Read online book «Posh Doc Claims His Bride» author Anne Fraser

Posh Doc Claims His Bride
Anne Fraser
A bride for a single dad When Meagan starts her stint as a GP on Scotland’s Western Isles, the last person she expects to see is the man who broke her heart six years earlier – Dr Cameron Stuart… …or, as the locals know him, Lord Grimsay!Meagan is still reeling from that discovery when she finds out Cameron is not only a lord but a single father too! In the past Cameron has been forced to do his duty. Now fate has given him a chance to follow his heart – by claiming Meagan as a mother for his child and as the new Lady Grimsay.

Suddenly Cameron bent his head and whispered in her ear. ‘Is it really you? I never thought I’d see you again.’
Meagan felt time stand still. She looked into his eyes and he grinned back at her. He raised an eyebrow, as if challenging her to admit she remembered him too. She knew without a shadow of doubt he was thinking about that night.
‘I’m surprised you remember. It was a long time ago. And,’ she couldn’t help adding, ‘that night obviously didn’t mean much to you.’
He frowned again, and rested his hand on her shoulder. ‘That’s where you’d be wrong, Meagan,’ he said softly. ‘You are not a woman a man could easily forget.’
Anne Fraser was born in Scotland, but brought up in South Africa. After she left school she returned to the birthplace of her parents, the remote Western Islands of Scotland. She left there to train as a nurse, before going on to university to study English Literature. After the birth of her first child, she and her doctor husband travelled the world, working in rural Africa, Australia and Northern Canada. Anne still works in the Health Sector. To relax, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, walking and travelling.
Recent titles by the same author:

AS MEAGAN breathed in the heady aroma of peat smoke that drifted through her car window, she felt almost happy for the first time since Charlie had died. Maybe, just maybe, she could find some measure of peace and contentment on this remote Scottish island, which would be her home for the next few weeks and perhaps longer.
But, she thought as she glanced at her watch, she wasn’t going to make a good first impression if she were late for her meeting with Dr MacDonald and his colleague. And she was going to be late unless the stream of cars that she had followed off the ferry went a bit faster than the ten miles an hour at which they were currently travelling. Incredibly, the cars in front slowed down even further—tourists unsure of the road, Meagan assessed exasperatedly.
Deciding to take action, she gunned her powerful four-wheel-drive into second gear and, checking there was no oncoming traffic, began overtaking. It only took a fraction of second for her to realise her mistake—the cars had slowed down because the island road was reverting from two lanes to a single lane and there was no room to manoeuvre her Land Rover past the cars in front. Meagan did the only thing she could—she pumped her brakes and swung her vehicle hard to the left towards a lay-by. Everything would have still been OK had the recent rain not made the road greasy. Horrified, Meagan realised that she had lost traction and was heading for the ditch instead. At the last moment she closed her eyes, expecting the car to bounce or even flip, but—thank God—it was made of sterner stuff. Slowly it slid gently—almost gracefully—off the road and came to a rest with the nearside wheels on the tarmac and the offside wheels in the ditch, causing the car to tilt unnervingly to the side.
As the engine stalled, Meagan sat in stunned shock. She moved her limbs tentatively but luckily she didn’t seem to have hurt herself. Before she had time to catch her breath, the passenger door was yanked open and a dark-haired man with concerned brown eyes leant in. Still shaking, she looked open-mouthed straight into the familiar set of eyes Cameron—the man who had occupied her thoughts for a long time after their first and only encounter all those years ago and whom she had never expected to see again, and certainly not within minutes of arriving on the island of Uist.
‘Are you OK? Have you hurt yourself?’ he asked, his voice cutting through her fog of confusion. Perhaps I am concussed, she thought, gingerly touching her forehead. Maybe that’s why I’m seeing Cameron in front of me. I’m concussed and mixing up the past with the present.
Pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes for a second, Meagan made herself breathe in deeply and slowly before opening her eyes again. Keep calm, you’re fine, she told herself. As she looked once more into those gorgeous brown pools, she knew she hadn’t been mistaken. It was Cameron. Apart from a narrowing of his eyes, he showed no sign that he recognised her. Could it be he had forgotten her? It had been several years and she knew she had changed. But surely not that much?
‘Just sit still for a moment until we check you over,’ Cameron said, reaching over the passenger seat to take a closer look.
‘I’m fine. Thank you. A little shaken perhaps,’ she replied, brushing his hands away. She was mortified to hear her voice tremble. ‘Did anyone else go off the road?’ she added anxiously, craning her neck to peer over his shoulder.
Reassured that she was unhurt, Cameron’s initial concern was replaced with anger. ‘No, but no thanks to you. What the bloody hell did you think you were doing, driving like a maniac on these roads? You could have killed yourself or worse still, someone else!’
His tone made Meagan’s hackles rise. She knew she had been at fault, but who did he think he was to lecture her as if she were a child? She raised her chin and looked at him coolly. Could this angry, disdainful man really be the same one she had known before?
‘Point taken. I’m fine. You can get on your way now. I’ll manage,’ she said, uncomfortably aware of how reckless she had been.
‘Don’t be a fool, woman.’ Despite the words, Cameron’s voice had softened. ‘Come on, we’ll help you get you back on the road. Hop out and we’ll see what can be done.’
Meagan, still a little dazed, put up no further argument and stepped out, to her horror immediately sinking up to her ankles in the boggy peat that lined the road. She looked down at her feet in dismay. The new shoes she had bought in a fit of extravagance to celebrate her new job had all but disappeared beneath the sludge. She tried to pull them out, first one then the other, almost overbalancing in the process, but her feet refused to budge. She was trapped.
She thought that matters couldn’t get any worse until she became aware that a crowd of onlookers had gathered as the occupants of the other cars left their vehicles to watch the proceedings. She lifted her eyes and found those of her rescuer, which, although moments before had looked at her sternly, were now twinkling with merriment, and although he tried to disguise it, a smile tugged at the corners of his generous mouth.
‘Oh, go on, Cameron, help her out!’ someone called out.
‘Lend her your wellies, Cameron!’ suggested another.
Meagan stood helplessly as Cameron, a broad grin lighting his face, stepped round to her side of the car, reached over and plucked her bodily from her muddy trap. As her feet came loose, she was imprisoned for a moment against his chest. He was so tall that despite her height of five feet eight she was still forced to look up into his eyes, even with her feet dangling above the ground. Held captive, Meagan could feel the heat of his body and the hardness of his muscles through the thin fabric of his sweater. It had been a long time since a man had held her in his arms. It had been even longer since this man had held her, but suddenly it felt like yesterday. To her dismay she felt a shock of desire that made her toes curl. Confused and mortified, she pushed against his chest with her hands.
Suddenly he bent his head and whispered in her ear, ‘Is it really you? I never thought I’d see you again.’
Meagan felt time stand still. She looked into his eyes and he grinned back at her. He raised an eyebrow as if challenging her to admit she remembered him too. She knew without a shadow of doubt he was thinking about that night.
‘Would you please put me down?’ This was hardly the time or the place to reminisce about a night they had once shared. He was obviously enjoying making her look ridiculous. He held onto her for a second longer, looking into her eyes, amusement evident at her discomfort, before depositing her gently onto the road. As the audience clapped in appreciation of his gallantry, Meagan felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. This was not how she had intended to introduce herself to the local population! These people were to be her patients and she cringed at the thought that she’d be the object of discussion and amusement around a lot of kitchen tables that evening. Cheeks blazing, she lifted her head high and tried to look like the professional career-woman she was. Cameron leapt into her Land Rover and with one great spray of mud—a good bit of which landed on Meagan—had all four wheels firmly back on the road. Thankfully, most of the crowd started to make their way back to their cars, satisfied that the drama was over.
Cameron left the engine running and walked back towards Meagan. Seeing her furiously trying to wipe some of the dirt off her suit, he laughed out loud.
‘Good God—did I do that? I’m really sorry. Here, can I help?’ He offered, taking a hankie from his jeans pocket. Gently tilting her chin with his fingertips, he wiped some of the mud from her face.
Meagan found herself yet again staring into his eyes, feeling even more foolish and totally off kilter. She could feel his breath on her face and the masculine scent of his strong, lean body as he stood close to her. Once again she felt a sharp tug of sheer unadulterated lust. Damn the man. Incredibly, after all these years he still had the ability to make her feel weak at the knees. Clearly the fright had awakened some dormant hormones she had been suppressing, she thought wryly. That was all. It was a well-known fact that adrenaline had that effect on people.
Desperate to regain her composure, she stepped back from Cameron, and managed a weak smile.
‘Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I’ve really got to go now—I’m horribly late for my appointment as it is.’ She was aware that she sounded as if she were at some afternoon tea party, but it was the best she could manage.
‘No problem,’ Cameron replied, his voice cooler this time, ‘but, seriously, you have to take it easy on these narrow roads. I know that’s a beast of a car you have, but brute strength in a vehicle is no substitute for a safe driver. Next time you—or some other unfortunate soul—might not be so lucky.’
Feeling like a five-year-old who had been caught stealing biscuits, and not a little indignant, Meagan climbed back into the driver’s seat. She knew she had been at fault, but she was in no mood for a lecture from any man, no matter how helpful he had been, or how good-looking. And he was as gorgeous as she remembered, she couldn’t help admitting to herself.
Liquid brown eyes and thick, black hair fell across his forehead, giving him an appealing air of vulnerability and sensuality that his solid frame belied. His broad shoulders were outlined in a V-neck black sweater that was thin enough for her to make out the contours of his muscular chest and a pair of faded blue jeans clung to his thighs in a most disconcerting manner. He had a stubble on his chin, as if he hadn’t shaved for a few days. His thigh-high waders were turned down to below his knees and Meagan thought he looked like a fisherman—some sort of swashbuckling pirate in another life. But that wasn’t what he had told her the night they had met.
Images came flooding back—the feel of his hands on her skin, the warmth of his body. She closed her eyes against the memory. It didn’t matter how attractive he was, she was never going to get close to a man again—not after Charlie. Aware of the familiar ache that thinking of Charlie brought, she pushed him to the back of her mind. She was finished with men. In particular men who thought they were God’s gift to women. And Cameron clearly belonged to that camp. That night had obviously meant nothing to him—he had never tried to get in touch with her afterward. Had there been many women? Had she just been one forgettable encounter of many? Meagan felt her cheeks burn at the thought. With an attempt at a nonchalant wave to her rescuer, she drove off more sedately. Confused and shaken, she refused to think about the night she had met Cameron and instead turned her thoughts to the meeting ahead.
Dr Colin MacDonald, or Dr Colin as she affectionately called him, and her father had been medical students together many years before and friends ever since. Dr Colin and his wife were going on an extended trip to Australia for four weeks, and when her father had told her that he was looking for a locum to help his partner while he was away, she had jumped at the chance. She had always wanted to return to Uist and hoped that some time on the peaceful and beautiful island on Scotland’s west coast would help heal whatever it was that Charlie’s death—and betrayal—seemed to have broken.
Dr Colin had suggested that they meet at the surgery for an informal interview at six that evening. ‘It will just be Dr Stuart and myself, so it won’t be formal. Perhaps we can grab a bite to eat afterwards,’ he had suggested in his lilting Hebridean accent. ‘As you know, I’ll be leaving for Australia the next day, so unfortunately this will be the only chance the three of us will get to chat.’
Meagan pulled into the surgery car park. She glanced at her watch. With all that had happened she was most definitely late. She took a few minutes to collect herself while studying the surgery and its surroundings. It had changed from the old croft house that she remembered from her childhood visits. Instead, brand-new premises had been built more in keeping with modern-day practice. Nevertheless Meagan felt a pang of regret for the old practice with its homely feeling.
As she got out of the car, she glanced down at her feet. Around her ankles were matching rings of mud, like ankle-length boots. Her blouse and skirt were also spattered with brown. She’d have to sneak in, find the ladies and repair the damage before her interview. Late or not, there was no way she could present herself as an appropriate candidate for any job looking the way she did.
Quickly she fished around in her suitcase for a clean blouse, and digging out a pair of knee-length boots she swapped them for her high heels. At least they’d cover the worst of the damage. She crept into the surgery, blouse in hand, hoping to locate the ladies before bumping into anyone.
But it wasn’t to be. Dr Colin MacDonald was waiting for her in the reception area.
‘My dear girl,’ he said, enveloping her in a bear hug. ‘I was getting worried about you. I checked with the ferry company and they told me the ferry had arrived right on time. Was the traffic on the way here awful?’
Thankfully he didn’t seem to require a reply. Meagan wasn’t sure she wanted him to know she had managed to go off the road so soon after her arrival.
‘I’m here now—that’s what matters,’ she said, returning his hug. ‘It’s so good to see you, Dr Colin—and to be back on Uist again.’
‘Here,’ he said, holding her by the arms. ‘Let me get a good look at you—Dr Galbraith now, no less. The last time I saw you was at your wedding, when you were still slogging away as a junior doctor.’
Meagan must have looked stricken, as his voice immediately softened. Gathering her gently back into his arms, he soothed her, ‘My dear girl, I’m so sorry. Your father told me all about Charlie.’
Meagan breathed in deeply, gently disengaging herself from his embrace.
‘I’m all right now, Dr Colin, really. It just hits me now and again. But I’m here and ready to start afresh! Or at least I will be in a few moments,’ she said, remembering the state of her clothes. She looked around anxiously, but there was no one else in sight. Perhaps Dr Stuart was waiting in one of the consulting rooms to start the meeting?
‘Dr Colin, if you don’t mind, could I nip into the ladies quickly? I don’t want to keep you and Dr Stuart waiting, but I need to freshen up.’
Luckily Colin wasn’t the sort of man to pay much attention to a woman’s appearance. Meagan remembered his long-suffering wife Peggy complaining often that Colin would see patients in his slippers if it weren’t for her. And, right enough, Meagan couldn’t help noticing that his sweater was a bit worse for wear around the elbows. Nevertheless, Meagan knew Colin gave his patients his undivided attention and was loved in return.
‘You take your time, my dear,’ he said. ‘Dr Stuart’s been held up on his way back from a weekend’s fishing. He phoned me on the surgery phone just now—I can’t be doing with these portable things. Anyway, he’ll be here as soon as he can, but there’s plenty of time for you to sort yourself out and for me to show you our new premises, so don’t rush.’
In the sanctuary of the ladies, Meagan repaired the damage as best she could. It was unfortunate, but not the end of the world, that she had been seen not looking her best. She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror. She had to admit she had neglected her appearance for a long time after Charlie’s death and besides working abroad, where there often hadn’t been even basic facilities to wash, it would have been impossible to be perfectly turned out, even if she’d cared to.
But determined that this would be a new start she had treated herself to a new wardrobe, a very expensive haircut and an extortionate but heavenly weekend at a spa. She was pleased with the feathery haircut that framed her face, emphasising her best feature—her green eyes. It deflected attention away from her too-wide mouth, she thought with satisfaction. Pity about the new shoes, however. They were ruined.
Not wanting to keep Colin waiting any longer than she had already, she sprayed perfume behind her ears and went to join him.
‘Dr Stuart’s just arrived. He’s waiting for us in our seminar room. Perhaps he can give you the guided tour tomorrow instead. We’ll have a quick chat, then you’re coming to dinner—Peggy’s expecting you. Afterwards, I’ll show you the way to the cottage I’ve rented for you. Is that all right?’
Colin had already gone over the arrangements with Meagan on the phone as he and Peggy were leaving the next day on the first leg of their trip, which would take in Australia as well as visits to their daughters in Glasgow and London on the way. Meagan knew they had both been looking forward to it for some time. They had had some difficulty attracting a locum, and when he had heard from Meagan’s father that she was looking for a short-term position with a view to a permanent post, he’d been determined to entice her to the island.
Colin ushered Meagan into the meeting room, standing aside for her to go in first. As Meagan entered the first thing that caught her attention was the man sitting at one end of the table. He may have showered and shaved—that much was evident from the longish black hair clinging damply to his forehead—and he may now be wearing a crisp white shirt and she noticed as he stood to greet her, freshly laundered beige chinos, but there was no mistaking him. It was Cameron! For a moment Meagan let her jaw drop. It was all she could do to stop herself groaning out loud. Cameron, the man who had stolen her heart all those years ago, Cameron, the man who had rescued her by the roadside, was Dr Stuart—her new colleague. Meagan felt her heart pound as she wondered frantically how to handle this new development. While her mind whirled about whether she should acknowledge to Dr Colin that the two of them had already met, Cameron’s deep tone broke the lengthening silence.
‘Dr Galbraith, I presume,’ he said, a half-smile on his lips. ‘I trust you had a pleasant journey? I’m sorry I was late but there was a hold-up on the road. Some visitor to the island managed to put her car in the ditch and she needed some help.’ Out of sight of Colin, he dropped his lid in a slow wink.
Speechless, Meagan could only allow him to engulf her hand in his and shake it. So this is how he wanted to play it, she thought with relief.
‘Please, sit down. I don’t think this will take too long. As you know, Colin is leaving tomorrow. Circumstances prevented us from meeting before now, but he has assured me you are right for the job. He said you are practical, sensible, as well as an excellent doctor. All welcome traits in a colleague,’ he said dryly. Meagan couldn’t be sure, but thought he was mocking her.
She sat down on the nearest chair, wishing she had some time to gather her thoughts. Oblivious of the tension between his the younger doctors, Colin addressed Cameron.
‘You know, Cameron, we are fortunate to get Meagan. Her father has been trying to persuade her to join him in his private practice in Edinburgh but without success so far, eh, Meagan?’
‘I hate to disappoint my father, but city life just isn’t for me,’ Meagan said. ‘And after the time I’ve just spent abroad I’m more sure than ever that I want to work somewhere where I can really do some good and be part of the community as well.’
‘I notice you’re wearing a wedding ring. Is your husband joining you in Uist while you’re here?’ Cameron asked suddenly.
The question took Meagan completely by surprise, although she supposed it was perfectly reasonable of him to ask.
She darted a glance at Colin. He obviously hadn’t mentioned her past to Cameron.
Meagan swallowed. She still wasn’t used to saying the words ‘I’m a widow’ and she didn’t want to go into any explanations now. Instead, she evaded his probing, but nevertheless her answer was truthful. ‘No, he won’t be joining me.’
Cameron frowned slightly. He looked as if he was about to say something, but then changed the subject.
‘I’m concerned you may find us a little boring here. I gather from Colin that you trained in London and have just returned after a two-year stint with Médecins Sans frontiéres?’ Cameron said quietly. ‘I spent some time with them myself and you couldn’t have more of a contrast here. Although—’ he glanced at Colin ‘—we do have our moments.’
Meagan looked at him a stubborn set to her chin. ‘I’m quite sure I won’t be bored. In many ways this will be the perfect opportunity to see if rural life suits me before I decide where to join a permanent practice.’ She managed a smile while forcing herself to look steadily into those deep brown eyes. ‘Besides, I’m a keen sailor,’ she went on, ‘and I’m never happier then when I’m near the sea. I always hoped to return to Uist one day. I just never dreamt it would be as one of the medical team.’ Meagan couldn’t help sliding a look in Cameron’s direction. When she had met him she had been with a group of fellow sailors towing the islands. He had known that. Still there wasn’t a flicker in his eyes.
‘Colin did mention that you had been here before, so at least you know what to expect.’
‘Meagan sailed competitively, Cameron. She’s a woman of many talents.’ Colin smiled fondly at Meagan. ‘I still have my old boat if ever you want to use it. I don’t get out in it much these days,’ he said, rubbing his hip with a grimace, ‘but Cameron takes care of her for me. I’m sure he’d be delighted to take you out on it. Won’t you, Cameron?’
Cameron smiled, his eyes creasing at the corners. ‘It would be my pleasure, but I suspect we’ll both be too busy while you’re away to do much sailing. Anyway, shall we get down to business?’
The next hour passed swiftly as Cameron quizzed Meagan on her experience. She knew that there was little he could find to criticise, except perhaps her limited experience as a general practitioner. She hadn’t actually worked as a GP since she’d completed her general practice training. The end of her training had coincided with Charlie’s death, and once she had emerged from her haze of grief she had gone overseas. While her experience there had shown her she could cope with most things, working as a GP was bound to have its own challenges.
Colin leaned back in his chair, apparently satisfied that the interview was drawing to a close.
‘The practice covers the whole of Uist, with a population of around two thousand, a large proportion of whom is elderly. We can handle most things but what we can’t handle comfortably we send to Stornoway, or for more specialist care to Glasgow. We’re very fortunate to have Cameron, who is a member of the Royal College of Paediatricians and who is happy to see most of the children,’ Colin informed Meagan.
Meagan looked over at Cameron in surprise. What was a qualified paediatrician doing in rural practice? she wondered. But something in his expression warned her not to pursue the matter.
‘We do our own on-call rota and I’m afraid that’s one in two at the moment,’ Colin went on ‘You’ll have every second night and weekend on and every second one off. Do you feel you can cope?’
‘That’s fine. I’m used to working hard. I prefer to keep busy,’ Meagan said. It was the truth. Working so hard that she had no time for thinking had been what had saved her sanity.
Colin looked satisfied. ‘Well, that’s sorted, then. Take tomorrow to settle in and then make a start the day after. Now let’s go and get some dinner, shall we? I’m sure you’re ready for it, Meagan, after your long journey. Peggy is looking forward to seeing you. Are you sure you won’t join us, Cameron? You know they’ll be plenty.’
‘No, thanks, Colin. I need to get home. But give my love to Peggy and both of you have a wonderful holiday. Don’t worry about us here. We’ll be fine. I’ll look in on you tomorrow at some point, Meagan. Perhaps show you around, if you like?’ Cameron said. He stood, stretching his lean frame.
‘I’ll look forward to it,’ Meagan said politely.
‘Goodnight, then,’ he said leaving Meagan and Colin alone.
Meagan watched his departing back, before turning back to Colin.
‘Are you sure he wants me here?’ she said anxiously.
‘He wasn’t altogether keen,’ Colin admitted reluctantly. ‘Nothing personal, you understand. He just thought we should have asked someone a little more…well, settled. He knows I am looking to retire and that we need a replacement for me. He’s worried that a young single woman won’t stay and he’s also little worried you don’t have enough experience for the job.’
Meagan’s heart sank. Her day was going from bad to worse. On top of everything, it seemed that Cameron had opposed her appointment. Had it simply been her lack of experience or had he known who she was? He had shown no indication that he’d known she was the new locum when they had met on the road, and there was no reason for him to associate her married name, Dr Galbraith, with Meagan Davidson. And what about him? Was he married? She swallowed a sigh. If she had known that she would find Cameron here, would she still have come? She had taken the job because she had thought it would be a fresh start, and the last thing she needed were complications. And somehow she recognised with a shiver that working with Cameron was going to be a complication she could do without. Still, it was too late now. She was here. At least until Colin returned from his trip.
Colin must have noticed how dejected she felt because he added hastily, ‘I’m sure once he gets to know you he’ll recognise that you are the right person for the job and then you’ll get on famously. You have a lot in common. Until then, try not to worry. Cameron will see you come to no harm. You can trust him with your life.’
But, as Meagan followed Colin out of the surgery, she wasn’t altogether sure she could trust herself.
As Cameron drove home he was thinking about his new colleague. It had been a surprise when he had recognised the woman in the car. And an even bigger shock to find that she was the new locum. He had known her as Meagan Davidson, now she was Meagan Galbraith. She had married, then, but where was her husband? Were they separated? Divorced? Why had she come alone?
Even before he’d realised who the locum was, he’d had grave reservations about taking on someone with her level of experience. And it wasn’t just her relative lack of general practice experience that had worried him. She was clearly used to a more exciting life than the one she’d find here. Why had she come? And how did he feel about seeing her again?
Despite the lines of pain etched into the corners of her mouth—and he wondered what had caused them—she looked even younger than her 26 years. She had no idea of how vulnerable she appeared, especially, he thought amused, with the small smear of dirt on her brow that had escaped her cleaning efforts. Notwithstanding the odd blob of dirt, she looked more like a fashion icon from the city than a country doctor.
A practice like theirs couldn’t afford passengers. He had wanted to recruit someone older, more experienced, but there hadn’t been many applicants. Cameron had been carrying an increased share of the practice burden for the last year as Colin had relinquished more and more to his younger partner.
Cameron had known about Colin’s friendship with the new locum’s father and had been concerned that the friendship might have influenced the older doctor’s decision, but Colin had been adamant that Meagan was an exceptional junior doctor who had passed all her exams with distinction. So, despite his reservations, he had agreed to go along with his partner’s choice. And that choice had turned out to be more interesting than he could ever have suspected. Well, it was done now. He would just have to keep a close eye on Meagan and be there to offer support to her and the patients whenever possible. And as for the fact she still made his pulse race? That was just male libido, he told himself firmly, and the fact he had been too long without a woman. It was nothing whatsoever to do with eyes the colour of the sea after rain and a mouth made for kissing. Nothing whatsoever.
IT TOOK Meagan a couple of seconds to realise where she was when she woke up the next morning. It had been dark when Colin had dropped her off the night before and, exhausted, she had gone straight to bed. Despite her tiredness, she had lain awake, thinking about Cameron. Why had he never tried to get in touch with her? She had been so sure that he had felt the same way she had that night they had met. She had waited for him to contact her, but eventually anticipation had turned into disappointment with the realisation he was never going to. She had been badly mistaken about him and the kind of man he was. Now he was here and they’d be working together and, God, help her, he still made her feel week at the knees.
The day stretched before her to do as she pleased. Determined to make the most of it, she jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. Once she was dressed she would spend the day re-exploring the island and refamiliarising herself with her surroundings.
The cottage Colin had arranged for her was a renovated black house. Although it was tiny—with a small bedroom on one side and a kitchen/living room on the other and a bathroom in the middle—it was very cosy. There was just about enough room for her and her suitcases—if she was very organised. The sitting room had an open fire that Meagan surveyed with some trepidation. She hadn’t a clue how to go about setting and lighting a fire. Next to the fire, which had been set ready to light, was a basket of peat and some kindling. The same person had also left a basket of provisions, including, Meagan noted, coffee, milk, scones and even pancakes for her breakfast.
Meagan dressed warmly after her quick shower, surveying her appearance in the long mirror in the corner of her bedroom. She had pulled on her old but still stylish jeans, which she knew emphasised her long legs and slim figure. She straightened her hair until it fell to her shoulders in a sleek curtain and darkened her lashes with black mascara. That was all the make-up she normally wore, unless she was going out somewhere in the evening when she would add glossy red lipstick. To complete her outfit for walking the moors, she grabbed her green jacket in case the weather changed to rain, and pulled on her favourite leather boots.
Stepping out the front door, she gasped with surprise and pleasure. It had been dark when she had arrived the night before and she hadn’t been aware of how her new home was situated. She was delighted to see that the house had been built on a piece of land that projected into the sea, giving the impression that it was on its own small island. The day was glorious. Bright sunlight reflected on the water, which hugged the shore on three sides, turning it from deep blue to aquamarine where the waves lapped the shore. She listened to the sensuous sound of the waves gently washing over the rocks and a the feeling of peace wash over her.
The back of the house was sheltered from the wind by some rowan trees and had the best view. Meagan could imagine spending her evenings sitting outside, watching the wildlife as the sun went down. At the front was a rough drive leading up to the main road. A few sheep grazed, lazily turning disinterested eyes on Meagan before returning their attention to the grass. The place was perfect. Perhaps here she could at last really begin to put the past behind her.
Hearing a car’s engine, Meagan looked around and watched a battered Land Rover making its way down the track to the house. The car pulled up and a tall, elegant woman wearing faded jeans and wellingtons got out.
The woman eyed Meagan for a moment before extending a hand.
‘Hi, you must be Dr Galbraith,’ she said. ‘I’m Rachel—from Grimsay House.’ She indicated an imposing building on the top of the hill with a nod of her head.
She was one of the most beautiful women Meagan had ever seen. Long blonde hair hung to her shoulders, framing high cheekbones and sculpted lips. Violet eyes were accentuated with thick dark lashes that looked as if they owed nothing to mascara. Beside her, Meagan felt plain if not downright dowdy.
‘Pleased to meet you.’ Meagan took the proffered hand, aware of the briefest pressure before her hand was relinquished.
‘I’m sorry to impose on your day off but Jessie—the cook—her daughter’s not feeling well and she wanted Cameron to have a look at her. Unfortunately he’s tied up with another patient. He asked us to ring you instead, but I thought I may as well pop down in person and give you a lift. If you’re free, that is?’ Cool eyes regarded Meagan steadily. Meagan surmised that this was a woman who expected people to do as she asked.
‘I’d be happy to see her. If you could give me a moment, I’ll get my bag.’
Uninvited, Rachel followed her inside the house.
‘Its years since I was in here,’ she said. ‘I’d forgotten how tiny it is. It used to be a staff cottage.’
‘I think its lovely,’ Meagan said, collecting her bag from the sitting room. ‘Absolutely perfect.’ Inexplicably Meagan felt defensive about her new home. ‘Shall we go?’
The journey took just a few minutes. There was only enough time for Rachel to point a few landmarks out to Meagan before they were at their destination.
As Rachel swung the Land Rover into the large gravel car park of Grimsay House, Meagan marvelled at the majestic building before her. To describe it as a house was rather like referring to Mount Vesuvius as a steaming kettle. Two elegant stone columns framed wide stone steps leading up to a beautiful oak door at the entrance. Honey-coloured stonework hinted at the imposing age of the building. Meagan noted gentle puffs of smoke emanating from the large gable chimneys at either end of the house, which was framed by a breathtaking tangle of trees, shrubs and wildflowers. Dragging her eyes away, Meagan gathered up her medical bag as she followed Rachel inside the house and into the flag-stoned entrance hall.
‘It’s beautiful,’ Meagan said, taking in the elegant furniture and ornate framed portraits that graced the walls.
‘I suppose,’ Rachel said dismissively. ‘Can’t say I notice it much any more. Jessie and Effie are up here.’
Meagan followed Rachel up two flights of stairs into a bedroom that led off a narrow hall. The bedroom was light and airy and pleasantly furnished. On the large bed covered with a pink quilt on which elephants and rabbits gambolled, lay a small, pale child of around seven. Sitting next to the child, holding a book, sat a woman in her twenties who Meagan took to be Effie’s mother.
‘This is Jessie and her daughter Effie. Jessie, Effie—Dr Galbraith,’ Rachel made the introductions. She then strode towards the window and looked out, turning her back on the proceedings.
Jessie stood up. ‘Thank goodness you’re here,’ Jessie said. ‘Effie’s been complaining of stomach ache since the early hours of this morning. I’ve given her paracetamol but it hasn’t helped. Now she’s being sick.’ Jessie spoke quickly, clearly anxious. She turned to her daughter, who was watching Meagan with solemn eyes. ‘Effie, Dr Galbraith is here to see if we can make you better,’ Jessie continued.
Meagan approached the bed and smiled warmly at the young girl. Crouching next to her, she reached over to stroke the large pink cuddly toy the child was clutching.
‘A girl after my own heart, I see,’ she said soothingly. ‘You know, I had a bunny rabbit just like that when I was your age.’
Effie peeked out at Meagan from behind the rabbit. ‘My tummy hurts,’ she said plaintively, ‘and I’ve been sick. Four times,’ she added proudly.
‘Well, we’ll have to see what we can do about that. If you lie down flat, I’d like to feel your tummy.’
Uncertainly, Effie looked towards Jessie.
‘Go on, mo ghaol,’ Jessie encouraged.
The child responded, sliding down in bed and pulling up her pyjama top for Meagan.
Meagan examined her, gently feeling for any abdominal tenderness and looking down the child’s throat for signs of inflammation. She was unable to find any abnormality and when she checked the child’s pulse and temperature she was pleased to find both normal.
‘OK, Effie, that’s you. I don’t think there is anything to worry about, but I’m going to ask your mummy to keep you in bed for the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow. Don’t try and eat anything but take small sips of water whenever you can manage it and I’ll pop back tomorrow to see how you are.’
Turning towards Jessie, Meagan signalled to her to step outside with her.
‘I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about—probably a bug that’s going around. I’ll leave you my telephone numbers. Please, don’t hesitate to call if there’s any change in Effie’s condition. But I suspect in a day or two she’ll be as right as rain.’
Jessie sighed with relief. ‘Oh, thank goodness. I know it’s silly to worry, but she’s all I’ve got.’
‘Just keep her in bed and let her sleep,’ Meagan said. ‘I’ll be surprised if she’s not back to her usual self by tomorrow.’
As Meagan turned to go, Jessie said, ‘Do you have time for a cup of tea? I know I could do with one! I’ll just check with Rachel that she’s happy to sit with Effie for a bit,’ she said, popping her head back round the door.
Apparently reassured that her presence wasn’t needed, she led Meagan back downstairs.
‘Don’t worry about tea,’ Meagan said. ‘I’m sure you have plenty to be getting on with.’
‘I could do with a cup. I’ve been up most of the night.’ She yawned. ‘Really, you’d be doing me a favour. A chat would stop me conking out. I’ve still got Sunday lunch to prepare.’
Following Jessie into the kitchen at the back of the house, Meagan took a seat at the large oak table that dominated the centre of the room. Black and white tiles patterned the floor and at centre stage stood a double-oven Aga. Meagan waited silently as Jessie bustled about the kitchen, spooning tea into a pot and setting cups out onto a tray. Now that anxiety no longer furrowed her face, Meagan could see that she was very pretty, her curly auburn hair framing a delicate face with large, gentle green eyes.
‘The house is gorgeous. I gather from Rachel you are the cook here.’
Jessie nodded, placing a china cup in front of Meagan and pushing the sugar bowl and milk jug towards her. ‘Effie and I love it. It’s been in the family for generations—and it’s hardly a house, more like a manor really. But the late laird never liked anyone to refer to it as such. He didn’t want the locals to think he thought himself or anyone else in his family above them. Unfortunately, when he died inheritance tax took a fair chunk of the family fortune, and it’s been a bit of a struggle for them to keep the estate running. But it’s a labour of love for Cameron and Simon, rather than a millstone around their necks.’ Her tone softened. ‘Their mother died years ago, when the children were very young, poor souls. So apart from them, there’s myself and Mrs McLeod, the housekeeper—she looks after your cottage too. The rest of the staff come in on a daily basis.’
Meagan was confused. What did Cameron have to do with Grimsay House?
Jessie continued chatting while she poured the tea and buttered some scones. ‘Grimsay House is open to visitors during the summer. It helps make ends meet and we have shooting and fishing parties coming to stay too. We also put on the odd ceilidh in the grand hall as well as an end-of-summer ball, which is actually at the end of the month. All in all it keeps me pretty busy.’
‘Er, Jessie. You mentioned Cameron. Surely you don’t mean Dr Stuart?’
Jessie looked at Meagan keenly. ‘You mean you don’t know?’ She must have seen Meagan’s look of confusion. ‘Cameron—Dr Stuart—being the eldest son, inherited the estate from his father. Our own Dr Stuart is actually Lord Grimsay of Grimsay house.’ Seeing the look of shock on Meagan’s face, she gave a low whistle. ‘You really didn’t know, did you? Well, I guess there is no reason why you should. Cameron keeps the two sides of his life pretty separate. He always wanted to be a doctor. Ever since he was a small boy. But since his father died, he has taken on the responsibilities he inherited. Somehow he manages the two roles.’
Meagan almost choked on her tea. Cameron. A lord! As if it hadn’t been a big enough shock finding out he was her colleague—now this. He hadn’t said anything about it that night, so on top of everything he hadn’t even been honest with her. Was that why he had never contacted her? What would a lord want with a student, a nobody? Hardly a long-term prospect for someone in his position. She hadn’t even been here twenty-four hours and the shocks kept coming.
Meagan’s mind whirled. ‘No, I didn’t know.’ She paused, even more confused. And where did the beautiful Rachel fit in to all of this? Aware that Jessie was looking at her with anticipation, she dragged her mind back to the conversation. ‘But isn’t it unusual for someone in his position to have a career?’
‘Not really. Not up here. The family has always lived as part of the community. Every so often they go to London, and of course they have friends up. But if you knew Cameron, you’d know he isn’t the kind of man to want an idle life. He has to be doing something. Something that really matters.’
Jessie passed Meagan a scone. Meagan bit into one, realising as she did so that she hadn’t had breakfast before Rachel had appeared and was suddenly ravenous. Munching the scone gave her a little time to absorb what Jessie had just told her.
‘These are delicious, Jessie,’ she said. ‘Someone left some pancakes for me at the cottage—were they yours?’
‘Yes. Mrs Macleod and I thought you might like some to welcome you. I bake a batch at least once a day. Apart from the visitors, there is always someone prowling around the kitchen. She stopped, cocking an ear. ‘Speaking of which, that sounds like Cameron.’
Meagan looked around, surprised. Sure enough, Jessie was right. Cameron came into the kitchen, sniffing the air appreciatively. ‘Ha, in the nick of time.’ He reached for one of the scones.
Jessie batted his hand away with a playful tap. ‘No, you don’t. I’ve only just made enough for this afternoon. I only gave Dr Galbraith one seeing as she was kind enough to give up her free morning to come and see Effie.’
‘And how is Effie?’ Cameron asked. He waited until Jessie had turned to fill the kettle again before filching a scone.
‘She’s fine,’ Meagan answered. ‘Just an upset tummy. I’ve recommended a day in bed. I expect she’ll be fine by tomorrow.’
‘Rachel’s keeping her company while I look after Dr Galbraith. I’ll take over in a minute.’
Meagan noticed Cameron’s raised brow at the mention of Rachel’s name.
‘It was either that or she’d have to finish the baking.’ Jessie and Cameron shared a smile.
‘Rachel baking? Never in a month of Sundays.’ He swallowed the last of his scone. ‘I’ll pop in and see Effie, shall I?’ Cameron suggested.
‘Oh, don’t worry. If Dr Galbraith thinks she’s OK then that’s all right by me. If you go up, she’ll start to think there’s something really wrong.’
‘In that case, why don’t I show Meagan around?’
Meagan started. ‘Oh, please. Don’t put yourself to any trouble. I’m sure you have enough to do. I can look around on my own another time—if that’s all right?’ She didn’t know why, but she was loath to be alone with Cameron. She suddenly felt awkward in his presence.
Cameron ignored Meagan’s protest and glanced down at her feet with the air of an expert.
‘Those boots are no use for walking here. There’s a pair of wellingtons in the hall. They belong to Rachel. You look as if you have roughly the same size feet. I’m sure she’ll be happy for you to borrow them.’
Meagan wasn’t sure that Rachel was the kind of woman who was happy to share anything with another woman, even a pair of wellington boots, but as Cameron took hold of her elbow and gently but firmly propelled her out of the kitchen, she decided for the moment at least it was better to take the line of least resistance. There would be time later to show Cameron Stuart she wasn’t a woman who took kindly to being bossed around.
The air smelled of the sea and the sun felt warm on her face as they made their way from the back of the house and headed up the hill. She had tried on Rachel’s wellington boots, but they had proved much too small. Cameron had forced her to try on a pair of his, but just like Goldilocks she had found them much too big. Just when Meagan had thought with a sigh of relief that the walk would have to be abandoned, Cameron had triumphantly produced a pair belonging to one of the farm workers that, while a little large, would do. As Meagan clomped along beside Cameron, she struggled to keep up with his long strides.
She felt the silence between them was awkward. Should she bring up that night they had shared all those years ago? But what would she—could she—say? Perhaps he didn’t want to be reminded of it. Instead, she decided to stay on safer ground.
‘Jessie was telling me a little bit about the house and how it’s been in the family for generations. I had no idea who you were.’
Cameron narrowed his eyes as her. ‘Does it make a difference? As far as you and the locals are concerned, I’m Dr Stuart, or just Cameron. My other life—this—’ he indicated the land with a sweep of his hand ‘—has nothing to do with my medical life. I think of myself as lucky. To be able to do the job I love in a place I love.’
As they reached the top of the hill, Cameron turned to her and said, ‘Enough about me. What about you? I always wondered if you’d succeeded in becoming a doctor, although I was pretty sure that you wouldn’t let anything stand in your way. You appeared to be a woman who knew exactly what she wanted.’ He turned the full gaze of his interested brown eyes on her and gave her an appraising look. ‘I have to say it was a bit of a surprise to find you on the side of the road.’ He grinned then frowned. ‘And an even bigger shock to find out we’d be working together.’
Meagan was relieved that he had brought it up. It saved her from having to decide if, and how, to raise the topic. However, his words were a reminder of how little importance he had placed on their first meeting.
‘You hid it well, then,’ Meagan retorted. ‘Anyway, I’m surprised you remember. It was a long time ago. And,’ she couldn’t help adding, ‘that night obviously didn’t mean much to you.’
He frowned again and rested his hand on her shoulder. ‘That’s where you’d be wrong, Meagan,’ he said softly. ‘You are not a woman a man could easily forget.’
But why did you never contact to me? Meagan wanted to ask. If it meant anything at all? But pride stilled the words. He hadn’t contacted her. She had meant nothing to him. She would never let him see how much it had hurt her.
Cameron watched as the emotions chased across Meagan’s face. He had hurt her, he knew that. She was as beautiful as he remembered but there was sadness and a reticence that hadn’t been there in the younger, passionate Meagan. Life had changed her. He didn’t know how or why, but he knew, in time, he would find out. This woman still had the ability to make his pulse race as no other woman had before or since. And there had been many women. Heaven knew, he was no saint but he had felt all those years before and still felt that there was something different about this woman.
‘I know what I said back then. And I meant it,’ Cameron said softly. ‘I was going to contact you. But then…well, I guess you could say life got in the way.’ He looked into the distance, his eyes bleak. Then it was as if a shutter came down. Almost absent-mindedly he reached for her arm, stroking the soft flesh of her inner arm with his roughened thumb. ‘I never thought I would see you again. Tell me about yourself. You’re married now.’ He paused, almost as if he didn’t want to ask the next question. ‘Are you happy?’ he asked softly.
At his touch Meagan felt a shiver of desire go through her—there was still something about this man that set her nerve endings on fire. He made her feel wanted and attractive again. As if the shock of Charlie’s death in a car accident hadn’t been enough, finding out that he had been killed with his mistress beside him had almost destroyed her. She had known that their marriage had not been happy for some time, but she had never suspected that he was being unfaithful to her. The knowledge had made her lose confidence, not just in her ability to trust people but in herself and her own femininity. Now, for the first time in the two years since Charlie had died, she was aware of herself once more as a desirable woman. Meagan had to admit to herself that it felt good—but it was all wrong. She didn’t want to feel anything for another man ever again. Least of all this one. She seemed destined to fall for the wrong men. Well, she was older and wiser now. She knew better than to give her heart to any man.
In her confusion, Meagan jerked away from him and, catching her foot on a rock, stumbled. Cameron caught her just before she fell and pulled her against him. She could smell the faint tang of his aftershave and feel the rough wool of his sweater against her cheek. For a moment she let herself rest against him, feeling safe for the first time in two years.
‘What is it?’ he asked, tipping her chin up with one finger so he could see more clearly into her eyes.
The kindness of his voice along with the memories of Charlie caused her eyes to fill and he traced the track of a tear down her cheek with his thumb.
Pulling away, Meagan blinked away the tears. ‘I was married—but he died. In a car accident.’
‘Oh, Meagan. I am so sorry,’ Cameron said. ‘Colin didn’t tell me very much about the new locum. All he told me was that you were the daughter of a close friend. He never said much more and I never asked.’
‘I asked him not to say anything. I’ve had enough of people’s pity. Part of the attraction about coming here was that people wouldn’t know anything about me. I wanted it to be a new start…’ She tailed off.
‘Hey, hey,’ he said softly. ‘It’s OK. I won’t tell anyone. We doctors are used to keeping other people’s secrets. Although—’ he shook his head and smiled ruefully ‘—you’ll find out soon enough it’s almost impossible to keep a secret on this island. The locals have a habit of finding things out. And as for us…um…meeting before, I think that’s also best kept in the past and between us, don’t you?’
As Meagan looked into his eyes her thoughts flashed back to their ‘meeting’, as he had put it.
She remembered every detail. She had wondered for years about the man she had known simply as Cameron. Then she had met Charlie and buried her memories. Now, with Cameron here in front of her once more, she let the memories come flooding back.
She had been in her final year of medicine, spending her last free summer sailing around the Western Isles. It had been the last night of the crew’s stay on Uist before they were due to sail home. By chance they had discovered that there was to be a beach barbeque at Coola Bay—a fabulous stretch of golden, sandy beach on the north side of the island.
By the time they arrived at the barbeque, the sun was beginning to sink, turning the sky pink and purple. A large crowd had already assembled and several groups stood around fires, laughing and chatting. Meagan sniffed the air appreciatively as the smell of sizzling sausages and chicken scented the sea air.
Meagan left her circle of friends, wanting to savour her last sunset on the island. As the sun melted into the sea, her attention was drawn to a young man who stood in a group of lively partygoers. It wasn’t simply that he was tall, topping everyone else by a good couple of inches, or good-looking—although he was both—there was something in his manner that made him stand out from the crowd. He seemed to radiate confidence and self-assurance.
Meagan watched him surreptitiously from beneath her lashes. He had thick black hair worn slightly too long so that it flopped over one eye. As he laughed and joked with his friends Meagan could see dimples in both cheeks which appeared, disappeared and reappeared again.
He must have become aware of her staring because all at once he turned his gaze on her and slowly let his left eyelid droop in a wink. She had never seen anything quite as sexy and was mortified to feel her cheeks go pink. Clearly amused by her discomfort, his smile broadened into a grin, emphasising his dimples. After holding her gaze for a moment, he let his eyes travel slowly over her slim body, resting on her breasts before continuing down her shapely legs and back up to her eyes. Despite her annoyance at his blatant evaluation, Meagan felt herself unable to move under his scrutiny. Then with a quip to his friends that made them laugh, he began to make his way over to her with long easy strides.
Hot with confusion, Meagan turned on her heel, seeking the relative safety of her friends, but before she had taken more than a couple of steps she felt a strong grip on her upper arm.
‘Not thinking of leaving, are you?’ murmured a soft, deep voice in her ear. Taking a gulp of air to steady her breathing, Meagan turned towards him, but to her consternation found herself so close she could smell the soap on his skin and the sea in his hair.
‘Don’t go’ was all he said.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Meagan. Cameron didn’t leave her side, giving her his undivided attention and flirting outrageously, demanding that she dance only with him to the swirling tunes that were played by guests who had brought instruments with them.
Eventually the tempo of the music slowed and he pulled Meagan close, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling hers in return as he trickled his fingers along her back. Powerless to resist, Meagan let her body melt into his and raised her face, staring into his eyes, which reflected the flickering light of the bonfires around them.
With a muttered cry of something in Gaelic, he bent his head to hers and claimed her lips with kisses that were gentle at first but, as she responded, grew increasingly demanding.
She could feel his body grow hard with his desire and her own body responded as if she had no control over it as she clung to him, seeking more and more of him until finally, with a groan, he pulled away from her and, taking her by the hand, said softly, ‘Come with me.’
There was something about him that made Meagan feel less than her nineteen years. It wasn’t just that he was older—four or five years older than her, she guessed. Perhaps it was because he seemed to have a confidence in his own sexuality that few, if any, men of her acquaintance had.
Meagan had been pursued by many men in her life. She knew men found her attractive with her coal-black hair, which she had inherited from her Italian mother, along with her willowy frame and wide mouth. On the other hand, she had inherited her pale complexion, height and arresting green eyes from her Scottish father. It all added up to a combination that drew looks wherever Meagan went, and judging by the admiring looks she was getting from her companion he also found the combination to his liking. But although Meagan was conscious of the effect she had on men, she had little time for love affairs. She had her future mapped out and nothing and no one was going to stand in the way of her achieving her dreams.
But until that night no other man had made her feel as if she wanted to give herself up, to lose herself in their arms in the way that he did, despite having just met him. He made her feel that the rest of the world had ceased to exist, as if the future was unimportant, that it was only the here and now that mattered.
And so she went with him along the edge of the shore where the waves lapped at their feet, until they found a place deep in the dunes and hidden from view, where he lowered her gently to the ground. He kissed her eyelids, her ear lobes, and then down to her neck before finding her mouth, kissing her with a hunger that took Meagan’s breath away.
Never before had Meagan felt her body respond in such a manner. Almost against her will she arched her body to his, needing to feel the length of his body hard against hers. Suddenly he pulled away.
‘You’ve never made love to a man before, have you?’ he said, his voice full of wonder.
Meagan was mortified. Was her lack of experience so obvious? But it was true. She had never, before that night, found a man she wanted to give herself to. She knew when she did finally lose her virginity she wanted it to mean something. She wanted it to be special. And it wasn’t as if she’d had many boyfriends. Her studies and her sailing had kept her too busy.
‘Its ridiculous, isn’t it? A nineteen-year-old virgin in this day and age?’ She sat up and hugged her knees.
‘Not ridiculous,’ he said. ‘Kind of wonderful.’ He sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. ‘You’re kind of wonderful,’ he said, ‘but I think we should get to know one another before we go any further. There will be a right time for us, but it’s not yet.’ He pulled her back into his arms, and they lay there for the rest of the evening with the feel of the gentle night breeze on their skin. As she told him about her dreams and the sacrifices she’d had to make, he held her and listened. He hadn’t said much, only that he too had studied medicine. That he worked in London and was completing his higher training. She never even found out his last name.
And all too soon she had had to leave. The sun was just beginning to make the sky pink and she and her companions were sailing on the high tide.
He held her tightly, kissing her hair and murmuring endearments.
‘Do you have to go? Can’t you stay? Now I have found you, I don’t want to let you out of my sight. Not even for a minute.’
For a moment she thought about letting them sail without her, but just as quickly dismissed the notion. She was the only one who could safely steer them on the rest of their journey. And somehow she knew there would be time later for her and Cameron.
She kissed him back fiercely.
‘I wish I could stay. But we’ll see each other soon. You’ll come and see me in Edinburgh?’
‘The devil himself couldn’t stop me,’ he said. ‘I’ll come as soon as I can. In the meantime, take care. Watch the seas around here.’ Then he kissed her and she clung to him, unwilling to leave. Only the knowledge that she would see him soon gave her the strength to walk away from him. But she had been wrong. Despite his promises he had never come.
Aware that he was waiting for a response, Meagan dragged her thoughts back to the present.
‘Of course. It was a long time ago. We were both a lot younger then. I was only nineteen. I’m sure we’ve both had a few “meetings” since then.’
That wasn’t strictly true. Since Cameron, there had only been Charlie. And even with Charlie it had never been quite like that night with Cameron. She had put it down to first love, making herself believe that nothing and no one could ever measure up to the intensity of believing yourself in love for the first time. And that’s all it had been, she told herself firmly. An impressionable teenager’s first real experience of love. It wasn’t altogether surprising she had never really forgotten him…
‘Shall we get back?’ Cameron said abruptly, looking over her shoulder into the distance. ‘It feels like its going to rain.’
They walked back down the hill in silence. Meagan wondered what Cameron was thinking. Was he glad that they had met again? Or was he dismayed to find that they’d be working together? She sneaked glances at him, but she couldn’t tell anything from his expression.
As they reached the front of the building, Meagan could make out the slim figure of Rachel leaning against Cameron’s car, watching them. A young dark-haired boy was kicking a football nearby.
‘Cameron, Meagan. You’re back,’ Rachel called out as they approached. Although she smiled, Meagan thought she didn’t look very pleased. ‘Cameron, what have you being doing, dragging our new doctor over these muddy fields? I’m sure she has better things to do.’
‘I loved seeing it. It’s so beautiful here. Besides, Cameron leant me a pair of wellington boots from the house,’ Meagan said. ‘I hope they didn’t belong to anyone.’
Rachel dismissed her comments with a wave of a manicured hand. ‘That’s quite all right,’ she said. ‘Help yourself any time. The house keeps a selection for visitors. No, I just wondered if Cameron would be joining us for lunch. You’re welcome to stay too, Meagan, of course.’ Meagan was surprised when Rachel said ‘us’ in that emphasizing way. What could she mean? What exactly did she have to do with Grimsay House? She certainly seemed to have a proprietorial air about her.
Just then the small boy came running over. ‘Daddy, will you play football with me? Mummy says she can’t and Effie is still in bed. Please, Daddy?’
STUNNED, Meagan looked at Cameron and then at the young boy. The resemblance was there in the dark hair and full lips, although the child had his mother’s eyes. So Cameron and Rachel were together—what on earth did he think he had been playing at a little while ago? Stroking her arm, mentioning their night together? Meagan felt her heart plummet. Somehow she had always thought herself still a little bit in love with Cameron’s memory and now it was sullied forever. With sickening clarity she realised he was just like Charlie.
‘Meagan, I’d like you to meet my son, Ian. Ian, this is Dr Galbraith.’
‘Happy to meet you,’ Ian said, holding out his hand to Meagan. His serious expression and behaviour was that of a much older child. She shook his hand gravely.
‘Nice to meet you,’ she said pleased her voice sounded steady, but inside her thoughts were whirling around. He was married? To Rachel? And a son. Why hadn’t he said anything? Had he been married back then? If so, what a fool she had been. No wonder he didn’t seem to want her here.
‘I am pleased to meet you too,’ the young boy said formally.
‘And you’ve met my ex-wife, Rachel?’
Rachel smiled enigmatically. ‘Oh, this is just a temporary blip, darling,’ she drawled. ‘As soon as you see sense and come back to London, everything will be back as it should be.’
Cameron frowned. He indicated Ian with a tip of his head. ‘Not now, Rachel,’ he said, his voice a river of steel. The tension between him and Rachel was palpable. He turned to the young boy, who was looking anxiously from one to the other. ‘I can’t play with you just now, mo ghaol, but I promise to after lunch. Deal?’
‘What about Dr Galbraith?’ Ian asked. ‘Is she going to stay for lunch? I could show her my den.’ He turned to Meagan, looking up at her with soulful brown eyes. ‘My daddy told me the new doctor is a good sailor. I love going out on boats. Can I go out with you?’
‘I would love to take you out sailing one day,’ Meagan replied, laughing. ‘And I would love to see your den. But I have to go right now, so maybe another time?’
The young boy nodded, satisfied, before running off to continue his game. As she looked after him, she felt her heart squeeze. At one time she’d thought she would be the mother of just such a little boy.
Her mind racing with the turn events had taken, all Meagan wanted was to put as much distance as possible between her and the couple in front of her. She needed time to think.
Rachel hooked her slim arm in Cameron’s with an easy familiarity. ‘Cameron,’ she said, smiling into his eyes, ‘I do hope you’ve invited Meagan to the ball. We could do with a new face to liven things up.’
‘Jessie did mention a ball earlier,’ Meagan said. ‘Thank you for the invitation, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. If Cameron is going—which I am sure he is—then I’ll be on call. Besides, I didn’t bring anything suitable to wear.’
‘Oh, don’t worry about dresses. I’ve got plenty. You’d be more than welcome to take your pick. Although—’ she eyed Meagan’s figure critically ‘—they might need some adjusting. Mrs MacLeod is pretty good with a needle.’
Cheek, Meagan thought furiously. Just because Rachel didn’t have an ounce of fat on her!
‘Don’t worry, Meagan, the whole practice will be there. Everyone is looking forward to it.’ Cameron spoke before Meagan could formulate another refusal.
But Rachel, considering the discussion closed, moved on. She smiled seductively up at Cameron. ‘Ian is so looking forward to spending some time with his daddy and mummy,’ Rachel said, reaching up to Cameron and touching his cheek with a long finger. ‘And so am I.’ Without waiting for a reply, she turned and sashayed back to the house.
Cameron watched her go, his expression inscrutable.
Meagan turned to Cameron. ‘I’m not really expected to go to this ball, am I?’
‘Yep, sorry. Doctor’s orders. It will give you the chance to mix with locals and dignitaries alike. Colin thinks it’s good public relations for everyone to attend—the whole practice will be there. Colin and his wife should be back for it, if it makes you feel better.’
Meagan felt annoyed at the cavalier manner with which he seemed to be arranging her social life. But was it just that? she wondered. She felt angry with him for not mentioning his marriage or child. But it wasn’t as if it was any of her business. Likewise, what she did in her spare time was her own affair.
‘What gives you the right to accept invitations on my behalf?’
‘I’m sorry. But I’m afraid you’ll just have to accept that on a small island such as this, to refuse an invitation is to give offence.’
Meagan bristled. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to go to hell, but she swallowed her annoyance. He was her boss after all.
‘Very well,’ she conceded. ‘If you put it like that, I suppose I can’t refuse.’
‘Good, that’s settled, then. Would you like to stay for lunch?’
‘No, if I am allowed to refuse any invitations at all, I’d rather not. I’ve still to unpack.’
‘Of course you don’t have to stay for lunch. It’s perfectly understandable that you have things to do. I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Eight-thirty? I can give you a quick tour and a rundown of the patients before surgery.’ He spoke calmly, politely, as if they were perfect strangers, which Meagan supposed they were.
Before she had a chance to reply, he turned on his heel and crossed over to his son. Laughing, he swooped him into his arms and tossed him into the air. With the sound of delighted childish giggles ringing in her ears, Meagan started walking back to her house, realising as she did so that she had left her medical bag and boots at the house. Loath to face Cameron or Rachel again until she had time to get her emotions under control, she decided that she would collect them later.
Stomping down the road to her cottage, she noticed an elderly female figure dressed in a tweed suit and headscarf coming towards her.
‘Good morning!’ the woman greeted her. ‘I thought I’d look in on you on my way to getting the church ready for evening service.’ A gnarled hand was offered. ‘I’m the housekeeper—Mrs McLeod, but call me Flora. We don’t hold much with ceremony here. Welcome to Uist—I hope you’ll be happy here.’
‘Oh, Mrs McLeod—Flora. Nice to meet you. Thank you for the fire and provisions you left last night. You’ve no idea how welcome they were.’
‘Aye, I heard you’d got yourself into a bit of difficulty on the road,’ Flora said, with a suspicious gleam in her eye.

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