Read online book «Her Pregnancy Surprise» author SUSAN MEIER

Her Pregnancy Surprise
From playboy to parent!Watching her tiny daughter sleeping cradled in her arms, Grace knows she would do anything for her. Even if it means meeting with the man who broke Grace's heart–the man who doesn't even know he has a child…Danny Carson is Grace's former boss, and he's as gorgeous and brooding as ever. Little does he realize a business trip that turned into a whirlwind affair had a surprising consequence! Playboy Danny is about to discover he's a father…

Her Pregnancy Surprise
Susan Meier (
I’d like to thank my editors, Katinka Proudfoot
and Suzy Harding, and also
Senior Editor Kim Young, for helping me
turn Grace and Danny’s story into a real keeper.


“YOU AREN’T planning on driving back to Pittsburgh tonight, are you?”
Danny Carson walked into the third floor office of his Virginia Beach beach house talking to Grace McCartney, his newest employee, who stood behind his desk, hunched over her laptop. A tall brunette with bright violet eyes and a smile that lit the room, Grace was smart, but more than that she was likable and she genuinely liked people. Both of those qualities had helped enormously with the work they’d had to do that weekend.
Grace looked up. “Would you like me to stay?”
“Call it a debriefing.”
She tilted her head to one side, considering the suggestion, then smiled. “Okay.”
This was her real charm. She’d been working every waking minute for three days, forced to spend her entire weekend assisting Danny as he persuaded Orlando Riggs—a poor kid who parlayed a basketball scholarship into a thirty-million-dollar NBA deal—to use Carson Services as his financial management firm. Not only was she away from her home in Pittsburgh and her friends, but she hadn’t gotten to relax on her days off. She could be annoyed that he’d asked her to stay another night. Instead she smiled. Nothing ruffled her feathers.
“Why don’t you go to your room to freshen up? I’ll tell Mrs. Higgins we’ll have dinner in about an hour.”
“Sounds great.”
After Grace left the office, Danny called his housekeeper on the intercom. He checked his e-mail, checked on dinner, walked on the beach and ended up on the deck with a glass of Scotch. Grace took so long that by the time Danny heard the sound of the sliding glass door opening behind him, Mrs. Higgins had already left their salads on the umbrella table and their entrées on the serving cart, and gone for the day. Exhausted from the long weekend of work, and belatedly realizing Grace probably was, too, Danny nearly suggested they forget about dinner and talk in the morning, until he turned and saw Grace.
Wearing a pretty pink sundress that showed off the tan she’d acquired walking on the beach with Orlando, she looked young, fresh-faced and wholesome. He’d already noticed she was pretty, of course. A man would have to be blind not to notice how attractive she was. But this evening, with the rays of the setting sun glistening on her shoulder-length sable-colored hair and the breeze off the ocean lightly ruffling her full skirt, she looked amazing.
Unable to stop himself he said, “Wow.”
She smiled sheepishly. “Thanks. I felt a little like celebrating Orlando signing with Carson Services, and though this isn’t exactly Prada, it’s the best of what I brought.”
Danny walked to her place at the table and pulled out her chair. “It’s perfect.” He thought about his khaki trousers, simple short-sleeved shirt and windblown black hair as he seated her, then wondered why he had. This wasn’t a date. She was an employee. He’d asked her to stay so he could give her a bonus for the good job she’d done that week, and to talk to her long enough to ascertain the position into which he should promote her—also to thank her for doing a good job. What he wore should be of no consequence. The fact that it even entered his head nearly made him laugh.
He seated himself. “Mrs. Higgins has already served dinner.”
“I see.” She frowned, looking at the silver covers on the plates on the serving cart beside the table, then the salads that sat in front of them. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I had stayed in the tub so long.” She smiled sheepishly again. “I was a little more tired than I thought.”
“Then I’m glad you took the extra time.” Even as the words tumbled out of his mouth, Danny couldn’t believe he was saying them. Yes, he was grateful to her for being so generous and kind with Orlando, making the athlete feel comfortable, but the way Danny had excused her lateness sounded personal, when he hardly knew this woman.
She laughed lightly. “I really liked Orlando. I think he’s a wonderful person. But we were still here to do a job. Both of us had to be on our toes 24/7.”
When she smiled and Danny’s nerve endings crackled to life, he realized he was behaving out of character for a boss because he was attracted to her. He almost shook his head. He was so slow on the uptake that he’d needed an entire weekend to recognize that.
But he didn’t shake his head. He didn’t react at all. He was her boss and he’d already slipped twice. His “wow” when he’d seen her in the dress was inappropriate. His comment about the extra time that she’d taken had been too personal. He excused himself for those because he was tired. But now that he saw what was happening, he could stop it. He didn’t date employees, but also this particular employee had proven herself too valuable to risk losing.
Grace picked up her salad fork. “I’m starved and this looks great.”
“Mrs. Higgins is a gem. I’m lucky to have her.”
“She told me that she enjoys working for you because you’re not here every day. She likes working part-time, even if it is usually weekends.”
“That’s my good fortune,” Danny agreed, then the conversation died as they ate their salads. Oddly something inside of Danny missed the more personal chitchat. It was unusual for him to want to get friendly with an employee, but more than that, this dinner had to stay professional because he had things to discuss with her. Yet he couldn’t stop the surge of disappointment, as if he were missing an unexpected opportunity.
When they finished their salads, he rose to serve the main course. “I hope you like fettuccini alfredo.”
“I love it.”
“Great.” He removed the silver covers. Pushing past the exhaustion that had caused him to wish he could give in and speak openly with her, he served their dinners and immediately got down to business. “Grace, you did an exceptional job this weekend.”
“Thanks. I appreciate the compliment.”
“I intend to do more than compliment you. Your work secured an enormous account for Carson Services. Not only are you getting a bonus, but I would like to promote you.”
She gaped at him. “Are you kidding?”
Pleased with her happy surprise, Danny laughed. “No. Right now you and I need to talk a bit about what you can do and where in the organization you would like to serve. Once we’re clear, I’ll write up the necessary paperwork.”
She continued to stare at him slightly openmouthed, then she said, “You’re going to promote me anywhere I want to go?”
“There is a condition. If a situation like Orlando’s ever comes up again, where we have to do more than our general push to get a client to sign, I want you in on the persuading.”
She frowned. “I’m happy to spend time helping a reluctant investor see the benefits of using your firm, but you don’t need to promote me for that.”
“The promotion is part of my thank-you for your assistance with Orlando.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want it.”
Positive he’d heard wrong, Danny chuckled. “What?”
“I’ve been with your company two weeks. Yet I was the one chosen for a weekend at your beach house with Orlando Riggs—a superstar client most of the men and half of the women on staff were dying to meet. You’ve already given me a perk beyond what employees who have been with you for years have gotten. If there’s an empty position somewhere in the firm, promote Bobby Zapf. He has a wife and three kids and they’re saving for a house. He could use the money, and the boost in confidence from you.”
Danny studied her for a second, then he laughed. “I get it. You’re joking.”
“I’m serious.” She took a deep breath. “Look, everybody understood that you chose me to come with you this weekend because I’m new. I hadn’t worked with you long enough to adopt your opinions, so Orlando knew that when I agreed with just about everything you said I wasn’t spouting the company party line. I hadn’t yet heard the party line. So I was a good choice for this. But I don’t want to be promoted over everybody’s head.”
“You’re worried about jealousy?”
She shook her head. “No! I don’t want to take a job that should go to someone else. Someone who’s worked for you for years.”
“Like Bobby Zapf.”
“In the two weeks I spent at the office, I watched Bobby work harder than anybody else you employ. If you want to promote somebody he’s the one.”
Danny leaned back in his chair. “Okay. Bobby it is.” He paused, toyed with his silverware, then glanced up at her, holding back a smile. He’d never had an employee turn down a promotion—especially not to make sure another person got it. Grace was certainly unique.
“Can I at least give you a bonus?”
She laughed. “Yes! I worked hard for an entire weekend. A bonus is absolutely in order.”
Continuing to hold back a chuckle, Danny cleared his throat. “Okay. Bonus, but no promotion.”
“You could promise to watch my performance over the next year and then promote me because I’d had enough time to prove myself.”
“I could.” He took a bite of his dinner, more pleased with her than anybody he’d ever met. She was right. In his gratitude for a weekend’s work, he had jumped the gun on the promotion. She reeled him in and reminded him of the person who really deserved it. If he hadn’t already been convinced she was a special person, her actions just now would have shown him.
Grace smiled. “Okay. It’s settled. I get a bonus and you’ll watch how well I work.” Then as quickly as she’d recapped their agreement, she changed the subject. “It’s beautiful here.”
Danny glanced around. Darkness had descended. A million stars twinkled overhead. The moon shone like a silver dollar. Water hit the shore in white-foamed waves.
“I like it. I get a lot of work done here because it’s so quiet. But at the end of the day I can also relax.”
“You don’t relax much, do you?”
Lulled by the sounds of the waves and her calming personality, Danny said, “No. I have the fate of a company that’s been around for decades on my shoulders. If I fail the company fails and the legacy my great-grandfather sweated to create crumbles into nothing. So I’m focused on work. Unless relaxation happens naturally, it doesn’t happen.”
“I don’t relax much, either.” She picked up her fork again. “You already heard me tell Orlando I grew up the same way he did. Dirt poor. And in the same away he used his talent to make a place for himself, I intend to make a place for myself, too.”
“Here’s a tip. Maybe you shouldn’t talk your bosses out of promotions?”
“I can’t take what I don’t deserve.” She wiggled her eyebrows comically. “I’ll just have to make my millions the old-fashioned way. I’ll have to earn them.”
Danny laughed and said, “I hate to tell you this, but people who work for someone else rarely get rich. So if you want to make millions, what are you doing working for me?”
“Learning about investing. When I was young I heard the theory that your money should work as hard for you as you work for it. Growing up, I didn’t get any experience seeing how to make money work, so I figured the best place to get the scoop on investing was at an investment firm.” She smiled, then asked, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. Anything. Did you want your family’s business? Were you a happy child? Are you happy now?” She shrugged again. “Anything.”
She asked the questions then took a bite of her dinner, making her inquiry into his life seem casual, offhand. But she’d nonetheless taken the conversation away from herself and to him. Still, she didn’t seem as if she were prying. She seemed genuinely curious, but not like a bloodhound, like someone trying to become a friend.
He licked his suddenly dry lips and his heart rate accelerated as he actually considered answering her. A part of him really wanted to talk. A part of him needed to talk. Two years had passed. So much had happened.
He took a breath, amazed that he contemplated confiding in her, yet knowing he wouldn’t. Though he couldn’t ignore her, he wouldn’t confide. He’d never confide. Not to her. Not to anyone.
He had to take the conversation back where it belonged. To business.
“What you see is who I am. Chairman of the Board and CEO of Carson Services. There isn’t anything to talk about.”
She blinked. “Really?”
“From the time I was six or eight I knew I would take over the company my great-grandfather started. I didn’t have to travel or experiment to figure out what I wanted. My life was pretty much mapped out for me and I simply followed the steps. That’s why there’s not a lot to talk about.”
“You started training as a kid?”
“Not really training, more or less being included in on conversations my dad and grandfather thought were relevant.”
“What if you didn’t like investing?”
“But I did.”
“It just sounds weird.” She flushed. “Sorry. Really. It’s none of my business.”
“Don’t be sorry.” Her honesty made him laugh. More comfortable than he could remember being in years, he picked up his fork and said, “I see what you’re saying. I was lucky that I loved investing. I walked into the job as if it were made for me, but when my son—”
He stopped. His chest tightened. His heart rate kicked into overdrive. He couldn’t believe that had slipped out.
“But your son what?”
“But when my son began to show artistic talent,” he said, thinking quickly because once again the conversation had inadvertently turned too personal. And this time it was his fault. “I suddenly saw that another person might not want to be CEO of our company, might not have the ability to handle the responsibility, or might have gifts and talents that steer him or her in a different direction. Then the company would have to hire someone, and hiring someone of the caliber we would require would involve paying out a huge salary and profit sharing. The family fortune would ultimately deplete.”
She studied him for a second, her gaze so intense Danny knew the mention of his son had her curious. But he wouldn’t say any more about Cory. That part of his life was so far off-limits that he didn’t even let himself think about it. It would be such a cold, frosty day in hell that he’d discuss Cory with another person that he knew that day would never come.
Finally Grace sighed. “I guess you were lucky then—” she turned her attention back to her food “—that you wanted the job.”
Danny relaxed. Once again she’d read him perfectly. She’d seen that though he’d mentioned his son, he hadn’t gone into detail about Cory, and instead had brought the discussion back to Carson Services, so she knew to let the topic go.
They finished their dinner in companionable conversation because Grace began talking about remodeling the small house she’d bought when she got her first job two years before. As they spoke about choosing hardwood and deciding on countertops, Danny acknowledged to himself that she was probably the most sensitive person he’d met. She could read a mood or a situation so well that he didn’t have to worry about what he said in front of her. A person who so easily knew not to pry would never break a confidence.
For that reason alone an intense urge to confide in her bubbled up in him, shocking him. Why the hell would he want to talk about the past? And why would he think that any woman would want to hear her boss’s marital horror stories? No woman would. No person would. Except maybe a gossip. And Grace wasn’t a gossip.
After dinner, they went inside for a drink, but Danny paused beside the stairway that led to his third-floor office suite.
“Bonuses don’t pass through our normal accounting. I write those checks myself. It’s a way to keep them completely between me and the employees who get them. The checkbook’s upstairs. Why don’t we just go up now and give you your bonus?”
Grace grinned. “Sounds good to me.”
Danny motioned for Grace to precede him up the steps. Too late, he realized that was a mistake. Her perfect bottom was directly in his line of vision. He paused, letting her get a few steps ahead of him, only to discover that from this angle he had a view of her shapely calves.
He finished the walk up the stairs with his head down, gaze firmly fixed on the Oriental carpet runner on the steps. When he reached the third floor, she was waiting for him. Moonlight came in through the three tall windows in the back wall of the semidark loft that led to his office, surrounding her with pale light, causing her to look like an angel.
Mesmerized, Danny stared at her. He knew she was a nice person. A good person. He also knew that was why he had the quick mental picture of her as an angel and such a strong sense of companionship for her. But she was an employee. He was her boss. He needed to keep his distance.
He motioned toward his office suite and again she preceded him. Inside, he sat behind the desk and she gingerly sat on the chair in front of it.
“I think Orlando Riggs is the salt of the earth,” Danny said as he pulled out the checkbook he held for the business. “You made him feel very comfortable.”
“I felt very comfortable with him.” She grimaced. “A lot of guys who had just signed a thirty-million-dollar deal with an NBA team would be a little cocky.”
“A little cocky?” Danny said with a laugh. “I’ve met people with a lot less talent than Orlando has and a lot less cash who were total jerks.”
“Orlando seems unaffected.”
“Except that he wants to make sure his family has everything they need.” Danny began writing out the check. “I didn’t even realize he was married.”
“And has two kids.”
Danny blinked at the unexpected avalanche of memory just the word kids brought. He remembered how eager he’d been to marry Lydia and have a family. He remembered his naive idea of marital bliss, and his chest swelled from the horrible empty feeling he got every time he realized how close he’d been to fulfilling that dream and how easily it had all been snatched away.
But tonight, with beautiful, sweet-tempered, sincere Grace sitting across the desk, Danny had a surprising moment of clarity. He’d always blamed himself for the breakdown of his marriage, but what if it had been Lydia’s fault? He’d wanted to go to counseling. Lydia had simply wanted to go. Away from him. If he looked at the breakdown of his marriage from that very thin perspective, then the divorce wasn’t his fault.
That almost made him laugh. If he genuinely believed the divorce wasn’t his fault then—
Then he’d wasted years?
No. He’d wasted his life. He didn’t merely feel empty the way he’d been told most people felt when they lost a mate; he felt wholly empty. Almost nonexistent. As if he didn’t have a life. As if every day since his marriage had imploded two years ago, he hadn’t really lived. He hadn’t even really existed. He’d simply expended time.
Finished writing the check, Danny rose from his seat. It seemed odd to think about feeling empty when across the desk, eager, happy Grace radiated life and energy.
“Thank you for your help this weekend.”
As he walked toward her, Grace also rose. He handed her the check. She glanced down at the amount he’d written, then looked up at him. Her beautiful violet eyes filled with shock. Her tongue came out to moisten her lips before she said, “This is too much.”
Caught in the gaze of her hypnotic eyes, seeing the genuine appreciation, Danny could have sworn he felt some of her energy arch to him. If nothing else, he experienced a strong sense of connection. A rightness. Or maybe a purpose. As if there was a reason she was here.
The feeling of connection and intimacy could be nothing more than the result of spending every waking minute from Friday afternoon to Sunday night together, but that didn’t lessen its intensity. It was so strong that his voice softened when he said, “No. It isn’t too much. You deserve it.”
She took a breath that caused her chest to rise and fall, calling his attention to the cleavage peeking out of the pink lace of her dress. She looked soft and feminine, yet she was also smart and sensitive. Which was why she attracted him, tempted him, when in the past two years no other woman had penetrated the pain that had held him hostage. Grace treated him like a person. Not like her rich boss. Not like a good catch. Not even like a guy so far out of her social standing that she should be nervous to spend so much one-on-one time. But just like a man.
“Thanks.” She raised her gaze to his again. This time when Danny experienced the sense of intimacy, he almost couldn’t argue himself out of it because he finally understood it. She felt it, too. He could see it in her eyes. And he didn’t want to walk away from it. He needed her.
But then he saw the check in her hands and he remembered she was an employee. An affair between them had consequences. Especially when it ended. Office gossip would make him look foolish, but it could ruin her. Undoubtedly it would cost her her job. He might be willing to take a risk because his future wasn’t at stake, but he couldn’t make the decision for her.

DANNY cleared his throat. “You’re welcome. I very much appreciated your help this weekend.” He stepped away and walked toward the office door. “I’m going downstairs to have a drink before I turn in. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Grace watched Danny go, completely confused by what was happening between them. For a few seconds, she could have sworn he was going to kiss her and the whole heck of it was she would have let him.
Let him? She was so attracted to him she darned near kissed him first, and that puzzled her. She should have reminded herself that he was her boss and so wealthy they were barely on the same planet. Forget about being in the same social circle. But thoughts of their different worlds hadn’t even entered her head, and, thinking about them now, Grace couldn’t muster a reason they mattered.
Laughing softly, she combed her fingers through her hair. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t deny the spark between her and Danny. When Orlando left that afternoon, Grace had been disappointed that their weekend together had come to an end. But Danny had asked her to stay one more night, and she couldn’t resist the urge to dress up and hope that he would notice her the way she’d been noticing him. He’d nearly ruined everything by offering her a promotion she didn’t deserve, but he showed her that he trusted her opinion by taking her advice about Bobby Zapf.
The real turning point came when he mentioned his son. He hadn’t wanted to talk about him, but once Danny slipped him into the conversation he hadn’t pretended he hadn’t. She had seen the sadness in his eyes and knew there was a story there. But she also recognized that this wasn’t the time to ask questions. She’d heard the rumor that Danny had gone through an ugly divorce but no report had mentioned a child from his failed marriage. Nasty divorces frequently resulted in child custody battles and his ex-wife could very well make him fight to see his son, which was undoubtedly why he didn’t want to talk about him.
But tonight wasn’t the night for probing into a past that probably only reminded him of unhappy times. Tonight, she had to figure out if he felt for her what she was beginning to feel for him. The last thing she wanted was to be one of those employees who got a crush on her boss and then pined for him for the rest of her career.
And she wouldn’t get any answers standing in his third floor office when he was downstairs!
She ran down the steps and found him in the great room, behind the bar, pouring Scotch into a glass.
He glanced up when she walked over. Though he seemed surprised she hadn’t gone to her room as he’d more or less ordered her to, he said, “Drink?”
Wanting to be sharp and alert so she didn’t misinterpret anything he said or did, Grace smiled and said, “No. Thanks.”
She slid onto one of the three red leather bar stools that matched the red leather sofas that sat parallel to each other in front of the wall of windows that provided a magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean. A black, red and tan Oriental rug between the sofas protected the sand-colored hardwood floors. White-bowled lights connected to thin chrome poles suspended from the vaulted ceiling, illuminating the huge room.
Danny took a swallow of his Scotch, then set the glass on the bar. “Can’t sleep?”
She shrugged. “Still too keyed up from the weekend I guess.”
“What would you normally do on a Sunday night?”
She thought for a second, then laughed. “Probably play rummy with my mother. She’s a cardaholic. Loves any game. But she’s especially wicked with rummy.”
“Can’t beat her?”
“Every once in a while I get lucky. But when it comes to pure skill the woman is evilly blessed.”
Danny laughed. “My mother likes cards, too.”
Grace’s eyes lit. “Really? How good is she?”
“We should get them together.”
Danny took a long breath, then said, “We should.”
And Grace suddenly saw it. The thing that had tickled her brain all weekend but had never really surfaced. In spite of her impoverished roots and his obviously privileged upbringing, she and Danny had a lot in common. Not childhood memories, but adult things like goals and commitments. He ran his family’s business. She was determined to help her parents out of poverty because she loved them. Even the way they viewed Orlando proved they had approximately the same beliefs about life and people.
If Danny hadn’t asked for her help this weekend, eventually they would have been alone together long enough to see that they clicked. They matched. She knew he realized it, too, if only because he’d nearly slipped into personal conversation with her four times at dinner, but he had stopped himself. Probably because she was an employee.
It was both of their loss if they weren’t mature enough to handle an office relationship. But she thought they were. Her difficult childhood and his difficult divorce had strengthened each of them. They weren’t flip. They were cautious. Smart. If any two people could have an office relationship without it affecting their work, she and Danny were the two. And she wasn’t going to miss out on something good because, as her boss, Danny wouldn’t be the first to make a move.
She raised her eyes until she caught his gaze. “You know what? Though you’re trying to fight it, I think you like me. Would it help if I told you I really like you, too?”

For several seconds, Danny didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He’d never met a woman so honest, so he wasn’t surprised that she spoke her mind. Even better, she hadn’t played coy and tried to pretend she didn’t see what was going on. She saw it, and she wanted to like him as much as he wanted to like her.
And that was the key. The final answer. She wanted to like him as much as he wanted to like her and he suddenly couldn’t understand why he was fighting it.
“It helps enormously.” He bent across the bar and kissed her, partly to make sure they were on the same page with their intentions, and partly to see if their chemistry was as strong as the emotions that seemed to ricochet between them.
It was. Just the slight brush of their lips knocked him for a loop. He felt the explosion the whole way to his toes.
She didn’t protest the kiss, so he took the few steps that brought him from behind the bar and in front of the stool on which she sat. He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her deeply this time, his mouth opening over hers.
White-hot desire slammed through him and his control began slipping. He wanted to touch her, to taste her, to feel all the things he’d denied himself for the past two years.
But it was one thing to kiss her. It was quite another to make love. But when he shifted away, Grace slid her hand around his neck and brought his lips back to hers.
Relief swamped him. He’d never had this kind of an all-consuming desire to make love. Yet, the yearning he felt wasn’t for sexual gratification. It was to be with Grace herself. She was sweet and fun and wonderful…and beautiful. Having her slide her arms around him and return his kisses with a passion equal to his own filled him with an emotion so strong and complete he dared not even try to name it.
Instead he broke the kiss, lifted her into his arms and took her to his bed.

The next morning when Grace awoke, she inhaled a long breath as she stretched. When her hand connected with warm, naked skin, her eyes popped open and she remembered she’d spent the night making love with her boss.
Reliving every detail, she blinked twice, waiting for a sense of embarrassment or maybe guilt. When none came she smiled. She couldn’t believe it, but it was true. She’d fallen in love with Danny Carson in about forty-eight hours.
She should feel foolish for tumbling in over her head so fast. She could even worry that he’d seen her feelings for him and taken advantage of her purely for sexual gratification. But she wasn’t anything but happy. Nobody had ever made love to her the way he had. And she was sure their feelings were equal.
She yawned and stretched, then went downstairs to the room she’d used on Friday and Saturday nights. After brushing her teeth and combing her hair, she ran back to Danny’s room and found he was still sleeping, so she slid into bed again.
Her movements caused Danny to stir. As Grace thanked her lucky stars that she had a chance to fix up a bit before he awoke, he turned on his pillow. Ready, she smiled and caught his gaze but the eyes that met hers were not the warm brown eyes of the man who had made love to her the night before. They were the dark, almost black eyes of her boss.
She remembered again the way he’d made love to her and told herself to stop being a worrying loser. Yes, the guy who ran Carson Services could sometimes be a real grouch, but the guy who lived in this beach house was much nicer. And she was absolutely positive that was the real Danny.
Holding his gaze, she whispered, “Good morning.”
He stared at her. After a few seconds, he closed his eyes. “Tell me we didn’t make a mistake.”
“We did not make a mistake.”
He opened his eyes. “Always an optimist.”
She scooted closer so she could rest her head on his outstretched arm. “We like each other. A lot. Something pretty special happened between us.”
He was silent for a few seconds then he said, “Okay.”
She twisted so she could look at him. “Okay? I thought we were fantastic!”
His face transformed. The caution slipped from his dark eyes and was replaced by amusement. “You make me laugh.”
“It’s a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it.”
Chuckling, he caught her around the waist and reversed their positions. But gazing into her eyes, he softened his expression again and said, “Thanks,” before he lowered his head and kissed her.
They made love and then Danny rolled out of bed, suggesting they take a shower. Gloriously naked, he walked to the adjoining bathroom and began to run the water. Not quite as comfortable as he, Grace needed a minute to skew her courage to join him, and in the end wrapped a bedsheet around herself to walk to the bathroom.
But though she faltered before dropping the sheet, when she stepped into the shower, she suddenly felt bold. Knowing his trust was shaky because of his awful divorce, she stretched to her tiptoes and kissed him. He let her take the lead and she began a slow exploration of his body until he seemed unable to handle her simple ministrations anymore and he turned the tables.
They made love quickly, covered with soap and sometimes even pausing to laugh, and Grace knew from that moment on, she was his. She would never feel about any man the way she felt about Danny.

WHEN Grace and Danny stood in the circular driveway of his beach house, both about to get into their cars to drive back to Pittsburgh, she could read the displeasure in his face as he told her about the “client hopping” he had scheduled for the next week. He wanted to be with her but these meetings had been on the books for months and he couldn’t get out of them. So she kissed him and told him she would be waiting when he returned.
They got into their vehicles and headed home. He was a faster driver, so she lost him on I-64, but she didn’t care. Her heart was light and she had the kind of butterflies in her tummy that made a woman want to sing for joy. Though time would tell, she genuinely believed she’d found Mr. Right. She’d only known Danny for two weeks, and hadn’t actually spent a lot of that time with him since he was so far above her on the company organizational chart. But the weekend had told her everything she needed to know about the real Danny Carson.
To the world, he was an ambitious, demanding, highly successful man. In private, he was a loving, caring, normal man, who liked her. A lot.
Yes, they would probably experience some problems because he owned the company she worked for. He’d hesitated at the bar before kissing her. He’d asked her that morning if they’d made a mistake. But she forced herself not to worry about it. She had no doubt that once they spent enough time together, and he saw the way she lived her beliefs, his worries about dating an employee would vanish.
What they had was worth a few months of getting to know each other. Or maybe the answer would be to quit her job?
The first two days of his trip sped by. He called Wednesday morning, and the mere sound of his voice made her breathless. Though he talked about clients, meetings, business dinners and never-ending handshaking, his deep voice reminded her of his whispered endearments during their night together and that conjured the memory of how he tasted, the firmness of his skin, the pleasure of being held in his arms. Before he disconnected the call, he whispered that he missed her and couldn’t wait to see her and she’d all but fainted with happiness.
The next day he didn’t call, but Grace knew he was busy. He also didn’t call on Friday or Saturday.

Flying back to Pittsburgh Sunday, Danny nervously paced his Gulfstream, fighting a case of doubt and second thoughts about what had happened between him and Grace. In the week that had passed, he hadn’t had a spare minute to think about her, and hadn’t spoken with her except for one quick phone call a few days into the trip. The call had ended too soon and left him longing to see her, but after three days of having no contact, the negatives of the situation came crowding in on him, and there were plenty of them.
First, he didn’t really know her. Second, even if she were the perfect woman, they’d gone too far too fast. Third, they worked together. If they dated it would be all over the office. When they broke up, he would be the object of the same gossip that had nearly ruined his reputation when his marriage ended.
He took a breath and blew it out on a puff. He couldn’t tell if distance was giving him perspective or calling up all his demons. But he did know that he should have thought this through before making love to her.
Worse, he couldn’t properly analyze their situation because he couldn’t recall specifics. All he remembered from their Sunday night and Monday morning together were emotions so intense that he’d found the courage to simply be himself. But with the emotions gone, he couldn’t summon a solid memory of the substance of what had happened between them. He couldn’t remember anything specific she’d said to make him like her—like? Did he say like? He didn’t just like Grace. That Sunday night his feelings had run more along the lines of a breathless longing, uncontrollable desire, and total bewitching. A man in that condition could easily be seduced into seeing traits in a woman that weren’t there and that meant he had made a horrible mistake.
He told himself not to think that way. But the logical side of his brain called him a sap. He’d met Grace two weeks before when she’d come to work for his company, but he didn’t really know her because he didn’t work with new employees. He worked with their bosses. He said hello to new employees in the hall. But otherwise, he ignored them. So he hadn’t “known” her for two weeks. He’d glimpsed her.
Plus, she’d been on her best behavior for Orlando. She had been at the beach house to demonstrate to Orlando that Carson Services employed people in the know. Yes, she’d gone above and beyond the call of duty in her time with Orlando, making him feel comfortable, sharing personal insights—but, really, wasn’t that her job?
Danny took a long breath. Had he fallen in love with a well polished persona she’d pulled out to impress Orlando and simply never disengaged when the basketball star left?
Oh Lord!
He sat, rubbed his hands down his face and held back a groan. Bits and pieces of their Sunday night dinner conversation flitted through his brain. She’d grown up poor. Could only afford a house that needed remodeling. She wanted to be rich. She’d gone into investing to understand money.
He had money.
Technically he was a shortcut to all her goals.
He swallowed hard. It wasn’t fair to judge her when she wasn’t there to defend herself.
He had to see her. Then he would know. After five minutes of conversation she would either relieve all his fears or prove that he’d gone too fast, told her too much and set himself up for a huge disappointment.
The second his plane taxied to a stop, he pulled out his cell phone and called her, but she didn’t answer. He left a message but she didn’t return his call and Danny’s apprehensions hitched a notch. Not that he thought she should be home, waiting for him, but she knew when he got in. He’d told her he would call. He’d said it at the end of a very emotional phone conversation in which he’d told her that crazy as it sounded, he missed her. She’d breathlessly told him she missed him, too.
Now she wasn’t home?
If he hadn’t given her the time he would be landing, if he hadn’t told her he would be calling, if he hadn’t been so sappy about saying how much he missed her, it wouldn’t seem so strange that she wasn’t home. But, having told her all those things, he had the uncontrollable suspicion that something was wrong.
Unless she’d come to the same conclusions he had. Starting a relationship had been a mistake.
That had to be it.
Relief swamped him. He didn’t want another relationship. Ever. And Grace was too nice a girl to have the kind of fling that ended when their sexual feelings for each other fizzled and they both eagerly walked away.
It was better for it to end now.
Content that not only had Grace nicely disengaged their relationship, but also that he probably wouldn’t run into her in the halls because their positions in the company and the building were so far apart, he went to work happy. But his secretary buzzed him around ten-thirty, telling him Grace was in the outer office, asking if he had time for her.
Sure. Why not? Now that he’d settled everything in his head, he could handle a debriefing. They’d probably both laugh about the mistake.
He tossed his pencil to the stack of papers in front of him. “Send her in.”
He steeled himself, knowing that even though his brain had easily resolved their situation, his body might not so easily agree. Seeing her would undoubtedly evoke lots of physical response, if only because she was beautiful. He remembered that part very, very well.
His office door opened and she stepped inside. Danny almost groaned at his loss. She was every bit as stunning as he remembered. Her dark hair framed her face and complemented her skin tone. Her little pink suit showed off her great legs. But he wasn’t meant for relationships and she wasn’t meant for affairs. Getting out now while they could get out without too much difficulty was the right thing to do.
“Good morning, Grace.”
She smiled. “Good morning.”
He pointed at the chair in front of his desk, indicating she should sit. “Look, I know what you’re going to say. Being away for a week gave me some perspective, too, and I agree we made a mistake the night we slept together.”
Confused, he cocked his head. “I thought you were here to tell me we’d made a mistake.”
Holding the arms of the captain’s chair in front of his desk, she finally sat. “I came in to invite you to dinner.”
He sat back on his chair, knowing this could potentially be one of the worst conversations of his life. “I’m sorry. When you weren’t home last night when I called, I just assumed you’d changed your mind.”
“I was at my mother’s.”
“I called your cell phone.”
She took a breath. “And by the time I realized I’d hadn’t turned it on after I took it off the charger, it was too late for me to call you back.” She took another breath and smiled hopefully. “That’s why I came to your office.”
He picked up his pencil again. Nervously tapped it on the desk. “I’m sorry. Really. But—” This time he took the breath, giving himself a chance to organize his thoughts. “I genuinely believe we shouldn’t have slept together, and I really don’t want to see you anymore. I don’t have relationships with employees.”
He caught her gaze. “I’m sorry.”
That seemed to catch her off guard. She blinked several times, but her face didn’t crumble as he expected it would if she were about to cry. To his great relief, her chin lifted. “That’s fine.”
Pleased that she seemed to be taking this well—probably because his point was a valid one—bosses and employees shouldn’t date—he rose. “Do you want the day off or something?”
She swallowed and wouldn’t meet his gaze. She said, “I’m fine,” then turned and walked out of his office.
Danny fell to his seat, feeling like a class-A heel. He had hurt her and she was going to cry.

Grace managed to get through the day with only one crying spurt in the bathroom right after coming out of Danny’s office. She didn’t see him the next day or the next or at all for the next two weeks. Just when she had accepted that her world hadn’t been destroyed because he didn’t want her or because she’d slept with him, she realized something awful. Her female cycle was as regular as clockwork, so when things didn’t happen on the day they were supposed to happen, she knew something was wrong.
Though she and Danny had used condoms, they weren’t perfect. She bought an early pregnancy test and discovered her intuition had been correct. She had gotten pregnant.
She sat on the bed in the master suite of her little house. The room was awash with warm colors: cognac, paprika, butter-yellow in satin pillows, lush drapes and a smooth silk bedspread. But she didn’t feel any warmth as she stared at the results of the EPT. She had just gotten pregnant by a man who had told her he wanted nothing to do with her.
She swallowed hard and began to pace the honey-yellow hardwood floors of the bedroom she’d scrimped, saved and labored to refinish. Technically she had a great job and a good enough income that she could raise a child alone. Money wasn’t her problem. And neither was becoming a mother. She was twenty-four, ready to be a mom. Excited actually.
Except Danny didn’t want her. She might survive telling him, but she still worked for him. Soon everybody at his company would know she was pregnant. Anybody with a memory could do the math and realize when she’d gotten pregnant and speculate the baby might be Danny’s since they’d spent a weekend together.
He couldn’t run away from this and neither could she.
She took a deep breath, then another, and another, to calm herself.
Everything would be fine if she didn’t panic and handled this properly. She didn’t have to tell Danny right away that she was pregnant. She could wait until enough time had passed that he would see she wasn’t trying to force anything from him. Plus, until her pregnancy was showing, she didn’t have to tell anybody but Danny. In six or seven months the people she worked with wouldn’t necessarily connect her pregnancy with the weekend she and Danny together. They could get out of this with a minimum of fuss.
That made so much sense that Grace easily fell asleep that night, but the next morning she woke up dizzy, still exhausted and with an unholy urge to vomit. On Saturday morning, she did vomit. Sunday morning, she couldn’t get out of bed. Tired, nauseated and dizzy beyond belief, she couldn’t hide her symptoms from anybody. Which meant that by Monday afternoon, everybody would guess something was up, and she had no choice but to tell Danny first thing in the morning that she was pregnant. If she didn’t, he would find out by way of a rumor, and she couldn’t let that happen.

Grace arrived at work an hour early on Monday. Danny was already in his office but his secretary had not yet arrived. As soon as he was settled, she knocked on the frame of his open door.
He looked up. “Grace?”
“Do you have a minute?”
“Not really, I have a meeting—”
“This won’t take long.” She drank a huge gulp of air and pushed forward because there was no point in dillydallying. “I’m pregnant.”
For thirty seconds, Danny sat motionless. Grace felt every breath she drew as the tension in the room increased with each second that passed.
Finally he very quietly said, “Get out.”
“We need to talk about this.”
“Talk about this? Oh, no! I won’t give credence to your scheme by even gracing you with ten minutes to try to convince me you’re pregnant!”
“Don’t play innocent with me. Telling the man who broke up with you that you’re pregnant is the oldest trick in the book. If you think I’m falling for it, you’re insane.”
Grace hadn’t expected this would be an easy conversation, but for some reason or another she had expected it to be fair. The Danny she remembered from the beach house might have been shocked, but he would have at least given her a chance to talk.
“I’m not insane. I am pregnant.”
“I told you to get out.”
“This isn’t going to go away because you don’t believe me.”
“Grace, I said leave.”
His voice was hard and cold and his office fell deadly silent. Knowing there was no talking to him in that state and hoping that after she gave him a few hours for her announcement to sink in he might be more amenable to discussing it, Grace did as he asked. She left his office with her head high, controlling the tears that welled behind her eyelids.
The insult of his reaction tightened her chest and she marched straight to her desk. She yanked open the side drawer, withdrew her purse and walked out of the building as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to do. When she got into her car, she dropped her head to her steering wheel and let the tears fall.
Eventually it would be obvious she hadn’t lied. But having Danny call her a schemer was the absolute worst experience she’d ever had.
Partially because he believed it. He believed she would trick him.
Grace’s cheeks heated from a sudden rush of indignation.
It was as if he didn’t know her at all—or she didn’t know him at all.
Or maybe they didn’t know each other.
She started her car and headed home. She needed the day to recover from that scene, but also as sick as she was she couldn’t go back to work until she and Danny had talked this out. Pretty soon everybody would guess what had happened. If nothing else, they had to do damage control. There were lots of decisions that had to be made. So when she got home she would call her supervisor, explain she’d gotten sick and that she might be out a few days. Then she and Danny would resolve this away from the office.
Because she had written down his home number and cell number when he left the message on her answering machine the Sunday night he’d returned from his business trip, Grace called both his house and his cell that night.
He didn’t answer.
She gave him forty-eight hours and called Thursday morning before he would leave for work. Again, no answer.
A little more nervous now, she gave him another forty-eight hours and called Saturday morning. No answer.
She called Monday night. No answer.
And she got the message. He wasn’t going to pick up her calls.
But by that time she had something a little more serious to handle. She couldn’t get well. Amazed that she’d even been able to go to work the Monday of her encounter with Danny, she spent her days in bed, until, desperate for help and advice, she told her mother that she was pregnant and sicker than she believed was normal. They made a quick gynecologist appointment and her doctor told her that she was simply enduring extreme morning sickness.
Too worried about her baby to risk the stress of dealing with Danny, Grace put off calling him. Her life settled into a simple routine of forcing herself out of bed, at least to the couch in her living room, but that was as far as she got, and watching TV all day, as her mother fussed over her.
Knowing the bonus she’d received for her weekend with Orlando would support her through her pregnancy if she were frugal, she quit her job. Swearing her immediate supervisor to secrecy in their final phone conversation, she confided that she was pregnant and having troubles, though she didn’t name the baby’s father. And she slid out of Carson Services as if she’d never been there.
She nearly called Danny in March, right before the baby was born, but, again, didn’t have the strength to handle the complexities of their situation. Even though he would be forced to believe she hadn’t lied, he might still see her as a cheat. Someone who had tricked him. She didn’t know how to explain that she hadn’t, and after nine months of “morning sickness” she didn’t give a damn. A man who behaved the way he had wasn’t her perfect partner. His money didn’t make him the special prize he seemed to believe he was. It was smarter to focus on the joy of becoming a mother, the joy of having a child, than to think about a guy so hurt by his divorce that he couldn’t believe anything anyone told him.
When Sarah was born everything suddenly changed. No longer sick and now responsible for a child, Grace focused on finding a job. Happily she found one that paid nearly double what she’d been making at Carson Services. Because her parents had moved into her house to help while she was pregnant, she surprised them by buying the little bungalow down the street. Her mother wanted to baby-sit while Grace worked. Her dad could keep up both lawns. And the mortgage on the new house for her parents was small.
Busy and happy, Grace didn’t really think about Danny and before she knew it, it was September and Sarah was six months old. Everything from baby-sitting to pediatrician appointments was taken care of. Everyone in her little family was very happy.
And Grace wondered why she would want to tell Danny at all.
But holding Sarah that night she realized that this situation wasn’t about her and Danny anymore. It was about Sarah. Every little girl had a right to know her daddy.

The following Saturday evening, Grace found herself craning her neck, straining to read the small sophisticated street signs in the development that contained Danny’s house. It hadn’t been hard to find his address. Convincing herself to get in the car and drive over had been harder. Ultimately she’d come to terms with it not for Danny’s sake, but for Sarah’s. If Grace didn’t at least give Danny the chance to be a dad, then she was no better than he was.
She located his street, turned onto it and immediately saw his house. Simple stone, accented by huge multi-paned windows, his house boasted a three-car garage and space. Not only was the structure itself huge, but beyond the fence that Grace assumed protected a swimming pool, beautiful green grass seemed to stretch forever before it met a wall of trees. Compared to her tiny bungalow, his home was a palace.
She parked her little red car in his driveway, got out and reached into the back seat to unbuckle Sarah. Opting not to put her in a baby carrier, Grace pulled her from the car and settled her on her arm.
Holding her squirming baby and bulky diaper bag, she strode up the stone front walk to Danny’s door, once again noting the differences in their lifestyles personified by decorative black lantern light fixtures and perfect landscaping.
Grace shook her head, trying to stop the obvious conclusion from forming, but she couldn’t. She and Danny were different. Too difference to be together. Why hadn’t she recognized that? He probably had. That’s why he’d told her he didn’t want to see her. They weren’t made for each other. Not even close. And he’d now had fifteen months to forget her. She could have to explain the entire situation again, and then face another horrible scene.
Still, as much as she dreaded this meeting, and as much as she would prefer to raise Sarah on her own, she knew it wasn’t fair for Sarah to never know her father. She also knew Danny should have the option to be part of his daughter’s life. If he again chose not to believe Grace when she told him Sarah was his child, then so be it. She wouldn’t beg him to be a father to their baby. She wouldn’t demand DNA testing to force him in. If he wanted a DNA test, she would comply, but as far as she was concerned, she was the one doing him the favor. If he didn’t wish to acknowledge his child or be a part of Sarah’s life that was his decision. She wasn’t going to get upset or let him hurt her again. If he said he wanted no part of her or her baby, this time Grace and Sarah would leave him alone for good.
Again without giving herself a chance to think, she rang the doorbell. Waiting for someone to answer, she glanced around at his massive home, then wished she hadn’t. How could she have ever thought she belonged with someone who lived in this part of the city?
The door opened and suddenly she was face-to-face with the father of her child. Though it was Saturday he wore dress slacks and a white shirt, but his collar was unbuttoned and his tie loosened. He looked relaxed and comfortable and was even smiling.
Then his eyes darkened, his smile disappeared and his gaze dropped to Sarah, and Grace realized he remembered who she was.
She took a breath. “Can we come in?”
The expression in his eyes changed, darkening even more, reminding Grace of a building storm cloud. For the twenty seconds that he remained stonily silent, she was positive he would turn her away. For those same twenty seconds, with his dark eyes condemning her, she fervently wished he would.
But without saying a word, he pulled open his door and stepped aside so she could enter.
“Thank you.” She walked into the echoing foyer of his big house, fully expecting this to be the worst evening of her life.

AS GRACE brushed by Danny, a band of pain tightened his chest. At first he thought the contraction was a result of his anger with Grace, fury that she’d continued with her pregnancy scheme. He wondered how she intended to get around DNA since he would most certainly require the test, then he actually looked at the baby in her arms, a little girl if the pink one-piece pajamas were any indication. She appeared to be about six months old—the age their baby would be if he had gotten Grace pregnant that Sunday night at his beach house. More than that, though, the baby looked exactly as Cory had when he was six months old.
Danny stood frozen, unable to do anything but stare at the chubby child in Grace’s arms. Suddenly the baby smiled at him. Her plump lips lifted. Her round blue eyes filled with laughter. She made a happy gurgling sound that caused playful spit bubbles to gather at the corners of her mouth. She looked so much like Cory it was as if Danny had been unceremoniously flung back in time.
Feeling faint, he pointed down the corridor. “There’s a den at the end of the hall. Would you please wait for me there?”
Grace caught his gaze with her pretty violet eyes and everything inside of Danny stilled. In a hodgepodge of pictures and words, he remembered bits and pieces of both the weekend they’d spent together with Orlando and the morning he’d kicked her out of his office—wrongly if his assumptions about the baby were correct. In his mind’s eye, he saw Grace laughing with Orlando, working with him, making him comfortable. He remembered her soft and giving in his arms. He remembered her trembling when she told him she was pregnant, and then he remembered nothing but anger. He hadn’t given her a chance to explain or even a sliver of benefit of the doubt. He’d instantly assumed her “pregnancy” was a ruse and wouldn’t hear another word.

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