assist, Spence motioned him off. “I’m fine.”
Maddie was right. He kept repeating the words, but even Spence knew it wasn’t true. He sat in the wheelchair and Oscar adjusted the footrests.
The MRI was one more thing to check off the list. The radiologist wouldn’t see anything alarming and Spence would be released in the morning.
As Oscar wheeled him to the elevator, Spence closed his eyes, giving hospital staff the message that he wasn’t in the mood to talk. Unfortunately, Oscar couldn’t see Spence’s face.
“That was some fight you got into on the trail, huh?” Oscar said.
“It was.”
“Good thing you shot at the guy and scared him off.”
Spence was about to correct him, to say that Maddie had fired the weapon, but didn’t want to encourage further conversation. They successfully avoided hospital staff as Oscar wheeled him into the elevator.
Spence sighed with relief. Relief? He was usually outgoing, not the type of person to avoid social interaction.
The elevator doors closed. “Head hurts, huh?” Oscar asked.
“Yes.” Spence nodded and rubbed his temples.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why? It’s not your fault,” Spence snapped. “Sorry.”
Again, that was not like him. He chalked it up to the hammering in his skull that wouldn’t quit. It would make anyone cranky. Perhaps he should ask for a pain reliever to help him sleep tonight.
Then again, sleep would only bring more nightmares, and besides, they were careful not to overmedicate patients suffering from head trauma.
Spence focused on relaxing for the MRI. Being in that enclosed space wasn’t the most pleasant experience with the banging, knocking and buzzing sounds filling the tube.
When they got to imaging, Oscar handed Spence off to an MRI tech named Kurt. As Kurt helped him onto the table, Spence could tell the medication was taking effect. He felt relaxed, and even a little light-headed.
“Music choice?” Kurt asked, handing Spence headphones.
Spence stretched out on the table. “Classical.”
“Okay. I can hear you so if you have any concerns while the procedure—”
“I won’t,” Spence said. He wanted this done, over. He wanted to go home to his remote cabin.
As Spence lay still, arms by his sides, the tech slid the table into the tube. A moment later, classical music drifted through the headphones. He’d try to find a peaceful place in his mind, a calm place. He’d always found peace in Echo Mountain National Park surrounded by majestic evergreens, pine and cedar trees—a blanket of green spanning the mountain range.
Green like Maddie’s eyes.
That’s why she’d been able to calm him down, because her eyes reminded him of the one place he could find comfort.
The hammering sounds of the MRI scan started to interfere with the calming effect of the music. His thoughts drifted to this afternoon’s rescue, finding Gwen and the brutal attack. Should he have performed the complicated procedure on her considering his brain trauma? Of course. Gwen was okay now, breathing on her own, Maddie said as much.
Maddie, his defender. She’d saved his life.
The medication caused him to drift deeper...deeper.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when silence filled the tube. Were they done? Had Spence slept through the forty-five minute procedure?
Heavy metal music blasted through the headphones, sparking a migraine that clawed its way through his skull.
“Ah!” He ripped off the headphones and fought the nausea rolling through his stomach.
The table slid out of the tube.
He was surrounded by darkness.
“Kurt?” he said, his voice weak.
Spence rolled off the table and stumbled across the room. The door, he needed to find the door.
“He can’t help you,” a voice whispered.
Spence whipped around. “Who’s there?”
“It’s time to pay for your sins.”
THREE (#u4ac38662-c546-58cb-b7e2-12103666bcd9)
Maddie motored down the hall, checking email on her phone. She didn’t want to be cornered by female staff members for an update on Dr. Perfect Spencer, nor did she want to perpetuate the story that he’d fired off the warning shot to save Maddie. That bit of untruth had been spreading like the flu ever since they’d arrived at the hospital, but Chief Walsh asked Maddie not to discuss details of the case. So rather than correct the chatterboxes and tell them she had saved Dr. Dreamboat, Maddie had to play the helpless waif.
Anyone who knew Maddie knew she was a determined woman who did not need protecting. But it was too easy for people to assume Dr. Spencer had been the protector since he was the confident and commanding type.
He didn’t seem very commanding just now. Fear dulled his normally bright blue eyes. His lost expression, combined with his messed-up hair and bruise on the side of his forehead, made him seem almost...fragile.
Kind of like Maddie after she’d been abandoned. Again.
She shook off the thought. Even a capable man like Dr. Spencer would be rattled after being assaulted by a lunatic in the mountains. Yet Dr. Spencer had been so worried about Gwen that he had managed to ignore his head injury long enough to successfully intubate her.
“Amazing,” she whispered to herself. Even if she didn’t particularly care for the doc’s overconfidence and bravado, she could definitely appreciate his skills. She hoped those skills wouldn’t be affected by his head injury.
She stepped outside into the misty rain and paced the hospital’s front walkway. Pulling her rain jacket closed in front, she struggled to forget the image of the doctor’s expression as he’d gripped her hand resting on his shoulder. As a paramedic, she recognized the expression—fear mixed with vulnerability—because she’d seen it on her patients’ faces.
Yet this was different. It was vulnerability, sure, but an edge of confusion dulled his eyes. She’d seen that look on Aunt Margaret’s face when Uncle Jack had suddenly died of a heart attack years ago. The same look had pinched Dr. Spencer’s forehead when he’d awakened from his nightmare calling out a name: Bobby. Maddie suspected Dr. Spencer had lost someone close to him and that emotional wound had yet to heal.
Aunt Margaret said the only thing that kept her going after her husband’s death was the support and love of family. Maddie glanced back at the hospital. Dr. Spencer had no family, at least none in Echo Mountain. Instead, he was surrounded by a hospital full of admirers, people who propped him up on a pedestal and adored him. They completely bought into the Dr. Charming act he performed every time he showed up for work.
Would they be able to see past their admiration and realize how scared he was? Would he let them see past his normally affable demeanor into the devastation brewing beneath the surface? Probably not, but Maddie had already been there, heard his cry for Bobby and saw the terrified look in his eyes.
She imagined that was how she looked when Dad had left, then Mom, and then Waylan.
Her cousin Bree pulled up in her SUV. Perfect timing. Maddie needed to snap out of her pensive mood.
Maddie started to reach for the SUV door, then let her hand drop to her side.
Bree rolled down the passenger side window. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Are you getting in?”
Something told her to go back inside and check on the doctor, even if he was snappy and asked her to leave again. Being there could help him feel safe, and she owed him that for what he did for Cassie. That’s all, there was nothing more to it.
“I’m sorry, but I think I’d better stay,” Maddie said.
“Are you sure? I mean, you’re here so much as it is,” Bree said.
“Yeah, I need to check on somebody.”
“You’ve really got to stop getting emotionally connected to your patients, sweetie. Boundaries, remember?”
“You’re right, but this one...” Maddie sighed. “It’s Dr. Spencer. I won’t be able to sleep unless I know he’s okay.”
“I heard some guy attacked him. But wait, you don’t even like Spence.”
“I know, but he helped Nate save Cassie last year and, well, he seems kind of broken.”
“Maddie,” her cousin said.
“When are you gonna stop trying to fix people?”
“It’s my job, remember?” Maddie teased.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“This is different.”
“He’s got an entire hospital of people to take care of him.”
“They don’t know what’s really going on. Please don’t be upset with me. I’ll catch a ride with Rocky when he gets off his extra shift. I just—” She glanced at the hospital, and then back at her cousin. “You always say to follow your instincts.”
“It’s true.”
“Sorry I dragged you out here.”
“No need to apologize. Had to pick up something for Mom anyway.”
“Give her my love.”
“Will do.” Bree winked and pulled away.
Maddie felt a smile curl the corner of her lips. She had the best family in the world, even if her parents weren’t included on that list.
Maddie reentered the hospital and headed for imaging where they’d taken Dr. Spencer. For some reason she wanted to be there when he finished.
As she stepped into the elevator her phone vibrated and she glanced at a text from Rocky, fellow paramedic and rumored love interest. She was still a bit stunned about that assumption.
You okay? Heard rumors, Rocky wrote.
A-OK. No worries, she responded.
Heard the doc shot some guy.
“Really?” she muttered. Oh, how she wanted to share the truth with her friend, but she would not ignore a direct order from Chief Walsh. He must have his reasons for asking her to remain mute on the subject.
Grapevine’s been busy, she responded.
The elevator doors opened to the lower level and she glanced up.
Into a pitch-black hallway.
No lights, no emergency lights, nothing. Yet no alarms had gone off and everything was business as usual upstairs.
She stepped out of the elevator.
A crash echoed down the hall from the imaging room.
Maddie texted Rocky that there was trouble and to send security ASAP. Maybe she was overreacting—she hoped she was overreacting.
“Get away from me!” Dr. Spencer shouted.
Maddie snapped her penlight off her keychain and made her way down the hall. Maybe not such a good idea. She should wait for help to arrive. Surely it wouldn’t take security more than a few minutes to—
Another crash, then “Stop!”
She dropped to her knees and crawled toward the imaging area. The desperate tone of the doc’s voice drove her forward. As she edged closer, she took slow breaths to calm her racing pulse.
She turned the corner and aimed her penlight into the office.
The technician, Kurt, lay motionless on the floor. She scrambled to his side and felt for a pulse. Strong and steady. He was alive, but completely out. She pried open his eyes. Pupils were dilated. Had he been drugged?
“What do you want?” Dr. Spencer shouted.
A low mumble responded to the question. She glanced at the tech, then at the window into the MRI area. If the attacker was bold enough to drug Kurt, he might do much worse to Dr. Spencer.
She scanned the office for something to use as a weapon. Unfortunately hospitals were not rife with defensive tools. Fine, she’d rely on her self-defense training.
“Let go of me!” Another crash was followed by a slam against the window.
Adrenaline shot through Maddie’s body. She shouldered the door open and realized that by doing so, she’d made herself as vulnerable as the doc. She arced the beam of her flashlight across the room.
Suddenly someone shoved her face-first against the wall. She kicked the top of his foot, hard. He released her and took off down the hall, the squeak of his shoes echoing as he ran.
“Yeah, run, you jerk!” The outburst escaped her lips.
“Hey, you! Stop!” a voice called outside from the office.
Security must have arrived. Good, she could focus on the doctor. She took a few deep breaths and turned.
“Dr. Spencer?” she said.
No response.
She aimed her flashlight and spotted him on the floor in the corner.
“No, no, no,” she muttered, rushing across the room to him.
When she touched his shoulder, he jerked away as if he’d been stung. “I said don’t touch me!”
A shudder ran down her spine. This kind of raw fear looked all wrong on the doc.
“Dr. Spencer, it’s me. It’s Maddie.” She aimed the flashlight at her own face and offered a bright smile. Then she redirected the beam at the doctor. He was curled up, looking away from her.
“It’s okay,” she said. “You’re okay now.”
She reached out again and tentatively placed her hand on his shoulder. “Remember me? Maddie McBride?”
The emergency lights clicked on, bathing them in a soft glow.
“Doc?” she prompted.
He slowly turned to look at her. “Maddie? Of course I remember you. How could I ever forget you?”
Whoa, not exactly the response she expected. His eyes looked glassy, and not totally focused.
“Did that man hurt you?” she said.
His eyes widened with fear.
“Don’t worry, he’s gone.” She smiled. “Are you hurt?”
He shook his head that he wasn’t, looking at her like he adored her. This wasn’t right. The amount of medication he’d been given for the MRI shouldn’t have made him this loopy.
“What did he say to you?” she asked.
“Maddie!” a male voice called.
“In here!” She glanced over her shoulder.
Security guard Ted Graves stepped into the room. “Is he okay?”
“Seems to be. Someone needs to examine Kurt. I think he’s been drugged.”
Ted called it into his radio.
Dr. Spencer squeezed Maddie’s hand, still resting on his shoulder. She looked at him.
“You saved me...again,” he said. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Oh yeah, he’d been overmedicated all right. Which meant someone breached the hospital’s drug protocol and gave him a higher dose than intended so that he couldn’t defend himself.
A man cleared his throat in the doorway. She glanced up at Chief Nate Walsh.
“Everything okay?” he said.
“He doesn’t seem to be physically hurt, but I suspect Dr. Spencer was given higher dose of the sedative than was ordered for the MRI. Did you catch the attacker?”
“No, he escaped,” Chief Walsh said. “Did you get a good look at him?”
“Lights didn’t come on until after he’d left,” Maddie said. “We need to get Dr. Spencer back to his room.”
“No.” Dr. Spencer squeezed Maddie’s hand. “I can’t stay here. He’ll find me.”
Maddie glanced at Nate. “What should we do?”
“I’ll assign an officer to him 24/7.”
Maddie looked at the doctor. “Does that work?”
He nodded, but didn’t look so sure.
“If you want, I can stay, too, okay?” she said.
With a sigh, he nodded and closed his eyes.
* * *
To say Spence was disappointed when he awoke the next morning just as Maddie was leaving his room was an understatement. He reminded himself that he shouldn’t depend on her so much, especially to feel safe. The brain trauma must be causing anxiety, that’s all. It’s not like he specifically needed Maddie’s caring nature to feel grounded. It could be anyone kind enough to offer comforting words.
If that was true, why hadn’t he felt grounded when Nurse Bethany came to check on him, or Nurse Tanya?
He felt smothered by the staff and utterly frustrated on so many levels. Dr. Danner seemed to enjoy holding Spence hostage, yet every minute spent at the hospital as a patient made him feel more broken, and more anxious because someone got to him here last night.
He appreciated both Maddie’s presence, and the police protection. Without them he wouldn’t have slept at all.
Ruth gave him the good news that the intruder hadn’t interrupted the MRI, and his scan indicated a mild concussion.
The discharge couldn’t come fast enough. Whatever trouble he’d stumbled into out in the mountains seemed to have followed him back to town. What else could explain the attack in the MRI department last night? He didn’t want to put staff members in danger by staying in the hospital another minute longer than necessary.
Chief Nate Walsh offered to give Spence a ride. Nate was a good friend and Spence didn’t feel he had to watch his words around him, or keep up the charming pretense.
“We’re doing everything we can to find the guy,” Nate said eyeing Spence in the rearview mirror of his cruiser. “You don’t remember anything he said, do you?”
“Not really, no.”
Spence racked his brain trying to remember something from the encounter last night. Between the head injury and the overmedication, it was all still foggy.
“Do you remember anything from last night?” Nate asked.
“Like what?”
Nate shot him a look through the rearview mirror.
“What?” Spence said, curious.
“Do you remember Maddie finding you?”
In a rush, the scent of coconut rushed through his mind. A memory...
The feel of his lips pressed against her soft skin.
“Oh no,” Spence said.
“So you do remember?” Nate teased.
“I really kissed her hand?”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“You sure about that?”
Spence glanced out the window.
“Don’t worry, buddy. She knows you were under the influence of a powerful drug. She didn’t take it seriously.”
Good, because the last person Spence wanted to offend was the woman who’d saved his life. Twice.
As Nate pulled onto Spence’s property, he noticed two cars parked out front.
“Who’s here?” Spence said.
“Probably locals filling your fridge.”
Spence got out of Nate’s cruiser and was greeted by Cal, Dr. Carver’s husband. “How ya feeling, buddy?” Cal reached out and shook Spence’s hand.
“Hanging in there, Cal. What’s going on?”
“The McBride clan asked if they could stock the fridge. Since we’ve got your spare key, I let them in. Hope that’s okay.”
Nate shook hands with Cal. “That’s nice of you, Cal. But I think Spence is a little wiped out to have company.”
“No problem. Could you manage five minutes, Spence?” Cal asked. “To say thanks and all that?”
“Of course,” Spence said. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful, or rude.
Acting unusually curt would cause Drs. Carver and Danner to question the severity of his brain injury. Although his injury didn’t look serious on the scan, brain injuries were all different and unpredictable. TBI victims could experience mood swings, or personality changes, which was what his doctors would be looking for.
Spence had always worn a smile as his armor, but today his head hurt and his body ached. He wanted to relax without having to smile or make pleasant conversation.
“Your assistant is supposed to start tonight,” Cal said.
“Assistant?” Spence questioned.
“Ruth hired someone to help you out until you’re fully recovered,” Cal said.
“That’s not necessary.”
“Perhaps not, but she doesn’t want to take any chances. She found someone to check in on you for the next week or so, until you’re up and running at your usual 120 percent.”
Spence suspected it might take longer than a week. Two or three perhaps? What if he never cleared the clutter from his brain, and had to give up practicing medicine? He fisted his hand, frustrated at the thought of not being a doctor, not saving lives.
His life would be, in a word, over. Panic overwhelmed him.
Get it together, Spence. He pulled himself back from the edge. He’d be okay; he had to be okay. He was just exhausted.
The men went to the cabin and Cal swung open the door.
Margaret, matriarch of the McBride clan, was directing her daughter, Cassie, on building a fire.
Cassie glanced over her shoulder, dropped the kindling and ran into Nate’s arms. “Hi, Chief. I could use your fire expertise.”
Spence noticed Nate’s face light up as he hugged his girlfriend.
“With pleasure, dear,” he said, teasingly.
“Dr. Spencer, it’s so good to see you up and around,” Margaret said.
“Thank you.”
A light, melodic sound echoed from the kitchen. Spence glanced across the cabin. Maddie stood at the counter with her back to the group, singing along with a song playing through her earbuds.
“And I always knew...with your love...”
“Maddie?” her aunt Margaret said.
“I could do anything...”
“Maddie!” her aunt tried again.
Cassie grabbed a piece of kindling and tossed it at her cousin to get her attention.
Maddie shrieked and spun around, wielding a chopping knife like a weapon. She glanced at the utensil in her hand and scrunched her nose. Removing the earbuds, she offered a smile, blushing. “Sorry. Got lost in the music. Hi, Doc. Hi, Chief.”
“Maddie, nice to see you,” Nate said.
“I didn’t know there’d be four for dinner.” Maddie glanced over her shoulder at the vegetables she’d been chopping.
“Actually, I’ve got an appointment,” Cal said.
“I won’t be staying for dinner, either,” Nate said.
“Hey, my cooking isn’t that bad,” Maddie joked.
Joked. Smiled. Cooked. Spence enjoyed the moment, however fleeting.
“It’s not your cooking, coz,” Cassie said. “Chief promised me dinner at Mackey’s Dim Sum tonight.”
“Nice,” Maddie said with envy in her voice.
Spence suddenly wanted to take Maddie out to dinner.
Okay, now he was really losing his mind.
“Well, I’m off,” Cal said.
“Could I have the spare key for the officer who will be keeping watch?” Nate asked.
“Sure, Chief. Spence, your assistant should be checking in at eight. Well, have a good night, everyone.” Cal handed Nate the key and left.
“Your assistant?” Maddie asked.
“Dr. Carver hired someone to keep an eye on me,” Spence explained.
“Ah,” Maddie said, and went back to chopping vegetables.
Something felt off, Spence wasn’t sure what. He and Maddie hadn’t spoken about what had happened in the MRI room, and they probably should. At the very least he should apologize for kissing her hand.
“I brewed some herbal tea from Healthy Eats,” Maddie said. “It’s especially good for healing. Would you like a cup, Dr. Spencer?”
“Maddie, you’re in my home, making me dinner. Call me Spence like everyone else.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And no sir stuff.”
“Okay, Spence.”
It sounded strange coming out of her mouth, unusually intimate. Nate helped his girlfriend build the fire, and Margaret assisted Maddie with dinner preparation.
“So tea, yes?” Maddie asked.
“Yes, thank you.” Spence wandered to the living room sofa and collapsed.
“We’ll be out of your hair in a few minutes, Doctor,” Margaret said.
The cabin had an open floor plan along with two private bedrooms, so Maddie was never out of Spence’s sight. For some reason he liked being able to watch her auburn ponytail dance across her shoulders as she moved back and forth from the refrigerator to the sink.
This had to stop. He ripped his gaze from Maddie in time to see Nate kiss Cassie on the cheek.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” Nate said.
“I’ll be ready.” When Cassie hugged him, Spence had to look away.
The love shared between those two was palpable. Spence had accepted the fact he wasn’t meant to experience romantic love, but some days he ached for what he was missing. No, it was the head injury messing with him, making him moody, that’s all.
“Come on, Ma.” Cassie motioned to Margaret.
“But I’m not done helping—”
“I can finish,” Maddie said. “I think the chief has to ask me some questions anyway, so I’ll stick around a little while.”
Margaret grabbed her purse and smiled at Spence. “You’re in our prayers, Doctor.”
“Thank you, Margaret,” he said.
“Don’t be late,” Cassie said to Nate.
“Am I ever?”
“That means no police emergencies, either.” Cassie winked and shut the door behind her and her mom.
“If only that were up to me,” Nate said softly. He joined Spence in the living room, sitting on the sofa. “How ya feeling, buddy?”
“Better, now that I’m home.”
Nate glanced across the cabin. “Maddie, can you take a break? You should hear this, too.”
Spence didn’t like the sound of that. He didn’t want Maddie to be threatened by the danger stalking him.
When Maddie joined them, Spence noticed a few strands of hair had escaped her ponytail, framing her face. He snapped his attention from her and looked at Nate.
“We went through video footage from the hospital and came up with this.” Nate flashed a photo on his phone of a man in a black jacket with a cap pulled low over his forehead.
“It’s the same guy from the mountains,” Maddie said.
“How can you be sure? You can’t see his face,” Nate said.
“His shoes squeaked. I heard it in the mountains, and again after he shoved me against the wall and ran out of the MRI room.”
It felt like someone punched Spence in the gut. “He shoved you against the wall?”
“I’m fine, and he is too apparently. Obviously survived the fall off the trail. Do you have any better images?”
“Unfortunately not.” Nate pocketed his phone. “He disappeared right in front of security.”
“How is that possible?” Spence asked, growing more frustrated.
“We’re not sure,” Nate said.
“What about Kurt? Did he remember anything?” Maddie asked.
“Nothing usable,” Nate said. “The attacker got him by the throat and stuck him with a syringe. As he was losing consciousness he said he saw a gorilla.”
“Whoa, that was some drug,” Maddie said.
“What we can’t figure out is why he came after you at the hospital, Spence,” Nate said. “At first this looked like you randomly stepped into trouble when you went to help Gwen. Now I’m not so sure that’s all it is. I hate to ask, but can you think of anyone who’d want to hurt you?”
“Hurt me?” Spence scoffed. “Dr. Dreamboat?”
Nate and Maddie weren’t smiling.
“What?” Spence challenged, anxiety trickling across his nerve endings.
“You’re being awfully cavalier about this,” Nate said.
“As opposed to what, launching into full-blown panic?” Which was exactly where he was going. Then he remembered the emails.
“What is it?” Nate said, eyeing him.
“It’s something if it made you frown like that,” Maddie said.
“I started getting emails about a month ago. Nasty emails.”
“Nasty, as in threatening?” Nate pushed.
“You could say that, but anyone can send an email. That doesn’t mean they’d concoct a plan to come after me.”
“We’ll need to look at those emails,” Nate said. “In the meantime I’ve assigned an off-duty officer on the cabin until we find the assailant.”
Frustration bubbled up in Spence’s chest. “Yeah, right. We don’t even know what he looks like.” Spence stood. “I need an aspirin.”
“I can get it.”
“No,” he snapped at Maddie. “You need to leave.”
“Spence?” Nate questioned his friend’s abruptness.
“Look, if you’re right and I’m in danger then I don’t want Maddie anywhere near me.”
“Thanks for making dinner, Maddie,” he interrupted her. “Please let yourself out.” Spence marched into his bedroom and shut the door, feeling like a total jerk, but he truly didn’t want to put Maddie at risk.
Besides, he craved peace and quiet to calm the annoying anxiety taunting him. He struggled to accept the fact that he could be a killer’s primary target. He’d tried joking it off because the thought of someone coming for him in his current, damaged state was more than he could process.
His head ached and his world seemed to be teetering on rocky ground. All he wanted was time alone to regroup. Instead Maddie was here offering to get him aspirin; cooking him dinner.
Blinking those adorable green eyes at him.
Singing heartfelt songs about love.
He stumbled toward the bed and flopped down on his stomach. It was rude to walk out on Nate and Maddie like that, but he didn’t have another ounce of energy to continue the conversation. Hopefully she’d pack up her things and leave.
Go home.
Where she’d be safe.
* * *
An hour later Maddie had finished the food prep, done the dishes and set the table for Dr. Spencer’s dinner. There were no more excuses to hang around.
He’d given her a firm order to leave, which meant technically she was trespassing.
Something niggled at her brain as she headed for the door. Hesitating, she glanced at his bedroom door, wondering if she should check on him before she left. His assistant wasn’t going to be here for another hour.
A soft knock echoed from the front door. She cracked it open and greeted off-duty police officer Red Carrington.
“Hi, Red.”
“Maddie. The chief wanted me to make sure you were okay in here.”
“The chief should be focused on his date.”
Red frowned in confusion.
“He’s out with my cousin Cassie.”
“Ah, right. How’s the doc?” Red glanced over her shoulder into the cabin.
“I was actually going to check on him before I left. Did you want some coffee or dinner? There’s plenty of food.”
“Nah, I brought a sandwich from home. I’ve got the key to the cabin to lock up after you leave.”
“Great, thanks. Just give me a few minutes.”
“Take your time.”
She shut and locked the front door, grateful to Nate for assigning an officer to Dr. Spencer’s cabin. No matter how aloof he seemed, the doc knew he was in trouble and it had to terrify him, especially in his current state.
Heading for his room, she decided she’d take his pulse and check him for a fever, not that she expected him to have one. If he seemed okay, she could leave with a clear mind and calm heart. She wouldn’t be up all night worrying about him.
Really, Maddie? She wondered how she’d become so attached to the doc and figured it was twofold: she could never repay him for saving her cousin Cassie’s life, plus, Maddie was a fixer at her core. If she saw someone in emotional turmoil, she did everything within her power to help ease his pain.
Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Dr. Spencer was certainly in trouble.
She turned the doorknob to his bedroom, relieved that it wasn’t locked. “Dr. Spencer?”
The room was dark except for the shaft of light streaming in from the living room behind her. The doc was stretched diagonally across the bed on his stomach.
She considered her options. She didn’t want to turn on the light and rouse him from much-needed sleep. He got little sleep last night in the hospital thanks to nightmares that plagued him until about 3:00 a.m. It was a good thing she’d stayed to awaken him from the terror each time he’d called out the name Bobby.
Maddie went to his bedside, knelt and took his pulse. Solid at sixty beats per minute. She placed her palm across his forehead. It was cool to the touch, not warm and clammy. Still, should she wake him to check his pupils?
No, if Dr. Carver suspected it was more serious than a mild concussion she wouldn’t have discharged him. Maddie pulled the comforter across the bed to cover his body. He looked so peaceful. She sighed, glad he wasn’t thrashing about, tortured by nightmares.
Since there was nothing more she could do for him, she decided to scoot. If Spence awakened and found her hovering, he’d surely be cross. She’d leave the doctor in the capable hands of Officer Carrington.
As she made her way to the front door, she considered taking a personal day off work tomorrow. She had plenty coming, actually enough days to piece together a nice trip somewhere. A vacation would be perfect right about now, especially after the craziness of the last twenty-four hours.
She opened the front door and froze.
The driver’s side door of Officer Carrington’s car was open but he was nowhere in sight.
“Red?” she called out.
A gunshot echoed across the property.
FOUR (#u4ac38662-c546-58cb-b7e2-12103666bcd9)
Maddie darted inside the cabin and slammed the door, her heart hammering against her chest. Was it the masked man from the mountains? Had he tracked Dr. Spencer home, waiting for the best moment to attack?
Officer Carrington must have seen the guy stalking the cabin and went after him.
She hoped. She prayed. She also prayed that Red had been the one to fire the shot, perhaps a warning shot, to get the guy to stop. Yeah, she knew how well that did not work when she’d fired a warning shot. On the off chance the masked attacker neutralized the police officer, she had to focus on protecting herself and the doctor.
Since his curtainless living room windows exposed them to the world, she clicked off all the lights. Snapping the small flashlight off her keychain, she aimed the beam and made her way into the bedroom.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called emergency.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“This is Maddie McBride. I’m at Dr. Kyle Spencer’s cabin and I heard gunfire outside.”
“We have an officer posted on the premises.”
“He’s not in his car. Send help, and notify Chief Walsh ASAP.”
Someone pounded on the front door, obviously not Red because he had a key to the cabin.
“He’s trying to get in,” she said to the operator. “I have to go.”
“Maddie, please stay on the line.”
Shoving the phone into her pocket, she crouched beside Dr. Spencer. She could only focus on one thing at a time, and right now her priority was to keep herself and Spence alive.
She clicked on his nightstand lamp. Shades covered his windows, probably so he could sleep after getting off a night shift at the hospital.
“Spence, wake up.” She gave his shoulder a gentle nudge.
More pounding echoed from the front door.
“Spence?” When that didn’t work, she decided to use his full name. “Dr. Kyle Spencer, wake up.”
The doctor moaned and blinked his eyes open. “What, where am I?”
Her breath caught in her throat. Did he really not know he was in his own bedroom? Or was he disoriented because she’d awakened him from a deep sleep?
“What is that racket?” He rolled onto his back and threw an arm across his eyes as if he intended to fall back asleep.
“You can’t go back to sleep. Someone’s trying to break in.”
“What?” He sat up abruptly and gripped his head with both hands. “Ah, man.” He looked at her with bloodshot eyes. “What are you still doing here?”
“Yell at me later. Do you keep any weapons in the cabin?”
“I’m a doctor,” he said, as if that was explanation enough.
“So no weapons then.”
“Is it the same guy?”
“Unless you have other enemies we don’t know about.”
He shot her a look, then said, “We can sneak out through the window.” He wavered as he crossed the room, looking like someone who’d been overserved at the local pub.
Maddie knew that running wasn’t an option. With Spence in his current state they’d be easy prey in the wilderness. At least inside the cabin they could hold their ground.
His started to open the window.
“Don’t,” she said. “I’ve got a better idea. I saw chili powder in your kitchen earlier.”
“Chili powder?”
“Come on.” She motioned to him.
Instead, he stared at her.
The pounding stopped. Which was not necessarily a good thing. The guy could be gearing up to bust his way through the door with an ax. She’d noticed one on the front porch, probably for chopping wood.
She dashed out of the bedroom and whipped open a kitchen cabinet. Spence came up behind her, opened a drawer and took out a butcher knife. He glanced at her, the knife clutched in his hand.
“He could just as easily use that on us.” She grabbed chili powder and flung open the cabinet beneath the sink. “Here, you take the fire extinguisher.” She handed it to him. “Spray him in the face and whack him over the head with the tank. Got it?”
“Spray and whack, sure.”
There wasn’t much confidence in his voice. He was probably still groggy from sleep, or the head injury, or a combination of both.
She’d have to rely on her own strength and determination to get them out of this dangerous situation.
Tapping echoed from the bedroom. The guy was trying to get in through the bedroom window. She encouraged the doctor to crouch behind the kitchen island, out of sight. “Stay down.”
She spotted a hiking stick propped against the wall by the front door. After temporarily blinding the attacker with the chili powder, she’d use the stick as a defensive weapon. Karate class would come in handy tonight.
She would position herself behind a large leather armchair, the perfect position from which to make her attack. On her way to the hiding spot, she opened the front door to confuse the intruder, making it look like she and the doc had fled—a risky move if there was a second assailant but good strategy if the guy was alone.
She’d be ready either way.
A crash echoed from the bedroom.
Heart hammering against her chest, she ducked behind the chair, gripping the stick in one hand and the chili powder in the other. No one entered through the front door, which was certainly a good sign. It meant they were dealing with only the one intruder who had breached the bedroom window, most likely the same guy who’d attacked the doctor in the mountains and shoved her against the wall in the hospital last night.
Maddie waited, calmed her breathing and prayed to God for help. She wasn’t a violent person by nature, but needed to do what was necessary to protect herself and the doc.
The wooden floorboards creaked as the guy made his way through the cabin.
“Doctor?” he said. “Where are you?”
Silence rang in her ears.
“Get out of my cabin!” Dr. Spencer ordered.
What? She’d told him to stay hidden, out of sight. Did his brain injury cause him to forget her instructions? Maddie peered around the chair she was using as cover. The intruder was stalking Dr. Spencer from the other side of the kitchen island.
“You need to come with me,” the guy said.
“Why, so you can kill me?” Spence was gripping the fire extinguisher to his chest, but not pointing it at the guy.
The guy was tall, broad-shouldered, wearing a black jacket but no mask, which meant he wasn’t worried about being identified because he planned to kill the witness to this attack.
He planned to kill the doctor.
But Spence wasn’t the only witness.
The assailant drew a knife. “One way or another, Doc.”
Maddie jumped out of her hiding spot. “Hey!”
The guy turned to her, more irritated than anything else. He had a full beard of dark hair and piercing brown eyes.
He started toward her.
“The cops are on the way,” she said, clutching the hiking stick.
She had to make him drop the knife.
He took a step closer. “You weren’t supposed to be here.”
If only he’d get close enough. She fingered the container of chili powder in her other hand.
Spence suddenly grabbed him from behind.
“No!” she cried, fearing the bearded guy would slash him with the knife.
The guy elbowed Spence in the ribs and the doctor released his grip, dropping to his knees.
As the stranger turned his attention to Maddie, she lunged...
Hurling chili powder into his eyes.
The guy cried out and made a wide arc with the knife. Gripping the walking stick with both hands, she nailed him in the gut. He pitched forward, faltering as he tried to get away from her.
She smacked him again, and again.
Flailing his arms, he couldn’t see her well enough to hit his mark. She had no problem hitting hers.
“Out of here!” she shouted, delivering firm strikes to his ribs, arms and shoulders, forcing him backward. He stumbled out the open front door. She slammed it shut and flipped the dead bolt.
She rushed to Spence’s side. “Are you—?”
“Fine,” he said.
“Come on.” She grabbed his arm and led him into the bedroom. “We need to block the window!”
She didn’t think the intruder would try another attack, not with blurred vision from the chili powder and bruised ribs, but she couldn’t be sure. Spence helped her shoulder an armoire in front of the now glassless window.
Shutting the bedroom door, she scanned the room, grabbed a chair and wedged it against the handle. Even if the intruder got in through a living room window, he wasn’t getting into the bedroom.
Backing up against the empty wall where the armoire had been, she took a deep breath and reminded herself it wasn’t over until the police arrived.
She had to be ready for whatever happened next.
Spence shifted onto the edge of the bed. Silence stretched between them, the sound of her heart pounding against her eardrums.
“You’re a ninja,” Dr. Spencer said.
She glanced at him. “What?”
“The way you used my hiking stick as a weapon. You’re a ninja.”
“And you’re an idiot,” she let slip.
He looked up at her with a confused expression.
“I told you to stay hidden, but you jumped up like a jack-in-the-box and announced yourself. What was that about?”
“I was trying to distract him, so he wouldn’t hurt you.”
Maddie was speechless. Even in his injured state, Dr. Spencer was trying to protect her?
“I had a hard time figuring out how to activate the extinguisher, sorry,” he said.
“We should keep quiet and listen.”
“I doubt he’ll come back. You gave him at least three broken ribs by my count.”
She didn’t respond, trying to stay in the present, and not relive what had just happened. With full concentration on the now, she could effectively catalog every sound that tweaked her eardrums.
“Thanks for saving my life,” he said, “again.”
She didn’t want his thanks. She wanted him to get better so he could defend himself. She wanted him to use his common sense. He was in no condition to protect Maddie from harm. It was pretty obvious she didn’t need his help, or anyone else’s for that matter.
“Where’d you learn that stuff with the stick?” Spence asked.
“Martial arts class.”
“Guess I should sign up.”
“How can you be so aloof?” she said.
“Not sure how the alternative would help.”
He was right, although Maddie still couldn’t calm her racing pulse. Her phone vibrated and she answered with one hand, while gripping the stick with her other. “Hello?”
“It’s Nate.”
“The guy broke in. We forced him out, but he might still be on the premises.”
“Officer Carrington called in suspicious activity and went silent.”
“I heard a gunshot. I haven’t seen him since then.”
“I’m en route, along with another cruiser. Two minutes tops.”
The fact that help was close eased the tension in her shoulders. Taking a deep breath, she said a prayer of thanks for giving her the strength to snap into action so quickly.
“What’s wrong?” Spence said.
“Why do you think something’s wrong?”
“You’re humming.”
“I am?”
“Sometimes I hum when I pray.”
“You’re praying?”
“Yep. A prayer of thanks that we outmaneuvered that jerk.”
“A prayer of thanks,” he said in a soft, puzzled voice.
“Don’t you pray?”
“Never given it much thought.”
“That’s the beauty of it. You don’t have to think about prayer. You just do it.”
“Does it help?”
She sensed he was processing her explanation. It didn’t surprise her that Dr. Spencer wasn’t one for prayer. He was a physician, a profession prone to big egos. Some docs didn’t feel the need to look outside themselves for guidance, comfort or emotional peace.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“For not listening to me? I get it, you’re used to giving orders, not following them.”
“Not that. I’m sorry I dragged you into all this.”
“Hey, I chose to respond to the call in the mountains.”
“But not to do hand-to-hand combat with a psycho in my living room.”
“It’s good to know I still have my skills. Now shush, we need to listen.”
This whole apology and conversation moment in his bedroom felt unusually raw and authentic. She sensed his guard was down, probably because of the head injury, or because of the threatening encounter with the bearded guy. At any rate, a connection was developing between herself and Dr. Spencer, a connection that made her uncomfortable on so many levels.
Maddie had no interest in romance, especially not with a charming city doc she knew would grow tired of country life and flee town soon enough. And Maddie didn’t plan on leaving her hometown of Echo Mountain. This was where she belonged.
A crash echoed from the living room. She straightened.
“He broke another window. Determined, isn’t he?” she said, positioning herself between the door and Dr. Spencer. She gripped the hiking stick with white-knuckled fingers. If the guy made it into the bedroom, she wouldn’t hold back. She’d deliver a full-on assault, the goal being to knock him out.
Could she really do it?
She heard Spence rifling through drawers behind her.
“What are you doing?” she whispered.
“Looking for a weapon.”
“I got this.”
“I can’t sit here and do nothing,” Spence said.
Someone jiggled the nickel-plated door handle.
She adjusted her grip on the stick. “Got anything heavy, like a paperweight or rock or something?”
“I’ve got a salt lamp.”
“Get it and stand on the other side of the door. If he breaks in, I’ll lure him into the room and you whack him in the head with that thing.”
He glanced at the salt lamp in his hand with a distasteful expression. Maiming, killing, was not in his makeup.
Nor was it in hers. But before he’d abandoned her, Dad had taught her the importance of survival, a good thing since that kind of determination could very well save her life tonight.
She and the doctor waited for the assailant’s next move. Although Spence seemed fragile, he gripped the eight-inch oblong lamp with resolute focus. She sensed that he, too, would do what was necessary to survive.
“Dear Lord, give us courage,” she whispered.
The door handle rattled again, followed by a smacking sound, as if someone was kicking the door.
“And the strength to do what is necessary,” she continued.
Whack, whack.
Sirens wailed in the distance, sending a rush of relief through Maddie’s chest.
The intruder pounded one last time on the door, probably in frustration, and she heard footsteps echo across the living room.
“He’s leaving,” Spence said with surprise in his voice. He put down the salt lamp and went to open the door.
“No.” She blocked him. “Not yet. Let’s wait until we know it’s safe.”
“Right, okay.” He leaned against the wall, blinked a few times and lowered his head.
“Are you light-headed? Dizzy?” She propped the stick against the wall and gripped his arm.
He shook his head and wandered back to the bed. “I’m—”
“Don’t say it.” She sat beside him on the bed. “We both know you’re not fine. Neither am I.”
Her phone vibrated. “Hello?”
“We’re pulling up now,” Chief Walsh said. “Is he in the house?”
“I heard him flee the cabin, but we’re staying in the bedroom to be safe.”
“I’ll let you know when it’s clear.”
“Thanks.” She redirected her attention to Spence.
“This is happening because of me, because I did something that’s made me a target, and now you’re a target.” He caught her gaze for a brief second and then began pacing the room.
“Come on, this isn’t your fault,” she said.
He paced, rubbing his hands together, growing more agitated. Another symptom of the brain injury?
“What if Officer Carrington is hurt and Gwen doesn’t recover?” he said. “What if she dies?”
Maddie had to stop this frantic spin. “Hey, her injury wasn’t serious. She’s breathing on her own, remember?” She blocked him from pacing to the other side of the room. “Spence?”
“What do you think happened to Red?” he said.
“He’s a savvy and strong officer. He’ll be okay.”
“What if he’s wounded? I need to get out there and offer medical assistance.”
“Stop.” She placed her open palm against his soft cotton T-shirt. “Remember what they taught you in SAR? Don’t become another victim the team has to rescue. Let’s wait until we get the clear signal from Nate, then we’ll see if Red needs medical assistance.”
He turned and paced away from her. She sensed if the armoire wasn’t blocking the window he’d climb out and search the property for Red. He wasn’t unstable exactly, but he was definitely a tangle of emotions, especially guilt. That seemed irrational, making her question his condition. At times he seemed confused and agitated, and other times he could be totally calm, like when he’d asked her about karate and prayer.
She considered his decision to jump out of hiding to defend Maddie. Was that irrational or sensible? She could make an argument for both sides. It was irrational to expose his location, yet his motivation was pure, born of his protective instinct.
His actions exposed his good heart in wanting to protect Maddie.
Don’t go there, Madeline.
“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” he said in a soft voice.
“Why would you say that?”
“The look on your face.”
“I was thinking about something else.”
The thought of falling in love and being devastated again, because that’s what would happen. There hadn’t been enough excitement to keep Waylan in town, and there certainly wouldn’t be enough to keep a man like Kyle Spencer in Echo Mountain.
He placed a hand on her shoulder. Shocked by his touch, she looked up into his blue eyes.
“I am truly sorry. About everything,” he said.
“Stop apologizing. None of this is your fault.”
He studied her like he didn’t quite believe her words, but wanted to desperately. She also sensed he wanted something else. A hug?
Don’t do it, Maddie. The intensity of their situation was causing a visceral, emotional connection, nothing more. It wasn’t real.
“I can’t help it,” he said. “I hardly know you and yet you’ve saved my life what, three times now, and in doing so you’ve risked your own. You didn’t sign up for all this. You’re just a paramedic.”
The sting from his insult must have shown on her face because he put out his hand in a soothing gesture.

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