Modern detectives

Отель «Гранд Вавилон» / The Grand Babylon hotel - Арнольд Беннетт

Отель «Гранд Вавилон» / The Grand Babylon hotel
TEXT Арнольд Беннетт

House on the mountain. A story with unusual ending - Sergey Blohin

House on the mountain. A story with unusual ending
TEXT Sergey Blohin

Who killed stand-up comedian Lilya Kolyuki - Alla Krasnova

Who killed stand-up comedian Lilya Kolyuki
TEXT Alla Krasnova

Wanted the muffin - Max Marshall

Wanted the muffin
TEXT Max Marshall

The Lion is an Accidental King - Max Marshall

The Lion is an Accidental King
TEXT Max Marshall

Panther in the Urban Jungle - Max Marshall

Panther in the Urban Jungle
TEXT Max Marshall

Giraffe on a Bathtub Wave - Max Marshall

Giraffe on a Bathtub Wave
TEXT Max Marshall

Time Stop for Mouse - Max Marshall

Time Stop for Mouse
TEXT Max Marshall

Cactus guitarist in a sombrero - Max Marshall

Cactus guitarist in a sombrero
TEXT Max Marshall

Mice robbing a cat - Max Marshall

Mice robbing a cat
TEXT Max Marshall

Deaf-mute Guitarist - Max Marshall

Deaf-mute Guitarist
TEXT Max Marshall

The Deaf-mute Saxophonist - Max Marshall

The Deaf-mute Saxophonist
TEXT Max Marshall

The World is Cheese - Max Marshall

The World is Cheese
TEXT Max Marshall

Big house on a snail - Max Marshall

Big house on a snail
TEXT Max Marshall

Very Slow Invasion - Max Marshall

Very Slow Invasion
TEXT Max Marshall

The Future Comes Today - Max Marshall

The Future Comes Today
TEXT Max Marshall

Masha and Petya, or a prophetic dream. A child detective - Егор Турлаков

Masha and Petya, or a prophetic dream. A child...
TEXT Егор Турлаков

Sand Monster in the Desert - Max Marshall

Sand Monster in the Desert
TEXT Max Marshall

Justice Hurts - Igor Yevtishenkov

Justice Hurts
TEXT Igor Yevtishenkov

Claws of Mercy - Natalie Yacobson

Claws of Mercy
TEXT Natalie Yacobson

Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective - Алексей Сабадырь

Visions: I know who the killer is. Crime detective
TEXT Алексей Сабадырь

To me vengeance, I will repay - Alexander Kolosov

To me vengeance, I will repay
TEXT Alexander Kolosov

The Incredible Digital Adventure of Albert and His Friends. Tales of the Old Printer - Lana McCartney

The Incredible Digital Adventure of Albert and...
TEXT Lana McCartney

The Enigma Investigator: Uncovering the Truth in the Murkiest of Cases - Nikita Abramchik

The Enigma Investigator: Uncovering the Truth...
TEXT Nikita Abramchik

Collection of modern science fiction - Vladimir Frolov

Collection of modern science fiction
TEXT Vladimir Frolov

Hannah, a Witch - Uri Rogoza

Hannah, a Witch
TEXT Uri Rogoza