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The Cowboy And The Debutante
Stella Bagwell
twins on the doorstepTHE RICH RANCHER'S DAUGHTERBright lights, big cities and a brazenly unfaithful fiancå had fatigued Anna Murdock Sanders and left her longing for home. So she returned to the Bar M, swearing off men forever! But then she met Miguel Chavez….AND THE HIRED HANDThe dark, dangerous cowboy sneered at her cool composure. Pronounced her a pampered debutante. And somehow ignited a white-hot desire innocent Anna had never known. She hungered for his kisses, yearned to bear his name…and his child. But what would it take to earn the respect–and love–of this man of land?STELLA Bagwell'snext generation of Murdocks continues the adventure of love!

“Don’t you know those things aren’t good for you?” (#ue9070826-6031-547c-ac92-3b7c6122a0d8)Letter to Reader (#u0d836d0c-0d63-5cbc-92e7-ca5131fd3153)Title Page (#u300389f0-8dac-5eca-b953-28bc0286cf65)Dedication (#uf04345c7-fc2b-5830-9e80-15772725d7ec)STELLA BAGWELL (#uc78075fb-a299-5aa2-93cf-a73aea9fedc0)Chapter One (#uf3e401be-0dc9-5949-8d20-cf600e61a5d5)Chapter Two (#ud43c9ccc-465c-596f-a2e7-e7895345424f)Chapter Three (#u4902669c-bcd3-5ab0-932d-c860db67508c)Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
“Don’t you know those things aren’t good for you?”
Anna nodded at the rich breakfast Miguel was making.
His head turned slightly and his gaze settled on her lips. “Lots of things aren’t good for me.”
Heat flared inside Anna like the instant spark of flint against steel. It seemed incredible that only a month ago she had thought she would never want another man. But standing by Miguel, she knew she was only just now learning what wanting a man was all about. Certainly she’d never felt this raw, aching attraction for her ex-fiancå. Or any man. Except Miguel. The idea was both exhilarating and frightening.
“Then why do you...indulge yourself?”
He grinned and looked away. Anna was relieved to find she could breathe again.
“A man only has a short time on this earth. To deny life’s basic pleasures is foolish.”
And Anna shivered at the thought of Miguel’s pleasures.
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You’ll find the heartwarming themes of love and family in our November Romance novels. First up, longtime reader favorite Arlene James portrays A Bride To Honor. In this VIRGIN BRIDES title, a pretty party planner falls for a charming tycoon...whom another woman seeks to rope into a loveless marriage! But can honorable love prevail?
A little tyke takes a tumble, then awakes to ask a rough-hewn rancher, Are You My Daddy? So starts Leanna Wilson’s poignant, emotional romance between a mom and a FABULOUS FATHER who “pretends” he’s family. Karen Rose Smith finishes her enticing series DO YOU TAKE THIS STRANGER? with Promises, Pumpkins and Prince Charming. A wealthy bachelor lets a gun-shy single mom believe he’s just a regular guy. Will their fairy-tale romance survive the truth?
FOLLOW THAT BABY, Silhouette’s exciting cross-line continuity series, comes to Romance this month with The Daddy and the Baby Doctor by star author Kristin Morgan. An ex-soldier single dad butts heads with a beautiful pediatrician over a missing patient. Temperatures rise, pulses race—could marriage be the cure? It’s said that opposites attract, and when The Cowboy and the Debutante cozy up on a rustic ranch...well, you’ll just have to read this TWINS ON THE DOORSTEP title by Stella Bagwell to find out! A hairdresser dreams of becoming a Lone Star Bride when a handsome stranger passes through town. Don’t miss the finale of Linda Varner’s THREE WEDDINGS AND A FAMILY miniseries!
Beloved authors Lindsay Longford, Sandra Steffen, Susan Meier and Carolyn Zane return to our lineup next month, and in the new year we launch our brand-new promotion, FAMILY MATTERS. So keep coming back to Romance!
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The Cowboy And The Debutante
Stella Bagwell (
To Jason and Carmen,
may love be with you always.
sold her first book to Silhouette in November 1985. Now, more than thirty novels later, she is still thrilled to see her books in print and can’t imagine having any other job than that of writing about two people falling in love.
She lives in a small town in southeastern Oklahoma with her husband of twenty-six years. She has one son and daughter-in-law.

Chapter One
Anna Murdock Sanders shook her finger at the nervous mare. “Ginger, I can see we need to have a girl-to-girl talk. That stallion is no good. He’ll just take what he wants from you, then be on his merry way. Males are just naturally like that. Believe me, I know. That’s why I’m swearing off men forever!”
Ignoring the warning, the mare nickered flirtingly at the stallion prancing around in the stall directly across from her.
A few feet farther down the long horse barn, Miguel Chavez stopped in his tracks as the young woman’s words echoed back to him. He hadn’t known anyone was in the stables, much less a woman who hated men!
Leaving the stall, he stepped into the alleyway and immediately spotted her lifting a saddle onto the paint’s back. Tall and slender, she was dressed in black jeans and a moss green camp shirt. As she moved about the horse, adjusting blankets and latigo, copper curls danced like flames in the wind against the middle of her back.
She had to be his employer’s daughter. Though Miguel had never seen her before, he’d heard Chloe and Wyatt Sanders speak of her. Anna and her twin brother, Adam, had been adopted as babies years ago by Chloe and Wyatt. Their actual birth parents had been Chloe’s father and Wyatt’s sister, both of whom had died shortly after the twins were born.
From what he’d heard, Anna was unlike her down-to-earth brother, who worked in the oil and gas businesses with his father. She was an accomplished pianist who’d spent the past few years traveling all over the States and abroad, playing concerts with big bands and symphony orchestras—a real debutante, who needed excitement, admiration and bright lights to make her happy.
The news that she was coming home hadn’t reached Miguel. He didn’t know why she was here, but he’d . bet his last dollar it was because she wanted or needed something from her parents. Girls like her were always spoiled. He knew from firsthand experience.
Clearing his throat to warn her of his presence, Miguel moved down the alleyway toward her. Anna glanced up just as he came to a stop a few steps away.
“Hello,” she said coolly as her eyes discreetly traveled up and down the lean length of the cowboy before her. He was dressed in jeans and chinks. Spurs with sunburst rowels were strapped to his black boots, and the sleeves of his heavy, brown cotton shirt were rolled up, exposing his thick forearms. Without a doubt, she’d never seen him before on the Bar M. He was a man not easily forgotten.
“Are you one of Mother’s cowhands?” she asked forthrightly.
A wry twist to his mouth, he stepped forward and offered her his hand, then in a slight Mexican accent, he said, “I’m Miguel Chavez, the ranch foreman. And I don’t think you’ve convinced Ginger that all men are bad,” he said, inclining his head toward the mare. “She still appears to be interested.”
As if to underscore his observation, Ginger once again nickered longingly at the stallion. Trying not to glower at the mare, Anna squared her shoulders and reluctantly reached to shake Miguel Chavez’s hand. “She’ll get past her infatuation.”
Miguel raised his brows at her remark, but he said nothing. No doubt this woman had been infatuated many times. And gotten past it, he thought drily. With her looks she’d probably had men begging for the simple touch of her hand.
The repugnant idea had him quickly releasing her fingers, yet he still couldn’t quite force his eyes to leave her face.
Her smooth ivory complexion told him she was young and also that she was vain enough not to let the bright sun ravage her luminous skin. Her full lips were dusky pink and slightly tilted at the corners. She had a straight patrician nose and pale green eyes that reminded Miguel of a spring aspen leaf. She wasn’t exactly the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen, but she possessed an earthy, sultriness about her that made the man in him want to keep looking. However, the cool expression in her eyes assured him she was not a woman for the taking. By him. Or any man.
Anna’s auburn brows lifted quizzically as she watched the cynical twist to his lips deepen. She didn’t know what the man was thinking. But if it was about her, she certainly didn’t like the idea that he found her amusing.
“I didn’t realize mother had hired a new foreman,” she admitted.
“I’ve been working on the Bar M for nearly a year now,” he told her.
Pink color bathed her high cheekbones and she hated herself for letting him see her discomfiture. “Other than the holidays, I haven’t spent too much time at home these past few months.”
Anna hadn’t deliberately planned it that way. One booking after another had kept her constantly on the road, and she’d been forced to postpone her trips home to a later date. And then, in the midst of all her work, she’d become involved with Scott and she supposed she’d gotten a little crazy after that. More than a little crazy, she thought with a megadose of self-deprecation. Thank goodness she’d gotten over him and canceled the wedding before her father had wasted an exorbitant amount of money on the ceremony...and she’d wasted herself on a man who had never really loved her.
“I don’t need explanations, Miss Sanders,” Miguel replied. “I didn’t expect you to know me. I’m just the foreman around here.”
Was he being impertinent or sincere? Anna’s eyes scanned his dark face beneath the brim of his straw hat. She couldn’t quite gauge his age, but she suspected he was somewhere near thirty-five. His face was lean and angular and had that hard-edged look that assured her his boyish days had long since passed. His nose was hawkish, his chin slightly dented. His eyes were a deep hazel, full of green and brown flecks that glinted beneath thick black lashes. Yet it was his lips that drew Anna’s full attention. The top one was thin and cruel looking while the bottom was full and sensual. It was a hard, masculine mouth and for some illogical reason Anna wondered how many women it had kissed.
Drawing in a deep, needy breath, she glanced away from him and turned back to the mare she’d been saddling. This wasn’t like her, she thought wildly. She didn’t look at any man and think the things she’d just been thinking.
“Call me Anna,” she said curtly. “I’m sure you call my mother Chloe. She doesn’t want anyone to be formal with her. And when I’m here at home, neither do I.”
But when she was out among her fellow musicians, dazzling the crowd, she expected and demanded to be addressed formally. She hadn’t come out and said as much, but Miguel could read the unspoken words very clearly. “Then you must be far more accustomed to being called Miss Sanders.”
She couldn’t stop the parting of her lips or the flare of her nostrils. “Are you always this impertinent?”
So she wasn’t made of pure ice, Miguel decided as his gaze took its time studying her face. “I wasn’t being impertinent. Just stating the obvious. You’re hardly ever home. Otherwise you would have known about me. And I, you.”
Shaking her thick red mane away from her face, she said, “You seem awfully sure of yourself, Mr. Chavez.”
He shrugged, then grinned goadingly at her. Her spine immediately stiffened, and she glanced away from him.
“Are you thinking about getting me fired?”
Her head swung back around and she stared at him in surprise. “I don’t interfere in my mother’s business! She obviously wants you around here. So you must be good for something.”
If Anna had been any other woman, Miguel would have already put her in her place. But she was Wyatt and Chloe’s daughter and because they were such kind, wonderful people, he would not hurt them in such a way. Besides, Anna was from a whole different world than his. For his own sake, he needed to overlook her attitude.
“Oh, you might be surprised at the things I’m good at, Miss Sanders.”
She turned away from him, but not before Miguel could see her lips compress to a thin line. No doubt she thought him vulgar and disgusting, but that was all right, too. He could make it just fine without women like Anna Sanders. And maybe it would be better for both of them if she understood that right now.
“Are you planning to stay long on the Bar M?”
She didn’t answer immediately and Miguel watched her adjust the throat latch on the bridle. Like her mother, she had small hands. They moved with graceful dexterity and he could easily imagine them dancing over a set of ivory keys or a man’s chest. The latter he tried not to dwell on.
She glanced over her shoulder at him and Miguel was intrigued by the knowing tilt to her lips. “I’m not sure yet. It depends on my job. Six weeks perhaps,” she said.
“Then you’re not... home to stay?”
Miguel didn’t know why he’d asked the question, but he was irritated at himself because he had. Hell, it didn’t matter how long the woman was going to be here. If he never saw her again after this moment he would survive just fine.
Home to stay. Miguel Chavez had no idea how wonderful those words sounded to Anna. She’d had years of extensive training in piano, and her parents and the rest of her family were proud of her accomplishments. They would surely be disappointed if she suddenly turned her back on her career.
“No. Only for an extended vacation,” she said bluntly. Then, realizing the saddling was finished and there was no need for her to tarry here in the stables any longer, she led the mare ahead three or four steps and swung herself into the saddle.
Miguel stepped back out of the way and gave her a little salute from the brim of his hat. “Adios, Anna. Maybe before your vacation is over you’ll have Ginger convinced to swear off the male gender, too.”
Pausing, she looked down at him from her lofty perch and hoped he couldn’t spot the faint pink on her cheeks. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone or anything had made her blush. This man had managed to do it twice in less than five minutes. Damn him!
“If Ginger is as smart as I think she is, I’ll have her turning her nose up at that stallion over there.”
“Poor Ginger.”
To Anna’s amazement, she wanted to climb down from the mare, poke her finger in the middle of Miguel Chavez’s chest and tell him exactly what she thought of his raw remark. But she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of letting him know he riled her. For years Anna had trained herself to be a cool, sophisticated woman. It was an image she projected to her audience and even her family. She wasn’t about to let this man know he could make her lose control.
“Goodbye, Mr. Chavez,” she said bluntly, then touched her heels to the horse’s sides and left him and the cool, dim interior of the stables behind.
She rode south, forging across the shallow Hondo, then up into the mountains where the pines grew thick and the carpet of needles beneath them silenced the mare’s hooves.
At a rocky ledge halfway up, she reined Ginger to a halt and gazed back down on the valley below.
To Anna there was no place like the Hondo Valley. Santa Fe, where she’d played her last engagement, was known for its art and culture and mysticism, but this was the New Mexico Anna loved. There was everything in the valley. Horses, cattle, fruit orchards, forest and desert and something mixed of the two. And it was home. Nothing was better than that.
Ginger shook her head as a mosquito buzzed around her ears. Anna swatted the insect away, then patted the mare’s neck. As she did, the lean, dark image of Miguel Chavez skipped through her mind.
The man had been a complete surprise to her. Not that having a Mexican-American working on the Bar M was anything unusual. Quite the contrary. Her parents normally hired more Hispanics than Anglos and they were as much a part of this area as the Apaches. When she’d looked into his handsome face, his ancestry had been the last thing on her mind.
There was something about Miguel that had made her feel different in a way she’d never quite felt before. When he’d looked at her and grinned that outlandishly sexy grin at her, all she’d been able to think was that she was a woman and he was a man. It was ridiculous!
But Anna had far more important things to think about than a tough cowboy who was at least ten years older than her and probably married, besides. She had to gather herself together, refuel her mind and her body. Otherwise, after these next six weeks passed, she didn’t know whether she could make herself go back on the road again.
She loved playing the piano, but she was growing weary of the nomadic life and the demands of performing for an audience. The weight of her job was taking a toll on her body. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept the whole night through. Fatigue was her constant companion and her once-healthy appetite had almost vanished.
To please her parents last week, she’d gone for a medical checkup. When the doctor had assured Anna there was nothing physically wrong, both her mother and father had quickly assumed she was still grieving over her breakup with Scott. And Anna had found it easier to let them go on thinking she was simply suffering from a broken heart.
Truth was after she’d gotten over the initial shock of walking in and finding Scott in another woman’s arms, Anna had come to realize she had never loved him with the same wild, deep need that her mother and father felt for each other. She hadn’t been devastated when their relationship ended. She’d been relieved. And that in itself worried her. She was beginning to fear she was going to be like her birth mother, who’d flitted from one man and one bad relationship to the next.
With a heavy sigh, Anna reined the paint away from the ledge and headed her back down the mountain. The sun was dipping lower in the west, and her father would soon be home for supper. For his sake she was going to change clothes, put on her cheeriest face and make herself eat a whole plate of food.
Back at the stables there was no sign of Miguel Chavez. Although there were several wranglers working around the ranch yard doing last-minute evening chores, she unsaddled her mount, then brushed and fed her herself. The last thing she wanted was for word to get back to the foreman that she was a spoiled little rich girl. In her opinion the man was already far too smug. She didn’t want to give him reason to be even more so.
Later that evening after supper, Anna helped her mother clear away the dirty dishes, then Chloe carried a pot of coffee out to the courtyard at the back of the ranch house where redwood furniture was grouped beneath a stand of pi?on pines.
Her father had taken about two sips when his pager beeped. Mumbling his annoyance, he checked the number, then rose to his feet. “Looks like I’m going to have to leave you two beautiful ladies. Sander’s Gas Exploration is calling.”
“We’ll try to do without you for a few minutes, darling,” Chloe told him.
Anna watched her father head back into the house, then with a little sigh, snuggled deeper into the cushioned chair.
“Are you cold, honey? Would you rather go back in?” Chloe asked her.
Cooler air had moved in with the night, but Anna had pulled on a sweater before she’d left the house. “No. I’m fine. It’s beautiful out tonight.”
A few feet away an oval swimming pool was edged with huge terra-cotta pots filled with geraniums, marigolds and zinnias. Anna wished the water was warm enough to dive into. She couldn’t remember when she’d taken the time for a leisurely swim. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gone at anything in a leisurely way.
A few feet away, Anna’s mother, Chloe, studied her daughter’s quiet profile for several moments, then said, “I wish you were enjoying yourself more. You’ve been back on the ranch for three days now, and I don’t think I’ve heard you laugh yet.”
Anna twisted her head around to face her mother. “I’m enjoying myself, Mother. You know how long I’ve wanted to come home.”
Chloe didn’t look a bit convinced. “Yes. But now that you’re here I’m not so sure it’s what you were really needing.”
Grimacing, Anna rose from the chair and strolled over to the swimming pool. “Mother, please don’t tell me I’d be happier if I were out looking for a man. Men are off-limits!”
Chloe laughed, then just as quickly apologized. “I’m sorry, honey, I’m not laughing at you. I realize you’re miserable, but to hear you say your love life has ended is...ridiculous.”
Kneeling down near the edge of the pool, Anna trailed her fingers through the clear water. Just as she expected, it was still freezing. “I mean what I said earlier, Mother. I’m swearing off men. This last thing with Scott proved to me that they’re not to be trusted.”
She walked back over to where her mother sat stretched out on a chaise lounge, studying her with troubled eyes. “Believe me, Anna, I felt just as you did before I met your father. You haven’t forgotten that a man left me after we’d already planned to get married.”
Anna hadn’t forgotten the story Chloe had related to her years before. “I remember. You told him you couldn’t bear children and he ran out on you. How could you have wanted to marry a piece of scum like that?”
Chloe chuckled. “I could ask you the same thing about Scott? Why fret over someone who isn’t worth it?”
Sighing again, Anna lifted her eyes to the sky. The night was clear, and stars blazed by the millions over the mountains. Deep in her heart Anna was beginning to think this was where she really belonged, not in some civic center a thousand miles away.
“Believe me, Mother, Scott opened my eyes. If it wasn’t for seeing how much you and Daddy adore each other, I think I’d quit believing in love altogether.”
“Anna! You’re just angry now. Besides, what about your aunts, Rose and Justine? They’ve both had long, wonderful marriages. And now your cousins Emily and Charlie are both happily married.”
Chloe was right. Most of her relatives had been lucky in love. But her mother hadn’t mentioned Anna’s birth parents, Belinda and Tomas. The two of them had been terribly unlucky. In fact, Belinda had more or less died from a broken heart and so had Tomas. But Anna loved Chloe too much to bring up that painful part of their lives.
“Mother...I think it’s time I told you...I haven’t been totally honest with you and Dad.”
Chloe’s brow arched with surprise. “What do you mean? About you and Scott?” Before Anna could respond, the older woman’s mouth parted as another thought struck her. “Are you pregnant, darling? Is that why you’re not eating? If you’re worried—”
Anna quickly shook her head before her mother’s assumption got out of hand. “No. I’m not pregnant. Scott and I never... well, I guess deep down, something kept telling me not to sleep with him. But as for a baby, I would love to have a child. Just not by Scott. I’d at least want to respect the father.”
Chloe frowned with bewilderment. “If you’re not pregnant, then what—”
“I’m talking about me being melancholy. I’m not grieving over my ended relationship with Scott. That’s all over and done with. I’m just overworked.”
The tense expression on Chloe’s face eased. “Of course you are, honey. That’s why you’re here on vacation. So you can rest and recuperate. And you will. You’ve only just gotten here. Give yourself time.”
Anna sighed. “I’m not so sure I want to go back, Mother. I’m not so sure I want to keep playing the piano professionally.”
Several moments passed in silence. Then, just as Anna was expecting her mother to burst out with shocked dismay, Chloe gentle smiled.
“Why haven’t you said anything about this before?”
“Because I didn’t want to upset you and Dad. I knew you would think I was losing my mind if I did.”
Chloe shook her head. “Anna, you must live your own life as you want to live it. Not as you think we want you to.”
Of course Anna should have expected her mother would say those words. And so would her father. They would hide their disappointment just to make their daughter happy.
“You would say that,” Anna mumbled.
“Since when have I or your father ever lied to you?”
Anna shook her head. “Not any time that I can ever remember. But I know how much you’ve always wanted my career to go forward.”
“And it has,” Chloe agreed. “You’ve been making a great salary, you’ve traveled all over the world and seen all sorts of sights. But if your job is making you unhappy...then you need to stop and ask yourself what it is you really want.”
Anna went over to her mother’s chair, knelt down at the arm and pressed her hand over her mother’s. “I have been, Mother. And I think I fell in with Scott’s plans to get married not so much because I loved him or even needed him, but because I wanted children and a home and I thought he could give those things to me.”
Chloe’s gentle smile was understanding. “And you want those things more than you want to travel and play the piano.”
Anna’s head bobbed up and down. “Does that sound crazy?”
Chloe laughed softly, then reached over and patted her daughter’s cheek. “If it does then I’ve been crazy for the past twenty-five years.”
She hadn’t really meant to blurt all of this out to her mother this evening, but she felt a bit better for it.
Rising to her feet, Anna said, “Well, it does sound crazy, actually. A woman needs a man to have a home and children. And since I don’t want a man in my life, I’ve got to turn my attention to other things.”
“What other things?”
Anna’s slender shoulders lifted then fell. “I don’t know. Maybe I should just throw myself back into the music and forget about the children and the white picket fence. Maybe after six weeks of rest I’ll be itching to perform again.” A wan smile tilted her lips. “In the meantime, I’m simply going to enjoy being home. It was such a pleasure to ride Ginger this afternoon. Just being with the horses again is therapeutic for me.”
“I’m glad.”
Her lips suddenly thinned to a smirk. “By the way, I met your new foreman earlier before I went out riding. I didn’t realize Lester had left.”
Chloe nodded. “Lester had reached retirement age and he and his wife wanted to do some traveling.”
Lester had been on the Bar M for twenty years. He was a bowlegged, raw-boned, pipe smoker who’d rarely shown the top of his bald head to anyone. He’d been more or less like a grandpa to Anna and Adam and their younger sister, Ivy. Miguel Chavez was nothing like Lester.
“Where did you find Mr. Chavez?”
“Your uncle Roy knew him. Miguel lived in Carrizozo for several years. Before that, Albuquerque, I think. What did you think of him?”
Anna had thought far too many things. In fact, she was still wondering why that idiotic thought about his mouth had ever entered her head.
“Well, I’m sure he’s a strong, capable man or you wouldn’t have him here.”
A knowing little smile on her face, Chloe said, “Miguel is a good man, but he doesn’t profess to know all that much about racehorses. He sees to the cattle end of things and makes sure the cowhands do all the rough stable work for me.”
Anna’s brows lifted. Miguel Chavez possessed more than a striking appearance. Self-confidence oozed from every pore on the man. “He doesn’t know about horses? I don’t believe that for a minute.”
Chloe rose from the chaise lounge and stretched. “Well, of course he knows about horses. He rides like a man who was born in the saddle. But I’m talking about the ins and outs of racing.”
Anna glanced at her as another question struck her. “Is he...Miguel living in the old foreman’s house?”
The place she referred to was a midsize log structure built almost a mile south of the ranch house and halfway up the mountain. Anna had always been fond of the homestead. It was quiet and secluded and had a spectacular view of Sierra Blanca to the west.
Chloe nodded, then with an assessing gleam in her eye, added, “And he’s single. I think he was married years ago. I don’t know what happened. Apparently some woman dealt him some misery. I suppose, like you, he’s sworn off the opposite sex. Since he’s been here I haven’t seen him look sideways at one, much less have one to his house as a date.”
For some reason, Anna didn’t feel comfortable talking about Miguel Chavez’s personal life. He’d seemed a private person, one who kept his deeper thoughts to himself. She respected that, and anyway, it was no concern of hers whether the man was single or married or a masochist. She had her own problems to deal with.
“I’m sure he has his reasons,” Anna said, though she couldn’t help wondering if some woman had left him emotionally bruised and beaten. She sincerely doubted it. Miguel Chavez seemed too tough to have ever suffered a broken heart.
“Yes, I’m sure he’s had his reasons,” her mother said with a sigh. “But it seems such a shame. No one should be that alone.”
Her mother spoke with the same sort of fretfulness she might have used if she were talking about Adam, but that didn’t surprise Anna. Chloe wanted everyone she knew to be as happy as her. And in her mother’s eyes, love and happiness were synonymous.
“Maybe Miguel Chavez simply prefers his own company,” Anna said, then, looping her arm around her mother’s, she urged the other woman toward the house. “Let’s go in. The breeze is getting downright cold.”
“Wait a minute, darling, the coffeepot.” She walked over to a small table and picked up the insulated container, then rejoined her daughter. “Now back to Miguel—he doesn’t know what he prefers. He’s lived alone for so long, he’s forgotten what female companionship is all about.”
Chloe’s candor brought a pink flush to Anna’s cheeks. “Mother, I imagine Miguel Chavez has already forgotten more about women than the average man would know in a lifetime.”
Suddenly Chloe began to laugh, and Anna glanced at her sharply as the two of them entered the back door of the kitchen.
“You find that funny?”
Chloe’s laughter quickly sobered but a wide smile remained on her face. “No, dear. I’m just happy you noticed.”
Chapter Two
Early the next morning, Anna sat up in bed and pushed her long tousled hair away from her face. Birds were singing, and through the open blinds of a nearby window, she could see the gray light of dawn casting soft shadows across the courtyard beyond her bedroom. Her mother would already be at the stables. From the time Chloe had been old enough to follow Tomas Murdock on two sturdy legs, she had learned the rule of feeding the horses before herself.
The thought put a wry smile on Anna’s lips. Chloe’s reputation as a horse breeder and trainer didn’t stop at Lincoln County or even the state of New Mexico. People from as far as Louisiana, Arkansas and Kentucky had come to buy her yearlings.
Anna was very proud of her mother. She was equally as proud of her father, who was well-known in the gas and oil business. And now her brother, Adam, was making a name for himself as an oilman, too. Then there was her little sister, Ivy, who was studying hard to become a doctor. Each member of the family had a successful field they enjoyed working in. Anna would be the only quitter in the bunch if she turned her back on her musical career.
But she didn’t want to spoil the morning by dwelling on such deep thoughts. And anyway, she wasn’t going to be practicing piano today or listening to her road manager map out the next week’s agenda, she was going to help her mother in the stables and that was enough to lift her spirits.
By seven-thirty breakfast was over, and Anna accompanied her mother to the stables. Much to her chagrin, the first thing she saw when she entered the huge building was Miguel Chavez. He was dressed much the same as yesterday only a pair of batwing chaps had replaced the shorter chinks and rather than the straw, a brown felt hat was riding low on his forehead.
In spite of Anna’s vow to ignore the male gender, she couldn’t help but be struck by the man’s looks. He had something more than just pleasant features. There was a sensuousness about him, a blatant masculinity that made her very aware of his dark hair and skin, his broad shoulders, lean hips and long strong legs. And as she and her mother drew closer, Anna’s heart raced with foolish anticipation. Of what, she didn’t know. She only knew this man struck some sort of chord in her that she hadn’t even known she possessed.
“Good morning, Miguel,” Chloe greeted him warmly.
He turned from the horse he was saddling and nodded in greeting. “Good morning, Chloe, Anna.”
“I see you’re taking Rimrock out today,” Chloe remarked. “How’s his ankle?”
“The swelling is down and he’s had a rest for the past couple of days, so I thought I would use him today and see what happens.”
“Are you starting roundup this morning or later this week?” Chloe asked him. “I know you wanted to have everything else caught up before you began.”
Miguel inclined his head. “This morning is the beginning,” he answered. “I expect the job will take at least a week.”
Chloe glanced suggestively at Anna. “Darling, why don’t you saddle Ginger and ride along with Miguel? I’m sure he’d be glad for the extra help, and I know how much you always enjoyed roundup.”
Anna’s mouth popped open. Ride along with Miguel?
“Mother! Miguel doesn’t want to be bothered. The man has work to do.”
Chloe grimaced at her, then turned back to her foreman. “Miguel, I assure you Anna is a first-rate cowgirl. Since she started her music career, she hasn’t done much of it, but she can probably outrope and outride half the cowboys you’ll be using today.”
Miguel’s brows arched ever so slightly as his hazel eyes skittered up and down Anna’s slender figure. She was wearing black jeans and matching jacket. Beneath its opening he could see a pale pink knit shirt that clung to her breasts like an eager hand. She looked anything but a cowgirl. “Is that true, Anna?”
The way he said her name with just the faintest bit of accent made a tiny shiver race down her spine. Her gaze drifting to a pearl snap in the middle of his chest, she said, “I’m sure you know mothers are biased.”
Chloe rolled her eyes and tapped the toe of her boot. “Miguel knows I don’t exaggerate. But if you’d rather not go, you can stay here and help me groom a few of the yearlings.”
Groom the yearlings? Anna could already picture herself being pawed and bitten and rope-burned. Yearlings didn’t take to being spruced up, especially when it came to using clippers around their ears and nose and feet.
She was already wearing a heavy, lined jean jacket to protect her against the early-morning coolness, and she could find a pair of chaps in the tack room. Anything else she might need would be on the chuck wagon.
“No. I think I’ll saddle Ginger and head out to the roundup.” She glanced at Miguel who was still studying her with faint skepticism. “But you don’t have to wait for me, Miguel. Just tell me the area where you’ll be and I’ll catch up.”
“There’s no hurry. I have a few things to take care of here at the ranch yard before I leave. I’ll find you when I’m ready.”
To keep insisting he go on without her would be rude, Anna decided. And it was obvious he was going out of his way to please her mother. Oh, Lord, what was she letting herself in for? she wondered.
“Fine. It won’t take me long to saddle Ginger,” she told him.
Chloe chuckled softly as the two women headed on down the alleyway between the two endless rows of horse stalls. “I figured once I said ‘groom the yearlings’ you’d decide pretty quick you wanted to head out on the roundup.”
“Mother!” Anna hissed under her breath, even though they were clearly out of Miguel’s earshot. “Why did you do that to me?”
Chloe shot her daughter an innocent look. “Do what, honey?”
Anna groaned. “You know what! You practically threw me at that man! Mother, he isn’t Lester!”
“No. He certainly isn’t. He’s far younger and a lot better looking, don’t you think?”
Sighing, Anna shook her head with disbelief. “If you’re trying to do a bit of matchmaking here, Mother, you need to open your eyes and see Miguel Chavez is at least ten years older than me. Probably more.”
Chloe’s green eyes twinkled mischievously. “So what does age have to do with anything? Besides, I’m not doing any sort of matchmaking. Why would I be, when you keep insisting you’re off men forever?”
The two of them had reached Ginger’s stall. Anna reached for the nylon lead rope hanging on the outside of the door.
“Mother, you’re being deliberately obtuse and you know it.”
“Oh, Lord, Anna, you’re being overly sensitive, aren’t you? I merely thought you’d enjoy going on roundup today. It’s your first week back home. I want you to loosen up and quit all this fretting about trivial things.”
Trivial! Her reaction to Miguel Chavez was anything but trivial, Anna thought as she watched her mother’s swinging stride carry her on to the tack room. But she would deal with it, she told herself fiercely. She wasn’t about to let the man ruin her much-needed vacation.
Twenty minutes later Anna was ready and waiting with her paint mare outside the horse barn. She’d found a pair of fringed chaps she used to wear during her teenaged days when she’d helped her mother gallop the racehorses. Anna had added on a bit of weight since that time, but she managed to zip the tan leather around her legs. Hopefully once she had them on for a while, the leather would stretch. In any case, she wouldn’t ride in the brush without chaps. She knew from experience what a patch of prickly pear or choya cactus could do to a person’s unprotected legs.
She was doing a few squats, trying to gain her legs a bit of breathing space when a male voice suddenly sounded behind her.
“Are you doing your morning aerobics or trying to teach Ginger a new trick?”
Gasping with surprise, Anna whirled around to see Miguel standing a few feet away, a sorrel quietly waiting beside his shoulder
“Oh!” Lifting her chin, she tugged at the hem of her jacket but it was far too short to hide anything. “I...uh, these are my old chaps and I’ve grown a little since I last had them on.”
The grin on his face deepened, and Anna could feel her cheeks getting redder. This wasn’t the way she wanted to start her day. She’d left one lecherous man behind. Yet here she was looking at another one as though he was the grandest thing to come along since sliced bread. She wished she could kick herself.
“You must have been a skinny little thing,” he observed.
His eyes slid pointedly up and down the length of her, and Anna had never felt so stripped and naked in all her life. Which was crazy. She was covered with several layers of clothing!
Desperate to put a halt to the whole ridiculous encounter, Anna tossed the reins over Ginger’s head and swung herself up and into the saddle.
“Don’t worry. The wind won’t blow me off if I gallop.”
A nylon lariat was coiled around her saddle horn, and a slicker and saddle bags were tied to the skirt of the saddle. If she was a greenhorn she was doing a good job of faking it. Still, Miguel found it hard to believe the soft slender woman sitting astride the paint was little more than a flighty musician, a pampered debutante.
Whether Miss Anna Sanders was capable of being a cowgirl or not, Miguel would grit his teeth and put up with her today. For Chloe’s sake. But tomorrow she’d be on her own. He was a ranch foreman, not a baby-sitter or social director.
“That’s good to know, Anna. Hopefully we won’t have to gallop.”
Bemused, Anna watched him swing up into the sorrel’s saddle. Was the man insulting her, teasing her, or was he actually serious? His smooth expression left her without a clue.
The two of them eased their mounts out of the ranch yard, past the last of the cattle pens, then east toward the river.
Anna said nothing as she rode stirrup to stirrup with Miguel Chavez. But her lack of conversation wasn’t a personal affront to the man. When she was riding the range, she was always entranced by the sights and sounds around her. And it had been so long since she’d been out of doors, away from the pressures of her job.
“Your sister, Ivy, rarely rides whenever she’s home. I don’t believe she feels very safe around horses.”
She glanced at him. “You’ve met Ivy?”
He nodded. “She’s more like her father, I think.”
Anna smiled briefly. “I expect so. Daddy never had an affinity for horseflesh.”
“Your father is a very good man.”
It pleased her to know this man appreciated her family. “Yes. Very.”
The two of them crossed the stirrup-deep river, then headed toward the base of the mountain. As they rode, Anna stole glimpses of Miguel Chavez from the corner of her eye. He rose with the ease of a man long accustomed to the saddle, and as she covertly studied him, she couldn’t help but think of all her mother had said about him yesterday.
He’d been married once. A long time ago. And he didn’t date. Why? Anna wondered. It couldn’t be for a lack of willing females. She suspected the man could crook his finger at most any woman, and she’d come running. Except herself, of course.
“Do you have a family, Miguel?”
“Not around here. My mother lives in Mexico. My father passed away several years ago.”
He looked at her as though he found her questions intrusive, and Anna decided she would bite off her tongue before she asked him anything more.
“And I’m not married,” he added. “Nor do I want to be. Surely your mother has already told you that.”
Anna very nearly gasped at his remark. Did he actually think she was so desperately interested in him she’d resort to discussing him with her mother? She’d never encountered such arrogance.
Still, the bitter look on his face bothered her. She hadn’t meant to pry into his private life. Nor was it a good idea to know all that much about the man. But she wanted to know, and that was the most disturbing part of it all.
Several long minutes passed without so much as a glance from her. Miguel’s gaze fell to her left hand resting against her thigh. There was no ring of engagement or marriage. Though he didn’t know exactly how old she was. He thought he’d remembered someone saying the twins were twenty-four or -five. Not that old as far as age goes, but certainly old enough to be married.
The idea put a dour look on Miguel’s face. Women of Anna’s status rarely needed or wanted a man around their neck. And when they did make the mistake of marrying, it always ended disastrously. When he’d first met Charlene, she’d been young and rich, just like Anna. And he’d been a hopeless fool to think he could keep her happy.
“You haven’t gotten the urge to marry?”
She turned a shocked glare on him. “Who’s been talking about me?”
Her odd reaction caused Miguel to study her for long moments. “I don’t repeat or listen to gossip, Anna. I know nothing about your marital status. I was merely making conversation.”
Embarrassed heat flooded her cheeks. Of course he couldn’t know about Scott. No one except her parents knew her intended had turned to another woman before the wedding plans were completely finalized.
Staring straight ahead, she said flatly, “Well, for your information, I’m not married. I doubt I ever will be.”
From the corner of her eye, Anna noticed he didn’t appear a bit surprised by her grim announcement. But then, he’d overheard her opinion about men in the stables. Apparently he’d not forgotten her vow.
“I’m sure having a husband would be a hindrance to your life-style.”
She stared at him, her features wrinkling with dismay. “A hindrance?”
Miguel quickly shook his head. “Forget it. We’d better kick our mounts up. The boys are probably waiting on me.”
Miguel Chavez believed she was selfish. He obviously thought nothing mattered to her except living the high life. She could have very nearly laughed if the whole thing hadn’t been so painful. From the time she’d been a small child Anna had never done what she really wanted. Even where Scott was concerned, she’d planned to make all sorts of sacrifices to ensure their marriage would start out on solid ground. But let Miguel think what he wanted. What she carried around in her heart was her own business.
In mutual consent, Anna touched her heels to Ginger’s sides. Their horses immediately broke into a short lope and the faster gait put a halt to any more conversation. Anna was relieved. The man was like barbed wire. Every word, every glance from him pricked her in the most irritating way.
Within a few minutes they topped a rise. In the valley below, a group of portable cattle pens and a squeeze chute had been set up to make a working ranch yard. Six more cowboys and twice that many saddled horses were gathered around the orange metal fencing. Several yards beyond, a chuck wagon was parked and ready to prepare the noonday meal. Near to the makeshift kitchen, a fire had been built and a huge granite coffeepot hung over the low flames. As she and the foreman rode into camp, the scent of the strong brew mingled with horses and leather and crushed sagebrush. It was a mixture of smells Anna loved, and as she sniffed she was enveloped with fond memories.
Several years had passed since Anna had helped with spring roundup. Since then, Lester had retired, and now Miguel Chavez had stepped in to fill his boots. The fact that her mother had hired the man told Anna she obviously respected him as a person and, also, that he knew his business well. Anna normally trusted her mother’s judgment, but this was one time she was anxious to see if the man lived up to his reputation.
From the moment Miguel had walked up on Anna last evening in the stables, he’d gotten the impression she was far too delicate and sensitive to deal with any sort of ranch work. She was a pianist, for heaven’s sake. She entertained rich people. Riding the desert range and branding cattle might have been in Anna’s life years ago, but it wasn’t now.
Throughout the morning Miguel kept a close eye on her. After a couple hours passed, he had to concede, in spite of her hothouse looks, she wasn’t helpless. She handled Ginger with practiced ease and had no problems heading rollicking calves down off the mountains and into the holding pens.
In fact, she worked with dogged persistence and appeared to know the lay of the land far better than any of the hands. Still Miguel wasn’t ready to admit she belonged out here on roundup. Especially when the work on the ground started.
By the time the group stopped to eat a dinner of refried beans, Spanish rice and hot tortillas, more than three hundred head of calves had been gathered. After the meal was over, fires were built in one of the pens and branding irons in the shape of a bar resting atop an M were thrust into the hot coals to heat.
when Miguel realized Anna intended to help with this chore, too, he was shocked. As she made her way toward the work pens, he took her by the arm and led her a few yards out of earshot of the other cowboys.
“Don’t tell me you have the notion you’re going to join the men in the work pens,” he said to her.
She arched one haughty brow at him. “Of course. That’s why I came out help with roundup.”
Miguel should have expected her to argue with him. It was probably a rare thing for her to ever hear the word no. “Look, Anna, you’re going to get smeared with manure and dirt. You might even get burned or kicked or worse.”
She shot him a tired look. “Just because I’ve been living away for the past few years, doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten anything about my upbringing, Miguel. Or are you afraid I’m going to be in the way of your cowboys?”
Miguel didn’t exactly think she’d be in the way. He really didn’t know why he was so opposed to her working on the ground. He only knew he felt a need to protect her.
Hell, Miguel, he silently cursed himself. You ought to know Anna doesn’t need protecting. She was one of those women who prided herself on her independence and self-reliance. If she ever did need a man’s strength or shoulder to rely on, it wouldn’t be a Mexican cowboy like himself.
“No,” he said with sudden gruffness. “I don’t think you’ll be in the way. I just thought I’d save you from the nasty work. But if that’s your cup of tea, have at it.”
He jerked his head toward the pens, where already the calves were bawling with loud protests, and the stench of burning hair and hide drifted on the high-desert wind.
It was obvious to Anna that he didn’t want her working in the pens. She didn’t know if his attitude stemmed from genuine concern for her safety or to simply be the boss. Either way it annoyed her. From the time she’d been old enough and strong enough to hold a kicking calf’s hocks together, she’d helped her mother and Aunt Rose in the branding pen. She didn’t appreciate an outsider telling her she was no longer welcome.
“Look, Miguel, the Bar M wasn’t always blessed with as many hands as you have working here for you today. When my twin and I were born, my mother and aunts were taking care of this ranch by themselves. And even years later, when I was a small girl, it wasn’t all that much better. I know how to work, and I’m not afraid of getting my hands dirty.”
“Have you thought what would happen if you get your hand or finger crushed or burned? Your career would end.”
Her expression grim, she said, “If need be, I can face my career ending. What I can’t bear is being cloistered. Ever.”
He held his palms up as if to say he wasn’t going to argue with her. “You want to be reckless, go right ahead. I won’t stop you.”
Reckless. Anna wished for once she could let herself really go. Right at the moment she’d take immense pleasure in slapping Miguel Chavez’s jaw. “But you’d like to stop me,” she said crisply.
He let out a rough sigh. To deal with a precocious woman on today of all days was the last thing Miguel needed. “It doesn’t matter what I want. This is your ranch. I’m sure you’re going to do what pleases you, and to hell with my wishes.”
Anna gasped and was totally unaware that her fists had become planted on both her hips. “This isn’t my ranch, either! It belongs to my parents and my aunts and uncles.”
He glanced pointedly away from her, and Anna realized he was annoyed that she was wasting his time with trivial facts. Well, wasn’t that too bad, she thought. He was the one who’d started all this nonsense in the first place.
“Isn’t that all the same?” he asked.
“No! And I don’t like the impression I’m getting from you.”
His dark brows lifted skeptically. “What impression?”
“That you think I’m—some sort of little princess that has to be condescended to.”
His nostrils flared, and something dark and dangerous flickered in his hazel eyes. “If you think you can make me believe for one minute that you’ve ever had to suffer and struggle to make ends meet, you’re sadly mistaken. I’m not a fool, Anna. You were born into wealth, and you wouldn’t know what it was like to be without it.”
He was so wrong that she didn’t even want to try to correct his thinking. And where was his thinking coming from? It didn’t matter, she told herself fiercely. What Miguel Chavez thought of her was his own problem.
“My mother said you were a good man. Obviously she doesn’t know you.”
Anna turned and stomped away from him. She went straight to the branding pen, climbed the metal fence and jumped to the ground inside. Let Miguel be put out with her, she thought angrily. She was home on vacation. If she wanted to help with roundup, she would.
An hour later sweat was pouring down her face, tracking the fine dust coating her skin. She’d long ago shed her jean jacket, and manure now stained the front of her pink cotton shirt and splotched her chaps. But none of those discomforts bothered Anna nearly as much as Miguel’s earlier remarks had. She was still seething over his attitude, and though he’d been working only a few steps away from her, she’d done little more than grunt in his direction.
“You better watch out, Anna. This one is a strong cuss,” the cowhand warned as he bulldogged the half-grown calf to the ground.
Someone appeared with a branding iron just as she managed to grab the calf’s two back legs. “I’m watching,” Anna assured him, “just hurry and—”
Anna’s next word never got past her lips. The next thing she knew the ground slammed against her back and bright white lights were floating in front of her eyes.
“Anna! Anna, can you hear me?”
The deep male voice persisted, demanding she wake up and open her eyes. Anna struggled to see through the cobwebs floating around in her head.
“Miguel? Is that you?” she asked weakly.
Cool, rough fingers touched her temple, and she realized something was wrong with her head. Pain was zinging through it like bolts of lightning.
“Yes. It’s Miguel,” the male voice answered.
A strong arm slid beneath her shoulders and pillowed her upper body in a half-sitting position. “What...happened?” she asked.
“You’ve been kicked,” he said grimly. “Can you see me?”
Anna tried her best to focus her gaze on his dark face. Her vision was still blurred, but thankfully it was quickly clearing.
“Yes. Was I...kicked in the head?” She brought her fingers up to her forehead. It felt like someone had whammed her with a hammer.
“Right in the temple.”
“She took a pretty good lick, boss,” one of the cowboys that were grouped around them said. “Maybe she should go to the doctor.”
“You’re probably right, Jim,” Miguel agreed. “Can you men go on, while I take Anna back to the ranch?”
“No!” Anna practically shouted and made a sudden move to get to her feet.
“Stay where you are!”
The demanding tone of Miguel’s voice was like a shot of adrenaline to Anna. She shoved herself away from him and stood on rubbery legs.
“I’m okay. I don’t need a doctor!”
Another cowhand retrieved her felt hat from the ground where she’d fallen and handed it to her. Anna jammed it back on her head and tried not to wince as it settled over the goose egg that had already formed beneath her scalp.
“You probably have a concussion,” Miguel warned her.
“I can see, and I don’t have the urge to throw up. I just have an ache in my head. And you would, too, under the circumstances.”
Miguel motioned for the men to get back to work, then, taking Anna by the arm, he led her over to the back of the chuck wagon where the two of them would be out of sight from the others.
“Why are you continuing to argue with me? You were briefly knocked out cold!” he told her, his voice rough with frustration. “I want you to swallow a couple of pain pills, and then I’m going to ride with you back to the ranch.”
“Why? I don’t need to go back to the ranch.”
He glared at her with angry disbelief, and Anna wished she had the strength to knock the know-it-all look off his face.
“You didn’t need to be down in the branding pen, either,” he said, “but you wouldn’t listen to me.”
“Oh, sure, throw that up to me! I’m sure it tickles you to death to be able to say ‘I told you so.”’
At this very moment, Miguel wanted to shake her, then hold her as tightly as he could. He’d never been so frightened as when he’d heard the thud of the calf’s hoof striking her head and then had seen her lying white-faced and lifeless on the ground.
“Nothing about this situation tickles me Anna.”
She tried not to feel hurt by his attitude. After all, nowhere was it written that he had to like her. “In other words, you never wanted me around in the first place. You only tolerated my presence because of my mother. Well, if you must know, I only came out here on this roundup to please my mother.”
“And here I thought all this time you were pining to be near me,” he said sarcastically.
“You really are—” she shook her head “—sickening!”
Suddenly his hand was cupping the back of her neck and his face was dangerously close to hers. “What would you know about me, Anna Murdock Sanders? You’ve been away from this ranch for more than a year. You didn’t even know your mother had hired a new man to run the place. I can plainly see who and what you care about!”
Anger turned her cheeks scarlet and made her head pound just that much worse. “I think your hands and your notions are both misguided,” she said through gritted teeth.
Something flared in his eyes, but before Anna could figure out what it was, pressure from his fingers propelled her forward and a pair of hard lips clamped down on hers.
She groaned a protest in her throat, and her fists came up to push against his shoulders. But that was where her fight ended. Her stunned outrage was suddenly forgotten as her senses gave over to the overwhelming sensation of being in his arms, tasting his hard, warm lips.
Anna was certain an eternity had passed before he finally ended the kiss and looked down at her. By then her legs were trembling even worse than before, and her head reeled with pain and the humiliation of surrendering to the man.
“I’m certain,” he muttered, “that you think entirely too much. As for my hands and my notions—you won’t be bothered by either of them again!”
“That’s the best news I’ve had in years!”
Miguel didn’t know what in hell had come over him. He hadn’t wanted to kiss Anna Murdock Sanders! But he had, and even now he still couldn’t find the strength to put her away from him.
“Can you see straight now?” he asked coolly.
Her nostrils flared daintily as her eyes focused on the tantalizing curve of his lips. She was probably just one of many women that had tasted his mouth, she told herself. What had just transpired between them had meant nothing to him, except an act of punishment.
“Straighter than I’ve ever seen before!”
“Good. Then get on your horse and get out of here before I say or do something I’ll really regret.”
“Believe me, I already have.”
She jerked away from him and strode around to the front of the chuck wagon. The cook searched out a bottle of painkillers for her and Anna quickly swallowed one down with a swig of bitter coffee. By the time she’d untethered Ginger and swung herself up into the saddle, Miguel had already dismissed her and gone back to work in the branding pen. Now all she had to do was ride three miles back to the ranch and try to forget she’d ever met the man!
Chapter Three
“Anna! Anna, wake up!”
This time it was her mother’s instructions rather than Miguel’s and the urgency in the older woman’s voice caused Anna to come awake instantly.
“What’s wrong?” She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and was alarmed to see it was the middle of the night.
“Don’t panic, darling, but we’ve had a telephone call from South America. It sounds as though Adam has been involved in some sort of accident out at one of the oil sites.”
Anna bolted upright in bed, and the sudden movement caused her to clutch her head and groan.
Chloe sat down on the side of the mattress and put her arm around her daughter. “I’m sorry I had to wake you up like this. I know your head must be killing you. But your daddy and I are going to be leaving in a few minutes.”
Anna dropped her hands from her temples and stared anxiously at her mother. “Now? Tonight? Is he—” She was forced to stop and swallow as fear knotted her throat. “Is he injured critically?”
Chloe shook her head. “ doesn’t sound that serious. The caller said Adam was in the hospital with a broken leg. And that was the only injury he knew about.”
“Thank God for that much,” Anna murmured as thoughts of her brother whirled through her mind. He’d always been like a third arm or leg to her. Even when they were apart, she always felt his presence, as he did hers. She ached for him now.
“Don’t you think I should go, too? I want to see him,” she said, quickly throwing back the covers.
“Not tonight,” Chloe said quickly. “You don’t need to be traveling with that lump on your head. Besides, if it turns out Adam needs surgery on his leg, we might have to stay down there for an extended time. If that’s the case, I’ll need you here to see after the horses for me.”
Anna nodded at her mother’s reasoning. “Of course, I’ll do anything you need me to.”
Chloe hugged her close. “I know you will, darling.”
She got up from the bed and gently pushed Anna back down against the pillow. “Try to rest and don’t worry. We’ll call you as soon as we find out anything. And in the morning please go over to Miguel’s and explain to him what’s happened and that it looks as though we’ll be away for a few days.”
“Go over to Miguel’s? Mother, there’s no need for that! The man will probably be down at the stables by daybreak. I’ll let him know then.”
Chloe frowned at her daughter. “He won’t be down at the stables in the morning. The men are going to be doing roundup without him tomorrow. He was going to Alamogordo to make a deal on some liquid feed.”
“Then I’ll tell him when he gets back.”
Chloe shot her an exasperated look. Anna groaned and scrubbed her eyes with both fists. “I know, Mother. I’m being a pain. It’s just that I’m worried sick about Adam, and I’d rather go see him than stay here with...Miguel Chavez! You might as well know right now that we’ve had...a run-in.”
Chloe made a palms-up gesture as if to tell her daughter so what. “Then the two of you will just have to get back on track. I can’t concentrate on Adam unless I know this place is being taken care of, and that’s going to mean both you and Miguel seeing after things.”
Anna always loved having a chance to help her parents, to pay them back for all the wonderful years they’d given her. But why the heck did she have to do it with Miguel Chavez?
“Don’t worry,” Anna assured her mother. “I won’t let you down. If need be, I’ll murder Miguel and persuade Lester to come back.”
“Fat chance.” She headed toward the door, then paused with her hand on the knob. “By the way, just what did Miguel do to get you so stirred up?”

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