New Years story

New Years story, audiobook Андрея Тихомирова. ISDN70085563

Андрей Тихомиров and Марина Попова

Genre:historical literature




Publication date:09.12.2023

Price:Is free


The New Year holiday is still the time period when the main work of the outgoing year has already been completed and preparations for the work of the new cycle have begun. The time of the New Year holidays is perceived as a special, sacred time, when there was a gap between the past and the future, a gap that was accompanied by the struggle between good and evil in their universal, cosmic meaning. At the same time, the New Years holiday can be compared to the clear sound of a tuning fork, which was supposed to set the mood for all subsequent events of the year. During the New Year, everything seemed to be born, arose for the first time, therefore, since ancient times, everything that happened on the New Year was given special significance and each phenomenon was filled with deep meaning.

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