Read online book «His Last Chance at Redemption» author Michelle Conder

His Last Chance at Redemption
Michelle Conder
His final undoing… Leo Aleksandrov is used to being obeyed – a perk of his cold-hearted ruthlessness. Having to explain to an enticingly pure crèche-owner exactly why he’s never met his own son? Not how he likes to operate. There are some secrets so dark they should never be told…Employing Lexi Somers as a stand-in nanny pushes this merciless tycoon to the edge. Her warm innocence could never even start to atone for the sins of his past, but if giving in to temptation is inevitable, blazing pleasure is the only thing he’ll allow himself to feel in her arms…

‘Do you even have a proper car seat fitted?’
‘I have a limousine.’
Lexi could see from the arrogant tilt of his head that his momentary panic from before was over and that he was firmly back in control. Which annoyed her. He’d almost seemed human before. Approachable.
‘It doesn’t seem that you’ve been worried about much at all where he’s concerned,’ she said frostily.
His gaze sharpened. ‘Who do you think pays for this fancy establishment.’
‘I meant emotionally. He needs something familiar. Do you have his favourite toy? Blanket?’
She raised her own chin challengingly. Mrs Weston might have told her that he was some super-rich businessman, but he was clearly out of his depth in this situation.
‘I have something better.’

About the Author
From as far back as she can remember MICHELLE CONDER dreamed of being a writer. She penned the first chapter of a romance novel just out of high school, but it took much study, many (varied) jobs, one ultra-understanding husband and three very patient children before she finally sat down to turn that dream into a reality.
Michelle lives in Australia, and when she isn’t busy plotting she loves to read, ride horses, travel and practise yoga.
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His Last Chance
at Redemption
Michelle Conder (
For Finn, Pia and Reif.

COULD a man really die of boredom?
Leonid Aleksandrov stared down at his plate of—what had he ordered? Beef? Lamb?—and tried to blank out the blonde actress prattling away at him across the table as if he was one of her girlfriends.
To be fair it was most likely nervous chatter because, he had the good grace to acknowledge, he was a man on the edge. At the end of his tether, his executive assistant, Danny Butler, would say, and even a blind Russian boar could sense that.
But how could he be anything else? The tragedy that had occurred this week was newsworthy all over the world and the press were once again snapping at his heels to get a piece of him. Questioning who he was and sniffing into his past. Looking for Mafia connections one minute and then calling him a hero the next. But a true hero didn’t have things in his life he regretted, did he?
Not that anyone would find anything on him. Seventeen years ago Leo had created a new identity for himself and thanks to Mother Russia being a country of smoke and mirrors he’d been able to bury the misery of his real childhood and reinvent a whole new one.
A much more palatable one.
So far no one knew any better. The press surmised that he was a dangerous man and, somewhat ironically, they didn’t know the half of it.
But what on earth had possessed him—on his first day back in London—to take the latest ‘it girl’ to lunch at this high-end, nosey London eatery? On her birthday of all days.
Ah, yes, sex. Respite. A moment’s relaxation. The gym had failed this week and he’d been looking for another outlet.
But no doubt Danny had thought no-frills sex in a hotel room was a bit cold-blooded on the actress’s special day; hence the lunch date.
Leo shook his head. Danny had been with him for eight years now and even though he was as close to a friend as Leo had ever had, he was still a bit too modern and sentimental for Leo’s liking. And he’d blast him for suggesting the actress meet him in the hotel restaurant instead of the hotel penthouse.
What he had wanted was to get laid and get back to work, not sit down to a three course luncheon. Now, however, after forty minutes of polite chitchat about nothing more interesting than hairstyles and movie shoots, his libido had hit rock bottom.
Thank you, Danny boy.
‘Leo, I swear, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you hadn’t listened to a word I’ve said.’
So not entirely without a brain then. That was something at least. A month ago they’d met at a party and she’d been texting on and off with innocent little invitations for Leo to attend this and that ever since. Well, ‘this and that’ was nigh and he couldn’t have been less interested in taking things further if he was standing next to her wax look-alike at Madame Tussauds. In fact, right now, that would be preferable. Quieter, at least.
Leo pushed his half-eaten lunch aside and dropped his napkin onto his plate.
‘Tiffany, it’s been enthralling, but I have to go. Finish up. Have dessert—’ he hesitated as he glanced at her emaciated figure ‘—or not.’ He pushed back his chair and paused when he saw her overly plump bottom lip quiver; which may have been a trick of the light because a moment later her composure was flawless.
‘Just like that?’ She waved her hand insouciantly, her actor’s face firmly in place. ‘And to think people said you were dynamic. Fascinating. Exciting’
Leo’s eyes narrowed. ‘We’re in the wrong place for me to show you exciting, dorogusha, and now I’m all out of time.’
And interest.
‘They also said you were heartless.’ That last was delivered without even a hint of bitterness and his eyes narrowed on the challenging tilt of her head, his senses homing in on the purr in her voice.
So that was it. He was a challenge to her. A mountain she wanted to conquer. He could understand that even though he wasn’t a man driven by challenges. He’d learned early on that rising to a challenge usually led to mistakes, pain. Leo didn’t do that. He wanted something; he got it. No challenge required.
And Tiffany Tait had definitely overplayed her hand with that comment. Smarter women than her had tried to get their hooks into him without success. He was considered the consummate commitment-phobe and it was a reputation he had carefully cultivated for years.
He stood and buttoned his single-breasted suit jacket. ‘They are right. I am without a heart and no woman will ever change that. Something to remember next time you want to play games.’
With that he walked out. Leaving her and the Cartier bracelet Danny had kindly procured for her as a birthday gift at the last minute. No doubt Leo would hear about his unchivalrous behaviour in some gossip rag at some stage. Not that he cared. Today he’d been looking for a few moments of oblivion to push aside the memory of five of his men being buried alive in an accident on one of his construction sites, and the agony of lifting mountains of cement and steel alongside rescue crews all week to get to them.
They’d reached two in time; the other three were gone. Just like his uncle seventeen years earlier.
Leo’s mouth pulled tight as he wound his way through the ‘beautiful people’ who cast covert glances from behind their crystal glasses.
Usually he loved his life. Proclaimed the richest man in Russia, with enough super toys to fill any action flick, a surfeit of women clamouring to warm his bed and a business he loved—he was understandably riding high. Today he’d almost welcome being back at the end of his father’s belt than return to work.
And really he shouldn’t have been rude to Tiffany Tait. It wasn’t her fault she bored him. He chose that type of woman for a reason—physical gratification and lack of emotional connection. If he was getting bored with eye candy he’d just have to get over himself.
Thirty minutes later and feeling marginally better now that the restaurant ordeal was over he stalked through his outer office and told his new secretary to get Danny—immediately.
Still nervous of him, she cleared her throat before speaking. ‘He’s already waiting for you, Mr Aleksandrov.’
‘Leo,’ he corrected her, pushing open his office door and striding inside.
‘If you ever send me to a poncy restaurant again instead of a private suite when I tell you I want to get laid I’ll fire you.’
‘It’s her birthday,’ Danny replied smoothly.
Leo dropped into his leather-and-chrome chair and surveyed the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated on his desk in his absence.
‘I don’t care if it’s her last day on earth. We both would have had a better time in a bed. Send her another something from somewhere, would you?’ He picked up a stock market report and scowled. Bloody volatile fear-driven markets. When would people learn not to react to every flicker of the sun’s rays as if it was about to go out?
‘You were rude, then?’
Leo didn’t look up. ‘It’s possible.’
He heard Danny sigh. ‘I was about to call you back anyway. You have bigger problems to contend with right now.’
Leo went still at his EA’s ominous tone. Bohze, not another site problem.
He didn’t ask, just waited for Danny to continue. But instead of saying anything, Danny handed him a pink sheet of paper with tiny coloured flowers dotted along the top.
Leo read the brief message and his foul mood plummeted.
‘You’re not serious?’
‘It seems so. I haven’t been able to reach her by phone.’
‘Have you had Security try to track her down?’
‘They’re on it but no luck so far. She says she’s heading to Spain.’
‘I can read.’
A heavy silence fell between them and Leo scanned the note once again to make sure he hadn’t been mistaken.
Then he leaned back in his chair and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his muscles bunch but not release. He crumpled the pink paper in his fist and lobbed it across the room. ‘How many hours do we have?’
‘Two. The childcare centre closes at five.’
Leo swore under his breath and jerked to his feet.
‘It’s only for the long weekend. She’ll be back on Monday,’ Danny added, highlighting the only positive in the message.
Leo stared out of his office window and watched the London Eye do a lazy circuit in the glittering summer sunshine. The wharf was a hive of teeming tourists probably spending more money than they had and he’d gladly hand over half of his vast fortune to any one of them if they could solve his current problem.
Four years ago he’d met a young model at Brussels Airport when all flights had been grounded due to inclement weather. Leo hadn’t even thought twice about it. Beautiful, more-than-willing woman, long night. It made sense.
Her wanting to get pregnant to a rich stranger still didn’t. The woman in question had been on the hunt for a rich husband instead of a rich career and had deliberately used a tampered condom. Three months later she’d come to him and told him the ‘good’ news.
She’d been hoping for a ring. What she’d got was a house and a monthly allowance once paternity had been confirmed.
Leo wasn’t father material. He had blood running through his veins he had never intended to pass on. The fact that this model—Amanda Weston—had duped him had made him crazy. After the fog had cleared and logic had returned he’d done the honourable thing. He’d covered all her financial expenses and made her promise to keep the boy as far away from him as possible. He might have inadvertently given someone life but he wasn’t about to completely stuff it up by being part of the child’s life as well.
Recollections of his own childhood danced at the edges of his mind like circus performers wielding brightly coloured batons with which to prod him. First the death of three of his men had reminded him of the horrendous circumstances surrounding his beloved uncle’s death and now the prospect of having to care for his three-year-old son was bringing up even worse memories. His mother. His father. His brother.
With ruthless determination Leo banished his memories and refocused on the one thing he could trust. Work.
He turned back to Danny. ‘What’s happening with the Thessaly ethanol plant?’
‘So, you still haven’t said. Are you going to Paris this weekend with Simon, or not?’
Lexi stopped trying to put the wheel back on a broken toy truck and looked over at her best friend and business partner, Aimee Madigan.
Aimee had one eye on the group of kids enjoying free play at the Little Angels childcare centre they had started together two years ago and the other on the yarn she was carefully winding back into a ball. ‘And please don’t tell me you have to work,’ her friend added with a sense of resigned certainty.
Lexi grimaced. She was supposed to be heading to Paris for the long weekend with a guy she’d been seeing casually for two months. And no doubt Simon would expect their relationship to advance to the next stage—sex—but Lexi wasn’t convinced that was such a good idea.
She had let herself be worn down by a man’s pursuit once before and the experience still left a bitter taste in her mouth. Only she didn’t really want to be worn down. The truth was, her life was wonderful as it was; she’d let herself be weakened once before by a man’s pursuit and the experience still left a bitter taste in her mouth. ‘You know the second centre is at a crucial stage of the planning. If I don’t get the loan approved in the next week or so, we won’t have one.’
‘I take it things didn’t go so well then with Darth Vader this morning?’
Lexi grinned at Aimee’s use of the pet moniker they had attributed to their hard-nosed bank manager and tried not to feel despondent. ‘He’s still got some concerns about how much the renovations are costing and some aspects of the business plan.’
‘I wish I could help you.’
Lexi shook her head. ‘This is my area of the business and you do enough around here. I’ll sort it somehow.’
Aimee stopped winding her wool and looked at Lexi as if she’d just had a great idea. ‘I know, maybe you could do that somewhere between the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre,’ she suggested, only half tongue-in-cheek.
‘Oh, yeah, I’m sure Simon would really love that!’ Lexi laughed.
‘Well, he is shelling out for The Ritz so it seems a shame to miss it altogether. And he does seem very nice.’
‘He is,’ Lexi replied, wishing Aimee would let the topic drop.
‘Lex, you’re still using work as an excuse to avoid having a proper relationship with a man,’ Aimee reproved.
Lexi scraped her finger on the toy car. ‘Ow, damn.’ She sucked the scratch and tried to keep her answer light and simple. ‘Maybe I just haven’t met the love of my life yet.’
‘And you won’t with the amount of hours you spend here.’
‘I’m happy.’
‘Not every man is an immature skunk like Brandon, Lex, and it has been four years.’
Lexi pulled a face. She’d been best friends with Aimee since high school and she knew her friend had her best interests at heart. And she also knew Aimee was right, but Brandon’s betrayal had echoed that of her father’s just a little too closely and Lexi wasn’t at all sure she was willing to risk her heart again any time soon.
‘I know that,’ she said on a sigh. And she did. But even thinking about having a relationship brought up all her old insecurities and the truth, which she was far too embarrassed to ever admit to anyone—including Aimee—was that she wasn’t great at sex. Wasn’t overly sexual at all. Which, if she was being completely honest, was the main reason she didn’t want to go to Paris. That and the fact that she didn’t actually want to have sex with Simon. But admitting that made her feel as if there was something wrong with her.
And maybe there was … Wasn’t that what Brandon had implied?
She walked over to give the truck back to the three-year-old who had broken it. ‘Here you go, Jake. Just be a bit more careful when you play with it this time.’ She scanned the group and didn’t even hear the high-pitched sounds of kids digging to China in the sandpit and chasing each other around the various climbing frames during their free play session. It was getting towards the end of the day and half the kids had already been collected. Her eyes fell on Ty Weston playing quietly by himself hammering at the small wooden table, and her heart gripped a little.
Professionally, Lexi would never admit to having a favourite at the centre, but personally she and Ty had clicked. Had done from the moment he’d joined the centre as a runty one-year-old. Small for his age back then, he was now veering on the taller end of the scale for three.
‘You know,’ Aimee began almost tentatively when Lexi picked up another tangled ball of wool and started winding it, ‘we could always ditch the idea of the second childcare centre.’
‘What?’ Lexi was genuinely shocked by Aimee’s suggestion. This was their dream and the area of London they were planning to open their new centre was in desperate need of decent childcare. ‘I can’t believe you would say that after all we’ve put into it. And I have no intention of quitting just because my love life is suffering and because we’ve had a few setbacks.’
‘Lex, you don’t have a love life and we’re paying rent on an empty building that’s nowhere near finished. Maybe you need to give up on the idea of us becoming the saviour of the childcare world.’
Fortunately for Aimee, Lexi didn’t get a chance to respond to that because one of their co-workers interrupted them.
‘Excuse me, Lexi.’
Lexi turned as Tina stepped through the double glass doorway leading into the main room.
‘What is it, Tina?’
Tina grinned. ‘There’s a hot guy wanting to pick up Ty Weston but I don’t know who he is.’
Hot guy? Probably a model, Lexi thought dismissively.
‘His mother is supposed to be collecting him tonight,’ Lexi said. But she wouldn’t be surprised if the flaky Amanda Weston had forgotten. The woman didn’t seem to care about her son and ever since her mother, Ty’s grandmother and main carer, had passed away two weeks ago, Amanda had become even worse. ‘What’s his name?’
‘Didn’t say.’ Tina waggled her eyebrows. ‘But I think he might be a movie star.’
Lexi laughed at Tina’s stage whisper.
‘I’ll be sure to get his autograph for you,’ she whispered back.
‘Forget the autograph. Just let him know I’m single.’
‘How do you know he is?’ Lexi countered.
Tina raised her left hand. ‘No rings.’
‘Maybe I should go,’ Aimee interrupted gravely. ‘This sounds serious.’
Lexi rolled her eyes and swiped her hands down her grubby peasant skirt. ‘Yeah, I’m sure Todd would love that! Watch Ty for me, can you? He’s been a bit fragile lately.’
She stepped inside the softly lit main room and noticed the outline of a tall, broad-shouldered man just visible through the window into her office. A sense of trepidation settled in her stomach at the very stillness he seemed to project through the glass.
Telling herself not to be dramatic, Lexi straightened her shoulders and opened the door to her office, stopping short when possibly the most divine-looking man she had ever seen turned to face her.
Hot guy?
The man was scorching. Tall and leanly muscled in a beautifully cut grey suit and black open-necked shirt. He had a chiselled jaw sporting a five o’clock shadow, heart-stopping blue eyes framed by jet-black lashes, close-cropped dirty blond hair and enough sexual confidence to make a courtesan blush.
Various film star names ran through her head but none of them seemed to match. No star she could recall had that air of controlled menace about them. Not that she’d met that many … or any, in fact. Her gaze rose back up over his superb physique and her breath stalled somewhere between her throat and her lungs as their eyes met. His gaze was that of a predatory animal sizing up its prey. Or maybe an army general contemplating war. Whoever he was, he was no ordinary movie star.
Lexi curved suddenly dry lips into a professional smile and ignored the way her stomach seemed to have bottomed out. ‘Good afternoon. My name is Lexi Somers. How may I help you?’
Those dangerous blue eyes raked her from head to toe and made the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach slide lower.
‘I’m here to collect Ty Weston.’ His voice was dark, accented. Russian? Something East European anyway. Which explained the slashing cheekbones and strong jaw. Against her better judgement, she looked into his eyes again and was surprised not just because of her unexpected physical reaction, but because he also seemed familiar.
She had seen him before.
No. She shook her head and then masked the unconscious movement by stepping past him to the relative safety of the other side of her oak desk. She would definitely remember him if she’d seen him before. And his smell. Clean, citrusy with a hint of wood. She would definitely have remembered that.
Lexi thought about sitting down, but immediately discounted the idea. Even in her three-inch heels he towered over her and instinct warned her not to concede one of those inches to him or he’d steamroll right over top of her. She’d been cursing the shoes all day, having dressed formally for her meeting at the bank this morning and only realising she’d left her comfortable flats at home when she’d changed out of her business suit. Now she was glad for the extra height.
‘And you are?’ She kept her voice courteous, calling on years of defusing difficult situations in an attempt to lighten the tension in the room.
‘Here to collect Ty Weston.’ He looked down his slightly crooked nose at her and Lexi felt the first stirrings of irritation she usually had no trouble keeping in check.
‘Yes. You said that. But I’ll need a little more information before I can release him into your care.’ Even saying that last word felt like a misnomer given his steely demeanour.
He folded his arms across his chest and the room seemed to shrink. ‘What kind of information?’
‘Your name for one.’
Despite her better judgement, Lexi dropped into her comfortable chair. Her feet were killing her and she hoped it would induce him to do the same; anything to make him seem a little less imposing. ‘Please, take a seat,’ she offered with forced equanimity.
He didn’t answer, nor did he take up her suggestion. Just scanned the room like some sort of secret service operative and Lexi felt her pang of unease turn into a shiver of real dread. Should she be calling the police right now? Did the man have a gun thrust into the back of that expensive-looking suit?
Lexi gave herself a mental head slap. It wasn’t like her to overdramatise situations. Still … ‘I have to say you’re making me feel distinctly nervous.’
His eyes found hers again and a jolt of something other than fear shimmied through her. ‘I am Leo Aleksandrov.’ His tone told her she should recognise who he was but she didn’t. Her life was far too busy to read gossip magazines.
‘I can tell that’s supposed to mean something to me, but I’m sorry, it doesn’t.’
He shrugged. His first human movement. ‘That is of no consequence to me. Now, please—’ he inclined his head in what Lexi imagined was supposed to be a demonstration of politeness but just came across as an incredibly superior gesture ‘—I am short on time.’
She frowned. ‘What is your relationship to Ty Weston?’
‘Not your concern,’ he said, his nostrils flaring slightly as if the question was beneath him.
‘Actually, it’s very much my concern—’ Lexi barely controlled her growing annoyance ‘—if you’re serious about taking him with you.’
‘Did I not say I was short on time?’
Lexi’s eyebrows hit her hairline at his condescending tone. Just who did this guy think he was? ‘And did I not say I required more information from you? We don’t usually allow the children in our care to just go off with anyone who happens in off the street. There are procedures to follow. Forms to sign.’
He looked as if he hadn’t considered that. Then his eyes raked over her again and Lexi wished she was still wearing her professional suit from earlier. ‘I’d like to speak to the manager.’
She smiled, never more pleased at being able to utter her next words. ‘I am the manager.’
He stared at her and Lexi couldn’t drag her eyes from his intense blue eyes.
‘I apologise,’ he said finally, a mocking lilt in his voice that suggested otherwise. ‘It seems we are at loggerheads, Ms Somers—’
Now why had she said that? She preferred Ms!
‘Miss Somers,’ he intoned. ‘And while I appreciate your concern for Ty Weston’s welfare, I have permission from the boy’s mother to collect him this evening as she is apparently out of town.’
Lexi frowned at his use of the word ‘apparently.’ ‘I’m sorry, but it doesn’t seem as if she has informed the centre of this change. Do you have proof of this permission?’
He paused and his mouth quirked slightly upwards. ‘Alas, I left it back in my office.’
Lexi nodded, not at all convinced by what he was saying.
‘Well, alas, Mr—’ Damn, what was his last name again? ‘—you’ll just have to come back when you have your proof.’ She stood up. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me—’
‘You’re dismissing me!’ The shocked outrage on his ruggedly handsome face would have made her laugh any other time but right now butterflies were tap dancing in her stomach and making her feel strange.
‘Yes, I do believe I am.’
He planted his hands on top of the paperwork on her desk and leaned towards her. ‘Listen, Miss Somers, I’ve had just about as much as I can take of your obstinacy.’
‘My obstinacy?’ Lexi leaned back in her chair and tried to stare him down. Which wasn’t easy. In his anger his eyes had taken on a cold precision that could cut through lead. ‘That’s rich.’
Maybe she should call the police.
Some of her nervousness must have shown because his eyes narrowed. ‘I can assure you this is all completely above-board.’
‘Then you won’t mind if I contact Amanda.’
He straightened up and pulled at his cuffs. ‘Please do. And if you get through pass the phone this way.’
Frowning even harder Lexi collected Ty’s file from the corner cabinet, conscious of his eyes on her the whole time. Ignoring him she returned to her seat and dialled Amanda Weston’s mobile number.
After a minute the phone clicked over onto voicemail and Lexi left a brief message asking her to call and hung up.
‘She’s not available,’ she said a little unnecessarily, given he had heard her message.
The man, Leo Alek-someone, didn’t seem surprised.
Just then another parent arrived at the gate to be buzzed into the centre and Lexi rose to her feet. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I need to attend to someone else and while I do I’ll double check with my colleagues as to whether Amanda passed on a message about you.’
She headed towards the door and felt his body move infinitesimally, as if he planned to follow her.
‘I wouldn’t,’ she warned him coolly, heart pounding a mile a minute. ‘We have panic buttons carefully placed throughout the centre and if you follow me I’ll set one off.’
He stared at her for a long moment and then smiled.
Lexi’s breath caught at the dazzling effect of that smile. Then it turned lazy as he noted her reaction. ‘You’re bluffing, Miss Somers.’
Yes, she was. They had one panic button in the centre and she had no doubt he’d be on her before she could even instruct someone to activate it.
‘Follow me and find out,’ she dared, wondering at the husky challenge in her voice. Something about this man’s inherent sense of authority, that came with being super rich, or super famous, rubbed her up the wrong way.
He cocked his head, his eyes running over her as if she was a delicacy he wouldn’t mind nibbling. Heat constricted her throat and when his gaze dropped to her chest her breasts seemed to expand and tighten in a completely visceral response that was as shocking as it was unexpected.
His eyes, no longer icy, met hers and lust, the like she had never experienced before, exploded deep in her belly as she registered the inherent interest he didn’t have the good manners to hide. ‘Don’t be long.’
Don’t be … Lexi stalked out of the room.
Had she ever met a ruder, more charismatic man in her life?

LEO watched the petite brunette sweep out of her office as if the hounds of hell were after her, her ponytail bobbing behind her head like an overwound pendulum.
Run, angel, run.
He smiled to himself, unable to take his eyes off her trim figure.
He shouldn’t have goaded her like that but he couldn’t resist the way her exotic golden eyes had sparkled at him crossly and the way her creamy skin had flushed pink.
She’d had the strangest effect on him the minute she’d come striding through the door like some field marshal about to do battle. Her heart-shaped face tipped at an angle that said she could easily take on Alexander the Great and win.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t the strangest effect. Maybe it was a purely sexual one, but it had hit him from left field because she wasn’t his usual type. Too uptight—despite the Snow White attire—and too small. Delicate even. Her waist appearing so slender he could wrap his hands around her without any trouble at all. He liked his women a little taller, a little more sophisticated and a lot more accommodating.
He cupped his hands behind his head and spied the contents of her desk. Papers, brightly coloured pens, cotton dolls and a computer keyboard, all neatly arranged. Soft pink curtains hung from the single window and various child related paraphernalia lined the walls.
And some New-Agey smell had got up his nose and he had yet to locate the source. He wondered how Lexi Somers smelled and whether her neat figure would live up to the promise outlined in her prim blouse and red skirt. Then he told himself to quit it—he wasn’t here for that.
Only his mind had already conjured up a pleasurable image of the hint of puckered nipples beneath the lacy bra she wore and his mouth watered as he wondered at their colour. Their taste. He’d noticed her response to his perusal of her body earlier and as much as she might be trying to appear cool and calm—he could tell she was a fireball of nerves inside.
What would she be like in bed? Coolly efficient, or hot and abandoned?
The thought hadn’t fully formed in his mind before the annoying bell over her office door tinkled. His senses stood to attention at the sound of her determined footsteps crossing the linoleum flooring in shoes more befitting a party-girl than a childcare manager. And what was up with that? Clearly she was a woman who played on her sexuality.
Definitely hot and abandoned, he decided, and unconsciously breathed deep as she skirted past him. Just the hint of vanilla and … musk? Seductive, whatever it was, he thought, slightly bemused at his one-track mind.
‘I’m sorry you’ve wasted your time, Mr …’
‘Aleksandrov.’ He said his surname more slowly, amused despite himself that she might really not know who he was. It happened so rarely nowadays.
‘Aleksandrov.’ She smiled, her hands folded primly together on her desk as if the matter was resolved.
Leo twisted his mouth into a smile and slouched back in the wooden chair built for a doll. ‘And why is that, Miss Somers?’ he asked casually, unwilling to refute her mistaken belief that she was in control of this situation just yet.
‘I’ve checked with my colleagues and there has been no message about a change in pick up arrangements so I cannot release Ty Weston into your care.’
Leo felt an itch attack his left eyebrow and ignored it. Just as he ignored her statement. Instead he folded his arms across his chest and stared her down, waiting for her to break. Surprisingly, she held his gaze longer than he had expected. Then she sat straighter. ‘I think it’s time you left.’
If only he could.
‘What are you going to do when nobody comes to collect Ty?’
A flicker of doubt clouded her eyes and she let out a pent-up breath. ‘Look, I’ve had a lousy day so far and you’re not making it any better. I have no idea who you— Oh! You’re—’
‘Ty’s father.’
He spoke at the same time as she had deduced the information and he raised a mocking brow at her cleverness.
‘The eyes. You have his eyes.’
Leo didn’t know that. He’d never once looked at the photos his security team provided in their regular updates on his son.
A sheen of sweat broke out across his brow at the thought of meeting him now. Already emotions and guilt he’d had no trouble keeping at bay for years were swelling inside him like heavy rain filling a river, and he mentally cursed Amanda Weston and her conniving ways.
Leo stood up, ignoring the heat of Lexi Somers’ gaze as it raked over his chest, pulling his stomach muscles tight.
Perhaps he should have told her his relationship to Ty from the outset, but the last thing he wanted was word to get out that he had a son. If it did he’d have to supply Ty with a security detail for the rest of his childhood and he had wanted to avoid that at all costs. ‘Fine. Now you can go get him. I’ll wait here.’
The surprise that had softened her full lips disappeared and she shook her head. ‘I’m sorry; I can’t do that.’
Leo felt the return of his earlier annoyance at her stubbornness. ‘Why not?’
‘You’re not on his list of appointed people permitted to collect him.’
Chort vozmi! ‘What a load of rubbish,’ he rasped.
She stood up to face him and gripped the edges of her desk. ‘It’s not rubbish. We have procedures in the centre to ensure the children’s safety and—’
‘If you knew who I was you wouldn’t be arguing with me.’
He blew out a breath. He sounded like a self-important ass and the look on the brunette’s face said she’d come to the same conclusion.
‘Why? Because you’re above the law?’ The imperious question didn’t require an answer but he wanted to give her one. He wanted to take the line his Cossack ancestors would have done: press her up against the wall and take what her wide-spaced golden eyes had been offering since she’d first marched into the room. Then he’d take his son and get the hell out of there.
Pity a couple of centuries had spoiled that option.
‘I’m his father,’ he ground out, the words sounding strange to his ears.
‘A father whose name is not on any of our forms,’ she reminded him. ‘And why is that?’
Leo reined in surging guilt that threatened to spiral into rage and paced two steps to the back of the room.
He sucked in a deep breath, knowing that logically she had a point even though her question was way out of line.
He turned back to face her. ‘Look, Miss Somers—’ he unclenched his jaw ‘—I want to be here about as much as you want me here but I don’t have a choice. Amanda delivered a note to my office advising me that there was no one else to take care of Ty. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.’
‘Are you having custody issues?’
Leo felt his eyes harden. ‘I am not about to discuss my personal business with you.’
She stood firm. ‘And I’m not about to release a child into the care of a man I’ve never met before and who is not on his list of trusted carers.’
Leo rubbed his neck. ‘Try his mother again.’
She looked as if she wouldn’t but then picked up the phone and hit redial.
‘Still no answer.’
Leo swore and saw her eyes widen in silent reprimand. Too bad. The angel didn’t like his language.
Then he returned to the doll’s chair and sprawled in front of her. ‘So what do we do now?’
For the first time since she returned she looked unsure and swivelled around to check the clock behind her.
‘Half an hour to go, angel. Maybe we should find something else to do other than argue to make the time go quicker.’
Her eyes took on the size of the dinner plates his lunch had been served on and he cursed his rampaging libido. What was he doing thinking about sex with this woman at a time like this? ‘Forget I said that.’
‘I most certainly will. It was tacky in the extreme.’
Leo’s eyes wandered over her with insolent abandon. ‘Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it, angel.’
She gasped and he smiled at her outrage. ‘I most certainly have not! And do not call me angel.’
He smiled. She had. And so had he.
‘I’ll call you whatever I want and you’re a liar.’
‘And you’re incredibly rude.’
He shrugged and checked the clock. ‘Are you seriously going to make me wait until six o’clock before I can take him?’ He’d never come up against such resistance from a woman before.
‘No. I’m going to call the police.’ She reached for the phone and he leaned across the desk and covered her hand with one of his. Sensation shot up his arm at the contact and for a moment all he could do was stare at her.
Time seemed suspended between them and then she wrenched her hand out from under his. ‘Get your hands off me.’
‘Settle down, Miss Somers, before you get hysterical.’
‘I do not get hysterical. But you are crossing the line Mr Aleksandrov, and I want you to leave.’
Leo scrubbed his face. At least she remembered his name this time. ‘I apologise. Call the police if it makes you feel better but it won’t change anything. Amanda Weston has done a runner for the weekend and I’m all the kid’s got.’
The angel rubbed the back of her hand as if she could still feel his touch and Leo’s fingers flexed involuntarily because he could definitely still feel the silk of her skin. ‘That remains to be seen.’
He glanced at the clock. ‘Five minutes to go. Surely Amanda would be here by now if she was coming.’
‘Not necessarily. She’s often late, sometimes even forgetting to turn up at all.’
‘What?’ He was genuinely shocked by her comment and he saw the moment she knew she’d said too much. ‘How many times?’
‘How many times has she forgotten?’
‘I can’t remember.’ She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and he knew she was lying. He stared at her until she grew uncomfortable. ‘A few since her mother passed away.’
He frowned. ‘Her mother died?’
‘She fell and broke her hip two weeks ago. I understand there was a complication with the surgery.’
He shook his head. ‘I didn’t know.’
‘Why am I not surprised.’
It was a statement, not a question, and he scowled, deciding to ignore her disparaging tone. ‘Why should that affect when Amanda picks the boy up?’
‘Because she doesn’t normally do it. As I understand it her mother was Ty’s main carer.’
Leo frowned. Ty’s grandmother had taken care of him? Maybe he should have read those reports after all.
‘You didn’t know that either, did you?’ The angel didn’t look impressed and he wanted to tell her she had no right to judge him.
‘So it would seem,’ he snapped, getting up and stalking the short distance to the rear of the room and back.
Leo noticed that she watched him as if she was trying to read him and he felt uncomfortable under her close scrutiny. He instinctively knew that if he told her he’d never even met his son she’d take umbrage and probably call in the army to deal with him and the truth was—he was a little worried. Danny was organising a nanny to meet him at his apartment to take over from him but … what would he do with a three-year-old until then?
Long suppressed memories of his baby brother spiked in his head—that soft little body, his cheeky grin, the way he had called him ‘Layo.’ Leo swallowed past the bile in his throat and refixed his gaze on Lexi Somers. His eyes dropped to the row of pearl buttons on her blouse and he imagined grabbing the collar and ripping them off. Imagined baring her to his hungry gaze and lifting her onto the desk and burying himself deep inside her. His body hardened, but sex wouldn’t change the inevitable, only delay it, and he knew that was the reason it was on his mind so much since he’d arrived here. He was trying to distract himself. It had nothing to do with the brunette with the tiny waist and golden eyes.
‘Mr Aleksandrov, are you okay?’ He blanked his expression and told himself to stop being an ass and figure out this problem. Give him a stock market crash or a potential hotel site to assess and he’d have the situation under control in minutes. Dealing with the needs of a young child was so far removed from his reality he was struggling to be one step ahead of the issues.
Then it hit him. He’d forgotten to treat this situation like a business transaction. And hadn’t he learned that everything came down to one thing?
‘How much do you need to hand Ty over?’
‘Excuse me?’
His eyes grew flinty. ‘You heard. I’m a wealthy man.’ He raked her with cool eyes. ‘I’m sure your wardrobe could do with an update.’
Her mouth fell open and she stared at him as if he’d just asked her how to build a pipe bomb. ‘Are you seriously trying to bribe me?’
Leo closed his eyes and then glanced at the ceiling before bringing his gaze back to her. He stood up. ‘I already told you I’m short on time and you’ve wasted enough of it. I’m the boy’s father; even you recognised that, so just—’
The phone ringing interrupted him and they both stared at it as if it were a snake. Then the angel leaned over to pick it up. He could tell straight away it was Amanda by the way her eyes flew to his. ‘I see,’ she murmured, before turning her back on him.
Leo’s anger spiked and he lunged for the phone and yanked it out of her hands. ‘Amanda, what do you—’ think you’re doing? he finished silently as the call was disconnected. He stared at the phone and swore viciously before tossing it onto Ty’s file.
He felt confined and edgy in the tiny room. Then the annoying tinkle above the door sounded and a blonde poked her head through and eyed him as one would a dangerous animal. Which was exactly how he felt.
‘Everything okay in here, Lex?’
Lexi’s eyes flashed to his and he waited for her to say no. ‘I think so. But can you hang around for another couple of minutes?’
‘Sure. Ty is the only one left and Tina’s gone.’ The woman glanced in his direction and then dropped her eyes.
‘Okay. I’ll have this sorted in a jiffy,’ Lexi said.
Leo looked at her. ‘What’s a jiffy?’
She seemed momentarily confused and then shook her head. ‘I have no idea. It’s a figure of speech. You’re Russian?’
‘Da. Yes. And you are English?’
Something indefinable passed between them and then, thankfully, she shook her head and broke the connection. ‘Okay. It seems that Amanda has gone away for the weekend and she just had enough time to tell me that you are Ty’s father before you wrenched the phone from my hand like a Neanderthal.’
Leo didn’t flinch at the criticism. ‘Good. Then I can go.’
He stood and heard her release a noisy breath before she too rose to her feet.
‘What now?’ he growled, desperate to put this woman with her accusing golden-green eyes behind him.
‘Why are you not on any of his forms?’
‘Amanda has sole custody.’
‘At the risk of sounding rude, Miss Somers, that’s none of your business.’
‘You’re wrong.’ She rounded her desk and stood in front of him. ‘Ty is in my care and as I don’t have written authority to hand him over to you I could still lose my licence as a childcare provider if I released him to you and something happened to him.’
‘I appreciate your predicament but that is not my fault. Amanda should have made the proper arrangements.’
She considered him for a moment. ‘Promise me you’re not some maniac of a father who is going to do something terrible the moment you have him alone.’
The skin on Leo’s face pulled tight and his mouth went dry as she inadvertently tore a strip off one of the bandages concealing his childhood wounds. He was aware that his breathing had become shallow and that his blood was roaring in his ears.
He couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from hers and yet looking into her innocently questioning gaze was searing him with pain. ‘I would never intentionally hurt my son,’ he said hoarsely, his accent thicker as he fought to contain memories from the past.
He waited for her to contradict him. To say that she could see the blackness inside him, but she didn’t. Instead she nodded curtly. ‘Follow me.’
He released a harsh breath and followed her out into the main area of the centre, which was eerily neat and quiet. The blonde from before stepped through the opposite doorway. ‘Ty is in the sandpit.’
‘Thanks, Aimee. You go ahead. I’ll be home shortly.’
‘I’ll probably be at Todd’s.’
Lexi smiled and Leo’s stomach did a somersault. ‘I’ll see you next week then.’
‘Have a fun time away if you decide to go.’ She raised her eyebrows and Leo wondered where Lexi Somers was going this weekend and why he cared. Then he forgot about it as the blonde walked away and he was confronted with an empty doorway.
His heart felt like a dead weight in his chest as he stepped through it and gazed at the blond-haired toddler happily making truck sounds as he scooped sand into the digger.
Chort vozmi. God damn it. He couldn’t do this.
He turned to the woman behind him and gripped her arms as a fear he hadn’t felt in years assailed him.
‘You can’t do what?’ Lexi asked, her eyes racing across Leo Aleksandrov’s suddenly pale face. He looked as if he were facing a smoking gun and she had no idea what to do. Her heart hammered in her chest. This close, she could see the blue of his eyes was shot through with silver and the stubble lining his jaw made his face impossibly handsome. ‘Mr Aleksandrov?’
Her soft tone seemed to bring his eyes back into focus because he let her go and stepped backwards as he turned to stare at his son.
She rubbed her arms and glanced at Ty, who was regarding them curiously, no hint of recognition on his face at all. She tried to remember what Amanda Weston had said about Ty’s father when she had first enrolled Ty at the centre but her memory was hazy. Something about him not being interested in Ty and a request that they not ask Ty about him. Obviously, whatever had happened between Amanda and Leo, it had not ended well and Ty had borne the brunt of that.
Lexi felt sick. She hated men who didn’t take responsibility for their actions, who didn’t care enough about their children to spend time with them.
Trying to quell her rising anger for Ty’s sake, Lexi stepped forward. ‘Ty, come on. Your da— Oh!’
Strong fingers bit into her upper arms as the man behind her grabbed her and hauled her back against him. Lexi stumbled in her high heels and fell back against a chest as rock-solid as granite. The breath left her lungs as one of his powerful arms banded her torso just below her breasts to keep her upright.
She instantly caught fire at his touch, unbidden lust tightening her breasts and sending a spiral of heat straight to her pelvis. Shocked by her instant sexual response—a response she’d been trying to deny since she’d first seen him—Lexi turned in the circle of his arms with every intention of pushing him away. Only once her hands flattened against the brick wall of his chest, his heat and his scent had a paralysing effect on her senses. Now she didn’t want to push him away. Now she wanted to rise up onto her toes and kiss him. As if reading her thoughts, his eyes darkened to navy and took on a fierce quality that sent her senses into overdrive.
The faint buzzing of the airconditioning and the gentle sound of the wind chimes receded and Lexi was completely captivated as his head slowly lowered to hers. His hands at her waist tightened, pulling her inexorably closer, and her startled gaze flew to his as she felt the unmistakable edge of his erection brush against her belly.
His eyes held hers, his mouth hovering just out of reach, their breaths mingling, and Lexi couldn’t move. Then his gaze clouded over, registering the shock she felt, and before she could suck in another breath he shoved her back from him and stalked inside.
Lexi followed him to the doorway as if in a daze, her body sending all sorts of mixed messages to her brain. One of which was to follow him inside and press herself up against him and never let go. Which was just crazy! She never behaved like that. Not even with Brandon!
‘He doesn’t know I’m his father.’
The harsh words broke into her personal thoughts and when she realised what he had said she couldn’t hide her horror. ‘How—’
‘We’ve never met.’
Lexi gripped the door frame, shaking her head. ‘That’s not possible.’
Leo’s face as he looked at her was grim, all signs of his earlier arousal gone, while her own body still felt soft and jittery from the shock of all that maleness pressed so intimately against her own. She’d been right in her premonition before. The man was lethal—just not in the way she had expected.
His mouth tightened and she realised she was staring at it, wondering how it would have felt if he hadn’t stopped himself before. If she’d taken matters into her own hands and … whoa, girl, hold the fort. You do not want to kiss this man.
‘I assure you it is,’ he rasped raggedly.
Lexi’s mind retraced their conversation and a thousand questions winged into it. But uppermost in her thinking was Ty’s welfare. He hadn’t been the same since his grandmother had passed away and now, to be taken by a strange man for three days—even if he was his father—could have a huge psychological impact on him.
And could she trust that this dangerous Russian was telling the truth about why he wanted Ty?
She forced herself to meet Leo’s guarded eyes and willed her mind to concentrate on what was important. ‘If that’s true, he’s not going to feel comfortable going with you,’ she informed him shortly.
He rubbed the back of his neck and glanced away. ‘I know. I should have thought of that earlier and organised the nanny to meet me here instead of my apartment.’
‘Nanny?’ Lexi frowned and glanced behind her to make sure Ty was still playing happily. ‘Has Ty met this person before?’
‘Then he won’t be happy with her either.’
‘She’ll know what to do.’
‘Not necessarily. Do you even have a proper car seat fitted?’
‘I have a limousine.’
‘That doesn’t answer my question. Listen, if Ty doesn’t know you and you’re taking him to an unfamiliar place, that will be scary for a three-year-old. Not to mention potentially damaging to his psyche.’
‘You let me worry about his psyche,’ he growled impatiently and Lexi could see from the arrogant tilt of his head that his momentary panic from before was over and that he was firmly back in control.
‘It doesn’t seem that you’ve been worried about much at all where your son is concerned,’ she said tartly.
His gaze sharpened. ‘Who do you think pays for this fancy establishment?’
‘I meant emotionally.’
He looked at her as if she were speaking a foreign language and she huffed out a breath. Arguing was not going to solve this situation. ‘He needs something familiar. Do you have his favourite toy? Blanket?’
For a minute he looked utterly lost and despite the fact that she despised his type, her heart went out to him.
He paced away from her and it seemed an age before he answered. Then he turned and her breath stalled at the sight of the bold smile that tilted the corners of his sexy mouth. ‘I have something better.’
She was almost afraid to ask. ‘Like what?’
‘Like you.’

‘WHY is he crying?’ Leo asked, tugging loose another button on his shirt, which felt suddenly too tight. Ty had been crying on and off for half an hour and the sobs were twisting his gut to the point where he couldn’t concentrate on work.
Lexi Somers, who had reluctantly accompanied him to his apartment two hours ago, reached across and took the distressed toddler from the matronly arms of the nanny, Mrs Parsons, whom Danny had organised. Instantly the boy cuddled into her and started sucking his thumb, huge teardrops clinging to his lower lashes.
Leo was aware that his pulse was racing just looking at his son and turned his attention to the woman holding him. Which wasn’t much better because his mind instantly recalled the feel of her soft body against his and the moment he’d almost kissed her. As if he needed that complication right now. Today, at lunchtime, he would have welcomed the way she made him feel. Now, with his world unravelling at the seams, the last thing he needed to think about was sex. Especially sex with a cute woman who was utterly furious with him.
‘He’s not comfortable with Mrs Parsons yet, but that’s to be expected,’ she answered him briskly, one of her hands rubbing Ty’s back soothingly. ‘This is all very traumatic for him.’ The reproach in her voice was unmistakable.
Not just for him, Leo thought.
‘He seems very comfortable with you,’ he said.
‘I’ve looked after him almost every weekday for two years. It’s only natural he feels comfortable with me.’
Leo felt movement behind him and turned to see Danny standing in the door of his home office. ‘Dmitri is on the phone.’
‘Right.’ Due to the delay in collecting Ty, Leo still had work to wrap up. But first he needed to sort the problem of Ty and the nanny. ‘You take him to bed,’ he instructed Lexi. ‘And then—’
Leo blinked at her quiet reprimand.
He thought about telling her that if she interrupted him one more time with that gorgeous mouth he’d do something they’d both regret but found himself in the unique position of needing somebody else more than they needed him. A situation he did not like at all. He had to get rid of her and the sooner the better. ‘Please, Miss Somers, would you be so kind as to take my son to his bed?’
He could tell she wasn’t fooled by his mocking tone, but that was okay. He knew she’d do it. Ever since she had told Ty that this ‘nice’ man was taking them on an adventure and had made it sound as if it could rival Disney World he knew she was a soft touch under her no-nonsense exterior—a weakness he was ruthless enough to exploit.
‘Which room is his?’ she muttered.
‘This way.’ Leo hadn’t thought about which of his spare rooms to give Ty, but they were both the same so he chose the first one he came to.
He opened the door and inhaled vanilla as Lexi moved past him and looked around the room, a frown marring her smooth forehead.
King-sized bed, bedside tables, French windows leading to an outside balcony, private bathroom. What was there to frown about? Except maybe the absence of a cot. Chort vozmi. He hadn’t thought of that.
‘Are they locked?’ She nodded towards the French windows and spoke softly as the toddler was almost asleep in her arms, something Leo was glad about because he couldn’t look at Ty without remembering his brother, Sasha.
‘Of course,’ he said, but he walked over and rattled the handles anyway.
‘He really has never been here before has he?’ she said, almost to herself.
‘I told you that.’
‘Yes, but I don’t think I wanted to believe you.’ ‘I don’t lie.’
She cast him a fathomless look. ‘Can I have some more pillows?’
‘Because he’ll feel more secure if he’s surrounded by pillows. This bed is too big for him.’
Leo opened the inbuilt wardrobe and pulled out three spare pillows and placed them on the end of the bed. ‘Anything else?’
He glanced at Ty’s jeans and T-shirt. ‘Can’t he sleep in what he’s got on?’
‘Do you sleep in jeans?’
Her sharp rebuke both surprised and irritated him.
‘Are you trying to find out what I sleep in, Miss Somers?’ he asked, wondering if her eyes flashed golden when she was aroused as they did when she was angered.
He expected her to snap at him but instead she smiled sweetly. ‘I already know. It’s called a coffin.’
Leo blinked, astounded at her unexpected sassiness and then she surprised him again by shushing him. ‘Just go.’ She waved him away with her free hand as if he were an annoying insect. ‘I’ll take care of this.’
Leo left, not sure whether to be bemused or outraged at her temerity.
Lexi fixed the bed so that Ty wouldn’t fall out of it and then sat beside him while he fell into a deep sleep.
Then she picked up her phone and called Aimee in case she hadn’t left for her boyfriend’s house and was worried as to why she hadn’t returned to their shared apartment. When Lexi told her who Ty’s father was she could almost see Aimee slap her forehead.
‘I knew I recognised him. Oh, my God. I didn’t know he had a son.’
‘What do you know about him?’ Lexi found herself asking without actually meaning to. Because really she already knew any information Aimee could impart would just be more nails in the coffin she had accused him of sleeping in. Her lips twitched now at the remembered surprise on his face when she’d said that. Clearly people didn’t tell him when he was being overbearing and arrogant often enough.
‘He’s mega wealthy. And I mean mega.’ Aimee added with emphasis. ‘Russian. Has been in the papers all week because he helped rescue two of his workers from a massive construction accident in Dubai. Remember, I told you about it.’
‘Mmm,’ Lexi said noncommittally. She had a vague recollection but the problems with their second centre had been taking up a lot of her head space lately.
‘He also changes his girlfriends as often as he changes his underwear and is supposed to be fantastic in bed. Hubba hubba.’
‘And which magazine did that little titbit come out of?’ Lexi asked, thinking that it was most likely true.
‘I can’t remember. Anyway, what’s he like?’
‘Arrogant, rude, obnoxious.’ Chiselled, gorgeous and utterly male, a little voice taunted.
Which she promptly ignored. She’d met Leo Aleksandrov’s type before. Oh, not with the mega-wealthy tag, but arrogant men who viewed permanent relationships the way they viewed dental hygiene—sometimes required, but not necessarily so.
Her father had been one of those: a professional golfer who had never married her mother despite having two children with her, and who had then left them all to take up with his mistress. And Brandon had been no better. At the time they’d met he’d been a charismatic, well-connected university jock who had pursued her and convinced her he was falling for her, all in the name of sport.
Finding out that she had been played like so many other girls he had gone after had made her feel ill, as had his complaint that she had not only been too serious, but that she had been below average in bed. Of course she hadn’t believed him, but it hadn’t stopped her confidence from taking a heavy knock. So heavy, in fact, she hadn’t dated seriously since.
Suddenly an image of Simon popped into her mind and she groaned. She couldn’t do it. She wasn’t ready to get serious with anyone yet. Maybe she never would be and that might not be a bad thing. She had good friends, a growing business …
Lexi realised Aimee was still talking about Leo and felt rude for being so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t been paying attention. ‘I’m sorry, Aim, I haven’t been listening but I don’t want to talk about this man any more. He’s too irritating for words.’
‘Irritating or irresistible?’ her friend joked.
‘I’m not going to dignify that with an answer,’ she said, ignoring her brain’s contradictory messages about him. ‘But don’t tell anyone about Ty being his son. I’m not sure what’s going on yet, but I would hate Ty to get hurt in any way.’
She rang off and let herself out of the room, leaving the bedroom door slightly ajar in order to listen out for Ty.
She walked down the wide carpeted hallway, taking in the astounding dimensions of the sleekly designed penthouse apartment she was in. So this was how the other half lived!
It was like being in another world. The whole apartment looked as if it had come straight out of some modern architecture magazine, with not a rumpled doily in sight. She smirked as she thought about what Leo Aleksandrov would make of her and Aimee’s shabby little two-room apartment, with throw rugs and papers and half completed sewing projects hanging around on the dining room table. If she were to put down anything half completed here it would likely get up and run away. And while the place was undoubtedly beautiful, it lacked soul. It lacked that special quality that made a house a home.
Not that it mattered, she thought, as she stopped in the doorway of the main sitting room, when the exterior walls were made up almost entirely of glass and showcased a view of London Lexi would normally have to buy a ticket to see.
And in front of that impressive wall of glass was the impressive sight of a brooding Leo Aleksandrov, pacing up and down like a tiger trapped in a too small cage.
As if sensing her presence, he stopped, and Lexi felt every one of her senses go on high alert as his eyes swept over her.
She normally had to buy a ticket to see a man like him as well. Usually on a movie screen. His virility was not at all adversely affected by the slightly crumpled shirt that clung to his wide shoulders. He’d rolled his shirtsleeves to reveal powerful, hair-roughened forearms; Lexi already knew the leashed power behind those arms and she shivered.
He broke her train of thought by shoving his hands into his pockets and she felt a flood of colour swamp her face as she realised that she’d been caught staring.
Pretending she wasn’t at all flustered by his presence—and wishing it was the truth—she smiled briefly and then turned away to search the room for her bag. ‘Ty is asleep and I’m leaving.’
‘You can’t.’
She stopped in the middle of the room and looked at him. ‘Excuse me?’
‘I’ve dismissed Mrs Parsons.’
‘Why would you do that? She was perfect.’
He regarded her levelly. ‘She doesn’t have a passport.’
Lexi didn’t hide her shock. ‘You dismissed a woman on the grounds that she’s not well traveled? That’s a bit narrow-minded isn’t it?’
‘I didn’t dismiss her because of that,’ he flashed at her, rubbing the back of his neck as if this whole conversation was terribly unnecessary. ‘Look, perhaps you should sit down.’
‘I don’t want to sit down,’ she flashed right back.
‘I’m just as unhappy about this turn of events as you are but, realistically, it would have taken Ty too long to get used to her anyway.’
Lexi raised an eyebrow. He’d become an expert on his son now had he? ‘So who are you going to get to help you out?’ she asked, knowing before she’d even finished her question what his answer would be. ‘No.’ She shook her head and spoke before he’d even opened his mouth. ‘That’s not possible.’
‘I will, of course, pay you for your time.’
His lack of any response to her vehemence made her nervous. ‘Anyway, I’m busy this weekend,’ she said, hating that she felt as if she had to explain herself to this man. She moistened her lips and watched his eyes follow the movement. His gaze lingered and once again she wondered how his lips would feel against her own. Aimee’s words about his sexual prowess popped into her head and her lips were once again bone-dry.
Oh, Lord, she had to get out of here.
His eyes returned to hers and she expelled a breath in a rush.
‘I’m going to Paris,’ she declared. Deciding there and then that she’d give Simon a chance. It was time. Past time. And Simon was a saint compared to this man.
‘Your friend seemed to think you hadn’t yet made up your mind.’
Lexi frowned, wondering how he knew that. ‘Aimee doesn’t know everything,’ she said, slightly flustered.
‘And whom are you going to the city of light with, hmmm?’
Lexi felt her jaw clench at his supercilious tone. Simon would never have asked that question! He was well-mannered, polite, civilised, boring …
No. He was perfect.
Frustrated with her erratic thoughts, Lexi glanced towards the entrance foyer and wondered if she shouldn’t just head for the door and be done with Leo Aleksandrov.
As if sensing her intention, his body tensed, his eyes fixed on her as if he would spring if she made the slightest movement to flee.
‘You haven’t answered my question.’
‘Because it’s none of your business!’ she exclaimed hotly.
His penetrating gaze held hers but his body relaxed as if her answer had been predictable. Then he made her teeth clench even harder when he smiled knowingly. ‘I’ll send you and your lover first class next weekend.’
Lexi’s eyebrows hit her hairline. ‘You’ll send?’ she repeated indignantly. Just who did this man think he was?
‘Pay. Organise.’ He blew out a frustrated breath. ‘Stop getting caught up on semantics.’
‘Mr Aleksandrov, I—’
‘I have to go to Greece for the weekend. I need somebody I can trust to take care of Ty.’
‘You want me to go to Greece with you? For the long weekend?’
Lexi wasn’t even prepared to go into the next room with him, let alone another country!
‘No. I was taking Mrs Parsons to Greece because she is an unknown entity for both myself and Ty, and I felt it was better to have her close by. You, on the other hand, are not an unknown entity. You have looked after my son for two years and you will be perfectly fine to take care of him here, in London. And, as I said—’ he paused, regarding her calmly ‘—I’ll pay you. Well.’
‘Is money your answer to everything?’ Lexi snapped.
‘Not everything, no.’
Her lips compressed at his sensually mocking smile.
‘How much?’ he asked with quiet confidence.
Lexi tried not to be intimidated by his size and understated force of will. Hadn’t he realised that she wasn’t the type of person who could be bought? Or was he the type of person who paid off everyone in order to get his own way? She wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that he was. ‘You mean I can name my price?’ she asked sweetly, as if she might actually be considering his offer.
‘What’s the number?’ he demanded curtly, his smile flattening as if her answer had displeased him, though why that should be the case she hadn’t a clue.
Lexi paused. Would he pay any figure? For a minute she was tempted to find out but she didn’t play these types of games and it would give her more satisfaction to put him—and his open bank account—in their rightful place.
‘The number is that there is no number. You don’t deserve my help. Goodbye.’
Lexi didn’t look at him as she picked up her bag and dropped her mobile phone inside. She was about to stride out of the door with her head held high when Leo’s quiet voice stopped her.
‘I might not. But Ty does.’
Lexi turned and stared at him incredulously. ‘Are you trying to emotionally blackmail me now?’
‘If it means you’ll stay, yes.’
Lexi couldn’t believe the gall of the man. Had he no shame?
‘You get a girl pregnant and then don’t even have the decency to get to know your own flesh and blood and now you’ll do whatever it takes to have someone you don’t even know take care of him. What kind of a man are you?’
He jammed his hands onto his hips and glared at her. ‘Don’t pass judgement on things you don’t understand.’
‘Oh, I understand all right,’ Lexi fumed. ‘I understand that your lifestyle is so precious you rejected an innocent child. Well, that’s something you should have thought about before you got Amanda Weston pregnant, not after.’
‘This has nothing to do with my lifestyle and everything to do with Ty’s well-being.’
‘And just how do you figure that?’
A muscle ticked in his jaw. ‘I don’t have to explain myself to you but I did not reject my son.’
‘Oh? What would you call it?’
‘Since he was born I have paid for every single thing he needs and I have six monthly reports carried out to ensure that he is safe and well cared for.’
‘Reports that failed to inform you that his mother travels so often that his grandmother was his main carer until her death a fortnight ago.’
He had the grace to look uncomfortable, pulling at the collar on his shirt in a telling movement.
‘And,’ he continued, as if she hadn’t spoken, ‘I fully intend to have a relationship with him when he’s older.’
Of all the …
‘Older and less work?’ she scoffed. ‘He needs you now. A boy looks to his father as he grows up to figure out what it means to be a man. What kind of a man will he grow up to be with an absent father who never cared enough to spend time with him?’ Lexi stopped, aware that her impassioned speech was about to get out of hand. But damn it, that was exactly what had happened to her brother, Joe, who had become lost and angry in his teenage years, even though Lexi and her mother had done their best to shield him from feeling rejected by his father.
‘By all means say what you think, Miss Somers.’
Lexi shook her head. ‘I don’t believe in wasting time on empty words.’
‘Rare for your sex, I have to say.’
‘Oh—’ Lexi shook her head ‘—I’ll add chauvinist to your list of personal attributes, shall I?’
‘I meant it as a compliment.’
‘That’s even worse!’
He leaned his hip against the edge of the sofa and cocked his head. ‘Will I like any of the other things on your list?’
Lexi shot him a fulminating glare, feeling a little spent after her tirade. ‘What do you think?’
He laughed and Lexi felt a tug of awareness low in her pelvis as he studied her, his casual stance and insolent regard making her aware of her femininity—her womanliness—in a way she hated. Making her think of sex—of all things!
She swallowed heavily and his eyes dropped to her throat and Lexi nearly raised her hand to cover it. What was he thinking about? Heat crept up her neck and she was afraid she might know.
‘I think you’re a woman with exacting standards that not many men manage to live up to.’
Lexi blinked. ‘I think you’d fail to live up to most people’s standards,’ she retorted, stung a little by his assessment of her.
‘You’d be surprised.’
‘I’m not talking about the hundreds of women you go through like disposable razors.’
He smiled at that. ‘Neither was I. And for your information, I use an electric.’
‘Well, you didn’t use it today,’ she said hotly and then wished she hadn’t when a sexy smile crossed his face. Damn. Now he probably thought she liked his stubble. Wanted to touch it, even. Huh! As if.
She tightened her hold on her bag, aware that the conversation was taking a dangerous turn. ‘This is irrelevant.’
‘I agree.’ He pushed off from the sofa and sat down on it, his arms spread wide along the back like a sultan surveying his kingdom. ‘So tell me, what is it going to take to get you to agree to take care of Ty this weekend?’
‘Surely you have someone else who can help you out. A girlfriend, perhaps?’
‘Is that your way of asking if I’m available, Miss Somers?’
Lexi glared at him. ‘That’s my way of asking if you have someone else to help you out. I would ask if you had a mother but I’m not sure you weren’t hatched from an egg.’
Leo laughed, a deep, husky sound that sent tingles tracking down her spine. ‘I’m single. But, even if I wasn’t, bringing a girlfriend in at this late stage isn’t really the answer, is it?’
It wasn’t really a question and, worst of all, she knew he was right. Lexi glanced outside at the endless view of the night sky and felt oddly cornered. ‘I can’t just drop everything in my life to help you.’
‘Think of it as helping Ty. You might find that more palatable,’ he drawled.
Lexi made a derisive sound in the back of her throat and thought that if she wasn’t such a nice person—and the thought of touching him didn’t scare her so much—she’d smack him. ‘Oh, you’re good.’
‘Thank you.’
‘It wasn’t a compliment.’
‘I know.’

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