Read online book «A Date With A Billionaire» author Julianna Morris

A Date With A Billionaire
Julianna Morris
Local Woman Says "No" to Date with BillionaireNo one was more astounded by the headline than the billionaire bachelor himself! Kane O'Rourke hadn't wanted to be the "prize" in his brother's crazy contest. But he wouldn't accept rejection – not as one of the most successful men in the world. Kane was determined to make the pretty Bethany Cox live up to her part of the bargain…Just because Kane was rich and gorgeous didn't mean Beth had to give in to his demands. Then why, once in his mesmerizing presence, had Beth found herself powerless to say no? But did a small-town girl like her have what it took to make this breathtaking billionaire hers for more than one romantic night together…?

“What’s so romantic about going out with a complete stranger?”
Beth asked. “Everyone has been speculating about this romantic date I’m going to have with you, when all along I know it isn’t the least bit romantic.”
Kane threw back his head and laughed. “You really are innocent, aren’t you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Most people are strangers until they get to know each other…which is usually through dating.”
An embarrassed warmth crept up Beth’s neck. “You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
He was being difficult, which should have annoyed her. Unfortunately, she was much too aware of Kane at the moment to be annoyed.
“I mean a date between two people who have never met and have no basis for attraction,” she said.
“Ah.” Kane leaned close until his arm touched hers, sending a startling warmth through her. “There’s no basis for attraction, then. Between us?”

Dear Reader (#ulink_406a8bb1-0c71-5c53-9665-7069fbc566d0),
With summer nearly here, it’s time to stock up on essentials such as sunblock, sandles and plenty of Silhouette Romance novels! Here’s our checklist of page-turners to keep your days sizzling!

A Princess in Waiting by Carol Grace (SR #1588)—In this ROYALLY WED: THE MISSING HEIR title, dashing Charles Rodin saves the day by marrying his brother’s pregnant ex-wife!

Because of the Ring by Stella Bagwell (SR #1589)—With this magical SOULMATES title, her grandmother’s ring leads Claudia Westfield to the man of her dreams….

A Date with a Billionaire by Julianna Morris (SR #1590)—Bethany Cox refused her prize—a date with the charitable Kane O’Rourke—but how can she get a gorgeous billionaire to take no for an answer? And does she really want to…?

The Marriage Clause by Karen Rose Smith (SR #1591)—In this VIRGIN BRIDES installment, innocent Gina Foster agrees to a marriage of convenience with the wickedly handsome Clay McCormick, only to be swept into a world of passion.

The Man with the Money by Arlene James (SR #1592)—A millionaire playboy in disguise romances a lovely foster mom. But will the truth destroy his chance at true love?

The 15 lb. Matchmaker by Jill Limber (SR #1593)—Griff Price is the ultimate lone cowboy—until he’s saddled with a baby and a jilted-bride-turned-nanny.
Be sure to come back next month for our list of great summer stories.
Happy reading!
Mary-Theresa Hussey
Senior Editor

A Date with a Billionaire
Julianna Morris (
To my nieces and nephews.
has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everything…her interests ranging from oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction.
Julianna loves cats of all shapes and sizes, and last year she was adopted by a feline companion named Merlin. Like his namesake, Merlin is an alchemist—she says he can transform the house into a disaster area in nothing flat. And since he shares the premises with a writer, it’s interesting to note that he’s particularly fond of knocking books on the floor.
Julianna happily reports meeting Mr. Right. Together they are working on a new dream of building a shoreline home in the Great Lakes area.

Cover (#ub25dbd36-2efd-5f4a-b56c-b492a72ca2e1)
Back Cover Text (#u5c7f93eb-acf9-5b33-819c-83283a84ed23)
Dear Reader (#u44a00023-b809-5d8e-bdac-4b01cce32e01)
Title Page (#u631f4a5a-ca7b-5821-ae31-0e67327b44ec)
Dedication (#u77f33fe5-b08c-5eb8-9930-8f958ea02c78)
About the Author (#ub08e25bb-f9ee-5cf3-bf4d-4ac02a601cce)
Prologue (#u04e7c9cc-a0b8-535a-a7b5-b1ee0c0a8580)
Chapter One (#u5c07bfdd-d6ce-5ff6-9c83-74f7ee2c8532)
Chapter Two (#u1121d04e-cd7e-5c9b-b0ee-d38e9f610491)
Chapter Three (#uf6536a57-5c14-536a-8e39-4c8ec3dbfabb)
Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)
Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)
Epilogue (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

Prologue (#ulink_ebbc529f-fcb8-50fb-acb1-d561b7b22b09)
“You’ve just won a date with a billionaire, Miss Cox,” said the cheery voice on the phone.
Beth blinked and took a long look at the receiver, before putting it back to her ear. “Excuse me?”
“We’re KLMS, the radio station for Your Country Music. And you’ve just won a weekend in romantic Victoria, British Columbia, with Kane O’Rourke, Seattle’s most eligible bachelor!”
Stunned, Beth started to sit on a chair, missed it entirely and landed on the floor. “Ouch,” she yelped.
“Are you all right, Miss Cox?”
“I just fell…on the floor.”
A cheerful chuckle came over the line. “Hear that, folks? We should have told our prize winner to sit down first. Can you believe you just won, Miss Cox?”
“No. I…no.”
“She’s speechless, folks. Well, practically.” The man chuckled again, apparently thinking he’d cracked a great joke.
“Uh, am I on the air?” Beth asked cautiously.
“Yes, ma’am. We just drew your name from the prize barrel.”
Beth wasn’t certain luck had anything to do with it, and she was even more certain she’d never entered the contest. She knew about it, of course. Half the town worked for Kane O’Rourke; he was one of Crockett, Washington’s most prominent employers. And he was sinfully attractive. The contest was the only thing people had talked about since it was announced on the radio station.
“Do you have anything to say to our audience, Miss Cox? We’re waiting to hear how you feel about your exciting prize.”
“I think I’m…” She peered through her open door and saw her neighbor run up the walkway, waving a radio in the air.
“Oh, my God, you won,” Carol shrieked as she darted inside the house. She snatched the receiver from Beth. “Hello? I’m Carol Hoit, one of Beth’s best friends.”
While Carol chattered away, Beth tried to sort things out in her head. Carol must have entered her in the contest. Two weeks before her neighbor had bemoaned the fact she couldn’t qualify—being married—and had urged Beth to enter herself.
Lord…Beth rubbed her throbbing temples. She didn’t want to go out with anyone. She’d lost her fiancé in an accident several years before, and if her heart wasn’t exactly buried with him, there was still an empty ache in her chest.
Ignoring the thrilled chatter of her friend, Beth grabbed an old newspaper that had advertised the contest. Kane O’Rourke’s handsome features and level eyes gazed back from a publicity photo. Irish eyes, she thought idly, direct and accustomed to getting what he wanted.
The whole town would think she was crazy, but there was no way she was going on her “prize” date.

Chapter One (#ulink_538fda9e-11cf-5dcb-8a54-60c6e57100dc)
Local Woman Says “No” To Date With Billionaire.
Kane O’Rourke stared at the bold newspaper headline with something close to horror.
“I’m going to kill him,” he growled.
“Kill who?” asked his public relations manager as she walked into his office.
“Your brother.”
“He’s your brother, too,” Shannon said flippantly. “But which one, and what has he done to annoy you…this week?”
Kane glared. “Patrick. He conned me into that damned contest for his radio station. I didn’t want to do it, I told him I didn’t, now look at this.” He thrust the paper at Shannon.
His sister lifted an eyebrow. “You’re the one who said ‘anything you want’ when he asked for a favor. When you found out what he wanted you should have just said no. But instead, you still think we’re children you have to manage.”
“That isn’t it at all, but I know the station isn’t doing well,” Kane said, exasperated. “So when Patrick asked me to…oh, forget it.” His family was always accusing him of playing daddy and interfering with their lives, but he was the oldest and he was only taking care of them. “Just read the article.”
She looked down at the paper. “You’ve been turned down? She seemed more amused than offended, and he glared again.
“Not funny. Do you realize how embarrassing this is for both me and Patrick’s station?”
“You could propose to the lady, maybe that would make her reconsider.”
His eyes narrowed. “That isn’t funny. I’m not getting married, period—I’ve got enough problems. And you aren’t helping. Brat,” he added.
Her lips still twitching, Shannon tossed the newspaper back at him. “Go talk to her. She looks nice enough. Maybe she just got engaged or something and the newspaper thought it was a better story this way.”
Kane glanced down at the picture of Bethany Cox. He couldn’t tell much from the grainy photograph, but she didn’t look like a kook or fanatic, and she had a sweet expression. From what the article said, she appeared to be the kind of woman who could understand how important this was for his brother. Patrick had made some mistakes in the past, and now he had a real chance for success…a success he wanted to earn for himself without the help of someone else’s money.
“I’d probably blow it,” Kane muttered. “You should go.”
Shannon laughed and shook her head. “In the first place, you’re the one who always thinks he can fix everything, so fix this. And in the second place, any woman worth her salt would be furious if you sent a flunky, instead of coming yourself.”
“You’re not a flunky, you’re my sister.”
“Same thing in a case like this.” After a moment Shannon leaned forward, her face growing more serious. “Kane, be careful. You’re right about it being a public relations problem for the radio station. If she’s getting married, I can use it to our advantage. If not, you better talk her into going. Be charming. What single woman would turn down a date with a charming billionaire bachelor?”
Kane folded the newspaper into his briefcase. The picture of Bethany Cox gazed up at him and he grinned ruefully. “I don’t know, but I think I’m going to find out.”
Beth dug her hand trowel into the soil of her flower bed, her free hand tugging at a particularly stubborn weed. Not a weed, she thought silently. A lovely wild buttercup, which just happened to be in a place she didn’t want it.
A car pulled up to the curb, but she wasn’t expecting anyone, so she kept pulling at the pervasive plant.
“Miss Cox?”
The roots gave way abruptly, peppering Beth with dirt. Brushing it away from her T-shirt and shorts, she turned her head and saw a pair of legs wearing an expensive pair of suit trousers. She looked higher and her eyes widened.
Kane O’Rourke.
She’d seen him from a distance, of course. On podiums, giving speeches, accepting awards, that kind of thing. But never this close.
Kane extended his hand. “How do you do? I’m Kane O’Rourke, and we’re supposed to go on a date together.”
Beth blinked. Hadn’t he seen the headlines? She hadn’t meant it to be such a big deal, but a reporter from the local newspaper had blown everything out of proportion. Honestly, what was so earth-shattering about turning down a date?
“Miss Cox?” He was still holding out his arm and Beth groaned silently. Her fingers were grimy from working in the garden, she couldn’t possibly shake hands like a normal human being.
“Sorry, you don’t want to touch me, I’m a mess.” She wiggled her fingers in the air and started to get up.
“That’s all right.” Without warning he caught her hand in a firm grip. “Let me help.”
He was strong. She had barely enough time to gather her legs under her before being swept upward, and Beth caught her breath as she found herself eye level with Kane O’Rourke’s chin. At nearly five foot eight inches she was accustomed to being close in height to most men, but O’Rourke obviously wasn’t most men.
She tipped her head backward again.
There was no doubt about his magnetism—intense blue eyes, black hair, an unmistakable air of command, and an underlying sensual quality to his mouth. Beth swallowed, more aware of Kane O’Rourke than she’d been of any man since Curt had died.
“Is there something I can do for you, Mr. O’Rourke?” she asked, trying to pull her hand free.
“It’s warm here in the sunshine. Some water would be nice. And a chance to talk.”
Talk. Beth could guess what he wanted to “talk” about. Okay, maybe she should have told him personally that she didn’t want to go on the date, but you couldn’t just call up a well-known billionaire and chat with him. Lord knew, she’d tried.
“Okay,” she said cautiously.
“Shall we go inside?”
He finally released her hand and Beth turned quickly. Her skin tingled and her breath was a trifle short, which annoyed her. She wasn’t a child to go weak-kneed at the sight of an attractive man. She was a grown woman of twenty-six and had a reasonable amount of experience with the opposite sex—at least enough experience to teach her better sense than she was currently showing.
O’Rourke followed her up the steps and into the house. It was cool inside, the windows open to allow a cross breeze from Puget Sound.
“This is nice,” he murmured from behind her.
Beth shrugged. She knew the house was small and old and must seem insignificant to a wealthy man like Kane O’Rourke, but it was more than she’d ever dared dream about having when she was a kid growing up in foster homes. It was hers, not someone else’s, and that made all the difference in the world. “It suits me.”
“I mean what I say, Miss Cox.”
The quiet statement startled Beth and she turned. He watched her steadily and she realized he must have sensed her disbelief.
“Of…course,” she said. For the first time in years, warmth burned in her cheeks, though she couldn’t have explained why; she didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about. So she didn’t want to go on a date with him. Big deal. She motioned to the breakfast nook. “Please sit down. Would you like a glass of sun tea? I made some fresh this morning.”
“That sounds good.”
Her heart was still beating unevenly and she drew a breath to regain her composure. Nothing had prepared her for Kane O’Rourke or how perceptive he seemed to be. She should have realized he’d be like that; a man didn’t make a mountain of money by being dull-witted.
Trying to appear outwardly calm, Beth scrubbed her hands before getting the pitcher and a tray of ice from the freezer. She carried two glasses to the table. With efficient motions she filled the glasses with ice and poured the tea.
“Sugar?” she asked, and congratulated herself on that single, cool word.
“No, thank you.” He was still watching her and amusement flared in his blue eyes. “You don’t trust me, do you?” he asked casually.
Beth nearly dropped the pitcher. “What?”
“You distrust me. Do you distrust everyone, or am I special?”
“I trust plenty of people,” she snapped, shooting him a look of active dislike. “And I don’t have any reason to distrust you. I’m sure you’re a very nice person.”
“But you don’t want to go on a date with me.”
Whoa. He certainly believed in being direct.
“Look, I’m not dating anyone right now, so it isn’t you. I just…”
She lifted her hands, then dropped them helplessly. It was too personal to explain that she’d only dated a few times since Curt’s death—each one a complete disaster. She’d had the great love of her life; things like that didn’t happen twice, and she wouldn’t take second best.
Sighing silently, Beth handed Kane a glass. “I hope you like mint in your tea, Mr. O’Rourke. I grow it in the backyard.”
“Sounds great.”
Kane kept his gaze fixed on Bethany Cox. She had one of the most expressive faces he’d ever seen. Not really beautiful, but expressive. Her entire body was expressive, from the tilt of her head to the defensive posture of her shoulders.
She was slim and leggy, with small, high breasts and a fall of dark blond hair, gathered together in a messy braid. Not his type, but appealing in her own way. And her eyes were glorious—the shade of warm, gold-shot brandy; he could spend hours watching the play of emotions in those fascinating eyes.
And he knew without a doubt that Bethany Cox wasn’t going to be easy to deal with. Between her stubborn chin and the way she’d instantly tried to retreat behind a polite facade, she practically screamed “difficult.” He normally avoided difficult women in his personal life—it was complicated enough without the aggravation.
Damn. Why couldn’t she have said she was getting married instead of “not dating”?
“Please…call me Kane,” he said, trying to give her a charming smile. At least, it was the smile his youngest sister said was charming, though it didn’t seem to be having any impact at the moment. “And may I call you Bethany? Or do you go by Beth?”
“It’s Beth, but I don’t see any point to being on a first name basis since we’ll never see each other again.” Her chin lifted an inch.
Patience. That’s what he needed.
Beth Cox might be royally stubborn, but he didn’t think she intended any harm; there was something straightforward and honest about the way she looked at him.
“Who knows, we might end up being friends,” he said slowly.
“No, I don’t think so.” Beth shook her head.
Kane lifted his eyebrows. He’d practically invited her to become part of his life and she was saying no. No seemed to be the woman’s favorite word, he thought with wry annoyance.
No to a date.
No to friendship.
He’d gotten spoiled over the years; he wasn’t used to hearing no. From anyone.
But why was she saying no? Beth Cox was young and apparently unmarried, surely she must have been interested in the prize to enter the contest. And he’d recognized a healthy flash of awareness in her brandy eyes when they’d first met, so she wasn’t completely disinterested, no matter what she might say.
“You sound pretty sure about that. Is there something you don’t like about me?” Kane asked.
“Then why?”
Her shoulders lifted a scant inch, then dropped. “Let’s just say I’m not in your league. Look at you, wearing an expensive suit on a warm Saturday afternoon. I mean, it’s Saturday for heaven’s sake, and you look like you’re going to a funeral.” All at once Beth bit her lip. “Uh, sorry. It’s a very nice suit.”
“A funeral? That’s a fine thing to say.” Kane scowled, trying to decide why he was still sitting in a strange woman’s kitchen, getting insulted. Okay, so he was wearing a suit. The fact that his own family had taken to calling him a stuffed shirt did not mean he needed someone else accusing him of the same thing.
Still, he had to admit that compared to Beth, in her comfortable T-shirt with the Mariners’ baseball team logo on it, he must seem pretty stuffy.
“I’m really sorry,” Beth said, sounding genuinely penitent. “But you asked, and I didn’t think before I opened my mouth. Curt used to say it was my biggest fault.”
“Who’s Curt?”
Her eyelids flickered, almost imperceptibly. “My…fiancé. He died several years ago in a mountain climbing accident. He was part of a search and rescue team, and things went bad.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Anyway,” Beth said quickly, “I’m sure I look like a wreck to you. It just shows we live in two different worlds.”
Accustomed to feminine wiles and not-so-subtle demands for compliments, Kane’s gaze narrowed thoughtfully. But if Beth was fishing for a compliment she had to be the greatest actress in the world. He couldn’t help being intrigued—it had been a long time since he’d met a woman who wasn’t trying to impress or beguile him.
“You look fine. In fact, you have the right idea.” Kane unbuttoned the jacket of his suit and shrugged out of it. He heard her swift intake of breath and cocked his head. “Something wrong?”
“Of course not,” she said quickly.
The color in her eyes shifted, turning dark, all traces of gold erased, and Kane sighed. She seemed to be in her mid-twenties, which made her ten to twelve years younger than himself. Perhaps he made her nervous, and that’s why she’d decided to refuse her prize. Or it could be the loss of her fiancé, though it had happened a while in the past.
“Miss Cox—Beth,” he said after a moment. “If you’re worried about the arrangements for the trip, I can assure you there have always been plans for separate hotel suites. It’s very respectable and aboveboard. Both KLMS and I have a reputation to maintain.”
“Heavens, I never thought that,” she said quickly. “I’m the last woman you’d ever be interested in…in that way.”
I’m the last woman…
Frowning, Kane shook the ice in his glass. He didn’t understand her vehement denial. Most of the women he knew had an invincible confidence in their ability to attract a man.
“Why do you say that?” he asked finally.
She lifted her shoulders in another small shrug. “Your taste in women isn’t any secret.”
“You don’t seem the type to read the society page, or what passes for it around Crockett.”
“No, but people talk.” Beth looked down at her faded T-shirt and shorts. She wasn’t the “type” for a lot of things. She didn’t really mind, but she was realistic—she was far from pretty, and even Curt had looked at more generously endowed women with appreciation. Kane O’Rourke was accustomed to dating the most beautiful women in the world; she’d look ridiculous standing next to him.
Kane lifted her hand and she shivered. Her skin was stained and rough from working in the garden all morning, yet compared to his hard fingers, she felt small and delicate. It was an ironic contrast, especially with a man she’d expect to have professionally manicured nails and soft hands from pushing paper for a living.
“Maybe I am a little stuffy, but I’m a decent guy,” he said quietly. “My family will vouch for me. You can phone them if you’d like. Of course, my brothers and sisters will probably claim that I boss them around too much.” Kane gave her a self-deprecating smile. “I’m the oldest child, so it’s an occupational hazard. My sister, Shannon, says I’m not always right—I just think I am.”
I’m the oldest.
Beth’s heart gave an odd lurch. She would have loved being part of a large family—youngest, oldest, or in the middle, it wouldn’t have mattered. “How many in your family?” she asked.
He grinned. “Four brothers and four sisters. And my mother, but she thinks I’m perfect. Naturally.”
“Naturally,” Beth echoed, though she’d never known her own parents, never known what it was like to have a mother think she was perfect. But she was compelled by the warmth in Kane’s face and voice, a voice that held a trace of Irish brogue. She remembered his parents had immigrated from Ireland shortly before he was born, which probably explained the accent.
Kane O’Rourke was the epitome of the American dream. Son of poor immigrants, skyrocketing to success and fortune with the speed of a meteor. Not only that, he’d done it with a widowed mother and all those brothers and sisters to support. And he was so handsome it took her breath away.
All at once Beth shook herself and pulled her hand free from Kane’s grasp. She’d warned herself against his perceptiveness, she should have worried more about his sex appeal. It had been a long time since she’d touched a man in a way other than friendship, and long denied feelings were demanding attention.
“It must be nice, having such a big family,” she said.
Edgily she grabbed their two glasses and carried them to the sink. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the sensations uncurling in the pit of her stomach, she liked them too much. A steady trickle of water streamed from the faucet and Beth tried to focus on it. Another repair in the making. The little house still had its original vintage plumbing and she’d been learning how to do the repairs herself to save money. She certainly didn’t need any distractions. Her life was very full. She had friends, a partnership in a local business. Everything she needed.
What she didn’t need was Kane O’Rourke upsetting her hard-won peace of mind. Her fingers closed around a dishrag and she scrubbed at a permanent stain on the ancient sink.
“I don’t understand why you entered the contest, if you didn’t plan on going,” he said.
“I didn’t enter the contest,” she said over her shoulder. “My neighbor entered me. And Carol has been yelling at me for being an idiot ever since I said I wasn’t going. Even though she’s married I think she has a crush on you.”
I didn’t enter the contest.
Briefly Kane wondered if he’d just been provided with an escape clause, then decided he wasn’t going there. The easiest, cleanest way out of the embarrassing situation was to convince Beth to go on her “weekend date with a billionaire, separate rooms of course,” as the radio station had billed the prize. And the next time Patrick asked for a favor he’d get tossed out on his ear.
“Okay, but why didn’t you contact me before making your announcement?”
Guilt, followed by irritation, flashed across her face. “I tried calling both the radio station and your company, but never heard anything back. Besides, I didn’t exactly make an announcement, the reporter just kept bugging me until I finally said I wasn’t going.”
Damn. He would have to speak with the switchboard. His employees tried to protect him, but this time he’d missed something that really mattered.
“Beth, this is important,” Kane said, deciding candor was the only way to make her understand. “To be honest, I didn’t want to be a prize on the radio, but my brother Patrick owns the station and he thought it would be a good publicity stunt.”
She turned. “Your brother owns the station?”
“Yes. He switched to country after buying it, and they’re struggling to find a niche in the Seattle broadcasting market. Prizes are a big deal in radio and he wanted to come up with something different.”
“So he decided on as a prize?”
Kane wrinkled his nose. “Yeah. You know how it is with families,” he murmured. “We find ourselves agreeing to the most ridiculous favors and stuff. Not that going out with you is ridiculous,” he added as she stiffened. “But I felt ridiculous being offered as a prize, and now it’s even worse having you refuse to go on the date.”
“You should have said no.”
“That’s what Shannon told me.”
“Shannon—your sister?”
“Right.” Kane cursed to himself, wishing he understood the complex emotions on Beth’s face. Usually women were easier to classify, but he didn’t know what to make of Beth Cox…or his reaction to her. For some reason he kept looking at her small breasts and slim body far more than the situation warranted. If nothing else, she was too young and seemed far too innocent. He had a policy about innocence—no playing around with someone who could get hurt.
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, having you turn the date down…it’s bad for the radio station. I’d give Patrick whatever he needs, but he’s determined to make it happen without my money. He got into some trouble as a teenager—after our father died—and he’s never really forgiven himself for it. I think this is his way of proving to himself that he’s changed.”
Beth sighed. “I’m sorry about your brother, but I don’t see how me going could make any difference. Just tell him to pick someone else for the prize.”
With an effort, Kane kept from exploding. “It doesn’t work that way. Advertisers are particularly sensitive to public relations issues, and listeners can be fickle, too. They’re already asking questions and wondering if the contest was rigged.”
He could tell Beth was troubled by the whole thing; she obviously was a caring person. The newspaper article had said she was active in various local charities—the Crockett Family Crisis Center in particular—so making a donation might convince her it was to everyone’s advantage to play along.
“All right,” he said slowly. “How about a donation to that crisis center you’re trying to get going?”
“A what?”
“A donation in exchange for you going on the date.” He pulled out his checkbook and began scribbling. Now that he thought about it, this was the best solution for everyone. No matter what people said, money did solve problems, and he had plenty.
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Not to me,” he said in a grim tone. Between the damaging consequences to Pat’s radio station and the embarrassment of being publicly refused, he’d be delighted to get the whole thing behind him. “So we’ll go on our date, and you can give the check to the crisis center. Just tell them to keep it private,” he added. “I’ve postdated it so it’ll look like I made the donation after our date.”
Annoyed, Beth looked from Kane O’Rourke’s face to the slip of paper he was holding out. “You’re trying to buy me off.”
“I’m trying to do my best to take care of everyone. Besides, I don’t think spending the weekend with me is such a terrible fate.” When she didn’t move, he put the check on the kitchen table. “We’re supposed to go to Victoria next week. I’ll have someone call with the arrangements.”
He walked out and she clenched her fingers.
“I’m trying to do my best to take care of everyone,” she mimicked, thoroughly annoyed. She didn’t need anyone taking care of herself; she did just fine on her own.
Beth snatched the check to tear it up—and practically fainted. There were a whole lot of zeroes at the end of the number. It would answer all the money problems the crisis center was having, and then some. Still, men like Kane O’Rourke were too accustomed to getting what they wanted, buying and selling people without a second thought.
The paper crumpled in her fingers and she dashed onto the porch as Kane O’Rourke reached the end of the walk.
“Mr. O’Rourke, you’re forgetting I didn’t say yes.”
He walked back to the porch. “You want more money?”
“You…oh. You just snap your fingers and expect everyone to go along. Well, I am not one of your employees, and I’m not doing anything I don’t want to do.”
Kane barely kept from grinning. Beth was like a rumpled kitten with its hackles raised, practically spitting in his face. He might not be used to hearing no, but their date would be anything but boring.
“You’ll go,” he said confidently. “You’re intelligent and you care about the community. In the end you’ll decide the money will do too much good and that it’s worth a weekend to get it.”
She let out a wordless shriek. “You’re an impossible, arrogant, overbearing tyrant.”
“Yeah, but I’m a lovable tyrant,” he agreed mildly. His family had accused him of tyranny too many times for it to bother him now.
“I could just keep the check and not go,” she threatened.
This time he laughed. He couldn’t help it. Beth was the first spice he’d encountered in longer than he cared to remember; he’d forgotten how exciting it was to have someone—other than his family—defy him. In simpler circumstances they might have become friends, but he lived in Seattle, she lived in Crockett, and his life was too crazy for normal people.
“You should take me seriously,” she warned.
“I always take women seriously. Besides, I have good instincts about people, and my instincts say you’re too honest not to go on our date.”
She looked ready to argue, so Kane leaned close and gazed into her brandy-wine eyes. He was having trouble remembering he shouldn’t kiss her. Honestly, he couldn’t understand why she interested him so much. He’d known plenty of women more beautiful and better endowed than Beth, but none of them had gotten to him so quickly—at least not since he was an overeager teenager with a thirst for curvy cheerleaders in tight sweaters.
He tugged on the end of her braid. “Someone will be in touch, Beth. With the arrangements.”
Her chin lifted a fraction of an inch and a devilish expression crept into her eyes. “Call yourself. I have no intention of being ‘staffed-out.’ If I hear from anyone but you, the deal’s off.”
She meant it, too, and admiration stole through Kane. Beth was holding a check for a pretty sum in her hands—enough money to solve a truckload of problems—and she still had the nerve to lay down terms.
Damned, if he didn’t like this woman.

Chapter Two (#ulink_9570c273-6f8e-5b15-af78-3c4e5f06afe3)
Billionaire Charms “No” Into Maybe?
“I didn’t know you were that charming,” Shannon announced as she walked into Kane’s office late Monday morning and threw a newspaper on his desk.
Kane sighed. “I’ve seen it.”
Another bold title, this time with art.
Beneath it was a picture of him looking intently into Beth Cox’s face, his hand hovering in the vicinity of her chest. To say the least, it was highly suggestive, because you couldn’t tell from the photo that he was reaching for the braid that tumbled over her shoulder. His only consolation was knowing the article had been printed in the Lifestyles section of the newspaper, rather than the front page.
The buzzer on his desk rang and Kane pushed the intercom button. “Yes?”
“Mr. O’Rourke, there’s a Miss Cox here to see you.” His assistant’s voice held a wealth of amusement and Kane groaned to himself.
Great. Not only were his employees laughing their heads off, but Beth had to be upset about the invasion of her privacy. Not that he blamed her. He didn’t enjoy the notoriety that accompanied his success, either. All too often there were photographers in places meant to be private, and prying questions from people who didn’t have any business knowing the things they were asking.
“Tell Miss Cox to come in.”
His sister grinned broadly. “I can’t wait to see this. A woman with the guts to tell Kane O’Rourke ‘no’ has to be something else.”
“Shannon, leave or you’re fired.”
“You won’t fire me, you practice nepotism, remember?”
She didn’t leave and Beth walked in, her face stormy. “It wasn’t good enough to hand me a big check, you had to set everything up with a photographer and newspeople to save your pride.”
“That isn’t what happened.”
“Sure it isn’t.” She flung a handful of confetti at him. “Keep your money. We don’t need it that badly.”
Kane rounded his desk, instinctively realizing he had to deal with her on a more personal level. The truth was, he should have called the minute he saw the newspaper article, but he hadn’t known what to say. Or how she’d react.
“I swear, I didn’t know there was a photographer out there. I was leaving the house—how would I know you’d follow me?”
Beth hesitated. He looked sincere. Darn. All her life she’d struggled with a tendency to overreact. She’d thought it was under control, then she’d seen the newspaper and come unglued. Maybe she should have thought things out before charging into Seattle and making accusations.
“Much as it pains me to say this, I believe him,” announced the woman sitting on the couch.
“Who are you?” Beth asked, though she hardly needed to ask—the resemblance to Kane was unmistakable.
“Shannon O’Rourke,” the woman said. She rose gracefully and stuck out her hand. She nodded her head toward Kane and gave Beth a comradely grin. “That big goon is my brother, and I’m his public relations director. Please don’t be too hard on him, he’s had a rough week. It isn’t easy being publicly turned down for a date.”
A groan came from the “big goon,” but he didn’t say anything, apparently accustomed to his sister’s lack of respect. Beth stared at Shannon and wondered if everyone in the O’Rourke family was gorgeous, sophisticated, and larger than life. She was a small town girl; she didn’t know anything about designer suits and silk blouses.
“I didn’t intend it to be public,” Beth said finally. “But the newspaper sent someone out and they kept asking questions. I finally said I didn’t plan to go and the reporter made a big deal of it.”
“Which is exactly what they did with that picture…taking it without us knowing,” Kane interjected. “Let’s have lunch and talk it over.”
“Great idea,” Shannon said enthusiastically. “I’m starved.”
“You’re not invited. Besides, didn’t I just fire you?” he asked.
Beth’s jaw dropped, but Shannon just laughed. “Don’t worry, I get fired at least once a week,” she said. “It was nice meeting you. We’ll have to get together some time and share horror stories about my brother. He can be a pill, can’t he?”
“Brat. You aren’t helping,” Kane growled.
Shannon waved an unconcerned hand and strolled from the room, leaving a faint trail of expensive perfume. It was obvious from Kane’s expression that he adored his sister, no matter how much she exasperated him, and Beth swallowed a pang of envy.
What would it be like to belong like that?
The thought wasn’t new and she impatiently shoved it away. She’d learned a long time ago that wishing for the moon was pointless.
“Would you like to eat at the Space Needle, or someplace else?” Kane asked. “McCormick and Schmick’s has great seafood.”
The question brought her back to earth in a hurry. “There isn’t any need for lunch. I’m sorry for overreacting.”
“You have to eat.”
“I’m not dressed to go out. I’ll get something later.”
“You look fine, but we can eat here in the office if you prefer. It’ll give us a chance to discuss plans for our trip to Victoria, and you did insist I talk to you directly.” Kane lifted the phone. “Please have that deli place deliver a couple sandwiches to the office…yes, the usual for me.” He covered the receiver and looked at Beth. “Any preferences?”
She tried not to roll her eyes. The man didn’t listen to anything that didn’t go the way he wanted. It was probably a good way to make money, but she wasn’t so sure about friends.
“Swiss cheese and turkey,” she said, plunking herself down on the couch.
Apparently they were going to eat lunch together whether she wanted to or not, so she might as well eat what she wanted. He hung up the phone after uttering a terse order to rush the delivery.
“You always get what you want, don’t you?” Beth asked thoughtfully.
“Not always,” Kane protested, then a sheepish smile crossed his face. “Well, most of the time.”
She couldn’t help being charmed. In a single instant he’d disarmed her, which was quite an accomplishment considering how angry she’d been over the newspaper. Her life was pretty ordinary; she wasn’t used to having her picture in print, or having people whisper and gossip about her.
What had really set her off that morning was the crowd of women visiting the Mom and Kid’s Stuff clothing store she co-owned. Her partner had laughed and said it was good for business, but the loaded questions and raised eyebrows made Beth uncomfortable. And she had to admit, she was suffering from a shred of wounded pride—everyone was surprised Kane had made such an effort to change her mind. She certainly hadn’t felt like explaining it had nothing to do with her, and everything to do with saving his brother from embarrassment.
“So, am I forgiven?” Kane asked.
Beth shrugged. She might be charmed, but she wasn’t letting him off that easy. “I’m thinking about it.”
“You’re a tough little cookie, aren’t you?”
Though he plainly didn’t mean anything by the comment, she stiffened. A kid raised in indifferent foster homes either got tough, or didn’t survive. Over the years she’d learned to stick up her chin and never count on anyone. The only time she’d let down her guard was with Curt, and when he died she’d been wounded more than she’d ever imagined possible. Curt had pulled her out of her protective shell, making her that much more vulnerable when the world fell apart.
She couldn’t let it happen again.
“Yeah, I’m tough,” she muttered. “And don’t you forget it.”
Confusion replaced the teasing look in Kane’s face. “What did I say?”
“I don’t believe that.”
Exasperated, Beth glared at him. “What’s wrong with you? In polite society when people say ‘nothing’ you’re supposed to pretend it’s really nothing and start talking about something else.”
“Is that what I’m supposed to do?”
“Yes. Absolutely.”
Kane chuckled, grateful Beth’s bleak expression had been replaced with irritation. He wondered if she realized how much her face reflected her emotions. A man might not always understand what was going on inside her head, but he’d have an interesting time guessing.
“My family calls me a human steamroller,” he said. “But they don’t understand.”
“Ever think they might be right?”
“I just like to get things done—efficiently, without wasting time. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
She rolled her golden-brown eyes in disgust. “Not unless you’re the one getting flattened with all that efficiency.”
“I don’t flat—”
A knock on the door interrupted his defense, probably saving him from annoying her all over again. Really, he didn’t understand why people like Beth and his family were so stubborn about things. He had more money than he’d ever be able to spend, why shouldn’t he take care of their problems?
Their sandwich order was brought in and Kane suggested they eat at his desk. He tried to get Beth to sit in his chair because it was more comfortable, but she gave him another one of her are-you-crazy looks and sat where she wanted.
“I can’t believe you eat regular deli food,” she commented as he handed her the container with her turkey and Swiss. “Isn’t this a little mundane for a billionaire?”
He lifted an eyebrow. The day they had met she’d implied he was stuffy, now she seemed to think he lived an extravagant lifestyle. “What? You think I eat caviar and drink champagne all day?”
Beth munched on a Greek olive and shrugged. She wore a green sleeveless blouse and skirt that emphasized her slim waist. Her small breasts didn’t make much of an impression under the blouse, but he had an overwhelming interest in finding out how they would feel in his hands…which was exactly the wrong thing he ought to be thinking.
Odd, he’d dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, but he’d never had so much trouble keeping his thoughts respectable.
“If I’m not at a business lunch or dinner, I mostly grab a sandwich and let it go at that,” he said in a gruff tone.
“You’re kidding.”
He smiled ruefully. “Nope, that’s my glamorous life.”
“Hmmm.” Beth opened her tub of coleslaw and took a bite. She didn’t want to like Kane, but she did. Of course, he was far too controlling and overbearing to be the kind of man she’d normally be friends with, but they only had to rub elbows until the weekend was over, and then she’d have the money to give the crisis center.
That is…if he wrote the check again. She’d torn the first one into pieces for effect—just another example of her going too far and too fast.
As if reading her mind, Kane dusted his fingers and pulled his checkbook from his pocket. “I should write you another check,” he said.
He seemed secretly amused about something, which annoyed her all over again. It was one thing to decide she could put up with him for a weekend excursion, another to actually do it. He wrote out the check and she hastily put it in her purse. Even if the money was for a good cause, she was still being paid off.
“If it’s all right with you,” Kane said. “I’ve arranged for the limousine to take us to Port Angeles on Saturday morning, where we’ll take the ferry over to Victoria. We’ll do some sight-seeing, stay the night at the Empress Hotel and return home Sunday afternoon.”
She gave him a funny look. “Why not drive ourselves?”
“The contest rules said we’d go by limo. My brother thought it would sound more exciting to the contestants.”
“I don’t care about the rules. It’s too extravagant.”
“The station is footing the bill. Patrick insisted. He’s stubborn about things like that.”
“Humor me.” Kane chomped down on his sandwich. He obviously didn’t enjoy being thwarted, even on something so minor. Maybe he hoped to use the time in the limo to work, since cell phones and laptop computers made it possible to do anything, almost anywhere.
It couldn’t be easy for a busy billionaire to drop everything for a weekend in Victoria, especially with a woman like her. If she was sexy and exciting like Julia Roberts or Marilyn Monroe it might be different and he wouldn’t mind so much. But she wasn’t.
Beth sighed, unaccountably depressed.
It wasn’t as if she actually wanted Kane O’Rourke to like her that way, even if her body was all for the idea.
She realized he’d said something and she’d been too distracted to hear. “What?”
“I asked if you have any particular likes or dislikes I should know about. That is, about restaurants or things to do?”
“Anything is fine.”
Kane’s eyes darkened to the color of midnight. “A little cooperation would be nice. This is a two-day date, and I want you to enjoy it. We should plan things you’re interested in doing.”
Beth put down her plastic fork and shoved the remains of her sandwich and coleslaw to one side. “Let’s get something clear, this isn’t a date, it’s…it’s…”
He looked amused again. “It’s what?”
“Well it’s nothing like a date,” she snapped. “I’m only going to Victoria to help the family crisis center, and you’re only going to help your brother. That’s all.”
There. She’d established the ground rules. Kane couldn’t possibly think she had any interest in him as a man, and she’d made it clear she knew he wasn’t interested, either. There wouldn’t be any embarrassing misunderstandings to make the weekend uncomfortable.
That is…any more uncomfortable.
Because even if her head and heart weren’t interested, her body had gone over the fence. You would think after everything she’d experienced in her twenty-six years—including the death of her fiancé—she wouldn’t respond to such an unsuitable man. But Kane O’Rourke was so gorgeous he was knocking her hormones on their heels.
“Look,” she said. “I have to go back to work.”
“Yes, to your store in Crockett.”
Beth blinked. “How did you know about that? Did you have me investigated?”
Shaking his head, Kane motioned to the newspaper laying on his desk. “That last article was very thorough.” He waited, then let out a breath. “You do know there’ll be photographers going with us to take pictures in Victoria? Maybe even a television crew. The whole point of the contest is publicity for Patrick’s station. And I’ll have to announce you’ve decided to go after all, so you might have reporters bothering you again.”
She rolled her eyes. “Like they ever stopped?”
“Er…right. I’ll walk you down to your car.”
“No,” Beth said hastily. “I’m fine.”
He ignored her, of course, and all the way down to the parking garage she was aware of curious glances from Kane’s employees. He didn’t seem to notice and she wondered how you ever got used to being the center of attention. It was probably something that happened gradually, until you didn’t even realize that everyone was watching.
As Kane held the car door for her, he smiled. “I’ll see you Saturday morning…we need to leave by six to be sure of catching the ferry.”
She forced a smile of her own. “Great. Six sharp. Do me a favor, though.”
“Don’t wear a suit.”
Kane laughed as Beth pulled from her parking space. To his surprise, he was actually looking forward to the weekend. There were worse things than spending time with a woman who wasn’t marriage hungry and anxious to score with a man simply because he had a hefty bank account.
In the meantime he had a hell of a lot of work to do. Somehow, the more money he made, the less freedom he seemed to have. Weekends were just two more days to get things done, and taking one off would mean lots of catching up.
He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d had lunch without reading reports at the same time—it seemed a waste to just eat when he could be getting something done.
Still, it was rather nice eating with Beth like that. Between her stubborn attitude and that blasted contest she should have been a thorn in his side, but it wasn’t turning out that way.
The alarm went off at five on Saturday morning and Beth opened a bleary eye. “Shut up,” she growled.
The clock kept blaring and she stuffed a pillow over her head. She didn’t like morning at the best of times, but especially not after failing to sleep more than a couple of hours the night before. Then the phone rang, joining the noise from the radio. Beth moaned and grabbed it, succeeding in knocking the radio to the floor. It made a squawking noise, then fell into blessed silence.
“Yes?” she mumbled into the receiver.
“You’re still in bed, aren’t you?”
It was her business partner at the clothing store. They got along great except for her being one of those annoying morning people who woke with the sun. Of course, she had incentive—a husband who worshiped the ground she walked on, along with a darling daughter and another baby on the way. Most of the time Beth managed not to envy Emily, but for the last several days she’d found her heart aching more than usual.
It didn’t make sense, because she didn’t want something from Kane. She just wanted…something. Beth dropped her head back on a pillow and wondered when her comfortable life had become inadequate.
“Yup, it’s me,” Emily said. “You have to get up, you have one hour to make yourself beautiful for Kane O’Rourke.”
Beth made a face. “That would take more than an hour, it would take a miracle.”
Her friend sighed. “You’re a very attractive woman.”
“Says the woman with the face of an angel,” Beth retorted. “I’ll talk to you when I get back.”
Putting the phone down, Beth pushed away the blankets, yawning and stretching, relishing the cool morning air on her bare skin. She’d already packed an overnight bag; it waited in the living room.
Padding into the bathroom, she glanced into the mirror. Her nipples were drawn tight, crowning her barely B-cup breasts. “A little cleavage would have been nice,” she murmured. Overall her figure wasn’t awful, but it certainly didn’t inspire any great male fantasies.
She’d barely been touched by a man, even during her brief engagement. It was her own fault. Curt had wanted to make love, but she’d been determined to “do things right” with a traditional wedding night. Now she wished they had made love a hundred times. At least she’d have something to remember…something to distract her from thinking about Kane O’Rourke.
“At least I’m a natural blonde,” Beth said, lifting her chin. Dark blond, to be sure, but blond. Not that Kane would ever see the proof of it.
When the doorbell rang fifty-five minutes later she was just finished swiping mascara on her lashes. She grabbed her purse and overnight bag and hurried to the door.
“I’m ready,” she said, flinging it open.
Kane waited, one hand holding a bunch of flowers, the other tucked into a pair of jeans. She stared, breathless at the difference casual clothing could make. A white shirt emphasized his shoulders—shoulders that seemed even more broad and muscular now that they weren’t covered by an expensive suit. He looked younger, more relaxed, and altogether sexy.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, taking the bag from her fingers.
“Yes. I mean, no. Nothing.”
He held out the flowers and she tore her gaze from his face and took the bouquet. It was a surprising mix of small yellow roses and daisies. “Thank you.”
Beth locked the door, her heart racing even harder. Kane O’Rourke in a suit was enough to make a woman think twice about all kinds of things; in a pair of jeans he could make serious inroads on her principles. Especially carrying daisies.
The bouquet did make her wonder, but it was probably just for publicity. At the thought, a thread of sadness crept through her. She loved flowers, but Curt had been the practical sort who didn’t go for romantic gestures—or else she just didn’t inspire that kind of thing.
At the curb sat a black limousine. Behind it idled a Chevy Blazer, black also. A photographer was filming them from an open window and her cheeks warmed. It had to be the newspeople Kane had warned her about earlier in the week. The opulence of the stretch limo made her grateful for the early hour since her neighbors would still be in bed—a hope that was dashed when she saw a curious face peer from the house across the street.
She waved and scrambled into the vehicle with more haste than grace, sinking into the butter-soft leather seat. She put the flowers to one side and pushed her hands into the cushions, trying to sit straight.
“This is ridiculous,” she muttered.
Kane handed Beth’s bag to the chauffeur and climbed in next to her. “What’s ridiculous?”
“Spending this kind of money on a car.”
He hid his smile. “There’s nothing wrong with a little luxury. Besides, it gives us time to talk.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s a great idea. Like we have anything in common to talk about.”
“We’ll find something.” Kane stretched his legs out and rolled his shoulders. He suspected Beth was one of those people who got up a little irritable in the morning, which unfortunately led to thoughts of the ways he could find to wake her up in a better mood.
He wouldn’t be taking it anywhere, but it was baffling the way she made him feel. Beth Cox was too young for him, too innocent and too damned much trouble.
So why did he have this urge to spend the next seventy-plus miles kissing her senseless?
Chapter Three (#ulink_bb6e732c-858b-59dc-891e-c2f2c6db92e8)
“I can’t believe we’re actually taking a limousine to Victoria,” Beth said as they climbed to the passenger deck of the ferry. “Talk about conspicuous consumption.”
Kale shrugged. “It’s easier to have someone drive us around the city. But if you want, we can walk off with the foot passengers, rather than ride the limo.”
“You mean, in company with our chaperons?” She cast a significant glance at the camera crew toting equipment along behind them. They were lagging behind, struggling with their load on the steep and rather narrow stairway.
“Hey, I warned you there’d be photographers.”
“As if I had any choice in the matter.”
He chuckled, knowing there was a shred of truth in what Beth had said. She could have turned down the money for her charity, but he wouldn’t have stopped until he’d found a way to change her mind. It was one thing for him to be embarrassed by a newspaper article, another for his brother’s business—and pride—to be hurt, however innocently it might have happened.
They walked to the bow of the ferry and stood with excited passengers as the ferry chugged away from the pier. Seagulls screamed and dove above them with impertinent challenges, and as the boat made its way around the breakwater, the breeze picked up and the sea became choppier.
Beth leaned on the rail and gazed into the horizon, a far-off expression on her face. Gradually the cold early-morning wind off the Strait of Juan de Fuca drove their fellow passengers inside, leaving them alone on the deck—alone except for the stubborn camera crew, who had set up a discreet twenty feet away. At least they didn’t have to worry about every word they said being recorded.
“Aren’t you freezing?” he asked finally.
“No, but you don’t have to stay outside because of me,” she murmured.
Kane rested his elbows on the rail next to her. “I’m fine, but I’m wearing more clothes than you are.”
“Is there something wrong with my clothing?” Beth asked, her head tilted in challenge.
“Nope. You look terrific.” His tone grew a little husky and he hoped she’d put it down to chilly wind and noise from the ferry engines. The cold air was doing what a lover’s hands would accomplish, puckering her nipples beneath a thin green T-shirt. White shorts cupped her trim bottom, the cuffs a respectable three inches above her knees, and a pair of sandals emphasized the slender length of her legs.
There was nothing obvious or overblown about Beth, just an understated elegance he’d never fully appreciated before in a woman.
“So tell me,” he said, forcing his gaze out to the blue-green water of the Strait and away from temptation. “You never explained what was so terrible about us going on a date together.”
“I told you, this isn’t—”
“A date,” Kane finished for her. “I know. But it doesn’t matter what you call it, you still said ‘no.”’
Beth rubbed the back of her neck and then her arms, as if she’d suddenly become aware of the bite in the air. “My life is settled, I don’t need contests and fantasy dates to make me happy.”
Interesting. Kane suspected she wasn’t being entirely honest with herself, or with him. Most people wanted something, even if they didn’t know what that “something” might be.
“Are you happy?”
She flashed him an angry look and planted her hands on her hips. “That’s none of your business.”
“Shhh.” He put a finger over her lips and motioned to the camera crew. “Some of those folks are from a local television station. It isn’t good press for them to see us fight—at least it wouldn’t make the kind of press my brother needs.”
“Mmm.” She angled her head backward and gave him a sweetly false smile. “Would it make good press if I bite your finger?”
Kane laughed. Beth was bright and sassy like one of his sisters; he only wished he could think of her that way. Like a kid sister. Nothing sexual or uncomfortable, just a nice woman who didn’t confuse his body.
Hell, it was his own fault. He’d been celibate too long, buried in his work and bored with the whole social scene. A man got to a certain age and he didn’t feel like playing games with women, watching them dance around, hopeful he’d decide they were the perfect billionaire’s wife. They didn’t realize the money wasn’t important, it was only a means to an end.
With money you could take care of your family and protect them. Without it you were helpless.
He still remembered what it felt like to be nineteen, one minute on top of the world, the next minute seeing it fall apart. Remembered the crushing pain of suddenly losing his father, of looking at his mother and brothers and sisters, fearing he wouldn’t be able to hold everything together.
A seagull swooped low and hovered for an instant, catching their attention before it swooped away again with a shrill cry.
“He’s saying we’re crazy,” Kane murmured.
“For going to Victoria, or for going together?” Beth asked pertly.
“You don’t give up, do you?” he asked, more curious than annoyed. “You didn’t want to do this, and you aren’t going to give it a chance. At the very least we could pretend we’re friendly. That isn’t much to ask, is it?”
She sighed and gathered her windswept hair away from her face. “I’m just uncomfortable. I was never very good at dating or anything, and since Curt’s accident…” Her shoulders lifted and dropped. “There doesn’t seem to be much point.”
The fiancé who died in a mountain-climbing accident—or to be more precise, the fiancé who was killed while trying to rescue someone. It was strangely daunting to wonder about the contrast between himself and this other man. There weren’t many heroes in the world, yet Beth had been engaged to one.
Kane searched her face, trying to tell how much pain the memory brought. “How long ago did it happen?”
“Almost five years.” The distant look filled her eyes again. “It’s not like my life hasn’t gone on. I miss him, but he loved me and wouldn’t want me to stop living because he isn’t here.”
“But you don’t think you can fall in love again…or that you’ll ever get married?” Kane frowned. “That isn’t right.”
Abruptly she turned back to the water, so all he could see was her profile. “And that’s an interesting observation from a man who openly tells the press he’s not planning to get married,” she drawled.
A low chuckle surprised Beth and she glanced at Kane.
“What’s so funny?”
“Just the thought of two determined singles being pushed together like this. Don’t you see? It makes things perfect. We can do some sight-seeing, have a nice dinner and enjoy ourselves without worrying about any wayward expectations. With that in mind, you’ll be happy to know I changed our reservations from the ‘romantic attic suites’ at the Empress Hotel, to regular suites.”
Romantic attic suites?
“That’s a relief,” she said, without being entirely sincere.
Emily had told her about the Empress Hotel after staying there with her husband, and deep down Beth felt a pang at missing the “special attic rooms.” According to Emily, romantic was an understatement. They were beautiful and private, decorated with the Empress’s original antique furniture, including some four-poster and canopy beds. Beth had never slept in a genuine four-poster bed, but she thought it would be fun.
More fun for a honeymoon or wedding anniversary, but she wasn’t likely to have one of those.
“So, are we okay?” Kane asked.
Beth shook herself. He was worried about the publicity angle of their “date,” and she was still worried about him thinking she had silly expectations.
“Sure,” she said. “I’m sorry about being so sensitive. It’s just everyone has been speculating about this romantic date with you, when all along I know it isn’t the least bit romantic. I mean, if you really think about it—what’s romantic about going out with a perfect stranger?”
Kale threw back his head and laughed. “You really are innocent, aren’t you?”

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