Read online book «Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle» author Leah Fleming

Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle
Leah Fleming
Pam Weaver
Marie Maxwell
Neale Neale
Four gripping sagas at a bargain price. Perfect for fans of Call The Midwife and The Village.Pearl, the heroine of Nobody’s Girl, will do anything to survive. She’s escaped from her cruel orphanage and is determined to start living in the real world. But when she gets tangled up in the murky south London underworld she meets the dangerous Kevin and her life is thrown into jeopardy. Can anyone protect Pearl from Kevin and her own heart?In There’s Always Tomorrow, when Dottie’s husband Reg receives a mysterious letter through the post, Dottie has no idea that this letter will change her life forever.Ruby sees former WW2 evacuee, feisty Ruby being forced to fend for herself when she returns to her family in LondonThe Girl From World’s End is a tale of love and heartache in the Yorkshire dales during WW2. When tragedy strikes for Mirren and her handsome husband Jack, there’s only one place for Mirren to go…

Kitty Neale, Pam Weaver, Marie Maxwell and Leah Fleming

Table of Contents
Title Page (#uf6b19ff0-a994-59ed-a95c-7ad23226b445)
Nobody’s Girl (#u0b85da31-59aa-5071-96ed-e184d745d3a1)
There’s Always Tomorrow (#ua8f875eb-8700-5f4c-b7e2-f61c9da3c2af)
Ruby (#ud4fb178a-388c-54c6-8483-645a786e989f)
The Girl From World’s End (#u144158f6-4ff9-551b-9c57-a98708d5e40d)
Copyright (#u22ecadee-7ea6-53b9-b975-bf6124925188)
About the Publisher (#u4f7946dc-1380-526a-a866-b8350c07cc7f)

Nobody’s Girl

Nobody’s Girl

Dedication (#ucff35606-c18d-5854-826d-c9a52e4efe90)
For Rita McAneny.
We have worked together, laughed together, shared sadness and tears, my precious friend for over twenty years.

Cover (#u76c508ac-d2d6-5e10-80fa-aabc4889156c)
Title Page (#u2587e97c-2f2d-54cb-ad34-69c78dcf4135)
Dedication (#ue9cfd9b0-0f46-5eb9-bb68-1e5e4a67e925)
Prologue (#u6fafa42e-cd04-5978-aeb9-6d141bbbc686)
Chapter One (#u50ad1b0c-a690-527a-b7b5-7d33351ffa25)
Chapter Two (#ub16a5b69-c713-5e95-aa7d-3b111dd704cc)
Chapter Three (#ue594ffcc-02ae-5306-a29b-ee48f5b0a954)
Chapter Four (#u2750bb48-c193-5c1b-bf3c-919a81adc9c6)
Chapter Five (#u496b0f77-8422-5553-9596-4195e4f98c2c)
Chapter Six (#uf89c7228-bd49-55eb-9dd3-3a649079ac71)
Chapter Seven (#uf7aea9b6-c0c5-5bbe-882c-6f218a9ce429)
Chapter Eight (#u1b39e84a-07e4-56f4-bea1-59c6e3a0df06)
Chapter Nine (#uc5a8b012-fdb0-5ae1-905b-ce2711ae31cf)
Chapter Ten (#ufaaa588b-adcc-5be5-b4dd-7fae90ce0d9e)
Chapter Eleven (#u114d59e7-59c5-5268-8c4d-b98a98071143)
Chapter Twelve (#ud1428c73-5352-5e03-afbd-1f321cf90f31)
Chapter Thirteen (#ucbd96bc7-7aac-58f0-b985-b811f7d37bf0)
Chapter Fourteen (#u30c47420-695d-585d-8ac3-d71d1b723e1e)
Chapter Fifteen (#ub242924d-54e6-5c8f-b088-db32adaf567c)
Chapter Sixteen (#u553d4b70-54d6-52d2-8ab8-e6dc1398c89e)
Chapter Seventeen (#u4ec1204d-a791-56c3-9fdf-c1eb519271a0)
Chapter Eighteen (#uc064641d-d070-5398-93bf-5f5376738a91)
Chapter Nineteen (#u8109b3fe-bb81-5317-9b75-f61a07c35256)
Chapter Twenty (#u3044e9d7-b36e-5e6c-ad54-2d389acec887)
Chapter Twenty-One (#u1d3091b8-2c96-5db5-9ce2-571be26da97f)
Chapter Twenty-Two (#u5223d923-5aa1-5397-bbb9-62e8aacd4ee3)
Chapter Twenty-Three (#u8bfb87a5-9a10-59df-97de-6189572f0a75)
Chapter Twenty-Four (#u8de3b577-7f2a-5f70-98e4-488965f228dd)
Chapter Twenty-Five (#u8001b316-6964-5a50-a5e0-5380f7aab8a2)
Chapter Twenty-Six (#u7571207c-3b6a-5072-aedc-cfa69cd34066)
Chapter Twenty-Seven (#u1885225b-387b-55fb-a3cd-5bf6a06e9e05)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (#uc8ee2d3e-04e7-5e27-976e-fc5c353e9796)
Chapter Twenty-Nine (#u03f4db0e-a782-53d7-8a5c-334bcc9406ce)
Chapter Thirty (#ufa7ac079-44c5-5722-907b-a721a4453c4f)
Chapter Thirty-One (#u3565ac51-a070-5e8d-918d-fb7631a97fc4)
Chapter Thirty-Two (#u15292fc7-006f-5961-a355-50607e95c254)
Chapter Thirty-Three (#uf8b5046f-4e95-5bee-bff9-8a7744e62d1c)
Chapter Thirty-Four (#u1c0563e7-bec4-5f48-b7b7-5aed8d3e1bc0)
Chapter Thirty-Five (#u331a002a-b574-5bec-9658-bd6ee8a77433)
Chapter Thirty-Six (#u03387c46-3c54-5b41-9ae9-cdce7cce6433)
Chapter Thirty-Seven (#u27c6bf21-feca-5385-a533-0f88090ca238)
Chapter Thirty-Eight (#u24cca576-d18c-5a7b-bf83-aeba90a7c071)
Chapter Thirty-Nine (#ufe65c0fe-918e-5461-81b8-5016ee798a19)
Chapter Forty (#uec2de93e-b4d4-532a-a7f1-841819cf4f8d)
Chapter Forty-One (#u1ef992de-b770-5221-87c7-73b633e83469)
Chapter Forty-Two (#u71875fed-e49b-5e95-a9a6-9f5ea7a79635)
Read an Extract from A Father’s Revenge
About the Author (#u6dcc2e12-7284-5360-89e5-23d42d336ff9)
Author’s Note (#u1d6d9699-c048-5da9-bec1-f63253f50901)
With thanks to Maxine Hitchcock, Keshini Naidoo, and all the team at Avon for their much appreciated kindness and help in bringing this novel to print.

Prologue (#ucff35606-c18d-5854-826d-c9a52e4efe90)
The moon was in its first quarter as the man climbed out of his car. A high wind wailed through the skeletal branches of trees, the sound echoing that of the tiny bundle clutched in his arms. He ignored the cries, uncaring, feeling only disgust as he held the bundle away from his body.
His face was grim. He was going to make his daughter pay for almost ruining the family name, and her bastard would pay too. It would cost him dearly, yet worth it to watch her suffer, not once, but twice. My God, he had thought her perfect, his only child, but she had turned out to be a slut.
He reached the end of the lane, his eyes flicking from side to side as he turned onto a small, built-up road. He had chosen well. There were no houses, and with a wartime blackout in force, no streetlights pierced the dense blanket of darkness.
The building loomed, but still he was cautious, looking swiftly over his shoulder before roughly laying the bundle on its concrete steps. The wrapping fell to one side, the infant mewling, but the man was heedless of the cold night air.
At first he had wanted the bastard dead, but then decided it would be too easy for her, the slut’s suffering short. No, he’d bide his time, watch her grieve, and then one day, when the time was right, he’d tell her the truth. And when he did, he’d watch as she suffered all over again.
His smile thin, he swung on his heels now, swiftly walking away.
He was only just out of sight when a door swung open. A woman emerged, running swiftly down the steps and, taking up the baby, she carried it inside.

Chapter One (#ulink_3238231f-bde9-5034-965d-e2d79e376a64)
Battersea, South London, 1956
Dolly Dolby picked up a thick white plate from the stack and scowled. ‘Gertie, get in here!’
Up to the elbows in hot water, Gertrude Wilson sighed and, grabbing a tea towel, she hurriedly dried her hands before leaving the small, cramped washing-up area. She was used to Dolly’s moods and met her ferocious gaze with equilibrium.
‘What do you want now?’
Dolly stiffened with annoyance. She was a woman at odds with her name: there was nothing doll-like in her appearance. Tall, formidable, and big-boned, with a broad flat face above wide shoulders, her only saving grace was long, thick, chestnut-brown hair. However, the only person likely to see it was her husband when she let it down at night. In the kitchen she wore it pulled back tightly and covered with a thick hairnet.
Scowling again, she indicated the remnant of dried egg on the rim of the plate. ‘What do you call this?’
‘I do me best, but I ain’t feeling too good today.’
‘What, again? Mrs Neverwell, that’s you. If it ain’t your bleeding varicose veins, it’s your arthritis. Maybe I should think about replacing you with someone who can wash up properly.’
It was an empty threat, but one Dolly enjoyed. Gertie had been working in the café for over ten years, and in her own way Dolly was fond of the woman. There weren’t many who would put up with the conditions in the small washing-up room, which contained just two deep Belfast sinks with wooden draining boards. There was a tiny window looking out onto the yard, and now, in July, it was like working in a hothouse.
‘After all the years I’ve worked for you, you’re threatening to sack me over one dirty plate,’ Gertie whined, her small brown eyes filling with tears.
‘All right,’ Dolly placated, ‘don’t start with the waterworks. I’m just spouting wind and you know that. Just make sure that in future you wash up properly.’
‘Two full breakfasts with black pudding and fried bread,’ Rita Marriner shouted as she hurried into the kitchen, slapping an order slip onto the table.
Dolly glared at the young waitress. ‘Didn’t you hear the bell? Those two breakfasts have been standing there for nearly five minutes.’
Rita’s eyes blazed as she picked up the standard meal of sausages, bacon, fried eggs and beans. ‘No, I didn’t hear the bell. I’ve only got one pair of hands and it’s a bit much expecting me to cope with all the tables. It’s about time you found another waitress.’
‘Don’t give me any lip, young lady. You’re getting paid extra so you ain’t got much to complain about. Now get those breakfasts out of here and make sure you ask them if they want bread and butter with it.’
Clutching the two plates, Rita pushed the swing doors with her bottom, saying as she reversed out of the kitchen, ‘Why don’t you stick a bloody broom up me arse and I’ll sweep the floor at the same time!’
Dolly’s mouth opened and shut like a fish floundering out of water. She turned her eyes on Gertie, taking her anger out on the thin, middle-aged woman as she yelled, ‘What are you looking at? Get on with the washing-up.’
As Gertie scurried off, Dolly slapped four rashers of bacon into a frying pan, her shoulders rigid. Rita had been working in the café for only about two months, but the young madam would have to go. It was always the same with youngsters nowadays: they gave you lip, and she wasn’t putting up with it. Mind you, with only one waitress at the moment she’d have to stay her hand until she found a replacement.
‘Two eggs on toast, and one full breakfast,’ Rita yelled again, the door abruptly swinging shut.
The pace was picking up, costermongers from the market ready for their breakfasts. Two more rashers joined the pan, all Dolly’s concentration now focused on the morning rush.
Bernard Dolby stood behind the counter, a large stainless-steel pot in his hand as he poured tea into thick, white china cups. The antithesis of his wife, Bernard was quite short and thin, except for a slightly protruding beer belly. He had light brown hair that was thinning, and most of the time his grey eyes carried a mild expression.
Rita came running up, looking harassed as she picked up the cups of tea, calling out as she hurried away again, ‘Two slices of bread and butter please, Bernie.’
He turned to the work surface behind him, spreading butter on the bread before cutting the slices into neat triangles. ‘Who are they for, Rita?’
‘Table two.’
‘Morning, Derek,’ Bernie said as he took the plate across the room and placed it beside the man.
Derek Lewis looked up, his pug-nosed face breaking into a grin. ‘Watcha, mate. I won me fight last night.’
Bernie smiled, wondering what the other amateur boxer looked like. One of Derek’s pale blue eyes was swollen, the start of a nice black eye visible. ‘How many rounds did you go?’
‘Only six, then I knocked him out just before the bell.’
‘Well done,’ Bernie said, but seeing two customers waiting to pay for their meals, he went back to his post.
‘Right,’ he said, taking the first slip, ‘that’ll be one and six, please.’
Bernie picked up the two shillings proffered. ‘There you are, a tanner change. Dolly’s doing her steak-and-kidney pie for lunch.’
The man licked his lips. ‘That’ll do us. Save a couple of slices, Bernie.’
‘Will do.’ And taking the other man’s slip he added, ‘Egg and Bacon, plus bread and tea – that’ll be a shilling.’
The two young men left and, as the café filled with more customers, Bernie refilled the large teapot, ready for the rush.
It was nine thirty before Bernie drew breath, a sheen of sweat on his forehead as the last customer paid his bill.
‘Rita, when you’ve finished clearing the tables, you can have your break.’
‘I’m dying for a fag. Can’t I have a breather now?’
‘If my wife comes out of the kitchen and sees the state of the place, she’ll have your guts for garters.’
‘It ain’t my fault. It’s impossible to do double my tables and clear them at the same time.’
Bernie exhaled loudly. He sympathised with the girl, but knew what Dolly would say if she saw the mess. He came out from behind the counter, saying with a placatory note in his voice, ‘Come on, if I give you a hand they’ll be cleared in no time.’
The girl heaved a sigh, but began stacking the plates on table two as Bernie started on the next one.
Dolly stuck her head out of the kitchen door. ‘Rita, get me a cup of tea.’
‘I’m busy,’ she replied shortly.
Bernie held his breath, but knew what was coming as his wife marched into the room.
‘What did you say?’
‘You heard me. I’ve been rushed off my feet since six thirty this morning. These tables need clearing and I ain’t had a break yet. If you want a cup of tea, I don’t see why you can’t get it for yourself.’
Dolly’s face suffused with colour as she glared at the girl. ‘You, miss, are on a week’s notice.’
‘Huh, is that a fact? Well, sod your week’s notice. I’m going now and you can stick your bleedin’ job.’
Dolly’s jaw dropped as Rita ripped off her apron, threw it on a table and then marched out of the café, only to reappear moments later to grab her handbag from under the counter. Briefly she glowered at them both, but then as a parting shot, before slamming the door behind her, she spat, ‘Do you know something, Dolly Dolby? You’re a miserable old cow and I ain’t surprised you can’t keep a waitress for more than five minutes.’
For a moment there was a shocked silence, but then Bernie sighed heavily, turning to his wife. ‘Now you’ve gone and done it. How are we supposed to manage the lunches?’
‘I’ll get Kevin down here to do the counter. You’ll have to do the serving.’
Bernie, knowing what a lazy young bugger their son was, said with a doubtful shake of his head, ‘I don’t think he’ll take kindly to that. And anyway, he’s probably still in bed.’
The bell pinged and both glanced towards the door again as a young woman came in, her head low as she looked at them shyly from under her lashes. She was a small, mousy-looking creature, wearing a shapeless, grey cotton dress that hung on her tiny frame. Straight, light brown hair sat on her shoulders, parted at the side and fastened with a slide.
For a moment they gazed at her. Then, gathering his thoughts, Bernard asked, ‘What can I get you, love?’
‘I … I saw the notice in the window for a waitress.’
‘Oh, right, then you’d best speak to my wife.’
Dolly took in a great gulp of air, her eyes momentarily looking heavenward before she spoke. ‘I’ve just lost a waitress so your timing is perfect. Sit down,’ she offered, her voice unusually soft.
Bernie listened as his wife began to question the girl. She had arrived at an opportune moment, but she looked so slight that a puff of wind could blow her over.
‘Right, what’s your name?’
‘Pearl Button.’
‘Blimey, your parents must have a sense of humour.’
The girl’s voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. ‘I … I’m an orphan. When I was left on the orphanage steps, they found a tiny button clutched in my hand. That’s how I got the name.’
‘Gawd, if it wasn’t so tragic, it’d be funny. Anyway, how old are you?’
‘I’m sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in October.’
‘Speak up, girl, I can hardly hear you. How old did you say you are?’
‘I said I’m sixteen.’
‘Christ, you’re just a kid. Have you been a waitress before?’
‘Er … no, but I can start straight away, and I’m quick at picking things up,’ she said, for a moment her expression animated.
Dolly brushed some crumbs from the table, obviously thinking it over as Bernie urged, ‘Give her a try, love.’
He watched as his wife continued to ponder, but it seemed that need overcame her doubts. With a small nod she said, ‘All right, the job’s yours. It’s Tuesday, but if you really are willing to start straight away, we’ll give you a full week’s wage on Saturday.’
‘Oh, thank you,’ Pearl said, and as she smiled for the first time Bernie saw a flash of beauty. The girl had an elfin face with a pointed chin. Huge brown eyes seemed to take up most of her face, but they were hidden again as she lowered her head.
‘You don’t know what the hours are, so don’t thank me yet. Your shift will start at six thirty in the morning, ending at three thirty in the afternoon. You’ll get an hour for lunch between eleven and twelve.’
‘That’s all right. And … and the pay?’
‘You’re only sixteen so it’s two quid a week. Until we get another waitress I’ll give you a bit extra, and you should pick up some tips too.’
‘That’s fine.’
‘Hearing you speak it’s obvious that you don’t come from these parts. Where do you live?’
‘I have a bedsit over an empty shop further along the High Street.’
‘Don’t tell me you’re renting one of Nobby Clark’s rooms?’
‘Well, yes, my landlord is Mr Clark.’
Bernie and Dolly exchanged glances, both knowing what a dodgy character the young man was. The premises had been left to him by an aunt, but he had run the grocery shop into the ground. He had a reputation for shady deals, and some said that letting the upstairs rooms was just a front for his other activities.
Sixteen, Bernie thought, the kid is only sixteen and living alone in one of Nobby’s grotty bedsits. As he coughed she looked up at him, her vulnerability making him swallow. God, once Dolly showed her true character the girl wouldn’t last five minutes. He forced a smile, saying kindly, ‘Well, love, if you can start straight away I’ll show you the ropes, but first, how about a nice cup of tea?’
‘Make it a quick one,’ Dolly said sharply. ‘This place looks like a bomb’s hit it and I want it cleared ready for the lunchtime rush. While you’re at it, Bernie, you can pour a cup of tea for me and Gertie. Pearl can bring it through to the kitchen and I’ll introduce her to Gertie before I start on the lunches.’
Bernie moved behind the counter, and when his wife was out of earshot he decided that if they wanted to keep this waitress, it wouldn’t hurt to put her in the picture. He beckoned Pearl forward, handing her a tray with three cups on it. ‘Now listen, love. Before you take these through to the kitchen I should warn you that my wife can be a bit sharp at times. It’s just her way, but it’s lost us a few waitresses in the past. My best advice is to ignore her if she’s in a bad mood, and for Gawd’s sake, don’t answer her back.’
For a moment Pearl appeared disconcerted, whilst Bernie hoped he hadn’t put his foot in it. They needed a new waitress desperately, but now he might have scared her off.
Her amazing eyes were wide as she looked at him, but then with a faint smile she said, ‘Thanks for warning me.’
Bernie watched her as she walked to the kitchen, thinking it was like seeing Daniel going into the lions’ den. Yet there wasn’t only Dolly to contend with, there were the costermongers too. Rita, with her dyed blonde hair, thick make-up and hardened appearance, had given as good as she got, enjoying their ribald jokes. Pearl, on the other hand, looked as innocent as a lamb and he doubted she’d cope. They were a good crowd really, who looked after their own, and maybe he could tip them the wink, asking them to lay off the girl. He’d start with Derek Lewis. The man might look like a hard nut, but underneath Bernie knew he had a soft spot for waifs and strays – a category that Pearl Button certainly fitted into.

Chapter Two (#ulink_43e03c1a-3397-5ed5-ae34-220757a32110)
Pearl had been introduced to Gertie, drunk her tea and, now doing her utmost to take in what Mr Dolby was saying, she was back in the dining room.
‘Right, Pearl, give me a hand to clear these tables. I’ll explain what you have to do as we go along, though it ain’t hard. Take the customer’s order and write it on a slip, along with the table number.’
‘Table number?’
‘Yes,’ Bernie said, pointing to a block of wood next to a cruet set on which a number was painted boldly in red. ‘Leave the top copy with the customer, and the carbon copy goes to the kitchen. Always ask if they want tea and bread and butter with their meal because we make a good profit on those. Dolly will ring a bell when the order is ready so make sure you listen for it. Have you got that?’
‘Yes, I think so.’
‘Good. Now as soon as a customer leaves, make sure you clear the table ready for the next one. Take the dirty plates to the kitchen and give the table a quick wipe down.’
Pearl already felt bemused.
‘Don’t look so worried. Once you get the hang of it you’ll be fine. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention cutlery. You’ll find knives and forks over there on that trolley,’ Bernie pointed.
The door opened and two elderly ladies bustled in, pausing as they took in the scene. ‘Blimey, don’t tell me you’ve lost yet another waitress.’
‘I’m afraid so, Ena.’
‘It’s just as well you keep your wife out the back or you’d lose all yer customers too,’ the other lady chuckled.
‘Yeah, I think you’re right. Now what can I get you?’
‘Just two cups of tea, please.’
‘Pearl, take those plates to the kitchen,’ Bernie said, with a wave of his arm, ‘and then finish the rest of the tables.’
Pearl picked up the stack, hurrying away. Nerves made her hands shake, the cutlery on top rattling and sliding in an alarming manner. With relief she placed them on the large wooden table at the entrance to the washing-up room, glancing through to see Gertie giving her a wide grin. The woman’s sparse, reddish hair was moist from the steam rising from the sink, her face shiny with perspiration.
‘Is that the lot?’ she asked.
‘I’ve only got two more tables to clear.’
‘Thank gawd for that. I’ll just about finish the washing-up before the lunchtime rush starts.’
‘Yeah, so stop talking and get on with it!’ Dolly snapped.
Pearl had just cleared the last two tables, taking the crockery through to the kitchen, when the back door to the yard opened.
‘Sorry I took so long, Dolly,’ a short stocky woman said as she rushed in. ‘The waiting room was packed and it was ages before I saw the doctor. Mind you, it was a waste of time. He reckons I’m just a bit run down and said I should take a tonic. Tonic indeed! I tried to tell him that it’s more than that, but he wouldn’t listen.’
‘Christ, another Mrs Neverwell. I don’t know why I put up with you and Gertie.’
‘Hello, love,’ the woman said as she spotted Pearl.
Dolly heaved a sigh. ‘Pearl, this is Mo, or Maureen Price, and she’s my vegetable cook. Now enough chat and let’s get on. Mo, you’ve been out for over an hour, so get on with the potatoes.’
With a smile at the harassed-looking woman, Pearl left the kitchen. ‘What do I do now?’ she asked Bernard.
‘It’ll be quiet until lunchtime and it’ll give me a chance to show you how things work behind the counter, but first you can refill the cruets.’
A couple of young women came in. ‘Two teas, please,’ one of them said, and turning to her companion she added, ‘Grab a table by the window so we can keep an eye on our prams.’
Pearl started on the first table, checking the condiments and filling those she found empty. It was hot, the sun blazing through the windows. Her throat was dry, but, too shy to ask for another drink, she carried on.
She had finished half of the tables when a door she had seen to the side of the counter opened, a tall, dark-haired young man appearing.
‘Any chance of a cup of tea, Dad?’
Bernie’s face darkened, but his voice was level as he said, ‘We’re still a waitress short and I could do with a hand later.’
‘Sorry, no can do. I’ve made other arrangements,’ and, picking up the cup of tea that his father had poured, he headed for the kitchen, pausing for a moment as he passed Pearl.
She kept her head down, moving to the front of the dining room, and couldn’t fail to hear the remarks made by the two young women sitting at a window table.
‘Cor, that Kevin Dolby’s a bit of all right.’
‘Yeah, and he certainly ain’t a chip off the old block. He looks nothing like Dolly or Bernard.’
‘If I wasn’t a married woman, I might be tempted.’
‘Leave it out. Your old man would skin you alive.’
‘Yeah, you’re right.’ Glancing out of the window, she added, ‘Sod it, we’d best be off. My baby’s waking up.’
As they hurried out, Pearl only had one table left to check and it was where the two elderly ladies sat. Smiling shyly at them, she picked up the salt pot, carefully removing the lid.
‘How are you getting on, dearie?’ one asked.
‘Fine,’ Pearl told her.
‘Just keep your head down and you’ll be all right. What’s your name?’
‘Pearl Button.’
‘Blimey,’ she said, unable to keep a straight face and echoing Dolly Dolby as she added, ‘Your parents must have a sense of humour.’
Pearl just nodded, and as she made to move away Kevin Dolby reappeared, taking a seat in the dining room. The old lady put a hand on her arm, whispering urgently, ‘Dolly Dolby can be a dragon, but she’s as soft as shit when it comes to her son. If you want to stay in her good books, take my advice and stay away from Kevin.’
Puzzled, Pearl now went to the counter, but she had hardly reached it when the kitchen bell rang. When she hurried to answer it, Dolly said, ‘Give that breakfast to my son.’
Pearl picked up the huge fry-up and carried it through to the dining room, her mouth salivating. It was nearly eleven, and with no breakfast that morning her stomach growled with hunger.
Nervously she placed the plate in front of Dolly’s son, relieved when, after giving her a cursory glance from hazel eyes, he went back to reading his newspaper, only murmuring, ‘Get me a couple of slices of bread.’
She went to the counter to find Bernard chalking a list of lunchtime meals onto a blackboard. There was steak-and-kidney pie, sausages and mash, pork chops, or liver and bacon. Apple or Bakewell tarts were added for pudding, along with custard. Once again Pearl’s mouth salivated, her stomach growling as she buttered the bread.
With more important things on his mind, Kevin hardly noticed the new waitress. He finished his breakfast, stood up and, leaving his empty plate on the table, went back to the kitchen.
‘Mum, can I have a word?’
‘What is it, love?’
‘Most of me mates have got cars, but I’m still riding a scooter.’
‘Blimey, Kevin, that Lambretta was a lot of money and you’ve only had it for a year.’
‘Yeah, I know, but I’ve been offered a lovely Vauxhall Wyvern for two hundred quid.’
‘Two hun—’
‘Listen, Mum,’ Kevin interrupted, ‘a new one would be five hundred and fifty, not forgetting the purchase tax. This one’s only a couple of years old and it’s a bargain.’
‘It’s still a lot of money, son.’
Please, Mum,’ Kevin wheedled. ‘All me mates have got cars now. Scooters are for kids.’
‘Kevin, I threw a big party for your twenty-first birthday and it cost me a pretty penny. Now you want money for a car. It doesn’t grow on trees, love.’
Kevin pouted, his expression for a moment that of a small boy. ‘Pleeease, Mum.’
‘I’ll think about it.’
He smiled secretly, knowing that with a bit more persuasion he’d get his own way. He could pull the asthmatic trick again, say it was due to the dust he breathed in when riding his scooter. That would give her a fright and with any luck she’d give in.
‘We could do with a hand at lunchtime.’
The smile left Kevin’s face. ‘I’ve got things to do, Mum. Can’t you manage without me?’
‘We’re a bit pushed. Rita walked out and the new girl’s inexperienced. I doubt she’ll cope with the lunchtime rush.’
Kevin knew what buttons to push. ‘From what I saw she’s doing all right, and I must say she ain’t bad-looking.’
‘She’s just a kid and far too young for you,’ Dolly snapped.
Pearl came in carrying Kevin’s empty plate, and as she placed it on the table he moved to her side, throwing an arm around her shoulder. ‘Hello, we haven’t been introduced.’
The girl flushed, looking up at him with wide, brown eyes, her words sounding breathless as she said, ‘Er … hello.’
‘Kevin, we can manage without you,’ Dolly said hurriedly.
He smiled inwardly. ‘Thanks, Mum. I’ll see you around tea time.’
‘Don’t stand there gawking, Pearl. Get back to your work!’
‘Yes. Sorry, Mrs Dolby.’
Dolly’s face softened almost imperceptibly as the girl ran back to the dining room. At last, a youngster who showed a bit of respect. Mind you, she’d have to keep an eye on her when Kevin was around. Pearl was just a bit of a kid, and as she was an orphan there was no knowing what sort of background she came from. There might be bad blood in her family and she was therefore totally unsuitable for her son.
‘Mo,’ Dolly shouted, ‘have you finished the spuds?’
‘Not yet, but I won’t be much longer.’
‘We’re all behind ’cos of your bleedin’ trip to the doctor’s. When you’ve finished, get on with the onions. There’s liver and bacon on the menu today so make sure you do enough.’
‘Yeah, all right, Dolly.’
It was quiet for a while as the women worked, Dolly placing the pork chops in the oven before laying out the pies ready for warming. Next she part-fried the liver, ready to be finished off with bacon when she got an order. There were only the sausages to get on now. So after vigorously forking them, Dolly placed them on a tray to cook later.
She glanced up at the clock. ‘Gertie, you’d better have your break, and you, Mo, get the spuds on.’
Mo placed the large pans on her cooker, added a generous amount of salt and lit the gas. ‘There, done, and once I’ve finished the onions I’ll get on with the cabbage and carrots.’
The Bakewell and apple pies had been delivered yesterday, and the custard already mixed, so after giving Gertie a bacon sandwich, the woman’s usual fare, Dolly took this opportunity to have a break too.
In the dining room there were only a few customers, but Dolly knew it was the calm before the storm. At lunchtime the place would be heaving and she hoped the new girl would cope. After a quick look at the tables, she sat down near the counter, her eyes now on Pearl.
Bernie was showing her how to make the tea, water pouring into the pot from the hot-water urn, a cloud of steam momentarily obscuring Pearl’s face. As it cleared, Dolly saw that the girl’s cheeks were pink from the heat, and she frowned, noticing for the first time how pretty she was. She hadn’t seen it when interviewing her, and wondered why.
As though suddenly aware that she was being observed, Pearl quickly lowered her head. That’s it, Dolly thought. It was her mouse-like demeanour, the way she kept her eyes down and her shoulders hunched.
‘As that tea is freshly made, you can pour me a cup and take a couple through to the kitchen for Mo and Gertie,’ she said, thankful that at least the girl wasn’t plastered with make-up. Kevin usually went for the obvious types, and had made a play for several of her previous waitresses. Of course, as soon as this happened she got rid of them, vowing never to employ a girl with looks again.
Had she made a mistake with Pearl? Yet as the girl came from behind the counter and carefully placed a cup of tea on the table, she doubted it. Once again she looked like a mouse, with a slim figure that was almost boyish. No, she definitely wasn’t Kevin’s type.

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