All around testing. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие.

All around testing. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебное пособие., audiobook Наталии Юрьевны Фоминых. ISDN70408825

Наталия Фоминых and Дмитрий Еныгин



Type:PDF book

Publisher:Издательство КноРус

Publication date:02.03.2024



The tests presented in the collection differ both in form and content. They can be used while working with students of different ages with various levels of English proficiency. Tests help to imagine themselves in a certain role and adjust their

behavior if necessary.

Tests can be used in class to diagnose personality traits, behavior in various situations, leadership qualities and, in addition, to train speech patterns, lexical and grammatical material.

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