Read online book «Лавка древностей / The Old Curiosity Shop» author Чарльз Диккенс

Лавка древностей / The Old Curiosity Shop
Чарльз Диккенс
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Роман Чарльза Диккенса «Лавка древностей» – это история о молодой девушке Нелли и ее деде, отправляющихся бродяжничать по дорогам викторианской Англии. На пути они встретят множество людей: как отзывчивых и готовых помочь путникам, так и тех, кто с пренебрежением пройдет мимо.
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Чарльз Диккенс / Charles Dickens
Лавка древностей / The Old Curiosity Shop

© Матвеев С. А., адаптация текста, словарь
© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2018

A little girl stopped at a door and knocked at it. A part of this door was of glass, unprotected by any shutter. When she had knocked twice or thrice, there was a noise as if some person were moving inside. It was an old man with long grey hair; he held the light above his head and looked before him. There was something of that delicate mould which one could notice in the child. Their bright blue eyes were certainly alike, but his face was deeply furrowed.
The place was one of the receptacles for old and curious things. There were suits of mail standing like ghosts in armour, here and there; fantastic carvings from monkish cloisters; rusty weapons of various kinds; figures in china[1 - in china – из фарфора], and wood, and iron, and ivory; tapestry, and strange furniture. The old man was wonderfully suited to the place.
“Why bless thee, child,” said the old man pitting the girl on the head, “didn’t you miss your way? What if I had lost you, Nelly[2 - Nelly – Нелли]?
“I will always find my way back to you, grandfather,” said the child boldly, “never fear.”
The child took a candle and tripped into her little room.
There was a knock at the door; and Nelly, bursting into a hearty laugh, said it was no doubt dear Kit[3 - Kit – Кит], come back at last.
“Oh Nell!” said the old man. “You always laugh at poor Kit.”
The old man took up a candle and went to open the door. When he came back, Kit was at his heels[4 - Kit was at his heels – в сопровождении Кита]. Kit was a shock-headed shambling awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth, very red cheeks, a turned-up nose, and a very comical expression of face. He stopped short at the door, twirled in his hand a perfectly round old hat without any vestige of a brim.
“A long way, wasn’t it, Kit?” said the old man.
“Why then[5 - why then – да, признаться], it was a goodish stretch, master,” returned Kit.
“Did you find the house easily?”
“Why then, not over and above easy, master,” said Kit.
“Of course you have come back hungry?”
“Why then, you’re right, master,” was the answer.
The lad had a remarkable manner of standing sideways[6 - of standing sideways – стоя боком к собеседнику] as he spoke, and thrusting his head forward over his shoulder. Kit carried a large slice of bread and meat, and a mug of beer, into a corner.
“Ah!” said the old man, “Nell, I say, the time is coming when we shall be rich. It must come at last; a very long time, but it surely must come. It has come to other men who do nothing. When will it come to me?”
“I am very happy as I am, grandfather,” said the child.
“Tush, tush!” returned the old man. “The time must come, I am very sure it must.”
The girl cheerfully helped the old man with his cloak, and, when he was ready, took a candle to light him out[7 - to light him out – посветить ему]. The old man folded her in his arms and bade God bless her.
“Sleep soundly, Nell,” he said in a low voice, “and angels guard your bed! Do not forget your prayers, my sweet.”
“No indeed,” answered the child fervently, “they make me feel so happy!”
“That’s well; I know they do; they should,” said the old man. “Bless thee a hundred times! Early in the morning I shall be home.”
With this, they separated. The child opened the door. The old man’s figure was soon beyond her sight.

A young man stood lounging with his foot upon a chair, and regarded the old man with a contemptuous sneer. He was a young man of one-and-twenty; well made[8 - well made – стройный], and certainly handsome, though his manner and even his dress had a dissipated, insolent air.
“Here I am,” said the young fellow, “and here I shall stop, I tell you again that I want to see my sister!’’
“Your sister!” said the old man bitterly.
“Ah! You can’t change the relationship,” returned the other. “If you could, you’d have done it long ago. I want to see my sister, that you keep here, poisoning her mind with your sly secrets. I know you had the money you can hardly count. I want to see her; and I will.”
“Here’s a moralist to talk of poisoned minds!” cried the old man. “You are a liar, sir, who knows how dear she is to me, and seeks to wound me.”
“Well,” said the young fellow, “There’s a friend of mine waiting outside, and as it seems that I may have to wait some time, I’ll call him in.”
Saying this, he stepped to the door, and looking down the street beckoned several times to some person.
“There. It’s Dick Swiveller[9 - Dick Swiveller – Дик Свивеллер],” said the young fellow, pushing him in. “Sit down, Swiveller.”
“But is the old man agreeable?” said Mr. Swiveller in an undertone[10 - in an undertone – вполголоса].
“Sit down,” repeated his companion.
Mr. Swiveller complied, and looking about him with a propitiatory smile, observed that last week was a fine week for the ducks, and this week was a fine week for the dust. He furthermore apologized for any negligence that might be perceptible in his dress, on the ground that last night he had been drinking much.
“Fred[11 - Fred – Фред]!” said Mr. Swiveller, “We may be good and happy without riches, Fred. Say not another word.”
Mr. Swiveller was in a state of disorder which strongly induced the idea that he had gone to bed in it. It consisted of a brown body-coat[12 - body-coat – полуфрак] with a great many brass buttons up the front, and only one behind; a bright check neckerchief, a plaid waistcoat, soiled white trousers, and a very limp hat, worn with the wrong side foremost, to hide a hole in the brim. The breast of his coat was ornamented with an outside pocket from which there peeped forth the cleanest end of a very large handkerchief. He displayed no gloves, and carried a yellow cane. With all these Mr. Swiveller leaned back in his chair with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.
The old man sat himself down in a chair, and, with folded hands, looked sometimes at his grandson and sometimes at his strange companion.
“Fred,” said Mr. Swiveller, speaking in the same audible whisper as before, “is the old man friendly?”
“What does it matter?” returned his friend peevishly.
“No, but is he?” said Dick.
“Yes, of course. What do I care whether he is or not?”
“It’s a devil of a thing, gentlemen,” said Mr. Swiveller, “when relations fall out and disagree. Why should a grandson and grandfather peg away at each other with mutual violence when all might be bliss and concord? Why not join hands and forget it?”
“Hold your tongue,” said his friend.
“Gentlemen,” replied Mr. Swiveller, “Here is a jolly old grandfather who says to his wild young grandson, ‘I have brought you up and educated you, Fred.’ The wild young grandson makes answer to this and says, ‘You’re as rich as rich can be; you’re saving up piles of money for my little sister that lives with you.’ Then the plain question is, isn’t it a pity that this state of things should continue, and how much better would it be for the old gentleman to hand over a reasonable amount of tin, and make it all right and comfortable?”
“Why do you hunt and persecute me, God help me?” said the old man turning to his grandson. “Why do you bring your profligate companions here? How often am I to tell you that I am poor?”
“How often am I to tell you,” returned the other, looking coldly at him, “that I know better?”
“You have chosen your own path,” said the old man. “Follow it. Leave Nell and I to toil and work.”
“Nell will be a woman soon,” returned the other, “and she’ll forget her brother unless he shows himself sometimes.”
“But,” said the old man dropping his voice, “but we are poor; and what a life it is! Nothing goes well with it! Hope and patience, hope and patience!”
These words were uttered in too low a tone to reach the ears of the young men. Mr. Swiveller suggested the propriety of an immediate departure, when the door opened, and the child herself appeared.

The child was followed by an elderly man, quite a dwarf, though his head and face were large enough for the body of a giant. His black eyes were restless, sly, and cunning; his complexion was one of that kind which never looks clean. But the most terrible was his ghastly smile, which revealed the few discoloured fangs that were yet scattered in his mouth, and gave him the aspect of[13 - gave him the aspect of – придавала ему сходство] a dog. His dress consisted of a large high-crowned hat, a worn dark suit, a pair of capacious shoes, and a dirty white neckerchief. His hair was black, cut short and straight upon his temples[14 - upon his temples – на висках]. His hands were very dirty; his finger-nails were crooked, long, and yellow.
“Ah!” said the dwarf, “that should be your grandson, neighbour!”
“He is,” replied the old man.
“And that?” said the dwarf, pointing to Dick Swiveller.
“Some friend of his, as welcome here as he,” said the old man.
“Well, Nelly,” said the young fellow aloud. “Do they teach you to hate me, eh?”
“No, no. Oh, no!” cried the child.
“To love me, perhaps?” pursued her brother with a sneer.
“To do neither. They never speak to me about you. Indeed they never do. But I love you dearly, Fred,” said the child.
“No doubt!”
“I do indeed, and always will,” the child repeated with great emotion, “but if you would leave off vexing him and making him unhappy, then I could love you more.”
“I see!” said the young man: “There get you away now you have said your lesson.”
Fred remained silent, the girl entered her little room and closed the door. Then he turned to the dwarf, and said abruptly:
“Listen, Mr…”
“Meaning me?[15 - Meaning me? – Это вы мне?]“ returned the dwarf. “Daniel Quilp[16 - Daniel Quilp – Дэниел Квилп] is my name. You must remember. It’s not a long one: Daniel Quilp.”
“Listen, Mr. Quilp, then,” pursued the other. “You have some influence with my grandfather there.”
“Some,” said Mr. Quilp emphatically.
“And know about a few of his mysteries and secrets.”
“A few,” replied Quilp, with equal dryness.
“Then let me tell him, through you, that I will come into and go out of this place as often as I like, so long as he keeps Nell here. Let him say so. I will see her when I want. That’s my point. I came here today to see her, and I’ll come here again fifty times with the same object and always with the same success. I have done so, and now my visit’s ended. Come, Dick.”
Fred and Dick left.
The dwarf appeared quite horrible, with his monstrous head and little body, as he rubbed his hands slowly round, and round, and round again with something fantastic, dropping his shaggy brows and cocking his chin in the air.
“Here,” he said, putting his hand into his breast[17 - into his breast – за пазуху]; “I brought it myself, this gold is too large and heavy for Nell to carry in her bag. I would like to know in what good investment all these gold sinks. But you are a deep man, and keep your secret close.”
“My secret!” said the other with a haggard look. “Yes, you’re right I keep it close very close.”
He said no more, but, taking the money, turned away with a slow uncertain step, and pressed his hand upon his head. The dwarf went away.
Nell brought some needle-work[18 - needle-work – рукоделье] to the table, and sat by the old man’s side. The old man laid his hand on hers, and spoke aloud.
“Nell,” he said; “there must be good fortune for you I do not ask it for myself, but for you only. It will come at last!”
The girl looked cheerfully into his face, but made no answer.

Mr. and Mrs. Quilp resided on Tower Hill[19 - Tower Hill – Тауэр-Хилл (небольшая возвышенная местность в Лондоне к северо-западу от Тауэра)]. Mr. Quilp’s occupations were numerous. He collected the rents of whole colonies of filthy streets and alleys by the water-side, advanced money to the seamen and petty officers of merchant vessels, and made appointments with men in glazed hats and round jackets[20 - round jackets – кургузые пиджаки] pretty well every day. On the southern side of the river was a small rat-infested[21 - rat-infested – кишащий крысами] dreary yard called “Quilp’s Wharf,” in which were a little wooden house. There were nearby a few fragments of rusty anchors; several large iron rings; some piles of rotten wood; and two or three heaps of old sheet copper, crumpled, cracked, and battered. On Quilp’s Wharf, Daniel Quilp was a ship-breaker. The dwarfs lodging on Tower Hill had a sleeping-closet for Mrs. Quilp’s mother, who resided with the couple.
That day besides these ladies there were present some half-dozen ladies of the neighbourhood who had come just about tea-time. The ladies felt an inclination to talk and linger.
A stout lady opened the inquired, with an air of great concern and sympathy, how Mr. Quilp was; whereunto Mr. Quilp’s wife’s mother replied sharply,
“Oh! he is well enough, ill weeds are sure to thrive[22 - ill weeds are sure to thrive – худой траве всё впрок].”
All the ladies then sighed in concert, shook their heads gravely, and looked at Mrs. Quilp as at a martyr.
Poor Mrs. Quilp coloured, and smiled. Suddenly Daniel Quilp himself was observed to be in the room, looking on and listening with profound attention.
“Go on, ladies, go on,” said Daniel. “Mrs. Quilp, pray ask the ladies to stop to supper.”
“I didn’t ask them to tea, Quilp,” stammered his wife. “It’s quite an accident.”
“So much the better[23 - so much the better – тем лучше], Mrs. Quilp: these accidental parties are always the pleasantest,” said the dwarf, rubbing his hands very hard. “What? Not going, ladies? You are not going, surely?”
“And why not stop to supper, Quilp,” said the old lady, “if my daughter had a mind? There’s nothing dishonest or wrong in a supper, I hope?”
“Surely not,” returned the dwarf. “Why should there be?”
“My daughter’s your wife, Mr. Quilp, certainly,” said the old lady.
“So she is, certainly. So she is,” observed the dwarf.
“And she has a right to do as she likes, I hope, Quilp,” said the old lady trembling.
“Hope she has! Oh! Don’t you know she has? My dear,” said the dwarf, turning round and addressing his wife, “why don’t you always imitate your mother, my dear? She’s the ornament of her sex, your father said so every day of his life, I am sure he did.”
“Her father was a blessed man, Quilp, and worth twenty thousand of some people, twenty hundred million thousand.”
“I dare say,” remarked the dwarf, “he was a blessed man then; but I’m sure he is now. It was a happy release. I believe he had suffered a long time?”
The guests went down-stairs. Quilp’s wife sat trembling in a corner with her eyes fixed upon the ground, the little man planted himself before her, at some distance, and folding his arms looked steadily at her for a long time without speaking.
“Oh you nice creature!” were the words with which he broke silence. “Oh you precious darling! oh you delicious charmer!”
Mrs. Quilp sobbed, knowing that his compliments are the most extreme demonstrations of violence.
“She’s such,” said the dwarf, with a ghastly grin, “such a jewel, such a diamond, such a pearl, such a ruby, such a golden casket set with gems of all sorts! She’s such a treasure! I’m so fond of her!”
The poor little woman shivered from head to foot; and raising her eyes to his face, sobbed once more.
“The best of her is,” said the dwarf; “the best of her is that she’s so meek, and she’s so mild, and she has such an insinuating mother!”
Mr. Quilp stooped slowly down, and down, and down, until came between his wife’s eyes and the floor.
“Mrs. Quilp!”
“Yes, Quilp.”
“Am I nice to look at? Am I the handsomest creature in the world, Mrs. Quilp?”
Mrs. Quilp dutifully replied, “Yes, Quilp.”
“If ever you listen to these witches, I’ll bite you.”
Mr. Quilp made her clear the tea-board away, and bring the rum. Then he ordered cold water and the box of cigars; and after that he settled himself in an arm-chair with his little legs planted on the table.

The next day the dwarf was at the Quilp’s Wharf.
“Here’s somebody for you,” said the boy to Quilp.
“I don’t know.”
“Ask!” said Quilp. “Ask, you dog.”
A little girl presented herself at the door.
“What, Nelly!” cried Quilp.
“Yes,” said the child; “it’s only me, sir.”
“Come in,” said Quilp. “Now come in and shut the door. What’s your message, Nelly?”
The child handed him a letter; Mr. Quilp began to read it. Little Nell stood timidly by and waited for his reply.
“Nelly!” said Mr. Quilp.
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you know what’s inside this letter, Nell?”
“No, sir!”
“Are you sure, quite sure, quite certain?”
“Quite sure, sir.”
“Well!” muttered Quilp. “I believe you. Hm! Gone already? Gone in four-and-twenty hours. What the devil has he done with it? That’s the mystery!”
He began to bite his nails.
“You look very pretty today, Nelly, charmingly pretty. Are you tired, Nelly?”
“No, sir. I’m in a hurry to get back.”
“There’s no hurry, little Nell, no hurry at all,” said Quilp. “How should you like to be my number two, Nelly?”
“To be what, sir?”
“My number two, Nelly; my second; my Mrs. Quilp,” said the dwarf.
The child looked frightened, but seemed not to understand him. Mr. Quilp hastened to explain his meaning more distinctly.
“To be Mrs. Quilp the second, when Mrs. Quilp the first is dead, sweet Nell,” said Quilp, “to be my wife, my little cherry-cheeked, red-lipped wife. Say that Mrs. Quilp lives five years, or only four, you’ll be just the proper age for me. Ha ha! Be a good girl, Nelly, a very good girl, and see one day you will become Mrs. Quilp of Tower Hill.”
The child shrunk from him, and trembled. Mr. Quilp only laughed.
“You will come with me to Tower Hill, and see Mrs. Quilp, that is, directly,” said the dwarf. “She’s very fond of you, Nell, though not so fond as I am. You will come home with me.”
“I must go back indeed,” said the child. “My grandfather told me to return directly I had the answer.”
“But you haven’t it, Nelly,” retorted the dwarf, “and won’t have it, and can’t have it, until we’re home, so you must go with me. Give me my hat, my dear, and we’ll go directly.”
With that, Mr. Quilp went outside, and saw two boys struggling.
“It’s Kit!” cried Nelly, clasping her hands, “poor Kit who came with me! Oh pray stop them, Mr. Quilp!”
“I’ll stop them,” cried Quilp, going into the little house and returning with a thick stick. “I’ll stop them. Now, my boys, I’ll fight you both. I’ll take both of you[24 - I’ll take both of you – я вам обоим всыплю], both together, both together!”
With this the dwarf began to beat the fighters with his stick.
“I’ll beat you to a pulp, you dogs,” said Quilp. “I’ll bruise you till you’re copper-coloured, I’ll break your faces, I will!”
“Come, you drop that stick or it’ll be worse for you,” said the boy.
“Come a little nearer, and I’ll drop it on your skull, you dog,” said Quilp with gleaming eyes; “a little nearer; nearer yet.”
But the boy declined the invitation: Quilp was as strong as a lion.
“Never mind,” said the boy, nodding his head and rubbing it at the same time; “I will never strike anybody again because they say you’re an uglier dwarf than can be seen anywhere for a penny, that’s all.”
“Do you mean to say, I’m not, you dog?” returned Quilp.
“No!” retorted the boy.
“Then what do you fight on my wharf for, you villain?” said Quilp.
“Because he said so,” replied the boy, pointing to Kit, “not because you aren’t.”
“Then why did he say,” bawled Kit, “that Miss Nelly was ugly, and that she and my master were his servants? Why did he say that?”
“He said what he did because he’s a fool, and you said what you did because you’re very wise and clever, Kit,” said Quilp with great suavity in his manner, but still more of quiet malice about his eyes and mouth. “Here’s sixpence for you, Kit. Always speak the truth. At all times, Kit, speak the truth. Lock the house, you dog, and bring me the key.”
The other boy, to whom this order was addressed, did as he was told. Then Mr. Quilp departed, with the child and Kit in a boat.

The sound of Quilp’s footsteps roused Mrs. Quilp at home. Her husband entered, accompanied by the child; Kit was down-stairs.
“Here’s Nelly Trent, dear Mrs. Quilp,” said her husband. “A glass of wine, my dear, and a biscuit, for she has had a long walk. She’ll sit with you, my soul, while I write a letter.”
Mrs. Quilp followed him into the next room.
“Mind what I say to you,” whispered Quilp. “Get out of her anything about her grandfather, or what they do, or how they live, or what he tells her. You women talk more freely to one another than you do to us. Do you hear?”
“Yes, Quilp.”
“Go, then. What’s the matter now?”
“Dear Quilp.” faltered his wife, “I love this child and I don’t want to deceive her…”
The dwarf muttered a terrible oath.
“Do you hear me?” whispered Quilp, nipping and pinching her arm; “let me know her secrets; I know you can. I’m listening, recollect. If you’re not sharp enough I’ll creak the door. Go!”
Mrs. Quilp departed according to order[25 - according to order – согласно приказу]. Her amiable husband, ensconcing himself behind the partly-opened door, and applying his ear close to it, began to listen with a face of great craftiness and attention.
Poor Mrs. Quilp began.
“How very often you have visited lately Mr. Quilp, my dear.”
“I have said so to grandfather, a hundred times,” returned Nell innocently.
“And what has he said to that?”
“Only sighed, and dropped his head. How that door creaks!”
“It often does,” returned Mrs. Quilp with an uneasy glance towards it. “But your grandfather was different before?”
“Oh yes!” said the child eagerly, “so different! We were once so happy and he so cheerful and contented! You cannot think what a sad change has fallen on us, since.”
“I am very, very sorry, to hear you speak like this, my dear! “ said Mrs. Quilp. And she spoke the truth.
“Thank you,” returned the child, kissing her cheek, “you are always kind to me, and it is a pleasure to talk to you. I can speak to no one else about him, but poor Kit. You cannot think how it grieves me sometimes to see him alter so.”
“He’ll alter again, Nelly,” said Mrs. Quilp, “and be what he was before.”
“I thought,” said the child; “I saw that door moving!”
“It’s the wind,” said Mrs. Quilp faintly. “Nelly, Nelly! I can’t bear to see you so sorrowful. Pray don’t cry.”
“I do so very seldom,” said Nell, “The tears come into my eyes and I cannot keep them back. I can tell you my grief, for I know you will not tell it to anyone again.”
Mrs. Quilp turned away her head and made no answer.
“We,” said the child, “we often walked in the fields and among the green trees, and when we came home at night, we said what a happy place it was. But now we never have these walks, and though it is the same house, it is darker and much more gloomy than it used to be. Indeed!”
She paused here, but though the door creaked more than once, Mrs. Quilp said nothing.
“Please don’t suppose,” said the child earnestly, “that grandfather is less kind to me than he was. I think he loves me better every day. You do not know how fond he is of me!”
“I am sure he loves you dearly,” said Mrs. Quilp.
“Indeed, indeed he does!” cried Nell, “as dearly as I love him. But I have not told you the greatest change of all, and this you must never tell anyone. He has no sleep or rest, and every night and nearly all night long, he is away from home.”
“Hush!” said the child, laying her finger on her lip and looking round. “When he comes home in the morning, I let him in. Last night he was very late, and it was quite light. I saw that his face was deadly pale, and that his legs trembled as he walked. He said that he could not bear his life much longer. What shall I do? Oh! what shall I do?”
In a few moments Mr. Quilp returned.
“She’s tired, you see, Mrs. Quilp,” said the dwarf. “It’s a long way from her home to the wharf. Poor Nell! But wait, and dine with Mrs. Quilp and me.”
“I have been away too long, sir, already,” returned Nell, drying her eyes.
“Well,” said Mr. Quilp, “if you will go, you will, Nelly. Here’s the note. It’s only to say that I shall see him tomorrow, or maybe next day. Good-bye, Nelly. Here, you sir; take care of her, do you hear?”
Kit made no reply, and turned about and followed his young mistress.

Nelly feebly described the sadness and sorrow of her thoughts. The pressure of some hidden grief burdened her grandfather.
One night, the third after Nelly’s interview with Mrs. Quilp, the old man said he would not leave home.
“Two days,” he said, “two whole, clear, days have passed, and there is no reply. What did he tell thee, Nell?”
“Exactly what I told you, dear grandfather, indeed.”
“True,” said the old man, faintly. “Yes. But tell me again, Nell. What was it that he told you? Nothing more than that he would see me tomorrow or next day? That was in the note.”
“Nothing more,” said the child. “Shall I go to him again tomorrow, dear grandfather? Very early? I will be there and back, before breakfast.”
The old man shook his head, and sighing mournfully, drew her towards him.
“It would be of no use, my dear.”
The old man covered his face with his hands, and hid it in the pillow of the couch on which he lay.

Mr. Daniel Quilp entered unseen when the child first placed herself at the old man’s side, and stood looking on with his accustomed grin. He soon cast his eyes upon a chair, into which he skipped. Here, then, he sat, one leg cocked carelessly over the other, his head turned a little on one side, and his ugly features twisted into a complacent grimace.
At length, the old man pronounced his name, and inquired how he came there.
“Through the door,” said Quilp pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. “I’m not quite small enough to get through key-holes. I wish I was. I want to have some talk with you, particularly, and in private. With nobody present, neighbour. Good-bye, little Nelly.”
Nell looked at the old man, who nodded to her to retire, and kissed her cheek.
“Ah!” said the dwarf, smacking his lips, “what a nice kiss! What a capital kiss!”
Nell went away.
“Tell me,” said the old man, “have you brought me any money?”
“No!” returned Quilp.
“Then,” said the old man, clenching his hands desperately, and looking upward, “the child and I are lost!”
“Neighbour,” said Quilp, “let me be plain with you. You have no secret from me now.”
The old man looked up, trembling.
“You are surprised,” said Quilp. “Well, perhaps that’s natural. You have no secret from me now, I say; no, not one. For now, I know, that all those sums of money, that all those loans, advances, and supplies that you have had from me, have gone… shall I say the word?”
“Yes!” replied the old man, “say it, if you will.”
“To the gaming-table,” rejoined Quilp, “This was your precious plan to become rich; this was the secret certain source of wealth in which I spent my money; this was your inexhaustible mine of gold, your El Dorado[26 - El Dorado – Эльдорадо], eh?”
“Yes,” cried the old man, “it was. It is. It will be, till I die.”
“I have been blinded,” said Quilp looking contemptuously at him, “by a mere shallow gambler!”
“I am no gambler,” cried the old man fiercely. “I never played for gain of mine, or love of play. Every piece I staked, I whispered to myself that orphan’s name and called on Heaven to bless the venture; which it never did. Who were those with whom I played? Men who lived by plunder, profligacy, and riot.”
“When did you first begin this mad career?” asked Quilp.
“When did I first begin?” he rejoined, passing his hand across his brow. “When was it, that I first began? When I began to think how little I had saved, how long a time it took to save at all.”
“You lost your money, first, and then came to me. While I thought you were making your fortune (as you said you were) you were making yourself a beggar, eh? Dear me!” said Quilp. “But did you never win?”
“Never!” groaned the old man. “Never won back my loss.”
“I thought,” sneered the dwarf, “that if a man played long enough he was sure to win.”
“And so he is,” cried the old man, “so he is; I have always known it. Quilp, I have dreamed, three nights, of winning the same large sum, I never could dream that dream before, though I have often tried. Do not desert me, now I have this chance. I have no resource but you, give me some help, let me try this one last hope.”
The dwarf shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
“See Quilp, good tender-hearted Quilp,” said the old man, drawing some papers from his pocket with a trembling hand, and clasping the dwarfs arm, “only see here. Look at these figures, the result of long calculation, and painful and hard experience. I must win. I only want a little help once more, a few pounds, dear Quilp.”
“The last advance was seventy,” said the dwarf; “and it went in one night.”
“I know it did,” answered the old man, “but that was the worst night of all. Quilp, consider, consider that orphan child! Help me for her sake I implore you; not for mine; for hers!”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do it really,” said Quilp with unusual politeness. “I’d have advanced you, even now, what you want, on your simple note of hand, if I hadn’t unexpectedly known your secret way of life.”
“Who told you?” retorted the old man desperately, “Come. Let me know the name the person.”
The crafty dwarf said, “Now, who do you think?”
“It was Kit, it is the boy; he is the spy!” said the old man.
“Yes, you’re right” said the dwarf. “Yes, it was Kit. Poor Kit!”
So saying, he nodded in a friendly manner, and left, grinning with extraordinary delight.
“Poor Kit!” muttered Quilp. “I think it was Kit who said I was an uglier dwarf than could be seen anywhere for a penny, wasn’t it? Ha ha ha! Poor Kit!”

Kit lifted the latch of the door and passed in.
“Bless us!” cried a woman turning sharply round, “who’s that? Oh! It’s you, Kit!”
“Yes, mother, it’s me.”
“Why, how tired you look, my dear!”
“Old master did not go out tonight,” said Kit. With which words, he sat down by the fire and looked very mournful and discontented.
Kit’s room was an extremely poor and homely place. His mother was still hard at work at an ironing-table; a young child lay sleeping in a cradle near the fire; and another, a sturdy boy of two or three years old, was sitting bolt upright in a clothes-basket.
“Ah mother!” said Kit, falling upon[27 - falling upon – набрасываясь на] a great piece of bread and meat, “what a kind woman you are!”
“I hope there are many better, Kit,” said Mrs. Nubbles[28 - Nubbles – Набблс]; “Did you tell me, just now, that your master hadn’t gone out tonight?”
“Yes,” said Kit, “worse luck!”
“I wonder what Mrs. Nelly’d say, if she knew that every night, when she is sitting alone at the window, you are watching in the open street.”
“Never mind what she’d say,” replied Kit; “she’ll never know it, and consequently, she’ll never say anything.”
Mrs. Nubbles ironed away in silence for a minute or two, then she observed:
“I know what some people would say, Kit. Some people would say that you’d fallen in love with her.”
“It’s somebody crossing over here,” said Kit, “and coming very fast too, mother!”
The boy stood. The footsteps drew nearer, the door was opened with a hasty hand, and the child herself, pale and breathless, hurried into the room.
“Miss Nelly! What is the matter?” cried mother and son together.
“I must not stay a moment,” she returned, “grandfather is very ill. I found him upon the floor.”
“I’ll run for a doctor” said Kit, seizing his brimless hat. “I’ll be there directly.”
“No, no,” cried Nell, “there is one there, you… you must never come near us any more!”
“What?” roared Kit.
“Never again,” said the child. “Don’t ask me why, for I don’t know. Pray don’t ask me why, pray don’t be sorry! I have nothing to do with it indeed!”
Kit looked at her with his eyes opened wide.
“Grandfather complains and raves of you,” said the child, “I don’t know what you have done, but I hope it’s nothing very bad. He cries that you’re the cause of all his misery. You must not return to us any more. I came to tell you. Oh, Kit, what have you done? You, in whom I trusted so much! You were almost the only friend I had!”
The unfortunate Kit looked at his young mistress, but was perfectly motionless and silent.
“I have brought his money for the week,” said the child, looking to the woman and laying it on the table “and a little more, for he was always good and kind to me. It grieves me very much to part with him like this, but there is no help[29 - there is no help – ничего не поделаешь]. Good-night!”
The child hastened to the door, and disappeared as rapidly as she had come. Kit remained in a state of utter stupefaction[30 - utter stupefaction – полное оцепенение].

The old man was in a raging fever accompanied with delirium. The child was more alone than she had ever been before. The house was no longer theirs. Mr. Quilp took formal possession of the premises and all upon them. The dwarf proceeded to establish himself and his coadjutor in the house.
First, he put an effectual stop to any further business by shutting up the shop. His coadjutor, Mr. Brass[31 - Brass – Брасс], was an attorney of no very good repute. He was a tall, meagre man, with a nose like a wen, a protruding forehead, retreating eyes, and hair of a deep red. He wore a long black surtout[32 - surtout – сюртук] reaching nearly to his ankles, short black trousers, high shoes, and bluish-grey stockings[33 - bluish-grey stockings – сизо-голубые чулки]. He had a cringing manner, but a very harsh voice.
Quilp looked at his legal adviser[34 - legal adviser – учёный советчик], and was quite overjoyed and rubbed his hands with glee.
“Is it good, Brass, is it nice, is it fragrant?” said Quilp. He smoked a lot. “This is the way to keep off fever, this is the way to keep off every calamity of life!”
“Shall we stop here long, Mr. Quilp?” inquired his legal friend.
“We must stop, I suppose, till the old gentleman upstairs is dead,” returned Quilp.
“He he he!” laughed Mr. Brass, “oh! very good!”
“Smoke!” cried Quilp. “Never stop! you can talk as you smoke. Don’t lose time.”
“He he he!” cried Brass faintly. “But if he should get better, Mr. Quilp?”
“Then we shall stop till he does, and no longer,” returned the dwarf.
The sentinel at the door interposed in this place, and without taking his pipe from his lips, growled:
“Here’s the girl coming down.”
“Aha! Nelly! Oh!” said Quilp, “My dear young friend! How is he now, my lady?”
“He’s very bad,” replied the weeping child.
“What a pretty little Nell!” cried Quilp.
“Oh beautiful, sir, beautiful indeed,” said Brass. “Quite charming!”
“Has Nell come to sit upon Quilp’s knee,” said the dwarf, “or is she going to bed in her own little room inside here? What is poor Nelly going to do?”
“What a remarkable pleasant way he has with children!” muttered Brass.
“I’m not going to stay at all,” faltered Nell. “I want a few things out of that room, and then I won’t come down here any more.”
“You’re sure you’re not going to use that little room anymore; you’re sure you’re not coming back, Nelly?”
“No,” replied the child, hurrying away, with the few articles of dress “never again! Never again.”
“She’s very sensitive,” said Quilp, looking after her. “Very sensitive; that’s a pity. The bed is just my size. I think I shall make it my little room.”
The dwarf walked threw himself on his back upon the child’s bed with his pipe in his mouth. Mr. Brass applauded this picture very much.

At length, the crisis of the old man’s disorder was past, and he began to recover. By very slow and feeble degrees his consciousness came back; but the mind was weakened and its functions were impaired. He sat, for hours together, with Nell’s small hand in his, playing with the fingers.
He was sitting in his easy-chair one day, and Nell upon a stool beside him, when a man outside knocked.
“Yes,” the old man said without emotion, “it is Quilp. Quilp is master there. Come in, of course.”
And so he did.
“I’m glad to see you well again at last, neighbour,” said the dwarf, sitting down opposite to him. “You’re quite strong now?”
“Yes,” said the old man feebly, “yes.”
“I don’t want to hurry you, you know, neighbour,” said the dwarf, raising his voice; “but, as soon as you can find a place to live, the better.”
“Surely,” said the old man. “The better for everybody. I will, certainly, we shall not stay here.”
“You see,” pursued Quilp after a short pause, “I have sold the things. Today’s Tuesday. When will the things be moved? This afternoon?”
“What about Friday morning?” returned the old man.
“Very good,” said the dwarf. “So be it, neighbour.”
“Good,” returned the old man. “I shall remember it.”

Thursday arrived. In a small dull yard below his window, there was a tree green and flourishing enough, it threw a rippling shadow on the white wall. The old man sat watching the shadows, until the sun went down; and when it was night, and the moon was slowly rising, he still sat in the same spot.
He besought Nelly to forgive him.
“Forgive you what?” said Nell. “Oh grandfather, what should I forgive?”
“All that is past, all that has come upon you, Nell, all that was done,” returned the old man.
“Do not talk so,” said the child. “Pray do not. Let us speak of something else.”
“Yes, yes, we will,” he rejoined. “Hush! We will not stay here. We will go far away from here.”
“Yes, let us go,” said the child earnestly. “Let us leave this place, and never turn back or think of it again. Let us wander barefoot through the world, rather than linger here.”
“We will,” answered the old man, “we will travel afoot through the fields and woods, and by the side of rivers, and trust ourselves to God in the places where He dwells. You and I together, Nell.”
“We will be happy,” cried the child. “We never can be here.”
“No,” rejoined the old man. “Let us steal away tomorrow morning early and softly, that we may not be seen or heard. Poor Nell! Your cheek is pale, and your eyes are weeping; but you will be well again, and merry too, when we are far away. Tomorrow morning, dear, we’ll turn our faces from this scene of sorrow, and be as free and happy as the birds.”
And then, the old man clasped his hands above her head, and said that from that time forth they would wander up and down together.
The child’s heart beat high with hope and confidence. She had no thought of hunger, or cold, or thirst, or suffering. The old man had slept, for some hours, in his bed, and she was busily engaged in preparing for their flight. There were a few articles of clothing for herself to carry, and a few for him; old garments; and a staff to support his feeble steps. But this was not all her task; for now she must visit the old rooms for the last time.
She sat down at the window where she had spent so many evenings. There were some trifles in her room that she would like to take away; but that was impossible.
The old man woke up. He wanted to leave the house immediately, and was soon ready. The child then took him by the hand, and they trod lightly and cautiously down the stairs. At last, they reached the passage on the ground-floor, where the snoring of Mr. Quilp and his legal friend sounded more terrible in their ears than the roars of lions.
They opened the door without noise, and passing into the street, stood still.
“Which way?” said the child.
The old man looked, irresolutely and helplessly, first at her, then to the right and left, then at her again, and shook his head. The child put her hand in his, and led him gently away.
Forth from the city went the two poor adventurers, wandering they knew not whither.

Dick Swiveller entered the shop and saw Daniel Quilp.
“You came for some purpose, I suppose,” said Quilp. “What is it you want?”
“I want to know how the old gentleman is,” rejoined Mr. Swiveller, “and to see Nell. I’m a friend of the family, sir, at least I’m the friend of one of the family, and that’s the same thing.”
“You’d better walk in then,” said the dwarf. “Go on, sir, go on.”
“You seem to make yourself at home here,” said Dick, who was unacquainted with Mr. Quilp’s authority.
“I am at home, young gentleman,” returned the dwarf.
Dick was pondering what these words might mean, and still more what the presence of Mr. Brass might mean, when Mrs. Quilp came downstairs, declaring that the rooms above were empty.
“Empty, you fool!” said the dwarf.
“I have been into every room, Quilp,” answered his trembling wife, “and there’s not a soul in any of them.”
Quilp turned to Mr. Brass.
“Indeed,” he said, “we knew that they’d go away today, but not that they’d go so early, or so quietly. But they have their reasons, they have their reasons.”
“Where did they go?” said the wondering Dick.
Swiveller was utterly aghast. The old man and all the money melted away.
“Well,” said Dick, “I suppose it’s of no use my staying here.”
“Not the least in the world,” rejoined the dwarf.
By this time, certain vans had arrived for the conveyance of the goods. The dwarf observed, that a boy was prying in at the outer door. It was Kit, and Mr. Quilp hailed him by his name.
“Come here, you sir,” said the dwarf. “Well, so your old master and young mistress have gone?“
“Where?” rejoined Kit, looking round.
“Do you mean to say you don’t know where?” answered Quilp sharply. “Where have they gone, eh?”
“I don’t know,” said Kit.
“Oh!” said the dwarf after a little consideration. “Then, I think they’ll come to you.”
“Do you think they will?” cried Kit eagerly.
“Why not?” returned the dwarf. “And when they do, let me know; do you hear? Let me know, and I’ll give you something. I want to do them a kindness, and I can’t do them a kindness unless I know where they are. You hear what I say?”

The child trembled with a mingled sensation of hope and fear. The town was glad with morning light; the flowers that sleep by night, opened their gentle eyes and turned them to the day. The two pilgrims, often pressing each other’s hands, or exchanging a smile or cheerful look, pursued their way in silence. They came upon a straggling neighbourhood. At length the streets becoming more straggling yet, dwindled and dwindled away, until there were only small garden patches bordering the road. Then came some houses, one by one, of goodly size with lawns, some even with a lodge where dwelt a porter and his wife. Then, came a turnpike; then fields again with trees and haystacks; then, a hill. In a pleasant field, the old man and his little guide sat down to rest. Here they made their frugal breakfast.
“Dear grandfather,” said Nelly, “this place is very pretty, and I feel as if laid down on this grass all the cares and troubles we brought with us; never to take them up again.”
“No never to return, never to return” replied the old man, waving his hand towards the city. “You and I are free of it now, Nell.”
“Are you tired?” said the child, “are you sure you don’t feel ill from this long walk?”
“I shall never feel ill again, now that we are once away,” was his reply. “Let us go, Nell. We must be further away a long, long way further. We are too near to stop[35 - we are too near to stop – нам ещё рано останавливаться], and be at rest. Come!”
There was a pool of clear water in the field, in which the child laved her hands and face, and cooled her feet. She refreshed the old man too, cast the water on him with her hands, and dried it with her simple dress.
“I can do nothing for myself, my darling,” said the grandfather; “I don’t know how it is, I could once, but the time’s gone. Don’t leave me, Nell; say that you’ll not leave me. I love you, indeed I do. If I lose you, my dear, I must die!”
He laid his head upon her shoulder and moaned piteously. She soothed him with gentle and tender words. He was soon calmed and fell asleep, singing to himself in a low voice, like a little child.
He awoke refreshed, and they continued their journey. The road was pleasant, lying between beautiful pastures and fields of corn. They were now in the open country; the houses were very few and scattered at long intervals, often miles apart.

The sun was setting when they reached the wicket-gate[36 - wicket-gate – калитка] at which the path began. The church was old and grey, with ivy clinging to the walls, and round the porch. The old man and the child passed behind the church, and they heard voices near.
Two men were seated upon the grass. It was not difficult to divine that they were showmen exhibitors[37 - showmen exhibitors – бродячие комедианты] of the freaks of Punch[38 - Punch – Панч (персонаж английского народного театра кукол, гуляка, плут, весельчак и драчун)]. Upon a tombstone behind them, was a figure of that hero himself.
The men raised their eyes when the old man and his young companion were close upon them, and pausing in their work, returned their looks of curiosity. One of them was a little merry-faced man with a twinkling eye and a red nose. The other that was he who took the money had rather a careful and cautious look.
The merry man was the first to greet the strangers with a nod. He observed that perhaps that was the first time the old man had ever seen a Punch off the stage[39 - off the stage – вне сцены].
“Why did you come here?” said the old man, sitting down beside them, and looking at the figures with extreme delight.
“You see,” rejoined the little man, “we need to repair our puppets.”
“Good!” said the old man, touching one of the puppets, and drawing away his hand with a shrill laugh. “Are you going to show them tonight? Are you?”
“That is the intention, sir,” replied the other, “and Tommy Codlin[40 - Tommy Codlin – Томми Кодлин] is calculating at this minute how much we’re going to get tonight.”
The little man accompanied these latter words with a wink.
To this Mr. Codlin, who had a surly, grumbling manner, replied: “Look here; here’s all this Judy’s[41 - Judy – Джуди (персонаж английского народного театра кукол, жена Панча)] clothes falling to pieces again. You haven’t got a needle and thread I suppose?”
The little man shook his head. Seeing that they were at a loss, the child said timidly: “I have a needle, sir, in my basket, and thread too. Will you let me try to mend it for you? I think I could do it neater than you could.”
Mr. Codlin had nothing to urge against this proposal. Nelly, kneeling down beside the box, was soon busily engaged in her task. The merry little man looked at her with an interest. When she had finished her work he thanked her, and inquired where they were travelling.
“No further tonight, I think,” said the child, looking towards her grandfather.
“If you’re looking for a place to stop at,” the man remarked, “I can advise you to take up[42 - to take up – остановиться (в гостинице)] at the same house with us. That’s it. The long, low, white house there. It’s very cheap.”
They all rose and walked away together. The old man was keeping close to the box of puppets in which he was quite absorbed.
The public-house was kept by a fat old landlord and landlady who made no objection to receiving their new guests, but praised Nelly’s beauty. The landlady was very much astonished to learn that they had come all the way from London.
“These two gentlemen have ordered supper in an hour’s time,” she said, taking her into the bar; “and your best plan will be to sup with them.”
The Punch and Judy performance was applauded to the echo, and voluntary contributions showed the general delight. Among the laughter none was more loud and frequent than the old man’s. Nell’s was unheard, for she, poor child, with her head drooping on his shoulder, had fallen asleep.
The supper was very good, but she was too tired to eat, and yet did not want to leave the old man until she had kissed him in his bed. It was but a loft partitioned into two compartments, where they were to rest, but they were well pleased with their lodging and had hoped for none so good[43 - and had hoped for none so good – на лучшее и не надеялись]. The old man was uneasy when he had lain down, and begged that Nell would come and sit at his bedside as she had done for so many nights. She hastened to him, and sat there till he slept.
She had a little money, but it was very little, and when that was gone, they must begin to beg. There was one piece of gold among it, and it would be best to hide this coin. She sewed the piece of gold into her dress[44 - sewed the piece of gold into her dress – зашила золотой себе в платье], and went to bed with a lighter heart.

Another bright day awoke her. The old man woke up and dressed. They all sat down to eat together.
“And where are you going today?” said the little man
“Indeed I hardly know, we have not determined yet,” replied the child.
“We’re going on to the races,” said the little man. “If that’s your way and you like to have us for company, let us travel together.”
“We’ll go with you,” said the old man. “Nell, with them, with them.”
The real name of the little man was Harris[45 - Harris – Гаррис], but everybody called him Trotters[46 - Trotters – Коротыш], which, with the prefatory adjective, Short, showed the small size of his legs. So Short Trotters[47 - Short Trotters – Шиш-Коротыш] was used in formal conversations and on occasions of ceremony[48 - occasions of ceremony – торжественные случаи].
The breakfast was over, and Mr. Codlin called the bill. They took farewell of the landlord and landlady and resumed their journey.
Mr. Codlin trudged heavily on[49 - trudged heavily on – медленно тащился по дороге], exchanging a word or two at intervals with Short, and stopping to rest and growl occasionally. Short led the way; with the box, the private luggage tied up in a bundle, and a brazen trumpet. Nell and her grandfather walked next him, and Thomas Codlin brought up the rear.
When they came to any town or village, or even to a house of good appearance, Short blew a blast upon the brazen trumpet. If people hurried to the windows, Mr. Codlin hastily unfurled the drapery and concealed Short therewith. Then the entertainment began as soon as might be. After that they resumed their load and on they went again. They were generally well received, and seldom left a town without a troop of children shouting at their heels[50 - shouting at their heels – с криками бежавшими по пятам].

The Jolly Sandboys[51 - The Jolly Sandboys – «Три Весельчака»] was a small roadside inn[52 - roadside inn – придорожный трактир] of pretty ancient date. The travellers arrived, drenched with the rain and presenting a most miserable appearance. The landlord rushed into the kitchen and took the cover off[53 - took the cover off – снял крышку с котла]. The effect was magical. They all came in with smiling faces though the wet was dripping from their clothes upon the floor, and Short’s first remark was, “What a delicious smell!”
It is not very difficult to forget rain and mud by the side of a cheerful fire, and in a bright room. They were given slippers and dry garments. Nelly and the old man sat by the fire and fell asleep.
“Who are they?” whispered the landlord.
Short shook his head.
“Don’t you know?” asked the host, turning to Mr. Codlin.
“Not I,” he replied. “They’re no good, I suppose.”
“They’re no harm,” said Short. “And I tell you: the old man isn’t in his right mind[54 - isn’t in his right mind – не в своём уме]. They’re not used to this way of life. Don’t tell me that that handsome child has been in the habit of prowling about[55 - in the habit of prowling about – привыкла бродить по дорогам].”
“Well, who does tell you she has?” growled Mr. Codlin.
“Hear me out, the old man ran away from his relatives and took this delicate young creature to be his guide and companion. Now I’m not a going to stand that[56 - I’m not a going to stand that – я этого не потерплю].”
“You’re not a going to stand that!” cried Mr. Codlin, pulling his hair with both hands.
“I,” repeated Short emphatically and slowly, “am not a going to stand it. I am not a going to see this fair young child in an inappropriate company. Therefore I shall take measures for detaining of them, and restoring them to their relatives.”
“Short,” said Mr. Codlin, “it’s possible that there may be good sense in what you’ve said. If there is, and there can be a reward, Short, remember that we’re partners in everything!”
His companion nodded, and the child awoke at the instant.

The next day, after bidding the old man goodnight, Nell retired to her poor garret, but had scarcely closed the door, when it gently opened. She was a little startled by the sight of Mr. Thomas Codlin, whom she had left down-stairs.
“What is the matter?” said the child.
“Nothing’s the matter, my dear,” returned her visitor. “I’m your friend. Perhaps you haven’t thought so, but it’s me that’s your friend not him.”
“Not who?” the child inquired.
“Short, my dear. I tell you what,” said Codlin, “You see, I’m the real, open-hearted man. I don’t look it, but I am indeed. Short’s very well, and seems kind, but he overdoes it[57 - he overdoes it – он переигрывает]. Now I don’t.”
The child was puzzled, and did not know not tell what to say.
“Take my advice,” said Codlin: “don’t ask me why, but take it. As long as you travel with us, keep as near me as you can. Don’t offer to leave us but always stick to me and say that I’m your friend. Will you bear that in mind, my dear, and always say that it was me that was your friend?”
“Say so where, and when?” inquired the child innocently.
“O, nowhere in particular,” replied Codlin; “I’m only worried about you. Why didn’t you tell me your little history that about you and the poor old gentleman? I’m the best adviser that ever was, and so interested in you so much more interested than Short. And you needn’t tell Short, you know, that we’ve had this little talk together. God bless you. Recollect the friend. Codlin’s the friend, not Short. Your real friend is Codlin, not Short.”
Thomas Codlin stole away on tip-toe[58 - on tip-toe – на цыпочках], leaving the child in a state of extreme surprise. And suddenly somebody knocked at hers.
“Yes,” said the child.
“It’s me, Short” a voice called through the key-hole. “I only wanted to say that we must be off early tomorrow morning, my dear. Will you go with us? I’ll call you.”
The child answered “Yes”. She felt some uneasiness at the anxiety of these men.

Very early next morning, Short fulfilled his promise, and knocked softly at her door. Nell started from her bed without delay, and roused the old man.
It was dark before they reached the town. Here all was tumult and confusion; the streets were filled with throngs of people. At length they passed through the town and made for the race-course[59 - race-course – ипподром], which was upon an open heath. They saw a big tent.
After a scanty supper, Nell and the old man lay down to rest in a corner of a tent, and slept, despite the busy preparations that were going on around them all night long.
And now they had come to the time when they must beg their bread. Soon after sunrise in the morning the child, while the two men lay dozing in another corner, plucked grandfather by the sleeve, and slightly glancing towards them, said, in a low voice
“Grandfather, these men suspect that we have secretly left our relatives, and I think, they want to sent us back. We must get away from them.”
“How?” muttered the old man. “Dear Nelly, how? They will easily catch me, and never let me see you anymore!”
“You’re trembling,” said the child. “Keep close to me all day. Never mind them, don’t look at them, but me. I shall find a time when we can go away. When I do, come with me, and do not stop or speak a word. Hush! That’s all.”
“Halloa! what are you doing, my dear?” said Mr. Codlin, raising his head, and yawning. Then observing that his companion was asleep, he added in an earnest whisper, “Codlin’s the friend, remember not Short.”
Late in the day, Mr. Codlin pitched the show in a convenient spot, and the spectators were soon in the very triumph of the scene. That was the very moment. They seized it, and fled.
They made a path through booths and carriages and throngs of people, and never once stopped to look behind. They made for the open fields.

Kit raised his eyes to the window of Nell’s little room, and hoped to see some indication of her presence. His own earnest wish, coupled with the assurance he had received from Quilp, filled him with the belief that she would arrive.
“I think they must certainly come tomorrow, eh mother?” said Kit, laying aside his hat and sighing as he spoke. “They have been gone a week. They surely couldn’t stop away more than a week, could they now?”
The mother shook her head, and reminded him how often he had been disappointed already.
“I consider,” said Kit, “that a week is quite long enough for them to be rambling about; don’t you say so?”
“Quite long enough, Kit, longer than enough, but they may not come back for all that.”
Kit thought she was right.
“Then what do you think, mother, has become of them? You don’t think they’ve gone to sea, anyhow?”
“Not gone for sailors, certainly,” returned the mother with a smile. “But I think that they have gone to some foreign country.”
“I say,” cried Kit with a rueful face, “don’t talk like that, mother.”
“I am afraid they have, and that’s the truth,” she said. “It’s the talk of all the neighbours.”
“I don’t believe it,” said Kit. “Not a word of it. How should they know!”
“They may be wrong of course,” returned the mother, “but the people say that the old gentleman and Miss Nell have gone to live abroad where they will never be disturbed.”
Kit scratched his head mournfully. Suddenly a knock at the door was heard. Kit opened the door and saw a little old gentleman and a little old lady.
“Why, bless me,” cried the old gentleman, “the lad is here! My dear, do you see? This is a very good lad, I’m sure.”
“I’m sure he is,” rejoined the old lady. “A very good lad, and I am sure he is a good son.”
The old gentleman then handed the old lady out, and after looking at him with an approving smile, they went into the house.
“Well, boy,” said the old gentleman, smiling; “We are here before you, you see, Christopher[60 - Christopher – Кристофер].”
“Yes, sir,” said Kit; and as he said it, he looked towards his mother for an explanation of the visit.
“This gentleman, Mr. Garland[61 - Garland – Гарленд], was kind enough, my dear,” said she, in reply to this mute interrogation, “to ask me yesterday whether you were in a good place, or in any place at all, and when I told him no, you were not in any, he was so good as to say that…”
“That we wanted a good lad in our house,” said the old gentleman and the old lady both together.
“You see, my good woman,” said Mrs. Garland to Kit’s mother, “that it’s necessary to be very careful and particular in such a matter as this, for we’re only three in family, and are very quiet people, and it would be a sad thing if we made any kind of mistake, and found things different from what we hoped and expected.”
To this, Kit’s mother replied, that certainly it was quite true, and quite right, and quite proper and her son was a very good son though she was his mother, in which respect, she was bold to say, he took after his father, who was not only a good son to his mother, but the best of husbands and the best of fathers besides. After this long story she wiped her eyes with her apron, and patted her little son’s head, who was staring at the strange lady and gentleman.
Mr. Garland put some questions to Kit respecting his qualifications and general acquirements. It was settled that Kit would start to work on the next day, and the money is six pound a year. Finally, the little old couple took their leaves; being escorted by their new attendant.
“Well, mother,” said Kit, hurrying back into the house, “I think my fortune’s about made now.”
“I should think it was indeed, Kit,” rejoined his mother. “Six pound a year! Only think!”
“Ah!” said Kit. “There’s a property!”

“Hem!” croaked a strange voice. “What’s that about six pound a year? What about six pound a year?” And as the voice made this inquiry, Daniel Quilp walked in with Richard Swiveller at his heels.
“Who said he would have six pound a year?” said Quilp, looking sharply round. “Did the old man say it, or did little Nell say it? And what’s he to have it for, and where are they, eh?”
The good woman was so much alarmed by the sudden apparition of this unknown ugly dwarf, that she hastily caught the baby from its cradle and retreated into the furthest corner of the room.
“Don’t be frightened, mistress,” said Quilp, after a pause. “Your son knows me; I don’t eat babies; I don’t like them. Now you Kit, why haven’t you come to me as you promised?”
“What should I come for?” retorted Kit. “I hadn’t any business with you, no more than you had with me.”
“Here, mistress,” said Quilp, turning quickly away, and appealing from Kit to his mother. “When did his old master come or send here last? Is he here now? If not, where’s he gone?”
“He has not been here at all,” she replied. “We don’t know where they have gone.”
Quilp glanced at Richard Swiveller, and assumed that he had come in search of some information of the fugitives. He supposed he was right?
“Yes,” said Dick, “that was the object of the present expedition.”
“You seem disappointed,” observed Quilp.
“It baffles description[62 - it baffles description – это не поддаётся описанию], sir, that’s all,” returned Dick.
The dwarf looked at Richard with a sarcastic smile, but Richard continued to deplore his fate with mournful and despondent looks.
“I am disappointed myself,” said Quilp, “I have friendly feeling for them; but you have real reasons, private reasons I have no doubt, for your disappointment, and therefore it comes heavier than mine.”
“Why, of course it does,” Dick observed, testily.
“Upon my word, I’m very sorry, very sorry. But as we are companions in adversity[63 - companions in adversity – товарищи по несчастью], shall we be companions in the surest way of forgetting it? If you had no particular business, now, to lead you in another direction,” urged Quilp, plucking him by the sleeve and looking slyly up into his face out of the corners of his eyes, “there is a house by the water-side where they have excellent gin. The landlord knows me. There’s a little summer-house[64 - summer-house – беседка] overlooking the river, where we might take a glass of this delicious liquor, Mr. Swiveller, eh?”
As the dwarf spoke, Dick’s face relaxed into a compliant smile, and his brows slowly unbent. Off they went.
The summer-house of which Mr. Quilp had spoken was a rugged wooden box, rotten and bare to see, which overhung the river’s mud, and threatened to slide down into it. The tavern to which it belonged was a crazy building, undermined by the rats. The rooms were low and damp, the clammy walls were pierced with chinks and holes. To this inviting spot Mr. Quilp led Richard Swiveller.

Roads stretch a long, long way. The old man and the child passed, without stopping, two or three inconsiderable clusters of cottages, a public-house where they had some bread and cheese, and they were very weary and fatigued.
In the evening they arrived at a point where the road made a sharp turn and struck across a common[65 - struck across a common – круто сворачивала через выгон]. On the border of this common, and close to the hedge which divided it from the cultivated fields, a caravan was drawn up to rest.
It was not a shabby, dingy, dusty cart, but a smart little house upon wheels, with white dimity curtains festooning the windows. Neither was it a gypsy caravan, for at the open door sat a Christian lady, stout and comfortable to look upon, who wore a large bonnet trembling with bows. This lady was drinking tea. The tea-things, including a bottle and a cold knuckle of ham, were set forth upon a drum, covered with a white napkin.
It happened that at that moment the lady beheld an old man and a young child walking slowly by.
“Hey!” cried the lady of the caravan. “Yes, to be sure, who won the prize, child?”
“Won what, ma’am?” asked Nell.
“The prize, at the races, child.”
“I don’t know, ma’am.”
“Don’t know!” repeated the lady of the caravan; “why, you were there. I saw you with my own eyes.”
Nell was not a little alarmed to hear this.
“And very sorry I was,” said the lady of the caravan, “to see you in company with a Punch; a low, practical, vulgar wretch.”
“I was there by chance,” returned the child; “we didn’t know our way, and the two men were very kind to us, and let us travel with them. Do you do you know them, ma’am?”
“Know them, child!” cried the lady of the caravan in a sort of shriek. “Know them! But you’re young and inexperienced, and that’s your excuse for asking such a question.”
“Oh ma’am,” said the child, fearing she had committed some grievous fault. “I beg your pardon.”
It was granted immediately. The child then explained that they had left the races, and were travelling to the next town on that road, where they purposed to spend the night.
“Come nearer, nearer still,” said the lady of the caravan, “Are you hungry, child?”
“Not very, but we are tired, and it is a long way “
“Well, hungry or not, you had better have some tea,” rejoined her new acquaintance. “I suppose you are agreeable to that, old gentleman?”
The grandfather humbly pulled off his hat and thanked her. She handed down to them the tea-tray, the bread and butter, and the knuckle of ham. So they made a hearty meal and enjoyed it to the utmost.
The lady of the caravan alighted on the earth, and sat down upon the steps and called “George;” whereupon a man in a carter’s frock[66 - carter’s frock – извозчичья блуза] appeared.
“Yes, ma’am,” said George.
“How did you find the cold pie[67 - cold pie – паштет], George?”
“It wasn’t amiss, ma’am.”
“And the beer,” said the lady of the caravan, “is it passable, George?”
“It’s not bad, ma’am” George returned, “not bad at all.”
“We are not a heavy load, George?”
“That’s always what the ladies say,” replied the man. “What is the cause of this here?”
“Would these two travellers make much difference to the horses, if we took them with us?” asked his mistress, pointing to Nell and the old man, who were painfully preparing to resume their journey on foot.
“They’d make a difference in course,” said George doggedly.
“Would they make much difference?” repeated his mistress. “They can’t be very heavy.”
“The weight of the pair, mum!” said George.
After these words of George the lady offered the old man and the child to go forward in the caravan. Nell thanked her with unaffected earnestness. Their patroness then shut the door and sat herself down at an open window. So away they went, with a great noise of flapping and creaking and straining.

The lady of the caravan sat at one window in all the pride, and little Nell and her grandfather sat at the other in all the humility. At first the two travellers spoke little, and only in whispers, but as they grew more familiar with the place they conversed with greater freedom, and talked about the country through which they were passing, until the old man fell asleep. The lady of the caravan invited Nell to come and sit beside her.
“Well, child,” she said, “how do you like this way of travelling?”
Nell replied that she thought it was very pleasant indeed. The lady sat got up and brought out from a corner a large roll of canvas about a yard in width, which she laid upon the floor and spread open with her foot.
“There, child,” she said, “read that.”
Nell walked down it, and read aloud, in enormous black letters, the inscription. “JARLEY’S WAX-WORK[68 - JARLEY’S WAX-WORK – Паноптикум Джарли].”
“Read it again,” said the lady, complacently.
“Jarley’s Wax-Work,” repeated Nell.
“That’s me,” said the lady. “I am Mrs. Jarley.”
Mrs. Jarley unfolded another scroll, where was the inscription, “One hundred figures the full size of life[69 - full size of life – в натуральную величину],” and then another scroll, on which was written, “The only stupendous collection of real wax-work in the world,” and then several smaller scrolls with such inscriptions as “Now exhibiting within”, “The genuine and only Jarley”, “Jarley’s unrivalled collection”, “Jarley is the delight of the Nobility and Gentry[70 - delight of the Nobility and Gentry – радость аристократии и дворянства]”, “The Royal Family are the patrons of Jarley.”
“Never go into the company of a filthy Punch any more,” said Mrs. Jarley, “after this.”
“I never saw any wax-work, ma’am,” said Nell. “Is it funnier than Punch?”
“Funnier!” said Mrs. Jarley in a shrill voice. “It is not funny at all.”
“Oh!” said Nell, with all possible humility.
“It isn’t funny at all,” repeated Mrs. Jarley. “It’s calm and classical. No low beatings, no jokings and squeakings like your precious Punches!”
“Is it here, ma’am?” asked Nell.
“Is what here, child?”
“The wax-work, ma’am.”
“Why, bless you, child, what are you thinking of? How could such a collection be here, where you see everything except the inside of one little cupboard and a few boxes? It’s in the other wans, and there it’ll be exhibited the day after tomorrow. You are going to the same town, and you’ll see it I dare say.”
“I shall not be in the town, I think, ma’am,” said the child.
“Not there?” cried Mrs. Jarley. “Then where will you be?”
“I don’t quite know. I am not certain.”
“You don’t mean to say that you’re travelling about the country without knowing where you’re going to?” said the lady of the caravan. “What curious people you are!”
“We are poor people, ma’am,” returned Nell, “and are only wandering about. We have nothing to do; I wish we had.”
“You amaze me more and more,” said Mrs. Jarley. “Why, what do you call yourselves? Not beggars?”
“Indeed, ma’am, I don’t know what else we are,” returned the child.
“Lord bless me,” said the lady of the caravan. “I never heard of such a thing!”
She remained silent after this exclamation. Then she said:
“And yet you can read. And write too, I wonder?”
“Yes, ma’am,” said the child.
“Well, and what a thing that is,” returned Mrs. Jarley. “I can’t!”
Mrs. Jarley relapsed into a thoughtful silence, and remained in that state so long that Nell withdrew to the other window and rejoined her grandfather, who was now awake.
At length the lady of the caravan summoned the driver to come under the window at which she was seated, held a long conversation with him in a low tone of voice, and then beckoned Nell to approach.
“And the old gentleman too,” said Mrs. Jarley; “for I want to have a word with him. Do you want a good situation for your granddaughter, master? If you do, I can make it. What do you say?”
“I can’t leave her,” answered the old man. “We can’t separate. What will become of me without her?”
“I think you can take care of yourself,” retorted Mrs. Jarley sharply.
“Pray do not speak harshly to him,” said the child in an earnest whisper. “We are very thankful to you, but neither of us could part from the other.”
Mrs. Jarley looked at the old man, who tenderly took Nell’s hand and detained it in his own.
“If you want to employ yourself,” said Mrs. Jarley, “there is much work for you, too: to dust the figures, and take the checks, and so forth. What I want your granddaughter for, is to point them out to the people. It’s not a common offer, bear in mind, it’s Jarley’s wax-work, remember. This is an opportunity which may never occur again! Now, child?” cried Mrs. Jarley, as Nell turned towards her.
“We are very much obliged to you, ma’am,” said Nell,” and thankfully accept your offer.”
“And you’ll never be sorry for it,” returned Mrs. Jarley. “I’m pretty sure of that. So let us have a bit of supper.”

The caravan came upon the paved streets of a town which were clear of passengers, and quiet, for it was by this time near midnight. They turned aside into a piece of waste ground that lay just within the old town-gate, and drew up there for the night, near to another caravan, which bore on its panel the great name of Jarley, and was employed in conveying from place to place the wax-work.
Nell decided to walk for a little while in the air. The moon was shining down upon the old gateway of the town; and with a mingled sensation of curiosity and fear, she slowly approached the gate, and stood still to look up at it, wondering to see how dark, and grim, and old, and cold, it looked.
There was an empty niche from which some old statue had fallen or been carried away hundreds of years ago. There suddenly a man emerged from the black shade of the arch. She recognised him: it was ugly misshapen Quilp! The child withdrew into a dark corner, and saw him pass close to her. He had a stick in his hand, and he leant upon it, looked back directly, as it seemed, towards where she stood and beckoned.
To her? Oh no, thank God, not to her; there issued slowly forth from the arch another figure – a boy who carried on his back a trunk.
“Faster, fool!” cried Quilp, looking up at the old gateway, “faster!”
“It’s a dreadful heavy load, sir,” the boy pleaded. “I go very fast, indeed.”
“What?” retorted Quilp; “You creep, you dog, you crawl, like a worm. There are the chimes now, half-past twelve. Come on then, or I shall be too late. Faster, do you hear me? Faster!”
The boy made all the speed he could. Nell did not dare to move until they were out of sight.

Mrs. Jarley ordered the room to be cleared of all but herself and the child, and, sitting herself down in an arm-chair in the centre, gave Nell with a willow wand[71 - willow wand – ивовый прут] to point out the characters, and began to instruct her in her duty.
“That,” said Mrs. Jarley in her exhibition tone, as Nell touched a figure at the beginning of the platform, “is an unfortunate Maid of Honour[72 - Maid of Honour – фрейлина] in the Time of Queen Elizabeth, who died from pricking her finger in consequence of working upon a Sunday. Observe the blood which is trickling from her finger; also the gold-eyed needle[73 - gold-eyed needle – иголку с золотым ушком], with which she is at work.”
All this Nell repeated twice or thrice: pointing to the finger and the needle at the right times, and then passed on to the next.
“That, ladies and gentlemen,” said Mrs. Jarley, “is Jasper Packlemerton[74 - Jasper Packlemerton – Джаспер Пэклмертон], who courted and married fourteen wives, and destroyed them all, by tickling the soles of their feet when they were sleeping in the consciousness of innocence and virtue. When he was brought to the scaffold and asked if he was sorry for what he had done, he replied yes, he was sorry for having let them off so easy[75 - for having let them off so easy – что они так дёшево отделались]. Let this be a warning to all young ladies to be particular in the character of the gentlemen of their choice. Observe that his fingers are curled as if in the act of tickling, and that his face is represented with a wink.”
When Nell knew all about Mr. Packlemerton, and could say it without faltering, Mrs. Jarley passed on to the fat man, and then to the thin man, the tall man, the short man, the old lady who died of dancing at a hundred and thirty-two, the wild boy of the woods, the woman who poisoned fourteen families with pickled walnuts, and other historical characters and interesting but individuals.
Nell was very apt to remember them, and in a couple of hours she was in full possession of the history of the whole establishment, and perfectly competent to the enlightenment of visitors.

Mrs. Jarley had an inventive genius for attracting visitors to the exhibition. Little Nell was not forgotten. Although her duties were sufficiently laborious, Nell found the lady of the caravan a very kind person. Her grandfather too was well-treated and useful, but she had recollection of Quilp, and feared that he might return and one day suddenly encounter them.
Quilp indeed was a perpetual nightmare to the child, who was constantly haunted by a vision of his ugly face and stunted figure. She slept in the room where the wax-work figures were. Sometimes she recalled the old house and the window at which she used to sit alone; and then she thought of poor Kit and all his kindness, until the tears came into her eyes, and she wept and smiled together.
Often and anxiously at this silent hour, her thoughts reverted to her grandfather, and she wondered how much he remembered of their former life. He was very patient and willing, happy to execute any little task, and glad to be of use; but he was in the same listless state, with no prospect of improvement. He was a harmless old man, susceptible of tender love and regard for her, and of pleasant and painful impressions.
One evening, Nell and her grandfather went out to walk. They strolled a long distance. They took a footpath which struck through some pleasant fields, finally they reached the track, and stopped to rest.
The sky was dark and lowering, the wind began to moan in hollow murmurs. Large drops of rain soon began to fall. The old man and the child hurried along the high road, hoping to find some house in which they could seek a refuge from the storm. Soon they saw a solitary house. A man was standing at the door, he called lustily to them to enter.
“You had better stand by the fire here, and dry yourselves a bit! This is a public-house, The Valiant Soldier[76 - The Valiant Soldier – «Храбрый Вояка»].”
“Is this house called the Valiant Soldier, sir?” asked Nell.

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in china – из фарфора

Nelly – Нелли

Kit – Кит

Kit was at his heels – в сопровождении Кита

why then – да, признаться

of standing sideways – стоя боком к собеседнику

to light him out – посветить ему

well made – стройный

Dick Swiveller – Дик Свивеллер

in an undertone – вполголоса

Fred – Фред

body-coat – полуфрак

gave him the aspect of – придавала ему сходство

upon his temples – на висках

Meaning me? – Это вы мне?

Daniel Quilp – Дэниел Квилп

into his breast – за пазуху

needle-work – рукоделье

Tower Hill – Тауэр-Хилл (небольшая возвышенная местность в Лондоне к северо-западу от Тауэра)

round jackets – кургузые пиджаки

rat-infested – кишащий крысами

ill weeds are sure to thrive – худой траве всё впрок

so much the better – тем лучше

I’ll take both of you – я вам обоим всыплю

according to order – согласно приказу

El Dorado – Эльдорадо

falling upon – набрасываясь на

Nubbles – Набблс

there is no help – ничего не поделаешь

utter stupefaction – полное оцепенение

Brass – Брасс

surtout – сюртук

bluish-grey stockings – сизо-голубые чулки

legal adviser – учёный советчик

we are too near to stop – нам ещё рано останавливаться

wicket-gate – калитка

showmen exhibitors – бродячие комедианты

Punch – Панч (персонаж английского народного театра кукол, гуляка, плут, весельчак и драчун)

off the stage – вне сцены

Tommy Codlin – Томми Кодлин

Judy – Джуди (персонаж английского народного театра кукол, жена Панча)

to take up – остановиться (в гостинице)

and had hoped for none so good – на лучшее и не надеялись

sewed the piece of gold into her dress – зашила золотой себе в платье

Harris – Гаррис

Trotters – Коротыш

Short Trotters – Шиш-Коротыш

occasions of ceremony – торжественные случаи

trudged heavily on – медленно тащился по дороге

shouting at their heels – с криками бежавшими по пятам

The Jolly Sandboys – «Три Весельчака»

roadside inn – придорожный трактир

took the cover off – снял крышку с котла

isn’t in his right mind – не в своём уме

in the habit of prowling about – привыкла бродить по дорогам

I’m not a going to stand that – я этого не потерплю

he overdoes it – он переигрывает

on tip-toe – на цыпочках

race-course – ипподром

Christopher – Кристофер

Garland – Гарленд

it baffles description – это не поддаётся описанию

companions in adversity – товарищи по несчастью

summer-house – беседка

struck across a common – круто сворачивала через выгон

carter’s frock – извозчичья блуза

cold pie – паштет

JARLEY’S WAX-WORK – Паноптикум Джарли

full size of life – в натуральную величину

delight of the Nobility and Gentry – радость аристократии и дворянства

willow wand – ивовый прут

Maid of Honour – фрейлина

gold-eyed needle – иголку с золотым ушком

Jasper Packlemerton – Джаспер Пэклмертон

for having let them off so easy – что они так дёшево отделались

The Valiant Soldier – «Храбрый Вояка»