Read online book «The Marine′s New Family» author Roz Dunbar

The Marine's New Family
Roz Dunbar
Returning from active duty, Gunnery Sergeant Luke Barrett is shocked to learn he's a father. Having just lost his mom, ten-year-old Caleb is reserved and wary—and Luke is simply overwhelmed.So when Tess Greenwood agrees to become Caleb's nanny, it's an answer to Luke's prayers. Injured while working at an international mission in a war-torn country, Tess is in town to recuperate. The last thing she wants is to get too involved. But as she spends time with the handsome marine and his son, Tess comes to realize that caring for them may just be the cure to her own battered heart.

A Hero’s Hope
Returning from active duty, Gunnery Sergeant Luke Barrett is shocked to learn he’s a father. Having just lost his mom, ten-year-old Caleb is reserved and wary—and Luke is simply overwhelmed. So when Tess Greenwood agrees to become Caleb’s nanny, it’s an answer to his prayers. Injured while working at an international mission in a war-torn country, Tess is in town to recuperate. The last thing she wants is to get too involved. But as she spends time with the handsome marine and his son, Tess comes to realize that caring for them may just be the cure to her own battered heart.
“Where’s Caleb?” she asked.
Luke knew Tess was trying to change the subject, and he let her.
“He’s with Joey Mason at the street fair. They’re helping Joe man the dunking booth.”
“I bet they’re having a great time!” Tess gave him a genuine smile that lit up her face and made him catch his breath. She really was beautiful.
“I know they are, and driving Joe crazy while they’re at it,” Luke said wryly, trying to sound casual.
That smile had really caught him off guard and made his heart skip a beat. But the last thing he needed right now was to be attracted to a woman. He had enough on his plate making a stable home for himself and Caleb.
“Somehow, I think that Joe might be driving them crazy.” Tess stood. “I’ll be right back.”
She returned with a tall glass of iced tea. “For later, in case you get thirsty,” she offered with a tentative smile.
“Thanks for the tea and the smile. You have a lovely smile, Tess,” he said gruffly.
He noticed her pale cheeks flood with color. He was a battle-hardened United States marine. Compliments weren’t his style at all, but here he was dishing them out. Go figure.
ROZ DUNBAR is a romance author and novelist. She lives on the picturesque southern Outer Banks of North Carolina. When not writing, you can find her at the beach dipping her toes in the sand and sea. You can contact her at
The Marine’s
New Family
Roz Dunbar (
Let all that you do be done in love.
—1 Corinthians 16:14
This book is dedicated to Gram, Mom, Cheryl, Emily and Taylor with much love. The support and love I’ve received from all of them is incalculable. I love you all. But most especially to my beautiful mom, who encouraged me to write all of my life, and my Gram, whose old oak tree provided a cozy place to stretch out under and devour books on warm summer days.
Cover (#u481d114c-7f23-58b6-a640-c85a6446c317)
Back Cover Text (#u38a6afa7-5372-5a7b-a9b0-b73a3beb518d)
Introduction (#u30e91dcb-0f2d-5a3f-b154-c521a5686c60)
About the Author (#u9076656e-25b4-5095-ace1-9f5769ca7b87)
Title Page (#u0a0ea9a0-9c67-562e-ba40-2893b6baca83)
Bible Verse (#u1b4edbab-fb91-5cc2-8487-2596b81b4c2d)
Dedication (#u538b6796-15e3-54ba-b976-c64a16241088)
Chapter One (#ue14d6b1b-31cd-507f-ac8f-0b391cb3b3ff)
Chapter Two (#u1f931d97-086c-56db-9cb7-0dc645fe293c)
Chapter Three (#ucf46123b-0586-50b1-8fcc-bcc78a44c78f)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eleven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Twelve (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Thirteen (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Dear Reader (#litres_trial_promo)
Extract (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter One (#ulink_4255eea2-0441-5587-86e2-f66f6a82c805)
Luke took the last nail out of his mouth and placed it precisely on the wooden beam. One strong whack of the hammer and the nail was halfway in the wood. Two more lighter thumps and it was all the way in. Job finished. One screened porch added to a beautiful old cottage on Bogue Sound. He felt an incredible sense of satisfaction and inner peace as he looked out at the sea from his vantage point on the roof. As if on cue, several dolphins surfaced, jumping playfully, breaking through the glassy face of the calm water.
Luke was pretty certain that there was no more beautiful place in the world than this lovely little town on the North Carolina coast. And since he’d seen a fair bit of the world in his service as a marine, that was saying something. He stood up and stretched, deeply inhaling the tangy salt air laced with the softer scent of honeysuckle. The warm summer breeze caressed his body lightly.
Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful day, he prayed silently, and the strength to help others in need.
“Hey, Dad, look.”
Luke snapped out of his reverie when he heard the young boy’s voice. Dad. He was still getting used to the title, and to the ten-year-old standing at the foot of the ladder. If only Luke had known he was a father. So much time wasted.
Coming to terms with the fact that he had a son had been difficult for him, but he suspected that Caleb was having a more difficult time. First the boy had had to deal with losing his mother to cancer. Only then, as per the conditions of her will, had Luke and Caleb learned about each other. Now Caleb was coming to terms with a new parent and a new home—a new life, all things considered, although he really never talked about the huge turns his young life had taken in the past six months.
“What is it, son?”
“It’s those ladies.”
“Luke! Yoo-hoo, Luke!”
Luke smiled at the term “those ladies” as he turned his eyes from the tranquil scene in front of him to the hot-pink golf cart bouncing down the dirt lane. Nimbly, he climbed down the ladder, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel he picked up off a table. Casually, he ruffled the hair on Caleb’s head as he watched the vehicle approach them. The boy didn’t smile, but he didn’t pull away as he had a habit of doing when Luke touched him. They were still getting used to each other, and signs of physical affection from a father he had just met were new to him. Luke understood the boy’s caution and felt no irritation. He knew his son would come around, with God’s help. Luke prayed for it daily.
“Hello, ladies,” he called. “Say hello, Caleb,” he instructed the boy.
“Hi.” Caleb inched closer to his father and Luke draped an arm around his thin shoulders, feeling a burst of happiness when the boy let it rest there.
“Hi there, Caleb!” Both ladies smiled broadly at the youngster.
“Oh, it looks just fantastic!” Katie Salter declared as she pulled the cart close to the brick terrace adjoining the new screened porch.
“Just perfect!” Annie Salter concurred as she sprang from the golf cart with the agility of a woman half her age, a wicker hamper in her grasp.
“What have you got there?” Luke reached a hand to help the elderly lady, but she waved it off, carrying the basket with ease to the table.
“Brought you and Caleb lunch. You both must be starved what with all of the work you’ve been doing for us this morning,” Katie chirped as she began pulling wrapped sandwiches and containers of what appeared to be various salads from the white basket. Luke’s stomach rumbled audibly at the sight. The women laughed, Annie reaching out to slap the source of the rumble lightly.
“Guess I am pretty hungry. How about you, Caleb?” Luke’s face reddened slightly with embarrassment as another loud growl emanated from his midsection. This time Caleb laughed with everyone else.
In no time the sisters had the small table on the terrace set with paper plates, napkins, forks and plastic cups. Katie deftly poured frosty sweet tea into four of the cups, while her sister made short work of setting out fresh shrimp salad, coleslaw and several kinds of sandwiches. Luke got Caleb to help him pull four chairs up to the table while the women worked on the food. Honestly, he could not think of a better place for lunch or better company.
Once they were all seated Annie reached for his callused hand and the smaller, slightly wrinkled hand of her sister, while Katie reached for Caleb’s. The boy hesitated before placing his smaller hand in hers, a questioning look on his freckled face. She winked at him, giving him a reassuring smile.
“Will you bless the meal, Luke?” she asked in her soft Southern drawl.
“I would be honored.” He nodded. Reaching for his son’s other hand, he began.
“Bless this food to our use, and us to Thy service, and make us ever mindful of the needs of others, Lord.” He paused and continued with a twinkle in his eyes. “And thanks for the company of two such beautiful women and my son. I am truly blessed three times over, Lord. Amen.”
The two elderly women giggled like young girls and Annie squeezed his hand in response.
“Ah, Luke Barrett, if I were twenty years younger you’d be in trouble!” Annie proclaimed, her sparkling brown eyes taking him in appreciatively.
Her sister snorted. “More like forty years younger. And even then you’d be a...what do they call it nowadays?”
“Cougar. I’d be a cougar, which I don’t mind being at all!” Annie declared with a spirited nod, almost dislodging the wide-brimmed straw hat that covered her blue-gray hair.
Luke choked on the bite of the ham-and-cheese sandwich he was eating. Katie absentmindedly began pounding on his back, her attention still focused on Annie. Caleb was following the conversation with a great deal of interest, his blue eyes moving from one adult to another as he dug into the food as though he was starving.
“Annie May Salter!”
“Oh, like you never thought of it.” Annie laughed at her sister’s scandalized expression.
“Well, yes, but good manners dictate that you do not voice such thoughts aloud. And there are young ears present.” Katie tried to be prim, but Luke noticed she was close to laughter, as well. He also noticed she was still thumping on his back.
“I’m fine, Miss Katie,” he assured her.
“Sure?” she asked kindly, giving his back a couple more wallops for good measure.
Luke nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” Gently, he led the topic in another direction by asking, “When do the new tenants arrive?” Luke knew the cottage was rented out to vacationers each summer season.
Miss Katie frowned slightly, her eyes focused on a hummingbird that was flitting gracefully among the flowers of a nearby scarlet hibiscus bush. “Tenant,” she corrected. “That poor girl,” she added softly. “She should be here sometime today or this evening. She’s driving down from Raleigh.”
“She just needs a little R & R and TLC,” Annie asserted firmly. “She’ll be right as rain in no time. Isn’t that what you marines call it, Luke? R & R?”
“Yes, ma’am, rest and relaxation,” Luke confirmed as he leaned back in his chair, stretching his long legs in front of him. “Although we don’t use TLC very often at all,” he said with a crooked grin. He couldn’t imagine telling his troops they needed tender loving care, no matter what condition they were in.
“The cottage won’t be rented out for quite some time,” Annie said. “Tess has been invited to use it as long as she likes. That’s why we added the screened porch. Thought it would be a comfy spot to curl up and read on rainy days.”
“Well, she is family, after all, and Swansboro is the perfect spot for her right now. I reckon she’ll be glad to get away for a while.” Katie began packing the hamper with the remains of the lunch as she spoke, then stopped when she noticed Caleb eating another sandwich.
“Extended family, but family is family,” Annie amended. “Sister! Perhaps you should ask our guests if they are finished before taking their meal away from them.” Annie looked pointedly at the little boy, who was wolfing down his second sandwich with a great deal of relish.
“Family?” Luke asked, wondering about this mysterious tenant. “Is it someone I know?” He wasn’t related to the sisters, but they’d adopted him so thoroughly into their lives and their hearts ever since he’d moved to town that he felt like part of their family. Given his own troubled background, it was a feeling he relished.
“No, dear, you haven’t met her,” Katie answered. “Tess is Livie’s sister-in-law.”
Luke nodded in understanding. Livie was the sisters’ grandniece—a sweet girl who Luke had known for the past few years, along with her husband, Adam, and her adorable twin daughters, named after the Salter sisters. “This Tess is Adam’s sister?” he asked.
“That’s right. We love Livie and Adam, and by extension, we love Tess. Just like we love you, Luke. And now we have Caleb to love.” She flashed the boy a warm, grandmotherly smile.
Caleb stopped eating, looking at Katie curiously. “How can you love me if you don’t really know me?” The question was honest and straightforward, but neither of the sisters was taken aback. Katie’s answer was honest and straightforward in return.
“We chose to love you and we have plenty to go around. No sense in letting it just sit there and go to waste.”
“Yep.” Annie nodded. “Don’t fight it, kid. Just go with the flow.”
God bless both of you, Luke thought. He watched his son closely, gauging his reaction to their words. Caleb seemed to be considering what they had said, then shrugged his shoulders, accepting it without question.
“Okay. Thank you for choosing to love me.” Then he went back to finishing his lunch, the conversation obviously over for him. But not for Katie, who had been watching him carefully.
“You’re quite welcome. Would you like some more shrimp salad, Caleb? I don’t think your daddy feeds you enough.”
“No thank you, ma’am. I’m full now. And my dad feeds me good. I just get really hungry sometimes.” He hesitated before adding, “Dad, can I go sit on the dock and watch the dolphins?”
“Yes, you can. Remember the rules, though. No touching the boat, got it?”
“Got it,” Caleb affirmed as he grabbed the chocolate chip cookies that Annie handed him, then raced across the yard to the long weathered dock that jutted into the sound. “Thanks for lunch!” he yelled back over his shoulder.
“Ladies, that was the best lunch we’ve had since you made us lunch last weekend.” Looking at Annie, Luke winked, and she blushed to the roots of her shiny blue-gray hair.
“I declare, Luke Barrett, you are a pure scamp!” she twittered happily.
Katie scowled at her twin sister, shaking her head as she tossed the empty paper plates into a plastic bag she had taken out of the hamper.
“Annie, you are far too old to twitter and simper,” she declared. “Besides which, we have places to go, people to see and many things to accomplish in the next few hours. And what’s this about the boat?” She turned her attention back to Luke.
“It appears that he and Joey Mason have been taking a boat and going over to Shackleford Island without permission. Joey’s dad caught them yesterday, tying up at the dock in front of his house, and read them the riot act. Seems this wasn’t the first time. Caleb and I had a long talk last night.”
Or at least, they’d spent a long time in the same room with Luke doing a lot of talking. Caleb hadn’t had much to say—which was par for the course. Luke just didn’t know how to connect with the boy. He felt as if he was still searching for his footing when it came to being a father. Maybe because he’d never really had a father of his own. At least Caleb seemed to have bonded with Joey Mason. Caleb needed someone he could talk to—someone who could make him laugh and relax and enjoy life in North Carolina.
Luke just wished that someone could be him.
“Just being boys. Besides, Joey knows how to handle a boat. He was raised in a fishing village, for goodness’ sake.”
Luke knew that Annie was trying to make light of the incident, but he had been scared out of his mind when Joe had called him. Anything could happen on the water.
“I respect what you’re saying, Miss Annie, but I disagree. Joey may know what he’s doing, but he just isn’t big enough to handle the boat by himself if something goes wrong, and Caleb doesn’t know enough to be able to help. Joey isn’t allowed to take the boat out without an adult, and now Caleb knows the ground rules, as well. They’re only ten years old.”
“He’s right, sister,” Katie agreed. “Now come, we need to get moving.”
Not for the first time Luke marveled at the energy the sisters exuded. They were all light and motion, rarely slowing down even for an instant. Well into their seventies, they had more vim and vigor than most women thirty years younger. He blessed the day he had met them, after he had attended his first church service in town over four years ago. They had taken to him immediately and had drawn him into the fellowship of the church and the easy pace of life in the quaint fishing village that he had come to love. He felt a sense of family with them, something he had sorely missed, first in his troubled childhood, then later in his vagabond life as a marine. Something he was desperate to give to his newfound son.
Each time he had deployed, they welcomed him back with open arms and home-cooked meals. Home. Yes, Swansboro was home now, as close to home as any place he had known, and he was determined that this was where he would raise his boy. And he was more than happy to take on any little task he could to show his appreciation for his home, and the family that had all but adopted him.
“Miss Katie, do you have that list for me?” he asked as he jumped to his feet to help clear the last of the containers from the table.
Katie handed him a sheet of note paper, where she’d jotted things that they had asked him to do before the end of the day.
“Luke, if you wouldn’t mind stocking the pantry we would greatly appreciate it. I’ve added a small number of items you can pick up at the Piggly Wiggly. Here’s the money,” she said, reaching into the pocket of her flowered pedal pushers and pulling out several large bills. Luke waved the money away, shaking his head.
“I’ve got it,” he assured her. “You and Miss Annie just take care of what you have to do. If you can think of anything else you need, just give me a call on my cell phone. Caleb and I are free for the rest of the day.”
“Are you sure?” Annie squinted slightly, the sun in her eyes as she looked up at him. “Luke, you need to let us pay you for all you’ve done this past week, helping us get Moon Gate Cottage ready for Tess.”
After picking up the wicker hamper, he walked the ladies to the cheerful golf cart and stowed the basket safely in the back. “Yes, ma’am, I’m positive, and please don’t mention money again. It’s my pleasure to help. We’ll get the chairs and tables moved onto the screened porch and run up to the market to get provisions for your guest,” he assured them. “Where are you off to next?”
“First stop is Praise Bee to pick up a gift for Tess, then off to the mayor’s office to put in our two cents’ worth about the Fourth of July festival.” Katie neatly positioned a pair of black-and-white zebra-striped sunglasses on the bridge of her nose as she spoke, looking at Luke over the rims.
“You have a wonderful child there, Luke. I’m so glad you found each other.” Annie climbed into the cart as she spoke.
Luke looked across the yard to his son, who was lying on the dock, munching cookies and watching the dolphins, which were putting on quite a show today.
“Thank you, Miss Annie. He’s a good kid. Things have been a little rocky here and there, but like a creek going downhill, we’ll find our way. I just wish his mother had told me about him years ago.”
“Well, you know now and that’s all that counts. I’m glad that she stipulated in her will that he was to go to you if anything happened to her. And she named him Caleb Barrett, using your last name. I think in the end, she tried to do the right thing.” Annie reached out and touched Luke’s cheek as she spoke, her brown eyes filled with compassion for the tragic death of a young woman she had never met.
“She did. I regret not having him in my life sooner, though.”
Katie shook her head. “You can’t live with regrets, Luke. You take the hand God deals and make the most of it. You have him now, and what a wonderful gift your child is.”
Luke nodded, a lump forming in his throat at their kind words.
“And don’t forget about the breakfast after church tomorrow. You will be there, Luke? Sarah is making that delicious breakfast casserole that you so love.” Katie paused, taking a breath as if considering her next words carefully. “She’s been asking about you. Since Caleb has been here, she says she rarely sees you. Is there something going on there that we should know about?”
Luke was caught off guard by the question. “Not that I know of. But I appreciate your interest.”
He had gone out with Sarah Fulcher a few times, long before Caleb had come on the scene, but nothing in any way that was serious. Since Jen, he had always felt that his life was too unsettled for a wife and family. That was, after all, why his wife had left him all those years ago, not even telling him that she was pregnant at the time.
After Jen’s death, when Caleb came into his life, Luke’s perspective had taken a radical shift. Now he actively sought stability, where there had been none before. On the surface, Sarah could provide some of that stability. She was the minister’s daughter, she was well respected in town and she’d had the sort of idyllic childhood that he wanted to give his son. But there was something about Sarah that made him not want to rush into anything with her. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it was there. He enjoyed her company, but not enough for the serious relationship she was looking for. At least not right now.
Both ladies nodded as if they totally understood, taking his words at face value.
Katie pushed her sunglasses up with purpose. “Well, we’re off. I honestly do not know how this village would function without us. Three thousand people and half of them don’t have a clue!” Skillfully, she put the cart in Reverse as Annie blew a kiss to Luke, her eyes sparkling playfully behind her leopard-print sunglasses.
“Good thing they have us.” Annie patted her sister’s hand soothingly before the golf cart bounced away from Moon Gate Cottage down the shady, sandy lane.
Luke shook his head, smiling as he watched their departure. It’s a good thing we do have you, he thought. Looking at the list in his hand, he called for Caleb to come with him before making his way to his truck to do the shopping.
* * *
Tess drank in the view as she crossed the bridge that led into the charming hamlet of Swansboro. Large brown pelicans flew in lazy circles near the bridge before veering off toward a sun-bleached wooden dock to her right. Several men sat on benches in front of the boats, mending nets and throwing small silver fish to the birds from buckets sitting near their feet. To her left a number of miniature lush green islands dotted the water. She turned off the air conditioner in the car and rolled down the windows, her senses delightfully assaulted by the scent of fresh salty air combined with the vibrant perfume of the white, pink and red oleander that lined the narrow street she had just turned onto.
She could easily see gentle, kind Livie growing up in this beautiful seaside town. The place was storybook perfect, and for the first time in months, Tess genuinely smiled, feeling innumerable layers of stress and pain begin to dissolve, at least a little. Her experiences overseas had wounded her in body and spirit. Both sets of injuries were slow to heal. But coming to this town to rest and recover was helping her already. It was a beginning and she would take what she could get.
Her first order of business was to get directions to the house. She had told Livie she would call the aunts when she got to Swansboro, but she wanted to do this on her own. She was glad that Livie had given her a key. There was no need to bother anyone. Besides, there had been too much fussing over her and doing for her lately, and she wanted to establish her independence again—something she had sorely missed the past eight months.
Spying the police station on a nearby corner, she pulled into an empty parking spot and reached for the aluminum cane that had been her constant companion since she had finished rehab. With some difficulty she stood up, leaning heavily on it. Her left leg was sore and stiff from the three hour drive, but she managed to keep her balance as she made her way slowly into the building.
“Can I help you?” The bald, portly man behind the outsize oak desk seemed distracted by something on the floor as he glanced up quickly at Tess, then back to the vicinity of his feet. She couldn’t see what the distraction was, but the man seemed very anxious about something down there.
“Yes, I’m looking for this address.” As Tess tried to hand him the paper, the man yelped and jumped to his feet. Startled, she moved back a few steps, wobbling as she grasped the cane firmly to keep from falling.
“Are you all right?” Surprise mingled with concern in her voice.
As he moved to the center of the room, shaking his leg, Tess spied the problem. A small turtle had attached itself to the police officer’s pant leg. Determination glinted in the turtle’s beady black eyes as the beak-like mouth maintained its firm grip, unwilling to release its prey until it had brought him down.
“Snapping turtle,” the officer puffed, continuing his awkward dance around the little room.
“Are you hurt?” For the life of her, Tess could not figure out how to help the poor man.
“No, just has the pant leg, not the skin.”
“Maybe if you tried to pull it off with your hands?” she ventured, on the verge of laughter as the dance became more comical by the second. For a big man he certainly could move.
“Not a good idea. Don’t want to rip the uniform.”
“Of course not,” Tess murmured, as she watched the duel between the man and the little snapping turtle continue.
This was just too funny and she worked hard to keep her face free of any expression other than polite concern. She had to admit she had smiled more since she had arrived in this picturesque town than she had in the past eight months combined. Maybe Livie was right.
With one more mighty shake of his leg the officer managed to dislodge the gray-green turtle, which landed with a thud next to a shiny metal bench. He immediately went over to check the reptile to make sure it was not hurt. The turtle stared at them both accusingly and snapped its powerful little jaws once more, as if to make a point.
“Aw, he’s just fine. Good thing he’s a baby or I’d have never gotten the little critter off me. Fierce animals.”
“Is he a pet?”
“Well, now, I suppose you could say he was for about twelve hours or so. My wife found him in my son’s room this morning in a box, with a whole head of lettuce sitting next to him. Boy brings home every creature he finds.” The policeman shook his head, smiling broadly. “The wife threw out the lettuce, I got the turtle and the kid got another lecture on appropriate pets. It’s all good. Just can’t figure out how he got out of the box.”
“Are you sure he didn’t bite you?” Tess asked with concern. Animal bites could become easily infected.
“A small nip on the leg. No big deal.”
“I can look at it if you like,” she offered.
“You a doc?” He glanced at her with interest as he sat down behind the desk.
“No, physician assistant.”
“Close.” He seemed impressed. “Are you in town to apply for a position at the clinic? It’d be nice to finally get someone qualified in there. Real shame it’s only open every other Monday.”
Tess felt a brief stab of panic at the thought of working again. She was not sure she could ever go back to practicing medicine, no matter how much she loved what she did. She just didn’t have the heart for it any longer. She only wanted to forget, and that was an exercise in futility when the pain in her leg and the heavier pain in her heart reminded her each day. She used to believe that God had a plan for everyone. Not anymore. God hadn’t been there on that awful day, and if that was His plan, she could well do without it. She cleared the lump that had formed in her throat, before speaking.
“Sorry, but no. I do hope you find someone, though. Actually, I’m looking for directions to this address. Can you help me?” She handed the paper to the officer again. The dull ache in her leg reminded her that she had been standing on it a little too long.
“Sure can.” Taking the sheet, he glanced at it briefly. “You’re almost there. Just make a right at the next block and follow the road all the way to the end. Take the dirt road to your left and you’ll be there. It’s right on the water.” He looked at her thoughtfully. “Beautiful place, Moon Gate Cottage. You must be renting?”
“Something like that.” The cottage was actually Livie and Adam’s. From what her sister-in-law had told her, it was part of a cluster of cottages built by Livie’s great-grandparents as rental properties in the 1930s. Apparently, everyone in the family owned one of them now, but they were frequently rented out during the summer.
The policeman probably knew Livie—and definitely knew the aunts—so if Tess was going to have peace and quiet for the next few hours, she’d likely be best served by keeping her personal business private for now. Otherwise, if what she’d heard about Annie and Katie Salter was true, they’d be rushing over to make a fuss about her arrival.
“Well, my name is Joe Mason. If you need any help just call the station.” He quickly scribbled a number on the paper, slanting a quick glance at her cane.
“Tess Greenwood.” Extending her hand, she thanked him. “I hope the turtle finds a good home.” She couldn’t hide her smile as she remembered the frantic dance the large man had done a few minutes ago.
“He will. He’s going straight back to the marsh near the river where he belongs. Just need to get him and me there all in one piece.”
The officer moved to open the door for her and walked her to her car, keeping pace with her stiff movements.
“I mean it. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call. We’re a small community and we take care of each other.”
The sincerity in his voice was obvious and Tess did not doubt for an instant that he meant what he said, but the offer of help grated on her nerves. Everyone wanted to help and she was grateful, yet so irritated by the offers. She was not helpless. Better not to say anything at all. Besides, all she wanted right now was to put her leg up and take a nap. Suddenly, she was very tired.
“Thanks again.” She gave a small wave as she put the car in Reverse and headed in the direction of the cottage.
Less than ten minutes later Tess was sitting in her car looking at one of the most invitingly charming bungalows she had ever seen. From the blue-green patina of the aged copper roof to the pastel yellow paint that seemed to lovingly caress the outside walls, the place was enchanting. Several steps led to a wide front porch, which hosted the obligatory hanging flower baskets and rocking chairs that were so common at the homes in the village.
But this cottage went a step further. The white porch swing attached to the veranda roof was moving lazily with the gentle breeze. A colorful flag sporting a dolphin flapped gently from its perch on one of the white pillars that supported the porch. The velvety green yard was surrounded by a neat white picket fence. At the end of the driveway, directly in front of her, was a low stone wall covered in ivy and attached to the end of the house. The wall had a higher circular opening in the center that appeared to lead to a superbly tended garden.
The moon gate. Livie had told her about it. Legend had it that people who walked through a moon gate together, especially young lovers and honeymooners, were blessed with good luck. The sloping roof of the gate represented the half moon of Chinese summers, and each tile on it stood for long life, serenity and peace. But it was the view beyond the garden that caused Tess to catch her breath. Like the frame on a fine work of art, the round gate perfectly outlined the water glistening serenely a short distance away.
Entering the house, Tess drank it all in like a parched traveler at the end of a long desert crossing. Tranquillity was not a strong enough word to describe the place her sister-in-law had sent her to. Calm, quiet, zen, harmony and serenity were all apt descriptions. But there was something more in this special spot. Love immediately came to mind. It was obvious that the cottage had always been well loved. That showed everywhere she looked. The place was a peaceful oasis that was just what the doctor ordered for helping to heal a desperately hurt soul. At least Tess hoped so.
She wasn’t really concerned with the physical pain she was in. The leg would heal, leaving her with perhaps a slight limp or a nagging ache on rainy days. It was her faith she was worried about. She couldn’t seem to find her faith in God since that awful day. He had always been so much a part of her and now He just wasn’t there. She had given each day to Him. She had always given Him credit for all that happened in her life, good and bad. Bad things happened for a reason, she knew. God had a plan, always. But it defied logic that He would abandon a group of innocent children on the day they needed Him most.
She had no doubt that He was still here, still in this world where good and bad things happened. She just could not summon the strength that would bring her back to Him. Not right now. She was too angry. Would this place help her to find her way back to spiritual peace? Time would tell.
With a grateful sigh, she sank into a large overstuffed blue-and-white-striped chair, propping her leg on the ottoman in front of it. Bringing in the luggage could wait. Exploring further could also wait. Grabbing her cell phone out of her bag, she sent a quick text to Livie, simply saying Thank you, and received an equally simple and quick We love youin return.
Closing her eyes, Tess leaned her head back against the comfy chair. No better place for a quick nap. Exhausted by the day’s events and encouraged by the relief in her leg, she gently slid into sleep and began to dream.
Chapter Two (#ulink_ebb5efbf-56a9-5e43-a3c2-46d1facd80dc)
Though Tess fell asleep with a smile on her face, the smile soon faded as she was pulled back into the same horrible dream that had haunted her for months. The dream that replayed those awful events in Afghanistan.
The day had started so well. She and her team had been welcomed warmly when they’d arrived at the Afghan orphanage with their medical supplies. As a member of Hope Corps, Tess had spent the past several years of her life bringing medical relief to underprivileged countries. That day had seemed just like any other. But then it had all gone horribly wrong.
She had just finished vaccinating the four-year-old girl in front of her and was handing her a wrapped piece of candy when she felt the first explosion. Forcefully, she was sucked out of her chair as she instinctively reached for the child, gathering her close. As the air pressure equalized she fell to the floor, tucking the child beneath her in an attempt to shield her from whatever was happening around them.
Acrid smoke began to fill the room, making it difficult to breathe. Dimly, she heard the frightened cries of children and the urgent voices of several adults who were making an effort to comfort them. Tess slowly raised her head, scanning the room. It was difficult to see through the smoke, but she could make out glass everywhere. Glass and chaos. Both covered the room like fine glitter. Several women dressed in loose-fitting burkas were lying on the ground, crying and speaking rapidly in Farsi as they began to get up from where they had been thrown. Two of them started to gather children and usher them out of the room as quickly as possible. Where they were going, Tess had no idea, but she realized it was probably not a good idea to stay where she was. She felt a small wiggle beneath her and heard a faint whimper. The child was struggling feebly to get free. Tess looked down into wide brown eyes filled with fear.
“Are you all right?” she asked the little girl in stilted Farsi, and was reassured by the slight nod she received in response.
Mentally, she went over the layout of the orphanage, trying desperately to remember if there was an exit nearby. Where were her coworkers? Was anyone hurt? If so she needed to give medical aid quickly. Her thoughts were a jumbled mix. Taking a deep breath she murmured a brief prayer. Dear Lord, please help me to think clearly.
Immediately a sense of calm came over her as her thoughts cleared. Pushing herself up to a sitting position, she caught the eye of one of the Afghan women, who rushed over to take the little girl from her. As Tess was handing the youngster over, the second explosion sounded and the world caved in on top of them. The startled look of the woman who had just taken the little girl into her arms was the last thing Tess saw before losing consciousness.
To this day, she still didn’t know how long she’d spent lying there. In her dream, the transition was seamless. One moment, she was watching the world collapse around her. In the next moment, she heard a voice speaking over her head.
“She’s alive.” Tess heard the words before opening her eyes. The voice was deeply male and unfamiliar.
Who’s alive? Me? Am I? I don’t feel alive, she thought fuzzily, trying to make sense of what was being said above the incessant ringing in her ears. She struggled to open her eyes without success, opting gratefully for the blessed darkness that enveloped her again. She awoke to the sound of the same warm male voice, which seemed to wrap around her like a comforting blanket.
“Ma’am, hold on. United States Marines, and we are going to get you out of here.” The rich voice rumbled close to her ear. “Morgan, get help and lift this beam off of her.”
“Yes, Gunny. Baldwin, I need a hand over here.”
Such a nice voice. Marines? Tess fought again to open her eyes. Who called the marines?
“Ma’am, hang in there. Can you open your eyes?”
Slowly, she opened them and focused on the ruggedly handsome face of the man bending over her. Feature by feature she took him in. His head was encased in a tan-and-brown digital-patterned helmet, so she couldn’t tell the color of his hair, but his eyes were an incredible azure blue, set in sun-kissed chiseled features that sported a day’s growth of beard. There was something in those eyes that made her feel safe, a relaxed self-assurance that whatever was happening, he had the situation under control.
“Ma’am,” he said with a comforting smile. “I’m Gunnery Sergeant Luke Barrett. You’re an American?”
Tess nodded, wincing with pain as she moved her head.
“Try not to move too quickly. You have quite a bump on your head. We’ll get you help as soon as we get out of this building. It’s not safe to stay here.” Looking over his shoulder, he nodded to someone behind him before turning back to her and saying, “Okay, put your arms around my neck.”
Her eyes never left his face as she lifted her arms slowly. She was afraid to look around, afraid of what she knew she’d see. It could not be good, not by any stretch of the imagination. Part of the ceiling was gone. The bright light was sunshine. That much she could tell. And she was cold, very cold. The smoke was gone and she could breathe, but each breath made her feel as if shards of broken glass were grating against each other inside her chest.
The marine gently lifted her out of the wreckage as though she weighed no more than a child. She felt the rough material of his camouflaged uniform and hard body armor beneath her cheek as she clasped her arms around his neck. Pain. Remarkably intense pain jabbed at her legs like a thousand hot needles piercing her flesh. She stifled a groan as, with a Herculean effort, she tightened her grip. He was her lifeline and she was determined not to let go, even for an instant. She noted a fleeting look of concern shadow his face as he felt her stiffen in response to the hurt. With grim determination and quiet confidence he began to move through the rubble of what this morning had been a building filled with the excited shouts of children as Tess and her coworkers arrived to set up their mobile medical unit. It seemed like a lifetime ago.
Clarity washed over her with all the force of a massive tsunami. The children! The little girl she had held close after the first explosion. Was she all right? Tess looked back at the place she had been lying, her pain forgotten. The child had been right in front of her, had just left her arms. Desperately, Tess scanned what was left of the room. It was now nothing more than a twisted heap of concrete, glass and wooden beams. Impossible for anyone to have survived the carnage. She had no idea how she had survived. Then she caught sight of something that caused her heart to splinter. A small arm poked through the wreckage, palm open, revealing a piece of brightly wrapped candy.
Tears began to stream down Tess’s face. Shifting in the marine’s arms, she struggled to ask him to stop, to go back, but her voice refused to obey as deep physical and emotional pain combined, causing her to slip into unconsciousness once more.
Usually, the dream ended there—or worse, started over at the beginning, to play through again. But today she heard a familiar voice say some entirely unexpected things.
“I thought I heard someone come in. Groceries are all put away and the furniture is on the porch. Why did you use the front door?”
Tess heard the marine talking again, just as she had heard him in her dreams for endless nights since he had pulled her out of the wreckage. His voice was always deep and soothing as he assured her he would make certain she was safe. She would never forget his voice. Only this time he was talking about groceries and furniture. Well, that’s a twist on the same old nightmare, she thought in her dream state. Why in the world is he talking about groceries? Funny. Nuzzling her cheek against the soft fabric, she fought to catch hold of the dream to see what he was talking about, not wanting to wake till she found out.
* * *
Luke stopped short as he entered the cozy living room, his voice trailing away. He had entered the room expecting to see one of the Salter sisters, back from whatever last-minute errands they’d undertaken to prepare the cottage for their guest. The woman he found instead stopped him in his tracks. Stunned, he stood there, looking at the sleeping woman as if he had seen a ghost. She was a ghost, really. He’d never thought she would survive her wounds, she had been so critically injured when he had found her in the remains of that charred, ruined Afghan orphanage.
For a moment he thought she might be someone else, that he had been mistaken. But no, the same auburn hair glistened in the sunlight that streamed through the window near where she slept. She had the same fine porcelain skin, small straight nose and full pink lips that he remembered so clearly. Luke knew that beneath the closed lids were eyes the color of deep green jade. He had memorized her face and it had haunted him day and night. As his eyes continued to trace her features, he stopped at the small scar on her left temple. It had bled so much, but she had made it. Despite all her injuries, and the huge odds stacked against her, she had lived. Thank You, Lord. The prayer was silent and heartfelt.
Luke’s mind tripped back to that day he had carried her out of the orphanage. It was as though it had happened yesterday.
Holding her securely in his arms, he knew that she had seen the child partially covered by the wreckage, but he had no intention of stopping or going back. It would do no good. His mission was to get her out and to safety. He could not help the dead, but he was determined to help the living. The pain on the woman’s face was something Luke knew he would never forget. Senseless death was difficult enough to witness, but the senseless death of children was intolerable. Concern and empathy touched him deeply as he glanced down at the dark auburn head lying against his shoulder, but he needed to get her out of there.
Looking around, he mentally calculated the safest path out and picked his way through the debris. As he stepped across a pile of concrete rubble into the cold, bright sunlight he noticed the woman wince, and he lifted a heavily gloved hand to shield her jade-green eyes from the glare of the sun. He quickly scanned the area for medical personnel and called for a corpsman.
“Doc, we need help. This patient’s bleeding pretty badly.”
Luke gently lowered the woman to the hard, arid ground as the medical officer made his way over to them. He stepped back as the corpsman knelt next to the injured female and began a cursory examination, starting with the wound on her head and working his way down to her lower extremities and then back up to her skull again. Luke noticed her grimace with pain as the medic probed the gash on her temple gently, trying to stop the bleeding.
“How bad is it, Doc?” Luke knew her situation was serious, but had no idea how grave it really was.
“Honestly, Gunny, it’s not good, but it’s not the head wound I’m most concerned about. There may be internal injuries, and her left leg has a pretty serious break. Femur. Not pretty, and she’s in a lot of pain. It’s what we can’t see that bothers me, though. I have no idea if she’s bleeding out.” He never looked up as he spoke, instead reaching into a medical kit and pulling out a bag, a battery-powered IV pump, tubing and needles.
“Can I help?” Luke lowered himself next to the corpsman, his eyes focused intently on the woman’s face.
“No, but someone’s going to have to carry her down this mountain to a safe zone. There is no way that a helo can land in this terrain.” The corpsman had already inserted a needle into the woman’s arm and attached tubing as he spoke. “Ringer’s lactate with a morphine push,” he explained to Luke as he worked next on immobilizing the broken leg.
“I’ll carry her. Just make sure she’s good to go, Doc.”
“I’ll carry her, Gunny,” Corporal Baldwin offered. Luke hadn’t notice him standing there, he had been so caught up in what the navy corpsman was doing.
“No, Baldwin. I’ve got this.”
The young marine looked at him oddly for a moment and then walked away without another word.
“She’s ready to be moved now,” the corpsman said a minute later. “We need to get her out of here, fast.”
Luke nodded and knelt to pick the woman up gently, balancing the portable IV pack securely against his chest. It wasn’t going to be an easy trip down the mountain by any stretch of the imagination, and the less pain she was in the better.
The journey was rough, but he never really gave that part another thought. She would periodically open her eyes and focus on his face. He had no idea if she could hear him, but part of him felt that she could. So he talked to her. He talked about anything and everything he could think of. He told her about his life at home. He told her about two special elderly ladies who had welcomed him into their lives and hearts, making a home for him, the first he had had in years—maybe ever. He told her about a village on the coast of North Carolina where he wanted to live for the rest of his days.
Before he knew it they made it to flat terrain, and up ahead he saw a CH-53E helicopter waiting. Luke breathed deeply, knowing that they had made it and that this was her ticket out of there. He just hoped she’d pull through once they got her to proper medical facilities. He met the corpsman at the door of the helo and gently transferred her into the man’s arms.
“Don’t leave me.” The hoarsely whispered plea was heartfelt.
Luke had looked at the woman with surprise, his eyes locking with hers. He hadn’t thought she was capable of speaking or that she was even aware of what was going on.
Smiling, he told her, “You’ll be all right. You’re in the best hands possible. I’ll check up on you. Promise.”
He watched her nod slowly and close her eyes. The corpsman saw Luke hesitate and assured him that they had her and would take care of her. “According to comm she’s in pretty bad shape. We’ll get her to Kabul as soon as possible. They’ve got the best medical officers there.”
“Can you let me know how she does?” Luke still hesitated, not wanting to leave her for some reason.
“Can’t say that we can or can’t. They don’t tell us much because of HIPAA laws, and she’s a civilian.”
Luke nodded and backed away from the medical helicopter, watching it as it lifted from the landing zone and took his charge away. And he prayed, just as he had prayed for her every step they took together down the mountain. He knew that God was everywhere, even in that remote part of Afghanistan.
Shaking his head, he came back to the present. He had tried to find her, follow up on her, but without a name to help him identify her, he couldn’t seem to find any information. He had run into one dead end after another and had finally given up. But he prayed for her each day. He had never stopped doing that. It was all he could do.
Yet now she was right in front of him. He felt guilty for staring. It wasn’t fair somehow. She was vulnerable in sleep and he did not want to wake her. But he couldn’t look away. Then his eyes caught sight of the cane next to the chair and he felt a sharp stab of compassion. The soft lavender sundress she was wearing hid any scars that might be on her legs, but he knew they were there. One thing he was sure of: if God had brought her here, He had a reason.
“Hey, Dad, I finished with the chairs. Can I go to... Hey, who’s that?”
Luke put his finger to his lips, “Shhh.”
“Who’s she?” Caleb whispered.
“She’s the new tenant we built the screened porch for,” he explained simply, as he tried to usher his son out of the room.
“We don’t have to whisper no more. She’s awake.”
“Awake?” Luke turned sharply to see that Caleb was right. The woman was sitting up and looking at them with shock.
“Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” Her tone was low and even, but she was obviously frightened and disoriented, judging by the way her small, white hands were clutching the arms of the chair.
Luke immediately tried to diffuse the situation. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We didn’t know you were here yet. We brought groceries for your pantry.”
“Groceries?” He watched her closely as she slowly digested what he had just said.
“Yeah, the ladies asked us to do it,” Caleb tossed in helpfully.
“The ladies?” she repeated, still looking slightly disoriented.
“He means the Salter sisters, Katie and Annie.”
Luke watched as recognition dawned in her green eyes, and her hands visibly relaxed their death grip on the chair.
“Oh, the aunts.” She summoned a small smile as she shook her head slightly. “I’m sorry. I fell asleep.”
She has a lovely smile, Luke thought inconsequentially. She’s lovely, period. And she didn’t recognize him. That much he was certain of. There was no spark of recognition in her eyes.
“My name is Luke, ma’am, and this is my son, Caleb.”
“Hello, Luke and Caleb. I’m Tess. Tess Greenwood.” The smile again.
“Hello, Tess. Nice to meet you. Say hello to Miss Greenwood, Caleb.”
“Hello,” Caleb muttered, before adding, “Can we go now, Dad? Joey is waiting for me.”
“Yes, son, we’re leaving now. Everything has been put away, Tess. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call on us. My number is on the calendar in the kitchen.”
“It is?” Tess and Caleb spoke at the same time, and Luke smiled.
“It is. I do work on the cottages for the Salters from time to time and they asked me to leave a number, just in case.”
“Oh, I see. Well, thank you for the groceries. If you give me a receipt I’ll reimburse you.” The smile had faded and her voice had become distant. “And I’m sure I won’t need anything else, but thank you.”
Luke hesitated at her tone, but nodded as he ushered Caleb out of the living room to the back of the cottage. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that that she was here, literally on his doorstep. He would see her and have a chance to speak with her later, he assured himself. For now, he needed to concentrate on his son.
“She must have been pretty tired. She was sleeping and it’s still daytime,” Caleb said as he buckled his seat belt in the truck.
“I think you’re right. She must be pretty tired. So, ready to go swimming with Joey and his dad?”
“I guess so.” Caleb shrugged his slender shoulders and looked out the window.
“You guess so? I thought you couldn’t wait to get there.”
“I can’t. Let’s just go, okay?”
One step forward and two steps back, Luke thought as he started the truck. It was as if the boy was afraid to let down his guard for any length of time. Luke had thought it had been a good day. Caleb had been more animated than he’d ever seen him since his son had gotten to Swansboro six months ago. Things had seemed to be changing, but now Luke couldn’t be sure. He knew that Caleb missed his mother terribly, but Luke couldn’t get him to talk about her. Would the boy ever feel comfortable opening up to his father? Only time would tell. But one thing was certain. Luke had never known that he had the capacity to love anyone the way he now loved his son. Not even his ex-wife.
Was that the problem? Had he not loved her enough? They’d been little more than kids, high on puppy love, when they’d gotten married. They hadn’t really known yet the people they’d grow up to be—or that the years to come would pull them apart instead of binding them together. Was that why she hadn’t told him he was going to be a father?
He could understand why she’d left him, and he didn’t hold a grudge. She couldn’t take the moves and deployments. He didn’t blame her; being a military spouse was a tough job and required sacrifices that normal married couples didn’t have to make. He’d wanted her to be happy, and she’d made it clear that she wouldn’t find that happiness waiting at home for him month after endless month, year after year. So he’d let her go. After the divorce papers were signed, there was no further contact. It was as though their three years together had never happened.
But the proof of their marriage and their love—short-lived though it had been—was sitting in the seat right next to him. Why had she kept him from his child? Surely she had known that he would have made certain that he was in Caleb’s life. Luke would have helped Jen raise their son, would have taken care of them both. He had thanked God every day for the past six months that Jen had had the foresight to write a will giving him guardianship. He couldn’t imagine life without Caleb now.
But now there might be a fight ahead to keep his son with him. Jen’s parents, Dave and Katherine Lockard, had made it pretty clear that they wanted custody of their grandson. They had been in Caleb’s young life since he was born. Uprooting him was wrong, they claimed. No matter that he was with his biological father. They were going to petition the courts for full custody.
Luke had gone to great pains to assure both Caleb and his grandparents that they could see each other anytime they wished. He wasn’t trying to keep them apart; in fact, he had taken Caleb to Tennessee for a visit last month. But there was no way he was going to hand over custody. In a world where it was prudent to pick and choose your battles wisely, Luke knew with everything in him that his son was worth fighting for. He just needed to figure out what was best for Caleb. He prayed that God would show him the way.
“Well, you’ve earned it, after all the hard work you’ve done today.” He grinned at Caleb as they headed down the sandy lane. The boy kept his head averted and didn’t reply. It was like climbing a mountain with no ropes. For both of them. God, help us, Luke prayed silently.
Chapter Three (#ulink_f27c9d94-818f-51e8-8ad3-f3bef146b9e4)
“We are so glad you came to church with us.” Annie Salter reached for Tess’s hand and gave it a small squeeze.
It was early Sunday morning and Tess found herself sitting at the end of a dark, polished pew in a handsome old church. It all felt too familiar, too much like her memories of childhood, in the comfort of her local church. Back then, coming to church had filled her with joy and given her a sense that she belonged. She didn’t feel that anymore.
She had not wanted to go with the aunts and had honestly tried to think of a good reason why she couldn’t join them. But they had been so welcoming when they found out she had arrived yesterday, inviting her to dinner and making sure she was settled comfortably, that she could not refuse them this small thing. It had seemed so important to them. Besides, it didn’t mean that she had to talk to God about anything just because she was in His house. She was just visiting with friends, she told herself and Him firmly. Don’t expect anything from me. Not until You tell me why. Give me a reason that I can accept.
“I’m glad I came, too.” She smiled at Annie. Well, it wasn’t a lie, she told herself. She was glad she came with the sisters. She enjoyed their company.
“Oh, look, there’s Luke.” Katie pointed to the front of the church.
Tess followed the direction of her finger, but couldn’t identify him from behind. He could have been any one of at least ten men sitting in front of them.
“He’s the one sitting next to the woman with the bleached-blond hair,” Annie said to Tess with an impish grin.
“Hush, sister! They might hear you.” Katie adjusted the brim on her flower-laden straw hat as she spoke, but her eyes were laughing. Leaning across Annie, she whispered, “Peroxide. She definitely owes the color to a lot of peroxide. I wonder if Luke knows it’s not natural,” she added thoughtfully.
“Of course he does!” Annie whispered back, staunchly defending him.
“Don’t be so certain. Men are rarely smart about such things, in my experience,” Katie asserted roundly.
“Oh, like you have so much experience!” Annie’s eyes twinkled teasingly as she spoke.
Tess couldn’t hold back a loud giggle that had every head in front of them turning in their direction. Thankfully, the service had not started yet, and thinking quickly, Tess also turned around, as if looking for the source of the laugh. The sisters admirably maintained straight faces as they looked back questioningly at the people who were looking at them, until the minister cleared his throat, wished everyone a good morning and the first hymn began.
Tess listened politely as the reverend began the service, but she could not help looking for the blonde the Salter sisters had mentioned. After a quick search, her eyes lit on the back of a slender woman with beautiful silvery-blond hair caught up in an elegant French twist. But it was the man sitting next to her that drew Tess’s attention. Luke.
He had very broad shoulders that exuded a subtle power, even though he was relaxing casually in the pew, his attention obviously focused on the sermon. His hair was very short and dark, showing the back of a tanned, strong neck that was set off by the collar of a white dress shirt. When she’d seen him the day before, she’d been so startled, and so shaken from her dream, that she’d managed to get only a general impression of him. She hadn’t realized just how imposing he truly was. But of course, the one thing she had noticed was seated on the other side of him—a small boy with the same dark hair that the man had. Caleb.
They made a striking family, at least from behind. Tess could imagine that they were well matched in looks from the front, as well. The aunts thought so highly of him, this Luke who had surprised her in the cottage yesterday. They had told her about his help in getting the house ready for her, building the new screened porch, and buying groceries. He had certainly made her trip to the grocery store much easier. She had had to purchase just a few more things to round out the pantry offerings.
The service was not overly long and after a final hymn the sisters led Tess to a large community room that was set up with long tables and folding chairs. The delicious mixed aromas of breakfast flirted with her nose as she entered the room. Sausage, ham, bacon, eggs and casserole dishes took the place of honor on a steam table next to another table set up with all types of fruit and bread. It was a grand buffet and Tess suddenly found the appetite that had eluded her for months. Her mouth was watering as the aunts ushered her to a nearby seat, taking her cane and leaning it against the table next to her.
“We’ll get you a plate, dear. You just relax. You’re our guest,” Annie said, before she and Katie moved over to the buffet and began loading a plate without asking her what she wanted.
“No, wait.” Tess tried to stop them. She was not helpless, she wanted to say. She could get her own food. She shut her mouth when she could see that her words would only fall on empty air.
The hall was filling rapidly with a crowd of people moving toward her table. Her first instinct was to get up and leave. Then she recognized Joe Mason from the police station among them. He was smiling broadly.
“Hey, Tess. Good to see you again. This is my wife, Linda, and our son, Joey.”
Linda gave her a warm smile and reached for her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Tess. Joe says you’re a physician assistant? They certainly could use some help at the clinic. Doc Anderson isn’t able to handle the traffic all by himself.”
“I’m not sure that I’ll be here long enough to help out.” Tess smiled what she hoped was an apologetic smile and shook her head. No way would she go anywhere near their clinic. She just couldn’t do it. Period.
“Well, if you’d just consider it, that would be great. Folks are going to Jacksonville or Morehead City to get medical help.” In a not-so-subtle movement she nudged the towheaded, freckle-faced boy forward. He looked anything but happy to be there.
I know just how you feel, kiddo, Tess thought.
“Shake hands with Miss Tess,” his mother ordered. The boy quickly put his small hand in hers, then withdrew it just as fast.
“Hey, you’re pretty. Mom, I have to go outside now. Mark said that Caleb found a snake by the playground last week and we have to go see if it’s still there.”
Linda cringed a little at the word snake. “I don’t think so. You’re going to have breakfast and then you can play while we’re cleaning up, but stay away from snakes.” She rolled her eyes at Tess.
This time, Tess’s smile was not forced as she asked Joey, “So, between snakes and snapping turtles, which is your favorite?”
Wide brown eyes lit up as he looked at her with renewed interest. “Do you like ’em, too?”
“Well, I like snapping turtles more than snakes, but snakes have a certain charm all their own.”
“Wanna help us catch some?”
Tess laughed delightedly at the eager look he gave her. She knew she had just become an interesting adult in his small world. She loved children, loved working with them and being around them. Pediatrics was her specialty and that was what had led her to Hope Corps, and ultimately, Afghanistan.
“I’m sorry, Joey, I don’t have my snake-catching clothes on right now.” Tess pointed to the softly flowing yellow skirt and blouse she was wearing.
“Shame, I could use an assistant to hold the snake bag.”
“No, you do not need an assistant. You are not catching any more snakes!” Linda Mason said as she hustled her young son away. “We’ll talk later, Tess. It was so nice to meet you.”
“See ya, Miss Tess.” The boy called the words over his shoulder, protesting as his mom hurried him toward the breakfast buffet.
“Bye, Joey.”
“I told you.” Joe laughed as he nodded in the direction of his departing son. “Every critter he finds ends up at the house. Boy’s going to either be a vet or end up wrestling alligators for a living. It’s going to be a fine line between the two.” Seeing the small crowd gathering around them—clearly eager to meet the new arrival—Joe began making introductions.
The next few minutes were taken up by warm welcomes from the fellowship surrounding the table. Everyone was so kind and friendly, but Tess wasn’t feeling in the spirit of it. She just wanted to leave and get back to the cottage. Her heart wasn’t into socializing just yet. She hoped it didn’t show on her face. Truly, she did not want to offend anyone.
As people slowly broke away from her and began moving toward the buffet tables, she noticed the aunts talking to Luke, Caleb and the woman with the lovely silver hair. After a minute all of them began to come toward her, balancing full plates in their hands. As they approached, Tess’s gaze moved curiously from the woman to Luke, who was walking beside her. They really were well matched. Tall and willowy, she moved gracefully toward the table, laughing at something that Katie had said. He moved with an easy grace that belied his size. He was all muscle and confidence, and he reminded Tess of someone she had met. In fact, she was certain she had met him before, somewhere. He was not the type of man a woman forgot easily. As he drew closer, she looked into his azure eyes.
“Tess, this is Sarah Fulcher. Her father is the pastor at this church. And you’ve met Luke and his son, Caleb.”
As Annie made the introductions, Tess smiled. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you, Sarah,” she said. Still that nagging feeling of familiarity about Luke tugged at her senses. It was starting to get frustrating. She really felt that she should know him, and was struggling to place him.
Tess noticed a change in his eyes when he glanced at her, but it was gone so quickly she thought she had imagined it. A slow smile slanted across his handsome face. She looked from him to Sarah. The woman was also smiling, although it did not quite reach her violet eyes. Well, that’s nice, we’re all smiling, Tess thought. What now?
“Hello, Tess.”
Luke chose a seat next to her, and Sarah sat next to him. Katie pulled Caleb over to sit between her and Annie, after putting a plate of food in front of Tess. Tess thanked her, but she had lost the appetite that she had so recently found. The food could have been cardboard, for all she noticed it. For some reason she felt uneasy in the midst of the warmth emanating from every soul in the room. Well, almost everyone. She looked at Sarah again and saw pure dislike in the women’s eyes before it was hidden behind a courteous mask. Tess shivered slightly, reaching for her cane instinctively as she glanced quickly away.
“It looks delicious,” she said, giving Katie a brilliant smile she did not feel. She was conscious of Luke’s strong arm where it brushed against hers as he reached for the saltshaker. Please go away. Just go away, she urged silently. Everyone just go away.
“It must be so difficult for you, being lame.” Sarah looked pointedly at the cane that Tess was holding on to for dear life. “I mean, what a tragedy that you were in that awful accident.” Insincerity was etched all over her lovely face. It was hard for Tess to miss it, but no one else at the table seemed to notice.
Startled, Tess looked at the woman. Did Sarah know how she had been injured? But no, she couldn’t possibly. The aunts didn’t even know the whole story. Before she could answer, Luke cut in.
“I’m sure that Tess doesn’t want to talk about what happened right now.” He looked directly into her eyes with concern and understanding.
“Well, darlin’, sometimes it’s better to talk about these things.” Sarah laid a possessive hand on Luke’s biceps as she spoke, and looked at Tess as if to say, Stay away. He’s mine.
She’s marking her territory, Tess thought faintly. It was so obvious that Katie and Annie looked at each other with slightly raised eyebrows, but didn’t say a word. Well, lady, you don’t have to worry about me.He’s the last person I want to be around. I’m not in the market for a man. For the first time in ages Tess said a silent prayer before speaking.
Please, Lord, give me strength. Let me be a peacemaker. Funny how prayers came to mind even when you didn’t want them to.
“Yes, it was a pretty nasty accident, Sarah.” Turning from the woman to Luke, she added, “I want to thank you for all of the help with getting the cottage ready. The aunts told me how wonderful you were. Also, I want to thank you and Caleb again for helping with the groceries.”
“It was our pleasure. I was on leave last week, so it worked out well for all of us. Caleb was a really big help and worked extra hard to get everything done.” Luke’s voice was deep and soothing, and the grin he gave her caused her stomach to do a slow flip.
All right, so you’re an attractive man, she conceded mentally. But that does not mean that you can charm me like you’ve obviously charmed every other woman at this table. I am not smitten. Not by a long stretch.
“Darlin’, you did her grocery shopping? You never said. Well, isn’t that just the most generous random act of kindness!” Sarah gushed as her well-manicured hand began to slowly caress the biceps under it. Luke seemed to tense and pull away from the bright pink nails, but the expression on his face remained composed and friendly.
“Well, I’m all about random acts of kindness.”
He didn’t miss a beat as he spoke, but Tess had noticed his slight withdrawal from Sarah’s hand. Interesting dynamic for a couple.
“I mean, I expect Tess has a difficult time with even the simplest of tasks, like shopping, cleaning and taking care of herself.”
“Oh, I get by just fine, Sarah. I’m taking it one day at a time, but thank you for your concern. My leg is healing nicely and soon I won’t need this cane at all.” She tapped the cane lightly on the tile floor for emphasis. Sarah looked less than happy with that prognosis, but wisely said nothing.
Smart move, Tess thought.
“Isn’t this breakfast casserole just the most delicious you have ever tasted?” Katie looked around the table as she spoke, winking at Tess.
“Why yes, it is,” she agreed, even though she had not eaten a single bite.
“Sarah made it. Luke just loves it. Seems he can never get enough of it,” Annie added, giving him a meaningful look.
“Why, thank you, Miss Annie. It’s my mama’s recipe, but I brightened it up a bit by adding a few more herbs. Luke does love my cooking.”
“I can see why,” Tess murmured politely.
She did not know what was going on between the aunts, Luke and Sarah, and frankly, she did not want to know. All she wanted was to go home and sit on the veranda with a good book. The morning had gone from pleasant to awkward at warp speed.
“Luke, are you and Caleb coming by the house after breakfast? Mama and Daddy would love to spend time with you.”
“I’ll have to pass, Sarah. Caleb and I have plans to go fishing this afternoon. Besides, I have duty tonight and have to get to the base after that.”
“Base?” Tess hadn’t realized that she had spoken aloud until Luke answered.
“Yes, Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. It’s a few miles up the road. I’m stationed there.”
“Luke’s a marine, and an excellent one!” Annie spoke up.
“Oh, is he?” Tess said faintly. She didn’t know quite what to say as she remembered the last encounter she had had with marines. They had saved her life. Literally.
“Thank you for your service to our country,” she said sincerely as she looked at him. She tried to hold on to a smile, but it was a struggle as a wave of grief seemed to wash over her. The marines had saved her...but there had been so very many beyond saving.
Looking directly into her eyes, he said with equal sincerity, “You’re welcome, Tess.”
Sarah’s gaze narrowed slightly as she looked from Tess to Luke and back again.
“It’s a shame you can’t come by, Luke.” She gave a small pout. “Sure you can’t make it? And where is Caleb going to be while you’re working?”
“Positive. We’ll stop by next Sunday. Caleb is spending the night at the Masons’. Excuse us, ladies.” Luke cleared his throat as he stood up, picking up his empty plate and walking to the trash can situated near the front door. Without saying a word, the young boy followed suit, but then hesitated and turned back to the table.
“It was nice to meet you again, Miss Tess.”
Tess was touched and surprised. “Thank you, Caleb. It was nice to meet you again, as well.”
The youngster nodded and hurried after his father. Tess also stood, cane in her left hand and plate in her right. This was as good a time as any to make her exit, while Luke was talking to some men standing near the door. They had the same short, military haircut that he had, and she assumed they were also marines. She needed to go back to the cottage and put this odd morning behind her. She needed to think, or rather not to think. She just wanted to get away from everyone right now.
“Aunts, I think I’m going to leave now. Thanks for everything. You’re both dears. Sarah, it was nice meeting you.” Leaning down, she kissed Katie and Annie on their soft, wrinkled cheeks.
“So soon, dear?” Annie seemed a little disappointed.
Katie looked at Tess closely. “Yes, I think you need a bit of rest. Go home and change, put your feet up and we’ll call you later to check on you.”
Tess disposed of her uneaten food in the nearest trash bin and headed as quickly as her leg would allow her to a side exit, far away from where Luke was standing. The serenity of the cottage beckoned like the beacon of a lighthouse in stormy weather. Once outside in the bright warm sunshine, she took a deep breath and headed for her car; her only thought to get away from the church.
“We need to talk.” Startled, she jumped as Luke’s voice rumbled softly near her left ear.
* * *
Luke put out a hand to steady her, but she pulled away as she turned to face him. Slowly he lowered his hand, nodding as he acknowledged her withdrawal. There was something wrong here, but he didn’t know what the problem was. He noted her pale face and guarded expression.
“You scared the life out me!” She had a hand on her chest as she looked at him accusingly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others. I just wanted to tell you that I’m glad you made it, Tess.”
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?” Her expression had gone from accusing to politely baffled in the blink of an eye.
He looked at her in confusion. He could have sworn she had recognized him earlier. Did she really not remember? His eyes moved to the faint scar on her temple before searching her eyes intently. The head wound. Did she have amnesia? It was possible. It had been a bad wound. And it was normal for there to be some memory loss immediately surrounding a traumatic injury. But there had been that connection in the fellowship hall, that moment of what he’d thought was recognition in her beautiful eyes. He was certain of it. So what was she playing at and why?
He took in the puzzled look on her face. She really didn’t have a clue, he realized. He decided then that his best course would be not to force the issue with her. Instead, he gave her a genuine smile.
“I just wanted to say that I’m glad you’re healing well.”
Her faced cleared. “Thank you,” she said lightly. “It really was nice meeting you and your son, and I appreciate your help with the grocery shopping. It saved me from trying to do it all myself. I’m still not good at carrying things with one hand, but I’m getting there.”
“If you need help with anything at all while you’re on the mend, I’m here. That includes grocery shopping.”
“Random acts of kindness?” Her eyes sparkled as she laughed lightly.
Luke held the car door open for her as she slid behind the wheel.
She had a beautiful smile. It lit her face and he found himself wanting to see more of it as he watched it dance along the lines of her full pink mouth.
“I’m all about them, as you know.” He spoke before thinking.
Oh, great. Luke, you’re an idiot, he thought. For a man who prided himself on choosing his words carefully, he mentally kicked himself for being so thoughtless. Suddenly, he felt like a gawky sixteen-year-old. He hadn’t meant to remind her of anything he had done. His words just didn’t sound right. But she didn’t miss a beat as she put on a pair of black sunglasses and started the car.

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