Read online book «Fear Of Love» author Кэрол Мортимер

Fear Of Love
Carole Mortimer
Carole Mortimer is one of Mills & Boon’s best loved Modern Romance authors. With nearly 200 books published and a career spanning 35 years, Mills & Boon are thrilled to present her complete works available to download for the very first time! Rediscover old favourites - and find new ones! - in this fabulous collection…Fuelling his fiery passion…Alexandra Paige resented TV journalist Dominic Tempest for interfering in her life. He may be her sister's brother-in-law, but he has a nerve saying she is too young to get married! Especially when Dominic himself has clearly noticed that the kid he's known for years is now a woman…Dominic knows Alexandra is off-limits—he’s older than her and she’s practically family—but as the tension between them increases, Dominic can’t resist stoking the fire that his attraction to Alexandra has ignited!

Fear of Love
Carole Mortimer (

Table of Contents
Cover (#uf18ee4ee-d56f-5d6c-be8b-133bc6b96d2c)
Title Page (#u048240a9-5188-54fd-94f7-fc573a3b6075)
CHAPTER ONE (#u1f69596e-1201-5a58-bfae-35adc47a985f)
CHAPTER TWO (#ufa822860-b1bd-5a3c-9e4d-be81947a1bb3)
CHAPTER THREE (#u8052131e-705a-5418-ae9c-5fec6727e922)
CHAPTER FOUR (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER FIVE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SIX (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER SEVEN (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER EIGHT (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER NINE (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER TEN (#litres_trial_promo)
Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)

CHAPTER ONE (#ulink_614e1d91-8244-5d82-a761-64956b23f68e)
‘IS he coming to lunch again?’ Alexandra demanded, seeing the four places set at the table.
Gail sighed, despairing of her young sister’s manners. ‘If you mean Dominic then say so,’ she said disapprovingly, moving into the kitchen.
‘All right. Is Dominic coming to lunch again?’
‘Well, as he always comes on a Sunday when he’s at home it’s a natural assumption to make.’ She turned the vegetables down on the cooker. ‘Now if you’ve nothing better to do perhaps you would like to get out the wine glasses. It was your turn to cook lunch today,’ she added sternly. ‘Where did you disappear to so quickly after breakfast?’
‘I met Roger.’ Alexandra rubbed the wine glasses to a fine shine before placing them in the appropriate places on the table, a slight smile curving her lips as she thought of the man she loved.
Her sister frowned. ‘You seem to do little else lately.’
‘Well, if you would let me marry him I wouldn’t need to keep going to his parents’ house, we could be together all the time.’
‘You’re too young to get married,’ Gail stated emphatically. ‘You’re seventeen years old and you only left school six months ago. You’ve only really known Roger four months.’
‘Oh, that isn’t true! We’ve lived in this area for years and I’ve known Roger all of that time.’ Alexandra placed the wine in the refrigerator to chill.
‘We’ve lived in this house approximately three years, and two and a half years of that time you were away at boarding-school.’ Gail shook her head at her sister’s obstinacy, knowing that pouting look of old. But in the case of Alexandra marrying she was adamant. Besides, Roger was only twenty himself. They were both much too young to know their own minds.
‘But I’ve known Roger for simply ages!’ She had been completely bowled over by his dark rugged good looks as soon as she had seen him at a local dance four months ago, and he appeared to be equally smitten. They had been seeing each other every day since and they were never bored with each other. And Roger’s kisses thrilled her like nothing else she had ever known.
Gail gave a light smile. ‘I wouldn’t call four months ages.’ She turned back to the preparation of the meal. ‘The men should be arriving soon.’
Alexandra scowled. ‘Yes, I suppose Dominic could be called that all right. The typical he-man type,’ she sneered, her blue, almost violet eyes flashing her dislike.
‘He has a very exciting job,’ Gail defended. ‘There aren’t many men who could take the risks he does.’
‘Oh, no, I realise that,’ Alexandra said scornfully. ‘Travelling around the world filming the latest disaster is life and breath to Dominic. It even meant more to him than his marriage did.’
Now it was Gail’s turn to be angry. ‘You have no right to judge him. How do you know he didn’t take up this sort of life as a means of getting away from his marriage? He and Marianne were never right for each other.’
‘You can say that now, now that they’re divorced. But they must have been in love once.’
‘I’m not saying they weren’t, all I am saying is that it wasn’t because of the danger of his job that Marianne left him. She was probably too young when they married, which is why he—–’ Gail broke off, biting her bottom lip.
‘Yes?’ Alexandra prompted, noting the almost guilty look on her sister’s face. ‘Why he what?’
‘Nothing. It isn’t important.’
‘It was important enough for you to clam up.’ Her blue eyes narrowed. ‘Come on, Gail, I know that look. You’re holding something back.’
‘Don’t be silly. I think I hear a car,’ Gail said desperately.
‘Never mind that,’ Alexandra sighed impatiently. ‘Tell me what Dominic did.’
‘I told you it wasn’t important.’
‘It was something to do with me, wasn’t it? Something he said, something about my being too young to marry. Was that it, Gail?’
‘We did talk it over with him, yes. And he said he didn’t think it was a good idea. Now calm down, Alexandra,’ Gail pleaded as she saw the angry sparkle in her sister’s eyes. ‘Trevor and I had already discussed it and come to the same conclusion.’
‘But Dominic’s disapproval finally convinced you. Don’t deny it,’ Alexandra commanded fiercely. ‘I know how arrogantly autocratic he can be. You probably asked his permission before you went in for this baby you’re expecting too. Well, he’s gone too far this time, interfered in my life once too often. And I’m going to tell him so!’ She marched purposefully to the door.
Gail looked alarmed. ‘Where are you going?’
‘To see the lordly Dominic Tempest, where else?’
‘But he’ll probably be here in a moment.’
Alexandra smiled her satisfaction. ‘He may be. But in the meantime I mean to go in search of him.’
‘You aren’t going to cause a scene?’ Gail asked wearily, recognising those bright wings of colour in Alexandra’s cheeks as the start of her fiery temper.
‘I didn’t cause this scene, Dominic did. He’s much too fond of making his opinion known. You may have to take it, Gail, he’s your brother-in-law, but he’s nothing to me. I’ve always seen more of him on television than I have around here. I know it’s wicked to think it, but I could almost wish for another disaster to happen just so he would leave again.’
‘I said it was wicked. But he’s been here for four weeks now, quite a record, and he’s making me feel claustrophobic. It now seems I have more reason to wish for his departure than I realised. I’ll see you later, Gail.’
‘But your lunch is ready,’ her sister cried.
‘Suddenly I’m not hungry,’ said Alexandra defiantly.
Trevor was out in the hallway removing his sheepskin jacket. He looked surprised as Alexandra walked straight past him to the front door. ‘Hey,’ he called. ‘Don’t hard-working doctors deserve a brotherly kiss any more?’
She hurried back to give him a quick kiss. She did indeed love him as a brother. He had been in her life so long now, he and Gail caring for her since the death of her mother four years ago. Her father had died when she was a very young child and she hardly remembered him, making it easy for Trevor, ten years her senior, to become the steadying male figure in her life. But at the moment she wasn’t in the mood to be steadied. Damn Dominic Tempest and his arrogance!
‘I’ll see you later, Trevor.’ She went back to the door.
‘But where are you going?’ He looked dazed.
‘I have to go out for a while. I shouldn’t be too long.’
‘First Dominic and now you,’ he shook his head. ‘I only hope Gail can hold lunch back half an hour or so.’
‘Dominic has been delayed?’ she asked casually.
‘Mm, something turned up unexpectedly. He’ll be here in about twenty minutes.’
‘I’m sure Gail can hold lunch back,’ she gave him a bright smile. ‘I should be back by then too.’
He shrugged resignedly. ‘Okay.’
Alexandra revved up her little Mini before accelerating away with a screech of tyres. It was a ten-minute drive to the Tempest mansion, which should give her time to get there before Dominic himself left. The mood she was in it shouldn’t take her ten minutes, more like five.
Dominic’s car was parked in the forecourt of the house ready for his departure, but there was another car there too, not as impressive as the Ferrari, but nevertheless it put her Mini in the shade. It looked like a Lotus Elan.
She didn’t have time to confirm this one way or the other because as she got out of her car two people also came out of the house. The man was instantly recognisable as Dominic Tempest, there was no mistaking that powerful physique, the deeply tanned handsome features, and the over-long sun-bleached blond hair. The woman wasn’t known to her, but she did look vaguely familiar as she laughed up at the man at her side.
So it wasn’t a something that had come up to delay Dominic, but a someone. And she hadn’t just arrived, by the look of the overnight case in her hand. Alexandra watched them unobserved for several minutes, watched in disgust as Dominic bent his head to kiss the woman passionately on the lips, and turned away with even more disgust as the woman pressed herself against him for even closer contact. Alexandra found it distasteful of them to make such a public display of their intimate relationship.
As the embrace ended Dominic at last seemed to become aware of Alexandra’s presence on the driveway, but he made no attempt to remove the arm of complete possession he had around the woman’s shoulders.
He walked towards her with that long easy swagger of his, his grey eyes narrowing at her scornful expression. ‘Hello, Alexandra. I’m just on my way, there was no need to send out a search party.’ His voice was deep and just as attractive as the rest of him. He was very tall, well over six foot, with carved granite-like features that always seemed to mock or taunt her. He wore his clothes with a lazy elegance that drew attention to him whether he wore denims or a suit. No, she could never deny that he was an attractive man, but at thirty-four he had cashed in on that attraction, having one ex-wife to his credit already, and goodness knows how many mistresses. ‘I called Trevor and told him I’d been delayed,’ he added.
She nodded. ‘Yes, I know. He said something had come up.’ She gave the woman at his side a cool look.
Dominic’s mouth tightened into a thin uncompromising line, the usual sensuousness of that mouth erased by anger. ‘Alexandra, I would like you to meet Sabrina Gilbert. Sabrina, Alexandra Paige, my brother’s sister-in-law.’
The two women shook hands, Alexandra noting that he gave her no explanation of who Sabrina Gilbert was. Not that she needed to be told, not after the embrace she had witnessed. Besides, Dominic looked as if he had just got out of bed, judging by the look of sleepy satisfaction in his eyes. The whole thing shocked and disgusted her.
‘So what are you doing here, Alexandra?’ he asked curtly.
‘I wanted to talk to you, alone.’
He gave a husky laugh. ‘Did it have to be now? I would have been over for lunch in a few minutes. We could have talked then.’
Her mouth set stubbornly. ‘I said alone.’
He looked at her sharply. ‘I’m sure we have nothing to say to each other that Gail and Trevor can’t hear.’
‘Not to each other, no. But I have some things to say to you I would prefer no one else to hear.’
‘Sounds interesting, darling.’ Sabrina Gilbert spoke for the first time, a low husky sound that probably excited men just to hear it. ‘I think I’ll just be on my way and leave you to it.’ She raised her face for his kiss. ‘I’ll see you at your apartment during the week. Nice to have met you, Miss Paige.’
Alexandra didn’t answer, turning away as Dominic lingered over kissing that pouting red mouth. Sabrina was obviously a beautiful woman, with a bright cap of golden hair, come-to-bed blue eyes, and a perfect figure, but Alexandra didn’t think that Dominic had to make quite such a meal of her.
‘I’ll call you Tuesday or Wednesday,’ he promised throatily.
‘I’ll be waiting.’ She got into the Lotus Elan and with a wave of her hand drove off.
Dominic turned his icy grey eyes on Alexandra, his anger a tangible thing. ‘Now perhaps we can have that talk you seem to want,’ he said in a clipped voice.
Her blue eyes flashed her dislike of him. ‘I think you’re the lowest, most contemptible—–’
He grasped her arm, dragging her towards the house. ‘Not out here,’ he growled. ‘Have the good manners to wait until we’re in my study. That is, of course, if you know what good manners are. You haven’t given a very good impression of it so far.’
‘What did you expect me to do while you drooled over the lovely Miss Gilbert?’ she sneered. ‘Stand and clap your performance?’
He looked down at her. ‘If you felt it merited it.’ He pushed her into a room. ‘But I was referring to your behaviour before then.’ He leant back against his desk, his arms folded challengingly in front of his chest. ‘That was the most disgusting display of bad manners you’ve shown in a long time.’
Her eyes blazed. ‘How dare you! I—–’
He gave a humourless smile. ‘How dare I?’ He shook his head. ‘I haven’t done anything, Alex. You stormed over here—–’
‘Don’t call me Alex!’ she snapped. ‘It makes me sound like a boy. My name is Alexandra.’
Those grey eyes travelled slowly over her taut angry body clothed in denims and a tee-shirt. ‘Well, you dress like a boy, but the shape is definitely female. I hadn’t realised quite how much you’ve grown up.’
His gaze was positively insolent and Alexandra only just stopped herself putting up shielding hands to cover her body. Thank goodness she did, she could just imagine the mockery he would show her if she had given in to such a weakness. But he had no right to look at her that way when he had just got out of bed with the sexy blonde. He had no right to look at her like that anyway, almost as if he were mentally undressing her.
She found herself blushing anyway, unable to stop the involuntary action. This was the first time Dominic had shown in any way that he regarded her as a woman. It was vaguely unnerving and she felt tongue-tied.
But of course he was looking at her as a woman, his senses were probably still aflame from the weekend spent with the lovely Sabrina Gilbert. Alexandra now realised where she had seen the other woman; she appeared in a popular long-running television series. The two of them had probably met at the television studio where Dominic recorded his weekly current affairs programme.
‘It’s because I’m grown up that I’m here,’ she said finally, her cheeks still aflame.
‘Really?’ he drawled. ‘Have you come over for some private tuition?’
Her mouth tightened. ‘Don’t be ridiculous! If I required that sort of tuition I certainly wouldn’t come to you for it. I have a boy-friend who can supply me with all the experience I need.’
Those grey eyes narrowed. ‘Roger Young.’ His top lip curled back contmptuously.
‘Yes! And he’s the reason I’ve come over here.’
‘He is? Well, I’m not about to give him any tuition,’ he taunted. ‘It wouldn’t be half as much fun.’
‘Ooh, you’re such a conceited swine!’ Alexandra stamped her foot in childish temper. ‘Just because you’ve slept with more women than you can remember the names of you think you know it all! I happen to believe that making love is more than just sex between two people, it should be something private between man and wife.’
The contempt was still there in his face and it was directed at her now. ‘I’ve tried being married. Believe me, it isn’t all it’s supposed to be.’
‘You were married for exactly a year, hardly long enough to be able to pass comment on it. You treated your wife shamefully.’
‘Did I now?’ he mused. ‘And what would you know about it? You would have been five at the time, and as we didn’t even know you then I don’t consider you in a position to judge how I treated my wife.’
‘I didn’t need to know you when you were married to know it was all your fault that the marriage failed. I know for a fact that you weren’t even in the same country six months out of the twelve.’
Dominic looked angry now. ‘Like I said, you aren’t in a position to judge.’
‘I am when it affects my life,’ she told him crossly.
‘What does my marriage have to do with your life?’
‘Gail told me this morning that it was mainly due to your disapproval of the idea that they refused to give their consent to my marriage to Roger.’
‘I see,’ he nodded his head, his look thoughtful. ‘Gail told you that, did she?’
She flushed. ‘With a little persuasion, yes.’
Dominic’s mouth twisted. ‘I can imagine what type of persuasion. You’re a bully, Alexandra. And you’re spoilt too. Poor Gail doesn’t stand a chance when you have one of your tantrums.’
‘I do not have tantrums!’
‘Oh yes, you do, and Gail isn’t strong enough to say no to you, neither is Trevor for that matter. You’re wilful and utterly selfish and not grown up enough to marry anyone, let alone a kid like Roger Young. He’s just as spoilt as you are.’
‘You have a nerve!’ she exclaimed furiously.
‘Not really,’ he answered calmly. ‘I just thought it better to stop you becoming just another statistic in the divorce figures.’
‘And you’re arrogant too,’ she continued. ‘You have no way of knowing whether my marriage to Roger will succeed or not.’
‘I can take a pretty accurate guess,’ he drawled. ‘I’ll also make another guess, that by the time you reach your eighteenth birthday in a few months’ time you’ll have changed your mind about marrying him.’
‘I will not,’ she said indignantly. ‘I love him.’
He smiled at her outburst. ‘You say you do now, I wonder if you’ll feel the same in six months’ time. I doubt it. You’re at an age when you fall in and out of love every month.’
‘Like your wife did?’ she taunted bitterly.
‘Exactly as Marianne did,’ he agreed tautly.
Alerandra realised that perhaps she had gone too far this time. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, shamefaced. ‘I shouldn’t have said that.’
‘Oh, don’t start apologising now, Alexandra. We’ve gone way past the stage of not being able to speak our minds to each other.’
‘Yes, I suppose so.’
He smiled. ‘I know so. Look, Alex—Alexandra,’ he amended. ‘I’m older than you, exactly twice your age, and I can see the pitfalls of marrying at your age. Marianne was no older than you when we married, and look how disastrously that turned out. We were divorced before she reached nineteen.’
‘You can’t compare me with her—or my intended husband with you.’
She didn’t flinch from his icy grey eyes. ‘Meaning that there is no way Roger can be compared with you. He doesn’t have to keep proving his sexual prowess, whereas you—well, it’s pretty obvious that your guest didn’t sleep in any other bedroom but your own. Is she your latest mistress?’
Dominic raised his eyebrows. ‘What does that have to do with you?’
She shrugged. ‘I was just curious.’ She flicked back her long black hair, long sooty lashes surrounding her deep blue eyes. ‘Is she?’
‘Yes,’ he answered with violence.
‘But you don’t intend marrying her?’ Alexandra’s curiosity had got the better of her now.
‘I don’t intend marrying ever again.’
‘Does she know that?’
‘Oh yes,’ he smiled. ‘Sabrina knows exactly what I feel for her.’
‘I’ll bet she does,’ her mouth turned back with distaste. ‘But I still maintain that you had no right to interfere in my life. I love Roger and I want to marry him.’
‘I didn’t stop you. I merely told Gail and Trevor that I—–’
‘Didn’t think it a good idea,’ she snapped. ‘It was nothing to do with you, nothing at all.’
‘I’m sure that what I said meant little to either of them, they’d already made up their minds about it.’
She shook her head. ‘I don’t agree. I think what you had to say had everything to do with their decision. They hardly dare breathe without your permission. I’m well aware of the fact that you’ve helped them out a lot since they married, but I don’t want to be included in that care. I want you to just stay out of my life.’
‘A little late for that, isn’t it?’
She looked at him sharply. ‘What do you mean?’
He shrugged. ‘It isn’t important. Let’s just accept that I’m the villain of the piece and forget it.’
Alexandra’s mouth set angrily. ‘I don’t want to forget it. I want to know what you meant just now. What else have you had a hand in that I know nothing about?’
‘I said it isn’t important.’ He looked at his wrist-watch. ‘I have to leave now, I’m much later than the twenty minutes I said I would be.’
‘Dominic,’ she held his arm. ‘Please tell me.’ Her look was pleading.
He looked down pointedly at her hand on his tanned forearm and she snatched it away hurriedly. ‘There’s nothing to tell. Let’s go,’ he pulled her out of the house. ‘We can talk some other time.’
She wrenched out of his grasp. ‘We’ll talk now! I—–’
Charles, the butler, appeared in the open doorway. ‘Telephone for you, sir. It’s Mr Trevor,’ he added.
‘Tell him I’m on my way, Charles,’ Dominic answered him.
‘I did that, sir. But he says he has to speak to you urgently.’
‘Very well, Charles. Tell him I’ll be right there.’
‘Yes, sir.’ The butler disappeared back into the house.
Dominic gave Alexandra an impatient look. ‘Wait here and we can drive back together.’
‘Forget it.’ She ran down the remaining steps to the driveway. ‘I’ve seen you quite enough for one day.’
‘Alexandra, you’ll wait—–’
‘Goodbye, Dominic.’ She walked hurriedly away as he turned angrily to go and answer the telephone.
There were still quite a lot of questions she would like answers to, but she was just too angry to talk to him any more. She would go straight over and see Roger, he always put her in a better mood.
As she accelerated the Mini past the house Dominic rushed out of the doorway, waving frantically for her to stop. She gave him an impudent grin and cheekily waved back. She smiled as she looked in the driving mirror as she saw him standing in the driveway angrily watching her leave.
Just thwarting him in this way put her in a better humour and by the time she reached Roger’s parents’ house she was feeling much happier. They should have finished lunch, it was after two o’clock, so she felt no hesitation about knocking on the door.
She was shown into the lounge where the Young family were just having their coffee. Her eyes went instantly to Roger, her heart pounding loudly just at the sight of him. He looked pleased to see her too and they smiled dreamily at each other.
‘Hello, my dear,’ Mrs Young greeted politely. ‘Would you like to join us in some coffee?’
The rumblings of her stomach told her that she should really have gone home and had her lunch before coming here, but as she hadn’t the coffee would have to sustain her until her evening meal. ‘Yes, please, Mrs Young.’
Roger made room for her on the sofa beside him, his arm about her shoulders pulling her close against his side. ‘You’re over early today,’ he murmured softly.
She snuggled against him. ‘Does that mean you aren’t pleased to see me?’
His hold tightened. ‘Don’t say that! I just wasn’t expecting you yet.’
Alexandra sat up as his mother handed her the cup of steaming coffee. ‘Thank you,’ she smiled.
Roger was frowning. ‘I don’t see how you can possibly have eaten lunch and got over here since we parted at the pool this morning.’
She squeezed his hand reassuringly. ‘I’ll explain later.’
‘Yes, but—–’
‘How is your sister keeping?’ Mrs Young asked her. ‘I should think she’s getting quite impatient now.’
‘A little,’ Alexandra agreed. ‘Only another four weeks to go.’
‘I suppose that brother-in-law of yours is kept busy at the hospital,’ put in Mr Young. ‘Although it must be quite convenient having a doctor in the house.’
‘Yes,’ she smiled. She liked Roger’s parents immensely, although they tended to be a little possessive about their only child. Both in their mid-fifties, they had had Roger after ten years of marriage, and he was destined to be the only child they would have. After his initial training he was expected to join his father’s law firm.
The Youngs were the nearest thing the village had to the local people of the manor, the large house they owned set in vast woodlands. With Mrs Young’s twin-sets and tweed skirts and Mr Young riding to hounds and arranging shooting parties, they were everything that could be expected of real gentry.
‘Would you like a game of tennis?’ Roger asked her softly, the gleam in his deep brown eyes showing that he had more than tennis in mind.
‘Let the girl finish her coffee,’ his father said sternly.
‘But I have.’ Alexandra put her empty cup down in the tray.
‘You can’t go running about a tennis court now, Roger,’ his mother reprimanded. ‘You’ve only just eaten.’
‘We’ll be fine,’ he pulled Alexandra to her feet. ‘See you later.’
Alexandra giggled once they were outside. ‘Don’t you ever listen to your parents?’
He grinned. ‘Not usually. They tend to fuss too much.’
‘They love you, that’s why.’
He took her hand in his own, leading her round to the garden at the back of the house, the green lawns stretching down to the tennis courts just out of sight of the house. ‘They still fuss too much.’ He pulled her close against him, his lips lingering on hers. ‘I’ve missed you,’ he said throatily.
She blushed. ‘We only parted two hours ago.’
‘Much too long.’ He kissed her again. ‘Now tell me why you haven’t eaten lunch?’
She stood back. ‘How did you know that?’
‘You haven’t had time. Did something happen?’
‘Let’s go down to the tennis court, we can talk better there.’
‘Something did happen,’ he said.
She laughed. ‘Come on, it’s nothing we can’t sort out.’
They walked down to the comparative privacy of the tennis courts, sitting down on the seats provided, tennis the last thing on their minds at the moment. Their kiss lasted for a long time, and both of them were breathless at the end of it.
‘Mm,’ Roger’s face was buried in her throat. ‘I wish we were married.’
It reminded her too much of her scene with Dominic Tempest earlier and she moved out of Roger’s arms, an angry glitter to her big blue eyes. ‘It’s funny you should mention that. I found out the reason for Gail and Trevor’s refusal today. Trevor’s bossy brother put his spoke in.’
Roger frowned. ‘Dominic Tempest did?’
She grimaced. ‘The same.’
‘But I don’t see what it has to do with him.’
‘Neither did I, and I told him so. I think he’s got the message now.’
‘Mm, well as long as he has.’
‘He has,’ she said with certainty.
‘And he’s the reason you haven’t eaten?’
‘I could hardly sit down to lunch with him after the things I’d just said,’ she smiled at the memory. ‘I wasn’t very polite.’
‘You never are when you speak to him. I’ve only ever met him twice, at your sister’s house, and each time you argued with him.’
‘Only because he has such strong views on everything. He always thinks he’s right.’
Roger chuckled. ‘So do you.’
‘Maybe, but I’m certainly not going to agree with everything he says like Gail and Trevor do. It makes me sick the way they always do what he says. Just because he appears on the television it doesn’t make him anything special.’
‘His programmes are very interesting,’ Roger pointed out.
‘So they ought to be, the risks he takes. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed himself by now.’
‘Someone has to take those risks or we would never know what was going on in the world,’ he pointed out reasonably.
‘I know that, but does he have to enjoy it so much?’
‘A man should enjoy his work, he’s going to be doing it for years.’
‘Not that sort of job he isn’t. He’ll be too old for it soon. He’s thirty-four, you know.’
Roger chuckled. ‘That isn’t old. Will you think me old and past it when I get to that age?’
‘Oh, he isn’t past it, far from it. He had some woman staying with him this weekend, and he openly admitted to sleeping with her.’
‘Goodness, your conversation did get personal, didn’t it?’ grinned Roger.
‘Very. Oh, let’s forget about him, he only angers me.’
‘I’m all for that,’ he said throatily. ‘Kiss me some more.’
She did, her arms about his neck, her body pressed against him. They were so engrossed in each other they didn’t hear the approaching footsteps on the gravel pathway.
‘I hate to interrupt the two of you,’ drawled a familiar taunting voice, ‘but I have to take you home, Alexandra.’
She looked up at Dominic Tempest, her hair wild, her eyes slightly glazed and her mouth bare of lipstick. She moved hurriedly out of Roger’s arms, smoothing her hair down self-consciously.
She licked her lips. ‘What did you say? And what are you doing here anyway?’ she asked resentfully, some of her composure returning. Why should she feel embarassed? He hadn’t this morning.
‘I’ve come to take you home,’ he repeated. ‘Roger’s parents told me you were down here.’
Alexandra stood up, challenge in every line of her body. ‘What do you mean, you’ve come to take me home? Just who do you think you are? I don’t have—–’
‘Gail’s been taken to hospital, Alex,’ Dominic told her quietly.
Her face paled. ‘To hospital? But why? I don’t understand.’
‘It’s quite simple. She collapsed shortly after you walked out of there this morning,’ he told her calmly.
‘Oh, darling!’ Roger held her in his arms, kissing her forehead gently. ‘She’ll be all right, Alexandra, I’m sure of it.’
‘Oh yes, she’ll be all right,’ Dominic Tempest agreed coldly. ‘Now that she’s safely in hospital away from Alexandra’s childish displays of temper.’

CHAPTER TWO (#ulink_9ae3359b-dfec-547d-9b4b-5d878f97b9c8)
ROGER flushed furiously. ‘Now look here, you can’t go around saying things like that! Alexandra can’t be held responsible for—–’
‘I think Alex knows she can be held entirely responsible,’ the elder man interrupted. ‘She knew the delicacy of Gail’s condition, but she went ahead with her stupid personal grudge against me, walking out of the house swearing vengeance for some wrong she believes me to have done her.’
‘But you—–’
‘He’s right, Roger,’ Alexandra said dully. ‘I did walk out of the house with the intention of going to see him, and I did tell Gail. She’s eight months pregnant, I should have realised it would upset her.’
‘Yes, you should have,’ Dominic agreed abruptly. ‘Like I told you earlier, you’re utterly selfish. Now, if you’re ready, I’ll take you to the hospital. Gail will want to see you.’
‘Is she going to be all right?’ Her eyes pleaded for him to say yes.
‘With rest and being kept under observation they think she’s going to be fine, no thanks to you.’
‘That’s enough, Tempest,’ Roger said angrily. ‘Can’t you see how upset she is? There’s no need to keep saying things like that to her.’
‘There’s every need, damn you!’ Dominic snapped forcefully. ‘Alexandra has to be made to see how her thoughtlessness can hurt other people. We’re lucky the baby isn’t being born right now.’
Alexandra raised distressed eyes. ‘It isn’t, is it?’
‘No,’ he gave her an impatient look. ‘Are you ready to leave, because I’m going back to the hospital now whether you come or not. Trevor needs a little moral support at the moment.’ He turned sharply on his heel and began walking back towards the house.
‘Dominic!’ she cried out his name, beginning to run after him. ‘Wait for me!’
He didn’t look at her as she ran to keep up with him. ‘I don’t have the time.’
She clutched at his arm. ‘Please, Dominic,’ she pleaded. ‘Tell me how Gail is.’
At last he looked at her, his eyes cold. ‘I’ll tell you in the car if you really want to know, but I’ve wasted enough time on you for one day. I’ve been looking for you for over an hour now. Why the hell didn’t you stop when I waved you down?’
‘You thought you were being clever, getting one up on me,’ he guessed correctly.
‘Well, I—– Was that what the telephone call was about?’
‘Yes.’ They had reached his car by now. He wrenched open his car door and got in behind the wheel. ‘If you want to know any more get in.’
‘But—– My car,’ she said desperately.
Dominic started the engine. ‘Leave it.’
‘I can’t do that. It—–’
‘Then don’t.’ He started to reverse the car out of the driveway.
‘Dominic, wait!’ She turned desperately to Roger. ‘I want to go with him, he can tell me more about Gail on the way. My car—would you drive it over later for me?’
‘Of course, darling,’ he kissed her lightly on the lips: ‘Call me and let me know how your sister is.’
‘I will.’
Dominic hardly gave her time to get in the car before accelerating down the road. ‘That kid’s like a lapdog,’ he remarked grimly. ‘He does exactly as you say.’
She flushed angrily. ‘He was only trying to be helpful.’
‘I hope I didn’t interrupt anything just now,’ he taunted. ‘You looked like you were just getting started.’
‘We weren’t,’ she answered tautly.
He shrugged. ‘You looked as if you were. His parents said you were playing tennis, but you looked as if you were playing something else to me.’
‘We were just going to play tennis,’ she said resentfully.
‘It looked like it. And you said my display this morning was disgusting!’
Her eyes flashed her dislike of him. ‘I didn’t come with you to be insulted. You said you’d tell me about Gail.’
‘So far there isn’t a lot to tell you, except that she has to stay in hospital.’
She nodded. ‘Just for a few days. I can spend the time getting the house spring-cleaned for her return,’ she continued eagerly.
Dominic shook his head. ‘She isn’t staying in for a couple of days, Alex. The doctors have decided it will be better for both her and the baby if she spends the last few weeks before the baby is born resting in a hospital bed.’
‘But that—that’s four weeks away,’ she gasped in dismay. ‘She has to stay in all that time?’
‘At the moment they think it best.’
‘How awful for her! I would hate to be in hospital all that time.’
‘So will she, so you can damn well behave yourself when you see her. Gail is to have no worries whatsoever.’
‘I wouldn’t dream of worrying her,’ she said indignantly.
He drove into the car park of the hospital. ‘Then make sure you don’t.’
‘Now look, I don’t have to take this from you. You aren’t—–’
Dominic turned with barely concealed violence to face her. ‘You’ll take from me exactly what I care to give out! At the moment I could quite easily beat the hell out of you and not feel a moment’s remorse.’
Alexandra flung open the door, quickly scrambling out. ‘I don’t have to stay here and suffer your insults!’ She slammed the door.
He was beside her in seconds, swinging her round to face him. ‘You’ll listen to me for as long as I want you to,’ his grey eyes glittered down at her. ‘No matter what Gail says to you when you see her you’re to agree to it, do you understand?’
She frowned, shaking off his restraining hand. ‘No, I don’t understand at all. What could Gail possibly say to me that I’m not going to agree with?’
‘You’ll see. And I want you to know that I’m no happier about the arrangement than you will be.’
‘What is it?’ she asked suspiciously.
‘Wait and see. Come on, let’s find Trevor.’
They found him in Gail’s hospital room, sitting on the side of the bed holding his wife’s hand. Alexandra rushed straight to her sister, the ready tears falling unheeded down her cheeks.
‘Oh, Gail,’ she sobbed, ‘I’m sorry, so sorry.’
Gail cradled her in her arms, laughing softly. ‘What on earth are you saying sorry for? It’s my own fault I’m here.’
‘I—–It is?’ she looked uncertain.
Gail pushed her young sister’s hair away from her tear-wet face. ‘Of course, silly. I knew my blood pressure was a little high, I should have slowed down.’
‘You mean I should have helped you more. I didn’t realise you were ill.’
‘I’m not ill, pet,’ Gail insisted. ‘And you do far too much at home already. Besides, I enjoy looking after the two of you.’
‘Well, now you have to pay for your obstinacy,’ Trevor put in lightly.
‘And you’ll have to sleep alone,’ his wife teased. ‘You’ll have no one to warm your cold feet on now.’
He grimaced. ‘The bachelor quarters here aren’t very glamorous. But at least I’ll be able to visit you when I’m off duty.’
Alexandra frowned. Somewhere along the line she had lost the meaning of this conversation.
‘Is it all right for you to move in?’ Gail asked Trevor worriedly. ‘Have they got a room?’
Her husband squeezed her hand. ‘Everything is arranged. I just have to go home and collect a few things.’
Gail looked at her sister. ‘You’ll be all right at Dominic’s, won’t you, Alexandra?’
So that was it! She turned to look accusingly at Dominic Tempest and met only his icy disdain. He had known all along that it had been arranged for her to stay at his home with him. How on earth was she going to stand it? One look at Gail’s pale face told her that somehow she would have to, Gail simply wasn’t up to any more worries.
‘Of course I will,’ she assured her sister hurriedly. ‘I’m sure he’ll—he’ll take good care of me.’
Dominic moved forward, the mockery in his eyes taunting her. ‘You know I will,’ he drawled. ‘You saw how I like to keep my guests entertained this morning.’
Alexandra raised startled eyes. Yes, she had seen all too clearly how he had entertained his guest over the weekend, and she had no intention of being entertained in the same way. Arrogant devil!
Gail looked interested. ‘You had someone staying with you this weekend?’
‘Just overnight.’ He met Alexandra’s scathing look with an unflinching stare.
Trevor stood up. ‘I think it’s time we left you to get this rest you’re supposed to be having.’
His wife pouted. ‘I’m sure it isn’t necessary. I shall be very lonely in here all on my own.’
‘Of course you won’t,’ Alexandra chided. ‘I shall visit you every day, and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of other visitors.’
‘Not least of all me.’ Trevor bent down and kissed his wife lingeringly on the lips. ‘I’ll be in to see you later.’
Dominic kissed Gail’s cheek. ‘I’ll bring Alexandra in tomorrow,’ he promised.
So already he had started to arrange her life for her! She buried her resentment for when they got outside, for the moment intent only on making sure Gail had nothing at all to worry about.
‘Look after yourself,’ she told her. ‘And as Dominic says, I’ll be in tomorrow.’ Not that he would be bringing her, she wanted as little to do with him as possible.
They parted from Trevor once they were outside the room, he having to go back on duty for a few hours before going home to collect his things.
Alexandra waited until they were in Dominic Tempest’s car before she exploded. ‘You knew about this,’ she accused angrily. ‘You knew I had to stay with you!’
He raised his eyebrows. ‘Your remorse didn’t last long.’
She blushed. ‘Gail doesn’t seem to blame me’.
He shrugged. ‘She wouldn’t.’
‘But you do.’
‘It’s not up to me to blame you.’
‘Then mind your own business! I’m not going to stay at your house, you know,’ she told him stubbornly.
‘Oh yes, you are,’ he said calmly.
‘I’m not. I can look after myself. I’m not afraid to stay at the house on my own.’
‘It isn’t because we thought you would be afraid that we made these arrangements.’
‘Then why? Why does Trevor have to move into the hospital? I’m perfectly capable of looking after him.’
‘I don’t doubt it,’ he said dryly.
‘So why all these elaborate plans?’
Dominic sighed. ‘They aren’t elaborate. They’re the most reasonable course of action.’
‘Not to me they aren’t,’ she declared stubbornly.
‘No, they wouldn’t be. It wouldn’t occur to you to think of the damage you could do to Trevor’s career and his marriage to Gail by staying at the house with him.’
‘What on earth are you talking about?’ she scorned. ‘Trevor is my brother-in-law.’
‘You little fool, do you think that would matter to the people around here? Don’t be stupid. All that would matter to them would be that Gail, eight months pregnant, has been taken to hospital, and her husband and young sister are living alone together. This is a village community, Alex, things get around.’
‘But surely they wouldn’t—–’ But she knew they would! ‘How disgusting!’
‘Yes, isn’t it?’
‘But I don’t see how I can be thought any safer living with you. We all know your reputation,’ she added bitchily.
Dominic smiled, a cruel mocking smile. ‘But I have servants to chaperone us. And for what it’s worth, I’ve never found rebellious adolescents in the least attractive.’
‘I hate you!’ she said with feeling.
‘I couldn’t give a damn what you feel for me, I’m not that keen on you either. But I do intend to try and put up with you for the next few weeks, and I hope you will make a similar effort.’
‘Why should I? I can live at the house on my own, Gail doesn’t need to know.’
‘But she would.’
‘Why?’ she asked sharply. ‘Would you tell her? I’m sure you can’t be any more anxious to have me at your house than I am to stay there.’
‘I’m not,’ he agreed coldly. ‘But other people in the village are sure to visit Gail and it would only take one thoughtless person to mention where you’re living to put her in a state of nerves.’
‘But I could—–’
‘For God’s sake grow up, Alexandra!’ he snapped. ‘Stop thinking of yourself so much. Gail can’t take any more, don’t you understand?’
She looked down at her hands folded in her lap. ‘I suppose so.’
‘I’m not at home a lot of the time anyway,’ he added by way of consolation. ‘I’m away all day Wednesday and Thursday recording the programme.’
‘Overnight too?’
His mouth tightened. ‘Yes.’
‘So that’s when you intend seeing Miss Gilbert.’
‘I bet you’ve got a harem going,’ she taunted.
‘One woman at a time is enough for me. Besides, I don’t have the time for all these women. Each programme I do involves a lot of research, research that has to be done in a matter of hours, not days, if a political situation arises.’
‘You haven’t been away for some time,’ she remarked softly.
He grinned. ‘Then you’ll just have to hope something comes up during the next four weeks to take me away. I’m sure nothing would please you more.’
‘It wouldn’t.’
He was openly laughing at her now. ‘Sometimes you’re an enigma, but in your dislike of me I can see right through you.’
‘Good,’ she said childishly.
‘Oh, by the way,’ he remarked casually, ‘I don’t mind you having Young round occasionally, but I don’t want to keep tripping over him.’
Alexandra glared at him. ‘Am I allowed to make the same comment about Miss Gilbert?’
‘I didn’t think I would be.’
Dominic gave her an impatient look. ‘You aren’t a welcome guest, Alexandra, so I don’t intend letting your friends take over my house.’
‘I take it Miss Gilbert is a welcome guest?’
‘You take it right.’
‘Don’t worry, Dominic,’ she said sharply. ‘If I want to see any of my friends I’ll arrange to meet them elsewhere than your house.’
‘There’s no need to go to that extreme,’ he taunted.
Alexandra looked out of the car window as they approached the mansion that was to be her home for the next month. How on earth could she stand to share a house with this arrogant mocking man, see him every day for four weeks, when she found it difficult to be polite to him just during Sunday lunch? It appeared she had little choice but to try.
Charles met them in the reception area. ‘I have prepared Miss Paige’s room, sir.’
His employer nodded, and threw his car keys down on the side-table. ‘Thank you, Charles. Perhaps you would like to freshen up before tea, Alexandra?’
She didn’t think this was going to be the normal cup of tea and a biscuit she and Gail usually shared in the afternoon, and her denims and tee shirt suddenly seemed out of place in these elegant surroundings.
‘Thank you,’ she accepted softly, ‘I’d like that.’
‘I’ll take you upstairs now,’ Charles said gravely.
It was a lovely room he showed her into, all lemon and white decor. It had its own adjoining bathroom, a luxury she had never had before. She and Trevor usually fought over who would get into the bathroom first in the morning.
The adjoining bathroom was in lemon and brown, but she didn’t stay to admire it, quickly rinsing her face and hands before brushing her hair and applying a lip-gloss. The rumblings of her stomach were far too strong for her to waste any more time. She hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast this morning and she was starving hungry.
Dominic was sitting in the lounge when she came hesitantly into the room, stubbing his cheroot out in the ashtray at her entrance. His elegant light grey trousers and black fitted shirt only seemed to emphasise her own scruffiness. Well, how was she supposed to know she would be taking tea with the famous Dominic Tempest!
‘Sit down, Alexandra,’ he said impatiently. ‘You might as well play hostess.’
She blushed at his scathing mockery. ‘I’d rather not.’
‘Oh, come on, Alex,’ he encouraged shortly. ‘I’m as hungry as you are. I missed out on lunch too, remember?’
She picked up the china teapot. ‘I didn’t know you admitted to such human feelings as hunger.’
His grey eyes taunted. ‘I admit to much more human feelings than that.’
She should have known her effort to hit out at him would only rebound on her. ‘Lemon, milk and sugar?’ she asked tightly.
‘Just lemon, please. I’m sweet enough already.’
‘That’s a matter of opinion!’
He laughed, showing even white teeth in his tanned face. ‘Somehow I knew you would say that.’
‘Then I’m glad you weren’t disappointed.’
He took the proffered cup of tea. ‘You never disappoint me, Alex. You’re very entertaining.’
She poured her own tea. ‘I’m glad I’m of some use!’
He raised his eyebrows. ‘Oh dear, is it feel sorry for Alex day?’
Her blue eyes showed her anger. ‘No, it isn’t! And my name is Alexandra.’
‘So it is,’ he appeared unconcerned. ‘But I prefer Alex. Much more friendly.’
‘As I have no intention of becoming a friend of yours I would prefer you to use my full name.’
‘And I would prefer not to. Oh, shut up, Alex,’ he ordered abruptly as she went to speak again. ‘And pass me a sandwich.’
Her cup landed with a clatter on the table. ‘I may have to stay here with you, but I’m certainly not going to be reduced to the level of another servant for you to order about!’
‘If you were a servant we might get on better,’ he retorted. ‘I happen to like all my employees. But I would certainly never take from them what I’ve taken from you today.’
‘Don’t expect the next month to be any different.’ She bit hungrily into a ham sandwich. ‘Staying here won’t make me like you any the more.’
Dominic raised his eyes heavenwards, pushing the blond hair back off his forehead. ‘Thank God you’ll be out of the house most of the time.’
‘I will?’
‘I hope so. College should—oh no!’ he groaned. ‘College has finished for the summer, hasn’t it?’
She smiled sweetly. ‘It has.’
‘Oh hell!’
‘Temper, temper,’ she taunted. ‘Anyone would think you weren’t going to enjoy having me about.’
‘Anyone would be right,’ he said dryly.
‘Shame!’ Alexandra laughed. ‘Could I use your telephone, please?’
‘I’m surprised you bothered to ask.’
Alexandra ignored his mockery. ‘Well, can I?’
‘I suppose you’re going to call lover boy?’
Her head rose haughtily. ‘If you mean Roger, then yes, I am.’
Dominic looked bored. ‘Go ahead. But remember what I said about inviting him round here. I’m not as liberal as Gail and Trevor, I won’t allow you to take him upstairs to your bedroom. I’m too much aware of the temptation involved.’
‘You would be. Roger and I don’t regard it in that light. We merely go to my room to listen to records.’
‘More fool you.’ He stood up. ‘I’m going to my study, so you can use the telephone in here. I would appreciate it if you didn’t disturb me, I have some work to do.’
‘I have no intention of disturbing you,’ she said indignantly.
‘Fine. When you’ve finished with the tea things just ring for Charles and he’ll clear away. Dinner is at eight, by the way.’
‘Am I expected to dress up for that?’
‘Not particularly.’ His eyes travelled slowly over her slender body. ‘But I think I would prefer you to put on something more feminine than denims.’
‘Your likes and dislikes don’t come into it,’ she told him sharply. ‘But I have to go back to the house and pack a few things, so I might manage to change for dinner.’
‘You’re going to the house now?’
She gave him a challenging look. ‘Do you have any objections?’
‘None, as long as you don’t use it as a meeting place for yourself and your boy-friend.’
‘You have a disgusting mind, Mr Tempest!’
He laughed at her outrage. ‘I’m just realistic, Alex.’
She was still glowering at him as he left the room. She couldn’t stay here with him, she just couldn’t. They didn’t even like each other. But she didn’t see what else she could do; Gail’s health depended on her not causing trouble.
She put a call through to the hospital before calling Roger, and was told that Mrs Tempest was asleep and not to be disturbed. It seemed to underline the fact that Gail’s health was very delicate at the moment. She left a message for them to tell Gail of her call and she sent her love.
Her call to Roger wasn’t quite so easy, knowing he wouldn’t understand her reasons for being at Dominic Tempest’s house any better than she did herself. She was right, he didn’t.
‘You could come and stay here,’ he suggested. ‘My mother and father would love to have you.’
‘I—I never thought of that.’ Hope quickened her heart. ‘Do you really think they wouldn’t mind?’
‘I know they wouldn’t.’
‘Wait a minute, then, and I’ll go and see what Dominic says,’ she said eagerly.
‘What does it matter what he says?’ Roger demanded crossly. ‘After the way he spoke to you earlier I can’t believe it would bother him where you stay.’
‘You’re right, it doesn’t. But I— Look, I’ll just see what he thinks of the idea.’ She put the telephone down before he could raise any more objections. She knocked briskly on Dominic’s study door before entering.
He looked up at her, an impatient frown marking his forehead. ‘I thought I said I wasn’t to be disturbed,’ he snapped coldly. ‘God, you’ve only been in the house an hour and already you’re making a nuisance of yourself.’
Angry colour flared into her cheeks. ‘I did knock!’
Dominic sat back, his eyes narrowed. ‘So I heard, but I don’t remember inviting you in.’
‘You’re impossible!’
‘Instead of standing there getting angry I think you would be better spending the time telling me what you came in here for, because in two minutes you’re going to be thrown out again.’
‘It doesn’t matter!’ She turned on her heel.
‘Alexandra!’ her name sounded like a whiplash. ‘Get back in here.’
She blinked back the tears. ‘No, I won’t.’
Dominic sighed. ‘You came to ask me something, you might as well do that now you’re here.’
‘I said it doesn’t matter,’ she said obstinately.
‘You have one minute left,’ he warned.
Alexandra turned angrily. ‘Is your time so valuable you don’t have two minutes to spare?’
‘At the moment, yes. I have a schedule to meet. So what’s wrong?’
‘Roger’s on the telephone, he says I can stay at his house.’
Her eyes were a deeper blue as her anger increased. ‘What do you mean, no? Why can’t I? Who’s to say I can’t anyway?’
‘I am,’ he told her calmly. ‘In view of the absence of Gail and Trevor I’m acting as your guardian, and I say you stay where you are. Now, if that’s all you wanted I have work to do.’
‘You have no right—–’
‘I have every right! You’re staying here, where Gail and Trevor can be sure you’re safe.’
‘With you?’ she scorned.
‘With me,’ he said grimly.
‘You’re just being pigheaded about this,’ she said angrily. ‘I’ve stayed at Roger’s house several weekends in the past. Gail and Trevor didn’t mind at all.’
‘A weekend is completely different from a full month. It could be even longer, we have no guarantee when Gail’s going to have the baby. No, you go back and tell your boy-friend that you’re staying here.’
She slammed the door behind her. He was nothing but a bully and a tyrant! She snatched up the telephone receiver. ‘Mr Tempest doesn’t think it’s a good idea,’ she snapped.
‘Damn him, he doesn’t have any say in it!’ Roger sounded as angry as she was herself.
‘He thinks he does.’ She sighed, relaxing her body somewhat. ‘Can you come and pick me up, I have to go and collect some of my clothes? I’ll wait for you outside, I find this place oppressive.’
They arranged to meet in half an hour, and for Alexandra the time dragged by. She ran over to the car when Roger arrived, getting in beside him before he had hardly had time to stop.
She leant over and kissed him hurriedly on the lips. ‘Let’s get out of here.’
Roger looked at her closely. ‘Hey, Alexandra, I’m sure that if you explained to your sister or Trevor how much you dislike being at Tempest’s house they wouldn’t expect you to stay.’
‘Gail isn’t to be worried and Trevor already has enough to think about. I don’t want to talk about it any more, Roger.’
‘Yes, but—–’
‘Forget it,’ she said fiercely.
‘But if it’s upsetting you, Alexandra,’ he persisted.
She smiled. ‘There are worse things in life than living in luxury at Dominic Tempest’s for the next four weeks.’ But she couldn’t for the life of her think of one right now!
She let them into the house with her key, exclaiming her dismay at the chaos in the kitchen. She had forgotten they were about to have lunch when Gail’s collapse had occurred. She set Roger to washing up while she defrosted the refrigerator.
Everything cleared away, she went up to her room to pack her suitcase. Roger stood in the doorway watching her.
‘So he’s graciously permitted me to call occasionally,’ he said sarcastically.
‘Who?’ She unlocked her wardrobe. ‘Oh, him! Yes,’ she sorted through her clothing. ‘As long as we don’t bother him.’
‘The less I have to do with him the better.’
‘That’s what I told him.’ She sat down on the bed with a laugh. ‘I feel almost sorry for him. This time yesterday he was basking in the loving attention of his mistress, and now he has me foisted on him.’ She began to laugh in earnest now. ‘And I’m not exactly the easiest of people to suddenly have in your life.’
Roger came to sit next to her. ‘I like having you in my life,’ he said throatily.
She smiled at him. ‘It isn’t exactly the same thing. To Dominic I’m just a nuisance, he said so this afternoon.’
He put his arm about her shoulders, kissing her softly on the lips. ‘I don’t give a damn what he says, I think you’re lovely.’ He pulled her closer, the pressure of his lips increasing.
‘Oh, Roger,’ she breathed against his mouth.
‘Mm,’ he kissed her again. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
He pushed her back against the pillows, his lips travelling slowly over her throat and back to her mouth. They were slow drugging kisses and she felt herself responding to them without reserve.
She began to feel her first feelings of restraint when his hands began to roam beneath her tee-shirt, and she pulled back from him. ‘What are you doing?’ Her panic was obvious.
He was trembling against her. ‘I love you, Alexandra. And I—I want you.’
‘Roger!’ She was shocked now. ‘You can’t—we can’t.’
‘Of course we can,’ he kissed her again. ‘We’re going to be married soon.’
Alexandra pushed against him. ‘That isn’t the point Roger. We aren’t married now.’
‘Don’t be such a prude!’ He held her roughly. ‘We’re all alone here, we may not get an opportunity like this again. Don’t fight me, darling. I want to make love to you.’
‘No, Roger!’ She moved her head from side to side to evade his searching mouth. ‘No, I won’t let you.’
His mouth claimed hers with a savagery he had never used before, forcing her lips apart to deepen the kiss. His legs across her knees pinioned her to the bed and her protests went unheard by him, his hands running freely over her body.
‘I love you, Alexandra,’ he groaned raggedly, his face buried in her hair.
‘I’m sure she’s glad to hear it,’ said a chillingly angry voice. ‘But if you don’t take your hands off her immediately I may be forced to ram those words down your throat.’
Roger was off the bed in two seconds flat, glaring with resentful anger at Dominic Tempest. ‘You have a way of turning up when you’re not wanted,’ he said nastily, his face flushed.
Dominic looked at him scornfully. ‘By the look of it I turned up at exactly the right time. Gail’s condition isn’t a good excuse for using this house for your assignations.’ He looked at Alexandra as she sat pale-faced on the bed. ‘I told you about that earlier. I thought you’d taken notice of what I said.’
‘I—I did.’ Roger’s unusual behaviour and the humiliation of being found in such a compromising situation by Dominic Tempest had made her feel ill. ‘I did,’ she repeated in anguish, unable to look at either of them.
‘It damn well looks like it,’ Dominic rasped. ‘Go on, Alexandra, get back to the house. I’ll talk to you later. And I’ll thank you for your key to this house.’ He held out his hand.
She stood up, reaching with shaking fingers into her denims pocket. ‘I—It isn’t what you think, Dominic. This has never happened before,’ she added pleadingly.
He took the key from her hand. ‘I don’t suppose it has, not in this house anyway. Gail and Trevor would hardly go out and leave you to it. Now go on home, I want to have a word with your boy-friend.’
Roger put a hand on her arm as she walked past him, her head downbent. ‘Alexandra, I—–’
She flinched away from him. ‘Leave me alone!’ She glared at him, huge tears like lakes in her blue eyes. ‘Just don’t touch me!’
‘Alexandra, I didn’t mean—–’
‘I know exactly what you meant to do,’ she cried. ‘And you won’t get a second chance. Goodbye!’

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_af5632b9-40da-5f33-a0ee-ac16224181b3)
ALEXANDRA never knew how she managed to drive the car back to the Tempest house, her feelings a mixture of pain and humiliation. Once back in her room she gave in to the threatening tears.
How could Roger, how could he! Oh, he had tried all the usual moves when they had first started going out together, but once she had shown her dislike of a more intimate relationship between them he had treated her with the greatest love and respect.
But this evening he had lost control of his feelings like never before, and she felt sure that if Dominic Tempest hadn’t turned up as he had Roger would not have taken no for an answer.
Not that she would have given in to Roger willingly, but already he had been proving the stronger before Dominic had interrupted them. He had never acted like that before, and it had frightened her. She didn’t know how she was going to face him again.
She hurriedly wiped the tears away from her cheeks as someone knocked on the door. ‘Come in,’ she said huskily.
Dominic entered the room. ‘Are you all right?’ he asked softly.
Perhaps if he hadn’t been so gentle with her she would have been all right, but the sympathetic look in his eyes was her undoing. ‘Oh, Dominic,’ she cried, ‘I feel—I feel so degraded!’
He sat down beside her, pulling her into his arms to cradle her head on his shoulder. ‘Hey, come on. What’s happened to the little firebrand I’m used to?’
Alexandra gulped down the tears. ‘She seems to have disappeared.’
‘For the moment,’ he teased.
She shook in his arms. ‘It was all so horrible! If you hadn’t come along he would—he would have—–’
‘He just got carried away with the moment, Alex,’ he said gently. ‘I spoke to him after you left, I drove him home, actually. He couldn’t help himself—you have to expect that when you put temptation in his way.’
‘But I—I didn’t,’ she denied indignantly. ‘At least, not intentionally.’
Dominic chuckled. ‘I’ve got news for you. You don’t need to do it intentionally.’
She pushed away from him, a new panic entering her eyes. ‘Please, I—–’
‘Calm down, Alexandra,’ he ordered sternly. ‘I’m the last person you should fear those sort of attentions from. We can’t stand each other, remember?’
She gave a shaky smile. ‘I’m sorry, my nerves are all shot to pieces. I just didn’t expect that sort of behaviour from Roger. I thought he loved me.’
Dominic stood up. ‘You really are an innocent, Alex. It’s because he believes himself to be in love with you that things got out of hand. At his age you don’t have a lot of control, when you get old and ancient like me it takes a little more than a beautiful face and a youthful body to turn you on. And he’s very sorry it happened, he did nothing but apologise all the way back to his home. He’s suffering, Alex, if that makes you feel any better.’
‘It doesn’t.’
‘I realise he’s frightened you,’ Dominic said gravely. ‘And I realise that what I witnessed tonight had never happened before. You were really upset about it.’
‘It was awful!’ She couldn’t meet his eyes.
‘Oh, surely not awful, Alex? After all, if the two of you were married, as you’d wanted to be, you would be on a much more intimate footing.’
‘Yes, I know, but it—it wouldn’t be the same!’
‘Of course it would,’ he contradicted. ‘Exactly the same. Do you love Roger?’
‘You know I do,’ she said resentfully.
‘And you’ve never been tempted to go to bed with him?’
She blushed scarlet. ‘Never.’
‘Then you don’t love him,’ he stated calmly, reaching for the doorhandle.
‘How can you say that?’ She stood up. ‘How can you possibly know how I feel about him? You couldn’t tell that on such short acquaintance.’
Dominic opened the door. ‘I wouldn’t even need to see him to tell you how you feel about him, the fact that you don’t want to sleep with him is enough.’
‘I didn’t say—–’
‘You said you’ve never been tempted to, which amounts to the same thing. It’s almost time for dinner, I’ll see you later.’ He stopped his exit, reaching in his trousers pocket. ‘You might as well have your key to the house—after what you’ve just told me I don’t think I have any reason to suspect you of meeting Young there.’
‘You—–’ she began.
‘I’ll see you at dinner, Alex.’
‘I don’t think I want any.’
Dominic shrugged. ‘Please yourself.’
Her breakfast was doubly welcome the next morning after she had stubbornly refused to go down for dinner the evening before. But at least Dominic wasn’t there to witness the enormous meal she ate—that would have been too humiliating.
Gail already looked rested when she visited her that afternoon, a healthy blush to her cheeks. Alexandra put the flowers she had bought her sister on the locker beside the bed, and bent to kiss her cheek. ‘You look wonderful.’
Gail blushed. ‘Possibly because Trevor has just left.’
Alexandra laughed. ‘I see. Say no more. Well, I want you to know that everything is all right back at the house. I went over there yesterday.’
Gail sighed her relief. ‘I suddenly thought of the mess I’d left everything in just as I was falling asleep last night. Of course when I told Trevor he said not to worry about it. Typical male! He doesn’t seem to realise that you can’t just suddenly up and leave a house.’
‘Well, now you don’t have to worry about it, it’s all been taken care of.’
‘How are you settling down, living with Dominic?’ Gail looked at her interestedly.
Alexandra flushed with feeling. ‘Don’t put it like that, Gail,’ she said abruptly. ‘I’m only a guest in his house, a guest he would rather not see too much of.’
‘That wasn’t what he said this morning.’
‘This morning?’ she looked sharply at her sister. ‘He’s already been to see you?’
‘Mm, he came in about eleven. He brought the roses. Didn’t he tell you he’d been here?’
Alexandra avoided her eyes. ‘I—I haven’t seen him today.’
Gail raised her eyebrows. ‘You didn’t have lunch together?’
‘Nor breakfast either. Dominic’s very busy,’ she added hastily. ‘He has his work to do. He has to go up to London Wednesday and Thursday.’
‘Oh yes. He stays overnight, doesn’t he?’
So he could be with his mistress for the night! ‘Yes. They’re lovely flowers that he brought you.’ Alexandra changed the subject.
‘They come from the garden at his house. It’s a lovely house, isn’t it?’
‘Very nice. I could quite get used to being waited on,’ she teased.
‘Don’t get too used to it,’ Gail laughed. ‘There’ll be plenty to do once I get home with the baby. I wish it could be soon,’ she added wistfully. ‘I’m getting a little tired of being this size.’
‘That’s why you’re in here, so that you can rest.’
‘Mm, but the baby isn’t resting, he’s more active than ever.’
‘You’re sure it’s a he, then?’ Alexandra teased.
Her sister laughed. ‘It had better be, or Trevor and Dominic will never forgive me! They both want it to be a boy.’
‘Surely it has nothing to do with Dominic,’ Alexandra said sharply.
‘He will be its uncle,’ Gail pointed out gently.
Alexandra gave a harsh laugh. ‘Well, I’ll be its aunty, but I haven’t put in a claim for a girl.’
‘Would you like it to be a girl?’
‘I don’t mind what it is.’
‘Neither do I. And Dominic will love the baby no matter what it is, we all will. We’re just fed up waiting.’
A nurse put her head round the side of the door. ‘Time for your nap, Mrs Tempest,’ she said with a smile.
‘Can’t my sister stay a little while longer?’ Gail asked pleadingly.
‘I’m afraid not. You’ve had far too many visitors today already, and I’m sure Dr Tempest will be in again later.’ The nurse disappeared again.
Alexandra stood up. ‘The nurse is right, Gail—you must rest.’
‘I’m not an invalid, and I feel such a fraud taking up this bed.’
‘You’ll do as you’re told,’ her husband told her sternly as he came into the room. ‘Hello, love,’ he greeted Alexandra. ‘How’s my big brother treating you?’
‘Oh, fine,’ she answered shortly. ‘How are your bachelor quarters?’
He grimaced. ‘Don’t ask me!’
Gail giggled. ‘His feet were cold all night.’
Alexandra laughed, and kissed her sister goodbye. ‘I’ll be in to see you tomorrow. Is there anything you want me to bring in?’
‘I’ve made a list out somewhere,’ she looked about on the locker. ‘Ah, here it is,’ she checked down the list. ‘There’s quite a lot there, but as I’m going to be stuck in here for weeks I might as well have my knitting and sewing, otherwise Junior won’t have any clothes to wear when he arrives.’
‘Oh, I’m sure we could manage to find him a few things,’ Alexandra teased.
‘I’ll have those things anyway, it will give me something to do.’
‘I nearly forgot,’ Alexandra looked through her handbag. ‘I picked up some books for you this morning.’
‘Oh lovely,’ Gail smiled her thanks.
‘Right, well, I’ll be on my way.’
‘Can you tell Dominic I’ll call him tonight?’ Trevor requested of her. ‘I’m not sure what time.’
‘I’ll tell him.’ If she saw him! So far today she hadn’t set eyes on him. ‘See you both tomorrow.’
She went straight into the lounge when she reached the house, coming to an abrupt halt as she found her host sitting in there reading the newspaper. ‘Hello,’ she said curtly.
‘Hi.’ He didn’t put down the newspaper.
‘I understand you went to see Gail this morning.’
He nodded absently. ‘That’s right.’
‘I thought you were taking me with you when you went.’
Dominic slowly lowered the newspaper, his eyes sliding insolently over her as she stood a few feet away from him.
Alexandra shifted uncomfortably as his gaze rested on her slender hips in the skin-tight denims before slowly travelling up to her breasts clearly visible in the thin woollen sun-top she wore. His look was blatantly sexual and her cheeks coloured hotly at the question in his eyes.
‘I didn’t think you wanted to go anywhere with me,’ he said finally.
Alexandra dragged her eyes away from the sensuality of his mobile mouth. ‘I don’t, at least, not particularly. But I’m sure Gail thought it odd.’
He frowned. ‘You haven’t been worrying her again?’ The intimacy of his mood was dispelled as impatience took over.
‘No, I haven’t,’ she answered with her old fight. ‘But I didn’t tell her what a charming host you’re being either.’
‘Can I help it if I can’t get used to the idea of having an adolescent in my house twenty-four hours a day?’ he mocked. ‘I’m not used to having females around me day and night, this is basically a male household.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ she said sarcastically, dropping into an armchair. ‘I was under the impression that women were a primary factor in your life.’
‘When you’re a woman I’ll tell you about it,’ he told her dryly. ‘If you can be shocked by that tame scene I interrupted last night you’d be a hospital case if I went into all the details of just how important women are to me. But I want a woman about only when I want—well, use your imagination a little. Having a female in my home just to look at is a new experience.’

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