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Seven I of soul. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition)
Nikolay Mikhaylovich Tatarov
Theory of Seven I am psychology, what it should be: simple, clear, without clever words.This is the doctrine of the seven inner self, from which the character of man is formed, 7 psychical types and 7 team roles are born.The theory of seven I is a powerful tool for knowledge the inner world: it allows you to understand yourself and others beings, find in the depths of the soul hidden self, turn the peculiarities of his nature to competitive advantage.

Seven I of soul
7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition)

Nikolay Mikhaylovich Tatarov

© Nikolay Mikhaylovich Tatarov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-4493-6581-1
Created with Ridero smart publishing system

In Russian, the word “family” means “seven I”. In Russia they often write the word “family” through seven: 7I. But what is this ‘I’ in the word “family”, what are these ‘I’s, and why are they exactly 7? This will be discussed in the book.
The family is not just a collective connected by the bonds of marriage and kinship. Family – this is necessarily an established, strained team. If the characters are not flattened, then no ties of kinship and marriage will deter the family from breaking up.
Within any team, relationships are not built right away: you need to find your "place," take the "position," get the role. People, Wise life experience, they know that in the team they need to be "put." That means – tone of speech, gestures, poses, manners, behavior to declare claims to some "position." However, not everyone can like claims to this is a "position." In response, a person can "indicate his place." And they can and "put in place." And this will not be the place that a person wanted "put" yourself.
In the team there is a struggle for roles, "places," "positions." Disassembles occur and figuring out relationships. If a person is offered or imposed a role that does not match his character, he has mental discomfort. He seeks to change attitude towards himself, trying to change his position in the team. As a result, a person either achieves the desired role or comes to terms with the proposed role role. Otherwise, he leaves the team. They say: "I did not get along in the team." In labor collectives they say: "They did not work with him."
Collectives not only lose uncomplicated members, but also acquire new ones to vacant roles. If all vacant roles and occupations are filled in the team everyone's roles are satisfied, such a team is called strained, established. In total, the team has 7 "places," roles, "provisions." Therefore, the established lashed the team consists of 7 members. Hence the word «seven I» (7I).
7 roles of the team – this is an objectively existing phenomenon, this is a fact, observed by humanity throughout history and therefore reflected in the culture, traditions and religions of the peoples of the world. You can not fail to notice: when in myths and legends, fairy tales and sayings, it comes to the collective, always a number of 7 appears as the number of members of this team.
Roles within each of us. 7 roles are 7 internal Self, 7 psychical the beginning of the man, and the 7 roles of the collective are only a manifestation of the seven Self living inside each person.
The character of any person consists of a combination of the qualities of internal I, but their different ratio: the qualities of some I in character are greater, and others I'm less. Having studied the character warehouse, you can draw up a psychical portrait a man.
You can predict character compatibility, guess intentions, and people's actions, calculate life situations, but the main thing is knowledge about Seven I give an opportunity to understand myself, to turn the peculiarities of my nature to competitive advantage.
You can treat this book as you like, but first of all, you need it know. The lives of many people were divided into two parts: before this book and after her.


It can not remain unnoticed that whenever the myths and legends, tales and sayings speak about the team, the number 7 surely appears as the number of the team members.
Here are, for example, fairy tales:
– SEVEN Simeons;
– A wolf and SEVEN goatlings;
– Snow White and the SEVEN dwarfs;
– The dead princess and SEVEN hero-knights;
– Kill SEVEN at one blow (The valiant tailor);
– SEVEN underground kings;
– The fairy tale about the clown who made fun of SEVEN clowns;
– SEVEN brothers, who wanted to get marry (Madagascar fairy tale);
– SEVEN elders (Buryat fairy tale);
– SEVEN skillful guys (Buryat fairy tale);
– Sister and SEVEN brothers (Armenian fairy tale);
– SEVEN heroes (Oroch fairy tale);
– SEVEN girls (Bashkirian legend).
Here are the movies:
– The magnificent SEVEN;
– SEVEN brave;
– SEVEN samurais;
– SEVEN nannies;
– SEVEN psychopaths;
– SEVEN brides of the lance corporal Zbruev;
– SEVEN brides for SEVEN brothers.
Here are the popular proverbs and sayings:
– SEVEN children – SEVEN spoons;
– SEVEN don’t wait for one;
– Keep me from laughing, all the SEVEN;
– I fight myself, I am not afraid of SEVEN;
– When I am angry, SEVEN can be killed;
– SEVEN against one;
– SEVEN baby-sitters can’t say why their only baby lost his eye;
– One with a plough, SEVEN with a spoon;
– We, Vyatka peasants, are daring: are not afraid of one if we are SEVEN…
– The nose grew for SEVEN, but one has got;
– The need crushed the SEVEN, but the joy went to one;
– SEVEN corporals and one soldier;
– SEVEN is not one, we’ll stand up for;
– SEVEN raise one straw;
– SEVEN hunter, but there is no one rabbit fell;
– Gave birth to SEVEN and still was virgin;
– SEVEN daughters – their own party;
– One sheep has SEVEN shepherds;
– Not a big town, but has SEVEN governors;
– Better to go and see, than to send SEVEN;
– SEVEN has gone, but follow them;
– SEVEN lie in a heap, but one will take them all away;
– SEVEN stand and listen to, SEVEN eat and take food;
– Do the work as SEVEN, but listen to the one;
– One plows, and SEVEN wave with their hands;
– SEVEN owners” dog will surely die;
– One cuts, and SEVEN blow in fists;
– Seven to heap up, one to pull
– An old man is better than SEVEN young;
– The fox can deceive the SEVEN wolves;
– SEVEN invite a guest, and the guest is downstairs;
– SEVEN are to cut, and the axe is one;
– The severe king is better than SEVEN boyarhood;
– SEVEN sages are cheaper than one experienced person;
– You have SEVEN souls, but no one has a way.
Honoring of 7 great wise men is peculiar to ancient cultures, for example:
– 7 Hellenic sages in Greece (their sayings were carved on the walls of the Delphic temple);
– 7 great Rishis in India (gods have opened for them Vedic anthems);
– 7 sages from a bamboo grove in China (characters of numerous stories and of paintings).
The novel “About SEVEN sages” in various reprocessing was known in the Middle East, Persia, Byzantium, Europe, and others.
The gods also live in the teams, so the ancient religions are characterized by the peculiar faith – the pantheons were made up of 7 supreme gods. For example:
– 7 great gods of ancient Egypt (Ptah, Ra, Shu, Geb, Osiris, Set, Gore);
– 7 supreme deities of ancient Babylon (Marduk, Naboo, Shamash, Sin, Ishtar, Nergal, Ninurta), which corresponded to 7 temples, 7 towers-ziggurats;
– 7 main gods creators (“deciding destinies”) in a pantheon of Sumer and Akkad;
– 7Immortal deities in ancient Iran (Zarathustra has got a revelation from them);
– 7 gods of Duke Vladimir’s pantheon in ancient Russia (Perun, Horse, Stribog, Simarigl, Mokosh, Volos, Svarog);
– 7 supreme gods-Olympians of ancient Greece (Helios, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Zeus, Kronos, Artemis);
– 7 supreme gods of ancient Rome (Apollo, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Diana);
– 7 gods of Scythian-Sarmatian mythology (Tabiti, Papai, Api, Goitosir, Argimpas, Targitai, Arei);
– 7 gods of ancient Ossetia-Alania (“Puryatsk Faith”, the sanctuary of Avd Zuari near Galiat in North Ossetia, the plot of the Nart epic “Gifts of the celestials to Soslan”);
– 7 gods of happiness and luck of ancient Japan (Ebisu, Daikoku-teng, Hotei, Jurojin, Fukurokuju, Bisyamon-teng, Benzai-teng).
The myth about the creation of people by the goddess Ninti from the ancient Sumerian epic “Atrahasis” is noteworthy:
Ninti pinched fourteen pieces of clay;
Seven of them she put aside on the right,
Seven put aside on the left…
The goddess has accepted twice seven childbirth,
Seven was born of a masculine gender,
Seven – a feminine gender.
It is possible to recall the Greek tragedy “Seven Against Thebes”, recall the 7 sister-pleiad daughters of Atlant, whom Zeus transformed into a constellation, 7 sons and 7 daughters of Helios, 7 Saint Old Testament martyrs (7 brothers Maccabees), 7 angels of the Apocalypse, but the word “family”, in which the number 7Is clearly contained, speaks more eloquently about the number of members of the team. The family is 7I (seven I).
The 7 roles of the team is a fact observed by mankind throughout history and therefore reflected in the culture, traditions and religions of the peoples of the world.

Family – it is not just the team connected by ties of marriage and relationship. Family – this is a compulsively established, lapped team. It is known: if characters in the family don’t get on well in any way, then there are no ties of relationship or marriage will keep the family from destruction.
Any team is not just a set of a certain number of members. The team has an internal device – a system of relations between its members. The relationship in the team is built up not at once. Each person needs to find his “place” in the team, everyone must take his “position”, should get his role. “Places”, “Position”, roles – this is all the same. The team has 7 “places” (“positions”, roles).
People, wised with life experience, know that in the team it is necessary to “establish” themselves. It means that with the certain behaviour one has to declare his claims for quite concrete “position” in the team. However, not everyone can like the claims regarding this “position”. In response, the others can “point to his place”. They can also put someone “in place”. And it will not be the place where the person would prefer to “put” himself.
In the process of lapping of people in the team, there is a fight between them for roles, for “places”, for “positions”. There are role arguments and showdown. If a person in the team is offered or imposed a role that does not fit to the certain mode of thinking, then he has a mental discomfort. He attempts to change the attitude towards himself, tries to change the position in the team. As a result, he either obtains the other role or accepts his role (“love comes with habit”). Otherwise, he has to leave this team, and then they say about him: “He didn’t get on well in the team”. In working teams say: “We haven’t worked well together with him”.
Eventually, members of the team get on well with each other and the relations between them are stabilized. The team with established and settled relationships is called a lapped, established team. In such a team all roles are occupied and, most importantly, the roles that are occupied suit all members of the team.
Each team attempts to become established and lapped team. As the team has 7 roles, the team wishes to consist of 7 members, from 7I.
If the team has fewer members than 7, then the team achieves to get members for unoccupied (vacant) roles, and if the number of members in the team is more than 7, then the team achieves to get rid of excess members.
They say that the family is a unit of society. It is true. Established, lapped team – this is a unit of society. Each established, lapped team consist of 7 members, of seven I.

Now let us talk about where the roles come from. By the way, everywhere in this book the word “role” is understood not as a role of theatre or cinema, but a psychic role.
People communicate with each other not only in the language of words, but also in the language of feelings (emotions, moods). And the language of feelings is a language of relations. It is not a coincidence that question: “What is your attitude to it?” – is always a question: “What feeling do you have about this?” Therefore, in reply, they tell of some feeling. They say: “I treat this with admiration (contempt, joy, pride, distrust, envy, hatred, ecstasy, horror, satisfaction, etc.)”.
Relations and, consequently, feelings, have a role nature. They, explicitly or implicitly, always connected with “places”, “positions”, roles. With the tone of speech, gestures, facial expressions, posture, by which people express their feelings and attitudes, it is possible “to indicate to a person his place”, and it is possible to “put a person in place.” Another thing is that in response you can hear: “What do you take me for? In what tone are you talking to me?!” Such a response means that a person does not like the role (that “place”) that he was given, does not like the “place” to which he is “put”.
Each feeling, except for strength (depth), has also a role direction. Each feeling is an attitude that is directed from one role to another. Experiencing some feeling, the person is in the role with which this feeling is connected. At the same time, referring to another person with this feeling, he suggests (points) him to take that role to which this feeling is addressed.
The sense of superiority is the attitude, reversed from the role of the Head-Idol to the role of the Victim. When you look down at another one, with superiority, then at this moment you are on the role of the Head-Idol, and you with tone of excellence “point the place” (you instruct to take the role of a humiliated Victim) to that person to whom you address with superiority. In response, you can hear: “In what tone are you talking to me?” What do you take me for?! What are you here pretending to be in front of me?” – This means that he does not like the “indicated place” (the role of the Victim), and he does not recognize your claim to the role of an Idol.
3 feelings are connected with each role (emotions, moods, state of mind). In the end, 7 roles are related to each other with 21 feelings, which constitute thebasic set of feelings. From this set, all the vicissitudes of relationships and experiences are composed, just as words and sentences from the letters. There is a scheme of the relations between roles and role record of feelings which are actively used in the role theory of feelings and relations.
Any relationships are always the role relationships. Psychic roles are within each of us. 7 roles are the 7 beginnings of each person, those are his 7 primordial forces, those are the 7 “poles” of his soul, those are 7 “back streets”, 7 “snugs” of the soul. The 7 roles of the team are only the manifestation of the seven I, living within each person.

But getting back to the team…
To become a part of the team, a person needs to enter the team for some role. The only question is, for which particular role? Usually, in the team, there are occupied roles, and there are also unoccupied (vacant) roles. And then it turns out that anyhow a role for a person does not fit. Not all roles are equally acceptable for him. There are roles that he likes, and there are those that he does not like. What does it depend on? – From the character formation.
People are different. Each person has his own character composition, his own set of spiritual qualities, his own peculiarities of character. Qualities of the soul, traits of character, peculiarities of character, the tendency of nature – all this same, is role preferences of the person. Each person attempts to occupy the most preferred role for them in the team or at least one of the acceptable roles to him. Another thing is that not always such roles are offered to him. It happens that those roles are already occupied by someone.
The most preferred role is the dominant of the character. It defines the type of character, therefore it is called as well the essence of the character, the essence of the soul or simply the essence of a person. Questions: “What is his character? What is his type of character? What is the essence of his soul? What is the essence of this person” are always a question about what role dominates in the character of this person.
The feelings connected with the role dominating in character generate the leading traits of character of the person. For example, the feelings connected with a role of the Idol – pride, joy and complacency; – generate the corresponding qualities of the soul: arrogance (superiority), idleness (hospitality) and laziness (self-complacency, self-content). If the role of an Idol dominates in character of the person, then those traits of character will be the leading traits of his character.
Of course, the character of a person is not reduced to the dominant of the character (to the most preferable role). Every person is familiar with all the roles, in every person, there is his 7I. However, in the characters of different people there is a different ratio of those seven I. Some I in the character are in a surplus, and others I is lacking. For example, there are people in the character of whose there is a surplus of selfishness and cunning, and heroism and self-sacrificingness is lacking. And others are different: arrogance, idolatry is excessive, and hardness and perseverance is lacking.
To find out the character formation of the person it is necessary:
– At first, it is necessary to reveal the prevailing roles, it is necessary to find out what qualities of roles (what “I’s) in the character are in a surplus and what – in a shortcoming;
– Then it is necessary to distribute the roles according to the degree of their preference for this person. The most preferred role is the dominant of the character (the basic “I” of a person), the less preferred role is his second “I”, an even less preferred role is his third “I”, etc.
As a result, it is possible to make a mental portrait of the person, i.e. a portrait of his soul.

7 heads of Rugevit

In the picture shows the ancient Slavic god Rugevit. 7 heads of Rugevit under the hat – this is the 7 of his I. The upper head of Rugevit is his basic I (the dominant of his character). Two heads below are two other roles that prevail in his character (the other two “I’s of Rugevit).
It should be noted that not only the Western Slavs worshiped to a seven-faced idol. The Nenets also worshiped their seven-faced idol Vesako on the island of  Vaigach.
The idea of the seven I am clearly expressed in the petroglyph from Khakassia: a seven-headed creature is depicted on the stone and 7 people are next to it.

The petroglyph from Khakassia

7 roles generate 7 types of character (7 psycho types). It happens like this. Having received a role in the team, a person gradually gets used to it and the role becomes familiar to him. Staying on the role does not pass without a trace. Together with the role, a person receives and a set of feelings connected with it, which begin to manifest in the tone of speech, in gestures, facial expressions and poses. Gradually they are getting fixed in manners and habits, and, in the end, become the features of his character. So the role becomes the dominant of the character of a person. The proverb: “Sow an act – reap a habit, sow a habit – reap a character…’, describes the process of transforming of the taken role into the dominant of the character.
It happens that the person has got the role of an Idol in the team. It means that all treat him with a honour, respect, awe. If the role of an Idol is acceptable to this person, then, being on this role, he does not feel emotional discomfort. Over time, having got used to the role, the one, as it is peculiar to an Idol, begins to look down at others, with a sense of superiority. The role of an Idol is fixed in features of the character. A person becomes arrogant, haughty, assumptive. He develops aristocratic manners. And he behaves like an Idol not only in the team where he was assigned the role of an Idol, but also among other people. He already can not and does not want to behave in another way. It means that the role of an Idol became a dominant of his character, became his basic I, became the essence of his soul. Such person will try to occupy a role of an Idol in any team. What if the role of an Idol is occupied by someone else? If there is already the Idol with all his dignity? They begin the fight for the role of an Idol in the team. They can’t stand each other. They have role conflicts and showdown. Everything will end when one of them will either leave the team, or will stop to apply for a role of an Idol – “will break off his hubris”.
There is a connection between the character formation of the person and the features of his body. For example, a good-natured joker is always describing fat, a cunning person with a long nose, and a smart guy with glasses. Speaking about the strong man, it is necessary to emphasize his simplicity, they will say: “Brains are not needed when you have power”. But the clearest connection of character with the features of the body is reflected in the word “grabber” and derivatives of it: “selfishness”, “selfish habits”, “self-interests”. The word “grabber” – although it is connected with fell (skin), but speaks about quite certain features of the character.
The connection between the body and the soul is not fixed. Not all idols are fat. Not all cunning people have a long nose. Not all clever people have weak eyesight. Not all athletes are simpletons. Not all grabbers have a sensitive fell (skin), etc. But all the same, the connection between the body and the soul exists.
Observed by people, and, therefore, the really existing connection of the person’s character with the feature of his flesh can be explained in a different way. However, only the fact of the existence of such connection is important for the understanding of the character formation, and its nature (the physiological mechanism) does not matter.
Well, now, at last, about the seven I – about 7 roles and about 7 types of character. Those are 7 colourful, well-recognized characters. Each person easily recognizes in them their relatives and friends and acquaintances, neighbours and colleagues. He recognizes himself, because 7 roles are 7 faces, 7 essences, 7 hypostases of each person.
The story of the roles is conducted according to the scheme: role – feeling – spiritual quality (features of the character) – behaviour (actions). In other words, feeling connected with the role, generates a spiritual quality (a feature of the character), which, in turn, generates actions and behaviour.

§2. HERO

There are people with “ardent hearts” and “ardent” souls. These are “ardent” fighters and “ardent” orators. They have “ardent” speeches and “ardent” ideas. Ardour is called “blaze”, “fire”, “fervour” of the soul, and people who have an “ardent motor instead of a heart” can be called heroes.
The role of the Hero is related to the energy of the body. People, in whose character the role of the Hero dominates, are people with increased energy, with a large reserve of vital forces. They are active, energetic people.
They are “hot” people. They do not tolerate the heat. They love the cold, the frost, the winter – like Pushkin’s Tatiana from “Eugene Onegin”:
Tatiana (Russian soul,
not knowing why)
With her cold beauty
Loved Russian winter…
They are drawn to coolness, to the water. They like swimming and other funs with water.
Water – the most mysterious liquid of nature, performs an important role in the energy of the body. Water, as a source of strength, is given much attention in fairy tales and bylines. For example, Iliya Muromets gained heroic power after the Magi give him three buckets of water. Tzar Koschei manages to find the former strength and break the chains after he drinks three buckets of water.
The Hero’s role is connected with three feelings: inspiration (excitement, courage), boredom (spleen) and tenderness (pity).

Feeling of inspiration is a feeling of excitement, passion, rapture, winged sentiments, daring, courage, drive.
Inspiration is called high spirits, called a state of lightness, freshness, vivacity. The person in high spirits goes “the flying gait”. Inspiration “spreads the wings of the soul”, gives “wiggle the wings of the soul”. This is the state of being in love – that is why they say that love inspires.
Inspiration generates such feature of the character as “soar” – the desire and ability to go beyond the ordinary, to rise above the daily routine. The feeling of inspiration generates the desire to fly.
Inspiration is a feeling of freedom. When a person has got an inspiration, they say that a person caught spirit; they say that he has a mischievous mood. He begins to improvise. He gets spontaneity and immediacy of action. He becomes unchained and liberated.
The inspiration is a creative beginning in the person. It is a feeling of sincere, creative uplift. Often during a spiritual, creative upsurge, a person rushes with “burning eyes”, not knowing what to do with himself.
The feeling of inspiration is well conveyed in the famous masterpiece of Russian romanticism – “The Song of the Stormy Petrel”.

Over the gray plains of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Stormy Petrel flaunts proudly, like a black lightning.
Then touching with the wing the wave, then soaring like an arrow to the clouds, he screams, and – the clouds hear the joy in the courageous scream of the bird.
In this scream – THE THIRST OF WINDSTORM! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the certainty of victory are heard by the clouds in this scream.
The thunder roars. In the foam of an anger, the waves moan, arguing with the wind. The wind covers waves with a strong embrace and throws them with scope in a wild rage on rocks, breaking emerald bulks in dust and splashes.
Here he rushes as the demon, – the proud, black demon of a storm, – both laughs, and sobs…
He laughs over the clouds, he sobs with joy!
This is a courageous Stormy Petrel flies proudly between lightnings over the roaring angrily sea; that screams the prophet of a victory:
The feeling of an inspiration generates to the desire to plunge into the storm, to bathe in it, to surrender to it completely, without a trace. In such state of soul of a person, having stretched hands, jumps in a grass, runs out during a thunderstorm under heavy rain streams, swallows of them, trying to embrace the raged elements. With such feeling fly, young horses jump on a steppe scope, puppies play and behave outrageously.
These people tend to live and act at the limit of their forces and capabilities. The principle of karma-yoga is suitable for them: “Act on the limit – and you will step over your limits”.
Heroes are people who are addicted. It is extremely dangerous to go on a car if it drives a person with a heroic character. He can not go quietly, his “eyes are burning”. He needs spirit, drive. He will definitely arrange a dashing, risky race.
People with the heroic character achieve to the extreme, emergency situations. They always go on aggravating the situation. Only in an extremely acute, critical situation, in situations connected with danger and risk, they can throw out their energy and fall under the drive, fall under a sense of excitement and inspiration.
People with the heroic character constantly reach into fire and water, get involve in fights and wars, take part in risky escapades and adventures, in riots and revolutions. They conquer mountain peaks, soar to the skies, descend to the bottom of the seas, go with a bear spear for a bear. The main thing is that they can not and do not want to live in peace. Everything that is not related to the marginal risk is for them a deadly boredom:
And he, rebellious, asks for a storm,
As if in windstorms is a peace!
Heroes are offenders, rebels, extremists, revolutionaries. Revolts and revolutions are a social storm. Heroes draw on the thick of events, in the most hell, at the very top of the attack. It is not by chance that the “Song of the Stormy Petrel” was an anthem of the revolutionary youth of the beginning of XX century.
The lot of Heroes is a deadly risk and a passion for the attack. Pushkin’s poem “Poltava” describes the feeling of fighting the inspiration of Peter I.
His eyes…
Are shining. His face is awful.
Movements are fast. He is beautiful,
He is all, like God’s thunderstorm.
…Powerful and joyful, like a fight.
He devoured the field with his eyes.
“The aspiration to danger lies in the basic of all great passions” – Anatole France said.
The attractiveness of difficulties and dangers for heroic character is reflected in one of the songs of a climbing cycle of V. Vysotsky:
Here is not a plain, here is another climate —
There are avalanches one after another.
And here behind a rockfall, the rockfall roars, —
And you can turn off, round break —
But we choose a difficult way,
Dangerous, as a military track.
And from the narrow-minded point of view, there is nothing more unreasonable, than useless and dangerous climbing on the mountains or going in unnecessary campaigns. For the inhabitant, it is more reasonable and civilized to spend time in the summerhouse, in a rest home or in a resort near the warm sea. There is no need to jump in the winter to an ice-hole if you can spend time culturally and with dignity in the warmth and comfort at a good table.
People with fire in the soul are always directed forward, upward, into the “Houses in the Holy”. They live forever in the search for a new one, they grab for everything at once. Their eyes burn with a mischievous, “demonic” brilliance. They are maximalists – they do not know the measures in anything. They do not need a titmouse – give the crane out of the sky. They – “from the frying pan into the flame”. In their rules “to love – so the queen, to steal – so a million”, “to walk – so to walk, shoot – so to shoot”, “either the chest in crosses – or the head in the bushes”. In their aspirations, they are uncontrollable.
The life of a person with a heroic character is the “wheel of Fortune”. He can win, but can lose; can win in battle, and can be defeated, can steal a million and love the queen, and maybe lose his head. He is rich today, tomorrow is poor, and after – again with money. However, the prosperity, wealth, social position, the opinion of others, however, the very presence of opinion, as well as the lack thereof, does not interest the Heroes. And any result of their adventures does not matter to them: “Movement is everything, the goal is nothing”. Heroes do not appreciate what they did, and do not take care of what they achieved. People with a heroic character need only one thing – a feeling of an excitement, inspiration, courage, drive. And only for the sake of this feeling they ask for trouble, look for adventures on their own head. It is said about them “violent”, “rabid”, “irrepressible”, “restless”.
To the questions of the inhabitants: “Well, what do you want, why do not live as well as all? It is not seriously, unworthy. It is time to settle down and let the mind come”, – Heroes sometimes tell a legend from representations clear to inhabitants. They are talking that they need a fame, need money and other but in fact, Heroes do not need it all. The hero needs a storm and the intensity of emotions, and serene philistine peace, even furnished with all sorts of amenities, Heroes do not need.
Heroes are very passionate, addicted players. Everything for them in life – is a game. Any risk, any danger – no more than a game. And the more opponents in this game, harder it is – more exciting, more interesting. The war for them – this is also a game. Heroes are boys who have not played enough in their childhood in the war.
In clothes and life, people with a heroic character are tend to confusion. Their own appearance does not interest them. They can have clothes with spots and holes. It has been said that: “A Hero – trousers with a hole!”
After a walk children with a heroic character have their clothes torn, elbows and knees are broken, and they are wet and dirty. They only need to rush, rave and kick up a raw. Such boys always play in the war, and girls play with boys more than with other girls.
People with an ardent soul are different with a big passion, ardour of feelings. They have all the feelings of fire, painted with the ardour of the soul. If they love so love so much, believe so believe, hate so hate, are jealous so are jealous. They have everything over the edge, and all the feelings are also over the edge. They are hot but not cool-headed. For example, in “The song of the Petrel” together with a feeling of passion and an inspiration the Petrel splashes out both joy, and pride, and laughter, and anger…
The Hero’s role can also be called the role of the Passionate, and people, in whose character the Hero’s role dominates, people, with a passionate, ardent soul, can be called “passionaries”, from the Latin “passio” – “passion”. The term “passionary” was introduced by L.N. Gumiliov in the work “Ethnogenesis and the biosphere of Earth”.
All passionate, gambling, inspirational is called incendiary – incendiary dance, incendiary music. If a person does something with excitement, with a fire in his soul, then they say that he “lights”, “burns”. A person with a “fire” in the soul and eyes “burn with fire”, and he works “with a spark”.
Inspiration, passion, excitement, courage, drive – this is the very “ardour”, “heat”, “fire” of the soul. Incendiary is a property of a heroic character. People with a heroic character “ignite” who surround them, infect them with their energy, their passion and their flame. Others begin to act energetically as Heroes, although such behaviour does not suit them in this way and in Heroes absence they do not show creative activity, excitement and inspiration. The hero is the instigator. The child with a heroic character surely “will keep in toes” the group of kindergarten, a class of school, a group of a summer camp.
The ability of people with a heroic character to kindle others with the fire of their souls, to enthral the team is called “charisma”. All revolutionary chiefs and leaders were charismatic leaders – there are no other leaders in revolutions. Not for nothing they were called ardent revolutionaries.
Now the most spread character of the Hero-revolutionary with burning eyes – Che Gevara.
A hero is a guide, a leader, but not a “formal” one, not appointed, but a charismatic leader. They follow him not by order, not by coercion, not of selfish interests, but go at the behest of the heart, at the behest of the soul. They go to the end of the world. Help him with all affairs and endeavours.
Heroes find loyal friends in any kingdom of hypocrisy, meanness and hypocrisy. In fairy tales, unexpected helpers bring to the hero a mighty horse, give a magic sword and wonderful chain-armour, an invisible cap and speed boots.
A hero is an enthusiast, an initiator, a pioneer of affairs. If the team has not the person who is “burning at work”, then all affairs gradually fade and stop. Therefore, the core of the corporate philosophy of successful companies is the bet on the pioneer-enthusiast.

I am bored, a demon!
(“Faust and Mephistopheles”)
Boredom, melancholy, languor of the soul, ennui – this is another feeling associated with the role of the Hero…
Boredom (spleen) comes when everything is palled, tired, disgusted. Boredom is the main enemy of people with an ardent soul, with a heroic character. It pursues them always and everywhere. As Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin:
Then he saw clearly,
That the village has the same boredom,
Although there are no streets, no palaces,
No cards, no balls, no poems.
The spleen waited for him on guards,
And she ran after him,
Like a shadow or a faithful wife.
Boredom, spleen, “like a shadow or a faithful wife” everywhere chases them, and they flee from it “to the edge of the world”, get involved in any adventures – they seek adventure on their own head.
Boredom and inspiration – this is the “whip” and “cake”, which drive and attracts the Hero. He runs away from boredom and strives for adventure, for a new and unexplored, for a risky and dangerous, for what will give him a state of an excitement, an inspiration, winged sentiments, drive.
Tales of the peoples of the world tell of the exploits of heroes: tsareviches and princes. But here is the question: why do these princes and tsareviches not sit at home? Indeed, at home is a palace, a castle with chambers. There are servants, skilful cooks and soft beds. There are sycophants and saints, fans and idolatresses. It would seem: well, if he is itching to, then would jump around the castle-palace, and for the night – home to rest in warmth and cosiness, under the protection of high walls and guards. And at the gate is a crowd of admirers with laurels and raptures. And he – on a horse, wearing a hat with feathers, wearing gold-embroidered clothes, worthy and sensible.
So why do Heroes go on a dangerous path, into the mud, into the cold and other uncomfortable conditions? Because they are bored at home in the palace and at a holiday, in warmth and comfort. Although they are trying to be cheerful Heroes are not looking for fun. That’s why the Heroes run away from the palaces: from the death boredom – to an excitement and inspiration, to storm and risk.
When they say that the old is already palled, tired and bored, that is a wish for a new, fresh, original – this is a typical urge of the heroic beginning of the soul.
Boredom, chasing Heroes everywhere, the reason that they are just starting to do things, but do not continue and, moreover, do not finish them. People with the heroic character are bored to continue and complete their own affairs. They quickly “catch fire” with a new affair and, alas, as quickly “cool down”, cool to it and leave what they have started. They start everything, but finish nothing – they are bored to bring and debug.
People with a heroic character hate weekends and holidays. They do not know what to do with themselves with a boredom, even howling like a wolf. Therefore especially for them on holidays arrange entertainments and competitions.
The heroic beginning is more characteristic to young – after all, in adolescence and youth, the human body is full of strength and energy, and with age, the energy of the body becomes weak. Therefore, it is very important to make the education of children and young people fascinating – because, for people with a heroic character, everything that is not interesting and exciting for them is boring. Each teacher knows: as soon as the pupils lose interest, they immediately begin to make noise and entertain themselves. Any severity can not keep the attention of pupils – only interest.
Where it is possible to see many Heroes? – At the playground. There are children in the continuous movement. They passionately and with enthusiasm run, play, rush…
Tedious waiting for Heroes is unbearable. They can not stay in one place for a long time. They are impatient, restless. They say, that they are “full of beans”. They want to move constantly. Such behaviour not only small children but also many adults have. There are people who, for example, can not lie on the beach. They want to do something: to swim, to play volleyball or play football. They have to put their energy somewhere, spend it on something.
The role of the Hero is not intended for everyday life. Therefore, people with the heroic character often do not find a place in society. They are exhausted from boredom – and here lies the most important trouble – alcohol. Alcohol temporarily activates the energy of the body, causes the feeling of excitement and inspiration, which Heroes are looking for constantly. Not finding a place in the philistine world, they drink and, alas, lose themselves into drinking.
A heroic character formation is found in all animate creatures: men and women, humans and animals. In 1966 the Mosfilm did a movie “Wings” about a woman with a heroic character. This film is about three days from the life of a former military pilot, and now the director of the vocational training school Nadezhda Petrukhina. For a long time the war ended, but for the heroine of the film, the former pilot, only those years were filled with authentic meaning. The war for such she is, has become one of the highest manifestations of the human spirit. Therefore the heroine also remembers war with horror and at the same time as the hour of triumph. She, for her misfortune, has not been able to reorganize and now, with her maximalism and sacrifice, sometimes she looks inappropriate, or even ridiculous. She deeply experiences dissonance with reality. She does not manage to adapt to this peaceful, everyday life…

Besides the boredom and inspiration with the role of the Hero, there is also a feeling of tenderness.
Plots of chivalric romance are built according to the standard scheme: A hero (for example, a knight) usually wanders in search for adventures (for example, to fight with the Villain, with the dragon). At the same time the Hero, except the loyal friend, still by all means has a beloved, there is “ladylove” for whom the Hero has tender feelings.
The feeling of tenderness generates the aspiration to fondle, caress, take pity on Therefore beloved, regardless of their real size, they are called diminutively caressing names: “baby”, “pussy”, “cutie”, “sweety pie”, “sweetie”, etc.
The feeling of tenderness can be addressed not only to the beloved woman. With tenderness, the mother takes her child in her arms, strokes and kisses him; the dog licks his puppies, and the cat – kittens.
Tenderness is associated with affection, a desire to take in arms and to hide from adversity. Children are taken in hands. They carry beloved in hands. The feeling of tenderness is experienced a small child when he puts to bed with him a favourite teddy bear for the night, embraces him, strokes and gently covers the blanket so that he would not “froze”.
The symbol of the heroic desire to save, hide and protect is a monument to a warrior with a saved child in his arms, installed in the Berlin Treptow Park.
Why does the Hero protect the weak, save them, help them in trouble? Because the Hero is pitiful to weak.
Tenderness is called a sweet feeling or a feeling of affection. Gently beloved call darlings. “Have mercy, pity, host a favour” – that’s what they say when they turn to this part of the human’s soul. With a pity give alms.
The feeling of pity generates such quality of soul as mercy. “Sisters of Mercy” were called nurses in the World War I. Sisters of mercy were treating to wounded with a pity.

The souls of men and women, as well as the souls of all other animate creatures, are arranged identically. There are no exclusively male or exclusively female feelings; there are no exclusively male or exclusively female roles. There are also women with a heroic character. Such woman “… will stop the horse at a gallop, enter the burning log hut”.
The woman with fire in a soul was sung by V. Vysotsky in one of the songs of a climbing cycle:
I asked you “Why are you going up the hill?” —
And you were going to the top, and you were spoiling for a fight. —
Elbrus is seen great from the plane…
You sniggered and took with you.
Since you became close and affectionate…
In the characteristic of the heroine of a song specified the qualities of soul connected with a heroic dominant of character: inspiration, tenderness, affectionateness and also charisma – ability to lead (words are turned to her: “I tried to keep step with you from the last force’).
Women with a heroic dominant character are called “fatal women”. Because of them they “lose their heads”, “go crazy with passion”, they get carried away, they are jealous, because of them they shoot at duelling, commit suicide, let down the fortunes, rob banks, raise riots, overthrow governments and make revolutions. Meet the fatal woman – to lose half life. Will shake up all soul.
Considering portraits and photographs of famous femme fatale women, studying the certificates of their contemporaries, it can be noticed that most of them did not differ in external beauty. Fatal femme women are attracted not by external beauty, but by an inner fire.
The body’s energy system is responsible for sexuality and sexual ability. It is not for nothing that the chakra “svadhisthana” (the center of the body’s energy system) is called the sexual chakra. People with a heroic character are different in the irrepressible tendency to sex. Women with a developed energy system, sometimes even at a distance, have an ardour emanating from the “svadhisthana” chakra. It is not by accident the womb where women are bearing children, is located near this chakra. They say about such women that they become pregnant from the first kiss.
Generally speaking, behind the word “love” can be hidden different feelings. Therefore, usually to the word “love” add a certain epithet – specify the hue, type, kind of love. People with a heroic character are characterized by fervent love and tender love. It not for nothing to say about the Hero-lover: “He is passionate and gentle” – cause an ardour, passion and tenderness are connected with the same role of the Hero.
But, it is known, the Hero-lover – he is not only passionate and gentle, but also light-headed. Laura from “the Stone Guest” not for nothing called Don Guang “my light-headed lover”. “The object of passion and tender feelings” the Hero often changes. One and the same “object of love” quickly becomes boring for the Hero, it becomes boring, and people with a heroic dominant character do not tolerate boredom. The boredom drives them away. That is why their love is changeable.
People with a heroic character sometimes meet so-called “Casanova complex”. They need to achieve the desired goal associated with danger and risk. Without the passion of sex, they are bored – after all, they need a storm of passion, a flurry of feelings.
Everyone knows the feelings associated with the role of the Hero: an inspiration, boredom and tenderness. Each person has a heroic beginning. Another thing that is one people have a lot of this heroic beginning but other people not enough.
With age the power of the body becomes weak, the heroic beginning decreases, feelings are cool down. They usually say about the person who has lost before an ardour of the soul:
But early feelings has cool down…
(“Eugene Onegin”)
The heroic beginning is called the energy of life. They say about people whose character lacks heroic qualities:
There is no life in them, all dolls are waxen…
(“Stone Guest”).
From boredom and from such “waxen dolls” Pushkin’s Don Guang has run away to Madrid.

When Lev Nikolaevich Gumiliov defended the dissertation according to the passionate theory of ethnogenesis, one of the members of dissertation council asked him: “Can you explain on fingers who are passionarians?” “Understand! Not all people are grabbers”, – replied Gumiliov. This is true. Not all people are grabbers. There are also “Heroes-passionaries”. But there are grabbers too. It will be discussed about grabbers in the next paragraph.


There are people who are called “grabbers”.
Grabbers possess an increased susceptibility of the nervous system and a rapid reaction. The grabbers have increased skin sensitivity, perhaps, is due to the fact that many nerve endings come to the surface of the skin.
Grabber’s role, three feelings are connected: greed (avarice), distrust (suspicion) and anxiety (concern, frustration).

The feeling of greed, avarice, lust, associated with the grabber’s role, generates the desire to possess the object of lust. Greed and avarice are constantly encouraging grabber to use his chance, not to miss the prey, to have time to grab, to get ahead of others, to jerk to himself in time. That is why grabbers are called grabbers and graspers. They have a very developed “grasping reflex”.
The grabber is a lover of freebie and easy profit. Selfish greed, the desire to grab on the cheap generates a rush demand, when they throw out a scarce commodity. When to the hungry throw “or the fight-dog” the object of their lust, they, fuelled with greed, arrange among themselves selfish bickering.
Greed is the source of envy: “another grabbed, he got it, but I did not!” – enviable. They say about grabbers: “Greedy folk have long arms”.
The grabber – he is not only a grasper and a grabber, but he is also still cormorant and cheapskate, he is a miser and a chuff. grabbers do not like the word “to buy” very much, because “to buy” means “to give money”. They prefer the word “to obtain”, that is, “to make a raise”, “to take”, “to find”, “to get a gift”, “to steal”, and only in the most extreme case, after bargaining, “to buy”.
If the grabber buys something, then only on the cheap. He will not pay an extra kopeck. Before buying something, the grabber will always find the lowest price. He always knows what, where and how much. This can be seen in Judas. This is what the Gospel of John says:

Mariia, taking a pound of backgammon pure precious world, has spread Jesu’s legs and wiped His legs with her hair; and the house filled with the fragrance of the world.
Then one of His disciples, Judas Simonov Iscariot,
who wanted to betray him, said:
Why not sell this chrism for three hundred denarius…
…because there was a thief
He had a cash drawer with him and wore that they lowered there.
(John 12: 3—6)
Judas who as a result has sold Jesus for 30 silver coins was a treasurer in the company of Jesus and his apostles: “he had a cash drawer with him and wore that they lowered there’. The thirst for money is a very selfish tendency of nature.
The grabber – thief. He is an evident thief or a thief in the depths of his soul. The grabber all “self” clings to his hands. If giddy-person always loses everything, then grabber, on the contrary, as if gathers by itself.
The grabber – hoarder. He drags to the house everything that will get, everything that “badly lies”. His house is filled with unused junk. When moving to another house the grabber gets boxes with junk. There is only one way to make grabber get rid of junk – to persuade to sell. But he won’t sell cheap.
An example of a selfish woman – a Box from Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, which thought, how not to undersell, she wanted to sell more expensive “dead souls”. Another example of a selfish character – a squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age”.
The notion of property – the notion of the “eternal and integral” right of a person to private property – has grown from a selfish greed: “Mine! I will not give it!” grabbers are ardent owners, zealous apologists of a private property.
The grabber considers the wife (or husband) own property too. The grabber has always a marriage of convenience. grabbers like to conclude the marriage contract. For them, marriage is a deal “you – me, I – you”. When divorcing the selfish person will certainly try to bargain more junk.
Grabbers are very jealous. Jealousy – generation of greed too. Mutual jealousy is called the competition. Competition arises when one is jealous of others as the object of lust. Competing with others, the jealous person strives to get ahead of everyone, before reaching the desired goal. The competitor is encouraged with a feeling of greed and lust.
No need to assume that greed, envy, greed are bad feelings. For example, A.S. Pushkin believed that “Envy is a competition sister, consequently from a good kind”. The poet presumable has written this phrase in 1831. (First published by P. V. Annenkov in the Collected Poems, 1855, vol. I, p. 288.)
Grabbers are called “stuffy” people. They say about them: “from greed the toad strangles”.
Grabbers eat a little, economically, if at their own expense, but at other expense eat greedily, until dumping. Their motto is: “What I do not eat – then I will bite’
Grabbers can be good speculators and second-hand dealers. These are bright and prudent businessmen who measure everything on money and sensitively react to change of market condition. Their god is – the Golden Taurus. They are corrupt and unprincipled. For the sake of profit, grabbers will easily break laws and moral standards.
Grabbers are self-serving people. Self-interest – this is a vested interest. The grabber is looking for benefits in everything. He lives according to the saying: “The fish seeks, where is deeper, the man – where is the best”. He works only if he sees a direct personal benefit for himself. Whatever he does, wherever he serves, the grabber always works only for himself. For the sake of the idea, for the sake of society, the grabber won’t work. On grabber “where you sit down – there you go down”. It is better for him to use piecework payment for labour. At the time rate, the grabber will work with “the left hand”: and why should he work at all if they pay for the time spent at work?
The most favourite position of grabbers in an army is a position of the supplier, quartermaster. At all times, in all countries, all peoples had quartermasters who stole supplies and rations. Not for nothing to say: “To whom – war, and to whom – mother dear”. Therefore, the order in the army always began to lead from the fact that the thieves-quartermasters were shot. Generalissimo Suvorov not for nothing said that any quartermaster, who served for two years in one place, can be hung without trial and investigation.

Another feeling associated with the role of the grabber is a feeling of distrust, suspicion, doubt, scepticism.
The grabber is extremely distrustful. Like Thomas unbeliever, he will not believe until he feels it.

Thomas… told them:
if I see wounds on His arms from nails,
and do not put my finger in wounds from nails,
and do not put my hand in His ribs I will not believe.
(John 20:24,25)
Mistrust creates a way to check everything. The grabber never asks the road once. At first, he will ask the road from one passerby, and then will begin to ask the same about the other.
Mistrust and suspicion generates grabbers to have such feature of the character, as caution, circumspection, the desire to “keep their head down”.
Greed together with distrustfulness makes grabbers to be thrifty. Especially they like to stock up with gratuitous or cheap things. They have long-term stocks, and at the real grabbers – and multiten-year stocks.
Grabbers” suspicion is shown in their aspiration everywhere and in everything to see someone’s intrigues. They sow the relations of general mistrust and suspiciousness, strive to arrange “witch-hunt”.
The suspicion and distrust of the grabbers can be outweighed only by their greed. The feeling of distrust and suspicion is always mixed up with a feeling of greed and jealousy; both these feelings are associated with grabber’s role. The grabbers conflict of distrustfulness and greed is a source of grasping habit.
If the grabbers give money, then only for a credit, at interest, only with benefit, only for a loan or other guarantees. But on the pledge of the word they do not give for a loan. They “do not beg for snow in the winter”.
It is better not to lend money to grabber – he will do everything not to back the money. You can completely lose contact with the selfish buddy if you give him a small amount of money for a loan – he will stop meet with you under any pretexts, just not to back money.
As grabbers are tended to the theft, they the first notice other thieves – “a fisherman sees a fisherman afar”. They suspect all in theft and laceration aspirations, because they are familiar.
The role of the suspicious grabber is a role of a watchdog who watches for a junk. And often this is the role of “dog in the manger” – it does not eat and does not give to others.
The suspiciousness of grabbers makes them vigilant. It is almost impossible to slip past the self-guard, caretaker or auditor. But he can be bribed. It will not be cheap, but possible. grabber’s motto: “Serving the Fatherland, do not forget yourself!”
The feeling of mistrust is also called a feeling of scepticism, a feeling of doubt. grabbers this is people who are sceptical, doubtful at all, taking nothing for granted. grabbers are people of a critical mind, they are pragmatists and realists.
The fashionable phrase that “real people sit on unfaithfulness” (i.e. doubt everything, do not trust to nothing and to nobody, check everything and recheck) is one more illustration to feature of the character of the grabber-realist. The feeling of mistrust is called the feeling of the real.
The developed feeling of mistrust and suspiciousness of grabbers generates a tendency to hide and conceal money and valuable things. “It is a quiet Ukrainian night, but you have to hide fat!” – this is about grabber. It happens that grabber on a drunk “will break for treason” – he will hide money, but, when become sober, he can not find them.
Realism, distrustfulness, thrift, business grasp this is what called the pragmatism. The pragmatism – is a selfish feature. Therefore, the role of the grabber can also be called the role of the Pragmatist.

Except greed and distrustfulness, in a selfish corner, in a selfish nook of soul, there still lives the feeling of an anxiety, concern, frustration.
The feeling of anxiety (concern, frustration) in a strong manifestation is called a state of “nervous platoon”, nervous excitement, annoyance. When a person does not want to go into such an emotional state, he says: “Do not nervous, do not irritate me!”
The person who, having looked at the watch, has understood that he has overslept that he is late usually passes into a condition of nervous excitement. He jumps sharply and begins to gather feverishly quickly. The “alarm” command, which sounds in the army, in the fire departments, at the frontier post, just calls to this nervous-feverish state. At the same time the siren howls, the flasher blinks. This is done specifically to increase the feeling of an anxiety, to increase nervous excitement.
The condition of nervous excitement a person who is forced to do several special, urgent things at the same time usually have. In such emotional state the squirrel from the cartoon “Ice Age” feverishly was gathering scattered nuts. Such a state of mind happens to the mother, when she is “all on her nerves”, urges her child: “Come on! Come on! Move faster! A little time!”, to take him to the kindergarten.
Feeling of an anxiety, concern, frustration sometimes call a stress. Stress is constantly exposed to residents of large cities with a high rate of life. When a provincial comes to a large or metropolitan city, it seems to him that everyone around him “runs like a fever”.
Long stay on a nervous platoon – leads to nervous breakdowns, hysterics, psychoses. When a person has broke, being on a nervous platoon, they say: “Why are you crazy about? What, do nerves play pranks?”
The role of the grabber is the role of the person responsible for achieving the result within a specified time. grabbers become beautiful magnificent administrators, managers, clerks and businessmen. They are smart, distrustful, vigilant. They manage to make affairs on time.
The boss, who constantly urges: “Come on! Come on! Move faster! A little time!”, which requires subordinates to achieve the result within a set time, is called a demanding leader. Such person “seven fells will lower”, but will achieve. Insistence is the feature of character generated by feeling of concern, anxiety.
Grabbers internally accurate people. They do not like slackness. For this reason, grabbers do not wear shoes without backdrops, without heels. They prefer practical clothes of military or sports cut – functional and not holding down movements.
Grabbers perfectly are able to keep within standards. Often the life of the grabber is divided into “technological operations”. For example, many of them get up “on program”. From the moment of ascent all movements are worked out to automatism – there are no delays, no expectations, no time is spent for “rocking”. It is in order to organize life in this way, and statutes have been created in the army.
The feeling of concern is called feeling of control, business mood. Such emotional state of the grabber V.?Vysotsky expressed in lines:
He is a bead, collected, tense
And doesn’t look for trouble…
Grabbers are vigilant, responsible, accurate, smart and disciplined. They are called “lapped”. They have everything in sight. They have everything under control. grabbers remember everything, forget nothing, and especially – who, whom, what and how much.

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