Read online book «The Billionaire′s Defiant Wife» author AMANDA BROWNING

The Billionaire's Defiant Wife
From Miss Prim and Proper… Aimi Carteret has carved a new life for herself, and is determined to put her past behind her. But one man seems determined to breach her defences and Aimi has to resist for the sake of her reputation. Wealthy businessman Jonas Berkeley knows that there is much more to Aimi’s prim and proper demeanour, and he wants the feisty Aimi in his bed.But as Aimi surrenders to him Jonas discovers the dark secrets that make her so defiant – and only he can tame her…

Irritated by a reaction she currently seemed to have no control over, Aimi favoured him with a long-suffering look.
‘You’re wasting your time, you know,’ she told Jonas bluntly, keeping her voice down. ‘I’m not going to take the bait, however attractive the lure.’
One eyebrow rose mockingly. ‘How many times did you have to tell yourself that last night?’ he taunted, and she drew in a sharp breath.
‘Once was enough. You’re not that irresistible,’ she shot back equally mockingly, and Jonas laughed appreciatively.
‘You know, you’re supposed to cross your fingers when you lie like that,’ he cautioned, never taking his eyes off her for a second as she approached. She was so conscious of it breathing normally was no easy matter, and she wasn’t used to that.
She would have to try harder. Much, much harder. Bad enough that he was occupying her thoughts—she could not allow him to tempt her into breaking the solemn promise she had made. She had to resist.
Amanda Browning still lives in the Essex house where she was born. The third of four children—her sister being her twin—she enjoyed the rough and tumble of life with two brothers as much as she did reading books. Writing came naturally as an outlet for her fertile imagination. The love of books led her to a career in libraries, and being single allowed her to take the leap into writing for a living. Success is still something of a wonder, but allows her to indulge in hobbies as varied as embroidery and bird-watching.


Excerpt (#udc50c5b5-75d3-5dda-b322-fe1800629a6a)About the Author (#ufc051fc5-5267-546e-84e6-38cf711d7080)Title Page (#u566ecf7c-5f75-5e8c-9ae6-acd8dee32372)Chapter One (#u04a9252f-4082-557d-946f-3933392ea02f)Chapter Two (#u6eb01fcb-6a97-5e9d-aa3f-5f8031612617)Chapter Three (#u51a22b1f-1abf-58ca-897b-2e95392fb059)Chapter Four (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Five (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Six (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Seven (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Eight (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Nine (#litres_trial_promo)Chapter Ten (#litres_trial_promo)Copyright (#litres_trial_promo)
CHAPTER ONE (#u7e70bbf3-1efe-5c68-9e88-9b0c0381b44c)
SOMETIMES the world could change in an instant. One moment everything was exactly the way you planned it to be, and the next it had become a place you barely recognised. This was how it was for Aimi Carteret that sultry summer evening, and it was the second time it had happened in her sometimes turbulent life.
Just moments before the second cataclysmic event that was to cause such havoc occurred, she was sitting at the large dining table of Michael and Simone Berkeley, enjoying the friendly banter. Beside her sat their son Nick, a man of genuine warmth and kindness. He was a renowned surgeon, like his father, and his father before him. Opposite were Nick’s sister Paula and her husband, James Carmichael.
Six months ago Aimi had been employed by Nick to organize his hectic life. Besides operating, he had lecture tours, guest appearances on all forms of media, and had even begun to compile a family history. She worked from the study in his home, but did not live in. That was something she never did. Her work and her private life never overlapped.
Not that she had much of a private life, but that was by choice. Her life had changed dramatically nine years ago, and the mad social whirl she had enjoyed to the fullest had been left behind and never regretted. Guilt had sobered the outrageous teenager, and she had vowed to turn herself into someone she could be proud of.
She had thrown herself headlong into studying history at university, but making a career out of it had been hard. So she had learned all the skills she needed to become a personal assistant, and had been temping for a high class agency ever since. Coming to work for Nick had allowed her to use her grounding in history, and help him with his research. She had, after much hard work, found a niche for herself where she was able to feel a degree of peace.
If her old friends could see her now, they would barely recognise her, Aimi thought to herself. She didn’t wear make-up, when once she had used it to enhance her large green eyes, always kept her shoulder-length blonde hair smoothed into a pleat at her nape, and preferred smart suits and casuals to modern fashions.
When she had been at university, she had even worn glasses. Plain glass, of course. They had been a ploy used to keep people at a distance. She had been at university to work, not play. Her playing days had ended with a tragedy she would never forget. All she had wanted to do was blend into the background and be left alone.
It seemed strange now to remember how outrageously she had once flirted with the opposite sex. Having inherited her looks from her actress mother, Marsha Delmont, Aimi had had no trouble attracting men, and had enjoyed their company, but she had never taken them seriously and never had any deep relationships with any of them. Her life had been about having fun, but after Austria and the terrible events that had happened there, that had all ended. She had spent the years since proving she could be a person of value.
Her life was the way she wanted it. She was here in her official capacity as Nick’s assistant, but his parents had welcomed her into their home in the country as a friend. The plan was for her to look through the books and papers in the study for relevant material for Nick’s book, but all Nick’s family would be coming to a barbecue tomorrow, for their annual bank holiday weekend get-together, and he had insisted that she join in the festivities.
Sitting at the table, listening to the conversation, sometimes taking part, she was glad she had agreed to come. This was how normal people behaved with each other, and it was a poignant reminder for Aimi, who had once thought endless shopping, wild, glamorous parties where drink flowed like water and everything was loud laughter and music was the only way to live. That Aimi would have considered this deadly dull, but the Aimi of today bitterly regretted that she hadn’t wised up sooner. Such was the benefit of hindsight. It showed you what might have been, and damned you with the knowledge that you could never go back.
In those final few minutes before her world would be knocked off its axis and sent spinning into space for a second time, everyone was laughing at something Paula had just said. Aimi found it so funny, her eyes were watering and her stomach ached. It was as she was using her napkin to wipe her eyes that the distant chime of the front doorbell permeated the room.
Simone Berkeley looked at her husband in mild query. ‘I wonder who that could be,’ she said to the room at large.
‘Were you expecting anyone, Mum?’ Paula asked, only for her mother to shake her head.
Moments later, they all heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the room and everyone looked expectantly towards the door. It opened seconds later and a tall, dark-haired man stepped into the room, grinning at the sea of faces.
‘I hope you left something for me, you pack of gannets!’ he exclaimed cheerfully, and his remark was met by cries of delight.
The family immediately leapt to their feet as one, leaving a bemused Aimi to swivel round in her seat and examine this late arrival. She had heard of Jonas Berkeley, of course, the oldest son, who owned a high-powered company and lived a jet-set lifestyle which took him off to all corners of the globe. His name was often in the newspapers, sometimes for his work, but more often for the latest woman in his life. Naturally he had an open invitation to the family gathering, but nobody had expected him to be able to make it. Hence their surprise and delight.
Her own surprise was her response to him, which was totally unexpected. The instant she laid eyes on him, something stirred in the depths of her. All her senses appeared to leap to attention, as if her whole being recognised and responded to something in him. His laughter as he greeted everyone sent shivers down her spine and the rakish sparkle in his startlingly blue eyes dried her mouth.
For all her wild youth, Aimi had never actually experienced such a blatantly physical response to anyone in her twenty-seven years. She was suddenly made very much aware of the blood pulsing through her veins and the rapid beating of her heart. All at once her smile faded away and it was then, as Jonas Berkeley glanced from one member of his family to another, that their gazes locked.
She could actually see the moment when he was stopped in his tracks, and her heart lurched anxiously. Something elemental forked through the air between them, only to be broken when his sister claimed his attention, yet there had been time enough to see the predatory gleam which had entered his eyes. Shocked and disbelieving, Aimi turned away, pressing a hand to her stomach.
Oh, my God, she thought dazedly. What had just happened? Silly question, Aimi, you know darned well! She had just experienced the pull of an immensely strong sexual attraction, and her whole body was quivering as a result. It was the very last thing she had expected, for she had worked hard to keep the attractive, outgoing side of her nature under control—to be the complete antithesis of her former self in every way. Which was why she had eschewed all forms of romantic entanglement. No man had ever made her control slip.
Until just now, that was. Without a word he had broken through her defences, making her feel things she did not want. She didn’t know why it had happened now, only that she had to make rapid repairs so the damage did not show. Telling herself to be calm, she breathed slowly until she felt in control again. Now she should be able to give the appearance of calmness, although in reality she was still trembling inside.
A hand touched her arm and she jumped, looking up to find Nick beside her.
‘Come and say hello to my brother. I’m eager for him to meet you,’ Nick invited, and Aimi’s heart fluttered anxiously at the thought of looking into those amazing eyes again so soon. However, there was one little part of her that needed to check out if it had really happened or if she had imagined it, so she smiled, as if the ground hadn’t just rocked, and stood up.
As she took the half a dozen steps to where Jonas Berkeley stood within the circle of his family, Aimi had the weirdest sensation that she was walking down a predestined path. A momentary sense of caution whispered, Go back, yet a stronger force kept her moving. She couldn’t stop her eyes from rising to meet his and, the instant that happened, once again the air seemed to become positively charged, making it difficult to breathe properly.
‘OK,’ Nick declared, noticing nothing amiss, and made the introductions. ‘Aimi, this strapping fellow is my brother, Jonas. Tall, handsome and disgustingly wealthy, he’s also a bit of a Casanova, so you have been warned. And this young woman is my indispensable assistant, Aimi.’
Jonas’s teeth flashed white as he smiled directly into her eyes and held out his hand. ‘Hello, Nick’s indispensable Aimi. I’m very pleased to meet you,’ he greeted her in a voice whose low timbre was an unexpected delight to her ear.
Aimi gasped silently, more than a little unnerved to know she was still feeling the full force of the man’s charisma, despite her hasty repairs to her defences. He oozed supreme male confidence and sexual allure, and it was stunning. Knowing she was not as cool as she would like to be, she hesitated fractionally before taking his hand, and knew she had been right to do so when his fingers closed around hers. The contact sent a wave of tingles up her arm and throughout her system, causing the tiny hairs to rise. Her faint start was absorbed by his hand, which tightened on hers momentarily.
‘I’m pleased to meet you, too,’ she returned politely, glad to hear that she at least sounded normal. Easing her hand free, she coiled her fingers into her tingling palm. ‘Nick talks of you often.’ It was true, though he had never said what a charismatic man his brother was. Probably because he never saw him that way. Women would see a whole different side to him. A side she would have preferred to remain in blissful ignorance of! Whilst she might admire a man’s looks aesthetically, she tried to never allow herself to be moved by them. Today, though, something was going badly wrong and she didn’t like it.
‘Ah, that would be the reason my ears have been burning lately,’ Jonas joked lightly, his mouth tweaking into a boyish grin. ‘So, how long have you been working for Nick?’ he asked and, as he did so, his eyes took in the grey pencil skirt and white blouse she was wearing, despite the stifling summer heat. There was a quizzical glint in his eye when he met hers again.
‘Six months, give or take,’ Nick informed him, smiling at Aimi. ‘I tell you, everyone could do with an assistant like her!’
His brother looked from one to the other. ‘Is that so? Do I detect more than just a working relationship here?’ he enquired, and Aimi got the distinct impression that it was not an idle question. He wanted to know just how involved his brother was.
Nick laughed and shook his head. ‘Good Lord, no! Nothing like that! She’s brought order to the chaos of my life. Isn’t that right, Aimi?’
‘I do my best,’ Aimi agreed uncomfortably, wondering if Nick realised he had just as good as told his brother she was not off limits. From the wry amusement in Jonas’s eye, he knew it, and knew that she did, too.
‘What made you decide to visit this weekend? Did you find yourself between women?’ Nick asked with a surgeon’s precision, and Aimi had to stifle a sudden urge to grin.
Jonas raised a lazy eyebrow at her, ignoring his brother, and smiled. ‘Delicately put, Nick, as always. I did happen to find myself with an unexpectedly free weekend. But I don’t think it’s going to be as disappointing as I first thought!’
Fully aware of what he was implying, Aimi’s eyebrows rose. She might not play the field any more, but she hadn’t forgotten how the game was played. ‘Oh, I’m sure it will be,’ she insisted, smiling back coolly.
His head tipped. ‘You think so? Funny, I usually find something to keep me amused.’
Nick snorted. ‘Typical Jonas! Don’t you think it’s time you grew up? You’re thirty-four. You should be looking to settle down and start a family.’
‘I’ll leave that to you. I’m happy with my life the way it is.’
‘At least I’m looking! You just keep dating those beautiful airheads! What on earth do you see in them? You can’t even have an intelligent conversation with any of them!’ Nick insisted doggedly.
‘Shame on you, Nick!’ his sister broke in on what appeared to be an old argument. ‘Jonas can date whatever sort of woman he likes. Just because he’s bound on cutting a swathe through the female population doesn’t mean he won’t settle down eventually. He’ll do that when he’s good and ready.’
Jonas sighed in the face of such heavy-handed criticism from his nearest and dearest. ‘Thanks for making me sound like a heartless Lothario, Paula.’
Paula quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek. ‘Of course you’re not heartless, but you are a Lothario. I love you, Jonas, but I have to admit you have a cavalier attitude towards women that stinks. What you need is to fall in love with a woman who doesn’t want you for a change!’
‘That’s my girl,’ Jonas exclaimed dryly. ‘I wouldn’t expect anything less of the sister who waded into a brawl to rescue her little brother!’
‘Oh, yes, she saved me all right!’ Nick responded aggrievedly. ‘Then launched into me for getting into a fight in the first place!’
Everyone laughed at that, and Aimi was relieved the focus of attention had passed on to someone else.
‘Come along, everyone. Let’s sit down again before our dinners get cold,’ Simone Berkeley chivvied them back to the table. ‘Jonas, you sit next to Paula. I want to hear all about what you’ve been doing lately.’
Moments later a place had been laid and a full plate set before him. Back in her own seat, Aimi discovered, much to her chagrin, that Jonas was now sitting directly opposite her. It meant it was impossible not to see him whenever she raised her head. Even looking down, she was vitally aware of him. His presence in the room was an energy her errant senses registered in minute detail. Ignoring him was simply out of the question and her eyes had a will of their own, watching him from under her lashes whilst she ate. Thankfully, he chatted away with his mother so she was able to study him with a certain amount of freedom.
The first thing she noted was how black his hair was, then the strong set of his jaw. Yet his lips spoke of sensuality. She wondered how they would feel, and immediately wished she hadn’t as a delicious shiver swept over her. Aimi closed her eyes and took some more steadying breaths. She had to get a grip, and as quickly as possible. She prided herself on her cool demeanour and needed it to be working perfectly. It would never do to let Jonas see he could affect her in any way.
From what she had just heard and seen, she knew the man didn’t need any extra encouragement when it came to attracting moths to his flame. However, he was going to find this particular moth had an impermeable heat shield. He might have a reputation for going through women like a hot knife through butter, but not this one. She was simply not available.
Opening her eyes, Aimi felt her confidence strengthening. She was not a weak woman, at the mercy of her senses—she was stronger than that. Bolstered, she was about to eat more of the delicious food on her plate when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention. Her nerves skittered and, unable to ignore it, she glanced up to find Jonas watching her, the look in his eyes highly provocative.
Their gazes locked for a fleeting moment before Jonas smiled knowingly and looked away. It was long enough, however, to set her heart pounding. She chose to believe it was from annoyance, ignoring the small voice that wanted to say differently. Nor did she have to ask herself why he had looked at her like that, for she knew the answer. The man was no fool, and had sensed her initial response to him. But that moment was gone. She would not let anything slip again.
With her mind settled on that point, she raised her head again and began taking an interest in the general conversation, just as she had before Jonas had arrived. Once or twice she caught his eye, seeing mocking amusement there, but she was alerted now and didn’t react to it. Finally, after the strangest hour Aimi could ever recall spending at a dinner table, the meal was over.
‘Let’s have coffee on the terrace,’ Simone suggested, dabbing her napkin against her throat. ‘Maybe there will be a breath of air out there. It’s so hot, it’s positively stifling!’
The country had been in the grip of a heatwave for some days now, and it didn’t look like ending any time soon. Naturally, the whole family were only too happy to go outside, where looking down the garden towards the ornamental lake made them feel cooler immediately.
‘You must be glad to get out of the city this weekend, Aimi,’ Michael Berkeley remarked as he handed round the coffee his wife was dispensing.
Aimi took her cup with a wry smile. ‘Oh, yes! Though my apartment is air-conditioned, on nights like these it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Working in your study will be much better than in some musty old archives.’
‘I thought you were my brother’s assistant. Are you moonlighting as an archivist?’
The question came from Jonas, and Aimi steadied herself before turning to him. It was just as well she did, for she discovered he had made changes to his appearance since eating dinner. He had removed his jacket and tie, loosened the top buttons of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, which gave him a totally different look. In his suit he had been suave and very much the international businessman; like this he looked ruggedly male and quite stunningly sexy.
It all registered on her senses and, after what had happened just a short time ago, it didn’t really surprise her that her mouth went dry. Fortunately she had the foresight to take a sip of her coffee to moisten her lips before answering him. ‘I’m not moonlighting. I’m helping with the research for Nick’s book.’
‘Nick? That doesn’t sound very professional to me,’ Jonas goaded, and Aimi smiled faintly.
‘You might be the type of employer who insists on formality, Mr Berkeley, but your brother prefers a friendlier atmosphere,’ she replied coolly, and he grinned appreciatively.
‘Call me Jonas. I never insist on formality here,’ he declared, and Aimi realised she had not helped herself. Now she would have to call him by name, or look a fool. ‘So you’re a researcher as well.’
‘She’s good at it, too,’ Nick immediately piped up in her praise. ‘Not surprising when she’s got an honours degree in history.’
Jonas inclined his head towards Aimi in a gesture that showed he was duly impressed. ‘A multi-talented woman. No wonder Nick snapped you up. If history is your first love, why aren’t you working at one of the museums or institutes?’
‘Unfortunately, those kinds of jobs don’t come along often and, as I’ve become used to eating three meals a day, I had to do something else,’ she informed him smoothly.
‘So, history’s loss is my brother’s good fortune,’ Jonas returned, equally smoothly. ‘And ours, too, of course. Otherwise we would not have had the pleasure of your company this weekend.’
‘You’ll see very little of me, I’m afraid. I’m here to work,’ Aimi pointed out, mighty glad to be able to do so.
Jonas looked surprised. ‘Surely Nick doesn’t intend to keep your nose to the grindstone whilst the rest of us party?’ he challenged, giving his brother a disapproving stare.
‘Of course not. Aimi knows perfectly well I expect her to relax, too,’ Nick came back promptly, and she smothered a sigh of exasperation.
Jonas smiled, and his eyes were dancing. ‘I shall make it my business to see that she does, then.’
Aimi could feel her spine tense at the suggestion, and it took all her effort to keep her expression calm. ‘Don’t bother,’ she refused politely, to which his smile broadened.
‘Oh, it’s no bother. It will be a pleasure.’
The only sign of her annoyance was a brief flaring of her nostrils. She knew she could not make any further protest, but would make sure to avoid him wherever possible. Meanwhile, she caught sight of the amusement in his eyes and felt compelled to respond.
‘What line of work are you in, Jonas?’ she enquired, finding it curiously hard to make his name emerge naturally. ‘Or have you made so much money you don’t need to work?’ she added, referring to what Nick had said when introducing them earlier.
He seemed to find that amusing. ‘I buy up ailing companies and try to improve their health,’ he answered simply, and she frowned at the caveat.
‘What if you can’t?’
Jonas smiled and, because it was totally natural and free of mockery, it lit up his face, causing Aimi to catch her breath yet again at the twinkle in his eye. ‘Then I break them up into saleable parts.’
‘Making a tidy profit on the way,’ Nick added. ‘Remember me telling you he was disgustingly rich?’
It sounded good, but Aimi could see a flaw. ‘Making money is one thing, but what about the people? The workers? What happens to them if your cure fails?’
Jonas didn’t appear in the least annoyed by being asked to justify his actions. ‘They stay with the company wherever possible. This is about turning a company around, changing bad management into good. If everything goes well, everyone wins. When I have to break one up, we do our best to find alternative employment within our group. Does that meet with your approval, Aimi?’ he queried sardonically, and Aimi nodded, smiling wryly.
‘Of course. If I sounded disapproving, it’s because not everyone in your line of work has a conscience,’ she returned calmly. ‘I apologise if I was rude.’
His lips twitched and now the gleam was well and truly back in his eyes. ‘There’s no need. You were only saying what many others think. However, it’s good to know there’s something about me you find attractive.’
Now that had her eyes flying to his, her lips parting on a tiny gasp of surprise. The bold challenge, right in front of his family, knocked her off balance, as did the sardonic amusement glittering in those blue orbs that dared her to respond. However, Aimi was not given to running away. Taking a breath, she moistened her lips, and her senses rocked when she saw his eyes follow the movement. Then his gaze lifted, and for a vital second the irony was gone and she could see heat there. Scorching. Elemental. Of course, as soon as he saw she had seen, his lips twitched, and she knew she had been played by a master. Which gave her all the more reason to reply.
‘Are you fishing for compliments, Jonas?’ she taunted with gentle mockery, and laughter erupted around her.
‘Sounds like it to me,’ James Carmichael interjected. ‘That has to be a first!’
Everyone started teasing him, which he took with remarkable fortitude, an attitude which she did find attractive—amongst other things. She had always liked a man with a sense of humour and the ability to laugh at himself. Yet that changed nothing. She was not interested in whatever games he had in mind. Sitting back in her seat, she withdrew from the fray and concentrated on drinking her coffee.
The gentle ribbing continued for some time, until Jonas changed the subject. ‘How many are coming to the barbecue this time?’ she heard him ask his mother, but the answer was lost, as she took the opportunity to regroup her thoughts.
Aimi recognised that she was dangerously close to getting caught up in the miasma of the senses that was sexual desire, and she found that unsettling. From the moment she had vowed to change her life, no man had registered on her radar. In the beginning she had been too haunted by what had happened to feel anything but, as the healing process had gone on, she had turned the radar off deliberately. She hadn’t wanted to be attracted to anyone, to find happiness in a loving relationship, for it deepened her sense of guilt to feel so alive. So well had she done the job that she had thought her defences were impermeable, but a few moments in Jonas’s presence had destroyed that belief. Even now it went on. Unseen, Jonas called to her and the whole of her being responded. It was so strong, even the hairs on her skin stood to attention. The sheer intensity of it was staggering.
She didn’t want to feel it, didn’t want to be so aware of him, but her body wasn’t obeying the rules. All she could do was try to block it out as best she could. Once the weekend was over, that would be the end of it.
She tuned back in to the conversation in time to hear Paula announce that she and her husband were going for a walk around the lake if anyone was interested in joining them.
‘I could do with a walk,’ she said, jumping at the chance, and looked at Nick. ‘Will you join us?’
‘Paula will only nag me if I don’t,’ he pretended to grumble as he stood up, and his sister poked her tongue out at him.
Aimi braced herself to hear Jonas declare his intention to join the group, but it didn’t happen and she let out a tiny breath of relief. Though she forced herself not to look round, she could feel one pair of eyes on her back as they walked away.
It was marginally cooler down by the water and she and Nick strolled along, side by side, enjoying each other’s company, following the other couple. Eventually Paula and her husband disappeared around a bend, leaving her and Nick alone momentarily.
‘It’s much better here,’ Aimi declared, thankful for some respite from the heat—the tangible one and that given out by a pair of fathomless blue eyes.
‘Jonas and I used to play on the lake when we were kids. We built a raft and would pretend we were shipwrecked sailors. Of course, we weren’t allowed to do it until we could swim. Jonas had different interests then,’ he added somewhat pointedly, making her look at him.
‘What do you mean?’ she couldn’t help but ask, and Nick rolled his eyes.
‘That was before he discovered girls. Tall ones, short ones. Blondes and brunettes. All of them beautiful, and all of them madly infatuated with the handsome devil. He’s never had to fight for a woman in his life. They take one look at him and, wham, they topple into his arms like ninepins! It’s all too easy. He’ll never settle down. Why would he, when he can have any woman he wants?’
Aimi had known the moment she had seen Jonas that he would be a hit with the ladies. She shivered inwardly as she thought again about the instant reaction she had experienced. ‘No wonder you call him a Lothario!’
Nick laughed. ‘He doesn’t treat women badly. On the contrary, he’s generous to a fault. He just never gives anything of himself. It’s all purely physical. He’s my brother, and I wouldn’t wish him harm, but he could do with falling hard for someone, just to learn a lesson.’
‘Not everyone wants to settle down,’ she ventured, knowing that such a situation was not on the cards for her. Once she had envisioned herself with a husband and children, but that dream had vanished a long time ago.
Nick came to a halt and, when he turned to her, she could see the frustration he was experiencing. ‘Of course not. It isn’t that. Jonas has lived a charmed life. Everything has come easy to him. He needs a reality check. Basically, he needs to know he’s human like the rest of us.’
‘You mean he needs to suffer,’ she proposed, smiling just a little, and Nick grinned, an action that heightened the resemblance between the two brothers.
‘Sounds awful, doesn’t it? It’s going to take someone pretty remarkable to do it, that’s for sure.’
Aimi sighed as they began to walk on. ‘I’m not sure you should be telling me all this,’ she remarked uncomfortably, but Nick shook his head.
‘On the contrary, you’re the one who most needs to know,’ he declared, bringing her head round in complete surprise.
‘I don’t see why,’ she refuted, wondering what he could mean.
Nick tutted in a rather parental fashion. ‘Of course you do, so just you remember what I told you when the pressure gets turned up.’
She glanced round at him curiously. ‘Whatever do you mean?’
This time Nick favoured her with an old-fashioned look. ‘Aimi, you’re a beautiful green-eyed blonde, and Jonas isn’t blind. Be careful.’
Aimi was both alarmed that he should realise what his brother was doing, and warmed that he cared enough to warn her. Yet he need not have worried. ‘I’m afraid your brother will be wasting his time. I have no intention of being his entertainment for the weekend. Thank you for caring, though.’
‘I wouldn’t want to see you hurt,’ he told her, and she smiled wryly.
‘I won’t be, because I don’t plan to get involved with him,’ she added reassuringly.
‘I’m sure that’s what most of his conquests said,’ he countered with a grimace and Aimi stopped walking and looked at him.
‘Please don’t worry about me; I’m going to be fine. I’ve known men like your brother before, and I’m immune to them.’ It was almost true. Jonas, however, was a different kettle of fish, and he had taken her by surprise. He wouldn’t do so again.
Nick studied her face, and what he saw there convinced him he could relax. Maybe she was right, and she was immune. She certainly had defences like he had never seen. ‘I’ll say no more, then,’ was all he said, and they continued on their way.
CHAPTER TWO (#u7e70bbf3-1efe-5c68-9e88-9b0c0381b44c)
IN HER bedroom later that evening, Aimi pushed the windows wide to gather in what breeze there was, but the warmth already trapped inside her room made her feel hot and sticky all over again. Kicking off her shoes, she reached up and removed the pins that held her hair in place and the blonde locks tumbled in waves over her neck and cheeks. It felt good to let it loose, but tomorrow it would go back up again, reinforcing the look she had worked hard to maintain over the years.
In the mirror she could see the natural waves of her hair softening her features, making her look vibrantly young and alluring—carefree almost. It sent out a message that jarred on her nerves. She wasn’t that person any more. Would never allow herself to be her again. It was part of her self-imposed penance.
Turning away from her reflection, she walked into the bathroom to take a cooling shower. Feeling marginally better, she dried herself on a fluffy towel and slipped into a thigh-length silk nightie. Turning off the light, she stretched out on top of the bed. However, it proved impossible to sleep, and not just because of the heat. Alone in the humid darkness, time passed slowly and her thoughts inevitably travelled back to that moment when she had first seen Jonas. She could visualise the sheer power and magnetism of him. Just thinking about it set her nerves tingling.
‘Damn!’ she exclaimed in exasperation, shooting up into a sitting position. ‘Stop it, Aimi!’ Yet for once her brain refused to obey. It played over the look in his eyes when their gazes had locked, and once again heat swept over her with such stunning force that her stomach muscles clenched in reaction.
That had her scrambling off the bed and padding to the window to draw in deep gulps of warm air. Yet it didn’t help. The memories were too powerful. Too stunning. When she closed her eyes, she could almost feel the brush of his gaze on her lips as her tongue sought to moisten them, and she groaned helplessly.
‘For heaven’s sake, Aimi, get a grip!’ she muttered to herself. ‘You’re not going to do this! So what if the man oozes sex appeal? You cannot allow yourself to be drawn into the flames. He’s a playboy. All he wants is a body in his bed, and that isn’t going to be you!’
Aimi dragged a hand through her damp hair and sighed. Lord, it was hot! Even the water in the shower had been tepid. She longed to feel something cool against her skin and, with sudden insight, knew just where she could find it. Moments later, she had slipped on her silk robe over her nightie and was padding barefoot down the stairs, the robe flying out in her wake like the wings of an exotic bird. Her destination was the large modern kitchen, and she was relieved to find she had it to herself when she passed through the door, closing it behind her. There was no need to turn on the light, for the moonlight gave the room a silvery glow.
It took a few minutes of quietly searching through drawers and cupboards before she found what she was looking for—a napkin, which she took to the counter beside the larder-style combined refrigerator and freezer. There was a delicious blast of coldness when she opened the freezer door, seeking out the bag of ice cubes. Taking a handful, she wrapped them in the napkin, closed the freezer and sat down at the table, sighing with pleasure as she drew the ice-filled napkin over her skin.
They were moments of pure bliss and she almost purred as she wondered why she hadn’t thought of this before. Propping her feet on another chair, she hummed to herself as she lazily cooled herself down. Which was why she was miles away when the abrupt sound of someone tapping on the window made her almost jump out of her skin.
Her head shot round and, to her complete surprise, she saw Jonas standing outside the kitchen door.
‘Oh, my God!’ she gasped faintly, suddenly aware of the picture she must make, sexily draped over two chairs and wearing next to nothing. Her instinct was to rush off, but he was gesticulating to the door, clearly wanting to come in. There was nothing else she could do but put a brave face on it and comply. With a grimace of dismay, she set her napkin of ice down and padded over to the door to let him in, holding her robe together with one hand.
‘Thanks,’ he said, the moment he was inside, locking the door again. ‘I thought I was going to have to sleep on the lawn,’ he added with wry humour, which faded when he turned and looked at her standing in the moonlight, seeing her state of dishabille properly for the first time.
‘Now that’s a sight I don’t see every day!’ he breathed seductively and with obvious pleasure, whereupon Aimi hastily tied the belt of her robe and folded her arms as his blue eyes roved over her, causing her body to respond in a way he would easily recognise. She was as mortified as it was possible to be to have been caught this way. When he finally looked her in the eye again, there was a wicked gleam in the blue depths and a sensual curve to his lips. ‘Were you expecting me? I hope so—you definitely have my attention,’ he queried in a voice that vibrated along her nerves like the purr of a contented cat.
‘Naturally, you would think that!’ she shot back instantly, finding it incredibly hard to keep her composure. She felt unusually edgy and ill at ease. ‘It was hot, so I came down for some ice. I didn’t expect anyone to be about at this time of night. What were you doing out there?’
Jonas drew a hand through his hair, ruffling it rakishly, and she had to stifle a groan as the way he looked registered on her senses. She wondered if it was a calculated move or pure happenstance. Whatever, the effect was the same.
‘Like you, trying to cool down after a hotter than expected evening,’ he responded with more than a dash of irony. ‘I went down to the pool soon after you went off for your walk, and fell asleep. I was trying the doors and windows, and that was when I saw you, draped across the chairs, wearing that provocative bit of nothing.’
‘You should be thankful I was here; otherwise you would have had to stay outside,’ she told him with all the firmness she could muster. ‘And my clothes are perfectly respectable,’ she added for good measure, which drew a rakish laugh from Jonas.
‘Oh, I’m thankful all right, and there’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing. You look good in it, and that’s the problem. How the hell am I supposed to sleep now?’ he charged sardonically, eyes gleaming flirtatiously.
Her heart lurched in sudden anxiety because the same thought had occurred to her. ‘You shouldn’t say things like that to a family employee. It’s hardly appropriate,’ she returned swiftly, determined to keep the moral high ground at all costs.
The moonlight made it easy to see the way one of his eyebrows rose mockingly and the sardonic twist of his lips. ‘Drop your arms, Aimi, and we’ll talk about appropriate behaviour,’ he taunted, and Aimi felt heat scorch her cheeks at the knowledge that he had seen her body’s response to him before she could hide it.
She watched speechlessly as he walked to the table and opened up the napkin of ice she had been using. Taking a cube, he rubbed it around his neck as he turned to look at her.
‘That was a caddish thing to say!’ she exclaimed in an attempt to sound outraged, and he laughed unrepentantly.
‘I’m sure my brother just got through telling you I am a cad!’
Aimi immediately came to Nick’s defence. ‘He did no such thing!’
Jonas didn’t look as if he believed her. ‘Really? Remind me to thank him the next time I see him,’ he said mockingly, allowing his gaze to roam over her from head to toe. Propping himself against the edge of the table, he crossed his feet and grinned provocatively. ‘You know, that bit of nothing you’re wearing leaves just enough to the imagination.’
Aimi drew in a ragged breath, knowing she ought to be able to handle the situation, yet finding it hard to remain aloof. This was the heat Nick had been talking about. It was pretty potent, and the sanest thing would be to get out of the kitchen. ‘This is pointless,’ she said shortly. ‘I think we should just go to bed.’
Something wicked flashed in his eyes. ‘Now that’s really cutting to the chase!’ he drawled sardonically, and she kicked herself for choosing her words badly.
‘I didn’t mean it like that,’ she corrected hardily.
‘However tempting the prospect might be, hmm?’ he murmured softly and in the quiet of the night the words echoed like thunder, sending shockwaves through her system.
‘You have some nerve!’ she gasped faintly, and Jonas laughed seductively.
‘I think you should go to bed, Aimi, before the need to know undermines your resolve,’ he advised.
To say she was unsettled would be an understatement, and it made her respond in a way she never would have otherwise. ‘What resolve?’ she queried rashly, and Jonas shook his head and sighed.
‘You know already. I’m talking of your resolve to have nothing to do with me,’ he answered softly. ‘That was the conclusion you came to during your walk, wasn’t it?’
‘God, you’re arrogant! My resolve to have nothing to do with men like you was made years ago, not this evening,’ she declared scornfully, and he looked amused.
‘Men like me?’
Her eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down, doing her best to make it obvious she found him wanting in every department. ‘Men who think they can have everything and everyone they want, just by asking. I have nothing but contempt for you.’ It wasn’t strictly true, but she was fighting a rearguard action here.
‘If that is the case, why do you respond to me?’ he asked softly, pulling the rug from under her feet.
Aimi held on by the skin of her teeth. ‘I do not respond to you.’
That produced a soft laugh. ‘I could prove you wrong, but it’s late and we’re both tired. I suggest you go upstairs now. We’ll continue this fascinating conversation tomorrow.’
‘We’ll do nothing of the sort!’ Aimi shot back tautly.
‘By the way, I love your hair like that. You should wear it loose more often. It’s very feminine, very sensual,’ Jonas declared in the next instant, and her hand immediately rose to touch it.
Aimi realised she had forgotten all about it; having him see her with her hair down was like an invasion of privacy. Feeling more vulnerable than she had for many years, Aimi decided she had had enough and that a dignified retreat was in order. However, as she went to walk past him on her way to the door, her foot hit a wet patch on the tiles and slid out from under her. With a gasp of shock, she flailed around for something to hold on to and suddenly found herself caught by a pair of strong hands and hauled in to Jonas’s powerful chest.
‘Easy. I’ve got you,’ he declared into her hair, but she scarcely registered him for her senses, now that she was safe, were being bombarded by the heady male scent of him, combined with the solidity of his powerful chest. It was a sensory overload that had her tipping her head and looking up at him through stunned eyes.
Jonas met that look and, though his eyes gleamed hotly, his mouth curved with wry humour. ‘I think what you’re thinking right now is highly inappropriate for a family employee,’ he declared ironically, pushing her upright but not letting her go.
Dismay washed over her as she realised just how totally she had betrayed herself in that one gesture. What she wanted to do was run away from those knowing eyes, but what she did was tilt her chin at a belligerent angle. ‘Keep your hands to yourself,’ she commanded bitingly, shrugging him off, and walked away. It was hard not to hurry to the door, but she managed it and went out without a backward glance.
Out in the hall, breathing raggedly, she stared at the closed door. She had just made a complete fool of herself. To find herself experiencing an unwanted attraction to the man was one thing. To let him see it, quite another. Something about him just kept getting through her defences, and she didn’t like it. Not one little bit.
Aimi berated herself all the way up to her bedroom, where she spent a restless hour trying to sleep. Before sleep finally claimed her, however, she had promised herself that she would keep well away from Jonas for the remainder of the weekend. It shouldn’t be hard to do, as she was here to do research. She doubted very much if he was the type to spend much time in a library. A harem, maybe, but not a place full of musty books!
One thing was certain—no matter what he thought, she was absolutely not going to be the next notch on his bedpost! She had worked too hard for too long to achieve this level of peace with herself to surrender it now.
The new day dawned as hot and humid as the last. Though she had managed to get some sleep, Aimi didn’t feel the least bit rested, for Jonas had invaded her dreams, haunting them with tantalising possibilities. It seemed as if, waking or sleeping, she was being pulled by her senses into dangerous waters, and the current was incredibly strong. The man was too attractive for his own good, and it didn’t help to remember how he had broken through her defences with incredible ease.
As she took yet another lukewarm shower, she considered the situation a little more logically. What had really happened, after all? She had discovered she was powerfully attracted to a man and that he was attracted to her. That didn’t mean she was going to fall into his arms! Jonas might be an extremely attractive man, but she had known a lot of attractive men before and been able to resist them! But since that awful day she hadn’t looked at a man with interest and, with a strength of purpose she hadn’t been aware she’d possessed, she had simply shut down those feelings and emotions. So Jonas was going to be out of luck. She had come here to work, and that was all.
Taking comfort from that thought, she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. Choosing what to wear wasn’t a problem; she had packed only the bare essentials. Two skirts and a few blouses. Nick had told her to include a swimsuit, which she had done, but she did not expect to wear it. Today she chose her cream pencil skirt and a pale blue short-sleeved silk blouse. She slipped her feet into comfortable shoes and swept her hair back into its pleat with the ease of long practice. Smoothing the material of her skirt over her hips, she examined the view in the mirror. She looked cool, efficient and out of reach—just the way she liked it.
She was twitching her skirt into place when there was a knock on the door.
It was Nick, and he smiled as he stood in the doorway of her room. ‘Good morning, Aimi. You’re looking amazingly cool,’ he greeted her, and her eyes crinkled as she laughed wryly.
‘I don’t feel it, I assure you,’ she observed lightly, reaching up to sort out the collar of his polo shirt, which had gone awry.
‘Well, just looking at you makes me feel cooler,’ he returned charmingly, and she sighed, shaking her head.
‘Nick, Nick, you’re almost as bad as your brother! You must have gone to the same charm school,’ she declared, grinning at him, totally unaware of anyone approaching.
‘Morning, Nick,’ Jonas greeted his brother and, when Aimi gave a start of surprise and glanced round, he nodded to her, lips curving into a provocative smile as he ran his gaze over her like a caress. ‘I like the skirt, Aimi, but, all things considered, I prefer what you were wearing last night,’ he said with a soft laugh before walking on.
She stepped back from Nick, feeling her cheeks grow warm. His remark, innocent-sounding as it was to anyone else, immediately brought back memories of what had occurred in the kitchen last night.
Nick frowned at his brother’s retreating back. ‘Hey, what did that mean?’ he called out after him.
Jonas didn’t miss a stride as he threw his answer back over his shoulder. ‘You’d have to ask Aimi,’ he advised, and jogged down the stairs.
Nick turned to her, eyebrows raised. ‘What did he mean? You weren’t wearing anything fancy last night. Have I missed something?’
She winced, knowing where his thoughts were going. ‘Your brother was referring to later on. He had been locked out, and I just happened to be down in the kitchen when he was looking for a way in. That’s all.’ Looking at him, she saw the sceptical expression he was wearing and sighed. ‘I happened to be in my nightie and robe.’
Nick let out an exasperated tut. ‘Aimi, I warned you to be careful. He’s my brother, and I love him, but when it comes to women…’
She squeezed his arm reassuringly. ‘I know, but give me some credit. I’m not going to fall for his line of charm. I came here to work, and that’s all,’ she reassured him. Last night was a mistake which wasn’t going to happen again.
Nick pulled a wry face and sighed. ‘Sorry. I’m just a bit over-protective. You work for me so I feel you’re my responsibility. I won’t have Jonas playing his games with you.’
Aimi was warmed by his caring, but he didn’t need to worry. ‘Don’t worry. Let’s go down to breakfast and afterwards you must show me the library.’ Working had always been a good way to distract her thoughts.
They followed in Jonas’s wake, entering the breakfast room together, to find it empty. Maisie Astin, the housekeeper, was just bringing in fresh coffee and hot croissants to set out on the sideboard.
‘Good morning!’ she greeted them brightly with a cheery smile. ‘Everyone has been eating outside today. Help yourselves, and let me know if you need anything else.’
‘Thanks, Maisie. What would you like, Aimi?’ Nick asked as he picked up a plate.
‘Some of Maisie’s melt-in-the-mouth croissants and coffee sounds perfect,’ she decided, exchanging smiles with the other woman, who disappeared back into the kitchen.
‘I’ll bring it out. You go find a shady spot,’ Nick ordered, leaving Aimi with nothing to do but wander outdoors.
Of course, then she wished she hadn’t because the only person at the table was Jonas. Had he not looked up, she just might have retreated indoors again, but, as if some invisible sensor had alerted him to her presence, his head came round and he looked directly at her.
‘Deciding whether it’s safe to join me or not?’ he challenged sardonically, and Aimi was compelled to walk forward.
‘Not at all,’ she denied blithely, smiling as if nothing had passed between them mere hours before. ‘I was just enjoying the view.’
His lips twitched. ‘Ditto,’ he responded, and the lazy meander his eyes took as they ran up and down her body told her his view had nothing to do with the garden. It caused her heart to skip a beat and her nerves to start tingling as if he had actually touched her.
Irritated by a reaction she currently seemed to have no control over, she favoured him with a long-suffering look. ‘You’re wasting your time, you know,’ she told him bluntly, keeping her voice down, not wanting Nick to hear. ‘I’m not going to take the bait, however attractive the lure.’
One eyebrow rose mockingly. ‘How many times did you have to tell yourself that last night?’ he taunted, and she drew in a sharp breath.
‘Once was enough. You’re not that irresistible,’ she shot back equally mockingly, and Jonas laughed appreciatively.
‘You know, you’re supposed to cross your fingers when you lie like that,’ he cautioned, never taking his eyes off her for a second as she approached. She was so conscious of it that breathing normally was no easy matter, and she wasn’t used to that.
Having reached the table, Aimi dropped on to a chair opposite him. ‘Contrary to what you might think, I’m not in the habit of telling lies,’ she corrected, feigning an ease she was far from feeling. Just being near him made her feel tense and unsettled.
Jonas raised that eyebrow again, to good effect. ‘Really? Now I would have said most women are natural born liars.’
‘That’s a huge sweeping statement. Your jaundiced view was caused by a bad experience, I presume,’ Aimi declared with heavy irony.
‘It’s a jungle out there,’ he returned with a wicked grin, and Aimi knew that she would never forget that particular look as long as she lived.
‘And men aren’t liars?’ she challenged scornfully, knowing she could name a dozen at least. ‘It would be easier to think the moon is made of cheese!’
Jonas relaxed back into his chair, crossing his legs at the ankles. ‘Now that sounds like the voice of experience talking. Is he the reason you dress the way you do?’
He was so far wide of the mark that Aimi almost laughed. ‘I dress to please myself, not a man,’ she was quick to point out.
He looked at her thoughtfully. ‘Is that so? Are you trying to tell me nobody ever gets to see the exotic lingerie you wear? That would be a crying shame!’
Memories of those moments in the kitchen last night made her wince inwardly. ‘My clothes are none of your business. I would not have gone downstairs had I known you were there.’
‘Then I would have had to spend the night down by the pool, and never have got to see you in that mind-blowing confection of silk and lace. It’s imprinted on my memory even now.’ Jonas shifted, bringing one leg up to prop his ankle over the other knee. ‘Seems to me, I know something about you that no other man does. Under that starchy exterior you like to wear satin and silk. What other secrets do you have, I wonder?’
‘None that you will ever know!’ Aimi shot back curtly but, instead of responding, Jonas merely smiled as he watched her.
‘What happened to your hair last night? You weren’t wearing it up in the kitchen,’ he observed, and her nerves gave a giant leap.
‘I don’t sleep with my hair pinned up,’ she explained calmly, only to see his smile broaden.
‘You know what I think, Aimi Carteret?’
‘Your thoughts couldn’t interest me less!’ she retorted witheringly, making him laugh.
‘I think you practice to deceive.’
That was too close to the truth for comfort. ‘Like I said, your thoughts are of no interest to me. You are of no interest to me!’
‘Whilst you are of considerable interest to me,’ Jonas countered smoothly. ‘I find myself thinking about you all the time.’
‘How boring for you!’ Aimi said, and he laughed—a sensual sound that sent goose-bumps down her spine.
‘Oh, I have the feeling that you will never bore me, darling Aimi.’
The unexpected endearment sent a shockwave through her system, and her breathing went awry. ‘I am not your darling.’
‘Not yet, I agree,’ he conceded, but his assertion didn’t make her feel any better.
Goaded, her temper rose. ‘Never!’
He looked her directly in the eyes before speaking. ‘Ah, you should never say never. I discovered that myself last night. I would have bet good money that I would never find it hard to sleep in my old bed, but last night proved me wrong. I was terribly restless,’ he explained with a wicked grin, mayhem in his eyes.
‘You can’t possibly blame me for that,’ Aimi argued, as her nerves responded with a now familiar skitter. It was as if her defences had totally vanished, leaving her open to react to everything he said or did. She didn’t understand how they could have abandoned her now, when she needed them most.
‘Can I not?’ Jonas countered, lips twitching with barely concealed humour. ‘You were the one who raised my blood pressure,’ he remarked sardonically, taking another mouthful of coffee from the cup on the table.
Somehow Aimi contrived to maintain her cool expression. ‘My blood pressure didn’t need lowering. I went to bed and slept dreamlessly,’ she added for good measure, mentally crossing her fingers at the lie.
‘Hmm,’ he murmured doubtfully, running his hand over his chin. ‘There’s more to you than meets the eye.’ Aimi merely raised her eyebrows. After a moment Jonas continued, ‘Did you know I was supposed to be in America this weekend? Fortunately, the meeting was called off at the last minute.’
‘Much to everyone’s delight,’ she remarked dryly, and something flashed in the recesses of his eyes.
He laughed. ‘Nicely done, Aimi. Very tactful. It’s no wonder Nick speaks so highly of you.’
‘I do my best,’ she replied smoothly, not bothered that he recognised what she was doing, just grateful she had the skill to draw upon.
‘Ah, here comes the cavalry,’ Jonas declared dryly, and Aimi glanced round to see that Nick had appeared with their breakfast. ‘Not a moment too soon, eh?’
Nick had overheard that remark and, as he placed her cup and plate before Aimi, he glanced at his brother. ‘What’s not too soon?’ he queried, frowning, and Jonas grinned at him.
‘Your arrival with the food. Aimi was getting ready to eat the table.’
‘Sorry I took so long,’ Nick apologised, and she shot Jonas a warning look.
‘You didn’t. Jonas is pulling your leg.’
‘He has a habit of doing that,’ Nick confirmed wryly.
Jonas’s lips twitched and he sat up straighter. ‘Actually, I was flirting with Aimi, and she was giving me a hard time.’
‘Good for you, Aimi!’ Nick encouraged her, giving her a wink. ‘There are too many women who fall into his arms at a click of his fingers already!’ He took the chair next to her and started to wolf down his breakfast. Aimi followed suit, and silence fell over the table.
‘What time are the hordes descending?’ Jonas asked some time later.
‘Midday onwards. Then it’s the same old drill. Dad will be doing his usual cremation job on the bangers and burgers!’
Jonas grinned and glanced at Aimi. ‘Have you been to one of our beanfeasts before?’
She couldn’t help smiling at their amusement. ‘No, this is my first,’ she admitted. She was a little nervous about meeting the family. Finding herself amidst a group of strangers had been commonplace once, and she had thrown herself into the party mood with enthusiasm. Since that awful day, though, the thought of laughing and having fun had seemed wrong. How could she ever do that again, as if nothing had happened, when she was the one at fault? She couldn’t and live with herself, so she had avoided parties, and her so-called friends had slowly drifted away. These days she preferred small, intimate dinners with people she knew well.
‘Then you’re in for quite an experience!’ Jonas told her with droll humour, breaking her introspective mood.
Nick clicked his fingers. ‘Hey, do you remember when…’
Aimi tuned out as the brothers took a humorous trip down memory lane. Sitting back in her seat and slowly eating her last croissant, she watched them both closely. They were very much alike. Both were handsome men, but Nick’s face had softer lines. His hair was dark brown, whilst Jonas’s was black. Nick exuded warmth, gentleness and caring, yet it was Jonas’s more rugged lines that drew her attention.
Quite unexpectedly, Aimi found herself wanting to reach out and trace the lines of his face, to commit them to memory. Which was a ridiculous thing to be thinking. She did not want to remember him. The sooner they parted company, the better. Yet, as soon as the thought entered her head, one small part of her suddenly felt lost. She looked down at her coffee cup, frowning in yet more confusion. What was it about him that touched her? Good Lord, he only wanted one thing from her. Yet…there was just something about him.
The sound of laughter made her tune back in and she looked up to see Nick doubled up with mirth and Jonas grinning from ear to ear. It brought a smile to her own lips and an odd twist to her heart.
A piercing whistle cut into the laughter and made all three look round. Michael Berkeley stood at the end of the terrace, beckoning to them.
‘Come along, you two! I need some muscle to set up tables. Get a move on!’
With wry looks at each other, the two brothers got to their feet obediently.
‘Dad likes marshalling his troops,’ Nick remarked fondly.
Aimi grinned at his expression. ‘Have fun!’ she teased and, as he walked away, caught Jonas’s eye. The mocking look was back. As her stomach lurched, she raised an eyebrow questioningly. ‘Was there something else?’
‘Just this,’ he said and, walking round the table, bent to drop a swift kiss on Aimi’s cheek before she could prevent it.
‘Hey!’ she exclaimed, whilst her pulse did a skittish pitter-pat. The feel of the brush of his lips on her skin took her breath away, it was so stunning.
Jonas was unrepentant. ‘I have to have some fun. Consider that a little something on account!’ he riposted neatly and followed his brother, leaving Aimi speechless.
She was left watching his rear view, and quite a view it was. Damn the man, he was just about perfect to look at. Broad-shouldered, with slim hips and long, powerful legs. There was no point trying to pretend otherwise, few men could compete with him. Of course, she immediately berated herself for noticing, when she was trying to keep these wanton wayward thoughts about him out of her mind.
She would have to try harder. Much, much harder. Bad enough that he was occupying her thoughts; she could not allow him to tempt her into breaking the solemn promise she had made. She had to resist.
CHAPTER THREE (#u7e70bbf3-1efe-5c68-9e88-9b0c0381b44c)
IN AN effort to do that very thing, Aimi quickly finished her breakfast, then went indoors to find the library. It was a wonderful room, full of shelves of leather-bound books that called to her. For the next few hours she happily browsed, making notes of the books she wanted to dip into for the information Nick required. Finding a diary written by Nick’s great-grandfather, she took it to a chair where she tucked her feet up under her and was soon lost in another world.
Nick found her there much later. ‘There you are!’ he exclaimed as he entered the room, and Aimi looked up in surprise. She had been so lost in the writing she hadn’t heard anything.
‘Did you want me?’ she asked, hastily sitting up, swinging her legs down and slipping her feet back into her shoes.
‘Yes, the rest of the family have arrived. We’ll be eating soon,’ he told her as she stood up, and Aimi’s heart sank.
‘Honestly, Nick, your family don’t want a stranger in their midst. I’ll be much more use to you here.’
‘The books can wait,’ he said, removing the diary from her fingers and setting it down on a table. ‘I want you to have some fun this weekend, too.’
He would not be gainsaid and, without further protest, Aimi allowed herself to be ushered out of the house and into the garden. The barbecue had been set up by the pool, and that was where the family had congregated. Nick introduced Aimi to the various groups around the tables. Everyone made her feel welcome and were genuinely fascinated about the book she was helping Nick to research. In a very short time, Aimi was able to relax and, instead of going through the motions of acting as if she were enjoying herself, was actually doing that very thing. She said as much to Nick when they had a brief moment to themselves.
‘My family are good people. I’m glad they’ve made you feel comfortable.’
Aimi glanced around her, seeing the large group of laughing, happy people through new eyes. It had taken a long time, but today she was discovering that she could actually enjoy herself without feeling guilty. The sky hadn’t fallen in, nor the world come to an end. She didn’t know why today had proved to be different from all the other days, but for the first time in aeons she had been able to put her burden aside for a few hours and simply live for the moment.
‘Thank you for insisting I join you,’ she responded with a smile, and Nick gave a tiny bow.
‘You’re very welcome, I’m sure,’ he quipped and, as they moved on, Aimi’s heart felt that tiniest bit lighter. Of course it wouldn’t last. Later, reality would return, but for now she accepted this strange new sense of freedom without question.
It was while they were chatting to one of his cousins that Nick’s beeper sounded. Though it was his weekend off, as a specialist surgeon he was often on call for emergencies.
‘It’s the hospital,’ Nick informed her, recognising the number of the caller. ‘I’d better take it inside. I won’t be long.’ He gave her a rueful look before striding away.
Aimi remained where she was, chatting until the conversation turned to a subject she knew nothing about, and then her attention wandered. She was watching the antics of two of the children when a movement drew her gaze. Her heart skipped a beat when she realised she was looking at Jonas, who was strolling along talking to a much older man.
She knew she ought not to look, but somehow she just couldn’t tear her eyes away. He appeared totally at ease, laughing at something the other man said, and the sheer pleasure on his face made her catch her breath.
‘That’s Great-Uncle Jack,’ one of the women at the table said, almost making Aimi jump. She looked round immediately.
‘With Jonas. He used to be a sailor, and has loads of old yarns about his adventures. The children love him,’ the woman explained with a friendly smile.
‘Ah, yes,’ Aimi murmured faintly, deeply relieved the woman had mistaken the source of her interest. ‘I don’t think I’ve met him yet.’
‘Then you’re in for a treat. Look, we’re going to get something to eat. Are you coming?’ the woman invited, but Aimi shook her head.
‘I’ll wait for Nick. He shouldn’t be too much longer.’
The others wandered off to join the mêlée for food, leaving Aimi alone for the moment. Of course, she immediately looked for Jonas where she had last seen him, but the two men were no longer there. No amount of searching brought him into her view again, and her heart sank. That was when she asked herself just what she thought she was doing. Had she gone completely insane? This won’t do, Aimi. It really won’t do, she castigated herself.
She stood up, deciding to go and join the queue after all. Anything to take her mind off the wretched man. Yet, as she turned, she found herself looking straight at him over a sea of seated people. Before she could move, and as if he could feel her eyes on him, Jonas glanced round. Their eyes locked and once more the intensity of the connection staggered her. This time, though, there was an added extra. It was a physical pull which silently urged her to close the distance between them. That blue gaze seemed to be saying, I know where you want to be, and all you have to do is come to me. Her lips parted on a sharply indrawn breath, and she saw the upward curve of his lips as he smiled faintly.

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