Read online book «Lovers In The Afternoon» author Кэрол Мортимер

Lovers In The Afternoon
Carole Mortimer
Carole Mortimer is one of Mills & Boon’s best loved Modern Romance authors. With nearly 200 books published and a career spanning 35 years, Mills & Boon are thrilled to present her complete works available to download for the very first time! Rediscover old favourites - and find new ones! - in this fabulous collection…Reigniting the fire!Leonie has a successful career, yet in her daily life she is a little unlucky and accident prone—a tendency that seems to irritate her brooding husband, Adam Faulkner. Their marriage has been on the rocks for a while, so when Leonie is offered an afternoon of passion with her new boss—Mr Faulkner—the chance to rekindle forgotten desires is too tempting to resist…!In the bedroom, Leonie and Adam are explosively compatible! Could their afternoon fantasies make them marriage-compatible too?

Lovers in the Afternoon
Carole Mortimer (

Table of Contents
Cover (#u52ca3fc2-671c-50ed-8281-4d1a1ad1193f)
Title Page (#u5b19661e-f62d-5553-af9d-4a04cf8cf5c9)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#u060d2702-ae7d-5578-916b-3c829705a60a)
WHAT was this man doing in her bed!
Dear God, it wasn’t even her bed but his, she remembered now. She had been introduced to him at his office only that afternoon, and five hours later here she was in his bed!
She looked down at the man sleeping so peacefully at her side, one strong arm flung back across the pillow as he lay on his back, dark hair silvered with grey, all of his body deeply tanned, from a holiday he had taken in Acapulco he had told her over dinner. And she was well aware of the beauty of all that body, had touched every inch of it, from the broad shoulders, muscled chest with its covering of brown-grey hair, taut fiat waist, powerfully built thighs, down long supple legs. The black silk sheet was pushed back to his waist now to reveal the strength of his chest and arms, the thick dark hair disappearing in a vee past his navel and down.
Her gaze returned quickly to his face. It was a strong, powerful face even in sleep, a wide intelligent forehead, widely defined eyebrows, beneath the long-lashed lids were eyes of a piercing grey, a long straight nose, firm uncompromising mouth, and a jaw that was firm as he slept. He was one of the most attractive men she had ever seen, or was ever likely to see, and she had spent most of the evening here in this bed with him, the first man to make love to her since her separation from her husband eight months ago.
But why did it have to be Adam Faulkner, rich industrialist, sixteen years her senior at thirty-nine, and her most recent client with the interior designing company she worked for!
She had gone to work so innocently this morning, had got out of bed at her usual seven-thirty, fed the fish and cat, warned the cat not to eat the fish while she was out all day, got her usual breakfast of dry toast and black coffee, both of which she consumed on her way to the shower as she usually did, applied the light make-up to her heart-shaped face and ever-sparkling green eyes, styled her feathered red-brown hair into its usual mass of uncontrolled lengths to her shoulders before donning the tailored blue suit and lighter blue blouse that made her hair look more red than brown, the white camisole beneath the blouse clearly the only covering to her unconfined breasts.
She had gone down to the underground car-park to her delapidated VW, sworn at it for the usual ten minutes before it deigned to start. She had then emerged out into the usual helter-skelter of traffic that was London in the rush-hour, dodging the other seasoned drivers as she drove to her office at Stevenson Interiors, cursing the fact that she needed to take the car at all, but the reliable London underground system went nowhere near her flat or the office. Yes, it had been a pretty usual day up to that point in time.
Her breathless entrance on to the sixth floor that housed the employees of Stevenson Interiors, after being stuck in the lift for fifteen minutes was also usual; the lift broke down at least once a week, and Leonie was usually in it when it did. It would have been unusual if she weren’t!
‘The lift again?’ Betty, the young, attractive receptionist, asked ruefully.
‘Yes,’ her sigh was resigned. ‘One of these days I’m going to fool it and take the stairs.’
‘All twelve flights?’ Betty’s eyes widened.
Leonie grimaced, running controlling fingers through her flyaway hair. ‘That would be a little drastic, wouldn’t it?’ she conceded wryly.
Betty handed her her messages. ‘In your state of physical unfitness it could be suicide!’
‘Thanks!’ She skimmed through the pieces of paper she had been given, dismissing all of them as unimportant before pushing them into her navy blue clutch-bag. ‘What’s on the agenda for today?’ she looked at Betty with her usual open expression.
‘The staff meeting at nine o’clock?’
‘Nine——! Oh Lord,’ Leonie groaned, already fifteen minutes late for the meeting David had warned all employees not to be late for. ‘Maybe if I just crept into the back of the room…?’ she said hopefully.
‘David would notice you if you crept in on your hands and knees and stood hidden for the whole meeting,’ Betty told her derisively.
The other woman was right, of course. David had picked her out for his individual attention from the moment he had employed her six months ago, and although she occasionally agreed to have dinner with him she made sure it was only occasionally, not wanting any serious involvement, even if David was one of the nicest men she had ever known. An unsuccessful marriage had a way of souring you to the idea of another permanent relationship. Besides, David had little patience with the way things just seemed to happen to her, believing she should be able to have some control over the accidents that just seemed to occur whenever she was around. She remembered another man, her husband, who had also found these accidents irritating, and she didn’t need that criticism in her life a second time. She could handle these ‘incidents’ left to her own devices, she didn’t need some man, no matter how nice he was, constantly criticising her.
‘I’ll creep in anyway.’ She narrowly missed walking into the pot-plant that seemed to be following her about the room. ‘What do you feed this on?’ She looked up at the huge tree-like plant in horror. ‘It’s taking over reception, if not the world!’
‘A little love and conversation do seem to have done the trick,’ Betty acknowledged proudly. ‘Now shouldn’t you be getting to the staff meeting?’
David’s office was crowded to capacity as she squeezed into the back of the room, but nevertheless his reproachful gaze spotted her instantly, although he didn’t falter in his flow of how well the company was doing, of how good new contracts were coming their way every day.
Leonie yawned boredly, wishing she had been stuck in the lift even longer than she had been, receiving another censorious glare from David as she did, plastering a look of interest on to her face that she had perfected during her marriage, while her thoughts wandered to the Harrison lounge she had just completed, as pleased with the result as the elderly couple had been. She always felt a sense of immense satisfaction whenever she completed a job, knew she was good at what she did, that she was at last a success at something. Although some people would have her believe differently.
‘Leonie, did you hear me?’
She looked up with a start at David’s impatiently spoken question, blushing guiltily as she realised she was the cynosure of all eyes. ‘Er——’
‘Steady,’ Gary warned as he stood at her side, deftly catching the papers she had knocked off the top of the filing cabinet as she jumped guiltily, grateful to the man who had taken her under his experienced wing from the day she came to work here.
Her blush deepened at the sympathetic ripple of laughter that filled the room; everyone knew of her habit of knocking and walking into things. ‘Of course I heard you, David,’ she answered awkwardly, her gaze guilelessly innocent as she looked at him steadily.
‘Then you don’t mind staying for a few minutes after the others have gone back to their offices?’ he took pity on her, knowing very well that she hadn’t been listening to a word he said.
‘Er—no, of course not,’ she replaced the papers on the filing cabinet that Gary had caught for her, wondering what she was guilty of now, feeling like the disobedient child that had been asked to stay in after school. It couldn’t be her lack of attention to what was being said that was at fault, she never did that anyway, and David knew it.
She moved to sit on the edge of his desk as the others filed out to go back to work. ‘Good meeting, David,’ she complimented brightly.
‘And how would you know one way or the other?’ he sighed, looking up at her, a tall loose-limbed man with wild blond hair that refused to be tamed despite being kept cut close to his head, the rest of his appearance neat to precision point. He was only twenty-eight, had built his interior designing business up from a two-room, three-man operation to the point where he had a dozen people working for him. And Leonie knew she was lucky to be one of them, that Stevenson Interiors was one of the most successful businesses in its field, and that it was all due to David’s drive and initiative.
She grimaced. ‘Would it help if I were to say I’m sorry?’ she cajoled.
‘You always are,’ David said without rancour. ‘I wanted to talk to you about Thompson Electronics.’
A frown marred her creamy brow. ‘Has something gone wrong? I thought they were pleased with the work I did for them. I don’t understand——’
‘Calm down, Leonie,’ he ordered impatiently at her impassioned outburst. ‘They were pleased, they are pleased, which is why the new President of the company wants you to personally design the decor for his own office suit.’
‘He does?’ she gasped.
‘Don’t look so surprised,’ David mocked. ‘It was a good piece of work. Even I would never have thought of using that particular shade of pink—indeed any shade of pink, in a group of offices.’
‘It was the brown that off-set the femininity of it. You see I had——’
‘You don’t have to convince me of anything, Leonie,’ he drawled. ‘Or them either. You just have to get yourself over there at four o’clock this afternoon to discuss the details.’
She was still relatively new at her job, and tried to make every design she did a work of art, something personal; she was more than pleased to know that someone else had seen and appreciated some of her completed work enough to ask for her personally. It was the first time it had happened.
‘Mrs Carlson will be expecting you,’ David continued. ‘She phoned and made the appointment first thing this morning. And she’ll introduce you to the President then.’
‘Ronald Reagan?’
He gave a patiently humouring sigh. ‘Where do you get your sense of humour from?
She grinned at him. ‘It’s what keeps my world going.’
David frowned at the underlying seriousness beneath her words. Except for the friendly, and often loony facade she presented to everyone here, he knew little about the real Leonie Grant. Her employee’s file said she had been married but was now separated from her husband, but she never spoke of the marriage or the man she had been married to, her openness often seeming to hide a wealth of pain and disillusionment.
But it never showed, and Leonie found as much humour in her clumsiness as everyone else did, able to laugh at herself and the things that happened to her.
His mouth quirked into a smile. ‘I have to admit that when Mrs Carlson said the President would expect you at four o’clock the same thought crossed my mind!’
‘Naughty, David,’ she shook her head reprovingly, her eyes glowing deeply green.
For a moment they shared a smile of mutual humour, and then David shook his head ruefully. ‘Try not to be late for the meeting,’ he advised. ‘From the way Mrs Carlson was acting he sounds pretty awesome.’
Leonie grimaced. ‘Are you sure you want to send me, I could walk in, trip over a matchstick, and end up sliding across his desk into his lap!’
‘He asked for you specifically.’ But David frowned as he mentally envisaged the scene she had just described. ‘I’ll take the risk,’ he said without enthusiasm.
‘No,’ he answered with complete honesty. ‘But short of lying to the man I don’t know what else I can do. Just try not to be late,’ he warned again.
And she did try, she tried very hard, but it seemed the fates were against her from the start. She caught her tights on the door as she got into her VW, drove around for another ten minutes trying to find somewhere to park so she could buy some new ones, getting back to the car just in time to personally accept her parking ticket from the traffic warden, making a mad dash to find somewhere to change her tights, laddering that pair too in her haste, although it was high enough up her leg not to show. By this time she in no way resembled the coolly smart young woman who had left Stevenson Interiors in plenty of time to reach Thompson Electronics by four o’clock. It was already five to four, and she was hot and sticky from her exertions with the tights, her make-up needing some repair, her hair having lost its glowing bounce in the heat of the day. She was already going to be a few minutes late; taking time to refresh her make-up and brush her hair wasn’t going to make that much difference now.
It was ten minutes past four when she entered the Thompson building, her slim briefcase in her hand, and except for the fact that she was late, looking like a self-contained young executive. Ten minutes wasn’t so bad, she could blame that on the traffic. She certainly didn’t intend going into the story of the ripped tights as her excuse, or the parking ticket either! It was——
Oh no, she just didn’t believe this, it couldn’t be happening to her! But she knew that it was as the smooth-running lift made a terrible grinding noise and shuddered to a halt somewhere between the eighth and ninth floors. She was stuck in a lift for the second time that day! And as usual she was alone. She was always alone when the damned things broke down, never had anyone to help calm the panic that she felt. This was a large lift, not like the one at Stevenson Interiors, but she would still rather be on the other side of those steel doors. Oh well, at least the floor was carpeted if she had to spend any amount of time here, so she could be comfortable. But it wasn’t likely that she would be here for long, this was a big and busy building, someone was sure to realise sooner or later that one of the lifts was stuck between floors. And she hoped it was sooner!
She sank to the floor after pressing the emergency button, knowing from experience that people rarely took notice of that bell. God, what a day it had been, worse than her usual string of mishaps. If she didn’t know better she would think——But no, she wouldn’t even think about him. God, this was a hell of a place to start thinking of the disastrous effect her husband had had on her, his disapproval of almost everything she did making her more nervous, and consequently more klutzy, than ever.
She determinedly opened her briefcase, going through the fabric book she had brought with her, wondering what sort of colour scheme the President of the company would favour. She had thought of a few ideas, but basically she just wanted to hear what his tastes were.
She became so engrossed in matching paints and fabrics, the books strewn over the floor, that for some time she managed to forget she was marooned in a lift eight-and-a-half floors up. It was almost five-thirty when she heard the sound of banging from above, a voice that sounded strangely hollow calling down that the lift would be working shortly.
Leonie stood up, her legs stiff from where she had been sitting on the floor for over an hour, losing her balance as the lift began moving almost immediately, jerking for several feet before moving smoothly, Leonie flung about in the confined space, falling to the ground in a sprawled heap as it shuddered to a halt and the door miraculously creaked slowly open.
The first thing Leonie saw from her floor-level view was a pair of well-shod feet, the man’s black shoes made of a soft leather, a meticulous crease down the centre of the grey trouser legs. Before she could raise her gaze any further Mrs Carlson was rushing into the lift to help her to her feet, the black shoes and grey-covered legs turning away.
‘Bring her into my office as soon as you’ve helped her tidy up,’ ordered a curt male voice.
Leonie turned sharply to look at the man as the other woman fussed around her, but all she saw was the back of the man’s head as he entered a room at the end of the corridor.
‘Have you been in here long?’ The middle-aged woman helped her pick up her sample books from the floor, a tall capable woman who had been secretary to the last President of the company for over twenty years. Leonie had met her when she worked here last, and although the other woman tried to be distant and authoritative, her warm brown eyes belied the role.
Leonie liked the other woman, but she wasn’t sure she liked anyone seeing her sprawled on the floor in that undignified way. ‘An hour or so,’ she dismissed distractedly, pushing the books into her briefcase, anxious to get out of the lift.
Stella Carlson followed her out into the corridor. ‘In all the years I’ve worked here I’ve never known any of the lifts break down before,’ she shook her head.
Leonie grimaced, brushing her skirt down. ‘I have a strange effect on lifts.’
‘Really?’ the other woman frowned. ‘Well as long as you’re all right now…?’
‘Fine,’ she nodded dismissively. ‘I’m too late for my meeting, so perhaps you could explain the reason for my delay to your boss and I could make another appointment for tomorrow?’
‘Didn’t you hear, you’re to go in as soon as you feel able to.’
She thought of the man with the black shoes and grey trousers. ‘That was the new President of the company?’ she dreaded the answer, although she knew what it was going to be.
‘Yes,’ Mrs Carlson confirmed.
Oh David, Leonie mentally groaned, I didn’t trip and slide across his desk into his lap, but I did lie sprawled at his feet on the floor of a lift that never broke down! David would never understand, things like this just didn’t happen to him. They didn’t happen to any normal person!
‘Now seems as good a time as any,’ she said dully, knowing her dignity was past redemption. ‘I’m sure I’ve delayed you long enough already.’
‘Not at all,’ the other woman assured her as they walked side by side down the corridor. ‘Things have been a little—hectic, here the last few weeks.’
The new boss was obviously giving the employees a shake-up, Leonie thought ruefully, her humour leaving her as she realised she would probably be in for the same treatment. After all, if she hadn’t been ten minutes late in the first place she wouldn’t have been in the lift when it broke down. Or would she? As she had told Mrs Carlson, she had a strange effect on lifts. She had a strange effect on most inanimate objects, things just seemed to happen to them whenever she was around.
She smoothed her skirt down as Mrs Carlson knocked on the office door, unaware of the fact that her hair was sadly in need of brushing after her fall, that the fullness of her mouth was bare of lipgloss where she had chewed on her lips as she looked through the sample books. Not that she would have worried too much about it if she had known; she couldn’t possibly make a worse impression than she had as she grovelled about the lift floor!
Mrs Carlson opened the door after the terse instruction from within for them to enter. ‘Miss Grant, sir,’ she introduced quietly.
Leonie stared at the man seated behind the desk, the man that belonged to the black shoes and grey legs, the rest of the dark grey suit as impressive, the waistcoat taut across his flat stomach, the tailored material of the jacket stretched across widely powerful shoulders, the white shirt beneath the suit making his skin look very dark.
But it was his face that held her attention, a harshly attractive face, his chin firm and square, the sensuality of his mouth firmly controlled, his nose long and straight, ice-grey eyes narrowed on her beneath darkly jutting brows, silver threading the darkness of his hair at his temples and over his ears. Anyone who was in the least familiar with the businessworld would recognise Adam Faulkner from his photographs in the newspapers, one of the most successful—and richest—men in England today. He was also——
‘Miss Grant,’ he stood up in fluid movements, the coldness instantly gone from his eyes, his voice warm and friendly, his hand enveloping hers in a grip that was pleasantly warm, not too firm and not too loose; the exactly right handshake for a businessman to instil confidence in the person he was dealing with.
But why he should waste his time on such a gesture with her was beyond her, she was——
‘I hope your unfortunate delay in our lift hasn’t disturbed you too much,’ he continued smoothly, releasing her hand slowly, leaving the imprint of his touch against her flesh.
Leonie was stunned at his obvious concern. ‘I—I have that effect on lifts,’ she mumbled the same lame excuse she had given Mrs Carlson, conscious of the other woman still standing in the room with them.
Dark brows rose questioningly. ‘That sort of thing happens to you often?’
Colour heightened her cheeks. ‘Yes,’ she bit out. ‘Look, I don’t think——’
‘Don’t worry, I’m not expecting you to conduct our business meeting after your ordeal in the lift,’ he assured her. ‘I suggest we make another appointment for tomorrow,’ he looked at Mrs Carlson for confirmation. ‘Some time in the afternoon,’ he instructed as she left the room to consult his appointment book.
‘Please, I——’
‘Please sit down, Miss Grant,’ Adam Faulkner instructed when he saw how pale she had become. ‘Let me get you a drink. Would you like tea or coffee, or perhaps something stronger?’ He pressed a button on his desk to reveal an extensive array of drinks in the cabinet situated behind Leonie.
Leonie just kept staring at him, too numb to even answer.
‘Something stronger, I think,’ he nodded derisively at her lack of response, striding across the room to pour her some whisky into a glass. ‘Drink it down,’ he instructed her firmly as she made no effort to take the glass from his lean fingers.
She took the glass, swallowing without tasting, reaction definitely setting in.
Adam Faulkner moved to sit on the edge of his desk in front of her, dangerously close, the warmth of his maleness seeming to reach out and engulf her. ‘Terrible experience, getting caught in a stationary lift.’ He took the empty glass from her unresisting fingers, seeming satisfied that she had drunk it as instructed. ‘I’ve been caught in several myself in the past,’ he added dryly. ‘Although not lately.’
‘It’s my second time today,’ Leonie mumbled dully, feeling the alcohol in her bloodsteam, remembering too late that she hadn’t had any lunch, that the piece of dry toast she had eaten for breakfast wasn’t enough to stop the effect the whisky was having on her. That was all she needed to complete her day, to be roaring drunk in front of this man! ‘The one at work has always been unreliable,’ she added in defence of her clumsiness in getting stuck in two lifts that had broken down.
‘Maybe you have too much electricity in your body,’ Adam Faulkner suggested softly. ‘And it has an adverse effect on other electrical things.’
She looked up at him sharply, and then wished she hadn’t as a wave of dizziness swept over her. She was going to get up out of this chair to make a dignified exit and fall fiat on her face, just to prove what an idiot she was! If this man weren’t already aware of that!
‘Maybe,’ she nodded, swallowing in an effort to clear her head, having a terrible urge to start giggling. In one part of her brain she could logically reason that she had little to giggle about, and in another she just wanted to start laughing and never stop. There was so much about this situation that was funny.
‘Miss Grant?’
She frowned up at him. ‘Why do you keep calling me that?’
He shrugged. ‘It’s your name, isn’t it?’
‘Leonie Grant, yes,’ she nodded in exaggerated movements. ‘I—Hic. I—Hic. Oh no,’ she groaned her humiliation as her loud hiccups filled the room. She really was making a fool out of herself—more so than usual, if that were possible! She should never have got out of bed today, should have buried her head beneath the bedclothes and stayed there until fate decided to be kind to her again. If it ever did, she groaned as she hiccuped again.
‘Maybe the whisky was a bad idea,’ Adam said in amusement, going over to the bar to pour her a glass of water.
Leonie gave him a look that spoke volumes before swallowing the water, almost choking as a hiccup caught her mid-swallow, spitting water everywhere, including over one black leather shoe as Adam Faulkner’s leg swung in front of her as he once again sat on the edge of his desk. ‘Oh dear,’ she began to mop at the shoe with a tissue from her bag, becoming even more agitated when several pieces of the tissue stuck to the wet surface.
She closed her eyes, wishing the scene would evaporate, that she would find it had all been a bad dream. But when she opened her eyes again the black shoe dotted with delicate yellow tissue was still there, and the man wearing the shoe was beginning to chuckle. Leonie looked up at him dazedly, liking the warmth in his eyes, the way they crinkled at the corners as he laughed, a dimple appearing in one lean cheek, his teeth very white and even against his tanned skin.
Mrs Carlson entered the room after the briefest knock, breaking the moment of intimacy. ‘I’ve checked your appointment book, Mr Faulkner, and you’re free at twelve o’clock or three o’clock.’
‘Twelve o’clock, I think,’ he still smiled. ‘Then Miss Grant and I can go out to lunch afterwards.’
‘Oh but I——’
‘Book a table, would you? He cut across Leonie’s protest, smiling at his secretary, much to her obvious surprise. ‘My usual place. And you may as well leave for the evening now, Miss Grant and I are just going to dinner.’
‘Er—yes, Mr Faulkner.’ The older woman gave Leonie a curious look, seeming to give a mental shrug before leaving the room.
‘She’s wondering why you could possibly want to take me to dinner,’ Leonie sighed, wondering the same thing herself. But at least the suggestion had stopped her hiccups!
Adam stood up after dusting the tissue from his shoe. ‘It’s the least I can do after your ordeal in the lift.’
‘But that was my fault——’
‘Nonsense,’ he humoured.
Leonie blinked at the determination in his face. ‘Why should you want to take me out to dinner?’
‘Miss Grant——’
‘Will you stop calling me that!’
‘Would you prefer Leonie?’ he queried softly, locking his desk drawers and picking up his briefcase in preparation for leaving for the evening.
‘Yes,’ she snapped.
‘Then you must call me Adam,’ he invited huskily.
‘I’m well aware of your name,’ she bit out impatiently. The whisky may have gone to her head but she wasn’t that drunk! And she had no idea why this man should want to take her out to dinner, they——
‘Then please use it,’ he urged, as his hand on her elbow brought her to her feet.
Leonie swayed slightly, falling against him, flinching away from the hard warmth of his body. ‘Please, I don’t want to go out to dinner,’ she protested as he propelled her from the room at his side, the top floor of the building strangely in silence, Mrs Carlson having followed his instruction and left for the evening, the other employees having left some time ago.
Adam didn’t release her arm. ‘When did you last eat?’ he asked pointedly as she swayed again.
‘I had some toast for breakfast this morning. I need to diet,’ she defended heatedly as the grey eyes looked her over disapprovingly.
‘You’re too thin,’ he stated bluntly.
‘I’m a size ten,’ she told him proudly.
‘Definitely too thin,’ he repeated arrogantly. ‘I happen to be one of those men who prefers his woman to have some meat on her bones.’
His woman? His woman! Just who did he think he was? ‘I happen to like being thin,’ she told him irritably.
He arched dark brows. ‘Do you also like starving to death?’ he drawled.
It was her weakness for good food that had pushed her up to a size fourteen in the past, and she had no intention of giving in to that weakness again, not when it had taken so much effort to lose the excess weight. ‘I’ll survive,’ she muttered.
‘Will you be okay in the lift now that it’s working properly?’ Adam asked as the lift doors opened to them invitingly.
‘I’ll be fine,’ she dismissed his concern. ‘Although the way today is going so far it could break down on us again,’ she said ruefully.
Adam smiled down at her as they were confined in the lift together. ‘I can’t think of anyone I would rather be stuck in the lift with,’ he said throatily.
Leonie gave him a sharp look, expecting sarcasm but finding only warm invitation in the dark grey eyes. He was flirting with her, actually flirting with her!
‘Pity,’ he drawled as they arrived safely on the ground floor, stepping into the carpeted reception area, nodding to the man on night security, guiding Leonie to the parking area, opening the passenger door of the sporty BMW for her, the top to the pale blue car back in the heat of the day. He took her briefcase from her and threw it in the back with his own before climbing in next to her, starting the engine with a roar. ‘Would you like the top up or down?’ he enquired politely.
She touched her hair ruefully. ‘I think it’s beyond redemption, so down, please.’
Adam glanced at her as he drove the car towards the exit. ‘You have beautiful hair.’
Leonie tensed at the unexpected compliment, her breath held in her throat.
‘The style suits you,’ he added softly.
The tension left her in a relieved sigh. ‘Thank you.’
Conversation was virtually impossible as they drove to the restaurant, although the fresh air did clear Leonie’s head somewhat, giving her time to wonder what she was doing on her way to dinner with this man. She should have been more assertive in her refusal, shouldn’t have allowed herself to be manoeuvred in this way. And yet she knew she was curious, couldn’t think what possible reason Adam had for wanting to take her out to dinner. And his tolerance with the mishaps that just seemed to happen to her was too good to last!
She had been to the restaurant before that he took her to, but it had been a year ago, and hopefully no one would remember that she was the woman who had tripped on her way back from powdering her nose and pushed some poor unfortunate diner’s face into his dinner!
‘Good evening, Mr Faulkner,’ the maitre d’ greeted warmly, his eyes widening warily as he saw his companion. ‘Madam,’ he greeted stiffly.
He remembered her! It had been over a year ago now, and this man still remembered her. He probably didn’t have many people who came here and assaulted another diner for no reason!
‘Do we have to eat here?’ she demanded of Adam in desperation as they followed the other man to their table.
His brows rose. ‘You don’t like the restaurant? Or perhaps the French cuisine isn’t to your liking?’
‘I love it,’ she sighed. I just don’t feel—comfortable here, that’s all,’ she mumbled.
‘Thanks, Henri,’ Adam dismissed the other man, pulling out her chair for her himself. ‘Just relax, Leonie.’ His hands were warm on her shoulders as he leant forward to speak softly in her ear, his breath gently ruffling her hair.
She felt strangely bereft when he removed his hands and went to sit opposite her, their table in a quietly intimate part of the restaurant. As the waiter poured the wine that had been waiting for them, she could feel the tingling of danger along her spine, wary of this romantic setting, wary of this game Adam was playing with her.
‘Try the wine,’ he urged huskily.
‘When are we going to discuss the work on your office suite?’ she asked determinedly.
‘Tomorrow. Before lunch.’
‘About lunch——’
‘Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll like the restaurant I’ve chosen for us,’ he sipped his own wine. ‘Please try it,’ he encouraged throatily.
She sighed her impatience, ignoring the glass of wine. ‘Why are you doing this?’
‘This?’ he prompted softly.
She shrugged. ‘The charm, the restaurant, dinner, the wine. Why, Adam? And don’t say to atone for the lift breaking down with me in it because I won’t believe you.’
‘You’re right,’ he nodded, perfectly relaxed as he leant back in his chair, dismissing the waiter as he arrived to take their order. ‘I had this table booked for us tonight before I even realised you were stuck in the lift.’
‘Don’t you usually go out for business meals with your prospective clients?’
‘Of course,’ she sighed. ‘But it’s usually lunch, and so far we haven’t discussed any business.’
‘We will,’ he promised. ‘Tomorrow.’
‘Why not now?’
He shrugged at the determination in her face. ‘Maybe after we’ve eaten,’ he compromised.
This time he didn’t wave the waiter away when he came to take their order, and with the arrival of their first and consequent courses there wasn’t a lot of time for conversation. And by the time they got to the coffee stage of their meal Leonie had to admit that she didn’t give a damn if they ever discussed business, feeling numb from the head down, the wine one of her favourites, her glass constantly refilled as soon as she had taken a few sips, the food as delicious as she remembered, forgetting her diet for this one night.
‘You look like a well-fed cat,’ Adam eyed her appreciatively.
‘I feel like a very relaxed one, if you know what I mean,’ she smiled happily.
He grinned. ‘I know exactly what you mean.’
He was so handsome, so ruggedly good looking, that he made her senses spin. Or was that the wine? No, she was sure it was him. And he had been so patient with her when she knocked a glass of wine all over the table, had dismissed the anxious waiter to mop up the surplus liquid himself, had got down on the floor and helped her pick up the contents of her handbag when she accidentally opened it up the wrong way and it all fell out, had even chuckled a little when she knocked the waiter’s arm and ended up with a potato in her lap. Yes, he had been very charming.
‘Shall we go?’ he suggested throatily as she smiled dreamily at him.
‘Why not?’ She stood up, narrowly avoiding another table as she turned too suddenly. ‘I never go back to the same place twice if I can avoid it,’ she assured him happily.
‘It must be difficult finding new restaurants,’ he smiled, a smile that oozed sensuality.
‘I rarely eat out,’ she dismissed. ‘It’s safer that way, for other diners, I mean,’ she explained as they went outside, surprised to see it was already dark, a glance at her watch telling her it was almost ten o’clock. They had been in the restaurant hours!
His mouth quirked. ‘I noticed you have a tendency to—well, to——’
‘Drop things, knock things, bump into things,’ she finished obligingly. ‘My husband found it very irritating,’ she added challengingly.
‘Really?’ Adam sounded non-committal.
‘Yes. He—Where are we going?’ she frowned as she realised they were in a part of London she didn’t know very well, the exclusive residential area.
‘My apartment.’
Leonie blinked as they entered the underground car-park. ‘You live here?’ she frowned.
‘Since my separation,’ he nodded, coming round to open her door for her.
Things were happening too fast, much too fast she realised as they entered the spacious apartment, barely having time to notice its elegant comfort before Adam swept her into his arms, his eyes glittering darkly with desire.
‘I’ve wanted to do this ever since the lift doors opened and I saw you grovelling about on the floor,’ he announced raggedly before his mouth claimed hers.
She wanted to ask him what he found so romantic about a woman making a fool of herself, but the magic of his kiss put all other thoughts from her mind, drawing her into him with the sensuous movement of his mouth, his arms beneath the jacket of her suit, his hands warm through the thin material of her blouse and camisole, his thighs hardening against her as his hands moved down to cup her buttocks and pull her into him.
The effects of the brandy and wine miraculously disappeared to be replaced by something equally as heady, sexual pleasure. She had heard all the old clichés about women who were no longer married, had scorned the idea of falling into that sexual trap herself knowing how little pleasure she had found in her marriage bed, and yet she knew that she wanted Adam. And he wanted her, there could be no doubting that.
Her lips parted beneath the assault of his tongue, knowing it was merely a facsimile of the lovemaking they really wanted, Leonie feeling filled and possessed by that moist warmth, drawing him deeper into her as she returned the attack.
Adam’s breathing was ragged as he pulled away to kiss her throat, peeling the jacket expertly from her shoulders, throwing it to one side, beginning to release the buttons to her blouse, his hands sure in their movements, although they trembled slightly with anticipation.
It was this slight crack in his supreme self-confidence that encouraged Leonie to do some undressing of her own, his own jacket joining hers on the floor, his waistcoat quickly following, her fingers hesitating at the buttons of his shirt.
‘Please,’ he encouraged achingly.
Her own hands shook as she revealed the muscled smoothness of his chest, the dark hair there silvered with grey. He was beautiful without the trappings of the successful businessman, wearing only tailored trousers now, his arousal barely contained.
‘Leonie!’ His mouth captured hers again as she caressed his bared chest, moving fiercely against her, pulling her into him as the tip of her tongue tentatively caressed his lips.
They left a trail of clothes to the bedroom, both naked by the time they lay down together on the bed still kissing, Adam’s hands at her breasts making her gasp with pleasure, the nipples hardening and aching, asking for the tug of his mouth. They didn’t have to wait long.
Leonie didn’t stop to question her complete lack of inhibitions, inhibitions that had made her marriage such an agony, only knowing that this man, with his gentle caresses, held the key to her sensuality in his hands.
Adam kissed every inch of her body, found pleasure in the secret places no other man had ever known, making her tremble uncontrollably as his tongue rasped the length of her spine to her nape, quivers of excitement making her arch back into him as he homed in on the sensitive flesh there.
She lost all lucidity as Adam’s caresses brought her again and again to the edge of a fulfilment she had never known, as he always pulled her back from the edge before she could reach the pinnacle she craved, her movements beneath him becoming more and more desperate as he refused to let her escape him even for a second.
‘Please, Adam. Please!’ Her eyes were wild as she looked up at him.
‘You take me,’ he encouraged raggedly, his eyes black with desire.
‘What——?’ But she understood what he meant even as he pulled her above him, going to him eagerly, gasping as he lowered her on to him, filling her in every way possible before bringing her mouth down to his.
It was so right that it should be this way, that he should allow her the freedom to be the one to choose their pleasure, a pleasure she had never known during her marriage.
She was heady with delight, kissing the dampness of his salt-tasting shoulders and throat, quivering her own satisfaction as he groaned at the invasion of her tongue, feeling his movements quicken beneath her as he could hold back no longer, the hardness of him stroking her own desire until she felt the explosion begin in the depths of her being, beginning to shake as the warm aching pleasure ripped through her whole body in a climactic holocaust.
‘My beautiful Leonie,’ Adam gasped as he reached the summit of his own pleasure, exploding in a warmth of warm moistness. ‘I knew it could be this way between us!’
And it hadn’t stopped there, their strength and desire returning within minutes, their second lovemaking even more intense than the first, the pleasure seeming never-ending.
Leonie looked again at the face of the man who slept beside her, wondering what on earth she had done. Oh God, what had she done!
He stirred slightly as she moved from beneath the curve of his arm, her movements stilling until she realised he was still sleeping. She blushed as she found her clothes scattered in a disorganised path from the bedroom to the lounge; she had never been so carried away by passion before. She hastily began to dress.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’
She balked only slightly in the movement of pulling the camisole over her head. ‘What does it look like I’m doing?’ she said sourly; at least he had had the decency to put on a brown towelling robe before following her from the bedroom!
‘Isn’t it usual to spend the whole night in circumstances like these?’ he drawled, his dark hair still tousled, his jaw in need of a shave now. ‘I didn’t expect you to go sneaking off while I was asleep!’
‘I wasn’t sneaking off,’ she told him resentfully. ‘And there’s nothing usual about these circumstances!’ She tucked her blouse into the waistband of her skirt.
‘I want you to stay the night.’
She shot him an angry glare, resentful that he could look so at ease, his hands thrust casually into the pockets of his robe, his stance relaxed. ‘Why?’
His mouth twisted. ‘I’m sure I’ve just shown you two very good reasons why.’
‘And what’s wrong with that?’ He arched dark brows.
‘Nothing, you know I enjoyed it,’ she snapped, knowing it would be useless to deny it, brushing her hair with angry movements, whether at Adam or herself she wasn’t sure.
‘So stay,’ he encouraged softly.
‘I can’t, Adam,’ she sighed impatiently. ‘I don’t know what game you’ve been playing with me this evening——’
‘A game you were quite happy to go along with,’ he reminded gently.
She shook her head in self-condemnation. ‘It seemed the easy way out at the time, so much easier for me to be Leonie Grant and you to be Adam Faulkner,’ she said shakily.
He shrugged broad shoulders. ‘Why not, that’s who we are.’
‘Because until our divorce becomes final I’m still officially Leonie Faulkner, your wife, and you’re my husband!’
‘And now I’m your lover,’ he gave a slow smile of satisfaction. ‘It was your idea, Leonie, you’re the one that said we shouldn’t have married each other but just have been lovers. And after tonight that’s exactly what we’re going to be!’

CHAPTER TWO (#u060d2702-ae7d-5578-916b-3c829705a60a)
SHE vividly remembered shouting those words at Adam before she had walked out on him and their marriage eight months ago, remembered everything about her disaster of a marriage to this man. And she didn’t intend becoming involved with him again in any way.
She was fully dressed now, straightening the collar of her jacket. ‘Tonight was a mistake——’
‘I have another name for it,’ Adam drawled.
Her eyes flashed her resentment. ‘I’m well aware of the fact that you planned what happened——’
‘Don’t pretend you didn’t want it, too,’ he warned her softly.
She blushed at the truth of that; from the moment she had seen him seated across the desk from her at the Thompson building her senses had become alive with wanting him. And the fact that he had acted as if it were the first time they had ever met had added to the excitement. But she had a feeling, knowing Adam as she did, a much less charming and relaxed Adam, that he had realised exactly what effect his behaviour was having on her, that it had been effected to get the response from her she had refused to give him during their marriage.
‘It was certainly better than anything we ever shared during our marriage,’ she snapped waspishly, waiting for the angry explosion she had come to expect from him when they discussed the failure of the physical side of their marriage.
‘I agree.’ Once again he disconcerted her; he had been doing it all evening, from the time she had discovered that her estranged husband was the new President of Thompson Electronics, during dinner when he had had such patience with her ‘accidents’, to the infinite care and gentleness he had shown her during their lovemaking. ‘You were right,’ he continued lightly. ‘We’re much better as lovers than as husband and wife.’
‘We are not lovers!’ She looked around desperately for her handbag so that she might get out of here. ‘I’ve left my handbag in the restaurant,’ she finally groaned in realisation. ‘And that damned man——’
‘Henri,’ Adam put in softly, his mouth quirked with amusement.
‘He already thinks I’m some sort of escapee from a lunatic asylum.’ She hadn’t missed his covert glances in her direction during the evening. ‘I just can’t go back there,’ she shuddered.
‘You don’t have to——’
‘And I don’t need any of your high-handed interference either,’ she cut in rudely. ‘Why should one more visit to that place bother me!’ she told herself defiantly.
‘Because it does,’ Adam soothed. ‘And there’s no need to torture yourself with the thought of having to do it; your handbag is in my car.’
Her eyes widened. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Very,’ he replied with satisfaction. ‘You were so eager to get up here that you left it next to your seat.’
‘I was not eager to get up here,’ she defended indignantly.
‘Maybe I should rephrase that,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I was so eager to get you up here that I didn’t give you chance to think of such mundane things as a handbag. Better?’ he quirked dark brows in amusement.
It was that amusement that confused her; there had been little to laugh about during their marriage, Adam always so grim. But no one knew the deviousness of his mind as well as she did, and she wasn’t fooled by this charm for a moment.
‘What are you up to, Adam?’ she demanded impatiently. ‘Why are you doing this?’
He strolled across the room to her side, his movements gracefully masculine, as they always were. ‘I want a lover, Leonie,’ he told her softly, only inches away from her as he stood with his hands thrust into the pockets of his robe. ‘I want you.’
She shook her head. ‘You had me for a year, and it was a disaster,’ she recalled bitterly.
Adam nodded in acknowledgment of that fact. ‘Nevertheless, I want you.’
‘You’ve only just got rid of me!’ she reminded desperately.
‘Of the marriage, not you, Leonie.’
‘It’s the same thing!’
‘No,’ he smiled gently. ‘We both found the marriage stifling, the sort of relationship I’m suggesting——’
‘With me as your mistress!’ she scorned.
‘Lover,’ he insisted. ‘We would be lovers.’
‘Why not?’ his eyes had narrowed, although he remained outwardly relaxed.
‘I don’t want a lover!’
His mouth quirked. ‘You just proved, very effectively, that you do.’
Colour heightened her cheeks. ‘That was sex——’
‘The best sex we ever had, admit it,’ he encouraged.
She drew in a ragged breath. ‘Yes.’ ‘And as I said before, what’s wrong with that?’
She sighed her exasperation. ‘You just don’t understand——’
‘I understand perfectly,’ he cut in soothingly. ‘This has all come as a bit of a shock to you——’
‘That has to be the understatement of the decade!’
Adam chuckled, at once looking younger. ‘Poor Leonie,’ he smiled. ‘What’s shocking you the most, the fact that we found such pleasure in bed together for the first time, or the fact that I want it to continue?’
She couldn’t deny that she was surprised at the amount of pleasure she had known with Adam tonight, a pleasure she had known beyond all doubt that he felt too, his responses open and complete. Their sex-life during their marriage, as with everything else during that year, had been a disaster. Adam had been so experienced that in her innocence she had felt inadequate, and she had resented the way he had tried to control her body, her responses automatic and emotionless, refusing to be dominated by him. But the lovemaking they had shared tonight hadn’t been restricted by any of that resentment, had been uninhibited. But that Adam should want such a relationship to continue she couldn’t accept, not when the breakdown of the marriage and subsequent separation had been such a traumatic experience for her. They simply couldn’t pretend they were two people they weren’t.
‘The first shocks me,’ she replied coolly. ‘The second surprises me. Do you honestly not remember what it was like between us, the bitterness, the pain of knowing we were all wrong for each other from the start?’
‘As a married couple, not as lovers,’ he insisted forcefully.
‘Have you forgotten what that was like between us?’
‘Didn’t this evening prove that it doesn’t have to be that way?’ he reasoned.
‘I’m still the same person, Adam,’ she told him with a sigh. ‘I’m still sixteen years younger than you are, with the same inexperience—no matter what happened here tonight,’ she added pointedly. ‘I’m still the same klutzy person I was when we were married——’
‘That’s a new name for it,’ he laughed softly.
‘I read it in a book somewhere,’ she dismissed impatiently. ‘It seemed to suit me perfectly.’
‘It does,’ he nodded, still smiling, his eyes a warm grey, crinkled at the corners.
‘Don’t you remember how angry all those “incidents” used to make you!’
‘You’re right, I was intolerant——’
‘You’re missing my point, Adam,’ she said frustratedly. ‘It would take a saint to put up with all the things that happen to me in one day—and that’s one thing I know you aren’t!’
‘Have I been angry tonight at all?’
‘That was only one night,’ she sighed her impatience. ‘It would drive you insane—it did drive you insane, on a regular basis.’
‘Haven’t you heard, lovers are more tolerant?’
She glowered at him. ‘You aren’t listening to a word I’ve been saying.’
‘Of course I am,’ he placated. ‘You’re young and klutzy.’ He smiled. ‘I really like that word, it describes you exactly.’ He sobered. ‘As a husband I was rigid and intolerant, lousy at making love to you. As a lover I will be generous and understanding—and very good in bed.’
‘In your experience,’ she snapped waspishly.
He raised dark brows. ‘You sound jealous, Leonie.’
She felt the heat in her cheeks. ‘I most certainly am not!’
‘It’s all right if you are.’ His arms came about her as he moulded her body to his. ‘From a wife it would sound shrewish, from a lover it sounds possessive. I like that,’ he stated with satisfaction.
That wasn’t all he liked from the feel of his body pressed so intimately against hers, aroused for the third time tonight. Leonie couldn’t pretend not to be shocked by this evidence of his renewed desire; their sex life had deteriorated so badly at the end of their marriage that it was an effort for them to make love once a week; Adam had never wanted her three times in one night before!
‘Adam, please stop this.’ She pulled agitatedly away from him as her own body quivered in reaction to his. ‘You’ve had your fun——’
‘It was mutual,’ he drawled confidently.
‘Not that sort of fun!’ she snapped. ‘God, I can’t believe this is really you proposing this preposterous arrangement! Have you thought of the consequences of your actions?’
‘I already know you’re on the pill to regulate your periods.’ He dismissed the idea of pregnancy.
‘Not those consequences!’ It was embarrassing how intimately this man knew the workings, and malfunctions, of her body! ‘We both have families, Adam, have you thought of their reactions to the relationship you’re suggesting?’
‘My father and your sister.’ The amused glow to his eyes left for the first time that evening. ‘I’m thirty-nine and you’re twenty-three, do you really think either of us needs their permission?’ he ground out.
‘Your father hates me.’ She deliberately didn’t mention her sister’s feelings towards Adam, although she was sure they were both aware of those feelings; it had been one of the reasons their marriage had proved such a failure.
‘My father doesn’t understand you,’ Adam corrected gravely.
‘There’s nothing to understand,’ she dismissed scornfully. ‘I am what you see. A little more accident-prone around you and your father, but otherwise I’m an open book.’
‘Then a few of the pages must have got stuck together, because I never felt that I knew you completely either!’ He gave a deep sigh. ‘I don’t intend to argue about the past with you now, Leonie.’
‘Lovers don’t argue?’ she mocked.
His mouth quirked. ‘Only when they know it will take them back to bed to make up.’ He took her back in his arms, his mouth claiming hers.
Her lips parted of their own volition, allowing access to the thrust of his tongue, trembling as desire claimed her, clinging to the broad width of his shoulders as she swayed weakly against him.
‘Stay tonight, Leonie,’ he urged against the creamy warmth of her throat.
She was tempted, God how she was tempted. But she couldn’t do it. It had taken her eight months to put herself back together after the devastation of loving this man; she couldn’t leave herself open to that sort of pain again.
‘No, Adam.’ She pushed away from him, breathing hard, knowing by his own ragged breathing that he was as aroused as she was. ‘There’s something else lovers can do,’ she told him tautly. ‘They can end the relationship at any time; I’m ending it.’ She turned on her heel.
‘Where are you going?’ Adam asked softly.
‘Home!’ She didn’t even turn.
‘How?’ his gentle question halted her. ‘Your car is still at Thompson Electronics, your keys to the car are in your handbag, your money, too, in case you were thinking of taking a taxi home, and your bag is in my car downstairs,’ he reminded softly.
She had done it again! ‘So much for my grand exit,’ she said dully as she turned around.
His smile was sympathetic. ‘It really was very good.’
‘Don’t humour me, Adam,’ she snapped.
‘We are not lovers!’ she bit out between clenched teeth. ‘And we never will be. Now if you’ll give me your car keys for a few minutes I’ll go down and get my bag.’
‘You can’t keep me here by force, Adam!’ There was an edge of desperation to her voice.
‘I don’t intend to,’ he soothed. ‘I’m going to get dressed and drive you home.’
‘My car——’
‘Will be locked into the car park by this time of night,’ he pointed out.
She looked at her wrist-watch; it was after midnight! ‘If you will just let me get my bag I can get a taxi home.’
Adam shook his head. ‘I can’t let you do that this late at night.’
‘That doesn’t sound possessive, Adam, it sounds autocratic,’ she taunted him.
He smiled. ‘It’s concern for your welfare,’ he mocked. ‘Lovers are like that,’ he told her softly before going back into the bedroom.
Leonie stared after him frustratedly; she should have known that today was going to end as disastrously as it had begun. She should also have known Adam would have something to do with it, had felt a premonition of his presence while waiting to be rescued from the lift, her clumsiness always more pronounced whenever he was around.
She had been too stunned, too conscious of Mrs Carlson’s presence, to do any other than follow Adam’s lead of it being their first meeting when the other woman introduced them in his office. And once she recovered from the shock of seeing him again after all this time she was too intrigued by his behaviour to do any other than go along with the pretence. And as she had admitted to him, it was easier too. But the pleasant atmosphere of their evening together had seduced her into doing something she would rather forget, something that she wouldn’t allow to be repeated, her reaction to Adam totally unexpected, given their history together.
Her breath caught in her throat as Adam returned to the room, the business suit replaced with a fitted black shirt and black cords. Adam never dressed this casually!
‘Changing your image, Adam?’ she taunted to hide her reaction to him.
‘Like it?’ he smiled, not fooled by her attitude for a minute.
She more than liked it, she wanted him again! It was ridiculous when she had been married to this man for a year, when they had been separated for over eight months, to feel the same instantaneous flood of emotion towards him as she had when she first met him almost two years ago. And yet looking at him now she did feel it, her mouth dry, her palms damp.
‘You look very handsome,’ she told him primly. ‘Now could we please leave?’
‘Certainly.’ He picked up his car keys.
‘Lovers are obliging too, are they?’ She couldn’t resist taunting as she preceded him out of the apartment and into the lift.
‘Any time,’ he said suggestively, his body pressed up against the back of hers. ‘Just say the word,’ he encouraged throatily.
She frowned her irritation, moving gratefully away from him as they walked over to the car, their footsteps sounding loud in the black stillness of the night. Adam proved to be right about her bag, it lay on the floor of the car as he opened the door for her to get in.
‘You can pick your car up tomorrow,’ Adam suggested during the drive to her home, the car roof up now in the cool of the night.
‘Tomorrow?’ she frowned.
‘When you come for our meeting,’ he nodded.
Her eyes widened. ‘You don’t seriously expect me to still come to that?’
He glanced at her, his brows raised. ‘Of course.’
‘But I—Wasn’t that just a set-up?’ she frowned.
‘I wanted to see you again,’ he acknowledged. ‘And it seemed a good way to arrange it in view of the way you’ve felt about seeing me again, but I do also want my office decorated.’
‘Not by me,’ she shook her head determinedly, quivering at the thought of having to see this man on a day to day basis in connection with her work.
‘By you,’ he said firmly.
‘Yes,’ he insisted softly. ‘I really was impressed by your work on the lower floor.’
‘Yes, Leonie?’
She drew her breath in sharply at his tolerant tone. ‘I am not going to work for you,’ she told him stubbornly.
‘Yes, you are,’ he nodded confidently.
‘You can’t force me!’
‘I wouldn’t even attempt it,’ he assured her mildly. ‘But I think you might find it a little awkward explaining to your boss, David isn’t it, the reason you won’t work for me.’
‘You wouldn’t make me do that?’ she groaned.
Adam shrugged. ‘I don’t see what else you can do.’
‘But David has plenty of other designers, much more capable ones than me!’
‘I don’t want them,’ he stated calmly. ‘I want you.’
‘Please don’t involve my career in this, Adam,’ she pleaded desperately.
‘All I want is my office decorated, is that too much to ask?’
His innocence infuriated her! ‘You aren’t just asking anyone to do it, I was your wife!’
His expression softened into a reminiscent smile. ‘I’m not likely to forget that.’
‘But I’ve been trying to!’ She was twisted round in her seat as she tried to reason with him. ‘I’ve put my life back together, made the career for myself that I gave up when I married you. I am not about to let you jeopardise that.’
‘But I don’t want to.’ He shrugged broad shoulders.
‘You’re forcing me into a situation I don’t want. You deliberately sought me out for this job, didn’t you,’ she accused.
He nodded. ‘I bought the company because I knew you had worked there once.’
‘You—you did what?’ she gasped.
‘Well, I had to have a valid reason for seeing you, I knew you would flatly refuse to go anywhere where you knew I would be.’ He shrugged. ‘So I bought Thompson Electronics.’
It was an example of the arrogance she had always associated with him in the past; if he wanted something then he went out and bought it. He had once bought her with that same wealth and self-confidence that had blinded her to how wrong they were for each other.
‘Then you wasted your money,’ she told him tautly. ‘Because nothing would induce me to work for you.’
‘I didn’t waste my money, the company is a very profitable one,’ he announced calmly. ‘And I don’t intend to induce you into doing anything; surely you’re adult enough that you could design something for my office suite without letting personalities enter into it?’ he raised dark brows.
‘It isn’t a question of that,’ she said stiffly. ‘I just don’t want to work for you. Wasn’t one member of my family enough for you?’ she added disgustedly.
‘You mean Liz?’
‘Who else?’ she scorned.
‘Liz was the best personal assistant I ever had.’
She had been a little too ‘personal’ as far as Leonie was concerned! They had met because of her sister’s relationship with Adam, and they had parted for the same reason. ‘Look, I’ll talk to David tomorrow,’ she told him tautly. ‘I’m sure he’ll be only too glad to send someone else over to work with you.’
‘I don’t want anyone else,’ Adam said flatly. ‘I wondered about you and him for a while, you know,’ he added softly.
She looked over at him with startled eyes. ‘David and I?’
‘Mm,’ he nodded.
Her mouth tightened resentfully. ‘And what stopped you wondering?’ she snapped.
He shrugged. ‘Your dates were too occasional for them to be anything more than placating the boss who has designs on you,’ he dismissed.
Leonie’s eyes widened. ‘You’ve been having me watched!’ she realised disbelievingly.
‘You are my wife——’
‘Was,’ she corrected tightly. ‘We’re legally separated, and once the appropriate time has elapsed our divorce will be finalised.’
‘I was just seeing if we couldn’t speed up the proceedings,’ he explained.
Leonie blinked at him for several timeless minutes, unable to believe what she was hearing. ‘Are you trying to say you were after evidence of adultery against me?’ she said with disbelief.
Adam shrugged. ‘I thought you might feel more comfortable about our new arrangement if we were already divorced. I knew that I couldn’t wait three years for you.’
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t oblige!’ Somehow the knowledge that he had done such a thing hurt her unbearably. God knows she had enough evidence of adultery against him! But she had chosen not to subject any of them to the embarrassing ordeal of revealing their personal lives in public. Knowing that Adam had considered doing it to her made her angry.
‘Maybe I should have had you followed,’ she glared at him.
‘Oh, I’ve been living very quietly since you left me,’ he dismissed.
‘Quietly doesn’t necessarily mean alone,’ she snapped.
‘In this case it does.’
And she knew the reason for that; Liz had continued to stay with her husband Nick. ‘Look, we’re getting away from the subject,’ Leonie sighed. ‘You’ll have to have someone else do your work for you.’
‘Adam, I will not be bullied by you into doing something I don’t want to do.’
He held up his hand defensively. ‘Have I tried to bully you? Did I bully you into anything tonight?’ he added throatily.
Her mouth tightened. Tonight had been incredible, there was no denying that, and plenty of women would be only too agreeable to the sort of non-committal relationship Adam was now offering her. But not her. She had made a fool of herself over this man once, she wasn’t going to do it again.
‘Admit it was everything you thought it could be,’ he encouraged softly. ‘No complications of marriage, other people, just you and me making beautiful love together.’
Just talking about the experience made her body tingle. ‘But it couldn’t stay that way indefinitely,’ she reasoned impatiently. ‘Sooner or later one of us would expect more——’
‘Not me,’ Adam assured her with finality. ‘I’ve tried being married to you; it didn’t work out.’
She swallowed down the pain his casual admission of their year together caused. It hadn’t worked out, she would be the first to admit that, but to hear Adam talk so casually about the commitment they had made caused a constriction in her chest, as if someone had physically struck her.

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